"We are humans after all": Family caregivers' experience of caring for dependent older adults in Brazil
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DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232020261.30172020 27 “We are humans after all”: Family caregivers’ experience of caring article for dependent older adults in Brazil Girliani Silva de Sousa (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0988-5744) 1 Raimunda Magalhães da Silva (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5353-7520) 2 Amanda Márcia dos Santos Reinaldo (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0283-2313) 3 Sônia Maria Soares (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3161-717X) 3 Denise Machado Duran Gutierrez (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0031-3045) 4 Maria do Livramento Fortes Figueiredo (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4938-2807) 5 Abstract This paper aims to understand the experiences of family caregivers with dependent older adults in Brazil and the consequences of ca- ring for dependent older adults in the family care- giver’s life. This is a qualitative multicenter study employing dialectical hermeneutics as a theoreti- cal framework. In-depth interviews were conduc- ted with 84 family caregivers in Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Fortaleza, Teresina, Porto Alegre, and Araranguá, and Manaus. The thema- 1 Departamento de tic analysis yielded three categories: motivations Enfermagem Clínica e for taking on the caregiving role, influences on the Cirúrgica, Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade family caregiver’s life, coping, and self-care moda- Federal de São Paulo. R. lities. The care assumed is influenced by affective Napoleão de Barros 754, relationships with older adults and ethical and Vila Clementino. 04024- 002 São Paulo SP Brasil. moral responsibilities. The influences are related girlianis@gmail.com to the lack of preparation for caregiving, financial 2 Programa de Pós- hardship, restricted freedom, and physical and Graduação em Saúde Coletiva e de Enfermagem, mental health problems. Coping strategies were Universidade de Fortaleza. religion, spirituality, turn-taking between family Fortaleza CE Brasil. caregivers, and learning about the tasks. Women 3 Escola de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal predominate in caregiving due to cultural, ethical, de Minas Gerais. Belo and moral reasons. However, family caregivers Horizonte MG Brasil. often lack guidance and require protection and a 4 Programa de Pós- Graduação Mestrado support network. Acadêmico em Psicologia, Key words Family caregivers, Frail older adults, Universidade Federal de Care, Qualitative research Amazonas. Manaus AM Brasil. 5 Programa de Pós- Graduação em Enfermagem, Universidade Federal do Piauí. Teresina PI Brasil.
28 Sousa GS et al. Introduction Methods The increased longevity started to require a The research aimed to conduct a qualitative greater need for care for the elderly. Brazil expe- study on the situation of dependent older adults riences a growing demand on the family, which living with their families and their caregivers to traditionally provides the necessary care to old- support proposals for a “Policy on Dependence” er adults who are unable to perform activities of in Brazil. The Research Ethics Committee of the daily living1. This is a cultural situation aggravat- Oswaldo Cruz Foundation approved this study ed in the households’ socioeconomic context in under Opinion 1.326.631, which focused on the locations with a low Human Development Index family caregiver. (HDI)2. A qualitative approach aimed to investigate The challenge of caring for older adults im- the meanings that relatives responsible for the poses on the family the dilemma of reconciling dependent older adults assign to experiences, and reordering the demands of daily care and bonds, and family dynamics in their daily care other domestic, social, and professional tasks. exercise. The theoretical-methodological herme- The family group is a vital link in providing neutic-dialectic framework was considered the care for dependent older adults with multiple most appropriate to guide in-depth interviews chronic conditions. National and international with family caregivers. It was assumed that the quantitative studies have found lower quality of statements must be understood in the context in life, physical and mental health problems – such which they are produced. However, at the same as low back pain, varicose veins, hypertension, time, they are situated in concrete situations, in decreased sleep, depressive and anxious symp- a culture that transcends and includes these peo- toms – in family caregivers2-7. They also expressed ple, making them part of a historical and sym- higher levels of tension and overload, associated bolic contemporary movement1,13,14, and they with difficulties in performing basic and instru- account for the same issues addressed here local- mental activities of daily living and the required ly, with reflection and criticism15. The research care routine2,7. instruments allowed researchers to talk to the Qualitative research and more recent reviews respondents about the relationships between rel- advocate the idea that, despite the burden of care atives and older adults, their opinions about de- routines, the motivations and intersubjectivity pendence, and how they live, think, and elaborate of family relationships with the elderly positively ways of caring. influence the adaptation and coping with the sit- The study involved municipalities in five uation of assisting them8-11. Brazilian regions. In the Midwest, Brasilia; in the In this line of thought, this paper presents the Northeast, Teresina and Fortaleza; in the North, experience of listening to family caregivers and Manaus; in the Southeast, Rio de Janeiro and Belo aims to understand the experience of family care- Horizonte; and in the South, Porto Alegre and Ar- givers with the dependent older adults in Brazil aranguá. The cities were chosen to expand knowl- and understand the consequences of caring for edge about family caregivers of dependent older dependent older adults in the family caregiv- adults in the country, in different contexts of life er’s life. The focus on relatives providing care to and culture. dependent older adults is essential to direct the Access to participants was intentional and oc- planning of health services’ support to ensure curred through community health workers’ medi- that family caregivers do not feel abandoned. ation, an indication of geriatricians from special- The study is justified by the invisibility of the ized services, and an indication of relatives. The 84 theme in public policies, under the assumption family caregivers of dependent older adults con- that the family alone should not bear the burden tacted and agreed to participate in the study were of caring for their dependent loved ones, which interviewed at home, from June to September must be shared between the family, the State and 2019. The number of participants was established civil society. This responsibility that should be as- by data saturation, that is, through regular infor- sumed and led by the public authorities already mation and thematic recurrence to this study’s occurs in several countries around the world3,12 as objectives. The following criteria were observed: a state policy and is required in Brazil, particular- being family caregivers for dependent older adults ly in a reality of social inequality. and presence at the time of the interview. Relatives
29 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 26(1):27-36, 2021 of institutionalized seniors and relatives who did were wives or husbands. We observed that 44 not directly provide care to them were excluded. (52.38%) of the people exercised care for two to The date, time, and place for the interviews five years, eight (9.5%) from six to nine years, 22 were scheduled with the participants. Research- (26.2%) for more than ten years, and ten (9.5%) ers with higher education in health and human for less than a year. Of the total, 46 (54.8%) of the sciences, experience in the subject under exam- participants did not have anyone else to assist the ination, and who had been trained to use the older adult. study instruction manual conducted the inter- views. The “purposeful conversations”15 were Motivations to assume the role of caregiver held individually, at the participant’s home, in a reserved place, noise-free, with an average dura- The motivations alleged by people to decide tion of one hour. The Informed Consent Form to assume care involve several aspects. Some (ICF) was read, and authorization was requested are focused on the ethics of reciprocity, feelings to record the conversations. Respect for the sto- of gratitude, affection, admiration, and love for ries told by the participants was ensured, without the older adult. Other reasons are sustained by judgment or criticism. affective and harmonious bonds, established A harmonious and trusting climate between throughout life, and finally, those resulting from interviewer and respondent was assured by ex- the lack of choice among relatives to assume care plaining the importance of the research to the and the moral and ethical responsibility for not interlocutor to subsidize the elaboration of a spe- abandoning the older adult. Relationships with cific policy on “Dependent Aging” that improves fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, matrimonial, health and working conditions of caregivers. fraternal-like, and in some cases, with nieces, The interviews were transcribed in full, fol- granddaughters, daughters-in-law, and even ex- lowed by data organization in an analytical cor- wives are recorded. According to a caregiving pus. In this logic, the researchers’ comprehensive daughter, her motivation is based on affection. and interpretive inferences, by reading the empir- For everything she did for me. When I was born, ical material, allowed a general overview and ap- I had to receive some more specialized care. She was prehension of the particularities of the contexts a very caring mother after she learned about the of the reality of participants and their socio-cul- case [dwarfism]. It’s not just that. It’s love. What tural environments, identifying the themes on makes me be with her is not even because of the dis- motivations to assume the role of caregivers, in- ease; it is love (RMRC, 51, single, has been caring fluences on the life of family caregivers and mo- for her mother for a year, Rio de Janeiro). dalities of coping and self-care. The analysis of The reports explain the moral and ethical re- these categories was based on the assumptions of sponsibility for providing care. The memories of understanding and criticism, supported by na- the times that the older adults dedicated to the tional and international literature. family, their affection, and their stories of sacri- The participants were identified by the initial fice and renunciation to raise and educate their letters of their civil names, age, marital status, children are the most recalled reasons. Children, gender, time as caregivers and their municipality therefore, feel a duty and obligation to care and of residence to ensure their anonymity. support their parents during aging. They men- tion reciprocity for the care received and are grateful for the opportunity to provide care. A Result and discussion study in Thailand with family caregivers found that care is associated with feelings of responsi- General information bility, gratitude, and pity16. Another study points out that long-term family relationships, whether Of the family caregivers interviewed, 71 by blood or marriage17, are the reason for care. (88.7%) are female, and 13 (11.3%) are male. Of Husbands and wives assumed care in the face this group, seven (8.3%) were between 20 and of certain circumstances, such as children resid- 39 years, 44 (52.3%) were in the 40-59 years’ age ing in other municipalities, or have their own group, 12 (14.3%) were in the 60-79 years’ age families and do not want to burden them. The group, and 21 (25.1%) were over 80 years. Of marriage marked by a loving, healthy, and lasting the total caregivers, 39 (46.4%) were daughters relationship, in which there is a genuine engage- or sons, 25 (29.8%) other relatives, such as sis- ment vis-à-vis the other, was also pointed out as ters, nieces, and granddaughters, and 20 (23.8%) a reason for providing care.
30 Sousa GS et al. For all the years we spent together, I promised the children. We have to pay her back. She did not to take care of her forever. I provide care with great request us to do so. Morally, I believe it is our duty zeal, affection, fondness, and concern. I do not see (ARS, 49, married, daughter has taken care of her it as an obligation. I know that it is not something mother for three years, Belo Horizonte). she chose, and she has always been such a won- In the above report, as the older woman was derful person. So, I take care of her with great love discharged, the six children got together and opt- and dedication (CCA, 81 years old, the husband ed for institutionalization. However, one of the has provided care of his wife for fourteen years, daughters took care of the mother, because she Brasília) said her suffering bothers me more than my own When the husband received the diagnosis life. Here it is evident that the affective and emo- of Alzheimer’s disease of his wife, he assumed tional dimensions influence the decision to take the role of full-time caregiver. He created a care care of the older adult. In this specific case, it was routine of understanding and writing down the observed in other countries, regarding the care smallest signs shown by the wife to report to assumed by only one relative19-21. the doctor. Similar results were found in Chile18, Family caregivers feel ashamed to verbalize where scholars call attention to the fact that the that they exercise care due to the lack of options caregiver himself prioritizes meeting the basic and do not always speak openly about family dys- needs of the daily life of his loved one, which of- functionality. Family conflicts that occur between ten ends up limiting the exercise of his self-care. relatives in order not to share the role of caregiv- Respect for the history lived with the older ers are usually associated with how painful and adult in a marriage is also imperative for care costly this is and disrupts caregivers’ life5,6,8,11,13. even in cases where relationships with older In this case, the family component that assumes adults have been broken before their illness, as the role with solidarity, solitude, devotion, and with ex-wives. the duty of responsibility emerges, thus fulfilling I provide care because he is the father of my the traditions of the countries of Latin culture, daughter, although there was a disagreement, I in which adult children are responsible for their would not leave him in need. I came home to help parents when they age11,19,22. Other ethnic groups, take care of his mother and him. I took care of his such as Orientals, also maintain the culture of mother. Then he had a stroke. I started taking care relatives taking care of each other17,22,23. In Brazil, of him (AGJ, 60 years, divorced, takes care of her the absence of public power19 weighs on family former husband for twelve years, Belo Horizon- caregivers. te). Noteworthy is the fact that most family care- The former wives explained that they took givers are women. The role of family caregiver care of the older adults again because they did appears as a fate: not have other relatives to take care of them de- In Brazilian culture, women have always been spite having marriages permeated by violence, the ones taking care of the house, staying close, with betrayals, and conflicts. The situation gave rise to more sense of responsibility, and staying and taking a feeling of pity and respect for the years lived care of their parents. [...] We women were created together. These older adults had migrated from to take care of the offspring. When we have our par- rural to urban areas, which caused them to lose ents, our parents become our children. Men marry, contact with relatives of the extended family. take care of, and dedicate themselves to their family This circumstance was also present in a former (LMP, 58 years old, daughter has taken care of daughter-in-law who takes care of the former fa- her father for five months, Porto Alegre). ther-in-law for fear of him being abandoned by Traditional gender roles are identified in this the family. statement, including maintaining the home, mar- In the research, we identified some situations riage, and caring for parents and children rooted of relatives’ resistance to provide care, especially in contemporary society17,19,22. The task of caring with large families, conflicts over the distribution for older adults falls on wives, daughters, daugh- of tasks in the face of the older adults’ depen- ters-in-law, nieces, and granddaughters. In Can- dence, and overload of women. ada24 and European countries21,25, the struggle of Seriously? Everyone disappeared, and I ended family caregivers is for social recognition and eco- up with full responsibility. I take care, give love, nomic support from the State for the fulfillment and give affection. She was widowed at the age of of their role5,26. These issues were not raised in the thirty-nine. She could have lived her life, married, research reports. Oxfam’s document13 released at have other children, another life. She lived only for the Doha Meeting denounced the invisibility of
31 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 26(1):27-36, 2021 female caregivers’ work around the world. This respondents in all the cities surveyed. Virtually work impoverishes them financially and enriches everyone talks about the need to learn about ag- the capitalist and patriarchal world. ing and the disease that made their family depen- In this study, in the same sense as the previ- dent to understand their behavioral changes and ous arguments, it is pointed out that men are not provide them with well-being and satisfaction. the first option to assume care. They do it when These circumstances can increase the burden there is no alternative: of those providing assistance and give rise to feel- I stayed away for a while. My sister and niece ings of anguish and stress10,16,18. The lack of edu- took care of her, but my niece got her son, and my cational support and training to help, especially sister was coming in very late. I left my night work in the initial stages of care, can last a long time, shift to stay home, and I will stay until God wishes mainly if there are complex and often unpredict- me to take care of her (RNM, 40 years old, sin- able comorbidities and symptoms8-10,16,21. All the gle, the son has taken care of his mother for three cases heard indicate the need to promote care years, Belo Horizonte). to the family caregiver, with special person-cen- Unmarried children and spouses looking tered care, considering the particularities of older after older women were identified in this study. adults and those who assist them3,8,19. Men’s full dedication to caring is usually moti- Most family caregivers express their desire to vated by the fact that they are single. When they lead in assisting older adults, which is yet another are married, in general, daughters-in-law assume reason for establishing links with health profes- this responsibility. Regarding husbands, a study sionals for more adequate and effective care. The in Germany27 considers that the situation of men appreciation of family caregivers can facilitate the taking care of their wives cannot be generalized clinical management and assertive behaviors of for all age groups. In old age, the care they pro- professionals who begin to understand situations vided usually occurs when they have already re- better. Collaborative work can reduce family care- tired from the labor market27. givers’ stress and relieve the care services, because, Men providing care tend to receive more ex- when feeling valued, they are involved in care10,19,20. ternal help with domestic chores, which is sup- A current trend considers family caregivers’ work ported by a longitudinal study in Germany27, as an integral part of health systems21,24. which revealed that male caregivers are signifi- The participants considered reconciling cantly more likely to receive external support health care with older adults’ care demands as (29.6%) than women (17.7%)27. the most challenging part. These findings are exacerbated when there is no care alternation or Influences in the family caregiver’s life in cases where older adults require intermittent care. As a result, caregivers are forced to sacri- The changes in the lives of caregivers when fice various dimensions of their life, giving rise faced with an unexpected situation of the depen- to negative repercussions on their physical and dence of a relative are massive and, in general, mental health: arouse concern about the difficulties they will I got my share of cursing last week at the doctor face, with their inexperience and the unpredict- because it’s been two years since I took any med- able situation: icine. I stopped for a while when my mother was The health service could improve with the hospitalized. When my mother is unstable, one availability of priority medicines for older adults, cannot leave her side. How can I take pressure med- and geriatric clinics in the SUS should receive icine that makes people pee a lot? No way! I was training and guidance for caregivers. The begin- going to take fluoxetine, which makes people sleep, ning is challenging. There is much insecurity about and stay calm. I couldn’t. I had to be always turned what to do, how to do it. Before in Brasilia, besides on (GPRD, 55 years old, widow, has taken care of the appointment with the older adult, the caregiver her mother for six years, Belo Horizonte). also went to the general practitioner, and this was Other caregivers who take care of them- great, as many caregivers cannot get treated. Old- selves talked about their situation in a similar er adults and the caregivers should be treated with way, pointing out that their loved ones’ demands more respect and dignity (MVL, 45 years old, has lead them to physical and mental exhaustion taken care of his father with Parkinson for six and deprivation of their freedom. These people years, Brasília). must reconcile care with other tasks. In a study Insecurity in dealing with this new context with Mexican female caregivers, women express and the limits of care are common issues among the same feelings of tiredness, exhaustion, and
32 Sousa GS et al. overload11. The care routine is too tiring, espe- with dedication and concern for the other. Care cially for people who need to assist relatives daily, is only authentic when it joins reality and possi- leading them to emotional stress3 and sometimes bility, but a possibility as a human condition that burnout syndrome. The latter case occurs mainly takes into account human behavior and attitudes. with family caregivers of older adults with de- Cases of young and economically active men mentia2,7,8. The time spent on caring for older and women who had to leave work to care for the adults and the lack of space to carry out personal elderly relative were found. In other situations, activities burdens caregivers, as there is a clear relatives assumed care because they were unem- relationship between greater elderly dependence, ployed and commented that they were unable to time spent for direct care, and less time for them- return to the job market because they did not find selves. This data shows the need to give visibility any alternative in the family or the government. to the problem and promote ways of dividing Only in one family did the brothers pay the min- and reorganizing care activities, seeking the care- imum wage to the sister who takes care, socially giver’s balance and well-being3,19. acknowledging her work. Most caregivers then A study in Spain found that 39% of caregivers depend on their families to cover personal and had depressive symptoms22. The family obliga- older adults’ expenses. This tension of economic tion to provide care alone and the dysfunctional bias has also been found in other countries6,9,10. thoughts about this responsibility act indirectly Some people still face the challenges to recon- in depressive symptoms22,28. The negative psycho- cile professional work with the demands of care: I social repercussions on relatives are more signif- have to learn to separate things, or else I will fail at icant when they believe that they are unable to my job (RMRC, 51, single, has been caring for her provide care as it should be22,28. mother for a year, Rio de Janeiro). This reality is The absence of a social-family network for similar in other countries, and in some of them, sharing care in dependence interferes with the as in Germany5,27, in the policy in favor of the experience of the family caregiver who experi- dependent person, arrangements are made for ences the activities of daily living with physical hours, time, and flexible wages that facilitate care. and mental fatigue and financial difficulties. In Of the respondents in this research, many care- this context, the caregiving daughter recognizes: givers held essential positions in the organiza- I get stressed and tired. Sometimes I feel tions6 and were unable to give up their jobs. They wronged. I think a person “freaks out” with ev- point out that even having someone at home, the erything. Sometimes it becomes unbearable, and concern with medicines, food, and other tasks re- what tires are not just taking care, giving food and lated to the loved one, means tiredness to recon- bathing. I think it’s worse to deal with her behavior: cile with the occupational demands2,6,8. the most significant stress is humor. I am losing my Given this situation, elderly caregiver pro- smiling nature. It affects me, and I miss working, grams are available from the Canadian and Dan- living, having time for myself. The lack of money ish governments to provide family caregivers with makes it even worse (CRS, 50 years old, daughter time to reconcile work and other activities5,10,30. It has taken care of her mother with Alzheimer’s for is a feasible alternative for those who cannot or nine years, Fortaleza). do not want to pay for formal caregivers. For some participants, dealing alone with the older adults’ mood swings led to mental exhaus- Coping and self-care modalities tion2,7,8,22,28 in which the ability to address them with patience was exhausted, giving rise to con- Most caregivers consider that they require tradictions, conflicts, and tensions in the role of help to have a little control over their personal caregivers. They weigh on the daily needs of fam- lives, such as a support network that allows them ily caregivers, their desire to work, and moments to take care of themselves, someone to share their of freedom and better financial conditions. feelings with, without judgment or criticism, be- Heidegger29 points out that it is necessary to ing physically and mentally connected with oth- realize that care providers take risks, have limita- ers11, learning about the person’s illness, and the tions, make mistakes and get it right, and require presence of religion and faith. care to provide care to the other. One cannot care Among the support strategies, the research without considering the human condition’s on- mentioned the search for help within the family tological determinations, human’s own identity to alternate in the role: We are humans after all, built on the coexistence and interrelationship and I get tired. If I need to go to the doctor, I go, that, in this study, reveals the limitations of care and my sister stays there. One helps another, and
33 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 26(1):27-36, 2021 I end up venting a lot to her. There are many con- ers may favor an adaptation, so that wear and ex- versations. I spend the day talking (JMA, 54 years haustion are minimized in the provision of care. old, the daughter-in-law has been caring for the The need for care in geriatrics and gerontology elderly for two years, Manaus). This alternation is unanimous in this study among the partici- was also mentioned by other caregivers, who pants. Initiatives such as the Melhor em Casa (free mentioned the need to have pleasant moments, translation: Better at Home) Program with home leisure, travel and walks, giving a little lightness care for older adults requiring long-term care are in their life and the necessary self-care: necessary for family caregivers. Belo Horizonte When I want to go out, I go out, walk, and trav- has the Maior Cuidado (free translation: Greater el! Last year I traveled. I visit my colleague’s coun- Care) Program, which provides formal caregivers try home now and then. When I want, I ask some- for low-income people: I cannot physically pro- one to stay with her. I send my sister to come and vide care to her. Having the girls here at home is stay with her. Furthermore, I go, I spend Sunday, a blessing. They bathe, exercise, and interact with and come back in the afternoon (GMS, 71 years older adults. It’s just two hours a day, but that helps old, the sister has taken care of the older woman (MJS, 60 years old, has taken care of the bedrid- for four months, Manaus). den mother for four years, Belo Horizonte). Moving away from the care situation curbs The transition to the role of caregivers must stress momentarily. Some caregivers reported be understood (and supported) in several ways. that they had to overcome their apprehensions There is a time for learning to care, which may of leaving the older adult with other people. involve the development of management strate- Then they organized themselves to have some gies for clinical, psychological, and relational as- moments of rest without feeling guilty. Howev- pects, expressed daily. Some emotional and inter- er, some family dynamics preclude alternating personal needs are imposed on the relationship care11,17,19,20, either due to the distance and pre-ex- besides several guidelines that can be generalized, isting tensions in the family members’ relation- providing support from other people and, almost ship, the lack of commitment of relatives to care, always, social, financial, and structural support31. geographical distances, and many children, es- Family caregivers in all municipalities make pecially in the northeast, where several families financial sacrifices to have a health plan and en- migrated to other cities, which hinders the pro- sure specialized care in geriatrics. Relatives also vision of support to family caregivers. It should pay for speech therapists and private physio- be noted that, although 46.2% of the participants therapists. Formal caregivers for older adults are reported that they receive help with care, this hired when a relative is unable to care 24 hours/ support only happens on weekends and timely. day because he/she does not have flexibility in the Care is exercised in a shift format and effective work environment or a person to share the care, relay between the brothers only in four house- and do not have the physical conditions to care holds. Several caregivers mentioned that they for the older adult. seek to learn about the health problems of the Everyone likes her. The brothers got together to people they care for, which makes them safe and pay caregivers and nurses to take care of her direct- confident in performing their role: ly. I just follow up, because I don’t have the strength I talked a lot to doctors and the psychologist at to provide care. I think she must feel better here the hospital, where he was admitted to understand than there at the hospital. Their brothers always his illness. The psychologist guided me in several visit her, I caress her head and talk to her (MHSM, ways to deal with him. The Home Doctor program 85 years old, she has taken care of her daughter [Better at home] is fantastic, excellent. The older with a stroke sequel for eight months, Teresina) adult feels welcomed and receives guidelines that Deep social inequalities mark the Brazilian not even relatives knew, and we learn every day reality. Few relatives can organize themselves with the doctor, a physiotherapist, nurses. It is very financially to provide the best care to the older significant support for the family (LMP, 58 years adult. In this research, only a small number of old, the daughter has taken care of her father for family caregivers took care of themselves, valuing five months, Porto Alegre). their affections, with the possibility of a unique After diagnosis, knowing and learning about production of holding their places in the world the nuances of the disease, since some patholo- when establishing an effective care routine. gies demarcate significant impairments, affecting Foucault32 argues that the notion of self-care the motor, behavioral and affective part of older shows ethics in itself, in which self-care can be adults and their relationship with family caregiv- characterized as an elaboration of the subject
34 Sousa GS et al. through a subjective transformation and the out that caring is an eminently female and unpaid consequent establishment of new ways of life, job. Attention is drawn to the number of young which are manifested by acts and conduct and a men taking care of older adults, and the lack of set of practices and techniques that are exercised questioning about the role of caring among the from oneself to oneself. respondents. For most, taking on the role of care- Physical activity, religion, and spirituality giver involved positive feelings, gratitude, ethical have often been described as a means of self-care: and moral responsibility towards older relatives I engage in my physical activity daily. The spir- who lost their autonomy. There is a sense of rec- itual part is also fundamental. It is as important iprocity in the care received, in a movement of as material food, so I do not miss going to church. renouncing oneself in a pre-established moral I am the minister of the Eucharist. I have to attend code that links the subject in the care of the other. to some people once a week and thank God I can The daily needs of family caregivers are char- do that. I can reconcile (MCMAM, 59 years old, acterized by insecurity due to the lack of guidance she has taken care of her husband for six months, in care in geriatrics and gerontology, psychoso- Teresina) cial repercussions for the drudgery and repetitive Many caregivers say prayers, go to church, re- work, social deprivation, difficulties in reconcil- ceive religious groups at their homes, looking for ing care and work, suspension of professional life strength to help endure difficult days. For many, and financial embarrassment. Noteworthy is the faith is a mechanism for relieving tension. Reli- percentage of older adults taking care of other gious beliefs and faith-related creeds were mainly older adults. This data is of concern due to the positive for caregivers, giving them meaning for increased vulnerability of older caregivers in the the tasks of caring. According to the literature, face of routine and permanent workload. Latin culture caregivers tend to value religiosity It is necessary to draw the attention of the as support for coping with care procedures11,22. Brazilian State to the situation of caregivers. A limitation of this study is the lack of regis- While the Brazilian legislation considers care for tration of family caregivers in the health infor- the dependent older adults to be the responsibili- mation system, which resulted in a convenience ty of the family, the state, and civil society, specif- sample. ic policies supporting family caregivers are weak or non-existent. The country does not financially invest in family caregivers. Studies that consider Final considerations family caregivers’ experience can be a way to in- tegrate them as part of the health system, valuing The empirical dimensions underlying the expe- their demands, and assuring their rights and ad- riences of family caregivers of older adults point equate protection by the State.
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