Covid-19 Resource & Support List - Covering Fife 1/8/2021 - Fife Forum

Page created by Pamela Holland
           Covid-19 Resource &
           Support List
           Covering Fife

  | Fife Forum
Fife Forum - latest edit 080121 - email


2            Foreword
3-9          National
10-17        Fife-wide
18-20        Across Multiple Localities
21-22        Levenmouth Locality
23-24        Glenrothes Locality
25-27        North East Fife Locality
28-29        Kirkcaldy Locality
30           Cowdenbeath Locality
31-32        City of Dunfermline Locality
33           South West Locality
34           Contact Details

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As we entered the Covid-19 pandemic, the team at Fife Forum began to think about how they might be able to
continue providing support to people and organisations throughout Fife. To assist our role, and ourselves in this,
we began to gather detail relating to what supports were available for people during what was and is
unprecedented times.
Fife Forum started to collate a Resource & Support List which the staff went on to distribute among their work
contacts. Since then the list has grown and we are now attempting to better present the information to assist the
reader. As many of the provisions scribed provide more than one support over a variety of areas we intend to
now present the information by geographical area rather than service type.
The list will remain far from comprehensive but hopefully it continues to capture at least some of the primary
supports we at Fife Forum are aware of.
Please feel free to distribute as widely as you see fit and contact Fife Forum (FAO Wayne
should you wish to include or amend information. Our intention is to present information as accurately as we are
able and apologise if errors occur. Should you note any anomalies please notify Fife Forum and we will
endeavour to correct this as soon as is practicable.

       Fife Forum aims to update this resource weekly (Thursday) and it is downloadable from our website

                           If this helps one person this feels worthwhile. Stay safe, stay well.

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 Service:                      Brief:                             Contact/Links:                                Other:
 Age Scotland                  Free helpline for the over 50s                    National
 Update (051120)               and online support                 0800 12 44 222                                Mon-Fri 0900-1700
                                                                  Order Your 2021 Calendar Here: Follow link
                                                                  for free calendar (ctrl & click link)
 Breathing Space               Free helpline for people  (for info & to        National
 Update (031220)               experiencing mental health         download ‘The Little Book of Caring Ways’)    Mon-Thurs 1800-0200
                               issues                             0800 83 85 87                                 Fri-Mon 1800-0600
 Scottish Government           A new national helpline to         0800 111 4000                                 National
 National Assistance           provide essential assistance                                                     Links people over 70 or who
 Helpline                      to those who don’t have a                                                        receive the flu vaccine for
 Update (081020): Remains in   network of support and who                                                       medical reasons in to local
 operation for those self-     are at greater risk if they                                                      supports such as Helping
 isolating or at risk          contract COVID-19                                                                Hand (see Fife-wide)
 Re-engage                     Telephone befriending for                    National
                               people 75+ who live alone or       0800 716 543
                               in sheltered housing with little
                               or no social contact
 Operation Connect, RAF        Telephone services for those            National
                               with RAF links includes: a         0800 018 2361
                               friendship helpline; bag
                               drops; daily RAF themed
                               online entertainment
 Coronavirus SAMH Mental       Online support and            National
 Health Hub                    signposting                        help-and-wellbeing/coronavirus-information-
 Samaritans Scotland           Telephone helpline, listening      Telephone 116 123                             National
 Helpline                      ear                                Email
 Frank Helpline                Telephone helpline if                               National
                               someone wants to speak             0300 123 3393                                 24-hour helpline
                               about drugs in confidence
 SCLD (Scottish Consortium     Easy read coronavirus                                   National
 for Learning Disabilities)    information                        0141 248 3733

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 Service:                      Brief:                          Contact/Links:                              Other:
 Coronavirus Emergency         One-off payment of £50 to                             National
 Energy Fund, One Parent       single parent families in                                                   Applications must be
 Families Scotland             Scotland who need help with                                                 endorsed/submitted by a
                               their energy bills (may be                                                  sponsor (Social Worker;
                               subject to change should this                                               Health professional; Housing
                               be over-subscribed, so                                                      Officer, teacher; clergy; or,
                               please check first)                                                         Third Sector organisation)
                                                                                                           If you do not have a sponsor
                                                                                                           contact 0131 556 3899 or
 Scottish Women’s Aid          Covid-19 advice and                   National
                               information for women,                                                      The helpline is as SDAFMH
                               children and young people
                               experiencing domestic abuse
 Scotland’s Domestic Abuse     Helpline for all people                           National
 and Forced Marriage           experiencing domestic abuse     0800 027 1234                               24-hour helpline
 Helpline (SDAFMH)             or forced marriages             Email                 Translation service available
 LGBT Helpline Scotland        Helpline or a friendly voice                       National
                               for LGBT people                 0300 123 2523                               Tues, Wed 1200-2100
                                                               Email            Thurs, Sun 1300-1800
 National LGBT+ Domestic       Helpline for LGBT+ people                            National
 Abuse Helpline                experiencing domestic abuse     0800 999 0327                               Mon, Tues, Fri 1000-1700
                                                                                                           Wed, Thurs 1000-2000
 Respect Men’s Advice Line     Helpline for men                0808 8010327                                National
                               experiencing domestic abuse                                                 Mon, Wed 0900-2000
                                                                                                           Tues, Thurs, Fri 0900-1700
 Citizens Advice Scotland      Online advice                                       National
                                                               Coronavirus advice - what it means to you
 Shelter Scotland              Housing advice and                     National
                               homelessness                    0808 800 4444                               Mon-Fri Office Hours

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 Service:                      Brief:                            Contact/Links:                              Other:
 Scottish Fire Service         Carers & partner agencies                     National & Fife-wide
                               are being encouraged to           0800 0731 999                               The Fire Service Community
                               support people to remain   Action Team have some
                               safe at home in relation to       form.aspx for Home Fire Safety Portal       capacity to take on voluntary
                               fire hazards; resources to                                                    roles within the community
                               assist this are available on                                                  due to work being limited by
                               line; people can still be                                                     the coronavirus situation;
                               referred for practical safety                                                 requests are required to be
                               advice via the Home Fire                                                      formal and in writing to
                               Safety portal                                                       
 British Red Cross             The British Red Cross can         For General Public: National Support        National
                               link people with local            Line 0808 196 3651                          British Red Cross National
                               supports, provide information     1000-1800 daily                             Telephone Support Line
                               and guidance, and offer           For Partner Agencies: Call Centre for       Edinburgh, Lothians & Fife
                               someone to chat with              Referrals (Dalkeith) 0131 654 0340          Call Centre for Referrals
                                                                 Mon-Fri 0900-1630
 Alzheimer Scotland & Fife     A range of supports are          National & Fife-wide
 Services                      available by telephone and        coronavirus                                 Fife Services – Mon-Thurs
                               video link, including support     Telephone Befriending & 24-Hour Helpline    0900-1600; Fri 0900-1500
                               from Fife Dementia Advisors       – 0808 808 300                              National Services – 24-Hour
                               (for both those who are cared     Local Supports, Advice and Information –
                               for and their carers); can also   01592 204541
                               provide a list of local           Email (Local
                               shopping delivery services        Services)
                                                                 Email (National)
 Advice Line Plus, Scottish    Extended hours advice line            National
 Autism                        providing reassurance,            support/family-support/advice-line-plus     7-days 0800-2000
                               guidance and support for          01259 222022
                               autistic people and their         Email

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 Service:                      Brief:                           Contact/Links:                                Other:
 AbilityNet                    In response to the                              National
 (Technology Support)          Coronavirus emergency            0800 269 545                                  UK Office Hours
                               AbilityNet is running a series
                               of live online events to help
                               share useful information for
                               disabled people and their
                               carers; alongside providing
                               free IT support to help older
                               people and people with
                               disabilities to use technology
                               to achieve their goals
 Co-operate (Co-op)            Online portal for information            National
                               & guidance during the Covid-                                                   They aim to respond within 7
                               19 pandemic                                                                    days
                                                                                                              Note: some local Co-op
                                                                                                              stores are utilising Co-op
                                                                                                              food delivery volunteers
 Care Home FaNs                Care Home Friends and                            National
                               Neighbours (Care Home
                               FaNs) is a national project
                               that is helping care homes to
                               connect meaningfully with
                               their local community to
                               enhance the quality of life of
                               older people and those that
                               support them; go online for 3
                               easy-to-take steps
 Saje Scotland                 Empowering women to make                          National
 Update (071220): New 10-      positive choices about their     Get in touch to book a place on a course or
 week Freedom Programme        lives; groups are running        get more information
 starts from 110121            online (Zoom) and support is     07909482279 or 07887248354
                               offered by phone and email       Email

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 Service:                      Brief:                           Contact/Links:                                  Other:
 Chest Heart & Stroke          Kindness volunteers can                                 National
 Scotland                      provide regular telephone        0808 801 0899
                               chats; dog walking; shopping
                               or medication deliveries
 Dance For Life, Strathearn    Free online dance classes        For information on how to join contact          Based in Crieff – Currently
 Arts, Crieff                  which may benefit people         Megan:                                          open to anyone
                               with any kind of mobility        07789639956                                     Mon, Tue, Thur 1400 via
                               issue or other challenges;       Email                  Zoom
                               can remain seated as
                               designed to be accessible;       For further information or to sign up contact
                               classes are held online via      Janice Fraser:
                               the Zoom platform thus an        07921771486
                               internet connected device
                               with camera is required
 Scotland Cycle Repair         Free bike repairs for people               National
 Scheme (supported by          who wouldn’t otherwise be        Email (for Bike Shops)                          The Scheme aims to carry
 Scottish Government &         able to afford repairs (up to If a Bike Shop would         out 30 000 repairs by 310321
 administered by Cycle UK)     £50 per person; each             like to participate in the scheme contact by    (the scheme may close
                               member of a family can get       email                                           before this date)
                               one bike repaired; for                                                           Search for the nearest
                               disabled people who own a                                                        participating Bike Shop via
                               non-standard cycle it is up to                                                   the web link or look for a Bike
                               £100 per person; manual                                                          Shop displaying a poster or
                               wheelchairs can also be                                                          window sticker
                               taken to participating Bike                                                      The scheme is universal but
                               Shops for maintenance);                                                          is intended for those who
                               punctures, old tyres, brake                                                      would otherwise struggle to
                               problems, gears that don’t                                                       pay for the repairs
                               work properly, or other issues
                               that prevent cycle use are
                               covered by the scheme
                               (check the web link for
                               exemptions and participating
                               Bike Shops)

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 Service:                      Brief:                          Contact/Links:                              Other:
 The Good Care Group           Dedicated privately                       National
 Scotland Limited (Live-in     purchased live-in care          0203 728 7577 Dedicated Client Services     Specialist respite care
 Respite Provider)             provider rated outstanding by   Email                                       available - includes dementia;
                               the CQC and excellent by the         Parkinson’s; MS
                               Care Inspectorate; the                                                      There is an additional clinical
                               shortest contract offered is    TGCG Scotland- Care Brochure -There's       and environmental care
                               the Respite Package 24/7        nowhere better than home (ctrl & click to   assessment visit required to
                               Live-in Care (cost per week     follow link)                                be carried out costing
                               £1692.00 for a minimum of                                                   £395.00
                               14 days and can be taken in                                                 The cost of 24/7 live-
                               2 separate blocks); regulated                                               in ongoing care
                               live-in care provided                                                       is £1494.00 per week
                               throughout Scotland
 Individuals – Hardship        Funding sources and             Pandemic Funding for Individuals (ctrl &    National & Fife-wide
 Grants – Funding Sources      hardship assistance during      click to follow link)
 (link provided by Fife        Covid-19 (external links)       01592 583498 Funding & Monitoring Team,
 Voluntary Action & the                                        Fife Council
 Funding & Monitoring Team,
 Fife Council)
 Covid-19 Helpline (delivered General advice & guidance        0800 028 2816                               National
 on behalf of NHS 24)         for non-clinical needs,          Dial 111 for medical assistance
                              including help & advice in
                              relation to testing
 Business Support Helpline    Official helpline for            0300 303 0660                               National
 (Scottish Government)        businesses for all questions
                              related to coronavirus
                              financial support and
                              essential advice
 Employers’ Helpline          Practical workplace advice       0800 019 2211                               National
 (Healthy Working Lives)      on health, safety and well-
                              being information

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 Service:                      Brief:                            Contact/Links:                               Other:
 Face Covering Exemptions,     Information as to who is for information and online   National
 Scottish Government & NHS     exempt from wearing a face        applications                                 Online or Mon-Fri 1000-1500
 Scotland                      covering and how to apply for     0800 121 6240 for telephone applications     for telephone applications
                               an exemption card (available      for those without internet access
                               as a physical card or digital
                               card); physical cards are
                               issued within 7-14 days and
                               digital cards are issued within
 SHOUT, UK Text Messaging      24/7 text messaging service                         National
 Helpline                      for when people feel they         Text SHOUT to 85258                          24/7
                               need immediate support and        Text STOP to stop conversation               Free from all major UK
                               are experiencing a                Text START to 85258 to re-start the          networks (EE; O2; Three;
                               challenging time with their       conversation                                 Vodafone; BT Mobile; Virgin
                               mental health; available to       Text LOOFAH following your conversation      Mobile; Tesco Mobile; iD
                               anyone, anywhere, at any          to remove/scrub data from system             Mobile; Sky; Telecom Mobile;
                               time; free and anonymous          Email if contacting    Libra; Giffgaff – some android
                               (information may be shared if     from a network listed and the service does   phones may indicate you will
                               someone is at risk)               not appear to be working (include your       be charged, this is incorrect if
                                                                 mobile phone number and network              you are on these networks
                                                                 provider)                                    and you will not be charged)
 Innovations in Dementia       Easy way to source and                   National
 ‘Tip-Share’                   share tips that assist daily      Email for further
 Update (081220): Launches     living for people living with     information
 071220                        dementia; over 600 tips over
                               9 themes; all tips contributed
                               by those living with dementia

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 Service:                          Brief:                            Contact/Links:                 Other:
 Fife Forum                        Enquiries; signposting;            Fife-wide
 Update (211220): Essential        telephone befriending             01592 643743                   Mon-Fri 0800-1800
 visits may be arranged where      (existing clients; new            Email    Messages can be left and will
 practicable/permissible           referrals where required);        Facebook Fife Forum            be forwarded to the
 excluding periods where Fife      telephone befriending via                                        appropriate staff member and
 is in Tier 4; Fife Forum closed   Helping Hand (see below)                                         responded to asap
 from 241220 returning 050121
 Helping Hand, Fife                Partnership to help support   Fife-wide
 Voluntary Action                  people and the most               0800 389 6046                  Mon-Fri 0900-1800
 Update (211220): Continuing       vulnerable with their needs                                      Weekends 0900-1200
 befriending enquiries &           during the crisis; people can
 signposting (reduced cover        register to receive support
 during Christmas period –         and volunteer to provide
 note: no dog walking services)    support
 Prescription Delivery             FVA has partnered with NHS   Fife-wide
 Service, Fife Voluntary           Fife, Fife Health and Social      0800 389 6046                  Mon-Sun 0800-2000
 Action                            Care Partnership and Fife                                        Individuals must be unable to
 Update (240720):                  Council to provide a                                             collect their prescriptions
 Prescription Delivery to cease    prescription delivery service                                    themselves and have no one
 from 150820                       for those in Fife that are most                                  who can collect them on their
                                   in need                                                          behalf.
                                                                                                    Methadon/Subutex: Unable
                                                                                                    to collect or deliver these
                                                                                                    drugs. Please contact
                                                                                                    addiction services on 01592
                                                                                                    716446 if help is required
 Elders Crisis Contact             A friendly voice to talk to or        Fife-wide
 Centre, Castle                    arranging doorstep deliveries     01334 898669                   For people 55+ (for people
 Update (211220): Automated        of essentials and pharmacy                                       55-75 you should be unable
 response indicating closed        collections                                                      to leave your home owing to
 during Christmas period                                                                            an illness or disability)
 (check website for updates)

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 Service:                      Brief:                          Contact/Links:                             Other:
 Cosy Kingdom                  Telephone energy advice,        01592 807930                               Fife-wide
                               including energy debt support   Text COSY then your NAME to 88440          Mon-Fri 0900-1700
 Fife Council                  Local Authority services        Council Services: 03451 55 00 99           Fife-wide
                                                               Homelessness: 03451 55 00 33 (Mon-Fri)
                                                               or 0800 028 6231 (weekends)
                                                               Scottish Welfare Fund: 0300 555 02 65
                                                               (Mon-Fri 0900-1430)
                                                               Social Work & Social Care: 03451 55 15
                                                               Covid Community Helpline: 0800 952
                                                               0330 (Mon-Fri 0900-1700) or email
 Foodbanks                     Food parcels for people in      Cupar: 07474453153 email                   Owing to Covid-19 there may
 Update (051120): New          hardship – for further                 be local variations so please
 contact for Dunfermline &     information relating to the     Dunfermline: 01383 432483 or               contact
 surrounding areas             services delivered in any       07730751895 email                          Glenrothes Foodbank only
                               given area contact the           accept referrals via Fife
                               nearest locality link           East Neuk: Anstruther Church - Tue 1200-   Council, Scottish Welfare
                                                               1600; Thu 1600-1800                        Fund or CARF (to be
                                                               Glenrothes: 01592 631088 email             reviewed Nov 2020)
                                                                 For referrals in the
                                                               Kirkcaldy: Various locations, website      following towns and their
                                                                    surrounding areas, tel:
                                                               Levenmouth: 07966502854 Delivery only      South West Villages
                                                               St Andrews: 01334 474940 (option 2)        07985739452; Ballingry
                                                               email       07515290119; Kelty 01383
                                                               Taybridgehead: 07840957039                 650273; Cowdenbeath
                                                               (emergencies only)                         07828564232
 Fife Migrants Forum           Telephone & online support;               Fife-wide
                               Virtual Conversational Cafes    01592 642927                               Main chatroom & local
                               to combat isolation and         Facebook @fife.migrants                    chatrooms can be accessed
                               improve English                 Email        Telephone 0930-1300

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 Service:                      Brief:                            Contact/Links:                              Other:
 Citizens Advice & Rights      Telephone advice                                  Fife-wide
 Fife                                                            General Advice 0345 1400 095                Mon-Fri 0830-1600
                                                                 Debt Advice 0345 1400 094
                                                                 Universal Credit 0800 023 2581
                                                                 Macmillan Service (people affected by
                                                                 Cancer) 0345 1400 092
                                                                 Text Service for the Deaf Community
                                                                 0787 2677 904
 Asda Pharmacy                 Call and collect service for      Dunfermline (Halbeath) 01383 843617         Fife-wide
                               vulnerable people or those        Kirkcaldy (Carberry Road) 01592 657210      Please note opening times
                               who are practising social                                                     within stores may be reduced
                               distancing – prescriptions                                                    and people should call their
                               can be collected from your                                                    local Asda pharmacy team for
                               car at dedicated bays within                                                  more information
                               the store car parks.
 Fife One Stop Shop,           Support by e mail and               Fife-wide
 Scottish Autism               telephone; telephone support      support/family-support/fife-one-stop-shop   Aim to respond within 3
                               by appointment; information       01592 645350                                working days
                               and advice in relation to         Email
                               Autism and local supports for
                               autistic people, their families
                               and professionals
 Kirkcaldy Central Mosque      Free Food Packs                           Fife-wide deliveries
                                                                 01592 641057
 Lead Scotland Befriending     Distance Befriending for                             Fife-wide
 for Young Carers              Young Carers aged 12-18;          0131 228 9441 or 07775844885 Emma           Tue, Thu, Fri (working days)
                               weekly telephone/email/video      Pauley
                               support offered by volunteers     Email

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 Service:                       Brief:                          Contact/Links:                                    Other:
 Lead Scotland Learning         Distance learning for                                    Fife-wide
 Project                        individuals (age 16+); weekly   07768 916460 Dawn Robb (Fife Learning             Support will be provided by
                                telephone/email/video           Co-ordinator)                                     volunteers, who are PVG
                                support for those seeking to    Email                           members; priority given to
                                learn how to use a computer                                                       people who live on their own
                                or another skill
 Lead Scotland Befriending      Distance befriending for                                   Fife-wide
 (Adults)                       adults (age 16+); weekly        07950 771875 Louise Andree                        Mon-Thu (working days)
                                telephone/email/video call      Email
                                support offered by volunteers
                                for those who are feeling
                                lonely or socially isolated;
                                priority is given to people
                                who live on their own
 Fife Centre for Equalities –   Minority ethnic older people                    Fife-wide
 60+ Minority Ethnic Older      60+ can use this support to     01592 645310 Centre or                            Alongside the
 People Project                 access public services;         07826753539 Direct line for Damian                aforementioned service the
 Update (090920)                access befriending; &           Hoggan-Radu (Operational Assistant)               Centre’s vison is to enable
                                information and signposting     Email or          everyone they work with to
                                                                       take action that makes Fife a
                                                                Cantonese 07881 925301                            more equal, fairer place to
                                                                Romanian 07826 753539                             live, work and study providing
                                                                Urdu 07827 405915                                 a collective voice to
                                                                Vârstnicii etnici minoritari din Fife au acum     champion equality, diversity,
                                                                acces la asistență pentru a accesa serviciile     inclusion and social justice
                                                                共服 務的資訊
                                                                ‫فائف کے اقالیتی بزرگ اب ہماری مدد سے پبلک سروسز‬
                                                                ‫کی رسائی حاصل کرسکتے ہیں‬
                                                                For other languages, the Centre will find the
                                                                right interpreter.

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 Service:                      Brief:                           Contact/Links:                  Other:
 Fife Carers Centre            New referrals accepted;        Fife-wide
 Update (220920)               centre remains closed for        01592 205472                    Referrals can be made via
                               drop-in; offering telephone,     Email   the telephone or the online
                               email and virtual contact                                        portal
                               (face-to-face contact is not
                               currently available); current
                               services include - assistance
                               given to complete forms; help
                               with emergency planning
                               (including Carer Emergency
                               Cards); carer support
                               planning; a point of contact
                               for carers experiencing
                               difficulties; advocacy;
                               befriending for carers; online
                               male carers group; and, co-
                               ordinating supply of PPE to
                               entitled carers (see separate
                               entry p14)
 Friendship Cabin              Free to access virtual social    07423154632 ask for Pearl       Fife-wide
                               groups with entertainment
                               are held online via the Zoom
                               platform; to take part you
                               must have access to an
                               internet enabled device and
                               register your interest with
                               Pearl in the first instance

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 Service:                      Brief:                            Contact/Links:                        Other:
 Personal Protective           Unpaid carers may be              To request PPE contact Fife Carers:   Fife-wide
 Equipment (PPE) for Unpaid    entitled to PPE if the person     01592 205472
 Carers                        being cared for has               Email
                               symptoms or a diagnosis of
                               Covid-19; has received a
                               shielding letter and is not in
                               isolation with the carer; or,
                               any other risk there may be
                               for both carer and person
                               being cared for
 Personal Protective           A Self-Directed Support           To request PPE contact SDS Options    Fife-wide
 Equipment (PPE) for           Personal Assistant employer       Fife:
 Personal Assistants (Self-    may request PPE if the            01592 803280
 Directed Support)             person being cared for has a      Email
                               diagnosis of Covid-19;
                               another member of the same
                               household has a diagnosis or
                               symptoms; the person
                               receiving care has received a
                               shielding letter; or, any other
                               risk for person receiving care
                               or Personal Assistant(s)
 Gingerbread Fife              Lone Parent Helpline;               Fife-wide with Local
                               Support Workers who offer         01592 725210                          Projects
                               telephone advice; new             Email     Helpline:
                               referrals accepted for: Teen                                            Mon-Thurs 0900-1700
                               Parent Project; Making It                                               Fri 0900-1530
                               Work; Square Start
                               Levenmouth; Buddy Project;
                               &, Dad and Me

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 Service:                        Brief:                           Contact/Links:                                Other:
 Fife Bus (previously known      Free door-to-door transport,-      Fife-wide
 as Dial a Ride and Ring &       for people who are unable to     travel-and-parking/demand-responsive-         Bookings will only be taken
 Ride) Update: Commencing        access mainstream public         transport                                     the day before travel, with
 170820 and bookable from        transport due to some form of    By following the link you can see what days   Sunday and Monday
 140820                          reduced mobility; from           the service is running in each area by        bookings taken on a Friday
                                 170820 a revised service will    clicking on Fifebus Service by Town
                                 be in place across Fife 0800-    03451 55 11 88
                                 1730 (Mon-Sun); at this time,
                                 the service will prioritise
                                 people who need to make
                                 essential trips, for example:
                                 to attend medical
                                 appointments, GP visits,
                                 essential shopping trips
 Wells Near Me, Fife Health &    Virtual Wells held twice      Fife-wide
 Social Care Partnership and     weekly from 041120 (Wed,         Email        Internet enabled video
 Partners                        Thu 1000-1200); video calls      to make an appointment (please include:       device; chrome or safari
 Update (151220): During the     will connect participants with   name, contact, and brief description of the   browser required
 Christmas period The Wells      an advisor who will aim to       issue)                                        For people entering the
 will be operating on Tue 2212   help the person find solutions   03451 551 500 Dedicated telephone line for    virtual waiting room please be
 & Tue 2912 1000-1200 with       to their health & well-being     people with no access to technology when      advised you may not be seen
 normal service resuming twice   issues, including available      Wells are live                                if time expires
 weekly from 050121              supports; participants will      BSL People requiring an interpreter should    Dedicated telephone line in
                                 enter a virtual waiting room     request this when booking an appointment      operation when Wells are live
                                 or can pre-book an               (available from 091220)
 Fife Sports & Leisure Trust     Final preparations underway    Fife-wide
 Update (080920): Phased         for a phased re-opening;                                                       Phased reopening of centres;
 reopening from 140920           leisure centres aim to be                                                      membership updates and
                                 reopened over 4 key dates                                                      offers
                                 (140920; 280920; 121020;
                                 281020 – see website for

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 Service:                       Brief:                            Contact/Links:                               Other:
 Befriending (Communities       For elderly, disabled and     Fife-wide
 Recovery Fund), Fife           vulnerable people who are         01592 653344                                 Other privately purchased
 Shopping & Support             feeling isolated as a result of   Email                                        provisions are available
 Services                       the pandemic and would  
 Update (171220): A few         benefit from having a little      Facebook
 hours are left for referrals   company; open referral
 (available until the end of    process
 March 2021)
 Safe & Well Resource 2020      Essential signposting,      Fife-wide
 Edition, Fife Adult Support    resources and supports for        (click on ‘Safe and Well 2020 Booklet’)
 & Protection Committee         over the Christmas period         Email for further
 Update (081220): Covering                                        information
 Christmas 2020                                                   03451 55 55 55 ext 442134

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Across Multiple Localities
 Service:                      Brief:                            Contact/Links:                                Other:
 Link Living, Better Than      Provide up to eight supported     01592 644048                                  Cowdenbeath,
 Well                          self-help sessions to adults      Email              Levenmouth, Glenrothes
 Update (201120)               16+ who have experienced          Write to Link Living Better Than Well, West   Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy
                               childhood trauma to stay safe     Bridge Mill, Bridge Street, Kirkcaldy, Fife   Participants must live in the
                               and stable using a CBT            KY1 1TE                                       abovementioned localities
                               approach; the sessions aim                                                      North East Fife & South
                               to help participants                                                            West Fife Sessions will
                               understand the impact of                                                        always only be available via
                               trauma, identify outcomes                                                       telephone or video call
                               and how to work towards
                               these, and connect to other
                               supports; service is available
                               by telephone or video call;
                               approximately 4-6 week
                               waiting period for a coach;
                               referrals can be self or on
                               behalf of (with consent)
 Sporting Memories             Aim to demonstrate the                 National & Kirkcaldy;
 Update (081020)               health, wellbeing and social      Email                      Glenrothes Online Groups
                               benefits of talking about sport   Local Contact 07941123278 Gary, Group         Wed 1030-1200 Kirkcaldy
                                                                 Delivery & Practice Co-ordinator              Wed 1330-1500 Glenrothes
 Scotland Hourglass (Action    Free shopping bag delivery        07496323801                                   Dunfermline & West Fife
 on Elder Abuse)               for older people in isolation.    Email
 Dunfermline Central           Shopping/essential deliveries     Telephone or SMS 07946636913                  Dunfermline to Rosyth
 Mosque                        including halal; free food
                               parcels for those 60+ in need
 Raith Fruit Shop              Fruit/Veg & some essentials                            Kirkcaldy, Dunfermline &
                               being delivered                   01592 653444                                  Glenrothes Areas
 Womens Wellbeing Club         Female only mental health         Facebook                                      Glenrothes & Dunfermline
                               group – online resource 

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 Service:                      Brief:                            Contact/Links:                              Other:
 Sam’s Mental Health Café      Peer support team offering                         Kirkcaldy (Fife-wide with
 (SAMH), Linton Lane           mental health and crisis          Write to Sam’s, SAMH, First House,          enquiries or for those able
 Centre, Templehall,           support for anyone aged 16+;      Woodmill Road, Dunfermline KY11 4SS         to access)
 Kirkcaldy                     drop-in                           Email                 Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun 1500-2100
 Update (240720): reopened
 Sam’s Mental Health Café      Peer support team offering                         Dunfermline (Fife-wide with
 (SAMH), First House,          mental health and crisis          07725214012                                 enquiries or for those able
 Woodmill Road,                support for anyone aged 16+;      Write to Sam’s, SAMH, First House,          to access)
 Dunfermline KY11 4SS          drop-in                           Woodmill Road, Dunfermline KY11 4SS         Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun 1500-2300
 Update (070920): reopened                                       Email
 F3 Food for Families,         Free fresh food during              Dunfermline & West Fife
 Gillespie Memorial Church,    summer school holidays for        outreach/f3-food-for-families/              Service commences from
 Dunfermline                   families struggling to feed the   07518902602 Leave a message or text &       060720
                               family                            you will get a call back
                                                                 Facebook F3 or foodforfamiliesdunfermline
 Benarty Fruits, Lochore       Fruit/Veg deliveries                    Oakley to Glenrothes
                                                                 07786025233                                 Open Mon-Fri 0900-1500 &
                                                                                                             Sat 0900-1200
 Aberdour Bakery, Aberdour     Fresh bakery products &           01383 860530                                Rosyth, Townhill,
 Update (290620): Reopening    some essentials                                                               Burntisland, Kinghorn,
 for business from 170720                                                                                    Dalgety Bay & surrounding
 following brief closure                                                                                     areas
                                                                                                             Mon-Sat 0800-1400
 Fife Curnie Clubs             Promoting social inclusion    Virtual Groups:
 Update (171120)               and combating social              07384514478 Kirkcaldy (Jo)                  Kirkcaldy Tues 1100
                               isolation for people aged 26-     07384514479 Cupar & Glenrothes (Karen)      Cupar & Glenrothes Tues
                               49; continuing to support         07748631648 Cowdenbeath & Dunfermline       1100
                               members and new referrals         Steve)                                      Cowdenbeath &
                               (including self-referrals);       07384514478 Methil (Jo)                     Dunfermline Wed 1100
                               online group chats and            07741559373 Volunteer Opportunities         Methil Thu 1100
                               predetermined activities; 1:1     (Kerry)
                               support for members               Email
                               available                         Facebook Fife Curnie Clubs

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 Service:                      Brief:                          Contact/Links:                              Other:
 Employment Plus, Salvation    Free & confidential help with      Levenmouth, Glenrothes,
 Army                          employability, training, in-    0800 652 4276                               Kirkcaldy, Lochgelly &
 Update (241120)               work support and well-being     Email                                       Cowdenbeath
                               & life skills         
                                                               Local Contact 07827037013 Dawn Hinton
 Pain Association              Professionally-led training                   Dunfermline (Townhill
 Update (041220): Programme    group for people with all       0800 783 6059                               Community Centre) from
 commencing 130121             forms of chronic pain;          Email To join a    130121 1000-1200
                               sessions focus on building      zoom meeting – include a contact            Kirkcaldy (St Bryce Kirk
                               skills that help people to      telephone number and which locality group   Centre) from 140121 1030-
                               regain control and cope more    you wish to join)                           1230
                               effectively; meetings will be   Email For        Levenmouth (Buckhaven
                               held using a mixed approach     information or a programme                  Community Centre) from
                               (Zoom; face-to-face where                                                   140121 1330-1530
                               possible; and/or a mixture of                                               Cupar (YMCA) from 250121
                               both); book a placement no                                                  1330-1530
                               later than 2 days before the

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Levenmouth Locality
 Service:                         Brief:                           Contact/Links:                          Other:
 Largo Area Coronavirus           Support to access local          0800 999 3465                           5 local contacts for New
 Response Team                    shopping delivery services                                               Gilston & Woodside;
 Update (151020): Remains         and deliveries where local                                               Newburn & Drumeldrie;
 operable with volunteers on      shops are unable; Telephone                                              Upper Largo; Lower Largo;
 standby                          befriending for isolated                                                 and, Lundin Links
                                  people is also being
 Arden House Projects,            Primarily for over 65s Arden                 Levenmouth, including the
 Leven                            House will support vulnerable    01333 303210                            Wemyss Villages;
                                  people where it is able to do    Email            Kennoway; Lundin Links; &
                                  so; all services associated                                              Largo Villages
                                  with the pandemic are free of                                            Mon-Fri 0900-1700
                                  charge - enquiries;                                                      Messages can be left and will
                                  signposting; telephone                                                   be responded to asap
                                  befriending (existing clients;
                                  new referrals); shopping
                                  deliveries; prescription
                                  collection; & the provision of
                                  free hot meals
 Monday Lunch Club, St            Free Lunch Club open to all      Facebook @stagthas                      Methil (Levenmouth)
 Agatha’s & St Giles RC           (soup, sandwiches & hot                                                  Mon 1200-1330
 Church, 160 Methil Brae,         drinks); in the church hall
 Update (171120): Closed until
 restrictions are eased; follow
 social media for updates
 It’s Game Time & Talk Time,      All fitness levels welcome;   Levenmouth
 East Fife Community              opportunity to meet new          Email for         Thu 1030-1230 Bayview
 Football Club, Bayview           people; discuss all things       information                             Stadium, Free
 Stadium, Methil                  mental health & well-being;
                                  grab a drink and a blether
                                  before and after the game

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 Service:                      Brief:                          Contact/Links:                            Other:
 Walking Football, East Fife   The beautiful game at a     Levenmouth
 Community Football Club,      slower pace; over 45s; due to   07710532424 Alan Lowe                     Book online or contact for
 Bayview Stadium, Methil       restrictions contact Alan       Email for           information
 Update (031120):              Lowe in the first instance      information and how to book
 Commenced from 251020
 Cosy Kids on Tour,            Trial drop-in Savoy Centre,     Savoy Centre, Methil Drop-in between      Levenmouth
 Levenmouth Childrens          Methil (Mon) and The Centre,    1500-1700 on Mon 3011; 0712; 1412;        Limited service dependent
 Clothing Bank (in             Leven (Tue) from 301112;        211220                                    upon stock availability
 partnership with Fife         help with winter coats/shoes    The Centre, Leven Drop-in between 1500-
 Council)                      for children                    1700 on Tue 0112; 0812; 1512; 221220
 Update (031220): From

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Glenrothes Locality
 Service:                        Brief:                             Contact/Links:                            Other:
 Age Concern Glenrothes          Groups remain closed;                  Glenrothes, Leslie,
 Update (070121): Whilst Fife    however, the service is now        01592 756316                              Markinch, Thornton and
 remains under Tier 4            open to new referrals for the                                                Coaltown of Balgonie
 restrictions remote working     ‘Help to Stay at Home’
 only; providing                 service (1-hour visits); limited
 welfare/befriending calls &     availability as existing service
 activity packs; new referrals   users have been offered this
 are still accepted              support where required
 Leslie Community Pantry         Stocked food pantry free to        Telephone or text 07730789255             Leslie
                                 the local community located        Facebook – Leslie Community Pantry        Food Pantry closes 1700
                                 at the back of the Station
                                 Hotel (277 High Street); if
                                 you are struggling to get out
                                 and need a parcel, delivery
                                 can be arranged
 Collydean Community             Free food parcels; shopping;       Free food parcels, shopping,              North Glenrothes
 Centre, Glenrothes –            picking-up/delivering              prescriptions, etc 01592 359012           (including Cadham and
 Community Supports              prescriptions & medical            Disbursement of Funds 01592 742913        Leslie)
 Update (081020)                 supplies; Community Fridges        Digital Connectivity 01592 359022
                                 & freezers; distribution of        Telephone Befriending 01592 359040
                                 FareShare & neighbourly            Community Pantry Mon-Fri 0900-1645
                                 surplus food; disbursements
                                 of funds to local                  Further information please contact Rose
                                 organisations via the              Duncan, Centre Manager on 01592
                                 Supporting Communities             742913 or 07926503923
                                 Fund; Digital Connectivity –       Email
                                 free technology devices  
                                 along with free Wi-Fi to the
                                 elderly & vulnerable;
                                 telephone befriending

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 Service:                      Brief:                         Contact/Links:                         Other:
 Markinch Community            Shopping; dog walking;         07922221629                            Markinch
 Council                       gardening; and, a friendly                                            Mon-Sat 0900-1600
 Update (091020): Ceased       voice
 Leslie Baptist Church         Assisting those struggling     Email                                  Leslie
                               with loneliness or providing
                               food for their family

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North East Fife Locality
 Service:                        Brief:                            Contact/Links:                            Other:
 Auchtermuchty Community         Hot meal deliveries;              01337 827068                              Auchtermuchty & Dunshalt
 Centre                          Foodbank; free packed             Facebook (PM for free packed lunches)     Mon 1400-1500; Wed 1730-
 Update (081020)                 lunches during school breaks      @AuchtermuchtyCommunityCentre             1830 Foodbank
 East Neuk Community &           From 200720 - Signposting         0800 999 6543                             East Neuk
 Emergency Planning Team         list now available                Facebook or Messenger @ENCEPT.UK
 Update (208020): Emergency
 Response Deactivated
 East Neuk Frail Elderly         Continuing to support             Contact Ruby Urlotti (East Neuk Frail     East Neuk
 Project                         existing service users by         Elderly Project)
 Update (291020): In             telephone; accepting new          Email
 partnership with the East       referrals (telephone contact);
 Neuk First Responders           delivering, in partnership with
 delivering Christmas lunch on   Waid Academy, ‘Afternoon
 Christmas Day for those who     Tea in a Bag’ on a fortnightly-
 are alone                       cycle (from end of Oct, Fri
                                 pm); planning from Nov to
                                 open a ‘Drop-in’ Café’ at the
                                 Lower Town Hall, Anstruther
                                 Thu 1000-1600 (should
                                 guidance & Government
 Community Aid St Andrews        Established by the                 St Andrews
 (CASA)                          community to support others       03000 122014                              The group stresses it is not a
                                 during the pandemic;              Email   formal or official organisation,
                                 requests for support can be                                                 but is a place where
                                 made and individual                                                         individuals can connect with
                                 connections made                                                            and help each other
 J B Penmans Butchers,           Food and meals delivery           Facebook J.B Penman Butchers              East Neuk, St Andrews &
 Crail                           service (no charge for            01333 450218                              surrounding area
 Update (200820): Shop open      delivery) and no order too        Email
 with distancing measures;       small
 deliveries still possible

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 Service:                          Brief:                            Contact/Links:                              Other:
 Ardross Farm, Elie                Food and meals delivery                        North East Fife
 Update (200820): Returning        service (£4.50 delivery           01333 331400                                Payments are made over the
 to normal hours daily 0930-       charge); via Facebook             Email                telephone prior to delivery
 1730; deliveries still possible   @ArdrossFarmShop a series
                                   of live behind the scene tours
                                   with some of their favourite
                                   producers (interactive)
 Cupar Community Fridge,           The Community Fridge              Email                 Cupar Area
 County Buildings (St              enables businesses and                                                        Tues 1100-1200
 Catherine Street)                 individuals to waste less                                                     Note: Due to the current
                                   through the sharing of good                                                   pandemic this service will
                                   quality food that’s within its                                                comply with social distancing
                                   use by dates – free to use                                                    and a one-way system to
                                                                                                                 ensure safety               Shopping delivery App with        Download App & put in your postcode to      Check App Premier in
                                   services all over                 check if your area is covered               Cupar are part of this service
 Clothesline, North East Fife      Free donations of good            07875085410 Ask for Jill                    St Andrews/NE Fife
 Community Hub, St                 quality used clothes (adult &     Email
 Andrews                           children); can be accessed        Facebook @CommunityHubNEF
 Update (031220): The North        directly by the individual in     Email
 East Fife Community Hub has       need or via a formal referral;    For information on the development of The
 secured their new forever         clothing for special occasions    Hub or to become involved
 home (St David’s Centre, St       can also potentially be
 Andrews) with refurbishment       provided (for example:
 plans afoot                       weddings; interviews;
                                   funerals); items are delivered
                                   directly to person or referrer;
                                   Covid measures in place
 Colinsburgh & Kilconquhar         Volunteer community               Email                   Colinsburgh & Kilconquhar
 Community Council                 supports
 Update (091020): Ceased

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 Service:                       Brief:                             Contact/Links:                                 Other:
 Virtual Death Café, The Byre   Held across the UK, Death      St Andrews – National
 Theatre, St Andrews            Cafés are welcoming, safe          cafe-2/ (ctrl & click to follow link)          Initiative
                                and friendly meetings for          to book a free ticket (the meetings take       Free ticketed event online
                                people, often strangers, to        place via Microsoft Teams and a link is sent   Internet connection and video
                                openly discuss something           to a secure site on the day before)            & audio device required
                                that affects us all; there is no                                                  Last event Wednesday 1700
                                set agenda, topic, or              01334 475000 Box Office                        21st October 2020 – for future
                                designated expert; it is not a                                                    events contact the Box Office
                                support group, or grief
                                counselling, but is a safe
                                space to have a conversation
                                in a comfortable environment
                                with open hearts, open
                                minds, and respect for all;
                                traditionally, Death Cafés
                                take place in physical spaces
                                and offer refreshments and
                                cake, but since Covid-19,
                                many have moved online –
                                people are encouraged to
                                bring a cup of tea or coffee
                                and a snack to the meeting
 Christmas Welfare & Food       A host of welfare and food      North East Fife
 Supports, North East Fife      supports in list form;             (click on ‘NEF Christmas Welfare & Food        Multiple providers
 (shared by Business            available to people living in      Support 2020’)
 Support, Fife Council)         NEF pre and during
 Update (011220): Christmas     Christmas; list can be
 2020                           downloaded from the Fife
                                Forum website

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Kirkcaldy Locality
 Service:                       Brief:                           Contact/Links:                           Other:
 Care & Share                   1-1 visits resumed; either        Kirkcaldy Area
 Companionship                  weekly/fortnightly up to 1-      07494129112 Teresa Naylor                Directed by Scottish
 Update (200820): Service       hour                             Facebook care and share companionship    Government guidelines on a
 resuming                                                                                                 weekly basis
 Community Meals to Go,         For people struggling 2-3 free   07551325548                              Kirkcaldy & Dysart
 Greener Kirkcaldy              meals per person can be          Email                                    People can self-refer or be
                                delivered (deliveries Tues &   registered by an agency
                                Fri); most dietary needs
                                catered for (excluding nut
                                allergy); households need to
                                register first
 Linktown Tenants &             Food parcels; swap shop          Private message their Facebook page      Kirkcaldy Area
 Residents Association          (DVDs; games; etc); when                                                  Mon-Fri
                                possible weekly hot food;
                                daily packed lunches for
                                school children
 The Cottage Family Centre      Support for vulnerable         Kirkcaldy Area
                                families or individuals within   01592 269489                             Support for any family with a
                                family units - food parcels;     Or contact via Facebook                  child under 5
                                daily packed lunches; activity
 Linton Lane Centre,            Support within the local         01592 643816                             Templehall Area, Kirkcaldy
 Kirkcaldy                      community – food parcels;        Or contact via Facebook
                                hot food; Foodbank (Mon-Fri)
 Burntisland Foodbank –         Free hot drinks & filled rolls      Burntisland
 Solid Rock, High Street        and Foodbank; new opening        new-hours-burntisland-kdyfoodbank/       Tues 1030-1230
                                hours                                                                     Fri 1200-1400
 Burntisland Emergency          Help with essential shopping;                 Burntisland
 Action Team (BEAT),            prescription collections; dog    01592 872854                             Mon-Fri 0900-1600
 Volunteer Hub in Toll Centre   walking; or someone to           Email
                                speak with; swap shop

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 Service:                            Brief:                          Contact/Links:                           Other:
 Cardenden Community                 Free fresh produce as well as   07767047957                              Cardenden Area
 Fridge, Bowhill Community           tinned and packaged items to                                             Mon 1300-1500
 Centre (145 Station Road)           help reduce food waste                                                   Fri 1400-1600
 Update (240620): new                                                                                         Note: Access by side door;
 dedicated line                                                                                               social distancing and hygiene
                                                                                                              rules will be observed
 Lunch Club, Linton Lane             Socially distanced lunch club   To book a place contact Mary Henderson   Templehall Area, Kirkcaldy
 Centre, Kirkcaldy                   for over 65s; activity after    (Manager):                               Wed 1215-1415
 Update (161120): Lunch Club         lunch                           Email       Guidelines will be sent to
 has temporarily reclosed                                            01592 643816                             participants
 owing to the introduction of
 tier 3 restrictions in Fife; this
 will not reopen until Fife
 returns to tier 2 or above

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Cowdenbeath Locality
 Service:                      Brief:                          Contact/Links:                         Other:
 Lo’Gelly Lunches,             Emergency Food Supplies         Lochgelly Town Hall                    Lochgelly Area
 Lochgelly                                                     Facebook & Messenger                   Attend Friday 1100-1300
 The Whispering Women,         Free packed lunches & baby      Facebook/Messenger                     Cowdenbeath Area
 Cowdenbeath                   food                     Deliveries once a week
 Benarty Peoples Pantry        Food Bank type service to       01592 860296                           Benarty Area; Glencraig,
 BRAG Enterprise, Benarty      receive essential Food                                                 Crosshill, Lochore and
                               Packages for the most                                                  Ballingry
                               vulnerable families and                                                Phone Mon-Fri 1000-1500;
                               individuals                                                            answer a few questions to
                                                                                                      become a member; receive
                                                                                                      time & day for delivery
 Cowdenbeath Salvation         Emergency food parcels;         01383 512533                           Cowdenbeath Area
 Army                          befriending telephone calls     07741906029                            Food support is available
                                                               Ask for Karen Thomas (Lieutenant)      Mon-Fri
                                                                                                      Sat-Sun messages can be
                                                                                                      left and they will respond to
                                                                                                      emergencies (Cowdenbeath
                                                                                                      Area only)
 Fife Council Cowdenbeath      Befriending service who will    07925397314                            Cowdenbeath Area
 Area, Befriending             call at a time that suits you
                               whether it’s for a friendly
                               chat, information or anything
                               in between
 Our Cowdenbeath               Information regarding work     Cowdenbeath Locality
                               going on across the locality    Facebook @ourcowdenbeath
                               including supports available

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City of Dunfermline Locality
 Service:                      Brief:                           Contact/Links:                           Other:
 Abbeyview Day Care            Telephone befriending;           01383 621738                             Abbeyview Area – Dog
 Update (081020)               prescription collection; dog                                              Walking
                               walking; shopping delivery;                                               Dunfermline – Other
                               home visits for members                                                   services
                               (charge applicable - £5 per
 Food for Future -             Free Food Packs are              07730809375 Telephone to register -      Abbeyview, Halbeath,
 Community Pantry,             presently continuing;            Wednesday between 1000-1300 & a pick-    Duloch, Brucefield & Touch
 Abbeyview Dunfermline         however, it is hoped the         up time will be allocated for Thursday   (Dunfermline)
 Update (031120): Contact      scheme will return to a          Email                                    Telephone registration only
 change                        membership only Pantry in     (Wednesday 1000-1400)
                               due course (members pay £2
                               per week and shop for a
                               minimum of 10 items)
 GrocerOnLIne (Nisa Local      Online local grocer              Facebook - groceronlineabbeyview         Abbeyview, Dulloch Park,
 Abbeyview), Dunfermline                                        01383 733048                             Central Dunfermline &
                                                                                                         surrounding areas (up to
                                                                                                         3.5 miles from store)
                                                                                                         Mon-Sat 12pm-4pm
 RC Ferguson Florists          Fruit/Veg deliveries (£15        01383 733048                             Dunfermline Area (free
                               Mixed Bad delivered to your                                               delivery)
                               doorstep)                                                                 Card payments only
 Gillespie Memorial Church,    Volunteers who can help          01383 621253                             Dunfermline & Parish (out
 Church of Scotland,           with: delivering shopping;                                                to Wellwood)
 Dunfermline                   collecting prescriptions;                                                 You do not have to be a
                               delivering books/CDs;                                                     church member to receive
                               pastoral support; praying with                                            support
                               and for you; & a friendly
                               phone call

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 Service:                      Brief:                            Contact/Links:                          Other:
 Food Trolley, St Margaret’s   Free food for anyone who                   Touch, Dunfermline
 Church of Scotland            might need it; items can be       Facebook @StMargsCoS                    Daily Food Trolley situated
 (Dunfermline)                 taken or donated directly         Contact Iain for Zoom Church Services   outside church (Abel Place)
                               from/to the trolley; from         (internet enabled device required)
                               210620 Sunday Worship
                               Service Zoom meeting
 Broomhead &                   Free bag of shopping; must        To register:                            Dunfermline North &
 Baldridgeburn,                register first and collect from   01383 432483                            Central Residents
 Baldbridgeburn Centre,        centre; a time slot will be                                               Tue 1200-1300 (collection
 Dunfermline Pantry-for        allocated; delivery may be                                                slot allocated)
 Dunfermline North & Central   available for the those who
 residents                     are unable to attend the
 Guardian Peace of Mind        Shopping delivery and             07462237437 ask for Zeek                Dunfermline & within 3-
                               gardening service within a 3-                                             miles
                               mile radius of Dunfermline
                               (privately purchased service)

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South West Fife Locality

 Eats Rosyth                       Food Packs to vulnerable,      Facebook                                 Rosyth Area
                                   over 70s, keyworkers &         07782848705                              Being delivered to individuals
                                   people isolating               Email
 Louis Browns, Dalgety Bay         Free Homemade                  07711987888                              Dalgety Bay Area
 Update: Preparing for             Food/bread, milk, etc          07935664846                              Collection or delivery
 reopening thus covid                                                                                      everyday between 1200-1400
 response service will cease                                                                               for anyone
 Food Pantry Club, Ballast         Pre-packed food parcels; £3   Inverkeithing
 Bank Community Centre             per bag or a donation;         pantry.html                              New service commencing
 (Inverkeithing)                   generally 1 bag per            Email       180620
                                   household; collection from                                              Thurs 1200-1400 (may close
                                   centre                                                                  early depending upon food
 The Pantry Club, Valleyfield      Surplus food redistribution;   Facebook The Pantry Club Valleyfield     High Valleyfield
 Community Centre                  £2 for 7 items                 Community Club                           Tues 1715 collection
                                                                                                           Wed Deliveries – Over 70s;
                                                                                                           key workers; people shielding
                                                                                                           or with Covid symptoms;
                                                                                                           vulnerable groups
 Hyperclub, Ballast Bank           Food & activity packs for      07735588480                              Inverkeithing
 Community Centre                  vulnerable people; available   Facebook @hyperclubinverkeithing         Contact to arrange delivery or
 (Inverkeithing)                   for collection and delivery                                             for further information
 Update (050820): No longer
 providing this specific service

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Fife Forum - latest edit 080121 - email

Contact Information:

Fife Forum
Fraser Buildings
Millie Street
Fife KY1 2NL
Tel 01592 643743
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