West Virginia Ten Year Tourism Plan - West Virginia Division of Tourism Prepared for

Page created by Jean Russell
West Virginia Ten Year Tourism Plan - West Virginia Division of Tourism Prepared for
West Virginia Ten Year Tourism Plan

Prepared for
West Virginia Division of Tourism

Submitted by

Mary Means + Associates
September 2012
West Virginia Ten Year Tourism Plan - West Virginia Division of Tourism Prepared for
West Virginia Tourism Plan

AECOM, in association with Mary Means + Associates, was retained by the
State of West Virginia to develop a comprehensive plan to guide investment
in and development of the State’s tourism industry over the next decade.
The plan identifies actions by key industry participants – The Division of
Tourism, state legislature, other state agencies, local government, educa-
tional institutions, private businesses and associations and not-for- profit
groups – which will enable West Virginia to protect and continue to grow its
tourism sector in an increasingly competitive environment.

Why the Plan?

Tourism is an increasingly important part of the West Vir-
ginia economy.

        Travel and tourism contributed $4.27 billion to the West Virginia
economy in 2010 (Economic Impact of Travel on West Virginia, 2000-2010
Detailed State and County Estimates, September 2011, Dean Runyan As-

       Travel spending in West Virginia has increased by 5.6 percent per
year since 2000. In constant dollars (adjusted for inflation), travel spending
has increased by 3.1 percent over the same period.

         Visitors who stayed overnight in commercial lodging facilities spent
$1.3 billion in 2010 – or about one-third of all travel spending in the state.
Day travelers who spent substantially on gaming and entertainment spent
nearly $2.0 billion, or about one-half (48%) the state total.

       During 2010, visitor spending in West Virginia directly supported
about 44,400 jobs with earnings of $988 million. Travel spending generated
the greatest number of jobs in accommodations & food services, and arts,
entertainment, recreation.

       Local and state government revenues generated by travel spend-
ing were $582 million in 2010 (does not include property taxes). Without
these government revenues generated by travel spending, each household
in West Virginia would have had to pay an additional $783 in state and local
taxes to maintain current service levels.

        The benefits of travel spending are realized in all regions of the
state. In 2010, travel expenditures ranged from $222.2 million in the Eastern
Panhandle, where tourism was driven mainly by gaming, to $11.5 million in
the Hatfield-McCoy Mountains, where visitors were drawn by outdoor activi-
ties such as ATV’s.

West Virginia is well-positioned for growth.

        Within the states that are contiguous to West Virginia, the population
totals over 42 million people. Proximity and an excellent regional highway
system make West Virginia and its attractions highly accessible to these
potential visitors. West Virginia is particularly well-situated to capitalize on
the trend in which travelers are taking more, shorter duration trips.

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         West Virginia possesses an extensive and diversified offering of
natural and manmade attractions, In terms of natural attractions, the state
has 1.7 million acres of publically owned land, including a wonderful state
park system; it has mountain elevations that are among the highest in the
East; it has unique eco systems such as Dolly Sods, and it offers world class
whitewater on the New and Gauley Rivers. In terms of manmade attrac-
tions, historic sites such as Harpers Ferry and Phillipi are part of our na-
tional history; numerous small towns capture the state’s Appalachian culture;
railroad resources offer excursions and a different glimpse of history, and
gaming resorts play to a different type of adventurer.

        The combination that location and attractions offer enable West
Virginia to capitalize on changing tourism trends. People are taking shorter,
but more frequent trips for leisure activities. The country’s aging population
remains active and interested in both outdoor recreation as well as opportu-
nities for learning. Travelers are looking for unique and personalized experi-

        An example of the tourism growth potential of the state is the devel-
opment of the Summit Bechtel Reserve by the Boy Scouts of America. The
development provides a unique opportunity to showcase West Virginia and
to leverage scout activities and visitation. The site in the New River Gorge
area was selected after a nationwide search. The facilities will provide a
permanent home for the National Scout Jamboree and year round center
for outdoor recreation and education. The initial phase of development will
open in 2013, with 50,000 scouts and 200,000 visitors expected for the Jam-
boree, Communities in the region are currently looking at how to capitalize
on the Boy Scout’s Summit Bechtel Reserve and also how to accommodate
the needs of a large influx of new visitors. The Summit will also enable the
state to market itself as an ideal location for new business and also to bet-
ter market the West Virginia “quality of life”. The announcement of the Boy
Scout’s Summit Bechtel Reserve has also leveraged interest by other youth
and religious organizations that are reportedly looking for locations in West
Virginia for an outdoor activity centers.

Growth in tourism will not be realized without attention and

Given changes in demographics, leisure activity participation and visitor
expectations, as well as an increasingly competitive environment, the path
to growth must be well thought out and deliberate in order to maximize
the state’s tourism potential. The overall quality of the visitor experience,
beginning with the availability of good pre-trip information, to the quality of
attractions and accommodations, to the ability to use cellphones and access
the internet, are all part and parcel of what visitors expect. Continued invest-
ment will be needed in marketing, infrastructure, and product.

Study Process and Objectives

Recognizing the need for a blueprint for growth in Tourism, the West Virginia
Legislature directed that a 10-year plan be developed. The Legislature
tasked the Tourism Commission and the Division of Tourism with oversee-
ing the selection of a consultant, and to oversee the planning process. An
Advisory Board consisting of Tourism Commission members and industry
leaders was formed to provide input and to work with the selected consultant
in developing the plan.

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The study process was divided into three key parts: Background Analysis
and Industry Input; Tourism Industry Sector Analysis, and Strategic Plan
Development. Briefly, each part includes:

I. The Backgrounds Analysis and Industry Input provided an
assessment of West Virginia’s Tourism Industry today, and identified future
opportunities and potential barriers to growth. It involved a series of analyti-
cal tasks to describe the industry structure and available resources, measure
current performance, and assess West Virginia’s competitive position. The
work also included an evaluation of best practices from elsewhere that could
serve as models for West Virginia, as well as tasks designed to solicit the
input from West Virginia Tourism Industry practitioners through interviews
and workshops.

II. Tourism Industry Sector Analysis focused on identifying the
types of attractions and activities with the greatest potential for development
and growth in the State. The work involved evaluating West Virginia’s re-
sources and market fundamentals to determine if the State provided a good
fit with sector needs for successful operation and growth. Working with the
Advisory Board, the Consultant Team developed a prioritized list of sectors
with the greatest potential.

The industry sector analysis phase included a market and opportunities
analysis for critical tourism industry sectors identified as a result of Senate
Current Resolution 31, including, but not limited to, the following: Skiing,
Whitewater Rafting, Golf, Recreational and Extreme Sports, Other Outdoor
Activities (hiking, climbing, swimming, boating), Gaming, Hunting and Fish-
ing, Theme Parks, Spectator Sports, Motor Sports, Equine Activities, Health
and Wellness, State Parks, Forest System, Federal Lands, Culinary Tourism,
History/Culture, Historic Tourism, Fairs and Festivals, Film and Video Pro-
duction, Retirement/Second Home Market, Scouting, Camping/Recreational
Vehicles, Group Tours, and Entertainment/Meetings.

III. Strategic Plan Development identified actions that could
strengthen state-level tourism activities, and strengthen capacity and capa-
bilities at the regional and local levels. The exact nature of the recommen-
dations flowed from the study process itself, and included the role of public,
private and non-profit sectors, appropriate government mechanisms, funding
programs, infrastructure needs, labor requirements and marketing initiatives.

What the Plan is and What the Plan is not.
The plan presented in this document is intended to provide the State of West
Virginia with a blueprint it set out to develop for growth in tourism. The plan
reflects the realities of the market, as well as the capabilities of the State and
its industry practitioners. It reflects the collective, best thinking of the industry
and its consultants.

Early on in the study process, there was a hope, or expectation that the plan
would identify a single action or investment, or several key investments, that
would accomplish the objective of taking West Virginia tourism to a higher
level. There was a hope, an expectation for the study to identify a “silver
bullet.” The study process confirmed that the opportunity to take the State’s
tourism industry to a new and higher level was very real, but rather that find-
ing a “silver bullet” the study revealed that the path to growth was a range of
investments in all segments of the industry which would include investment
in marketing, product, human resources and infrastructure.

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West Virginia Tourism Plan

Executive Summary
The Strategic Action Plan is made up of three groups of recommendations,
based on the nature of the recommendations themselves, the entity (or enti-
ties) with responsibility for implementation and complexity of the implementa-
tion process.

The first group of recommendations focuses on improving the State’s tour-
ism product through investment in attractions, accommodations and activities
that fit within the state’s most competitive industry sectors. The recommen-
dations presented here include actions that apply to development initiatives
for state and local government, as well as for non-profit organizations and
private developers.

The second group of recommendations includes actions that are intended to
increase the capacity of the State’s tourism industry, to enable attractions,
marketing and promotional organizations and other players to do their jobs
better and more effectively. The recommendations to help the industry can
be described as providing better tools and better access to resources. They
would apply to existing and future industry.

The third group of recommendations includes actions to strengthen the Divi-
sion of Tourism. The question of funding not withstanding, recommendations
to strengthen the Division are largely a function of executive/legislative ac-
tion. They represent actions that could be implemented in a relatively short
time frame, and which would achieve fairly immediate paybacks because, for
the most part, they are focused on strengthening the state’s ability to market
and promote tourism product that is already in-place.

Priority Recommendations

--Among the tourism product strategies, strengthening the state as a top
retirement/second home market ranked among the top strategies for the
state. In West Virginia, the potential for growth in the retirement industry is
high. Among the key factors that retirees consider in selecting a retirement
location are proximity to family and friends, and cost of living. West Virginia
is very attractive in both regards. The economic benefits of retirees in a com-
munity have been well documented. Retiree residents generally pay the full
range of state and local taxes, but consume little in the way of public ser-
vices, and they frequently buy or build new homes.

In West Virginia, efforts to attract more retirees should be increased by
strengthening the program of Retire West Virginia, or by bringing the retiree
recruitment function into state government. The state should also consider
eliminating the second home tax disadvantage. One factor that second
home owners consider in their purchasing decision is property taxes. The
current tax law in West Virginia essentially doubles the tax rate on second
homes by classifying homes that do not serve as primary residences as com-
mercial property.

--Among those strategies aimed at increasing the capacity of the State’s
tourism industry, the top strategy is the elimination of the cap on the dollar
volume of eligible projects funded through the West Virginia Tourism Devel-
opment Act. The current $1.0 million dollar investment threshold precludes
participation by many small tourism businesses. The total funding cap also
has the very real potential of creating a situation where a large (and attrac-
tive) project might not be funded because it would put total funding over the
limit, or where additional, smaller projects could have the same result.

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                                                                     --The top recommendation from the group of strategies targeted at strength-
                                                                     ening the industry is to increase the funding available for the Matching
                                                                     Advertising Partnership Program (MAPP) to $10 million (net of deductions)
                                                                     with an annual inflation escalator. The West Virginia MAPP was created by
                                                                     the legislature in 1995 to provide a new tool to the State’s tourism industry to
                                                                     market and promote West Virginia. Funding for MAPP was originally set at
                                                                     3 percent of video lottery revenues. However, over time, funding that might
                                                                     have gone to the program has been re-directed for other purposes and the
                                                                     percentage figure was reduced to 1.375 percent. These actions, in concert
                                                                     with declining lottery revenues due to increased competition, have been
                                                                     translated to a reduced level of money available for MAPP.

                                                                     Anecdotal information adds to the positive story of MAPP. Over the past de-
                                                                     cade, the West Virginia Ski industry increased the number of skier visits from
                                                                     600,000 to 800,000 which is attributed to MAPP. Oglebay Park in Wheeling
                                                                     estimates that MAPP is responsible for some 20 percent of their business.

                                                                     Strategic Action Items
                                                                     Important key strategies emerged from each group of recommendations.
                                                                     These recommendations are based on our analysis as well as input from the
                                                                     Project Advisory Committee.

                                                                     Figure 1: Strategies – Improving the State’s Tourism Product
                                                                                                                      Short Term   Mid term     Long Term
State Parks/Camping
    Continue a prioritized investment program, with criteria based on business factors and potential tourism impact       X
    Develop more moderate to high end product                                                                                         X                X
    Develop additional amenities to draw new visitors to existing state parks                                                         X                X
    Develop a Smart Phone App for state campgrounds and RV parks                                                          X
    Convene public, non-profit and commercial groups having an interest in state parks                                    X

     Draft a new State Trails Plan                                                                                        X
     Establish a statewide Authority structure to oversee implementation of the Trails Plan                                           X                X
     Link West Virginia trails with other regional trails and bikeways                                                                                 X
     Establish a trails community program to increase involvement of local jurisdictions in trail development                         X                X
     Create a Community Development Handbook to give trailhead communities guidance                                       X

Hunting and Fishing
    Expand Special Regulation Trout Fishing Areas                                                                         X
    Expand public recreational access to private lands                                                                                                 X

     Improve regional/local access to ski areas; make completion of Corridor H a state priority                                                        X
     Improve broadband/cell phone access at ski areas                                                                     X
     Continue to evolve product to meet the needs of growing market sectors                                               X

    Ensure infrastructure and amenities are in-place to support Jamboree visitation                                                                    X
    Develop and fund special marketing and promotion program targeted at scouts and families                              X

Culture and History
    Increase product and business capacity for cultural and heritage providers                                                        X
    Increase visibility for culture and history resources through increased state marketing                               X
    Provide Division of Tourism support through Product Development Specialist function                                   X

Retirees/Second Homes
     Strenghen capabilities of lead retirement organization                                                               X
     Eliminate second home tax disadvantage                                                                               X

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                                Figure 2: Strategies - Increasing Tourism Industry Capacity
                                                                                          Short Term     Mid term      Long Term
Capital Funding
  Create Tourism Business Access to WVEDA Direct Loan Program                                  X
  Remove Total Funding Cap from WVTDA Program                                                  X
  Establish Product Development Grant Program                                                                  X

Technical Assistance

   Continue Delivery of Technical Assistance Through Existing Programs                         X
   Establish WV Tourism Development Center                                                                     X

Hospitality and Professional Training

   Task WV Workforce to Develop Onsite, Frontline Training Module                              X
   Task WV Tourism Center with Oversight of Hospitality Training                                                             X

CVB Organization

   Amend H/M Tax to Allow 1 CVB Per County, with Local Retention of Non-CVB $                  X
   Require CVB Participation in Accredition Program                                            X

Quality of Visitor Experience

   Use Enhanced Training and Technical Assistance to Improve Quality                           X               X
   Establish Formal, Sector Specific Quality Programs                                                                        X

Knowledge of Program Availability

   Task one of the state's universities or colleges which has an active tourism program
   with inventory of Funding, Training and Technical Assistance Programs                       X


   Create Tourism Representation on Infrastructure Councils                                    X
   Prepare Signage Master Plan                                                                                 X
   Enhance Welcome Center Presentations with High Impact AV                                                    X

Industry Recognition

   Expand Public Relations Activities                                                          X

Intergovernmental Relations

   Create Interagency Tourism Development Council                                                              X

                                Figure 3: Strategies - Strengthening the Division of Tourism

                                                                                  Short Term           Mid term       Long Term

    Increase Funding for State Advertising and Promotion                                  X            ========        ========

    Increase Funding for MAPP                                                             X            ========        ========

    Restore Communications Functions to Division of Tourism                                                X

    Add Product Development Function                                                                       X

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Ranking the Tourism
In order to better understand the potential for product development among
the critical tourism industry sectors identified as a result of Senate Current
Resolution 31, AECOM developed a matrix system in order to develop a rank-
ing system.

Based on the analysis of industry size and overall growth trends, as well as a
study of the competitive context and importance to the state, AECOM evalu-
ated the list of relevant industries for the state of West Virginia.

A ranking system was applied to the following criteria:

Industry Size:          Industry size was based on nationwide levels of partici-
pation or viewership.
Growth Trends/Demographics: AECOM evaluated the user
demographics for each of the industries. In order to estimate potential growth
of the industry, we focused on participation levels by age group and com-
pared these figures to projected growth by age for the United States.
West Virginia Competitive Environment: In order to bet-
ter understand existing supply and competition, an evaluation was made of
the existing state industry supply and/or industry use trends as compared to
the surrounding adjacent states (or, in some cases, nationwide).
Fit with West Virginia Resources: This criterion considers
the existing infrastructure and resources within the state and how well the
industry takes advantage of the framework that is in place. This includes a fit
with the West Virginia brand and natural features of the state.
Potential Economic Impact: The final ranking considers the
importance to the state of West Virginia in terms of generating jobs and tax
revenues for the state.
Ease of Implementation: Finally, AECOM considered how likely
it would be to implement development of the selected industries. Industries
with potential public sector development or an existing developer base were
given a high rating.

Each of the criterions has been ranked on a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 indicating a
low rating and 3 representing the highest rating. For example, industries with
strong growth potential were given a 3 while those with limited potential long
term growth were given a 1. The results for each of the categories are added
in order to reflect the relative strength of each specific industry.

Rating Findings
State Parks, Forest Systems, and Federal Lands, Camping/RV and the Re-
tirement/Second Home Market resulted in the highest total score within the
matrix analysis. State Parks, Forest Systems and Federal Lands are impor-
tant in terms of the absolute numbers of individuals that visit state and federal
lands annually and also because they are a critical existing and recognized
resource within the state and overlap with other important tourist industries
such as hiking, camping, rafting, watchable wildlife, and climbing. Similar to

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many other industries, there are currently financial constraints in terms of ad-
ditional, regular, annual funding for major repairs, alterations, and equipment

Similarly, the Camping/RV sector scored at the top of the ratings, in part due
to its popularity as an outdoor recreation activity and also it’s fit within the
context of the West Virginia tourist industry. The RV industry is also gaining in
popularity; the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association estimates nationwide
there are as many as 30 million RV enthusiasts, including RV renters, with an
increase in ownership among the baby boom generation.

Changing demographics have propelled the retirement industry into “boom
times.” Changing demographics are also having the same impact on the
second home industry, with many second homes purchased as precursor to

Other top tourist industries include Hiking/Trails, Hunting and Fishing, Scouting,
Culture and Heritage Tourism, and Skiing. West Virginia remains a competitive
destination for these sectors and the potential growth and overall magnitude of
each of these markets is significant.

Industries receiving the lowest rating include Golf and Film Production. The
golf industry remains challenged as a result of overbuilding in the 1990’s and
early 2000’s and new golf course development has slowed significantly. While
film production is an important industry in terms of economic impact, it remains
a niche market within the state relative to other industries, with increasing com-
petition from other locations.

While some industries rated highly with respect to certain criteria, they did not
receive the highest overall scores:

Overall Industry Rating: Gaming, spectator sports, motor sports (NASCAR),
and theme parks scored highly with respect to overall industry size and poten-
tial growth trends. All of these industries rated relatively low with respect to
ease of implementation (there are a limited number of nationwide developers
and operators) and competitive environment.

With respect to gaming, Pennsylvania gaming revenues and employment
increased significantly in 2010 after casinos were permitted to add tables and a
casino opened in downtown Philadelphia. There are also high barriers to entry
with respect to both NASCAR facilities and theme parks. This does not pre-
clude development of these industries, but indicates that other industries may
represent better opportunities.

West Virginia Competitive Environment and Resources: Extreme sports and
the ATV/Motorcycle industry rated high with respect to the West Virginia
Competitive Environment and Resource ratings. However, the extreme sports
market is constrained by the overall size of the market and the ATV/motorcycle
industry appeals to a younger age cohort, indicating that the growth potential
may be limited as the demographic shift towards an older population occurs
(151.9 million Americans aged 35 – 79 today, growing to 175.5 million in 2030).

Ease of Implementation: Boating scored high with respect to ease of imple-
mentation, but is relatively limited in terms of overall economic impact and
other regions/states are highly competitive (for example, West Virginia ranks
42 nationally in terms of the number of recreational boat registrations). Film
production also rated highly in terms of ease of implementation, but is limited
by the competition (while West Virginia offers a host of incentive programs, so
do most other states) and limited economic impact (filming typically occur over
a short period of time).
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State Parks and Camping
Short Term Strategies

 Continue a prioritized investment program, with criteria based on business
factors and potential tourism impact.

State Parks continues to invest in the upgrade and development of new facil-
ities/lodging/etc. and also recognizes the need to update some of the State
Park Campgrounds as well as draft new master plans for certain state parks.

It is estimated that the additional amount of funding needed for major
repairs/alterations/equipment replacement to prevent infrastructure deterio-
ration and to stabilize the infrastructure moving into the future is about $3
million annually (given current infrastructure levels), This will increase as
new infrastructure is added to the system.

 Develop a Smart Phone App for state campgrounds and RV parks.

A Smart Phone App for state campgrounds could include information about
distance markers, route mapping, website links, reservations pages, phone
numbers, etc. The App could be modeled after the one developed by the
Campground Owners of New York.

 Convene public, non-profit and commercial groups having an interest in
state parks.

In order to leverage knowledge among different groups involved in state park
development (and also increase the opportunity for potential public/private
partnerships), public, non-profit and commercial interests could meet on a
periodic basis to exchange ideas. California State Parks have proposed
establishing a Leadership Institute which is similar to that proposed with
a guiding strategy of protecting park resources and providing high-quality
recreational experiences through a network of public and private efforts and

Medium to Long Term Strategies

         Develop additional amenities to draw new visitors to existing state
parks (i.e. special events areas and amphitheaters, expanded viewing areas,
visitor/interpretive centers).

Although there are a few small magnitude visitor centers/interpretive centers
scattered around the system, they have largely been developed by small
scale conversion of existing structures, WV State Parks lag behind many
other park systems in this arena. Major destination parks like Pipestem,
Blackwater, Canaan, Twin Falls, Cacapon, Babcock, Watoga, Cass and
even heavily used day use areas such as Kanawha State Forest would
elevate their status, appeal and fulfillment of mission with the addition of new
amenities such as visitor centers.

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Public/private partnerships should be investigated for new amenity devel-
opment within the parks system, recognizing that there are some existing

Some examples of the public sector partnering with outside entities include
the following:

-        In Ohio, a unique partnership arrangement was used to develop
a resort conference center at Lake Geneva State Park. Ashtabula County
leased land in the park and constructed the facilities, which were built to
Ohio DNR standards. The facility is managed by a private company, and it
is marketed as part of the state park system.

-        A number of state park systems are considering or actively pursuing
public private partnerships to develop and/or operate entire parks or select
park elements. To enhance the attractiveness and viability of this strategy,
multiple parks are being bundled into a single offering.

-        The leasing of entire parks is modeled after the longstanding U.S.
Forest Service program for the operations of recreational facilities. This
model turns the operations and maintenance of all park activities to pri-
vate operators, with planning and administrative control remaining with the
agencies. Lease agreements typically run 10 to 20 years, with performance
based compensation for the operator. The keys to success of this model are
the presence of sufficient sources of user fee revenues and the ability of the
private sector to operate in a more cost effective manner than the public sec-

-        Elsewhere, a number of states are considering privatization of se-
lected elements. New Orleans City Park is pursuing a public private partner-
ship to redevelop golf courses that were damaged by Hurricane Katrina.

-       In another variation of the theme, some park agencies are consid-
ering outsourcing certain functions that can be done more cost effectively
by the private sector. In Kentucky, seasonal workers are being provided
through a temp agency. Elsewhere, functions such as security and mainte-
nance are being undertaken through outside contracts.

       Develop more moderate to high end lodging product.

There is currently some unmet demand for higher end lodging within the
state park system, with the park system continuing to develop high end prod-
uct such as the rebuilding of Canaan Valley Lodge and planned improve-
ments at Beech Fork (a new lodge) and the upgrade at Cacapon.

There is also increasing demand nationwide for new sustainable prototypes,
including “green” lodging tents and yurts. It should be noted that yurts and
pre-fabricated cabins have been also been tried in the State of West Virginia
at Tomlinson Run State Park. The Pennsylvania State Park system recently
finished construction of the Nature Inn, which targets visitors who would not
typically seek out a state park. The inn makes use of green technologies,
ranging from geothermal heating to rain water-flushed toilets. Amenities in-
clude deck-mounted high-powered optics, an indoor computer birding kiosk,
and art pieces crafted by regional artisans.

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Short Term Strategies
 Draft a new State Trails Plan, with priority on creating linkages between
existing trails, quality of the experience, and establishing consistency of
experience (e.g. signage, maintenance).

In order to create a world-class trail system, a new State Trails Plan to
guide development is needed. The existing State Trails Plan (completed in
July 2002) was prepared by a volunteer citizens group. The cost of a new
professionally developed plan is estimated at approximately $100,000.

In addition, potential tourism impact should be among the factors consid-
ered by the West Virginia Recreational Trail Advisory Board when selecting
projects to be funded through the Recreation Trails Program (RTP). Proj-
ects eligible for funding include maintenance and restoration of trails as well
as trail linkage and construction of new trails.

An estimated target cost for a world class trail system is between $5 and
$10 million.

 Create a Community development handbook to give trailhead communi-
ties guidance in taking advantage of trail traffic through development of
visitor amenities and services.

Medium to Long Term Strategies

        Establish a statewide Authority structure to oversee implementation
of the Trails Plan.

Implementation of the State Trails Plan should be overseen by expanding
the purview of an existing authority or by establishing a separate organiza-
tion. The trails plan should include both water and land trails.

         Establish a trails community program to increase involvement of
local jurisdictions in trail development and upkeep.

West Virginia’s 11 Regional Planning and Development Councils could help
facilitate a community program.

As an example, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) is a national
non-profit that maintains the Appalachian Trail and includes 31 local orga-
nizations and a membership organization with national and international
support. The ATC also works to monitor the health of endangered species
living within the trails corridor. The ATC has a significant staff of 45 in six
locations (not including a dozen part-time and seasonal employees) and an
annual budget of about $5.2 million (with about $2.1 million spent on con-
servation, $1.4 million on publications, and another $1 million on fundraising
and general administration).

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Long Term Strategies
      Link West Virginia trails with other regional trails and bikeways. For
example, the Hatfield McCoy ATV Trail could be linked to Kentucky trails.

Short Term Strategies
       Improve broadband/cell phone access at ski areas by including
tourism as a critical factor when developing the state’s Broadband Mapping

Local teams throughout the state are being formed to advance broadband
service, infrastructure and adoption within West Virginia's 11 Planning and
Development Council regions as part of the state's Broadband Mapping
Program (BMP). The goal of the BMP is to plan for future deployment and
adoption of broadband service throughout the state. The strategic regional
plans will form the basis for a statewide plan that will be completed in 2014.

Regional planning teams will focus on different segments of the community,
such as agriculture, education, economic development, etc., to develop
strategies to apply broadband use to those segments. Tourism should also
be considered as an important focus for broadband coverage.

Long Term Strategies
        Improve regional/local access to ski areas; make completion of Cor-
ridor H a state priority.

Ease of access to the major ski areas located within the state is critical to
remaining competitive.

Snowshoe Mountain Ski Resort is the most isolated of the four resorts. The
planned completion of Corridor H ($800 Million to $1 Billion) and the pos-
sible addition of a US 220 expressway from I-68 in Maryland to Corridor H
($500 to $750 Million) will improve access to Snowshoe from the north and
east. Additional unplanned improvements (roadway upgrades and addition
of lanes) would also greatly improve accessibility.

Canaan Valley Resort and Timberline Four Seasons Resort are both located
off of WV 32, about 10 miles south of Davis. The planned completion of
Corridor H will also improve access to these resorts from all directions. The
possible addition of a US 220 expressway from I-68 in Maryland to Corridor
H will provide further improvements for travelers from the north and east.

        Continue to evolve product to meet the needs of growing market

As snowboarding continues to gain in popularity, it will be important to con-
tinue to provide competitive facilities for this growing segment (e.g. super
pipes and terrain parks for freestylers and snowboarders).

                                                                   Page 13
West Virginia Tourism Plan

Culture and History
Short Term Strategies
      Increase visibility for culture and history resources through in-
creased state marketing.

      Provide Division of Tourism support/coordination for product devel-
opment and improvement through Product Development Specialist function.

A Product Development Specialist would help prioritize and seek funding for
strategic product development initiatives throughout the state. The Division
of Tourism could coordinate with Main Street West Virginia when providing
tourism development support in historic downtown areas throughout the

The State of Georgia provides support for Culture and Heritage tourism
through a Heritage Tourism Handbook, which offers guidance regarding de-
velopment and implementation of the heritage tourism potential of a region
and also offers reconnaissance visits by tourism staff. The reconnaissance
visits allow communities to assess their local assets and develop area-wide
strategies for tourism development.

Medium Term Strategies
       Increase product and business capacity for cultural and heritage

Short Term Strategies

       Develop and fund special marketing and promotion program target-
ed at scouts and families.

Long Term Strategies

        Insure infrastructure and amenities are in-place to support Jamboree

With 50,000 Boy Scouts and an additional 200,000 visitors anticipated, it
is critical that the basic infrastructure (e.g. bus parking, lodging and dining,
road networks) be sufficient to accommodate the inflow of new visitors to the
region. Local communities have been addressing this issue and it is impor-
tant that a coordinated effort be implemented to insure that the groundwork
is in place as national attention is focused on the area upon opening.

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West Virginia Tourism Plan

Hunting and Fishing
Short Term Strategies
       Expand Special Regulation Trout Fishing Areas.

Special Regulation areas include Catch and Release, Delayed Harvest and
Trophy Areas which place restrictions of when and how fish can be caught.
There are a limited number of special regulation areas in West Virginia, but
the expansion of the program would have positive impact on fishing-based
tourism. In the eyes of the recreational fisherman, special regulation areas
(verses Put and Take areas) typically communicate less crowded conditions
and access to better quality fish. In Western Maryland, the use of Special
Regulation Fishing Areas has contributed to the development of that part of
the state as a successful, national destination for trout (fly) fisherman. The
implementation of the program in Western Maryland did not come without
a struggle given historical patterns of stream use and fishing activity. How-
ever, officials at Maryland DNR believed the benefits outweighed the costs,
and they worked to accommodate local interests by expanding stocked
Catch and Release areas.

Long Term Strategies
       Expand public recreational access to private lands.

West Virginia has a Recreational Use Statute that is intended to encour-
age private land owners to make their property available to the public for
recreational use by limiting liability claims by public users. Success in the
use of this statute to secure private property has been limited, in large part
due to concern that the limited liability provision of the statute does not go
far enough in protecting owners from litigation. West Virginia addressed
this issue with the creation of Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority
to construct and maintain an ATV trail system on private lands in Southern
West Virginia under a licensing agreement which indemnifies land owners,
thus relieving them of potential liability. Short of replicating the structure and
powers of the Hatfield-McCoy Regional Recreation Authority, there are other
possible approaches to achieving the objective of opening private land for
public recreational use. Kentucky presents two such examples. In Knott
County, county government has developed and maintains trails on private
property. It has taken out private insurance to provide liability coverage for
the involved landowner which goes beyond the County’s sovereign immunity.
Elsewhere in the state, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Re-
sources (KDFWR) has created a category of land management area called
a Hunting Access Area (HAA). Use is governed by a Multi-Use Recreational
Access Agreement which provides for KDFWR to manage or cooperate in
managing the HAA for “hunting, fishing and wildlife recreation” thus providing
sovereign impunity protection.” Permitted uses include hunting and fishing
in designated portions of the HAA, as well as horseback riding and ATV’s.
Incentives for participation on the part of the landowner include “reasonable”
law enforcement surveillance and the issuing of one transferable elk tag an-
nually, for every 5,000 acres in the program.

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West Virginia Tourism Plan

Retirees/Second Homes
Short Term Strategies

       Stregthen capabilities of lead retirement organization.

In West Virginia, efforts to attract retirees are led by a non-profit organization
called Retire West Virginia. This group administers a program to evaluate
community assets to ensure they are suitable for retirees, and they bestow
the title of “Designated Retirement Community” on communities that sat-
isfy the criteria for designation. They also mentor communities that wish to
earn the designation, and they market West Virginia retirement communities
through the publication, The Retirement Times. There are six designated
communities which include the following counties: Monongalia, Lewis, Ran-
dolph, Raleigh, Nicholas and Mercer. Retire West Virginia also partners with
other groups and state agencies such as the Division of Tourism and West
Virginia Development Office.

Changing demographics have propelled the retirement industry into “boom
times.” Changing demographics are also having the same impact on the
second home industry, with many second homes purchased as precursor to
retirement. Often times, the retirement market and the second home market
are extensions of the tourism market. Visitors who are initially attracted to a
place by recreation or cultural features are prime candidates for future retire-
ment living and/or purchase of a second home. Retirees and second home
owners are looking for locations that friends and family will want to visit. Col-
lectively, the retirement and second home sectors are often times referred to
as “lifestyle” tourism.

The economic benefits of retirees in a community have been well document-
ed. Retiree residents generally pay the full range of state and local taxes, but
consume little in the way of public services, and they frequently buy or build
new homes. Their income is typically made up of pensions, social security
payments, and dividends and interest payments. These sources of income,
relatively speaking, are stable, and for migrant retirees, represent income
coming from sources outside the state and community, thus increasing
their effective economic impact. Research by Dr. Charles Langino of Wake
Forest University has shown that one retiree family in a community has the
equivalent economic impact of 3.7 factory jobs. Qualitatively speaking, ex-
perience has shown that retirees often times enhance the civic and cultural
landscape of their communities through participation and volunteerism.

Similarly, second homes make a meaningful contribution to the state’s
economy through spending by owners and guests, and to local jurisdictions
through the collection of property taxes. As with retirees, second homes
have a net positive fiscal impact because they generate high levels of
taxes, while consuming little in the way of educational and social services.
In Western Maryland, second home development centered around Deep
Creek Lake has transformed Garrett County from what was designated by
the Appalachian Regional Commission as a distressed county 25 years ago,
to the Maryland county with the largest per capita fiscal surplus before the
downturn in the economy several years ago. The area around Deep Creek
Lake contains approximately 13 percent of the county’s permanent resident
population, but it generates over 60 percent of the county’s taxes.

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West Virginia Tourism Plan

Efforts by the state to attract more retirees should be strengthened by
strengthening the program of Retire West Virginia, or perhaps bringing the
retiree recruitment function into state government. In particular, funding
needs to be increased to enable Retire West Virginia and the state’s certified
retirement communities to participate in regional trade shows targeting the
pre-retirement market.

       Eliminate Second Home Tax Disadvantage.

One factor that second home owners consider in their purchasing decision is
property taxes. The current tax law in West Virginia essentially doubles the
tax rate on second homes by classifying homes that do not serve as primary
residences as commercial property. This short term gain in property tax
revenues at the expense of higher, long term benefits, places West Virginia
at a disadvantage in attracting future second home purchasers and can work
against strengthening West Virginia as an attractive retirement location. It
is recommended that the tax code be revised to eliminate the double tax on
second homes.

                                                                 Page 17
West Virginia Tourism Plan

The Tourism Industry in West Virginia is an important component of the
State’s economy. Growth over the past decade has propelled tourism to the
position of the third largest economic sector in the state, with tremendous
upside for continued growth given its attraction base, scale of available
markets, regional accessibility, and presence of large-scale investments in
such things as the Boy Scouts Summit Bechtel complex. At the same time,
however, the industry itself is characterized by great diversity in geographic
distribution, scale of attractions and accommodations, and experience and
expertise of its members. With this background, it is important to realize
that in order to reach the full potential for growth, attention must be directed
to increasing the capabilities of the existing industry as well as adding new
attractions and increasing marketing activities, which are also central themes
of this study.

This section of the report addresses Industry Capacity i.e. actions that can
be taken to help the industry do its job better, and/or more effectively. The
underlying needs that these actions are intended to address were identified
through a rigorous process of industry input which included: interviews with a
wide variety of stakeholders and four regional workshops, and review of ex-
isting policies and programs. Recommendations were developed in concert
with the Study Committee, using best practices from elsewhere adapted to fit
the West Virginia situation.

Recommendations are presented in the following areas:
     Capital Funding
     Hospitality Training
     Technical Assistance
     Quality of the Visitor Experience
     CVB Structure
     Infrastructure
     Industry Recognition
     Inter-governmental Relations

The timing horizon for recommendations encompasses short term (present
to one and one-half years); mid term (one and one-half years to five years),
and long term (more than five years up to ten years), Any cost estimates
that are provided present costs to state government. They should be con-
sidered to be “placeholders” that provide order of magnitude indicators of
costs which will be refined as specific initiatives are further developed.

Capital Funding
Capital funding recommendations cover actions intended to provide better
access to capital for new and expanding tourism businesses, and to provide
funding assistance to tourism businesses or organizations that might not oth-
erwise have access to capital. The first recommendation is simply to provide
a tool to enable the industry to understand funding options that are available;
the next two recommendations are focused on providing access to capital
for larger businesses, while the fourth is intended for smaller businesses or
organizations, including public sector and non-profit attractions, that do not
have the ability to access existing programs. The recommendations cover:

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West Virginia Tourism Plan

       Inventory of Existing Programs
       Direct Loan Program for Tourism Businesses
       Improvements to the West Virginia Tourism Development Act
       Establishment of a Product Enhancement Grants Program

Inventory of Existing Programs
Recommendation: Task one of the state’s universities or
colleges which has an active tourism program, with creat-
ing an inventory of available funding programs
Timing: Short term
Cost: $15,000 - $20,000

During the industry input phase of this study, a common theme, particularly
among smaller independent tourism businesses and non-profit organizations
was a lack of knowledge regarding the availability of programs that might be
resources for funding, marketing and business operations, and for training,
or lack of knowledge about how to access these programs. A first step in ad-
dressing this situation would be creating a database of available programs to
include information on nature of services or funding available, eligibility, and
contact information for program sponsors. This type of work would be ideal
for interns to handle, both in creating the database and conducting periodic
updates. The logical organization to take responsibility for this initiative
would be one of the state’s universities or colleges which has an active tour-
ism program.

Direct Loan Program
Recommendation: Amend West Virginia Economic De-
velopment Authority’s Direct Loan Program to explicitly
acknowledge tourism as an industry eligible for funding;
Amend loan program requirements to ensure access by
tourism businesses
Timing: Short term
Cost: Staff costs

At present, there is no direct loan program in West Virginia that is available
for large tourism projects (over $100,000/$200,000 +/-). This situation is a
function of the wording in the existing economic development loan program
as well as policy considerations. The absence of capital availability can hin-
der the development or expansion of the state’s tourism product.

For smaller loans, there are multiple programs providing loans to tourism
businesses, including Revolving Loan Funds administered by several of the
state’s regional economic development authorities. There are also several
Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI’s) that are active in
West Virginia and whose missions explicitly recognize tourism or tourism
related businesses. Two such groups are the Natural Capital Investment
Fund and The Progress Fund. They provide loans and equity investments in
amounts up to $250,000, depending on the specific program/business. They
also offer technical assistance to borrowers and prospective borrowers.
The needs of tourism business requiring smaller amounts of capital are well

                                                                  Page 19
West Virginia Tourism Plan

The West Virginia Economic Development Authority has a highly successful
direct loan program with the stated objective of “promotion and retention of
new and existing commercial and industrial development.” Current interpre-
tation of the policy apparently excludes tourism projects based on standards
for salaries and benefits. Further, eligibility of tourism businesses is not ex-
plicitly recognized in the enabling legislation which identifies only commercial
and industrial sectors.

The West Virginia Economic Development Authority’s Direct Loan Program
is well-suited to serve the needs of the tourism industry. It provides for direct
loans of up to $10 million, and the structure of loans under the program – 10
percent equity, 45 percent participating banks and 45 percent WVEDA loan
– make the lending package very attractive to lenders. The $52 million in di-
rect loans initiated in FY 2010 – 2011 speaks to the success of the program.

In Vermont, which has a mature tourism industry, tourism businesses are not
explicitly identified as eligible businesses for the state’s direct, economic de-
velopment loan program. Tourism is, however, recognized implicitly through
the state’s Sustainable Jobs Strategy which acknowledges tourism’s abil-
ity to “import capital” from outside the state. In Arkansas, which has a less
well-developed tourism industry, there is dedicated direct loan program for
tourism businesses.

Access to the existing program will provide the West Virginia tourism indus-
try with a needed source of funding. The effectiveness the program should
be enhanced through a campaign to educate bankers and appraisers re-
garding the unique characteristics of tourism businesses which is part of the
direct loan program in Vermont.

West Virginia Tourism Development Act
Recommendation: Amend West Virginia Tourism Develop-
ment Act to remove cap on dollar volume of authorized
Timing: Short term
Cost: Staff costs; application review funded by applicant

The West Virginia Development Office administers the West Virginia Tourism
Development Act (WVTDA) funding program. The program provides for the
capture of new sales tax revenue (up to 25 percent of qualified project costs
over 10 years) from new or expanding business that are approved for the
program. Project qualifications include: minimum investment of $1.0 million;
25 percent of visitors from outside West Virginia; operating season of at least
100 days, and a qualitative requirement for a positive employment impact.
The application process requires a rigorous review of project eligibility and
sustainability. The total volume of taxes that can be recaptured by participat-
ing projects has been set at $1.5 million, which translates roughly to $60 mil-
lion in project value. WVTDA funding has been used successful in expand-
ing a number important tourism projects in the state, including Oglebay Park,
Winterplace Ski Resort, West Virginia Adventure Resort and the American
Mountain Theater.

Three issues have been identified for WVTDA program as currently config-
ured. First, the $1.0 million dollar investment threshold precludes participa-
tion by many, small tourism businesses. Second, the total funding cap has
the very real potential of creating a situation where a large (and attractive)
project might not be funded because it would put total funding over the limit.
Similarily, a large number of smaller projects could also exceed the funding

                                                                    Page 20
West Virginia Tourism Plan

cap. Finally, the requirement for project review by an outside consultant is
considered by some to be too expensive and time consuming.

Based on review of similar programs in Kentucky and Arkansas, and discus-
sions with West Virginia Development Office, it is recommended that the
cap be eliminated altogether. Given the structure of the program, with sales
taxes returned to the developer/applicant only after a project is operational,
there is no direct financial exposure for the state. Retention of outside
consultant review requirements provides a high level of confidence that
approved projects will be successful and provide a net fiscal impact on the
state that is positive. In the context of the financial resources that should be
behind projects of $1.0 million or more, and the potential return to success-
ful projects, the expense of the review should be considered a reasonable,
front-end investment.

Product Development Grants
Recommendation: Establish Product Development Grant
Timing: Mid to long term
Cost: $240,000

Specific capital funding recommendations presented above were focused
on large, private sector projects. It was also noted in the earlier discussion
that loan programs exist for businesses with smaller lending needs. What
is not available is funding for worthwhile projects where borrowing is not an
option because the project and/or borrower cannot support debt payments.
In particular, the need identified during the industry input phase was for small
amounts of funding for projects undertaken by the public sector and not for
profit groups.

The solution to this need is a product development grant program. It is
proposed that the program would provide grants up to $25,000 on a match-
ing basis to qualified public, private and not for product development or
enhancement projects. These projects could be bricks and mortar, or they
could involve a craft product for sale The important criteria for consideration
would be contribution to an area’s product inventory, potential to attract visi-
tors, and sustainability.

The program would be administered by the Division of Tourism, with sup-
port from an industry advisory group that would assist in evaluating and
ranking proposals. A key factor in the timing of the recommendation (mid
to long term) is the timing for developing the capacity to provide technical
assistance to grant recipients, a role that is envisioned for the West Virginia
Tourism Center as proposed in a subsequent recommendation.

There are many examples of grant programs administered by state and
national tourism offices. Some are very specific as to eligible uses, such
as the Wisconsin Meetings Business Grant Program which is intended to
help communities compete for meeting and conventions. Tennessee has
Cultural Tourism Grant Program which promotes partnerships and product
development. In Georgia, the Tourism Product Development Grant Program
is similar to the one recommended for West Virginia, by combining funding
with technical assistance. The common characteristics the above grant pro-
grams are the required match and relatively small amounts available under
each grant.

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West Virginia Tourism Plan

Technical Assistance

In the context of this study, Technical Assistance includes a range of sup-
port activities provided by an outside entity, with the general objectives of
developing the tourism sector within a community, and/or improving the
performance of individual attractions, tourism businesses or tourism orga-
nizations. Technical assistance could include providing assessments of
tourism potential, creation of plans for tourism development, and/or help
with specific business functions – product improvement, marketing, business
planning, etc. Technical assistance is usually provided for a finite period and
in response to a specific need.

Recommendation: Task one of the state’s universities or
colleges which has an active tourism program, with cre-
ating an inventory of available technical assistance pro-
Timing: Short term
Cost: $15,000 - $20,000

Again, lack of knowledge regarding the availability of technical assistance
programs or lack of knowledge about how to access these programs was
identified as an industry need. The recommended action to help address
this situation would be creating a database of available programs to include
information on nature of services, eligibility, and contact information for pro-
gram sponsors. This type of work would be ideal for interns to handle, both
in creating the database and conducting periodic updates.

Recommendation: Create West Virginia Tourism Center,
bringing together the resources of WVU Hospitality and
Tourism and WVU Extension, in coordination with other
colleges and universities, as appropriate.
Timing: Mid to long term
Cost: $250,000 - $350,000

The state has a number of existing programs that serve or could serve the
tourism industry although there is no single entity whose responsibility it is to
administer/coordinate them. The programs themselves are often limited in
effectiveness by lack of funding and/or lack of specific knowledge about the
tourism industry. Programs that are administered by the state’s educational
institutions appear to be geared toward delivering educational courses rather
than more focused, hands-on community development level assistance.

        WVU is offering a new tourism and hospitality program with ac-
credited courses at the Morgantown campus. It has a focus on hotel and
restaurant management. WVU also has a fledging Executive Education
program. It has been limited by funding, and the perception that it is geared
toward upper level managements, not entry level management. It may be
        WVU Extension has limited involvement in the tourism industry. A
small number of extension agents are actively offering training and product
development assistance, but these services seem to be more a reflection of
personal interests than market opportunities in their respective areas. WVU
Extension’s capacity in the tourism area will be enhanced with the hiring of

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