WCISA Member Directory & Product Listing 2022 Edition - North American-based suppliers of machinery, materials and accessories for making all ...

WCISA Member Directory & Product Listing 2022 Edition - North American-based suppliers of machinery, materials and accessories for making all ...
WCISA® Member Directory
     & Product Listing
          2022 Edition

    North American-based suppliers of
   machinery, materials and accessories
  for making all types of wire and cable.

  WCISA® is a nonprofit trade association.
WCISA Member Directory & Product Listing 2022 Edition - North American-based suppliers of machinery, materials and accessories for making all ...
WCISA® Members are North American-based suppliers of machinery, materials
           and accessories for making all types of wire and cable.
                       www.wcisaonline.org • info@wcisaonline.org
    1741 Akron Peninsula Rd. • Akron, OH 44313 USA • Tel 330 864-2122 • Fax 330 864-5298

WCISA’s Mission:                                     Membership: How to Become
WCISA’s mission is to promote its mem-               a WCISA Member Company:
bers’ products and services by providing   WCISA is a nonprofit, corporate member-
its members with promotion, representa-    ship organization of North American sup-
tion, networking/social opportunities and  pliers of machinery, materials and acces-
services at domestic and international wiresories used to make all types of wire and
and cable trade shows and conferences.     cable. Members are based in or have an
                                           established subsidiary in North America.
WCISA Officers*                            Prospective members should send an
• Drew Richards, CEO, RichardsApex, Inc., email to info@wcisaonline.org to apply
  WCISA President
                                           for membership: send Company Name,
• Rahul Sachdev, Executive Vice President,
  Wire & Plastic Machinery Corp., 		       Address, Phone, fax, Key Contact Name,
  WCISA Immediate Past President           E-mail, Website and a 50-Word Descrip-
• Mike McNulty, VP & Editor, Wire & Cable tion of your products and Services. The
  Technology International, 		             WCISA Board votes on all membership
  WCISA Executive Director                 applications. Annual dues are US$300 per
                                           member company.
WCISA Board of Directors*
•      David Braun, Wire & Cable Industry
       Manager, Teknor Apex Co.                      WCISA Partners
•      Mark Canrobert, Vice President, 		            In pursuit of its mission, WCISA works with
       Industrial Tapes, Chase Corporation           leading industry associations and organi-
•      Timothy Copp, Vice President Business         zations including the following:
       Development, REELEX Packaging
       Solutions, Inc.;
                                                     •    IWCS Cable & Connectivity Industry
•      Rob Fulop, President, Wire Lab Company             Forum, www.iwcs.org.
•      Brian Holden, National Accounts 		            •    The International Wire & Machinery
       Manager, Carris Reels                              Association (IWMA), www.iwma.org.
•      Paul Gemelli, Executive VP,
       Gem Gravure Co. Inc.                          •    Messe Düsseldorf North America,
•      Dave Kiddoo, CEO/Director, IWCS, Inc.              www.mdna.com
•      Jay Luis, Marketing Manager, Worldwide,       •    The Wire Association International
       NDC Technologies
                                                          (WAI), www.wirenet.org.
•      Gord Murray, Director, QED Wire Lines Inc.
•      John Zachow, Vice President – Wire &          •    Wire & Cable Manufacturers Alliance,
       Cable Systems, Davis-Standard Corp.                Inc. (WCMA, Inc.)
        *WCISA Officers also serve on the            Proposals for new and expanded relation-
           WCISA Board of Directors                  ships are welcome.
                WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA Member Directory & Product Listing 2022 Edition - North American-based suppliers of machinery, materials and accessories for making all ...
WCISA® 2022 Member Directory &
              Product Listing: Table of Contents
Mission, Board of Directors,
Management & Partners....................................... Inside Front Cover

Becoming a WCISA Member:.......................... Inside Front Cover, 35

WCISA Benefits............................................ 1, 34, Inside Back Cover

Member Companies.................................................................... 2-33

Product Listing:
Machinery .......................................................................................36
Materials & Labs.............................................................................42

WCISA Scholarship Program..........................................................44

WCISA at Trade Events: Exhibits and Outings.................. Back Cover

                         WCISA® Member Benefits
        1.   COMPANY AND PRODUCT PROMOTION: WCISA Member Directory and
             Product Guide: published annually and distributed worldwide at trade
             shows and conferences in North America, Europe and Asia. WCISA web
             site, www.wcisaonline.org, containing member company and product
             information and hotlinks to member’s e-mails and web sites. WCISA press
             releases published in wire and cable media outlets.
             booths. Literature distribution at shows. Pavilion sponsorships. Show
             services. Hospitality Events.
             High School Graduates, Partner Associations, Special Circumstances.
             AMERICA), WAI.

                           IN THE WORLDWIDE MARKETPLACE

         WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
Ace Metal                                         AIM, Inc.
225 East Madison Avenue                           Headquarters:
P.O. Box 190                                      14103 McCormick Drive, FL 33626 USA
Clifton Heights, PA 19018 USA                     Midwest: 502 S. Vista Ave,
Tel. 610-623-2204                                 Addison, IL 60101 USA
Fax: 610-623-2268                                 Phone 630 458 0008
E-mail: sales@acemetalinc.com                     Fax 630 458 0730
Website: www.acemetalinc.com                      Contact: Johann Sfaellos, General Manager
Key contact: Richard Medoff                       E-mail: sales@AIMMachines.com
                                                  Web site: www.AIMMachines.com
Ace Metal is a manufacturer of tire cord
spools, metal spools, and tubular wire            AIM Inc. manufactures 2D and 3D single and
carriers. Ace Metal has built an excellent        dual bending head machines complete wire
reputation manufacturing custom and               CNC bending systems. All systems can ex-
standard wire drawing spools for the ferrous      pand to accommodate accessory machine
and nonferrous wire industries. Spools are        modules such as chamfering, butt welding,
designed for uniform quality and precision,       end forming, drilling, marking, threading,
and they are manufactured from 16, 18, and        and press operations. Many of these mod-
20 gauge prime steel with spot-welded or          ules are available in-line, allowing for turn-
seamwelded barrels, according to customer         key end-product manufacturing.
specifications. Finished spools are tested on
a specially designed hydraulic spool tester.      AITMAC, Inc. (Advanced Industrial Tech-
Spools can be used for batch annealing,           nologies and Machines, Incorporated)
and they are available in plain steel or with a   329 Rayette Road, Unit 13/14
baked enamel paint finish. Ace Metal tubular      Concord, Ontario, L4K 2G1
wire carriers are precision-made, designed        Canada
at economical prices, and guaranteed for          Tel: (905) 761-6165
quality and strength.                             Fax: (905) 761-6168
                                                  Edwin Pasterk – CEO
AGC Chemicals Americas, Inc.                      Allan Brown – Sales
55 E. Uwchlan Ave., Suite 201                     Brian Cockburn – Customer Service
Exton, PA 19341, USA                              E-mail: allan.aitmac.ca@gmail.com
Tel: 610-423-4335                                 Web site: www.aitmac-ca.com
Fax: 610-423-4301
www.agcchem.com                                   AITMAC offers efficient and productive man-
Kristin Carlin, Kristin.Carlin@us.agc.com         ufacturing technologies from world leader
                                                  manufacturers, including A APPIANI, a world
AGC Chemicals Americas, a leading global          leader manufacturer since 1962 of standard
supplier of high-quality fluoropolymer resins,    and custom build steel reels for shipping and
compounds, fluoroelastomers and specialty         processing according to DIN specifications
chemicals and materials. AGC Chemicals            or to customer requirements; COMETO wire
America                                           straightening, guiding and feeding equip-
maintains manufacturing operations in             ment; TRAMEV portable tooling for shearing,
Thorndale, PA, USA, and warehouses lo-            cutting, straightening and bending of metal
cated throughout North America.

              WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
wire, rod, strip, cable, bar, metal banding        able without changing gears or reversing
and also the punching of metal plate and           the motor.
FELISARI sheath cutting and stripping equip-
ment for mineral insulated cables. Aitmac          Amaral Automation Associates
Inc., is also the official supplier of Lesmo and   Amaral Automation Associates
Eurodraw Energy machine spare parts and            1697 Warwick Ave, Suite D
service requirements.                              Warwick, RI, 02889 USA
                                                   Phone: 401-405-0755
Alphagary                                          Fax: 401-738-9800
170 Pioneer Drive,                                 Web Site: www.amaralautomation.com
Leominster, MA, 01453 USA                          E-Mail: rick@amaralautomation.com
Phone: +1 978 537 8071
Fax: +1 978 840 0856                               Amaral Automation provides process
www.alphagary.com                                  controls and equipment to the wire, cable
E-mail: enquiries@alphagary.com                    and plastics industries representing various
                                                   companies including ADG Solutions, Angle
AlphaGary designs and manufactures a va-           Systems, B & H Tools, Benshaw, Clinton,
riety of compounds for a wide range of wire        Davis-Standard, Eurotherm, Gneuss, MAAG,
and cable applications. Products include           Machine and Controls Inc, Paletti, RS Pow-
FR-PVC (GW series), plenum (SMOKEGUARD),           dertech, Staco Energy Products, Subec, Tape-
and LSHF (MEGOLON) compounds for both              Formers, Taymer, Techtop, Total Protection
copper and fiber applications as well as           Solutions, WTM, and Zumbach.
TPE compounds (GARAFLEX), PU blends
(GARATHANE) and GCPE series for unique American Kuhne, a brand of Graham
combinations of properties suitable for a Engineering Corporation
variety of environments.                       1203 Eden Road
                                               York, PA 17402 USA
Amacoil, Inc.                                  Phone: 717.848.3755
P.O. Box 2228                                  Contacts: Larry Fitzgerald,
2100 Bridgewater Road                          LFitzgerald@grahamengineering.com,
Aston, PA, 19014 USA                           Gina Haines,
Phone: +1 610 485 8300			                      ghaines@grahamengineering.com
Fax: +1 610 485 2357                           Websites: www.americankuhne.com and
Website: www.amacoil.com                       www.grahamengineering.com
Email: amacoil@amacoil.com
                                               AK provides complete wire and cable system
Amacoil is the exclusive North American solutions with a wide range of capabilities.
distributor of Uhing rolling ring linear trav- AKcess control systems. AK specializes in
erse assemblies for wire and cable winding. the design and manufacture of extruders
Amacoil offers full service on Uhing traverse which can be customized to meet individual
drives including added-value manufactur- processor’s needs. ¾ to 12-inch air-cooled
ing, repairs, parts and ongoing technical or water-cooled extruders, Co-extruders for
support. Uhing rolling ring drives do not striping and multi-layer and H-frame base
require programming or complex controls. for portability and stability.
Travel direction and linear pitch are adjust-

          WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
Amexstra, Inc.                                    by Viteck Inc. in 2003 and has since been
37 Hillcrest Drive                                providing a complete line of equipment for
Alfred, NY 14802 USA                              both plastic insulating, and, continuous cure
Phone: 1-585-610-6629                             CV insulation of wires and cables from Fiber
Fax: 1-607-565-1225                               Optic through Power Cables. Short deliveries
Email: amexstra@gmail.com                         for new components, wire line systems, com-
Contact: Jason Rodd, President                    plete technical service and spare parts for
                                                  new and existing equipment presently in the
Amexstra focuses on importing, manufactur-        field, is a specialty of AW Machinery. Some
ing and refurbishing components for the wire      of the products manufactured by AW Ma-
industry, including ceramic parts for all types   chinery include:
of wire production processes.                     • Entire line of individual machines and
                                                        complete extrusion lines (Plastic, CV &
Arkema Inc.                                             Fiber Optic)
900 First Avenue                                  • Flyer Payoffs & Jackstands
King of Prussia, PA 19406 USA                     • Payoffs (Motorized / Drag Brake)
Tel: 610-205-7548, Fax: 610-205-7497              • Take-ups
Contact: David Kreh, Global Market Manager        • Cooling Troughs
Wire and Cable                                    • Cooling Capstan Systems
Email: david.kreh@arkema.com                      • Mist Boxes
www.kynar.com www.rilsan.com                      • Vertical & Horizontal Dancers /
For over 50 years, Kynar® polyvinylidene          • Tension Controllers & Tension Brakes
fluoride (PVDF) resin, a specialty thermo-        • Load Cells
plastic fluoropolymer, has been used in           • Capstans
applications that require high strength and       • Splice Boxes for CV Lines
purity. Known for its high purity, Kynar® PVDF    • Water Seals for CV Lines
resins also provide chemical resistance to
acids and bases, abrasion resistance, flame       Aztech Lubricants LLC
retardency, mechanical strength, impact           29047 State Highway 59
resistance, thermal stability and ease of         Wayne OK 73095 USA
processing - making it an ideal choice for        Phone 405-310-0034
wire and cable construction.                      Fax 866-251-0666
AW Machinery LLC                                  Contacts: Jonathan Anderson, cell 936-718-
Physical: 7 Just Road                             2873, email: JAnderson@aztechlube.com
Fairfield, NJ 07004                               Jack Hall, email: JHall@aztechlube.com
Phone: +1 973 882 3223                            Mike Colvin, cell 405-819-0581, email:
Fax: +1 973 882-3210                              MColvin@aztechlube.com
E-mail: awm@awmachinery.com
Website: www.awmachinery.com                     Aztech Lubricants is new style of lubricant
Contact: Art Watson or Ed Gener                  company for the wire industry. We will for-
                                                 mulate and produce products to meet the
AW Machinery LLC, purchased the engineer- customer’s needs, many custom blends.
ing information (entire library of project files Our EZDraw, EZCoat, EZClean and AZWipe
and designs) and inventory formerly owned products include dry drawing powders

              WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
(including calcium, sodium, potassium and            machine for screening applications
blends); vanishing oils; weaving lubricants; • Backtwist high speed data cable twin-
precoats; protective coating products for            ning, with and without backtwist
galvanized wire; and cleaners.                • High performance OPGW stranders
                                              • Full range of tubular stranders
Balloffet Die Corporation                     • Umbilical and submarine cable lines
471 N Resler Drive C2                         • Custom designed equipment for flexible
El Paso, TX 79912                                    pipe industry
Phone: 915-592-5252
Fax: 915-592-8585                             Baum’s Castorine Co., Inc.
Email: info@balloffetusa.com                  200 Matthew Street
Website: www.balloffetusa.com                 PO Box 230
Contact: Bill Couse, VP                       Rome, NY 13440 USA
Balloffet Die Corporation is a supplier of Phone: 315-336-8154
Natural, Synthetic-Single Crystal & Polycrys- Fax: 315-336-3854
talline Diamond Dies, Extrusion Tips & Dies, Contact: Tom Whitcombe, VP of Sales or
Die refinishing & Inspection equipment and Mike O’Herien, Account Executive
recutting services.                           E-Mail: sales@baumscastorine.com
                                              Website: www.baumscastorine.com
Bartell Machinery Systems, LLC
6321 Elmer Hill Road                          Baum’s Castorine Co., Inc. has been for-
Rome, NY, 13440, USA                          mulating industrial lubricants since 1879 in
Phone: +1 315 336 7600                        Rome, NY. In addition to the wire drawing
Fax: +1 315 336 0947                          industry, Baum’s also serves many metal-
Web site: www.bartellmachinery.com            working industries as well as agricultural
                                              and construction industries. Baum’s offers a
Ceeco Bartell is committed in its aim of pro- full line of products including oils, coolants,
viding customers the highest possible quality soluble oils, greases, and lubricating oils.
service in the wire and cable industry. The Baum’s is also a custom blender for the US
Ceeco Bartell team contains many recogniz- military and the International firefighting
able names and faces in the cable industry industry.
from around the world. Ceeco Bartell has
brought this wealth of experience together B&H Tool Company
in order to continue to give customers de- 285 Pawnee Street, Suite D
servedly the best product support team in San Marcos, CA 92078 USA
the world.                                    Tel.: (800) 272-8878, (760) 471-8949
• High speed side loading roll form Contact: Peter Neville, President
      strander, up to 300 mm2                 Email: pneville@bhtool.com
• Modularized Roll Form unit, producing www.bhtool.com
      240 mm2 compact aluminum at 200
      m/min                                   B&H Tool Company is a provider of innovative
• New 2” and 5” high speed strip interlock tooling solutions that improve the quality of
      armouring lines, with 300 mm wide extruded products and reduce scrap and
      coil width                              set-up. For the international medical de-
• High speed orbistrand rigid strander vice industry, where B&H Tool is a leading
                                              supplier, the BH25A MicroCrosshead with

          WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
Spiral Deflector is most newsworthy. This        POE standard from 0.5 AMPs to 1.0 AMP for
new tooling development is the industry’s        Limited Power (LP), CCG offers these jacketing
lowest volume microcrosshead, delivering         materials, as well as FluoroFoam insulation
breakthrough microextrusion performance          and crosswebs. 200°C-rated FluoroFoam
for applications including microbore tubing,     FEP or MFA Jacket with FluoroFoam insulation
fiber optics, and insulated fine wire.           and crossweb for 0.8, 0.9, and 1.0 AMP POE;
                                                 150°C-rated PVDF Limited Combustible
                                                 Fluoro-Alloy Jacket with FluoroFoam insula-
Cable Components Group (CCG)                     tion and crossweb for 0.6 and 0.7 AMP POE;
185 South Broad St                               90°C-rated Low Smoke PVC Jacket with
Pawcatuck, CT, 06379 USA                         FluoroFoam insulation and crossweb for
Phone: +1 860 599 5877                           0.5 AMP POE. All of these new materials are
Fax: +1 860 599 5461                             compounded by CCG in an effort to vertically
Website: www.cablecomponents.com                 integrate materials to service our customers
E-mail: Barbara Cioffi, 			                      with innovative, higher temperature-rated,
bcioffi@cablecomponents.com                      fire retardant and foamable materials. CCG
Dan Messmer, 				                                will use this compounding capability to
dmessmer@cablecomponents.com                     service our in-house extrusion needs for
Charles M. Glew, 				                            crosswebs, tapes, tubes and monofilaments,
glewcm@cablecomponents.com                       as well as offer for sale these new foamable,
Nicolas Rosa, 				                               as well as fire retardant compounds that are
nrosa@cablecomponents.com                        especially designed for copper wire and fiber
Richard Speer, 			                               optic cabling.
Jake LaBeller, 				                              Calmec Precision Limited
jlabelle@cablecomponents.com                     Marc Fitzner, President
                                                 1400 Bonhill Road, Mississauga,
Cable Components Group (CCG), founded in         ON, CANADA L5T 1L3
1998, designs, engineers and manufactures        Phone & Fax: 905-677-7976,
extruded products for wire and cable, fiber      905-677-4766
optic cables and industrial non-wovens.          Email: mfitzner@calmec.com
CCG’s 6-LAN™ crosswebs are foamed and            Web: www.calmec.com
include patented designs for Category 6, 6e
and 6A LAN cables. CCG’s FluoroFoam® is          Established in 1979, CALMEC is a Canadian
a patented chemical foaming agent of fluori-     machinery manufacturer providing tailored
nated ethylene propylene (FEP) or perfluoro      Engineered Armouring Solutions. Calmec
methyl alkoxy (MFA) for use in insulations,      specializes in process driven equipment for
tapes and 6-LAN crosswebs. Foamed                the continuous roll forming of metallic strip,
fluorine-based products are particularly         and the application of metallic and non-
suited for the evolving Power over Ethernet      metallic tapes, to produce flexible conduit
(POE) or Power over LAN standards. These         and pipes over electrical cables, hoses, and
standards require materials with enhanced        as components of deep sea umbilical’s.
thermal stability, and foamed FEP or MFA
insulation and jacketing offer an added
safety margin for POE applications. For the

             WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
Carris Reels, Inc.                               twist, stranding. Optical Fibres & Cables:
49 Main Street                                   OPGW lines, Planetary stranders, armouring
Proctor, VT 05765, USA                           lines. Power Cables: Rotating equipment
Phone: +1 802 773 9111                           for low, medium, high, extra-high voltage
Fax: +1 802 770 3551                             cables. Flexible Pipes: Custom designed
E-mail: sales@carris.net                         machines for the oil supply industry. Machin-
Website: www.carris.com                          ery & Components: Wire & Cable Handling:
Contact: Brian Holden – 			                      Range of single & dual, portal & fully auto-
National Accounts Manager                        matic payoffs/take-ups for reels to 40 tons.
                                                 Rotating Stranding: Conductor bunching,
Carris Reels manufactures and distributes        stranding & cablers. Automation & Control:
packaging solutions for the wire and cable       Machine & line control: Manufacturing
industry including plywood reels, nailed         process monitoring, analysis & supervision.
wood reels, hardboard reels, plastic reels       Line Accessories & Components: Capstans,
and accessories, hybrid reels, wood/metal        caterpillars, accumulators & special equip-
reels, stamped metal reels and REELEX pay-       ment needed for each production type.
out tubes and accessories. Additional servic-
                                   CEMANCO LC
es offered are recycling/repair services and
logistics in New England and Texas. It’s vast
                                   951 NW 31st Ave
manufacturing network consists of (11) loca-
                                   Pompano Beach, FL 33069 USA
tions across the U.S., Canada and Mexico,
                                   Phone: 954-970-3099
in addition to (8) warehouse/assembly loca-
                                   Fax: 954-970-3056
tions. Carris Reels is 100% employee owned.
                                   Website: www.cemanco.com
J. Hamelin Industries and Lone Star Reel are
                                   Email: sales@cemanco.com
part of the Carris Community of Companies.
                                   Contact: Rainer Lashofer, President
                                   Ceramic eyelets, rods, tubes and customized
CEECO Bartell Products             shapes; pulleys in various materials like ce-
400 Applewood Crescent, Suite 100, ramic, CeramP, aluminum or steel with hard
Vaughan,Ontario, Canada            coatings or ceramic inserts; wire straighten-
Phone: +1 905 761 2993             ers and guides adjustable and fixed with
Fax: +1 315 336 0947               multiple choices of rollers, coatings and
Website: www.ceecobartell.com      designs; hydraulic cutters; linear traverses;
E-mail: info@ceecobartell.com      drawing capstans, rings and cones.

Since its formation in the late 1960s, Ceeco
has been a premier supplier of Rotating
equipment around the world. With its re-
emergence as part of Bartell Machinery
Systems LLC, Ceeco Bartell will continue to
provide high quality innovative solutions to
meet the product needs of our customers
worldwide. Production Systems for: Telecom
& Datacom Cables: Data and telephone
group twinning, with and without backtwist.
Individual twinner, with and without back-

         WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
Chase Corporation                                Chemetall US, Inc.
295 University Avenue                            675 Central Avenue
Westwood, MA 02090 USA                           New Providence, NJ 07974 USA
                                                 Phone: (908) 464-6900
Subsidiary companies:                            Toll Free: (800) 526-0345
• NEPTCO                                         Fax: (908) 464-7914
• Stewart Superabsorbents                        www.chemetall.com
                                                 Contacts: Jack McAfee Jr., Director of Cold
Adam Chase, President and 		                     Forming Segment - North America, jack.
Chief Executive Officer                          mcafee@basf.com, Cell: (908) 644-2803;
Contact: Mark Canrobert, 			                     and Neil Lowdon, Key Industry Manager -
Vice President–Industrial Tapes 		               Cold Forming, neil.lowdon@basf.com, Cell:
mcanrobert@chasecorp.com                         (734) 612-0345.
Tel: 781.332.0700
Fax: 781.332.0702                                Chemetall North America operates within the
Email: info@chasecorp.com                        ‘Surface Treatment’ division of BASF, a global
Web site: www.chasecorp.com                      leader is specialty chemical technologies.
                                                 Chemetall US, Inc., manufactures and sells a
Chase Corporation and its subsidiary             wide range of process chemicals for the fer-
NEPTCO are manufacturers of a variety of         rous wire industry, including zinc phosphates
laminated foils and coated fabric tapes for      (and associated additives), reactive stearate
use in the manufacture of electronic, CATV,      coatings, polymer coatings, pre-coats (salt
instrumentation, control, telecommunica-         carriers), cleaners (alkaline & acidic) liquid
tions, aerospace, military, industrial and       lubricants and corrosion protection products,
distribution power cables. Specific products     as well as providing extensive technical sup-
include EMI/RFI shielding tapes, thermal,        port and training options for the wire industry.
flame and moisture barrier tapes, semi-
conducting and water-blocking tapes, iden-       Colorant Chromatics/Avient
tification tapes and a wide range of bedding     19 Francis J. Clarke Circle
and binder tapes. For power cables, Chase        Bethel, CT 06801 USA
Corporation manufactures Chase BlH2Ock®          Phone + 1 800 242 2296
conductive moisture-blocking strand fill         Website:
compound. Stewart Superabsorbents (SSA)          www.avient.com/colorant-chromatics
offers superabsorbent powders, liquids and       Contact: Jamie Ginn,
hot melt adhesives as well as warehousing,       Regional Sales Manager – North America
distribution and tolling services.               Cell: +1 609 412 7239
                                                 Email:: jamie.ginn@avient.com

                                                 Colorant Chromatics is the world’s leading
                                                 specialist in the enhancement of high per-
                                                 formance polymers, particularly Fluoropoly-
                                                 mers. Colorant Chromatics was founded in
                                                 Sweden in 1979 and started production of
                                                 Fluoropolymer concentrates in the owner’s
                                                 barn. Since then, it has opened manufac-
                                                 turing plants in Aland, Finland (1981), in

             WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
Bethel, CT, USA (1983) and Shanghai, China        Conneaut Industries, Inc.
(2003) and a distribution center in Limburg,      89 Hopkins Hill Rd.
Germany (1985). In 2013, the Headquarters         W. Greenwich, RI, 02817, USA
were relocated to Eindhoven, The Nether-          Phone: +1 401 392 1110
lands. Colorant Chromatics is a division of       Cell: (814) 312-5648
Avient Corporation, a premier provider of         Fax: +1 401 397 2564
specialized polymer material, services and        Website: www.conneaut.com
solutions.                                        E-mail: John.mancinelli@conneaut.com
                                                  Contact: John Mancinelli,
Commission Brokers Inc.                           National Sales Manager
P.O. Box 8456
Cranston, RI 02920-0456, USA                      Conneaut Industries, West Greenwich, Rhode
Phone: +1 401 943 3777                            Island, is a leading supplier of industrial and
Fax: +1 401 943 3670                              specialty yarns used in an extensive range of
Website: www.commissionbrokers.com                end-use wire and cable markets including
E-mail: marty137@aol.com                          automotive, aerospace, power, telecom-
Contact: Martin Kenner, President                 munication and fiber optics. Conneaut also
                                                  supplies various specialty fibers into the
Domestic and international broker for used,       composite markets. Established in 1930,
rebuilt, reconditioned, and As-Is machinery       Conneaut is an industry leader in yarn con-
for the nonferrous wire and cable, harness,       verting with unique capabilities for precision
wire assembly, braiding, and hose indus-          braider packages, twisting, plying, cabling
tries. Specific equipment includes braiders,      and winding. The company has a clear fo-
bunchers, cablers, drawers, extruders, pay-       cus on customer satisfaction and producing
offs, stranders, take-ups, and twisters. Ad-      zero-defect yarn products. Conneaut is com-
ditional services include plant layout, instal-   mitted to building long-term partnerships
lation, relocation, appraisal and liquidation.    with its customers and suppliers.

Condat Corporation                                 Davis-Standard, LLC
250 South Industrial Drive                         1 Extrusion Dr.
Saline, MI 48176 USA                               Pawcatuck, CT 06379, USA
Tel (800) 883-7876, Ext. 155                       Phone: +1 860 599 1010
Tel (734) 944-4994                                 Fax: +1 860 599 6258
Cell (734) 612-0345                                Website: www.davis-standard.com
Fax (734) 944-4995                                 E-mail: jzachow@davis-standard.com
E-mail: sruelle@condatcorp.com                     Contact: John Zachow,
Web site: www.condatcorp.com                       Vice President – Wire & Cable Systems
Contact: Stéphane Ruelle , General Sales
Manager - Metal Forming Lubricants                 Manufacturer of complete wire and cable
                                                   extrusion systems for the communication,
USA Division of Condat SA, worldwide sup- power, construction/building, telephone,
plier of specialty lubricants with a full range of automobile, high temperature, plug optical
products for wire drawing and cold heading. fiber, and specialty wire market segments.
                                                   All extrusion systems are available with Clip-
                                                   per take ups, payoffs, spoolers, customized
                                                   feed screws, and patented micro-processor

          WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
based control systems incorporating closed EY Technologies
loop control and line documentation.          Division of Pascale Industries
                                              Fall River Industrial Park
Die Quip Corp.                                939 Currant Road
Phone: +1 412 833 1662                        Fall River, MA 02720-4712 USA
Fax: +1 412 835 6474                          Phone: 1-508-673-3307
Website: www.diequip.com                      Cell: (870) 794-6686
E-mail: diequip@diequip.com                   Fax: 1-508-672-6717
5360 Enterprise Blvd.                         Elizabeth G. Pascale
Bethel Park, PA 15102, USA                    Director, Corporate Advertising
Delegate: Tom Maxwell                         and Promotion
                                              Email: info@eytechnologies.com
Die Quip is the leading manufacturer of die Web:www.eytechnologies.com
finishing equipment for tool and die shops
around the world. Every machine has our Our products and technologies help make
trademark durability and accuracy features, braided wire harnesses the preferred choice
which ensures long production life and easy for Industries. A family owned Company
access to spare parts. Our Die Saver line ef- established in Fall River, Massachusetts with
ficiently cuts time and guesswork out of die Corporate Headquarters in Pine Bluff, Arkan-
production. This group of machines have sas, USA. Our Core business strives to be
manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic the world’s leading innovative and technical
cycles to cut, size and polish wire dies, bar producer of quality custom-designed yarns
dies, and tube dies. Each machine features essential to production in the braiding,
a rigid base design with a powerful grinding knitting, weaving, mutli-axial laminating
spindle, angle setting gages and a zero stop and other process industries. We produce
to produce fast, accurate die geometry. The linear composite materials based on man-
Die Flex line provides tremendous flexibility made fiber substrates, usually treated with
and accuracy to polish the angle and size polymeric systems to enhance functional
the bearing with fully automatic or semi- properties. .Extrusion coated yarns with
automatic cycles. These machines have a PVC, HP, TPE, PVDF etc. compound with
search feature that finds the angle automati- proprietary additive. FIBERS- Para-Aramid
cally before starting the cycle, which allows KEVLAR®, Meta-Aramid Nomex®, Basalt,
different die sizes to be run in the same Carbon, Fiberglass, Nylon, PET Polyester,
group. Removable magazines allow dies to Polyethylene, Stainless etc. RESINS – Nylon,
move from polishing cycles to sizing cycles Polyester, PEI, Polyethylene, Polypropylene,
without reloading. Full training packages, PVC, PVDF etc. “Proudly Made in the USA with
seminars, consultations and handbooks are a Global Distribution Network to serve you”
available for easy operator training. We also WE DON’T MAKE YARNS, WE MAKE THEM
provide specially formulated consumable BETTER! ™
supplies, die measuring systems and full Engineered yarns. Smart solutions™.
lines of specialty cutters.

             WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
Fabritex, Inc.                                   FACTS, Inc.
1755 Zion CME Church RD                          2737 Front Street
Hartwell, GA 30643 USA                           Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 USA
Phone: 706-376-6584 x 240                        Tel: 330-928-2332
Fax: 706-376-1434                                Fax: 330-928-3018
Contacts: Lee Adams, President, 		               Contact: Scott Hall, General Manager
Brook McClincy, Sales                            sales@facts-inc.com
Web Site: www.fabritex.com                       www.facts-inc.com
E-Mail: sales@fabritex.com
                                                 FACTS has extensive experience controlling
Fabritex makes to order custom batch an-         a wide range of wire and cable lines. We
nealing stem packs and frames for every          supply:
major North American O.E.M.’s high speed         • Fully Integrated Line Control
continuous down coiler line. Precision Made      • Heater Power Enclosure Assemblies
tubular wire and rod carriers, and other high    • Drive Systems
temperature solutions. We are scheduled          • Information and Reporting Systems
to be ISO9001:2000 certified this year as        • New Extrusion Lines & Equipment
we deal with the unique and demanding            All systems are backed with 24/7 technical
requirements of each new customer’s ap-          support.

         WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
Fiber Optic Center, Inc. (FOC) / 		           and capstans), water cooling systems and
Technical Horsepower 			                      ancillary components such as straighten-
Consulting, LLC (THC)                         ers and preheaters are offered. Rotational
23 Centre Street                              equipment for tape wrapping and wire
New Bedford, MA 02740, USA                    braiding and serving is also available. Fine
http://focenter.com,                          customizes all of our machinery to fit our
http://technicalhorsepowerconsulting.com      customer’s requirements rather than offer
Direct: 508-717-8393 or 508-992-6464 with     standard items that must be adopted by the
ext. 8393                                     manufacturer. The company also provides
Kathleen Skelton, Director of Strategic       some raw material sourcing opportuni-
Marketing, kskelton@focenter.com              ties including shielding tapes, separating
                                              tapes, semifinished cable and other related
Fiber Optic Center, Inc., (FOC), is an inter- materials.
national leading distributor specializing in
helping their customers make the best cable Fort Wayne Wire Die, Inc.
assemblies in the world. FOC partners with 2424 American Way
Technical Horsepower Consulting, LLC. (THC), Fort Wayne, IN 46809-3098 USA
an international leader in consultation and Phone: 260-747-1681
technical training in the areas of optical Fax: 260-747-4269
cable, optical sensors, and cable/connec- E-mail: sales@fwwd.com
tor interface.                                Website: www.fwwd.com
                                              Contact: Brad Scherer
Fine International Corp.
Main Office:                                  Fort Wayne Wire Die’s product line includes
106 Apple Street, Suite 116                   Single Crystal Natural Diamond Dies (SCND);
Tinton Falls, New Jersey 07724 USA            Single Crystal Synthetic Diamond Dies (SCSD),
Telephone: +1-732-933-0040                    Poly-Di® Polycrystalline Diamond Dies
Fax: +1-732-933-4005                          (PCD), Tungsten Carbide Dies; Dual-Draw™
Contact: Bruce Ceres                          Wire Dies; Multiwire Elongation Sets of Dies;
Web site: www.fineinternational.net           Poly-Strand™ Stranding, Bunching and
Email:finesales@gmail.com                     Compacting Dies; Extrusion Tips and Dies;
                                              Di-Pro™ Diamond Powder/Compound; Ul-
Fine International Corp. is specialized ma- trahard Wear Parts; Shaving Dies; Calibrating
chinery supplier to wire and cable manu- and Enameling Dies; Shaped Wire Drawing
facturers. The company produces extrusion Dies; and Tubing Dies and Mandrels. Also
lines from general purpose electronic wire offered are Die Reconditioning, Inspection
production, power cable product manufac- and Measurement Equipment; Die Recutting
ture and general purpose jacketing lines. Services; Seminars; and Workshops.
Fine specializes in the supply of primary
extrusion lines based on proprietary physi-
cal foam technology capable of producing
foamed insulation products used for CATV
coaxial cable, LAN category cable, minicoax
cable and RF microwave cable. All extru-
sion line components from wire handling
(payoffs, takeups, dancers, accumulators

             WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
Frigeco USA, Inc.                                and cable marking today. Our company
A MFL Group Company                              values and innovative pursuits allow us to
67 Beaver Ave. Corbit Bld. Ste 12                maintain strong relationships with the largest
Annandale, NJ 08801 USA                          suppliers and manufacturers throughout the
Contact: Tony DeRosa                             world. The first company to introduce ink jet
Tel: 908-894-5801                                technology to the wire and cable industry,
Fax: 908-894-5809                                GEM is now the exclusive distributor for
Cell: 908-797-3646                               KBA-Metronic ink jet marking equipment in
Email: t.derosa@mariofrigerio.com                the US, Canada and the borders of Mexico.
Web Site: www.mflgroup.com                       A line of GEM designed/manufactured
Our commitment at Frigeco USA, Inc. is to        contact printing systems combined with the
provide our North American Wire and Cable        ink jet printers to provide a full range of wire
partners high quality products and technical     identification options. GEM offers the widest
solutions that are innovative and tailored       range of ink jet inks specifically designed for
specifically to the market. As a complete        wire & cable along with specialty inks for
supplier, Frigeco USA, Inc. takes great pride    wire harness applications. GEM’s research &
in providing machines, training, product         development center in Nixa, MO is dedicated
technology, and timely service and support       to developing unique inks from creation of
to insure that your machine performs above       pigment dispersions to final ink formulation.
expectation. Our products include Drawing        Controlling the entire process allows GEM
Lines, Stranding and Closing Lines, and          to create the highest quality products. Gem
Insulation and Sheathing Lines. We offer         Gravure has been family owned and oper-
total project management and equipment           ated since 1952.
requirements; we integrate systems on a
turnkey basis, set up preventive maintenance     HALL Industries
schedules and upgrade existing equipment         The MGS Group
and processes. Our experienced cable pro-        (MGS - HALL - NORTHAMPTON)
cess engineers can supply operator training,     Physical: 8C Commerce Drive
technical service and spare parts.               North Branford CT, 06471
                                                 Mailing: P.O. Box 4259
Gem Gravure                                      Rome, NY 13442-4259
112 School Street                                Phone: +1 203 481 4275
West Hanover, MA 02339 USA                       Fax: +1 203 481 5391
Phone: 781.878.0456                              E-mail: sales@themgsgroup.com
Email: info@gemgravure.com                       Website: www.themgsgroup.com
Website: www.gemgravure.com                      Contact: Jeff Swinchatt or John Dudus
Paul Gemelli, Executive Vice President,          HALL Industries has been a part of The
pgemelli@gemgravure.com                          MGS Group since 1994. Hall Industries was
Mark Kristoff, National Sales Manager,           founded in 1975 by Marcus Hall and became
mkristoff@gemgravure.com                         well renowned in the wire and cable industry
                                                 over the years for engineered solutions for
Founded by Joseph Gemelli “the father of         a variety of industry challenges. In October
wire ID” in 1952, GEM Gravure’s background       1994, MGS Manufacturing Inc. of Rome, NY
in wire and cable manufacturing is what          completed the purchase of substantially all
makes us the worldwide authority in wire         of the assets of HALL Industries Inc., located

         WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
in Branford, CT. The MGS Group maintains         Fax: +1 260 728 9303
HALL Industries engineering excellence in        email: jon@heritagewiredie.com
our R&D/Service office in North Branford,        Website: www.heritagewiredie.com
CT. We continue to design and manufacture        Contact: Jon M. Fuhrman
systems to handle most any product from
                                                 Manufacturer of a full line of natural single
sensitive optical fiber to 1000MCM power
                                                 crystal, synthetic single crystal, and polycrys-
cable. We also can handle odd shapes;
                                                 talline diamond wire drawing dies as well as
tubing, ribbon, tape, and armored products.
                                                 recutting services. Also supplying tungsten
Our Automatic and Semiautomatic Takeups
                                                 carbide dies.
are extremely reliable for on-line packag-
ing of a wide range of products and reels        Huestis Industrial
at high speeds, resulting in significant cost    68 Buttonwood Street
savings. Our solid designs begin with robust     Bristol, RI 02809-0718, USA
steel frames, progress to include the most       Phone: +1 401 253 5500
advanced recipe driven PLC controls, and         Fax: +1 401 253 7350
are supported by qualified engineers and         Website: www.huestisindustrial.com
technicians who respond when a customer          E-mail: sales@huestis.com
needs help. HALL products include Fully
Automatic Packaging Systems with Robotic         Manufacturer of air wipes, cable jacket
Depalletizer/Palletizer, Payoffs and Takeups     strippers, payoff and take-up stands, coil-
(Moveable Arm, Roll Thru, Cantilever Shaft,      ers, accumulators, re-spooling/re-reeling
Multiple Spindles, Cone Pintle, Dual Semi-       systems, and buncher pay off stands. Huestis
automatic And Automatic), Dancers, Vertical      also distributes a full line of cold pressure
and Horizontal Accumulators, Capstans            welders and dies.
(Caterpillar, Belt Wrap, And Dual Drum), Fiber
Optic Handling Systems, Rewinders, and           I.C.E. WIRE LINE EQUIPMENT INC.
Length Counters. Many of our systems are         1315 Mazurette, suite 110
versatile and can produce reels and/or coils,    Montreal, Quebec
allowing the flexibility to respond to your      H4N 1G8 Canada
customer needs with the same Takeup. Our         Tel: 514-388-2022
success with Automatic Coiling Machines          Fax: 514-388-5835
arrives from our flexibility allowing a range    Email: icegroup@bellnet.ca
of products and coil sizes to be produced on     Website: www.icewireline.com
the same machine. It also includes banding,      Key contact: Tapan Ghosh
shrink wrap, labeling, and palletizing. Our
line of Fully Automatic Takeup systems, the      ICE Wire Line Equipment Inc. provides design,
FAT18 and most recently the FAT820 SFL Series    engineering, manufacturing and commis-
has delivered the well-recognized MGS/           sioning for the steel wire processing industry.
Hall/Northampton reliability and flexibility     Our supply includes: Austenitizing Furnaces,
to the application.                              Fluid Bed Quenching Furnaces, Fluid Bed
                                                 Annealing Furnaces, Fumeless “Dual Acid
Heritage Wire Die Division of Fuhrman            Wave” cleaning systems, Galvanizing and
Precision Services, Inc.                         GalFan furnaces along with a variety of ef-
10484 North 200 West                             fective wiping systems. ICE Fluid Bed furnaces
Decatur, IN 46733                                worldwide are producing high quality ferrous
Phone: +1 260 728 9300                           wire every hour, and our pickling systems use
             WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
the redesigned ICE “Dual Acid Wave” acid         Industry Forum as the premier technology
tanks along with other unique new concepts       event for the exchange of information about
for the overall production line process. Wire    product, material and process innovation for
manufacturers have been using ICE technol-       cabling and connectivity solutions, and for
ogy for many years to produce high and low       the development of industry professionals
carbon wire at high speeds. Helping to build     through education and scholarships. IWCS
and improve the wire industry one line at a      is committed to strengthen its connectivity
time - ICE Wire Line.                            content and industry presence, providing
                                                 interaction with technical and supply chain
iNOEX LLC                                        professionals on the connectorization of
1913 Olde Homestead Lane                         cabling infrastructure. IWCS presents new
Lancaster, PA 17601 USA                          content and promotes discussion of ideas
Phone: 717-826-7850                              and innovations to advance connectivity
Fax: 717-672-0872                                solutions. The IWCS Cable & Connectivity
Website: www.inoex.com                           Industry Forum provides an opportunity to
Adam Grier, President, amgrier@inoex.com         explore discussions on topical issues, learn
Cell +1 717 881 0322                             about new technologies, and network with
                                                 industry colleagues from around the world.
iNOEX is a pioneer in the development            Each year, the IWCS Symposium Committee
and production of innovative measuring           generates an extremely high-caliber pro-
and control technology. For more than 30         gram for the Technical Symposium, which is
years iNOEX has been developing systems          the cornerstone of the Cable & Connectivity
and technical solutions which are precisely      Industry Forum. Papers presented during
adapted to the specific requirements of the      the Technical Symposium remain publicly ar-
pipe, tubing, profile, wire and cable, and film  chived on the IWCS website to be referenced
extrusion industries. We offer measurement       for ongoing research and education. The
technologies such as Laser, X-ray, Ultrasonic,   Annual Cable & Connectivity Industry Forum
Terahertz, and Gravimetric with outstanding      Includes The Following Event Components:
results and have revolutionized the meas-        TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM, PROFESSIONAL
urement and control technology of plastic        DEVELOPMENT COURSES, EXECUTIVE TRACK,
extrusion sustainably. For our customers,        SUPPLIER EXHIBITION FEATURING NEW PROD-
this means material savings, product quality     UCT PRESENTATIONS, and PLENARY SESSION.
improvement, and overall a more productive
and efficient operation.                        IWMA - Honorary WCISA Member
                                                International Wire and Machinery
IWCS - Honorary WCISA Member                    Association
6920-B Braddock Road, PMB 650                   Wellington House, Starley Way,
Annandale, VA 22003 USA                         Birmingham International Park
Telephone: +1.703.914.4927                      Solihull, West Midlands B37 7HB,
David Kiddoo, CEO/Director, 		                  United Kingdom
dkiddoo@iwcs.org                                Tel: +44 121 781 7367
Michelle Melsop, Operations Manager, Fax: +44 (0)121 781 7404
mmelsop@iwcs.org                                E-Mail: info@iwma.org
www.iwcs.org                                    Website: www.iwma.org

IWCS organizes the Cable & Connectivity WCISA has a cooperative Partnership Agree-

         WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
ment with the IWMA - International Wire and       and our family values, we stand behind
Machinery Association, and the IWMA is a          the safety and reliability of the equipment
Honorary Member of WCISA. The purpose             we produce. We also offer services such
of the Partnership is to unify and coordinate     as production consulting, project manage-
previously separated efforts related to inter-    ment, plant relocation, foundation design,
national events that serve this industry sector   detailed manufacturing drawings, installa-
including technical meetings, presentations       tion supervision and alignment by laser as
and exhibitions. With over 300 members in         well as after-sales service and spare parts.
nearly 60 countries, the IWMA is a corporate      We offer flexible solutions to meet your cable
membership association for the wire, cable        making demands. This may include custom
and wire product industries and offers a          modifications, upgrading of individual com-
range of benefits, services and events to         ponents, factory reconditioned equipment
promote business opportunities within these       as well as integrating new and existing sec-
sectors of the industry.                          tions. Kalmark maintains its commitment to
                                                  Canadian Manufacturing through our latest
Joe Snee Associates, Inc.                         expansion of a 44,000 square foot building
P.O Box 236, 34 Papino Road                       in Simcoe, Ontario. We provide customized
Seekonk, MA 02771 USA                             solutions to Canadian, USA and International
Tel: 774-991-0504                                 wire and cable makers.
Contact: Joe Snee
joe@jsnee.com                                 KEIR Manufacturing, Inc.
www.pwmltd.co.uk, 			                         133 McLean Road
www.betalasermike.com                         Brevard, NC 28712 USA
                                              Phone: +1 828-885-8444
The company is the exclusive USA and U.S. Toll Free: 800-992-2402
Canadian Distributor for Pressure Welding Cell: 828-577-7662
Machines (PWM).                               Fax: +1 828-884-7494
                                              Email: watkins@KEIRmfg.com
Kalmark Integrated Systems Ltd.               Website: www.KEIRmfg.com
214 Victoria Street                           Contact: David K. Watkins, President/CEO
Simcoe, ON
Canada N3Y 4K2                                KEIR Manufacturing, Inc is an American
Tel: +1 (519) 442-4567                        based manufacturer of high-purity 99.8%
E-mail: sales@kalmarkltd.com                  Alumina Ceramic Guides, the Frontiers-
Contact: Louis J. Kalmar                      man™ line of Air Wipes, and Composite
                                              Flyer Bows serving the global wire & cable
Kalmark Integrated Systems is the industry industry. We are dedicated to making prod-
leader in the manufacturing of rotating ucts that enable manufacturing processes to
equipment for wire and cable production. run more efficiently and productively through
Equipment can be used to produce electrical the application of leading edge materials.
wire and cable, steel rope, conduit, flexible Our solutions are focused on continuous
pipe and BRE-optics products. With over 35 process improvement, energy savings, and
years of experience, we have a broad un- longer operating life.
derstanding of what you need to accomplish
your goals in production speed and capac-
ity. Based on North American standards,

              WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
Kinrei of America, L.L.C.                         solutions for industrial marking technology
557 Route 23 South                                and the printing industry, including industrial
Wayne, New Jersey 07470 USA                       inkjet, verification and numbering systems.
Phone: +1 973 677 9500                            Paul Leibinger currently employs some 230
Fax: +1 973 673 0907                              professionals in Tuttlingen, Germany and an-
E-mail: mjacobsen@kinreiusa.com, 		               other 15 at its subsidiary in East Troy, WI USA.
sdonnelly@kinreiusa.com                           LLFLEX
Website: www.kinreiusa.com                        1225 West Burnette Ave.
Contact: Mitch Jacobsen, 			                      Louisville, KY 40210 USA
Vice President of Sales                           Phone: +1.502.636.8400
                                                  Contacts: Victor Dixon, CEO, Cheryl Craig,
Kinrei of America’s cabling, bunching, and        Business Segment Director, Industrial
twinning products represent the latest            Laminates, and Christine Lovett,
advances in cable production technology.          Business Development Manager
We offer complete selections of machines          Emails: vdixon@llflex.com, ccraig@llflex.com,
for ultra thin wire, unilay and concentric,       clovett@llflex.com
litz, automotive, medical, twinning and           Website: www.llflex.com
cabling in tubular, single or double twist.       LLFlex is a leader in the wire & cable supply
We are committed to providing our custom-         industry, providing high quality armoring and
ers with the highest quality products and         shielding tapes from our Louisville, KY, USA
industry-leading value added services that        facility. Our mono layer film formulations use
are acknowledged as the best available in         the same uniform, high quality resins across
the wire and cable industry. It is the mission    100% of the structure to give you consistent
of our entire organization to provide the         and reliable long term performance. Our
highest possible customer service for the         high quality, domestic manufacturing, global
complete line of Kinrei equipment. In addi-       reach and our longevity in the industry cer-
tion to offering you state-of-the-art cabling     tainly distinguish us in the wire and cable
technology, Kinrei of America is also your        marketplace, but the reason our customers
source for: Donnelly Reels; Watson Parts &        depend on us for heavy and light gauge
Service; Kopilowitz Engineering for payoffs,      cable wrap is far more personal; we’re
takeups and accessories for the wire and          cost-effective, stable, and totally aligned with
cable industry; Candor Sweden AB plating          operational requirements.

Leibinger Inc., Paul                              Madem-Moorecraft Reels USA
2702 Buell Drive Ste B                            3006 Anaconda Road
East Troy, WI 53120 USA                           PO Box 1528
Phone: 262-642-4030                               Tarboro, NC 27886 USA
Fax: 262-642-4033                                 Email: steve@madem-moorecraft.com
Contact: Jan Visser, Vice President &             www.madem-moorecraft.com
General Manager - Americas                        Contact: Steve Redhage,
Email: jvisser@leibingerusa.com                   Vice President/General Manager
Internet: www.leibingerusa.com
                                         Complete line of nailed wood reels with
USA subsidiary of Paul Leibinger GmbH staves or fiber drums, plywood reels with
& Co. KG in Germany, offering integrated fiber drums, laminated plywood reels with
          WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
staves or fiber drums, and hardboard reels         MGS Manufacturing, Inc.
and spools with wooden staves or fiber             The MGS Group
drums. Also, repair and recycling of nailed        (MGS - HALL - Northampton)
wooden reels.                                      Physical: 122 Otis Street
                                                   Rome, NY 13441
Magnetic Technologies Ltd.                         Mailing: P.O. Box 4259
43 Town Forest Road, PO Box 257                    Rome, NY 13442-4259
Oxford, MA 01540-0257, USA                         Phone: +1 315 337 3350
Phone: +1 508 987 3303                             Fax: +1 315 337 4502
Fax: +1 508 987 2875                               E-mail: sales@themgsgroup.com
Website: www.magnetictech.com                      Website: www.themgsgroup.com
E-mail: sales@magnetictech.com                     Contact: Jeff Swinchatt or John Dudus
Contact: John DeLuca, President
                                                   MGS Manufacturing has provided a range
Manufacturer of stock and custom perma-            of machinery to the Wire and Cable industry
nent magnet brakes for stranders, bunchers,        since 1969. The company’s product range
twinners and payoffs in English and metric         has included air wipes, brazing machines,
dimensions. Also manufacturing a complete          double twist bunchers and tubular stranders
line of custom built constant torque and con-      to name a few. The company business ap-
stant tension payoff stands for a wide range       proach of focusing on solutions engineering
of spool diameters and tension ranges.

Mathiasen Machinery, Inc.
Phone: 860-873-1423
Fax: 860-873-8866
Website: www.mathiasen-machinery.com
E-mail: mmi@mathiasen-machinery.com
450 Town Street
East Haddam, CT 06423
Contact: Mark Mathiasen, President

Domestic and international buyer and seller
of used and reconditioned wire and cable
machinery for both the ferrous and nonfer-
rous markets. Additional services include
inspection and appraisals, plant liquidations,
auctions, warehousing, and consulting.
Specific machinery and equipment includes
wire drawing machines from rod to fine wire,
coilers, tubular stranders, rigid and planetary
stranders, rolling mills, extruders and extrud-
ing lines, bull blocks, fence and barbed wire
fabricating, mesh welders, spring coilers,
and straighten and cut machinery. Complete
inventory list available upon request.

              WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
WCISA® Member Companies
led to formation of The MGS Group. Today,         Web Site: www.miltec.com
the group consists of MGS Manufacturing,
Hall Industries and Northampton Machinery         Miltec UV, located in Stevensville, MD-USA
Co., an international supplier of automation      has been servicing the UV industry for 28
and technology solutions for product han-         years and sustaining its global leadership
dling and twisting systems…customized to          in manufacturing both arc and microwave
optimize your application…comprehensive           ultraviolet curing systems. They offer stand-
design and engineering capabilities…              ard UV equipment and custom designed
personalized service…ruggedly built for           systems to interface with existing or new
decades of reliable, consistent service.          manufacturing production lines.
Products include: Our NEW FAT820 SFL Series       Their most recent UV systems include the
Fully Automatic Dual Takeup with the unique       Xtrema family specifically designed for the
Robot Handling System for Depalletizing           optical fiber, wire, coloring, and FRP coat-
and Palletizing, Automatic Coiling System,        ing markets. These systems provide FASTER
Northampton Triple Twist Twinner, the latest      DRAW SPEEDS and seamless maintenance
design in Slip Ring Brushes and Holders, plus     which results in significant energy and op-
our standard product range which includes:        erational savings!
Payoffs, Takeups and Rewinders ( Portal,
Roll Thru, Cantilever, Shaft and Cone Pintle      Mossberg Associates, Inc
Design); Dancers, Accumulators, Capstans,         100 Tower Hill Rd
Length Counters, Air Wipes, Swage Tools,          Cumberland, RI 02864, USA
Electric Brazers, Double Twist Bunchers, Twin-    Phone: +1 800-426-0063
ners, and Single Twist Cablers.                   E-mail: info@mossberg-reel.com
                                                  Website: www.mossberg-reel.com
M. Holland Company                                Key Contact: Rene Mayer
400 Skokie Blvd. #600
Northbrook, IL 60062 USA                      Mossberg Associates is an independent
Phone: 800-608-1577                           supplier of metal process & shipping reels,
ttinfo@mholland.com,                          large cable drums and reel handling equip-
ttorders@mholland.com                         ment. Reel repair services are also provided.
Web Site: www.mholland.com                    In addition to our reel services, we also
                                              represent companies providing ND, PCD
T&T Marketing is a wire and cable distribu- and compacting dies and wire processing
tor that has been serving the industry for equipment.
the past 25 years. T&T meets the diversified
needs of the industry by being a single NDC Technologies
source supplier of everything from bare (BETA LaserMike Products)
copper to shielding, filling, insulating, and 8001 Technology Blvd.
jacketing products.                           Dayton, OH, 45424, USA
                                              Contact: Jay Luis,
Miltec UV                                     Worldwide Marketing Manager
146 Log Canoe Circle                          Phone: +1 937 233 9935
Stevensville, MD 21666, USA                   Fax: +1 937 233 7284
Tel:1- 410-604-2900 Fax: 1-410-604-2906       Web Site: www.ndc.com/betalasermike
Contacts: Charles Blandford, John Phillips    E-Mail: info@ndc.com
E-mail: sales@miltec.com                      BETA LaserMike line from NDC Technologies

          WCISA® Member Directory & Product Listing, 2022 Edition, www.wcisaonline.org
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