Volume 10 April 2014 - SANBI
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Volume 10 • April 2014 CREW –National Overview Domitilla Raimondo & CREW co-ordination team for plant conservation in our coun- C REW, the Custodians of Rare and Endangered Wildflowers, is a programme 2 013 was an exciting year for the Custodians of Rare and Endangered Wildflowers (CREW) try that aligns with 16 outcome- that involves volunteers from oriented targets of the Global Strat- the public in the monitoring Programme, as you will read egy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) and conservation of South in the pages that follow. The of the Convention on Biological Africa’s threatened plants. programme has expanded both Diversity (see www.Plants2020. CREW aims to capacitate a into new parts of the country net). The majority of South Africa’s network of volunteers from and also focused on develop- active botanists and conservation- a range of socio-economic ing a host of young plant con- ists gathered at this workshop spe- backgrounds to monitor servationists—an opportunity cifically to discuss the GSPC and and conserve South Africa’s that has been made available its implementation nationally. The threatened plant species. through the Groen Sebenza Pro- workshop included stakeholders The programme links vol- gramme, a jobs fund initiative of from national and provincial con- unteers with their local the Department of Environmen- servation authorities, taxonomists, conservation agencies and tal Affairs. NGOs (e.g. the Botanical Society particularly with local land of South Africa), independent bota- stewardship initiatives to en- CREW has been operating for over nists, conservationists working on sure the conservation of key 10 years and our volunteers have business and biodiversity initia- sites for threatened plant built up significant knowledge of lo- tives, and conservation planners. species. cal plants that they are now able to The workshop resulted in national help us transfer to this new cohort level targets being developed for all of budding plant conservationists. 16 targets. In addition, milestones were identified for measuring pro- 2013 also saw the CREW co-or- gress with implementation, and dination team leading the process commitment from various organisa- to develop a National Strategy for tions and individuals to lead on the Plant Conservation with support different targets, were made. The from the Botanical Society of South CREW Programme plays a vital Africa (BotSoc) and the South Af- part in ensuring that South Africa rican National Biodiversity Institute achieves the following three tar- (SANBI). This process involved gets related to the conservation of developing priority actions required threatened plants: 1
• Target 2, a conservation as- effort with the majority of CREW members has been challenging sessment of all known plants. groups contributing accounts of but full of rewards, and Vatiswa re- • Target 5, the conservation of threatened species and we would counts the road travelled so far on important plant areas. like to thank all of you who put so page 6 . Also in the Eastern Cape, much time into producing this book. in the plant biodiversity hotspot • Target 7, in situ conservation of A limited run of 500 copies were of Pondoland, another four para- threatened plant species. printed by BotSoc and are available ecologists are working and being South Africa’s national strategy will at SANBI’s Kirstenbosch and Pre- trained to collect herbarium speci- be published in 2014. toria bookshops. The book is also mens and monitor medicinal plant available in electronic format as an use by CREW volunteers based in After a decade of hard work, e-book. Port Edward. Spreading the knowl- CREW celebrated the success of edge of Pondoland’s unique flora the work of volunteers monitoring The CREW Programme did some and focusing efforts in the Eastern and conserving plants, by publish- major expanding during 2013. Up Cape section of this centre of en- ing the book Plants in Peril—100 north, the Limpopo CREW group demism is a very appropriate way of South Africa’s highly threatened got going, working hard to survey to continue the botanical legacy of plant species and the people threatened Euphorbia species Tony Abbott, one of South Africa’s protecting them. Written by the around Polokwane, and survey- finest botanical amateurs who network of volunteers involved in ing the Blouberg and Wolkberg passed away in 2013 and will be CREW, as well as several profes- mountains that are full of endemics. sorely missed by all involved with sional botanists and horticulturists, Limpopo Province has the poor- the CREW Programme. Our para- this publication profiles the excel- est biodiversity information of all of ecologist project is funded by the lent work being done to conserve South Africa’s provinces. It is very Groen Sebenza Programme, and South Africa’s most threatened under-surveyed and we have few will continue for another two years. plants. The book has four sec- records of threatened plant spe- We hope that in this time valuable tions, the first includes case stud- cies. Read more about this new specimens will be gathered from ies of highly threatened species, and essential work on page 14. this under-collected part of the the second is a section focusing CREW has now taken the bold step country and that the para-ecolo- on species threatened by use, and of moving our work into deep rural gists build skills that will allow them the third section looks at hotspots areas of the Eastern Cape. We to find employment in the biodiver- of plant diversity where our CREW have set up a base at the Selmar sity conservation sector after the volunteers are based that are under Schonland Herbarium in Gra- programme. threat. In the last section the book hamstown and under the capable features various CREW groups and leadership of Vatiswa Zikishe, six CREW is becoming famous all also focuses on how the network of para-ecologists (young community over the world; other mega-diverse people required to conserve these members who monitor plants) have countries, including Brazil and Co- species is being grown. Produc- been employed. Taking on capacity lumbia, are interested in repeating ing this book was a collaborative development of young community our model. The IUCN Species Sur- The cover of Plants in Peril.
vival Commission is also very inter- SANBI and BotSoc. As part of cele- strength to strength. With the now ested and we are repeatedly asked brating their centenary, BotSoc has long-term involvement of many vol- to write up case studies of our pro- developed a conservation strategy unteers in certain parts of the coun- gramme for international audienc- which requires involvement of their try, a deep knowledge of where es. During 2014, the CREW co-or- members in the CREW Programme special plants occur has been de- dination team will focus on produc- as the fundamental core of their veloped and maintained, allowing ing a lessons learnt scientific paper conservation work, see Catherine so we can share the successes of a very valuable contribution to con- Browne’s article on page 38. the CREW model with biodiversity servation to be made. We would conservationists around the world. In this newsletter you will read that like to thank all our CREW volun- Fundamental to the success of in its tenth year of operating, the teers for your ongoing dedication to CREW is the partnership between CREW Programme has gone from the conservation of our flora. News from the CREW Cape Floristic Region node Ismail Ebrahim was a very successful event, show- gensis (Vulnerable), which was A nother amazing year of CREW work passes by and it still feels like the first day of casing the magnificence of the Cape floral diversity. The expo was on display at the expo. I was very excited to see this species for the starting the CREW Programme. attended by a range of stakehold- first time. Gladiolus overbergensis We have so much to do and the ers, including cut flower producers, usually only appears after fire. The excitement and commitment with various displays of indigenous area we found them in was cleared from the volunteers have just in- plant products, conservation pro- for a new protea orchard and the creased over time. As we reflect jects and a huge labelled specimen plants were coming up between on ten years of CREW’s exist- exhibit. The event also gave our the newly planted seedlings. The ence, we can feel proud of our new Groen Sebenza intern an op- farmer confirmed that a few years achievements. We have made a portunity to see what the CREW ago there were many plants in the huge impact on the conserva- Programme is all about and meet natural veld just above the orchard tion community and won some some of the volunteers involved in and fortunately he doesn’t have any great battles for the protection the project. development plans for that area. of our rich and diverse flora. We also found a small population One of the highlights was the cen- After the event we went off to find of Aristea teretifolia (Endangered) tenary celebration of Kirstenbosch a population of Gladiolus overber- which was a nice surprise. National Botanical Garden and the Botanical Society of South Africa in 2013. There were many spectacu- lar events to celebrate this momen- tous milestone. The first was the Kirstenbosch Science Showcase, which saw SANBI pull out all the stops to put on a magnificent dis- play of past and present research programmes. We organised an iSpot Bioblitz in the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden as part of the celebration. Our Bioblitz events have been a great way of exposing this wonderful tool and getting new people to join the iSpot family. In August we were invited to re- peat our display at the Cape Floral Kingdom Expo in Bredasdorp. This Volunteers at the Bioblitz held at the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden. 3
Our C-team focus for 2013 was gramme. Our interns are Anri targeting some of the recently burnt Marais, Dewidine van der Colff, areas in the Cederberg and sup- Karin Herman and Marius Lombard porting the new CREW groups. Our (see their profiles for more informa- first mission to the Cederberg was tion). Our focus was on training to find Sparaxis roxburghii. This and capacitating interns to identify species is Red Listed as Critically plants, monitor rare and threatened Endangered and is currently known plants, engage communities and from one locality. Our search for conduct environmental educa- this species has not been success- tion activities. This took up a lot ful so we were very keen to verify of our time but it is very rewarding the existence of the population. Un- to share this knowledge with our fortunately, we searched for hours interns and they have been fan- but could not find the population. tastic in taking up the challenge Applications for agricultural expan- of becoming involved in conserv- sion in the area have been submit- ing threatened plants. We had ted, so we will be keeping a close numerous training courses, not eye on the area and this year we only for our interns, but also includ- will return to find this species. The ing Groen Sebenza interns from highlight of the trip was seeing the other areas. This has made a real The rare Pakhuis Pass endemic, impact and helped build partner- most stunning Romulea viridibrac- Romulea viridibracteata. teata (Rare), which is only known ships between CREW and other from Pakhuis Pass. conservation bodies. In addition, many interns joined us in the field We had very strange weather last to see new populations of Moraea for more practical training and field year. Many of the planned field vuvuzela (Endangered) and Spa- work experience. Building capacity trips were cancelled and when we raxis maculosa (Critically Endan- is hard work, but seeing the growth did manage to get out in the field, gered) found by Anso Le Roux from of an individual is very rewarding. It most of the days turned cold, wet Worcester. is incredibly inspiring and I wish all and miserable. Nevertheless, we our interns the best for the future. kept our spirits up and enjoyed the We were fortunate to get addi- They must keep up the great work veld despite the inclement weather. tional capacity in the team through as they continue on their journeys One of the most exciting trips was the SANBI Groen Sebenza Pro- of discovery and growth. News from the CREW KwaZulu-Natal node Suvarna Parbhoo find two new sites of Hyobanche footpath of this derelict reserve. A 2 013 has been a busy yet successful field season with several exciting finds—over 70 fulleri (Critically Endangered) on the KwaZulu-Natal south coast collaborative trip to Utrecht with the KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium and field trips took place and 105 dune vegetation. Khumbu’s insights Millenium Seedbank Programme sites were surveyed, with 77 with communities gave us an ad- colleagues in search of Polygala threatened plants recorded. vantage when visiting these areas. praticola (Data Deficient) yielded carpets of our target species. It is The KwaZulu-Natal Node is for- The CREW All Over group con- unbelievable to think that this en tunate in that we have a team of ducted eight field trips during the masse flowering plant is Data Defi- three this field-season. National past season. The first field trip for cient—hopefully the genus has an Research Foundation (NRF) intern, the year was definitely an excel- interested specialist working on a Khumbu Zulu and Groen Sebenza lent start to the 2013 season. We revision. intern, Hlengiwe Mtshali have both visited a tiny reserve at Durban done exceptionally well in assisting harbour, the busiest port in South Volunteers from Dundee have with planning, meeting and fieldtrip Africa, in search of the orchid Zuex- joined the CREW network this year. preparations. Hlengiwe’s sharp ine africana (Critically Endangered) Although the enthusiastic group 4 eyes in the field have allowed us to and found several plants along the of five’s ‘playfield’ is a vast area of
CREW A Team volunteer, Chris Wahl- Polygala praticola (Data Deficient). berg photographing Zeuxine africana. transformed lands, they conducted two field trips in search of orchids. Both trips yielded null-records of the target species but these deter- mined CREWites pushed on and will continue with their searches over the next few years. We are glad to report that the CREW Umvoti group has been resur- rected for this season, after group champion Sue Swan’s ill health the past few seasons kept her out of the field. We are fortunate in that Lynda Drögemöller has taken over championing this group. The group planned five fieldtrips—their Marinda Koekemoer presenting her Asteraceae identification course. successes were varied, from fail- ing to relocate Asclepias woodii (Vulnerable), to finding an incred- ible ancient population of the cycad sify soil types and rock substrates introduce non-scientists to the larg- Encephalartos natalensis (Near and he has agreed to join us at the est plant families in southern Africa Threatened). next workshop to share more in- in an attractive, easily understood formation on this fascinating topic. manner. Our annual summer-rainfall work- Seloba Chuene and Alvin Mapatha, shop, held at Eshowe, was once two students from the University of The CREW KwaZulu-Natal Univer- again well attended with a good mix Limpopo, have written about their sities project involving a Red List of CREW volunteers and students experience at the workshop (see lecture and field trip to a site with from the University of KwaZulu-Na- their contributions on page 40). threatened species continued its tal’s Westville campus, University success into its fourth year. Theo of Zululand and University of Lim- We held two identification courses Mostert, lecturer at the University popo. The BotSoc KwaZulu-Natal this year: the genus Kniphofia pre- of Zululand, recounts their practical inland branch had organised an en- sented by Syd Ramdhani, and iden- field experience on page 37. Uni- tertaining quiz on Saturday evening tifying plant families with a particu- versity of KwaZulu-Natal’s Pie- and we hope to establish this as a lar focus on Asteraceae presented termaritzburg campus students tradition for workshops in years to by Marinda Koekemoer. We were conducted their survey at Doreen come. For the first time, we had a introduced to the newly published Clark Nature Reserve. Data col- geologist, Prof Mike Watkeys, giv- Guide to plant families of southern lected for both field trips is useful ing us some insight on how to clas- Africa. The book is designed to to the KwaZulu-Natal provincial 5
conservation agency, Ezemvelo versity of Technology alumni are ence of managing a project, and in KZN Wildlife. We were delighted now working at SANBI— including particular one of this nature. Fur- when the Mangosuthu University our intern, Khumbu Zulu. thermore, Groen Sebenza itself is a of Technology’s Nature Conserva- pilot project. The initial phase of the We would like to congratulate the project was quite rough. I hadn’t re- tion department, located at Umlazi, CREW KwaZulu-Natal network for ceived some of the para-ecologists’ Durban, invited CREW to sit on the outstanding number of threat- their advisory board. This gives us contracts, they were panicking and ened plant records submitted over about to give up on the project, and the opportunity to ensure plant con- the past year. We would also like to I had to motivate them while per- servation is given priority. Further- thank the various plant specialists suading Groen Sebenza officials more, this partnership is important for their ongoing guidance and sup- to send the contracts. Eventually as a number of Mangosuthu Uni- port to the CREW Programme. the contracts arrived, and were subsequently signed and sealed, but I had no guidelines as to how to proceed. The only resources I had News from the Groen- were my laptop, 3G card and my brain. After giving it some thought, I CREW Eastern Cape devised a questionnaire for each village in order to find out what en- vironmental issues they were deal- node ing with, whether they were aware of the causes and consequences of the issues, and what they value Vathiswa Zikishe as a community. Responses to the first task led to a series of activities being planned for each village. The sa people live. They recognised responses revealed the unique- E stablishing the CREW Pro- gramme in the Eastern Cape, particularly the Albany region, that overexploitation of natural resources threatens not only biodi- ness of each village regarding how they interact with the natural has been in the pipeline since versity but also indigenous knowl- environment, their understanding 2012 but was hampered by a edge and ultimately South Africa’s of environmental issues and their lack of funds. Towards the end natural heritage. Their knowledge values. For example, Pirie Mission of 2012, the Development Bank and expertise make them valued is faced with poverty issues, which of Southern Africa presented partners for us at CREW. lead to crime and degraded natural a green jobs fund opportunity, resources as a result of hunting widely known as Groen Seben- To achieve the aims of the pro- and over-harvesting of medicinal za, to SANBI and this allowed ject, we chose the villages of Pirie plants to generate income for their the realisation of our dream of Mission and Ngqinisa within the households. Ngqinisa on the other piloting the CREW Programme Cacadu District Municipality and hand is very dependent on natural in the Eastern Cape. I call it employed six matriculants, four of resources to meet the needs of Groen-CREW, and it is indeed a whom are based in the villages and their livestock as well as their liveli- green CREW at this stage. two in Grahamstown. Pirie Mission hood. They experience problems is situated inland, a few kilometers such as bush encroachment, which The Groen-CREW Eastern Cape from King William’s Town and has is caused by overgrazing, and over- Node aims to collect biological a vast indigenous forest, which is exploitation of medicinal plants by data on all organisms (but focus- unfortunately being extensively people from other villages. The ing mostly on plants), to gather harvested for medicinal and other responses from these two villages indigenous knowledge, and to raise cultural uses. Ngqinisa lies be- may seem different but the bottom awareness about biodiversity con- tween Hamburg or Port Alfred and line is that both communities are servation through environmental East London and is a very special faced with environmental issues. education and community outreach area with a variety of ecosystems, One of the aims of the project is to programmes. To attain this, we ranging from forest to marine. It is raise awareness of these issues have collaborated with Rhodes Uni- also very rich in natural resources. and workshop some of them with versity’s Inkcubeko Nendalo (mean- Both villages have potential for bio- the communities to find solutions or ing ‘Culture and Nature’ in isiXho- cultural research. to improve the situation. sa), led by Tony Dold and his wife Michelle Cocks. Tony and Michelle June 2013 marked the beginning of The core aim of CREW in the East- have been conducting research for the project. There was no existing ern Cape is to collect and docu- more than 10 years, focusing on CREW Programme in this part of ment plant diversity. In July we had 6 the former Ciskei areas where Xho- the world and it was my first experi- our first workshop on how to collect
Tony explaining one of the plant identifi- cation processes; comparing a herbari- um specimen with fresh material. descriptions. Subsequently, Tony presented training in basic termi- nology and the use of keys to iden- tify specimens. We were amazed to find that within the period of two days, they were able to identify some of the specimens with con- siderable accuracy. The following comments were The CREW Groen Sebenza Eastern Cape team. Front row from left: Khululwa made by the para-ecologists after Gxekwa (Grahamstown-based Conservation Officer), Landiso Mila (para-ecologist based at Pirie Mission) and Siphosethu Moshanin (para-ecologist based at Ng- introducing them to the project and qinisa). Standing from left: Mzukisi Beja (para-ecologist at Ngqinisa), Someleze training them in collecting speci- Mgcuwa (para-ecologist based at Pirie Mission), Tony Dold (Selmar Schonland mens: Herbarium Curator and co-mentor of the Groen Sebenza project), Michelle Cocks (Senior Researcher based at Rhodes University’s Anthropology Department) and “There’s so much more to a flower Vathiswa Zikishe (CREW and Groen Sebenza Co-ordinator). than just its beauty; I now look at plants differently! I used to hunt animals, and harvest sea food and specimens. The para-ecologists areas where network coverage is medicinal plants with the idea that learned about the history of the very poor. From assessing their they belong to us, so we can har- herbarium, why it exists and what specimens, we realised that the vest as much of them as we like, it can be used for, and they were lack of basic botany terminology but that mindset has now changed. trained to do the same things as detracted from the quality of their I’m now aware about the impor- the early botanists and explorers that visited this area. These are crucial skills for accurately docu- menting and monitoring our flora, as specimens are useful for con- servation science and they have various other purposes in other related fields of study. Plant collec- tion is not as simple as it seems, particularly when you did not do natural science or biology at school and lack basic knowledge of the terminology used in botany. After the training, the para-ecologists went back to their villages and started collecting. Tony and I set off for the villages two weeks later and we were both amazed by the re- sults. Some of the para-ecologists had even gone to the lengths of researching the plant names on the internet, despite living in deep rural Mzukisi Beja and Landiso Mila busy with their drawing task. 7
tance of our natural resources, and about and that helps with my teach- that we need to protect them for the ing at schools”, said Mluleki Nkosi. future generations”, said Mzukisi Beja. The choice of working with ma- triculants was a good one but there “I’m fascinated by plant morphol- were challenges presented by ogy, especially the internal struc- literacy levels and understanding tures”, said Khululwa Gxekwa. the language of science, botany in “This opportunity has inspired me particular. However, the para-ecol- to dream again”, said Landiso Mila. ogists’ enthusiasm, courage and eagerness motivates and inspires “This is an interesting field of study me in so many ways. It is true that and I’m falling in love with it”, said you can have all the resources at Siphosethu Moshani. your disposal but if you don’t have “This project has changed my the right people to carry the vision mindset; I used to have a problem forward, the project is doomed. So with DAFF rangers arresting our far, we have managed to change people in the forest when collecting their mindsets and won their hearts medicinal plants. I now understand to conservation as caretakers of the reason why: it is to stop our in- the environment. The huge task digenous plants from going extinct”, ahead of us is to keep them moti- said Someleze Mgcuwa. vated, something you’ll hopefully “I now have a better understanding read about in the next issue of the of what Nature conservation is all CREW newsletter! Landiso Mila pressing his specimens. The Botanical Society Biodiversity Stewardship Project in KwaZulu-Natal Isabel Johnson Since the main purpose of steward- diversity of a number of steward- T his has been another busy year for the Biodiversity Stewardship Programme in Kwa- ship is to conserve biodiversity, we have initiated a long-term monitor- ship sites and to examine the rela- tion between veld condition and ing programme to ascertain the plant diversity. Many hours have Zulu-Natal, with approximately effects of grazing on the plant been spent on hands and knees in 22 000 hectares of private and communally owned land secured for conservation. Rewarding progress for the BotSoc-CEPF (Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund) funded project was the eventual signing of the procla- mation papers for Red Desert Nature Reserve in Pondoland by the MEC. This has been an extremely long and frustrating process but we are all delighted that it has finally happened. We have also secured Bosch Berg Nature Reserve near Boston, an extension to the existing Boston View Biodiversity Steward- ship Agreement area, and most other sites are progressing well, if 8 slowly. Surveying Boston View plots.
Regional suspects of the Invasive Species Programme: Help us Brachystelma sandersonii. find them! Asclepias praemorsa. survey is. The Pondoland CREW Reshnee Lalla, with contributions group helped me out with assess- from Bongani Mashele, Dan’sile ing the damage caused by illegal Cindi, Ernita van Wyk, Haylee various grasslands collecting ‘eco- bulldozing at the Fairview site on Kaplan, Kanyisa Jama & Peter scraps’ from 100 m2 plots as a prel- the south coast followed by a quick Shisani ude to yet more hours of mystery walk in the grassland where we solving in the herbarium. We have again found Brachystelma sander- also done several veld condition sonii (Vulnerable). The Mkham- assessments with the Department of Agriculture and we are becoming bathini CREW group and BotSoc members visited Virginia (part T he Invasive Species Pro- gramme: Early Detection and Rapid Response (ISP: EDRR) quite proficient at identifying grass of the Ingwehumbe Nature Re- based within SANBI and work- species when not in flower, as well serve) in late November with Geoff ing across all nine provinces, as doing soil classification. I have Nicholls to track down his previous targets invasive species with also been lucky to get to some sighting of the Critically Endan- limited known distributions and fascinating places while assisting gered Brachystelma natalensis, a aims to prevent further spread. with site assessments for the stew- KwaZulu-Natal sandstone sourveld The co-ordination of a national ardship programme at Babanango, endemic. Sadly the area hadn’t programme of this nature is a Phinda, Upper Pongola, Swartberg, been burnt for a while and we didn’t complex task and has to con- Ozabeni and Ncandu. find any but we now know exactly sider a multiplicity of issues, where to look when it is burnt. We including the different dynamics In addition, there have been some did find many Asclepias praemorsa rewarding CREW-Stewardship out- in the provinces, environment, (another sandstone sourveld en- ings, including our annual new year climate, strategies, priorities, demic) in flower. A visit to Lake visit to Happy Valley at Impendle stakeholders and leadership. Lyndhurst with the Midlands CREW (now a recognised surveyed flower group on a breathtakingly beautiful In order to work effectively at a lo- reserve as part of the Upper Um- day in spring revealed thousands of cal level, regional units of the ISP geni Stewardship area) where we Moraea graminicola subsp. grami- have been set up to allow for local- added several new records to the nicola (Near Threatened) in flower. ised operations, species prioritisa- growing list of over 200 species. It tion, and closer interaction and col- is amazing how every visit at the The good news is that we have laboration with local stakeholders, same time in January still yields secured CEPF funding for another while delivering on national goals surprises and it makes one realise year so I am looking forward to and targets. just how inadequate a once-off more exciting stewardship work! Over the years the CREW Pro- gramme has become one of our key partners. The ISP wishes to acknowledge the support and con- tributions of CREW staff and vol- unteers, especially their support in surveillance of ISP target species. The contribution of CREW ‘eyes and ears’ is invaluable to our detec- tion work. This article highlights one target species from each of the ISP re- gional units. We hope this will serve to harness and expand the exist- The weather can be challenging! ing partnership between ISP and 9
CREW and engender increased communication between stakehold- ers across the country. If you see any of the plant species described here, please contact the ISP. Contact details of regional units are provided at the end. KwaZulu-Natal: Rubus ellipticus (yellow Himalayan raspberry) Native to Asia, this robust shrub was recently detected for the first Red hairy bristles on the stems and branches of young plants of Rubus ellipticus. time in Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal. In contrast to its notorious cousin, the American bramble (Rubus cuneifolius), R. ellipticus can pro- Eastern Cape: duce arching branches and attain Carduus nutans heights of up to 7 m. Reproduction can occur via seed and root suck- (nodding thistle) ers. Leaves are dark green and trifoliolate, with roundish leaflets. Carduus nutans is a member of Stems and branches of young the Asteraceae, native to Eurasia. plants are covered in dense red It is a herb with sharp spines that hairy bristles, which could turn densely cover the stems and leaf brown with age. Flowers are white, margin, which gives the plant its and the raspberry-like fruit turns spiny texture. Growing at the top of yellow when mature. the stem are large pink or purple flower heads, which usually bend over and ‘nod’ at a 90-degree an- gle. In South Africa, the species is Nodding heads of Carduus nutans widespread in Grahamstown, Cra- (photograph: Lesley Henderson). dock, Kenton-on-Sea, Port Alfred, Paterson and Addo. It is a prolific seed producer—each flower can species and has the ability to re- produce up to 1 200 straw-coloured duce productivity of pasture and seeds (Smith & Kok 1984). Car- rangeland by chemically inhibiting duus nutans is an aggressive in- growth of other plant species (al- vader that out-competes native lelopathy). 10 Trifoliolate leaves of Rubus ellipticus. A stand of Carduus nutans (photograph: Lesley Henderson).
Western Cape: and released after fire. The species is therefore well suited to becoming Melaleuca hypericifolia established and spreading in coast- al zones where the area is naturally (hillock bush) fire-prone, and where the habitat is This attractive shrub is native to moist enough (Brophy et al. 2013). New South Wales, Australia. In Plants can grow up to 6 m high South Africa, it has invaded moist and the branches have a weeping areas of Table Mountain and can habit. The leaf arrangement is very be found cultivated in residential distinctive (opposite, 10–40 mm gardens in coastal towns of the long and 4–10 mm wide) and they Western Cape. It is adapted to smell like camphor when crushed. coastal conditions. Seeds are held The flowers are attractive red bot- in the canopy in woody capsules tlebrushes. Red flowers of Melaleuca hypericifolia. Weeping branches of Melaleuca hypericifolia. Northern Cape: on its stems. Plants usually grow in clumps up to 0.5 m tall. The stem Tephrocactus articulatus segments fall off easily and will usually root wherever they land. (pine cone cactus) This species also produces small winged seeds that spread easily in Small clusters of bristles on stems of This popular ornamental plant has the wind. Tephrocactus articulatus. a high invasive potential. Similar to other cactus weeds, this species invades by forming large, dense clumps that spread vegetatively and are often difficult to remove. Look out for a small greyish green cactus with segmented cylindrical stems that resemble pine cones (hence the common name). The plants are often spineless but can sometimes have long, white pa- pery spines (Walters et al. 2011). Pine cone cactus plants can easily be confused with native Hoodia species but the former has small clusters of dark bristles (glochids) A clump of Tephrocactus articulatus. 11
Mpumalanga: Cryptostegia grandiflora (rubber vine) Cryptostegia grandiflora is native to Madagascar and is known to occur in natural environments in Mpumalanga and Limpopo. This species invades savanna areas, riverbanks and dongas, smother- ing indigenous species, including large trees, and severely threatens riverine environments by displacing plants and animals. It is poisonous and the sap is an irritant to skin and eyes. It is a scrambling shrub 2–3 m tall or a climber 10 m or more. Branches are smooth with numerous small lenticels. Leaves are dark green, shiny, smooth, egg- or wedge-shaped to tapering at the base, 60–90 × 30–50 mm. Flowers are pale pink to purplish pink. Fruits are in the form of sacs, often more than 100 mm long, splitting in half Cryptostegia grandiflora in the field. to release seeds with tufts of hairs 30–40 mm long (Marohasy & For- ster 1991). Limpopo and stems to climb up trees to heights of 6–9 m (Oakley & Kiesling 2013). North-West Flowers are tubular, pale yellow to white, producing bright red scaly Province: fruits. Harrisia balansae (climbing harrisia) A small infestation of this cactus was discovered on a farm called Skruinsdrift about 10 km north of Groot Marico. The invader, which is of Argentinian origin, spread from an abandoned farmhouse and has covered an area of less than 20 ha on both sides of the Straatsdrif Road. It has the potential to devel- op into a serious invader, hence the decision to attempt eradication. An- other population has been detected near Modimolle, Limpopo Province where it is invading Mkleuw Farm Lodge and 26 Sussenvale Farm along the R101 Road. It is a succu- lent cactus with long 3- or 4-angled spiny or cylindrical unbranched stems. Spines are arranged in clusters, usually with one long spine (30 mm long) and several shorter spines (10–20 mm long). Its Pale pink to purplish pink flowers of clambering growth habit allows the 12 Cryptostegia grandiflora. Spiny stems of Harrisia balansae.
Tubular flowers of Harrisia balansae. Gauteng and Free green, erect, flattened with a raised midrib, to 1 m long, with about 10 State: per ramet (individual member of clone). Rhizomes are pink in colour. Iris pseudacorus Large showy flowers (with a typi- (yellow flag iris) cal iris structure) are yellow with brownish mottled markings on up- Native to North Africa, Europe and per surfaces and are produced in Green to blue-green, sword-shaped Asia, this species has become nat- spring or early summer. The fruit is leaves of Iris pseudacorus. uralised in Australia, South Ameri- a dry capsule 40–70 mm long, with ca, North America and South Africa numerous pale brown seeds. This and is invasive in many temperate plant may be confused with the in- parts of the world. In South Africa digenous albeit uncommon Moraea it is invading wetlands and is a pro- huttonii that grows in similar habi- posed category 1a species in NEM- tats. Collaboration with stakehold- BA. According to the South African Plant Invaders Atlas database, Iris ers such as the Moreletaspruit pseudacorus was previously re- Invader Task team, Tshwane Mu- corded from four localities in South nicipality, University of Pretoria and Africa. In Gauteng the first record local residents has resulted in new was in 2004 at the Vaal River populations being reported. Clear- between Vereeniging and Vander- ing attempts to assess feasibility bijlpark. In Limpopo Province it was of management were conducted recorded at Klein Kariba Pleasure on isolated populations in Serene Resort near Bela-Bela in a wetland Valley during November 2013, re- adjacent to the camping site and it sulting in the removal of seven I. has recently (2010 to 2013) been peudacorus plants. recorded in Equestria, Pretoria and Howick, KwaZulu-Natal. It is a her- The ISP is based within the South baceous perennial plant, 1.0–1.5 m African National Biodiversity Insti- (or a rare 2.0 m) tall. Leaves are tute and is funded by the Depart- sword-shaped, green to blue- ment of Environmental Affairs. Flower of Iris pseudacorus. 13
Contact Details for ISP Regional Units Regional unit Contact Person Email Tel KwaZulu-Natal Reshnee Lalla R.Lalla@sanbi.org.za 031 207 6480/2 Eastern Cape Kanyisa Jama K.Jama@sanbi.org.za 043 726 7450 Western Cape Ernita van Wyk Er.vanWyk@sanbi.org.za 021 799 8678 Northern Cape Travor Xivuri T.Xivuri@sanbi.org.za 021 799 8406 Mpumalanga Bongani Mashele B.Mashele@sanbi.org.za 013 752 6504 Limpopo and North-West Province Peter Shisani P.Shisani@sanbi.org.za 012 843 5013 Gauteng and Free State Dan’sile Cindi D.Cindi@sanbi.org.za 012 843 5152 References Brophy J.J., Craven, L.A. & Doran, J.C. 2013. Melaleucas: their botany, essential oils and uses. ACIAR Mono- graph No. 156. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra. Marohasy, J. & Forster, P.I. 1991. A taxonomic revision of Cryptostegia R.Br.(Asclepiadaceae: Periplocoideae). Australian Systematic Botany 4: 571–577. Oakley, L. & Kiesling, R. 2013. Harrisia balansae. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2 Walters, M., Figueiredo, E., Crouch, N.R., Winter, P.J.D., Smith, G.F., Zimmermann, H.G. & Mashope, B.K. 2011. Naturalised and invasive succulents of southern Africa. Abc Taxa 11: i–x. Smith L.M. & Kok, L.T. 1984. Dispersal of musk thistle (Carduus nutans) seeds. Weed Science 32: 120–125. News from the Limpopo CREW group Bronwyn Egan & Sylvie Köhne clivicola and the much more com- In March 2013 we were joined by T he CREW group in Limpopo is a new initiative and mem- mon E. schinzii so we await expert Domitilla Raimondo and Lize von Staden. This provided the incentive bers often feel overwhelmed by taxonomic input. A follow-up visit not knowing where to start. This confirmed the presence of this con- to access the Serala Peak in the decision was taken out of our fusing species on hills opposite the Wolkberg in order to gain experi- hands by the construction along quarry and an extensive search in ence working with the datasheets the R71 between Polokwane and the uninhabited area beyond these and to look out for specials in this Tzaneen. hills is envisaged. beautiful area. An important aspect of this outing was that students We were aware of the possible Chlorophytum radula is a Criti- from the University of Limpopo presence of Euphorbia clivicola, a cally Endangered species found in were able to join us and gain ex- nondescript but Critically Endan- grassland remnants such as fire- perience in CREW techniques, gered endemic succulent, along breaks on some of Komatiland For- as well as an appreciation for the the road verge in certain places ests’ land. Our two visits to these beauty and conservation value of but we had not surveyed in this the Wolkberg. area. In February 2013 we were areas revealed that the populations asked to identify some Euphor- are in good condition and that they Aster nubimontis (Endangered) and bia species, possibly E. clivicola, are not in immediate danger, as Inezia speciosa (Endangered) were near the widened road. This was long as pine seedlings are cleared the targets of our trip to the Stylkop a good place to start but it opened regularly, bush-encroachment is area of the Wolkberg in early No- a can of worms in that the plants kept under control, and the areas vember. This trip was a good learn- 14 seem to be somewhere between E. are monitored. ing opportunity for Alvin Mapatha
News from the Mpumalanga Plant Specialist Group Barbara Turpin A ‘club’ that exists in Mpuma- langa for anyone who has an interest in learning about the local flora, the Plant Specialist Group (PSG), runs two ‘lecture’ weekends a year along with a number of plant-spotting out- ings. The purpose of the expedi- tions is either to draw up spe- cies lists for particular farms, or to look for populations of Data Deficient and threatened plants as identified by Domitilla Raimondo and Lize von Staden. The Limpopo CREW group enjoying the field. This year, the outings had a very definite Barberton theme! and Seloba Chuene who had fun in the area. By the end of the meet- In February 2013 PSG visited a twisting their tongues around the ing and site visit, the tribal authority ridge above Vertroosting Nature scientific names of all the flowers had assured us that they would we came across. Both species work to prevent development in the were found with I. speciosa in par- area and would show us popula- ticularly pleasing numbers. tions of the plants that had not yet been mapped. We hope that during Then in mid-November, the 2014 we can collaborate with this Mothiba tribe, together with the community on further monitoring Department of Economic Affairs, and protecting these populations. Environment and Tourism (LEDET), the Polokwane Municipality and CREW Limpopo had an exciting a local botanist, invited CREW to end to our activities with a three- view the remaining populations of day walk on the Blouberg Mountain Euphorbia groenewaldii (Critically near Senwabarwana. Although Endangered) growing in a small the rest of the province had had area between Polokwane and Hae- some rain, Blouberg was still ex- nertsburg. Some objectives were tremely dry. We collected Rapanea to introduce the community to the melanophloeos (Declining) and importance of the plant, to view the Warburgia salutaris (Endangered), existing populations, and to discuss both specials on our list. Rare, possible unknown populations with endemic plants found included Ty- experts in the local community. It lophora coddii (Rare), Mystacidium was of overriding importance to braybonae (Near Threatened) and gain the support of the local leader- Berkheya radyeri (Rare). We plan Habenaria cf. mossii at Vertroosting ship (tribal authority) in protecting to repeat the trip in February 2014 Nature Reserve (photograph: J.E. Bur- the plants from illegal development after the rains have fallen. rows). 15
ing a colony growing among rocks, even though they had finished flow- ering. This species was previously only known from the Magnesite Mine area near Malelane. Some of the other exciting finds included the beautiful little Ledebouria cremno- phylla (hitherto known only from the Honeybird Creek area near Barber- ton), Ozoroa barbertonensis and Gymnosporia sp. nov. (a serpentine endemic with scabrid leaves). Our last outing of the year, at the beginning of December 2013, was to Heemstede, near Barberton. Among the interesting finds here was one of Sandie Burrows’ new Asparagus species that she is describing, namely A. barbertoni- cus—a Barberton endemic. The target species was the rare orchid Surveying Senegalia lotteri with its namesake at Mundts concession, Barberton (photograph: Lize von Staden). Nervilia kotschyi var. purpurata. A few populations were discovered near a stream in wet soil, but, un- fortunately, they were not flower- Reserve near Sabie and enumer- We made use of the wonderfully ated 153 species. One of the spe- shaded bush camp next to a bur- ing. While hunting for the orchid, cials that we found was a colony of bling stream at the bottom of the we came across the Vulnerable the slow-growing Aloe alooides, a valley. Among the notable finds Brachystelma longifolium and Oxa- dolomite endemic. Its habitat is not were Senecio triodontiphyllus (Vul- lis davyana. There were quite a few threatened since the plant favours nerable) and a new geoxylic suf- different Hypoxis species growing outcrops and cliff faces, which are frutex species of Ochna that will be in the grassland and with Dr Yashi- unsuitable for pine plantations. We described at Kew. ca Singh’s help, we hope to identify also found a Habenaria that may be them soon. an undescribed species. October 2013 saw us exploring the serpentines around Barberton We are looking forward to this In April 2013, Barberton Moun- looking for, in particular, Macledium year’s PSG/CREW outings search- tainlands invited PSG to help with zeyheri subsp. thyrsiflorum (Threat- ing for rare and endangered plants the floral aspect of their ‘bioblitz’. ened). We cheered heartily on find- in Mpumalanga. Zululand CREW reports on the field trip to Ozabeni Francois du Randt special attention, that is, the Ma- T he Ozabeni Wilderness Area in Zululand is a host to rare vegetation in its woody grass- the area. The group constituted Dr Theo Mostert (University of Zululand), Francois and Ron- putaland wooded grassland or palmveld, and the sand forest in land, swamp forest and sand elle du Randt (Dendrological its totality. The Ozabeni wooded forest. On 20 October 2013, Society), and Suvarna Parbhoo, grassland falls in the Maputaland members of CREW and the Zulu- Joycelyn Sutherland and Jill Palmveld ecological habitat. It is land branch of the Dendrological Sheldon (KwaZulu-Natal CREW not really a wooded grassland, but Node). Society visited the area with the it is in fact an underground for- aim of exploring, identifying and There are two main ecological est, because so many plants have 16 monitoring trees and plants in habitats in Maputaland that need underground rootstocks and are
classified as geoxylic suffrutices. Examples include Parinari capen- sis var. incohata, Salacia kraussii and Elephantorrhiza elephantina. Having an underground rootstock provides protection from veld fires. These geoxylic suffrutex plants are of considerable conservation importance. From a distance, the real wooded grassland can be distinguished easily from ordinary grassland as it is darker green. The lighter green coloured grasses are found in wetter, probably season- ally waterlogged regions. We drove up to the Mbazwane Drainage Line and saw numerous flowers but unfortunately, we did not have any time to access the swamp forest. The original intention was to cover both the Maputaland Palmveld and grassland, as well the Mbazwane Drainage Line swamp forest but this was not possible because of time constraints and poor weather Theo Mostert at Ozabeni. conditions. Some roads and man- agement tracks were explored be- tween Sodwana Bay access gate tance of the wooded grassland do more exploration on both sides and the northern part of the Mba- because of its rare and interesting of the Mbazwane Drainage Line. zwane Drainage Line. The group geoxylic suffrutex plants. The Den- drological Society and CREW will We suggest educating the general stayed east of the drainage line and could not find easy access towards compile a complete database of public about this fascinating, wood- the western side. The group quickly recorded species. It is very impor- ed grassland and the importance of realised the conservation impor- tant to follow up on this trip, and to conserving it for future generations. News from the Midlands CREW group Nikki Brighton visiting the Edgeware grassland in most of us. Amongst the dolerite M idlands CREW has many en- thusiastic amateurs with a sprinkling of experts, but every- Boston to search for a specimen of an interesting Morea photographed rocks in Impendle Nature Reserve we found Boweia volubilis (Vulner- one keeps learning all the time. last season but so far unidentified. able) and (we think) Senecio drege- Excursions range from explor- We were unable to locate it and anus (Vulnerable), both of which ing old favourites (plants and also missed out on the Schizoglos- caused some excitement. places), to compiling impressive sum bidens subsp. hirtum (Data plant lists with a regular visit to Deficient—Insufficient Information) We are fortunate that there are Happy Valley in January for the that we were looking for, but we many regular walks in natural past 10 years that has produced saw Cycnium racemosum for the places in the Midlands. We are able a list of 222 plants with 32 new first time on this site, as well as to join these for informal botanis- plants recorded this year, to many Asclepiads and dainty Pelar- ing without much effort in different finding new treasures in unex- seasons. We frustrate the hikers gonium alchemilloides. pected places, and assisting on though as we huddle around a tiny, sites for the Biodiversity Stew- On an excursion to the Highland pale splotch in the grass while they ardship Programme. Sourveld grassland of Lake Lynd- want to head up the hill! On one Eight field trips were planned for hurst, we discovered Vernonia of these walks, a small colony of the 2013/2014 season, including re- thodei near the wetland, a first for Asclepias woodii (Vulnerable) was 17
News spotted on Beacon Hill—a special the plants in our grasslands so patch of mistbelt grassland right in share our experiences widely and suburban Howick. Often our birding encourage young people to get friends join us too, which means involved. Enjoy all the pictures and everyone learns a lot about our plant and animal biodiversity. read about Midlands CREW activi- from the ties and Midlands wildflowers here: We believe that it is important to inspire others to get excited about www.midlandsconservanciesforum. wordpress.com Underberg CREW group Sharron Berutti M any of the Red Listed plants occurring in the area cov- ered by the small Underberg CREW team are found in the Wil- derness Area of Maloti Drakens- berg Transfrontier Park. Unlike many other areas, it is likely that many of these species are sim- ply under-recorded rather than threatened by habitat changes. However, as access is by foot for Looking up the plant at Impendle Nature Reserve. the vast majority of the park, it is challenging to locate such spe- cies, particularly those occur- ring at higher altitudes. The year has been very successful and records are fully documented with specimens collected. As we build expertise and knowl- edge of species, we hope we can find sufficient new populations to bring about the down-listing of sev- eral Red Listed species. New sites were found for the follow- ing five orchids in the Maloti Dra- kensberg Park: • Satyrium microrrhyncum (Rare—found at three localities varying in altitude by 600 m). • Schizochilus bulbinella (Rare— two populations, one numbering about 6 000 plants) • Disa sankeyi (Rare—one site) • Disa sanguinae (Rare—one site) A record of Disa oreophila subsp. erecta (Rare) awaits confirmation. At the top of Edgeware—Peter Warren, Christina Potgieter sporting her BotSoc- Asclepias oreophila (Rare) was 18 CREW collecting bag, and Barbara Clulow observing a plant behind her. found at two sites. The one known
Making ourselves at home in Gxalingenwa Cave. Aster confertifolius (Rare). site for Disa tysonii (Rare) was their description. Senecio kalingen- CREW outing to the Garden Castle monitored and a new site recorded. wae was reported from just one Section of the Maloti Drakensberg The population of Macowania site. We found both species—A. Park. hamata (Rare) on or near the road- confertifolius at six sites (number- side in Sani Pass has survived ing thousands) and S. kalingenwae Without the support of Ezemvelo road-widening operations. Popu- in three small pockets of highly KZN Wildlife, most of this work lations of one Sample Red List specialised micro-habitat in close would not be possible. In particu- Index species listed for monitoring, proximity and numbering just over lar, we thank Sonja Krueger for Anemone fannini (Near Threat- 100 individuals in total. Aspidonep- her support of the programme and ened), were mapped and counted. sis cognata (Rare—40 plants) was Charl Brummer for organising logis- A new population of Protea subves- also located on this trip and this tical support for the Gxalingenwa tita (Vulnerable) was located. species was located on another expedition. On farmlands outside of the Maloti Drakensberg Park, two populations of Disa scullyi (Endangered) were found and a large new population of Nerine pancratioides (Vulner- able) numbering perhaps 3 000 plants was located. News from the A highlight of the year was a four-day three-night expedition Mkhambathini CREW to Gxalingenwa Valley (Cobham Ezemvelo Wildlife Reserve) just south of Sani Pass, overnighting at group Gxalingenwa Cave. The team hiked 12.5 km to the cave and Ezemvelo Alison Young KZN Wildlife kindly provided pack- horses and staff to transport our gear. This was one of the locations uring the previous field sea- to a field with a different aspect, visited by Olive Hilliard and Brian D son, we went on 14 outings we came across a population of Cyrtanthus obliquus (Declining) (Bill) Burtt, legendary botanists who to nine localities, many of these collected in the southern Dra- being follow-up visits for flower- probably saved from the resident kensberg and named many spe- ing material to confirm identifi- cattle herd by the fence to stop cies. Their detailed collecting work cations. them getting into the sugarcane. It at 30 sites remains the definitive is quite special to see this plant in botanical analysis of this region to In September 2012 we went to the KwaZulu-Natal. this day. In the 1980s, they named Masonite Estate in Eston where we two species, Aster confertifolius confirmed a sighting of Hermannia In October there was a visit to a (Rare) and Senecio kalingenwae sandersonii (Vulnerable), which farm in Baynesfield next to the (Critically Rare), known only from is quite a way south of its previ- Estate that we visited two years this valley and unrecorded after ously collected range. Moving on before. Plants that should be in the 19
arifolia (Near Threatened) in the rocky sandstone outcrops on the edge of the Gwahumbe Valley. We also found another site record for Desmodium gangeticum (Least Concern) far south of its normal range. In August 2013 we went for a drive between the N3 and the Umgeni River to the area around Nagle Dam. It had been the site of nu- merous very old collections but the area is now quite populous and overgrazed by goats and cat- tle. The uninhabited areas contain dense Acacia and Lantana thickets. In November 2013 we teamed up with the inland branch of the Botanical Society to look for Brachystelma natalense (Critically Endangered), which had been seen Beautiful yellow-flowered Hermannia sandersonii. about 20 years previously. It was an unsuccessful outing from that point of view but we found a new area are Gerbera aurantiaca and are very vague about exact locali- locality for Argyrolobium longifo- Anemone fanninii (Near Threat- ties. In November, we went to a site lium (Vulnerable) which made the ened), neither of which we saw but 5 km east of Pietermaritzburg in trip worthwhile. The grasslands are the grasslands were in excellent the Upper Mpushini Conservancy well cared for in these parts and condition. in Ashburton. Unfortunately, histori- those patches that were not burned cally, this area has been under cat- The Pietermaritzburg Indus- this time will be burned next year, tle ranching until at least 50 years trial Area is being built on the only so we will return. ago and there is not too much bio- known locality for Brachystelma franksiae subsp. franksiae (Vulner- diversity left in the remnants of the There were several trips in De- grasslands we saw. cember after quite a bit of late rain. able). The land around these popu- lations is also coming under heavy One was to a site in Cato Ridge The highest point between Pie- pressure for housing developments where we found a single plant of termaritzburg and Durban is a hill and peri-urban activities. Euphor- the Vulnerable Dierama pallidum. called Ingomankulu, which has bia franksiae (Vulnerable) also oc- We squeezed in a visit to a lo- been surrounded by farmers who curs here in large numbers. Both cal conservancy at World’s View farm sugarcane and vegetables species had been reported in the where there was Merwilla plumbea rather than cattle. The plant life Camperdown area but old records (Near Threatened), Drimia robusta shows unique similarity to the (Data Deficient—Taxonomically Natal Group Sandstone remnants Problematic) and Boophone disti- that are more common closer to Durban. In December, we stum- cha (Declining). Boophone disticha bled upon new records of Senecio is one of the species we have to exuberans (Endangered), Schizo- monitor and we generally find it at glossum peglerae (Endangered) most sites but in very low numbers. and Zaluzianskya pilosa (Data Defi- However, the population at World’s cient—Taxonomically Problematic). View north of Pietermaritzburg has The population of Eriosema popu- the oldest and biggest plant bulbs lifolium subsp. populifolium (En- by far compared to the others we dangered) found here was different have seen, possibly because of the from the clone at Priscillavale found site’s inaccessibility to collectors. the year before—the leaves were On a return visit to a population of grey and all were unifoliolate and Kniphofia in the Umkomaas Val- the open flowers were a paler or- ley, which was flowering at a com- ange than Eriosema distinctum. pletely different time of the year, we confirmed that it was not Kniphofia January 2013 saw us trekking out albescens as we originally thought, 20 Woodia verrucosa. to find yellow flowering Aloe line- but a new locality for Kniphofia
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