Welcome to Bank of the West!

Page created by Cody Doyle
Welcome to Bank of the West!
Please keep these important documents
with your Deposit Account Disclosure
booklet and retain them for future

Schedule of Fees and Charges for
Personal Deposit Accounts…..….Page 1-4
Consumer Packages……….……..Page 5
Consumer Checking Accounts…..Page 6
Consumer Savings, Money Market,
Certificate of Deposit and Individual
Retirement Accounts………….…..Page 7
ATM and Debit Card Transaction
Types and Limitations………….…Page 8
Online Banking                                                                            Other Charges, continued
                                                                                     External Transfers                                                                       Copies of Deposit Slips or Paid Checks
                                                                                       Standard (3 business days) External Transfer-      $3 each                               Standard or Telephone Banking Requests               No charge for first 2 copies
                                                                                       Web Fee                                                                                                                                       per statement cycle, then $2
                                                                                       Next Business Day External Transfer-Web Fee        $10 each                                                                                   each
                                                                                     Popmoney® Transfers                                                                        Instant Requests                                     $2 each
                                                                                       Standard (3 business days) External Transfer-      No Charge                            Copy of Draft for POS Transaction                     $3 each
                                                                                       Web Fee                                                                                 Counter Check Fee                                     $1 per check, minimum 4
                                                                                       Next Business Day External Transfer-Web Fee        $3 each                                                                                    checks
                                                                                     Online Bill Pay                                                                           Deposited Item Returned                               $15 each
                                                                                                                                                                               Re-Deposited Item                                     $4 each
         Schedule of Fees and Charges                                                  Same Day Online Bill Payment – Transaction Fee $10.95 each
                                                                                       Overnight Check – Transaction Fee                  $17.50 each                          Early Closure (if checking, savings or money          $25 per account
         for Personal Deposit Accounts                                               Additional Paper Statement Fee for Accounts with $3 per month
                                                                                     Online Statements
                                                                                                                                                                               market account is closed less than 91 days after it
                                                                                                                                                                               was opened)
 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota*,                       Overdrafts and Returned Items                                                               Excess Withdrawal Fee (savings and money              $15 each
                                                                                                                                                                               market accounts)
                Utah and Wisconsin Branches)                                         Tier One - 1 Occurrence** Paid or Returned           $31 each item
                                                                                                                                                                               Expedited Delivery of ATM or Debit Card               $65 per card
                                                                                     Tier Two - 2+ Occurrences** Paid or Returned         $35 each item
                     Effective August 15, 2015                                       You will be charged an Overdraft Fee for an overdraft item paid if your account’s         Foreign Currency
                                                                                     daily ending balance is overdrawn by more than $5. You will be charged a Returned           Exchange                                            $5 per transaction
                                                                                     Item Fee for a returned item. No more than four Overdraft and/or Returned Item              Standard Shipping Fee                               $12 per transaction
This schedule applies to personal accounts opened in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri,                                                                                                     Priority Shipping Fee                               $15 per transaction
                                                                                     Fees will be applied on any one business day.
Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah and Wisconsin. This Schedule,                                                                                                           Foreign Drafts                                        $45 each
                                                                                     Daily Overdraft Fee: Beginning on the third business day following the day on which
along with the Deposit Account Disclosure for Personal Accounts, current rate        your overdraft occurred, overdrawn balances of $15 or more may be assessed $5             Foreign Draft Stop Payment                            $30 each
sheet, your current signature card, and any other addenda that may be                each business day.                                                                        Foreign Items Deposited
provided to you at account opening or from time to time thereafter form the        Overdraft Protection                                                                          Collection                                          $50 per item
agreement between you and Bank of the West as to your checking, money                Savings Overdraft Protection Transfer Fee            $12 each day that a transfer           Cash Letter                                         $5 per item
market, savings, certificates of deposit, and retirement accounts (collectively,                                                          occurs                               Inactive Account Letter                               $2 each
the “Agreement”). The Bank reserves the right to add to, delete from,                Gold Line (credit approval required)                 Refer to the Gold Line Account       Legal Process (excluding subpoena)                    $100 per process
discontinue, or otherwise amend any product, service, fee or charge, package                                                              Agreement and Disclosure             Letter Providing Account Information                  $10 each
or program offering at any time with such notice as is required by law. To the                                                            Statement                            Medallion Guarantee (Securities)                      $10 each
extent that any of the terms or provisions of this Schedule of Fees and            Safe Deposit Box                                                                            Money Order                                           $5 each
Charges conflict with those contained in any other document in the Agreement,        Set-Up Fee                                           $20 per box                          Reconcile Accounts                                    $10 each hour (or fraction
the terms and provisions contained herein shall control.                             Annual Fee                                           Varies                                                                                     thereof; $10 minimum)
We regret that this document is not available in languages other than English.       Safe Deposit Box Forced Opening                      Varies based on cost to bank         Stop Payment Fee                                      $35 each order
Please make sure that you understand all terms and conditions applicable to        Statements                                                                                  (check, third party transfer, electronic)
your deposit account(s) and services.                                               Check Safekeeping                                     No charge                            Verification of Deposit                              $17.50 each
                                                                                     Image Statement (fronts of checks only)              $2 per statement cycle               Written Deposit Confirmation Fee                     $5 each
                                                                                                                                          Money Market accounts – no                                         Continued on next page
 ATM Cards and Debit Cards                                                                                                                charge
   ATM Card/Debit Card Purchases                  No Charge                         Image Statement (fronts and backs of checks)          $3 per statement cycle
   ATM Statements                                 $1 each                            Copy of a Statement                                  $5 each                          *In South Dakota, Bank of the West operates under the name of Bank of the West
   Foreign Currency Transactions                                                     Ongoing Duplicate Statements                         $5 each                          California.
      MasterCard® Fee                             1% of transaction amount           Snapshot Statement                                   $2 each                          **Occurrence: (Solely for the purposes of overdrafts and returned item fees) An
      Bank of the West Fee                        2% of transaction amount           Special Schedule Statements (off-cycle)              $5 each                          Occurrence is each day in which your account does not have sufficient available funds
   Non-Bank of the West ATM Transactions                                           Other Charges                                                                           to cover the items presented for payment regardless of whether or not you are charged
      Balance Inquiry                             $2.50 per inquiry                  Account Research                                                                      an Overdraft or Returned Item fee for the item. For example, if you have three (3) items
      Transfer                                    $2.50 per transfer                   Research Time                                      $30/hour ($30 minimum)           presented for payment in a single day for which there are insufficient funds to cover
      Withdrawal                                  $2.50 per withdrawal                 Item Copies                                        $1 each                          these items, that is considered to be one (1) “Occurrence”. However, you may be
   Debit Card Cash Advance Withdrawal at a        $3 per withdrawal                  Cashier’s Checks                                     $10 each                         charged for each of the three items. An Overdraft and/or Returned Item fee is based on
   financial institution that displays the                                           Check Cashing Fee (Bank of the West “on us”          $7.50 per check                  the number of Overdraft and Returned Item Occurrences in the current month plus the
   MasterCard® Logo                                                                  check in excess of $50)                                                               previous 12 full months.
   ATM Card or Debit Card Reissuance              $5 per card                        Check Cashing Fee is waived for: (1) deposit account customers (excluding Basic       For the first Occurrence, you will be charged the Tier One fee for each item presented
   (Lost or Stolen)                                                                  Savings-only customers); (2) minors; (3) Bank of the West cashier’s checks; and (4)   for payment in a single day up to the daily maximum. For subsequent Occurrences in
   Debit Rewards Annual Membership                $15 per year                       Bank of the West checks drawn on a deposit account in the name of any government
                                                                                                                                                                           the next 12 months, you will be charged the Tier Two fee for each item presented for
 IRA                                                                                 agency.
                                                                                                                                                                           payment in a single day up to the daily maximum.
   IRA Annual Fee                                 $12 per plan                       Check Printing                                       Varies with style
   IRA Transfer or Closing Fee                    $25 per plan                         Sightline Checks for the visually impaired         No charge
 Night Depository                                                                    Collection Fee
   Annual Fee                                     $20 per year                         Domestic                                           $20 per item
   Key Deposit (non-refundable)                   $5 per key                           Foreign                                            See Below

Form # 030-08606 (Rev. 9/1/15) IA, KS, MO, NE, OK, SD, UT, WI
© 2015 Bank of the West.                                                                                              Page 1 of 8                                                                                                            Member FDIC
   Incoming (Domestic or International)
     Processing Incoming Wire - Auto                             $13 each
     Processing Incoming Wire - Manual                           $15 each
   Outgoing Domestic
     Wire                                                        $30 each
     Direct Wire Non-Repetitive Transfer–Phone Initiation        $20 each
     Direct Wire Repetitive Transfer–Phone Initiation            $17 each
   Outgoing International
     Foreign Currency Wire                                       $45 each
     Wire                                                        $45 each
     US $ Direct Wire Non-Repetitive Transfer–Phone Initiation   $25 each
     US $ Direct Wire Repetitive Transfer– Phone Initiation      $20 each
  Other Wire Services
   Tax Payments – Branch                                         $30 each
   Drawdown (Reverse Wire)                                       $15 each
   Incoming Wire Notification
     Telephone Notification                                      $15 each
     Mail Advice                                                 $4 each
     Manual Fax                                                  $8 each
   Tracer Requests
     Domestic                                                    $20 each
     International                                               $35 each
     Outgoing Domestic – Wire Repair                             $10 each
     Outgoing International – Wire Repair                        $10 each
     Receiving Bank Repair Charge                                Varies
     Return Incoming Wire (customer request)                     $30 each
     Returned Outgoing Wire Transfer                             $12 each
     Wire Transfer Adjustment                                    $30 each
     Standing Orders (Automatically Recurring)
        Domestic Wire                                            $10 each
        International Wire                                       $15 each
        Book Transfer Wire                                       $5 each
        Maintenance                                              $5 each
     Telephone Inquiry (Phone or Branch)                         $15 each
     Pass Through (from Correspondents)                          $30 each

Form # 030-08606 (Rev. 9/1/15) IA, KS, MO, NE, OK, SD, UT, WI
© 2015 Bank of the West.                                                    Page 2 of 8   Member FDIC
Online Banking                                                                            Other Charges, continued
                                                                                     External Transfers                                                                       Copies of Deposit Slips or Paid Checks
                                                                                       Standard (3 business days) External Transfer-      $3 each                               Standard or Telephone Banking Requests               No charge for first 2 copies
                                                                                       Web Fee                                                                                                                                       per statement cycle, then $2
                                                                                       Next Business Day External Transfer-Web Fee        $10 each                                                                                   each
                                                                                     Popmoney® Transfers                                                                        Instant Requests                                     $2 each
                                                                                       Standard (3 business days) External Transfer-      No Charge                            Copy of Draft for POS Transaction                     $3 each
                                                                                       Web Fee                                                                                 Counter Check Fee                                     $1 per check, minimum 4
                                                                                       Next Business Day External Transfer-Web Fee        $3 each                                                                                    checks
                                                                                     Online Bill Pay                                                                           Deposited Item Returned                               $15 each
                                                                                                                                                                               Re-Deposited Item                                     $4 each
         Schedule of Fees and Charges                                                  Same Day Online Bill Payment – Transaction Fee $10.95 each
                                                                                       Overnight Check – Transaction Fee                  $17.50 each                          Early Closure (if checking, savings or money          $25 per account
         for Personal Deposit Accounts                                               Additional Paper Statement Fee for Accounts with $3 per month
                                                                                     Online Statements
                                                                                                                                                                               market account is closed less than 91 days after it
                                                                                                                                                                               was opened)
 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota*,                       Overdrafts and Returned Items                                                               Excess Withdrawal Fee (savings and money              $15 each
                                                                                                                                                                               market accounts)
                Utah and Wisconsin Branches)                                         Tier One - 1 Occurrence** Paid or Returned           $31 each item
                                                                                                                                                                               Expedited Delivery of ATM or Debit Card               $65 per card
                                                                                     Tier Two - 2+ Occurrences** Paid or Returned         $35 each item
              Effective November 14, 2015                                            You will be charged an Overdraft Fee for an overdraft item paid if your account’s         Foreign Currency
   Change from August 15, 2015 Schedule of Fees is in bold                           daily ending balance is overdrawn by more than $5. You will be charged a Returned           Exchange                                            $5 per transaction
                                                                                     Item Fee for a returned item. No more than four Overdraft and/or Returned Item              Standard Shipping Fee                               $12 per transaction
This schedule applies to personal accounts opened in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri,                                                                                                     Priority Shipping Fee                               $15 per transaction
                                                                                     Fees will be applied on any one business day.
Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah and Wisconsin. This Schedule,                                                                                                           Foreign Drafts                                        $45 each
                                                                                     Extended Overdraft Fee: If your account remains overdrawn $15 or more for
along with the Deposit Account Disclosure for Personal Accounts, current rate        five (5) consecutive business days you will be charged $30 on the sixth                   Foreign Draft Stop Payment                            $30 each
sheet, your current signature card, and any other addenda that may be                business day.                                                                             Foreign Items Deposited
provided to you at account opening or from time to time thereafter form the        Overdraft Protection                                                                          Collection                                          $50 per item
agreement between you and Bank of the West as to your checking, money                Savings Overdraft Protection Transfer Fee            $12 each day that a transfer           Cash Letter                                         $5 per item
market, savings, certificates of deposit, and retirement accounts (collectively,                                                          occurs                               Inactive Account Letter                               $2 each
the “Agreement”). The Bank reserves the right to add to, delete from,                Gold Line (credit approval required)                 Refer to the Gold Line Account       Legal Process (excluding subpoena)                    $100 per process
discontinue, or otherwise amend any product, service, fee or charge, package                                                              Agreement and Disclosure             Letter Providing Account Information                  $10 each
or program offering at any time with such notice as is required by law. To the                                                            Statement                            Medallion Guarantee (Securities)                      $10 each
extent that any of the terms or provisions of this Schedule of Fees and            Safe Deposit Box                                                                            Money Order                                           $5 each
Charges conflict with those contained in any other document in the Agreement,        Set-Up Fee                                           $20 per box                          Reconcile Accounts                                    $10 each hour (or fraction
the terms and provisions contained herein shall control.                             Annual Fee                                           Varies                                                                                     thereof; $10 minimum)
We regret that this document is not available in languages other than English.       Safe Deposit Box Forced Opening                      Varies based on cost to bank         Stop Payment Fee                                      $35 each order
Please make sure that you understand all terms and conditions applicable to        Statements                                                                                  (check, third party transfer, electronic)
your deposit account(s) and services.                                               Check Safekeeping                                     No charge                            Verification of Deposit                              $17.50 each
                                                                                     Image Statement (fronts of checks only)              $2 per statement cycle               Written Deposit Confirmation Fee                     $5 each
                                                                                                                                          Money Market accounts – no                                         Continued on next page
 ATM Cards and Debit Cards                                                                                                                charge
   ATM Card/Debit Card Purchases                  No Charge                         Image Statement (fronts and backs of checks)          $3 per statement cycle
   ATM Statements                                 $1 each                            Copy of a Statement                                  $5 each                          *In South Dakota, Bank of the West operates under the name of Bank of the West
   Foreign Currency Transactions                                                     Ongoing Duplicate Statements                         $5 each                          California.
      MasterCard® Fee                             1% of transaction amount           Snapshot Statement                                   $2 each                          **Occurrence: (Solely for the purposes of overdrafts and returned item fees) An
      Bank of the West Fee                        2% of transaction amount           Special Schedule Statements (off-cycle)              $5 each                          Occurrence is each day in which your account does not have sufficient available funds
   Non-Bank of the West ATM Transactions                                           Other Charges                                                                           to cover the items presented for payment regardless of whether or not you are charged
      Balance Inquiry                             $2.50 per inquiry                  Account Research                                                                      an Overdraft or Returned Item fee for the item. For example, if you have three (3) items
      Transfer                                    $2.50 per transfer                   Research Time                                      $30/hour ($30 minimum)           presented for payment in a single day for which there are insufficient funds to cover
      Withdrawal                                  $2.50 per withdrawal                 Item Copies                                        $1 each                          these items, that is considered to be one (1) “Occurrence”. However, you may be
   Debit Card Cash Advance Withdrawal at a        $3 per withdrawal                  Cashier’s Checks                                     $10 each                         charged for each of the three items. An Overdraft and/or Returned Item fee is based on
   financial institution that displays the                                           Check Cashing Fee (Bank of the West “on us”          $7.50 per check                  the number of Overdraft and Returned Item Occurrences in the current month plus the
   MasterCard® Logo                                                                  check in excess of $50)                                                               previous 12 full months.
   ATM Card or Debit Card Reissuance              $5 per card                        Check Cashing Fee is waived for: (1) deposit account customers (excluding Basic       For the first Occurrence, you will be charged the Tier One fee for each item presented
   (Lost or Stolen)                                                                  Savings-only customers); (2) minors; (3) Bank of the West cashier’s checks; and (4)   for payment in a single day up to the daily maximum. For subsequent Occurrences in
   Debit Rewards Annual Membership                $15 per year                       Bank of the West checks drawn on a deposit account in the name of any government
                                                                                                                                                                           the next 12 months, you will be charged the Tier Two fee for each item presented for
 IRA                                                                                 agency.
                                                                                                                                                                           payment in a single day up to the daily maximum.
   IRA Annual Fee                                 $12 per plan                       Check Printing                                       Varies with style
   IRA Transfer or Closing Fee                    $25 per plan                         Sightline Checks for the visually impaired         No charge
 Night Depository                                                                    Collection Fee
   Annual Fee                                     $20 per year                         Domestic                                           $20 per item
   Key Deposit (non-refundable)                   $5 per key                           Foreign                                            See Below

Form # 030-08606 (Rev. 9/1/15) IA, KS, MO, NE, OK, SD, UT, WI
© 2015 Bank of the West.                                                                                              Page 3 of 8                                                                                                            Member FDIC
   Incoming (Domestic or International)
     Processing Incoming Wire - Auto                             $13 each
     Processing Incoming Wire - Manual                           $15 each
   Outgoing Domestic
     Wire                                                        $30 each
     Direct Wire Non-Repetitive Transfer–Phone Initiation        $20 each
     Direct Wire Repetitive Transfer–Phone Initiation            $17 each
   Outgoing International
     Foreign Currency Wire                                       $45 each
     Wire                                                        $45 each
     US $ Direct Wire Non-Repetitive Transfer–Phone Initiation   $25 each
     US $ Direct Wire Repetitive Transfer– Phone Initiation      $20 each
  Other Wire Services
   Tax Payments – Branch                                         $30 each
   Drawdown (Reverse Wire)                                       $15 each
   Incoming Wire Notification
     Telephone Notification                                      $15 each
     Mail Advice                                                 $4 each
     Manual Fax                                                  $8 each
   Tracer Requests
     Domestic                                                    $20 each
     International                                               $35 each
     Outgoing Domestic – Wire Repair                             $10 each
     Outgoing International – Wire Repair                        $10 each
     Receiving Bank Repair Charge                                Varies
     Return Incoming Wire (customer request)                     $30 each
     Returned Outgoing Wire Transfer                             $12 each
     Wire Transfer Adjustment                                    $30 each
     Standing Orders (Automatically Recurring)
        Domestic Wire                                            $10 each
        International Wire                                       $15 each
        Book Transfer Wire                                       $5 each
        Maintenance                                              $5 each
     Telephone Inquiry (Phone or Branch)                         $15 each
     Pass Through (from Correspondents)                          $30 each

Form # 030-08606 (Rev. 9/1/15) IA, KS, MO, NE, OK, SD, UT, WI
© 2015 Bank of the West.                                                    Page 4 of 8   Member FDIC
Consumer Packages
                               Package                                               Easy Banking Package                                            Choice Banking Package                                       Signature Checking Package1
                                                                      Easy Checking and
                                                                                                                                      Choice Interest Checking and                                   Signature Checking and
      Package Requirements2                                           Choice Money Market Savings and
                                                                                                                                      Choice Money Market Savings                                    Choice Money Market Savings
                                                                      $75 monthly Auto-Save
                                                                                                                          Package Features
      Pays interest on checking account balances                                                                                                                  X                                                               X
      Special customer interest rates on Choice Money
                                                                                                   X                                                              X                                                               X
      Market Savings3,4
      Special customer interest rates on CD5                                                                                                                                                                                      X
      Additional account with no monthly
      service charge6
                                                                      Deducted from your Easy Checking account:                       Deducted from your Choice Money Market Savings                 Deducted from your Signature Checking account:
                                                                      $8 with Online Statements                                       account:                                                       $30
      Monthly Service Charge
                                                                      OR                                                              $15
                                                                      $10 with paper statements
                                                                      Each statement cycle, make a single monthly transfer of         Each statement cycle, make a single monthly transfer of        Maintain an average monthly balance of at least $15,000
                                                                      $75 or more to Choice Money Market Savings from Easy            $75 or more to Choice Money Market Savings from                in Signature Checking per statement cycle,
                                                                      Checking through the Auto-Save Program                          Choice Interest Checking through the Auto-Save Program         OR
                                                                      AND do one of the following                                     OR                                                             Maintain a $25,000 combined average monthly balance in
                                                                                                                                      Maintain an average monthly balance of at least $5,000 in      Signature Checking plus all linked personal checking,
                                                                      Maintain an average monthly balance of at least $1,000 in       Choice Money Market Savings per statement cycle                savings, money markets, CDs and IRAs per statement
      Ways to Waive Monthly Service Charge                            Easy Checking per statement cycle,                                                                                             cycle
                                                                      Make a single direct deposit of $250 or more per
                                                                      statement cycle to Easy Checking
                                                                      Make a minimum of 10 net debit card purchases per
                                                                      statement cycle from Easy Checking

     1 Signature Checking Package benefits, including monthly service charge waivers on additional accounts, begin the next business day after the Signature Checking account is opened or transferred. Premier Relationship Interest Rates, if applicable,
     begin to accrue as of the first statement cycle following the business day after the Signature Checking account is opened or transferred
     2 To be eligible to receive Package benefits, account ownerships must be identical. If you do not meet the requirements for a package, each account will be subject to the standard requirements and fees for the account type. Your money market
     account cycle date may change to match the statement of your linked checking account to receive package benefits. If you have an existing Choice Banking Package, and open a new Signature Checking account, the Choice Money Market Savings
     account will automatically be linked to the Signature Checking Package, and the monthly fee will be applied to your Choice Interest Checking account.
     3 A Relationship Premium or a Premier Relationship Premium (available to Signature Checking customers) is a bonus interest rate on qualifying Choice Money Market Savings accounts for selected balance tiers. Only one Choice Money Market
     Savings account can be linked to a checking account. The standard interest rate plus the Relationship Premium interest rate equals the Relationship Interest Rate; the standard interest rate plus the Premier Relationship Premium interest rate equals
     the Premier Relationship Interest Rate. The Relationship Premium and Premier Relationship Premium interest rates are set at the Bank’s discretion and are subject to change without notice. There may not be a Relationship Premium or Premier
     Relationship Premium associated with every balance tier.
     4 To automatically qualify for a Relationship Interest Rate, you must have an open Bank of the West consumer checking account and a Choice Money Market Savings account with the same ownership; to automatically qualify for a Premier
     Relationship Interest Rate, you must have an open Signature Checking account and a Choice Money Market Savings account with the same ownership. The Relationship Interest Rate or Premier Relationship Interest Rate will be earned on your
     Choice Money Market Savings account, and is calculated as follows: On the last day of your statement cycle, your Choice Money Market Savings account’s end-of-day collected balance tier will be determined. If the Bank is paying a Relationship or
     Premier Relationship Premium for that balance tier, that Premium will be added to the standard interest rate for the balance tier into which your daily end-of-day collected balance falls each day during the next full statement cycle. The Relationship or
     Premier Relationship Premium will be applied beginning the first business day of the statement cycle. Once set, the Relationship or Premier Relationship Premium will not change during that statement cycle. The standard interest rate can change as
     frequently as daily. Interest is compounded daily and paid to your Choice Money Market Savings account on the last day of the statement cycle. If you do not qualify for a Relationship or Premier Relationship Premium as of the last day of any
     statement cycle, your account will earn only the standard interest rate during the next full statement cycle.
     5 To qualify for a Relationship CD interest rate, you must have a Signature Checking account. Relationship CD interest rates are available on select CD products only and are subject to change or discontinuance at account renewal. If you do not
     have an open Signature Checking account when the CD renews, you may receive the standard rate for the new term.
     6 If you have an open, active Signature Checking account, you are eligible for a second Signature Checking account with no monthly service charge. The ownership on both accounts must be identical. The second Signature Checking does not
     provide a relationship pricing benefit to a Choice Money Market Savings account.

Form # 030-08606 (Rev. 9/1/15) IA, KS, MO, NE, OK, SD, UT, WI
© 2015 Bank of the West.                                                                                                Page 5 of 8                                                                                                               Member FDIC
Consumer Checking Accounts
       Type of Account 1                                                              Easy Checking                                     Choice Interest Checking                         55 Plus                           Signature Checking
       Minimum Amount to Open                                                              $100                                                  $100                                      $100                                    $100
       Pays Interest                                                                        No                                                   Yes                                        No                                     Yes
       Monthly Service Charge                                        $8 with Online Statements                                                       $10                         No monthly service                                 $30
                                                                     OR                                                                                                          charge if primary
                                                                     $10 with paper statements                                                                                   account owner2 is age
                                                                     For new accounts, we will waive the monthly           For new accounts, we will waive the monthly           55 or older, otherwise     For new accounts, we will waive the monthly
                                                                     service charge for the first two statement cycles.    service charge for the first two statement cycles.    $10                        service charge for the first statement cycle.
       Ways to Waive Monthly Service Charge                          Meet at least one of the following each               Meet at least one of the following each                                          Meet at least one of the following each statement
                                                                     statement cycle:                                      statement cycle:                                                                 cycle:
                                                                     • Maintain an average monthly balance of              • Maintain an average monthly balance of                                         • Maintain an average monthly balance of $15,000
                                                                       $1,000 or more in this account                        $2,500 or more in this account                         Primary account           or more in this account
                                                                     OR                                                    OR                                                      owner2 is age 55 or      OR
                                                                     • Receive a single direct deposit of $250 or more     • Maintain a $5,000 combined average monthly                  older              • Maintain a $25,000 combined average monthly
                                                                     OR                                                      balance in this account plus linked personal                                     balance in this account plus linked personal
                                                                     • Make a minimum of 10 net3 debit card                  savings, CDs, or IRAs4                                                           checking, money market, savings, CDs, or IRAs5
                                                                       purchases (PIN or signature)
       Early Closure Fee:
       (if account is closed less than 91 days after it is opened)
       Overdrafts and Returned Items                                                                                                Tier One -1 Occurrence6 Paid or Returned: $31 each item
                                                                                                                                   Tier Two -2+ Occurrences6 Paid or Returned: $35 each item
                                                                                               You will be charged an Overdraft Fee for an overdraft item paid if your account’s daily ending balance is overdrawn by more than $5.
                                                                                  You will be charged a Returned Item Fee for a returned item. No more than four Overdraft and/or Returned Item Fees will be applied on any one business day.
       Daily Overdraft Fee                                           Beginning on the third business day following the day on which your overdraft occurred, overdrawn balances of $15 or more may be assessed $5 each business day.
       Non-Bank of the West ATM Transaction
                                                                                                                             $2.50 per transaction                                                                               No charge
       (Balance Inquiry, Transfer, Withdrawal)
       Stop Payment                                                                                                       $35 per stop payment order                                                                             No charge
       Check Printing                                                                                                                                                           First order free (one box
                                                                                                                                                                                                            No charge for Signature Checking checks or 25%
                                                                              Varies based on style ordered                         Varies based on style ordered               of corporate image,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            discount on other styles (one box per order)
                                                                                                                                                                                wallet style checks)
       Other Charges                                                                                              See Schedule of Fees and Charges for Personal Deposit Accounts for other fees that may apply.

      1 If you do not qualify for one of these checking products, you may be offered an alternate checking product.
      2 The primary account owner is the person whose name is listed first on the account.
      3 Net purchases equal total purchases minus returns/credits, and include only those debit card transactions posted to the account during the statement period.
      4 To qualify for the combined balance minimum, you must request us to link multiple personal deposit accounts to your checking account. All linked accounts must have the same ownership.
      5 Personal checking, money market, savings, CD and/or IRA accounts can be automatically linked to only one Signature Checking account. Primary account owner on Signature Checking account must also be an owner on any linked accounts for the
      combined balance waiver. Additional Signature Checking accounts must meet standalone balance requirement for the monthly service charge to be waived, unless it is a secondary Signature Checking account linked to a primary Signature Checking
      6 Occurrence: (Solely for the purposes of Overdrafts and Returned Item fees) An Occurrence is each day in which your account does not have sufficient available funds to cover the Items presented for payment, regardless of whether or not you are
      charged an Overdraft or Returned Item fee for the Item. For the first Occurrence, you will be charged the Tier One fee for each Item presented for payment in a single day up to the daily maximum. For subsequent Occurrences in the next 12 months,
      you will be charged the Tier Two fee for each Item presented for payment in a single day up to the daily maximum. Refer to the Schedule of Fees and Charges for Personal Deposit Accounts for additional details.

Form # 030-08606 (Rev. 9/1/15) IA, KS, MO, NE, OK, SD, UT, WI
© 2015 Bank of the West.                                                                                                  Page 6 of 8                                                                                                            Member FDIC
Consumer Savings, Money Market, Certificate of Deposit and Individual Retirement Accounts
   Type of Account                                                               Classic Savings                              Choice Money Market Savings                     Certificates of Deposit (CDs)            Individual Retirement Accounts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (IRA CDs)
   Minimum Amount to Open                                                              $25                                                  $100                           • Flexible Term CD:                                       $100
                                                                                                                                                                           $1,000                                     Premium Money Market IRA CD
                                                                                                                                                                           • Premium Money Market CD:                (91 days to 24 months)
                                                                                                                                                                           $2,500                                     Flexible IRA CD (12-60 months)
                                                                                                                                                                           • 7-31 Day CD:                             IRA Add-On CD1 (3 month Money
                                                                                                                                                                           $100,000                                  Market or 12 Month)
   Pays Interest                                                                       Yes                                                   Yes                                            Yes                                       Yes
   Monthly Service Charge                                                                $5                                                  $15                                            N/A                                        N/A
   Ways to Waive Monthly Service Charge                          Meet at least one of the following each month:       Meet at least one of the following each
                                                                 • Make a single transfer of $25 or more from a       statement cycle:
                                                                   Bank of the West consumer checking account         • Make a single transfer of $75 or more from a
                                                                   through the Auto-Save program2                       Bank of the West consumer checking account
                                                                 OR                                                     through the Auto-Save program2
                                                                 • Maintain an average monthly balance of at          OR
                                                                   least $300 in this account                         • Maintain an average monthly balance of at
                                                                 OR                                                     least $5,000 in this account                                        N/A                                        N/A
                                                                 • Primary account owner is age 18 or younger         OR
                                                                                                                      • Maintain a Signature Checking Package or a
                                                                                                                        Bank of the West Premier Checking
                                                                                                                        account. Refer to the Signature Checking
                                                                                                                        Package information on Page 3 or the Bank of
                                                                                                                        the West Premier Program disclosure for
   Early Closure Fee:                                                                                                                                                                        N/A                                        N/A
   (if account is closed less than 91 days after it is opened)                                                                                                             Early Withdrawal Penalty may apply.       Early Withdrawal Penalty may apply.
                                                                                       $25                                                   $25
                                                                                                                                                                           See Deposit Account Disclosure            See Deposit Account Disclosure
                                                                                                                                                                           booklet for details.                      booklet for details.
   Transaction Limits                                            Federal regulations require that all money market and savings accounts be strictly limited to a total of no more than six (6) transactions by check, draft, debit card, or similar order
                                                                 payable to third parties and/or pre-authorized, automatic or telephone transfers from the account either to a third party or to a another account (includes Online Banking transfers) per
                                                                 statement period, for money market accounts, or calendar month, for savings accounts. For each such transaction in excess of six (6), an Excess Withdrawal Fee will be charged,
                                                                 regardless of the account balance, other fees, or type of withdrawal. There is no limit to the number of withdrawals paid directly to you by mail, messenger, ATM, or in person.
   Excess Withdrawal Fee                                                             $15 each                                            $15 each                                          N/A                                         N/A
   IRA Annual Fee                                                                      N/A                                                 N/A                                             N/A                                     $12 per plan
   IRA Transfer or Closing Fee                                                         N/A                                              N/A                                           N/A                                          $25 per plan
   Other Charges                                                                                             See Schedule of Fees and Charges for Personal Deposit Accounts for other fees that may apply.

1 Additional deposits into an IRA Add-On CD will earn the interest rate that was in effect when the account was opened or renewed. Additional deposits of $100 or more can be added at any time, subject to contribution limits.
2 If there are not sufficient funds in your checking account to complete a scheduled transfer, such as an Auto-Save, to your savings or money market account, no transfer will occur, even if you have available overdraft protection for your checking
account through Savings Overdraft Protection and/or Gold Line. This means that if your savings or money market account monthly service charge would have been waived as a result of an eligible Auto-Save or recurring transfer from your checking
account, you may incur a monthly service charge for that statement cycle.

Form # 030-08606 (Rev. 9/1/15) IA, KS, MO, NE, OK, SD, UT, WI
© 2015 Bank of the West.                                                                                                  Page 7 of 8                                                                                                               Member FDIC
ATM and Debit Card Transaction Types and Limitations
                                                                 ATM Withdrawals and Transfers1                                     Point-of-Sale Transactions                               Cash Advances2
                         Card Type                         Frequency             Dollar Amount Limitations3               Frequency            Dollar Amount Limitations3       Frequency          Dollar Amount Limitations3

                         ATM Card                           Unlimited                 Up to $500 per day                      N/A                          N/A                     N/A                         N/A

             Debit Card – Signature Checking                                                                           Up to 30 merchant      Up to $5,000 worth of goods and
                                                            Unlimited                Up to $1,000 per day                                                                       Unlimited              Up to $1,000 per day
                                                                                                                      transactions per day            services per day

                                                                                                                       Up to 30 merchant      Up to $3,500 worth of goods and
                  All Other Debit Cards4                    Unlimited                 Up to $500 per day                                                                        Unlimited              Up to $1,000 per day
                                                                                                                      transactions per day            services per day

             1 Dollar amount limitation on non-Bank of the West ATM transactions includes any fees imposed by the ATM owner
             2 Using your Debit Card to obtain cash from other financial institutions using the MasterCard® Network
             3 Subject to funds availability
             4 Except Bank of the West Premier Debit Card. Refer to the Bank of the West Premier Program Addendum to the Deposit Account Disclosure and Schedule of Fees and Charges for transaction
             types and limitations applicable to the Bank of the West Premier Debit Card.

Form # 030-08606 (Rev. 9/1/15) IA, KS, MO, NE, OK, SD, UT, WI
© 2015 Bank of the West.                                                                                              Page 8 of 8                                                                                               Member FDIC
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