Web-Based Virtual Laboratory Development for Basic Practicums in Science and Technology

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Web-Based Virtual Laboratory Development for Basic Practicums in Science and Technology
TEM Journal. Volume 11, Issue 1, pages 396-402, ISSN 2217-8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM111-50, February 2022.

                 Web-Based Virtual Laboratory
               Development for Basic Practicums in
                     Science and Technology
                             Sriadhi Sriadhi 1, Abdul Hamid 2, Restu Restu 3
                      Department of ITC Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia,
                      Department of BT Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia,
                          Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia

   Abstract – The limitations of laboratory practice lead   development of science, technology and stakeholder
to graduates’ low competence. This study aims to            demands. Students in the fields of science and
develop a web-based virtual laboratory application to       technology need sufficient laboratory practicums to
overcome the inability to implement laboratory              be competent in their scientific field. To achieve this,
practicums due to limited facilities and regulations
                                                            there are many determining factors, such as teaching
related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The application
was built using the system development life cycle           materials, learning facilities, and the learning process
(SDLC) model. The results from the LMS virtual labs         [1]. In the fields of science and technology,
test revealed the high suitability of the application for   laboratory practicums are needed to provide
use. The Virtual Labs module application as LMS             professional competence [2]. In fact, it was
content was considered feasible and effective for use in    discovered that student laboratory practicums were
basic science and technology laboratory practicums.         not always conducted due to a lack of facilities, a
The study recommended the use of the virtual                limited number of instructors, and the ratio of
laboratory application so that students could perform       participants to the availability of practicum sessions
laboratory practicums virtually and independently as        [3]. This weakness has caused students’ competence
if in a real laboratory without being hindered by time,
                                                            and learning outcomes to decrease.
laboratory facilities, and instructors.
                                                              Universitas Negeri Medan (Medan State
  Keywords – Virtual Labs, science and technology,          University) has long been experiencing problems in
learning outcomes.                                          the implementation of laboratory practicums,
                                                            especially in the Faculty of Engineering. Under
1. Introduction                                             normal conditions, laboratory practicums are always
                                                            delayed due to a lack of facilities, a substantial
The development of science and technology requires
                                                            number of students using the laboratory, and limited
universities to prepare graduates according to the
                                                            availability of practicum sessions [4]. The existence
                                                            of the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the
DOI: 10.18421/TEM111-50                                     conditions because actual laboratory practicums were
https://doi.org/10.18421/TEM111-50                          not allowed. Thus, innovative efforts are needed to
                                                            overcome these problems.
Corresponding author: Sriadhi Sriadhi,
                                                              The main problem relates to the low competence of
Department of ITC Education, Universitas Negeri Medan,
                                                            students, especially students majoring in the fields of
Medan, Indonesia.
                                                            science and engineering. This problem is caused by
Email: sriadhi@unimed.ac.id
                                                            the lack of laboratory practicums, which has led to
Received:    03 January 2022.                               students’ competence and professional expertise
Revised:     12 February 2022.                              learning outcomes decreasing. Innovative efforts are
Accepted:    18 February 2022.                              necessary to solve this problem so that the quality of
Published:   28 February 2022.                              education does not decrease further. These efforts
            © 2022 Sriadhi Sriadhi, Abdul Hamid & Restu     include addressing the availability of practicum
Restu; published by UIKTEN. This work is licensed under     sessions, materials and equipment used, practicum
the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐             mechanisms, and evaluation of laboratory practicum
NoDerivs 4.0 License.                                       results.
The article is published with          Open   Access   at

 396                                                                   TEM Journal – Volume 11 / Number 1 / 2022.
Web-Based Virtual Laboratory Development for Basic Practicums in Science and Technology
TEM Journal. Volume 11, Issue 1, pages 396‐402, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM111‐50, February 2022.

1.1. The Purpose and Urgency of the Study                   Laboratory practicums cannot be performed for
                                                          several reasons, such as being of high risk and
  This study aimed to build a virtual laboratory          dangerous and limited facilities and resources [10],
application system (Virtual Labs) that can be used by     [11]. The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic has
students to conduct basic laboratory practicums           made virtual laboratories an absolute must for
virtually. The practicums are devoted to students         practicum learning because laboratory practicums are
majoring in the fields of science and technology          not allowed. A virtual laboratory enables students to
including the subjects of basic physics, basic            perform practical work using computer-aided
electronics and basic electrical engineering. This        simulation applications combined with web-based
application was developed to be web-based so that it      resources; interactive media, educational videos,
could be accessed online and in real time. The stages     animations, and simulations and educational games
of the research were as follows:                          in online learning environments [9].
1) Analyze users’ needs based on the curriculum             Utilization of the Virtual Labs application makes
   and developments in science and technology.            learning more interesting, interactive, effective, and
2) Design a workflow that regulates the correlation       efficient; and learning can occur anywhere and
   between variables in the system.                       anytime and in real time [12]. Virtual Labs simplifies
3) Build a web-based e-learning LMS by                    complex processes into simple processes, visualizes
   establishing online learning activity features,        abstract objects into reality, and reduces the risk of
   teaching material storage, discussion forums,          harm in science and technology periments [4], [11].
   virtual practicum applications, and evaluations.       In addition, virtual laboratories with interactive
4) Test the performance of the web-based e-               simulations can improve creative thinking and
   learning LMS according to standards.                   problem solving skills, increase the meaning of what
5) Develop Virtual Labs application modules               is learned, and provide a real context for learning
   covering basic concepts, multimedia animations,        with real conditions [13], [14].
   interactive simulations, worksheets, and virtual         The selection of Virtual Labs as a solution to this
   laboratory practicum simulations.                      problem is based on the results of needs analysis and
6) Test the feasibility of the Virtual Labs               a literature review providing research results and
   application module system based on the                 previous best practices. Many studies have proven
   feasibility standard.                                  that virtual laboratories are effective for practical
7) Test the effectiveness of the system as a virtual      learning in various subjects such as physics [5]; [15],
   laboratory.                                            chemistry [10], biology [16], magnetism [17], basic
                                                          electronics [7], computers [18], engineering
  The results of this study were unique and novel.        education [14], [19]. The results of these studies have
The proposal is an innovation in virtual laboratory       proven that virtual laboratories have many
practicum learning that visualizes abstract science       advantages, so it is considered appropriate to solve
events and makes them real, making them easily            the problem of the absence of laboratory practicums
understood by students. In addition, the virtual          that resulted in students’ low learning outcomes.
laboratory was intended to solve problems that the
laboratory practicums could not be conducted due to       2. Research Methods
various limitations. Therefore, laboratory practicums
needed to be performed virtually.                           This research was conducted at the State
                                                          University of Medan – Indonesia in 2021 with the
1.2. Theoretical Study                                    aim of developing basic laboratory practicums in the
  A virtual laboratory (Virtual Lab) is a laboratory      fields of science and technology. The application
consisting of interactive multimedia-based computer       program was developed using the system
software designed to simulate laboratory activities as    development life cycle (SDLC) method through
if the user was in an actual laboratory [5], [6].         several stages, including (1) system investigation, (2)
Virtual laboratories utilize computer equipment and       system analysis, (3) system design, and (4) system
applications based on e-learning rules and the use of     implementation [20]. The SDLC model was selected
various media, such as videos, educational games,         because it uses a complete cycle to identify users’
animations and simulations, to visualize laboratory       needs. The framework of the CodeIgniter software
activities as they are performed in actual laboratories   and Personal Home Page (PHP) were used based on
[7], [8], [9]. The various advantages of a virtual        the advantages of their security systems, practicality
laboratory practicum include visualization or             and access speed. The database uses MySQL and
simulation and interaction of experimental                PostgreSQL due to their advantages and the
phenomena as if they occurred in an actual                flexibility of the table structures [21].

TEM Journal – Volume 11 / Number 1 / 2022.                                                                     397
Web-Based Virtual Laboratory Development for Basic Practicums in Science and Technology
TEM Journal. Volume 11, Issue 1, pages 396‐402, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM111‐50, February 2022.

   LMS Virtual Labs performance testing refers to a         A. An administrator logs in and has access to (1)
life cycle procedure, namely, verifying that the               academics to manage course data, lecture halls,
program meets system requirements through stub                 study programs, faculties, and academic years; (2)
testing, unit testing, black-box testing, white-box            students to manage active participants during
testing and integration testing [20]. The feasibility          lectures; (3) lecturers to manage caregivers and
test of the Virtual Labs application module includes 9         class schedules; and (4) lectures to manage
aspects of the test, namely, the subject matter,               lecturers’ assignments, scheduling and student
auxiliary information, affective considerations,               assessment management.
interface, navigation, pedagogy, invisible features,        B. A lecturer logs in and has access to facilities
robustness, and supplementary material [22]. The               including (1) approval of lecture participants; (2)
effectiveness of the virtual laboratory system (web-           lecture management that consists of lecture
based LMS & Virtual Labs application module) was               contracts, teaching materials and the storage of
tested with the implementation of basic physics,               hyperlinks to YouTube, Google Drive, Dropbox
basic electronics, and basic electrical engineering            and practicum assignments; and (3) assessment,
practicums.                                                    including test instruments, exam schedules, and
3. Results and Discussion                                   C. A student logs in and has access to (1) practicum
                                                               registration; (2) downloaded teaching material
   Virtual Labs was developed in the form of a web-            documents,      presentation     slides,   videos,
based learning LMS using the SDLC model. The                   animations, and virtual practicum simulations;
investigation stage of the system succeeded in                 and (3) examination and report results.
identifying the problems and system procedures;
                                                              Figure 2. and Figure 3. show some of the features
compiling alternative solutions; and classifying the
                                                            available in the Virtual Labs application program.
system development, technical feasibility and
economic feasibility. System analysis succeeded in
classifying the data and system requirements and
designing a new system that is more effective and
efficient, easy (user-friendly) and logical. System
design includes the conversion procedures for more
detailed system services, compiling data structures,
information     display    criteria,   and     system
configuration. In the implementation stage, the
system includes improving the system design, testing
and installing new program applications and system
testing. The application system provides three access              Figure 2. Display of the Virtual Labs LMS
groups: (a) administrators, (b) lecturers or lab staff,
and (c) students. The system flow is shown in Figure

                                                                     Figure 3. Virtual experiment of Dioda

                                                               Program performance testing using SDLC syntax
                                                            was performed on each program model unit to test
                                                            whether the performance was in accordance with the
                                                            design, unit integration and connection reliability in
                                                            the system. The final results of the test based on all
       Figure 1. Data flow of the Virtual Labs system       aspects of the criteria group showed its feasibility,
                                                            and the results are shown in Table 1.

 398                                                                  TEM Journal – Volume 11 / Number 1 / 2022.
Web-Based Virtual Laboratory Development for Basic Practicums in Science and Technology
TEM Journal. Volume 11, Issue 1, pages 396‐402, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM111‐50, February 2022.

Table 1. Feasibility of LMS Virtual Labs

  No        Aspects & Criteria          Feasibility Average
                Design & Construction               87.30
         a. layout system                 83.67
         b. program facilities            88.00
         c. navigation                    93.67
         d. hyperlink                     95.00
   1     e. interface                     82.67
         f. interactivities               85.67
         g. visualization                 92.00
         h. color resolution              85.00
         i. operational system            80.00
                       User needs                   81.89
                                                                   Figure 4. Feasibility of the Virtual Labs module
   2     a. needs representative          80.33
         b. level of usage                82.33                  The tests for the virtual laboratory module were
         c. help desk system              83.00               conducted several times according to the feasibility
                       Reliability                  86.56     of each aspect. Some aspects, such as the pedagogy
         a. stability                     82.67               and navigation aspects, were found to be feasible
   3                                                          with very high eligibility criteria in the first test.
         b. consistency                   89.00
         c. compatibility                 88.00
                                                              However, other aspects, namely, robustness and
                                                              supplementary materials, were improved several
                      Security system               84.67     times until they were found to be feasible. The
   4     a. login system                  91.67               eligibility limit for the Virtual Labs module was set
         b. program security              80.00               at a minimum of 80% to ensure content validity,
         c. multiple layers               82.33               although in its implementation, lecturers would
                        Ease of use                 83.33     continue to develop the content on an ongoing basis
                                                              as needed.
   5     a. usability                     85.67
                                                                 The next test was the test of effectiveness of the
         b. friendly                      81.00
                                                              system through the implementation of lectures using
         c. support system                83.33               the Virtual Labs system (web-based LMS & Virtual
                        Total mean                  85.48     Labs module application) for the basic physics, basic
                                                              electronics and basic electrical engineering modules.
   Web-based LMS testing was executed several                 The measurement used a scale of 5 for groups of
times to obtain eligibility according to the established      students in three study programs, namely, informatics
standards. Design and construction obtained the               technology and computer education (ITCE),
highest score of 87.3%, as required. Furthermore, the         electrical engineering education (EEE), electrical
user needs aspect, although feasible, needs to be             engineering (EE); and the results are shown in Table
improved to meet user needs. The differences in               2.
students' initial abilities in mastering the three            Table 2. Mean score of effectiveness
subjects caused differing needs that need to be
followed up with more specific activities for these           No        Aspects          ICTE    EEE     EE Average
needs to be accommodated into Virtual Labs                     1 Content relevance        4.65   4.35   4.26  4.42
application content. The overall test results showed           2 Teaching materials       3.82   3.79   3.74  3.78
that all aspects of the LMS were confirmed to be               3 Concept clarity          4.25   4.28   4.12  4.22
feasible with results greater than 80%.                        4                          3.68   4.64   4.36      4.23
   After the web-based learning LMS system was
                                                               5 Simulation Media         3.86   4.52   3.88      4.09
confirmed to be feasible, the next test was the                  Practical
feasibility of the Virtual Labs module application as          6                          4.64   4.58   4.35      4.52
LMS content. Tests were performed by validators                7 Data recording           4.32   4.25   4.61      4.39
who were experts in the fields of educational                  8 Enrichment               3.64   3.42   3.28      3.45
technology, multimedia learning and teaching                     Level of
                                                               9                          4.62   4.68   4.35      4.55
materials. Using the criteria from Alessi and Trollip            competences
(2001), the results of the feasibility test for the           10 Acceptability            4.53   4.55   4.42      4.50
Virtual Labs module application are shown in Figure           11 Student motivation       4.28   4.56   4.52      4.45
4.                                                               Learning
                                                              12                          4.68   4.35   4.36      4.46
                                                                         Total            4.25   4.33   4.19      4.26

TEM Journal – Volume 11 / Number 1 / 2022.                                                                            399
TEM Journal. Volume 11, Issue 1, pages 396‐402, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM111‐50, February 2022.

   The results of the data analysis showed that 10 of       Virtual Labs application module as LMS content to
the 12 aspects obtained a mean score greater than           support virtual laboratory practicums with 90.1%
4.0, which was categorized as very high. Learning           effectiveness.
outcomes (LO) achieved the highest average score of            If analyzed based on the respondent group, the
4.55, which was equivalent to 90.1%. Some of the            mean scores of the effectiveness of the three study
supporting aspects of the practicum materials               programs had differences, even though the mean
developed in the application were very relevant, with       scores were still high. For this reason, comparative
an average score of 4.42 (88.4%). The practicum             statistical analysis was executed using the ANOVA
mechanism achieved a score of 4.52 (90.4%), and the         technique. The results of the test of the homogeneity
availability of simulation media and data recording         of variances, which are the requirements of the
of practicum results was greater than 80%. Support          analysis, obtained a P value of 0.765. This means that
for these aspects was required by students to perform       the three groups were affirmed to be homogeneous at
the practicum correctly and effectively. The results of     = 5%. Then, a comparison test was conducted using
this study agreed with those of previous relevant           one-way ANOVA, and the results are shown in Table
studies conducted by Dhang et al. [7], Gupta [11],          3.
and Shopi and Eka [15].
   Animation and simulation media also played a very        Table 3. ANOVA
significant role in improving students’ understanding
in virtual laboratory practicums. This was a result of                           Effect.Aspects
the process of preparing animation and simulation                          Sum of             Mean
media on the Virtual Labs application module that                                   df                   F     Sig.
                                                                           Squares            Square
paid attention to the principles of multimedia design,      Between Groups .124    2          .062      .420   .660
as emphasized by Mayer [23]. In addition, cognitive
                                                            Within Groups  4.884   33         .148
load reduction was also implemented to improve the
information processing system so that information                Total     5.008   35
could be received, understood, and stored in the brain
system, as emphasized by Clark and Mayer [24]. In             The ANOVA test results show a P value of 0.660,
the development of this virtual laboratory module,          which accepts Ho. These results proved that there
the role of artificial intelligence in the form of          were no significant differences in the effectiveness of
augmented reality and virtual reality was also very         using the Virtual Labs application module in the
substantial so that it could meet the students’ needs,      three sample groups. The effectiveness of using the
especially to answer the problem related to the             Virtual Labs application in the informatics
absence of real-time laboratory practicum due to            technology and computer education study program
various obstacles. The results of this study                reached an average score of 4.25, which means that
strengthened the findings of previous studies,              the problem of low student competence due to the
especially the research conducted by Nantsou et al.         limitations of laboratory practicum can be solved
[12].                                                       with 85% effectiveness through virtual laboratory
   Regarding acceptability, an average score of 4.5         practicum using the Virtual Labs application.
was obtained, meaning that the acceptability of the         Likewise, the electrical engineering education and
Virtual Lab module application reached 90%                  electrical engineering study programs reached
according to users’ (student) expectations. This            effectivenesses of 86.6% and 83.8%, respectively.
acceptance increased students' learning motivation,         The results of this study were in line with the
which was classified as high (89%) and ultimately           research of Tatli and Ayas [10], which confirmed
led to 89.2% satisfaction with using the Virtual Labs       that virtual laboratories could solve the issues of
application module. The improvement of these                basic chemistry practicums; Murniza’s research [16],
psychological aspects was necessary because it              in biology through the VLab-Bio application; and
affected learning activities that would determine the       Gupta's research [17], in the field of a virtual lab
achievement of the students’ laboratory practicum           module for concepts of electric and magnetic fields.
learning outcomes, as evidenced in previous studies         Thus, the results of this study proved that Virtual
[8], [25]. There were two aspects that still need to be     Labs could be a solution to the problem of the
improved, namely, the scope of the content material
                                                            absence of basic laboratory practicum in the fields of
and enrichment. However, the results of the overall
                                                            science and technology due to limited facilities or
effectiveness analysis of the Virtual Labs application
                                                            other obstacles, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
module were high, with a total mean score of 4.26
equivalent to 83.2%. Thus, the Virtual Labs                 Virtual laboratories are the right solution that strive
application module proved to be feasible and                to increase students’ learning outcomes from virtual
effective for use as a virtual laboratory practicum         laboratory practicums without being limited by time,
model. The eligibility included web-based e-learning        place, facilities, instructors, laboratory assistants and
as an LMS that could be accessed online and the             other limitations.

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TEM Journal. Volume 11, Issue 1, pages 396‐402, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM111‐50, February 2022.

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