Page created by Nelson Parker
                                                                                              JANUARY, WEEK 2, 2021

Tripadvisor has launched a new platform to help
consumers identify areas that are less crowded in cities
around the United States. Known as Crowdfree.me, the
platform was created by a team of engineers from
Tripadvisor, Slack, Amazon Web Services and nine
other technology companies. Read more here.

Ezeiza airport, in Argentina, will reduce its operations
due to the increasing COVID-19 cases. The national
government defined a series of measures to reduce the
movement of people throughout the country and some
of them were aimed at tourism. The main one was that
the only air terminal enabled to operate in the Buenos
Aires Metropolitan Area will have to reduce its flights
abroad by 30%. Read more here.

                                                               The second half of 2020, especially the end of the
                                                               year, brought a recovery for airlines in Brazil. Data
                                                               from the National Civil Aviation Agency shows that,
                                                               from April until the month of November of last year,
                                                               the number of passengers circulating in the airports
                                                               increased more than 11 times, going from 838
                                                               thousand to 9 million. The index was also growing in
                                                               relation to the number of flights: there were 85,200
                                                               landings and takeoffs, against 11,800 in the same
                                                               previous period. Read more here.

                                                           1            Latin America Weekly Trends – January, Week 2, 2021
The borders of Easter Island, in Chile, have been closed
to tourists since the pandemic began in March 2020,
even for this summer 2021. Although the island has not
returned to present positive cases of COVID-19, the
sanitary measures are the same: the use of masks,
curfew, sanitation of spaces and physical distance,
which have been in place since March. Mayor Pedro
Edmunds Paoa indicated that "the guarantee of health,
scientifically speaking, is the vaccine. As long as we are
not vaccinated against this virus, the island will not
reopen". Read more here.                                          The tour operator Travel Impressions Mexico, which
                                                                  belongs to Apple Leisure Group, confirmed that it will
                                                                  close its commercial activities. However, they will
                                                                  maintain     their    operations      regarding      existing
                                                                  reservations with departures until September 30th of
                                                                  this year, date in which they will definitively suspend
                                                                  their activities. Read more here.

                                                                  Due to the fact that it has not been possible to
                                                                  satisfactorily conclude the negotiations of the Collective
                                                                  Bargaining Agreements with the Union Association of
                                                                  Airline Pilots and the Union Association of Aviation Flight
                                                                  Attendants, Grupo Aeromexico has requested to
                                                                  terminate the collective bargaining relationship, as well
                                                                  as the individual ones with a certain number of pilots
                                                                  and flight attendants, to reflect the new operating
                                                                  reality of the Company. Read more here.

Colombian government once again demands a
negative PCR test from international travelers entering
the country. The exam must be carried out a minimum
of 96 hours prior to boarding the flight. However, in
cases where passengers verbally state that they had
difficulty taking the test, they must do it upon arrival in
Colombia and carry out a preventive isolation of 14
days. Read more here.

                                                              2              Latin America Weekly Trends – January, Week 2, 2021
What s Next                                  ?
Millions of people missed chances to explore different          The Undersecretary of Public Health, Paula Daza,
places and embrace diverse cultures and customs. And            announced changes in the conditions to enter Chile
the world lost out on opportunities for tourism to              through the Santiago Airport, after the detection in the
create      jobs,    support     businesses,  kick-start        country of the new coronavirus strain that emerged in
development, and to protect and preserve the very               the United Kingdom. Since December 31st, Chileans,
things we leave our homes to see. According to the              resident foreigners, and foreigners who enter as
World Tourism Organization, it is time now to rethink           tourists must comply with a mandatory 10-day
quarantine rules for tourists, to embrace innovation
                                                                quarantine upon arrival in the country. This quarantine
and new solutions for testing travelers before or after
                                                                may be lifted if a negative PCR test is presented on the
their journeys. Restrictions on travel must be eased or
                                                                seventh day. Read more here.
lifted in a responsible and coordinated manner as soon
as it is safe and feasible. Read more here.
                                                                President Iván Duque sanctioned the new Tourism Law,
The president of Argentina proposed to the governors            which includes temporary tax relief for the economic
to restrict circulation to contain the outbreak of COVID-       reactivation of the sector in Colombia in 2021. Among
19 infections. After a nine-month stop, insufficient            the measures are the reduction of VAT to 5% on air
financial assistance, an effort to force the summer             tickets until December 31st, 2022, as well as the VAT
season not to collapse completely and a drop in                 exemption for hotel and tourism services until
reactivation, the tourism industry is once again at a           December 31st, 2021. Read more here.
crossroads. Officials and businessmen of the sector
rejected the "guidelines" and "recommendations" of the
                                                                Viva Aerobus, Mexico's ultra-low-cost airline,
national government, while warning that the limitations
                                                                registered in December 2020 more than 1.1 million
to contain the advance of the new coronavirus will be a
                                                                passengers, a 15% increase compared to last
lethal knockout for the industry. Read more here.
                                                                November. This number is also close to the levels of
                                                                December 2019, when the airline reported just over
To stimulate civic tourism in Brazil, based on the              1.13 million. This is credited to the airline's responsible
valorization of national symbols and personalities who          reactivation strategy. Read more here.
are references in the historical and cultural composition
of the country, a partnership was established between
the Ministry of Tourism and the Federal University of           Condé Nast Traveler, a specialized travel magazine,
Juiz de Fora. The studies will indicate the interactive         placed Merida, Yucatan, among the ten "World's
material that will shape the “Brazil for Brazilians             Friendliest Cities" of the 2020 Readers' Choice Awards.
Project”, and may be composed of images, audios,                Merida was ranked number three, the first in Mexico
videos, replicas and other formats. Read more here.             and in the Americas. Read more here.

               What We Do
"It is gratifying for ABAV to have partnerships with
companies that are always engaged and updated in                 Argentina
tourism trends, such as Interamerican."
Magda Nassar, President ABAV
See more in www.interamericanetwork.com                     3              Latin America Weekly Trends – January, Week 2, 2021
COVID-19 Report

Confirmed Cases*: 1,722,217 | Deaths*: 44,495 | Recovered**: 1,518,715
Government Actions: After the debate over the possibility            Tourism / Aviation: Delta Air Lines resumed its flights from
of giving only the first injection, the two doses of the             Atlanta to Buenos Aires on December 18th. In numbers,
Russian Sputnik V vaccine will finally be given. According           neither hotel reservations nor house or apartment rentals
to the site Our World in Data (University of Oxford),                in the coastal city of Mar del Plata exceeded 30% of their
Argentina has already applied the first dose to more than            capacities. During the weekends, it only reached 40%.
107,000 health personnel. New restrictive measures on
                                                                     Top News: There is commotion over the case of a judge
the Coast (businesses must close from 1am to 6am) began
                                                                     who ruled in favor of supplying chlorine dioxide to a
to apply this week due to a rise in positive cases.
                                                                     COVID-19 patient in serious condition at the request of his
Economy: Starting this week, the new “Care Prices”                   relatives. The patient eventually died, and it is being
agreement will take effect with 660 products. Thirteen               investigated whether it was due to the medication or
new items and 38 leading brands are added to expand the              another reason.
offer. Brands that are already part of the agreement had
an average increase of 5.6% in sales.


Confirmed Cases*: 8,105,790 | Deaths*: 203,100 | Recovered**: 7,273,237
Government Actions: According to the Minister of Health,             the year, which was 4%. This is the highest annual
Eduardo Pazuello, Brazil has already guaranteed 354                  inflation since 2016, when the index was 6.29%.
million doses of vaccines against the new coronavirus, but
                                                                     Tourism / Aviation: American Airlines resumed flights
immunization hasn´t started in the country yet, with no
                                                                     from Miami to Manaus, five times a week. United, as of
defined plan. The main vaccines to be used will be the
                                                                     February, adds one weekly frequency to the three already
Chinese Coronavac, already being produced at Butantan
                                                                     in operation between Rio and Houston. Gol´s and Azul´s
Institute, in São Paulo, and the Oxford/AztraZeneca one,
                                                                     daily flights were up by 29% and 18%, respectively, in
being produced at Fiocruz, in Rio de Janeiro, both yet to
                                                                     December, compared to November.
be approved by the National Sanitary Security Agency.
                                                                     Top News: The government of the state of São Paulo
Economy: Ford Motors is ceasing its car production in
                                                                     confirms its immunization plan and that locals will start to
Brazil, due to lower sales, closing all its three factories in
                                                                     be vaccinated on January 25th, respecting the usual
the country. Most of its 6 thousand employees will be
                                                                     priorities. State authorities say that, if the national
affected. Pressured by food prices, the inflation in Brazil
                                                                     immunization starts earlier, they will respect it and
closed 2020 at 4.52%, above the center of the target for
                                                                     proceed in accordance.

                                                                 4              Latin America Weekly Trends – January, Week 2, 2021

Confirmed Cases*: 645,892 | Deaths*: 17,162| Recovered**: 606,055
Government Actions: The Government announced                    Tourism / Aviation: The Explora Company was awarded
stricter quarantine and limits on social gatherings. The        for the second consecutive year as “World´s Leading
Undersecretary of Public Health, Paula Daza, reported a         Expedition Company 2020” in the “World Travel Awards”
series of changes in the Step-by-Step Plan, which will          thanks to its hotels and experiences in Chile, Peru, and
include a simplification to obtain permits at the Virtual       Argentina. Furthermore, for the first time, the Explora
Police Stations.                                                Torres del Paine, located in the Chilean Patagonia, is
                                                                recognized as "World´s Leading Adventure Hotel 2020".
Economy: The value of copper fell sharply on January 11th
due to the reappearance of COVID-19 in China but                Top News: The Chilean Society of Intensive Medicine
remains above US$ 3.6 a pound. The red metal closed its         reported that the occupancy of ICU beds nationwide
first session of the week lower on the London Metal             reached 80%, with three of the regions exceeding 90%,
Exchange, after the highest level in almost 8 years             with data collected from January 6th to 9th.
reached last Friday.


Confirmed Cases*: 1,786,900 | Deaths*: 46,114 | Recovered**: 1,632,614
Government Actions: In 2021, the Government will                Tourism / Aviation: During the year-end season, 106
reopen 10 national parks for ecotourism. According to the       domestic routes and 56 international routes were
director of National Natural Parks, Pedro Orlando               operated. Between December 1st, 2020 and January 11th,
Molano, in Colombia there are 59 parks, of which 36 have        2021, 2,504,825 passengers were transported, of which
an ecotourism vocation, but due to the pandemic, today          614,949 were on international routes. The airports of
there are only 10 in operation.                                 Bogotá, Rionegro, Cali and Cartagena registered greater
                                                                mobilization in this period.
Economy: Despite the pandemic, in 2020 a historical
record was registered in the real estate market in              Top News: The capital of the country, Bogotá, will have a
Colombia, achieving 176,157 houses sold, according to           night curfew, which will apply between 8 pm and 4 am.
figures from the Galería Inmobiliaria firm. These results       The measure, which will run until January 17th, seeks to
also had an impact on the generation of more than one           flatten the curve of the second peak of COVID-19
million jobs in the construction sector.                        infections in the city.

                                                            5             Latin America Weekly Trends – January, Week 2, 2021

Confirmed Cases*: 1,534,039 | Deaths*: 133,706 | Recovered**: 1,160,000
Government Actions: Non-essential economic activities                     Tourism / Aviation: Interjet workers went on strike in
have been suspended in Mexico City since December 17th                    response to non-payment of their wages. They are owed
to reduce new coronavirus infections and                                  4 months' salary, 6 months' food stamps, the Christmas
hospitalizations. The capital city is at its maximum                      bonus and the 2020 savings fund. Interjet suspended all
hospital capacity, with 90% occupancy, the highest                        their flights in December due to lack of liquidity to
number since the beginning of the pandemic. 500 Cuban                     operate.
doctors are in the city to support the system and an
                                                                          Top News: President Lopez Obrador declared that, by the
increase in the number of hospital beds is required.
                                                                          end of January, the 750,000 health workers who are in the
Economy: From January to November 2020, remittances                       first line of defense against the COVID-19 will be
(transfers sent by Mexicans from abroad) totaled US$                      vaccinated. He also hopes that, by the end of March, all
36,946 million, an increase of 10.9% compared to the                      adults over 60 years old in the country will be immunized.
same period in 2019, which represents a historical record.

                                                                                                                        Elaborated by
* According to the World Health Organization on January 12th, 2021.
** According to local authorities on January 12th, 2021.                                                interamericanetwork.com

                                                                      6             Latin America Weekly Trends – January, Week 2, 2021
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