Final Programme - Montréal, Canada 18 - 21 September 2016 - VTC2018-Spring in Porto

Page created by Ronald Fisher
The 84th IEEE
Vehicular Technology Conference

    Final Programme

18 – 21 September 2016

    Montréal, Canada
Welcome from the General Co-chairs
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we welcome           emails coming from our Publicity Co-chairs Benoit
you to Canada and to IEEE VTC2016-Fall. VTC is              Champagne and Chadi Assi in the weeks leading up
coming back to the city of Montreal, 10 years after a       to each of the conference deadlines. Finally, we
very successful VTC edition in 2006. In order to            would also like to acknowledge the important boots-
make the event as enriching as possible, the                on-the-ground work of our Local Arrangement Co-
organizing committee has put together a high quality        chairs George Kaddoum and Jean-Charles Grégoire.
program that is geared towards both academic and            The conference will take place at the Bonaventure
industry attendees.                                         hotel, in downtown Montreal, within walking
The success of an event such as VTC depends highly          distance from shopping, museums, and the Montreal
on the efforts of many volunteers who have been hard        Old Port. The latter will give you a taste or Europe in
at work in the last few months. Our heartfelt thanks        North America, and is one of the city’s most famous
go to all the colleagues who have contributed to these      tourist attractions. Montreal is a vibrant multicultural
efforts. Technical Program Committee Co-chairs              city, known for its hospitality, its food, its cultural
François Gagnon and Weihua Zhuang have                      scene and its numerous summer festivals. We hope
coordinated the combined efforts of more than 35            you will have some time to enjoy the city and its
Track Chairs, tens of TPC members and hundreds of           surroundings.
reviewers to attract, review and select papers of the       We hope to see you all in Montreal, to meet old
highest quality. The other program components have          friends and make new acquaintances, network with
been coordinated by Tutorials Chair Pingzhi Fan,            scientists, researchers and engineers from around the
Workshops Co-chairs Claude Oestges and Olivier              world, and enrich our community's discussions.
Renaudin, and Plenary Co-chairs Lajos Hanzo and
Robert Schober. We hope you will enjoy the industry
track that had been put together by our Industry
Track Co-chairs Fan Bai, Christopher Cave and               Pierre Boucher and Fabrice Labeau
Zoran Zvonar. We are certain that you have seen             General Co-chairs, IEEE VTC2016-Fall

                           Welcome from the TPC Co-chairs
On behalf of the Technical Program committee, we            hardworking people who have participated in the
welcome you to Montreal’s fall Vehicular                    building of our technical program. We diligently
Technology Conference 2016. Montreal is an                  recruited 36 track chairs who possessed both strong
outstanding city to visit so make sure to try and           leadership and influence in their respective fields.
experience fully its great dining. This year’s high-        They have invited a series of interesting papers,
level technical program was put together with               recruited TPC members, followed-up the paper
invaluable assistance from 36 track co-chairs who           submissions and review with attention. They were
have managed the review and selection process for           key in the resulting high-level program we now offer.
close to 800 papers in conjunction with 579 TPC             The TPC members were assigned about 5 papers
members who have obtained about 2200 reviews and            each, and they solicited a total of 2900 different
required a minimum of three reviews per paper. The          individuals for reviews. We wish to acknowledge the
whole process was performed with professionalism,           tremendous amount of work they have all
independence and devotion. The result is a strong and       accomplished. We have followed their continuous
relevant program with an emphasis on issues which           and diligent work closely and it is quite apparent that
are currently followed by a wide audience. In               our vehicular technology community is vibrant,
addition to the obvious 5G mainstream trend,                hardworking and quite pleasant.
millimeter-wave,      self-driving   cars,      green
communication and spectrum access are issues that
have growing interest.
We take this opportunity to thank all of the                François Gagnon and Weihua Zhuang
participating, talented authors and the passionate and      TPC Co-chairs, IEEE VTC2016-Spring

2                                            The 84th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2016-Fall Montréal Programme
Welcome from the VTS President
On behalf of the IEEE Vehicular Technology                          leadership has been instrumental to create the
Society, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you               conference program that you will enjoy. I would also
to the IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference                    like to express my gratitude to the Technical Program
in Montreal.                                                        Co-chairs Professors Weihua Zhuang and François
VTC2016-Fall will once more represent a key venue                   Gagnon. Their dedicated work, with the support of
to discuss and help define the future of the mobile,                the Track Chairs and TPC members, has helped
wireless and vehicular industries. The conference will              shape an outstanding technical program. My personal
provide a unique opportunity for you to share your                  gratitude goes also to all the conference team and our
thoughts and ideas that will help shape what future                 VTS conference administrators for their continued
5G networks will be. This is an exciting time for our               support.
community considering the challenges cellular                       VTC is an excellent occasion for our members to
networks will face when applied to diverse vertical                 meet with our Board of Governors, so don’t hesitate
sectors.                                                            to approach us if you would like to provide any
VTC is coming back to Montreal 10 years after the                   feedback on the Society or to participate in its
successful 2006 edition. This shows how strong and                  management. If you are a VTS member, join us at the
vibrant the technical community is in Canada, and the               VTS members’ reception!
strong presence of dedicated VTS volunteers who                     I hope that you will enjoy the conference and the city
devote their time and efforts to the success of our                 of Montreal.
Society. I would like to thank and recognize the
remarkable work of General co-Chairs Professor                      Javier Gozalvez, President
Fabrice Labeau and Mr Pierre Boucher, whose                         IEEE Vehicular Technology Society

 Organizing Committee
                      General Co-chairs: Fabrice Labeau                McGill University, Canada
                                          Pierre Boucher               Ericsson, Canada
           Technical Program Co-chairs: Weihua Zhuang                  University of Waterloo, Canada
                                          Francois Gagnon              École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada
                        Tutorials Chair: Pingzhi Fan                   Southwest Jiaotong University, China
                  Workshops Co-chairs: Claude Oestges                  Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
                                          Olivier Renaudin             Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
         Panels and Keynotes Co-chairs: Lajos Hanzo                    University of Southampton, UK
                                          Robert Schober               Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
             Industrial Track Co-chairs: Fan Bai                       General Motors, USA
                                          Christopher Cave             Interdigital, Canada
                                          Zoran Zvonar                 Analog Devices, USA
                     Publicity Co-chairs: Benoit Champagne             McGill University, Canada
                                          Chadi Assi                   Concordia University, Canada
         Local Arrangements Co-chairs: Georges Kaddoum                 École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada
                                          Jean-Charles Grégoire        INRS-EMT, Canada
       Patronage and Exhibits Co-chairs: Halim Yanikomeroglu           Carleton University, Canada
                                          Jim Budwey                   ICTS, USA
                          Finance Chair: J. R. Cruz                    University of Oklahoma, USA
             Conference Administrators: Jim Budwey                     IEEE VTS, USA
                                          R. Clint Keele               IEEE VTS, USA

   IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing: Sherri Young                    IEEE, USA
            IEEE Conference Services: Brianna Hunt                     IEEE, USA
                          Webmaster: Laura Hyslop                      EPSC, UK

Hotel Montreal Bonaventure, Montréal, Canada 18-21 September 2016                                                            3
Technical Program Committee
Co-chairs                                  Weihua Zhuang                     University of Waterloo, Canada
                                           Francois Gagnon                   École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada
Vice-Chairs, Antenna Systems, Propagation Jean-François Frigon               École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
and RF Design                              Fadhel Ghannouchi                 University of Calgary, Canada
                                           Abdelrazik Seba                   Concordia University, Canada
Vice-Chairs, Signal Transmission and       Sumei Sun                         A*STAR, Singapore
Reception                                  Shuai Han                         Harbin Institute of Technology, China
                                           Alex Stephenne                    Ericsson Canada
Vice-Chairs, Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Wei Zhang                          University of New South Wales, Australia
Management                                 Ying-Chang Liang                  A*STAR, Singapore
                                           Octavia A. Dobre                  Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Vice-Chairs, Multiple Antenna Systems and Ha H. Nguyen                       University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Cooperative Communications                 Wessam Ajib                       Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
                                           Walaa Hamouda                     Concordia University, Canada
Vice-Chairs, Radio Access Technology, LTE, Song Guo                          University of Aizu, Japan
5G, and Wireless Heterogeneous Networks    Lei Lei                           BUPT, China
                                           Afshin Haghighat                  InterDigital Communications, Canada
Vice-Chairs, Green Communications and      Victor Leung                      University of British Columbia, Canada
Networks                                   Hai Jiang                         University of Alberta, Canada
                                           Hangguan Shan                     Zhejiang University, China
Vice-Chairs, Ad-Hoc, M2M and Sensor        Hossam Hassanein                  Queen's University, Canada
Networks                                   Muhammad Ismail                   Texas A&M University at Qatar
                                           Cailian Chen                      Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Vice-Chairs, Wireless Networks: Protocols, Vincent Wong                      University of British Columbia, Canada
Security and Services                      Guoqiang Mao                      University of Technology Sydney, Australia
                                           Peng Cheng                        Zhejiang University, China
Vice-Chairs, Mobile Satellite Systems,     Yusheng Ji                        National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Positioning and Navigation                 Kegen Yu                          Wuhan University, China
                                           Kaoru Ota                         Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
Vice-Chairs, Vehicular Communications,     Jelena Misic                      Ryerson University, Canada
Networks and Telematics                    Wei Song                          University of New Brunswick, Canada
                                           Hongzhi Zhu                       Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Vice-Chairs, Electric Vehicles, Vehicular  Alireza Khaligh                   University of Maryland, USA
Electronics and Intelligent Transportation Loic Boulon                       Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
                                           Weiwen Deng                       Jilin University, China
Vice-Chairs, Future Trends and Emerging    Mohamed Benbouzid                 University of Western Brittany, France
Technologies                               Yu Cheng                          Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
                                           Alfredo Grieco                    Politecnico di Bari, Italy

Qammer H Abbasi, Queen Mary University of London                Amir Alimohammad, San Diego State University
Khadige Abboud, University of Waterloo                          Gianluca Aloi, DIMES - University of Calabria
Mohamed Abdallah, Texas A&M University at Qatar                 Nancy Alonistioti, University of Athens
Fatma Abdelkefi, SUP'COM                                        Mohammad AlOtaibi, Imam University
Ali Abdi, New Jersey Institute of Technology                    Slawomir Jerzy Ambroziak, Gdansk University of Technology
Javad Abdoli, Huawei Technologies Canada Co.                    Osama Amin, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Atef Abdrabou, United Arab Emirates University                  Mahshid Amirabadi, Northeastern University
Hassan Aboubakr Omar, University of Waterloo                    Imran Shafique Ansari, Texas A&M University at Qatar (TAMUQ)
Nicola Accettura, CNRS                                          Abdullahi Arabo, University of West England
Fumiyuki Adachi, Tohoku University                              Kamran Arshad, University of Greenwich
Koichi Adachi, The University of Electro-Communications         Saman Atapattu, University of Melbourne
Ali Afana, Memorial University                                  Edward Au, Huawei Technologies Co.
Rizwan Ahmad, SEECS - NUST                                      Andrew Austin, EPFL
Mohamed Hossam Ahmed, Memorial University of Newfoundland       Ashraf H. Badawi, Zewail City of Science and Technology
Qasim Zeeshan Ahmed, University of Kent                         Kareem Emile Baddour, Communications Research Centre
Waqas Ahmed, Victoria University                                Hamid Reza Bahrami, The University of Akron
Messaoud Ahmed-Ouameur, Nutaq Inc.                              Bo (Bob) Bai, Tsinghua University
Ozgur Akan, Koc University                                      Tianyang Bai, The University of Texas at Austin
Abdulrahman Al-abbasi, KAUST                                    Albert Banchs, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
George C. Alexandropoulos, Huawei Technologies                  Vesh Raj Sharma Banjade, Intel Corporation
Angeliki Alexiou, University of Piraeus                         Ertugrul Basar, Istanbul Technical University

4                                                The 84th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2016-Fall Montréal Programme
Ebrahim Bedeer, Carleton University                                 Salah Eddine Elayoubi, Orange Labs
Albert Bel, Universitat Pompeu Fabra                                Yahia Eldemerdash, Memorial University
Paolo Bellavista, University of Bologna                             Maged Elkashlan, Queen Mary University of London
Faouzi Bellili, INRS-EMT                                            Jaafar M. H. Elmirghani, University of Leeds
Daniel Benevides da Costa, Federal University of Ceara (UFC)        Mostafa El-Said, Grand Valley State University
Carlos J. Bernardos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid               Tallal El-Shabrawy, The German University of Cairo
André-Luc Beylot, University of Toulouse                            Mohamed El-Tarhuni, American University of Sharjah
Yuanguo Bi, Northeastern University                                 Jialu Fan, Northeastern University
Emil Björnson, Linköping University                                 Pingyi Fan, Tsinghua University
Ernst Bonek, Technische Universität Wien                            Rongfei Fan, Beijing Institute of Technology
Jean-Marie Bonnin, Telecom Bretagne                                 Dongfeng Fang, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Alireza Borhani, University of Agder                                Shih-Hau Fang, Yuan Ze University
Loïc Boulon, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Canada)         Afef Feki, Huawei Technologies
Khaled Boussetta, University Paris 13                               Mauro Femminella, University of Perugia
Shengrong Bu, University of Glasgow                                 Daquan Feng, SUTD
Angela Sara Cacciapuoti, University of Naples Federico II           Xinxin Feng, Fuzhou University
Jun Cai, University of Manitoba                                     M. Julia Fernandez-Getino Garcia, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Lin Cai, Illinois Institute of Technology                           Ramon Ferrus, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Daniel Calabuig, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia                Marco Fiore, IEIIT - CNR
Mamadou Baïlo Camara, University of Havre                           Carlo Fischione, Royal Institute of Technology - KTH
Claudia Campolo, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria         Paul Fortier, Laval University
Berk Canberk, Istanbul Technical University                         Xinwen Fu, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Bin Cao, Harbin Institute of Technology                             Takeo Fujii, University of Electro-Communications
Xianghui Cao, Southeast University                                  Xiaoying Gan, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Zhenfu Cao, East China Normal University                            Fei Gao, Transport and Systems Laboratory- EA 3317 UTBM
Marcelo Carvalho, University of Brasilia                            Yue Gao, Queen Mary University of London
Dajana Cassioli, University of L Aquila                             Rung-Hung Gau, National Chiao Tung University
Francisco Cercas, Instituto de Telecomunicações                     Jens Gebert, Nokia Bell Labs
Shan Chang, Donghua University                                      Xavier Gelabert, Huawei Technologies Sweden AB
Xiaolin Chang, Beijing Jiaotong University                          Orestis Georgiou, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd
Elias Chavarria Reyes, Georgia Insititute of Technology             Majid Ghanbarinejad, Huawei Technologies
Ali Chelli, University of Agder                                     Andrea Giorgetti, University of Bologna
Hongbin Chen, Guilin University of Electronic Technology            Lorenza Giupponi, CTTC
Jianxin Chen, Nanjing University of Post and Telecommunications     Zijun Gong, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Liang Chen, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute                   Alberto González, Technical University of Valencia
Qian Chen, Institute for infocomm Research                          Ali Gorcin, Yildiz Technical University
Chung Shue Chen, Bell Labs                                          Sedat Gormus, Karadeniz Technical University
Yuh-Shyan Chen, National Taipei University                          Marco Gramaglia, IMDEA Networks Institute and University Carlos III
Julian Cheng, University of British Columbia                            of Madrid
Long Cheng, Virginia Tech                                           Francesco Gringoli, University of Brescia
Yu Cheng, Illinois Institute of Technology                          Jason Gross, West Virginia University
Man Hon Cheung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong                 Guan Gui, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Bong Jun Choi, The State University of New York                     Cheng Guo, Harbin Institute of Technology
Sooyong Choi, Yonsei University                                     Gürkan Gür, Bogazici University
Jean-Yves Chouinard, Laval University                               Carlos A. Gutierrez, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi
Simona Colucci, Politecnico di Bari                                 Majed Haddad, INRIA
Massimiliano Comisso, University of Trieste                         Abdelhakim Haddoun, University of Brest
Noel Crespi, Institut TELECOM SudParis                              Hela Hakim, Higher School of Communication of Tunis
Marilia Curado, University of Coimbra                               Rami Hamdi, École de Technologie Supérieure
Francisco da Costa Lopes, Electric Energy Research Center – CEPEL   Walaa Hamouda, Concordia University
Adel-Omar Dahmane, UQTR                                             Congzheng Han, IAP
Claude D'Amours, University if Ottawa                               Jihun Han, Korea Advanced Institute Science and Technology
Ngoc-Dung Dao, Huawei Technologies Canada Co.                       Shiying Han, Nankai University
Klaus David, University of Kassel                                   Tao Han, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Timothy Davidson, McMaster University                               Shinsuke Hara, Osaka City University
Celso de Almeida, Brazil                                            Kazunori Hayashi, Kyoto University
Luca De Nardis, University of Rome La Sapienza                      Peiwen He, University of Maryland
Carl James Debono, University of Malta                              Shibo He, Zhejiang University
Ruilong Deng, University of Alberta                                 Yejun He, Shenzhen University
Demba Diallo, University of Paris-Sud                               Mark Hedley, CSIRO
Stefan Dietzel, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin                      Prasanna Herath, University of Alberta / TRLabs
Ming Ding, Data61                                                   Andres Hernandez, University Antonio Narino
Rui Dinis, Tech. Univ. of Lisbon                                    Kenichi Higuchi, Tokyo University of Science
Pawel Dmochowski, Victoria University of Wellington                 Paul Ho, Simon Fraser University
Octavia A. Dobre, Memorial University                               Bjørn Olav Hogstad, Gjøvik University College
Mianxiong Dong, Muroran Institute of Technology                     Yi Hong, Monash University
Elmahdi Driouch, Université du Québec à Montréal                    Md. Farhad Hossain, The University of Sydney
Martin Drozda, Slovak University of Technology                      Md. Jahangir Hossain, University of British Columbia
Qinghe Du, Xi'an Jiaotong University                                Y. Fun Hu, University of Bradford
Bertrand Ducourthial, Université de Technologie de Compiègne        Huawei Huang, University of Aizu
Ali Riza Ekti, Gannon University                                    Jun Huang, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Hotel Montreal Bonaventure, Montréal, Canada 18-21 September 2016                                                                   5
Xiaojing Huang, University of Technology Sydney                      Li Lu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Xinlin Huang, Tongji University                                      Rongxing Lu, Nanyang Technological University
Karin Anna Hummel, Johannes Kepler University Linz                   Tom Luan, Deakin University
Taewon Hwang, Yonsei University                                      M. Carmen Lucas-Estañ, Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche
Lorenzo Iacobelli, Thales                                            Michele Luglio, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Aissa Ikhlef, Newcastle University                                   Kai Luo, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Muhammad Ali Imran, University of Surrey                             Lu Lyu, Xidian University
Joris Jaguemont, Vrije Universiteit Brussel                          Amine Maaref, Huawei Technologies Canada
Dhammika Jayalath, Queensland University of Technology               A.S. Madhukumar, Nanyang Technological University
Chunxiao Jiang, Tsinghua University                                  Andreas Maeder, Nokia Networks
Fan Jiang, Memorial University                                       Behrouz Maham, University of Tehran
Ming Jiang, Sun Yat-sen University                                   Mohamed Mahmoud, Tennessee Tech University
Hu Jin, Hanyang University                                           Christian Makaya, IBM T.J Watson Research Center
Jordi Joan Gimenez, Universitat Politècnica de València              Kamal Rahimi Malekshan, University of Waterloo
Athanasios Kanatas, University of Piraeus                            Ayan Mallik, University of Maryland
Mohamed Kashef, Texas A&M University at Qatar                        Paul Marinier, InterDigital Communications Corp.
Yuichi Kawamoto, Tohoku University                                   Johann M. Marquez-Barja, CTVR - Trinity College Dublin
Sousso Kelouwani, University du Québec à Trois-Rivières              Ian Marsland, Carleton University
Alireza Khaligh, University of Maryland                              David Martín-Sacristán, Universitat Politècnica de València
Jamil Khan, The University of Newcastle                              Marco Maso, Huawei Technologies France Research Center
Saeed R. Khosravirad, Nokia - Bell Labs                              Daniel Massicotte, UQTR - Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres
David Kidston, Communications Research Centre Canada                 David Matolak, University of South Carolina
Martti Kirkko-Jaakkola, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute        Rob Maunder, University of Southampton
Adrian Kliks, Poznan University of Technology                        Mahmood Mazrouei-Sebdani, University of Alberta / TRLabs
Haris Kremo, CONNECT Trinity College Dublin                          Ahmed Mehaoua, University of Paris Descartes
Ioannis Krikidis, University of Cyprus                               Abolfazl Mehbodniya, Tohoku University
Paweł Kryszkiewicz, Poznan University of Technology                  Michela Meo, Politecnico di Torino
Witold A. Krzymien, University of Alberta / TRLabs                   Geoffrey Messier, University of Calgary
Michel Kulhandjian, University of Buffalo                            Andrej Mihailovic, Kings Colege London
Tipparti Anil Kumar, SVS Group of Institutions                       Jelena Misic, Ryerson University
Rafael Kunst, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)        Vojislav Misic, Ryerson University
Ernest Kurniawan, Institute for Infocomm Research                    Paul D. Mitchell, University of York
Sachitha Kusaladharma, University of Alberta                         Zoubeir Mlika, Université du Québec a Montréal
Katsutoshi Kusume, DOCOMO Euro-Labs                                  Lei Mo, Zhejiang University
Jeongho Kwak, INRS-EMT                                               Sanam Moghaddamnia, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Xavier Lagrange, Telecom Bretagne                                    Amr Mohamed, Qatar University
Chin-Feng Lai, National Cheng Kung University                        Antonella Molinaro, University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria
Ingmar Land, Huawei Technologies                                     Paolo Monti, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Charlotte Langlais, Telecom Bretagne                                 Jean-Philippe Montillet, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Maryline Laurent, TELECOM SudParis                                   Marius Monton, WorldSensing
Nadav Lavi, General Motors                                           Carlos Mosquera, University of Vigo
Didier Le Ruyet, CNAM Paris                                          Mohamed M. A. Moustafa, Egyptian Russian University
Long Le, University of Quebec                                        Amir Mowlaei, KAR-TECH Inc.
Changle Li, Xidian University                                        Andreas Mueller, Robert Bosch GmbH
Chih-Peng Li, National Sun Yat-sen University                        Amitav Mukherjee, Ericsson Research
Guo-Dong Li, Harbin University of Science and Technology             Shahid Mumtaz, Institute of Telecommunication Aveiro
Kai Lukas Li, Singapore University of Technology and Design          Miia Mustonen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Min Li, The University of Newcastle                                  Keivan Navaie, Lancaster University
Wenjia Li, New York Institute of Technology                          Hien Quoc Ngo, Linkoping University
Xi Li, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications            Telex M. N. Ngatched, Memorial University
Hao Liang, University of Alberta                                     Duy T. Ngo, University of Newcastle
Hongbin Liang, Southwest Jiaotong University                         Duy Nguyen, The University of Texas at Austin
Ying-Chang Liang, Institute for Infocomm Research                    Nhut Nguyen, The University of Texas at Dallas
Teng Joon Lim, National University of Singapore                      Huan X. Nguyen, Middlesex University
Hai Lin, Osaka Prefecture University                                 Wei Ni, CSIRO
Jia-Chin Lin, National Central University                            Dusit Niyato, Nanyang Technological University
Kai Lin, Dalian U. of Tech.                                          Petr Novotny, Imperial College London
Chi (Harold) Liu, Beijing Institute of Technology                    Minoru Okada, NAIST
Kuang-Hao (Stanley) Liu, National Cheng Kung University              Rodolfo Oliveira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Bo Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.                                     Pasquale Pace, University of Calabria
Chunshan Liu, Macquarie University                                   Sangheon Pack, Korea University
Falin Liu, USTC                                                      Athanasios Panagopoulos, National Technical University of Athens
Fang Liu, BUPT/CSIRO                                                 Paul Patras, University of Edinburgh
Ju Liu, Shandong University                                          Luigi Paura, Universita di Napoli Federico II
Wei Liu, University of Sheffield                                     Tommaso Pecorella, University of Florence
Jaime Lloret, Polytechnic University of Valencia                     Haixia Peng, Northeastern University
Brandon Lo, Idaho National Laboratory                                Xi Peng, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Xuelian Long, Facebook                                               Dirk Pesch, Cork Institute of Technology
Miguel López-Benítez, University of Liverpool                        Prashant Pillai, University of Bradford
F. Javier Lopez-Martinez, Universidad de Malaga                      Gema Piñero, Technical University of Valencia
David Lopez-Perez, Bell Labs - Alcatel-Lucent - Ireland              Pradeepa, University of Manitoba

6                                                     The 84th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2016-Fall Montréal Programme
Serguei L. Primak, Western University                                Masashi Sugano, Osaka Prefecture University
Yinan Qi, Samsung R&D Institute UK                                   Young-Joo Suh, Pohang University of Science and Technology
Hua Qian, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute                       Hongjian Sun, Durham University
Liping Qian, Zhejiang University of Technology                       Songlin Sun, BUPT
Tony Q.S. Quek, Singapore University of Technology and Design        Wenbin Sun, Harbin Institute of Technology
Emanuel Radoi, University of Brest                                   Zhi Sun, The State University of New York at Buffalo
Nandana Rajatheva, University of Oulu                                Zhili Sun, University of Surrey
Lars Rasmussen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology                    Chang Kyung Sung, CSIRO
Akshay Kumar Rathore, Concordia University                           Chi Wan Sung, City University of Hong Kong
Peter Reiher, UCLA                                                   Himal Suraweera, University of Peradeniya
Pinyi Ren, Xi'an Jiaotong University                                 Navod Suraweera, Macquarie University
Eric Renault, Institut Mines-telecom                                 Katsuya Suto, University of Waterloo
Jesus Requena-Carrion, Queen Mary University of London               Bekheira Tabbache, University of Brest
Zouheir Rezki, KAUST                                                 P. Takis Mathiopoulos, University of Athens
Alberto Rico-Alvarino, Qualcomm                                      Kenichi Takizawa, NICT
Taneli Riihonen, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering   Peng Hui Tan, Institute for Infocomm Research
Vincent Roca, INRIA                                                  Le Thanh Tan, Arizona State University
Emanuel Bezerra Rodrigues, Federal University of Ceará               Jie Tang, South China University of Technology
Daniel Romero, University of Minnesota                               Yichao Tang, Texas Instruments
Bo Rong, Communications Research Centre Canada                       Hidekazu Taoka, NTT DOCOMO
Sankardas Roy, Bowling Green State University                        Daniele Tarchi, University of Bologna
Giuseppe Ruggeri, UNI RC                                             Fabrice Theoleyre, University of Strasbourg (CNRS)
Yalin Sagduyu, Intelligent Automation Inc./University of Maryland    Preetha Thulasiraman, Naval Postgraduate School
Oriol Sallent, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)            Andrea Tonello, University of Klagenfurt
Yukitoshi Sanada, Keio University                                    Nghi Tran, University of Akron
Juan Sanchez-Gonzalez, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya          Giuseppe Tropea, CNIT
Arun Sankar Uma Sankar, University of Maryland                       Joao Pedro Trovao, Université de Sherbrooke
Susana Sargento, IT - Universidade de Aveiro                         Hsin-Mu Tsai, National Taiwan University
Malte Schellmann, Huawei European Research Center                    Eirini-Eleni Tsiropoulou, NTUA
Anke Schmeink, RWTH Aachen University                                George Tsoulos, University of Peloponnese
Christian Schneider, Technische Universität Ilmenau                  Md. Forkan Uddin, Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Robert Schober, University British Columbia                              Technology
Jun Bae Seo, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi                    Anna Umbert, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Hamed Shah-Mansouri, University of British Columbia                  Vida Vakilian, California State University
Vahid Shah-Mansouri, University of Tehran                            Fernando J Velez, Universidade da Beira Interior
Mehrdad Shariat, Samsung R&D UK                                      Christos Verikoukis, CTTC
Qinghua Shen, University of Waterloo                                 Alexey Vinel, Halmstad University
Yuan Shen, Tsinghua University                                       Jean-Frederic Wagen, University of Applied Sciences of Western
Min Sheng, Xidian University                                             Switzerland
Zhengguo Sheng, University of Sussex                                 Cheng Wang, Tongji Unv.
Nirmala Shenoy, Rochester Institute of Technology                    Cong Wang, City University of Hong Kong
Ray Sheriff, University of Bradford                                  Haoyu Wang, Shanghai Tech
Chuan Shi, University of Maryland                                    Ke Wang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Shuyu Shi, National Institute of Informatics                         Kun Wang, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Xiufang Shi, Zhejiang University                                     Li Wang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Yan Shi, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications          Li-Chun Wang, National Chiao Tung University
Yuanming Shi, ShanghaiTech University                                Miao Wang, University of Waterloo
Zhiguo Shi, Zhejiang University                                      Peng Wang, The University of Sydney
Mahyar Shirvanimoghaddam, University of Newcastle                    Ping Wang, Nanyang Technological University
Arman Shojaeifard, University College London                         Shiqiang Wang, Imperial College London
Lei Shu, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology            Wei Wang, Zhejiang University
Han Shuai, Harbin Institute of Technology                            Wenjing Wang, Harbin University of Commerce
Pengbo Si, Beijing University of Technology                          Xianbin Wang, The University of Western Ontario
Stephan Sigg, Aalto University                                       Xiaofei Wang, The University of British Columbia
Salvatore Signorello, Snt - University of Luxembourg & LORIA -       Xijun Wang, Xidian University
    University of Lorraine                                           Xin Wang, Fudan University
Keshav Singh, University of Edinburgh                                Yichen Wang, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Dirk T.M. Slock, EURECOM                                             Zehua Wang, University of British Columbia
Besma Smida, University of Illinois at Chicago                       Zhe Wang, The University of New South Wales
Daniel K C So, University of Manchester                              Hung-Yu Wei, National Taiwan University
M. Reza Soleymani, Concordia Universtiy                              Xin Wei, Nanjing University of Post and Telecommunications
Samy S. Soliman, Cairo University                                    Deng Weiwen, Jilin University
Wei Song, University of New Brunswick                                David Tung Chong Wong, Institute for Infocomm Research
Essam Sourour, Prince Sattam Bin Abdul-Aziz University               Vincent W.S. Wong, University of British Columbia
Susanna Spinsante, Università Politecnica delle Marche               Bin Wu, University of California Irvine
Pawel Sroka, Poznan University of Technology                         Celimuge Wu, The university of electro-communications
Daniel Stancil, North Carolina State University                      Yongpeng Wu, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Razvan Stanica, INSA Lyon                                            Yuan Wu, Zhejiang University of Technology
Heidi Steendam, Ghent University                                     Yuanxin Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Ruoyu Su, Memorial University                                        Changqiao Xu, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Zhou Su, Shanghai University                                         Chongbin Xu, Fudan University

Hotel Montreal Bonaventure, Montréal, Canada 18-21 September 2016                                                                       7
Jie Xu, Singapore University of Technology and Design                              Lei Zhang, University of Surrey
Rongtao Xu, Beijing Jiaotong University                                            Liang Zhang, Communications Research Centre Canada
Shaoyi Xu, Beijing Jiaotong University                                             Ning Zhang, University of Waterloo
Xiaodong Xu, Beijing University of Posts of Telecommunications                     Ran Zhang, University of Waterloo
Wu Xuanli, Harbin Institute of Technology                                          Ruonan Zhang, Northwestern Polytechnical University
Animesh Yadav, Memorial University (MUN)                                           Shan Zhang, Tsinghua University
Shihao Yan, Australian National University                                         Wei Zhang, University of New South Wales
Kan Yang, University of Waterloo                                                   Wuxiong Zhang, Shanghai Research Center for Wireless
Long Yang, Xidian University                                                           Communications
Lu Yang, NUS                                                                       Xing Zhang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Nan Yang, Australian National University                                           Yongmin Zhang, University of Victoria
Peng Yang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology                           Zhiqiang Zhang, Imperial College London
Tingting Yang, University of Waterloo                                              Dongmei Zhao, McMaster University
Yuzhe Yao, Qualcomm                                                                Guodong Zhao, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
Feng Ye, University of Dayton                                                          China
Yun Ye, City University of New York                                                Nan Zhao, Dalian University of Technology
Tan Soon Yim, Nayang Technology University                                         Wanlong Zhao, Harbin Institute of Technology
Feng Yin, Ericsson Research                                                        Kan Zheng, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Guanding Yu, Zhejiang University                                                   Lei Zhong, National Institute of Informatics
Chau Yuen, Singapore University of Technology and Design                           Haibo Zhou, University of Waterloo
Ammar Zafar, University of Technology Sydney                                       Liang Zhou, Nanjing University of Post and Telecommunications
Alberto Zanella, IEIIT-CNR                                                         Mu Zhou, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Deze Zeng, University of Aizu                                                      Yifeng Zhou, Communications Research Centre Canada
Hans-Jürgen Zepernick, Blekinge Institute of Technology                            Yong Zhou, University of British Columbia
Aiqing Zhang, Nanjing University of Post and Telecommunications                    Hongzi Zhu, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Chao Zhang, Xi'an Jiaotong University                                              Li Zhu, Carleton University
Haijun Zhang, The University of British Columbia                                   Wei-Ping Zhu, Concordia University
Hao Zhang, Oracle                                                                  Xu Zhu, University of Liverpool
Heli Zhang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications                     Yanmin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Jun Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology                          Weihua Zhuang, University of Waterloo
Kuan Zhang, University of Waterloo                                                 Deyue Zou, Harbin Institute of Technology

Rana Abbas              Ardalan Alizadeh       Ertugrul Basar        Paulo Carvalho          Man Hon Cheung           Sener Dikmese          Mauro Femminella
Naveed Ahmed Abbasi     Gianluca Aloi          Jamal Bazzi           Giuseppe Caso           Trinh Van Chien          Ergin Dinc             Xinxin Feng
Qammer H Abbasi         AbdulAziz Al-Orainy    Ebrahim Bedeer        Dajana Cassioli         Henry Chin               Jianfeng Ding          Xuzhe Feng
Khadige Abboud          Daniel Altamirano      Luca Bedogni          Haris Celik             Eddy Chiu                Ming Ding              M. Julia Fernandez-
Saied M. Abd El-atty      Carrillo             Albert Bel            Yasin Celik             Dong-Ho Cho              Rui Dinis                Getino Garcia
  Soliman               Heba Aly               Paolo Bellavista      Francisco Cercas        Bong Jun Choi            Pawel Dmochowski       Xavier Fernando
Raed Abd-alhameed       Marica Amadeo          Faouzi Bellili        Haohan Chai             Jean-Yves Chouinard      Octavia A. Dobre       Ramon Ferrus
Mohamed Abdallah        Slawomir Jerzy         Fatima Benbouzid-     Bo Chang                Min Young Chung          Liang Dong             Stanislav Filin
Fatma Abdelkefi           Ambroziak              Sitayeb             Deyuan Chang            Raul Gomez Cid-          Mianxiong Dong         Marco Fiore
Ali Abdi                Osama Amin             Francesco Benedetto   Shan Chang                Fuentes                Weiwei Dong            Börje Forssell
Javad Abdoli            Ruhollah Amiri         Daniel Benevides da   Shih-Hao Chang          Ali Cagatay Cirik        Zheng Dong             Paul Fortier
Vitaly Abdrashitov      Karine Amis              Costa               Xiaolin Chang           Domenico Ciuonzo         Gianfranco Doretto     Valerio Frascolla
Affoua Thérèse Aby      Silvio Carlos Anibal   Mats Bengtsson        Elias Chavarria Reyes   Meltem Civas             Elmahdi Driouch        Jean-François Frigon
Fumiyuki Adachi           De Almeida           Luis Bernardo         Michael Cheffena        Bruno Clerckx            Martin Drozda          Xinwen Fu
Koichi Adachi           Giuseppe Araniti       Carlos J. Bernardos   Ali Chelli              Baldomero Coll-          Qinghe Du              Yaru Fu
Venkata Gopala K        Mohamed Amine          André-Luc Beylot      Dajiang Chen              Perales                Rong Du                Martin Fuhrwerk
  Addada                  Arfaoui              Emanuel Bezerra       Hongbin Chen            Simona Colucci           Yves Dubé              Takeo Fujii
Ali Afana               Yuki Arikawa             Rodrigues           Huifang Chen            Massimo Condoluci        Bertrand Ducourthial   Mohamed Gaafar
Adeel Ahmed             Saman Atapattu         Yuanguo Bi            Jiachao Chen            Americo M. C.            Dimitrios Efstathiou   Carlo Galiotto
Mohamed Hossam          Edward Au              Elisabetta Biondi     Jiacheng Chen             Correia                Ali Riza Ekti          Boris Galkin
  Ahmed                 Andrew Austin          Emil Björnson         Jieqiong Chen           Jose Costa-Requena       Yahia Eldemerdash      Samoda Gamage
Imtiaz Ahmed            Nurilla Avazov         Mate Boban            Jinzhu Chen             Matthieu Crussière       Basem M. ElHalawany    Feifei Gao
Qasim Zeeshan Ahmed     Alaa Awad              Ronald Boehnke        Lei Chen                Taiping Cui              Ahmed Elhamy           Hui Gao
Waqas Ahmed             Dimitrios I. Axiotis   Ernst Bonek           Liang Chen              Marilia Curado           Maha Elsabrouty        Xiang Gao
Messaoud Ahmed-         Seyed Mohammad         Lukasz Bonenberg      Lin Chen                Krzysztof Cwalina        Khaled Elsayed         Yue Gao
  Ouameur                 Azimi-Abarghouyi     Andrea Bonfante       Mingkai Chen            Icaro Da Silva           Tallal El-Shabrawy     Andrés Garcia
Wessam Ajib             Ashraf H. Badawi       Jean-Marie Bonnin     Nan Chen                Adel-Omar Dahmane        Mohamed El-Tarhuni       Saavedra
Noman Akbar             Kareem Emile           Alireza Borhani       Pingping Chen           Shengchen Dai            Mohammed Eltayeb       Rung-Hung Gau
Akinbiyi Akindoyin        Baddour              Zied Bouida           Qian Chen               Yongyu Dai               Eylem Erdogan          Xin Ge
Salam Akoum             JungSook Bae           Dora Boviz            Shuyi Chen              Claude D'Amours          Nima Eshraghi          Jens Gebert
Lutfa Akter             Hamid Reza Bahrami     Shengrong Bu          Xia Chen                Jian Dang                Nicolo Facchi          Xavier Gelabert
Hanan Al Tous           Bo (Bob) Bai           Ibrahim Bukar         Xin Chen                Ngoc-Dung Dao            Nicolò Facchi          Orestis Georgiou
Abdulrahman Al-abbasi   Tianyang Bai           M. Majid Butt         Yichao Chen             Eftychia Datsika         Pingyi Fan             Leila Ghabeli
Atm Alam                Hamidreza Bakhshi      Jun Cai               Ying Chen               Timothy Davidson         Rongfei Fan            Majid Ghanbarinejad
Muhammad Alam           Ali Balador            Lin Cai               Yingyang Chen           Alejandro de la Fuente   Dongfeng Fang          Navid Ghazisaidi
George C.               Nuwan Balasuriya       Yang Cai              Yuanfang Chen           Luca De Nardis           Shih-Hau Fang          Pouya Ghofrani
  Alexandropoulos       Morteza Banagar        Daniel Calabuig       Yuwei Chen              Carl James Debono        Xiaojie Fang           Andrea Giorgetti
Masoud Alghoniemy       Karim A. Banawan       Claudia Campolo       Zhengchuan Chen         Deepak G. C.             Xiaojie Fang           Ali Haydar Göktoğan
Omar Alhussein          Albert Banchs          Bin Cao               Zhijie Chen             Eleni Demarchou          Zhaoxi Fang            Leonardo Gomes Baltar
Waqas Ali               Mohammadamin           Huijin Cao            Jinkun Cheng            Ruilong Deng             Haifa Fares            Bo Gong
Waqas Ali                 Baniasadi            Xianghui Cao          Julian Cheng            Indrakshi Dey            Nuno Faria             Zijun Gong
Simo Ali-Löytty         Kim Baraka             Zhenfu Cao            Nan Cheng               Marco Di Renzo           Akmal Fayziyev         Ruben Gonzalez-
Amir Alimohammad        Ana M. Barbancho       Marcelo Carvalho      Yu Cheng                Stefan Dietzel           Afef Feki                Rubio

8                                                               The 84th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2016-Fall Montréal Programme
Ali Gorcin             Yulin Hu               Markus Klügel         Chunshan Liu            Michela Meo               Panagiotis Paschalidis   Susana Sargento
Sedat Gormus           Huawei Huang           Matthew Kokshoorn     Falin Liu               Henry Merino              Al-Sakib Khan Pathan     David Saussié
Benoit Gosselin        Jun Huang              Daichi Kominami       Fang Liu                Agapi Mesodiakaki         Prithviraj Patil         Vidit Saxena
Shovon Goutam          Shenjie Huang          Adrian Kotelba        Hao Liu                 Geoffrey Messier          Paul Patras              Manuel Schiller
Marco Gramaglia        Shiwei Huang           Wim A. Th.            Ju Liu                  Mohamed Said              Rui R. Paulo             Christian Schneider
Fernando Gregorio      Xiaojing Huang           Kotterman           Lei Liu                   Mezghanni               Tommaso Pecorella        Christopher Schnelling
Dominic Grenier        Xinlin Huang           Erdem Koyuncu         Shuiyin Liu             Xiang Mi                  Ho Huat Peh              Savio Sciancalepore
Alfredo Grieco         Yifei Huang            Haris Kremo           Wei Liu                 Ahmad Umair Mian          Ling Pei                 Karim G. Seddik
Francesco Gringoli     Karin Anna Hummel      Paweł Kryszkiewicz    Ye Liu                  Zhifang Miao              Haixia Peng              Jun Bae Seo
Guan Gui               David Humphrey         Michel Kulhandjian    Ying Liu                Emmanouel                 Shenglong Peng           Iqbal Shahid
Raoul Guiazon          Kyusung Hwang          Vinod Kumar           Zhe Liu                   Michailidis             Xi Peng                  Hamed Shah-
Alexandre Guitton      Taewon Hwang           Teerawat Kumrai       Zhenyi Liu              Andrej Mihailovic         Harri Pennanen             Mansouri
Cheng Guo              Lorenzo Iacobelli      Rafael Kunst          Zhenyu Liu              Nobuhiko Miki             Javier Perez-Ramirez     Reza Shakeri
Chongtao Guo           Qutaiba Ibrahem        Ernest Kurniawan      Jaime Lloret            Juan Carlos Minango       Dirk Pesch               Hangguan Shan
Hongzhi Guo            Vincenzo Icolari       Sachitha              Brandon Lo                Negrete                 Laura Pierucci           Mehrdad Shariat
Huayan Guo             Christoph Ide            Kusaladharma        Zhao Long               Hasan Mir                 Gema Piñero              Shree Krishna Sharma
Jing Guo               Naveed Iqbal           Norhapizin Kushairi   Zhao Longhai            Farshad Miramirkhani      Nicholas Preyss          Changyang She
Song Guo               Aamir Ishaque          Katsutoshi Kusume     Waslon Terllizzie A.    Jelena Misic              Constantinos Psomas      Junyi Shen
Ankit Gupta            Mahmoud H. Ismail      Mohamed Laaraiedh       Lopes                 Vojislav Misic            Yinan Qi                 Qinghua Shen
Gürkan Gür             Muhammad Ismail        Xavier Lagrange       Miguel López-Benítez    Jalil Modares             Hua Qian                 Wei-Liang Shen
Carlos A. Gutierrez    Amir Hossein Jafari    Chin-Feng Lai         F. Javier Lopez-        Sanam Moghaddamnia        Jiuchao Qian             Wenlong Shen
David M. Gutierrez     Joris Jaguemont        Roberto Lambiase        Martinez              Ali Mohamed               Liping Qian              Luo Sheng
  Estevez              Dhammika Jayalath      Lutz Lampe            David Lopez-Perez       Amr Mohamed               Zhan Qin                 Min Sheng
Abdelhakim Haddoun     Mingyue Ji             Ruining Lan           An-an Lu                Ricky K. P. Mok           Yang Qiu                 Zhengguo Sheng
Stephan Häfner         Xiaodong Ji            Xiaoyu Lan            Li Lu                   Jean-Philippe Montillet   Tony Q.S. Quek           Nirmala Shenoy
Florian Hagenauer      Riheng Jia             Ingmar Land           Rongxing Lu             Carlos Mosquera           Vo Nguyen Quoc Bao       Ray Sheriff
Afshin Haghighat       Qiao Jian              Charlotte Langlais    Weidang Lu              Susana Mota               Emanuel Radoi            Chuan Shi
Ali A. Haghighi        Fan Jiang              Maryam Lashgari       Tom Luan                Jules Merlin Mouatcho     Ayman Radwan             Duanwei Shi
Nazih Hajri            Hai Jiang              Didier Le Ruyet       M. Carmen Lucas-Estañ     Moualeu                 Muhammad Mahboob         Shuyu Shi
Ali Hakam              Li Jiang               Long Le               Jingjing Luo            Andreas Mueller             Ur Rahman              Xiufang Shi
Hela Hakim             Ming Jiang             Ngoc Phuc Le          Kai Luo                 Amitav Mukherjee          Matti Raitoharju         Yan Shi
Rami Hamdi             Ming Jiang             Gottfried Lechner     Wei Luo                 Philipp Müller            Nandana Rajatheva        Mahyar
Marwan Hammouda        Wei Jiang              Walter Leeb           Xin Luo                 Shahid Mumtaz             Piotr Rajchowski           Shirvanimoghaddam
Walaa Hamouda          Yanxiang Jiang         Guowei Lei            Ling Lyu                Hafiz Atta Ul Mustafa     Henry Ramiro             Ahvar Shohreh
Chong Han              Yuande Jiang           Lei Lei               Lu Lyu                  Mohammed Nafie              Carvajal Mora          Arman Shojaeifard
Jihun Han              A-Long Jin             Helena Leppakoski     Bojiang Ma              Omer Narmanlioglu         Ayadi Raouia             Hossein Shokri-
Qi Han                 Hu Jin                 Chang Li              Chuan Ma                Enrico Natalizio          Lars Rasmussen             Ghadikolaei
Qiaoni Han             Jordi Joan Gimenez     Chao Li               Chun-Ying Ma            Roman Naumann             Peter Reiher             Alireza Shooshtari
Shiying Han            Anders Johansson       Chao Li               Hang Ma                 Keivan Navaie             Leonardo dos Santos      Yuanchao Shu
Yonghee Han            Tomas Jönsson          Chih-Peng Li          Jiao Ma                 Syed Junaid Nawaz           Reis Vieira            Han Shuai
Craig Hancock          Caihong Kai            Chunguo Li            Lina Ma                 G. G. Md. Nawaz Ali       Yuwei Ren                Pengbo Si
Shinsuke Hara          Marcos Tomio           Danielle Li           Rui Ma                  Telex M. N. Ngatched      Eric Renault             Stephan Sigg
Marakkalage Sumudu       Kakitani             Feng Li               Shuang Ma               Hien Quoc Ngo             Jesus Requena-Carrion    Jayamuni Silva
  Hasala               Jarkko Kaleva          He Li                 Zhe-ming Ma             Duy T. Ngo                Laurent Reynaud          Aditya Singh
Hany Kamal Hassan      Abla Kammoun           Jin Li                Amine Maaref            Duy Nguyen                Zouheir Rezki            Keshav Singh
Kazunori Hayashi       Athanasios Kanatas     Jiping Li             Andreas Maeder          Ha H. Nguyen              Matthew Rhudy            Ravinder Singh
Hayri                  Kazuma Kaneko          Li Li                 Behrouz Maham           Le Hang Nguyen            Taneli Riihonen          Christodoulos
Anqi He                Jung-Chun Kao          Lian Li               Dogoumi Moussa          Tri Minh Nguyen           Vincent Roca               Skouroumounis
Hong He                Puspendu Kar           Lingxiang Li            Mahamat               Nhut Nguyen               Antonio Rodrigues        Daniel K C So
Hongli He              Murat Karabacak        Kai Lukas Li          Chinmaya Mahapatra      Thien Nguyen              Tiago Gama               Javier Solano
Junxiao He             Muhammet Ali           Min Li                Toktam Mahmoodi         Huan X. Nguyen              Rodrigues              Mohammad
Li He                    Karabulut            Peng Li               Adyson Maia             Jianbing Ni               Ignacio Rodriguez          Soleymani
Shibo He               Petros Karadimas       Rui Li                Jose Mairton            Minming Ni                Marcin Rodziewicz        Samy S. Soliman
Yanfei He              Mohammad Ali           Ruoguang Li           Behrooz Makki           Jarno Niemelä             Antti Roivainen          Wei Song
Yejun He                 Karbaschian          Shouxiang Li          Francesco Malandrino    Yukun Niu                 Daniel Romero            Ritesh Sood
Yuwen He               Mohamed Kashef         Wenjia Li             Mehdi Maleki            Dusit Niyato              Bo Rong                  Essam Sourour
Mark Hedley            Martin Käske           Xi Li                 Kamal Rahimi            Petr Novotny              Damien Roque             Hamza Soury
Kasun Hemachandra      Sanjit Kaul            Xia Li                  Malekshan             Mohammad Nozari           Javier Rosero            Diego A. Sousa
Sebastian Henningsen   Ankit Kaushik          Xin Li                Ayan Mallik             Loutfi Nuaymi             Pierluigi Salvo Rossi    Ivo Sousa
Prasanna Herath        Yuichi Kawamoto        Xiuhua Li             Yuyi Mao                Ahmed Numan               Javane Rostampoor        Susanna Spinsante
Sanjeewa Herath        Jan M. Kelner          Yi Li                 Leonidas Marantis       Claude Oestges            Giuseppe Ruggeri         Pawel Sroka
Dalia Georgiana        Sousso Kelouwani       You Li                Paul Marinier           Maria Oikonomakou         Humphrey                 Daniel Stancil
  Herculea             Kiersten Kerby-Patel   Yuhong Li             Francesco Marino        Rodolfo Oliveira            Rutagemwa              Razvan Stanica
Kenichi Higuchi        Bassem Khalfi          Yunpeng Li            Andrea Marotta          Hassan Aboubakr           Harri Saarnisaari        Heidi Steendam
Asma Ben Hadj          Nabil Khalid           Yuzhou Li             Ian Marsland              Omar                    Omid Saatlou             Jacek Stefanski
  Hmida                Alireza Khaligh        Zhiqing Li            François Martel         Felicia Li Chin Ong       Jaroslaw Sadowski        Alex Stephenne
Lester Ho              Nargis Khan            Chengchao Liang       Francisco J. Martinez   Lawrence Ong              Hamid Saeedi             Jian Su
Paul Ho                Manas Khatua           Hao Liang             David Martín-           Antonino Orsino           Yalin Sagduyu            Ruoyu Su
Ivan Wang-Hei Ho       Awais Khawar           Hongbin Liang           Sacristán             Jian Ouyang               Firooz Bashashi          Zhenqiang Su
Bjørn Olav Hogstad     Mohammad G.            Ying-Chang Liang      Marco Maso              Pasquale Pace               Saghezchi              Zhou Su
Joerg Holfeld            Khoshkholgh          Teng Joon Lim         Daniel Massicotte       Sangheon Pack             Alphan Sahin             Masashi Sugano
Daesik Hong            Saeed R. Khosravirad   Guo Lin               Marja Matinmikko        Sujata Pal                Kazi Mohammed            Ahmed Sultan
Wei Hong               Mohamed-Achraf         Hai Lin               David Matolak           Leyuan Pan                  Saidul Huq             Fei Sun
Yi Hong                  Khsiba               Jia-Chin Lin          Rob Maunder             Georgios                  Manabu Sakai             Gaofei Sun
Wang Hongwei           Jacek Kibiłda          Kai Lin               Mahmood Mazrouei-         Papadopoulos            Ahmed Salama             Hao Sun
Md. Farhad Hossain     David Kidston          Shih-Chun Lin           Sebdani               Andrea Papaiz             Anas Salhab              Hongjian Sun
Md. Jahangir Hossain   Sungkyung Kim          Wenjie Lin            Ahmed Hesham Mehana     Apostolos                 Islam Samy               Songlin Sun
Ronghui Hou            Tatsuaki Kimura        Cen Ling              Abolfazl Mehbodniya       Papathanassiou          Yukitoshi Sanada         Sumei Sun
Jakob Hoydis           Martti Kirkko-         Zhen Ling             Yuri Melo               Evripidis Paraskevas      Juan Sanchez-            Wenbin Sun
Zeinneb Hraiech          Jaakkola             Kuang-Hao (Stanley)   Chao Meng               Martha Cecilia              Gonzalez               Wenzhe Sun
Bin Hu                 Adrian Kliks             Liu                 Xiaoli Meng               Paredes Paredes         Arun Sankar Uma          Zhi Sun
Jiankun Hu             Annika Klockar         Chenxi Liu            Xin Meng                Seokhwan Park               Sankar                 Chang Kyung Sung

Hotel Montreal Bonaventure, Montréal, Canada 18-21 September 2016                                                                                                       9
Chi Wan Sung           Md. Forkan Uddin          Qing Wang            Celimuge Wu            Bin Yang           Chau Yuen         Yi Zhang
Himal Suraweera        Md Yusuf Sarwar           Rui Wang             Jun Wu                 Bo Yang            Ammar Zafar       Yongmin Zhang
Navod Suraweera          Uddin                   Shiqiang Wang        Nan Wu                 Chaoqun Yang       Alireza Zamani    Zhikun Zhang
Katsuya Suto           Anna Umbert               Shu Wang             Peiran Wu              Chungang Yang      Alberto Zanella   Zhiyu Zhang
Sebastian              Mojtaba Vaezi             Tao Wang             Shangbin Wu            Guang Yang         Shahram Zarei     Dongmei Zhao
  Szyszkowicz          Reza Monir Vaghefi        Tianheng Wang        Tao Wu                 Kai Yang           Deze Zeng         Guodong Zhao
Hina Tabassum          Vida Vakilian             Wei Wang             Wei Wu                 Kan Yang           Yong Zeng         Kanglian Zhao
Bekheira Tabbache      Javier Vazquez Castillo   Wei Wang             Weigang Wu             Lei Yang           Hans-Jürgen       Nan Zhao
Ho H.M. Tam            Venkatkumar               Wenjing Wang         Yiqun Wu               Lei Yang             Zepernick       Qun Zhao
Rakesh Tamrakar          Venkatasubramanian      Xianbin Wang         Yongpeng Wu            Long Yang          Chao Zhai         Tianyu Zhao
Peng Hui Tan           Ganesh Venkatraman        Xiaofei Wang         Yuanxin Wu             Lu Yang            Jianyang Zhai     Wanlong Zhao
Le Thanh Tan           Quoc-Tuan Vien            Xiaoxuan Wang        Chairit Wuthishuwong   Nan Yang           Aiqing Zhang      Yuxin Zhao
Zhen Tan               Wantanee Viriyasitavat    Xijun Wang           Bing Xia               Peng Yang          Andrew Zhang      Haifeng Zheng
Jie Tang               Baptiste Vrigneau         Ye Wang              Baicen Xiao            Peng Yang          Chao Zhang        Chengwei Zhou
Yichao Tang            Hung Vu                   Yichen Wang          Kexin Xiao             Shun Yang          Chiya Zhang       Fuhui Zhou
Yujie Tang             Nardine Wadie             Ying Wang            Dongliang Xie          Siqian Yang        Haijun Zhang      Haibo Zhou
Hidekazu Taoka         Jean-Frederic Wagen       Zehua Wang           Zhipeng Xie            Tingting Yang      Haijun Zhang      Mu Zhou
Daniele Tarchi         Chao Wang                 Zhenduo Wang         Jian Xiong             Luo Yanjia         Hao Zhang         Xiong Zhou
Carina Teixeira de     Cheng Wang                Zhibo Wang           Jian Xiong             Yuzhe Yao          Haotian Zhang     Xun Zhou
  Oliveira             Cong Wang                 Tobias Weber         Muzhou Xiong           Chunxuan Ye        Heli Zhang        Yong Zhou
Kemal Tepe             Feng Wang                 Kaimin Wei           Xiong Xiong            Feng Ye            Jun Zhang         Yuan Zhou
Fabrice Théoleyre      Haiquan Wang              Lili Wei             Changqiao Xu           Jin Ye             Kecheng Zhang     Yuchen Zhou
Preetha Thulasiraman   Haoyu Wang                Yu-Lin Wei           Chongbin Xu            Qiang Ye           Lan Zhang         Zhenyu Zhou
Leonardo Tomazeli      Huijian Wang              Zhiqiang Wei         Jie Xu                 Yun Ye             Lei Zhang         Dalin Zhu
  Duarte               Junyuan Wang              Deng Weiwen          Qichao Xu              H. Birkan Yilmaz   Lei Zhang         Hongzi Zhu
Mohammad Torabi        Kan Wang                  Miaowen Wen          Qimin Xu               Bo Yin             Li Zhang          Li Zhu
Sergio M. Tornell      Ke Wang                   Younghoon Whang      Rongtao XU             Feng Yin           Liang Zhang       Liang Zhu
Michele Tortelli       Kun Wang                  Christian Wietfeld   Shaoyi Xu              Kai Ying           Lu Zhang          Lina Zhu
Filippo Tosato         Li Wang                   Nawaporn             Wenchao Xu             Minglei You        Ning Zhang        Wei-Ping Zhu
Kamel Tourki           Liang Wang                  Wisitpongphan      Yi Xu                  Pengcheng You      Ran Zhang         Yanmin Zhu
Panagiotis Trakas      Lifeng Wang               SeungHwan Won        Yiwen Xu               Roomana Yousaf     Ruonan Zhang      Jie Zhuang
Trung Duy Tran         Lin Wang                  David Tung Chong     Zhezhuang Xu           Ebtihal Yousif     Shan Zhang        Weihua Zhuang
Nghi Tran              Lusheng Wang                Wong               Wu Xuanli              Boyang Yu          Shigeng Zhang     Dimitrios Zorbas
Imen Triki             Miao Wang                 Kainam Thomas        Xuan Xue               Guanding Yu        Wei Zhang         Marwen Zorgui
Giuseppe Tropea        Ming Wang                   Wong               Michel Yacoub          Tianqi Yu          Wuxiong Zhang     Deyue Zou
George Tsoulos         Peng Wang                 Vincent W.S. Wong    Animesh Yadav          Xianghao Yu        Xiaoxu Zhang      Jun Zuo
Lijun Tu               Ping Wang                 Bin Wu               Ramnaresh Yadav        Haifeng Yuan       Xing Zhang
Kadir Turk             Pingfeng Wang             Bo Wu                Pradeepa Yahampath     Yazhou Yuan        Yang Zhang

10                                                                The 84th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2016-Fall Montréal Programme
Registration will take place in Inscription, beside the escalators. Opening times are:
• Sunday 18 September 2016 07:30 - 17:30*                         • Tuesday 20 September 2016             07:30 – 17:30
• Monday 19 September 2016 07:30 - 17:30                          • Wednesday 21 September 2016           08:00 – 16:00
* After 18:00 on Sunday, you may pick up your badge and tickets at the reception – bags can be picked up on Monday.
(Your registration receipt is required to pick up your registration at the reception.)

                                                  Social Events
Coffee breaks will take place in Fontaine B. Lunches are included as part of the full registration and will be served in
Ballroom: Outremont-Westmount-Mount Royal-Hampstead-Cote St-Luc. The welcome reception will be conducted on
Sunday evening, in Salon Bonaventure. The banquet on the evening of Monday 19 September 2016 will begin at 18:00 in
the Windsor Hotel.
Lunches, the reception and banquet require admission tickets to gain entry and these are included in your
registration packet. Be sure to present the correct day’s lunch ticket or you will not be served. You also may purchase
tickets for these events at the registration desk.
VTS members are invited to a VTS member reception 18:00 to 20:00 on Tuesday 20 September 2016.
The IEEE Montreal Young Professionals Affinity Group and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society will be hosting a
special session on Publishing within IEEE Journals and Conferences on Tuesday evening. Admission is free for IEEE
Young Professionals, but space is limited. Pre-registration is necessary through

                                         Patrons and Exhibitors
IEEE VTS would like to thank the following patrons and exhibitors for their support for the conference.

                    Silver Patron                                                Bronze Patron

                         Ericsson                                                        Telus

 Technical Track Patron & Exhibitor                                  Workshop Patron & Exhibitor

                        InterDigital                                                  MathWorks



Hotel Montreal Bonaventure, Montréal, Canada 18-21 September 2016                                                         11
Monday 19 September 2016, 9:00–10:00 (Ballroom: Outremont-Westmount)
5G Physical Layer: Technology Opportunities and Challenges
Reinaldo. A. Valenzuela, Director, Communications Theory Research Dept., Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent
The insatiable demand for media rich content and the increasing availability of advanced devices such as smart
phones, tablets, etc., has forced the mobile communications eco system to start in earnest to consider the next
generation solutions to address these needs. Some of the options being mentioned as ingredients for such 5th
Generation mobile radio systems include Small Cells, HetNets, Carrier Aggregation, Machine-to-Machine,
Internet-of-Things, Relays, Device-to-Device and operation in the millimeter wave spectrum range, among
others. In this talk, I will review some of the background trends driving the evolution of broadband wireless
access that will impact the technology choices beyond 2020. Then, I will consider in some detail some of the
most intriguing options service providers may consider.
Reinaldo A. Valenzuela: Fellow IEEE. IEEE Eric E. Sumner             Engaged in propagation measurements and models, MIMO/space
Award. Bell Labs Fellow. WWRF Fellow, 2014 IEEE CTTC                 time systems achieving high capacities using transmit and receive
Technical Achievement Award, 2015 IEEE VTS Avant Garde               antenna arrays, HetNets, small cells and next generation air
Award. B.Sc. U. of Chile, Ph.D. Imperial College. Director,          interface techniques and architectures.
Communication Theory Department, Distinguished Member of             He has published 190 papers and 44 patents. He has over 24,000
Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories.                                  Google Scholar citations and is a Highly Cited Author In
                                                                     Thomson ISI and a Fulbright Senior Specialist.

Tuesday 20 September 2016, 9:00–9:45 (Ballroom: Outremont-Westmount)
Channels and systems for wireless communications in high-mobility environments
Andy Molisch, Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California
As 5th generation wireless systems are emerging, it becomes clear that one of the main applications will be
communication in high-mobility environments. Two scenarios draw particular attention: high-speed trains (HST)
and V2X (vehicle-to-vehicle as well as vehicle-to-infrastructure) communications. V2X communications serve
to increase safety and improve efficiency of vehicular traffic, e.g., warning of emergency stopping maneuvers,
traffic jams, and road hazards. Furthermore, they will serve as a critical component of autonomous vehicles.
HSTs are a major mode of long-distance passenger transportation in many areas of the world, and enabling
passengers to access high-speed wireless links will increase their appeal to users. Furthermore, also HSTs can
use wireless connections for improved safety and reliability.
This talk will start out with a review of these applications and the resulting requirements for 5G systems for V2X
and HST. We will then discuss the particular properties of propagation channels in these environments, which
are significantly different from many other cellular channels. We then discuss various approaches to dealing with
the main channel effects such as high Doppler spreads, channel nonstationarities, and shadowing, and discuss
transmission strategies that are well suited for these environments. We finally outline established (IEEE
802.11p) as well as emerging 5G (3GPP) system designs for these environments.
Andreas F. Molisch received his PhD and habilitation from TU         channels, multi-antenna systems, ultrawideband signaling and
Vienna in 1994 and 1999, respectively. He subsequently was at        localization, novel cellular architectures, and cooperative
TU Vienna, FTW, AT&T (Bell) Labs, Lund University, and               communications. He is the author of four books, 18 book
Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs. Since 2009 he has been            chapters, more than 450 journal and conference papers, as well as
Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern    80 patents. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors,
California, where he is also currently Director of the               Fellow of IEEE, AAAS, and IET, as well as Member of the
Communication Sciences Institute. His research interest is           Austrian Academy of Sciences and recipient of numerous awards.
wireless communications, with emphasis on wireless propagation

Tuesday 20 September 2016, 9:45–10:30 (Ballroom: Outremont-Westmount)
Networked Society and 5G
Jaco du Plooy, Head of Technology, Ericsson, Customer Unit Canada
5G is the next step in the evolution of mobile communications and will be a key component of the networked
society. In particular, 5G will accelerate the development of critical machine type communications (MTC) with

12                                                    The 84th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2016-Fall Montréal Programme
capabilities including very high achievable data rates, very low latency and ultra-high reliability – all of which
are of critical importance as vehicular technology evolves on the road to 5G.
Jaco du Plooy is Head of Technology for Ericsson in Customer        Defined Networking, IPTV, Voice/Packet core and IMS. In
Unit Canada. He is responsible for the complete Ericsson            addition to these responsibilities, he provided technology
portfolio including Network, IT, Cloud and Media products and       leadership in Internet of Things and 5G before moving to Canada
services towards Ericsson customers in Canada and has 17 years      in June 2016.
of experience in the telecommunications industry.                   Prior to joining Ericsson, he held various Network Planning,
du Plooy joined Ericsson US in 2004 and has spent over 12 years     Engineering and consulting positions with mobile operators and
working with a large tier 1 operator in the US launching            consulting firms based in the UK and South Africa.
innovative services in wireless access (2G, 3G, 4G) and was also    du Plooy holds a Bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering from
responsible for Network Function Virtualization, Software           Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Wednesday 21 September 2016, 9:00–9:45 (Ballroom: Outremont-Westmount)
Sustainable Spectrum Management for Vehicular Technology
Jean Luc Bérubé, President, Communications Research Centre
With the increasingly wireless connected society, spectrum regulators worldwide are facing relentless demand
for more access to spectrum, be it from the latest applications, services or emerging technology like self-driving
cars. While the current paradigm of assigning fixed frequencies for a given service is still relied upon, the
prevailing view of the Canadian spectrum regulator is that this paradigm is not sustainable in the long run, both
from the pace of spectrum release required to sustain innovation as well as which spectrum to release. This talk
will present some of the issues faced by the Canadian spectrum regulator and the steps taken towards a
sustainable spectrum management regime in Canada to support innovation.
Dr. Jean Luc Bérubé became President of the Communications          supply, all of which are central to meeting wireless demand for a
Research Centre in 2011, after serving 17 months as a research      modern digital economy.
vice-president. When he joined CRC in 2009, he brought a            Dr. Bérubé began his career in 1984 as a design engineer with
proven track record in managing the human and technological         Canadian Marconi Company. In 1993 he joined Nortel, leading
issues inherent in complex telecommunications R&D projects.         teams designing advanced telecommunications equipment. He
Dr. Bérubé is overseeing three research priorities including a      moved to Motorola in 1997, working to ensure that product
foresight function for Innovation, Science and Economic             planning and customer needs were tightly aligned. In 2000 Dr.
Development Canada (ISED), and direct client support R&D.           Bérubé joined Altera Corporation, where he oversaw both
Chief among CRC's clients is ISED's Spectrum, Information           applications and market development for the Canadian wireless
Technologies and Telecommunications sector, followed by other       and broadband network communications sectors.
government organizations, industry and academia. Rounding out       Dr. Bérubé holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the
CRC's research priorities is Grand Challenge R&D, tackling          University of New Brunswick (UNB), a Master of Applied
challenges of spectrum awareness, spectrum use and spectrum         Science degree from Montréal's École Polytechnique, and a
                                                                    Doctorate from UNB, all in electrical engineering.

Wednesday 21 September 2016, 9:45–10:30 (Ballroom: Outremont-Westmount)
Where is 5G leading us?
Moderator:         Charles Despins              Ecole de Technologie Superieure
Panelists:         Peiying Zhu                  Huawei Fellow, Wireless Technology Lab, Huawei
                   Håkan Andersson              5G Strategy Responsible, Ericsson
This panel will consider the future direction of 5G communications.
Charles Despins’ career has spanned more than 30 years in both      communications. He is also a guest lecturer at the Desautels
the academic and industry segments of the information and           faculty of Management at McGill University in Montreal.
communications technologies (ICT) sector. In addition to his        He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from
academic research work in the Université du Québec network, he      McGill University in Montreal, Canada as well as M.Sc. and
has held various posts in the private sector, namely at CAE         Ph.D. degrees, also in electrical engineering, from Carleton
Electronics, Microcell Tele-communications (Canadian cellular       University in Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Despins is a Fellow (2005) of
operator) and later at Bell Nordiq Group as vice-president and      the Engineering Institute of Canada and a recipient (2006) of the
chief technology officer. He has also worked as a consultant for    Outstanding Engineer award from IEEE Canada. He is a former
wireless network deployments in India and China. From 2003 to       recipient of the “Best Paper of the Year” award in IEEE
2016, he was also and CEO of Prompt inc., an ICT university-        Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He is currently a frequent
industry research and development consortium. He is now a           advocate on issues regarding the opportunities ICT offer to
faculty member at École de Technologie Supérieure (Université       achieve sustainability in the 21st century.
du Québec) in Montreal, with research interests in wireless

Hotel Montreal Bonaventure, Montréal, Canada 18-21 September 2016                                                                  13
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