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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: REBUILDING REPUTATION OF WAKA KOTAHI Stakeholder 1 satisfaction has improved since 2019. Stakeholder satisfaction with relationship with Waka Kotahi Stakeholder satisfaction with their relationship with Waka Kotahi has 2020 54 28 18 improved from 45% in 2019 to 54% in 2020. 2019 45 24 31 2016 67 19 14 % Satisfied % Neutral % Dissatisfied The increase in satisfaction is driven by improvements in a number of areas Despite improvements on most measures, key pain points remain the same as that were highlighted as priorities in the 2019 survey. in 2019. This indicates scope for continued improvement in those priority areas. The 2019 research highlighted the following priorities: increasing organisational responsiveness, building working relationships, and improving communications. Dissatisfaction with Waka Kotahi still largely comes from a perceived lack of Stakeholder perceptions have improved significantly across a number of measures responsiveness and cohesion across the agency. Stakeholders retain the perception in these areas in 2020. that Waka Kotahi has inefficient and ineffective processes, and that they do not solve problems quickly as they arise. In addition, various audiences were highlighted as needing attention in 2019. These appear to have been addressed, with significant increases in satisfaction for the On the whole, the perception amongst stakeholders is that communication has following key groups: improved over the past year. Waka Kotahi is seen to be clearly communicating priorities and engaging in two-way dialogue. However, openly sharing information remains a key area to improve upon. Staff continue to be seen as being of a high calibre, and there is recognition of the Those involved in regional work done to empower staff. The main opportunity for improving perceptions of staff Local Those who recently transport planning and Senior Stakeholders funding/investment decisions Government submitted a business case is to ensure they have appropriate authority to make decisions. +19%-pts on 2019 +18%-pts on 2019 +16%-pts on 2019 +11%-pts on 2019 1 Normally Waka Kotahi prefer to describe participants as ‘co-funders’ or ‘partners’, but for ease-of-reference, we use the word ‘stakeholder’ to describe the broad group of respondents who participated in this research. 297 stakeholders took part in the survey during the month of June – the bulk of whom are senior decision-makers who interact with Waka Kotahi on a frequent basis. Respondents come from a range of organisations including local government, infrastructure businesses, representative organisations, emergency services, central government, and others (e.g. regulatory organisations, Iwi, and research bodies). COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 4
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: PRIORITY AREAS MOVING FORWARD Primary area to focus on and invest 1. Improving Waka Kotahi process to be efficient and effective Statistical analysis shows the key Agile and 2. Solving problems and issues when they arise opportunity to improve stakeholder satisfaction is around being: Responsive 3. Learning from experiences Secondary area to focus on and 1. Take the time to understand stakeholder organisation’s needs invest 2. Prioritise those needs appropriately The analysis also shows that there is an Partner opportunity to better: 3. Openly share information 4. Take stakeholder expertise into account Audiences to pay particular attention to: Throughout the research, some stakeholder groups consistently rate Waka Kotahi lower than average. Waka Kotahi needs to pay particular attention to how it can better support these audiences and build more positive relationships. The audiences include: Stakeholders with no Stakeholders from Industry / Stakeholders engaging in work in the point of contact Representative organisations Central and Lower North Island regions* *Central North Island includes Waikato, Bay of Plenty, and Taranaki. Lower North Island includes Gisborne, Hawke’s Bay, Manawatu-Wanganui, and Wellington COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 5
BACKGROUND / OBJECTIVES Waka Kotahi commissioned Colmar Brunton to undertake a second stakeholder survey to understand how it is perceived by current stakeholders across a number of areas, and if there has been any changes since the survey in 2019. The success of most businesses is built on strong relationships that take time to develop, and are based on trust and respect. Waka Kotahi is no exception. Waka Kotahi has an ongoing need to measure and track its performance on key stakeholder engagement measures. Specific objectives of this research are: • To understand how stakeholders perceive current engagement with Waka Kotahi. • To identify potential improvements from a stakeholder perspective. • To provide updated measures and change to the baselines found in 2019 to assess shifts in how Waka Kotahi is perceived by stakeholders on a number of metrics included in the agency’s 2019/20 Position Statement. COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 7
METHOD SAMPLE SOURCE 297* online interviews Respondents were sourced from a list of stakeholders provided by Waka Kotahi. Nicole Rosie, CE sent a In order to have a more robust base size for performance measures, prenotification email in advance of the survey invite. partial completes (those who made it to Section F of the survey) were also included in the analysis. ACCURACY FIELDWORK Findings based on the full sample have a margin of minute online 4 June to 3 July 2020 15 survey An initial invite was sent on 4 June, with reminder emails sent on 15 and 22 June, and 1 July. error (at the 95% confidence level) of +/-4.8%. The response rate was calculated using the following information. RESPONSE This response rate is broadly in line with • Colmar Brunton sent out a total of 1,075 survey invites via email. RATE 28% Colmar Brunton’s expectations based on • 12 ‘bouncebacks’ (i.e. invalid email addresses) were received from the initial Waka Kotahi CE (adjusted) similar studies, although it is lower than the invite. response rate in 2019 (36%). • Four percent of those surveyed had not interacted within the last 12 months (used to adjust the response rate). Differences are reported both at a total level (between 2019 and 2020) and at a sub-group Individual percentages do not always sum to the ‘nett percentages’. level. This is due to rounding. NOTES TO Any differences reported in this research are significant at the 95% confidence level. READER Nett figures are reported on the full base, however when the ‘don’t Before the third reminder we cut four banks of questions from the survey in order to reduce the know’ responses make up a significant proportion of answers, a nett interview length and maximise the response rate. This cut the survey down to 12 minutes in figure excluding don’t know is also included. the last week of fieldwork. *Note: 237 stakeholders completed the survey through to Section N (the penultimate section) and were considered to be ‘full completes’. COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 8
A WAKA KOTAHI REPORT CARD The 2019 stakeholder research provided a number of key areas to prioritise and invest in to improve stakeholder relationships, along with a range of audiences to focus on. The information below breaks down these recommendations, and highlights any changes seen in those areas. AREAS TO IMPROVE ON AREAS OF SUCCESS The 2019 research identified a number of priority areas to focus on. There have been some The 2019 research highlighted a number of key groups to focus on, as they consistently rated significant gains in some of these areas, however there is scope for further improvement: Waka Kotahi lower than average. In 2020, some of these groups have seen significant positive shifts*, and maintaining this momentum will be important moving forwards: Organisational responsiveness: Key focus areas included delivering efficient and effective processes and solving problems quickly as they arise. Perceptions have improved, but there remains a lot of work to do yet. Communication: Key focus areas included shifting communications so stakeholders felt that their needs were being prioritised appropriately, improving two-way dialogue, and openly sharing information. There have been positive shifts in all three, but further improvement is needed. Working Relationships: Key focus areas were providing staff with decision-making authority, learning from Senior Stakeholders Local Government Those who recently Those involved in experience, and enabling different parts of Waka Kotahi to work well together. There have submitted a business regional transport been positive shifts in all three, but again further improvement is needed. case planning and funding/investment decisions Stakeholders with no point of contact: Overall satisfaction: Overall satisfaction: Overall satisfaction: Overall satisfaction: This group was the least satisfied in 2019, and there have been no positive shifts in 2020. This is the key group to pay attention to in 2020. 55% vs. 39% in 2019 53% vs. 35% in 2019 53% vs. 42% in 2019 51% vs. 32% in 2019 *These groups consistently have also seen positive shifts throughout the various areas surveyed, contributing to their rise in overall satisfaction. COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 10
OVERALL SATISFACTION Waka Kotahi’s stakeholder relationships have improved significantly since 2019. Overall satisfaction has increased from 45% to 54% in 2020. However, this is still relatively weak compared to the 2016 result (67%). Positively, the proportion who are actively dissatisfied has almost halved from 31% in 2019 to 18% in 2020. % NETT SATISFIED† 2020 54 13 41 28 15 31 2019 45 10 34 24 26 5 2016 67 26 41 18 12 21 % Very satisfied % Fairly satisfied % Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied % Fairly dissatisfied % Very dissatisfied % Don't know Source: QF1:How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the current relationship your organisation has with Waka Kotahi? Significantly higher / lower than 2019 Base: All stakeholders (2020 n=297, 2019 n=271). † Nett scores are sometimes slightly different from the face-value sum of their components due to rounding of decimal places (e.g. 10.33% + 34.32% = 45% rounded). | ^2016 figures from a COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 12 previous stakeholder survey conducted by Research New Zealand.
OVERALL SATISFACTION: SUBGROUP CHANGES AND DIFFERENCES The increase seen in satisfaction is driven by different stakeholder groups – many of whom were very dissatisfied with Waka Kotahi in 2019. Groups such as senior stakeholders and Local Government were priority areas to focus on, and have seen notable improvements in their satisfaction. The change in satisfaction does not appear to be due to any differences in the sample - satisfaction of stakeholders who completed the survey in both 2019 and 2020 (n=89) has trended upwards from 45% to 51% (see appendix). The following groups have had significant increases in their satisfaction since 2019: Stakeholders who Stakeholders involved Stakeholders with at interact with senior staff1 Stakeholders who in work in the Upper Stakeholders with a least weekly contact 56% VS 36% Those who interact for submitted a business North Island point of contact with Waka Kotahi Planning & Funding Local Government2 case 2020 2019 69% VS 38% 61% VS 50% 58% VS 39% 53% VS 42% 53% VS 32% 51% VS 32% Senior stakeholders 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 55% VS 39% 2020 2019 Stakeholders involved in Indicative organisational subgroup satisfaction scores SUBGROUP SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES: % SATISFIED work in the Upper North (*caution very small sample)3 Island AVERAGE: 54% Central government agency/regulator (n=25*) 64% Business (includes infrastructure, e.g. Ports) (n=63) 62% 21 61 63 69 Iwi (n=9*) 5 of 9 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% District/city authority (n=107) 53% Stakeholders interact with Regional/Transit Authority (n=27*) 48% specialist / ops staff Industry/rep /advocacy organisation (n=60) 42% Stakeholders with no point Stakeholders who Regional Transport Committee member (n=8*) 3 of 8 of contact have a point of contact Source: QF1: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the current relationship your organisation has with Waka Kotahi? | Base: All stakeholders (n=297) 1 Senior staff include Chief Executive, Executive, or Board members, and senior management / Directors of Regional Relationships. 2 Local Government includes District / City Authorities, Regional / Transit Authorities, and Regional Transport Committees COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 13 3 Satisfaction for Health Agencies has not been included in this report as the sample size is only 3.
PRIORITY GROUP: STAKEHOLDERS WITH NO POINT OF CONTACT REMAIN THE LEAST SATISFIED Stakeholders without a point of contact continue to be the least satisfied with Waka Kotahi, indicating the need for easy access to staff. This group remains a priority area for 2020. Currently, do you know who to contact at Waka Kotahi to discuss matters, escalate issues, or Stakeholders who do not have a raise queries? point of contact at Waka Kotahi are the least satisfied with their % Yes % No % Not relevant (e.g. not involved in land-transport issues) relationship (21%, vs. 23% in 2020 81 18 1 2019). 2019 80 19 1 Less likely than average (18%) to not have a SUBGROUP SIGNIFICANT point of contact: DIFFERENCES: NO POINT OF CONTACT “Not always easy to know who to “We have been directed to someone contact and it is not uncommon for who will address our issues. We have Stakeholders who have at 7% emails to go unanswered.” seen some benefits from this More likely than average (18%) to not have a least weekly contact approach.” point of contact: Stakeholders who interact with Stakeholders who have contact 6% “Confusing structure. Too many less often 34% offices in the Upper North Island “Difficult or impossible at times to find points of contact who don't the right people to talk to.” communicate with each other. Inability to get decisions made.” Local Government 13% Source: D1, D2 Base: All stakeholders (2020 n=297, 2019 n=275) COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 14
HOW TO IMPROVE OVERALL SATISFACTION FOR WAKA KOTAHI IN 2020 This slide summarises the two key areas to focus on to improve overall satisfaction. The next few slides describe how we identified these satisfaction drivers. Stakeholders believe there are opportunities to improve the way that Waka Kotahi works with them by: Agile and • Improving Waka Kotahi processes to be efficient and effective 1 Responsive Optimise internal • Solving problems and issues when they arise processes to maximise support • Ensuring Waka Kotahi learns from its experiences to stakeholders Stakeholders believe there are opportunities to improve the way that Waka Kotahi uses their information by: • Ensuring Waka Kotahi takes the time to understand stakeholders 2 Partner Treat organisation’s needs • Prioritising those needs appropriately stakeholders as partners rather • Openly sharing information than customers • Taking stakeholder expertise into account Stakeholders want assurance that they are seen as valued partners by Waka Kotahi, and to enjoy a two-way relationship. Waka Kotahi needs to ensure that stakeholder needs are met by providing them with value, whilst also showing the importance of stakeholder knowledge and expertise in the work that Waka Kotahi does. For some, this relationship is currently more transactional than mutually beneficial. COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 15
DRIVERS OF SATISFACTION: 2020 We have undertaken statistical analysis to determine how important different survey items are in determining overall satisfaction. We then mapped their relative importance against performance to help determine priority actions. Waka Kotahi staff are a relative strength, while a key area for improvement is how Waka Kotahi works with stakeholders. Communication has moved from being a secondary area of investment, to an area to maintain and celebrate. DRIVERS OF SATISFACTION – KEY THEMES Attributes in this box have a high performance rating, and Attributes in this box have a lower performance a high impact on satisfaction rating, but a high impact on satisfaction High Working with Waka EXPLANATION OF DRIVER ANALYSIS Kotahi Maintain and celebrate ACTION: Key focus area, invest to increase performance Waka Kotahi staff Impact on satisfaction Waka Kotahi The drivers of satisfaction have been Communication determined through a correlation analysis. We do this by measuring the association between two continuous variables (in this case the question / measure, e.g. Waka Kotahi staff, and overall satisfaction). The magnitude of the correlation coefficient indicates the strength of the association. A standardized beta coefficient compares the strength of the effect of each individual independent variable on satisfaction. The higher the absolute value of the beta coefficient (indicated on the Y-axis), the stronger the effect. Low Low Agreement with each question High Source: B1 / C1 / D1 / F1 Base: All stakeholders (n=297) 2020 2019 COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 16
DRIVERS OF SATISFACTION: BUILDING RECIPROCAL RELATIONSHIPS As in 2019, having efficient and effective processes, solving problems quickly, and learning from experience have a high impact on overall satisfaction, but relatively low performance. Investing in these areas to increase organisational agility will increase stakeholder satisfaction. Waka Kotahi also needs to ensure that it fully utilises knowledge and expertise offered by stakeholders, by taking the time to understand their needs, sharing information, and taking their expertise into account. DRIVERS OF SATISFACTION Attributes in this box have a lower performance rating, but a high Attributes in this box have a high performance rating, and a high impact on satisfaction impact on satisfaction High Partner Engages in two- Takes the time to way dialogue on Committed to working in partnership with your Prioritises the understand your matters of organisation needs of your organisation’s importance to Agile and Responsive organisation needs your Staff are collaborative appropriately organisation Learns from its experiences Openly shares Impact on satisfaction information Staff are focused on solutions Staff engage with the right representatives in your sector Processes are efficient and effective Takes your expertise into account Shows leadership when In general, you find it easy to contact relevant staff Solves problems and issues quickly when making decisions in your appropriate when they arise area of work / region Staff show an interest in your area of work / region Staff are provided with an appropriate Staff are knowledgeable level of decision-making authority Clearly articulates a long-term vision Different parts of Waka Kotahi work Staff behave well together Staff are responsive when you professionally have problems or queries Engages with you about Is open and Staff understand the emerging trends and transparent about transport-related opportunities in your key influences on needs and concerns Clearly communicates transport priorities area of work / region funding of your local area Low Low Agreement with each question High Source: B1 / C1 / D1 / F1 Base: All stakeholders (n=297) B1 – WORKING WITH WAKA KOTAHI C1 - COMMUNICATION D1 - STAFF COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 17
POSITIVE ASPECTS OF RELATIONSHIP Sixty-one percent of stakeholders were able to spontaneously name a positive aspect of their relationship with Waka Kotahi. Of the 61% stakeholder who mention something positive, 63% reference the staff. This reflects the strong staff performance scores in the drivers analysis. Positively, stakeholder references to strong / improving working relationships have increased since 2019. The quality of engagement and communications has also seen some improvements since 2019, with references to industry / organisational engagement having increased. % NETT STAFF / 63 % NETT ENGAGEMENT 47 % NETT INTERNAL CHANGE 22 43 20 RELATIONSHIPS 66 Open communication / communicates decisions / 18 easy to communicate with 18 9 Staff are engaging / good / 41 17 Willing / focused on achieving solutions committed / helpful / Collaborative 12 41 10 knowledgeable / honest Industry / organisation engagement 11 3 Aware it needs to change / has gone 9 Strong working relationships / 23 through change / right direction 4 Responsive 7 improving relationships 13 6 6 Increasing stability / visibility of 4 Accessibility (staff, nationwide, information) 7 3 leadership 4 Positive interactions 9 Listens well 4 2 0 Policy progress 1 Understanding (of stakeholder situation / issues) 3 2 Single point of contact 4 4 Respectful 2 2 OTHER 4 1 Advocates for regions / organisations / 3 Technical expertise 1 1 stakeholders 2 Committed 1 2 Consistency with staff / practices 0 Good consultation 1 Darker = 2020 2 1 Lighter = 2019 Source: F3: What, if anything, do you consider to be positive or good about your relationship with Waka Kotahi? Base: All stakeholders who provided a positive response (excl. don't know or nothing positive) (2020 n=180; 2019 n=180) Significantly higher / lower than 2019 COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 18
NEGATIVE ASPECTS OF RELATIONSHIP Forty-seven percent of stakeholders were able to spontaneously name a negative aspect of their relationship with Waka Kotahi. This is lower than 2019 (56%). Of the 47% who name a negative aspect, 55% mention something related to bureaucracy or a lack of responsiveness. Again this is reflected in the key area for investment in the drivers analysis. Fewer mention decision-making issues compared to 2019, and there are also fewer complaints about poor communication. % NETT BUREAUCRACY / UNRESPONSIVENESS 55 % NETT WORKING RELATIONSHIP 29 35 59 18 15 Lack of collaboration / partnership 15 Internal structure issues 16 7 Need to improve engagement 8 Slow / unresponsive 14 7 8 Lack of accountability / action on issues 5 Centralised/poor organisational structure/culture / 12 Hard to establish good working relationships 4 5 lack of regional autonomy 12 Inconsistent 1 5 6 Staff changes / don’t know who is responsible 14 2 Dictates relationships 2 6 0 Inward looking / not customer focused / poor 8 Public perceptions 1 direction 11 5 NETT COMMUNICATIONS ISSUES 15 Bureaucratic 5 4 Don’t understand different views / the bigger Communications issues / poor communication 12 5 picture 5 4 Difficult to get information 3 Don’t know who to contact / who makes decisions 4 Difficult to raise issues 1 4 6 NETT OTHER 34 Inflexible / inagile 1 33 6 General negative comments 16 19 0 Business cases require too much (time / effort) 4 Lack of institutional / industry knowledge 6 7 21 5 NETT DECISION-MAKING ISSUES Confused priorities 3 33 Lacking leadership 4 17 5 Issues with decisions 29 Poor environmental management 1 1 5 Darker = 2020 Funding distributions Other 5 5 3 Lighter = 2019 Source: F3: What, if anything, do you consider to be negative or bad about your relationship with Waka Kotahi? Base: All stakeholders who provided a response (excl. don't know or nothing negative) (2020 n=137; 2019 n=154) Significantly higher / lower than 2019 COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 19
ADVOCACY Almost double the amount of stakeholders are willing to advocate for Waka Kotahi in 2020 compared to 2019. Stakeholders are now also more likely to be advocates than critics, however the proportion of neutral stakeholders remains the same. Stakeholders involved in work in the Upper North Island, business stakeholders, and stakeholders interacting with senior staff are more likely to advocate for Waka Kotahi, while those with no point of contact, or from industry / representative organisations, hold more negative perceptions. ADVOCACY FOR WAKA KOTAHI SUBGROUP DIFFERENCES More likely than average to be advocates: % I think so well of them, I would speak highly of them Stakeholders involved in the 3 4 32 6 without being asked 47% 13 ADVOCATES Upper North Island 18 % I would speak highly of them if someone asked my opinion 24 31 Business stakeholders 44% 17% 30% % On balance, I have a neutral 30% opinion of them, seeing both positives and negatives Stakeholders interacting with ADVOCATES ADVOCATES 36% % I would be critical of them if senior staff someone asked my opinion 47 47 % I think so poorly of them, I Less likely to be advocates: would be critical without being asked 2019 2020 % Don't know CRITICS Those with no point of contact 10% 21% Industry / representative organisations 17% Source: J2: Thinking about everything you know about Waka Kotahi, please click on the statement that best reflects your opinion and perceptions. Base: All stakeholders (n=294) Significantly higher / lower than 2019 COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 20
WORKING RELATIONSHIP DRIVERS OF SATISFACTION As shown earlier on the key drivers of satisfaction slide, learning from experiences, solving problems quickly, and ensuring processes are efficient and effective are the primary areas of focus. Building partnership relationships will also help increase stakeholder satisfaction. DRIVERS OF SATISFACTION – INDIVIDUAL MEASURES WORKING WITH WAKA KOTAHI Attributes in this box have a lower performance rating, but a high Attributes in this box have a high performance rating, and a high impact on satisfaction impact on satisfaction High Takes the time to understand your Partner organisation’s needs Committed to working in partnership with your organisation Prioritises the needs of Agile and Responsive your organisation Learns from its experiences appropriately Impact on satisfaction Processes are efficient and effective Takes your expertise into account when making Solves problems and issues quickly decisions in your area of Shows leadership when appropriate when they arise work / region Different parts of Waka Kotahi work well together Low Low Agreement with each question High Source: B1 / C1 / D1 / F1 Base: All stakeholders (n=297) B1 – WORKING WITH WAKA KOTAHI C1 - COMMUNICATION D1 - STAFF COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 22
WORKING WITH WAKA KOTAHI: THE KEY FOCUS AREA FOR IMPROVEMENT The way in which Waka Kotahi works continues to be a pain point for stakeholders, although many feel this has improved over the past year. Significantly more stakeholders agree that Waka Kotahi shows leadership, takes their expertise into account, prioritises their needs, has efficient and effective processes, and that the different parts of the agency work well together. However, a number of these are key drivers of satisfaction, and most have agreement levels under 50%, indicating clear scope for further improvement. % NETT AGREE 2019 2020 Waka Kotahi is committed to working in partnership with your organisation 55 60 15 44 22 12 5 2 Waka Kotahi shows leadership when appropriate 35 53 8 45 25 17 3 2 Waka Kotahi takes your expertise into account when making decisions in your area of work / region 40 49 9 40 23 21 4 3 Secondary areas of Waka Kotahi takes the time to understand your focus: organisation’s needs 41 49 8 41 24 19 6 2 Partner Waka Kotahi prioritises the needs of your organisation appropriately 28 40 6 34 30 22 6 2 Waka Kotahi learns from its experiences 27 34 6 28 28 25 6 7 Primary focus: Agile and Processes are efficient and effective 17 27 2 24 24 35 11 4 Responsive Waka Kotahi solves problems and issues quickly when they arise 23 26 4 23 27 35 8 4 Different parts of Waka Kotahi work well together 14 24 2 22 29 26 8 13 % Strongly agree % Tend to agree % Neither agree nor disagree % Tend to disagree % Strongly disagree % Don’t know Source: B1: How much do you agree or disagree with each statement about Waka Kotahi? Base: All stakeholders (n=297) COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 23 Significantly higher / lower than 2019
WORKING WITH WAKA KOTAHI: THE KEY FOCUS AREA FOR IMPROVEMENT Some comments illustrating that stakeholders recognise the improvements being made, but that there is room to push this further. “Leadership shown during COVID. Nicole has made a very “I believe that Waka Kotahi is in good shape, thinking about key good start.” factors influencing the system, and treating its partners with empathy and respect. Consistency across the country at all “Working collaboratively with Waka Kotahi across the levels, and action on longer term, more sustainable approaches [programme] at a working, steering and governance group to movement around the country are required. I think that Waka level, there has been a growing understanding and Kotahi has a key part to play in this, but understand the recognition of the partnership over the last two years.” constraints they work within. I thoroughly enjoy working with Waka Kotahi, and whilst there are opportunities to improve, “At times Waka Kotahi can seem dismissive of our they have an enlightened and transparent approach to involvement and it can come across as not valuing the resolving these issues in a collaborative manner.” contribution of others.” “My perception is that Waka Kotahi remains very siloed and “There is a concerted effort to improve the relationships that internal influence on decision making is dominated by between Waka Kotahi and [organisation] - it is very much those responsible for major roading projects.” appreciated” “Tortuous processes and approval pathways that slow everything down.” COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 24
WORKING WITH WAKA KOTAHI: NEGATIVE SUB-GROUP DIFFERENCES A number of stakeholder groups are more negative than average about the way the agency works with them, including those with no point of contact, those involved in work in the Central North Island, those dealing with offices in the Lower North Island, and stakeholders without frequent contact with Waka Kotahi. This further indicates the need to build relationships with stakeholders by being more proactive, rather than reactive, in engagement. These are key groups to focus on as the key drivers of overall satisfaction are significantly lower for them. THOSE WHO INTERACT WITH THOSE INVOLVED IN WORK IN THE THOSE WITH NO POINT OF CONTACT OFFICES IN THE LOWER NORTH CENTRAL NORTH ISLAND ISLAND Less likely than average to agree that: Waka Kotahi solves problems Processes are and issues quickly when they efficient and effective Waka Kotahi solves problems and Waka Kotahi learns from its Processes are efficient arise issues quickly when they arise experiences and effective 6% VS 26% 13% VS 27% 13% VS 26% 9% VS 34% * * 21% VS 27% * * Waka Kotahi prioritises the Waka Kotahi takes the Waka Kotahi takes your expertise Waka Kotahi learns from * needs of your organisation time to understand your into account when making decisions its experiences appropriately organisation’s needs in your area of work / region 21% VS 34% THOSE WHO HAVE CONTACT 17% VS 40% 21% VS 49% 25% VS 49% LESS OFTEN * Less likely than average to agree that: * * * Waka Kotahi is committed to working in Waka Kotahi shows leadership when Waka Kotahi takes your expertise into Waka Kotahi learns from partnership with your organisation appropriate account when making decisions in its experiences your area of work / region 30% VS 60% 33% VS 49% 23% VS 34% 32% VS 53% * * * * Source: B1 Base: All stakeholders (n=297) Stars indicate the key drivers of satisfaction that have been identified as needing improvement COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 25 *Note: figures in right-hand circles are the average score for that statement, all respondents
WORKING WITH WAKA KOTAHI: POSITIVE SUB-GROUP DIFFERENCES Conversely, those who are more positive than average include stakeholders who have a point of contact within Waka Kotahi, those involved in work in the Upper North Island, stakeholders with more frequent contact, and those from businesses. They are also more positive on a number of the key drivers of satisfaction, reflecting both improved satisfaction scores compared to last year, and higher than average satisfaction in 2020. THOSE WITH A THOSE INVOLVED IN WORK IN THE STAKEHOLDERS WITH AT LEAST WEEKLY CONTACT POINT OF CONTACT UPPER NORTH ISLAND More likely than average to agree that: Waka Kotahi is committed Waka Kotahi shows Waka Kotahi shows leadership when Waka Kotahi takes your expertise to working in partnership appropriate Waka Kotahi learns from its leadership when appropriate into account when making decisions with your organisation experiences in your area of work / region 73% VS 53% 66% VS 60% 57% VS 53% 58% VS 49% 47% VS 34% * * * * Waka Kotahi takes the time * Waka Kotahi takes your expertise Waka Kotahi prioritises the needs of your into account when making to understand your organisation appropriately decisions in your area of work / organisation’s needs region BUSINESSES 55% VS 49% 55% VS 49% 58% VS 40% More likely than average to agree that: * * Waka Kotahi * Waka Kotahi learns Waka Kotahi solves prioritises the needs problems quickly Waka Kotahi takes your expertise from its experiences Processes are efficient and effective of your organisation when they arise into account when making decisions appropriately in your area of work / region 39% VS 34% 31% VS 26% 45% VS 40% 40% VS 27% 62% VS 49% * * * * Source: B1 Base: All stakeholders (n=297) Stars indicate the key drivers of satisfaction that have been identified as needing improvement COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 26 *Note: figures in right-hand circles are the average score for that statement, all respondents
STAKEHOLDER ISSUES WITH BUREAUCRACY / UNRESPONSIVENESS Below are some comments from stakeholders illustrating the key issues they face with bureaucracy and responsiveness within Waka Kotahi. “Often appears to be little flexibility with their position. “The big challenge with working with Waka Kotahi is that it “There seems to be too many groups or sections to There tends to be a desire to have a one size fits all is very fragmented in terms of its response and depending Waka Kotahi and NO clear overall plan. What was approach, however this very rarely works for our on who you engage, you can get completely different there in the past has been forgotten about. There business.” responses. Also Waka Kotahi often struggles to seems to be more government override than collaborate with organisations that have different ways of following a clear plan over time, and I would like to “There is a culture of uncertainty and inaction across working from them. Telling other organisations what Waka Waka Kotahi. It appears rudderless, and without the see the 30 - 50 year plan for NZ and our region - but Kotahi intends to do is not collaboration.” it is not there.” power of decision-making. This can possibly be the fault of a government that gives mixed messaging - and “It has become very difficult to get information on doesn't fund the organisation to succeed.” expenditure of public funds. We have resorted to tracking Add “There verbatim comments is sometimes a disconnect at times between the needs of the local community and funding Board minutes (which are very slow to emerge) and highlighting priorities. This is duespecific stakeholder to policy settings being better “Most of my negativity is centred on the agency's quarterly reports (also very slow) and to submitting OIAs, suited to big Metro Councils and not necessarily centralised processes, lack of agility to make local where once we could work cooperatively. Information that issues/ aligned to pain points rural areas withsized and medium Waka towns. decisions and control focus instead of support.” we know exists has taken months to secure. There was far too much focus on a "transport revolution" and Kotahi Specifically responsiveness (three we cannot find funding for improving pinch points in the roading network where there are “The lack of basic understanding of what is going on outside of the Waka Kotahi offices on the coalface is a technology, and far too little on getting the basics done. Transport regulations and building and maintaining roads key driver capacity statements: constraints. The whole network prioritise and travel reliability times can be let down by this. The focus on worry.” were neglected and the price is being paid now.” them, mode shift solve prob and safety quick, is important, efficient however this should not be at the expense of other initiatives that “Excessive focus on process and rules rather than “Waka Kotahi is slow, opaque, its asset management /effective processes have big benefits at a local level.” outcomes. No respect for other organisations that also maturity is lacking and neither the decision makers nor have knowledge in the transport space (and often more their methodology are not available to the regions.” knowledge).” COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 27
COMMUNICATION DRIVERS OF SATISFACTION As shown earlier, there have been significant improvements in the communications drivers at an overall level, making communication an area to ‘maintain and celebrate.’ At an individual level, there remains one communication driver to prioritise and invest in in order to build reciprocal relationships – openly sharing information. DRIVERS OF SATISFACTION – INDIVIDUAL MEASURES COMMUNICATION Attributes in this box have a lower performance rating, but a high Attributes in this box have a high performance rating, and a high impact on satisfaction impact on satisfaction High Partner Engages in two-way dialogue on matters of importance to your organisation Impact on satisfaction Openly shares information Is open and transparent about key influences on funding Engages with you about emerging trends and opportunities in your area of work / region Clearly communicates transport priorities Clearly articulates a long-term vision Low Low Agreement with each question High Source: B1 / C1 / D1 / F1 Base: All stakeholders (n=297) B1 – WORKING WITH WAKA KOTAHI C1 - COMMUNICATION D1 - STAFF COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 29
HOW WAKA KOTAHI COMMUNICATES AND ENGAGES Waka Kotahi has made notable improvements in the communications space since 2019. All measures have seen significant increases except for the open sharing of information. Analysis indicates a clear priority for communication investment for Waka Kotahi - ensuring that they are open and transparent in all their information sharing. % NETT AGREE 2019 2020 Waka Kotahi clearly communicates 52 64 10 54 20 12 22 “Waka Kotahi is very open, transparent and transport priorities easy to work with. Key staff are accessible, responsive and very professional.” Waka Kotahi clearly articulates a long-term 33 55 8 46 23 16 4 3 “There have been significant improvements vision lately, both in communication and the way in which things are done.” Waka Kotahi engages in two-way dialogue on matters of importance to your 43 53 9 43 20 20 4 3 “Communication with Waka Kotahi has organisation improved greatly in the last 12 months.” “Zero communication from anyone senior In Waka Kotahi is open and transparent about 39 52 9 43 23 15 3 6 the last year despite transport system key influences on funding desperately needing attention. Long timeframes.” Waka Kotahi engages with you about emerging trends and opportunities in your 40 51 9 42 21 21 4 3 “Some areas are very poor at listening to us, area of work / region and sometimes blatantly ignore us. Communication or willingness to help could be improved. More discussion relating to bridges Waka Kotahi openly shares information 40 47 7 39 24 23 4 3 rather than just roads could be improved.” % Strongly agree % Tend to agree % Neither agree nor disagree % Tend to disagree % Strongly disagree % Don’t know Source: C1: How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following about how Waka Kotahi communicates? Base: All stakeholders (n=297) Significantly higher / lower than 2019 Key driver of overall satisfaction COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 30
HOW WAKA KOTAHI COMMUNICATES AND ENGAGES: SUB-GROUP DIFFERENCES Having a point of contact with Waka Kotahi is once again a clear indication of how positive stakeholders are about communication from the agency, further cementing the need to ensure stakeholders know who to get in touch with. Both senior staff, and staff working in the Upper North Island appear to be successfully engaging and communicating with their stakeholders, as they are generally more positive. STAKEHOLDERS WHO THOSE INVOLVED IN WORK IN POINT OF CONTACT INTERACT WITH SENIOR STAFF THE UPPER NORTH ISLAND SUB-GROUP DIFFERENCES BASED ON HAVING A POINT OF CONTACT OR NOT: More likely than average to agree that: Waka Kotahi clearly communicates Waka Kotahi clearly articulates a long- Waka Kotahi clearly transport priorities term vision Waka Kotahi is open and communicates 71% VS 64% transparent about key transport priorities influences on funding 68% VS 43% 64% 61% VS 30% 55% Waka Kotahi is open 73% VS 52% * Has PoC No PoC * and transparent about Has PoC No PoC 60% VS 52% key influences on funding * Waka Kotahi engages in two-way Waka Kotahi is open and transparent Waka Kotahi engages in two-way dialogue dialogue on matters of importance to your about key influences on funding on matters of importance to your organisation organisation THOSE WITH AT LEAST WEEKLY 59% VS 25% 53% 57% VS 26% 52% CONTACT 68% VS 53% Has PoC No PoC More likely than average to agree that: * Has PoC No PoC * * Waka Kotahi engages with you about Waka Kotahi engages with you about Waka Kotahi engages in two-way emerging trends and opportunities in your emerging trends and opportunities in your Waka Kotahi openly shares information dialogue on matters of importance area of work / region area of work / region to your organisation 67% VS 51% 57% VS 25% 51% 51% VS 26% 47% 61% VS 53% Has PoC No PoC Has PoC No PoC * * * Source: C1: How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following about how Waka Kotahi communicates? Stars indicate the key drivers of satisfaction that have Base: All stakeholders (n=297) been identified as needing improvement COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 31 *Note: figures in right-hand circles are the average score for that statement, all respondents
STAKEHOLDER ISSUES WITH COMMUNICATION Below are some comments from stakeholders illustrating the key issues they have with communicating with Waka Kotahi. “Waka Kotahi needs to be more proactive in: “It appears regional Waka Kotahi staff are poorly “Lack of transparency, everything from a lack communicated with by their Head Office. Often we - sharing lessons learned on projects and of board minutes being published to having tell them information and ask questions on matters process to OIA to get information that should be they should know about. They appear reluctant to readily available. Lack of accountability or engage outside of scheduled meetings and it is - managing the various often conflicting explanation for project cost over runs, difficult to get them to travel to our region. opinions within its teams and getting to a delays, delivery quality. Issues raised are not conclusion much faster resolved and continue year on year.” Collectively they are poor at responding to emails or phone calls. Staff spend many hours chasing up - being clearer on escalation processes when answers and trying to find the right people to Add“The interaction with verbatim the agency is poorly comments coordinated and haphazard. I have little we get stuck so that matters can be resolved engage with particularly on State Highway quickly at the right level. matters.” highlighting understanding ofspecific stakeholder what is a priority and why. Those communicating with organisations We are noting an emerging trend in that Waka “At times Waka Kotahi can be slow to respond, but issues/ painlittlepoints have taken with Waka time to understand our priorities.” Kotahi relies on and takes more notice of we do work through this.” Kotahi responsiveness (three constructor ideas / points of view while treating professional services as arm's length “At a senior management level the working key “At driver statements: times I sense prioritise a lack of willingness at "suppliers". The most cost effective and efficient Waka Kotahi contacts to talk freely and relationship is adhoc. Waka Kotahi management time to positively influence a project outcome is are good and respond well to specific issues, but it them, solve frankly, prob quick, and a preference to defaultefficient to the party line.” during its planning and design, not construction. The lack of interest in professional services feels transactional and there isn't a strategic /effective processes relationship being maintained.” views and ideas reduces the opportunity for better project outcomes.” COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 32
STAFF DRIVERS OF SATISFACTION As seen earlier in the key drivers analysis staff performance is relatively high. As is often found in stakeholder surveys, staff perform relatively well compared to the organisation, and this is consistent with 2019 results. There are no key areas to invest in with staff satisfaction. DRIVERS OF SATISFACTION – INDIVIDUAL MEASURES Attributes in this box have a lower performance rating, but a high Attributes in this box have a high performance rating, and a high impact on satisfaction impact on satisfaction High Staff are collaborative Impact on satisfaction Staff are focused on solutions Staff engage with the right representatives in your sector Staff are responsive when In general, you find it easy to contact relevant staff you have problems or Staff show an interest in your area of work / queries region Staff are provided with an appropriate level of decision-making authority Staff are knowledgeable Staff understand the transport- Staff behave related needs and concerns of professionally your local area Low Low Agreement with each question High Source: B1 / C1 / D1 / F1 Base: All stakeholders (n=297) B1 – WORKING WITH WAKA KOTAHI C1 - COMMUNICATION D1 - STAFF COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 34
PERCEPTIONS OF WAKA KOTAHI STAFF Once again, staff have the highest performance of any of the areas rated. They continue to be seen as professional, knowledgeable, and show an interest in the work of stakeholders. Perceptions that staff are provided with an appropriate level of decision-making authority have increased notably from 2019. However, this remains the poorest performance rating for staff, with only four in ten stakeholders agreeing. % NETT AGREE 2019 2020 % NETT DISAGREE Behave professionally 88 88 29 59 7 211 3 Are knowledgeable 80 75 19 56 15 7 13 5 “The majority of Show an interest in your area of work/region 70 69 16 53 16 9 2 4 people I engage with have all been 11 helpful In general, you find it easy to contact relevant staff 64 66 20 46 16 11 3 3 and courteous and I have built good Are responsive when you have problems or 14 with relationships queries 60 65 13 51 19 10 4 2 those that I deal with regularly. Staff are Engage with the right representatives in your 20 very knowledgeable sector 64 63 13 51 23 6 2 6 about their area, and are in the most part Understand the transport-related needs and 18 and to want to help concerns of your local area 58 61 13 47 21 12 2 4 be inclusive in their dealings.” Are collaborative 59 59 15 43 24 13 22 20 Are focused on solutions 52 57 12 45 26 12 22 21 Are provided with an appropriate level of decision-making authority 26 39 6 33 23 24 7 7 42 % Strongly agree % Tend to agree % Neither agree nor disagree % Tend to disagree % Strongly disagree % Don’t know Source: D1: How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about Waka Kotahi staff you mostly interact with? Waka Kotahi staff… COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 35 Base: All stakeholders (n=297) Significantly higher / lower than 2019
PERCEPTIONS OF WAKA KOTAHI STAFF: SUB-GROUP DIFFERENCES Having a point of contact within Waka Kotahi gives stakeholders a more positive perception of staff, while not having a point of contact results in stakeholders having more negative perceptions. Therefore, allowing stakeholders to maintain a relationship with the key staff that they work with is important for increasing engagement. POINT OF CONTACT SUB-GROUP DIFFERENCES BASED ON HAVING A POINT OF CONTACT OR NOT: Show an interest in your area of In general, you find it easy to contact Are responsive when you have problems work/region relevant staff or queries 75% VS 40% 69% 75% VS 26% 66% 73% VS 28% 65% Has PoC No PoC * Has PoC No PoC * Has PoC No PoC * Engage with the right representatives in Understand the transport-related needs your sector and concerns of your local area Are collaborative 71% VS 30% 63% 67% VS 36% 61% 66% VS 28% 59% Has PoC No PoC Has PoC No PoC Has PoC No PoC * * * Are provided with an appropriate level of Are focused on solutions decision-making authority Are knowledgeable 63% VS 32% 57% 43% VS 23% 39% 78% VS 60% 75% Has PoC No PoC * Has PoC No PoC * Has PoC No PoC * Source: D1: How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following *Note: figures in right-hand circles are the average score for that statement, all respondents statements about Waka Kotahi staff you mostly interact with? Waka Kotahi staff… COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 36 Base: All stakeholders (n=297)
PERCEPTIONS OF WAKA KOTAHI STAFF: SUB-GROUP DIFFERENCES Stakeholders involved in work in the Upper North Island have more positive perceptions about staff than average. Meanwhile, stakeholders from industry / representative organisations, senior stakeholders, and those with less frequent contact are more negative. However, around half still have positive perceptions. INDUSTRY / REP THOSE INVOLVED IN WORK IN THE UPPER NORTH ISLAND SENIOR STAKEHOLDERS ORGANISATIONS More likely than average to agree that: Less likely than average to agree that: Behave professionally Are knowledgeable Are focused on solutions In general, you find it easy to contact relevant staff 98% VS 88% 88% VS 75% * 42% VS 57% 60% 66% * VS In general, you find it Are responsive when * * easy to contact relevant you have problems or staff queries THOSE WHO CONTACT LESS 81% VS 66% 79% VS 65% OFTEN In general, you find it easy to contact relevant staff Less likely than average to agree that: * * Are focused on Are responsive when you Are provided with an appropriate 53% VS 66% solutions have problems or queries level of decision-making authority 77% VS 57% 58% VS 39% 54% VS 65% * * * Source: D1: How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following *Note: figures in right-hand circles are the average score for that statement, all respondents statements about Waka Kotahi staff you mostly interact with? Waka Kotahi staff… COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 37 Base: All stakeholders (n=297)
STAKEHOLDER ISSUES WITH STAFF Below are some comments from stakeholders illustrating some key issues and pain points with staff around lack of decision making authority, or knowing who to contact. “There appear to be systemic issues that “Roading team staff are good, but lack any ability undermine the good personal relationships and to make a decision, or not even let us know where “Have had changing people to deal with. In the create overall dissatisfaction for local authorities. / who makes decisions. I have several queries recent past those I deal with have not been The 'corporate attitude' appears to be negative dating back up to 2 years. Constantly told 'your empowered to make decisions.” and not designed to aid local authorities achieve query is in the system', 'There is a process' etc.” outcomes for our communities. “Staff need to be enabled and empowered to make Compartmentalising and centralising planning “During the restructures of the last few years we decisions.” activities means there appears to be a disconnect felt abandoned in a way as people moved, left or between regional system managers/staff, and structures were changed. We had five different “Slow decision making. Seems that people with the Add verbatim comments head office(s), resulting in seemingly random or knowledge and understanding of issues are often haphazard planning and decisions. Regions need contacts in about six months and gave up for a while. I understand change process are tough on not empowered to make things happen. Alignment highlighting specific stakeholder more autonomy and delegation for decision staff, but they can also be tough on clients.” and communication between sections of Waka issues/ pain points with Waka making. The agency for a long time have lacked Kotahi seems to be lacking at times.” engagement in long-term planning for regions, and “Moved from a partnership, built over many years, Kotahi responsiveness (three even now that some progress has been made to a supplier-vendor relationship (seen but not “Waka Kotahi staff are stretched and contact there is still an apparent 'black box' that generates heard). High turnover in staff and lack of tribal replies are several days later (if at all). The number key driver statements: prioritise local projects that do not align with Council or knowledge has led to a transactional culture. As a of hurdles to cross seem to grow. Data collection seems to have been given a life that grossly them, solve prob quick, efficient community needs and views, or ignores them altogether. We still do not have a long term view of long standing agency supplier we have considerable business knowledge / insight to offer exceeds the benefits available.” /effective processes what Waka Kotahi's plans are i.e. an equivalent of but the opportunity to add this value is very the Council's Long Term Plan and Activity limited.” Management Plan.” COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 38
DRIVERS OF SATISFACTION: STAKEHOLDERS WHO SUBMITTED A BUSINESS CASE We also undertook a separate statistical analysis for those stakeholders who had submitted a business case. The priorities identified for all stakeholders also largely apply to those who submitted a business case. Key areas for improvement remain as clear communication throughout the business case process as well as working collaboratively to prioritise investment outcomes. DRIVERS OF SATISFACTION – INDIVIDUAL MEASURES BUSINESS CASE PROCESS Attributes in this box have a lower performance rating, but a high Attributes in this box have a high performance rating, and a high impact on satisfaction impact on satisfaction High Impact on satisfaction Key areas for business case improvement Communicates clearly throughout the business case process so that decisions are not a surprise When prioritising investment outcomes, works collaboratively with your organisation Throughout the process, helps build your capability to develop business cases in the future Takes into account new evidence which Provides appropriate guidance when you are Provides business case decisions when they surfaces during the development of a using the Business Case Approach say they will business case When there are delays in business case Expected timeframes for assessing business assessments for funding they are justifiable cases are reasonable The rationale for decisions on the business case are clearly articulated Communicates about key decision points or delays Low Low Agreement with each question High Source: B1 / C1 / D1 / F1 Base: All stakeholders who submitted a business case (n=88) WORKING WITH WAKA KOTAHI COMMUNICATION STAFF BUSINESS CASES COLMAR BRUNTON 2020 | 40
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