Weekly Round Up 10 September 2021 - Walkerville Council

Page created by Norman George
Weekly Round Up 10 September 2021 - Walkerville Council
Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
Weekly Round Up 10 September 2021 - Walkerville Council
          Interactive parking map goes live ...................................................... 3
          First suburb markers installed .......................................................... 4
          Green bins at your stop! ..................................................................... 5
          Nominate our sporting volunteers ..................................................... 6
          Scotty’s Hotel Code Amendment ........................................................ 6
          Tennis works holding serve................................................................ 7
          Upcoming events ................................................................................ 8
          Open for consultation: Council projects............................................ 11
          Open for consultation: external projects .......................................... 12
          Monday 9 August 2021 until 5pm Sunday 19 September 2021.......... 12
          Street sweeping helps keep the Township clean.............................. 14
          Council Meetings .............................................................................. 14


    Weekly Round Up
    10 September 2021
Weekly Round Up 10 September 2021 - Walkerville Council
Interactive parking map goes live
A new interactive map showing parking availability is now on
Council’s website.
The Town of Walkerville has developed a new parking map that utilises geospatial data
and analytics software ESRI to map the available parking around the Township.

Details on the type of parking (timed, restricted or disability parking) on Council land
are mapped, providing information such as the approximate number of spaces,
location and a Google street view link.

The     map    can     be     viewed    on     our   parking         webpage      here:

The map will updated and edited as required to reflect new parking restrictions or
changes to existing parking.

For further information, please contact the Assets and Infrastructure Team during
business hours on 8342 7100.

Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
Weekly Round Up 10 September 2021 - Walkerville Council
First suburb markers installed
Check them out while you are travelling through the Township.
The first of Council’s new suburb markers are being unveiled across the Township as
part of the Town of Walkerville signage project.

Expertly designed by Martins Brand House in Magill, these 11 suburb markers are
spread across the main entrances to each of our suburbs and provide a focal point for
motorists and pedestrians as they travel through the Township.

The installation of these markers will be followed by the Heritage Trail Markers and
Streets of Distinction signage in the coming weeks.

For further information on the project, please contact our Assets and Infrastructure
Team during business hours on 8342 7100.

Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
Weekly Round Up 10 September 2021 - Walkerville Council
Green bins at your stop!
Have you been to a bus stop in Walkerville recently?
If so, you would have seen one of the new Which Bin? posters. In order to reduce the
amount of organic material going to landfill, it is important that any food scraps go into
your green bin instead of your blue bin. Composting food scraps also helps Council to
save money on waste disposal.

The kitchen caddy system makes
it easy to collect scraps and
compostable material before
placing them into the green bin.
This includes:

   • Coffee grounds and tea
   • Paper towel and tissues;
   • Bread, pasta and rice;
   • Cheese and yoghurt;
   • Vegetable     and      fruit
   • Meat, seafood and bones.

                                      If you have seen one of the Which Bin? bus
                                      shelter posters, street signs or banners in
                                      the Town of Walkerville area – you have
                                      the chance to win a $200 Foodland

                                      To enter, snap a selfie next to a bus shelter or
                                      street sign and tell us what you put in your
                                      kitchen caddy or green bin and why to win!

                                      Post your photo or short video entry on our
                                      Facebook post by clicking here.

                                      The winner will be drawn Friday 1 October 2021.

                                      By entering, you agree to the East Waste Terms
                                      and Conditions listed here.

Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
Weekly Round Up 10 September 2021 - Walkerville Council
Nominate our sporting volunteers
The 2021 Good Sports Awards nominations are now open!
The Good Sports Awards shine the spotlight on
success, celebrate the volunteers who are the
backbone of Good Sports clubs and provide clubs
with the recognition they deserve.
There are cash prizes of up to $1,000 for winning
clubs, as well as the creation of promotional videos for national award winners
showcasing their club, as experienced by Goodwood Saints Football Club in 2020 –
Junior Club of the Year

The award categories are listed below, with any registered Good Sports club eligible to
nominate for the following awards:
       • Club of the Year
        • Junior Club of the Year
        • New Club of the Year
        • Volunteer of the Year
        • Mental Health Excellence Award
        • Staying Connected Award
        • Safe Transport Award

Clubs can nominate here: https://goodsports.com.au/awards/
Good Sports is Australia’s largest community health sports program, which has been
helping build strong community sporting clubs across Australia for over 20 years.

Scotty’s Hotel Code Amendment
Council Facilitated Public Meeting – Tuesday 14 September 2021
On behalf of concerned Medindie residents, Council will facilitate a public meeting for
residents to raise concerns in response to the proposed Scotty’s Code Amendment,
which is currently being consulted on by urban planning and development company
Future Urban Group.

This meeting will be held on Tuesday 14 September 2021 from 6pm to 7pm at the
Town of Walkerville Town Hall.

Register attendance here: https://www.walkerville.sa.gov.au/community/events/events/scottys-

Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
Weekly Round Up 10 September 2021 - Walkerville Council
Tennis works holding serve
Council’s three tennis sites – Willow Bend, Levi Park and Gilbert
Street – are receiving new surfaces, netting and line marking.
Works to upgrade our tennis courts across the Township have continued this week with
the installation of a new bitumen seal at Gilbert Street and Willow Bend (pictured) and
surface preparation works at Levi Park.

Each site will be inaccessible at different stages throughout August and September
whilst works to resurface each court gets underway.

The following is a breakdown of works at each of the three sites to occur between now
and September:

Gilbert Street Tennis Courts

New tennis netting, new asphalt surface in
August followed by new blue acrylic surfacing
in September.

Levi Oval Tennis Courts

New tennis netting for both courts, basketball
ring provision, two netball ring provisions,
new asphalt repairs (at Vale Street end of
courts), followed by new blue acrylic surfacing
and line marking in September.

Willow Bend Tennis Court

New tennis netting for both courts, basketball
ring installation, new asphalt court
resurfacing, followed by new blue acrylic
surfacing and line marking in September.

Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
Weekly Round Up 10 September 2021 - Walkerville Council
Upcoming events

The latest Cultivate 5081 program has been released, to read
the whole spring program click here.

Dementia Friendly Community Forum
                                    Are you passionate about your local community?
                                    Join us for a free community forum to learn more
                                    about dementia and discuss how we can all work
                                    together to make our communities more aware
                                    and responsive to the needs of people living with
                                    dementia and their families and carers.
                                    Presented by State Member for Adelaide, Rachel
                                    Sanderson MP and Town of Walkerville.

                                    1.00pm, Monday 13 September 2021
                                    Free to attend, book by phoning Adelaide
                                    Electorate Office 8269 1838 or email

Australian Reading Hour
Adults: Come in for a reading hour and afternoon
tea with library staff. We will be reading an excerpt
from a popular book with follow-up discussion on
that book and any other stories that have helped
shaped us.

Children: Children and carers are invited to a
special story time session in the library. Spend an
hour celebrating stories and develop your children’s
literacy skills.

2.30pm - 3.30pm, Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Free to attend, no bookings required.

Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
Weekly Round Up 10 September 2021 - Walkerville Council
Walkerville Walkers breakfast & talk
                                   The Walkerville Walkers meet 9.00am Monday
                                   mornings at the carpark next to the Tennis Courts
                                   on Stephen Terrace and Creswell Court to set off
                                   on their walk. Council is hosting a breakfast for the
                                   walkers with a special presentation from a
                                   podiatrist to cover all important foot related topics
                                   and issues. Everyone is invited to come along to the
                                   breakfast and find out more about the Walkerville
                                   10.00am - 11.00am, Monday, 20 September 2021
                                   Free, bookings essential, call 8342 7100 or
                                   CLICK HERE

Ukulele showcase
0Students from our ongoing ukulele classes will
be performing songs for everyone to strum or sing
along to. Come and meet our local up and coming
uke stars and catch up with Walkerville’s resident
ukulele teacher Chris Carr.

6.30pm - 7.30pm, Friday, 1 October 2021
Free, bookings essential, call 8342 7100 or

Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
Weekly Round Up 10 September 2021 - Walkerville Council
Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
Open for consultation: Council projects
Draft Parking Policy
The Town of Walkerville is consulting on a
new Township-wide policy to guide parking
within the district.

This policy is an amalgamation of Council's
two existing policies – General On-Street
Parking Policy and Residential Parking
Permit Policy – in order to provide a single,
more succinct and rational framework to
parking within the Township.

Under the combined policy:

    •   Existing residential permits would remain in place;
    •   Visitor Parking Vouchers would be introduced for vehicles that are visiting a
        property within a residential permit exempt zone or time limited zone;
    •   Extended Parking Vouchers would be introduced for residents that are
        undertaking ongoing construction of associated works exceeding one week.

The new system would provide Visitor Parking Vouchers Booklets, containing 20
vouchers valid for 24 hours, for residents to purchase at a cost – currently being
considered for $50 – for situations where extended parking exemptions are required.
A maximum of five booklets per year would be available for purchase per household.
The system would also allow for free Extended Parking Vouchers for trades and work
contractors who are undertaking extended construction or associated works. These
vouchers cannot be customised to suit individual requests.

Council seeks your feedback on the Draft Parking Policy. We invite you to complete the
survey by one of the following options:

          • Clicking here;
          • Completing a hard copy at the Civic and Community Centre (66
            Walkerville Terrace, Gilberton) during business hours.

Consultation begins 9am on Wednesday 8 September 2021 and concludes 5pm on
Friday 1 October 2021.

Click here to view the Draft Parking Policy.

Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
Open for consultation: external projects
Scotty’s Corner Code Amendment

Code Amendment summary

On the 22 April 2021, the Minister for Planning and Local Government approved a
proposal to initiate YS Super Investments Pty Ltd (Proponent) to rezone the land
located on the south-east corner of Main North Road and Nottage Terrace,
specifically 1- 5 Nottage Terrace, Medindie and 43 Main North Road,
Medindie (Affected Area). The Affected Area is approximately 7,300 square metres in
size and contains the Scotty’s Motel, two detached dwellings and vacant land.

The Affected Area is currently zoned Suburban Business and Established
Neighbourhood and is subject to a number of Overlays and Technical Numeric
Variations (TNVs). The proposed rezoning seeks to zone the Affected Area as Urban
Corridor (Business) Zone.

The rezoning will provide for future development of the Affected Area, including by way
of a mixed use development comprising commercial and medium density residential
development up to a potential height of seven storeys.

Date of consultation:

Monday 9 August 2021 until 5pm Sunday 19 September 2021.

Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
Primary Contact:
Emily Nankivell of Future Urban Group on 8221 5511 or via email at

Information Accessibility:
A copy of the Engagement Plan and draft Code Amendment can be inspected online
from Monday 9 August 2021 on the SA Planning Portal.

Hard copies of the Engagement Plan and draft Code Amendment will be available to
view at:

  • Town of Walkerville Civic Centre, 66 Walkerville Terrace, Gilberton; and
  • City of Prospect Civic Centre, 128 Prospect Road, Prospect.

Public Meeting:
A public meeting will be facilitated by Future Urban Group at the Walkerville RSL, 98
Walkerville Terrace, Walkerville, on 8 September 2021 at 6pm.

Registrations for the public meeting will be open from 8:30am on 9 August 2021 and
can be made via Eventbrite by clicking here.

Due to COVID-19, the public meeting is subject to change. Registrations to attend the
public meeting are essential. Online access to the public meeting can be made
available. Please contact info@futureurban.com.au for further information. This public
meeting will be substituted for an online forum pending COVID-19 restrictions
applicable at the time. Further details regarding the public meeting can be found at
the event page on Eventbrite.
Submissions to the consultation can be made in the following ways:
  • the SA Planning Portal
    (https://plan.sa.gov.au/have_your_say/general_consultations); or
  • by email to info@futureurban.com.au; or
  • by post addressed to:
           Attn: Emily Nankivell
           “Scotty’s Corner” Code Amendment
           Future Urban
           Level 1 / 74 Pirie Street
           ADELAIDE SA 5000

Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
Street sweeping helps keep the Township clean
Our street sweeping programs are seasonally adjusted to
effectively manage the level of risk in streets where issues are
present generally relating to street tree litter.

While we make every effort to keep our streets clean year-round, you can help out by
doing the following:
   •   Avoid sweeping leaves or clippings onto the road;
   •   Do not park caravans, trailers or boats on the road for extended periods.

       Vale Park        Main Roads       Gilberton/Medindie       Walkerville

                         15/9/2021            22/9/2021            30/9/2021

       6/10/2021         13/10/2021          20/10/2021            28/10/2021

       3/11/2021         10/11/2021          17/11/2021            25/11/2021

       1/12/2021         8/12/2021           15/12/2021            23/12/2021


Council Meetings

Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on Monday
20 September 2021.
All Council and Committee meetings will be temporarily held online until further
notice. The Council Chambers will not be open to the public during this time, however,
meetings will be live streamed via YouTube.

Questions for public question time may be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer by
5pm on Monday 20 September 2021 via email (office@walkerville.sa.gov.au), post
(Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 55 Walkerville SA 5081) or hand delivery (Community
and Civic Centre, 66 Walkerville Terrace, Gilberton).

Weekly Round Up
10 September 2021
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