Volume 270 Number 1 January-February 2022 - Tradelink ...

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Volume 270 Number 1 January-February 2022 - Tradelink ...
Volume 270 • Number 1					   January-February 2022
Volume 270 Number 1 January-February 2022 - Tradelink ...
Volume 270 • Number 1 • January-February 2022

Tradelink Publications Ltd
Publishing, Printing & Website Services for the Mining Industry
                                                                                                                          4       News, Plant and Equipment

                                     MINING & QUARRY                                                                      14		Powerful presence
                                         WORLD                                                                            20		Solar energy in the Mining Industry

                                                                                                                             Strata control in underground coal

                               2022                                                                                       42		Study on safety and efficient production
                                                                                                                              in china coal mines
                                                                                                                          48		Coal exploration and drilling

         Editorial Programme

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Volume 270 Number 1 January-February 2022 - Tradelink ...
NEWS, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                            NEWS, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT

           Keestrack is ready for the future                                         100 to 250 t /                                                      Komatsu and PIMS Group work together to extend life of mines
                                                                                     h. According to
           Powering electric plug in                worldwide turnover by 20%,       Keestrack, the                                                      A new agreement between            Komatsu machines is due
           driven crushers & screens                which goes hand in hand          system offers                                                       Komatsu, a global mining           in mid-2022 to coincide with
           via the grid or by one                   with the expansion of its own    also lower wear,                                                    equipment manufacturer,            PIMS Group’s conversion
           engine unit                              workforce of currently more      better quality of                                                   and PIMS Group, a North            of the Mavis Downs site
                                                    than 1000 employees and          the end products                                                    Queensland mining services         to underground operation,
           Despite significant                      the international distribution   (grain shape) and                                                   operator, could help set a         which will be followed soon
           international restrictions               network with more than 116       significant energy                                                  benchmark for extending the        after by conversion of the
           caused by the corona                     dealers and service partners     savings in typical                                                  life of multiple Queensland        Millennium site.
           pandemic, Keestrack Group                in 100 countries.                applications                                                        coal mines.                           Millennium and Mavis
           looks back on an overall                                                  (eg. sand                                                              PIMS Group was recently         Downs are owned by
           satisfactory business year.              Evolution                        production                                                          awarded a five-year contract       MetRes, a 50:50 joint venture
           Positive feedback from                   One of the key products that     0/4 mm:                                                             to convert the idled open          between Queensland miners
           distributors and many new                Keestrack will be presenting     approx. -30%                                                        cut Millennium and Mavis           Stanmore Resources and
           products announced for the               in 2022 is the completely        compared to                                                         Downs coal mines, west             M Resources. M Mining, a             According to MetRes            the switch to underground
           future indicate a sustainable            new designed Keestrack I4e       cone crushers;                                                      of Mackay, Queensland, to          subsidiary of M Resources,        Chairperson Matt                  operations. With underground
           improvement in business for              tracked mobile reversible        -30 to -40%                                                         an underground operation,          is the joint venture manager      Latimore, a partnership           activity, Millennium and
           the coming year.                         impact crusher. Thanks to the    compared to                                                         which could ultimately result      and operator.                     and risk-sharing approach,        Mavis Downs share a current
              "Keestrack was effected,              innovative RIC (Reversible       VSI impact                                                          in an estimated 1.2 million           Rob Rogers, Vice               together with the potential       predicted additional mine life
           just like many other                     Impact Crusher) technology,      crushers). This                                                     tonnes of incremental              President of Underground          for substantial local             of 12 years, producing 13.9
           international manufacturers              this machine can be used         is also due to                                                      coal extraction each year.         Soft Rock for Komatsu in          employment opportunities,         million tonnes of metallurgical
           of construction machinery                very flexible in the secondary   the advanced                       even bigger (depending on        Komatsu will sell PIMS             Australasia, said the success     had been paramount in             coal.
           with the effects of the corona           crushing of rock and             diesel-electric drive concept of   the local electricity price)     Group new mining equipment         of the three-way venture          PIMS Group winning its bid           PIMS’ contract with the
           pandemic," says Marcel                   recycling building materials     the compact system (transport      as both operational costs        for the project, and will          with PIMS Group and               to operate the infrastructure     mines’ owners is the largest
           Kerkhofs, Marketing Manager              (eg. Asphalt). The specific      dimensions: 15.05 m x 3.00 m       and maintenance cost will        provide a comprehensive            MetRes depended on total          of both mines.                    undertaken by the North
           at the Belgian headquarters              design of the reversible         x 3.23 m), weighing 41 tonnes      decrease drastically. To         maintenance, parts, rebuild        confidence of each partner           MetRes has initially           Queensland group. It is
           of the Keestrack Group.                  horizontal impact crusher        including the single-deck after    fully exploit this potential,    and engineering support            to reliably deliver in its area   worked to reopen the mines        seen as the forerunner for
           "However we are very                     with a large variable crushing   screen with return conveyor.       Keestrack offers today           service to ensure the              of expertise. Rogers said         using auger and open cut          extending the operating
           positive and optimistic                  chamber, powerful rotor (Ø       As with other Keestrack large      besides the e-driven             companies’ joint objectives        the arrangement aligns well       methods, with production of       life and remediation of
           about the future, as we                  1100 mm; 4 blow bars) and        crushers (Cone crushers            equipment also the tracked       are effectively supported.         with Komatsu’s focus on           first coal already achieved       aboveground sites which
           keep on innovating and                   electronically monitored         H4e / H6e/H7e, Jaw crusher         engine units. With these            Komatsu will provide            ‘creating value together’, an     in September 2021.                have so far been presumed
           introducing new products                 hydraulic gap adjustment         B7e), the drive unit with 447      tracked engine/generator         a full-time preventative           initiative intended to secure     According to MetRes,              to be near the end of their
           onto the market. Keestrack               (+80 to -220 mm with new         kW diesel engine and 300           units several electric           maintenance team at the            long-term customer solutions,     underground expansion will        productive life.
           keeps focussing on mobile                tools) allows feed sizes of      kVa generator is designed          machines can be powered.         mine sites to help maximise        particularly to the benefit of    be economically achieved             PIMS Group Chief
           electric-plug in and hybrid              up to 250 mm and ensures         as a removable drop-off               As the e-driven Keestrack     the operation of the eight         society and communities.          through the mines’ existing       Executive Richard Mills sees
           driven crushers and screens              consistently high-quality end    module. Electric drives for the    equipment can be used,           pieces of equipment now               The MetRes rejuvenation        highwalls, yielding low-ash,      this operating model being
           to reduce emissions and                  products of up to 0/2 mm in      crusher (160 kW), feeders          either plugged in to the grid,   on order, including two            alone has the potential           high-quality metallurgical        utilised throughout existing
           operating costs."                        closed circuit. Secondary        and conveyor belts as well as      or by the Engine unit with on    12CM27 continuous miners,          to create up to 100 mine          coal used in the production of    Queensland coal operations,
              In 2022 we will be - once             and tertiary crushing can        the system hydraulics enable       board gen-set, Keestrack first   four 10SC32 shuttle cars,          construction jobs and result      steel globally.                   providing substantial
           more – expanding our                     be now combined in one           particularly cost-efficient        introduced since a few years     one feeder breaker and one         in more than 125 direct full-        Rehabilitation of the open     economic and employment
           range to include important               highly mobile solution, which    and emission-free plug-in          the drop off module (diesel      multibolter. Delivery of the       time mining jobs.                 cut sites will coincide with      benefits.
           additional machine solutions             makes the Keestrack I4e          network operation. Three           engine with integrated gen-
           and completely new product               a real alternative to mobile     specific patents illustrate the    set). Which could already feed
           lines, ”says Frederik                    cone crushers or vertical        innovative potential of the new    several e-driven machines.       Protest against closures in Orakzai
           Hoogendoorn, Managing                    impact crushers, especially      Keestrack I4e concept.                One step further is the
           Director. The family-run                 with regard to its outstanding                                      introduction of tracked          Residents staged a protest         Ghulam Habib, Zarmela             ban on coalmining. So they        the district administration to
           group expects to increase its            production capacities from       Save by combining                  engine/generator units.          against the closure of             Khan, Malang Jan,                 could earn a living for their     settle the boundary dispute
                                                                                     Compared to conventional           These supply connected           coalmines in Ublan area            Muhammad Mir, Malik               families.                         between the Muhammadzai
                                                                                     diesel-hydraulic units, diesel-    Keestrack crushers,              in lower part of Orakzai           Asharaf, Malik Yousaf and           The elders also asked           and Bezotkhel tribes.
                                                                                     electric driven plants directly    screeners and stackers           and asked the district             others said that assistant
                                                                                     save up to 40% of fuel.            directly with electricity in     administration to lift ban on      commissioner Lower Orakzai
                                                                                     While working in production        case there is no plug in         coal mining forthwith.             had sealed the leased
                                                                                     trains, the attributable fuel      connection from the grid            The residents belonging         coalmines of Bezotkhel
                                                                                     consumption may even               available. This way the          to the Bezotkhel tribe in the      tribe in Ublan area without
                                                                                     decrease by 70% when               economic advantages of the       lower part of Orakzai tribal       assigning any reason.
                                                                                     the hybrid screeners are           complete production train will   district said that it was beyond      They said that it was
                                                                                     powered directly via the plug-     rise to its full potential and   understanding as to why the        an injustice with the local
                                                                                     out supply of an upstream or       when looking into the future     district administration imposed    residents, which would be
                                                                                     downstream diesel-electric         Keestrack mobile crushers        a ban on coal mining.              resisted at all costs.
                                                                                     crusher. When plugged              and screens can be sold             Addressing the protestors,         They urged the district
                                                                                     in to the grid savings are         even without an engine unit.     elders including Malik             administration to lift the

4      Coal International • January-February 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                              Coal International • January-February 2022      5
Volume 270 Number 1 January-February 2022 - Tradelink ...
NEWS, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                        NEWS, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT

           Germany lays a path for quitting, but the US may not follow                                                                                   investments and industrial       after the departure of          Compounding impacts               those communities could
                                                                                                                                                         policies are “central aspects”   Chancellor Angela Merkel        The solutions will differ         tap for infrastructure
           In the coal heartland                    that makes 2038 the final          conceive of such a thing        faces collapse following          of Germany’s approach.           last month.                     by place, and Germany             investments, environmental
           of Germany stands a                      year for coal use. Now there       happening in this country,”     Manchin’s announcement of            As part of the earlier           That’s creating concerns     has put an emphasis on            remediation and community
           monument to the source of                are plans to reach that goal       he said.                        opposition last month.            phaseout plan, German            about fairness for miners.      tailoring solutions to local      development.
           its economic might: a giant              by 2030.                               Anderson was part of           “There are a couple of         lawmakers passed                    “It is necessary that        communities based on their           But much more will be
           mine more than a half-mile                  Germany’s coal transition       a small group of union          really important pieces in        legislation setting aside        the new government              input.                            needed.
           deep that once produced the              has focused on providing           representatives and             the ‘Build Back Better Act’       more than €40 billion ($45.2     gives a clear sign that no         The same will be needed           Boone County, W.Va., was
           largest amount of coal in the            economic support to                advocates from the US that      that would really, really help    billion) over the next two       one is left behind,” said       in the US                         once the highest-producing
           world.                                   workers and coal-dependent         visited Germany in 2020 to      communities and workers,”         decades to help areas that       Frederik Moch, head of the         In one area, outdoor           coal county in the state.
              Built at the beginning of             regions. It has helped build       see how that country was        said Richardson, who has          will lose jobs and income as     department for structural       recreation may be the best        It saw a sharp decrease
           the Industrial Revolution, the           up other industries and            handling its coal transition.   roots in West Virginia’s coal     coal dries up.                   policy, industry and services   answer. In another it may         in production more than
           Zollverein mine cemented                 diversify regional economies       They visited mine sites and     mining towns. “It’s really a         “That’s the benefit of a      at the German Trade Union       be manufacturing for clean        a decade ago. Jobs and
           Germany’s place as a coal                to provide jobs as coal            reclamation areas, and met      tragedy that it’s in jeopardy.”   well-managed transition          Confederation.                  energy components, said           tax revenue followed. The
           behemoth. And its legendary              disappears.                        with affected communities.                                        process, because then               Just before the new          Richardson of the Union of        sheriff’s office is now facing
           Shaft XII was hailed as a                   That framework was                  Anderson said they          ‘This won’t work’                 you don’t only look at           government took office in       Concerned Scientists.             a staff shortage due to
           feat of technology due to its            developed by disparate             brought that information        Germany’s coal exit is            merely replacing the jobs        December, it released a            “It’s just figuring out the    budget cuts.
           high level of automation.                voices who came                    home and started baking it      still underway. Its initial       in coal with other jobs,         governing plan stating that     kinds of things that can             “There is this
              By 1986, however, it had              together to negotiate the          into policy documents aimed     phase focused on what             but you really take this as      no one will be left without     connect these communities         compounding impact,
           become more expensive                    transition. Trade unions,          at emulating what Germany       it terms “hard coal,” the         an opportunity to further        a job due to the coal           to what the new opportunities     not only to the workers
           to extract coal in Germany               environmentalists, coal            was doing.                      type typically mined in US        develop an entire region         phaseout and no additional      are – and that has to be          themselves but to the
           than to import it from places            executives and lawmakers               An analysis UWUA            coal states like Wyoming          and provide better public        compensation will be paid to    place-based,” he said.            communities and the regions
           like Russia and the United               agreed to the phaseout.            published with the Union of     and West Virginia for use         services, provide more           companies.                         There are provisions in        where they are situated,”
           States. The mine was                     It was a hard-fought               Concerned Scientists last       in industry and electricity       green spaces, make it more          It also aims to expand       the infrastructure bill passed    said Jessica Eckdish, vice
           decommissioned, and the                  compromise.                        May argued that the Biden       generation.                       attractive for tourism and       renewable energy capacity       by Congress in November           president of legislation
           facility was eventually turned              Environmental activists         administration would need          The last hard coal mine        the people living there,” said   from half at present to 80%     that could help by carving        and federal affairs at
           into a cultural center.                  said the phase-out date was        to invest up to $83 billion     closed in 2018, but lignite       Rebekka Popp, a policy           of the power mix by 2030.       out money for broadband           the BlueGreen Alliance,
              Now Zollverein stands                 too late, while other critics      over the next 15 years to       or “brown coal,” a type of        adviser at E3G in Berlin.           “We can’t replace 25,000     internet expansion or             which organized the trip to
           as a sprawling museum                    said too much compensation         support coal workers and        wet coal that emits far more         Germany’s strong labor        workers in coal with new        reclaiming and redeveloping       Germany in 2020.
           complex for coal’s history               was going to the companies         communities as the country      carbon dioxide when burned,       laws and social safety net       jobs in the renewables          abandoned mine land.                 “The reason to make
           and is a dedicated UNESCO                that had caused the problem        shifts to a low-carbon          will continue to be mined         have also helped ease            sector in these regions.           The Biden administration       those investments now is
           World Heritage site. The                 to begin with.                     economy.                        until the end of this decade,     the transition by ensuring       This won’t work. So it is       also created an interagency       to support the workers and
           iconic image of Shaft                       It could be harder for the          It called for five years    when Germany will end coal        workers get unemployment         a question of what other        working group to help             communities where this
           XII’s pithead is scattered               United States to navigate a        of wage replacement for         use entirely, according to a      benefits, retain health care,    industries, other areas can     revitalize coal and power         is happening now, but to
           throughout the city of Essen             similar path, particularly with    displaced workers, and          proposal by Germany’s new         have access to vocational        develop and build up new        plant communities. It             try and get ahead of those
           as an unofficial trademark of            President Biden’s signature        continued health care           government.                       training and job placement       value chains there,” said       has identified $45 billion        impacts down the line as
           the Ruhr region.                         climate legislation set to         coverage and education             Coal generates about           centers, and can opt for         Moch.                           in federal funding that           well.”
              The transformation of                 collapse under opposition          benefits for workers and        a quarter of Germany’s            early retirement.
           this region remains a work               from coal-state Sen. Joe           their children. The idea was    electricity, down from half          That’s something the
           in progress. But it is often             Manchin (D-W.Va.).                 that more support and better    at the turn of the century,       United States could struggle
           held up as an example of                    “Germany has a lot of           planning could ease the pain    and employs around 25,000         to replicate.
           how a country that has built             built-in advantages over           of an impending coal exit.      people directly, according           “Realizing that you need to
           its fortunes on the world’s              the United States because              “The transition is          to the German Trade Union         plan ahead and need to plan
           most polluting fossil fuel can           of the social and economic         happening. It’s just            Confederation.                    for a future with less coal
           untangle its addiction.                  choices they made after the        happening haphazardly and          The US has also seen           or without coal, that really
              For the United States, the            end of [World War II],” said       without foresight and without   its reliance on coal-fired        helps,” said Timon Wehnert,
           model here offers lessons                Lee Anderson, government           thought, and that is the most   power fall to about 20% of        a senior researcher at the
           for transitioning to clean               affairs director for the Utility   difficult way to approach       the energy mix with 28% of        Wuppertal Institute in Berlin.
           energy. But two pillars of               Workers Union of America           it, from a community            current capacity set to be           A phaseout is necessary
           the Germany experience –                 (UWUA).                            perspective, but especially     retired by 2035, according        if countries are to meet
           money and planning – seem                   “When we learned that           for the workers,” said Jeremy   to the Energy Information         increasingly ambitious
           increasingly out of reach as             their government had               Richardson, a former senior     Administration. The mining        climate goals. Under the
           climate policy unravels in               brought together all of the        energy analyst at Union of      industry now employs              Biden administration, the US
           Washington.                              suspects – industry, labor,        Concerned Scientists.           around 40,000 workers.            aims to slash its emissions
                                                    communities – and spent                The proposals in the           But Germany has been           in half by 2030. Germany’s
           Planning for an exit                     something like 18 months           analysis were crafted into      more willing to pour money        target is a 65% reduction.
           Germany remains the largest              putting together a national        legislation that made their     into the transition.                 But Germany won’t be
           coal consumer and producer               plan that covered how they         way into negotiations on           A case study by                able to hit that mark without
           in Europe, despite its plans             were going to phase out            the reconciliation package,     Resources for the Future          accelerating its coal phase-
           to reach net-zero emissions              coal over the course of two        said Anderson. The $1.7         and the Environmental             out date from 2038 to
           by midcentury. In 2020, the              decades, the American              trillion package, known as      Defense Fund says                 2030. The new government
           government enacted a law                 imagination fails. You can’t       the “Build Back Better Act,”    large-scale government            proposed that new timeline

6      Coal International • January-February 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                          Coal International • January-February 2022      7
Volume 270 Number 1 January-February 2022 - Tradelink ...

           Adani Group to ship first cargo from Australia
           Adani Group is preparing                 Terminal in Bowen ready           It shrank the mine plan in       Great Barrier Reef, both
           to ship the first coal cargo             for export as planned,” a       2018 to 10 million tonnes a        from global warming and
           from Australia’s most                    spokesperson for Adani’s        year following a sustained         dredging at Abbot Point
           controversial mine, after                Australian subsidiary           “Stop Adani” campaign by           port, brought several cases
           battling a seven-year                    Bravus Mining & Resources       green groups which scared          challenging government
           campaign by climate                      said in a statement. The        off lenders, insurers and          approvals for the mine.
           activists and defying a global           statement did not say where     major engineering firms.              Their campaign turned into
           push away from fossil fuels.             the shipment was headed,          “That sharpening of the          a lightning rod at Australia’s
              The Carmichael mine in                except that “we have already    plan has kept operating            last election in 2019, in a
           outback Queensland state                 secured the market for the      costs to a minimum and             jobs versus the environment
           is likely to be the last new             10 million tonnes per annum     ensured the project remains        fight which saw the coal-
           thermal coal mine to be                  of coal that will be produced   within the first quartile of the   supporting conservative
           built in Australia, the world’s          at the Carmichael Mine”.        global cost curve,” Adani’s        coalition government
           biggest coal exporter, but                  When Adani bought            Australian CEO Lucas Dow           re-elected when it was
           will be a vital source of                the project in 2010, it         told Reuters in emailed            expected to lose.
           supply for importers such as             envisioned building a           comments.                              While activists
           power plants in India.                   60-million-tonne-a-year           The company has not              succeeded in delaying the
              “The first shipment of                mine with a 400km rail line     disclosed the cost of the          project for seven years
           high-quality coal from                   for around $16 billion , one    smaller mine and a 200km           and even leading Adani
           the Carmichael mine is                   of several projects planned     rail line it built tying into      to change its local name
           being assembled at the                   in the then untapped Galilee    an existing railway, but the       to Bravus, they are not
           North Queensland Export                  Basin.                          project has been estimated         claiming victory.
                                                                                    at $2 billion.                        “It’s a shame that the
                                                                                       “It is quite a celebration      mine’s still going to go
                                                                                    because this is going to           ahead. But just because the
                                                                                    be the last true greenfield        mine’s open doesn’t mean
                                                                                    thermal coal mine in               all the coal in the ground is
                                                                                    Australia,” said Lloyd             going to come out. We will
                                                                                    Hain, managing director of         continue to campaign to
                                                                                    consulting firm AME Group.         keep as much in the ground

                                                                                      Climate activists,               as possible,” said Andy
                                                                                    concerned about carbon             Paine, who chained himself
                                                                                    emissions and potential            to Adani’s rail line several
                                                                                    damage to Australia’s              weeks ago.

           Romania’s production increased by 17.5% in the first 11
           months of 2021
                                                                                                                                                                Safety And Quality
           Romania’s net coal                       coal production for 2021 at     Optimal Scenario chosen            TWh and will have a share
           production in the first 11               3,020 million toe, up 9.9%      show that coal energy will         of 20.6%.
           months of 2021 totalled                  on 2020, and imports of         decrease slightly to 15.8
           2,958 million tonnes of                  370,000 toe, down 12.1%.
           oil equivalent(toe), 17.5%               For 2022, the CNSP
           (440,800 toe) higher than                forecasts production of
           in the same period in                    2,935 million toe, down
           2020, according to data                  2.8%, and imports of
           centralized by the National              270,000 toe, down 27%.
           Institute of Statistics (INS).              According to the National
              During the period,                    Energy Strategy, total coal
           Romania imported 440,600                 production will decrease
           toe of net coal, 38,700                  from 32 TWh in 2030 to
           toe (9.6%) more than the                 12 TWh in 2050, continuing
           amount imported last year                the trend of decreasing coal
           in the same period.                      in the energy mix (45 TWh                                                                           A global manufacturer with ISO 9001:2015 accreditation, we design,
              The National Strategy                 in 2020).                                                                                           test and produce high quality products with full international approvals.
           and Forecasting                             For the year 2030, the                                                                           Our products are proven in applications worldwide, so you can trust
           Commission estimated                     modeling results in the                                                                             them to protect your people, and your investments.                          dsiunderground.com

8      Coal International • January-February 2022
Volume 270 Number 1 January-February 2022 - Tradelink ...
NEWS, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                            NEWS, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT

           Coal is still king                                                                                                                                 Oracle teams up with Sui Southern Gas Company
           For all the talk about the                                                                                                                         London-listed Oracle           would be integrated into         jointly look to unlock the          Upon successful completion
           demise of coal, it’s important                                                                                                                     Power has signed a non-        SSGC's transmission and          value of this strategic             of feasibility studies,
           to note that coal generated                                                                                                                        binding memorandum of          distribution network which       resource for the benefit            they intend to negotiate
           35% of the world’s electricity                                                                                                                     understanding (MoU) with       delivers indigenous natural      of all stakeholders and in          and enter into definitive
           in 2020, more than any other                                                                                                                       Pakistan’s Sui Southern        gas and regasified LNG to        accordance with national            agreements for the sale and
           fuel. Even in the US, coal                                                                                                                         Gas Co (SSGC) to develop       domestic, commercial and         demand,” he added.                  purchase of syngas and
           was expected to generate                                                                                                                           a synthetic natural gas        industrial consumers.               The companies expect             evaluate any possibility of
           23% of the nation’s electricity                                                                                                                    (syngas) project utilising        "Our Thar Block VI project    the feasibility studies to          investment and support by
           in 2021 – up from 19% in                                                                                                                           coal from Thar, the            is an asset with immense         be completed by Q4 2022.            SSGC in the syngas project.
           2020.                                                                                                                                              company said.                  potential value for Pakistan,
              In addition to electricity                                                                                                                        The MoU establishes          particularly in the context of
           generation, coal is critical for                                                                                                                   the basis for Oracle and       natural gas shortages and
           industry, making the cement,                                                                                                                       SSGC to explore and carry      the intense price pressures
           iron, and steel needed for                                                                                                                         out feasibility studies for    associated with the import
           modern civilization, including                                                                                                                     the potential development,     of LNG,” Oracle CEO
           even wind turbines and                    Though it has just 13% of the       coal. The nation is one of       necessary. That includes            owning, operating and sale     Naheed Memon said.
           solar panels. Without coal,               world’s coal reserves, China        the top 10 coal producers        more than tripling its current      of syngas from Thar coal to       “We look forward to
           the industrial revolution                 generates more than 60% of          in the world and has spent       pace of renewable energy            the Pakistani state-owned      updating the market further
           would not have occurred.                  its electricity from coal. India,   the equivalent of 6% of          installations. According to         company.                       with the development
           Without coal, a carbon-free               with 10% of the world’s coal        its annual gross domestic        China’s Premier Li Keqiang,           Syngas produced              of these studies as we
           energy transition – forced                reserves, generates more            product on two huge coal-        China cannot easily pivot
           or otherwise – is simply                  than 70% of its electricity         fired power plants that will     away from coal until it has
           unrealistic.                              from coal. Similarly, Poland,       become fully operational         enough other alternatives to        Georgia’s imports from                                          Majority of promised aid is yet
                                                                                         in the coming years. It is       ensure reliable power. He
                                                                                                                                                              Kazakhstan triple                                               to reach German regions
              Coal supplies the world                the second-largest coal
           with 27% of its total energy              producer in Europe (behind          the most coal-dependent          hinted that even his country’s
           needs, second only to oil                 Germany), generates 74% of          country in the Group of 20,      pledge to cap its carbon
           (which supplies 31%). China               its electricity from coal. Even     or G20, major economies. At      dioxide emissions by 2030           Georgia’s coal and coal        of 2021, following after:        Only a fraction of the              "submitted and confirmed"
           and India alone consumed                  Japan generates 30% of its          COP26, the US, Germany,          could be torn up sooner             products imports from                                           promised financial aid for          within the financial aid
           66% of the world’s coal in                electricity from coal and has       France, the UK, and the          rather than later.                  Kazakhstan from January        •   Russia ($7.2 million)        coal regions has been               framework. However, only
           2020, and coal supplies                   no plans to phase it out any        European Union all pledged          These are examples of            through November 2021          •   while Turkey ranked 3rd      distributed, triggering             13 projects which will reach
           at least 55% of their total               time soon.                          to mobilize $8.5 billion over    the benefits of affordable          amounted to $719,030,              ($576 890)                   worries that a just                 a volume of 96.6 million
           energy needs.                                                                 the next three to five years     and reliable coal power, and        which is an increase of                                         transition is being put at          euros, have so far begun.
                                                     COP26 Framework                     to help South Africa replace     the likely costs to transition      205.9 %, compared to           Georgia’s coal and coal          risk, reports newswire              Dietmar Bartsch, co-chair
           Coal Generation                           At the recent United Nations        coal with renewable energy       away from it. Much of what          $235,010 over the same         products import from             dpa in an article carried           of Die Linke, called for the
           In the US, coal is regaining              climate conference in               and find new livelihoods for     gets reported in the news, or       period of 2020, Trend          January through November         by WirtschaftsWoche                 process to be speeded
           market share from natural                 Scotland (COP26), US                mining communities. South        hyped by climate alarmism           reports via the National       2021 amounted to $8.6            magazine. The federal               up in order to ensure
           gas, whose generation is                  Special Climate Envoy John          Africa, however, said it needs   about coal, is simply wrong.        Statistics Office (Geostat).   million, which is a decrease     government has earmarked            coal-producing regions,
           expected to drop to 36% in                Kerry boasted that the US           more than $26 billion from       Until technologies that haven’t       The volume of coal and       of 36.2 %, compared to           a total of 40 billion euros for     particularly those in the
           2021 from 39% the year prior.             will end the use of coal-fired      wealthy nations to transition    even been dreamed of yet            coal products imports from     $13.5 million over the same      assisting the coal exit, of         east, are not left behind.
           Incidentally, coal’s increased            power by 2030. Fortunately,         its power system from coal to    come along, an affordable,          Kazakhstan in the reporting    period of 2020.                  which 26 billion are going          "If not even five million
           generation from July 2020 to              Kerry has been wrong more           renewables.                      predictable baseload future         period of 2021 also               Georgia depends on            to be direct investments            euros actually flow out of
           July 2021 is four times larger            often than he has been                 Also, at COP26, China,        led by cleaner-burning coal         increased by 28.4 % – from     imports for all its natural      by the federal government           the federal budget in 2021,
           than that of wind and solar               right, and he has no actual         India, and other developing      is preferable to a wildly           2,490 tons over the same       gas, oil is imported mainly      and 14 billion euros will be        then we will experience
           generation combined for the               authority with respect to           economies demanded that          expensive, unrealistic carbon-      period of 2020 to 3,198        in the form of refined oil       paid out as financial aid           the worst possible start
           same period.                              power generation.                   wealthy nations pay them         free future. In other words, the    tons.                          products (diesel, 40.7%,         to coal-producing states            to the structural change,"
              US electricity generators                  India was quick to point        $1.3 trillion annually for       rumours of coal’s death have          Thus, Kazakhstan ranked      and gasoline, 40.4%).            that are set to lose jobs           he said. "Whoever wants
           are returning to coal because             out that providing their            climate projects starting        been greatly exaggerated.           2nd among main coal and           The energy mix is             and industry. However, an           to get out of coal by 2030
           they have the existing                    citizens with affordable and        in 2030, half of which              Thomas J. Pyle is the            coal products exporters to     relatively diverse compared      information request to the          must manage the structural
           plant capacity and it is an               reliable energy requires the        would be dedicated to            president of the Institute for      Georgia over 1st 11 months     with other countries in the      government by the Left              change and create the
           abundant, affordable, and                 continued use of coal, and          subsidizing renewable            Energy Research, an energy                                         region.                          Party revealed that only            necessary jobs by 2030."
           reliable domestic source of               successfully urged other            energy in the developing         think-tank, and the American                                          In 2019, natural gas was      4.8 million euros were                 Germany's new
           electricity. The US is blessed            nations to commit to slowing        world, with the other half       Energy Alliance, a not-for-profit                                  the 1st fuel in the energy       distributed in 2021, less           government has pledged
           with the largest share of the             coal power generation, rather       earmarked for protecting         that engages in grassroots                                         mix (45.4%), followed by oil     than 1% of the budgeted             to pull forward the coal exit
           world’s coal reserves (23%),              than deliberately transitioning     other countries from the         public policy advocacy and                                         (27%), renewables (20.4%)        amount of 508 million               "ideally" to 2030 from its
           eclipsing second-place                    away from it.                       effects of global warming.       debate concerning energy and                                       and coal (4.7%).                 euros.                              current 2038 target date.
           Russia (15%) and third-place                  India is not alone in that      For China to achieve its         environmental policies at both                                        The share of renewable           According to the ministry        The plans have triggered
           Australia (14%).                          sentiment. South Africa             net-zero emissions targets       the state and national level. He                                   sources in Georgia’s             for the economy and                 fears in affected regions
              Around the world, coal                 gets more than 80% of its           in 2060, investments of as       served as head of transition for                                   electricity mix is among the     climate (BMWK), a total of          that jobs in the coal
           is still the dominant source              electricity and nearly one-         much as $2 trillion a year       energy under President Donald                                      highest in the world (74.7%      251 projects costing 4.3            industry can't be replaced
           of electricity generation.                fifth of its liquid fuel from       through 2060 would be            J. Trump.                                                          in 2020).                        billion euros have been             with new offerings on time.

10      Coal International • January-February 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                              Coal International • January-February 2022      11
Volume 270 Number 1 January-February 2022 - Tradelink ...
NEWS, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                           NEWS, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT

           Build Back Better is crucial to boost climate action without                                                                                         Glencore insists new mine will
           leaving coal miners behind                                                                                                                           not crush its climate change
           Joe Manchin threw a                       need intentional policies that                                                                             plans
           wrench into discussions of                invest in these workers and
           the Build Back Better (BBB)               communities.                                                                                               Mining giant Glencore         west of Rockhampton,
           Act by indicating he does not                The hundreds of billions                                                                                says its plan for a new       would require a 300-bed
           currently support its passage             of dollars of investment in                                                                                metallurgical and thermal     accommodation camp,
           – imperiling the bill’s future            clean energy and climate                                                                                   coalmine in Queensland        access road, rail line,
           and delaying the urgent                   actions included in the BBB                                                                                can be accommodated           water supply pipeline,         Mechel announces results of this
           funding it would provide to               bill will be a net win for the                                                                             within its climate            power and communications
           support families reeling from             economy and American                                                                                       strategy.                     infrastructure.                year’s mining equipment revamp
           the COVID-19 pandemic and                 jobs; the Economic Policy                                                                                  The Anglo-Swiss                  Environmental activists
           take crucial climate action.              Institute projects that it will                                                                            multinational insists its     are already gearing up to      Mechel, one of the leading          Washing Plant installed two
              In response, the United                support 3.2 million jobs over                                                                              proposed Valeria coalmine     oppose the mine, although      Russian mining and metals           new centrifuges to eliminate
           Mine Workers of America                   the 10-year budgeting period.      generating units – where they      health and economic vitality         in Queensland will not        Glencore is yet to reach a     companies, reports that its         excessive water from the
           (which represents, among                  The BBB act would ensure           will generate local revenue        of regions that have borne the       upset ambitions for net-      final investment decision.     mining facilities this year         coal concentrate and three
           others, West Virginia’s coal              that federal investments           and serve as a new source          brunt of fossil fuel pollution for   zero carbon emissions by         Lock the Gate               received a total of some 270        magnetic roughers. The
           miners) issued a statement                go to communities that             of employment for former           decades.                             2050.                         spokeswoman Ellie Smith        equipment units, including          plant also continued with the
           noting BBB would provide                  disproportionately bear the        miners. And it would penalize         Further, BBB provisions             Glencore is undertaking     said the six pit open cut      more than 80 large-scale            sweeping upgrade of its mud
           critical support for workers              burden of pollution and those      companies if they deny their       propose not just to create           a range of studies and        mine would destroy more        machines and assembly               pump stock.
           as the inevitable decline of              that are dependent on the          workers the ability to unionize,   jobs in the clean energy             assessments on Valeria        than 10,000 hectares of        units.                                 Ninety equipment units,
           coal industry jobs continues,             fossil fuel sectors that are in    thus helping to protect            future, but to ensure these          to support the state and      land near Capella – a key         The most sweeping                including heavy-duty trucks,
           as well as create new                     decline.                           workers’ right to organize         newly created jobs are high-         federal approvals process     agricultural region where      technical revamps and               excavators and a boring rig,
           opportunities for jobs in the                The Build Back Better bill      and collectively advocate for      quality, support families and        for the project.              wheat, sorghum, and beef       retrofits involved Southern         were bought for Korshunov
           clean energy-based economy,               includes a range of provisions     higher wages, better benefits      are accessible to a diverse            “The development of         are produced.                  Kuzbass Coal Company,               Mining Plant. This equipment
           to which the world must                   that would support miners in       and safer working conditions.      and growing workforce.               any coal project, including      The rail line and other     which received more than            is used to transport ore
           transition quickly to prevent             West Virginia and beyond.             In addition, other              To access the full value of          Valeria, will take into       infrastructure would impact    100 new equipment units,            from Korshunovsky Open
           the worst impacts from                    It would give a four-year          climate provisions in BBB          BBB’s signature, emissions-          account Glencore’s climate    a further 12,000 hectares,     including heavy-duty trucks,        pit, mining at Korshunovsky
           climate change.                           extension to a fund through        can help disadvantaged             reducing tax incentives,             change strategy and stated    including prime farmland       bulldozers and service              and Rudnogorsky Open
              The U.S. coal industry has             which coal companies               communities across areas           designed to drive the                emission reduction targets.   and important habitat for at   equipment. All automobiles          Pits, even in extremely low
           been declining for years; over            support miners who have            historically dependent on          deployment of clean energy             Glencore has committed      least 17 threatened species    use an online dispatch              temperatures. Korshunov’s
           the last decade, market forces            contracted black lung              fossil fuel production, such       and electric vehicles,               to reducing emissions         or ecological communities,     system implemented by               washing plant launched new
           such as low natural gas                   disease; without BBB, this         as the entire Appalachian          employers must meet                  by 15% by 2026, halving       including the koala and        Southern Kuzbass Coal               pumps as well as a press for
           prices and rapidly expanding              fund will be cut in half on Jan.   region. Examples include           wage and apprenticeships             emissions by 2035 and         greater glider, she said.      Company, which ensures              curing conveyors. The plant
           solar and wind energy (as                 1. The BBB act would make          investments in improving           standards. Specifically,             being a net-zero total           “If the Morrison and        improved performance                also received new hydro
           well as the expanding use of              key investments in fossil fuel     water infrastructure to            employers must pay                   emissions business by         Palaszczuk governments         and work efficiency. The            separators.
           automation in coal production)            communities, including $5          provide clean drinking water,      wages that meet or exceed            2050.The Valeria Coal         approve this project,          new machines take part in              “We invested
           have turned coal mining into              billion for the Department of      improving stormwater and           a locally determined,                Holdings project within       they will have no hope         transporting overburden, as         approximately 4 billion
           a shadow of what it once                  Energy’s Energy Community          wastewater infrastructure          position-based floor during          the Central Highlands is      of meeting their stated        well as moving coal from            rubles into acquiring new
           was. At the end of 2020, there            Reinvestment Financing             (including $225 million to help    construction, and in some            expected to produce up        emissions reduction            the mines to the washing            mining equipment and
           were only 43,180 coal miners              Program to support low-            families struggling to pay their   cases after. They must               to 20 million tonnes per      targets. That means yet        plants and shipping points.         mechanisms, and next year
           remaining in the United                   carbon investments in energy       water and wastewater bills),       also ensure that a certain           annum for 35 years.           more extreme weather for       Southern Kuzbass Coal               we plan to invest 8 billion.
           States, and communities from              communities, and $5 billion for    and replacing lead water           percentage of total labor              The open cut                Queenslanders,” she said.      Company’s washing plants            We are faced with a strategic
           West Virginia to Montana                  the Economic Development           service lines. The BBB bill        hours support qualified              metallurgical and thermal        “There is clearly no        launched a total of 39 new          task to restore stripping
           to Kentucky are feeling the               Administration to develop          also includes environmental        apprenticeships.                     coalmine, 27km northwest      justification for approving    equipment units.                    pace, increase mining and
           economic pain of coal’s                   regional economic growth           and climate justice block             We are already seeing             of Emerald and 270km          this coal mine.”                  Yakutugol Holding                washing volumes. This new
           decline (as well as its lingering         clusters and award grants          grants that can help clean         what the collapse of the coal                                                                     Company launched 74 new             equipment will enable us
           pollution). As these workers              for economic development in        up pollution from shuttered        industry looks like when there                                                                    equipment units, including          to reduce outages caused
           – many of whose families                  energy transition communities      or abandoned fossil fuel           are no protections in place                                                                       heavy-duty trucks, an               by repairs, and boost
           have spent years or even                  and others with a history of       sites and create a Clean           – but it doesn’t have to be                                                                       excavator and gondola               output at our facilities in
           generations in this industry –            economic distress. It would        Energy and Sustainability          this way. Among its massive                                                                       railcars for transporting loose     Irkutsk Region, Yakutia and
           look toward the future, they              also provide additional tax        Accelerator, which will            other benefits, passing the                                                                       cargo. Due to complicated           Kuzbass. Considering steady
           deserve assurance that they               incentives to encourage            invest in clean energy             BBB act will help manage this                                                                     geological conditions at            demand and favorable price
           won’t be abandoned by their               the building of clean energy       projects across the country        essential economic transition                                                                     Neryungrinsky Open Pit,             trends on commodity markets
           employers and left with no                and advanced energy                while delivering 40% of the        to create a zero-carbon world                                                                     this year the company               that we see over the past
           economic opportunities.                   manufacturing facilities           benefits of investments to         – without leaving coal miners                                                                     made sure to revamp                 several quarters, it is very
              But a transition that                  in energy communities –            disadvantaged communities.         and other workers behind.                                                                         pumping equipment to                important for us to ensure
           supports fossil workers and               including those impacted by        These investments are long            Dan Lashof is the director                                                                     pump ground waters and              production growth,” Mechel
           communities is not going                  the closure of coal mines          overdue and can go a long          of World Resources, United                                                                        prevent flooding at mining          PAO’s Chief Executive Officer
           to happen on its own. We                  and coal-fired electricity         way to improve the public          States.                                                                                           areas. Neryungrinskaya              Oleg Korzhov commented.

12      Coal International • January-February 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                             Coal International • January-February 2022      13
Volume 270 Number 1 January-February 2022 - Tradelink ...
WHEEL LOADERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                              WHEEL LOADERS

                                                     Powerful presence

                                     ound on most mining and construction       credited for the invention of the first wheel loader in 1954.         ~ 4000t, average labour productivity can be increased               and there are many large pieces, its work efficiency

                                     sites, wheel loaders are one of the most   They named it the H10, the inspiration came from a reversed           by 50% ~ 100%.                                                      will be significantly reduced; it is necessary to loosen
                                     powerful pieces of equipment to be         tractor. By the early 1970s larger loaders had been produced                                                                              the viscous materials before conducting the shovel
                                     found within mining, their significance    by Volvo which had a new lift arm system and a safer and           2. The weight of the tire front loader is lighter, which is            operation and other Auxiliary work.
                                     and existence within mining has also       more comfortable cabin. The industry is constantly evolving,          equivalent to 1/8 ~ 1/6 of the quality of the same bucket
                                     led to ongoing development.                and new ideas and patents are continually being published.            capacity excavator, which saves a lot of steel. The              2. Compared with the excavator, the size of the working
                                                                                In the period between 1989 and 2014 Yanmar, Komatsu and               manufacturing cost is only 1/4 ~ 1/3 of the excavator.              mechanism of the front loader is smaller; due to the
                                Their primary function is for loading           Caterpillar had all filed different patents for wheeled loaders.      Excavators are cheap, which can reduce investment                   limitation of safety conditions, it is not suitable to work
           or moving materials both above and beneath the surface                                                                                     in production equipment and reduce the proportion of                on the working face with a high explosion.
           of a mining operation, the required number of loaders                In open-pit mines with suitable conditions, the use of                fixed assets.
           and trucks is a strategic mine planning decision that can            wheeled loaders can highlight the following advantages:                                                                                3. The tires of the front loader wear quickly and have a
           maximise production efficiency and minimise capital and                                                                                 3. The tire front loader has strong climbing ability and               short service life. In recent years, although measures
           operational costs.                                                   1. The tire front loader has fast walking speed, short working        good manoeuvrability. It can perform loading operations             have been added to protect the chain link or use pad
                                                                                   cycle time and high loading efficiency. According to the           on the slope working surface that is not allowed by the             cushions to reduce tire wear, the tire life is only about
           It has been reported by Off-Highway Research that wheel                 introduction of mine calibration data, the front installed         excavator, especially in new mine sites lacking electricity.        1500 hours, and tire costs still account for a substantial
           loaders have risen by 75% over the last decade from 1.3                 speed of bucket capacity of 5 ~ 8m 3 can reach more                                                                                    proportion of production equipment costs (about 40 % ~
           million machines in 2008 to 2.23 million a year in 2017 and             than 35km / h, which is 30 ~ 90 times faster than electric      4. The depreciation period of the tire-type front-loading              50%, even as high as 60%).
           beyond this figure to our present day.                                  shovel. Each working cycle only takes 40 ~ 45s, and the            machine is only 1/4 ~ 1/8 of the excavator. It can be
                                                                                   average production capacity of the shift can reach 3500            replaced with new and more advanced equipment                    Many years of production practice at home and abroad have
           Coal International takes a brief look at                                                                                                   after 5-6 years of work, which is convenient for mine            proven that wheel loaders are suitable for the following aspects:
           the history and recent developments                                                                                                        management and maintenance and is conducive to the
           of the wheel loader.                                                                                                                       upgrading of equipment. .                                        1. It is used for loading, pushing, and discharging, lifting and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          traction in the construction of open-pit mines and stripping,
           Like many pieces of equipment, it is                                                                                                    5. The tire front loader is easier to operate than the excavator,      railway foundation construction and road construction.
           hard to articulate who was the clear                                                                                                        which can shorten the driver training time. At the same         2. It is used in small and medium-sized open-pit mines
           creator of the wheel loader as many                                                                                                         time, one loader only needs one driver to operate, which           instead of excavators and cars as the main mining,
           adaptations similar to what we know                                                                                                         can save manpower, material, and financial resources.              loading, and transportation equipment of the mine; it
           developed from farmers fitting scoops                                                                                                                                                                          can be operated in conjunction with automobiles and
           to their tractors to help move materials.                                                                                               However, compared with the excavator, the front loader                 can also load ore rocks to crushing stations.
           Although it is believed that Ed Wagner                                                                                                  also has some disadvantages in production:
           & Sons Contractors created the world’s                                                                                                                                                                      3. In some large open-pit mines, cooperate with the
           first articulated loader in 1936 (called                                                                                                1. The tire-type front-loader has a lower digging capacity             excavator to perform mining and loading operations and
           Scoopmobiles), it is Volvo who is                                                                                                          than an excavator. When the blasting quality is not good            other auxiliary operations under complex conditions

14      Coal International • January-February 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                    Coal International • January-February 2022      15
Volume 270 Number 1 January-February 2022 - Tradelink ...
WHEEL LOADERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                    WHEEL LOADERS

               (such as selective mining, end of working face, scattered    First, a mucking position agent learned to predict the most        “Building on the success of our world-leading Argus and
               pile explosion, excavation of trenches, etc.).               efficient position to dig into differently shaped piles. Next, a   Pegasys monitoring systems for electric rope shovels,
                                                                            mucking agent was trained on how to control the vehicle to         hydraulic excavators and draglines, Argus WL was
           4. It can be used for mining, loading, and transporting          fill the bucket at a selected dig position. Finally, the agents    developed based on a growing demand from our customers
              joints with large slopes to complete difficult mining         were trained together. The agent’s policies were represented       to improve efficiency, effectiveness and payload accuracy
              work. There are two types of common front-loaders,            by a feedforward neural network with convolutional layers          across their large wheel loader fleets,” he said.
              tire-type, and track-type, with their own characteristics.    for handling the high-dimensional observation data. The
              Although the crawler front loader has large traction and      rewards the agents learn to maximize were designed to              “Argus WL does this by weighing each bucket in real time,
              shovel, superior performance in off-road and climbing,        maximize bucket filling with minimal energy consumption            without the need to stop and calculate payload before
              etc., it has low speed and inflexibility, and sometimes       and avoiding collisions and wheel slip.                            dumping the load. This we understand from our customers
              requires a trailer to transfer the operation site, and                                                                           is an unacceptable practice required from other similar
              the construction cost is high. Therefore, track-type          The learned policies were able to adapt to previously              systems today, losing valuable production time to repeat
              front loaders are rarely used in open-pit mines. Wheel        unseen pile shapes, achieving a success rate of 99% with           this with every bucket load.
              loaders are the most commonly used in mines around            an average bucket load of 13.2 tonnes. The productivity
              the world. Therefore, their production volume is large        and energy efficiency were better than the values reported         “Argus WL was a natural progression for us, meeting the
              and production technology is also developing rapidly.         for human operators in the scientific literature, but it           industry’s need for a system purpose built for large wheel
              The largest bucket capacity has reached 40m3.                 remains to evaluate if these results transfer to the physical      loaders used in mining that would lower production costs,
                                                                            environment.                                                       reduce machine stress and improve safety.”
           DEVELOPMENTS OF THE WHEEL LOADER                                                                                                                                                                   “Talking to our customers, we knew that the best way to
           In underground mines, specialized wheel loaders (LHD)            WHEEL LOADER MONITORING SYSTEM FOR MINING                          Pater said the multi-purpose nature of the system was a        improve their wheel loader productivity was to empower
           are used for loading fragmented rock, hauling the material       After 18 months of successful field trials conducted across        key point of difference with Argus WL offering advanced        their operators with better access to real-time, actionable
           through narrow tunnels, and dumping it for further transport     three Western Australian mine sites, MineWare has                  functionality in truck detection, structural monitoring, as    information and give them a single platform that integrates
           on trucks or hoist systems. The loading task remains             launched its Argus Wheel Loader (WL) system                        well as payload optimisation in real-time.                     with their existing software,” he said.
           a challenge to automate. To fill the bucket efficiently, an
           operator, or an artificial intelligent agent, must coordinate    This is an OEM independent wheel loader monitoring                 “The real-time nature of Argus WL really stands our system     “Argus WL takes productivity monitoring for wheel loaders
           the forward drive, steering, and the bucket’s lift and tilt in   system that lifts productivity and reduces cost per tonne in       apart as it gives operators direct feedback for them to make   to a new level, by working smarter, not harder, to get the job
           response to visual cues, and the perceived force resistance      real time.                                                         smarter loading decisions to optimise truck loading and        completed successfully.”
           and vehicle motion.                                                                                                                 payload management,” he said.
                                                                            Argus WL delivers real-time feedback to the wheel                                                                                 A wheel loader is without doubt the most versatile piece
           To test whether deep reinforcement learning is a viable          loader operator via an intuitive touchscreen to make               “Argus WL guides operators to move the right amount            of equipment used in many industries but the task of fully
           approach to automating this task, a simulated environment        material handling and loading jobs safer, faster, and more         of material with every load, helping mines to reduce           automating the machines despite the implementation of
           was constructed with a 3D multibody model of a loader and        accurate.                                                          payload variability, meet production targets and predict       modern technology has still eluded many experts mainly
           narrow drift with virtual piles of fragmented rocks using AGX                                                                       the operations forecasts more reliably, when analysing         due to the complexity of bucket-environment interactions,
           Dynamics for Unity and ML-Agents. The vehicle, an Epiroc         MineWare Vice President of Marketing and Sales Roy Pater           machine productivity by shift and operator.”                   even three decades of research efforts towards automation
           Scooptram ST18, was equipped with a depth camera, and            said Argus WL extends MineWare’s portfolio of monitoring                                                                          of the bucket loading operation have not yet resulted in any
           force and motion sensors. A multiagent system was trained        systems as customers continue to digitise their operations         Developed on an open IoT platform, the interoperable           fully autonomous system. Automation of the bucket-filling
           using the reinforcement learning algorithm Soft-Actor-Critic     and leverage real-time information across more of their            system works on any OEM machine and integrates                 step in the loading cycle of a wheel-loader has been an
           and a curriculum setup.                                          ground engaging equipment.                                         seamlessly with third party production software. 1/2           open problem for many years.

                                                                                                                                               Pater said Argus WL leverages MineWare’s 15 years of           Despite numerous trials. there still remains key challenges
                                                                                                                                               experience in ground engagement equipment monitoring,          in automation and tele-remote operation of earth-moving
                                                                                                                                               productivity improvement and payload optimisation to           machines and research seems to be lagging behind. Real-
                                                                                                                                               create a purpose-built system, made for mining.                time video transmission over wireless is difficult, but may

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Volume 270 Number 1 January-February 2022 - Tradelink ...
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