WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - ThinkRF Continues to Go Global Fast Martello Prepares for 5G "The Celtic Collection" Reflects a Growing UK ...

Page created by Anthony Baldwin
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - ThinkRF Continues to Go Global Fast Martello Prepares for 5G "The Celtic Collection" Reflects a Growing UK ...
APRIL 2020

                           WESLEY CLOVER
                           QUARTERLY UPDATE

ThinkRF Continues
to Go Global Fast
Prepares for 5G
“The Celtic Collection”
Reflects a Growing
UK Hospitality Portfolio
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - ThinkRF Continues to Go Global Fast Martello Prepares for 5G "The Celtic Collection" Reflects a Growing UK ...
Table of
    Contents                              A Message
                                          from the Chairman
                                          Welcome to the next issue of Q. The winter
2      Message from the Chairman          months are fading fast, and we now find
3      ThinkRF                            ourselves confronted with unprecedented
                                          health and economic concerns around the               In terms of the real estate businesses, the
4      Echosec                            globe. The media is full of stories and sound         continued growth in the UK portfolio has
                                          bites and breaking news for all of us to worry        brought on the need to evolve the brand
4      Martello                           over. I am not going to use this Update to            — to extend it to encompass hospitality
                                          add to that onslaught. We are certainly not           properties and facilities that continue to
5      Talkative
                                          deaf to these realities, but instead, as usual,       be added to the family. The new ‘Celtic
6      L-Spark                            I will shine some light on the progress the           Collection’ has been launched to include
                                          portfolio companies have made over the                the Celtic Manor Resort as the original
6      HyAlto                             most recent Quarter.                                  cornerstone, as well as the impressive new
                                                                                                International Convention Centre Wales, a
7      Alacrity Global
                                          How these companies fare over the coming              new family of Ty Hotels, the Lodges and Inns
8      Hyas                               months will be fodder for a future issue. For         and new properties going forward that will
                                          now, let me suggest that all have worked              become part of the leading family of resort,
9      Solace                             very hard through the previous Quarter, as            golf, hotel and meeting facilities in the UK.
                                          you would expect. And they were rewarded
10     CounterPath
                                          for these efforts on many fronts. Echosec,            These are just several of the recent portfolio
11     InitLive                           for example, has evolved a portion of their           highlights, and there are many more on the
                                          software into a very impressive new tool              following pages. As noted, upcoming plans
11     Diskyver                           that is allowing clients to scan social media,        and expectations are definitely subject
                                          the internet, even the ‘dark web’ to detect           to change in this current global climate.
12     The Celtic Collection
                                          threats to their brand, their assets, even their      However everyone is doubling down on
14     Alacrity Global                    employees, sooner and more easily than                their efforts to ensure the companies emerge
                                          ever. This powerful new tool is meeting with          from these unparalleled times as strong as
15     Wesley Clover Parks                significant demand from existing markets,             or stronger than when they entered them.
                                          and setting in motion the processes for               Positioned for added growth and success.
16     Company Index
                                          additional corporate funding and growth.              It will not be easy, and nothing is certain.
                                                                                                My belief, though, has always been that to
                                          In the UK, Talkative completed integration            succeed, you work it and drive it hard with
                                          work to gain access to the global Salesforce          the best teams, in good times and definitely
                                          ecosystem of partners and potential clients.          in bad. That is the culture at Wesley Clover
                                          Their software is now available on the                and throughout the portfolio. For now, enjoy
                                          Salesforce online marketplace, exposing it            some good news from recent weeks …
Q is a quarterly publication of Wesley    to more than 160,000 new sets of eyes. It is
Clover, highlighting some of the latest
accomplishments from the wide range       still early days, however the prospects for           Kind Regards,
of businesses in our portfolio. Visit     long-term growth are outstanding, as you              Terry Matthews, Chairman
wesleyclover.com for more information.    will read.

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WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - ThinkRF Continues to Go Global Fast Martello Prepares for 5G "The Celtic Collection" Reflects a Growing UK ...
THINKRF – Next-Generation Wireless Signal Analysis Platforms

Increased Security From ThinkRF
Keeps Winning Global Clients
Ottawa-based ThinkRF is a leader in soft-         capture potentially sensitive
ware-defined spectrum analysis solutions for      information for malicious actors
monitoring, detecting and analyzing com-          for months or even years. Spy
plex waveforms (radio signals) in the rapidly     games and corporate espionage
evolving wireless landscape. The products         at their finest.
provide more flexibility, greater coverage,
increased functionality and better ROI than       With increased availability of such
competing options, making them ideal for          devices, the communities of suspicious
regulatory monitoring, telecom deployment         agents, as well as their pools of potential        Beyond security, customer orders are also
optimization and Radio Frequency (RF)             targets, have continued to grow. In a steady       materializing in the emerging industry
application development. Another benefit          response to these developments, this Quarter       around 5G developments, as well as for the
— these products are exceptional at detect-       saw the release of the ThinkRF Surveillance        first products in a new line of high-power
ing unwanted listening devices.                   System — an integrated new system that             amplifiers targeted at the intelligence com-
                                                  combines ThinkRF spectrum analysis plat-           munity, which are set to be launched later
To that latter point, technology advances         forms with leading technical surveillance          in the year. These solutions are broadening
today have led to broad availability of           countermeasure (TSCM) software to provide          the market of end-users for the company
powerful, low-cost, easily-deployed audio         24/7 alerting on the detection of unwanted         and helping it move up the value chain. In
and video surveillance devices — for legit-       signals. Clients can then monitor the trans-       turn, these strong growth indicators resulted
imate as well as illegitimate use. As this        mission, locate its source, analyze the signal     in an injection of additional company fund-
new decade unfolds, there is increasing           pattern to determine any risk or threat, and       ing toward the end of 2019, and another
risk that these devices could find their way      remove the offending device as appropriate.        round of equity investment is already being
into government offices, secure facilities,                                                          planned before the end of 2020.
embassies, boardrooms, hotel rooms, private       The new ThinkRF Surveillance system has
homes and other unsuspecting and sensitive        already generated interest internationally.        It is clear that ThinkRF is maturing into a
environments.                                     This Quarter saw the company win a signif-         significant international supplier of signal
                                                  icant tender with the Egyptian Government          analysis solutions, and we couldn’t be more
It is yet another reality of the world we live    to supply product in support of their lat-         pleased. We will continue to share updates in
in — advanced technologies being lev-             est security initiatives. Dr. Tarek Helaly, VP     future issues of Q. thinkrf.com 
eraged in unethical and criminal ways to          Engineering, spearheaded the ThinkRF team
violate our corporate and even personal           and earned the respect and confidence of
privacy and security. Cleverly disguised as       the decision makers by proving the function-
everyday objects in plain sight, or hidden        ality and ease-of-use of the new system in
in walls and room fixtures, illegal listening     their specific use case, and also in the face of
devices represent a serious threat to intel-      considerable industry competition.
lectual property, law enforcement activities,
government operations, even national secu-        This important customer win will help
rity. Traditionally, surveillance professionals   open more opportunities for new ThinkRF
detected, located and removed offending           product, in this and other international
devices by conducting sweeps to discover          regions. The cumulative effect of this and
any signals being output from these devices.      other company developments enabled                  Members of the Egyptian military pose with
Over time, however, the devices have              ThinkRF to deliver Quarterly revenues              ThinkRF executives as they sign a new contract
become more sophisticated, using sporadic,        more than 100% higher than the previous
low power, short duration transmissions           period, which in turn was 70% higher than
and frequency hopping to make detection           the one before. 2020 revenue targets have
of their signal pattern far more difficult.       been set four times higher than those of
And left undetected, such illegal bugs can        2019, based on a strong customer funnel.

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WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - ThinkRF Continues to Go Global Fast Martello Prepares for 5G "The Celtic Collection" Reflects a Growing UK ...
ECHOSEC – Digital Risk Detection and Protection SaaS

Echosec Systems is now a leader in digital threat intelligence
software, and provides some of the most influential organizations
in the world with tools and services that make hidden online data
more accessible and actionable. The company, which was built on a
social media monitoring tool, has evolved its offerings to provide risk
and threat analysis solutions for retail, financial, law enforcement and
corporate security applications.

These solutions now include a suite of tools for deep and dark web
monitoring, an API for tighter integration into existing customer
infrastructure, and in-house intelligence services to assist not only
in the successful deployment of the software within these customer
environments, but also in supporting existing security resources as                          use the proceeds of the fund-raising round to execute in parallel
they strengthen their company defenses.                                                      on more items on our product, marketing and sales roadmaps,
                                                                                             continuing our journey to become the strongest global provider
Five years of continued growth in terms of product feature set and                           of digital threat intelligence software and services.”
customer success now have the company positioned to attract exter-
nal investment, which will be used to continue global expansion,                             The new funding program is underway now, and we will provide
among other priorities. Echosec CEO Karl Swannie is looking forward                          an update on the progress and results in future issues of Q.
to driving this exciting next chapter for the company. “We plan to                           echosec.net 

MARTELLO –Performance Monitoring/Management SaaS for Unified Communications Networks

MARTELLO HELPS ENSURE USER SATISFACTION FROM                                                                            than 75 million potential buyers. This move
                                                                                                                        also sets the stage for Martello to participate
NETWORK SERVICES, TODAY AND TOMORROW                                                                                    in a large way in the global Microsoft Ignite
                                                                                                                        event, currently scheduled to take place in
User experience can make or break the                                capabilities are enabling the company to           the fall of this year.
return on investment for services like Unified                       expand its international channel network
Communications, video conferencing, enter-                           and strengthen existing partnerships. Over
prise office suites and other software tools.                        the last Quarter, Martello added Australian
Unfortunately, as these services increasingly                        cybersecurity and network performance
become cloud-based, it is more difficult to                          solutions reseller SecureServ to its Partner
control their performance and ensure a con-                          Alliance. They also announced a new part-
sistent user experience. Consider Microsoft                          nership with WatchGuard® Technologies, a
Office 365. With more than 200 million users,                        global leader in advanced network security
Gartner has reported that 42% of problems                            solutions, which has resulted in Martello
reported with the software suite can be                              SD-WAN software being combined with
attributed to underlying network perfor-                             security products from WatchGuard in bun-          Preparing for 5G
mance issues1.                                                       dled offerings.                                    It is no secret that momentum around the
                                                                                                                        roll-out/availability of 5G wireless services
This is an excellent example of the infra-                           Martello also joined the Microsoft Co-Sell         is building worldwide. It will be a transfor-
structure problems Martello (TSXV:MTLO)                              Program recently, creating opportunities           mational technology in many ways. And as
monitoring and analysis tools are designed                           for the Martello iQ product set to be sold by      such, Martello is among the first SD-WAN
to detect and help address. The software                             Microsoft resources to their network of more       vendors to pursue 5G certification for its own
[1] Gartner: Network Design Best Practices for Office 365 (22 March 2018)

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technology, using the ENCQOR 5G testbed            autonomous vehicles as a use case for real-     to managed service providers who need
in Canada. Recognizing the 5G rollout will         time and mobile IoT applications to come.       complete, real-time visibility across their
be gradual, with initial coverage limitations,                                                     infrastructure to ensure they are delivering
Martello is providing a solution that can          The Martello value proposition is about help-   on the service level commitments they
leverage 5G at its earliest stages, with min-      ing businesses provide digital user experi-     have set for their customers. Martello helps
imal risk, and also one that will evolve with      ences that are free from access and service     ensure businesses get the most from all
customer needs. This was demonstrated in           inconsistencies and disruptions. From thou-     their cloud-hosted services and applications.
tests with partner BlackBerry QNX last year,       sands of hotel clients that need to ensure      martellotech.com 
where Martello technology successfully             their guests receive reliable high speed
maintained 5G network connectivity for             internet access for work and entertainment,

TALKATIVE – Software to Enable Voice-Centric Contact Centers with Fully Digital Services

A graduate of the Alacrity program in
Newport, UK, Talkative provides commu-
nications software for web chat, web call-
ing, co-browsing, email and video calling
services in contact centers of all types.
The company this Quarter was pleased to
announce the successful completion of work
to join the Salesforce ecosystem as an official
ISV Partner. Talkative software now integrates
smoothly into Salesforce Service Cloud, and
has been made available on the Salesforce
AppExchange to more than 160,000 poten-
tial customers.                                    teams today are embracing online chat           from a simple chat to a live voice call at the
                                                   systems for engagement with customers           click of a button, enabling agents to provide
This project was another step by the com-          through websites or applications, but they      smoother, more complete assistance as
pany as it responds to increasing demand           are using separate systems for handling         needed.
for website-centric contact center systems. It     voice interaction. This disconnect creates
is no surprise to anyone that evermore cus-        fragmented customer journeys, inefficient       These capabilities are being leveraged by
tomer/supplier engagement is beginning             contact center operations and negative          a growing number of Talkative clients, and
online, and to make that engagement as             sales or support results. Talkative helps       feedback suggests end-customer satisfac-
pleasing and effective as possible, commu-         clients remove these risks by embedding         tion ratings of 90% and higher. Web-chat
nication should be contextual for both par-        options into their online services that         abandon rates have been reduced by 70%
ties — shared views of web pages, product          allow customers to choose for themselves        by some clients, and overall contact centre
details, payment and shipping steps, etc..         whether they want voice, text chat or           efficiency (speed and quality of service deliv-
The new Talkative/Salesforce integration           email engagement.”                              ery) has been boosted noticeably. A number
is designed to close the gaps in real time                                                         of high-profile accounts are currently testing
between customers browsing websites and            The Salesforce integration embeds all com-      the new software as well. We expect to share
agents supporting them in contact centers.         munications into a holistic Salesforce view,    more of those details in an upcoming issue
                                                   with access to customer purchase prefer-        of Q. gettalkative.com 
Talkative co-founder and managing director,        ences, service history, contact details and
Felix Winstone, explains: “Digital marketing       more. Interactions can be switched easily

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L-SPARK – Enterprise SaaS and Corporate Accelerator

                                                  partners will continue playing a major part         and the two will work through the creation
WESLEY CLOVER L-SPARK                             in that innovation, and plans for the next          and refinement of the strategic and tactical
ACCELERATORS MOVING                               Secure IoT Accelerator will be announced            plans for the business. Participants will also
                                                  soon.                                               take part in networking opportunities and
FORWARD IN 2020                                                                                       workshops on topics such as digital market-
At the end of the last Quarter, L-SPARK           This Quarter, the L-SPARK team and part-            ing, sales strategies, product development
completed its first Secure IoT Accelerator, a     ner Queen’s University opened applica-              planning and execution, and more.
four-month program operated together with         tions for their new Accelerator focused on
partners TELUS, BlackBerry and Solace. To         supporting women entrepreneurs in the               Applications for the first Compass North
celebrate the milestone, an invitation-only       Kingston, Bellville and Brockville, Ontario         Accelerator are being accepted now, and the
event was held with the four growth-stage         areas. Compass North, as the new initiative         Wesley Clover L-SPARK team looks forward
companies selected for the initial program.       is called, is a five-month program designed         to working with the selected entrepreneurs
Attendees had the opportunity to learn            to help female leaders scale their technology       beginning soon. Updates on all these activ-
more about the importance of secure IoT, the      companies with the support of hands-on              ities can be found on the L-SPARK website
unique capabilities the first cohort founders     guidance from expert advisors. Each partici-        and will be shared in Q over the coming
have created, how these technologies will         pant will be paired with an individual mentor,      months. l-spark.com 
set the tone for future regulations and stan-
dards, and more. Response was strong, as

This Accelerator was created to help scale
Canadian Internet of Things (IoT) ventures
for global markets. With those markets pre-                                                                            Members of Queen’s
dicted to swell to USD $1.1 trillion by 2021,                                                                          University and L-SPARK
more complex applications and the need for                                                                             celebrate the launch
greater security are driving innovation across                                                                         of the new Compass
the industry. Wesley Clover L-SPARK and its                                                                            North Accelerator.

HYALTO – Cloud Monetization Platform for MSPs and CSPs

PARTNERSHIP WITH                                  Over the last Quarter, HyAlto saw business
                                                  grow by 25 per cent. Much of this growth can
                                                                                                        Internet) and private cloud services (those
                                                                                                        designed for internal use by a single
CONNECTWISE                                       be attributed to the announcement last fall of        organization).
PRODUCING IMMEDIATE                               a certified integration with ConnectWise,           — To this latter point, the average enterprise
                                                  the most popular industry platform for                already leverages five different cloud
RETURNS FOR HYALTO                                operating an As-a-Service (cloud) business.           platforms.
As has been commented on in Q in the              ConnectWise MSP/CSP clients now have the            — The worldwide market for public cloud
past, enterprises lack the visibility to ensure   means to streamline and optimize their cus-           services is expected to reach a value of
their cloud usage is right-sized and aligned      tomer billing processes through the HyAlto            $623.3B by 2023.
with their business priorities, and that they     automation, and they are signing on.
are not paying for cloud services or capacity                                                         HostingTribunal.com also notes that cost
they don’t use. This is where HyAlto comes        This is but one example of the untapped             optimization is the primary reason behind
in — with a cloud monetization platform           MSP/CSP opportunity for HyAlto. Consider            47% of enterprise cloud migrations. Keeping
and a single dashboard that is automated,         also the following data for 2020 from cloud         in mind the fact that multi-cloud strategies
cloud agnostic and has the scalability to pro-    industry publication HostingTribunal.com:           are already the norm, with an average of
vide managed service providers and cloud          — 83% of enterprise workloads will become           four to five different cloud platforms being
service providers (MSPs and CSPs) as well as         cloud-based by the end of 2020, and              involved in each of these migrations, it is
their enterprise clients, with a single inter-       most will use a multi-cloud strategy             easy to suspect that the resulting complexity
face to manage these needs closely. And the          — some combination of public cloud               could negate some or all of those expected
market is taking notice.                             services (those delivered entirely over the      cost-savings. “Cloud sprawl” is a very real

6                                                                                                  WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2020
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - ThinkRF Continues to Go Global Fast Martello Prepares for 5G "The Celtic Collection" Reflects a Growing UK ...
phenomenon today, and a substantial busi-       can be trusted to provision, monitor and bill   HyAlto helps MSPs meet this demand. MSP
ness challenge for many organizations. In       accurately for usage across cloud infrastruc-   success depends on becoming a trusted
response, a single partner using tools that     ture, is in demand.                             enterprise partner on two fronts. One, they
                                                                                                need to offer a range of cloud services such
                                                                                                that their clients get a one-stop shop, and
                                                                                                two, they must back this up with tools for ser-
                                                                                                vice provisioning and usage monitoring that
                                                                                                ensure these clients have real-time insight
                                                                                                into and control over their cloud usage and
                                                                                                resulting costs. This is a growing opportunity
                                                                                                which HyAlto is positioned extremely well to
                                                                                                address, as the results from the past Quarter
                                                                                                suggest. hyalto.com 

ALACRITY GLOBAL – Funding and Scaling Technology Start-Ups Around the Globe

THE VALUE OF INDUSTRY ANALYST RELATIONS                                                                         Global

Recognizing it would take time, the Alacrity    — Cliniconex was included for the first           UC Applications Market Forecast, 2019
Global team initiated an Industry Analyst         time last summer in the Gartner report,         by analyst Tim Gelardi, MZA Telecoms &
Relations (IAR) outreach and engagement           Put Patient Throughput and Capacity             IT Analysts.
program in 2017. The aim of the program           Management at the Center of Your
was to facilitate new relationships between       Performance Improvement Plan.                 — And Solace has secured research
leading industry analysts and Wesley Clover                                                       mentions with analyst firms such as IDC,
portfolio companies in order to create expo-    — ProntoForms has achieved recognition            Gartner and 451 Research. Importantly,
sure and gain greater global market insights.     in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for               the company has been successful in
As part of the program, the team provides         Enterprise Low-code Application                 influencing Gartner to adopt the Solace
IAR Best Practices Guidance through local         Development, out-pacing more than               term Event Mesh to identify the new
lunch-and-learn events as well as workshops       200 other vendors for this desirable            market space Solace is targeting, and
for entrepreneurs participating in semi-          market position, as well as being               promote it as a digital business priority as
annual Alacrity Global Boot Camps.                recognized in the Gartner Peer Insights         the evolution of messaging in one of their
                                                  Voice of the Customer Report.                   research documents last year.
Six companies in the portfolio now have
regular engagement with industry ana-           — Martello achieved recognition from            Each of these accomplishments is being lev-
lysts: SaaSquatch, Cliniconex, ProntoForms,       Frost & Sullivan in 2018 with the Price/      eraged by the companies for business devel-
Martello, CounterPath and Solace. As these        Performance Value Leadership Award            opment purposes — third-party validation,
companies are at different stages of com-         for Network Performance Management.           credibility building, industry proof points,
mercial evolution, they have different needs      The company is now working with               etc. These are long-term endeavors, but they
of the analysts. The following are some high-     Gartner to further define the Digital         can prove very valuable, for younger compa-
lights so far:                                    Experience Monitoring market segment.         nies who need this sort of validation to com-
                                                                                                pete, and for companies of all sizes who can
— SaaSquatch was able to secure some            — CounterPath frequently engages                leverage the competitor insight to continue
  feature coverage last year in Now Tech, a       with analysts that cover the Unified          growing. alacrityglobal.com 
  Forrester Research Document focused on          Communications markets. The
  B2B Customer Engagement Marketing.              company was covered in the World

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HYAS – Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Software

This Quarter, portfolio company HYAS                                According to Gartner, “Threat intelligence                           — The ability to unmask, correlate and map
announced the availability of HYAS Insight,                         capabilities make digital businesses more                              together all digital assets of the adversary
new threat intelligence and attribution soft-                       resilient. Security and risk management                                results in more accurate identification
ware that increases the visibility of potential                     leaders do need to evaluate the capabili-                              and neutralizing of the attacker(s).
threats for security analysts, researchers and                      ties and features of TI [Threat Intelligence]
investigators, and in doing so, it improves                         offerings and match them to the needs of                             — The ability to detect, attribute and
the accuracy of their findings and also their                       their own security programs.” 1                                        monitor pre-attack activity by new or
productivity. The new software enables users                                                                                               previous adversaries allows pre-emptive
to connect specific attack instances and                            HYAS Insight is the successor to the first                             defenses to be deployed and pending
campaigns to literally billions of historical                       HYAS cybersecurity tool, Comox, a premier                              attacks to be thwarted proactively.
and real-time attack indicators in less time                        industry threat attribution solution used by
than ever.                                                          Global 2000 enterprises. The revamped user                           HYAS Insight reinforces the company position
                                                                    interface and extended features in HYAS                              as a leader in what is known in the industry as
“Most enterprises struggle to detect and                            Insight deliver the following enhancements:                          “pre-zero-day cybersecurity risk manage-
counter advanced cyber-threats today.                                                                                                    ment”. HYAS software integrates into existing
And when successful, these attacks can                              — New web interfaces and a powerful API                              security frameworks and enables enterprise
cost millions of dollars in financial, brand,                         enable the software to be integrated                               security teams to detect and mitigate cyber
operational and other losses,” said David                             easily into existing cybersecurity                                 risks before attacks happen. These teams
Ratner, CEO of HYAS. “HYAS Insight delivers                           infrastructure, tool sets and work flows,                          can identify adversaries and infrastructure
threat intelligence and attribution capa-                             resulting in more rapid deployment and                             being used to plan attacks, deploy defenses
bilities that enable enterprises to rapidly                           reduced learning curves for users.                                 and even hunt those adversaries down,
identify the actors behind the attack, map                                                                                               often to their physical doorsteps. With HYAS,
their infrastructure, and take action to                            — The ability to incorporate diverse datasets                        enterprises can adopt more proactive and
avert future attacks.“                                                into the analysis process produces faster                          flexible security postures, guarding against
                                                                      results and more confident decision-                               both known and not-yet-launched attacks.
                                                                      making during investigations and                                   For more information, visit HYAS.com. 
                                                                      incident response.

[1] Source: Gartner “Market Guide for Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services” Craig Lawson, Ryan Benson, Ruggero Contu, 19 February 2019

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SOLACE – Event-Driven Data Movement Platforms for Digital Transformation

SOLACE EXPANDS                                    basic event processing infrastructure,
                                                  many don’t have the high-level productiv-
                                                                                                   — Data officers will learn and understand
                                                                                                     the lineage of events and data sharing.
ADDRESSABLE MARKET                                ity tooling that helps developers design,
                                                  develop, test and manage event-centric
                                                                                                   — All who support and leverage an EDA will
                                                                                                     visualize and optimize how events flow
Industry leader Solace continues to intro-        applications. Nor do they have tools for           through an enterprise.
duce new innovations that bring added             governing, publishing and managing
value to existing and new clients. The com-       event-based interfaces. The market for           PubSub+ Event Portal was made available
pany is about to launch a new product called      these tools is sparse”.                          to selected clients earlier this Quarter, under
PubSub+ Event Portal which will make the                                                           the Solace Early Access program. Response
adoption of event-driven architectures and        This is the opportunity Solace is moving         from these initial users has been very posi-
applications easier for enterprises across a      to seize in an aggressive manner. As Chris       tive, as shared by Nikolai Blackie, Co-Founder
range of industries.                              Wolski, Senior Director of Product Marketing     and Principal Architect with Adaptiv
                                                  states, “There is clearly a demand for new       Integration: “We’ve been using early access
What are “events” and “event-driven architec-     design and development tools, but there          to PubSub+ Event Portal, and find that
tures”? An event is any material activity that    are presently none available. Our new            it changes the game for the lifecycle of
happens across a business. Depending on           PubSub+ Event Portal offering will be            event-driven architectures. It provides us
the business, for example, that could mean        the first of what we believe will quickly        with an intuitive toolset to model events
an online purchase, an inventory update, a        become an important new product cate-            in customer domains, including applica-
new sensor reading, even a flight taking off.     gory for enterprises looking to transition       tions, events and schemas.”
Technically, an event is a change in state in     to event-driven architectures.”
an internal business system — something
added, removed or changed that helps drive
the operations of the business.

To enhance customer experience, eek out
ever more operational efficiency, improve
financial management and much more,
enterprises today are striving to react to such
events as rapidly as they can. In real-time, if
possible, creating responses as the events
occur. To do this, the technical blue-print is
an event-driven architecture (EDA) in the sys-
tems behind the operation of the business.

Unfortunately, adopting EDA is not easy, yet.
This is because system architects and appli-
cation developers lack the tools they need
to achieve real-time event responsiveness
in their infrastructures. The current state-of-   PubSub+ Event Portal from Solace is the first    Event Portal is the latest major component to
the-art is a robust ecosystem of enablement       event management toolset for this broad          be added to the Solace PubSub+ Platform,
tools that support the development of             market. It provides a single place to visual-    and importantly, it has been designed to
RESTful, request-reply based infrastructures      ize, design, build, secure, share, manage and    work with any commercial or open source
(API portals, catalogs, gateways, policy/         evolve all the system events in an enterprise.   event broker, which opens up new paths for
analytics tools, etc.). None of these support     It is a toolset where:                           client acquisition and new revenue opportu-
the development of real-time applications,        — Architects and developers will collaborate     nities for the company. General Availablility
which is where increasing demand is com-              to define and develop event-driven           of PubSub+ Event Portal is scheduled for
ing from.                                             applications, faster.                        early April, and we look forward to reporting
                                                  — Developers will discover and re-use            in a future issue of Q on what is expected to
Here is how Gartner perceived this dilemma in         events across applications, lines of         be solid response across broader markets.
their Top 3 Trends in Application Architecture        business, between organizations.             solace.com 
For Enabling Digital Business at the end of       — Operations managers will audit runtime
2019: “While most organizations have                  code for design deviations.

WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2020                                                                                                     9
WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE - ThinkRF Continues to Go Global Fast Martello Prepares for 5G "The Celtic Collection" Reflects a Growing UK ...
COUNTERPATH – Unified Communications and Collaboration as a Service (UCCSaaS)

  CounterPath Helping Evermore Enterprise and SMB Clients Leverage
               the Cloud for Unified Communications

Cloud infrastructure provides an almost          — Bria Enterprise: For mixed-location               — Partnered with Vodafone Fiji to provide
limitless, flexible, fast computing, storage       environments, call centers, mobile                  Bria mobile applications and Stretto™
and management fabric for business ser-            workers and organizations that                      Platform services to 700,000 consumers
vices today, including communications.             are increasingly embracing cloud                    across the Fijian and neighbouring islands
Cloud-based applications such as those from        communications.                                     on a five-year subscription program.
CounterPath enable enterprise and small
business (SMB) users to connect, communi-        — Bria Teams: For streamlining team                 — Introduced Bria Solo, a new softphone
cate and collaborate, anywhere, anytime, on        communications and providing                        available under a subscription model, that
any device and on any PBX. And they do so          administrators with quick and easy                  includes a reduced-feature, free variant
using less hardware and with fewer opera-          user management through a web portal                to compete with market alternatives and
tional expenses.                                   and convenient dashboard.                           motivate broader adoption.

CounterPath calls these solutions Unified        — Bria Teams Pro: Provides all the features         CounterPath is maintaining a sales focus on
Communications and Collaboration-as-a-             of Bria Teams and adds full collaboration         growing recurring revenues. The introduc-
Service (UCCaaS). They are designed to allow       functions.                                        tion of Bria Solo for individual softphone
customers to continue leveraging their exist-                                                        users is the start of a customer journey in
ing PBX or VoIP infrastructure. CounterPath      The latest Quarter was an active one at             which the company will use marketing
software is hosted in the cloud, and it estab-   CounterPath. The following are some of the          programs to convert users from a free to
lishes secure signaling with on-premises         key highlights:                                     a paid relationship, better monetizing the
equipment, augmenting existing communi-                                                              large installed base of current customers and
cations services with new messaging, pres-       — Partnered with Honeywell to create                adding new prospects at the same time. The
ence, video conferencing and other features.       Smart Talk, a Honeywell-branded                   small and medium-sized enterprise market is
                                                   all-in-one communications application             underserved in terms of compelling UC soft-
CounterPath solutions allow users to custom-       that enables workers in environments              ware solutions, and CounterPath is moving
ize their communication tools, to suit to the      such as retail stores, distribution centers,      fast to seize as much of that opportunity as
needs of most environments. This includes          hospitals, factories, even vehicles, to use       possible.
businesses and contact centers across the          their ruggedized Honeywell or other
retail, warehouse, hospitality, healthcare and     mobile devices for voice over internet            We will report further on this strategy in
other markets. The CounterPath product-            protocol (VoIP) calls, push-to-talk               future issues. counterpath.com 
suite includes:                                    conversations, instant messaging, video
                                                   calling and more.

10                                                                                                WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2020
INITLIVE – Event and Volunteer Management SaaS

                                                                                                    The company also continues to acquire cus-

                                                                                In it
                                                                                                    tomers in the Fitness festival market, securing
                                                                                                    four-more events during the Quarter with

                                                                                                    the international Loud and Live organization.
                                                                                                    This team hosts Wodapalooza fitness chal-
                                                                                                    lenges in various cities throughout the year.
                                                                                                    Stacy Konstantinov, Manager of Community
                                                                                                    Relations for Loud and Live, explained why
                                                                                                    they chose InitLive to help, “Our goal is to
                                                                                                    bring our volunteer database together
                                                                                                    across all five events and track activity
                                                                                                    through InitLive. Having one system to

   InitLive European Expansion Starting Well                                                        manage all our volunteers will allow us to
                                                                                                    serve everyone better.”

InitLive just completed the most successful        customers. The InitLive application has now      NOTE: We realize how the current global
company Quarter to date. Record revenues           been planned for use in support of the fol-      situation has impacted the tourism, event,
can be attributed to several key develop-          lowing large European Tour golf events:          hospitality and other industries particularly
ments. For example, the company recently           the Andalucia Masters 2020 (Spain), the          hard. InitLive customers are no exception.
released the InitLive event staff and volun-       Irish Open 2020, the British Open 2020, the      Most event schedules are now fluid. Look
teer management software in six languages,         2020 Ryder Cup and the 2020 DP World Tour        for another update in Q to learn about the
as an enabling step for a strategic focus of       Championship (Dubai). InitLive has become        steps the company is taking to help custom-
efforts on European expansion. Between             the leading volunteer management soft-           ers mitigate these impacts, as well as a new
existing demand and new opportunities in           ware for large golfing events. Falcon Golf       initiative being undertaken to help doctors,
the region, results were fairly immediate.         Management of Dubai, UAE, is one example         nurses and healthcare volunteers operate
                                                   of why — the software enabled that cus-          more effectively in these stressful times.
The company secured the PGA European               tomer to increase their volunteer participa-     initlive.com 
Tour as one of the first new strategic             tion by 25% in the first year.

DISKYVER – Cybersecurity SaaS for IP Telephony

DISKYVER BRINGS                                    Business telephony is definitely one of these.
                                                   Some reports suggest as much as $30B is
                                                                                                    to address these risks. The software monitors
                                                                                                    and establishes a baseline of “normal” office
CYBERSECURITY TO                                   now lost each year to cyberattacks on phone      system behavior within a client enterprise,
IP PHONE SYSTEMS                                   systems. In large part, this is due to the
                                                   massive migration to the VoIP technology
                                                                                                    and then stands on guard to detect and raise
                                                                                                    an alert if/when something abnormal begins
                                                   behind modern systems, and also the fact         to take place. The company now has an
Based in Lille, France, portfolio start-up         that securing these systems against network      all-important reference customer to aide in
Diskyver is a Software-as-a-Service solu-          attack was rarely considered a requirement.      its broader marketing efforts, and they con-
tion designed to monitor and defend IP             While not attempts to steal and resell pri-      tinue to refine the solution with additional
business telephone systems from cyber-             vate customer data or proprietary IP, attacks    features and capabilities. We will continue to
attacks. Enterprises worldwide are vulnerable      do include toll fraud on significant scales      report on the growth of this new company in
to such attacks today, even though they do         (routing chargeable calls over unsuspecting      future issues of Q. diskyver.com 
not grab the headlines in the same way that        systems), launching robocall programs from
prominent computer network or database             innocent businesses, and yes, creating denial-
breaches do. As we connect more devices of         of-service scenarios which paralyze the
all types to the internet, threats are only ris-   phone system until a ransom is paid.
ing, and perhaps understandably, the attacks
are targeting platforms which are outside the      Diskyver has applied some of the latest
main focus of most cybersecurity firms.            advances in machine-learning technology

WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2020                                                                                                    11
THE CELTIC COLLECTION – Premiere Resort, Hotel and Inn Properties, including the ICC Wales

Introducing the
Celtic Collection
of Premiere
The continued growth in the UK portfolio         Wales (ICC Wales) in a joint venture partner-       championship course ever built specifically
of hospitality properties has brought on the     ship with the Welsh Government. ICC Wales           for the event. A series of special #Twenty10th
need to evolve the brand — to extend it          can hold more than 5,000 event delegates            promotions are running through the year,
to encompass facilities that continue to be      at a time, and includes a 4,000 square metre,       including a significant prize for any hole-in-
added to the family. The Celtic Collection       pillar-free main hall, a 1,500-seat auditorium      one scored on the 10th hole (naturally) of the
is the new brand to encompass this grow-         and an additional 15 flexible meeting rooms.        Twenty Ten Course — the course that hosted
ing hospitality portfolio. The Collection now                                                        the actual event. Any golfer making an ‘ace’
includes the cornerstone 330-room, five-star     In terms of the Celtic Manor Resort, it has         on the short downhill hole will win a 10-year
Celtic Manor Resort, the historic 19th century   become one of finest destinations in Europe         membership to the Twenty Ten Club, a gift
Manor House with 70 rooms, the 148-room          for luxury escapes, family breaks, golfing          worth £33,000!
Coldra Court, the Newbridge on Usk coun-         getaways and business events. The resort is
try inn with six rooms, Tŷ Hotel Magor with      set in more than 2,000 acres of parkland at         In addition to this season-long promotion,
129 bedrooms, as well as 10 luxurious Hunter     the gateway to South Wales, overlooking the         a series of “Magic Mondays” are scheduled,
Lodges.                                          Bristol Channel. It has been the host venue         featuring back-tee and hole/pin placements
                                                 for the 2010 Ryder Cup, the 2014 NATO               that replicate the course set-up on that
Combined, the Collection currently offers a      Summit, and has been voted the Best UK              Monday in 2010 when Europe clinched a
choice of eight restaurants, four golf courses   Hotel by the Meetings and Incentive Travel          ‘magical’, last-gasp victory. (This took place
(including three championship courses), two      UK organization nine of the last ten years.         on the Monday because 2010 was the first
spas and three health clubs, as well as activ-                                                       Ryder Cup ever forced into an extra day of
ities such as adventure golf, tennis, treetop    The Resort has plans to celebrate a key part        play because of bad weather over the week-
zip-lining and fishing outings. In September     of that heritage this year, as 2020 marks the       end.) These events will be open to the public
2019, The Celtic Collection also opened the      tenth anniversary of the only Ryder Cup             and will provide the ultimate test for those
new International Convention Centre              ever to be staged in Wales, on the only             who feel up to the challenge. Players scoring

12                                                                                                WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2020
the lowest over the summer will qualify for
a final tournament to be held in October on
the same date as the original Magic Monday.
                                                 Celtic Collection Staff
This fall will also bring two more Ryder
                                                 Teaming Up
Cup Anniversary specials. On the weekend
of September 25th-27th, a Stay, Play and
                                                 to Support the NHS
Cheer Away package will allow guests to
play the 2010 Course in the day, and cheer
on a live, big-screen broadcast of the 2020
Ryder Cup from in the United States in the
evening. Alternatively, on the first weekend
in October, exactly 10 years after all the
drama, golfers can follow in the footsteps
of Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy and many of
the greatest players in the world by taking
advantage of the Triple Tee Package. This
offer lets guests create their own three-day
tournament, playing all three Celtic Manor
Championship Courses during the days, and                 Management and staff at the Wesley Clover hospitality properties
bonding like that European team by staying                in the UK are proud to be supporting the monumental efforts of the
in a luxurious Hunter Lodge for the nights.               UK National Health Service (NHS) in their fight against the unprece-
                                                          dented global challenge today that is the COVID-19 pandemic.
Celtic Manor Resort Chief Executive Ian
Edwards commented, “A lot of exciting          The Celtic Manor Resort itself has been closed to guests temporarily, in line
things have happened in the ten years          with Government recommendations allowing for essential travel only. However,
since we staged the Ryder Cup, but it is       through a close relationship with the local St Joseph’s Hospital in Newport, staff
still one of the events we are best known      are providing beds and linens to help address a shortfall as the numbers of
for. It is difficult to believe it has been    patients seeking care rises dramatically in Gwent, a region identified as a UK
almost a decade since we hosted that           hotspot for Coronavirus cases. Management has also supplied the hospital with
unforgettable tournament, described as         additional cookware and eating utensils, as well as volunteer workers to help in
‘the greatest Ryder Cup ever’ by no less a     the delivery of these services.
judge than Phil Weaver, the Chairman of
the Professional Golfers’ Association.”        In parallel, the Resort responded to an appeal by nurses and staff at the Royal
                                               Gwent Hospital, donating 8,000 bottles of hotel-guest shampoos and body
“Our guests love seeing the constant           washes to ensure hygiene standards are maintained there. The Coldra Court
reminders of the event we have dotted          Hotel, part of Celtic Collection, has been kept open to serve NHS staff and
around our hotels and clubhouses, but          essential front-line workers with accommodations, room service dinners and
we are ramping up those celebrations           breakfasts as they play their critical roles in this battle. And accommodations
to mark our #Twenty10th Anniversary            have also been offered as needed to help local homeless people as they too
during 2020. We have some great incen-         deal with the challenges.
tives for players to come out and see what
made us such a great golf venue, and we        As a public display of support for the nationwide #ClapForTheNHS campaign
can’t wait to welcome everyone to join the     in late March, management lit the ICC Wales building in “NHS blue” to show
celebrations in this special year.”            gratitude for all that these professionals are doing to protect the community.
                                               Discussions have also been taking place with Welsh Government and the
A special year indeed. We are sure the         Aneurin Bevan University Heath Board about the possibility of repurposing ICC
promotions will prove very compelling          Wales as an emergency hospital should it be required. Final decisions rest with
for those up to the challenge …                officials, but the Celtic Collection team remains ready and willing to help in any
celtic-manor.com                              way needed at this critical time. 

WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2020                                                                                     13
ALACRITY GLOBAL – Funding and Scaling Technology Start-Ups Around the Globe

The Latest Round-Up From Alacrity Global
Alacrity Global continues to grow and add start-up technology companies to the global portfolio, attracting
additional investment as well as achieving important company Exits. As 2020 continues to unfold, the world
is facing uncertain times indeed. That said, the Alacrity program remains committed to growth within the                                              Global
portfolio as well as expansion into new global regions. alacrityglobal.com 

                                                                                                                                                  Investments Under
                                                                                                                                                   Cumulative 2019
                            Canada                                    UK

                                                                                   Turkey Fund II
                                                                                                                                                 Open Global LP
                                                                                                       India       Vietnam                  Investment Opportunities
          Active Funds                                                                                            Singapore
          Funds in Development                            Brazil
                                                                                                                                                  Active Start-Ups***

          and/or Seeking Added LP's

                                                                                                                                                     Start-Ups with
                                                                                                                                                 Follow-on Investment
                     Start-Ups that Secured External Funding in 2019
        Cliniconex  English Ninjas  Segmentify  Mydoma Studio  Heyday 
        Transparent Kitchen  Noibu  Procedure Flow  Neurovine  Wavve 
                     Brokrete  AideXpress  EnergyX Solutions                                                                                 Exits in 2019: 1

                               Turkey 15%                                                  Corporate 14%
                                            L-Spark 9%
                                                  UK 2%                                                Other 6%                                        Series A 12%
                                                                                                                                  Pre-Seed 40%
                                                                       Wesley Clover 30%
                                                                                                                                                            Pre-Series 5%
                                                                                                                                                                  Exit 2%

                                                                           Private 12%           Government 38%

                                Canada 74%                                                                                                       Seed 41%

                       Revenue Composition                                     Investment Composition                                  Investment Stage

* Alacrity Canada and Alacrity UK are registered as a Non-Profit and a Charitable Foundation respectively.
** Estimated.
*** Number of active start-ups includes companies from the Wesley Clover L-Spark Accelerator.

14                                                                                                                        WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2020
WESLEY CLOVER PARKS – Community Hub for Outdoor Events and Activities

Wesley Clover Parks Wraps Up Another
Successful Winter Season
Winter programs and events at Wesley Clover Parks have now come to an
end, and it was a very busy time once again. Here are a few of the highlights:

CAMP                                             GATHER
The Campground was repurposed during             As noted, the Magic of Lights Christmas dis-      — Orienteering Ottawa also hosted a
the past months for winter events including      play returned to the Parks for the fourth time      popular “Ski and Snowshoe-O” event
the Magic of Lights Christmas display (see       this winter, running from November 21st to          on site during the Quarter, introducing
below) and cross-country skiing through a        January 4th and welcoming more guests               many participants to the sport of
partnership with the Kanata Nordic Ski Club.     than ever. Wesley Clover Parks welcomed             skilled navigation, and using the winter
With the season changing and snow now            the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario          landscape as the environment and the
melting rapidly, the team is busy planning       (CHEO) Foundation as the charity partner            added challenge.
and starting the work to return the grounds      for the event this season, and proudly com-
to a beautiful outdoor base for residents and    mitted to a donation of $100,000 from the         RIDE
visitors to enjoy the city of Ottawa through a   event proceeds, spread over four years. The       The Parks hosted a number of equestrian
local camping experience. The current plans      first installment, in the form of a $25,000       camps and training events over the Quarter,
call for the Campground to open for the          cheque, was presented to the executives of        and continues to look forward to a full calen-
2020 season on May 1st, but this date will be    the Foundation earlier this Quarter.              dar of events this summer spanning all three
subject to update as the events of the com-                                                        Olympic disciplines — Dressage, Eventing
ing weeks unfold.                                PLAY                                              and Show Jumping. Current plans call for
                                                 — As also noted, members of the Kanata            the 2020 Ottawa Equestrian Tournaments
FARM                                               Nordic Ski Club embraced the snow that          to host for the first time, five weeks of
The partners at Gees Bees Honey Company            covered the National Capital Region this        National and International level competi-
worked through the winter to take care of          winter. Dedicated volunteers groomed            tion. Like all events at this unprecedented
the bees that call the on-site apiary their        more than 14 kilometers of trials,              time, details are subject to change. Visit the
home. The guess is there are now more than         expanding the Parks routes into the             new Ottawa Equestrian Tournaments web-
500,000 honey bees in those hives, and they        surrounding community trails as well.           site to find the latest information: www.
are just starting to stir with the warming         The Club hosted a number of successful          OttawaEquestrianTournaments.com 
temperatures. All indications are they fared       events through the season, including
well through the cold and wet weather, and         their annual Pretzel Race, ski and waxing
we look forward to another bountiful honey         clinics, evening ski socials and family days.
harvest over the summer months.

   Magic of Lights

WESLEY CLOVER QUARTERLY UPDATE | April 2020                                                                                                  15
  * Featured in this issue of Q

  Alacrity Canada - a lacritycanada.com                              HYAS Infosec* - h
  Alacrité France - a lacrite.fr                                     InitLive* - initlive.com
  Alacrity Global* - a lacrityglobal.com                             International Convention Centre Wales* - iccwales.com
  Alacrity India - a lacrityindia.com                                KRP Properties - k rpproperties.com
  Alacrity Mexico - alacritymexico.com                                Learnium - learnium.net
  Alacrity Turkey - a lacrityturkey.com                              Lota.Cloud - lota.cloud
  Alacrity UK - alacrityfoundation.co.uk                             L-SPARK* - l-spark.com
  Benbria - b
             enbria.com                                              Marshes Golf Club - m
  Brookstreet Hotel - brookstreethotel.com                           Martello* - m
  Brookstreet Pictures - brookstreetpictures.com                     Mydoma Studio - m
  CareerJSM - c areerjsm.com                                         Persona - personajobs.com
  Celtic Manor Resort* - c eltic-manor.com                           Pisano - p
  Cliniconex - cliniconex.com                                        Pretio Interactive - p
  Codeherent - codeherent.tech                                        ProntoForms - p
  CounterPath* - c ounterpath.com                                    SaaSquatch - s aasquatch.com
  CreatorDen - c reatorden.com                                       Segmentify - segmentify.com
  CulturVate- culturvate.co.uk                                        Solace* - s olace.com
  Diskyver* – diskyver.com                                            Solink - s olinkcorp.com
  Echosec* - e chosec.net                                            Talkative* - t alkative.uk
  Encepta - e ncepta.net                                             TaraSpan - t araspan.com
  Encore Networks - e ncorenetworks.com                              Teldio - t eldio.com
  English Ninjas - englishninjas.com                                  ThinkRF* - t hinkrf.com
  Enjovia - e njovia.com                                             Twentify - t wentify.com
  Hut Six - hutsix.io                                                 Wesley Clover Parks* - w
  HyAlto* - hyalto.com                                                Wesley Clover Solutions - w

   Q is a Quarterly publication of Wesley Clover, highlighting some of the latest accomplishments from the wide range
   of businesses in our portfolio. Visit wesleyclover.com for more information.

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+1.613.271.6305                   Chantilly, VA 20151      NP18 1HQ                                Additional offices are listed on our website.
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