WARM & WELCOMING - Anantara.com

Page created by Virgil Daniels
WARM & WELCOMING - Anantara.com
Based on the health guidelines issued
                                              by the Ministry of Health
                                                  on 6th January 2021

         WARM &

SAFETY PROTOCOLS                  ixpdrl wud;HdxYh
                           .=jka fiajd yd wmkhk l,dm ixj¾Ok rdcH wud;HdxYh
                                  Rw;Wyhj;Jiw mikr;R
                    tpkhd Nritfs; kw;Wk; Vw;Wkjp tyaq;fs; mgptpUj;jp ,uh[hq;f mikr;R

                                 MINISTRY OF TOURISM
WARM & WELCOMING - Anantara.com

   As we open our doors to the world again; let’s make sure our paradise island is as safe and
secure as it can be against the ongoing pandemic. After a thorough analysis of the situation and
 following multiple consultations with all relevant stakeholders and health professionals, a set of
  guidelines and protocols have been listed out to assist those in the tourism sector to ensure a
              smooth transition to begin operations in the midst of this new normal.

Those in the tourism sector have been requested to adhere to these guidelines, as they are vital
  measures that have been taken to assure the protection of our tourists and ourselves. Safety
measures have been implemented across the country so that travellers may enjoy a hassle-free
stay; however it is the responsibility of the tourism establishments to adhere to the COVID safety
 protocols, so that the reopening of the island may be a sustainable effort for the tourism sector
                                              as a whole.

WARM & WELCOMING - Anantara.com

No minimum number of                     All facilities of the hotel
days is required for a stay.             would be made available to
                                         the guests.

No restrictive quarantine                Tourists can visit approved
required.                                tourist sites under the safety
                                         of a bio-bubble.

Tourists must stay at a                  Pay for PCR Tests (40 USD
certified ‘Safe and Secure’              per PCR test depending on
Level 1 hotel for upto 14                the number of days of the
days of their stay.                      stay) when applying for visa
                                         online and for insurance
                                         (12 USD) with one month
        Currently no exceptions would    cover of 50,000 USD.
       be made for vaccinations taken;
        all safety protocols should be
            adhered to regardless.

WARM & WELCOMING - Anantara.com

     Technical preparation details for the opening of the airports.

             Tourists may arrive through                              Special arrangements for
             Charter Flights, Scheduled                               the crew would be agreed
             Flights or Private Jets, at both                         upon in advance by the
             Katunayake and Mattala                                   Civil Aviation and Airport
             Airports. Please note that                               Aviation Authority,
             Bandaranaike International                               according to the current
             Airport (BIA) is certified as a                          health guidelines in place.
             safe airport by ACI airport health
             accreditation programme.                                 Sri Lanka Tourism
                                                                      Development Authority
                                                                      (SLTDA) will inform the
             Arrival of tourists would be                             details of arrivals to the
             decided by the testing                                   Ministry of Health via the
             capacity of the private                                  following emails and the
             laboratories as determined by                            local area Medical Officer
             the Ministry of Health and                               prior to the arrival of the
             Minister of Tourism jointly.                             respective flights.

             Dual Citizens, spouses of                  DGHS:
             foreign nationals and paid
             commercial passengers                          dghs@health.gov.lk
             with foreign passports are
             allowed, following an                          ddgphs1@health.gov.lk
             adherence to the guidelines
             and protocols in place.                    Chief Epidemiologist:

             All flights bringing in tourists
             are required to consult the
             Civil Aviation Authority on                DPRD:
             the health protocols that
             need to be adhered to.                        drishankadprd@gmail.com

             This guideline document is                               Please call the Sri Lanka Tourism
             not applicable to Business                               24-hour hotline on 1912 for any
             Visas.                                                   additional support

WARM & WELCOMING - Anantara.com

       Currently, all countries have been permitted for entry; unless specifically mentioned
       otherwise. The below information is essential to be factored in before a tourist
       commences their visa application.

     All visa’s must be applied                            Purchase the mandatory COVID-19
     online through the Immigration                        Insurance Cover from People's
     ETA portal (www.eta.gov.lk).                          Insurance PLC at USD 12 for a policy
     Prior to applying for the visa,                       of USD 50,000 for a period of one
     travelers are required to                             month.
     pre- purchase PCR tests
     and mandatory COVID-19                                Confirmation of a booking at a
     Insurance Cover by using                              certified ‘Safe & Secure’ hotel, for a
     tourism channels and upon                             period of up to 14 days should be
     payment, travelers will be                            shown when applying for visa; there
     issued a unique tourism                               would be no mandatory minimum stay
     reference number which needs                          requirement.
     to be used in the ETA portal
                                                           Upon issuing a visa, the details of the
     when processing the visa.
                                                           international traveller would be sent
                                                           to the area Medical Officer of Health;
     Pre-purchase PCR tests                                and be updated accordingly until their
     depending on the number of days                       arrival at the respective hotel.
     of stay as deemed by the Ministry
     of Health. The cost per PCR test                      Tourism Mobile App ‘Visit Sri Lanka’
     will be USD 40. (eg: pay for                          will be incorporated into the online visa
     2 PCR tests for 7 days stay and                       application form in the due course and
     3 PCR tests if the travel exceeds                     will be available on both the Play Store
     7 days).                                              and Appstore. Travellers will be
                                                           required to download the mobile app
                                                           for coordination and facilitation
                                                           purposes when available.

WARM & WELCOMING - Anantara.com
WARM & WELCOMING - Anantara.com

      The below checklist is of utmost priority to every passenger before they board their
      flight; all relevant parties should ensure the requirements have clearly been
      communicated and met before departure.

           Travellers should undergo a                         The COVID-19 Insurance
           PCR test from an                                    Cover purchased during
           accredited laboratory and                           visa process for a value of
           obtain a negative result,                           at least $50,000 for 1
           approximately 96 hours                              month.
           before their flight.

           A Health Declaration
           Form (HDF) should also be
           submitted prior to boarding,
           on-board the flight or upon

WARM & WELCOMING - Anantara.com

       Showing proof of hotel bookings is a vital requirement in the visa application
       process; below are factors to be considered when a traveller is choosing their
       accommodation. Travellers must book their stay at a Level 1 ‘Safe & Secure’ hotel;
       for their protection. ‘Safe & Secure’ is a certificate issued to hotels in compliance
       with the COVID-19 Health Protocols and the Tourism Operational Guidelines.

          All bookings to be made with a                        All certified ‘Safe & Secure’ Level
          Level 1 certified ‘Safe & Secure’                     1 hotels would have a unique QR
          hotel for the initial period of up to                 code displayed so that the tourist
          14 days.                                              may provide feedback on the
                                                                health protocols observed.

          Tourists are allowed to stay any
          number of days with no                                Hotels will ensure effective
          minimum requirement, provided                         access control measures are in
          they continue their stay at a                         place, in and around the hotel.
          certified ‘Safe & Secure’
          (pre-booked) hotel for up to 14
                                                                Use of common areas such as
                                                                the spa and pool could be
          During the initial 14-day period,                     permitted, subject to strict
          the guest can choose to continue                      adherence to the general health
          staying at the current hotel or any                   guidelines, including social
          other Level 1 certified ‘Safe &                       distancing.
          Secure’ hotel (travelling under a
          bio-security bubble); providing
          their on-arrival PCR tested                           Hotel guests should not be
          negative.                                             allowed to entertain locals; nor
                                                                have functions that encourage
                                                                the same; especially during the
          Tourists are not permitted to                         14- day period at a Level 1
          move outside the hotel for a                          certified ‘Safe & Secure’ hotel.
          period of up to 14 days; except
          for approved tourist sites by the
          COVID Taskforce; in consultation                      After the initial 14-day stay at a
          with the Ministry of Health under                     certified ‘Safe & Secure’ Level 1
          a bio-security bubble (provided                       hotel, the tourist is then permitted
          the on-arrival PCR test is a                          to leave their accommodation
          negative result).                                     and interact with the community;
                                                                provided the PCR test results are
                                                                negative; including moving to any
          Sri Lanka Tourism Development                         accommodation of their choice.
          Authority (SLTDA) will ensure
          that continuous assessments
          and audits are carried out to
          uphold the standards of Certified
          ‘Safe & Secure’ (Level 1) Hotels.

WARM & WELCOMING - Anantara.com

         Hotels, Travel Agents and         Hotels to function at a
         Tour Operators are to share       maximum room
         accommodation booking,            occupation capacity of
         transportation and site visit     75%; the rest to be left on
         details with the Area             stand-by should a need
         Medical Officer of Health         arise for the isolation of
         and DG Sri Lanka Tourism          non-symptomatic
         Development Authority,            COVID-19 positive guests
         immediately as bookings           and their direct contacts.
         are made and prior to any
                                           Bookings from multiple
                                           flights are permitted. Hotels
         Only hotels certified as
                                           should take all possible
         ‘Safe & Secure’ Level 1 are
                                           measures to minimize
         permitted to take bookings
                                           mixing of groups arriving
         for the initial 14 days of an
                                           from different flights.
         international traveller.

         Tourists are not permitted        Hotels should have a room
         to leave the hotel for the        allocation plan in place to
         initial 14-days of their stay,    cater accordingly.
         except to the approved
         tourist sites under a             Reservation details should
         bio-security bubble.              be informed to the area’s
                                           Medical Officer of Health
         Guests may change their
                                           and DG Sri Lanka Tourism
         hotel at any point during the
                                           Development Authority,
         initial 14 days, provided it is
                                           following each booking and
         a Level 1 certified ‘Safe &
                                           prior to the guest’s arrival.
         Secure’ hotel; travelling
         under a bio-security bubble.
                                           Effective access controls
         A pre-confirmed hotel             must be in place; with the
         booking; at one or more           support of the relevant
         Level 1 certified ‘Safe &         Authorities; in and around
         Secure’ hotels; is                the hotel, to ensure there is
         mandatory for the first 14        no interaction with the local
         days of the guest’s stay.         community for the initial
                                           period of 14 days.

                                           Public transportation
                                           should not be encouraged
                                           to guests, even after the
                                           initial 14 day period is over.

WARM & WELCOMING - Anantara.com
The Health Guidelines                  The hotel doctor should
currently in place should be           report daily to the Ministry
adhered to at all times.               of Health, COVID
                                       Taskforce and DG Sri
                                       Lanka Tourism
                                       Development Authority in
Frequent surveillance of
                                       regards to the health of the
symptoms must be
                                       hotel staff and guests
maintained; the Hotel must
make arrangements for a        DGHS:
designated Medical Officer
to monitor the health of         dghs@health.gov.lk
guests and staff.
Contact details of the
designated Medical Officer     Chief Epidemiologist:
should be promptly
informed to the area             chepid@sltnet.lk
Medical Officer of Health
and to the Ministry of         DPRD:


      The Ministry of Health requires a specified number of PCR tests to be carried out
      by the tourist, from the time of their departure and throughout their stay here. Hotels
      should strictly adhere to and ensure that these tests occur before the guest is
      allowed to leave the premises.

           Travellers should undergo a                           All PCR Reports to be
           PCR test from an                                      e-mailed by the Private
           accredited laboratory and                             Sector Hospital to the
           obtain a negative result,                             Epidemiology Unit
           approximately 96 hours
           before their flight.                          chepid@sltnnet.lk
           All PCR tests for each                    COVID Taskforce:
           guest should be arranged
           by the hotel with a private                   covid19sl20@gmail.com
           sector laboratory
           approved by the MOH;                      DG Ministry of Health:
           ideally, all PCR test of a
           given traveller should be                     dghs@health.gov.lk
           carried out by a single
           laboratory.                               DG Sri Lanka Tourism
                                                     Development Authority:
           The on-arrival PCR test;
           pre-purchased by the guest                    dg@srilanka.travel
           upon application of their
           visa; should be carried out
                                                     and to the respective hotels,
           prior to check-in; and
                                                     highlighting the positive test reports.
           arranged for by the hotel
           with a private sector
           laboratory approved by the                            The Hotel would be
           Ministry of Health.                                   required to upload the PCR
           Movements of the guests                               test report to the Tourism
           should be restricted to the                           Mobile App when
           minimum until the on arrival                          implemented; with a copy of
           PCR test result is negative.                          the report to be given to the
                                                                 guest for their own records.
           The second PCR test
           should be conducted 5-7                               The Passport No. would be
           days after the guest’s                                considered as the
           arrival at the hotel; should                          reference number for the
           the stay exceed 7 days, an                            tourist’s identification to
           additional (third) PCR test                           ensure traceability of
           would be carried out                                  reports and payments.
           between the 10th and 14th
           day of arrival.


        Travel Agents and Hotels to   The Hotel or Travel Agent is
        adhere to the prevailing      required to have a thorough
        Health Guidelines of the      transport plan in advance.
        Ministry of Health and
        Sri Lanka Tourism
                                      Domestic Flights are
        Development Authority.
                                      permitted; subject to a strict
                                      adhering of health protocols
        The Hotel / Agent should
        arrange independent
        transport for each group of   Transportation details
        tourists.                     should be informed to the
                                      area Medical Officer of
        Refrain from allowing any     Health, COVID Taskforce
        interaction or mixing of      and DG Sri Lanka Tourism
        different groups during       Development Authority,
        travel.                       following each booking and
                                      prior to the guest’s arrival.


        Maintain a thorough             Unless the personnel were
        transport log with              in full PPE attire, all service
        passenger details.              providers involved in
                                        transportation should be
                                        quarantined for a period of
        Inform the National             14 days; with a PCR
        Operations Center for           conducted; having informed
        Control of COVID-19 of all      the COVID Task force and
        details prior to arrival, for   DG Sri Lanka Tourism
        the purpose of contact          Development Authority of
        tracing; including the area     the necessary details,
        MOH and DG Sri Lanka            including location of the
        Tourism Development             quarantine facility.


         Hotels / Travel Agents to    Accommodation to be
         ensure that adequate         provided during the tour in
         Personal Protective          adherence to Health &
         Equipment (PPE), masks       Safety Guidelines.
         and sanitizer to be
         provided to all personnel    Hotels, Travel Agents and
         accompanying the tourists.   Tour Operators are bound
                                      to adhere to the health
         A quarantine facility for    guidelines currently
         14 days to be arranged by    enforced by the Ministry of
         the travel agent after the   Health and SLTDA.
         tour, unless the personnel
         were in full PPE.            Medical Insurance
                                      including the COVID-19
                                      Insurance is to be given to
                                      all personnel during the tour
                                      and the subsequent 14
                                      days in quarantine.


        Hotels should ideally be fully prepped to deal with any outcome of the situation;
        even if every precaution and safety measure is in place. Should a guest or guests
        test positive on their PCR, ensure protocols are followed to contain the situation in
        the best possible manner.


            Initial isolation should be                           In a situation where
            carried out at a cordoned                             isolation would not be
            off section in the same                               feasible (e.g., a large group
            hotel; under strict                                   that’s tested positive), an
            supervision of the                                    alternative designated
            designated Medical Officer                            isolation hotel would be
            of the hotel and the area                             identified in advance by the
            MOH, until the patient has                            DG of SLTDA.
            been transferred to a
            designated intermediate
                                                                  The staff of the hotel and
            care center.
                                                                  other contacts should be
                                                                  managed accordingly,
            The SLTDA would ensure                                adhering to the guidelines
            that appropriate                                      already in force, under the
            intermediate care centers                             guidance of the area
            for asymptomatic                                      Medical Officer of Health.
            COVID-19 patients have
            been identified, with the
            consultation and approval
            of the Ministry of Health.



           If symptomatic, the guest                            COVID-19 Insurance cover
           and those exposed should                             to reimburse hospitals
           be admitted to a                                     charges; including the
           pre-arranged                                         ambulance transfer; to the
           MOH-approved private                                 value of $50,000 for the
           hospital, on the verdict of                          period of a month.
           the area or hotel’s
           designated Medical Officer.

           The area Medical Officer of
           Health should be duly
           informed and updated.

     (During the first 14 days)

       Emergency measures have also been factored in, should a guest need to be
       treated for another medical condition apart from COVID-19. Please ensure that the
       guidelines and protocols in place are not disrupted, in the process of obtaining the
       medical attention.

           The hotel’s designated                               The area Medical Officer
           Medical Officer would                                should be duly informed
           have the authority to make                           and updated, following the
           a decision after assessing                           decision taken by the
           the situation.                                       hotel’s designated Medical
           Patients still in their initial
           14-day period should only                            Cost of the treatment/s
           be treated in hospitals                              should be covered via the
           specifically identified by the                       patient’s own personal
           SLTDA and approved by                                medical insurance.
           the MOH.


       Understanding that the staff being in close proximity to guests who may or may not
       be COVID positive, is a potential risk to not just them but also their communities;
       hence strict measures should be taken to ensure their safety and protection.

            All members of the staff                            All staff should be subjected
            with direct contact to                              to a proper risk
            guests, should not be                               assessment under the
            allowed to leave the hotel                          guidance of the area
            premises for the period of                          Medical Officer of Health;
            the guest’s accommodation                           and appropriate
            (14 days), and an additional                        interventions should be
            14 days after the guest’s                           instituted if a guest is to test
            stay has ended.                                     positive for COVID-19.

            The quarantine process                              In the event a COVID-19
            should be arranged under                            positive guest or employee
            the hotel Medical Officer’s                         is reported to the hotel; the
            supervision, together with                          Travel Agents and Tour
            the local health authorities.                       Operators are also required
            Details to be provided to the                       to be in adherence to the
            Ministry of Health, COVID                           Health Guidelines
            Taskforce and DG,                                   currently enforced by the
            Sri Lanka Tourism                                   Ministry of Health and Sri
            Development Authority.                              Lanka Tourism
                                                                Development Authority.
            Staff should be screened
            for COVID-19 at regular
            intervals as per the existing
            Occupational Health
            Guidelines published by the
            Ministry of Health.


        Following the negative, on-arrival PCR, guests are permitted to visit approved
        tourist sites under a bio-safety bubble.

             Arrangements have been                              Any special arrangements
             made to visit permitted                             including stops for meals,
             sites on a daily basis; in a                        lavatory breaks or any other
             bio-safety bubble; with                             stops, must be indicated in
             specific timeslots allocated                        the itinerary and should be
             for tourists.                                       done in consultation with
                                                                 the local health authorities
             Permission for the tourist                          of the specific areas in
             sites has been granted by                           which the stops are
             the Sri Lanka Tourism                               planned.
             Development Authority in
             consultation with the                               All personnel
             Ministry of Health, COVID                           accompanying the tourists;
             Taskforce and the relevant                          including tour guides, safari
             local health authorities.                           jeep drivers, bus drivers,
                                                                 other drivers, assistants
             Itinerary should be                                 and translators; unless
             shared in advance with the                          attending in full PPE,
             local health authority of the                       should undergo a 14-day
             tourist site and the agencies                       quarantine under the
             managing the site, through                          supervision of the local
             the SLTDA.                                          health authority, with the
                                                                 inclusion of PCR testing.

                                                                 The timeslots allocated
                                                                 for tourists would be
                                                                 published clearly on the Sri
                                                                 Lanka Tourism website, to
                                                                 minimise the risk of
                                                                 interaction with the locals.

DIAL 1912
                                                                    DIAL 1912 from any phone within Sri Lanka
                                                                          to access tourism information

                                                                     Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority

                                                                                    +94 112 426 900
              ixpdrl wud;HdxYh                                                      +94 112 426 800
       .=jka fiajd yd wmkhk l,dm ixj¾Ok rdcH wud;HdxYh
              Rw;Wyhj;Jiw mikr;R
tpkhd Nritfs; kw;Wk; Vw;Wkjp tyaq;fs; mgptpUj;jp ,uh[hq;f mikr;R
                                                                                    +94 112 437 953
             MINISTRY OF TOURISM                                                    info@srilanka.travel

                                                                    No.80, Galle Road, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka

                                          Version 1, Updated on 29th January 2021
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