Welcome WHAT'S IN THIS ISSUE - Lavenham Pre-school

Page created by Geraldine Walton
Welcome WHAT'S IN THIS ISSUE - Lavenham Pre-school
LAVENHAM                                                        PRE-SCHOOL
  Y O U R      M O N T H L Y    N E W S L E T T E R   F R O M   L A V E N H A M    P R E - S C H O O L

January 2022                                                                                  Monthly Issue

     WHAT'S IN                                         Welcome to our monthly Lavenham Pre-School

     THIS ISSUE                                        newsletter. Here you will find all of the latest

                                                       information and updates from our pre-school,
       Important Covid-19

       Santa's Visit                                   as well as having a peek at some of the

       Christmas Crafts                                fantastic learning and play that has been taking

       Pre-school Team
                                                       place behind our pre-school doors.

       Baby and Toddler Group
                                                       Now also available online through our social
       Forest School Updates
                                                       media platforms and soon to be available on
       January Updates and Topic

                                                       our website, you can always be sure to keep
       Pre-School Calendar

                                                       up-to-date with the latest developments at

                                                       Lavenham Pre-School.
Welcome WHAT'S IN THIS ISSUE - Lavenham Pre-school
Important Covid-19 note to all parents and carers

 Dear Parents/ Carers

 As Covid-19 cases nationwide are rising we will do all we can to keep, children, staff and families safe during

 this difficult time.

 Therefore Lavenham Pre-school will be very strict with sending home any children displaying even mild symptoms

 of Covid-19 ( high temperature, lost of taste or smell or cough).

 We will ask parents to book a PCR test immediately and only send their children back to Pre-school if the test is


 We are not a medical experts and we won't be able to differ between cold cough and Covid-19 cough, so

 please be understanding.

 We do apologise in advance for any inconvenience it may cause, but keeping everyone safe will be our priority.

 Thank you for your understanding

 Lavenham Pre-school Team
Welcome WHAT'S IN THIS ISSUE - Lavenham Pre-school
COVID-19 updateS:
     Let's work together to keep
            everyone safe
  If a child displays a temperature, continuous cough or loss of taste or
smell on drop off they must be sent home and asked to get a PCR test
and isolate until results are back and then follow government guidelines.
If a child develops a temperature, a continuous cough or loss of taste or
smell whilst in the setting all other children will be taken to another area.
Member of staff will stay with the child showing symptoms in isolation
until they are collected
If it is not possible to isolate the child, then they must be moved to an
area which is at least 2 meters away from others.

If possible, windows must be opened for ventilation.

Personal protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn by the staff member
caring for the child while they await collection.

 Staff and children who have been in contact with a child who is
suspected of having Covid-19 are not required to go home unless they
display symptoms.

Please do not bring your child into the pre-school if they display a
temperature, continuous cough or loss of taste or smell

*Primary aged pupil daily testing is at parental discretion. Pupils who are
household contacts of a PCR-confirmed positive case (e.g., parent, sibling
has tested positive) or identified by NHS Test and Trace as close
contacts of a positive case - are also advised, where possible, to continue
to attend the setting, undertake daily LFD testing while awaiting the
results of a PCR (exempt if already tested positive via PCR is past 90

The PCR should be taken on day 5 from first contact with the
symptomatic positive case (if the case was asymptomatic, from swab
Welcome WHAT'S IN THIS ISSUE - Lavenham Pre-school
a n t a ' s V i

Welcome WHAT'S IN THIS ISSUE - Lavenham Pre-school
Preparing Reindeer Food
                  and finger painting
                   Christmas Lights.

 Christmas Crafts


            Making salt-dough Christmas
                  ornaments and
                  Reindeer faces
Welcome WHAT'S IN THIS ISSUE - Lavenham Pre-school
Lavenham Pre-school staff:

    Ela Zlotek           Lisa Brett           Hannah Double       Coral Norman
     Manager           Acting Deputy        Senior Practitioner    Early Years
        DSL               Manager                                  Practitioner

Eavan Taylor-Willis     Mary Ryan           Lyndsay Robinson      Laura Kossick
Student/Practioner    Bank Practioner         Practitioner        Administrator

                                    l p !
                      t o        he
                e r e
          r e h
Welcome WHAT'S IN THIS ISSUE - Lavenham Pre-school
If you, or anyone you know, might be

   Baby & Toddler
                                               interested, please call 0178724938 or


                                               Weekly Themes:

We are thrilled to be back at Baby &           12th January 2022- Paint and mark making

Toddler Group on Wednesday afternoons.         19th January 2022-Water and sea animals

                                               26th January 2022-Animal Kingdom

Each week, our Baby & Toddler group will       2nd February 2022-Experimenting with

have a new and exciting theme in which
                                               different textures

your child will have the opportunity to
                                               9th February 2022-Building blocks

take part in lots of different activities,
                                               16th February 2022-Musical instruments

including messy play and crafts as well.

We hope to see you in Village Hall from

                                             We are looking forward to see
Fee   £2   per session.
                                                        you all!

We will be launching on Wednesday 12th

January 2022 and will be open each

week between

1:00 - 2.00 pm during term time.
Welcome WHAT'S IN THIS ISSUE - Lavenham Pre-school
Forest School-updates
Children are getting more familiar with Forest School side. They are eager to invent new games
and share ideas with their friends. The most popular game they have been playing lately is sliding
down the muddy hill and helping each other climb back up again. Children are using sticks to pull
their friends up. We were also practicing gross motor skills when painting using sticks and looking
                                           for insects.
Welcome WHAT'S IN THIS ISSUE - Lavenham Pre-school
January 2022

                     Opening times and
                               Monday       8.00-17.00

                               Tuesday      8.00-17.00

                               Wednesday    8.00-17.00

                               Thursday     8.00-17.00

                               Friday       8.00-17.00

               8.00-9.00 Breakfast Club     £6.50 Private(breakfast included)
               9.00-12.00- Am session       £19.00 accepting funding
               12.00-13.00 Lunch            £8.50 (Hot meal included)
               13.00-16.00 Pm session       £19.00 accepting funding
               16.00-17.00 Afternoon Club   £6.50 Private (snack included)

                          Breakfast Club 8.00-9.00*

                         Afternoon Club 16.00-17.00*

                              *subject to demand

If you would like to join Breakfast Club or Afternoon Club, please email
                  us: lavenhampreschool@gmail.com
Welcome WHAT'S IN THIS ISSUE - Lavenham Pre-school
January Topic
In January we will be talking about:
        *Chinese New Year
         *Birdwatch 2022
Regular Notices
                                                   Easy fundraising
                                                   When you shop with Sainsburys, Amazon or

                                                   other shopping online you can use Easy

Parents Evening:                                   fundraising to raise money for the Pre-school.

                                                   You can sign up at


If you would like to speak to your child Key       Please enter Lavenham Pre-school as

Person and discuss your child's progress,          your cause.

achievements or concerns, please speak to Ela

to arrange the alternative option.
                                                   Uniform is optional but can be purchased

                                                   online from
Office Opening Hours -8.30-16.30

                                                   https://www.schooltrends.co.uk/ or via
Please be aware that the office is not manned

                                                   telephone order on 0114 251 2501.
throughout all of the opening
                                                   Please note that our supplier is experiencing
hours as our priority remains caring for the
                                                   delays on orders due to the current COVID
children. If you need to telephone
or email, we will get back to you as soon as we

                                                   Items to bring into Pre-school
                                                   Please limit the items which are brought into

                                                   Pre-school. Regrettably no unnecessary items,

We update our Facebook page on a weekly
                                                   including toys, can be brought into the setting

basis with the activities we have
                                                   in the current circumstances.

planned for the children. Please follow and like
                                                   We will not take responsibility for any loss of

our page Lavenham Pre-School.
                                                   damaged toys.

                                                   Children will need a named water bottle and

                                                   lunch box. Please ensure clothing is named and

                                                   cleaned daily and please remember to bring a

                                                   rain coat as we would like to introduce a free-

Term dates:                                        flow play and allow children to go outside even

                                                   if it rains.

Spring term                                        Bottles must contain WATER ONLY; bottles

Tuesday 4.1.2022-Friday 8.4.2022                   containing juice will only be given at lunch

Half term                                          time. We follow a Healthy Eating policy;

                                                   children will be required to eat sandwiches,
Monday 21.2.2022 to Friday 25.2.2022

                                                   fruit & yogurt before eating any treats.

Spring (Easter) holiday                            Chocolate bars should be kept to a minimum.

                                                   We do not allow sweets at all and we have a
Saturday 9.4.2022 to Sunday 24.4.2022

                                                   NO nut policy (this includes chocolate

School term and holiday dates | Suffolk County

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