"PROTOPIA MAIO" VIII Prize for the most beautiful Hotels and SPAs in the world - Competition announcement 2018 - PIDA

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"PROTOPIA MAIO" VIII Prize for the most beautiful Hotels and SPAs in the world - Competition announcement 2018 - PIDA
VIII Prize for the most beautiful Hotels and
                  SPAs in the world – Competition
                  announcement 2018

                  “PROTOPIA MAIO”
                  “Utopia has failed, we should aim for protopia”

                  INTRODUCT ION
                  PIDA aims at becoming the architecture and design prize for the most beautiful Hotels
                  and SPAs in the world. Thanks to its initiatives, it aims at fostering change in the
                  Italian architecture and design world by promoting the regeneration of the building
                  sector as well as the hospitality industry offer.
                  For the 2018 edition the title chosen is “Protopia Maio”. This slogan was inspired by an
                  article published on Italian daily newspaper Repubblica, where a thought by Michael
                  Shermer (editor of Skeptic as well as contributor to Scientific American) is quoted. In
                  an article on Quarz with the title “Utopia is a dangerous ideal. We should aim for
                  protopia” he asks himself: "In the light of the failure of utopias during the history of
                  the last century, what can replace the idea of utopia? One answer can be found in
                  another neologism: protopia – incremental progress in steps toward improvement,
                  not perfection". As the futurist Kevin Kelly describes his coinage: "Protopia is a state
                  that is better today than yesterday, although it might be only a little better. Protopia is
                  much much harder to visualize (as opposed to utopia). Because a protopia contains as
                  many new problems as new benefits". "Protopian progress best describes the
                  monumental moral achievements of the past several centuries: the attenuation of
                  war, the abolishment of slavery, the end of torture and the death penalty, universal
                  suffrage, civil rights and liberties, same-sex marriage and animal rights. These are all
                  examples of protopian progress in the sense that they happened one small step at a
                  time. A protopic future is realisable." The search for a protopic result is common to
                  both the PIDA Competition and the PIDA Workshop. This latter will focus on the
                  reconstruction of the Maio neighbourhood, a hamlet on the island of Ischia that was

proponents:             cooperation and patronage:                                  partners:

media partners:

Associazione PIDA: via dello stadio 45 (presso studio De Palma) 80077 Ischia (NA) cod fisc: 91010780632 www.pida.it - info@pida.it
"PROTOPIA MAIO" VIII Prize for the most beautiful Hotels and SPAs in the world - Competition announcement 2018 - PIDA
the epicentre of the recent earthquake on the 21st of August 2017. For further
                  information on the workshop please visit the website www.pida.it.

                  ART. 1 – P IDA COMPETITION THEME
                  The theme addressed by the IS CHIA INTERNAT IONAL AR CHITECTUR E
                  PRIZE is quality i n accommodation. Accommodating, hosting, welcomi ng
                  are historically rooted vocations of architecture. The PIDA Prize is
                  assigned to realized and documentable architecture works referring to
                  the two macro-sections "PID A Hotel" (hotels , holiday far ms, pensio ns)
                  and "PID A SPA" (SPAs, thermal centers , beauty far ms, beauty parlors).
                  The works can concer n the realizat ion of new architecture or t he
                  refurbishing, requalification or enlargement of existing bui ldings,
                  provided     that    an   explicit  and    autonomous     dialo gue   with
                  contemporaneity is clearly visible.
                  This year two furt her sections have been added: "PID A Sisma" and "PID A
                  Sisma Recupero", i.e. awards for both public and private works realized
                  ex novo or in the framewor k of an imp roved earthquake engineering for
                  the reclai ming of bui ldings located i n seismic ar eas realized starting
                  with the 2009 Aqui la earthquake.

                  THE 2018 PIDA PRIZE AND WORKSHOP E VENTS
                  Proponent: PID A Association;
                  In cooperation wit h: AIAC – The Italian Association of Architecture and
                  Patronage: DiARCH Federico II University Naples, INGV National
                  Geophysics and Vulcanolo gy Institute, Ischia Is land Rotary Club,
                  CasaClima Network, ANIAI Natio nal Association of Italian Arc hitects and
                  Media P artner: Il Gior nale dell’Ar chitettura, Co mpasses, Agenda
                  Orgaisational Secretariat: PID A Association;

                  ART. 3 – PRIZE SECTIONS
                  There ar e three categori es for the i nternational co mpetition:
                    • PIDA Hotel
                    • PIDA SPA
                    • PIDA Sisma (Eart hquake)
                    • PIDA Sisma R ecupero (Post-quake Rec overy)

proponents:             cooperation and patronage:                                  partners:

media partners:

Associazione PIDA: via dello stadio 45 (presso studio De Palma) 80077 Ischia (NA) cod fisc: 91010780632 www.pida.it - info@pida.it
"PROTOPIA MAIO" VIII Prize for the most beautiful Hotels and SPAs in the world - Competition announcement 2018 - PIDA
ART. 3.1 – For the PIDA Prize Hotel category, the Jur y awards the Ischi a
                  International Architecture Prize to t he first three classified projects
                  interpreting i n the most integrated , realistic and effective way the
                  theme of the Prize ( art. 1). The pro jects eligible are: hotels, holiday
                  farms, holiday ho mes, residences, pensions.
                  This section is open for p articipation to all architects and engineers
                  registered in the professional Register (a provision applicable only for
                  Italian professionals), of any nationality, also joined in a group, who
                  have r ealized wor ks on the natio nal and international t erritory
                  consistent with the theme and who have applied by sub mitting a project
                  pursuant to the pro visions under t he fo llowing art. 4.

                  ART. 3.2 – For the PIDA Prize SPA , the Jury awards the Ischia
                  International Architecture Prize to t he first three classified projects
                  interpreting i n the most integrated , realistic and effective way the
                  theme of the Prize (art. 1). T he projects eligible are: SP As (independent
                  or annexed to hot els), thermal centers, thermal parks , beaut y farms ,
                  beauty par lors.
                  This section is open for p articipation to all architects and engineers
                  registered in the professional Register (a provision applicable only for
                  Italian professionals), of any nationality, also joined in a group, who
                  have r ealized wor ks on the natio nal and international t erritory
                  consistent with the theme and who have applied by sub mitting a project
                  pursuant to the pro visions under t he fo llowing art. 4.

                  ART. 3.3 Section PIDA Prize Sisma (Earthquake)
                  A special prize is awarded to both public and private buildings of any
                  type realized in one of the It alian seismic areas where collaps ed
                  buildings have been subsequently rec onstructed, from the 2009 Aqui la
                  earthquake onwards. The estate must have been rebuilt ex novo and has
                  to be completed for at least 80%, according to the documentation

                  ART. 3.4 Section PIDA Prize Sisma Rec upero (Post-quake Recovery)
                  A special prize will be awarded to bot h public and private works of any
                  type realiz ed in one of the Italian sei smic areas wher e buildings were
                  damaged ans subsequent ly made earthquake-proof , fro m the 2009
                  Aquila eart hquake onwards. The building must not have been
                  reconstructed fully: rather , they have to be the result of a recovery
                  concept and may include a percent age of reconstructed or added
proponents:             cooperation and patronage:                                  partners:

media partners:

Associazione PIDA: via dello stadio 45 (presso studio De Palma) 80077 Ischia (NA) cod fisc: 91010780632 www.pida.it - info@pida.it
"PROTOPIA MAIO" VIII Prize for the most beautiful Hotels and SPAs in the world - Competition announcement 2018 - PIDA
volumes amounting to max. 20% of the original volume. The project must
                  have been completed for at least 8 0% . The documentatio n wi ll have to
                  highlight the techniques and technolo gies used to improve eart hquake

                  The participation in the competition is possible upon payment of a
                  registration fee of 60.00 Euros for eac h competition section, to be paid
                  on the followi ng bank account: It17e0312 73993 0000000001817,
                  accountholder: Associazione PID A, b y indicating the payment reaso n
                  “Co mpetition registration fee” before t he expiry date of the competition
                  notice. For each Prize section Italian p articipants will be able to r egister
                  by sending an email via certified PEC-email to the address pida@pec.it
                  (only participants whose architecture firm is based abroad shall send it
                  to the address concorso@pida.it), by 2 3.00 p.m. of the 31 s t of July 2 018,
                  including the following material and do cuments:
                      a) No. 2 vertical tables in pdf. format (2048 x 1536 pixel with 264
                         dpi), including plants, sections, prospects, photographs ,
                         preparatory sketches, three-dimensio nal i mages and any ot her
                         documentation the participant deems necessary to effectivel y
                         represent the project;
                      b) Document (Attachment A) in pdf. scan (for project groups, the
                         document must be filled i n by each single component of the
                      c) Declaration ( Attachment B) in pdf. scan (for pro ject gro ups, the
                         declaration must be filled i n by each single compo nent of t he
                      d) Explanatory r eport, max 5000 c haracters including spaces;
                      e) Short description of the work, max 500 characters i ncluding
                      f) No. 6 i mages in JPG format (1600x 1200 at 72 dpi), which bes t
                         represent the project;
                      g) The size of t he email must be lo wer t han 20 mb. If not possible to
                         do so, several subsequent emails have to be sent.
                  Each participant or group can compet e with o ne pro ject only for each
                  section (each participant is also allo wed to comp ete i n all sections
                  simultaneously), by ticking the dedicated boxes provided o n t he website
                  and in the document ation to be attached.

proponents:             cooperation and patronage:                                  partners:

media partners:

Associazione PIDA: via dello stadio 45 (presso studio De Palma) 80077 Ischia (NA) cod fisc: 91010780632 www.pida.it - info@pida.it
"PROTOPIA MAIO" VIII Prize for the most beautiful Hotels and SPAs in the world - Competition announcement 2018 - PIDA
                  PARTICIP ANTS
                  Both on t he website www.pida.it and via a direct e-mail to the finalists,
                  on the 26 t h of August the s hortlist with the first three classified projects
                  for each section will be communic ated, in order to facilitate t he
                  participation in the final eveni ngs, when the prizes wi ll be awarded.

                  According to the timeline of activities planned, t he event evenings will
                  be held in the weekend on the 14-15 t h of September and will be
                  communicated in detail on the 31 s t of July. In order to help those
                  interested in taking part in the event days, an ad hoc offer has been
                  arranged with the Prize partner Imp eratore Travel (www.imp eratore.it)
                  ART. 5.1 – EXHIBIT ION
                  In order for us to be able to or gani ze the ex hibition of the winning
                  projects, the aut hors of these latter will have to send vi a mai l the
                  competition tables in A1 vertical format, mo unted o n a rigid "For ex"-t ype
                  or similar support panel, to: Associazi one PID A, Via dello Stadio 45 (c/o
                  Studio De Palma), 80077 Ischi a (NA), It aly. T he t ables wi ll have to arri ve
                  before the 12 t h of September 2018.

                  ART. 6 – CL ARIFICAT ION RE QUESTS
                  Any informatio n and clarification requests have to be sent to the e-mail
                  address info@pida.it the latest 10 days before the deliver y date of t he
                  digital projects. The answers provided by the association or ganizing the
                  Prize will be published in a si ngle document o n the website www.pida.it.

                  ART. 7 – ME MBERS OF THE JURY
                  The Jur y will be chaired by Prof. Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi. The names o f
                  the other Jur y members wi ll be communicated o n the official website
                  before the 31 s t of July.

                  ART. 8 – PRIZES
                  The ranking shall be co mmunicated on the 2 6 t h of August via the
                  institutional Website www.pida.it. For the first three classified projects
                  the final r anki ng shall not be disclosed until the awarding ceremony
                  eveni ng scheduled on t he weekend of t he 14-15 t h of September.

proponents:             cooperation and patronage:                                  partners:

media partners:

Associazione PIDA: via dello stadio 45 (presso studio De Palma) 80077 Ischia (NA) cod fisc: 91010780632 www.pida.it - info@pida.it
"PROTOPIA MAIO" VIII Prize for the most beautiful Hotels and SPAs in the world - Competition announcement 2018 - PIDA
•   The first prize winner of the section PIDA Prize “Hotel” shall be
                      rewarded with one week of ho liday (six nights) for 2 perso ns,
                      accommodation and breakfast , at the Garden Villa Resort i n Ischia
                      (valid during summer 2 019). Average prize value: € 2000,00;
                  •   The first prize winner of the section PIDA Prize “SPA” s hall be
                      rewarded with one week of ho liday (six nights) for 2 perso ns,
                      accommodation and breakfast , at the Gattopardo Hotel Ter me in
                      Ischia (valid during summer 2019). Aver age prize value: € 1500,00;
                  •   The first prize winner of the section PIDA Prize “Sisma” (Earthquake)
                      shall be r ewarded with a weekend holid ay (3 ni ghts) for 2 persons ,
                      accommodation and breakfast , at a 4-s tar-Hotel in Ischia (valid
                      during summer 2019). Average prize value: € 700. 00
                  •   The first prize winner of the section PIDA Prize “Sisma Recupero ”
                      (Post-quake recovery) s hall be rewarded with a weekend holiday (3
                      nights) for 2 persons , accommodation and breakfast, at a 4-star-
                      Hotel in Ischia (valid during summer 2019). Average prize value: €
                  •   The second and third prize winners of all the s ections will be handed
                      out a PIDA certificate for both the architect and the owner of the

                  ART. 9 – PUBLICATION
                  All t he shortlisted projects, alo ng with the attached drawi ngs, shall be
                  published on the institutional website www.pida.it and shared with t he
                  media partners for all relevant co mmunications.

proponents:             cooperation and patronage:                                  partners:

media partners:

Associazione PIDA: via dello stadio 45 (presso studio De Palma) 80077 Ischia (NA) cod fisc: 91010780632 www.pida.it - info@pida.it
"PROTOPIA MAIO" VIII Prize for the most beautiful Hotels and SPAs in the world - Competition announcement 2018 - PIDA
ATTACH MENT A (tick the r elevant sec tion and theme)
                    o Section PIDA Prize
                    o Section PIDA Prize "Sisma" (Earthq uake)
                    o Section PIDA Prize "Sisma Recupero" (P ost-quake Recovery)

                  I, the U ndersigned...............................................................................

                  Born in.................................................... Province.........
                  Countr y……………………………

                  on (birth date)..............................
                  resident in (street/square) ..................................................

                  Postal    code                 ...............       City......................................................

                  tel............................................. fax..........................


                  Registration No........................ Architects Register.......................


                  Title of the work


                  Date........................            Signature..............................................

proponents:             cooperation and patronage:                                  partners:

media partners:

Associazione PIDA: via dello stadio 45 (presso studio De Palma) 80077 Ischia (NA) cod fisc: 91010780632 www.pida.it - info@pida.it


                  I, the

                  taking p art in the competition pro ject ( indicate the project
                  authorize the PIDA Association or ganiz ing the PIDA – Ischia Int ernational
                  Architecture Prize to process my perso nal data i n compli ance with the
                  Legislative Decree N° 196 of the 30 t h of June 2003 and the EU
                  REGULATION 2 016/ 679. I furthermore authorize the PIDA Association,
                  free of charge and without any request for payments, ri ghts or royalties ,
                  to reproduce, publis h and ex hibit the material submitted b y me withi n
                  the framewor k of exhibitions, publications, magazines, in Italy, abroad
                  and on the Web.
                  I remain the owner of the Copyri ght o n the project.
                  I also declare to be fully li able for any controvers y arising with third
                  parties as regards the ownership of the work exhibited, for whos e
                  exhibition I previously ascertained and acquired any necessar y
                  authorization. In case of controversies, the compet ent Co urt shall be
                  the Court of Naples, Italy.

                  The DPO (D ata Protection Officer) in charge of t he data processing is
                  architect Giovannangelo De Angelis).

                  (To be filled in o nly if member of a group) – The Undersigned appoints as
                  group leader

                  Architect: ..............................................................................

                  Date.....................                Signature..........................................

proponents:             cooperation and patronage:                                  partners:

media partners:

Associazione PIDA: via dello stadio 45 (presso studio De Palma) 80077 Ischia (NA) cod fisc: 91010780632 www.pida.it - info@pida.it
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