Volume XLVIII No. 5 MAY 2022 - Tarheel BMW CCA
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TARHEEL CHAPTER BMW CCA PO BOX 30203 CHARLOTTE, NC 28230 • http://tarheelbmwcca.org TARHEEL BMW CCA CHAPTER OFFICERS AREA COORDINATORS FINE PRINT WRITTEN & PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTRIBUTIONS to PRESIDENT ASHEVILLE AREA the FOOTNOTES are welcome and encouraged. Please send a Paul Dunlevy Christopher Joyner self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like your discs or 6424 Littlewood Drive, Kernersville, NC 27284 Arden, NC photographs returned. C: (828) 398-0325 EDITORIAL DEADLINE is the 1st day of each month prior (336) 996-3149 pauldunlevy@icloud.com mrbimmer@fastmail.com to the publication month, i.e. February 1 for the March issue. The Editor reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness. VICE PRESIDENT CAPE FEAR AREA Articles and classified advertisements may be mailed, or emailed April Curtis Position Open to the Editor’s attention. 1200 Mt Vernon Church Rd, Raleigh, NC 27614 The FOOTNOTES currently reaches over 2,900+ people (919) 847-7542 acurtis995@gmail.com CHARLOTTE QUEEN CITY AREAS throughout North Carolina, the USA and Europe. Advertising Rates: SECRETARY Chris Webber (Area I) Display Ads: Full page $90, one-half page $55, and one- Karen Seymour-Blood C: (704) 906-8876 quarter page $28. All rates quoted are per issue. Discounts for (704) 782-4672 christopher.b.webber@gmail.com contracts paid in advance: 15% off – 12-month contract, 10% off secretary@tarheelbmwcca.org Kyle Lombardi (Area II) – 6-month contract, and 5% off – 3-month contract. All advertising 704-280-9123 must be coordinated/approved by Kenyata Thomas 313-778-3859. TREASURER clt2thbmwcca@gmail.com Rates are for ads run consecutively and all ads must be paid in Andy Barbee Taylor Ward (Area II) advance. Ad copy must be submitted camera ready. All copy (704) 701-2294 336)250-3102 which must be altered or prepared for publication will result in the thbmwtreasurer@gmail.com tward430@yahoo.com advertiser paying standard commercial rates for any work deemed necessary by the Editor. DOWNEAST/I-95 AREA EDITOR Such A Deal advertising is free to all Tarheel Chapter Alex Kordis Kenyata Thomas members. Ads submitted must not be longer than 40 words, not Greenville, NC (313)778-3859 including name and telephone number. Ads submitted which are (757) 818-0888 newsletter@tarheelbmwcca.org longer will be edited to suit our space limitations. Ads will run for alexkordis@tarheelbmwcca.org three months only. Commercial advertising is not accepted in the MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN HURRICANE REGION such a deal section. Jonathan Strine Position Open Non-Members can advertise in this section for a flat fee (919) 670-1280 membership@tarheelbmwcca.org of $5 per issue (checks sent to Club P.O. Box). The same 40-word NORTHERN MOUNTAIN AREA limitation plus name and telephone number applies. ACTIVITIES CHAIRMAN John Cochrane We appreciate the support of our advertisers, and while Brenda Dunlevy PO Box 741 their ads’ presence in the FOOTNOTES does not necessarily imply 6424 Littlewood Road, Kernersville, NC 27284 Valle Crucis, NC 28691 endorsement or approval by the TARHEEL CHAPTER, we do en- (336) 996-3149 bedunlevy@icloud.com (865) 250-4727 courage our members to consider our advertisers for the products JGCochrane1968@gmail.com and services they offer. CUSTODIAN The Tarheel BMW List provides a casual, online forum Danny Staley ROANOKE AREA for chapter members to discuss BMWs and BMW CCA events and 596 Rest home road, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 Scott Donaldson related topics of interest to local members. (336) 973-3404 adstaley@wilkes.net Blacksburg, VA To begin getting the Tarheel BMW List, send an e-mail to tarheelbmw-subscribe@topica.com (make sure you send the email roanoke.tarheel.bmwcca@gmail.com HPDE CHAIRMAN from the email address that you want to receive the list messages), Tom Tice or contact list administrator Frank Massaro at fmarch@mindspring. SANDHILLS AREA 3711 Crosstimbers Dr. Greensboro, NC 27410 com for assistance. Danny Miller (336) 207-4127 teticem3@gmail.com Fayetteville, NC The TARHEEL CHAPTER, BMW CCA, INC. (hereinafter (301) 325-9726 referred to as the “Club”) is a non-profit North Carolina corporation. MEMBER-AT-LARGE mperformancelife@gmail.com The Club is in no way or manner connected with Bayerische Mo- toren Werke A. G. or BMW of North America, Inc. The Club’s mail- Bud Boren TRIAD AREAS ing address is PO Box 30203 Charlotte, NC 28230. The TARHEEL P. O. Box 39403, Greensboro, NC 27438 (336) 691-1699, (336) 691-1698 Fax Winston-Salem - Marc Schatell FOOTNOTES is published by the Club on the first of each month Winston-Salem, NC or on the first postal business day thereafter. This publication marc@tarheelbmwcca.org and all its contents shall remain the property of the Club, and all BOARD EX-OFFICIO MEMBER & information provided therein is provided by and for the members ADVERTISING COORDINATOR Greensboro - Fraser Dick of the Club. Officially recognized chapters of BMW CCA and BMW Summerfield, NC ACA are granted permission to reprint or excerpt any material in (336) 202-1423 the TARHEEL FOOTNOTES. The Club assumes no liability for any CHANGE OF ADDRESS? fraserdick14@gmail.com of the information contained herein. Unless otherwise noted, none Roundel, BMW CCA, Inc. of this information bears the status © factory approvedTM. The 640 South Main Street, Suite 210 TRIANGLE AREA ideas, opinions, and suggestions expressed in regards to technical Greenville, SC 29601 Robert McIsaac matters are those of the authors, and no authentication is implied. Clayton, NC MODIFICATIONS UNDERTAKEN WITHIN THE WARRANTY PE- (919) 880-8012 RIOD MIGHT VOID THE WARRANTY. Raleigh.bmwcca.activities@gmail.com
ON THE COVER: Fighting the Cold at Rolex 24: If you weren’t able to attend this year’s Rolex 24 race out in Daytona, Florida, we hope you were some- where relaxing and warm. Earlier this year, fans from all over the world gathered at the tracks in their warmest gear accompanied by warm drinks spiked with their preferred libation to keep the blood pumping. When we met at Turner Motorsports garage, you could not help but think “how the cold would impact the race and was this year going to be the coldest?”. The challenge this year was indeed trying to get the horsepower to the ground. Michelin alone provided nearly 13,000 tires to this year’s race. As the cars get a new set of tires on every pit stop, and they stop plenty in a 24-hour race, those tires will be cold and hard and not ready right away to provide handling and traction. The three-time sports car champion and owner of Wayne Taylor Racing has won the most prestigious motorsports events around the world as a driver and team owner. As a driver, Taylor won the Rolex 24 at Daytona twice so he is no stranger to the ever-changing weather condi- tions. He shared that for this year’s event the team actually spent more money on gear to keep people warm than on the tires! MEMBERSHIP CORNER This month, we’d like to give a warm Tarheel welcome to 31 new and returning members and associate members. This brings our total chapter membership to 2903! Our membership is the life71blood of the Club. Without your participa- tion, there would be no Club. We offer a wide variety of activities, and welcome the opportunity to get to know you bet- ter at some of these events. We encourage you to contact your Area Coordinator to find out about local dinner meetings and other ways to get involved in YOUR club. Come join us, you’ll have a great time! Buddy Amis Durham NC Dewei Wang Charlotte NC Stephen Anderson Raleigh NC Victor Williamson Greensboro NC Bryan Crosscup Spring Hope NC Wenwei Xu Charlotte NC Ryan Dach Durham NC James Young Charlotte NC Charles Daniels Leland NC Catherine DeRosa Wake Forest NC Mary Ellis Charlotte NC Jake Evans Raleigh NC Rory Gamble Zanesville OH Qian Han Waxhaw NC Chendi Jiang Charlotte NC Aaron Jodway Timberlake NC Savannah Jodway Timberlake NC Adam Jones Charlotte NC Vikas Joshi Charlotte NC Christoph Khouri Weddington NC David Kirby Raleigh NC Kenton Koch Charlotte NC Daniel Korin Charlotte NC Lawrence LaBonte Davidson NC Devonte Little Rocky Mount NC David McGibbon Charlotte NC Robert Moyer Wake Forest NC Richard Schnabel Waynesville NC Craig Schulman Matthews NC Joyce Shen Charlotte NC Yiwei Wang Charlotte NC
We are the Tarheel Chapter Providing a warm and beautiful place for BMW enthusiast. When a small group of BMW enthusiasts A major factor in achieving this goal is our diverse formed the Tarheel Chapter in 1974, their vision activities program. Chapter-wide, it includes a high- was ambitious – to be a drivers’ club serving BMW ly successful, well-attended HPDS series, featur- fans across the entire state of North Carolina. ing three schools annually at our home track, the From that first gathering of a few dozen BMW fans, world-class 3.27-mile Virginia International Race- the Tarheel Chapter has grown into a highly ac- way (VIR); a series of popular driving tours along tive, diverse and financially stable organization of the Outer Banks and in the Smoky Mountains, almost three thousand members and associate which raise funds for charitable causes; numer- members throughout North Carolina, adjoining ous open houses hosted by BMW dealerships and parts of SW Virginia and all over our nation as well independent shops; and special events such as the as Canada. Annual Club Outing at the annual Club Race at VIR. And we are arguably one of the ‘racingest’ chapters Managed by a Board that draws on the experi- in the Club, with close to one hundred licensed ence and talents of members from all walks of life, Club racers in our midst. and organized into a number of regions served by dedicated Area Coordinators, the Chapter is set up, We have hosted some of the best-attended first and foremost, to ensure that the benefits of National events – Oktoberfest 2000 (jointly with membership in the BMW CCA accrue to all mem- Peachtree and Sandlapper Chapter) and Oktober- bers, regardless of their interests and motives in fest 2005 (a Tarheel-sponsored event) – and have joining the Club. supported a BMW CCA Regional event, the wildly 2 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
popular Vintage gathering, Vintage at the Vineyard, participants. since its inception. We also actively participate in In short, we are proud to be the Tarheel Chapter. Or the Club’s Street Survival program, annually host- as the late great Yale Rachlin once said, we are truly ing several young driver clinics at various locations a “warm and beautiful place” for BMW fans. throughout our state. - Paul Hoecke Our Annual Meetings-cum-Banquets take place at sites that rotate from year to year so as to put them within reach of members throughout our far-flung geography. Our ten Area Coordinators stay in constant touch with members at the local level, hosting monthly dinners and social gather- ings at BMW dealerships. To keep members abreast of all that’s going on, our newsletter, the Tarheel FOOTNOTES, has been published monthly without a break for the past thirty years. It reaches our membership in a hard copy version and via our website. Its success is in large part due to the loyal support of some twenty- plus advertisers, most of them either BMW dealer- ships or independent BMW shops whose owners and staff often join in our activities as sponsors and
Discover Your Personal Mechanic Steve Wood 30+ Years of Experience CERTIFICATION/TRAINING: Degree in Auto Repair from Forsyth Technical Community College, factory trained in Porsche and Audi SPECIALTY: BMW, Porsche, Audi, VW, Volvo and Mercedes-Benz PERSONAL: Married, 3 Children, Grandfather of 4 5316 W. Market Street • Greensboro, NC 27409 www.foraccents.com • swood@foraccents.com T - (336) 294-2137 • F - (336) 852-6795 HYD. JACK OPERATED TIRE LIFT “Patent pending” Email: classictirelift@gmail.com “”FINALLY A DEVICE TO REMOVE AND RE-INSTALL HEAVY WIDE TIRES ON BMW AND CLASSIC CARS”” Lift vehicle wheel 2” off ground with a floor jack, roll tire lift under tire, no more back strain, wheel or car damage. Unit is collapsible, light in weight, requires minimal storage space, makes tire changing effortless, fits in vehicle trunk, 4 roller bearings for tire rotation & posi- tioning. $299.00 + shipping & tax in PA. Web site: www. classictirelift.com 4 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
ROBERT MCISAAC Looking for More...since ‘‘74 The bond between father, son, and Bimmers. The BMW CCA, to great fanfare, recently cele- at Crabtree Valley Mall which was still under con- brated its 50th anniversary with a big bash at Okto- struction. The second chapter meeting was held at berfest at and around the BMW Performance Cen- the conclusion of the rally. The minutes recorded ter in South Carolina. A great time was reportedly 25 paying members, and that National President had by all who made the trip to be part of the expe- Parker Spooner was there to meet the officers and rience. Travel commitments on my end precluded determine that we were for real. What were people making the Big Trip in October, so we experienced driving? No great surprise that the preponderance the whole thing vicariously by reading the recent, of Bimmers were the then new 2002’s, along with a terrific, articles in The Roundel. While reading the few Bavarias, and one of my personal favorites from latest issue, however, I realized that there’s another the way back machine … a 700. big anniversary that we’re celebrating this year: The Tarheel Chapter was founded 45 years ago by All this historical context was terrific. It also got a small and illustrious group in Greensboro. That me thinking about what I was driving in 1974, my got me thinking about all the water that has gone own connection to BMW’s, and made me wonder under the bridge, or perhaps a better metaphor what others were doing at the time. Assuming you would be miles under the tires, in the intervening can remember back this far, what was your ride years. like? In 1974, I was a senior in high school, had just met my best friend and future bride, and was living in NJ. It would be 21 more years before Karen and I made it to NC for the first time. Still, BMW’s were already part of my “experience”. In 1971, my father upgraded from a ‘68 Karmann Ghia drop top to a freshly issued 2002. My first reaction in the dealer- ship parking lot was not good … in fact I remember thinking that he must have lost his mind swapping the open-air cruising of a poor man’s Porsche for what appeared to be an oddly shaped econo-box. The first drive cured my skepticism. As we From there, I was led to a delightful inter- went screaming around the local byways I was im- change with unofficial historian Paul Hoecke who mediately aware of what David E. Davis, in his clas- has, along with a few other hearty souls, been sic Motor Trend article from April, 1968 was talking around since the beginning. Accessing the far about when he said “Turn Your Hymnals to 2002”. reaches of memory, Paul shared a few key bits, in- Even now the lines are classics to read. For ex- cluding a recollection that the organizational meet- ample, he said “Depress the clutch. Easy. Like there ing was on March 17, 1974. It consisted of 15 BMW was no spring. Snick. First gear. Remove weight of enthusiasts as required the BMWCCA, ensuring that left foot from clutch. Place weight of right foot on a charter would be forthcoming. The first FOOT- accelerator. (continued on page 7) NOTES issue came out in April, and in May, the first driving event, the Raleigh Rally, was held. It started
(continued from page 6) The minute it starts moving, you know that Fangio and Moss and Tony Brooks and all those other big racing studs retired only because they feared that someday you’d have one of these, and when that day came, you’d be indomitable. They were right. You are indomitable”. In fact, my Dad was indomitable. You couldn’t be around that car without having a laugh out loud good time. Unfortunately, she came to an inglorious end on an icy road when an American land-yacht collected it a few years later. It took a while to re- used 1973 R60/5 that became my pride and joy for place, but in March of 1984 he bought an exquisite many years. Today, when I think about it, that’s the E30 / 325e. That car currently has 260k miles on personal one that got away. I’d love to have that the clock and was the subject of a restoration a Beemer back for old times’ sake! few years ago. It remains LOL brilliant. So, the Tarheel Chapter has been around for But, back in 1974, I couldn’t have imagined 45 fun-filled years. Karen and I have been mem- buying a Bimmer. What I could imagine was a bers for 11 of them and are still doing the same good handling, and very good looking, sporty car: things we did in NJ all those years ago: looking for my 1966 Corvair Monza was an absolute blast to adventures that allow us to get out on great coun- drive and a far better handling machine than the try roads, look for treasures hiding around the next “big cars with big engines” that my friends had apex and spending time with great people that at the time. There was always something I found enjoy a combination of driving and dining. I still attractive about the high beltline and big green- get a kick out of my Dad’s old E30 … and am now house of the Corvair, along with the complete enjoying a new “preservation” project with a 1997 instrumentation in the well laid out cockpit. My M3. Our oldest grandson is already spooled up to Dad spent a good bit of time showing me how to spend time at VIR. Recently, when he saw a video be quick in the Corvair, benefitting from his days of me navigating an M5 around the track at the pushing rear-engined VW’s close to their limits. It Performance Center, he provided this encourage- was much, much, later that I realized that many ment: “Go faster Pop Pop, Go faster!!!”. Indeed. of the design characteristics of the Corvair, which appeared in the Paris Auto Show in 1959, carried So back in 1974, those looking for more, over into the BMW Neue Klasse cars five years later clearly found a great way to connect in the Tarheel and eventually into both the 2002 and the Bavaria. Chapter. It just took some of us longer to become In reality, putting a late model Corvair and a CS members. No matter how, or when, you got here Coupe next to each other, makes them appear to … life is clearly Better in a Bimmer! be the Twin Sons of Different Mothers. I still have fond memories of the three I owned back in high school and college. It took me until 1977 to buy my first BMW, which was of the two-wheeled variety: a slightly 6 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
TARHEEL CHAPTER 2022 CALENDAR Date Event Location Contact Information May 13-15 Bimmers Setting Sail! Southport, NC Robert McIsaac 919-880-8021 Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com May 14 Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute Rosman, NC Darin Kwasniewski dekwasniewski@yahoo.com May 19-21 The Vintage Hot Springs, NC Scott Sturdy REGISTER May 21 Picnic at Flanner’s Beach New Bern, NC Alex Kordis 757-818-0888 alexkordis@tarheelbmwcca.org Jun 9-11 Amazing Asheville Exploration! Asheville, NC Robert Mcisaac 919-880-8021 Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com Jun 24-26 Tarheel Summer HPDS VIR Alton, VA Phil Antoine booflick@yahoo.com Jul 16 Wonderful Wilmington! Wilmington, NC Robert Mcisaac 919-880-8021 Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com Jul 22-24 A Trip to the Past - Hippie Fest Mt. Airy, NC Alex Kordis 757-818-0888 alexkordis@tarheelbmwcca.org Aug 26-28 IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Series VIR Alton, VA Sept 10 Road Ralley at Jordan Lake Robert Mcisaac 919-880-8021 Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com Sept 16-18 Tarheel Fall HPDS VIR Alton, VA Phil Antoine booflick@yahoo.com Tom Tice Scott teticem3@gmail. Sept 24,25 Tour to Tanglewood Bike Ride Clemmons, NC scottmeyer400@gmail.com Meyer com Oct 8 Hundred Dollar BBQ Run! Carthage, NC Robert Mcisaac 919-880-8021 Raleigh.BMWCCA.Activities@gmail.com Oct 16 Street Survival Salem Civic Center * Not a Tarheel BMW CCA sponsored event
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN THE VINTAGE 50TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF ///M MAY 19TH - 21ST, 2022 THURSDAY - MAY 19TH Fun Rally FRIDAY - MAY 20TH Open House at BMW CCA Foundation BMW Enthusiast Meet-Up at the Clarion SATURDAY MAY 2ST The Big Gathering of Vintage BMW’s Hot Springs Resort and Spa in Hot Springs, NC REGISTER @ http://www.atthevintage.com/registration/ Please Note: The Clarion Inn Asheville Airport is once again the host hotel.Mention “BMW CAR SHOW” when you book a room (828) 684-1213 . They are usually overwhelmed with calls this first day so please keep trying. We will have group rates in place for other nearby hotels soon. 11 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
13 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
14 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
LOCAL SCENE ASHEVILLE AREA DINNER Time: Date: Last Tuesday each month Where: Time: 6:30 pm Email Alex Kordis for information at alexkordis@tar- Where: Different Location Each Month heelbmwcca.org HURRICANE REGION AREA (New Bern, Jacksonville, All BMW marques are welcome (cars, motorcycles, Morehead City) Mini, Rolls, etc.). Contact Chris Joyner at mrbimmer@fastmail.com for Email Alex Kordis for information at alexkordis@tar- more information. heelbmwcca.org CAPE FEAR AREA NORTHERN MOUNTAIN AREA DINNER Date: 3rd Wednesday each month Date: 2nd Wednesday each month Time: 6:00 pm Time: 6:30 p.m. Where: Booneshine Brewery Where: 465 Industrial Park Drive Boone, NC 28607 828-278-8006 NONE SCHEDULED AT THIS TIME Cost: Only what you eat and drink. CHARLOTTE AREA I DINNER Contacts: John Cochrane (jgcochrane1968@gmail. Date: 3rd Thursday each month com) or Mike Langley (michaelrlangley@aol.com) Time: 7 p.m. Where: WaldhornRestaurant A fun gathering of BMW friends for a discussion of 12101Lancaster Hwy (Old Hwy 521) all things car related. Pineville,NC (Locatednear Carolina Place Mall) ROANOKE AREA (704) 540-7047 Date: 2nd Tuesday each month Time: 6:00 p.m. We’re still hanging out at the Waldhorn Restau- Where: rant on the third Thursday of each month. Con- tact Chris Webber at (704) 906-8876 or e-mail at To be announcd each month by email. christopher.b.webber@gmail.com to RSVP. Please join us (great German food and beer). See you Contact Scott Donaldson at roanoke.tarheel.bmwcca@ there! gmail.com for more information. CHARLOTTE AREA II SANDHILLS AREA Date: 1st Thursday each month Date: 4th Wednesday each month Time: 6:30 p.m. Time: 7:p.m. Where: Changes each month Where: ScrubOaks 5780 Ramsey St #108 Please email Kyle Lombardi at clt2thbmwcca@ Fayetteville, NC 28311 gmail.com or Taylor Ward at tward430@yahoo.com for more information. ScrubOaks is a contemporary american restaurant that also offers a great sports bar setting. Many regulars DOWNEAST AREA BREAKFAST (Greenville, Wilson frequent the Kings Grant golf club and stop by after- Rocky Mt) ward for a meal. Wednesdays offer half off wine (bottle Date: and glass) 16 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
Contact Danny Miller for more information mperfor- Joyner’s NONE SCHEDULED AT THIS TIME EST. 1993 mancelife@gmail.com An Independent BMW Specialist TRIAD AREA WEST DINNER (Winston-Salem) Early and Late Model BMW’s Date: 2nd Tuesday each month (Call for motorcycle maintenance) Time: 6:00 p.m. Drinks, 7:00 p.m. Dinner Where: Sixty Six Grill and Taphouse Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or BMW 3440 Frontis Street Original parts Winston-Salem 27103 Many years of experience exclusively with BMW re- Please contact Marc Schatell for more information at pairs, maintenance, and modifications and race prep marc@tarheelbmwcca.org (Club events) TRIAD AREA EAST DINNER (Greensboro) Latest Diagnostic Equipment Date: 1st Tuesday each month Time: 6:30 p.m. Drinks, Dinner Chris Joyner, Owner/Technician Where: Elizabeth’s Pizza ( the covered patio) 76 South Market Street 3927 battleground Avenue Asheville, NC 28801 Greensboro, NC 27410 (828) 398-0325 mrbimmer@fastmail.com Hours: 9:00 – 6:00 Monday through Friday Please contact Fraser Dick for more information at fra- serdick14@gmail.com TRIANGLE AREA DINNER (RALEIGH) Date: 3rd Tuesday each month Time: 6:30 p.m. Where: NONE SCHEDULED AT THIS TIME The Triangle’s Choice For Auto Body Please contact Robert McIsaac for more information at raleigh.bmwcca.activities@gmail.com Locally Owned TRIANGLE AREA DINNER (CHAPEL HILL) Family Operated Community Focused Serving The Triangle For 30 Years Kenny Hawkins Automotive 605 Germantown Road Raleigh, NC 27607 (919) 851-0242
SUCH A DEAL Footnotes classified ads are free to NGK spark plugs wheels Liquid Silver color. Fronts are members in good standing of the Front brakes, rear brakes, front rotors 19x8.5 ET30. Rears are 19x10 ET40. BMW CCA. Nonmembers can also place Control arm bushings Wheels are in very good-excellent condi- Front struts tion and are $2,900 new. advertisements here for $5.00 per Engine oil level sensor Tires are Michelin Pilot Sport 4S. Fronts month (see inside front cover). Please Oil thermostat are 235/40R19. Rears are 265/35R19. They enclose all necessary information with Duralast battery (new Nov 2018) were new last May for $1,328.84 and have your advertisement. Unless you tell us Transmission fluid thermostat (April 2019) very low miles. otherwise, your ad will appear here for Stereo system, new door speakers Only parting with these because I have three (3) consecutive issues. Classified Guibo & driveshaft support replaced (Feb sold my 2015 BMW 435ix. advertisements can be emailed to 2021) Bimmer Logic* Call Mark in Pisgah Forest at 828-885- Transmission mounts replaced (Feb 2021) 7747 or 414-322-1069. the Editor’s attention at newsletter@ Bimmer Logic tarheelbmwcca.org. Crankshaft position sensor replaced (Mar MISCELLANEOUS: 2021) Bimmer Logic BMW CARS FOR SALE: Rear trailing arms bushings (both) (May Tarheel Chapter BMW CCA Email List 2021) Bimmer Logic Join us online: The “list” provides a casual, 1984 BMW 318i Manual 5 speed with Oil pan gasket replaced ($1200)/new online forum for chapter members to dis- less than 70,000 miles. This car has had a motor mounts (Oct. 2021) Bimmer Logic cuss BMW’s and BMW CCA events and re- top end rebuild, a new clutch, new drive- $2000 obo. Winter tires on Style 68 (same lated topics of interest to local members. shaft (with flex disc and trans mount), as original) rims (Blizzak 205/17) $300. Basically it’s a sort of electronic discussion new brakes, new control arms (with White exterior, tan interior. All lights and board, almost anything is free game, as mounts & bushings), new fuel pumps and gauges work. Car was rear-ended in long as it has some connection to BMW’s all maintenance records are available. It 2019, minimal sheet-metal damage, but (no matter how remote the connection comes with good Hankook tires and 14” since the repair would have exceeded might be). basketweaves (the original bottlecaps the value of the car, it was declared a To join the list surf on out to: http://www. wheels are included). The exterior is del- write-off. New bumper was installed. topica.com/lists/tarheelbmw/ Info on phin grey over beige interior (all original). Title indicates value. Three keys. *Bimmer how to subscribe or unsubscribe can be It is set up for track day fun with rear seat, Logic is an Asheville BMW shop just off found on this page. If you want a short- radio, and a/c delete (all parts come with Airport Road. Luke is owner/head me- cut to subscribe- simply send an email it to reinstall if so desired). The car runs chanic. Other work performed at various to tarheelbmw-subscribe@topica.com. great and has had a recent tune up to Asheville indy BMW garages. VIN WBAB- (make sure you send the email from the include valve adjustment (with cover gas- D53444PL10106 email address that you want to receive ket), distributor rotor and cap, spark plugs Jerry Plotkin - Candler plotkingb@gmail. the list messages!!) and wires, air filter, and oil/filter change. com Many spare parts included. Price is open THE 02 GROUP A special interest group for discussion - I’m thinking $5,000. Call 2019 BMW M2 Competition 6-speed for 2002 owners in NC. For more informa- Howard at 828-726-4026 for more infor- manual, no sunroof, no mods. Just 6,900 tion about the group and how to join, mation and pictures. miles. Exceptional condition. One owner, check out our website: www.the02group. non-smoker and all services performed org 2004 BMW 330ci Good condition. Pur- locally at Flow BMW Winston Salem. chased 2017 with 165K miles from a BMW Hockenheim Silver Metallic (exclusive The Z-Series Car Club of America (ZSC- mechanic friend. Currently has 191,000 for the M2 Comp’s debut model), Black CA) is a national special interest group of miles. Improvements and repairs since Dakota leather/alcantara with blue BMWCCA dedicated to the enjoyment of mid-2017 (about $5000 worth) stitching). Executive Package (heated all Z-Series BMW’s. Several local groups Replacement auto trans (Steptronic steering wheel, adaptive LED headlights, are active in VA and NC. Find us on Face- w/53K miles in 2017) auto high beam, wireless charging, Wifi book, or at zscca.org Transmission cooler, fluid, fluid lines Hotspot). Xpel clear bra on front, partial Oil filter stand gasket hood, door edges and rear fender wells. Crankcase ventilation system $64,500. Call Steve Whitcomb (336) 908- Intake manifold gasket 4351. Radiator, lower radiator hose Thermostat, coolant BMW PARTS FOR SALE: Coolant Expansion Reservoir Drive belts, idler pulleys HRE FlowForm FF01 7 spoke mesh 18 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
END GAME Footnotes Classifieds... WANTED: Photo By: Kenyata Thomas Your photos and stories. Ads are free to members in good standing of the BMW CCA. Non- Got a tale to tell about your members can also place advertisements here for $5.00 per month. Bimmer, photos you want Please enclose all necessary information with your advertisement. to share with your fellow Unless you tell us otherwise, your ad will appear here for three (3) Footnotes readers, or just a consecutive issues. suggestion? Email your submissions to Classified advertisements can be newsletter@tarheelbmwcca. org. emailed to the Editor’s attention at: Come on, you can do it... We newsletter@tarheelbmwcca.org would love to hear from you! 19 TARHEEL CHAPTER FOOTNOTES http://www.tarheelbmwcca.org
TARHEEL CHAPTER BMW CCA, Inc. www.tarheelbmwcca.org PO Box 30203 Charlotte, NC 28230 Tarheel Spring HPDE VIR, Alton, VA June 24 - 26, 2022
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