MHSC NEWS - Mine Health and Safety Council
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SEPTEMBER 2019 MHSC NEWS THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY COUNCIL IN MEMORIAM In this issue Emergency Preparedness and Response Workshop Culture Transformmation Framework Workshop Tribute to Deputy Minister Bavelile Hlongwa Women In Mining Indaba 2019
Editor’s corner About MHSC The Mine Health and Safety Council IN THIS ISSUE (MHSC) is a national public entity 1. Editor’s Corner 3 Every mine worker (Schedule A) established in terms of the Mine Health and Safety Act, Act No. 29 2. CEO’s Corner 4 returning from work 3. Tribute to the late Deputy Minister 6 of 1996, as amended. 4. Women’s Month Celebrations 2019 7 unharmed every day The entity comprises a tripartite board 5. Mine Health and Safety Workshop 10 represented by state employer and The Mine Health and Safety Council On a sad note, September played us a sombre note as we lost the 6. MHSC Women in Mining Indaba 2019 12 at the 2014 Mine Occupational Health Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Ms Bavelile Hlongwa. labour members under Chairmanship of the Chief Inspector of Mines. The 7. DMRE Women Achievers Awards 19 and Safety Summit coined the slogan, A young woman who still had lots to offer, an advocate for Women’s MHSC is funded by public revenue every mine worked returning from work rights and a passionate leader who was fearless. 8. Back at Home MHSC Offices 22 and is accountable to Parliament. The unharmed every day. The slogan is in 9. Northern Cape SHE Inauguration Summit 23 line with the quest for Zero Harm. This is main task of the Council is to advise As sung by Michael Jackson, indeed she left us too soon. the Minister of Mineral Resources and 10. Emergency preparedness and response workshop 24 at the core of the work that we do as the MHSC. “Gone Too Soon” Energy on occupational health and 11. Culture Transformation Implementation workshop 26 safety legislation and research outcomes 12. Medico Legal Investigations of Mine Deaths 28 In 2019, we have noticed improvements in Like A Comet focused on improving and promoting occupational health and safety in South 13. Learner Focus Week 29 the health and safety stats but it is still one Blazing ‘Cross The Evening Sky Gone Too Soon African mines. death too many as the sector is grappling 14. MHSC Celebrates Madiba day 30 Like A Rainbow with the health and safety of miners. It is 15. Pozisa Mtya crowned Ms. Transcontinental 31 also important to note that the number of Fading In The Twinkling Of An Eye Gone Too Soon The Council also oversees the activities of its committees, promotes a culture of 16. New Appointments 32 deaths on South African mines has almost Shiny And Sparkly health and safety in the mining industry, halved so far this year compared with last year. This shows that together with our And Splendidly Bright arranges a summit to review the state of occupational health and safety at mines stakeholders; it is possible to turn the tide Here One Day every two years, and liaises with the and ensure that mine workers return from Gone One Night Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA). work unharmed every day. Like The Loss Of Sunlight Publication information DISCLAIMER Significant strides in improving industry On A Cloudy Afternoon Mine Health and Safety Council 145 safety and health performance in recent Gone Too Soon Western Service Road MHSC News Magazine is owned and published by the Mine Health and Safety Council. years have been possible through the collaborative efforts of State, Organised Like A Castle Western Woods Office Park B7 Maple No person, organization or party can copy or re-produce the content on this magazine or any part of Place, Woodmead, 2191 this publication without a written consent from the editors’ panel and the author of the content, as applicable. The publisher (Mine Health and Safety Council), authors and contributors reserve their Labour and Employers through our Built Upon A Sandy Beach Tripartite initiatives. At the centre of this rights with regards to copyright of their work. The copyright includes (and not limited to) Gone Too Soon The content syndication of this publication is the Mine Health and Safety Council +27 (0) 11 656 1797 (tel) The content and/or images used in any of the articles of this publication (MHSC) 2014 Occupational Health and Like A Perfect Flower +27 (0) 11 656 1578 (fax) The MHSC News Magazine logo and any of its derivatives Safety Summit Milestones and the Centre That Is Just Beyond Your Reach Gone Too Soon The content on the MHSC News magazine are made available on the terms and condition that the of Excellence. At the 2014 OHS Summit, publisher, editors, contributors and Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight Here One Day related parties: tripartite stakeholders agreed on new shall have no responsibility for any action or omission by any other contributor, consultant, editor or milestones to be achieved by the year Gone One Night related party disclaim any and all liability and responsibility to any person or party, be they a reader, advertiser or consumer of this publication or not in regards to the consequences and outcomes of 2024. We continue to strive for Zero Like A Sunset anything done or omitted being in reliance whether partly or solely on the contents of this publication Harm. and products are not responsible in any way for the actions or results taken any person, organisation Dying With The Rising Of The Moon Gone Too Soon Gone Too Soon or any party on basis of reading information, or contributions in this publication or related product. Lala Ngoxolo Mbokodo Till next time -Masanda 2 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 3
CEO’S CORNER in Mining (WIM) Indaba was firstly, to align MHSC WIM programmes with the programmes on the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE). Secondly, the Indaba created a platform for women employed in the mining industry to engage on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) concerns impacting on them, identify emerging risks and develop a five-year “a force to strategy for the South African Mining Industry (SAMI). be reckoned At the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy Women’s Day event, MHSC women were with” recognised for the great work they are doing in various spheres of their lives. Congratulations to the MHSC women; Jackie Dibetsoe, Manyabela Mailula, Nomonde Nzimande, Portia Rabele, Ruth Nkoana, Pozisa Mtya and Bonolo Msutwana who scooped the awards at the event, keep up the good work you made us proud. The Chief Inspector of Mines Mr. David Thabo Dube, CEO- MHSC Msiza has under the Section 49 (6) of Mine and health and Safety Act (MHSA), 1996 (Act no : 29 of 1996) and after consultation with MHSC, issued a guidance note on medico- This issue covers initiatives and MHSC events initiatives. and engagement legal investigations of mine deaths in South Africa. This guidance originates events as the August month began This issue also covers initiatives and from the need to provide clarity on the process that must be followed for with a series of community outreach events as the August month began with a series of community outreach deaths that require a Medico-Legal Autopsy. For more information and to engagements in support of the engagements in support of the National women’s month, in the Northwest. access this guidance note please visit our website National Women’s month. The aim of these engagements was to promote the health and safety of women in the mines. It is with a heavy heart that I pen this Mr. Mantashe said Hlongwa’s strong The MHSC also hosted the Emergency MHSC would like to engage with you more, look at our events page for the foreword under sad circumstances we academic background made her a Preparedness and Response have found ourselves under during the force to be reckoned with. Workshop, the purpose of the workshop upcoming events like HIV and TB day, that you will read more about in our month of September, when we lost the was to address challenges the mining summer issue of MHSC News. We have been calling for article submissions Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources As the Mine Health and Safety Council; industry is faced with, with regards and Energy, Ms Bavelile Hlongwa. we also feel her loss as she played an to having emergency and response and the Northern Cape has heeded our call and in this issue you will read instrumental role in the MHSC Women services available for mines in business about initiatives from the province, a gesture we highly appreciate as we aim Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources in Mining programmes. She was for rescue or mines not complying with the and Energy, Bavelile Hlongwa died women, and we were still expecting so Mine Health and Safety Act (MHSA) in to make this magazine informative. the way she lived; helping people. much from her. The Deputy Minister terms of entering into a contract with a President Cyril Ramaphosa said at her was passionate about issues affecting rescue services provider. funeral in KwaZulu-Natal. women and she confronted issues Until next time, Thabo Dube head-on without hesitation when Among the series of events hosted in Mineral Resources Minister, Gwede tackling the sexual harassment issues the month of August was the two day Mantashe said the country has in the mines. Which is the direction MHSC WiM Indaba on the 21st and the lost a brilliant, young mind, in the the MHSC is taking in terms of dealing 22nd of August 2019. The main purpose passing away of Bavelile Hlongwa. with challenges affecting Women in the of hosting the MHSC 2019 Women industry. May her soul rest in peace. 4 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 5
Tribute to the late Deputy Minister BAVELILE HLONGWA Women’s Month Celebrations “There are no quick solutions to business. Ladies, be persistent business is about hard work and commitment.” As the Mine Health August began with a series of community outreach engagements in support of the National Women’s month celebrations, and Safety Council we under the leadership of the late Deputy Minister of Mineral and Energy Ms. Bavelile Hlongwa, from the 6th till the 10th August 2019 in the Northwest. These engagements were aimed at promoting the health and safety of women at mines as well as ensuring meaningful participation of women in the sector. honour this wonderful, The Mine Health and Safety Council(MHSC) supported the Deputy Minister in the following events; Round table discussion Energetic , brilliant with women in Mining and Energy sectors held on the 7th of August 2019 at Royal Bafokeng stadium, Outreach Program on Economic Opportunities and Occupational Health and Safety issues in the mining and energy sector on the 8th of and devoted patriot of August 2019 at Samancor TC Smelter, Mooinooi and Mine, Health and Safety workshop held on the 10th of August 2019 at Rustenburg Civic Centre. South Africa. We have lost a warrior woman of the people in the prime of her life. The contribution and life of Ms Bavelile Hlongwa mirrors the worthy attributes of remarkable leaders who have walked before her. We have been learning about Deputy Minister Hlongwa in the past few days, a youth leader, a mentor, a teacher, a freedom fighter, a gender activist of note. We saw the Deputy Minister playing a pivotal role in the issues affecting Women in Mining, she engaged the women in mining industry and was passionate in ensuring that every woman returns form work unharmed every day; in the light of the challenges women experience in the male dominated industry of mining. There are many lessons we can take from Ms Hlongwa’s life albeit our short time with her. We learned about humility, about selflessness, and sacrifice. A fearless woman leader, social activist, and a champion for the empowerment of women and vulnerable sections of society among others. As the Mine Health and Safety Council we were still expecting so much from her but the interactions we’ve had with her have been valuable and we take note of the messages and advice she imparted on us as the Mine Health and Safety Council , we will continue that women issues take centre stage in the mining industry. Lala Ngoxolo Mbokodo. 6 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 7
Outreach Programme on Economic Opportunities Round Table discussion with and Health and Safety issues in the Mining and Women in the Mining Sector Energy Sector. “ In 1956 when women marched to the Union Building, it was to address most of the issues that the women’s charter was raising, from which the freedom charter draws most of its origins. Before we are oppressed for our races, we are oppressed for being women.” The round table session was held at the Royal Marang Hotel, near Rustenburg on the 7th August 2019. The purpose of the The purpose of the outreach programme at Samancor TC Ms Florence Magampa from the MHSC presented on the session with the Deputy Minister was to engage the Women in Mining (WIM) in Rustenburg by listening to the matters that Smelters, on the 8th of August 2019 was for the Deputy mandate of the MHSC, the 2014 Occupational Health and they were raising. This was to allow the WIM to open up in a safe space to express their frustrations and expectations. The Minister to engage with Women in Mining (WIM) on the Safety Milestones, with specific reference to the Culture women were requested to share their experiences in terms of the support they need to deal with issues relating to SMMEs. extent of the economic opportunities available for them in Transformation Framework, in implementing the Women in The platform also created an opportunity for the Deputy Minister to engage with the women on their concerns in the mining the mining and energy sector with the support from DMRE. Mining Programme and progress to date. and energy sector broadly. The session also included discussions on Occupational In her response to questions raised, the Deputy Minister In her keynote address; the Deputy Minister focused on the need to transform the mining industry to ensure the economic Health and Safety (OHS); Issues impacting on WIM. The addressed in detail the health and safety challenges that transformation of women. In her message she started by elaborating on the woman charter of 1954 and discussing the Attendees included the DMRE’s officials, the MHSC staff, affect women in the mining industry with particular emphasis employment of woman in the mining industry. SAMANCOR executives, employees, women and men to sexual harassment. She said that there is the need for from neighbouring mines, organised labour representatives all the mines to deploy women in pairs while working and She went on to encourage women to work together as a collective and support one another, indicating how lonely it can and various WIM structures within the region. for Organised Labour to play major role in ensuring sexual be in business as an entrepreneur and if women can work together, they can assist each other. Also, that women should harassment cases of women are taken seriously and are realise that there are no quick solutions to business and that they need to be persistent, business is about hard work and Part of the discussions included the sexual harassment acted upon. She vigorously condemned the system of commitment. The Deputy Minister also addressed the subject of sexual harassment and the seriousness of the issue. incidents involving women in the North West mines. The patriarchy in the workplace and in society as a whole. She She highlighted that MHSC is assisting the South African Mining Industry (SAMI) by educating employees and creating programme of the day was led by Ms. Motlatso Kobe, urged the delegates to stop consuming alcohol and drugs as awareness on these issues through the Workshops, Regional Tripartite Forums and WIM Committees. Chief Director of the Mineral Regulation from the DMRE. they are disintegrating society. Ms Lendra van Merwe’s from Samancor presented on the demographics of the mine indicating number of women employed by the mine including training and skill development offered to women. She also discussed their initiatives to the promote the health, safety and security of women in their mines and to facilitate integration of women in the decision making positions. From left : Florence Magampa MHSC’s Technology Transfer and Lester Martin MHSC’s, Technology Transfer and Knowledge Facilitator and Deputy Minister, Bavelile Hlongwa Knowledge Facilitator, late Deputy Minister, of Mineral Resources and Energy, Bavelile Hlongwa and Masanda Peter, Stakeholder Manager at MHSC 8 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 9
MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY WORKSHOP continues MINE about sexual harassment and how In her keynote address the late Deputy The industry to consider looking at women should respond in dealing with Minister Bavelile Hlongwa spoke maternity leave for WIM. sexual harassment in their working intensely about the issues affecting environment. women and said they need to fight Transformation must address all issues and unite against abuse of women impacting on WIM. Other presenters included the at the workplaces. She urged the representatives of the unions (NUM, mines to follow regulations as per Women must not be subjected to UASA and NUMSA) who also shared the requirement of the DMRE more situations that necessitate sexual HEALTH AND SAFETY with the audience the challenges that especially on issues of health, safety favors to get employment at mines the woman continue to face in the and transformation and also educate WORKSHOP mining industry today and what needs men that they are equal to women Mines to be looking at ergonomics of to be done to address these challenges. in the society and in the workplace. women and provide machinery that Women of 1956 stood against alcohol accommodate WIM. Mr. David Msiza, Chief Inspector abuse and took it upon their hands to of Mines and MHSC chairperson fight the scourge. She urged all the Mines must develop programs to introduced Deputy Minister to the women to take care of their sexual lives’ educate employees about the dangers “Mines need to develop programs to educate audience by giving a brief background of her educational and work experience. and advised them to apply the ABC’s (Abstain Be faithful and Condomise) of of alcohol and drug abuse. employees about the dangers of alcohol and drug a healthy sexual life in order to keep The Mining industry must implement themselves alive. Other issues that the the approved mining charter. abuse” DM addressed are: Deputy Minister engaged with speech Mr. Mhlungu mentioned that, The mine is taking the issue of sexual stakeholders including communities in celebrating the hard work done by harassment seriously,” concluded Mr. around Rustenburg area on issues the women in mining it is important to Richardson. related to Occupational Health Safety remember that there are still a number (OHS) impacting women in mining of harassment issues in their workplace. MHSC‘s Women in Mining ,North West (WIM). He encouraged all the women to take a Regional Chairperson, Ms. Jackie stand against such behavior and follow Dibetsoe, shared with the audience The engagement was coordinated in the footsteps of the stalwarts like her experience of working in the mining through the hosting of the workshop Lillian Ngoyi and Winnie Mandela who industry. She said the Women in Mining by the Mine Health and Safety Council fought against discrimination. Forums started in the Rustenburg (MHSC) to discuss three key priorities region with the help of MHSC and impacting on WIM, namely: the scourge The CEO of Lanxess Chrome mine, DMRE in establishing women forums of sexual harassment experienced by Mr. L Richardson, thanked everyone for which focuses mainly on promoting WIM, provision of Personal Protective the opportunity to present at this special health and safety in the regions. Equipment (PPE) for WIM by mines event. He said Lanxess recognize the Women need to be assured of safe, fair and Safety and Security challenges value women bring in the industry. He and conducive work environment, free which have led to deaths of miners. also shared with the audience the from discrimination and harassment. Delegates at the Mine Health and Safety Workshop statistics of women development in the The Deputy Minister held a briefing Lanxess Chrome Mine and highlighted MHSC presented a video against session at Lanxess mines with the that 25% of the workforce are women sexual harassment to the audience, CEO of Lanxess Chrome Mine Mr. and they also have 27% of women this was to create awareness and L Richardson and his management in the top management structures. “ team ,she was accompanied by the Chief Inspector of Mines, Mr David Msiza, Deputy Chief Inspector of Mines, Mr Mthokozisi Zondi, the CEO of MHSC, Mr Thabo Dube and other government officials. From the briefing session the Deputy Minister proceeded to the workshop which was held at Rustenburg Civic Centre where 300 women who work in the mines near Rustenburg attended. MMC Michael Mhlungu from Rustenburg welcomed the guests on behalf of the Mayor of Rustenburg Nkhesani Masekoa, Thabo Dube, Jackie Dibetsoe and Deputy Minister Bavelile Hlongwa adressing the Local Municipality. In his opening Mthokozisi Zondi. delegates Isabela Rankhumise and Enoch Ntlakane 10 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 11
WIM INDABA CONTINUES the journey of MHSC WiM initiatives South African Bureau of Standards industry which has always been male- since its inception. She alluded that (SABS) Representative Mr. Mahesh dominated, regardless of geographical during the 2014 WiM conference, Naggesar, presented on the protective location. There have been positive programme pillars were identified clothing standards. He pleaded with steps which have helped to integrate and must be fully implemented in the SAMI and the employees to women into the industry, but they 2020. A programme of action was always check the product labelling, continue to be under-represented. She tabled in order to implement this WiM take ergonomics into consideration, shared with the delegate the statistics programme, which includes conducting body measurement, size labelling and of Women in the Mining Industry and research on suitable PPE for Women in that PPE must be comfortable. In his said, gender imbalances need to be mining, Safety and Security, Workplace conclusion, Naggesar said “when you looked into . Collaboration is key, if Violence and Sexual harassment receive PPE it is very important to we are to make significant strides, Progress up to so far; PPE for WiM always check if there are standards, women need to work together to make is been developed, PPE for WiM request the test reports, verify by easy to gradually infiltrate this industry. guidelines for correct usage, WiM testing if not sure, verify comfort She said to the delegates “ there is a Tripartite Regional Forums (TRF) were by simple assessments ,PPE body need for a male champion in the WiM established with the aim of to achieve dimensions must be recoded for committee who will be pro-change, bottom-up engagements, to this medical purposes.” male counterparts are not always point there are twelve regions. In her aware of our challenges. Separate conclusion she said, “there is a need Among other speakers at the meetings do not yield the results. to conduct research on the impact conference was Lindi Nakedi, Former Include a men in the committees so far of vibration of equipment on WiM’s WIMSA chairperson. Her message was you have their support.” reproductive health.” based on the role of women in mining organisations. She said, Mining is an MHSC’S WOMEN IN MINING INDABA 2019 NOTHING ABOUT US, WITHOUT US The Mine Health and Safety Council Program director Mapaseka Mokwele She continued to say “the held its Women in Mining Indaba at the buoyantly started the event by giving implementation of Diversity Lakes Hotel and Conference Centre, a brief background of the event. She Management pillar of the Culture in Benoni on the 21st and 22nd of August then introduced on stage Ms Lebogang Transformation Framework was 2019. Over 500 Women delegates Mafulatha from NUM to do the Lest made a key Milestone to be achieved descended from all provinces of South we forget and observe a moment of in 2020.” In conclusion she said Africa to review and measure progress silence which is a norm in the mining “MHSC WiM program must be of what they had previously identified industry gatherings to remember the aligned with the DMRE programmes as challenges they face in the industry, colleagues who lost their lives in their to ensure government strategies are as well as plan a way forward and line of duty. Dr. Lindiwe Ndelu, MHSC implemented in the industry.” make recommendations to remove board member welcomed the delegates obstacles. Women want to make by unpacking the purpose of Indaba. Welcomed onto stage with a song, was meaningful contributions and become She acknowledged that a little is done the Chairperson of the of the WiM sub- architects of their own destinies. for women in the mining industry and committee which reports to Culture appreciated the work done by MHSC Transformation Advisory Committee for raising the flag for women in the (CTAC) Lerato Tsele. She presented Dr Lindiwe Ndelu, Mapaseka Mokwele, David Msiza, Nkhensani Masekoa, Thabo Dube and Mthokozisi Zondi mining industry. 12 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 13
WIM INDABA CONTINUES WIM INDABA CONTINUES The day one of the 2019 Women in mining indaba ended with all delegates going into different break away sessions depending on their particular topic of interest. The breakaway sessions provides an opportunity for delegates to engage in robust debates and express their perspectives in an open man- ner. There were six breakaway session topics: PPE, Safety and Security, Re- productive Health, WiM Structural Issues, Sexual Harassment and Wellness and Psychological Issues. Magdeline Mokwena, from the Members of the organised labour management issues and women On the second day of the conference MHSC’s Chief Research Operating She encouraged the delegates to support each other not only at work Feedback from the DMRE, shared with the delegates representatives’ also presented to empowerment. “The challenges of the women empowerment the delegates, from UASA Carike women affect us all irrespective of your Officer (CROO) Ms. Nkhensani Masekoa gave a summary of day one but also to consider the traditional roles that women play at home that breakaway sessions programmes implemented in the van Aswegen, said that the MHSC affiliation.” DMRE and the Mining sector. must keep up the good work of of the event and she said “ we have to delegate upwards as we endeavour to also contribute to the stress levels. It is important that all of us find balance was presented by the hosting the WiM Indaba as it helps to Sharing the same sentiment, Mathapelo resolve issues. WiM regional structures between family and work. In her presentation she said; order to deal the issues of gender in empower women. Johan Boning from Khanye of NUM spoke on the role have been established, let us go facilitators. Solidarity shared the same sentiment of women in the mining industry, she equality it is important to work in as he ascended the podium and said said; “empowerment of women is the back to our regions and implement.” partnerships, the formation of Public Solidarity appreciate MHSC for hosting international priority, LGTB community and Private Partnerships with all the WIM Indaba. He pleaded with must be accepted not accommodated, relevant stakeholders in order to; men in the industry to pledge support Women of 1965 set us a mark, it is up to offer Mentorship / entrepreneurial in enhancing health and safety for the women of today to take it forward.” programmes which are intended women. He received standing ovation to train and empower women on from the delegates when he said economic development programmes these declarations “ We as men, must and projects to be established. respect women, we must appreciate women, we must uplift women and real Reports on progress to be monitored men must protect women. and submitted annually, in these reports to make sure that qualified Landiwe Dube from AMCU also and capable women are placed in key took the stand and spoke vigorously positions, economic empowerment against women abuse, she called of women must be prioritised as per on the leaders of the trade unions to legislation, organisational support consider a serious mind shift to foster programmes, conduct Gender Audits collaboration and not competition, and eliminate genderism in our society. especially when it comes to diversity Delegates of the 2019 WIM Indaba Delegates of the 2019 WIM Indaba Delegates of the 2019 WIM Indaba Delegates of the 2019 WIM Indaba 14 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 15
WIM INDABA CONTINUES WIM INDABA CONTINUES The event was officially closed by the were designed by men with men in stakeholders, employers and labour. MHSC CEO, Mr. Thabo Dube. He mind. Women were never meant to We need to have male ambassadors to thanked the delegates for coming and participate and therefore are excluded advance women issues.” In conclusion making the WiM indaba 2019 a success even by design. This should give us he said “the developed plan will be and highlighted to the delegates the comfort in knowing that changing over shared with all Women in Mining, it issues that are close to the ministry. a century old system will not happen will be part of the MHSC strategic overnight, so all victories should be plan, measuring ourselves over the In response to the saying, men need celebrated.” He continued to say that “I next five years and monitoring will be to be educated on women issues he also support this new woman structure, continuous. said “I agree completely with that not under CTAC having representation notion. It should be noted that mines in the Board but also close to other Delegates of the 2019 WiM Indaba To present financial wellness was industry.” This was the affirmation that want to emphasise that throughout the Old Mutual’s National Key account Masanda Peter, Stakeholder Manager Indaba, we have heard you. This is Executive, Relopile Dlalisa in her at MHSC gave to the delegates. In her not my meeting, but it is about women. presentation, she shared with the presentation she outlined the role of We will consolidate what you said delegates the March 2018 credit active Stakeholder unit in MHSC, engagement and verify if that is what you want us consumer’s records held by Credit processes deployed to engage with to focus on for the next five years. As Bureaus. These records reflect that t h e s t a k e h o l d e r s s u c c e s s f u l l y, the MHSC we are putting an effort to many South Africans are not living communication model to support the resolve all that has been raised.” within their means but they are living Communication and Dissemination of on credit . She alluded that employers MHSC’s research outcomes and the “The establishment of the MHSC was need to implement a financial wellbeing principles of stakeholder engagement. the best decision for the industry, for employees so that they are able to the recommendation to establish a make informed financial decisions. She Chairperson of the CTAC Mr. Victor separate structure for women has the also highlighted on the Old Mutual’s Mahwasane, also addressed the Board Chairperson’s vote & support.” financial education platforms which delegates of the 2019 WiM indaba. He Said MHSC’s board Chairperson includes radio talk shows, television spoke to the cultural issues that affect and Chief Inspector of Mines Mr. interviews, articles in printed media women and how they can be used to the David Msiza. He continued by giving and social media platforms. In closing advantages on WiM. “Culture is very assurance to the delegates, that she said ; “Do not live a WOW life on a powerful and this has to be taken into there will be a clear implementation LOL budget.” consideration as we employ strategies plan, with clear measurable targets to transform the mining industry and for accountability in addressing the “Women need to know that they are note that employees comes from number of incidents affecting women in complete individuals lacking nothing, diverse cultures. Patriarchal cultures the industry. “ we all have a common therefore they should celebrate would then bring people who have a goal which is health and safety.” themselves despite the challenges tendency to not respect women.” In Concluded Mr. David Msiza they face in daily in the mining his conclusion Mr. Mahwasane said “I 16 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 17
WIM INDABA CONTINUES Women In Mining Indaba Department of Mineral Resources In Pictures and Energy Delegates of the 2019 WiM Indaba WOMEN ACHIEVERS AWARDS Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC) and other SOE’s Women’s Charter, she further reiterated:“ To ensure that within the Minerals and Mining sector were invited to Freedom Charter is realised make practical the resolutions collaborate with the Department of Minerals and Energy of Women’s Charter.” (DMRE) in recognition, awarding and celebrating of women’s contributions and achievements. MHSC was awarded a the Most transformed SOE award. The criteria for this award was to acknowledge the entities The event was hosted on the 23rd August 2019 at CSIR, in who have achieved 50% representation of women in the Pretoria under the theme, “25 years of Democracy Growing organisation, 50% representation of women at the executive South Africa Together for Women’s Emancipation.” It was or senior management level and representation of women at an ebullient blissful event, women from different provinces the board level. Of all the SoE’s that participated, Mine Health came in numbers looking all exquisite. The DMRE and Mintek and Safety Council’s CEO Mr. Thabo Dube was awarded for choirs kept the audience entertained with their harmonious making progress in appointing women in decision making music. The key message of the day from different speakers positions. MHSC’s Chief Research Operations Officer Ms. was that women need develop themselves and the first Nkhensani Masekoa received the award on his behalf. A step to personal development is education. The key note well-deserved award indeed, because these women are not speaker at the event was the late Deputy Minister of Mineral only putting an effort in the MHSC but are also working hard Resources and Energy Ms. Bavelile Hlhongwa. She said to improve their lives and those of the communities that “ The women of 1956 fought Patriarchy, if women today they live in. Seven women from the MHSC scooped different can follow in those footsteps a lot can be achieved”. She awards in different criteria’s. LET US CONGRATULATE challenged the delegates to familiarise themselves with the OUR SHINING STARS. 18 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 19
DMRE WOMEN AWARDS CONTINUES DMRE WOMEN AWARDS CONTINUES POZISA MTYA: BONOLO MSUTWANA: SPECIAL NOMONDE NZIMANDE: BEST JACKI DIBETSOE: WOMEN RUTH NKOANA: WOMEN PORTIA RABELE: BEST BEST POVERTY ALLEVIATION AWARD (RUNNER-UP) POVERTY ALLEVIATION ACHIEVERS ACHIEVERS POVERTY ALLEVIATION Criteria: This award recognise Criteria: women making a Criteria: This award recognises Criteria: women who have grown Criteria: women who have Criteria: This award recognises and acknowledge women who difference for themselves or in and acknowledges women who through the ranks; Qualifications, grown through the ranks; and acknowledges women who goes beyond their call of duty their communities outside of the go beyond their call of duty to Promotions and Mentorship Qualifications, Promotions and goes beyond their call of duty to to assist others and improve the job scope. assist others and improve the and gone an extra mile to drive Mentorship. assist others and improve the livelihood of poor people. livelihood of poor people. gender issues. livelihood of poor people. A philanthropist by birth, Pozisa has Bonolo participated in the 2019 Nomonde Nzimande is a passionate Through her journey in mining Jackie After matric, young as she was Ruth Portia has been involved in many been involved in different charities by Comrades Marathons that took place in health worker, she puts the occupational had challenges with systems not had to look for a job, not because she community development projects giving back to her community with more Durban. she ran 43.3 kilometres which health and safety of employees and the in place to accommodate women was ready for the working environment since the start of her employment at focus on young girls. She was recently took her six hours. By 17:30 the cut surrounding community as her priority. especially underground. Based on her but because of her circumstances and Village Main Reef (VMR). She initiated crowned MS Transcontinental Woman off time for the race she was receiving She has led community projects with the role as one of the first women to work her eagerness to further her studies. a project where sanitary towels are of Inspiration 2019. This tittle speaks medical check-up due to a painful aim of empowering young school girls underground it was a not easy to raise She joined MHSC as a cleaner but donated on a monthly basis to under to the mission of Transcontinental muscle strain. “Although I did not make in issues of health and opportunities concerns regarding her safety and through courage and determination privileged young girls in a school in Pageants which is to bring dignity to it to the finishing line, I made a huge available in the mining industry for security underground. It all began by she saw an opportunity. MHSC had a Kanana location. She did not only young girls. step into building a foundation for what women. Among other things Nomonde engaging few women in the operation vacant position of an Office Assistant request mine employees to donate I hope to be my lifetime achievement. “ host awareness campaigns with to form committees that will be able to and she applied and was appointed. but also appealed to organisations the community radio station on anti- share ideas and encourage each other That’s when she realised, she had a outside of the mine to assist towards tobacco day, project Dipeo, an initiative as support from management was passion for Information Technology she this cause. She assisted to raise to mentor surrounding community limited. In 2015 she engaged DMRE to then applied for a bursary at MHSC. awareness about a young girl who MANYABELA MAILULA: schools matriculants regarding support her vision to start WIM Forum needed help in furthering her studies in WOMEN ACHIEVERS psychosocial issues affecting youth where women can be able to motivate Being a parent, student and a a tertiary institution, and people were and communities on depression and each other and conduct workshops in fulltime employee was not easy but able to assist raise funds for the girl to suicide. line with health, Safety and security of she managed to juggle all three register and get her fees paid. Criteria: women who have women in mining, Through guidance responsibilities that equally needed grown through the ranks; Qual- The Mining industry is a hard ladder and support of the Principal Inspector, her full attention. Today Ruth is a to climb. Manyabela has achieved ifications, Promotions and Men- both, still finding time to serve Women Mr Mothiba and MHSC it was possible qualified Computer Technician and “To ensure that Freedom torship and gone an extramile to to gather women from different mining she is currently pursuing her Diploma in Mining Fora. This pronounces houses and share the vision with them. in Network Systems. Studying and Charter is realised, drive gender issues. Manyabela’s commitment to elimination The burning issue was Health and working at the same time helps her practicalise the resolutions of gender-based dis-crimination, With more than thirteen years workplace harassment, gender equality Safety of women in the mining industry to inspire and to motivate her kids, of Women’s charter.” experience in technical research and and was raised at Tripartite meetings. family and everyone looking up to her, -Bavelile Hlongwa policies and gender mainstreaming To this date issues affecting women more especially the young girls in the mining in countries such as Tuckey, issues at PC and the mining industry as are taken seriously in the mines. villages. Georgia, United States of America a whole. (USA) and South Africa, Ms. Manyabela Mailula is Palabora Copper’s Manager for Training, Development and Contractor Management. 20 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 21
Northern Cape SHE BACK AT HOME Representative Summit MHSC The Northern Cape Mine to do then zero harm will forever be from the breakaway sessions was OFFICES Manager’s Association (NCMMA) in elusive.” Mr. Mateta closed off his then analysed and the key actions collaboration with the Department of address by encouraging delegates will be shared with the mines. The Minerals and Energy (DMRE) and to engage without fear and assured Chairperson of the NCMMA, Mr Tribe organised labour formations held them that whatever the outcome of the Bhengu, echoed the support of SHE the Inaugural Safety ,Health and engagements, it would be acted upon Reps by the mines in the provinces. On the 29th August the MHSC Environment (SHE) representatives by all responsible stakeholders. The mines have committed to have the women closed the August Summit, on 16 August 2019 at Finsch Section 23 guidelines implemented by month with a celebration Diamond Mine. The objective of Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC) the end of the first quarter of 2020. the summit was to have a facilitated also supported the event. As part of themed doek and lipstick. dialogue with the SHE Representatives the presentation on implementation in order to unlock their potential of Section 23 of the Mine Health and The event was successful such that The MHSC Chief Research in the Zero Harm agenda and the Safety Act, Tebogo Thekiso unpacked it will be held annually to address the Operations Officer (CROO), Ms. implementation of the Section 23 employees’ right to refuse dangerous SHE representatives challenges and Nkhensani Masekoa shared Guideline. work and their right to leave dangerous successes. working places. these words “ Let us be united, Tumelo Mateta, the Northern Cape (NC) respect each other’s authority Principal Inspector, emphasised the Yellow Baobab Institute of Learning in positions we hold, look Back standing: Sewela Kabe, Lungile Magopane, Charlotte Mashiane, Lindi Mncwango, empowerment of SHE Representatives facilitated breakaway sessions where at each other’s abilities and Pulane Tshivase, Portia Nyaka, Faith Ntladi, Pozisa Mtya, Vimla Pentasaib, Nkhensani and said “It is my firm belief that, SHE Reps spoke of issues from capabilities to deliver and let Masekoa, Sandisiwe Mase, Porta Ngcobo, Tshedi Gafane, Noleen Woods, if we do not support, empower and the heart which affected them in Naomi Nkoana, Zime Ndlangana, Yvette Setlhapelo, and Ruth Nkoana. give them direction in what they need performing their daily tasks. Feedback us do it with excellence. It is important to work and deliver Front Sitting: Dimakatso Ndumndum, Isabela Rankhumise, Lerato Seobi, Kelebogile with excellence. Mabe, Bonolo Msutwana, Kgomotso Mokhine, Lerato Nyathi and Zimi Zingani Women in Mining from the Northwest, Rustenburg region attended the funeral service of the late Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Ms. Bavelile Hlongwa. 22 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 23
EPR WORKSHOP CONTINUES Emergency Preparedness and In closing the MHSC’s Chief Research Operations Officer, Ms Nkhensani Masekoa acknowledged the good work that Response Workshop the MRS is doing. She also reminded the delegates that employers are embarking on technology and modernisation initiatives to improve Occupational Health and Safety. “The MHSC needs to fast track the completion of the Missing Person Locator project where we need to explore uses of data and digitization, Virtual reality training and systems control engineering” said Ms Masekoa. “Drones can become communication nodes when there is no Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in areas affected with disaster and they can also carry messages or medical supplies to trapped individuals.” after a gas explosion. He further Mannas Fourie, CEO of the Mine thanked the Department of Minerals Rescue Services South Africa, shared and Energy (DMRE) team led by the with the delegates the importance Chief Inspector of Mines and MHSC of maintaining the correct team board Chair person, Mr. David Msiza ratios when going underground. He and the Mine Rescue Service teams emphasised that every ground mine for supporting Gloria Mine during that must enter into a contract with a mine difficult time. rescue service provider to coordinate and facilitate the provision of mines Professor Fred Cawood, Director at rescue teams and other services WITS Mining Institute, presented the relating to the emergency on a drone technology for underground corporative basis. mining applications and shared Dr. Johan Boning, ADV. Hanlie Van Vuuren and Nikkie Prinsloo with the delegates possible Mr Franz Stehring of UASA, opened solutions on how drones can help his address by acknowledging that Preparing for an emergency is very in cases of underground emergency women have a significant role to play important because equipment will be preparedness.“Drones can become in South Africa’s mining industry. He readily available and people will know communications nodes when there is further added that he had experienced who to call, where to go and how to no Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in a lady skilfully breaking rock in a keep safe when an emergency occur. areas affected by the disaster. Drones mine in a safe environment with the The Mine Health and Safety Council can also carry messages, or medical use of technology. Organised labour (MHSC) hosted the 2019 Emergency supplies to trapped individuals”. is currently considering legislative Preparedness and Response options to ensure that all employees Workshop on the 15th of August 2019, have access to rescue services in at The Canvas Riversands Events and The DMRE Gauteng Principal Inspector emergency situations. Conference Centre. and the Chairperson of Illegal Mining Forum Mpho Lithlakanyane, presented Mr Jacob Boshielo, the MHSC’s The main purpose of the workshop on the perspectives and challenges the CTAC Programme Manager, Jacob Boshielo CTAC Programme Manager at MHSC Delegates at the Emergency Preparedness and was to address challenges the mining Illegal Mining Forum are faced with. discussed the workshop and Brian Ncube MRAC manager at MHSC Response Workshop industry is faced with, in regards These challenges include underground presentations, way forward and he to having emergency and response rescue and recovery, health and recommendations from the services available for mines in business safety, Municipal infrastructure and breakaway sessions. Some of these rescue or mines not complying with the road access and usage of illegal recommendations are; all mines Mine Health and Safety Act (MHSA) in substances. Dr. Sizwe Phakathi MHSC need to pay a fee and be registered terms of entering into a contract with a Employers Convenor, commended the with MRS, convene workshops rescue services provider. selfless work done by Mine Rescue on emergency preparedness and Services (MRS) in the SA mining response in all regions, train and Various Mining stakeholders attended industry. It must be acknowledged establish community reserve teams the workshop and gave presentations. that the work MRS does is not easy, to same standard as current MRS’s Mike Elliot from Gloria Mine presented it is important that they remain active proto members and establish a fund the case study of the mine, touching and be supported at all times. MRS to assist mines that are not affiliated on the challenges faced by the mine is recognised internationally, giventhe to MRS. and lessons learned from the incident amazing work they performed in Chile that happened in February 2019 where where rescue operations were being From Left to right: Dr. Sizwe Phakathi, Mr. Mannas Fourie, Ms. Nkhensani Masekoa, Mr. Franz Stehring, Dr. Lindiwe Ndelu, Mr. Mpho people were trapped underground conducted. Litlhakanyane and Mr. Mike Elliot 24 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 25
In his presentation he gave the CTF WORKSHOP CONTINUES background on the history of mining Culture Transformation from 1850 and how the culture of mining changed in the past hundred Most of the employees were of the view engaged on different topics of the CTF pillars. structured process and tools to enable individuals or groups to transition from Framework Implementation years. He explained that in those years, that safety incentives has potential a current state to a future state in order there was a high number of fatalities of rewarding the wrong behavior After the sessions Johan Nortje from to achieve a desired outcome. WORKSHOP which was unacceptable as compared and can contribute to the behavior the University of Pretoria shared with to the recent years where the health of under reporting the incidents the delegates the Change Management MHSC’s Knowledge and Information and safety status has improved, even instead of reducing them. This Model. Officer Pozisa Mtya, presented though the SAMI is still faced with loss perception was corrected by looking the milestone reporting portal and of lives. In closing Mr. Becker said that into the measurement categories In his presentation Mr. Nortje said ; encouraged the employers to register “Anglo American has identified and which are; Safety environment and “change is not an event, it is a process and report on the 2014 Summit Over the years, the South African Mining Industry’s (SAMI) adopted leading practices through the House Keeping, Production Targets, and it is inevitable, people make milestone targets. The workshop was focus has been on attempting to improve Occupational Health Absenteeism, quality and disciplinary change initiatives succeed or fail. For closed by the presentation from the MOSH Learning Hub. They engage with and Safety (OHS) conditions through technical interventions other mining companies to share best action. change to happen in the organisation facilitators of different breakaway with limited consideration of the human and organisational practices and track on the progress of all affected stakeholders must actively sessions. In these presentations elements. A paradigm shift was required to focus on adoption at Regional Tripartite Forums Stanford Malatji, Head of MOSH participate in the change.” He explained delegates made recommendations of (RTF) and Community of Practice for Learning Hub, Minerals Council the reasons why people resist change how best the industry can implement organisational and human factors in-order to accelerate the Adoption (COPAs).” South Africa, presented on Leading and the seven building blocks of the Culture Transformation Framework attainment of Zero Harm. Practice. In his presentation Mr. Malatji change. In conclusion he said, Change with the Bonus and incentives pillar Bonus and Performance incentive is explained the vision, mission goals of management is the application of a being the first priority. something that is close to each and Mining Industry Occupational Safety every employee’s heart. To present on (MOSH) Learning hub. He said “MOSH this pillar was Mogamat Bailey from is a systematic and people-centred Afrimat. He took the delegates through approach and/or change management Afrimat’s Safety Incentive Program. methodology for identifying, He highlighted that incentives are documenting and promoting leading an essential tool of each and every practices with a view to change health organisation, regardless of size or and safety culture. MOSH is grounded industry in promoting health and safety on proven science-based behaviour in the workplace. “ Incentives build change techniques and industry and maintain employee’s interest in ownership as an initiative by industry working safely and act as a motivator for industry. It requires early and for employees to take extra careful upfront engagement of those affected measures when working.” He also to understand their underlying risk indicated the challenges Afrimat perceptions, knowledge gaps, mistaken encountered when introducing the beliefs, biases, misconceptions, views, safety incentive program. concerns. In closing Mr. Malatji said “ Leading practice can be achieved Delegates at the workshop by collaborations and making mining matter and by engaging members The Mine Health and Safety and shared with the delegates the and stakeholders through constructive Gabriel Nkosi; AMCU Council (MHSC) hosted the Culture purpose of the workshop. relationships. Transformation Framework (CTF) Implementation Workshop at The Jacob Boshielo Culture Advocate Hanlie Van Vuuren presented Canvas Incubation Hub in Riversands, Transformation Advisory Committee on the Diversity Management and Fourways on the 12th and 13th of (CTAC) Programme Manager Elimination of Discrimination. In her September 2019. The purpose of CTF presented the mandate of the MHSC, presentation she gave background Implementation workshop was to assist the History and Journey to Zero Harm on the South African constitution and the South African Mining Industry and the Culture Transformation outlined to the delegates Bill of Rights (SAMI) with the implementation Framework Pillars. He alluded that that deals with equality and dignity of of the six prioritised pillars of the “each pillar has an objective, minimum the citizens of South Africa. In closing CTF which are; Leadership, Risk standards, roles and responsibilities Hanlie quoted from the constitution Management, Leading Practice, and an action plan.” In closing Mr. saying “ everyone has inherent dignity Elimination of Discrimination, Boshielo, said the MHSC has research and the right to have their dignity Bonus and Performance Incentives. that is underway , to develop a respected and protected. Pro-active framework for employers to effectively measures and campaigns may protect As a norm in the gatherings of the manage contractors to improve dignity and enhance health, safety and South African Mining Industry (SAMI), occupational health and safety wellbeing of both men and women in the delegates opened the workshop performance in the SAMI. the South African Mining Industry. by observing a moment of silence in remembrance of those colleagues Piet Becker from Anglo American “The second day of the workshop Delegates attending the event whose lives were lost in the mines. CEO shared with the delegates how culture began with the parallel breakaway of MHSC Mr. Thabo Dube, welcomed transformation can be implemented. Florence Magampa MHSC’s Technology sessions, where by delegates robustly Transfer and Knowledge Facilitator. 26 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 27
MEDICO LEGAL INVESTIGATIONS OF MINE DEATHS: GUIDANCE NOTE LEARNER FOCUS WEEK It is important that in a case where an accident leads to death, a proper process is followed to analyse what went wrong and what is it that can be done to make future projects successful. The Learner Focus week is a Department of Mineral Resourcesand Energy’s (DMRE) initiative which is done on an The Chief Inspector of Mines Mr. David Msiza has under the section 49 (6) of Mine and health and Safety Act (MHSA), 1996 (Act no: 29 of 1996) and after consultation with MHSC, issued a guidance note on medico-legal investigations of mine annual basis and deaths in South Africa. This guidance originates from the need to provide clarity on the process that must be followed for alternate between the Coastal deaths that require a Medico-Legal Autopsy. and the Inland regions This guidance note sets out good practice to stakeholders and should be read together with the current and relevant regulatory framework on Medico- Legal post-morteminvestigations and does not constitute aspecific and/or separate protocol. Challenges that led to creating a Medico Legal investigations guidance note. 1. Uncertainties regarding roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in the event of death. 2. A significant proportion of death in the mining industry is complex and requires specialists’ skills when performing Medico Legal post-mortem examinations. 3. Sudden deaths have been reported, where there is no associated accident or occurrence. 4. The manner in which post -mortem process is handled by, the employers and the state’s forensic pathology services. 5. Timeous processing and submission of post-mortem examination report to facilitate the conclusion of the Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate (MHSI investigations in terms of section 11(5) and 60 (1) of the MHSA. The MHSC established a task team of medical and legal experts representing theState, Employers and Organised Labour todeal with the challenges above whiledeveloping the guidance note. We are hopeful that this guidance note will add value to the South African Mining Industry(SAMI). Students at the Learner Focus Week. The main aim of the Learner Focus Week is to make the students aware of what careers are available for them in the mining sectorand how they can access the industry. A visit to the mining operations allowed the students to understanding the environment of the mining industry. The students were challenged by a robotics workshop and this was coupled with presentation on the Fourth Industrial Revolution that they will be part of in the future. Some of the students presented their projects and which was followed by a quiz. Gala evening was hosted and students with the best results and projects from the various regions were recognised and given awards. The regions that participated were Limpopo,Gauteng, North West and the Free State. The initiative was driven by the DMRE incollaboration with the Department of Education. This was made possible by tremendous support from the various mines TO READ MORE and stakeholders. The Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC) was allocated a stand to exhibit as one of the stakeholders. ON THIS, PLEASE MHSC’s main aim was to ensure that the students understand where the organisation belong in the mining industry and LOG ON TO the outcomes of the research projects are disseminated to the mines across the country. The focus was placed on the interaction with the students to allow them to understand how the mining structures work together and the opportunities that are created for them to enter as they choose their careers. Tebogo Thekiso presented the mandate and structure of the MHSC to enlighten the students as to how MHSC support the industry with issues of Occupational Health and Safety. Literature which consisted of MHSC profile and booklets from the completed projects was distributed. This gave the students an opportunity to see how the results of some of the projects are displayed so that the mines can benefit. To further encourage the students interests in the mining space, they were requested to interact with MHSC on Tweeter and leave a message on their face book and Instagram accounts to express their understanding and experience on their interaction with MHSC. 28 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 MHSC NEWS -Sept 2019 29
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