West Fife - Ochil View Housing Association

Page created by Grace Burton
West Fife - Ochil View Housing Association
West Fife
                                                                                West Fife
 Investment Update                                                              Tenancy
 During the coming months we plan to invest to improve
 the quality and safety of our homes. This includes:                            Sustainment Team –
 External decoration in Dunimarle Street and South Avenue which is
                                                                                WINTER NEWS
 Smoke, heat & CO detector                                                      So far in 2021/22 we have helped a
 upgrades to properties throughout our                                          total of 683 tenants with a variety
 stock to meet new regulations are in                                           of different enquiries, ranging from
 progress and should be complete by                                             benefit advice to help with energy
 February 2022.                                                                 costs. Our tenants are better off by
 5 yearly electrical inspections to                                             £770,316. This includes Housing
 properties throughout our stock to                                             Benefit of £115,763 and Universal
 meet new regulations and will be                                               Credit of £401,397.
 complete by March 2022.
 Replacement windows in Carlyle                                                 In your area this included helping
 Street has been awarded to our                                                 85 tenants, leading to overall
 new contractor, Timetra. Works will                                            Additional Income of £133,159,
 commence in February 2022.                                                     including £18,352 Housing Benefit
 Replacement aerial / Sky                                                       and £76,832 Universal Credit. This
 TV systems to communal                                                         is an average gain of £1,567 for
 blocks throughout and will
 commence in the coming                                                         each tenant we helped.
                                                                                        If you would like information
                                                                                        on Benefits, then please
                                                                                        contact the Tenancy
                      Ochil View Housing Association are partners of the Fife           Sustainment Team.
                      Housing Register and the new online mutual exchange
                      service called HomeSwap.
                      Homeswap allows you to register your own property
                      advert and search online for other
                      tenants who are looking to exchange.
You can create an account, upload photos and search for
matches of available properties by logging onto
If you wish to discuss in more detail or have any questions, do not
hesitate to contact your Housing Services Officer.                              Robert Cowan, Tenancy   Margaret Hall, Tenancy
                                                                                Sustainment Assistant   Sustainment Officer

Looking after your neighbourhood
Every 3 months we inspect your neighbourhood for repairs,                        STAY INFORMED
general cleanliness, vandalism and any other issues.
Following restrictions during 2020-21, estate inspections                         Follow us on Facebook to
resumed in April this year and have continued over the last            70
                                                                   inspec         get more local news and info
6 months. During July, August and September we completed           Comp tions
70 inspections (100%).
                                                                                     01259 722899
Throughout the majority of areas we visited, the main issues found
were dumped items, landscaping issues and a small number of repairs.                 customerservices@ochilviewha.co.uk
We are working to have these addressed as quickly as possible.

 Do you have any concerns with your neighbourhood or would                           ochilviewha
 you like to join us to inspect your neighbourhood? It is an                         twitter.com/ViewOchil
 opportunity for you to tell us about anything that’s not right.
 If you are interested contact Vicki Brown.

West Fife - Ochil View Housing Association
Grit Bins
                     IDVerde have
                  winter service and
                                         Cozy this
                 all salt bins have
               been replenished with     Winter
            premium grade white salt.
        The bins at Mill Road, Alloa                       The t
                                                   news!            n
are filled with a salt alternative to       Good me Discou ,
avoid the metal walkways corroding.          m   H o        e  n  e d
                                         War             op
                                                  e has            efit
Please do not use salt on the             schemu could ben ount
                                               yo            i s c
walkways at Mill Road. If you find        and one-of f d gy
salt bin to be empty let us know and     from am your ene 0.              If you have qualified in the past, now is
we will arrange for it to be refilled.       fro        o f £ 1  4        the time to re-apply as not all energy
                                              suppli                      suppliers automatically renew their
Questions or comments:
Contact Vicki Brown, Assistant                                            customers’ special discounts each year.
Property Services Officer                We work with Home Energy Scotland who can check if you are eligible.
                                         A friendly advisor will help you see if there is any other support you
    Advice from                          can get. If you’re not sure, just call Home Energy Scotland.

    the RAC on how                       If your circumstances have changed, and the team find you no longer
                                         qualify for discount, there may be other ways we can help you make
    to prepare for                       your home easier to heat which will reduce your bills.

    driving on ice                       Or have a look online here:
    Firstly, think about whether your
    journey is really necessary.         Keep cosy for less this winter – top tips
    Tyre grip is hugely reduced on       With winter just around the corner, here are a few top tips from Home
    icy roads, and braking distances     Energy Scotland to help keep you cosy for less.
    are much longer.                          Set your heating controls to manage the temperature of your home.
                                          1   Remember to use the weekday and weekend settings.
    Even if you avoid an accident,
    your car may get stuck –                By regularly bleeding your radiators you will avoid cold spots and get
    potentially leading to a long walk    2 the most out of your heating system.
    home. Traffic congestion is likely
    to be worse, too. If you don’t get      Keep your radiators clear and avoid putting furniture against them.
                                          3 Drying your washing on the radiator can make your house colder and
    stuck, the driver in front of you
    probably will…                          can also encourage condensation and mould growth.
                                            Your room thermostat should be set to the lowest comfortable
    Before you leave home, make           4 temperature (typically between 18°C and 21°C) Turning down the room
    sure you pack a charged mobile          thermostat by one degree can save up to £80 a year.
    phone (and a charger cable),
    a bottle of water, a few snacks         A quick shower uses less water and energy than taking a bath. For
                                          5 every minute you shave off your daily shower, you’ll save £7 a year on
    and a warm blanket. If snowfall
    looks likely, a set of snow socks       your energy bills.
    – high-grip fabric covers fitted        Use heavier curtains during the winter months and make sure you close
    over the car’s driven wheels – is     6 them when it gets dark to keep the heat in and the cold out.
    worth having, too.
    If you’re driving to meet
    someone, let them know your
    route and when you expect                         Heating and preventing frozen pipes
    to arrive. Make sure the car’s                    Ensuring your heating is working at all times is really
    windows and mirrors are                           important especially over the winter months.
    completely clear before you set      It is important to keep your house warm and protect from frozen pipes.
    off. And in cars with selectable     To assist with this in very cold weather keep heating on overnight at low
    drive modes, select the best         temperature, report leaks to taps or valves immediately and you can ask
    option for cold conditions.          us where your mains stop valve is located.
                                          To make sure it is working effectively, please report any repairs as soon
                                             as possible to City Technical staff directly on 0333 202 0708 and allow
                                              access for your boiler service. We as your landlord have a
                                               legal obligation to service your boiler every 12 months. If
                                                 you have any pressure loss issues, please do not top
                                                  your boiler up and report this as there may be a leak
                                                   within the boiler itself or on the heating pipework.

                                                      If you would like a referral to Home Energy
                                                      Scotland for Energy Advice, please contact
                                                      Margaret Hall, Tenancy Sustainment Officer

West Fife - Ochil View Housing Association
FIRE SAFETY                                                                    Electrical Safety
             Have your smoke detectors been upgraded? If you think
             your property is yet to be upgraded, get in touch with us now.                Checks
             With the deadline approaching in the next few months, the
             Association will be continuing to contact tenants who have not made           Our contractor, Magnus
             an appointment with us. It is really important that we keep your family,      Electrical are currently making
the property and the surrounding neighbours safe and it is a legal requirement             appointments to carry out
for us to be 100% compliant by February 2022. All residential properties must              electrical safety checks in our
be fitted with one smoke alarm in the living room, one smoke alarm in every                                    properties.
circulation space such as hallways or landings, one heat detector in the                                        Is it a legal
kitchen and a carbon monoxide detector. These appliances must be linked                                         requirement for
so that if one is activated, they will all sound together so that wherever you                                   the Association
are in your home, you will hear it.                                                                              to be fully
                                                                                                                  compliant by
The presence of working smoke and heat detectors has been proven to                                               March 2022
significantly reduce fire casualties and fatalities. If you have not had an                                       in ensuring
appointment to have these fitted, you can call Leona Hens and she will book                                        all properties
you in for the upgrade. Final attempts to contact tenants will be made in the                                      have a
next few weeks but failure to allow access will result in a situation where we                                     current
force access to the property.                                                                          Electrical Installation
                                                                                           Condition Report (EICR). Similar
                                                                                           to your annual gas service,
Scottish Fire & Rescue Service provide a wealth of                                         legislation in Scotland has made
                                                                                           this important check a legal
safety information and advice on their website at www.firescotland.go.uk.
                                                                                           requirement and action will be
This includes important guidance on being safe during this festive period,
                                                                                           taken to gain entry to properties
particularly when it comes to things like cooking, lights, and decorations.
                                                                                           where access is not given.
As part of their commitment to building a safer Scotland, they offer                       An electrical safety check
everyone a free home-safety fire visit. They help you sort out a fire escape               identifies any damage,
plan and provide information about smoke, heat, and carbon monoxide alarms.                deterioration or defects which can
To book a visit, simply call 0800 0731 999 or text “FIRE” to 80800 from                    cause danger and by allowing
your mobile. Alternatively, you can visit https://www.firescotland.gov.                    into your home to do this work, it
uk/your-safety/at-home/home-fire-safety-visit/                                             keeps you and your family safe.
                                                                                           If you would like to check
                                                                                           when your electrical check is
 Fire Safety - COMMUNAL AREAS                                                              due, please call Leona Hens,
                                                                                           who will be happy to help.
 The Association has an obligation to ensure your building and
 the communal areas within it meet fire safety regulations. This
 includes ensuring that in the event of an emergency, everyone
 can escape quickly and safely from the building.
 We have recently completed fire             Mobility scooters, buggies or bikes
 risk assessments of all of our              can cause obstructions to escape
 common closes and this identified           routes if anyone in your building
 several areas for action including:         needed to get out in a fire. Even small
 • Installing additional signage;            items such as door mats, bin bags,
                                             shoes or plants form an obstruction
                                                                                         Are your contents
 • Carrying out additional repairs to
   doors/access routes;
                                             if it is dark and smoky as people
                                             may stay close to walls to help guide
 • Sealing potential routes for smoke/       them if they cannot see through thick       Remember as your landlord
   flames;                                   smoke.                                      we only provide buildings
                                                                                         insurance. This means that we do
 • Carrying out additional checks on         To ensure we keep you safe, we will         not provide cover for items such as
   common electrical systems;                be taking a tougher approach towards        your furniture, electrical goods, floor
 • Ensuring cupboards and common             all items stored in communal areas          coverings including laminate or carpet
   areas are free from stored items          such as stairways, lifts, landings. If we   or any other personal belongings that
   which have the potential to catch         find personal items, we will ask you to     become damaged.
   fire or block escape routes.              remove them and if you fail to do so,
                                             we may remove the items ourselves           The Thistle Tenant Risks Home
 We are working to resolve all these         and dispose of them.                        Contents Insurance Scheme is a
 areas but also require assistance                                                       specialist insurance scheme for social
 from tenants, especially where items        Remember:                                   housing tenants living in Scotland.
 have been stored.                           • Keep all communal areas clear of          They offer flexible payment options
                                               obstructions.                             such as a fortnightly or monthly
                                             • Do not wedge fire doors open.             basis. This can be paid by cash, at
                                                                                         any post office or pay zone outlet,
                                             • Place all rubbish in bins (where
                                                                                         monthly by direct debit, annually by
                                                                                         cheque, postal order, debit or credit
                                             • Report damage to lights or fire           card. Please note that fortnightly
                                               alarms promptly.                          and monthly premiums include a
                                             • Do not tamper with any electrical,        transaction charge and details are
                                               fire or smoke detection systems.          available in the application pack
                                             If you have any questions                   For more information visit https://
                                             on this, please contact your                www.thistletenants-scotland.co.uk/
                                             Housing Officer.                            or they can be contacted by
                                                                                         telephone on 0345 450 7286

West Fife - Ochil View Housing Association
                                    Calling ahead for                      Ochil View staff
                 Communities        your upcoming                          out and about
Partnership Working                 As part of our monthly
                                    tenant satisfaction
In The Community                    monitoring, we ask for
We were delighted to announce       YOUR FEEDBACK on
in our Summer Newsletter that       our contractors Logie
we would be participating in        Building Services and City Technical
regular meetings with other         Services calling you ahead of your
housing providers and local         repair appointment.
Police Officers from the West       This is an area we are looking to
Fife area. I am pleased to update   improve with both contractors over
you that we have now attended       the coming months, therefore if
two meetings with partners, and     any of your contact information has
these have proven to be very        changed, please advise us as soon
useful.                             as possible. Our office telephones
It is hoped that these meetings     are now back on and you can reach      Adele Rae, Assistant        Hazel McLean, Assistant
will enable Ochil View to be        us on 01259 722899                     Housing Services Officer    Housing Services Officer
aware of any issues ongoing         Please be aware that operatives
within the villages and be part     may call you direct from their
of any joint action required.       work mobile telephone therefore
We are hoping this will provide     please make efforts to answer
a consistent approach for all       as it may be to do with your
tenants no matter who their         upcoming repair!
landlord is.
We will also continue to work
with the Safer Communities           South Avenue                          Vicki Brown, Assistant      David Bishop, Housing
Team who work to deliver
community safety across Fife.
                                     Drainage Works                        Property Services Officer   Services Assistant

They cover a range of issues         Following a competitive tender
including crime, anti-social         exercise we are pleased to
behaviour, public perception of      report that the drainage works
crime and safety in our homes        at South Avenue have now been
and on our roads.                    completed by ID Verde.
They have dedicated officers         ID Verde were on site for
who work with colleagues             approximately 4 weeks carrying
across the council and partner       out the installation of a new
organisations to improve the         French drain and tanking around       Marian Kelley, Housing      Grahame Phillips,
                                                                           Services Officer            Property Services Officer
local environment, make people       the perimeter of the                                              (Inspections)
feel safer and reduce crime, its     building.
causes and the fear of crime.                                              BULK
The Safer Communities Team
has responsibility for the
enforcement and issuing of fixed                                           Ochil View Housing
penalty notices including dog                                              Association subsidise
fouling fixed penalty notices,                                             the cost of bulk uplifts
dog control notices, fly tipping                                           for our Fife tenants, a
fixed penalty notices and formal                                           service that is provided
warnings of noise to name a few.                                           by Fife Council. As of 1st April 2021
                                                                           our subsidy is changing to £20 for
If you would like to find                                                  an uplift.
out more about the team                                                    This change does not affect the
or to report an issue you                                                  process and if you have any items
may be having please see                                                   you would like them to collect, you
www.fife.gov.uk/kb/docs/                                                   can request this online at https://
articles/community-life2/                                                  www.fife.gov.uk/kb/docs/articles/
safer-communities                                                          bins-and-recycling/bulky-uplift-
                                                                                          service or by calling
                                                                                          03451 55 00 22.
                                                                                          Once they have
                                                                                          processed your
                                                                                          payment, please
                                                                                          send us a copy of
                                                                           your receipt and we would be
                                                                           happy to reimburse you to the
                                                                           value of £20!
West Fife - Ochil View Housing Association West Fife - Ochil View Housing Association West Fife - Ochil View Housing Association West Fife - Ochil View Housing Association West Fife - Ochil View Housing Association West Fife - Ochil View Housing Association
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