What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada - A road to cleaner fuels, more jobs and less carbon pollution - Clean Energy Canada
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x. What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada A road to cleaner fuels, more jobs and less carbon pollution November 2017 A Canadian What Opportunity: a Clean Tackling Fuel Standard Can DoClimate Change by switching to clean power for Canada A 1
Overview Though it has flown under the radar of many Canadians, a policy that aims to cut more carbon pollution than any other piece of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change was announced last year by the federal government. Canada’s Clean Fuel Standard aims to reduce carbon pollution by 30 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq) by 2030—equal to taking more than seven million cars off the road. The Clean Fuel Standard targets not only transportation fuels, • IT WILL DRIVE JOB CREATION AND INVESTMENT like gasoline and diesel, but also those used in buildings IN CLEAN FUELS. The policy would increase economic and industry, like natural gas. It would require fuel suppliers activity in clean fuels in Canada by up to $5.6 billion a year to reduce the carbon intensity (the amount of carbon in 2030. It would also create up to 31,000 jobs for the pollution released for every unit of fuel consumed) of their skilled workers needed to build, operate and supply new product, while offering flexibility in how they choose to do it. clean fuel facilities. For instance, a gasoline provider could blend ethanol into • IT’S AFFORDABLE FOR CANADIAN HOUSEHOLDS. their fuel to make it less carbon-intensive—as Canadian fuel Canadians will see little if any new costs at the pump or providers already do. on their utility bills. The Government of Canada is designing a flexible, • IT’S ENVIRONMENTALLY EFFECTIVE. The standard can performance-based Clean Fuel Standard, but exactly how cut carbon pollution by 30 Mt CO2eq on top of what other this standard will work and what implications it will have for policies in the pan-Canadian framework would achieve. Canadians remains under consideration. To get these results, we recommend Environment and Climate Working with Navius Research, Clean Energy Canada designed Change Canada establish specific requirements: a version of the Clean Fuel Standard in line with the federal government’s plans for the policy. Our goal was to determine • For the transportation sector, mandate a 10% reduction what this policy would mean for Canadians. What we found in carbon intensity by 2030 from 2015 levels. The is that a well-designed Clean Fuel Standard—informed by transportation sector should be partitioned from buildings experience with similar policies in California and B.C.—would and industry. not only help Canada cut pollution in keeping with our • For buildings and industry, implement either a 3.5% commitment under the Paris Agreement, it would create jobs reduction requirement in carbon intensity over that same in Canada’s clean fuel sector and grow a new segment of our period, or a 5% renewable natural gas mandate by 2030. economy. The Clean Fuel Standard is, in short, a powerful and proven policy. How did we develop our recommendations? Clean Energy Canada teamed up with Navius Research, a leading consultancy that evaluates the economic implications of climate policy. Navius used two in-house models to simulate the impact of different Clean Fuel Standard designs on Canada’s economy. We worked together for 10 months testing different designs and sharing those results with governments and industry. What you see in this report is the result of that process. Our methods, assumptions and more detailed results are available in the accompanying technical report. February WHAT IS THE FEDERAL Discussion GOVERNMENT’S TIMELINE? paper released Implement the Clean 2016 2017 2018 Fuel Standard 2019 November Fall Mid-Year Final Clean Fuel Draft frame- Proposed regulation Standard work to be regulation in in Gazette announced released Gazette Part I Part II What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 2
What is the Clean Fuel Standard? The Clean Fuel Standard is a proposed regulation that would require fuel suppliers to reduce the carbon intensity of the fuels they produce and sell. Suppliers, like refiners and natural gas providers, decide what technologies and fuels will be the cheapest way to comply—whether it’s through biofuels, electricity, natural gas, hydrogen or some other solution. This means that fuel used across Canada will get cleaner year after year. The federal government is still designing the standard, but here’s what we know: it aims to reduce carbon pollution Why isn’t carbon pricing enough? by 30 Mt CO2eq by 2030; cover a range of fuels in The federal government plans to price carbon pollution transportation, industry and buildings (such as gasoline, across the country by 2018.1 While necessary, federal and diesel and natural gas); and focus on results with flexibility provincial carbon pricing plans alone aren’t sufficient— around how they’re achieved. and aren’t designed to operate alone as Canada works to meet its 2030 Paris Agreement target.2 Switching to lower carbon fuels is critical to that end,3 and existing carbon pricing plans (as well as other policies in the pan- Canadian framework) are unlikely to move the needle much on fuels. The Clean Fuel Standard is uniquely suited to this task because it provides a gradual but consistent signal to reduce the carbon intensity of fuels specifically over time—which is an important consideration when building long-lived biofuel facilities. The standard would extend to 2030, while current plans for a national price on carbon pollution only see it rise to 2022. SÉMER, a waste-to-energy plant and biomethane refinery in Quebec. Photo: Joan Sullivan What is renewable natural gas? Renewable natural gas is nearly identical to the natural gas that may heat your home or cook your food. Currently, it comes from decomposing organic waste found in landfills, water treatment plants and other industries. It’s a renewable fuel that’s already used in many provinces across Canada. What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 3
Why It’s So Effective The Clean Fuel Standard is critical to Canada’s action on climate change simply because it aims to cut more carbon pollution than any other policy in the pan-Canadian framework. Beyond that, the standard has a number of beneficial features: 1. IT DRIVES GROWTH IN CLEAN FUELS 4. IT’S COST-EFFECTIVE California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (a Clean Fuel The Clean Fuel Standard lets companies decide what Standard by another name) has helped drive $1.6 billion in method of lowering their carbon intensity is most cost- clean fuel investment4 while increasing biofuel production effective for them. It also lets them trade credits with other within the state by 75%.5 companies. Compared to more prescriptive regulations, the standard can offer lower-cost reductions. If designed 2. IT’S AFFORDABLE FOR HOUSEHOLDS properly, it can be almost as cost-effective as carbon pricing while applied to specific sectors.9 In B.C., which has had a Low Carbon Fuel Standard since 2010, the cost at the pump has been almost 5. IT’S PROVEN IN THE TRANSPORTATION SECTOR unmeasurable—the policy may have even generated a slight savings.6 In California, a package of policies B.C. and California have versions of a Clean Fuel Standard that includes the standard alongside energy efficiency (focused on the transportation sector), and in both measures will save a typical family up to US$1,500 a year jurisdictions the policy is cutting carbon pollution while by 2030.7 expanding the menu of clean fuel options and increasing their use. In short, it’s doing exactly what it’s supposed 3. IT BUILDS ON OTHER POLICIES to do. And it’s not just the Canadian government that’s noticed—Oregon implemented a standard in 2016. If designed properly, the standard will reduce emissions beyond what other policies in the pan-Canadian framework accomplish.8 It could also be the only policy in the framework that ensures the transportation sector uses cleaner fuels to contribute to meeting Canada’s 2030 target—while setting us up to meet our 2050 target. What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 4
How the Clean Fuel Standard Could Work 1 The federal 2 As the market government is for renewable developing a Clean fuels grows more Fuel Standard. In competitive, we’ll short: it will make the see more jobs fuels that heat our and investment in homes and power our the sector. There cars cleaner. It’s also are already 26 the single biggest biofuel plants carbon-fighting policy in Canada’s national climate plan, across Canada. aiming to reduce carbon pollution by 30 million tonnes in 2030. The standard could add 30 more plants, 31,000 jobs and That’s equal to taking more than seven million cars off the road. $5.6 billion in economic activity in clean fuels. RNG 3 Fuel suppliers, 4 The standard like refiners and will apply to gasoline natural gas providers, and diesel in cars, as would meet the well as natural gas, Clean Fuel Standard coal and other fuels in the way they find used in buildings most cost-effective. and industries This keeps prices across Canada. We competitive while recommend separating the transportation also creating more demand for ethanol, biodiesel, clean sector from the building and industry sectors, so that each electricity and renewable natural gas. can be targeted more effectively. 5 The Clean Fuel Standard is an affordable way to fight climate change and make Canada’s economy cleaner. Even with the standard in place, with the help of energy efficiency measures, a typical Canadian household would save $17 a month on their energy bills in 2030 compared to what they spend today. What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 5
How the Clean Fuel Standard Could Work We investigated several design options for the Clean Fuel Standard, ultimately separating the transportation sector from the building and industry sectors in order to target each more effectively. In our design, the transportation sector must reduce the carbon intensity of its fuels by 10% from 2015 levels by 2030. Why this design? Those reductions must occur in the transportation sector, and First and foremost, we made sure either version of our not from purchasing credits from other sectors. This is known design would cut carbon pollution by 30 Mt CO2eq beyond as partitioning the Clean Fuel Standard. Companies in the existing policies in the pan-Canadian framework. We transportation sector can, however, trade credits with other separated the transportation sector because transport companies in the transportation sector. If one company isn’t accounts for 28% of Canada’s emissions,12 and those able to reduce emissions, it can buy credits from a company emissions must decline for Canada to achieve its 2030 that can. This helps keep costs low. climate target and get us on track for deeper emission reductions afterward. That means switching to cleaner For buildings and industry, we consider either a mandated fuels and more electric vehicles, in addition to improving 3.5% reduction in carbon intensity over that same period, vehicle efficiency and providing alternatives to driving. or a requirement to use 5% renewable natural gas by 2030. The first version would be flexible and allow companies Aside from the Clean Fuel Standard, the policies in the to choose how they prefer to reduce emissions—including pan-Canadian framework have little effect on the fuels through trading credits. Either option, combined with the we use for transportation. In fact, without the Clean 10% mandate for transportation fuels, would reduce carbon Fuel Standard targeting transportation, we wouldn’t see pollution by more than 30 Mt CO2eq. much improvement in transportation sector fuels, even by 2030.13 This wouldn’t be a problem if Canada was on track to meet its 2030 target, or if other changes How does the standard work for electric cars? like energy efficiency or shutting down coal plants were The Clean Fuel Standard could boost electric vehicle enough on their own. But study after study has concluded sales by 70% beyond what they would otherwise be. that achieving our 2030 and 2050 targets requires that Under the standard, carbon pollution reductions are we switch to cleaner fuels. And because this switch will worth money—about $400 per electric vehicle in some take time, it’s necessary to start now.14 provinces,10 depending on credit prices and how clean Other Clean Fuel Standards were initially designed the electricity grid is—which can be returned to EV drivers to address just this problem. In California and B.C., either through rebates or lower electricity costs. Some the policies have provided a long-term, consistent California utilities return $200 a year to EV owners thanks signal to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation to the state’s standard.11 fuels. And since this type of policy already exists in other jurisdictions, Canada can learn from them—and companies in the transportation sector know what to expect. Canada’s Clean Fuel Standard will be new for buildings and industry, so we recommend the government carefully evaluate both options we’re presenting. For buildings and industry, the standard would likely apply to natural gas, petcoke, fuel oil and other fuels used for heating. The carbon intensity mandate would in theory cost less, but it is more complex. Conversely, the renewable natural gas mandate would likely cost more but is less complex. What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 6
Why It Creates Jobs and Economic Growth in Clean Fuels In both our modelled designs, the Clean Fuel Standard would create jobs and economic growth in Canada’s clean fuel sector. And while slower growth may occur elsewhere, our modelling finds the policy would ultimately add more jobs and economic activity than would be lost—delivering a net benefit. The policy would increase economic activity in clean fuels by $4.9 billion to $5.6 billion a year in 2030. Overall economic How are jobs measured? activity would increase by $2.7 billion to $4.1 billion when We include full-time-equivalent direct operating, direct accounting for slower growth elsewhere. The renewable construction and indirect jobs in our analysis. The “net” natural gas mandate for buildings and industry would increase means we account not only for accelerated job growth economic activity more than the flexible option. but also slower job growth resulting from the policy. Direct jobs include individuals employed directly at facilities, The biggest growth sector would be Canada’s biofuels such as a construction worker building a biofuel facility industry, with up to $4.9 billion in new economic activity or a plant operator. Indirect jobs include those created to by 2030. This includes $200 million to $1.4 billion in new support the direct jobs, like steel manufacturing for the investment a year out to 2030, largely to build and expand metal used in a biofuel facility or farming to provide the ethanol, biodiesel, renewable diesel and renewable natural feedstocks. gas facilities. The renewable natural gas mandate leads to more investment than the flexible option and is similar in size The standard would result in slower growth in vehicle to the low end of annual investment in renewable electricity. manufacturing, vehicle maintenance and gas station investment and employment, as the policy encourages The remaining economic activity relates to operating efficient vehicles. Specifically, growth would be 0.06% expenditures like purchasing feedstocks from farmers and slower in these sectors. other supplies to keep the facilities running.15 Our analysis accounts for changes in economic activity Thanks to this spending, the standard would increase net necessary to meet the Clean Fuel Standard, as well as employment by 11,000 to 17,000 jobs by 2030 to help build, subsequent employment changes. In general, the Clean operate and supply new clean fuel facilities (the renewable Fuel Standard shifts investment from conventional natural gas scenario leads to more employment than the refining and transportation to cleaner fuel production. flexible option). Other areas, such as electricity and carbon We account for the declines in some segments of the capture, benefit as well, thanks to more demand for electric economy as well as the increases. Overall, we find a net cars and investments at refineries to reduce carbon pollution. increase in employment. Our model does not account for every conceivable impact to the economy, however, such as the relative change in productivity of potential investments, or the cost-savings of avoided climate change damage. We also found that about half of new biofuel production would be in Canada, when accounting for key (though not all) factors that determine where new facilities are built. What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 7
Job Growth in Clean Fuels Introducing a renewable natural gas mandate for buildings and industry—rather than allowing flexibility in how emission reductions are achieved—would ultimately lead to more job creation and economic growth. Transportation stays the same in both scenarios: flexible. JOB GROWTH WITH A FLEXIBLE CLEAN FUEL STANDARD JOB GROWTH WITH A RENEWABLE NATURAL GAS MANDATE 2030 Accelerated Growth Accelerated Growth Slower Growth 11,100 Slower Growth 2030 Net New Jobs 16,900 Net New Jobs 28,500 2025 24,000 31,300 13,900 Net New Jobs 2025 20,000 19,000 11,200 2020 Net New Jobs Job Growth Job Growth 4,300 Net New 2020 15,300 Jobs 2,900 Net New 8,800 6,000 Jobs 5,400 –17,400 –6,100 –14,400 –2,500 –4,100 –4,500 What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 8
Economic Growth in Clean Fuels ECONOMIC GROWTH WITH A FLEXIBLE CLEAN ECONOMIC GROWTH WITH A RENEWABLE NATURAL FUEL STANDARD GAS MANDATE 2030 $2.7B 2030 Net Accelerated Growth Economic Accelerated Growth $4.1B Slower Growth Growth Slower Growth Net Economic 2025 Growth $4.9B $2.4B $5.6B Net Economic Growth GDP ($ 2015 CAD) 2025 GDP ($ 2015 CAD) $3.3B $2.2B 2020 2020 Net Economic $600M $500M Growth Net Net Economic Economic $2.6B Growth Growth $800M $1.3B –$1.5B –$900M –$2.2B –$300M –$400M –$700M What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 9
An example of clean growth Enerkem is the type of company that could benefit from a Clean Fuel Standard. The Montreal-based firm’s Edmonton facility converts a portion of the city’s municipal solid waste stream into low-carbon ethanol. The fuel is now sold to B.C. to help refiners meet the province’s Clean Fuel Standard16—it has the lowest carbon intensity of any fuel in B.C. Enerkem employs more than 200 people across Canada and the U.S, including 45 full-time employees at its Edmonton facility. According to Enerkem’s employees “As a new grad from the “After 15 years in the oil University of Alberta, I’m and gas industry, I saw a great excited to be part of this opportunity to join a home-grown new cutting-edge field and Canadian cleantech company.” a more sustainable future.” — Pierre St-Laurent, mechanical engineer — Alvia Shafeeq, mechanical engineer What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 10
An Affordable Solution Most Canadians won’t see a noticeable difference on their energy bills with the Clean Fuel Standard in place—and even those costs are avoidable. We considered two cases: an energy-conscious household and a typical Canadian one. ENERGY-CONSCIOUS CANADIANS: TYPICAL CANADIANS: These people These people are purchasing cars, are statistically average. The typical homes and furnaces with an eye for Canadian household is based on the reducing energy costs. In 2020, they are average vehicle, house and furnace driving a hybrid vehicle like the Toyota owned in the given year. As Canadians Prius, have high-efficiency gas furnaces, replace vehicles and furnaces and and a house that complies with energy efficiency building renovate or buy new homes, the average codes. By 2030, they’re driving a plug-in hybrid like the household becomes more efficient. Chevy Volt and live in very energy-efficient homes. All these technologies are available today, and many people already OUTCOMES: The typical household will save $22 a month by use them. 2030 compared to 2015. The Clean Fuel Standard itself will add very little to a household’s costs, at worst reducing those OUTCOMES: Energy-conscious Canadians stand to save $84 savings to $17 a month by 2030, or a $5 increase. a month on their household energy bills by 2030, compared to today. This is thanks in part to existing and planned federal and provincial policies that mean families can choose more energy-efficient technologies. These Canadians will use less energy compared to today while living similar lifestyles. The Clean Fuel Standard will have virtually no cost impact on these COSTS $5 households—at most, it would reduce those savings to $82 a PER MONTH IN 2030 month, or a $2 increase. COSTS $2 PER MONTH IN 2030 What about low-income Canadians? Regardless of policy, the biggest energy-cost-related threat to the economic wellbeing of low-income families is the likelihood of price increases for natural gas, electricity and gasoline in the future. Energy-saving technology is one of the best ways to buffer against rising fuel prices. Rebates also help shelter low-income Canadians from government penalties on high-carbon fuel use and are common in jurisdictions with carbon pricing. B.C. provides rebates to low-income households and is planning to expand them.17 Alberta, Ontario and California provide similar support for low-income families.18 For households unable to make their homes or vehicles more efficient, the monthly cost increase of the Clean Fuel Standard is still small—less than $4 a month by 2025—and even that can be avoided. How? Through government programs that help low-income Canadians buy energy-saving technologies. For example, Ontario’s cap-and-trade reductions are required by law to help support social housing retrofits.19 What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 11
The Impact on Carbon Pollution Transportation The bottom line: With this policy, the transportation sector can cut 19 million tonnes of CO2eq by 2030—equal to taking nearly five million cars off Canada’s roads. We recommend setting targets that get more stringent over time, eventually requiring carbon intensity to be 10% lower in 2030 than in 2015. A target like that would triple the market for cleaner fuels But this is just one scenario. Any number of technologies across Canada. Any company with a lower-carbon fuel, can compete for these reductions. We’ve kept our analysis to Canadian or otherwise, can compete in this newly expanded existing commercial technologies, but a lot can change in 13 market. Solutions we’d expect to see: more electric cars in years. Case in point: in 2004, Tesla celebrated raising US$7.5 Canada (1.2 million vehicles, specifically) and a doubling of million—last year it posted $7 billion in revenues.22 the amount of biofuels produced in the country. Lastly, you’ll notice the biggest reductions are in diesel. This is This level of ambition is on par with B.C. and California. because so little diesel today comes from renewable sources— B.C. is planning a 15% reduction in the carbon intensity of just 2% (compared to over 6% for gasoline). its transportation fuels by 2030 relative to 2010,20 while California is considering an 18% reduction by 2030 TRANSPORTATION EMISSION REDUCTIONS BY FUEL versus 2010.21 RESULTING FROM THE CLEAN FUEL STANDARD 20 Will there be enough fuels? The Clean Fuel Standard would more than triple biofuel Carbon pollution reductions (Mt CO2eq) use in Canada, but this quantity is still small, representing a 3% increase from today’s levels by 2030 on a North 15 American scale. Electricity increases resulting from the Clean Fuel Standard are low as well—an increase in demand in Canada of 1% by 2030.23 The standard is also flexible. If a fuel option is unavailable 10 or too expensive, other fuels can fill in. Renewable hydrocarbon diesel can stand in for biodiesel, for example. That said, the policy should guard against unexpected cost increases or fuel shortages—there are many ways to do this.24 5 0 2020 2025 2030 Renewable fuels in gasoline Energy efficiency Renewable fuels in diesel Natural gas Electricity Energy efficiency What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 12
Buildings and Industry Combined, buildings and industry can deliver 15 Mt CO2eq in reductions, either from a mix of technologies or through expanding the use of renewable natural gas. The federal government could apply a Clean Fuel Standard On a provincial level, the Government of Ontario is considering to all buildings and industry. Under this approach, emission a renewable natural gas requirement as part of its climate reductions come from a mix of sources: carbon capture change action plan.28 B.C. is working with Fortis to expand and storage, energy efficiency, switching to electricity and renewable natural gas deployment in the province.29 Enbridge switching to biofuels. In theory, a flexible, market-based and Union Gas forecasted that 13.5% of Ontario’s 2015 mechanism allows various solutions to compete, resulting natural gas demand could be renewable by 2030.30 And in reductions at a lower cost. It also introduces complexity Quebec supports renewable natural gas deployment in its and uncertainty, however. A broad Clean Fuel Standard could Climate Change Action Plan.31 require that companies and governments evaluate hundreds of technologies.25 A SECOND OPTION: The federal government could introduce a mandate for renewable natural gas, growing its use in Canada from nearly 0% today to 5% by 2030. Renewable natural gas would mainly replace existing natural gas supplies. This would represent a significant increase from Canada’s current use of renewable natural gas, but industry estimates suggest this level of growth is feasible. The Canadian Gas Association estimates that enough renewable natural gas could be developed by 2030 in Canada26 and has proposed a 5% blending target by 2025—five years ahead of our recommended target.27 In short, this option would kick-start a new industry—and make Canada a leader of an important renewable energy technology. It’s also likely simpler for companies and the government to focus on a single fuel type, though it would cost more per tonne of carbon pollution reduced. What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 13
While total emission reductions are similar in both our scenarios for buildings and industry, the way they would be achieved differs greatly. EMISSION REDUCTIONS IN BUILDINGS AND INDUSTRY WITH A FLEXIBLE POLICY IN PLACE 20 A flexible policy Carbon pollution reductions (Mt CO2eq) would cut emissions by 15 Mt CO2eq 15 from switching to a range of technologies. 10 Switching to clean electricity 5 Carbon capture and storage Switching to biomass and renewable natural gas 0 Energy efficiency 2020 2025 2030 EMISSION REDUCTIONS IN BUILDINGS AND INDUSTRY WITH A RENEWABLE NATURAL GAS MANDATE 20 A renewable natural Carbon pollution reductions (Mt CO2eq) gas mandate would cut emissions by 15 Mt CO2eq almost 15 exclusively from switching to renewable natural gas. 10 5 Carbon capture and storage Energy efficiency Switching to renewable natural gas Switching to clean electricity 0 2020 2025 2030 What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 14
What Comes Next The federal government will continue to design and consult on the Clean Fuel Standard between now and 2019, when it intends to release a final regulation. A draft framework is expected in the fall of 2017, followed by a draft regulation in 2018, publication of the final regulation in 2019 and then implementation. There are several important design elements and questions • POLICY INTERACTIONS. There will be different to resolve before the Clean Fuel Standard becomes a reality in interactions with varying provincial carbon policies, most Canada. Based on our analysis and from engaging with people notably carbon pricing but also renewable fuel mandates working on the policy, we think the following six areas require and existing low-carbon fuel standards. These policies particular attention from government and key stakeholders directly overlap with the Clean Fuel Standard, and there through stakeholder working groups or other approaches: are benefits and drawbacks with both leaving the provincial policies in place as the standard is implemented, and • PARTITIONING. We’ve made the case for separating replacing them outright with it. the transportation sector from buildings and industry, giving each its own requirements. This report outlines the • CREDIT MARKET DESIGN. Keeping costs down and rationale and outcomes of this approach. There are trade- incenting innovation depends on a functioning credit offs with partitioning, however, and those implications market. This must be designed carefully so that credits are must be thoroughly discussed and understood. readily accessible, transparent and stable. • COMPETITIVENESS. Emission-intensive and trade- • COST CONTAINMENT. We expect the Clean Fuel Standard exposed industries are concerned about potential to be affordable for Canadians. This outcome can be competitiveness impacts from the Clean Fuel Standard. As guaranteed with the right cost-containment design. Credit this report went to press, there were no public estimates markets and price ceilings, for example, can provide more for what those costs may be and what, if any, impacts they certainty on maximum costs.32 may have on competitiveness. • PARTNER POLICIES. The technical capacity exists to deploy affordable clean fuels in Canada. The results in this report are based on commercial technologies already used in Canada but deployed at a larger scale. As reality can differ from modelling, the actual amount invested in Canada could be higher or lower than we’ve forecasted. In the latter case, partner policies can help, but they must be chosen carefully. They could include federal investments like the Low-Carbon Economy Fund, the Canada Infrastructure Bank, and the Green Infrastructure Fund. What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 15
Recommendations In designing its Clean Fuel Standard, we urge the federal government to consider the following recommendations: • TRANSPORTATION: Mandate a 10% carbon intensity reduction in the transportation sector by 2030 from 2015 levels. The transportation sector should be partitioned from buildings and industry. • BUILDINGS AND INDUSTRY: Evaluate the options and then implement either a 3.5% carbon intensity reduction by 2030 from 2015 levels or a 5% renewable natural gas mandate by 2030. • COMPLEMENTARY: Ensure the Clean Fuel Standard delivers 30 Mt CO2eq of pollution reduction on top of existing measures in the pan-Canadian framework. Enerkem’s waste-to-fuel facility in Edmonton The Clean Fuel Standard is one of the most important climate policies in Canada. If designed properly, it will not only cut carbon pollution but also create jobs and foster the growth of Canada’s clean fuel industry—an industry that countries around the world are competing to establish as the global market for cleaner energy sources keeps growing. What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 16
Endnotes 1. Government of Canada (2017) Technical Paper: federal gasoline vehicle. The value of a Clean Fuel Standard credit per carbon pricing backstop. https://www.canada.ca/en/services/ kwh of electricity is equal to the difference in carbon pollution environment/weather/climatechange/technical-paper-federal- intensity between gasoline and electricity multiplied by the carbon-pricing-backstop.html energy efficiency for an electric vehicle. 2. Government of Canada (2017) Pan-Canadian Framework 11. California Air Resources Board (2017) 2017 Progress Report on Clean Growth and Climate Change. https://www. on the Low Carbon Fuel Standard. canada.ca/content/dam/themes/environment/documents/ weather1/20170113-1-en.pdf 12. Environment and Climate Change Canada (2017) National Inventory Report 1990-2015: Greenhouse Gas Sources and 3. Bataille, C. et al. (2015) Pathways to deep decarbonization in Sinks in Canada. Canada. SDSN – IDDRI, M. Jaccard, M. Hein & T. Vass (2016) Is Win-Win Possible? Can Canada’s Government Achieve 13. This based on Clean Energy Canada and Navius Research Its Paris Commitment . . . and Get Re-Elected? http:// analysis described in the technical report. rem-main.rem.sfu.ca/papers/jaccard/Jaccard-Hein-Vass%20 14. Bataille, C. et al. (2015) Pathways to deep decarbonization in CdnClimatePol%20EMRG-REM-SFU%20Sep%2020%202016. Canada. SDSN – IDDRI, M. Jaccard, M. Hein & T. Vass (2016) pdf. International Energy Agency (2016) World Energy Outlook Is Win-Win Possible? Can Canada’s Government Achieve 4. Mui, Simon (2017) New Progress Report Shows Low Carbon Its Paris Commitment . . . and Get Re-Elected? http:// Fuel Standard Working. https://www.nrdc.org/experts/new- rem-main.rem.sfu.ca/papers/jaccard/Jaccard-Hein-Vass%20 progress-report-shows-low-carbon-fuel-standard-working CdnClimatePol%20EMRG-REM-SFU%20Sep%2020%202016. pdf. International Energy Agency (2016) World Energy Outlook 5. California Air Resources Board (2017) Data Dashboard. https:// www.arb.ca.gov/fuels/lcfs/dashboard/dashboard.htm 15. Investments in renewable electricity have varied between $2 billion and $10 billion a year over the past five years. Clean 6. Navius Research (2017) Refining Margins in British Columbia. Energy Canada (2015 & 2017) Tracking the Energy Revolution. http://www.naviusresearch.com/publications/refining-margins- http://cleanenergycanada.org/work/transition-takes-hold/ british-columbia/ and http://cleanenergycanada.org/trackingtherevolution- canada/2015/ 7. ICF International (2016) Consumer Impacts of Low-Carbon Transportation Policies. http://consumersunion.org/wp- 16. In B.C. the Clean Fuel Standard is called a Renewable and Low content/uploads/2016/03/Consumer-Impacts-of-Low-Carbon- Carbon Fuel Requirement Regulation. We refer to this type of Transportation-Policies-Report.pdf policy as a Clean Fuel Standard throughout the report. 8. This based on Clean Energy Canada’s analysis with more 17. B.C. Government (2017) Budget 2017 – September Update details in the summary report from a Canada-wide perspective. http://bcbudget.gov.bc.ca/2017_Sept_Update/bfp/2017_Sept_ The level of emission reductions in each province will depend Update_Budget_and_Fiscal_Plan.pdf on specific policies in those provinces. As the EcoFiscal commission has noted, a Clean Fuel Standard will interact 18. State of California (2017) California Climate Investments differently with cap-and-trade and carbon tax jurisdictions. Using Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds. https://arb.ca.gov/ Arnold, Jonathan (2017) A delicate (im)balance: policy cc/capandtrade/auctionproceeds/cci_annual_report_2017. interactions and the federal clean fuel standard. https:// pdf. Alberta Government (2017) Budget 2017. http://finance. ecofiscal.ca/2017/09/20/delicate-imbalance-policy- alberta.ca/publications/budget/budget2017/fiscal-plan- interactions-federal-clean-fuel-standard/ complete.pdf. Ontario Government (2017) Cap and trade in Ontario & Green Investment Fund. https://www.ontario.ca/ 9. Jaccard, Mark. Vass, Tiffany (2017) Driving Decarbonization: page/cap-and-trade-ontario & https://www.ontario.ca/page/ Pathways and Policies for Canadian Transport. http://rem- green-investment-fund main.rem.sfu.ca/papers/jaccard/Vass-Jaccard%20Biofuel-CFS%20 in%20Canada%20Transport%20June%2029%202017.pdf 19. Ontario Government (2017) Cap and trade in Ontario & Green Investment Fund. https://www.ontario.ca/page/cap-and-trade- 10. Credit price from the B.C. Government (2017) Credit Transfer ontario & https://www.ontario.ca/page/green-investment-fund Activity Dec. 31 2016. http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/ industry/electricity-alternative-energy/transportation-energies/ 20. B.C. Government (2016) B.C.’s Climate Leadership Plan. renewable-low-carbon-fuels. Assumes GHG intensity of gasoline https://climate.gov.bc.ca/ of 84 gCO2eq/MJ, electricity grid intensity of 80 gCO2eq/ 21. CARB (2017) The 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan Update. kwh. For an electric vehicle using 3,600 kwh per year, driving https://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/scopingplan/2030sp_pp_final.pdf 19,200km with an energy efficiency ratio of 3, relative to a What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 17
22. Welch, David (2017) “Tesla Just Passed BMW in Market Cap.” 27. Canadian Gas Association (2016) News Release. http://www. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-06-09/tesla- cga.ca/news_item/canadas-natural-gas-utilities-propose-target- passes-bmw-in-market-cap-ranks-no-4-automaker-by-value- for-renewable-natural-gas-content/ j3pxj7gc 28. Government of Ontario (2016) Climate Change Action Plan. 23. State Department of Environmental Quality (2016) Agenda https://www.ontario.ca/page/climate-change-action-plan Item D – Assessing Options for Additional Cost Containment in the Clean Fuels Program. http://www.oregon.gov/deq/ 29. B.C. Government (2017) Increasing the market for LNG Rulemaking%20Docs/AgendaItemD.pdf and renewable natural gas. https://news.gov.bc.ca/ releases/2017MEM0011-000790 24. Based on current electricity use of 1,720 PJ, Natural Resources Canada (2017) Energy Factbook https://www. 30. Navigant (2016) Fuels Technical Report. http://www.energy. nrcan.gc.ca/sites/www.nrcan.gc.ca/files/energy/pdf/ gov.on.ca/en/files/2016/10/FTRandModules.pdf EnergyFactBook_2016_17_En.pdf 31. Government of Quebec (2013) http://www.mddelcc.gouv.qc.ca/ 25. In B.C. there are more than 150 fuel pathways with life-cycle changements/plan_action/pacc2020.pdf carbon intensity estimates. This same level of detail would need 32. State Department of Environmental Quality (2016) Agenda to be developed for fuels used in buildings and industry. Item D – Assessing Options for Additional Cost Containment 26. Canadian Gas Association (2016) Renewable Natural Gas – in the Clean Fuels Program. http://www.oregon.gov/deq/ Affordable for Canadians. http://www.cga.ca/wp-content/ Rulemaking%20Docs/AgendaItemD.pdf uploads/2016/05/RNG-publication-FINAL-April-2016-EN.pdf What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 18
x. What a Clean Fuel Standard Can Do for Canada 19
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