How do we fund council services? - Cambridge City Council

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How do we fund council services? - Cambridge City Council

Cambridge City Council’s magazine for residents • •

How do we fund
council services?
Where the money comes
from and where it’s spent

Coronavirus                                           elections
latest                                                on 6 May
How to get help                                             How to vote as
and advice                                               safely as possible
How do we fund council services? - Cambridge City Council
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How do we fund council services? - Cambridge City Council
Spring edition

            4             Coronavirus – help and support
                                                                                         Changes to bin
                          where you live

            5             Getting the Covid-19 vaccine
                                                                                         collection days
            7             Street Aid helps people stay off
                          the streets
                                                                                         for Easter
            9             Helping the city centre recover
                          from Covid                                                     Don’t forget that the day when your bins are collected
                                                                                         will change across the Easter bank holiday period in
            11           Vote safely at the local elections
                         in May                                                          early April.
                                                                                            Easter egg packaging including carboard boxes,

            12           How does the council pay for
                         your services?
                                                                                         moulded plastic, plastic wrap and foil can all be placed
                                                                                         into your blue bin for recycling.

            14           House building programme
                         continues across Cambridge                                      Usual collection day         Revised collection day
                                                                                         Friday 2 April		             Tuesday 6 April
            16           Access services when you want
                         with MyCambridge                                                Monday 5 April
                                                                                         Tuesday 6 April
                                                                                                                      Wednesday 7 April
                                                                                                                      Thursday 8 April
            17           Water For Wildlife – helping
                         nature go with the flow
                                                                                         Wednesday 7 April
                                                                                         Thursday 8 April
                                                                                                                      Friday 9 April
                                                                                                                      Saturday 10 April

            18           Sign the Climate Change Charter
                         and make a differenc
                                                                                         Friday 9 April
                                                                                         Monday 12 April
                                                                                                                      Monday 12 April
                                                                                                                      Tuesday 13 April
                                                                                         Tuesday 13 April		           Wednesday 14 April
            22           Meet your city councillors
                                                                                         Wednesday 14 April
                                                                                         Thursday 15 April
                                                                                                                      Thursday 15 April
                                                                                                                      Friday 16 April
            23           People at risk of domestic abuse
                         can Ask for ANI
                                                                                         Friday 16 April
                                                                                         Monday 19 April
                                                                                                                      Saturday 17 April
                                                                                                                      Back to normal
Front cover: Wildflower meadow on Christ’s Pieces
• Did you know we produce an audio version of
Cambridge Matters on CD for visually impaired people? If
                                                                                       Mayor’s awards recognise
you would like us to send you one email corporate. or phone 01223 457283                                       Cambridge’s community heroes
Cambridge City Council                                                                 Do you know any volunteers, community groups, organisations and
Website:                                     businesses who have made an outstanding contribution to supporting                                                           Cambridge residents during the coronavirus crisis?
Customer Service Centre                                                                  If so, they could be eligible for one of the Mayor of Cambridge’s ‘Volunteer For
Mandela House, 4 Regent Street, Cambridge CB2 1BY
Email:                                                      Cambridge’ Awards.
Useful phone numbers:                                                                    Since the start of lockdown, many people across Cambridge have given up
Benefits 01223 457721 | Corn Exchange box office 01223 357851                          their time to support others including by delivering medication and meals to
Council tax collections 01223 457760 | Council tax registration 01223
457790 | Environmental Services 01223 457900 | Homelink 01223                          vulnerable people, making scrubs and masks for frontline staff, and a whole host
457917 Housing management (Rents) 01223 457070 | Housing                               of different ways.
repairs 01233 457060 | Planning 01223 457200 | Taxis 01223 457888
Waste and streets 01223 458282                                                           If you’d like to nominate an individual or
For all other enquiries please call: 01223 457000                                      organisation, you can do so in four categories:
Monday-Friday 9am-5.15pm                                                               l Individual volunteer
Calls may be recorded for training purposes
                                                                                       l Community group and organisation
Hearing impaired via typetalk Phone: 18001 01233 457000
                                                                                       l Business
After hours emergency number: 0300 303 8389
                                                                                       l Young person volunteer (under 18)
Got a complaint or compliment for the council?
Visit or                         You can make your nomination by
write to PO Box 700, Cambridge CB1 0JH                                                 completing a simple form on the council
Cambridge Matters editorial
Cambridge Matters, Cambridge City Council,
                                                                                       website at
PO Box 700, Cambridge CB1 0JH                                                          cambridge-awards which should take no
Email: Phone: 01223 457000
                                                                                       longer than five minutes to complete. Printed
Cambridge City Council does not necessarily endorse       & products
                                                              Marketing   or           copies of the form are available by phoning
                                               NEWSPAPERS | MAGAZINES | WEBSITES
services featured in advertisements in this magazine.
                                                                                       01223 457878. The closing date to make a
                                                                     PRINTED ON
When you have finished with this magazine,
please recycle it in your blue bin.                                  RECYCLED PAPER
                                                                                       nomination for this year’s awards is 29 March.

   Design, production and sales
   KM Media & Marketing,                                                                • This issue of Cambridge Matters went to print on
   County House,
   9 Checkpoint Court,
                                                                                       1 March and information was correct at that time.
   Sadler Road, Lincoln LN6 3PW                                                        Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, for the very
   Website:                         Media & Marketing
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#StaySafeCambridge                                    • • 3
How do we fund council services? - Cambridge City Council
Cambridge Matters
  Coronavirus – help
  and support available
  where you live
  Since the start of the pandemic,      that have been made available
  through lockdowns and now             by the government.
  that the government has                 There are details of current
  announced its four-step               grants available, plus advice on
  ‘roadmap’ to easing lockdown,         how to trade safely during the
  the council’s priority has been       pandemic (where businesses
  to ensure that the most               are allowed to do so) on the
  vulnerable people in our              council website at cambridge.
  community have all the help 
  and support they need.                information-for-businesses
     We have worked closely with        or phone 01223 457000.
  various community groups in the
  city, plus charities, faith groups    Hands, Face, Space
  and volunteers, to establish and      Cambridge residents have made
  keep running community hubs in        countless sacrifices during the        Get a test fast                        Road. Key workers who are unable
  each ward of the city. This means     last year to follow the guidelines     If you have any of the following       to work from home can now
  that anyone who has been              and limit the spread of                symptoms:                              book a lateral flow test even if
  experiencing problems with            coronavirus, but it is still very      ● New, continuous cough                they have no symptoms at The
  getting food, supplies and            important that we all keep to the      ● High temperature                     Meadows Centre, St Catharine’s
  medicine, or with any other           latest national rules.                 ● Loss or change to your sense of      Road. Visit
  concerns, can contact their local        This currently means that               smell or taste                     uk/rapidtesting
  hub to get a quick solution to        members of households can only             You should get a coronavirus          If contact tracers get in touch
  their situation.                      go out for essential reasons such      test as soon as possible by going      with you because you have been
     To contact the community hub       as to buy food, go to medical          to the government website www. in close contact with someone
  near where you live, or if you need   appointments (including going          who has tested positive for the
  any kind of help or assistance        for vaccinations) and take exercise    or by phoning 119.                     virus, then please follow the advice
  related to coronavirus or             alone, with members of your                If you test positive you need to   you are given. Financial help is
  lockdown, visit        household or with just one other       self-isolate from the day your         available if you are on a low
  uk/coronavirus-ask-for-help or        person not in your household.          symptoms started (or the day you income and need to self-isolate.
  phone 01223 457000.                      If you have to go out please        had the test if you do not have        You can find out how to get it at
                                        keep at least two metres from          symptoms) and the next 10 full /coronavirus-
  Support for businesses                other people, wash and sanitise        days. Anyone you live with will        financial-support-for-residents
  As well as residents, the council     hands regularly, wear face             also need to self-isolate at the       or by calling 01223 457000.
  has continued to coordinate           coverings, and shop on your own        same time. If you have
  support for Cambridge                 where at all possible. For full        symptoms local PCR testing is        • Information correct at time oft
  businesses in the form of             information visit              available at the Abbey Leisure       going to print, for the very lates
  allocating the various grants         coronavirus                            Complex car park off Whitehill       information on coronavirus visit
  Look out for your mental health
  Many people have found the            of tips and resources that can         ●   We recently launched a short
  last year since the start of the      help you in times of uncertainty,          film shot in Cambridge,
  pandemic, very tough mentally.        including tips for coping during           thanking young people for all
     But help is available to anyone    the pandemic and lockdown.                 the sacrifices they have made
  in the city who is struggling with    Lifeline is a free, confidential           since the start of the pandemic,
  anxiety, stress, depression,          service if you or someone you              and for being Part of the
  loneliness, isolation, boredom or     know is in mental distress,                Solution. If you have access to
  similar mental health concerns        available 2pm-11pm each day on             the internet you can watch the
  which many have experienced in        0808 8082121.                              film at alteregocreative
  recent times.                            If you are in mental health   
     Simply talking to other people     crisis and in need of a rapid              solution-cambs/
  and sharing your concerns can         response you can access
                                                                                                                and Peterborough):        0808 808 2121
  really help you to cope. The          support, 24 hours a day, 7 days       • Phone: Lifeline (
  Cambridgeshire-based ‘Now             a week by calling NHS 111 and         Website: Every Mind Matters: www
  We’re Talking’ campaign and the       selecting option 2. Listen            matters/ coronavirus-covid-19-anxiety-tips
  NHS’s ‘Every Mind Matters’            carefully to the messages and         Website: Now We’re Talking: www.keepyour-head
  campaign both provide a wealth        follow the verbal instructions.       now-were-talking/now

4 • •
How do we fund council services? - Cambridge City Council
Spring edition

Getting the coronavirus vaccine
The coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is safe
and effective. It gives you the best
protection against coronavirus.
   The NHS is currently offering the COVID-19
vaccine to people most at risk from
coronavirus. In England, the vaccine is being
offered in some hospitals and pharmacies, at
local vaccination centres run by GPs and at
larger vaccination centres. More centres are
opening all the time.
   It’s being given initially to:
l people aged 60 and over

l people who are at high risk from

   coronavirus (clinically extremely vulnerable)
l people who live or work in care homes

l health and social care workers

l people who get Carer’s Allowance                 l you are an eligible frontline health or    approved must go through all the
   If you are not eligible yet you should wait       social care worker                         clinical trials and safety checks all other
to be contacted. The NHS will let you know         l you get Carer’s Allowance                  licensed medicines go through. The
when it’s your turn to have the vaccine. It’s        You can book appointments at a larger      MHRA follows international standards
important not to contact the NHS for a             vaccination centre or a pharmacy that        of safety.
vaccination before then.                           provides COVID-19 vaccinations.                 Other vaccines are being developed.
   The COVID-19 vaccine is given as an               You do not need to wait to be              They will only be available on the NHS
injection into your upper arm. It is given as      contacted by the NHS. You can book           once they have been thoroughly tested
two doses. You will have the second dose 3         your COVID-19 vaccination appointment        to make sure they are safe and effective.
to 12 weeks after having the first dose.           at               So far, millions of people have been
                                                   covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/            given a COVID-19 vaccine and reports of
How to get the vaccine                                                                          serious side effects, such as allergic
You can book your vaccination                      How safe is the COVID-19 vaccine?            reactions, have been very rare. No long-
appointments online if any of the                  The vaccines approved for use in the UK      term complications have been reported.
following apply:                                   have met strict standards of safety,         l For the very latest information about
l you are aged 60 or over                          quality and effectiveness set out by the        the vaccination programme visit nhs.
l you have previously received a letter            independent Medicines and Healthcare            uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
  saying you are at high risk from coronavirus     products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).              coronavirus-vaccination/ [Information
  (clinically extremely vulnerable)                  Any coronavirus vaccine that is               correct at time of going to print]

   Be on the lookout for coronavirus scams
   In the UK, coronavirus                 identity by sending copies
   vaccines will only be                  of personal documents
   available via the National             such as your passport,
   Health Service. You can be             driving licence, bills or
   contacted by the NHS, your             pay slips.
   employer, a GP surgery or              If you receive a call you
   pharmacy local to you, to            believe to be fraudulent, hang
   receive your vaccine.                up. If you are suspicious about
   Remember, the vaccine is             an email you have received,
   free of charge. At no point          forward it to report@phishing.
   will you be asked to pay.   Suspicious text
     The NHS will never:                messages should be
   l ask you for your bank              forwarded to the number
     account or card details.           7726 which is free of charge.
   l ask you for a PIN or                 If you believe you are the
     banking password                   victim of a fraud, please
   l arrive unannounced at              report this to Action Fraud as
                                                                                                                 s and how to avoid them,
     your home to administer            soon as possible by calling       • For details of other fraud and scam
                                                                                                             s, visit
     the vaccine                        0300 123 2040 or visiting         including coronavirus-related scam
                                                                                                                        01223 457950
   l ask you to prove your                 protect-yourself-from-fraud-and-scams or call

#StaySafeCambridge • • 5
How do we fund council services? - Cambridge City Council
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How do we fund council services? - Cambridge City Council
Spring edition
Cambridge Street Aid –                                                                       Cambridge Street Aid is just one of
                                                                                             the ways that the council helps
continuing to help people get                                                                people affected by rough sleeping
                                                                                             and homelessness. Our homeless and
off, and stay off the streets                                                                rough sleeping services also include:
                                                                                             l Conducting assessments of

                                                                                               individuals’ support and
                                                                                               accommodation needs and
                                                                                               assessing the help partners can
                                                                                               continue to offer
                                                                                             l Continuing help for people with a

                                                                                               range of needs, some of which are
                                                                                               extremely complex, to make the
                                                                                               most of the accommodation options
                                                                                               available including hostels and
                                                                                               self-contained modular housing
                                                                                               units or ‘pods’
                                                                                             l Making the most of accommodation

                                                                                               available in council properties
                                                                                             l Making accommodation available

                                                                                               through the private rented sector via
                                                                                               the council’s social lettings agency
                                                                                             l Freeing up temporary
Cambridge Street Aid is the city’s             grant will be used for to help them bring
pioneering charitable fund which gives         about real changes in their lives.              accommodation by offering direct
residents and visitors a safe and effective       Cambridge Street Aid has now raised over     lets to households via the council or
way to help others move on from rough          £140,000 – more than £40,000 in 2020 alone      housing associations to enable
sleeping. It started in Cambridge in 2016,     - and made more than 400 individual grants      others to take their place
                                                                                             l Working with other organisations
and the Street Aid concept has proved so       for things like work training, buying basics
successful that it has since been rolled out   for setting up a first home or equipment to     to help enduring rough sleepers
to other cities in the UK.                     help with work or to pursue a new or            into accommodation
                                                                                             l An extended Street Outreach
   Cambridge Street Aid was set up so that     forgotten hobby.
anyone concerned for the welfare of               If you’d like to donate to Cambridge Street  service, which now operates on
people on the streets in Cambridge could       Aid, look out for the contactless donation      weekday evenings between 6pm
make a donation to a charitable fund,          points at locations around Cambridge and        and 8pm.
rather than giving to them directly on the     beyond, including in the windows of
streets. This means that every penny goes      Mandela House, at Co-Op stores and             • For help and advice about your
                                                                                                  ing situation:
toward a grant that will make a real to        multi-storey car parks or text STREETAID 3 to hous
                                                                                              Phon e: 01223 457918
someone’s life.                                70085 to donate £3.
   In addition, the Street Aid concept means                                                  Email:
people who are, or have been, sleeping           • For more information:                      about-housing
rough can decide for themselves what their       Website:

Cambridge Virtual Community Centre
has something for everyone
Since the start of the coronavirus             centres around Cambridge have                  To join the online community search
pandemic last year, our community              been closed.                                 ‘Cambridge Virtual Community Centre’
centres have mostly had to shut their             While the pandemic continues, the         on Facebook or use the link:
doors, other than for certain activities       Cambridge Virtual Community Centre is
including helping provide food                 providing regular activities for people of
deliveries for vulnerable people,              all ages throughout the week. Recent
vaccinations and lateral flow testing,         activities have included family-friendly
nursery provision and ‘click and               disco classes, free art classes, wellbeing
collect’ library services.                     sessions, theatrical performances and
  However, stepping in to fill the gap         play ideas for children.
has been our Virtual Community Centre,            There are also links to online events
a Facebook page with 750 followers that        and groups nearby and across the UK, to
has been inspiring, supporting and             help people keep entertained,
encouraging residents through the              supported and active during some
lockdowns while our community                  difficult days.

#StaySafeCambridge            • • 7
How do we fund council services? - Cambridge City Council
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How do we fund council services? - Cambridge City Council
Spring edition

Funding secured to help city
centre recover from Covid
                                                    Cambridge city centre is set to see a              awnings on King’s Parade, Market Hill and
                                                    number of improvements this year, after            Peas Hill
                                                    the council successfully led a bid for          ● Additional outdoor seating including trial

                                                    £710,000 of government funding to help             heating and shelter pods
                                                    it recover from the impact of the               ● A mobile ‘pop up’ visitor information centre

                                                    coronavirus pandemic.                           ● Digital wayfinding, signage and an

                                                       Under the Cambridge Visitor Welcome             improved visitor welcome website
                                                    2021 programme, funding will be invested        ● Improved street furniture and outdoor

                                                    in various measures to improve the                 lighting
                                                    experience of visiting Cambridge, in order         The funding bid involving the city council,
                                                    to attract visitors back and help to support    Cambridge Business Improvement District,
                                                    the local retail, hospitality and cultural      Fitzwilliam Museum (Enterprises) Ltd and
                                                    sector.                                         Cambridgeshire County Council, was
                                                       Among the planned improvements are:          approved by the Cambridgeshire and
                                                    ● More outdoor tables, chairs and and           Peterborough Combined Authority.

King’s Parade traffic
controls extended
Controls on motorised traffic access along          terrorism remains real.
King’s Parade in the historic city centre are         The measures were installed following
set to be extended from this summer                 police counter terrorism advice
following a successful trial period.                recommending that steps be taken to
   The current measures, including a                protect the many thousands of people who        for traffic control measures on King’s Parade,
temporary safety barrier, prevent motor             use King’s Parade throughout the year,          particularly in light of the UK’s national terror
vehicles accessing King’s Parade when the           especially during the summer months. The        threat level rising from ‘substantial’ to ‘severe’
street is busiest between 9.30am and 7pm,           area has continued to be popular during         since the barrier’s installation.
but still allow access for pedestrians, cyclists,   the pandemic.                                      The trial scheme has enabled local
emergency services and special events.                Police counter terrorism advice has been      businesses to provide more outside seating
   After councillors approved proposals for         given to councils in other tourist hotspots     for customers and helped people to move
permanent controls on motorised traffic             across the country, including central London,   around more freely in a traffic-free space.
access along the world-famous thoroughfare,         Canterbury, Windsor, York and Edinburgh,           The council will now lead work to
the existing temporary scheme is likely to          where similar vehicle access controls and       consider what would be appropriate as a
remain in place until a permanent scheme is         barriers have been installed.                   longer-term replacement for the existing
developed particularly as the threat from             The police remain supportive of the need      temporary barrier.

   Cambridge central market
   continues trading safely
   Cambridge market remains open for                    possible and to avoid eating and
   business after special measures were                 drinking in the market
   put in place to ensure the safety of              ● Queue management system to

   traders and shoppers there.                          support social distancing at stalls
     The market was briefly closed early this        ● A ‘no touch’ policy for products on

   year due to health and safety concerns,              display
   but now measures are in place following           ● More signage to aid queuing

   discussion with public health officials,          ● Guidance from city centre marshals

   including:                                           who are on hand to help
   ● More frequent cleaning of the market               Everyone visiting the market is              • For more information:
     and individual pitches                          requested to wear a face covering and to        Website:
   ● Public asked to shop alone whenever             limit the time spent there at present.          Phone: 01223 457000.

#StaySafeCambridge                • • 9
How do we fund council services? - Cambridge City Council
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Spring edition

How to vote as safely as
possible at the local elections
On Thursday 6 May four sets of elections
are taking place in Cambridge: the
Cambridgeshire County Council and
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Combined Authority Mayoral elections,
plus the Cambridge City Council and the
Police and Crime Commissioner elections
postponed from last May due to coronavirus.
  We are working hard towards making
polling stations as Covid-safe as possible for
the elections this year. You can expect to see
many of the measures you already see in
supermarkets and other locations, such as
screening, hand sanitiser, one-way systems
and being asked to wear a face covering. You
may also be asked to queue outside so we
can monitor the number of people inside at
any one time. Please bring your own pen or          l If you are, or will soon be registered to vote   application by 5pm on Tuesday 20 April.
pencil if you wish!                                   you can download a postal or proxy vote             Because there are four elections this year,
  If you are shielding, are vulnerable or would       form from               postal votes will be sent out in two packs: one
just prefer not to go to the polling station, you     uk/i-am-a/voter/how-cast-your-vote               with the city and county ballot papers and the
can apply for a postal vote or a proxy vote         l If you do not have access to the internet        other with the police and mayoral ballot
(where someone votes on your behalf at your           you can call 01223 457048 for a registration     papers. So please return the correct ballot
polling station).                                     or postal/proxy form to be sent to you           papers in the correct pack and do not
  Here are some key things to remember:               It is important that you make your postal or     combine them.
l You must be registered to vote in order to        proxy application now and do not wait for the         Emergency proxies and changes to a
  apply for a postal or proxy vote (and so          deadline. This will mean your postal vote packs    previously nominated proxy will be available
  must your proxy)                                  are sent out at the earliest opportunity. The      for anyone who becomes ill with covid-19 or
l If you are British, Irish, Commonwealth or a      deadline to submit your postal application is      is told to isolate after these deadlines.
  EU citizen you can apply to register online at    5pm on Tuesday 20 April and for a proxy before 11.59pm            application it is 5pm on Tuesday 27 April.
  on Monday 19 April                                  If you already have a postal or proxy vote in
                                                                                                       • For more information:
                                                                                                       Phone: 01223 457048
l Even though the UK has left the EU, citizens      place you do not need to apply again. If you       Website:
  of EU countries can still vote and stand for      have a proxy vote but would like to vote by        in-2021
  election on 6 May 2021                            post instead, you must submit a postal vote

  Police and council join forces for ‘Safer Streets’
  Cambridgeshire                        to help protect older and            support, you can get in touch        advice, visit Cambridgeshire
  Constabulary, in partnership          more vulnerable members of           by emailing cambridgesafer           Constabulary’s website:
  with the council and                  the community.             
  Neighbourhood Watch,                     Since last autumn, officers          For more online prevention        Burglary
  have been running an                  have been visiting and
  initiative called Safer Streets       speaking with residents in
  in some parts of Cambridge            parts of the city about any
  in recent months to reduce            concerns they may have, and
  the risk of burglaries.               offering burglary packs
    The aim is to encourage             containing advice and crime
  and support residents with            prevention products such as
  making improvements to                window alarms.
  their current home security,             If you know someone who
  to encourage the setting up           lives in Arbury or West
  of resident led groups such as        Chesterton who would benefit
  Neighbourhood Watch or                from the project, or you live in
  Residents’ Associations, and          either area and would like

#StaySafeCambridge                • • 11
Cambridge Matters

   How we pay for council services a
   Cambridge City Council is responsible for              were provided to local families. The                 social and economic disadvantage for city
   collecting Council Tax from Cambridge                  council put a range of support activity              residents with the highest need.
   residents to help pay for the work of local            online, much of it through the new               l   Dealing with antisocial behaviour and
   councils and the emergency services.                   Cambridge Virtual Community Centre.                  calls about noise nuisance – During the
      Council Tax is a property-based tax which       l   Emptying your bins and improving                     year we dealt with 716 reports of
   is payable on most domestic properties, and            recycling – Our shared waste service                 antisocial behaviour, 593 of which
   what you pay is divided between the county             collected waste from just over 50,000 bins           involved intensive casework, and our
   council, the police and crime commissioner,            in the city, missing only 0.2% of bin                Environmental Health Service responded
   the fire authority and the city council.               collections. We diverted 50% of household            to 1,545 complaints about noise nuisance
      There is one Council Tax bill per property          waste from landfill and collected 52,000             and served 8 abatement notices in more
   whether it is owned or rented and the                  tonnes of materials for recycling.                   serious cases.
   people who live there would normally be            l   Providing leisure facilities including           l   Providing housing advice and support
   responsible for paying it. The city council will       indoor and outdoor swimming pools                    - During the year the council and its
   spend approximately £91.8m this year                   – During the year there were 240,208                 partners prevented or relieved
   delivering services in Cambridge.                      casual swims in our swimming pools and               homelessness for 441 households and as
      The council’s budget for this year has              55,882 visits to our sports facilities. People       a part of the ‘Everyone In’ emergency
   been seriously affected by financial effects           with concessionary membership made-                  initiative to ensure no one was without a
   of the pandemic and reduction in                       up 24,714 of the total visits.                       safe place to isolate in the pandemic,
   government revenue support grants from             l   Keeping streets and open spaces clean                found accommodation for just under 300
   £5m in 2013 to nil by 2019.                            and tidy – Parks and open spaces were                homeless people, with more than 100
      So far the total estimated cost of the              kept clean and tidy throughout the year              going on to find settled accommodation.
   pandemic on the city council alone has                 with over one million square metres of           l   Collecting local taxes, and
   been £16.6m (figure from Jan 2021), most               grass routinely maintained. We responded             administering housing benefit and
   significantly due to increased spending on             to 92 reports of offensive graffiti and 192          support for Council Tax – Last year we
   housing and providing accommodation for                reports of offensive detrimental graffiti,           collected £88.1m in council tax from
   former rough sleepers, alongside reduced               investigated 455 incidents of fly tipping,           58,702 households and £65.4m in
   income from car parking and from                       responded to 340 reports of abandoned                business rates from 4,537 businesses. We
   Cambridge Live events.                                 cars and issued 225 fixed penalty notices            paid out £30.73m in housing benefit and
      This has only partially been mitigated by           for littering.                                       £7.73m in Council Tax support, including
   government grants totalling £8.3m (by Jan          l   Providing community centres,                         £824k of additional Council Tax Hardship
   2021), with the remaining sum to be                    community development activities                     Fund payments.
   covered by £2.1m of council reserves, and              and a community grants programme                 l   Planning for new developments and
   £6.2m through identifying savings.                     – During the year just over 36,403 visits            growth in the city and determining
      We receive income from fees and charges             were made to our community centres and               planning applications – During the
   for services, commercial property rents and            our community grants programme                       year our shared planning service took
   Housing Benefit subsidy. Income also comes             allocated £900,000 to voluntary and                  forward our Local Plan. We dealt with
   from your Council Tax payments, grants                 community groups for projects reducing               just over 2,785 planning applications
   from the government and a share of local
   business rates.
      We are landlord to more than 7,000
   council homes, and the rents from these are             Council Tax
                                                           Council Tax is payable on most domestic properties. These are usually houses or
   kept separately to pay for housing services.
   In 2020/21 your council tax helped to pay               flats, but can also be other types of property such as a houseboats or caravans. The
   for a wide range of services for Cambridge              percentages of the Council Tax Cambridge residents pay is divided up as follows:
   residents, including:                                        Cambridgeshire
   l Community response to coronavirus                          Fire Authority
      – After the onset of the pandemic, we                     3.81%
      worked with groups and mutual aid                         Cambridge
      organisations to help coordinate and                      City Council
      support activity by local people to help                  10.76%
      other residents. This included ’good                      Cambridgeshire Police
      neighbour’ support (such as shopping                      and Crime Commissioner
      and collection of medicines) and eight                    12.84%
      Food Hubs for people experiencing food
      shortages - over the year they had nearly                 Cambridgeshire
                                                                County Council
      18,000 visitors who collected over 110
      tonnes of food. Volunteers from the hubs
      reached out to over 1,200 households and             A household living in a Band D property in Cambridge will pay £1,928.39 in Council
      delivered over 8,000 meals. Over                     Tax from April, of which £207.50 will be retained by the city council.
      Christmas over 500 festive food hampers

12 • •
Spring edition

and where the money comes from
      and determined 80% of major
      applications and 75% of minor
      applications within 13 weeks.
      Managing car parks – During the year
                                                   Where the council’s
                                                   money comes from

      just over 1.1m fewer customers made
      use of our multi-storey car parks than
      last year. We played a key role in helping                                      Council Tax                        Commercial property
      to kick start the city centre, pausing                                          £9m                                £9.3m
                                                            Government grants
      price increases, and putting a £1 per                 £6.2m
      hour tariff in place during the summer
      months. Free permits were provided to
      public sector workers and during
                                                    Business rates
      lockdown periods to key workers. Free                                                                                            Fees,
      parking was made available to those                                                                                              charges
      attending vaccination centres in Grafton                                                                                         and other
      Centre and other immunisation hubs in        Commercial                                                                          income
      the city.                                    initiatives                                      TOTAL                              £24.3m
  l   Organising elections and managing            £4m                                              £91.8m
      the electoral register – During the year
      we implemented changes to the way
      the annual canvass of electors is
      conducted (and in a Covid safe way) and       £1.5m
      introduced on-line access to all decision-
      making councillor committee meetings.           Interest and
  l   Responding to your enquiries – We                                                                                       Housing
      handled over 120,500 transactions                                                                                       Benefit
      conducted over the internet and our                                                                                     subsidy
      customer services centre resolved just                                                                                  £30.6m
      over 90% of enquiries made by telephone.

  Where the council’s money is spent
                                                                     Transport (including car parks)         Central services (including
                                                                     and community safety                    elections and local tax collection),
                                                                     £11.6m                                  strategy and partnerships
  Communities (including cultural                                                                            £10.4m
  services, arts and recreation and
  community centres)
  £13.7m                                                                                                               Climate change,
                                                                                                                       environment (including
                                                                                                                       bin collections and
                                                                                                                       environmental health)
                                                                                                                       and city centre

                                                                                                                       Housing services
                                                                 TOTAL                                                 (excluding council
                                                                 £91.8m                                                housing)
         Housing Benefit                                                                                               £5.8m
                                                                                                                   Planning policy and open
                                                                                                                   spaces (including parks)

                         your Council                                                                              Corporate and democratic
 • Do you need help with us using the                                                                              management costs
 Tax bill? Get in touch with                                                                                       £1.8m
 information below:
 Website:                                Commercial           Capital contributions
 Email:                                    property             and other expenditure
  Phone: 01223 457790                                                £1.5m                £1.5m

                                  • • 13
Cambridge Matters

   Over 500 new council homes
   taking shape across Cambridge
   In order to provide more people with a
   chance of enjoying an affordable home
   of their own, Cambridge Investment
   Partnership (CIP), our partnership with
   housebuilder Hill, has continued its
   programme of building at least 500
   brand new council homes across
   Cambridge by 2022.
      By the end of spring work will have started
   or been completed on all 544 new council
   homes in the building programme. Since the        Road rapidly taking shape. Work is due to              As well as these major sites, 15 new
   start of last year 90 homes have been             start very soon on the redevelopment of the         council homes have now also been
   completed for local residents. Work is taking     council owned Meadows and Buchan Street             completed on smaller council-owned
   place at several major sites across the city,     community centres which will be replaced            sites around the city. We spoke to one
   with the first residents now having moved         with a single modern, highly sustainable            resident about his family’s move to their
   into the Ironworks site on Mill Road, and the     community hub and 106 new council                   new council home in Queen
   Timberworks development on Cromwell               homes across the two sites.                         Edith’s ward.

      Resident’s view: New tenants
      for a new council house
                                                                              were some delays as we                 location for me working at a
                                                                              weren’t able to bid on                 local Indian restaurant on
                                                                              properties but we kept looking         Victoria Road and my wife, who
                                                                              until we could. As lockdown            stays at home looking after the
                                                                              restrictions started to ease, we       children, can easily walk to the
                                                                              came across details of the new         school to pick up Ayaath.
                                                                              council homes being built at              “We feel very fortunate that
                                                                              Wulfstan Way and were really           our first tenancy is a brand new
                                                                              interested so put a bid in. We         council home, and my parents
                                                                              couldn’t believe it when we            are so happy for us. It’s lovely to
                                                                              were successful as it was only         have some space to raise our
                                                                              our second home to bid on.             young family.”
                                                                                 “My wife and I fell in love            The Wulfstan Way site
                                                                              with it straight away. The             features two brand new
                                                                              house has three bedrooms               two-bedroom council homes
      Akram Ali grew up in Arbury,        them, but as our family grew        and we really liked the                and one three-bedroom
      with his parents and six            larger, and with all of us living   detached style, with just two          council home, all with off street
      brothers and sisters. His parents   in just one bedroom, we             other new homes in a small             parking. The site was identified
      bought their own council            knew it was time to look at         cul-de-sac. The quality of build       as part of the council’s strategy
      home and continue to live           other options.                      is really good with big                to use under-utilised parcels of
      there. In 2011 Akram met his           “I decided to go to the          windows everywhere and                 land. The homes there are
      wife, Tamanna, and the couple       council to ask for some advice      inside it has been designed            energy efficient and include a
      moved into his parents’ house.      and they recommended going          really well; you feel like a lot of    number of sustainable features
        Akram takes up the story:         on the housing register for a       thought has gone into the              including photovoltaic solar
      “We were keen to start our          new home. Initially we were a       house, such as lots of plug            panels, reduced water
      family straight away and had        banding of B but with the           sockets in really useful places.       consumption and a reduction
      our daughter Ayaath six years       arrival of our third child we          “It’s also ideal for the children   in carbon emissions.
      ago, followed by a son Ayaaz,       moved to A.                         as there is an excellent primary          To keep up to date with the
      now aged three, and recently           “The Coronavirus then hit        school close by which my               latest news from the
      another son Alvi, who is now        and we weren’t sure how this        daughter is now attending and          Cambridge Investment
      seven months old. My parents        would affect us getting a           really loves – she’s already           Partnership visit
      were happy us all living with       home. Understandably there          made 14 friends! It’s also a great

14 • •                                                   #StaySafeCambridge
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Cambridge Matters
    Access more council services when
    you want them with My Cambridge
    As more and more people in Cambridge             appointment due to Covid19 national
    get used to doing more and more things           restrictions, but the Customer Service team
    online, we are also now providing                are on hand to guide you through using
    additional council services and                  our online services by phone if you need
    transactions online, so residents can access     any help filling in the forms, or with using
    them whenever it suits them.                     My Cambridge.
       Residents can now access many services          For more information and to register with
    through the My Cambridge portal on our           My Cambridge visit
    website, from managing Council Tax or              If you need any assistance just phone:
    housing accounts and claiming benefits to        01223 457000.
    reporting incidents or hazards in our streets
    and parks such as fly-tipping or graffiti. You   Cash offices now closed
    can also report or ask questions about bin       In October last year councillors agreed that      Although a date for reopening Mandela
    collections, get housing advice, find out        the council should move towards becoming       House for enquiries has not been decided
    about sport and fitness activities, car parks    a cashless authority, and since the first      yet, a review has recommended that a digital
    and more.                                        national lockdown in March last year our       first, appointment only, service is adopted for
       When you use My Cambridge to report           customer service centre at Mandela House       customers who want or need to visit in
    something, such as a hazard in a park or a       on Regent Street has only been open for        person. Wherever possible, customers will be
    fault that needs repairing, you will be kept     customers in emergency situations.             encouraged and supported to use digital
    informed about what stage your request is           When national restrictions allow the        options to have their query resolved,
    at throughout the process, with the option       centre to re-open to customers, a decision     including making payments. For more
    to have a notification sent to you once the      has now been taken that the cash offices       information as the government’s roadmap to
    task has been completed.                         at both Mandela House and City Homes           easing lockdown continues, phone
       Our council buildings and service centres     (Arbury Road) will not be reopening to         01223 457000, visit or
    are currently only seeing customers by           take payments.                                 keep an eye on the council’s social media.
n   advertisement

16 • •                                          #StaySafeCambridge
Spring edition

Water for Wildlife – helping
nature go with the flow
                                                                         Build your own pond                   l Put suitable native aquatic
                                                                         or wetland                              plants in and around the pond
                                                                         Domestic gardens have become          l Wait and see what

                                                                         a stronghold for many                   creatures arrive
                                                                         amphibian and aquatic species           For full details on building a
                                                                         and it is relatively easy to create   variety of watery habitats for
                                                                         and maintain the right conditions     wildlife visit
                                                                         for them to thrive – whether a        birds-and-wildlife/advice/
                                                                         large pond, a sunken bucket, or       gardening-for-wildlife/
                                                                         simply a boggy area. Even a small     water-for-wildlife/making-
                                                                         amount of water in a garden can       a-pond/
                                                                         attract a variety of different        l Amphibians such as smooth

                                                                         plants, animals and birds.              newts, frogs and toads return
                                                                            To build a mini-pond all you         to ponds to breed in early
                                                                         need to do is:                          spring, but spend most of their
                                                                         l Find or buy a container such          time on land, so it is important
                                                                            as an old sink, a bowl or            to have nearby areas of
Two years ago the council            to biodiversity with our new           half-barrel                          planting, log piles and
declared a Biodiversity              campaign ‘Water for Wildlife’       l Put it in a sunny location when       compost heaps for them to
Emergency in Cambridge to            and are encouraging                    empty, preferably with edges         find food and cover. They also
respond to the continuing            homeowners and businesses              level to the ground                  love undisturbed corners, like
threat to our city’s animal and      to create wildlife ponds and        l Use stones, bricks or logs in         old stacked flowerpots and
plant life from a changing           mini wetlands in their gardens         and out of the mini-pond so          loose paving slabs.
climate and loss of habitat.         or workplaces.                         wildlife such as hedgehogs
   Since then we have been             We recently created a new            cannot fall and become
working on a variety of              haven for wildlife at Wenvoe           trapped
different projects to support        Meadow in Cherry Hinton             l Put a layer of clean gravel in

our plant and animal life, such      [pictured]. With the help of           the base
as planting more trees,              Streets and Open Spaces             l Fill with water (rainwater if
providing more wildflower and        volunteers we dug and lined a          possible)
long grass areas in our parks,       10m by 10m pond in a
and a new project to restore         residential area, which will be     • If you do not have a garden then why not volunteer to help
our chalk streams in Cambridge       populated with native aquatic       out at your local Nature Reserve? For more details:
and beyond.                          and marginal plants, and is         Website: open-spaces-volunteers
   This year we’re paying            expected to attract a variety of    Phone: 01223 458084
particular attention to the          species to the area, including      Email:
importance of water in relation      amphibians and dragonflies.

Project looks to protect
our vital chalk streams
Chalk streams are internationally rare           Wild Trout Trust to assess the health of local
habitats, with about 85% of the world’s          chalk streams, including some outside
chalk streams in the UK, mostly in the south     Cambridge. The draft report was published
and the southeast of England. They provide       earlier this year, and provides a brief
habitats for many significant species,           overview of the main problems affecting
including brown trout and water vole.            each chalk stream, and the key
  In Cambridge, Bin Brook, Cherry Hinton         opportunities to improve each one. The
Brook, Coldham’s Brook, Hobson’s Brook and       aim of the report is to start conversations
Vicar’s Brook are all chalk streams and the      about what needs to be done, where, and           • For more information on the project,
chalk aquifer they emerge from, to the           by whom. We want it to facilitate the            including the chance to get inv
                                                                                                                                  olved in
southeast of the city, is also the main source   funding and delivery of projects that will       the next stages:
of water for residents and businesses.           improve the streams’ health and resilience,      Website:
  Along with Cambridge Water we                  while the longer-term problem of low             Email:
commissioned the Wildlife Trust and the          flows is addressed.                              Phone: 01223 457000

#StaySafeCambridge              • • 17
Cambridge Matters

   Sign the Cambridge Climate Change
   Charter and make a difference
   Along with local charity Cambridge                their emissions and is encouraging any size
   Carbon Footprint, we recently launched            of business to make a pledge to identify
   the Cambridge Climate Change Charter,             ways they can do so.
   an online tool to help residents and
   businesses take more action to help               Five quick wins to make a difference
   tackle the climate emergency.                     at home
     If you visit cambridge carbonfootprint.         l Reduce the impact of your travel: Walk or

   org/charter today, you’ll find a carbon             cycle more often, join an electric car club
   footprint calculator that can help you chart        or car pool for when you need to use a car
   the environmental impact of your                  l Buy fewer new items: Learn how to repair

   household or organisation, and suggest              broken items, or source your next items of
   ways to reduce it.                                  clothing second hand or at an online
     It can help you identify changes you can          clothes swap
   easily make and pledge to take action on          l Reduce your water use: Take shorter

   those. Taking action to reduce emissions can        showers, install a water butt to save
   have lots of positive impacts, such as on           rainwater for the garden
   health and fitness, enabling you to stay          l Reduce food-related emissions: Buy more

   active and supporting your immune system;           locally sourced food and less red meat, use
   saving you money by reducing energy and             up your leftovers, use a compost bin
   fuel bills, and even making you money by          l Reduce energy consumption: Make sure

   increasing the value of your home.                  your loft is properly insulated, and
     Nearly half of Cambridge’s carbon                 eliminate draughts from your home
   emissions come from businesses, so the              For more great ideas visit
   Cambridge Climate Change Charter is also
   looking to support businesses in reducing         and sign up today.

     Apply for the EU  Caring for our
     Settlement Scheme young carers
     by 30 June                                                              The council has officially declared its support for the young people
                                                                             in Cambridge who selflessly provide care for others.
                                                                                Research has shown that around one in five secondary school age
     Under the government’s EU Settlement Scheme, any EU
     citizens living in the UK who wish to continue living here              children in the UK act as a young carer to a relative. Many of those
     following the UK’s departure from the EU will need to apply to          have been helping to look after someone from an even younger age,
     do so by the deadline of 30 June 2021.                                  and will continue to do so after the age of 18.
        This also applies to citizens from European Economic Area               Acting as a carer to someone with disabilities, substance misuse
     countries and from Switzerland. If you are an Irish citizen you will    problems or physical or mental illness can be isolating and stressful for
     not need to apply. For more information visit               young people, and can also have a lasting impact on their education
     eusettledstatus                                                         and future life chances.
        Several local organisations in Cambridge can help if you                Each year in March, national charity The Carers’Trust organises a
     are having any difficulties with your application, including            Young Carers’ Action Day to raise public awareness of the challenges
     Citizens Advice, Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum and                   faced by young people in a caring role, and to campaign for greater
     Cambridge Online.                                                       support for them.
        For more information about the help available locally, visit            Here in Cambridge local charity Centre 33 is on hand with support                                      and advice for any young carers under 19 who need it. Centre 33 can
                                                                             offer an assessment of young carers’ needs, help them meet others in
                                                                             a similar situation, support them
                                                                             through challenges like starting a
                                                                             new school, or just being
                                                                             someone to talk to.
                                                                             Young carers aged 13 and over
                                                                             can contact Centre 33 by
                                                                             phoning 0333 4141809 or
                                                                             emailing youngcarers@centre33.
                                                                    For full information visit

18 • •                                              #StaySafeCambridge
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                                                                                                                         Cambridge        CB29LS
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Cambridge Matters
   North Area                                                             Wards: Arbury, East Chesterton, King’s Hedges & West Chesterton
             Carina O’Reilly                 Labour l   Patrick SheilLabour l                           Mike Todd-JonesLabour & Co-operative l
             07791 227953                                07519 800341                                     07580 764586
    East Chesterton
             Gerri BirdLabour l                         Carla McQueenLabour l                           Baiju ThittalaLabour l
             01223 425595                                07701 350136                                     01223 471919
    King’s Hedges
             Martin SmartLabour l                       Alex Collis (Deputy Mayor)     Labour l
             07842 205226                                07587 297657
    West Chesterton
             Jamie Dalzell        Liberal Democrat l    Mike SargeantLabour l                           Damien Tunnacliffe Liberal Democrat l
             07854 332635                                07952 533251                                     07514 939459

   South Area                                                                              Wards: Trumpington, Cherry Hinton & Queen Edith’s

    Cherry Hinton
             Mark Ashton  Labour & Co-operative l       Robert Dryden                Labour l           Russ McPherson (Mayor)
             07774 570976                                01223 457246                                     07733 365725                 Labour l
    Queen Edith’s
             Colin McGerty       Liberal Democrat l     Jennifer Page-Croft Liberal Democrat l
             07785 577370                                01223 729492
             Daniel Summerbell  Liberal Democrat l      Katie Thornburrow            Labour l
                                                         07480 246939

   East Area                                                                                    Wards: Abbey, Coleridge, Petersfield & Romsey

             Haf Davies                    Labour l     Richard JohnsonLabour & Co-operative l          Nicky Massey                 Labour l
             07952 920159                                07712 129529                                     07833 049179
             Grace Hadley                 Labour l      Lewis HerbertLabour l                           Rosy Moore                   Labour l
             07538 902340                                07748 536153                                     07709 222026
             Mike Davey                    Labour l     Richard Robertson             Labour l          Kelley Green                 Labour l
             07540 128320                                07746 117791                                     07519 269626
             Dave Baigent                 Labour l      Sophie Barnett               Labour l           Anna Smith                   Labour l
             07802 495329                                07930 899432                                     07474 067882

   West/Central Area                                                                                       Wards: Castle, Market & Newnham

             John Hipkin             Independent l      Greg Chadwick      Liberal Democrat l           Cheney Payne       Liberal Democrat l
             01223 564126                                07816 826212                                     07585 973888
             Tim Bick           Liberal Democrat l      Katie Porrer        Liberal Democrat l          Anthony Martinelli Liberal Democrat l
             07720 413173                                                                                 07891 035969
             Markus Gehring    Liberal Democrat l       Josh Matthews      Liberal Democrat l
             07789 850287                                07783 415125

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