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Supply Chain
Road, Rail,
Land, Sea

                                                                                             Published by                            Publisher James P Moriarty
                                                                                                                                     Sales Director Andy Bullen
AV Dawson provides smarter supply chain solutions                                            Compass Publications Ltd                Editorial Felicity Landon
                                                                                             in association with PD Ports            Photography PD Ports, Tees Valley Combined Authority, AV Dawson,
across Road, Rail, Land and Sea through its Teesside                                         Head Office                             Inter Terminals, JDR Cables, SABIC UK Petrochemicals, Wilton Engineering
                                                                                                                                     Production Editor Linda Roast
                                                                                             17-27 Queen’s Square
freight handling facilities, including shipping and rail                                     Middlesbrough TS2 1AH, UK
                                                                                                                                     Print Swallowtail Print

freight terminals, warehousing and supporting road                                           Tel: +44 (0)1642 877000
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transport fleet. Employing around 240 people across the                                      COMPASS
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                                                                                                                                     October 2017
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                                                                                             Compass Publications     Ltd            ISSN 1477-5786
                                                                                             Marcon House, Bailey Street             ©2017 Compass Publications Ltd
                                                                                             Castle Acre, King’s Lynn                8th Edition
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CONTENTS                                                  Foreword
                                                                                                                                                                                      Frans Calje
                                                                                                                                                            Chief Executive Officer of PD Ports 5
                                                                                                                                                                                      Neil Kenley
                                                                                                                                                                 Director of Business Investment
                                                                                                                                                              Tees Valley Combined Authority 7
                                                                                                                                                               The Tees: Gateway to the world 8
                                                                                                                                                                   Teesport and Hartlepool
                                                                                                                                                                             Location map 12
                                                                                                                                                                       PD Ports Background
                                                                                                                                                                           Roots and wings 15
                                                                                                                                                                       Access Road and Rail
                                                                                            Space, depth and versatility: Teesport page 26
                                                                                                                                                                            Hinterland links 16
                                                                                                                                                                                     The North
                                                                                                                                                                 A united voice for the North 18
                                                                                                                                                                             SSI Opportunity
                                                                                                                                               Upsurge of optimism follows loss of steelworks 22
                                                                                                                                                        Space, depth and versatility: Teesport 26
                                                                                                                                                       Hartlepool: a strong maritime heritage 31
                                                                                                                                                                      Portcentric cargo flows 34
                                                                                                                                             Serving and supporting a major chemicals cluster 39

Flying the flag
                                                                        Hartlepool: a strong maritime heritage page 31                                                Renewables/offshore
                                                                                                                                                       Offshore and onshore: the energy hub 40
                                                                                                                                                                       Tackling the skills gap 44
                                                                                                                                                                          Private operators
                                                                                                                                                                         The keys to success 49
                                                                                                                                                                                  Port details
                                                                                                                                                                   Information about the Port 60

5 strategically located countries in Northern Europe                                                                                                                                Port Users
                                                                                                                                                                           Teesport & Hartlepool

16 terminals                                                                                                                                                 Port Users Association members 61
                                                                                                                                                                         Company Directory

4.3 million cubic metres of storage                                                                                                                                         Contact details 62
                                                                                                                                                                        Index of Advertisers

85+ years of experience                                                          Portcentric cargo flows page 34
                                                                                                                                                                  Advertisement page details 64

1st choice in bulk liquid and gas storage

Inter Terminals Ltd +44 (0)1737 778108
Info@InterTerminals.com | www.InterTerminals.com
Inter Terminals is owned by Inter Pipeline Ltd. www.interpipeline.com

                                                                                                                                                TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK CONTENTS 3
Foreword by Frans Calje
                                                                 Chief Executive Officer of PD Ports
                                                                                                                Teesside has a particular strong cluster of
                                                                                                                experienced and skilled businesses,
                                                                                                                presenting significant opportunities for the
                                                                                                                region to attract and win new business.
                                                                                                                   The strength of the industrial landscape
                                                                                                                on Teesside, the exceptional skill base
                                                                                                                and the supporting transport infrastructure
                                                                                                                presents huge opportunities for the region
                                                                                                                in terms of future job creation, economic
                                                                                                                prosperity and further inward investment.

The power
                                                                                                                   In a global market that has remained
                                                                                                                relatively flat over the last 10 years
                                                                                                                Teesport’s container platform experienced
                                                                                                                continued significant growth year-on-year
                                                                                                                since 2010. This has led to some of the

to connect
                                                                                                                largest levels of container handling
                                                                                                                investment to date in support of demand;
                                                                 Our operations at Teesport and Hartlepool
                                                                                                                driven largely by our portcentric logistics
                                                                 are part of the wider PD Ports business, one
                                                                                                                activity and the associated cost and
                                                                 of the UK’s major port groups and logistics
                                                                                                                environmental benefits to customers.
                                                                                                                   Looking ahead we have ambitious plans
                                                                    We are the Statutory Harbour Authority
                                                                                                                to further develop our bulk handling
                                                                 for 12 miles of river that stretches along
                                                                                                                capability at Teesport, one of the deepest
                                                                 the Tees and within our jurisdiction we are
                                                                                                                water ports in the UK. These plans will
                                                                 responsible for ensuring the river is
                                                                                                                further complement our recent £50M quay
                                                                 maintained and safe to navigate for the
Delivering power to the World from the                           4000+ vessels that visit the Port each year.
                                                                                                                redevelopment in support of our strategic
                                                                                                                vision to expand Teesport’s capacity and
                                                                    The river Tees has a long and proud
North East. High-performance subsea                              history handling traditional trading platforms
                                                                                                                capability to handle a more diverse range
                                                                                                                of commodities across a number of new
                                                                 of steel, oil and chemicals which in recent
cables and umbilicals to connect the                             years has seen dramatic and profound
                                                                                                                market sectors.
                                                                                                                   Our investments at PD Ports are designed
global offshore energy industry.                                 change; impacting many of our customers
                                                                 and tenants as well our as our business.
                                                                                                                to respond to our customers’ needs whose
                                                                                                                businesses rely on our ports for access
                                                                    These challenges which we have faced
In the world’s harshest environments and ever-increasing water                                                  to international and domestic markets.
                                                                 in recent years have played a significant
depths, JDR’s world-leading products and services bring power                                                   Supporting our customers and river users as
                                                                 role in how we have galvanised our
                                                                                                                they compete on global markets will be key
and control to offshore oil, gas and renewable energy systems.   business and subsequent investments to
                                                                                                                to our own future success and that of the
For more than 20 years, we have built our success on our         maintain those traditional sectors whilst
                                                                                                                River Tees and its port users.
technical expertise and reliability. Every market we enter,      successfully diversifying into new and
                                                                 growing markets.
every customer we serve, and every project we deliver
                                                                    In the last decade we have seen over
benefits from our dedication to technical quality,               £1BN of direct and third party investment
service and support.                                             at Teesport and Hartlepool.
                                                                    This is largely driven by the confidence
Visit jdrglobal.com to find out more.                            inward investors have in Teesside, the Port,
                                                                 the available skills, the wider industrial
                                                                                                                Frans Calje
                                                                 supply chain and its supporting
                                                                                                                Chief Executive Officer of PD Ports
                                                                 infrastructure network, which combined
                                                                 have attracted some major infrastructure
                                                                 projects to the region. This is complemented
                                                                 by our own direct investment in support of
                                                                 our strategic development plan and organic
                                                                 growth of existing customer platforms.
                                                                    We have seen real success stories
                                                                 along the river in the offshore sector where

                                                                                                        TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK FOREWORD 5
Redcar Bulk Terminal Limited
                                                                                                                       Foreword by Neil Kenley
                                                                                                                       Director of Business Investment
                                                                                                                       Tees Valley Combined Authority

Redcar Bulk Terminal Limited operates a 320 metre
long quay which can accommodate vessels up to
17 metres draft and is fitted with two Rail Mounted
Gantry Cranes (one 63-tonne and one 42-tonne) with
both bulk and hook capability. In Bulk (Grab) mode
working in unison they are capable of achieving
offloading rates in excess of 40,000 tonnes per day.

The wharf is HMRC approved and enjoys direct rail
access to the National Rail Network with excellent
road links to both A19 and A1(M).                         Genco Commodus 169,098 dwt - discharging Iron Ore
                                                                                                                       It gives me great pleasure to introduce the       The area has already seen significant
                                                                                                                       latest edition of the Tees Valley Logistics    investment over the last year alone, with
Vessel size (max)                                         Rail traffic                                                 Handbook.                                      60 companies investing more than
Length 304 metres                                                                                                         There have been a lot of developments in    £300 million in the area, creating around
                                                          Redcar Bulk Terminal is equipped to handle rail
                                                                                                                       Tees Valley in the last year, as we continue   600 jobs. Projects already underway
Beam 48 metres                                            wagons with separate on site load and offload bulk           to see significant successes across our        include MGT Power in Redcar, as well as
Draft 17 metres                                           handling facilities. The loading of rail wagons is carried   manufacturing, engineering and logistics       announcements by Sirius Minerals and Peak
                                                                                                                       sectors, as well as new and emerging           Resources to establish mineral processing
                                                          out by overhead hoppers directly fed by conveyors            sectors such as renewable energy and the       plants in the region. These three investments
The Terminal area which is immediately adjacent to                                                                     composites industries.                         alone represent over £1 billion of new
                                                          whilst off-loading of rail wagons is achieved by bottom
the quay extends over an area of 320 acres providing                                                                      The Tees Valley Combined Authority          investment, demonstrating the confidence
                                                          discharge into an underground hopper and conveyor            continues to grow and the new Tees Valley      companies have in Tees Valley.
both short/long term storage for both bulk and                                                                         Mayor is an exciting new development.
                                                          system linked directly to the stock yards enabling the
conventional cargoes alike.                                                                                            We are looking forward to seeing improve-      Working together
                                                          swift handling of rail traffic to and from the terminal.     ments in the area with the extra powers we     As the Local Enterprise Partnership for
Working hours                                                                                                          will now have at a local level to support      Tees Valley, we work with private sector
                                                                                                                       our businesses and infrastructure.             partners to help businesses looking to invest
The Terminal operates 24 hour a day, all year round                                                                                                                   in the area. We can help with finding the
with its own dedicated and well trained workforce                                                                      Business Support                               right location, provide information on the
                                                                                                                       Tees Valley Combined Authority has also        workforce, training and skills available in
which includes a full complement of highly skilled                                                                     welcomed changes to business support,          the area and help access support services.
electrical and mechanical engineers as well as fitters,                                                                with Tees Valley now designated an             It has never been easier to invest in
                                                                                                                       Assisted Area ‘A’ by the European              Tees Valley.
platers and welders together with on-site workshop                                                                     Commission. This means more support
facilities and is able to provide engineering support                                                                  will be available to improve the levels of
                                                                                                                       funding available for eligible businesses
if required.                                                                                                           taking on investment projects which will
                                                                                                                       lead to sustainable growth and job
Redcar Bulk Terminals Limited is both ISO 9001 and                                                                     creation.
ISO 14001 accredited                                                                                                                                                  Neil Kenley
                                                                                                                                                                      Director of Business Investment
                                                                                                                                                                      Tees Valley Combined Authority

Redcar Bulk Terminal
Lackenby Main Office, Lackenby Works, Middlesborough TS6 7RP, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 1642 406444
Email: garry.omalley@rbt-port.co.uk

                                                                                                                                                               TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK FOREWORD 7
Teesside should be
  right at the heart of
  the industrial strategy
  of the UK

The Tees:
Gateway to
the world
Containers, consumer goods, logistics,          n A key driver of the North East economy,
chemicals, energy, renewables: the multi-       supporting more than 5,000 direct and
modal hub that hubs that are Teesport and       indirect jobs.
Hartlepool plays a pivotal role in countless    n Close to the second largest integrated
complex, efficient, time-sensitive, crucial     chemical sector in Europe.
processing and supply chains.                   And there is so much more to come. There
   The industrial, engineering and              is a real sense of focus in the region and
manufacturing heartland of northern Britain     at the port, Frans Calje, Chief Executive
has always turned to the Ports of Teesport      Officer of PD Ports says: “The emphasis is
and Hartlepool as its gateway to the world,     on what Teesside is capable of. Teesside
and today is no different. From tea to train    should be right at the heart of the industrial
body shells, from petrochemicals to pipes,      strategy of the UK – not just talking about it,
the two ports continue to provide the facili-   but delivering.
ties, equipment and expertise on which             “We are looking forward and there
exporters and importers depend.                 are areas of real growth opportunity that
   As emphasised in Gateways to the             we have already been working on very
Northern Powerhouse, the Northern Ports         successfully. Just one example is our £50
Strategy produced by the Institute of Public    million investment in Number 1 Quay at
Policy Research in 2016, the North is           Tees Dock, which offers one of the deepest
already punching above its weight when it       operational bulk berths in the UK.
comes to freight and port activities. And no    Combined with the facilities at Redcar Bulk
more so than at Teesport & Hartlepool:          Terminal, we have what is probably the
n The largest container port on the north       best bulk handling capability in the UK.
east coast.                                        “Our container throughput has been
n The UK’s best-connected feeder port,          growing by 12% a year for the past eight
with more than 25 vessel calls per week         years to its current 500,000 teu – and we
to more than 13 strategic markets and           are continuing our great relationships with
connections to most of the world’s largest      our existing customer base. We have
shipping lanes.                                 invested heavily in our container facilities
n A major hub for exports, as well as           and are planning a further phase of
imports.                                        investment to increase capacity again;
                                                our Northern Gateway Container Terminal
                                                project is very much alive.”
                                                   Unit load volumes are expected to
                                                continue upwards at a rate of 8 -10% a

year and throughput of 650,000 teu is           Investment continues
                                                      very much on the horizon, says Frans Calje.     PD Ports has invested significantly in
                                                      Plans are being drawn up to convert and         enhancing its operational platform at
                                                      upgrade berthing to potentially                 Teesport in the last five years including
                                                      accommodate 8,000 -10,000 teu vessels           quays, cranes, equipment and IT.
                                                      and take capacity to more than                  n February 2016 saw the official launch
                                                      1 million teu.                                  of Teesport’s £50 million, 780-metre
                                                         PD Ports champions the portcentric           deepwater Number One Quay. The
                                                      concept and in this it continues to excel.      investment has created the capability to
                                                      As PD Ports becomes ever more involved          accommodate two fully laden 235 -
                                                      in the supply chains of its customers, the      metre - long panamax vessels simultaneously,
                                                      question is always: “What can we do for         in water 14.5 metres deep.
                                                      you? How can we help?”                          The new quay, served by direct rail links
                                                         Meanwhile, PD Ports continues to press       and with substantial warehousing close by,
                                                      forward as a hub for energy – both              opens up opportunities in a number of
                                                      traditional and renewable. MGT Teesside’s       sectors. Construction in ongoing for phase
                                                      299 MW biomass power station is moving          three of the quay to complete the project
                                                      ahead. The energy plant is a major part         and offer further deepwater berths at the
                                                      of our repositioning transformation and         port.
                                                      redevelopment of not just Teesport but the      n PD Ports has invested more than £1.5
                                                      whole Teesside area.                            million in training and development in the
                                                         The Tees continues to play a vital role in   past five years. For 16 years, it has been
                                                      supporting and servicing the heavy - duty       supporting apprenticeship schemes, with
                                                      offshore industry, including the burgeoning     more than 70 people taking part. Around
                                                      wind farm sector.                               65% of completed apprenticeships have
                                                         In short, we can expect rapid expansion      been in engineering specialities, including
                                                      and transformation of port activities at        mechanical, electrical and joinery.
                                                      Teesport.                                       Others have included dock operations,
                                                          “PD Ports is committed to strengthening     administration and hydrographic surveying.
                                                      and developing Teesport as a major driver       n Teesport Logistics Park offers opportu-
                                                      in the Northern Powerhouse,” says Frans         nities on a significant scale. Phase One
                                                      Calje. “We are thinking wider as we             featured major developments for Asda and
                                                      invest and develop in anticipation of our       Tesco. Phase Two has made 28.9 acres
                                                      customers’ demands. We are one of the           available, suitable for up to 477,230
                                                      safest rivers in the country from an            square feet of warehousing, on a develop-
                                                      operational perspective, thanks to our focus    ment or build - to - suit basis. As well as
                                                      on the health and safety agenda, supported      providing ideal portcentric solutions, the
                                                      by investment in our harbour management         area of the logistics park is within the
                                                      system. Our focus is firmly on the future.”     South Bank Enterprise Zone, which
                                                                                                      provides a number of financial and
                                                                                                      planning advantages for eligible activities.

                                                                       PD Ports is
                                                                       committed to
                                                                       and developing
                                                                       Teesport as a
                                                                       major driver in
                                                                       the Northern



                                  AV DAWSON

Owned by parent company
                                                               Brookfield, PD Ports has
                                                               continued to go from
                                                               strength to strength

                                                             Roots and
                                                             PD Ports has deep roots going back to the         2009: PD Ports became part of
                                                             19th century, whilst its current ownership     Brookfield Asset Management, a Canadian
                                                             ensures it has the momentum to continue to     company with a 100 - year history of
                                                             grow. The past half - century has seen a       owning and operating assets, with a
                                                             succession of ownership changes at             focus on property, renewable power,
                                                             Teesport, but expertise and experience         infrastructure and private equity. As part
                                                             have been constant throughout.                 of Brookfield, PD Ports has continued to go
                                                                1966: Under an Act of Parliament, the       from strength to strength.
                                                             Tees Conservancy Commissioners became             As well as the Ports of Teesport and
                                                             Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority (THPA).     Hartlepool, PD Ports owns and operates
                                                                1992: Three partners, Powell Duffryn,       the short sea ports of Groveport, Keadby
                                                             3i and Humberside Holdings, each took a        and Howden on the Trent and Ouse, and
                                                             one-third interest in THPA.                    Medina Wharf on the Isle of Wight.
                                                                1995: The business became 100%              It provides logistics and warehousing at
                                                             owned by Powell Duffryn (Ports &               the Port of Felixstowe, Scunthorpe and
                                                             Engineering Group), building on a world -      Billingham.
                                                             wide reputation for engineering, bulk liquid
                                                             storage, construction, wagon manufacture,
                                                             fuel distribution and shipping. Powell
                                                             Duffryn traces its origins to a South Wales
                                                             coal mining company founded in about
                                                                2000: Japanese banking group Nikko
                                                             Principal Investments acquired PD Ports as
                                                             part of a £507 million takeover of Powell
                                                                2004: Nikko sold PD Ports to PD Ports
                                                             plc, which successfully floated the company
                                                             on the London Stock Market.
                                                                2005: Australian investment company
                                                             Babcock and Brown Infrastructure (BBI)
                                                             became the owner of PD Ports.

                                                                                                                            As Statutory Harbour Authority for   handling, ship repair, offshore
                                                                                                                            the Tees, PD Ports is responsible    support and renewable operations.
                                                                                                                            for vessel traffic management,          PD Ports has a modern harbour
                                                                                                                            ensuring safe navigation and         office which looks after the arrival
                                                                                                                            maintaining channel depths           and departure of around 4,350
                                                                                                                            throughout the Ports of Teesport     vessels a year on the River Tees
                                                                                                                            and Hartlepool.                      and at Hartlepool. From here,
                                                                                                                               The breadth and diversity of      the vessel traffic services is
                                                                                                                            port operations across this area     responsible for ensuring safe and
                                                                                                                            is staggering – encompassing         efficient navigation, including
                                                                                                                            the petrochemical and liquid bulk    coordinating pilotage and towage
                                                                                                                            storage operations at Seal Sands,    requirements.
                                                                                                                            where the Ekofisk pipeline lands
                                                                                                                            at ConocoPhillips’ facility; the
                                                                                                                            deepwater jetties of Redcar Bulk
                                                                                                                            Terminal; and a range of cargo

14 PD PORTS BACKGROUND TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK                                                                         TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK PD PORTS BACKGROUND 15
fast- flowing roads and                                     Few regions are as well connected as the        the A19, A1(M) and M1 national links for        infrastructure, and it has pressed ahead          are plans to establish further routes to the
                                                              Tees Valley and its ports, which benefit from   north and south, as well as to the M6 and       with providing valuable new rail services.        Midlands and the North West in line with
  more rail-linked sites                                      fast - flowing roads and more rail - linked     M5 motorways.                                      Teesport’s intermodal rail terminal was        market demand.
  than any comparable area                                    sites than any comparable area in the              Hartlepool has two primary routes, the       constructed in 2014. It opened for                   Without a doubt, rail is a vital part of the
  in the North of England                                     North of England. Both Durham Tees Valley       A179 and the A689, both linked to the           business with container services to and from      mix when it comes to Teesport’s position as

                                                              and Newcastle International Airports are        A19 dual carriageway, and Billingham,           Felixstowe operated by Freightliner. More         the UK’s northern gateway for containerised
                                                              located within a short distance of the port     another key PD Ports site, is easily accessed   choices were soon added, with a                   goods.
                                                              facilities at Teesport and Hartlepool.          from the A19.                                   connection established to Mossend and                “The aim is to create rail links to other
                                                                                                                                                              Grangemouth in Scotland by PD Ports in            industrial hubs and commercial hotspots, in

                                                              Road                                            Rail                                            conjunction with DB Cargo.                        order to expand our hinterland,” says Geoff
                                                              Teesport has direct access to the A66           Teesport has direct rail links via the East        The rail freight option is an important part   Lippitt, PD Ports Business Development
                                                              Trans-pennine east and west routes. This        Coast Main Line and Trans - Pennine routes      of the portcentric advantages taken up by         Director. “This is an important topic in our
                                                              ensures fast and congestion-free access to      to all parts of the UK. With increasing         major retailers, chemical manufactures and        Northern Ports partnership; we are collab-
                                                                                                              emphasis on using rail for low - carbon,        shipping lines using Teesport, and there          orating over issues that really matter for
                                                                                                              lower cost, efficient freight transport,                                                          the Northern economy and improving the
                                                                                                              PD Ports is at the forefront of the campaign                                                      North’s rail connections and infrastructure is
                                                                                                              to increase the North of England’s rail                                                           a top priority.”

                                                                                                                                                                                The aim is to
                                                                                                                                                                                create rail links
                                                                                                                                                                                to other
                                                                                                                                                                                industrial hubs
                                                                                                                                                                                and commercial

16 ACCESS ROAD AND RAIL TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK                                                                                                                             TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK ACCESS ROAD AND RAIL 17
PD Ports haS always been at
  the forefront of developing
  economic growth
  through investments

A united
                                                   A unified voice is a clearer and stronger      Supercorridor to enable them to grow the      the UK’s Northern ports but also highlights        “With over £1 billion invested in the
                                                   voice – a reality that is behind a unique      region’s economy even further.                the fact that 60% of freight destined for the   ports themselves, the Government must
                                                   new partnership in the North.                     “These are going to be changing            North is still delivered to southern ports,     now put in its £100 million to create an
                                                      In mid 2016, PD Ports signed an             economic times for the whole of the UK;       leading to unnecessary motorway traffic,        East - West Freight Supercorridor and end

voice for
                                                   agreement with other major ports across the    therefore it’s important that the North and   delays, pollution and inefficiency.             the costly and inefficienct movement of
                                                   North of England, which will ensure that the   Northern ports are seen as a progressive         “Britain was a trading nation long before    lorries up and down the country,” says
                                                   UK Government hears a unified voice when       body to drive through that change,” says      the European Union was ever thought of          the report.
                                                   it comes to improving freight and transport    Geoff Lippitt, PD Ports’ Business Develop-    and that fact will not change, despite the

the North
                                                   links across the North.                        ment Director. “We at PD Ports have           Brexit vote,” says IPPR North director Ed
                                                      The members of the Northern Ports           always been at the forefront of developing    Cox. “We need a global North now like
                                                   Association are united in pursuing a           economic growth through our investments,      never before, so it is fantastic to see the
                                                   Northern Ports Strategy, working together to   and this complements what we are              North’s port operators coming together to
                                                   create new jobs in and around ports, and       already achieving locally, regionally and     work to closely.”
                                                   boost investment in an East-West Freight       nationally.”                                     The Northern Ports Strategy calls for
                                                                                                     ‘Gateways to the Northern Powerhouse:      investment so that the ports can ‘continue to
                                                                                                  A Northern Ports Strategy’, compiled          punch above their weight’.
                                                                                                  by independent think tank IPPR North,
                                                                                                  recognises the considerable strengths of

18 THE NORTH TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK                                                                                                                                       TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK THE NORTH 19
TeesValley                                                                                 TeesValley
                                                                      A Multimodal Logistics Hub                                                                 Enterprise Zones

Tees Valley has an attractive offering for any company wanting to invest in the area.                              There are a wide range of cost-effective sites and premises across Tees Valley, with 12
Whether it’s starting up a new business or an opportunity to grow or relocate an existing                          Enterprise Zones and a total of 423 hectares available for new business investment.
business, we have the supporting infrastructure to make things happen for you.                                     The sites offer financial incentives to companies choosing to locate here, as well as
                                                                                                                   simplified planning and super-fast broadband.

                                                                                                                   Finding the right premises for your Four sites offer Enhanced Capital
                                                                                                                   business                            Allowances:

Help for your next move
Tees Valley Combined Authority, which includes the Local Enterprise Partnership, has a dedicated
Business Investment Team with a wealth of experience and knowledge, and a network of specialist                    Eight sites offer Business Rate               Simplified planning
organisations in both the public and private sector, that can help potential investors.
The services we offer include pre-investment support, advising on sites, recruitment and skills,
financial support and post-investment assistance, helping companies to contact potential customers
and suppliers and helping to grow their businesses.
                                                                                                                                                                 Superfast broadband
To find out more, speak to a member of the Business Investment Team.

Find out more about how investing in Tees Valley could help your business by contacting a member of the Business
Investment Team:
                                                                                                                                               Twitter                   Facebook                  Linked In
     01642 524400                      info@teesvalley-ca.gov.uk                       www.teesinvest.co.uk                                    @TeesValleyCA             TeesValleyCA              TeesValleyCA
We have a real opportunity                             There was gloom after Thai steel company        PD Ports’ land on the south bank, there are
                                                         SSI UK closed its Redcar blast furnace in       more than 4,500 acres of prime land,”
  to create onE of the                                   2015, making nearly 2,000 steelworkers          says Frans Calje, chief executive of
  largest Free Zones                                     redundant – but now, as Lord Heseltine has      PD Ports. “This will involve a lot of effort
  in the UK                                              said, that’s not the mood at all.               and a huge amount of political, business

Upsurge of
                                                            At the launch of the Tees Valley Strategic   and social will to turn it into something quite
                                                         Economic Plan, which sets out the Tees          special.
                                                         Valley Combined Authority’s economic               “It would make sense to keep it for
                                                         vision for the area until 2026, Lord            industrial, advanced manufacturing and

                                                         Heseltine said he felt a huge upsurge in        engineering, logistics and supply chain
                                                         optimism in the area.                           operations. We have a real opportunity to
                                                            Closure of the Redcar blast furnace, with    create one of the largest Free Ports zones
                                                         its the associated exports and imports, had     in the UK and attract inward investment
                                                         a big impact on Teesport – but the response     where goods could come in for added-

follows loss
                                                         from PD Ports and all those involved is         value work and be re - exported, free of
                                                         proactive and positive.                         duty, and where energy could be supplied
                                                            “SSI UK has vacated a 2,500-acre area        at the lowest cost possible.
                                                         around Teesport. When you include                  “This land can be a magnet for investors

of steelworks
                                                                                                         and a huge centre of employment,
                                                                                                         competing not locally but with Europe and
                                                                                                         beyond. We are confident we have a
                                                                                                         viable, plausible and deliverable solution
                                                                                                         for this unique area of land.”

22 SSI OPPORTUNITY TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK                                                                                    TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK SSI OPPORTUNITY 23
Waste Oil Collections,
Recycling and
Environmental Services

                                                                                          The new South Tees Development
                                                                                       Corporation – the first Mayoral Develop-
                                                                                       ment outside London – will take over
                                                                                       management of the land, leading the vision
                                                                                       for the SSI site and the surrounding area.
                                                                                          Tees Valley Mayor, Ben Houchen says,
                                                                                       “The South Tees site is an area of great

                                                                                                                                       This land can
                                                                                       opportunity. It has excellent access to
                                                                                       infrastructure, good transport connections,
                                                                                       and a catchment area with an exceptional
                                                                                       skilled workforce. It benefits from access
                                                                                       to Teesport, one of the UK’s largest deep       be a magnet for
                                                                                                                                       investors and
                                                                                       water ports, and thereby creates new
 Bilge, sludge, engine slops, oil cargo          Disposal of hazardous and non-        opportunities to access international
                                                                                       markets. The site provides a unique
 washings and waste oil.                         hazardous waste in bulk and drums.
                                                                                                                                       a huge centre
                                                                                       environment for industrial use, with land
                                                                                       particularly suitable for new investment in
                                                                                       the process and energy sectors, and a wide

                                                                                                                                       of employment,
 Sewage clearances and maintenance               24 hour emergency spill response.     range of other global business sectors.”
 of pump stations and sewage                                                               PD Ports will play a crucial role in this

                                                                                                                                       competing not
                                                                                       vision. A huge amount was invested in
 treatment plants.                               Service available by road tanker or   berthing specifically to meet SSI’s needs
                                                 barge at the following ports: Tees    – with depth, strength and space – and
 Tank cleaning services and disposal of
 tank washings.
                                                 and Hartlepool, Tyne and Wear,
                                                 Seaham and Blythe.
                                                                                       the positive side is that this berth is now
                                                                                       available at Teesport and opening up a lot
                                                                                       of opportunities.
                                                                                                                                       JUST locally
                                                                                          “Teesport is a key gateway for goods
                                                                                       serving the north of the UK and will be a       but with Europe
                                                                                                                                       and beyond
                                                                                       major driver in Government realising the
                                                                                       Northern Powerhouse agenda”, says
                                                                                       Frans Calje.

     t. +44 (0) 1642 242792   e. recyc-oil@csg.co.uk   w. www.csg.co.uk/recyc-oil
                                                                                                                                          TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK SSI OPPORTUNITY 25
PD Ports handles more
  than 4,350 vessels
  and 27 million tonnes
  of cargo a year

depth and
Less than a mile from the mouth of the River     compounds perfectly suited for handling           seen a strong uplift in freight units in 2016,
                                                                                             Tees, Teesport offers lock - free deepwater      vehicles, plant and machinery.                    and P&O Ferries has stated that Teesport’s
                                                                                             berths with swift access to and from the            The port benefits from private rail sidings    road and rail transport connections with

                                                                                             North Sea. Here, PD Ports operates one           linked to the main UK network, with trains        major cities on the west coast of England
                                                                                             of the largest container ports in the North      handling the full range of cargoes.               are providing a key attraction for
                                                                                             of England, and provides a ‘one - stop -            Teesport’s strength is in its diversity, and   customers.

                                                                                             shop’ logistics solution for numerous supply     PD Ports offers breathtaking versatility and        P&O Ferries highlighted Teesport’s
                                                                                             chains.                                          flexibility across cargo handling,                convenience as a gateway for the likes of
                                                                                                The port estate covers nearly 800 acres;      warehousing and supply chain expertise.           Manchester and Liverpool, as well as its

                                                                                             physically it is embedded in the wider              Cargoes range from agribulks,                  ‘outstanding connectivity’ to Scotland via its
                                                                                             industrial area, and port operations here        petrochemicals and engineered items for           daily trains to Mossend. “It is not difficult to
                                                                                             have always provided the support required        the offshore renewables sector, to timber,        see why more exporters are choosing the
                                                                                             by its neighbouring industrial activities.       semi-finished goods and high street               route.”
                                                                                             Understanding what the customer really           consumer goods.
                                                                                             needs – and proactively looking for the                                                            General cargo
                                                                                             right solutions – comes naturally to PD Ports.   Containers                                        Teesport’s three general cargo berths
                                                                                                At Teesport, PD Ports handles more than       PD Ports operates two container terminals,        handle a variety of commodities, including
Miranda loves a good cup of tea before she     That’s what we did for Taylors of Harrogate   4,350 vessels and 27 million tonnes of           TCT1 and TCT2, providing a total capacity         grain, other dry cargoes and project
starts work. She drinks Yorkshire Tea; milk,   and that’s what we can do for you.            cargo a year. Berthing is available with         of 650,000 teu. Between them, they                cargoes. Among recent developments, in
one sugar. But before she switches on the                                                    depth alongside of up to 14.5 metres, and        handle both direct and feeder vessels.            2016, PD Ports signed a three - year deal
kettle, before she goes to the supermarket     If you import it, Teesport it.                there is more than enough room to meet           Teesport is the largest container port on         with Glencore Agriculture UK, one of the
                                                                                             the needs of the most space-hungry cargo         the North east coast and the UK’s best-           world’s major crushers of soya bean and
and long before the shelves are stacked;
                                                                                             operations.                                      connected feeder port, and volumes                oilseed rape, to use Teesport as its northern
Teesport made sure her tea was where it        To see how we can help you call
                                                                                                There has been very significant invest-       continue to increase at a significant rate        distribution hub.
needed to be.                                  +44 (0) 1642 877 000 or visit                 ment in reconstructing its quay; in cranes       year-on-year.
                                               www.pdports.co.uk                             and handling equipment; and in bespoke
Serving the UK from the North East, Teesport                                                 warehousing solutions close to the quay -        Roll-on/roll-off
brings your goods closer to home and closer                                                  side. Teesport and its hinterland has more       Teesport also has three ro-ro berths – two
to your customers, saving you time, money                                                    than 4 million square feet of covered            within the main port area and one on the
and reducing impact on the environment.                                                      warehousing, as well as substantial open         river. P&O Ferries operates two long -
                                                                                             storage areas, including extensive surfaced      established services out of the Tees, linking
                                                                                                                                              to Zeebrugge six days a week and to
                                                                                                                                              Rotterdam three days a week.
                                                                                                                                                 The Zeebrugge route in particular has

                                                                                                                                                                                         TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK TEESPORT 29
a busy, successful and
                                                    strategic port, thanks to its
                                                    deep water, easy access to
                                                    the North Sea...and its space

                                                      a strong

When British shipbuilding and coal mining        specialist heavy lift quay area for project        EDF
                                                                                                                                were at their height, Hartlepool was the         and out - of - gauge cargoes, a roll - on/roll -   The huge Teesside Wind Farm was
                                                                                                                                second largest port in the country.              off berth, 500,000 square feet of covered          assembled and installed using Hartlepool
                                                                                                                                   Those industries may no longer be active,     warehousing, storage compounds for                 as an important base, and the port remains
                                                                                                                                but Hartlepool remains a busy, successful        vehicles, plant and machinery, and private         vital to the facility’s ongoing success. EDF
                                                                                                                                and strategic port, thanks to its deep water,    rail sidings.                                      has built a new O&M (operations and
                                                                                                                                easy access to the North Sea and its space          Hartlepool handles 500,000 tonnes a             maintenance) facility to support the Teesside
                                                                                                                                – lots of space.                                 year of dry bulks, timber, steel, project and      Wind Farm, incorporating a new training
                                                                                                                                   The docks and surrounding estate cover        general cargoes – including about 70,000           facility.
                                                                                                                                more than 300 acres, and large areas of          tonnes a year of baled refuse derived fuel
                                                                                                                                open land meet the needs of some very            (RDF), exported to the Baltic States for use       Decommissioning
                                                                                                                                demanding cargo, offshore and logistics          in power stations.                                 Forecasts vary when it comes to the future
                                                                                                                                operations.                                                                                         life of the North Sea oil and gas sector –
                                                                                                                                   “The amount of land we have immed-            Heerema                                            but what’s certain is that decommissioning
                                                                                                                                iately next to the quay is very unusual,”        A major operator at Hartlepool is the              of platforms and rigs is going to increase.
                                                                                                                                says Sean Beach, PD Ports Operations             Heerema Fabrication Group, which                   Hartlepool has the space and facilities for
                                                                                                                                Manager for Hartlepool. “This is the legacy      specialises in the engineering and                 decommissioning.
                                                                                                                                of Hartlepool’s shipbuilding and coal            fabrication of large and complex structures
                                                                                                                                history. Companies with major projects           for the offshore oil & gas and energy -            Omya
                                                                                                                                have a blank canvas here.”                       related industries, including the renewable        Omya, the Switzerland-based white
                                                                                                                                   Pipe spooling and spool loading, a            energy sector.                                     minerals and chemicals supplier, has
                                                                                                                                notoriously space - hungry operation, is            Heerema Hartlepool has two huge,                operated a plant at Hartlepool for the
                                                                                                                                regularly carried out at Hartlepool – the        purpose-built fabrication halls on its             past three decades. Here, Omya UK
After more than a decade in the offshore wind business and following several successfully completed joint offshore              port is one of only a very few in the country    76,400 square metre site, with direct              processes white dolomite (calcium
wind projects, German steel fabricator EEW Special Pipe Constructions GmbH and Danish steel construction company                that can offer pipe spooling up to 900           access to a 355 metre, 15,000 tonne                magnesium carbonate). The raw material
Bladt Industries A/S have joined together to establish Offshore Structures (Britain) Ltd.                                       metres in length.                                capacity quayside for large loadouts.              is sourced from Norway – the rock is
                                                                                                                                   Hartlepool is perfectly located as a                                                             quarried by a sister company and shipped
Registered in November 2014 and formally opened on 14th September 2015 by the Mayor of Stockton-on-Tees,                        project logistics base for the offshore oil &    JDR Cable                                          to Hartlepool, where it is processed to
Councillor Ian Dalgarno, OSB are based by the River Tees and have 17ha (42 acre) of land, more than 13,000 square               gas industry and also for the burgeoning         JDR Cables designs and manufactures                produce a range of high brightness fillers
metres of steel manufacturing facilities and 2,000 square metres of blasting and painting facilities. The facilities are        offshore wind sector, providing berths for       complex subsea cables, umbilicals and              and extenders which are used in paints,
particularly well suited for the serial production of large tubular offshore wind foundations, most notably transition pieces   exploration vessels and massive jack - up        IWOCS (Intervention Work Over Control              plastics, construction materials and other
                                                                                                                                vessels, facilities for project mobilisation,    Systems) for the offshore energy industry,         industrial applications.
for monopile foundations, jackets and pin piles.
                                                                                                                                demobilisation and decommissioning, and          including oil & gas and offshore wind, at its
                                                                                                                                space for wind turbine towers, blades,           deepwater quayside manufacturing facility
Total area 170,000m2 l Workshops 6,000m2 l Automated production facility 7,800m2 l Blast/painting 2,000m2                       cable reels and other components.                in Hartlepool, the most advanced cable
Quay length 250m with a depth of 4.2m l Load out quay 6,000 tonnes l Wet dock 250m x 76m                                           Hartlepool has excellent road links as        factory in the world.
                                                                                                                                well as a direct rail freight link to the main      Since opening the facility in 2009,
                                                                                                                                UK network.                                      JDR Cables has steadily expanded; it has
                                                                                                                                   It has five general cargo berths, all         invested £10 million in its facilities,
Offshore Structures (Britain) Ltd l Haverton House l Haverton Hill l Billingham l TS23 1PZ
                                                                                                                                with depth alongside of up to 8 metres, a        including in its G Shed Building, which is
+44 (0) 1642 686 140 l enquiries@offshorestructures.uk l careers@offshorestructures.uk                                                                                           equipped to build big umbilicals for the oil
www.offshorestructures.uk                                                                                                                                                        & gas industry.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK HARTLEPOOL 33
well established as
  the UK’s best connected
  feeder port, but that
  isn’t all...

PD Ports champions the concept of
portcentric logistics and today, the logic of
                                                channel pick and pack operations, and
                                                e - commerce and returns management.
unloading, unpacking and storing cargo              “Developments in the past two or three
at the port, ready for onward dispatch to       years in our portcentric model have been
where it’s needed, when it’s needed, is         driven as much by trading patterns as by
widely used.                                    new developments,” says Geoff Lippitt,
   PD Ports, however, continues to lead the     PD Ports’ Business Development Director.
way, due to the sophistication, flexibility     “We are well established as the UK’s best
and sheer size of its portcentric operations.   connected feeder port, but that isn’t all.
What’s at the root of that? The answer is       We have seen some really material shifts in
talking – really talking – to the customer,     import flows as customers bring cargo from
to reach a clear understanding of the           the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe into
customer’s priorities and unique set of         the Tees, as well as their traditional volumes
challenges. PD Ports’ carefully tailored        from Asia via feeder services.
portcentric logistics solutions deliver real        “We now have direct services from the
efficiency, reducing costs and carbon           Baltic almost daily, operated by
footprint for the customer.                     Containerships and MacAndrews, and
   More than 4 million square feet of           Mediterranean links by a number of
portcentric warehousing connected to port       operators to supplement the Asia business.
activity is now in operation at Teesport        On top of that, we have seen the growth
and in its hinterland. PD Ports offers an       of P&O Ferries services to and from
immensely varied range of options – from        Zeebrugge and Rotterdam. This growth
the giant quayside import centres of            was connected with the Scottish rail service
some of the UK’s largest supermarkets to        we established – a key development which
supporting the staggering growth in             expanded our hinterland even further.”
demand for online shopping, with multi -            Portcentric operations come in two
                                                distinct ‘flavours’:
                                                n Warehousing at the port or very close to
                                                the port – for example, the Asda and Tesco
                                                import centres at Teesport.
                                                n Warehousing/operations slightly further

Quality and expertise
in shipping operations
• Portrack Seafreight Limited offers quality loading and
  offloading of vessels up to 5,000 tonnes
• We operate at Bamletts Wharf – 110 metres long with
  3.5 metres of water at low tide
• Our services are available seven days a week
• Comprehensive range of equipment and stevedoring skills
• Customer focused operations

Through our sister company, Portrack Handling Limited,
we also offer storage and dispatch of all CF Fertilisers UK Ltd
and provide highly specialised contract labour for the
chemical industry on Teesside.

Portrack Seafreight Limited
The Grange Business Centre I Belasis Avenue I Billingham I TS23 1LG            away which are heavily reliant on the                Phase 2 is planned to capitalise on this
Tel: 01642 558276 I Fax: 01642 554063                                          resources of the port as a node in their           success and expand the park to meet the
Email: portrack.seafreight@sky.com                                             supply chain – for example, Argos’s                demands of modern retail warehousing and
                                                                               distribution depot at Faverdale and Hitachi        logistics operators.
                                                                               Rail Europe’s manufacturing facility at              There is up to 11.7 hectares/28.9 acres
                                                                               Newton Aycliffe.                                   suitable for up to 44,365 square metres
                                                                                  Both Tesco and Asda have altered their          (477,230 square feet) of warehousing
                                                                               supply chains according to the evolving            with land available for development or
                                                                               needs of the market, says Geoff Lippitt.           build-to-suit opportunities.
                                                                               “Asda also has a strong relationship
                                                                               with Clipper Logistics at Wynyard. Tesco
                                                                               has really embraced the concept of
                                                                               portcentric warehousing and move different
                                                                               lines through its facility at different times of
                                                                               the year.”
                                                                                  Argos and Hitachi are also key
                                    Specialists in the manufacture

                                                                               portcentric customers, importing cargo
                                    of structures and equipment                via shortsea container and ferry services,
                                    used in the renewable energy,              for their distribution centres at Faverdale

                                                                                                                                                  logistics site:
                                    marine and offshore oil & gas              and Newton Aycliffe respectively. Other
                                    industries, primarily for pipe,            portcentric customers include Taylors of
                                    umbilical and cable handling,              Harrogate and Lotte Chemicals.
                                    storage and laying.
                                    Since 2013 we have successfully
                                                                                  Undoubtedly, land availability is a key
                                                                               advantage in providing portcentric logistics
                                                                               solutions. However, Geoff Lippitt says:
                                    manufactured and installed 24 pipe/cable   “It is more than just land. The secret of our                      PD Ports’ Billingham site provides    cluster of processing plants in the
                                    ship carousel systems 1500t to 7000t
                                                                               success is the frequency and range of                              one of the largest warehousing        surrounding area, features a total
                                    capacity, with ancillary equipment                                                                            and cross-docking complexes in        195,000 square feet of covered
                                    including 15t and 45t tensioners,
                                                                               vessel calls we have. It is a symbiotic
                                                                               process; you can’t have one without the                            the Tees Valley. PD Ports offers      warehousing and extensive outside
                                    chutes, loading arms and
                                                                               other.                                                             both dedicated and multi-user         storage.
                                    over-boarding systems.
                                                                                  “We focus on our long-term relationships                        logistics solutions, with expertise      Services include bulk and racked
                                    Marine Fabricators Ltd                     with our customers – both the cargo owners                         across paper and forest products,     storage, drive-in racking, contract
                                    Bays 1-7, Unit 1                           and the shipping lines. The emphasis is on                         packaging, foodstuffs and general     logistics, shared user logistics,
                                    Haverton Hill Industrial Estate
                                                                               collaborative working to solve supply chain                        merchandise.                          container devanning, load
                                    Stockton-on-Tees TS23 1PZ                                                                                       PD Ports’ logistics offices are     consolidation, re-packing, order
                                    Telephone: +44 (0)1642 565646              problems. We have consistently grown and
                                                                               refined our portcentric offering, and that                         based at the Billingham facility.     picking and contract packing.
                                    Fax: +44 (0)1642 565687
                                                                               focus will continue.”                                              The 12.5 acre site, strategically
                                    Email: enquiries@marinefabricators.co.uk
                                    www. marinefabricators.co.uk                  Teesport Logistics Park, the largest retailer                   located to support the significant
                                                                               backed portcentric logistics park in the
                                                                               UK, has already completed Phase 1 and
                                                                               attracted the investment of two of the UK’s
                                                                               largest retailers.

                                                                                                                                                                     TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK PORTCENTRIC 37
Teesport has the facilities and
                                                          expertise to handle MANY products,
                                                          including industrial chemicals
                                                          in bulk and in containers

                                                        and supporting
                                                        a major
                                                        chemicals cluster
                                                        Teesport is located near the second largest      Terminal at Seal Sands receives North Sea
                                                        integrated chemical sector in Europe, home       crude oil and gas via the Ekofisk pipeline
                                                        to 58% of the UK’s chemical sector which         as well as from J Block, and processes this
                                                        exports £12 billion of cargo annually. The       for re-export.
                                                        world’s petrochemical majors have chosen            Others include SABIC, INEOS Nitriles at
                                                        Teesport for importing, refining, storing,       Seal Sands, Venator, Lotte Chemicals,
                                                        converting, blending, manufacturing,             CF Fertilisers, Navigator and Inter
                                                        adding value and exporting their products.       Terminals.
                                                           As Geoff Lippitt, PD Ports’ Business             The reason for locating where they do
                                                        Development Director says: “The whole            is obvious: Teesport has the facilities and
                                                        chemical sector is an important cornerstone      expertise to handle their products,
                                                        in our volumes.”                                 including industrial chemicals in bulk
                                                           Some of the UK’s biggest petrochemical        and in containers.
                                                        complexes are located on the north and
                                                        south banks of the River Tees, and these
                                                        facilities play a vital role in the supply and
                                                        distribution chain of a highly significant
                                                           Two miles from Teesport, more than
                                                        8,000 people work at the Wilton
                                                        International chemicals park/manufacturing                       Some of the
                                                                                                                         UK’s biggest
                                                        site, which is owned and operated by
                                                        Sembcorp Utilities Teesside (SUTL).
                                                           This 2,000-acre site, which has

                                                        Enterprise Zone status, is home to numerous
                                                        process industry manufacturing operations
                                                        – not only ‘traditional’ petrochemical but
                                                        also those involving green energy, biofuels
                                                        and plastics recycling, as well as minerals                      complexes are
                                                                                                                         located on the
                                                        processing, automotive and advanced
                                                           Firms on the site benefit from shared

                                                                                                                         north and south
                                                        access to low - cost power, steam and other
                                                        utilities, and many have direct pipeline
                                                        feeds from Seal Sands.
                                                           In December 2016, the Australian firm
                                                        Peak Resources announced plans to base                           banks of the
                                                                                                                         River Tees
                                                        a £70 million mineral processing site at
                                                        Wilton International. This would be Wilton’s
                                                        second mineral processing facility, with
                                                        Sirius UK already planning to use Wilton
                                                        for processing the minerals it mines.
                                                           Peak Resources managing director
                                                        Darren Townsend described the choice of
                                                        Tees Valley for the refinery as ‘compelling’.
                                                           Global names on the Tees include
                                                        ConocoPhillips, whose Teesside Oil

38 PETROCHEMICALS TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK                                                                                   TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK PETROCHEMICALS 39
the Tees is perfectly located
  to support WIND FARM projects,
  reinforcing its reputation
  as a major energy hub

                   and onshore:
                  the energy hub        Offshore and onshore, traditional and          projects, reinforcing its reputation as a
                                        renewable, the Port of Tees and Hartlepool     major energy hub.
                                        continues to deliver in its role as an            Over the next few years, a new 299
                                        energy hub.                                    MWe biomass-fuelled combined heat and
                                           The Port and the surrounding area           power plant will take shape on the Teesport
                                        already have a long history, with the skills   estate. The MGT Teesside plant, due to
                                        and facilities required, in supporting the     start commercial operations in 2020, is the
                                        very demanding offshore oil and gas            highly visible latest example of Teesport’s
                                        sector. In recent years, the dividing line     strategic importance in the renewable
                                        between ‘traditional’ and renewable            energy sector.
                                        offshore sectors has become increasingly          Viewed from the mouth of the Tees, the
                                        blurred, with significant overlaps between     impressive Teesside Wind Farm is another
                                        the technologies, innovation and               dramatic example. Hartlepool provided the
                                        companies serving the two sectors.             base, facilities and support for construction
                                        Hence, Teesside’s related skills and           and installation of this project, and EDF
                                        facilities are increasingly in demand.         Energy is now operating its new O&M
                                           With the construction of vast new           (operations and maintenance) and training
                                        offshore wind farms moving ahead in the        centre at the port.
                                        North Sea, it goes without saying that the        And for another very visible example, in
                                        Tees is perfectly located to support these     mid - 2016 Teesport welcomed one of the
                                                                                       biggest wind farm installation vessels in the
                                                                                       world, the Pacific Orca. Measuring
                                                                                       161 metres long and 49 metres in width,
                                                                                       the vessel berthed at PD Ports’ Number
                                                                                       One Quay for several weeks, while

Teesside’s related
                                                                                       being fitted with a pile gripper that was
                                                                                       constructed onsite.
                                                                                          After her inaugural visit to Teesport, the

skills and                                                                             Pacific Orca sailed down the east coast
                                                                                       to the English Channel, to help install wind

facilities are
                                                                                       turbine piles for the Rampion Offshore
                                                                                       Wind Farm project 13 kilometres south
                                                                                       of Brighton. The Pacific Orca returned for

increasingly                                                                           demobilisation later in the year.
                                                                                          The 550-metre Number One Quay, with
                                                                                       14.5 metres depth alongside, can take

in demand                                                                              loads of up to 10 tonnes per square metre,
                                                                                       making it ideal for the mobilisation of wind
                                                                                       farm installation vessels.
                                                                                          Another caller during 2016 was the
                                                                                       Jumbo Javelin. This heavy lift vessel,
                                                                                       equipped with two 900 - tonne cranes,
                                                                                       berthed at the port to move wind turbine
                                                                                       transfer pieces by overside transfer.

40 RENEWABLES/OFFSHORE TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK                                                                             TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK RENEWABLES/OFFSHORE 41
MGT Teesside                                    customers with up to 80 acres of land on a         intervention, inspection, maintenance and
                                                                                                               MGT Teesside’s renewable energy plant           short to long term basis.                          repair (IMR), and decommissioning.

                                                    SHIP REPAIR,                                               will cost about £650 million to build. At
                                                                                                               least 600 jobs will be created during the
                                                                                                                                                                  “We have been engaging with most
                                                                                                                                                               of the offshore wind farm developers with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DeepOcean’s large - scale UK marine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  base, provides integrated services for
                                                                                                               construction phase; once the plant is up        a view to offering Hartlepool, with its            heavy lifting, mobilisation, storage and

                                                    CONVERSION                                                 and running, there will be about 100
                                                                                                               full-time jobs onsite, as well as many
                                                                                                                                                               significant land available, for the build-up
                                                                                                                                                               and installation phases and mobilisation of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The base has a heavy lift quay with
                                                                                                               hundred more in the supply chain.               vessels,” says Frans Calje. “Our deep-water        depth alongside of at least 8 metres,

....connecting                                      AND FABRICATION                                               The biomass product used in the process
                                                                                                               will be imported through Teesport, and
                                                                                                                                                               facilities at Teesport complement that
                                                                                                                                                               offering perfectly.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  crane capacity of up to 250 tonnes with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  associated ground loading capability,
                                                                                                               discharged by PD Ports.                                                                            8,825 square metres of covered storage,
markets                                             SERVICES                                                      “This development positions the region
                                                                                                               as a major energy hub, creating hundreds
                                                                                                                                                               Offshore support
                                                                                                                                                               Among a large number of companies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and more than 16,000 square metres of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  secure outside storage.
                                                                                                               of jobs and giving substantial impetus          serving the offshore industries are JDR               In January 2017, it was announced that
                                                                                                               to the long-term economic activity of the       Cables at Hartlepool, MPI Offshore and             Nexans had awarded DeepOcean the
MPI Offshore’s fleet of
                                                                                                               area,” says Frans Calje. “Attracting such a     DeepOcean at Teesport Commerce Park,               cable installation and trenching work for
purpose-built offshore                                                                                         significant UK energy infrastructure project       MPI Offshore, part of the international         ScottishPower Renewable’s East Anglia
foundation and wind                                                                                            to Teesport further complements recent          shipping operation Vroon Group, is active          ONE offshore wind farm in the North Sea.
                                                                                                               investments made by PD Ports, including our     in the offshore wind turbine installation             Offshore work will be undertaken by
turbine installation                                                                                           decision to redevelop Number One Quay.”         and maintenance markets, with a range of           2019 with the Maersk Connector and
vessels plus an                                                                                                                                                vessels, equipment and service offerings.          purpose built power cable plough, ACP2,
                                                                                                               Hartlepool                                         It has been a pioneer in the offshore           supported by DeepOcean’s in - house fleet
experienced                                                                                                    Space is a real USP at Hartlepool and           wind industry since 2003, when it took             of dedicated construction support vessels.
team make us a                                                                                                 nowhere is that more important than when        delivery of the MPI Resolution, the first - ever   DeepOcean’s scope is the transport,
                                                                                                               serving the offshore renewables sector.         dedicated wind turbine installation vessel.        installation and trenching of two 85 km
world leader in                                                                                                  The huge land bank at Hartlepool has          Today, MPI Offshore has four purpose - built       export cables.
offshore wind                                                                                                  enabled the port to take on a number of         vessels in operation for installing wind
                                                                                                               big projects, with the flexibility to provide   turbines, foundation and transition pieces –
installation.                                                                                                                                                  the MPI Resolution, MPI Adventure,
                                                                                                                                                               MPI Discovery and MPI Enterprise.
                                                                                                                                                                  DeepOcean offers a breadth of subsea
                                                                                                                                                               services including survey and seabed-
                                                                                                                                                               mapping, subsea installation, seabed

                          Exactly where
                           you need us
                          MPI Workboats operate
                       a fleet of high speed crew   Dock 5                 L: 175.3 m           B: 22.2 m
                            transfer and offshore   Dock 6                 L: 120.0 m           B: 17.3 m
                         workboats - designed to    Quay                   L: 240.0 m
                       operate in the demanding     Fixed craneage         Up to 40 te
                              environment for the   Workshop area          3000 m2
                          Offshore Wind Industry.   • Drydocking
                                                    • Repair & conversion             Tel: +44(0)1642 464024
                                                    • Mobilisation & demobilisation   Fax: +44(0)1642 460075
                                                    • Afloat services                 www.ap-group.co.uk
            +44 (0) 1642 742200

                                                                                                                                                                                          TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK RENEWABLES/OFFSHORE 43
High Tide brings together                     It’s all about the next generation. PD Ports      highly experienced people now                 AV Dawson, Bond Dickinson, CAM Air
                                                is leading the way when it comes to               approaching retirement age, and to plug       Freight Solutions, Emirates, Esh Group,
  industry and education                        attracting, training and retaining new            the skills gap that is so evident.            Nifco, Sabic, Better, MPI Offshore, Lotte
  to provide an insight into                    recruits to the industry – and its efforts have      Five years ago, the High Tide Foundation   Chemical and Ithica Films.
  how businesses operate                        been recognised at local and national             was founded by Casper Shipping and              To date, High Tide has worked with more

Tackling the
                                                level.                                            PD Ports to inspire and empower the           than 5,000 young people, introducing
                                                    The average age of the workforce at           Teesside of tomorrow. A charitable            them to 100 local private sector
                                                Teesport and Hartlepool is 44 – it’s a            organisation, High Tide brings together       companies. This work is done through a
                                                challenge being faced across the ports and        industry and education to provide an          number of different approaches:

skills gap
                                                shipping world, as it seeks to replace the        insight into how businesses operate, while      Cadetship Programmes: High Tide run
                                                                                                  developing skills and showcasing employ-      two cadetship programmes focusing on
                                                                                                  ment opportunities.                           shipping and logistics and the automotive
                                                                                                     Chaired by PD Ports’ Chairman David
                                                                                                  Robinson, High Tide’s members include

44 PEOPLE TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK                                                                                              TEESPORT & HARTLEPOOL PORT HANDBOOK PEOPLE 45
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