Waitati 770% better than Mosgiel

Page created by Ricky Boyd
Waitati 770% better than Mosgiel
Doctors Point, Waitati, Evansdale, Warrington, Seacliff                              1 March 2009

Waitati 770% better than Mosgiel
by the editors
Leonie Rousselot took this photo inside an ornate
Edwardian carriage of the Taieri Gorge Railway
commuter train from Waitati to Dunedin on
Wedndesday, 18 March. The seated pair are
Nick Prosser and Chris Linsell, two of the 208
passengers who were counted arriving in Dunedin
(some alighted earlier: children heading to Sawyers
Bay School and the Dunedin Rudolf Steiner School
at Maia). Two trains, with evening return trips,
were run on Walk to Work Day for commuters
who live out of walking range of the city. The
train from Mosgiel had 27 passengers in spite of a    will try harder next time.
population base about ten times greater; ‘Blueskin    Colour photo at http://getthetrain.blogspot.com/
News’ hopes that the good people of Mollywood

Newcomer settles in to village life
feature article by Stacy-Ann Campbell
Waitati newcomer Lynnaire Johnston has embraced           Lynnaire came to Waitati in August from
the centuries-old concept of a potager garden,        Auckland. Her elderly mother lives in Waikouaiti
which is a garden that combines herbs, flowers        and she had the chance to buy a property she
and vegetables and is sharing the results with the    adores. Her main business, magazine writing,
local community.                                      editing, and copywriting, can be done anywhere.
    From her home on the corner of Doctor’s Point     “Technology allows it today,” she says.
Road and Foyle Street, Lynnaire will sell fresh and       Trained as a journalist, Lynnaire has had a
dried herbs, plants and herbs, plus preserves and     varied career: she worked in radio for ten years,
produce.                                              was a motoring editor, has worked in charity (and
    Lynnaire will aim at a different market than is   in fact still does), and was senior writer for the
catered for by Blueskin Nurseries and feels there     country’s largest city council. Some years ago she
will be plenty of customers for both. “It’s a local   began her own freelance writing and copywriting
enterprise for local people and the prices reflect    business, Word Wizard, creating websites,
that,” she says.                                      advertisements, brochures and other marketing
    Since October Lynnaire has been selling her       material for a wide variety of companies.
herbs at various local markets including Seacliff.        Lynnaire’s media skills and generous offers
She was recently awarded first place for the best     of help have been a great asset to the Blueskin
outdoor stall at the Palmerston A&P show.                                      • continued on page 2
1 March 2009                             Blueskin News                                           1
Waitati 770% better than Mosgiel
April Art in the Arvo is cancelled
by Señorita León de la Barra                            Blueskin Bay Cafe
We’ve decided to cancel April’s ‘Art in the Arvo’           next to Blueskin Nurseries
because it is scheduled on the same day as the A&P
sale, so things may be too hectic.
                                                                 Open 7 days from
                                                                 8.30am to 4.00pm
                                     • from page 1
media team. She edits the weekly Blueskin Bay            Full menu available all day, plus
news bulletins read out each Friday on Puketapu            counter food, coffee and a
Radio and she co-edited the February edition of                 large range of teas.
‘Blueskin News’ while regular co-editor Craig              All food is freshly prepared
Marshall was away.                                                on the premises.
    Lynnaire says the best thing about living in               Private functions and
a small community is that anywhere you go you                 out-catering on request:
run into someone you know, which is not the                       phone 482 2633
case in the city. “I enjoy the fact there is so much
going on here, yet it is comparatively quiet and
peaceful,” she says.

                                                                      Local contact:
                                                                      Elspeth 482 2022

                                     Blueskin News
Published not-for-profit by volunteers of Blueskin Media on the 1st of each month, February to
December, 600 copies distributed around Seacliff, Warrington, Evansdale, Waitati and Doctors’ Point.
Additional copies available at Blueskin General Store, Blueskin Bay Community Library and Warrington
Post Office Boxes.
    We publish anything about this area, or anything written by someone from this area; and all ranges
of opinion which are expressed in a respectful way. All unattributed opinion shall be attributed to
Blueskin Media.
    All material sent to and/or published by us is “copyleft” and may be freely copied, re-edited and
re-published. Content is pooled with the blueskin.co.nz website and other local media. Content offered
for publication under the above principles is welcome; please email by the 22nd of each month to
Electronic copy should be formatted as simply as possible with two returns between each paragraph
or item in a list, and after each heading.
    Produced and distributed this month with the help of: Craig Marshall, Louise Booth, Lynnaire
Johnston, Peter Dowden, Polly Higham, Stacy-Ann Campbell , Kelvin & Bev Lyon Milk Vendors,
Blueskin General Store, Gallery on Blueskin, the Contributors and Advertisers. Printed by North
East Otago Computing, Hampden.
2                                         Blueskin News                          1 March 2009
Waitati 770% better than Mosgiel
ANZAC DAY SERVICE                                      Briefs
Saturday 25 April                                       • Coast Road Market on Sunday April 5
by Helen Beamish                                        • Toss a possum at the Blueskin A&P Clearing
                                                          Sale on April4: Dame Edna won’t be there
The Blueskin Bay Anzac Day service will be held         • Join the Waitati Edible Gardeners at the
at the Waitati Hall and Cenotaph at 10am on               Harvest Market on Sunday April 18. See
Anzac Day.                                                page 5
  • Wreath-laying and Remembrance Service               • ANZAC Day service on April 25, Waitati
  • Waitati Cenotaph and Hall, 10am                       Hall
  • Followed by community morning tea - please          • A&P Country Fair Photography competition,
    bring a plate                                         closes April 2
If you have medals from your forbears, or “war
stories” from your family history, please contact
Helen Beamish - we would like to incorporate
more “local history” into our service this year.
     We acknowledge the death earlier this year of     Blueskin News advertising
Mr David Symon, Lieutenant, 2nd Engineering            We are now taking bookings for advertising in
Field Company, World War 2. David has laid the         2009.
community wreath at our Cenotaph services over          • business card (up to one-eighth of A5 page)
many years - we shall miss his positive spirit and         $15
presence this Anzac Day.                                • up to quarter A5 page: $25
     Our local service is truly a community-oriented    • up to half A5 page: $35
time of remembrance and reflection. Many people         • up to full A5 page: $60
combine their talents and time to ensure the            • Double A5 page spread: $100
service is both community and reflective.              Discount or waiver of the above fees may
     If you would like to help in any way…             be available for non-commercial community
adult or child…setting up the hall, morning tea        events.
contributions, clearing up afterwards, scrubbing       All classified ads are free.
the Cenotaph, making a wreath…please contact           Deadline: 22nd of the month, January to
me, and we’ll sort out a place for you to “join the    November.
team”. Most “jobs” happen on the day before – the      editors@blueskin.co.nz
last Friday of the school holidays.
     For more information, contact Helen Beamish
at 4821 440 or hbeamish @ clear.net.nz

 everything printed here appears on our website as it arrives,
 in full colour, with clickable links and in searchable form

1 March 2009                             Blueskin News                                        3
Derek’s Garden Diary April: the grower’s holidays
by Derek Onley
Last year’s advice for what to plant in April is still   produce enough for green tomato chutney.
at http://tinyurl.com/c9cnac but I wouldn’t bother           Some varieties of vegetable will grow better
looking because I said it was far too late to plant      in your garden micro-climate and with your
anything and you would be better off feeding the         style of gardening than others, so it is worth
leeks and brassicas with compost and mulch and           experimenting. Last spring I planted two varieties
gathering compost and mulch materials for next           of broccoli alternately in a row, composted,
year. Or going on holiday.                               mulched and sporadically squashed caterpillars
     But after that column appeared my gardening         in a similar manner. De Ciccio, an old Italian
neighbour immediately told me that he always             variety, grew tall and green, had one smallish
planted his broccoli in April and that I was being       central head and after cutting, lots of small side
pessimistic (or lazy?), so maybe you should give it a    shoots, though I did need to feed and water it well.
go and report the results back to Blueskin News.         Shogun, a hybrid and one for the “cooler months”,
     It is true that you can get several different       grew more slowly, was greyer leaved, shorter and
varieties of broccoli and that some, as they so          thicker stemmed, developed a large central head
optimistically say on the seed packet, are “the          later than de Ciccio and then seemed to struggle
choice for the cooler months” or more reservedly         to produce many side shoots.
“suitable for cooler climates”. If you see any such          Vegetable varieties that grow especially well
recommendation on any vegetable then I reckon            and relatively easily in my garden are: Manchester
you should grab the seeds immediately and try            table carrots, merveille des quatre saisons and royal
planting them down here in spring, the warmer            oak leaf lettuces, yellow (golden wax) dwarf beans
part of the year. Apart from the few hot days            rather than green ones and curly kale rather than
in January they will flourish in our temperate           the long, crumpled leaved lacinato. If you have
Blueskin Bay climate. Just remember to water them        any varieties that have been especially successful,
well if it gets dry.                                     or seeds that you have been collecting for years
     Tomatoes are a different story. Don’t be            that grow well around the Bay, maybe you could
tempted by names like Arctic Surprise, Oregon            email me and we will include them in the May
Spring or varieties that claim to have fed US            Blueskin News.
bases in Greenland, in the hope that they will               Means I don’t have to think up something to
grow outside like a cabbage. My neighbour will           write about next month. I’m going on holiday.
undoubtedly tell me otherwise but it is barely hot
enough down here to get them to flower let alone
The Blueskin Garden Club
by Lesley Smith
We have not had an “official” meeting of the             the show with those who could not attend.
Blueskin Bay Garden Club since December.                      This we will do at our next meeting on
However, we have not been idle in that time: apart       Thursday 2 April (a week early due to Easter the
from all the usual chores to be completed in our         following week). It will be held at Lyne Carlyle’s
gardens we have been out and about.                      house at 7.30pm. Please bring along a small plate
     In the last two months club members have            for a shared supper, your photos, a flower and a
visited private gardens in Dunedin, attended a           vegetable for the competition, and also plants for
Kindred Day where members of different garden            a perennial swap. New members most welcome.
clubs and similar groups meet and greet and swap         If you require further information please contact
ideas, and several of our members were able to visit     Lyn Hastie on 482 2896.
the Ellerslie Flower Show in Christchurch.                    Our AGM will be held on Thursday 14 May,
     Due to the many who attended the flower show        when the theme will be ‘hats’ - more details
the committee decided that we would take the             regarding this at our next meeting and in the next
opportunity to share our thoughts and photos of          Blueskin News.
4                                           Blueskin News                               1 March 2009
by Lucy Jack
This month is most likely the last harvest market of   Your neighbours in the park,
the year, taking place on April 18th on Mark and       The Diligent Composters
Rayna’s porch, The Old Stores, Harvey St.
     Highlights of the March market for me were        Dear Diligent Composters,
elegant conserves from The Village Potager,            Oak leaves are acidic and so an unappetising
organic bush honey from Rainbow Farm and the           environment for worms.
ducks!                                                     If you are low maintenance ‘add-as-you-go’
     Bring down anything you’ve got in the garden      folk, composting small amounts of organic
and fill up on fresh produce and preserves. Or just    material at a time, you will be ‘slow-and-cool’
come and have a lovely cup of fresh herby tea.         composting, and much of the breakdown will be
     We are continuing our drive for membership.       done by worms and the like. Oak leaves might take
For discounts on tours                                                               longer (1-2 years) to
and workshops and                                                                    break down this way
to support our group                                                                 but will get there in
providing vegetable                                                                  the end. Don’t worry
c e nt e r e d s e r v i c e s                                                       about the absence of
to the community,                                                                    worms - the microbes
pay $5 to Lucy at 14                                                                 will do it.
Orokonui Rd for ‘life                                                                    If you have big
membership’. To be                                                                   batches of stuff grass
included on mailing                                                                  clippings which are
lists and be a WEGgie                                                                high in nitrogen
‘friend’, email waitati.                                                             and oak leaves (high
edible.gardeners @                                                                   in carbon) you can
gmail.com or call Lucy                                                               hot-and-fast-compost
on 482 1773                                                                          aerobically. You need
     Un i v e r s it y of                                                            to layer or mix your
Otago anthropologist                                                                 big pile o’ stuff and
Michela Carrington                                                                   make sure it has water
is to set her Honours                                                                (dampen with hose)
project in Waitati.                                                                  and air (poke with
She is interested                                                                    stick).
in discovering                                                                           Yo u c a n a l s o
how sustainability                                                                   add food scraps and
movements like ours                                                                  some old compost
affect the community                                                                 or Bokashi to help
in general. Michela would like to meet and             inoculate it with the right microbes to get it started.
interview community members who are involved           This will break everything down more quickly (6
at all levels, even just reading this column. If you   months) and it will steam. The worms will stay well
would like to take part, contact waitati.edible.       clear to avoid getting cooked. You might be doing
gardeners@gmail.com or ring Lucy 482 1773              this already which is why you have no worms!
Ask Aunt Lucy                                              After you have composted your oak leaves via
Dear Aunt Lucy,                                        either method, you should not have to add lime
We have a big oak tree on our property and             to compensate for the acidity, as the microbes will
dutifully compost fallen the leaves but we never       have sorted this all out for you.
find worms in the oak leaf compost. What’s going       XX -Aunt Lucy
1 March 2009                             Blueskin News                                                5
Warrington Playcentre
by Liz Abbott
As we near the end of Term 1, we sit back and
reflect on what a busy one it has been. The
children have had so much fun going swimming
at Warrington School and it has been amazing to
watch the growth in their water confidence. We
have decided to end our term with a big splash
at Moana Pool.
     We have been busy with lots of other activities
too, blowing bubbles, making birthday cakes out
of playdough, sand and other materials. In fact, we
need to restock our candles.
     This term we have said many goodbyes to our             Blueskin Bay
now 5-year-olds and we wish them all the very               Library Hours
best at school: Dion, Olive-Coco, Floyd, Zach            Monday:      2.00 pm – 7.00 pm
and Harry.                                               Tuesday:     2.00 pm – 5.30 pm
     Our Open Week has been and gone and                 Wednesday:   2.00 pm – 5.30 pm
unfortunately the weather wasn’t very kind               Thursday:    2.00 pm – 6.00 pm
to us. However, we would like to extend our              Friday:      10.00 am – 12.00 pm
invititation:                                            		           2.00 pm – 6.00 pm
 • You are welcome to drop in and see us at any          Saturday:    10.00 am – 1.00 pm
    time, come and have a cuppa and a chat and
    find out what we get up to on a daily basis.
    We are open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
    9am - 12 noon.
We look forward to seeing you at the Blueskin A&P      Waitati Toy Library
Clearing Sale - we will have lots of yummy things
that you can buy!                                      We are closed during the month
                                                       of April due to Easter and
                                                       school holidays.We will reopen
                                                       in May as follows:
                                                        • Saturday 2nd May 10.30-
                                                        • M o n d ay 4 t h M ay 6 . 3 0 -
                                                        • Saturday 16th May 10.30-
                                                        • Monday 18th May 6.30-
                                                       In the meantime, if you would
                                                       like any further information
                                                       please contact Liz on 482 1450

6                                         Blueskin News                      1 March 2009
Orokonui Ecosanctuary
by Sue Hensley
                                               now in place it’s a bit easier to see how the whole
                                               might look. I can also imagine a nice hot cuppa
                                               after a “refreshing” winters walk while taking in
                                               the magnificent valley view!
                                                    The Ecosanctuary is open exclusively for
                                               guided tours at present. Bookings are essential.
                                               Tours cost $20 adult $10 child, with half price for
                                               members. Tours are for 1–2 hours for a maximum
                                               of 8 people per guide. Come and see this fantastic
                                               forest restoration project in progress, learn about
                                               the changes that have already been made and
                                               support the development of the Ecosanctuary.
It seemed all was lost at the kaka nest when the    For enquiries, the office number is 482 1755.
female was seen outside the nest for over an   For further information on the Ecosanctuary,
hour and the male nowhere around. However      visit www.orokonui.org.nz or see our box at the
two days later when a photo was taken to revealBlueskin Bay Library.
what was actually happening inside the tree - to
great surprise and delight one fluffy chick was                 CHILDCARE
discovered. The appearance of particular feathers
                                                             Home-based childcare
on the chick suggest it is approximately a month
old. It will be another month before it comes           services for under 5 year olds
out of the nest and another 5 months before it is         Provided by an experienced
                                                           care giver and mother
     One of our young kaka males has been out of
signal range for over a month now and with no                   Quality childcare
sightings being reported from the “outside” it is            part-time or full time
assumed he has gone on a (kaka) “OE” as some
young birds do. We wish him well and hope he                  Permanent or casual
remains safe.                                                    Monday-Friday
     More jewelled gecko arrived last month, taking
                                                                Reasonable rates
numbers to around 30 which is a good size for
an initial population. A lucky group of people on              Two minutes in from
tour got to see one of these geckos up close just            SH 1 south of Waitati
before it was released. It is amazing how something
so brilliantly emerald green can disappear so                Phone Carol and have
completely once on foliage.                                   a chat on 482-2307
     A clutch of young tuatara hatched from eggs
by the zoology department arrived mid March
and are initially being housed in purpose built
pens built by Paul Clements. Slater colonies are
being established to provide a food source for these
engaging critters.
     Unfortunately, mice continue to be detected in
several places and field staff are busy adding more
monitoring tunnels as well as setting hundreds of
traps in those problem areas.
     Progress on the Visitor and Education Centre
is on track and with the roof structure and floor
1 March 2009                               Blueskin News                               7
Mist the train … Over a hundred people wait at the old Waitati station site for the commuter train to
Dunedin. After stopping at Purakaunui, Mihiwaka, Sawyers Bay and Maia, Dunedin’s first commuter
train in decades arrived at Dunedin with about 300 passengers. Photo: Blueskin News/blueskin.co.nz

                                            Help The Highland Horse Haven
                                                             Mt Cargill Road, Waitati.
                             Buy Some Excellent Hubbard’s Fundraising Muesli: 750g bag only $3
                                                        Buy 5 Bags get the 6th one free!
                                 Phone Geraldine for Muesli Orders: 4822 517 (leave a message).
                          The aim of the haven is to provide a home and rehabilitation to neglected
                            horses. Once horses are back to good health they will be rehomed.
                      For more details or if you would like to offer practical help or make a donation
                       contact Shelly McBratney 488 5254 or 027 307 3746, PO Box 54 Waitati.

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8                                                            Blueskin News                                                            1 March 2009
Blueskin A & P Society Inc

           CLEARING SALE
               Family Fun Day
                Saturday 4th April 2009
                 10.30 am – 3.30 pm
                  Bland Park, Waitati

       Items for the clearing sale auction can be left at
        Bland Park between 12.00 and 6.00 pm on Friday
        3rd, and from 8.00 am on Saturday 4th.
       Security will be provided overnight on Friday.

     All items for the auction must be in place by 10.00
      am on Saturday. The auction will start at 11.00
     Cost: $10 for a basic lot that has no reserve price.
     Phone George Terry with any queries regarding the
      Clearing Sale 482 2721 or 027 224 0311
     Potential buyers must register at the Secretary’s
      Office on the day of the sale

1 March 2009            Blueskin News                  9
Blueskin A & P Society Inc
        Clearing Sale & Family Fun Day
             Saturday 4th April - 10.30am - 3.30pm

     Hot food; hot & cold drinks: available all day at the
     Flying Possum Cafeteria.

     Horse Rides: Bouncy Castle

     Fun & Games: all day with Mandy Mayhem

     R & R Sport Decorate Your Bike Competition:
     Bring your decorated bike to the park by 11.00 on
     Saturday for judging.

     Car Boot Sale:    Cost - $10 per car

     Grand Raffle:     Trailer load of firewood

     Photography competition: (In Waitati Hall)
     4 Age groups:
     School year 4 & below: School Year 5 - 8
     School year 9 - 13: Adult
     Photography Theme: ‘Man vs. Nature’
     (Entries to Blueskin Gallery by 4.00 pm 2nd April)

     International Possum Tossing Championship:
     Starts at 2.30 - Teams of 3 - minimum age of competitor
     is 15 - $2 per person entry

     Southern Clams Ltd: Educational display

10                        Blueskin News            1 March 2009
Waitati Film Society
All welcome to join us at Bill’s Place, at the corner   displacing Shanghai’s traditional
of Orokonui and Mt. Cargill Roads on Tuesdays           housing, Burtynsky claims moral
at 8.00pm. Yearly membership $55 - for at least 29      neutrality, this is what I see, let’s
nights of movies and some special screenings!           talk about it.              90 min
     Drama, comedy, histor y or just plain              Tuesday April 28
entertainment in a warm, pleasant environment           RAIN
with convivial company. Phone Brigitte 482 2829         New Zealand 2001
or Leonie 482 2508 or visit www.nzfilmsociety.          It is summer. Thirteen year old Janey and her
org.nz/waitati.htm                                      family settle into their isolated cottage for another
Tuesday April 14                                        perfect seaside holiday. Her days are full of
MANUFACTURED LANDSCAPES                                 swimming and fishing. At night her parents give
Canada 2006                                             parties where the adults drink, dance and flirt.
Edward Burtynsky uses his camera to capture             Janey is increasingly aware of the cracks in her
Man’s inexorable pursuit of consumer-driven             parents’ marriage. Watching her mother begin an
progress; massive waste dumps, expansive strip          affair with a visiting photographer, she starts to
mines, factory workers lined up to infinity. Despite    discover her own sexuality. Janey decides to grow
focusing his lens on China’s monolithic, people         up quickly. Too quickly.                       91 min
displacing Three Gorges Dam, and huge high rises

Waitati Volunteer Fire Brigade
by Deanne Burrell Volunteer Fire Fighter and Secretary
The Waitati Volunteer Fire Brigade thanks                 upper floors
everybody in the Blueskin Bay area for keeping         • Keep keys in deadlocks when at home
call-outs to a minimum.                                • Have an outside meeting place, such as a
     With the winter months approaching we would          letterbox or a special tree
like to remind everyone that now is a good time to     • Make special plans for the young and old
have chimneys cleaned and to check smoke alarms.               Remember - Get Out! Stay Out!
If you do not have smoke alarms we encourage you The brigade would like to congratulate Keith
to buy them. If anyone requires any information in Templeton, Charles Abraham and Deanne Burrell,
regards to where to place smoke alarms around the who have recently completed and passed a Seven
home please feel free to contact one of the Brigade Day Basic Skills Fire Fighting Course held at the
members or call into the Fire Station on a Monday Dunedin Central Fire Station. Also congratulations
evening and we will be only too happy to offer to Richard Templeton, Chris Felipe Alves and Paul
advice or come and install them for you.              Dennison who have successfully completed and
     This is a good time to sit down with your passed their Senior Fire Fighter Course. Well
family and devise an Escape Plan. Everyone needs done everyone.
to understand the Escape Plan and to practise              It is with regret that we announce the
escaping from each room in the house by the resignation of Paul Dennison, aka Pablo the
two exits.                                            cheese maker. Thank you Paul for your hard work
     Fires start in kitchens (25% of cases), bedrooms and dedication to the Brigade over the last 5 years
(13%), and lounges and family rooms (16%). Make and we wish you well for the future. Also leaving
sure your family practises escaping from these is our newest member Waka Miller, who has been
rooms every three to six months.                      selected to join the NZ Fire Service full time, and is
Remember, you need to:                                off to the North Island for a three month training
  • Have working smoke alarms                         course. Well done Waka and we hope to see you
  • Know two ways out of every room if possible       back in the region in the near future.
  • Make sure that doors and windows needed                Once again thank you to everyone for their
    for escape are clear and easy to open, and that efforts in keeping our community safe.
    there is a safe way to reach the ground from
1 March 2009                                 Blueskin News                                         11
12   Blueskin News   1 March 2009
1 March 2009   Blueskin News   13
Blueskin Bay Library
by Louise Booth
April Fool’s Day, Easter, Anzac Day, the end of        • Week two is about puppets. At 2pm each day
daylight saving and the end of one school term and        from Monday April 20 to Friday 24, there will
the beginning of another - this is a busy month.          be puppet making in the Waitati Hall for a gold
Children’s Book Clubs                                     coin donation. On Friday, the puppets will star
Our dates for the Waitati School and Warrington           in their own show.
School book clubs looked like clashing with the       Registrations will be essential at the library, pay
end of term and the holidays, and so these clubs      your gold coin, and be early to be sure that you
will not resume until May. Watch out in the May       don’t miss out.
Blueskin News for the dates.                          Poetry Project
Book Club for Adults                                  We have it on good authority that Warrington
These meetings are held every month on the first      School’s contributions to ‘Blueskin Poets 2009’ are
Tuesday, at 10am in the Blueskin Cafe. Come along     at an advanced stage. This is exciting, and we hope
on April 7, to share your passion for reading, and    that others in this very creative community have
enjoy delicious coffee at the same time.              pens burning the paper, or keyboards, or whatever.
Holiday Programme                                     Poems from everyone, adult, child, experienced
The wonderful Karen Snow has great plans for          or novice poets, are welcome. Please have your
Blueskin Bay children these holidays.                 original work, no longer than one side of an A4
 • Week one features kites. The kite-making           sheet, into us at the library by the end of July.
    workshops will be at 2pm on Tuesday 14,           Win a Prize!
    Wednesday 15, Thursday 16, and Friday 17          This competition for local children is now open.
    April in the Waitati hall. On Friday there will   We’re asking you to design the cover for ‘Blueskin
    also be kite flying. We are asking for a gold     Poets 2009’ on an A4 sheet of paper. The theme
    coin donation per kite, which can be made in      can be anything you like, but the words ‘Blueskin
    a single workshop, or over as many workshops      Poets 2009’ must be prominent. Please deliver your
    as the maker chooses.                             design to the library by the end of July.

Youth Hall Society AGM
by Louise Booth
The Youth Hall Society AGM will be held on
Tuesday 7 April at 7.30pm in the Waitati Hall.
Everyone who has an interest in the future of              Happy Hands Craft
Blueskin Bay youth is invited to attend and support       Group meet every 2nd
this meeting.                                            & 4th Wednesday at the
Wheelie car impounded:                                   Palmerston Community
man goes to court
by the editors                                             New members most
An 18 year old Dunedin man was due to appear at                 welcome.
the Dunedin District Court in March in relation
to a vehicle seen doing wheelies and damaging the      For more information phone
reserve at Warrington Domain in late January.                Lyne 4822822
     Constable Jon-Paul Tremain of Waikouaiti
Police told ‘Blueskin News’ that the offender was
                                                            Marlene 4822348
spoken to and admitted to the offending and had
his vehicle was impounded for 28 days.

14                                        Blueskin News                            1 March 2009
1 March 2009   Blueskin News   15
Waitati Energy Project
by Scott Willis
We may be entering autumn, but that doesn’t mean          Normanby, Mt Mera, Pine Hill, Liberton, Dalmore
things are shutting up shop on the energy front.          & Opoho), until resources are exhausted. After
Don’t miss the Waitati Energy Survey feedback             initial discussions considering 260 retrofits, the
this month (see below). WEP is now looking                contract for funding that EECA agreed with the
intensively at new funding options as we’ve just had      Otago Regional Council is for about 170 homes.
heard we missed out in our bid to the Sustainable         Final numbers will only be known on completion,
Management Fund. This means that in the short             as no two houses are the same. If all goes smoothly
term we need to scale our ambitions to what can be        we will have an opportunity to apply for further
done on mostly volunteer labour, but since much           funding. I don’t want to offer false hope – we’ll
has already been achieved there’s no need to feel         almost certainly have 170 applications in by
despondent. I’m receiving positive support from           April – however, if we’re full up this time, with
our main partners and can assure everybody that           names still on file we’ll be well prepared if we get
the two core WEP initiatives (retrofit rollout and        a chance to continue. The WEP is also offering to
renewable generation) will not suffer, while other        facilitate unsubsidised retrofitting for those who
things such as the development of a Transition            require it. For information please email the WEP
Plan/Local Energy Strategy and a big Simple               or call me on the numbers below.
Energy Solutions competition are still happening,         Waitati Energy Survey
or are in our sights.                                     Remember the recent Otago Energy Research
WEP Retrofit Rollout                                      Centre’s survey? I’ve seen the raw data and it is
By the time you read this, the WEP retrofitting           both surprising and fascinating to see our practices
roll-out will have begun. As I write I can only say       and habits laid bare. The data (and the comments
that contracts have been confirmed and signed.            scrawled in the margins) will be presented in an
And the hard work will now begin! Because of the          easily digestible and engaging format by OERC
ambitious nature of this rollout (a large number of       researchers, and we’ll get an opportunity to ask
homes within a short timeframe), the pre-project          questions, make suggestions and more at the
stage has been complex, and I’ve been impressed           meeting at the Waitati Hall at 7.30 on April 23.
by all partners in getting this moving.                   The usual refreshments and occasion to chat will
     EnergySmart (the retrofit contractors)               follow. This will be a wonderful opportunity to
have been compiling the applications, and in              glean an objective perspective on the Waitati
collaboration with the WEP, a plan is constantly          community, so mark it on your calendar.
being refined (which houses, where). We’re using          Renewable Generation
preset criteria (social priority and geographical         Otago University students will be doing site visits
zone) as well as order of received applications. The      during April, with wind monitoring masts to be
retrofitters first contact households to organise a       in place next month. We’re collaborating with the
scoping visit, for which householders pay $30.            DCC on another renewable generation project,
Householders confirm (or not) the next retrofit           while a whole host of other conversations with
stage designated by the scope. At this point,             interested parties have been profitably initiated.
householders will know exactly how much their             The Powerhouse Wind prototype is about to be
20% of the cost will amount to, and will have             installed and I’m looking forward to the first
several days to decide, or arrange a loan (from           results. This project is breaking new ground in
WINZ, the Credit Union, or elsewhere). To keep            more ways than one. More details next month.
administration costs down and the retrofit process             You can join the email list at waitatienergy@
rolling along, EnergySmart require the 20% cost           gmail.com (the WEP email address has changed),
paid upfront.                                             visit the web-pages (http://www.transitiontowns.
     Retrofits begin in Waitati, followed by the larger   org.nz/waitati), come to the events publicised here
Blueskin Bay area, then Waikouaiti, ‘Transition           and on local notice boards, or phone me at 479
Valley 473’ (inner suburbs of North East Valley,          5327 or 482 2249.
16                                           Blueskin News                              1 March 2009
1 March 2009   Blueskin News   17
Ministry of Blueskin Bay
by Peter Dowden
Car travel costs have eased off a little in recent
months as the oil price drops. Other financial
influences are still making locals think carefully
about their transport costs. Numbers are up on
the local bus services, the W3 Rideshare and there
seem to be more hitch-hikers around these days.
     The Otago Regional Council has officially
decided not to introduce a bus service via Seacliff
and Warrington to Dunedin. The ODT reported
that the Council concluded it was not viable to
run special bus services to the two communities.
“Instead, residents should be encouraged to take
the weekday Palmerston-Dunedin bus, using
informal park and ride at Evansdale and Waitati.”
Read the article: http://tinyurl.com/ccl8gd
     And by golly, it is informal all right: windswept
with muddy puddles. A bus shelter would be really
nice. With a roof.
     The long-distance buses that zoom through
between Dunedin and Christchurch are available
to local users. Focussed on their distant goals, these
bus companies are not especially geared for local
traffic but they do include us in their schedules.
     The Minister noticed one company, nakedbus.
com (nothing to do with nudity; they “strip the
costs of travel”) which seemed to be charging
the same for Dunedin-Waitati as Dunedin-
Christchurch. They have now slashed these prices
up to 75%, charging no more than $10 and as little
as $1 if you book about a decade in advance. Now
if we could just persuade them to serve Evansdale
as well…
     The timetable on the back page of ‘Blueskin
News’ has been upgraded to include the long
distance services. Please treat these times with
deep suspicion. See also: http://tinyurl.com/
     Links in this article are clickable if you read it
on our website: blueskin.co.nz

18                                           Blueskin News   1 March 2009
Warrington Surf Life Coast Road Market
Saving Club          2009 dates
by Peter Dowden                                          by Liz Abbott
March got off to a great start for Warrington            The Coast Road market is held on the first Sunday
with a creditable performance at the Otago               of each month beside Coast Rd at the north end
Championships.                                           of Seacliff. Here a is a list of dates for the market
     As Blueskin News was going to print we were         for 2009.
very busy arranging goods for our Garage Sale, and        • Sunday April 5
we will let you know how that went next month.            • Sunday May 3
     Coming up in April we have the official              • Sunday June 7
opening of our new clubrooms extension. It has            • Sunday July 5
been a long haul to achieve this milestone for            • Sunday August 2
our club but it is wonderful to enjoy the new             • Sunday September 6
facilities.                                               • Sunday October 4
     We now have a lovely sleek modern kitchen            • Sunday November 1
and easy-clean changing rooms with deliciously            • Sunday December 6
hot showers running on LPG, so there is unlimited
hot water for frozen lifeguards.                                      TAE KWON DO
     We have so much to be thankful for in our                     At Warrington Hall
sponsors: the big trusts as well as the generous local           Monday and Wednesday
donors and who gave as much as they could. Our
club lists all of them on the clubroom wall.                         6pm - 7.30pm.
                                                                   Contact Paul Foley
                                                                       479 6110

          Looking for an unusual herb or
              handmade food gift?
                 T he V i ll a ge P ot a ge r
         stall is now open for organically grown
               plants, preserves & produce
                    (specialising in herbs)
           corner Doctor’s Pt Rd & Foyle St, Waitati
              Also at the Coast Rd Market Seacliff and
              Waitati Harvest Market.
              For a plant catalogue phone 482 1364
              or email lynnaire@ihug.co.nz

1 March 2009                               Blueskin News                                             19
Wild Blueskin: Rare bird?
by Derek Onley
If you were in the Tarras area in the Upper Clutha          Black-billed gulls are not easy to tell from
Valley over the last few weeks you may have            red-billed gulls, the ones that hang around your
witnessed some erratic driving and strangely           beach picnic or barbecue, and their names are far
intense interest in barren paddocks. Cars that         from helpful. Some red-billed gulls have black bills
were creeping along the road would suddenly            and some black-billed gulls have reddish bills. So
accelerate then screech to a halt, pulling off the     forget the bills and legs and look at the overall
road if you were lucky. Doors would fly open and       shape of the bird and its bill and the paleness
in a tangle of tripods and optical equipment more      of its back. Black-billed gulls are slimmer and
at home in a fashion show, half a dozen bearded        slightly shorter-legged than red-billed gulls, with
men or heavily anoraked women would stare              slightly longer, more slender beaks and their backs
intently into the distance. ‘Twitchers,’ as they are   are paler, appearing almost white in open, sunlit
called, birdwatchers who pursue the rarest birds,      estuaries.
observing the first ever straw-                                                 Red-billed gulls are our
necked ibis in New Zealand.                                                 common coastal gull and
     If you were in Karitane                                                they also occur in Australia
over the last few weeks you                                                 and South Africa where they
may have seen lots of small pale                                            are equally keen on picnic
seagulls on the sandbar down                                                sandwiches and barbecue
by the wharf. Every now and                                                 sausages.
then someone would launch                                                       Black-billed gulls only
a boat, collect a few cockles,                                              occur in New Zealand and
wander out there with their                                                 are much keener on healthy,
dog and the flock would fly                                                 wild food although some in
up, swirl around for a minute                                               Southland parks are picking up
or two then land back on the                                                the fast food habit. Nowadays
sand, shoulder to shoulder,                                                 most black-billed gulls nest
all facing into the wind. Not a Black-billed Gull.                          inland in Southland, Otago
birdwatcher of any persuasion                                             and Canterbury. Fifty years ago
in sight, yet 5000, or 1 in 20 of the world’s total    there was a large nesting colony on the mudflats
population of black-billed gulls, was preening,        near Evansdale but these have long gone and they
bathing, squabbling or resting on that one sandbar     are not doing very well in their inland nesting sites
at Karitane.                                           either. Prey to cats and ferrets and flash flooding,
     Straw-necked ibises are big, heron like birds     their numbers have declined in Southland by up
with long down-curved beaks, black and white           to 80% in the last 30 years.
plumage and, as their name suggests, scruffy,               Rachael McClellan likened the colony she
yellowish necks. They are common and obvious           was studying in Southland to “a fast-food joint
enough in Australia to have attracted other less       for introduced predators such as cats and ferrets”.
academic names like dryweather or letter bird and      In a little over two months one cat and possibly
farmer’s friend due to their partiality to locusts     one individual ferret had single-handedly killed
and black crickets.                                    hundreds of young chicks.
     Some half a million are estimated to live              Every year after nesting they move to the coast,
in Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea and             and every autumn some thousands congregate at
the Tarras twitchers were ticking off one poor         Karitane and Blueskin Bay, feeding on pink krill
unfortunate bird that had managed to survive the       beyond the breakers and returning at low tide to
Tasman Sea crossing and find the habitat closest       preen and roost on estuarine sandbanks.
to the arid stocklands of home in the paddocks              5,000 black-billed gulls at Karitane or 1
of Central.                                            straw-necked ibis in Central. Which is the rare

20                                        Blueskin News                               1 March 2009

        5% of the world’s Black-billed Gull population gather at Karitane and Blueskin Bay.

           PETE HODGSON
            MP Dunedin North

  Next MP clinics for your community are
  Monday 20 April 2009
  1.30pm Waikouaiti Library
  2.30pm Waitati Library
  MP Office
  32 Albany Street
  Ph 03 474 1973 Fax 03 474 9913
  Email pete@petehodgson.co.nz

1 March 2009                             Blueskin News                                        21
Future of dancing in Waitati looks Rozi
by Peter Dowden
Last month a new dancing opportunity started         just to learn steps. Everything in the dances has
in Waitati. Rozi Dance Studio is led by Rozalina     logic and that is the most important thing to know
MacRae, a professional dancer for 15 years in        if you want to look nice when you dance.”
modern and Latino-dance, with experience                  The classes are open for people of all different
as a dance teacher in the                                                 ages, and dancers can come
Netherlands, Nor way,                                                     alone or with a partner. “It’s
Turkey and Israel.                                                        not necessary to have dance
    Rozi, originally from                                                 experience, “ Rozi explains.
Bulgaria, specialises in                                                  “We start from scratch. The
Salsa, Merengue, Cha-cha-                                                 kilograms do not matter
cha and other fashionable                                                 either.”
Latin-American styles.                                                        Rozi describes her new
    “The interest was big                                                 group as “enthusiastic, friendly,
and we have already had                                                   talented and serious people.”
one class with wonderful                                                      “From the first lesson my
dancers and nice people,”                                                 dancers already have many
Rozi told Blueskin News.                                                  ideas for public performances
    Rozi’s idea for the                                                   at the local festivals and are
dance studio is to enhance                                                open for invitations,” she said.
local social life, not only to                                                The first lesson is free for
hold lessons. She believes                                                everybody. The dancers are
dance should be taught                                                    given printed information
alongside discussions, visits                                             about the style that they are
to cultural events, learning                                              learning and CDs with music
about the styles, musicians                                               from the lessons. The classes are
and singers, musical culture                                              held in Waitati Hall. Rozalina
and history of the styles.                                                MacRae can be contacted at
    “People have to know                                                  482 1094 or 027 678 6100, or
why they dance to that music exactly that way, not   by email at joker_r_bg@abv.bg

22                                       Blueskin News                              1 March 2009
YOUR AD HERE editors@ blueskin.co.nz for
                                                      COB EARTH BUILDING workshop 9am-5:30pm,
free ‘Classifieds’ on this column.
                                                      18 and 25 April, Harmony Farm, Waitati Valley
WAITATI HALL Large modern kitchen facility.
                                                      Rd. Learn to make a cob seat or building. Phone
Meeting room, an attractive facility for a variety
                                                      David 021 122 0910
of functions. For more information or to hire this
                                                      NATUROPATH, MASSEUR, REBIRTHER
venue please phone Blueskin Bay Library 482
                                                      available by appointment at Waitati Hall and 5km
                                                      up Waitati Valley Rd. David Baillie, ND: 021 122
WARRINGTON HALL For all bookings: please
phone Rowena Park 482 2667
                                                      COURSES in permaculture, sustainable building,
PLUNKET child car seat hire: contact Stacey
                                                      spiritual ecology, forest monitoring, and trail
Whyte 465 7702
                                                      making … all available at Harmony Farm, Waitati.
MILK VENDOR Kelvin Lyon for all your milk,
                                                      See: www.gemstonetherapy.info/volunteering.
cream, flavoured milk, custard and fruit juice Tel
482 2698
                                                      WOMEN: Interested in exploring the Christian
LOCAL SHOP Blueskin General Store, State
                                                      faith with some others? Free on Tuesday nights?
Hwy 1, Waitati: 7.30am-8.30pm Mon-Sat;
                                                      If so, feel free to join some other women at
9am-8pm Sun. Tel 482 2741
                                                      22 Orokonui Rd, Waitati on Tuesday nights of
HOME ENHANCER Available on casual or
                                                      the school term 7–9pm. We spend the time in
regular basis. Services adjusted to your needs.
                                                      encouraging each other to see God more in daily
Flexible – efficient – reliable. Taking care of the
                                                      life, to listen for His wisdom, and to grow in our
small details, enabling you to walk into your
                                                      Christian faith. We journey “LIFE” together …
home with a sigh of relief. “It’s good to be Home.”
                                                      we laugh lots, we eat some, we pray together,
References available. Contact: ara 473 7883 or
                                                      we cry sometimes, we read the Bible too … we
021 256 6473
                                                      enjoy being women getting to know each other
ART SHED Original gifts including cards, prints,
                                                      and God more. If you’d like to know more, or
paintings, tee shirts, patches and other unique
                                                      join us, we’d love you to. Phone Helen Beamish
handprinted souvenirs. Ideal for posting. Gift
                                                      482 1440 or Alison Appleby 4822532 or Glenda
vouchers available. Art Shed is open first Sunday
                                                      Rickerby 482 1511 for directions or more
of the month from 11am-2pm or by appointment.
Phone Liz 027 6995390
Creative Memories Workshop Where are
your photos stored? Would you like to have them
labelled, sorted & organised? Have you heard
of scrapbooking but don’t know what it’s about?
Workshops are held the last Thursday of each
month from 7pm at the Warrington Hall. Contact
Dawn Hope 482-2787 for more details
BASS LESSONS WANTED Bass guitar lessons
wanted for learner. Please phone Morgan 482

1 March 2009                             Blueskin News                                          23
Local bus services to Dunedin
This is a general guide only. Please confirm all details with the relevant bus company
Operator         Inter   Palm     Inter   Coastline   Palm      naked      Inter     Inter    Palm     Inter    Inter
Service           city   Mini      city   Penguin     Mini       bus        city     city     Mini      city    city
          days   daily    M-F     daily     M-F        M-F       daily      daily   Fri&Sun    M-F     daily   Fri&Sun
      (origin)           (Palm)            (Oam)      (Palm)    (CHC)      (CHC)    (CHC)     (Palm)   (CHC)   (CHC)
Depart from
 Warrington       —       —        —      9.45 am      —          —          —        —        —        —        —
     Evansdale    —       7.55     —      9.50 am     12.40       —         1.11      —        4.55    7.25     10.39
                          am                           pm                   pm                 pm      pm        pm
       Waitati    —       8.00     —      9.55 am     12.45      1.25       1:13      —        5.00    7.27     10.41
                          am                           am        pm         pm                 pm      pm        pm
Return from
     Dunedin     7.45     8.45    12.50   3.45 pm      3.30      2.20        —      5.15pm     5.20     —        —
                 am       am       pm                  pm        pm                            pm
(destination)    (CHC)   (Palm)   (CHC)   (Oamaru)    (Palm)    (CHC)               (CHC)     (Palm)

Local buses:                                                       here stops unless pre-booked
 • Coastline Tours Penguin Bus: Times are very                  • Intercity Coachlines intercity.co.nz phone
   approximate and are for the Oamaru-Dunedin                      Dunedin 471 7143. Fares $10-20. Fare can be
   Shuttle operated by Coastline Tours, bookings                   reduced to about $5 for very frequent travel
   essential, tel 03 434 7744 or call the driver:                  using their ‘FlexiPass’.
   027 2565651. Their services are door-to-door                 • nakedbus.com phone (on an expensive 0900
   which is nice if you have luggage. Fare subject                 number) 0900 NAKED. Fare is $9-$10 or as
   to negotiation, about $9.                                       low as $1 if booked zillions of days in advance.
 • Palmerston Minibus Services: has the                            This is the cheapest theoretical way to get to
   cheapest “walk-up” fares ($4.50-7.50) because                   Dunedin, probably cheaper than walking.
   it is ratepayer-funded by the Otago Regional                    Note: nakedbus.com does not stop at Evansdale
   Council . Bookings are recommended, tel 03                      (email enquiries @ nakedbus.com and ask
   465 1229 or call the driver 027 262 2465.                       them to consider doing so).
Long Distance buses can also be used to and from               Other bus companies whose short-distance fare
Dunedin, but short-distance fares on them are                  policies make them completely inappropriate
not favourable unless booked well in advance or                for travel to or from Dunedin are omitted from
purchased in bulk by using a pass. Note:                       this guide.
 • these times are very likely to change                       Guide maintained by Peter Dowden: editors @
 • neither long-distance bus company mentioned                 blueskin.co.nz

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24                                            Blueskin News                                      1 March 2009
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