Page created by Patrick Nichols

Your 2021/2022

Welcome to The Open University. Whether you’re seeking
inspiration, looking to change direction or searching for a new
beginning, you’re in the right place.

–   The roadmap to your new career.
–   An opportunity to gain new skills.
–   The chance to explore your passion.
–   A way to create a better life for you and your family.
–   The next chapter in your learning journey.

Whatever you want to achieve, we’re here to help you make it happen.
Join over two million people who’ve freed their ambition with us.


    This prospectus         Welcome to
                                                                  ― An OU qualification is widely
    is the start of         The Open University
                                                                    respected by businesses,
    your journey and        We’ve pioneered distance                with 77% of FTSE 100
                            learning for over 50 years.             companies sponsoring staff
    will cover:             This pioneering spirit is why           to study with us.
                            we are experts in delivering
                                                                  ― More CEOs and Managing
                            distance education, both in
                                                                    Directors of UK companies have
                            the UK and across 157 countries
                                                                    studied with us than any other
                            worldwide, and why we lead
                                                                    UK university.
      what you can study    the way for innovative teaching
                            and research.                         ― 86% of our alumni say studying
                                                                    with us helped them achieve
      how long it’ll take   Every day, we support our
                                                                    their career goals.
                            students to achieve their goals
                            around other important things in      ― 74% of our students are already
      how distance          their lives. It’s what we do.           in work, balancing their careers
      learning works        The Open University was
                                                                    with their studies.
                            established by Royal Charter          ― We are the largest UK university
      your funding          on 23 April 1969. We’ve come a          for undergraduate education.
                            long way since then, constantly
      options               innovating at every step to make      ― Throughout our 48-year
                            sure that our founding mission –        partnership with the BBC, we’ve
      how to register.      enabling access to education for        co-produced numerous TV
                            all – remains as relevant now as it     and radio series – like Sir David
                            did 50 years ago.                       Attenborough’s Blue Planet II
                                                                    and A Perfect Planet.

Bringing university to you, wherever you are          4

How do we compare with other universities?            5

What you can study                                    6

Achieve your goals with us                            7

Welcome to health and social care                     8

Building your qualification                           10

Prepare for study with an Access module               12

How long your qualification will take                 14

How we support you                                    16

How you’ll learn                                      17

Your fees and funding options                         18

Find an undergraduate course                          23

Find a postgraduate course                            63

How to register                                       72

Useful information                                    73

Get in touch                                   Back cover

    At The Open University, we pride ourselves on being
    unconventional. There’s no right order to do things in life, only
    what’s right for you. We’ll help you get where you want to be.

    Learn on your terms                 Spark your imagination              Connect with
    Learning with us is flexible and    From online tutorials, to           like‑minded students
    supportive, guided by expert        books, to the virtual learning      Module discussion groups are
    tutors every step of the way.       environment, you’ll study using     there for you to talk about your
                                        a variety of digital and physical   subject, coursework or to share
    We’ll give you all the essential
                                        resources. So however you learn     study methods. You can also
    course resources and materials
                                        best, we’ll keep you inspired.      connect with us on social media
    you need. Plus, our dedicated
                                                                            or join one of the many informal
    Student Support Team is             Our assessment                      social media groups set up by
    always there to help you if
                                        methods                             your fellow students.
    you need advice.
                                        Depending on your course,           When you register, you’ll become
    ― You decide when and
                                        we’ll use a blend of written        a member of our students
      where you learn.
                                        assignments, oral and practical     association. This community
    ― You can keep on earning           assessments, projects, exams,       gives you the chance to meet
      while you learn.                  dissertations and portfolios.       fellow students and help
                                        For more on assessments,            influence University decisions.
    ― You can fit study around other    visit         For more information, visit
      life commitments.                 assessment.               
    ― You can fund your studies in a
                                        Additional study                    Get social with us
      way that suits you.
    Learn from the best                 Did you know that we support          @OUstudents
    Our network of more than 5,000      more disabled students than           @OUstudentslive
    expert tutors deliver innovative,   any other UK university? We’ll
    insightful teaching and many        provide access to tools and
    combine their work as tutors        guidance and ensure you get the
    with academic or sector roles.      appropriate level of support to
                                        make the best of your studies.

                                        There’s been a lot on in the last few years; we had my
                                        son, I moved jobs, and I moved house again. The OU’s
                                        flexibility certainly does make things easier, it really
                                        complements that kind of lifestyle.

                                        Jack Brooke
                                        OU graduate

                                                                                                             FREE YOUR AMBITION
An OU qualification is exactly the same as one from a
campus-based university, but our unique approach to
learning means you don’t have to put your life on hold.

Distance is in our DNA
We’ve been bringing university
to our students, wherever
they are, for over 50 years.
Our resources are designed
for distance learning, and we
know how to best fit study
around busy lives.

We’re respected
A combination of education
and experience is highly sought
after and can greatly enhance
your employment prospects.
An OU qualification allows
you to put what you learn into
practice immediately. You’ll be
able to show you’re dedicated,
driven and committed –
personal qualities that are
valued in any workplace.

We’re flexible                       We’re a thriving               We’re open to all
Studying with the OU allows you
                                     community                      We believe that your ability isn’t
to work as you learn and apply       You’ll be joining one of the   only based on your previous
your new skills and knowledge        most diverse, dynamic          qualifications. That’s why there
in the real world.                   and inclusive student          are no formal academic entry
                                     communities. Whatever your     requirements for most of our
There’s no such thing as a typical
                                     goals, we’re here to help      undergraduate courses.
OU student. You’ll decide how
                                     and champion you to fulfil     Find out what you’ll need to study
and when you want to study.
                                     your ambition.                 our postgraduate courses at
Our tutors and Student Support
Teams are used to helping            More than 170,000 students‑ready.
students balance study with          study with us each year. Now
other commitments.                   it’s your turn to join them.

                                                                    MORE INFORMATION
                                                                    Find out more about
                                                                    The Open University.



    Whatever the change you want to make, whatever your goal, it starts
    here with one of over 200 qualifications. You can study towards a
    degree or start with a certificate or diploma of higher education and
    build on your studies as you go.
    Undergraduate                     Postgraduate
    Certificate of higher education   Postgraduate certificate             Doctorate in Health and
                                                                           Social Care
    Get a general grounding or        Ideal for professional and career
    improve your understanding of a   development, this is the first       A postgraduate research degree
    subject area.                     step towards a masters degree        designed for established
                                      as well as being a valuable          professionals working in health
    Diploma of higher education       qualification in its own right.      and social care settings.
    Expand your knowledge and
                                      Postgraduate diploma                 Open masters
    improve your skill set in a
    specialised area.                 Work towards a widely                Choose modules from a range
                                      recognised qualification that        of subjects to build a masters
    Foundation degree                 is equivalent to two-thirds of a     degree individual to you.
                                      masters degree.
    Focus on a subject related to
    what you’re doing now, either
                                      Masters degree
    workwise or voluntarily.
                                      Study modules towards an
    Named degree                      internationally respected
                                      qualification while gaining
    Complete modules in a specific
                                      specialist academic, professional,
    subject to earn an honours
                                      or technical skills.
    degree and open doors to a new
    interest or career.

    Open degree                                                            FIND OUT MORE
                                                                           Find the course to match
    Design your own honours
                                                                           your ambition.
    degree and include modules
    from different subject areas to                                                   Visit
    suit your interests and needs.                                          

Since we were              We will:                       You can expect:
founded, over 50           help you get a qualification   materials that are designed
years ago, we’ve           to suit you and your goals     with you in mind

helped more than           provide a flexible learning    continuous innovation and
two million people         experience that works with
                           you and your life
                                                          accessible learning, whatever
                                                          your circumstances
realise their potential.
                           use technology and teaching    access to world-class
                           methods that enhance your      resources, whenever you
                           study experience               need them

                           support you every step of      qualifications that are
                           the way.                       respected by employers
                                                          around the world.

                                                          Open Diaries
                                                          The Open Diaries is a
                                                          collection of videos from our
                                                          students and tutors, sharing
                                                          what it’s like to take that life-
                                                          changing step.

                                                          Keen to hear more from
                                                          people who decided to make
                                                          that change?



    Whatever the change
    you want to make,                Health, social work and social care services in
    whatever your ambition,
                                     the UK are constantly changing. Innovations in
    it starts here                   policy and practice, as well as new standards
                                     for treatment, care and support, provide
                                     challenges and opportunities for professionals
    The benefits of                  working in the fields of health and social care.
    studying health,
    social work and                  Whether you already work in the sector or are generally interested
                                     in this field, studying with us provides you with a sound and critical
    social care with
                                     understanding of the health and social care policy, theory and
    us include:                      practice essential in today’s fast-changing care sector. You’ll be
    a teaching model designed        studying with one of the largest and most innovative providers of
    to fit around your work and      educational opportunities and learning solutions in the health and
    home life - allowing you to      social care sector.
    earn while you learn

    a wide range of courses,
                                     Undergraduate                          Postgraduate
    so no matter what level of       Our undergraduate qualifications       We offer a number of certificates,
    experience or interest you
                                     range from certificates, diplomas      diplomas and degrees at
    have, we have a course to
                                     and foundation degrees in areas        postgraduate level, covering
    suit you
                                     of health and social care, and a       areas including:
    learning from a faculty that     choice of degrees including:
                                                                            ― Advanced Clinical Practice
    works with employers,
                                     ― Health and Social Care
    including the NHS, social                                               ― Childhood and Youth
    services and voluntary sector,   ― Health Science
    providing qualifications that                                           ― Social Work.
    meet their changing needs        ― Nursing (Adult, Children
                                       and Young People, Learning
    access to learning that is         Disabilities, and Mental Health)
    informed by research
                                     ― Social Work
    gaining a broad
    understanding of the diverse     ― Sport, Fitness and Coaching.
    practices, settings and
    influential factors that make
    up and affect this sector.

         To anyone considering Open University study I’d say do it,
         you won’t look back. It’s hard but so worth it. For me, the
         highlights were passing each module and seeing my marks
         improve as I progressed. The pride you feel is something
         you definitely can’t buy!
         Sarah Burgess
         BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing

Professional                        Apprenticeships
accreditation                       As one of the Education
We offer qualifications in non-     and Skills Funding Agency’s
medical prescribing, nursing        approved apprenticeship
associate practice, nursing and     providers, we are committed
social work that are approved by    to ensuring that we provide
external regulators.                a selection of high quality
                                    apprenticeships to support those
Working in partnership with         in health, social work and social
employers we offer learning         care. Our apprenticeships in
programmes in nursing and           health and social care include:
nursing associate practice
which are recognised by health      ― Advanced Clinical Practitioner
and social care employers             Degree Apprenticeship
across the UK.                      ― Higher Apprenticeship for
With around 250 graduates             Nursing Associates
every year, we’re also the UK’s     ― Registered Nurse Degree
largest provider of a part-time       Apprenticeship
qualifying degree in social work.
If you already work in a social     ― Social Worker Degree
care setting, this degree offers      Apprenticeship.
you an unique opportunity to
                                    Please note that our
build on your experience towards
                                    apprenticeships are only
a professional qualification.
                                    available through your employer
                                    and students cannot register        Step one,
                                    directly with the OU.
                                                                        You’re well on your way to
                                                                        making that life change,
                                                                        page by page, step by
                                                                        step. Take the next one by
                                                                        continuing to read about
                                                                        our health and social care
                                      Employers interested in           qualifications, then register
                                      finding out more about            for your chosen course.
                                      apprenticeships should go
                                      to                       Visit
                                      apprenticeships, email us at                   openuniversity.
                                      or call 0300 303 0122.


     Undergraduate                                                                  Access module
                                                                       An optional module to build your confidence
     You’ll need to build up a certain number of credits
                                                                            and prepare you for further study.
     to gain your qualification. Here’s how it works:

     The different stages
                                                                       To complete Stage 1, you’ll need 120 credits,
     ― Complete one stage for a certificate of higher                   studying modules worth 30 or 60 credits.
       education, two stages for a diploma of higher
                                                             Stage 1

       education or foundation degree, and three
       stages to gain an honours degree.                                               120 credits

     ― To complete each stage, you must build up a set
       number of credits.                                                   Certificate of higher education

     The credits you need
                                                                        To complete Stage 2, you’ll need a further
     ― You’ll need at least 120 credits to complete                     120 credits, studying modules worth 30 or
       each stage. This means that to earn an honours                                    60 credits.
                                                             Stage 2

       degree, 360 credits are usually required in total.

     ― Credits are gained by successfully                                              240 credits
       completing modules.
                                                                            Diploma of higher education or
     The modules available                                                       Foundation degree
     ― With each module you successfully complete
       you’ll earn a set number of credits, usually either              To complete Stage 3, you’ll need a further
       30 or 60.                                                        120 credits, studying modules worth 30 or
                                                                                         60 credits.
                                                             Stage 3

     ― Modules are either compulsory or chosen from
       a range of options.
                                                                                       360 credits

                                                                                    Honours degree

                                                                                    READ MORE
                                                                                    Find out more about credits
                                                                                    and modules and how you work
                                                                                    towards a qualification.

                                                                       60 credits
You’ll need to build up a set number of credits,                  at postgraduate level.
which is done by successfully completing modules.
You’ll need:

― 60 credits to gain a postgraduate certificate                Postgraduate certificate

― 120 credits to gain a postgraduate diploma

― 180 credits to gain a masters degree.                           A further 60 credits
                                                       at postgraduate level, totalling 120 credits.
With each module you successfully complete, you’ll
earn a set number of credits. Modules are either
compulsory or chosen from a range of options.
                                                                 Postgraduate diploma
Getting started

All you need to do is choose which qualification you
want to study and register on a module that counts                A further 60 credits
towards that qualification.                            at postgraduate level, totalling 180 credits.

                                                                    Masters degree

     We’re different to                  You can choose to dive straight       Your Access module materials
                                         into your qualification at Stage 1    are a blend of printed and
     other universities                  or you can get started with an        online resources. You’ll engage
     because we’re open                  optional Access module. If you        with the materials to complete
                                         aren’t sure where to start, you       tasks such as online quizzes and
     to people based                     can find more information on the      tutor-marked assignments.
     on their potential                  best starting point for you on our    At the end, you’ll demonstrate
                                         website, visit openuniversity.        your learning by completing a
     rather than their                                   final written assignment.
     prior qualifications.               An Access module is a great
                                                                               There’s no exam.
     Our students come                   place to start if you want a gentle   Access modules start every
     from a diverse                      introduction to Open University
                                         study. It can also help you find
                                                                               February, May and October and
                                                                               usually last for 30 weeks. Each
     range of academic                   out more about your interests         week requires around nine or ten
     backgrounds, so                     and where you want your
                                         learning to take you.
                                                                               hours of study. If your module
                                                                               has the fast track option, you can
     we offer a choice                                                         increase your study time and
                                         How Access
     of starting points                  modules work
                                                                               complete your Access module in
                                                                               just 18 weeks.
     depending on how
                                         You’ll have a dedicated tutor,        What you need
     confident you are in                who’ll provide academic support
                                                                               You’ll get access to your module
     your study skills.                  via email and one-to-one phone
                                                                               website and your books and
                                         tutorials. Your Student Support
                                         Team will be on hand to help          other printed materials will be
                                         with everything else,                 posted out to you. All you need is:
                                         including fees and funding,           ― a phone
                                         administrative support, and
                                         study-related guidance.               ― a computer with
                                                                                 internet access.

       What you can study
       Each Access module covers relevant topics and develops the skills you’ll need as you continue your
       chosen qualification.

       People, work and society           Science, technology and              We offer one other
       Access module (Y032)               maths Access module (Y033)           Access module, which is
                                                                               more relevant to other
       Get compelling insights            Grow your knowledge in a
                                                                               subject areas:
       into a wide range of areas,        range of technical subjects,
       including childhood and            including science; engineering       ― Arts and languages
       youth studies; social science;     and design; environment;               Access module (Y031) –
       psychology; health; business;      mathematics; and computing             also available as Arts and
       and law. This module will help     and IT. As the foundation for          languages Access module:
       you to improve your subject        further studies in these fields,       fast track (YXFT031)
       knowledge in those areas           this module will help build
       particularly, but also prepare     your confidence and prepare
       you for further study on a wide    you for more OU study.
       variety of OU qualifications.

Do you qualify for a free           How much does an
Access module?                      Access module cost?
You can study an Access module      If you don’t qualify to study for
for free if you:                    free, the cost depends on where     I chose an Access
                                    you live.
― live in the UK (excludes                                              module to get me
  Channel Islands and Isle of       ― In England, the Channel           back into education.
  Man) or have a British Forces       Islands and the Isle of Man
  Post Office address                 it’s £792.                        I’m now working
― are studying the module as        ― In Northern Ireland and           towards an honours
  part of an OU qualification         Scotland it’s £264.               degree. This wouldn’t
  (this doesn’t apply if you live
  in Scotland)
                                    ― In Wales it’s £321.               have been possible
― have a household income
                                    You can pay up front by debit or    without the OU.
                                    credit card, or by bank transfer.
  (or, in Scotland, a personal
                                    Or spread the cost with an Open
  income) of £25,000 or less, or
                                    University Student Budget           Michelle Brennan
  you receive qualifying benefits                                       OU student
                                    Account – for more, see page 21.
― have completed less than
                                    If you’re studying an Access
  one year of a full-time
                                    module as part of an OU
  undergraduate programme
                                    qualification and you live in
  at FHEQ or CQFW level 4/
                                    England, Wales or Northern
  SCQF level 7 or above, and not
                                    Ireland, you could cover the cost
  completed 30 credits or more
                                    with a student loan – for more,
  of OU study.
                                    see page 18.

                                                                        MORE INFORMATION
                                                                        Find out more about our
                                                                        Access modules.
    Students who start with an
    Access module are more likely to be                                            Visit
    SUCCESSFUL                                                                     ug‑access
    when they advance to OU Stage 1 study.
     We give you the flexibility to choose the amount of study
     you want to take on each year. That means you can get the
     qualification you want in a timeframe that works for you.

     Undergraduate qualifications
     Most of our students study part time, gaining 60 credits a year. That’s like studying at
     half the rate of a full-time course at a campus-based university. If you want to complete
     your study at full-time equivalent intensity, you’ll need to gain 120 credits per year.

       Part time | 60 credits a year | 16–18 study hours a week

              Certificate of higher
            education (120 credits)

                Diploma of higher
              degree (240 credits)

                     Honours degree
                        (360 credits)

                                            0             1             2             3             4             5             6

                                                                            Years to complete

       Full time | 120 credits a year | 32–36 study hours a week

              Certificate of higher
            education (120 credits)

                Diploma of higher
              degree (240 credits)

                     Honours degree
                        (360 credits)

                                            0             1             2             3             4             5             6

                                                                            Years to complete

     Some qualifications follow a different pattern of study. See individual descriptions on our website for more information.
     All OU students are considered part-time students. This remains the same even if you choose to study at a full-time equivalent intensity.

Postgraduate qualifications
How long it will take to get your qualification depends on how it’s
structured and the number of credits required. All of our postgraduate
courses are offered as part-time study and the usual timescales for
individual module completion are shown below.

― 15–30 credit module – typically five months.
― 60 credit module – typically nine months.

The guide below gives you an idea of how long it could take you to gain
your qualification.

  Part time | 60 credits a year | 16–20 study hours a week

    Postgraduate certificate
                (60 credits)

       Postgraduate diploma
                (120 credits)

                Masters degree
                  (180 credits)

                                       0                            1                           2                           3

                                                                        Years to complete

Some qualifications follow a different pattern of study. See individual descriptions on our website for more information.

   Have you studied before?                                                                    MORE INFORMATION
                                                                                               To find out more and use our
   If you’ve studied at university level before, you could count this                          time planner tool.
   study towards an OU qualification. This could save you time and                                            Visit
   money by reducing the number of modules you need to study.                                                 openuniversity.
   Visit‑transfer to find out more.                                     


     You’re never alone when you’re studying
     with The Open University. Your community
     of expert tutors and fellow students are                                 There is a community at The
     here to support you every step of the way.                               Open University. Everyone
                                                                              supports each other. One
     For each module, you’ll have a dedicated tutor who’ll be your first      tutor that really inspired me
     point of contact for any queries. They’ll lead regular tutorials, mark
     your assignments, provide detailed written feedback, and give            was Michael. His words of
     support over the phone, through email, or online.                        encouragement gave me a
     Our Students Association, OU Community forums and range of               confidence boost. My grades
     societies and groups mean you’re connected to one of the UK’s
     largest student communities.
                                                                              just kept on improving
                                                                              and improving.

                                                                              Joe Acaye
                                                                              OU student

                                                                              READ MORE
                                                                              Find out more about how you’ll
                                                                              be supported during your studies.


With regular tutorials                The virtual learning environment    What you need
                                      or ‘module website’ contains all
and an online hub to                  the online study resources you’ll
                                                                          To study with us, you’ll need:

manage your studies,                  need, including:                    ― a computer with internet
                                                                            access. Don’t worry if you
you’ll have everything                ― a week-by-week study planner
                                                                            haven’t got access to one
you need to succeed.                  ― an assessment section, giving       right now – you could receive
                                        details of your assignments         financial support to help you
                                        and their due dates                 buy one
Once you’ve registered, you’ll have
access to StudentHome where           ― the tutorial booking system       ― a good grasp of the English
you’ll be able to:                                                          language. We teach our
                                      ― your online tutorial room and
                                                                            courses in English. If you’re
― see an overview of your               your tutor’s contact details
                                                                            not sure whether your
  course and the modules              ― module forums where you             English is at the right level,
  you’re studying                       can discuss topics with other       go to
― submit your assignments               students and complete               englishlanguage for help
                                        collaborative work online           and guidance.
― choose your next module
                                      ― PDF and accessible formats
― visit our online Help Centre          of your module materials
― access your virtual learning          and resources.

                                                                             for the
                                                                             next step?
                                                                             Read on to discover
                                                                             more about how we can
                                                                             help you fund your studies
                                                                             and the qualifications
                                                                             you could earn.

     We believe cost shouldn’t be                       FOR THOSE LIVING IN                        Funding your studies
     a barrier to achieving your                        NORTHERN IRELAND
     potential. That’s why our tuition                  OR SCOTLAND                                ENGLAND AND WALES
     fees are among the most                            Credits               Cost
     competitive in the UK. Whatever                    each year             per year4            Part‑Time Tuition Fee Loan
     your circumstances, we’re                                                                     If you live in England or Wales
                                                        60                    £1,056               the best way to fund your
     here to help you find a way of
     funding your studies that suits                    120                   £2,112               undergraduate studies, regardless
     your circumstances.                                                                           of age or income, might be with
                                                    In Northern Ireland and Scotland,
                                                                                                   a student loan. In fact, 80% of OU
                                                    the total cost for a typical
     How much does it cost?                         360-credit honours degree
                                                                                                   students in England and Wales
                                                                                                   fund their studies this way.
     You’ll fund your studies on a module-          based on today’s prices is £6,336.
     by-module basis, which means you               4
                                                        2021/22 prices (exceptions apply); fees    Key facts
     won’t have to pay for your whole                   normally increase annually in line with
                                                        inflation and the University’s strategic   ― You don’t have to pay anything
     qualification up front. We’ve given                approach to fees.                            up front. Repayments only start
     you an idea of costs below:
                                                                                                     when your salary exceeds the
                                                    WHAT’S INCLUDED?                                 income threshold, which is
         ENGLAND                                    Your module materials, tuition,                  currently £27,295.
         Credits               Cost                 assessment and exams are all                   ― Repayments are deducted
         each year             per year1            included in our module fees.                     automatically from your salary.
                                                    There are some additional costs
         60                    £3,168
                                                    that aren’t included.                          ― You can pay off the loan early
         120                   £6,336                                                                without any penalties.
                                                    ― You’ll need your own computer
                                                      and internet access.                         ― Any balance outstanding after
     In England, the total cost for
                                                                                                     30 years will be written off.
     a 360-credit honours degree                    ― For some modules, you may
     based on today’s prices is                       need to buy additional set                   Here’s how your monthly student
     £19,008. That’s two-thirds                       books, such as fiction books or              loan repayments could look:
     the cost of an equivalent                        a language dictionary.                           Income each     Monthly
     qualification offered at a
                                                                                                       year before tax repayment5
     campus-based university –                      ― You may need to pay for travel
     a saving of over 30%. 2                          to tutorials or exams.                           Up to £27,295         £0
         2021/22 prices; fees normally increase
                                                    ― A handful of our modules                         £29,000               £12.79
         annually in line with inflation and the
         University’s strategic approach to fees.     include a residential school. For
                                                                                                       £34,000               £50.29
         Based on maximum chargeable fees             these, you’ll need to fund the
         for the 2021/22 academic year.               cost of travel to the residential            5
                                                                                                       Repayments are based on what you earn, not
                                                      school venue. There may also                     what you owe. You’ll repay 9% of what you
         FOR THOSE LIVING IN WALES                    be additional costs for meals                    earn over £27,295. For example, if you earn
                                                                                                       £29,000, you’ll repay £153.45 that year (9% of
         Credits               Cost                   and accommodation.                               £1,705). That’s just £12.79 per month.
         each year             per year3
                                                                                                   Already have an
         60                    £1,284
                                                                                                   undergraduate degree?
         120                   £2,568                                                              You may still qualify for a student
     In Wales, the total cost for a                                                                loan. You just need to be living in
     typical 360-credit honours degree                                                             England or Wales and looking to
     based on today’s prices is £7,704.                                                            study an eligible qualification.
         2021/22 prices (exceptions apply); fees
         normally increase annually in line with
         inflation and the University’s strategic
         approach to fees.

WALES                                   Course Grant                            Disabled Veterans’
                                        You may also be eligible for a          Scholarships Fund
If you live in Wales, you can also
                                        non-repayable Course Grant of           If you’ve been injured in, or due
apply for maintenance grants
                                        up to a maximum of £265 a year.         to, military service, you could be
and, if you need one, a top-up
                                        It’s intended to help with course-      eligible for funding to complete a
maintenance loan, to help with
                                        related costs, such as a computer,      full Open University qualification.
living costs.
                                        internet access, stationery or
                                                                                Employer sponsorship
Maintenance grants                      travel to tutorials.
                                                                                Your employer could partially
You could be eligible for up to
                                        SCOTLAND                                or fully pay your module fees.
£4,500 a year. The money you
receive isn’t a loan – you won’t        Part‑Time Fee Grant                     Study related costs
need to pay any of it back. The         If you live in Scotland, you could      If you’re on a low household
amount you’ll be awarded is             qualify for a Part-Time Fee Grant       income or receive certain
determined by your household            and top-up funding to cover 100%        benefits, you might be eligible
income and the rate at which            of your course fees. You’ll likely be   for additional funding for study-
you study.                              eligible if your personal income        related costs, such as travel,
                                        is £25,000 or less, or you’re on        childcare and internet access.
Maintenance loans
                                        certain benefits, and you’re
You’ll also be eligible to apply for                                            Self‑funded study
a non-means-tested maintenance          studying at least 30 credits a year.
loan, should you need it, to            The fee grant and top-up funding        If you’re not eligible for student
‘top-up’ the financial support          aren’t loans, so you won’t need to      loan or grant funding, we offer
you’ve received from grants.            pay any of it back.                     a range of other funding options.

NORTHERN IRELAND                        Other support                           OUSBA loan
                                                                                Pay your fees in instalments
If you live in Northern Ireland, you    Carers’ Bursary                         with a loan from Open University
could be eligible for a fee grant       If you provide unpaid care for          Student Budget Accounts Ltd.
and/or loan to help towards the         a friend or family member               See page 21 for more information.
cost of your tuition fees.              who cannot cope without your
                                        support, you may be eligible for        Card payments
Part‑Time Tuition Fee Grant             a bursary of £250 to support you        Pay for each module with a
You could be eligible for up to         with your study costs.                  debit or credit card in one quick,
£1,230 a year. The money you                                                    simple payment.
receive isn’t a loan – you won’t        Care Experienced Bursary
                                        If you have been in care of a Local     Mixed payments
need to pay any of it back. The
                                        Authority at any stage of your life,    Combine your payment options
amount you’ll be awarded is
                                        you may be eligible for a bursary       to fund your studies the way
determined by your household
                                        of £250 to support you with your        you want.
income and the rate at which
you study.                              study costs.

Part‑Time Tuition Fee Loan              Disabled Students’ Allowance
If you’re not eligible for the grant,   You could access financial
or if it doesn’t cover the full cost    support towards study
of your tuition fees, you can pay in    costs incurred as a result of
                                        your disability.
full or in part using an alternative                                            FIND OUT MORE
payment method, such as a Part-
                                                                                Find out more about
Time Tuition Fee Loan.
                                                                                undergraduate fees and funding.

                                                                                            Call 0300 303 5303
     With The Open University,               Funding your studies                     Learning grant and
     a world-class postgraduate                                                       maintenance loan
     qualification is an investment          ENGLAND                                  ― You could access up to £18,025 of
     you can afford. Whatever your                                                      maintenance grants and loans.
                                             Postgraduate loan
     circumstances, we’ll help you find
                                             If you live in England, you              ― You’ll automatically get a
     a funding method that suits you.
                                             could be eligible for a maintenance        £1,000 non-repayable grant,
     How much does it cost?                  loan of up to £11,570 from Student         rising to £6,885, depending on
                                             Finance England.                           your income.
     You’ll fund your studies on a           ― Loans are non-means-tested,            ― Loans are non-means-tested,
     module-by-module basis, which             so eligibility isn’t based on            so eligibility isn’t based on
     means you won’t have to pay               your income.                             your income.
     for your whole qualification up
     front. To find the total fee for your   ― The money is paid directly to you.     ― The money’s paid directly to you.
     qualification, visit our website.
                                             ― You’ll get your first instalment       ― Payments are made in
     WHAT’S INCLUDED?                          after you’ve paid for your first         instalments, spread across
                                               module and started studying.             however long you’re studying.
     Your module materials, tuition,
     assessment and exams are all            ― Payments are spread across two         ― You’ll get your first instalment
     included in our module fees.              or three years.                          after you’ve paid for your first
                                                                                        module and started studying.
     There are some additional costs         ― Repayments only start when
     that aren’t included.                     you earn more than the income          ― Loan repayments only
                                               threshold (currently, £21,000).          start when you earn more
     ― You’ll need your own computer                                                    than the income threshold
       and internet access.                  ― You’ll repay 6% of your income
                                                                                        (currently, £21,000).
                                               over £21,000. So, for example, if
     ― For some modules, you may               you earn £25,000, you’ll repay         ― You’ll repay 6% of your income
       need to buy additional set              only £240 that year (6% of               over the threshold – so, for
       books, such as fiction or               £4,000). That’s just £20 a month.        example, if you earn £25,000,
       theory books.                                                                    you’ll repay only £240 that
                                             ― Payments are deducted
     ― You may need to pay for travel                                                   year (6% of £4,000). That’s just
                                               automatically from your salary.
       to tutorials or exams.                                                           £20 a month.
                                             ― Any balance outstanding after
     ― A handful of our modules                                                       To be eligible you must be:
                                               30 years will be written off.
       include a residential school. For                                              ― a resident in Wales
       these, you’ll need to fund the        To be eligible you must:
       cost of travel to the residential                                              ― studying for a masters degree
                                             ― be under 60 years old
       school venue. There may also                                                   ― under 60 years old.
       be additional costs for meals         ― be a resident in England
       and accommodation.                                                             Wales STEMM bursary
                                             ― be studying a masters degree
                                                                                      If you study towards an eligible
                                               that can be completed in no
                                                                                      Science, Technology, Engineering,
                                               more than three years
                                                                                      Mathematics, or Medicine
                                             ― not currently have a masters           (STEMM) masters, you might
                                               degree or equivalent                   also be eligible for an additional
                                                                                      £2,000 to help with study or
                                             ― be studying your qualification
                                                                                      living costs.
                                               from the beginning.
                                                                                      Wales 60+ bursary
                                             WALES                                    If you’re aged 60 or over at the
                                                                                      start of your masters’ seasonal
                                             If you live in Wales, you can apply
                                                                                      academic year, you could receive
                                             for financial support over the
                                                                                      a non-repayable bursary of up
                                             duration of your qualification. And if
                                                                                      to £4,000 towards study or
                                             you’re studying towards an eligible
                                                                                      living costs.
                                             science-related qualification, or
                                             are aged 60+ when you start your
                                             studies, you could be eligible for
20                                           additional bursary funding.
NORTHERN IRELAND                        Disabled Students’ Allowance           Open University

                                                                                                                      FEES AND FUNDING
AND SCOTLAND                            You could access financial support     Student Budget
                                        towards study costs incurred as a
Postgraduate loan                                                              Account (OUSBA)
                                        result of your disability.
If you live in Northern Ireland or
                                                                               When you enrol with
Scotland, you could be eligible for     Employer sponsorship
                                                                               us, you’ll be offered the
a tuition fee loan of up to £5,500      Your employer could partially or
                                                                               opportunity to pay your fees
from Student Finance Northern           fully pay for your module fees.
                                                                               through a loan from OUSBA.
Ireland or the Student Awards
                                        Grant funding
Agency Scotland.                                                               Here’s how it works
                                        We offer access to a database of
                                                                               OUSBA will pay your fees
― Loans are non-means-tested,           over 600 non-OU funding bodies
                                                                               to The Open University and
  so eligibility isn’t based on         offering grants for postgraduate
                                                                               then you can choose to
  your income.                          students studying, or looking
                                                                               repay OUSBA:
                                        to study, a masters, PGCE or
― There’s no upper age limit.
                                        research degree.                       ― in a single sum before
― Payments are spread                                                            your course starts. There’s
                                        OU bursaries
  over either two or three                                                       no interest to pay with
                                        Available only to OU honours
  years, depending on your                                                       this option
                                        graduates, our bursaries could
  chosen qualification.
                                        help lower the cost of your            ― in monthly instalments
― Repayments only start when            postgraduate study.                      of up to a year. With this
  you earn more than the income                                                  option interest does apply.
                                        Study related costs
  threshold (currently, £19,390 in                                             The interest rate is fixed for
                                        If you’re on a low household
  Northern Ireland and £25,000
                                        income, or receive certain             the duration of the course
  in Scotland).
                                        benefits, you might be eligible        (representative APR 5.1%).
― You’ll repay 9% of your income        for additional funding for study-      If you’re worried about
  over the threshold – so, for          related costs, such as travel,         affordability or a poor credit
  example, if you earn £27,000 and      childcare and internet access.         history, you can apply for a
  live in Scotland, you’ll repay only                                          joint loan application with
  £180 that year (9% of £2,000).        Self‑funded study                      a third party. This could be
  That’s just £15 a month.              If you’re not eligible for loan or     with a partner, sibling or
                                        grant funding, we offer a range of     friend, for example.
― Payments are deducted
  automatically from your salary.       other funding options.                 As a responsible lender,
                                        OUSBA loan                             OUSBA carries out
To be eligible you must be:                                                    affordability checks as part
                                        Pay your fees in instalments
― a resident in Northern Ireland        with a loan from Open University       of the application process.
  or Scotland                           Student Budget Accounts Ltd.           To find out more about
                                        See right for more information.        OUSBA, visit openuniversity.
― studying for an eligible
  postgraduate qualification.           Card payments                
                                        Pay for each module with a
Other support                           debit or credit card in one quick,
Carers’ Bursary                         simple payment.
If you provide unpaid care for          Mixed payments
a friend or family member               Combine your payment options
who cannot cope without your            to fund your studies the way
support, you may be eligible for        you want.
a bursary of £250 to support you
                                                                             FIND OUT MORE
with your study costs.
                                                                             Find out more about
Care Experienced Bursary                                                     postgraduate fees and funding.
If you have been in care of a Local
Authority at any stage of your life,                                                     Visit
you may be eligible for a bursary                                              
of £250 to support you with your                                                         pg‑fees
study costs.                                                                             Call 0300 303 5303
You can register      HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE
for the 2021/2022     BA (Hons) Health and Social Care (R26)                            24
academic year for     BSc (Hons) Healthcare and Health Science (Q96)                    26
                      Diploma of Higher Education in Health and Social Care (W69)       28
qualifications from
                      Diploma of Higher Education in Social Care (Scotland) (W31)       30
18 March 2021.
                      Certificate of Higher Education in Adult Health
We’ve based the       and Social Care (T23)

qualification start   Certificate of Higher Education in Children and Families (T24)    34
dates on the first    Certificate of Higher Education in Healthcare
module(s) you can     with Health Science (T28)

study as part of      Certificate of Higher Education in Social Care (T39)              38

your qualification.   Certificate of Higher Education in Social Care (Scotland) (T03)   39

                      Certificate of Higher Education in Social Care Practice
                      (Wales) (T34)

                      Certificate in Health and Social Care (S33)                       41

                      BSc (Hons) Nursing (R39)                                          42

                      Foundation Degree in Nursing Associate Practice (X20)             44

                      Certificate of Higher Education in Healthcare Practice (T01)      46

                      SOCIAL WORK
                      BA (Hons) Social Work (England) (Q32)                             48

                      BA (Hons) Social Work (Northern Ireland) (R61)                    50

                      BA (Hons) Social Work (Scotland) (Q41) /
                      BA (Hons) Social Work (Scotland) Graduate-entry route (Q50)

                      BA (Hons) Social Work (Wales) (Q42)                               54

                      HEALTH SCIENCES
                      BSc (Hons) Health Sciences (Q71)                                  56

                      SPORT AND FITNESS
                      BSc (Hons) Sport, Fitness and Coaching (Q76)                      58

                      OPEN DEGREE
                      BA/BSc (Hons) Open (QD)                                           60


     This degree provides you with the sound and critical understanding of
     health and social care essential in today’s fast-changing care sector.

     Health and social care professionals at all levels   Why this qualification?
     need to be proactive and flexible to succeed.
     With this degree you’ll gain the skills you need     ― Encounter exciting new ideas and apply them to
     for effective practice in a diverse,                   real life issues and situations that affect us all.
     multidisciplinary environment.
                                                          ― Teaching based on our internationally recognised
     It’ll help you build a foundation for effective        research into care issues across the life course.
     management and leadership in the health and
                                                          ― Explore the context and processes of change
     social care sector.
                                                            and new ways of working across agencies and
     Throughout your studies you’ll learn how ethical,      professional boundaries.
     legal, social, economic and political factors
                                                          ― Develop as an independent and reflective learner.
     influence the provision and development
     of services. You will develop the critical and
     analytical skills that underpin evidence-based           94% of students are satisfied with their
     practice. You’ll also explore new theories               course when studying Health and Social
     examining health and wellbeing in the 21st               Care with us. High quality online content
     century, learning to challenge concepts you may          and tutor support ensure student
     have previously taken for granted.

     By the end of your studies, you’ll be able to
     evaluate your own and others’ roles in the
     context of policy developments; assess emerging
     strategic solutions; and recognise and value
     diversity and difference.

                                                            Related qualification

                                                            Diploma of Higher Education in Health
                                                            and Social Care (W69)

                                                                                                         AT A GLANCE
    Qualification structure
                                                                                                         Course code                 R26
                         Introducing health and social care                                              Total credits               360
                         (K102) (60 credits)                                            Option
Stage 1 – 120 credits

                                                                                                         Start dates
                                                                                        Intermediate     Oct 2021
                         Choose 60 credits from:
                                                                                        qualification    Register by 9 Sep 2021
                         Foundations for social work practice
                         (K113/KZW113) (60 credits)                                     Awarded          Feb 2022
                         OR                                                                              Register by 13 Jan 2022
                         Introduction to childhood studies and child
                         psychology (E102) (60 credits)
                                                                                                         Based on a mix of:
                                                                                                         ― Tutor-marked assignments
                         Perspectives in health and social care
                                                                                                         ― Interactive computer-
                         (K118) (60 credits)
                                                                                                           marked assignments
                                                                                                         ― End-of-module assessments

                         Critical issues in health and wellbeing                                         Study duration
                         (K219) (60 credits)                                                             Part time: 6 years
                                                                                                         Full time: 3 years
Stage 2 – 120 credits

                         Choose 60 credits from:                                                         Mode of study
                         Death, dying and bereavement                                                    The learning materials
                         (K220) (60 credits)                                                             provided are mostly online
                         OR                                                                              with some print
                         Making a difference: working with children                                      Electronic versions
                         and young people (KE206) (60 credits)                                           of printed materials
                         OR                                                                              available (e.g. PDF)
                         Mental health and community
                         (K240) (60 credits)                                                             Online forum
                         Diploma of Higher Education in Health
                         and Social Care (W69)
                                                                                                         Collaborative work

                                                                                                         Practice-based learning
                         Leading, managing, caring
                         (K318) (60 credits)
Stage 3 – 120 credits

                         Choose 60 credits from:
                         Approaches to mental health
                         (K314) (60 credits)
                         Investigating health and social care
                         (K323) (60 credits)
                         Young lives, parenting and families
                         (KE322) (60 credits)
                                                                                                        MORE ONLINE
                                                                                                        Find out more about this course,
                         BA (HONS) HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE                                               fees and funding, and how to register.

                        Qualification delivery, module availability and qualification                               Visit
                        structure are subject to change.                                                  
                                                                                                                    0300 303 5303


     This degree will provide you with essential skills required for working
     in health and health science settings, giving you the ability to apply
     evidence-based scientific methodology to health-related issues.

     Through a combination of healthcare and               Why this qualification?
     health science topics, you’ll develop a broad
     understanding of the range of debates surrounding     ― Develop a range of skills in interpreting,
     the provision of healthcare.                            generating, and presenting information using a
                                                             unique blend of learning materials.
     By exploring the experience of receiving care and
     working in the care services, and examining human     ― Learn about the ethical, social, scientific,
     health by focusing on particular health conditions,     economic and political issues that influence
     you’ll identify the key factors which influence         health and healthcare.
     health. Ultimately, you’ll learn to apply your
                                                           ― Engage with an evidence-based, scientific
     understanding to a range of public health issues.
                                                             approach to health sciences and gain an
     You’ll also learn to evaluate the relationship          appreciation of the limits of
     between scientific and social understandings about      scientific knowledge.
     the promotion of health.
                                                           ― Critically evaluate approaches to service
                                                             provision and develop strategies for
                                                             improving practice.

                                                             Related qualification

                                                             Certificate of Higher Education in Healthcare
                                                             with Health Science (T28)

                                                                                                         AT A GLANCE
    Qualification structure
                                                                                                         Course code                Q96
Stage 1 – 120 credits

                         Introducing health and social care                                              Total credits              360
                         (K102) (60 credits)                                            Intermediate
                                                                                        qualification    Start dates
                                                                                                         Oct 2021
                         Science and health: an evidence-based                                           Register by 9 Sep 2021
                         approach (SDK100) (60 credits)                                 Awarded
                                                                                        qualification    Feb 2022
                                                                                                         Register by 13 Jan 2022
                         Certificate of Higher Education in
                         Healthcare with Health Science (T28)                                            Assessment
                                                                                                         Based on a mix of:
                                                                                                         ― Tutor-marked assignments
                         Brain, mind and mental health                                                   ― Interactive computer-
Stage 2 – 120 credits

                         (SK298) (30 credits)                                                              marked assignments
                                                                                                         ― End-of-module assessments
                                                                                                         ― Examinations
                         Critical issues in health and wellbeing
                         (K219) (60 credits)                                                             Study duration
                                                                                                         Part time: 6 years
                                                                                                         Full time: 3 years
                         Human biology
                                                                                                         Mode of study
                         (SK299) (30 credits)
                                                                                                         The learning materials
                                                                                                         provided are mostly online
                                                                                                         with some print
                         Infectious disease and public health
                         (SK320) (60 credits)                                                            Electronic versions
                                                                                                         of printed materials
                                                                                                         available (e.g. PDF)
Stage 3 – 120 credits

                         Choose 60 credits from:
                         Approaches to mental health                                                     Online forum
                         (K314) (60 credits)                                                             Compulsory
                         OR                                                                              Collaborative work
                         Investigating health and social care                                            Compulsory
                         (K323) (60 credits)
                                                                                                         Practice-based learning
                         Leading, managing, caring
                         (K318) (60 credits)

                         Researching biology and health science
                         (SXL390) (30 credits)

                         BSc (HONS) HEALTHCARE
                         AND HEALTH SCIENCE
                        Qualification delivery, module availability and qualification
                        structure are subject to change.

                                                                                                        MORE ONLINE
                                                                                                        Find out more about this course,
                                                                                                        fees and funding, and how to register.

                                                                                                                    0300 303 5303

     This diploma develops your critical understanding of health and social
     care policy, theory and practice, and the skills you need for effective
     practice in a diverse, multidisciplinary environment.

     By the end of your studies, you’ll be able to evaluate   Why this qualification?
     your own and others’ roles in the context of policy
     developments; evaluate emerging strategic                ― Apply new ideas to real life issues and situations
     solutions; and recognise and value diversity and           that affect us all.
     difference. You’ll also develop your understanding
                                                              ― Develop as an independent and reflective learner.
     of how ethical, legal, social, economic and political
     factors influence the provision and development          ― Explore the context and processes of change.
     of services.
                                                              ― Discover new ways of working across agency
                                                                and professional boundaries.

                                                                                                         AT A GLANCE
    Qualification structure
                                                                                                         Course code                 W69
                         Introducing health and social care                                              Total credits               240
                         (K102) (60 credits)                                            Option
Stage 1 – 120 credits

                                                                                                         Start dates
                                                                                        Awarded          Oct 2021
                         Choose 60 credits from:
                                                                                        qualification    Register by 9 Sep 2021
                         Foundations for social work practice
                         (K113/KZW113) (60 credits)                                                      Feb 2022
                         OR                                                                              Register by 13 Jan 2022
                         Introduction to childhood studies and child
                         psychology (E102) (60 credits)
                                                                                                         Based on a mix of:
                                                                                                         ― Tutor-marked assignments
                         Perspectives in health and social care
                                                                                                         ― Interactive computer-
                         (K118) (60 credits)
                                                                                                           marked assignments
                                                                                                         ― End-of-module assessments

                         Critical issues in health and wellbeing                                         Study duration
                         (K219) (60 credits)                                                             Part time: 4 years
                                                                                                         Full time: 2 years
Stage 2 – 120 credits

                         Choose 60 credits from:                                                         Mode of study
                         Death, dying and bereavement                                                    The learning materials
                         (K220) (60 credits)                                                             provided are mostly online
                         OR                                                                              with some print
                         Making a difference: working with children                                      Electronic versions
                         and young people (KE206) (60 credits)                                           of printed materials
                         OR                                                                              available (e.g. PDF)
                         Mental health and community
                         (K240) (60 credits)                                                             Online forum

                         DIPLOMA OF HIGHER EDUCATION                                                     Collaborative work
                         IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE                                                       Optional
                        Qualification delivery, module availability and qualification
                        structure are subject to change.                                                 Practice-based learning

                                                                                                        MORE ONLINE
                                                                                                        Find out more about this course,
                                                                                                        fees and funding, and how to register.

                                                                                                                    0300 303 5303

     Social care in Scotland is increasingly multidisciplinary and
     community focused – requiring a skilled, adaptable workforce to
     deliver high-quality services.

     This diploma will deepen your insight of social care   Why this qualification?
     and social work, developing the knowledge and
     skills you need to support vulnerable adults and       ― Explore key roles, standards and codes
     children effectively in multiple settings.               of practice.

     It places a strong emphasis on working across          ― Focus on particular areas relevant to your
     professional boundaries, with service users placed       own role.
     firmly at the centre. You’ll gain an up-to-date and
                                                            ― Build a solid foundation for further study.
     authoritative overview of care services, drawing on
     real-life case studies with children, older people,
     mental-health communities and people with              Entry requirements
     learning disabilities.
                                                            There are no formal entry requirements to study
                                                            this diploma, but you need to be working in, or
                                                            have access to, a social care agency, for example,
                                                            through voluntary work.

                                                                                                         AT A GLANCE
     Qualification structure
                                                                                                         Course code                 W31
Stage 1 – 120 credits

                            Introducing health and social care                                           Total credits               240
                            (K102) (60 credits)                                         Option
                                                                                        modules          Start dates
                                                                                        Awarded          Oct 2021
                            Foundations for social work practice                        qualification    Register by 9 Sep 2021
                            (K113) (60 credits)                                                          Feb 2022
                                                                                                         Register by 13 Jan 2022

                            Choose 120 credits from:
                                                                                                         Based on a mix of:
                            Critical issues in health and wellbeing
                                                                                                         ― Tutor-marked assignments
                            (K219) (60 credits)
                                                                                                         ― Interactive computer-
Stage 2 – 120 credits

                                                                                                           marked assignments
                            Death, dying and bereavement
                                                                                                         ― End-of-module assessments
                            (K220) (60 credits)
                            OR                                                                           Study duration
                            Making a difference: working with children                                   Part time: 4 years
                            and young people 1 (KE206) (60 credits)                                      Full time: 2 years
                            Mental health and community                                                  Mode of study
                            (K240) (60 credits)                                                          The learning materials
                            OR                                                                           provided are a balance of
                            Social work law 1                                                            print and online
                            (K271) (60 credits)                                                          Electronic versions
                                                                                                         of printed materials
                            DIPLOMA OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN                                               available (e.g. PDF)
                            HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (SCOTLAND)                                            Online forum
                        Qualification delivery, module availability and qualification                    Optional
                        structure are subject to change.
                         These modules are compulsory in the BA (Hons) Social Work
                                                                                                         Collaborative work
                        (Scotland) (Q41). If you are intending to seek entry into the                    Optional
                        degree, you should opt for these.
                                                                                                         Practice-based learning

                             Don’t stop there

                             You can choose modules in this diploma to
                             carry forward to the BA (Hons) Social Work
                             (Scotland) (Q41) – see page 52.
                             Please note that completing the diploma
                             does not give automatic entry to the social
                             work degree, which is subject to an
                             interview process and meeting minimum
                             entry requirements.

                                                                                                        MORE ONLINE
                                                                                                        Find out more about this course,
                                                                                                        fees and funding, and how to register.

                                                                                                                    0300 303 5303

     If you work in health and social care, use services yourself, or would
     simply like to find out more about how to support adults in our care
     system, this certificate is for you.

     It provides an authoritative overview of the current      Why this qualification?
     context of health and social care for adults and
     older people, using real-life case studies to explore a   ― Deepen your knowledge and understanding of
     wide range of issues and debates.                           health and social care.

                                                               ― Apply theories to help you understand real-life
                                                                 case studies.

                                                               ― Develop practical and employability skills.

                                                               ― Build a solid foundation for further study
                                                                 in this sector.

                                                                                                         AT A GLANCE
  Qualification structure
                                                                                                         Course code                 T23
Stage 1 – 120 credits

                         Introducing health and social care                                              Total credits                120
                         (K102) (60 credits)                                            Awarded
                                                                                        qualification    Start dates
                                                                                                         Oct 2021
                         Perspectives in health and social care                                          Register by 9 Sep 2021
                         (K118) (60 credits)                                                             Feb 2022
                                                                                                         Register by 13 Jan 2022

                         CERTIFICATE OF HIGHER EDUCATION
                                                                                                         Based on a mix of:
                         IN ADULT HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE
                                                                                                         ― Tutor-marked assignments
                        Qualification delivery, module availability and qualification                    ― Interactive computer-
                        structure are subject to change.
                                                                                                           marked assignments
                                                                                                         ― End-of-module assessments

                                                                                                         Study duration
                                                                                                         Part time: 2 years
                                                                                                         Full time: 1 year

                                                                                                         Mode of study
                                                                                                         The learning materials
                                                                                                         provided are mostly online
                                                                                                         with some print

                                                                                                         Electronic versions
                                                                                                         of printed materials
                                                                                                         available (e.g. PDF)

                                                                                                         Online forum

                                                                                                         Collaborative work

                                                                                                         Practice-based learning

                                                                                                        MORE ONLINE
                                                                                                        Find out more about this course,
                                                                                                        fees and funding, and how to register.

                                                                                                                    0300 303 5303

     Ideal if you want to develop your interest in health and social care in
     the area of working with children, young people and families.

     If you’re directly engaged in this area (or hope to be)     Why this qualification?
     as a paid or unpaid worker or carer, this certificate
     provides you with a solid foundation.                       ― Investigate key issues and debates about
                                                                   childhood, child development, child psychology
     You’ll be introduced to issues relating to the welfare of
                                                                   and children’s rights.
     children and young people, including how health and
     social care services and practices are organised. You’ll    ― Apply your knowledge and understanding to your
     also acquire valuable knowledge and understanding             own life or work environment.
     about childhood, child development and children’s
                                                                 ― Build a solid foundation for further study.
     rights that can be applied to work in a variety of health
     and social care contexts.

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