Page created by Kathryn Elliott
                                               YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN THE
                                                 WESTERN SYDNEY ARTS
                                               ALLIANCE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
                                              PROGRAM FOR JANUARY 2022!

                Organisations from across Western Sydney have come together to share
                creative experiences for primary and high school students and their families.
                Check out our calendar of creative workshops, performances, and events
                that you can book in to, followed by free activities that you can access any
                time during January.
                Share your creations with us! #WSAAschoolholidays #WSAA


                              8 10 11 12 13 14 15
                         SATURDAY                           MONDAY                      TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                        FRIDAY                SATURDAY
AGE RANGES           SUMMER COMMUNITY                 HOLIDAY                      LITTLE STEAM CAMP   DRAWING IN THE               BOTANICAL SKETCHES           EARTH ART                FORUM Q | GATHER,
FOR ACTIVITIES       DAY                              KINDERGARDEN                 10:00AM             GARDEN WORKSHOP              WORKSHOP                     DRAWING CAMP             TRAIN, CREATE
                     10:00AM                          9:30AM                       Casula Powerhouse   10:00AM                      11:00AM                      10:00AM                  3:30PM
    FAMILIES         Penrith Regional Gallery, Home   Casula Powerhouse Arts       Arts Centre         Penrith Regional Gallery,    Penrith Regional Gallery,    Casula Powerhouse        Campbelltown Arts Centre
                     of The Lewers Bequest            Centre                       INFO & BOOKINGS     Home of The Lewers Bequest   Home of The Lewers Bequest   Arts Centre              INFO & BOOKINGS
    PRIMARY SCHOOL   INFO & BOOKINGS                  INFO & BOOKINGS                                  INFO & BOOKINGS              INFO & BOOKINGS              INFO & BOOKINGS

    HIGH SCHOOL                                                                    PHOTOGRAPHY CAMP
                     FIND YOUR GROOVE                 CREATIVE STUDIO:             10:30AM             ANIME AND MANGA              MONO PRINTING FUN            PRINTMAKING
                     WITH BINDI BOSSES                ANNA FRASER                  Casula Powerhouse   DRAWING CAMP                 10:30AM                      PATTERNS
FREE OR PAID         2:00PM                           10:00AM                      Arts Centre         10:00AM                      Fairfield City Museum        10:30AM
ACTIVITIES           Bankstown Arts Centre            Powerhouse Museum            INFO & BOOKINGS     Casula Powerhouse            & Gallery                    Fairfield City Museum
                     INFO & BOOKINGS                  INFO & BOOKINGS                                  Arts Centre                  INFO & BOOKINGS              & Gallery
    PAID ACTIVITY                                                                                      INFO & BOOKINGS                                           INFO & BOOKINGS
    FREE ACTIVITY                                     NATURE BOOKS                 WORKSHOPS WITH
                                                      WORKSHOP                     TOM TOBY            CUPCAKE                                                   DO LOTS HOLIDAY
                                                      10:00AM                      1:00PM              DECORATING 101                                            12:00PM
                                                      Penrith Regional Gallery.    Outloud             10:30AM                                                   Information & Cultural
                                                      Home of The Lewers Bequest   INFO & BOOKINGS     Fairfield City Museum                                     Exchange
                                                      INFO & BOOKINGS                                  & Gallery                                                 INFO & BOOKINGS
                                                                                                       INFO & BOOKINGS

                                                      HOLIDAY CLAY SCHOOL                                                                                        MAKE A CLAY
                                                      10:30AM                                                                                                    MONSTER
                                                      Casula Powerhouse                                                                                          1:00PM
                                                      Arts Centre                                                                                                Fairfield City Museum
                                                      INFO & BOOKINGS                                                                                            & Gallery
                                                                                                                                                                 INFO & BOOKINGS

                                                      HOLIDAY MOVIE MAKER
                                                      Casula Powerhouse
                                                      Arts Centre
                                                      INFO & BOOKINGS

                        17 18 19 20 20 21 22 28
                           MONDAY                       TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                          THURSDAY                     THURSDAY                             FRIDAY                       SATURDAY                 FRIDAY
AGE RANGES           HOLIDAY                      MUSIC MAKER CAMP                 TEXTURED WEAVING                 KINDERCRAFTEN                WAX RESIST                       ZOOOM                            ZOOOM                MOVIE NIGHT:
FOR ACTIVITIES       KINDERGARDEN                 10:00AM                          WORKSHOP                         9:30AM                       LANDSCAPES                       10:30AM                          10:30AM              THE PRINCESS BRIDE
                     9:30AM                       Casula Powerhouse                10:00AM                          Casula Powerhouse            10:30AM                          Riverside Theatres               Riverside Theatres   7:30PM
    FAMILIES         Casula Powerhouse            Arts Centre                      Penrith Regional Gallery,        Arts Centre                  Fairfield City Museum            INFO & BOOKINGS                  INFO & BOOKINGS      Blue Mountains Cultural Centre
                     Arts Centre                  INFO & BOOKINGS                  Home of The Lewers Bequest       INFO & BOOKINGS              & Gallery                                                                              INFO & BOOKINGS
    PRIMARY SCHOOL   INFO & BOOKINGS                                               INFO & BOOKINGS                                               INFO & BOOKINGS
                                                                                                                                                                                  FIBRE ART FOR TOTS               LETTERS OF LOVE
    HIGH SCHOOL                                   CLAY SELF PORTRAITS                                               KINDERCRAFTEN                                                 10:30AM                          10:30AM
                     CREATIVE STUDIO:             10:30PM                          SKETCHING ON                     (JAMMING WITH                TEEN ART STUDIO -                Fairfield City Museum            Blacktown Arts
                     SERWAH ATTAFUAH              Fairfield City Museum            LOCATION CAMP                    STRANGERS)                   CHARCOAL DRAWING                 & Gallery                        INFO & BOOKINGS
FREE OR PAID         10:00AM                      & Gallery                        10:00AM                          9:30AM - 10:30AM             10:30AM                          INFO & BOOKINGS
ACTIVITIES           Powerhouse Museum            INFO & BOOKINGS                  Casula Powerhouse                Casula Powerhouse            Blue Mountains Cultural Centre
                     INFO & BOOKINGS                                               Arts Centre                      Arts Centre                  INFO & BOOKINGS                                                   ROCK PAINTING
    PAID ACTIVITY                                                                  INFO & BOOKINGS                  INFO & BOOKINGS                                               LET’S WEAVE SOME                 10:30AM
                                                  SCHOOL HOLIDAY                                                                                                                  MAGIC!                           Blacktown Arts
    FREE ACTIVITY    DRAWING WITH                 WORKSHOP:                                                                                      NATURE AND ME                    10:30AM                          INFO & BOOKINGS
                     EMBROIDERY                   CLAY CREATURES                   SCHOOL HOLIDAY                   STITCHED MOBILES             10:30AM                          Blue Mountains Cultural Centre
                     WORKSHOP                     10:30AM                          WORKSHOP:                        WORKSHOP                     Blacktown Arts                   INFO & BOOKINGS
                     10:00AM                      Blue Mountains Cultural Centre   CLAY CREATURES                   10:00AM                      INFO & BOOKINGS                                                   ZOOOM
                     Penrith Regional Gallery.    INFO & BOOKINGS                  10:30AM                          Penrith Regional Gallery,                                                                      1:30PM
                     Home of The Lewers Bequest                                    Blue Mountains Cultural Centre   Home of The Lewers Bequest                                    LANDSCAPE PAINTING               Riverside Theatres
                     INFO & BOOKINGS                                               INFO & BOOKINGS                  INFO & BOOKINGS              ZOOOM                            10:30AM                          INFO & BOOKINGS
                                                  BOTTLE ART                                                                                     1:30PM                           Blacktown Arts
                                                  10:30AM                                                                                        Riverside Theatres               INFO & BOOKINGS
                     UNITY WORKSHOPS              Blacktown Arts                   SCREEN PRINTING                  ZOOOM                        INFO & BOOKINGS                                                   FUNPARK
                     10:00AM                      INFO & BOOKINGS                  10:30AM                          10:30AM                                                                                        2:30PM
                     Outloud                                                       Blacktown Arts                   Riverside Theatres                                            FIBRE ART FOR KIDS               FUNPARK
                     INFO & BOOKINGS                                               INFO & BOOKINGS                  INFO & BOOKINGS              TEEN ART STUDIO -                1:00PM                           INFO & BOOKINGS
                                                                                                                                                 OPEN SESSION                     Fairfield City Museum
                                                                                                                                                 1:30PM                           & Gallery
                                                                                   LIVERPOOL TO LONDON                                           Blue Mountains Cultural Centre   INFO & BOOKINGS
                                                                                   11:00AM                                                       INFO & BOOKINGS
                                                                                   Joan Sutherland Performing
                                                                                   Arts Centre                                                                                    ZOOOM
                                                                                   INFO & BOOKINGS                                                                                1:30PM
                                                                                                                                                                                  Riverside Theatres
                                                                                                                                                                                  INFO & BOOKINGS
AVAILABLE                                                                                                                                                             AVAILABLE
                                                                      ANYTIME                                                                                                                                                              ANYTIME
UNCLE WES MARNE - DREAMTIME STORY                                                                   ELEVEN ON PAPER                                                  WEEKEND CRAFT BLAST                                                                              EXPANSIVE DRAWINGS WITH LIAM BENSON
AVAILABLE ANYTIME                                                                                   AVAILABLE ANYTIME                                                AVAILABLE ANYTIME                                                                                AVAILABLE ANYTIME
First Nations Elder Uncle Wes Marne shares a Dreamtime story.                                       January – March 2022                                             Ready to take your crafting to the next level? Tune into the C-A-C Instagram for the all ages    Be inspired to create little and big drawings of your favourite
                                                                                                                                                                     Weekend Craft Blast throughout the Summer Art Holidays where C-A-C educators will be             place using unusual drawing materials that you can find inside
Blacktown Arts                                                                                      Visit Campbelltown Arts Centre in January – March 2022 to        sharing super short Instagram reels showing how to turn found objects and materials into         and outside your home.
LINK TO EVENT                                                                                       collect your free copy of Eleven On Paper. This beautifully      amazing creative activities.
                                                                                                    designed booklet includes learning activities and reflections                                                                                                     Parramatta Artists’ Studios
                                                                                                    written by artists Elyas Alavi, Rusaila Bazlamit and Zeina       Flex your craftiness by tagging @campbelltownartscentre in your photos.                          LINK TO EVENT
MIGRATION STORIES                                                                                   Iaali, members of eleven, a collective of Muslim Australian
AVAILABLE ANYTIME                                                                                   contemporary art practitioners initiated by Sabsabi in 2016.     Program
Blacktown Arts have collaborated with acclaimed Blacktown-based Writer, Director and                                                                                 Friday 17 December – Gather & Wrap                                                               PARRAMATTA BY FOOT
Producer, Vonne Patiag, to present Migration Stories; a suite of short films from Western-Sydney    Each artist offers a creative response to make and explore       Friday 14 January – Outdoor Inspiration                                                          AVAILABLE ANYTIME
filmmakers that explore themes of migration, displacement and belonging. The program will be        with one of the works on exhibition in Khaled Sabsabi: A Hope    Friday 21 January – Make Your Own Clay                                                           January - February
available to stream on-demand as part of the Blacktown Arts digital program over the end-of-        at C-A-C, while learning about with their own divergent and
year break.                                                                                         interconnected artistic practices.                               Campbelltown Arts Centre                                                                         Explore and discover new neighbourhoods this summer with
                                                                                                                                                                     LINK TO EVENT                                                                                    a new public art program. Parramatta By Foot is a temporary
Suitable for: High School Age                                                                       Children and young people are invited to get creative with                                                                                                        footpath art project featuring painted installations by Tarik
Cost: Free                                                                                          art-making activities to be completed ‘on paper’ either in the                                                                                                    Ahlip, Annie McKinnon and Jason Wing with Shay Tobin. Get
                                                                                                    galleries or at home.                                            JAMMING WITH STRANGERS                                                                           out and about to discover each interactive work in Ermington,
Blacktown Arts                                                                                                                                                       AVAILABLE ANYTIME                                                                                Newington and Rydalmere.
LINK TO EVENT                                                                                       Please check this page for updates and booklet details, from 4   4 December 2021 - 27 February 2022
                                                                                                    January 2022.                                                                                                                                                     Parramatta Artists’ Studios
                                                                                                                                                                     What does it feel like to connect with people through music? Jamming with Strangers              LINK TO EVENT
WISH FOR THE SKIES: COLLABORATIVE KITE INSTALLATION                                                 Ages: 8 years +                                                  highlights music communities as spaces of intimacy, nourishment, and social connection. By
AVAILABLE ANYTIME                                                                                                                                                    focusing on these intimate relationships, the exhibition reveals the role creative communities
Inspired by their experiences in Sapporo at Tenjinyama artists’ studios in 2018, Claire Healy and   Campbelltown Arts Centre                                         play in influencing broader social cohesion.
Sean Cordeiro conducted workshops with children to give them the opportunity in creating a          LINK TO EVENT
large community kite.                                                                                                                                                Jamming with Strangers incorporates new artworks commissions, workshops, and live events.
                                                                                                                                                                     Featuring works by established and emerging artists, including: Carla & Lisa Wherby, David
The artists now invite children and families from the Blue Mountains community to join them in                                                                       McDiarmid, Gillian Kayrooz, Joanne Saad, Julian Day, Kerry Toomey, Kevin Diallo, Ladstreet,
the making of a giant tetrahedral kite, a replica of a massive Alexander Graham Bell kite. The                                                                       Leila el Rayes & Justine Youssef, My Le Thi & Azo Bell, Tina Havelock Stevens and Troy-Anthony
kite will be decorated with pictures and writing similar to Ema, the wooden wishing plaques of                                                                       Baylis and more.
Japan. What is your wish? Will it fly? Gambate!
                                                                                                                                                                     Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre
13 November – 16 January 2022                                                                                                                                        LINK TO EVENT

Blue Mountains Cultural Centre
AVAILABLE                                                                                                                                                                   AVAILABLE
                                                                    ANYTIME                                                                                                                                                                      ANYTIME
TINY EXPERIMENTS WITH LIAM BENSON                                 KEEP HEART PENRITH                                                                                     ART AT HOME                                                                                           LINE WORK: RIVERS OF THE BASIN
AVAILABLE ANYTIME                                                 AVAILABLE ANYTIME                                                                                      AVAILABLE ANYTIME                                                                                     AVAILABLE ANYTIME
Be inspired to create little and big drawings of your favourite   Fire up your creativity and immerse yourself in the arts at home with Penrith Performing &             Embark on the Gallery’s range of inspiring art making activities and resources at home. A great       Until 9 January 2022 An ongoing collaboration between
place using unusual drawing materials that you can find inside    Visual Arts. Head to our Keep Heart Penrith web page for a collection of exciting opportunities        way to bring some variety into your day and develop new creative skills. Download one of our          Sydney-based artists, Sue Pedley and Phaptawan
and outside your home.                                            and fun things to see, do and listen to from Australia and around the world. Broken down into          worksheets, participate in one of our Art Walks, or sign up for an online workshop. Our digital       Suwannakudt who have been producing a series of layered
                                                                  easy to navigate categories including Kids and Families, Education, Drama, Art, Comedy, Talks          library is also full of interesting essays and videos for you to learn more about art in our region   and experimental drawings using a variety of material since
Parramatta Artists’ Studios                                       and Ideas, Dance, Film, Literature, Nature and Gardening and Puzzles and Games, there is               and the Gallery’s rich history. Suitable for all ages and stages, these offerings aim to stimulate    March 2019. This exhibition explores the four elements of
LINK TO EVENT                                                     something for all ages and tastes! New content is added weekly, so you can experience Arts             curiosity, promote mindfulness and develop art making skills.                                         matter; water, wind, earth and fire from a multilayered cultural
                                                                  Anywhere Anytime.                                                                                                                                                                                            perspective.
                                                                                                                                                                         Penrith Regional Gallery, Home of The Lewers Bequest
SURPRISE SHAPESHIFTERS                                            Penrith Performing & Visual Arts                                                                       LINK TO EVENT                                                                                         Penrith Regional Gallery, Home of The Lewers Bequest
WITH SOFIYAH RUQAYAH                                              LINK TO EVENT                                                                                                                                                                                                LINK TO EVENT
From a single piece of paper, learn how to make drawings, cut                                                                                                            FROM THE COLLECTION X ABDULLAH M.I.SYED
and fold to create weird and funny animals and creatures.         ARCHIBALD PRIZE 2020 REGIONAL TOUR                                                                     AVAILABLE UNTIL 9TH JANUARY                                                                           MAKE FROM HOME
                                                                  AVAILABLE UNTIL 9TH JANUARY                                                                            Pakistani born Australian artist, Abdullah M.I. Syed has undertaken a short residency to              AVAILABLE ANYTIME
Parramatta Artists’ Studios                                       Australia’s foremost portraiture prize Until 9 January 2022 Awarded to the best portrait,              research the influence of the Bauhaus School on Australian Modernism, specifically through the        Get creative and explore the wonders of technology, design,
LINK TO EVENT                                                     ‘preferentially of some man or woman distinguished in art, letters, science or politics, painted       craft, design and fine art practice of Margo Lewers, whose father was a German-born grazier           music and space using simple household items that you may
                                                                  by any artist resident in Australasia’, the Archibald Prize is a who’s who of Australian culture,      and artist.                                                                                           have at home. Choose from 11 different activities!
                                                                  from politicians to celebrities and from sporting heroes to artists. Don’t miss seeing the finalists
                                                                  on display at the Gallery as part of the Regional Tour! An Art Gallery of New South Wales touring      Penrith Regional Gallery, Home of The Lewers Bequest                                                  Powerhouse Museum
                                                                  exhibition with presenting partner ANZ.                                                                LINK TO EVENT                                                                                         LINK TO EVENT

                                                                  Penrith Regional Gallery, Home of The Lewers Bequest
                                                                  LINK TO EVENT
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