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DISCOVER YOUR CITY Campus France will guide you through your first steps in France and exploring Fort de France and Martinique, your new home. WELCOME TO FORT-DE-FRANCE AND MARTINIQUE
administratives - enrollment and administrative YOUR ARRIVAL IN procedures office). FORT-DE-FRANCE / Consult your institution’s web site for all practical information. Student Welcome at Université des Antilles National Services Université des Antilles is a small university. On - students: www.etudiant.gouv.fr the Martinique campus (Pôle Martinique), the - doctoral students, researchers: Bureau des Relations Internationales (BRI), the http://www.euraxess.fr/fr international relations office is your main point of contact. The Bureau des Relations Internationales oversees administrative and mobility services HOUSING IN for international students. Educational support is provided by teaching representatives who oversee MARTINIQUE / students’ international mobility within their school or department. There are numerous solutions for housing in In September, a Village Campus Service, bringing Fort-de-France and elsewhere in Martinique: together different organizations, is provided on Student-only accommodation managed by the campus to welcome new students. CROUS, student and private residences, and Address: Université des Antilles, Pôle Martinique, housing in private homes. Schoelcher Campus, Cité universitaire, What’s most important is to take care of this as 97233 Schoelcher (on the outskirts of early as possible, before your arrival. Fort-de-France). • The CLLAJ (Comité Local pour le Logement Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 12pm and Autonome des Jeunes, the local committee for Mondays & Thursdays, 2pm to 4pm. A student independent accommodation for young people) in facilitator is also present on site at certain times of Martinique provides a digital platform of services day, depending on the week (see notice board at the for young people aged between 16 and 30, D’CLIC BRI, International Relations Office). jeunesse, General point of contact: bri@univ-antilles.fr which can help you find housing solutions through Personalized point of contact: Régine Rouvel, online classified ads: Regine.rouvel@univ-antilles.fr or 05 96 55 46 31. https://www.cllaj-martinique.fr/ and To learn more, consult notably: https://www.facebook.com/CLLAJMartinique - pages for international students, whether exchange students or free-movers (non-exchange A FEW TIPS students), on the University website: Short-term housing http://www.univ-ag.fr > International > Bienvenue à l’Université des Antilles. • The Centre International de Séjour Martinique - the Facebook page run by Bureau des Relations (CISM), offers accommodation and fosters Internationales: https://www.facebook.com/ international exchange. driUAntilles/ Address: CISM, rue Ernest Hemingway, ZAC Etang Zabricot, 97200 Fort-de-France. Welcome and orientation for researchers and Contact: 05 96 39 09 09. doctoral students Trilingual website: https://www.cis-martinique.com/ At the Martinique Campus of Université des Antilles, • The Foyer de Jeunes Travailleurs Les Cycas, researchers and doctoral students should also contact a residence for young workers, is also open to the International Relations Service (see above). students. Your Higher Learning Institution Address: Les Cycas, rue des Rameaux, ZAC de Chateauboeuf, 97200 Fort-de-France. Depending on the institution, two information Contact: 05 96 75 56 30. services are available: Site: http://www.fjtcycas.com/ - Service des Relations internationales, the International Relations Department (bureau • For other types of temporary residences, use the d’accueil et d’orientation - welcome and orientation Martinique Tourist Office search engine: office). https://www.martinique.org > Planifier votre séjour > - Service de la Scolarité́, the Admissions Department Les hébergements. (bureau des inscriptions et des démarches 2
Long-term housing FIRST THINGS • The Antilles et Guyane CROUS (Centre Régional des Œuvres Universitaires - Regional Center for FIRST / University Services) for student housing. Address: Cité universitaire de Schoelcher, ENROLLMENT IN YOUR INSTITUTION 97275 Schoelcher. Hours: Monday to Friday, 8am to 12pm. CVEC Contact: 05 96 61 36 73. Site: https://www.crous-antillesguyane.fr/ Before you can enroll in your institution, you must international/ download proof of payment of the Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC) – the student and On campus, the CROUS also manages all low-cost campus life contribution fee. food services (university restaurants, cafeterias, - Log in at: https://cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr/ food-trucks, etc.). - For additional information and special cases: • Private Housing Platforms https://www.campusfrance.org > Getting Organized Other offers for student lodging, managed by private > CVEC. organisms, are also available in Martinique. Try these sites: - https://www.cap-logement-etudiant.com - https://www.immojeune.com Don’t forget to check websites that republish ads from local real estate agents, for example: https://www.97immo.com GETTING AROUND • There is also Lokaviz, a site managed by CROUS, IN MARTINIQUE which includes a listing of student accommodations in private homes: https://www.lokaviz.fr/ When travelling to Martinique from North • Shared Leases: consult La Carte des Colocs, a America, Europe or the Caribbean, you national site for shared leases that’s free and simple are likely to fly in directly to Aimé-Césaire to use: https://www.lacartedescolocs.fr/ international airport in Le Lamentin (near • Other solutions available on the Campus France Fort-de-France): http://www.martinique. site: www.campusfrance.org > Getting Organized > aeroport.fr/ Accommodation. To travel into the center of Fort-de-France from the airport, you can take the TCSP bus I f you need a guarantor to secure your lodging (Mozaïk network). Schedule: Visale is a new and free guarantor system: http://www.mozaik.mq/ www.visale.fr Although the public transport network is rather underdeveloped on the island, buses If you want to file an application for APL funds run by the Mozaïk network serve various (Aide Personnalisée au Logement, or persona- locations in central Martinique (Fort-de- lized housing aid) France, Lamentin, St-Joseph, Schœlcher): CAF (Caisse des Allocations Familiales) can check http://www.mozaik.mq/ your eligibility: +33 (0)8 10 29 29 29 or www.caf.fr The ETUD card allows students to travel at a reduced rate. I f you need housing adapted to your special needs To travel longer distances around the island, you can use the Vedettes tropicales boat Contact the CROUS Social Services which will take service which links up places around the Bay action with your institution. of Fort-de-France: Some establishments have specialized services for http://www.vedettestropicales.com/ students with disabilities (assistance for housing, and also transportation and tuition). You can also use an app called Batché (‘On board’ in Creole) which gives various The Relais Handicap at Pôle Martinique, the transport options (ride-sharing, taxis, shared Martinique campus of Université des Antilles, taxis, chauffeured vehicles, etc.) for travelling accompanies newly enrolled disabled students, around Martinique: upon their arrival at the university: https://www.batchecaribbean.com/ http://www.univ-ag.fr > Formation > l’Université des Antilles > Les études en situation de handicap. 3
Confirm Registration PRACTICAL Take note! Even if you have a pre-registration letter, you are not officially enrolled. You must confirm INFORMATION / your enrollment with the institution’s Service de la Scolarité (Admissions) as soon as you arrive. OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT RESIDENCE PERMIT (TITRE DE SÉJOUR) If you stay in France for more than 3 months, it will be much easier day-to-day if you open a bank account, online or in one of the 30 bank agencies located in Fort-de-France. GOOD TO KNOW In France, opening a bank account is a right: • If you have arrived in France with a VLS-TS www.service-public.fr > Argent > Comptes bancaires long-term student visa: you must validate (Droit au compte). it online upon your arrival and imperatively within the first three months of your stay HEALTHCARE (in France) on the ANEF (Administration numérique pour les étrangers en France) In France, receiving medical treatment is practically website: https://administration-etrangers-en- free but you must be insured. Accordingly, signing france.interieur.gouv.fr up for medical insurance is mandatory. • If you are an Algerian national or a student with a “Concours” (tests) visa» or a visa with Login to the site: the indication “Carte à solliciter dans les deux https://etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr site to mois” (Residency permit is to be requested register, to understand your eligibility and within 2 months of entry): your residency permit benefits, and to take the necessary steps. application has to be made at the Prefecture. • If you hold a “mineur scolarisé” (enrolled Learn more: minor) visa and you attained the age of https://www.campusfrance.org > Getting Organized majority, you have to request for a “Titre de > Health. séjour” online on the ANEF website or at the prefecture where you live within 2 months As a student, you can also take advantage of following your majority. the university medical services. In these health https://administration-etrangers-en-france. services where consultations are free, you’ll be interieur.gouv.fr greeted by a team of doctors, nurses, and social workers who can give personalized advice in terms Take note : To renew your student residency of health and prevention. permit “Titre de séjour” (VLS-TS), your request This is the case for the Martinique Campus must be done during the 3rd month before the at Université des Antilles which has its own expiration date of your current “Titre de séjour” Preventive Medicine & Health Service (SUMPPS) (permit) on the website: https://administration- on the Schoelcher site: http://www.univ-ag.fr > Vie etrangers-en-france.interieur.gouv.fr des campus > Santé. This tutorial will help you: Contact: 05 96 72 73 15. https://www.youtube.com/ Students enrolled at other institutions in watch?v=j_suMJ3fIiw&list=PLpm2evF1qaJe_ Martinique should contact their place of study. oq0a-LMIKujAihwAtVEy&index=16 ADDITIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE You can also sign up for top-up insurance which will • To find out more about rights and obligations: cover all health expenses not covered by the free The reception services of your establishment can and compulsory health insurance. guide you in the event of difficulties. Take note: The plans and coverage levels differ www.service-public.fr > Etranger > Titre de séjour from one company to another. To choose a top-up et document de circulation (Foreigners > Resident insurance policy which meets your needs and your Card and Travel Document) budget, you can compare student health insurance plans. 4
INSURE YOUR HOME THINGS TO DO In France, housing insurance is mandatory. IN MARTINIQUE / The “garantie risques locatifs” - rental risk guarantee - is housing insurance which you can you subscribe with your bank or a private insurance company. TAKE UP A SPORT Online subscription is also often possible. In your institution, contact the Service des Sports for free access to sports facilities. At Université des Antilles, the Service Universitaire SAMU: Call 15 Emergency Medical Services d’Activités Physiques et Sportives, the University Police emergency: Call 17 in the event of Service for Physical and Sports Activities (SUAPS) violence, theft, robbery. offers around twenty different sporting activities for Fire Department: Call 18 in the event of fire, students, irrespective of ability: http://www.univ-ag. gas leak, water damage, natural catastrophe, or fr > Vie des campus >Sport. traffic accident. At the start of each academic year, Fort-de-France Call 112: European emergency services town council and student associations organize an number that’s accessible from anywhere in event to show students which sports and activities the European Union in addition to the French are available to them: https://www.fortdefrance.fr > numbers above. Foyal actu > Agenda. Martinique’s local authority (CTM) supports all different sports activities and organizes a number of events: http://www.collectivitedemartinique.mq > LEARNING FRENCH Politiques territoriales > Sport. Learning French is an opportunity that’s not to be BE ACTIVE missed! Find what works best for you: Attend cultural and sporting events, or join a social - by consulting the Campus France site or the or community group, through one of the numerous Français Langue Etrangère (FLE) - French as a local or national student clubs and associations. foreign language - centers and universities which To learn more, check with your school (Service de la offer courses at all levels year-round: vie étudiante, Student Services) or visit the following http://ecolesdete.campusfrance.org sites: www.animafac.net or www.letudiant.fr Student associations at Université des Antilles FINDING A JOB OR AN INTERNSHIP in Martinique, ensure that campus life is never Useful websites: dull: http://www.univ-ag.fr > Vie des campus > Vie associative. • Université des Antilles has set up a careers and employment platform PARI. It can be used to find GAINING CULTURE AND PARTYING temporary work or internships: http://pari.univ-ag.fr/ Movie theaters, concerts, theaters, exhibitions, and • the Jobaviz website, run by the CROUS, can help festivals are on the program and most of the time, you find a student job compatible with your studies: at reduced cost for students. http://www.jobaviz.fr/ For more information, see the City of Fort-de-France website: https://www.fortdefrance.fr > Foyal actu > Agenda. The Service Culturel at Université des Antilles - Martinique contributes to artistic education and promoting culture among the student population: http://www.univ-antilles.fr > Vie des campus > Culture. Entertainment and cultural options in Fort-de-France and elsewhere in Martinique: - one major, multi-screen movie theater in Schoelcher, (student rates, rewards card), and an arthouse theater, Tropiques Atrium. - 10 museums, including several science museums, 5
with reduced rates for students: In Martinique, for going out or staying abreast of . The Earth Sciences Discovery Centre (CDST) in current events, consult: St-Pierre: http://cdst.e-monsite.com/ - France-Antilles Martinique, the island’s . Martinique’s Departmental Museum of daily regional paper: https://www.martinique. Archaeology and Prehistory in Fort-de-France: franceantilles.fr/ http://www.collectivitedemartinique.mq > Politiques territoriales > Culture > Musées. - the Tourist Office’s agenda: - 5 major theaters and concert venues, including the https://www.martinique.org > Planifier Votre Séjour nationally recognized Tropiques Atrium: > Agenda. https://tropiques-atrium.fr/ - around ten bookshops, including Librairie Antillaise and Librairie Kazabul. - a network of around twenty libraries and TOP multimedia libraries on the island: ATTRACTIONS / http://mediatheques.collectivitedemartinique.mq/ and the Université des Antilles university libraries: The town of St-Pierre in Martinique, which was http://bumartinique.univ-antilles.fr/ destroyed by the volcanic eruption of Mount Pelée in 1902, was recognized as a “Town of Art and History” in 1990. • The historic town-center of Fort-de-France, behind the port, with its colonial architecture, the Place de la Savane and Fort St-Louis. • The Schoelcher library in Fort-de-France, a listed historic building, with Art Nouveau-inspired metallic architecture. • Balata Botanical Gardens in Fort-de-France, beautiful tropical gardens. • Habitation Clément in Le François, a museum, garden and rum distillery, part of the island’s cultural identity (to be enjoyed with moderation). • Mount Pelée and the village of St-Pierre, with its highly moving ruins and the Franck-Perret Volcanological Museum retracing the catastrophic eruption in 1902. • The Savane des Esclaves in Les Trois-Ilets, with traditional huts or “cases”. • La Caravelle Nature Reserve, where walkers can enjoy unspoiled natural surroundings. • Beaches and water-sports: Les Salines, Grande Anse Bay, the beaches on Ste-Anne peninsula, Anse-Figuier, Dufour Cove (Anse-Dufour), etc. For more information, consult the Martinique Tourist Office website: https://www.martinique.org 6
SEPTEMBER IMPORTANT • Les Journées du Patrimoine (heritage days), ANNUAL EVENTS / free visits of cultural venues. OCTOBER JANUARY • Martinique Surf Pro, international professional • Carnival in Fort-de-France, until March, surfing competition. Martinique’s most eagerly awaited and vibrant • Musiciennes en Martinique Festival, classical event. music and Caribbean harmonies. FEBRUARY NOVEMBER • Round Martinique Regatta, this 3-day sailing • Science festival, scientific tours and activities in a regatta is also open to amateurs. variety of venues to get people involved. MAY • Martinique Jazz Festival, with musical legends and • La Nuit Européenne des Musées (European rising stars of the jazz world. Museum Night) offers an opportunity to discover DECEMBER museums and other cultural sites all over the island in a new light! • Christmas market and celebrations in Fort-de-France, with the Chanté Nwel, concerts JUNE featuring traditional Caribbean Christmas songs. • Fête de la Musique: Music everywhere in town (free concerts). JULY - AUGUST • Fort-de-France Cultural Festival, an important artistic event with theater, dance, music, exhibitions and conferences. • Biguine Jazz Festival, featuring local and international artists for 5 days in 5 different venues. • The Foyal Color Run in Fort-de-France, an alternative and colourful sporting event! • Tour de la Martinique des Yoles Rondes, Martinique’s most important sports event. To stay informed and attuned to others and the world, to share and dialogue with students, follow social media where Campus France has an especially strong presence! SHARE Don’t forget to join the France Alumni network. Take part in discussion groups on various subjects, take advantage of PARTICIPATE cultural outings, and consult job and internship offers. 7
THINGS TO KNOW MARTINIQUE MARTINIQUE IS A CARIBBEAN ISLAND and a 375,000 residents 8,500 Territorial Collectivity of the French Republic, students one of the French Departments in the Americas (DFAs) and FORT-DE-FRANCE 80,000 one of the outermost regions (ORs) of the European Union residents THE ISLAND’S MOST POPULATED CITY, THE CAPITAL OF MARTINIQUE UNIVERSITÉ DES Pôle Martinique of Université des Antilles: ANTILLES IS A MULTIDISCIPLINARY UNIVERSITY WITH TWO 5,300 students including 3% international students DISTINCT CAMPUSES OR “PÔLES” IN Production: Rubrik C (91) - Photos: DR - Cover photo: ©VladFlorin, AdobeStock - JULY 2021. MARTINIQUE AND UNIVERSITÉ DES ANTILLES (MARTINIQUE GUADELOUPE AND GUADELOUPE): 12,000 students, 25 research structures, 2 doctoral schools, 300 doctoral students, including 10% foreign students Most of the information presented in the Campus France City Information Sheets concerns all international students regardless of their institution. In France, in each of the host cities, most foreign students study at universities. Accordingly, the City Information Sheets attach great importance to them without overlooking the other higher education institutions even if it is not possible to list them all here with their specific information. CAMPUS FRANCE 28 rue de la Grange aux Belles 75010 PARIS - +33 (0)1 40 40 58 58 - www.campusfrance.org
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