VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS AT PLATE BOUNDARIES - Career Paths for African-American Students - Eos.org

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VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS AT PLATE BOUNDARIES - Career Paths for African-American Students - Eos.org
VOL. 97 • NO. 13 • 1 JUL 2016
                                Career Paths
                                for African-American Students

                                Did Solar Flares
                                Cook Up Life?

                                High Energy Growth
                                Forecast Through 2040

                                      AT PLATE
VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS AT PLATE BOUNDARIES - Career Paths for African-American Students - Eos.org
Give Your Research the Visibility it Deserves
     Abstract Submission Deadline: 3 August

        Submit by 27 July and Win Big
     Submit your abstract by 27 July for the chance to win
    Fall Meeting VIP status, including front row seats for two
                at all keynote lectures, and more

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Earth & Space Science News                                                          Contents

1 JULY 2016
                                                                     PROJECT UPDATE

                                                                   Creating Career Paths
                                                                   for African-American Students
                                                                   in Geosciences
                                                                   A new initiative at Stony Brook University
                                                                   teaches marketable skills, engages
                                                                   students in research projects, and
                                                                   fosters professional career tracks of
                                                                   underrepresented minorities.


                                                                   Advisory Panel Calls for Large
                                                                   Increase for Ocean Exploration
                                                                   The recently established Ocean Exploration
                                                                   Advisory Board also urged the National
                                                                   Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
                                                              12   to increase its role in federal coordination
                                                                   of exploration.

                                                                     RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT

Understanding Volcanic Eruptions
Where Plates Meet                                                  31   Researchers Attribute
                                                                        Human Influence
                                                                   on Climate Back to 1930s
A new project clarifies the relationships between tectonics and    A new study finds that humans likely have
volcanic systems and how they influence hazards on Italy’s Mount   triggered the past 16 record-breaking hot
Etna and Vulcano and Lipari islands.                               years on Earth, up to 2014.

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                                                                                           Editor in Chief
                                                                                           Barbara T. Richman: AGU, Washington, D. C., USA; eos_ brichman@agu.org
                                                                                           Christina M. S. Cohen         Wendy S. Gordon                Carol A. Stein
                                                                                           California Institute          Ecologia Consulting,           Department of Earth and
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                                                                                           cohen@srl​.caltech.edu        .com                           Chicago, Chicago, Ill.,
                                                                                                                                                        USA; cstein@uic.edu
                                                                                           José D. Fuentes               David Halpern
                                                                                           Department of Meteorology,    Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
                                                                                           Pennsylvania State            Pasadena, Calif., USA;
                                                                                           University, University        davidhalpern29@gmail​
                                                                                           Park, Pa., USA;               .com
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                                                                                           and Aeronomy                                  Michael A. Mischna, Planetary Sciences
                                                                                           Steve Frolking, Biogeosciences                Thomas H. Painter, Cryosphere Sciences
                                                                                           Edward J. Garnero, Study of the               Philip J. Rasch, Global Environmental
                                                                          30               Earth’s Deep Interior
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                                                                                           Brian C. Gunter, Geodesy                      Adrian Tuck, Nonlinear Geophysics
                                                                                           Kristine C. Harper, History                   Sergio Vinciguerra, Mineral
                                            18–28 AGU News                                 of Geophysics                                 and Rock Physics
                                                                                           Susan E. Hough, Natural Hazards               Andrew C. Wilcox, Earth and Planetary
                                            How on Earth to Decide Where on                Emily R. Johnson, Volcanology,                Surface Processes
                                            Mars to Land?; Recognizing 2015                Geochemistry, and Petrology                   Earle Williams, Atmospheric
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                                            Reviewers for AGU.                             Robert E. Kopp, Geomagnetism                  Mary Lou Zoback, Societal Impacts
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                                            30–32 Research Spotlight                       Staff
                                            Streamlining Rapid Tsunami                     Production and Design: Faith A. Ishii, Production Manager; Melissa A. Tribur, Senior
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                                            Back to 1930s; The Role of Water               Editorial: Peter L. Weiss, Manager/Senior News Editor; Mohi Kumar, Scientific
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                                            Precipitation Trends.
3–6 News                                                                                   ©2016. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Material in this issue may be
                                                                                           photocopied by individual scientists for research or classroom use. Permission is also
High Energy Growth, Fossil Fuel             33–35 Positions Available                      granted to use short quotes, figures, and tables for publication in scientific books and
Dependence Forecast Through                 Current job openings in the Earth              journals. For permission for any other uses, contact the AGU Publications Office.

2040; Did Solar Flares Cook Up Life         and space sciences.                            Eos (ISSN 0096-3941) is published semi-monthly, on the 1st and 15th of the month by
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Turbulence for Aircraft, New Study          36 Postcards from the Field                    Florida Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20009, USA.
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Extending Recent Seismic Imaging            On the Cover                                   Christine W. McEntee, Executive Director/CEO
Successes to South America;                 Lava flows from Italy’s Mount Etna
Norway and Cuba Evaluate Bilateral          on the island of Sicily.Credit: Getty
Climate Research Results.                   Images/DEA/F. Barbagallo

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High Energy Growth, Fossil Fuel
Dependence Forecast Through 2040

       he world’s energy consumption will              The EIA report includes some details from               through 2040 coming from China, India, Indo-
       increase by 48% between 2012 and 2040,        the Paris agreement but notes uncertainty                 nesia, and other developing countries in Asia.
       with fossil fuels accounting for more         about whether countries will meet their cli-                 EIA’s Sieminski said at the briefing that
than 75% of world energy use in 2040, accord-        mate targets. EIA head Adam Sieminski said at             some global issues increase the uncertainty of
ing to the U.S. Energy Information Adminis-          the briefing that incorporating country cli-              the forecast, including economic growth rates
tration (EIA). Fossil fuels supplied 83% of          mate pledges into the forecast “is compli-                in China and elsewhere, technological innova-
global energy demand in 2015.                        cated” but that the next IEO in 2017 “will                tions, the future of nuclear generating capac-
   ­Energy-​­related carbon dioxide (CO2) emis-      probably have more to say” about those com-               ity, the implementation and strength of cli-
sions will increase 34% during that time span,       mitments.                                                 mate policies, and unrest in ­oil-​­producing
with annual emissions rising from 32 billion                                                                   countries.
metric tons in 2012 to 43 billion metric tons in     Renewables on a Fast Track
2040, the agency projects. Coal will continue        According to the EIA, renewable energy will be
to generate the most ­energy-​­related CO2           the fastest growing energy source, climbing by           By Randy Showstack, Staff Writer
emissions worldwide, although its share will         2.6% per year, and
decline from 43% in 2012 to 38% in 2040,             nuclear energy will
according to International Energy Outlook 2016       increase from 4% to
(IEO), an EIA report released in May at a brief-     6% of the energy pie.
ing in Washington, D. C. (see http://​bit​.­ly/​     Coal, which the
­EIAreport​-2016).                                   report deemed “the

                                                                                                                                                                           U.S. Energy Information Administration
                                                     world’s ­slowest
Meeting Climate Targets                              growing energy
The numbers in the 11 May report “indicated          source,” will rise by
the challenge for the world to reduce global         about 0.6% per year.
CO2 emissions substantially by 2040 and              In 2040, coal, natural
beyond,” Jan Mares, senior policy adviser            gas, and renewables
with Resources for the Future, told Eos. The         each will contribute
organization is a Washington, D. C.–based            just under 30% of the
think tank that focuses on natural resources         world’s net electricity  Fossil fuels continue to play a key role in meeting energy demands through 2040,
and environment issues. Other energy and             generation, the          according to EIA’s energy outlook. Btu = British thermal unit (~1055 joules).
climate analysts said the new projections            report states.
indicate that the means of energy production            Cleetus told Eos
need to shift soon if the world is to achieve        that the EIA forecast
climate targets.                                     likely underestimates
   “The low hanging fruit, which is substitut-       contributions from
ing [natural] gas for coal, seems to be on track     renewables and
and looks pretty robust,” David Goldwyn,             energy efficiency and
president of Goldwyn Global Strategies, an           does not address the
international energy advisory consultancy,           implications of rising
told Eos. “But it’s also clear that we need a big    methane emissions
technological step change to get to 2 degrees        associated with natu-
[Celsius] or even frankly to stabilize emissions     ral gas use. The fore-
at the level we have right now. We’re not there      cast “illustrates the
                                                                                                                                                                           U.S. Energy Information Administration

yet, and the growth in renewables, which is          pitfalls of an over­
mostly hydro, is not going to get us there.”         reliance on natural
   “A ­business-​­as-​­usual scenario, with no new   gas as we shift away
policies beyond those that exist right now,          from coal,” she also
would be disastrous from a climate perspec-          said.
tive,” Rachel Cleetus, lead economist and cli-
mate policy manager for the Union of Con-            Asian Energy
cerned Scientists, told Eos. “The good news is       Consumption
we are not in a ­business-​­as-​­usual world,” she   Continues Rapid
said, citing the recent Paris climate agreement      Growth                      The energy outlook forecasts that energy-related carbon dioxide emissions will increase
(see http://​bit​.ly/​­COP21​-signed) and commit-    The outlook forecasts       34% between 2012 and 2040. This chart shows historical and projected world energy-­
ments by major emitters to cut carbon and            more than half of the       related carbon dioxide emissions by fuel type, from 1990 through 2040, in billions of
increase renewables and efficiency.                  energy growth               metric tons.

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Did Solar Flares Cook Up                                                                                                  an atmospheric model using scientists’ best
                                                                                                                          estimates of concentrations of different gases

Life on Earth?                                                                                                            in the atmosphere 4 billion years ago; at that
                                                                                                                          time, molecular nitrogen (N2) was a main
                                                                                                                          component of the atmosphere, along with
                                                                                                                          carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, and water
                                                                                                                          vapor. They then subjected their model atmo-

        pace weather today threatens our satel-               they released huge bursts of radiation and                  sphere to simulated super solar flares that
        lites, our space station, and our tele-               magnetic energy, Airapetian said. These                     they suspect the young Sun produced—some-
        communications, but 4 billion years                   bursts, called super flares, can be quite fre-              times multiple times per day—and studied
 ago, large solar flares and their associated                 quent—observers see some of these stars                     what happened to the model atmosphere.
 energetic particles could have provided the                  belching out 10 of these super flares in a day.                 The researchers found that energetic parti-
 planet its first ingredients for life.                          Using these observations, Airapetian and                 cles associated with super solar flares com-
    Researchers at NASA have found that when                  his team extrapolated that when our Sun was                 pressed Earth’s magnetic field and created
 the Sun was about half a billion                                                                                                       huge gaps at the poles, which
 years old, large solar flares—                                                                                                         allowed highly energetic solar
 larger than any recorded by                                                                                                            protons to pierce the atmosphere.
 humans—could have changed the                                                                                                          Those protons knocked electrons
 very chemistry of Earth’s atmo-                                                                                                        around like bowling pins, which
 sphere. What’s more, bombard-                                                                                                          knocked into more electrons in an
 ment of the planet by ­high-​                                                                                                          “avalanche of electrons,” Airape-
­energy particles from those jets of                                                                                                    tian said. This “avalanche” ion-
 superhot solar plasma might have                                                                                                       ized atoms and tore apart existing
 prompted organic molecules con-                                                                                                        carbon dioxide, methane, and
 sidered precursors to life to form                                                                                                     water vapor molecules, as well as
 from simpler inorganic molecules                                                                                                       molecular nitrogen—an
 then abundant on primordial                                                                                                            extremely unreactive and strongly
 Earth.                                                                                                                                 bonded molecule, Airapetian said.
    One of the types of molecules                                                                                                       The resulting highly reactive sub-
 that could have newly formed                                                                                                           stances acted as building blocks
 back then is a potent greenhouse                                                                                                       for new substances.
 gas. Thus the findings may illu-                                                                                                          “Once you have those building
 minate a ­long-​­standing mystery                                                                                                      blocks, you have a fertile environ-
 about how Earth could have been                                                                                                        ment to start reactive chemistry,”
 so warm and hospitable to life at a                                                                                                    Airapetian said.
 time when, despite the solar                                                                                                              One molecule that may have

 flares, the Sun was significantly                                                                                                      formed in Earth’s infant atmo-
 less bright than it is today.                                                                                                          sphere was hydrogen cyanide
    “To make organic stuff out of                                                                                                       (HCN)—a molecule considered
 inorganic stuff, you need a lot of                                                                                                     vital to life’s origins (see http://​
 energy,” said Vladimir Airapetian,                                                                                                     bit​.ly/​­origins​-­solution). The
 an astrophysicist at NASA’s God-            Solar flares, the largest explosions in our solar system, took place much more frequently  newly formed HCN in a turbulent
 dard Space Flight Center in                 4 billion years ago than today, bombarding Earth with energetic protons and radiation.     atmosphere would have dissolved
 Greenbelt, Md. Airapetian, the                                                                                                         into clouds and rained out, Aira-
 lead author on a paper about the                                                                                                       petian said, likely interacting with
 research published recently in Nature Geosci-                about half a billion years old, it likely bom-              water to form other molecules necessary for
 ence, explained that perhaps that energy came                barded Earth with a constant stream of super                life, like formaldehyde, amino acids, and com-
 from solar flares (see http://​bit​.ly/​­super​-flares​      solar flares—up to 5 times larger than the                  plex sugars.
-life).                                                       infamous Carrington event in 1859 (see http://​                 This barrage of solar flares could have been
    The new findings may also affect how                      bit​.ly/​­Carrington​-­Superstorm). That magnetic           like a worldwide version of the ­Miller-​­Urey
researchers assess the prospects for life on                  storm, the largest ever recorded by humans,                 experiments, Airapetian said, when scientists
worlds orbiting other stars by putting a new                  knocked out telegraph operations around the                 sparked artificial “atmospheres,” full of gases
emphasis on young, active stars.                              world and sent the aurora borealis streaming                like carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, and
                                                              as far south as Miami, Fla. A similar event                 water vapor, with electrical charges and found
Solar Flares from Young Suns                                  today would cause trillions of dollars in dam-              that this gave rise to amino acids, one of the
For almost 10 years, NASA’s Kepler telescope                  age to telecommunications, Airapetian said,                 building blocks of life (see http://​bit​.ly/​M​
has been closely observing stars across the                   and throw cities around the world into cata-                -­Uexperiment​-­video).
galaxy and the exoplanets that orbit them.                    strophic power outages.
Previous observations by the telescope have                                                                               Faint Young Sun
revealed that stars similar to our Sun and                    All About Energy                                            Another molecule that may have formed in
younger than a billion years old temporarily                  To find out how these super flares may have                 this energized atmosphere was nitrous oxide
brightened from time to time, indicating that                 affected infant Earth, the researchers created              (N2O). You’ve probably heard this gas called

4 // Eos                                                                                                                                                         1 July 2016
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 laughing gas for its ability to calm even the
 most anxious dental patients.                       Storms Cause Infrequent Turbulence
    However, “laughing gas is not a laughing
 matter for early Earth,” Airapetian said. This      for Aircraft, New Study Finds
 nitrous oxide was important for young Earth,
 he said.
    Although the Sun persistently showered
 Earth in solar flares 4 billion years ago, it was
 30% dimmer than it is now. Earth should have
 been a ball of ice, Airapetian said, but evidence
 shows there was liquid water (life cannot form
 without it). So how did Earth heat up enough
 to sustain this water? Scientists call this the

 faint young Sun paradox (see http://​bit​.ly/​
    Today carbon dioxide drives warming of
 Earth’s atmosphere in a big way, but 4 billion
 years ago, if there had been enough CO2 in the
atmosphere to heat the planet, Earth’s oceans
would have been too acidic for life to evolve,       Turbulence affecting air travel results from storms only about a sixth as often as other studies have estimated, new
Airapetian said. Nitrous oxide, however,             data suggest.
warms the atmosphere 300 times more effec-
tively than CO2. Even though N2O was—and

remains today—a small portion of the atmo-                  ast studies have found that convective                 sensors can triangulate the location of light-
sphere, perhaps it played the major role in                 storms, like thunderstorms, cause a                    ning strikes. The areas with the most light-
heating the planet, Airapetian and his col-                 large portion of turbulence that plagues               ning strikes represented the centers of con-
leagues propose in their 23 May paper.               commercial airliners. Using those findings, a                 vective storms, the researchers said.
    The new study “is a viable additional piece      research team in the United Kingdom recently                  Comparing these data with more commonly
in the long-scattered puzzle of how adequate         set out to create an automated system for tur-                used indicators of turbulence sources, includ-
supplies of biologically available nitrogen and      bulence detection that relies on lightning sen-               ing satellite imagery of clouds and velocity
a warm atmosphere were maintained during             sors to alert airlines of dangerous winds.                    data from aboard airplanes, allowed the
Earth’s earliest history,” said Timothy Lyons,          Now, following the first tests of this new                 researchers to study the effects of turbulence
a biogeochemist at the University of Califor-        system, the researchers from the Met Office in                from those storms on airplanes flying near
nia, Riverside, who was not involved in the          Exeter have found that airplanes flying near                  them.
research. “This is an exciting idea that could       convective storms experience much less tur-                      Sharman said he holds some doubts about
kill two birds with one stone.”                      bulence than they expected: Just 14% of turbu-                the accuracy of lightning as a storm detection
                                                     lence events were associated with convective                  method, saying that lightning may not always
Implications for Extraterrestrial Life               storms.                                                       be concentrated in the center of a storm.
Beyond offering new insight into how early              This finding sharply contrasts with results                Moreover, he said, it’s not clear “just because
Earth might have become a crucible for life,         of some previous studies that estimated that                  there’s lightning that there’s turbulence.”
the new work has broader implications, Aira-         between 82% and 86% of turbulence encoun-                        The new study’s disagreement with pre-
petian said. “Our model expands the tradi-           ters were associated with convective storms.                  vailing wisdom “may also indicate that con-
tional definition of habitable zones of habit-       The authors of the new study (see http://​bit​.ly/​           vection is relatively less important as a source
able exoplanets,” he noted. Now scientists can       JAMC​-­turbulence) suggest that other sources                 of turbulence over Europe and the northeast-
also consider exoplanets that may be orbiting        of turbulence, such as winds forced up over                   ern Atlantic than over other regions (such as
young, energetic, Sun-like stars, where suffi-       mountain ranges, should receive a greater                     North America and the tropics),” the team
cient energy could become available to make          share of researchers’ attention in the future.                noted in the paper’s conclusions. Many prior
organic molecules out of inorganic molecules.        The Met Office team published its results in                  turbulence studies took place over North
   In the habitable zone around a star, liquid       the May issue of the Journal of Applied Meteo-                America.
water can persist on a planet’s surface, but a       rology and Climatology.                                          However, Sharman said that it’s unlikely
new type of habitable zone could be termed              Some turbulence researchers found the                      that significantly less turbulence occurs over
the “biogenic zone,” Airapetian said. There          numbers surprising. The frequency of turbu-                   Europe compared with North America.
not only does water stay liquid, “but also the       lence from convective storms “seems a little                     The Met Office team ran its tests for two
planetary atmosphere receives enough energy          low, at least compared to over the continental                ­6-month periods (May through October) in
to make biomolecules of life, setting a path-        U.S.,” said Robert Sharman, an atmospheric                     2013 and 2014. The researchers noted that a
way to [forming] RNA and DNA.”                       scientist with the National Center for Atmo-                   future study “over a significantly longer time
   He and his colleagues are also currently          spheric Research in Boulder, Colo., who was                    period” would help test the validity of the
studying how super solar flares could have           not involved with the new study.                               patterns they found.
affected Mars.                                          The Met Office researchers used an uncon-
                                                     ventional tool to pinpoint turbulent loca-
                                                     tions: a network of lightning sensors scat-                   By Elizabeth Deatrick, Writer Intern; email:
By JoAnna Wendel, Staff Writer                       tered across Europe and North Africa. These                   ­edeatrick@agu.org

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                                                Advisory Panel Calls for Large                                                                                               coordinating ocean exploration among federal
                                                                                                                                                                             agencies. The board’s letter calls upon NOAA

                                                Increase for Ocean Exploration                                                                                               also to work more vigorously to draw in federal
                                                                                                                                                                             and private funding for ocean exploration and
                                                                                                                                                                             to provide some specific ocean observations
                                                                                                                                                                             that are needed in certain regions, including
                                                                                                                                                                             the Arctic, among other measures. NOAA,
                                                                                                                                                                             through its Office of Ocean Exploration and
                                                                                                                                                                             Research (OER), coordinates the only federal
                                                                                                                                                                             program to systematically explore the oceans.

                                                                                                                                                                             Board Chair Sets a Higher Funding Goal
                                                                                                                                                                             “America’s future depends on understanding
                                                                                                                                                                             the oceans,” the OEAB mentioned in a state-
                                                                                                                                                                             ment that the group approved at its recent
                                                                                                                                                                             meeting about why more exploration is
                                                                                                                                                                             needed. “We explore the oceans because their
NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research

                                                                                                                                                                             health and resilience are vital to our economy
                                                                                                                                                                             and to our lives: climate, food, shipping,
                                                                                                                                                                             national security, medicine, and natural
                                                                                                                                                                             resources,” the summary also said.
                                                                                                                                                                                The U.S. national ocean exploration pro-
                                                                                                                                                                             gram “probably should be at least $200 mil-
                                                                                                                                                                             lion,” Vice Admiral Paul G. Gaffney II, U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                             Navy (Ret.), chair of the OEAB, told Eos in an
                                                                                                                                                                             interview. “I just think it hasn’t earned all the
                                                                                                                                                                             respect that it’s due yet.”
                                                                                                                                                                                The White House requested $19 million for
                                                The Okeanos Explorer carries out scientific research of the ocean for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.   FY 2017, the same amount it requested for
                                                                                                                                                                             FY 2016, whereas the FY 2018 budget request,
                                                                                                                                                                             already in early formulation, shows hints of

                                                   n the United States, federal funding for                 lished OEAB, an independent U.S. federal                         some improvement, according to OEAB (see
                                                   exploration of the nation’s offshore exclu-              advisory committee, in 2014 to provide advice                    http://​bit​.ly/​­OEABchair-slides).
                                                   sive economic zone and of the global ocean               on ocean exploration to NOAA and the nation
                                                should be much higher than currently bud-
                                                geted, according to a recent letter that the
                                                                                                            (see http://​bit​.ly/​­OEABsite).
                                                                                                                The ocean exploration program within
                                                                                                                                                                             “Given the budget
                                                Ocean Exploration Advisory Board (OEAB) sent                NOAA received approximately $32 million for                      resources that we have,
                                                to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric                     fiscal year (FY) 2016. However, in a 27 April
                                                Administration (NOAA). The agency estab-                    letter to NOAA’s chief scientist and other                       can we accomplish
                                                                                                                                         agency officials, the
                                                                                                                                         board wrote that pre-
                                                            Call for Ocean Discovery Lecturers                                           vious national stud-
                                                                                                                                         ies “envision annual
                                                                                                                                         funding of $75 mil-                   Gaffney said that NOAA, an agency within
                                                    The U.S. Science Support Program (USSSP) is seeking dynamic speakers to              lion to execute ocean               the Department of Commerce, doesn’t have
                                                    convey the excitement of the International Ocean Discovery Program                   exploration activi-                 the same budgeting flexibility as the Depart-
                                                    (IODP) to geoscience communities and the United States public.                       ties.” A report of the              ment of Defense or even NASA and that it
                                                    Since 1991, more than 750 presentations have been made to audiences at               President’s Panel for               might be difficult to move funding around.
                                                    U.S. colleges, universities, and informal learning centers. Your help is             Ocean Exploration                     Alan Leonardi, NOAA’s OER director, called
                                                    requested to identify scientists interested in participating in the Ocean            issued in 2000 rec-                 the advice to the agency “positive.” He did not
                                                    Discovery Lecture Series Program during the 2017-2018 academic year.
                                                    Lectures focus on the discoveries and results of scienti�ic ocean drilling           ommended that                       comment specifically on budget levels but told
                                                    and are primarily aimed at undergraduate and graduate students,                      amount (see http://​                Eos that “there are a lot of competing
                                                    museums, science departments, and the scienti�ically literate public.                bit​.ly/​­ocean​-­panel​            demands for federal resources.”
                                                    If you or someone you know is interested in becoming an Ocean Discovery              -­report).                            Leonardi said he agrees with much of the
                                                    Lecturer, email their name, institution, and potential lecture topic to the             The board’s letter               board’s advice to NOAA. “My reservations are
                                                    USSSP Of�ice (usssp@LDEO.columbia.edu) by the nomination deadline of                 and a related one                   that given the budget resources that we have,
                                                    July 22, 2016.
                                                                                                                                         sent to NOAA admin-                 can we accomplish everything?” he said. He
                                                                                                                                         istrator Kathryn Sul-               added that NOAA officials will respond to the

                                                           Deadline:                                                                     livan the same day
                                                                                                                                         also recommend that
                                                                                                                                                                             board after reviewing the letters.

                                                         July 22, 2016                                                                   NOAA play a more
                                                                                                                                         proactive role in                   By Randy Showstack, Staff Writer

                                                6 // Eos                                                                                                                                                            1 July 2016
VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS AT PLATE BOUNDARIES - Career Paths for African-American Students - Eos.org

                                                        Extending Recent Seismic Imaging                                                                              vices and potential collaborations available
                                                                                                                                                                      from the IRIS community.

                                                        Successes to South America                                                                                       The workshop concluded with all partici-
                                                                                                                                                                      pants having a fundamental understanding of
                                                                                                                                                                      the ANT method and the ability to continue
                                                        Ambient Noise Tomography Workshop (MIMOSA)                                                                    applying this method at their home institu-
                                                        Tucson, Arizona, 17–23 January 2016                                                                           tions. To extend the ANT method across the
                                                                                                                                                                      South American continent, participants were
                                                                                                                                                                      encouraged to seek out additional collabora-
                                                                                                                                                                      tions with neighboring countries.
                                                                                                                                                                         In view of the recent increase in broadband
                                                                                                                                                                      seismic networks in South America and grow-
                                                                                                                                                                      ing interest among their operators, attendees
                                                                                                                                                                      agreed that more of these kinds of workshops
                                                                                                                                                                      are needed. A unique opportunity exists for
                                                                                                                                                                      researchers to cultivate this growing scientific
                                                                                                                                                                      interest through mutually beneficial interna-
                                                                                                                                                                      tional collaborations, leading to a better
                                                                                                                                                                      understanding of the geodynamic and tectonic
Klaus Balzano, CC BY-NC 2.0 (http://bit.ly/ccbync2-0)

                                                                                                                                                                      history of the South American continent.
                                                                                                                                                                         For more on this meeting, see http://​bit​.ly/​

                                                                                                                                                                      By Kevin M. Ward, Jonathan R. Delph, and
                                                                                                                                                                      Susan L. Beck, Geosciences Department, Uni-
                                                                                                                                                                      versity of Arizona, Tucson; ­email: ­wardk@​­email​

                                                        Torres del Paine, Chile. What structures underlie these mountains and other features in South America?

                                                                ne of the main scientific goals of the                 As part of the MIMOSA project, research-
                                                                EarthScope transportable array (see                 ers from five South American countries
                                                                http://​www​.­earthscope​.org/) is to               along with other visiting researchers from
                                                        investigate the structure, dynamics, and tec-               around the world gathered at the University
                                                        tonic history of the North American continent.              of Arizona in January for a weeklong work-
                                                        But what about South America?                               shop on ambient noise tomography (ANT). A
                                                           Although South America does not have the                 seismic imaging technique refined by scien-
                                                        seismic station distribution and near-real-                 tists working on EarthScope, ANT methods
                                                        time data access associated with a transport-               allow scientists to use ­low-​­amplitude back-
                                                        able array, a developing collection of national             ground seismic noise to create images of the
                                                        broadband seismic networks is beginning to                  crust and uppermost mantle at depth.
                                                        populate the South American continent. In                   Because no earthquake source is needed, the
                                                        addition, there have been a large number of                 technique can produce accurate cross sec-
                                                        portable broadband deployments producing                    tions from local to unprecedented continen-
                                                        seismic data across South America.                          tal scales.
                                                           The recent increase in instrumentation                      Workshop participants included a wide
                                                        paired with growing interest from individual                range of scientists at different career stages,
                                                        network operators to expand the scope of their              including seismic network operators, gradu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Kevin Ward

                                                        seismic research capabilities has opened up                 ate students, postdoctoral researchers, and
                                                        the possibility of new collaborations with U.S.             professors. Time spent during the workshop
                                                        research institutions. With the ambitious goal              was split between presentations focusing on
                                                        of extending the recent seismic imaging suc-                developing an understanding of the ANT            Map of the South American continent showing known
                                                        cesses of EarthScope to the South American                  methodology and work time for the partici-        seismic stations appropriate for an ambient noise tomog-
                                                        continent, the Multiscale Imaging of Modern                 pants to apply what they learned to their         raphy (ANT) study. Portable station deployments are
                                                        Orogenic South America (­MIMOSA) project,                   own data sets. In addition, the International     shown as red circles, and permanent stations are shown
                                                        funded by the U.S. National Science Founda-                 Development Seismology section of the             as yellow circles. Although significant spatial and tempo-
                                                        tion, aims to develop these mutually beneficial             Incorporated Research Institutions for Seis-      ral gaps still exist with the current station geometry, the
                                                        international collaborations (see http://​bit​.ly/​         mology (IRIS) included a presentation that        potential for extending a ­continental-​scale ANT study
                                                        ­1TWPaYp).                                                  helped make all participants aware of the ser-    across South America is rapidly becoming a possibility.

                                                        Earth & Space Science News                                                                                                                               Eos.org // 7
VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS AT PLATE BOUNDARIES - Career Paths for African-American Students - Eos.org

                             Norway and Cuba Evaluate
                             Bilateral Climate Research Results
                             XCUBE Workshop
                             Camagüey, Cuba, 16–18 November 2015

                                                                                                                                                                                          gian Embassy in Cuba
                                                                                                                                                                                          sees the contribution
                                                                                                                                                                                          of researchers from
                                                                                                                                                                                          Camagüey as an
                                                                                                                                                                                          important part of the
                                                                                                                                                                                          XCUBE project; the
                                                                                                                                                                                          workshop and field
                                                                                                                                                                                          visits were key to the
                                                                                                                                                                                          collaboration. In
                                                                                                                                                                                          addition, the World
                                                                                                                                                                                          Food Program repre-
                                                                                                                                                                                          sentatives in Cuba
                                                                                                                                                                                          have expressed inter-
                                                                                                                                                                                          est in the results of
                                                                                                                                                                                          the ongoing (and
                                                                                                                                                                                          upcoming) research,
                                                                                                                                                                                          which are relevant
                                                                                                                                                                                          for their food security
                                                                                                                                                                                          assessment in Cuba.
Juan Carlos Antuña-Sánchez

                                                                                                                                                                                             The lessons
                                                                                                                                                                                          learned from the
                                                                                                                                                                                          XCUBE project and
                                                                                                                                                                                          the workshop discus-
                                                                                                                                                                                          sions have provided
                                                                                                                                                                                          the framework for a
                              The Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de Camagüey instruments at Camagüey Meteorological Centre in Camagüey, Cuba. From left to right, the C            ­ imel-​  new proposal for the
                             ­318 Sun photometer and the suction nose for the ­low-​­volume particle impactor are on the red roof of the instrument control room (small white struc-      continuation of
                              ture). The GPS automatic meteorological station is the white cylindrical instrument behind and slightly to the right of the control room. The white         XCUBE cooperation,
                              sphere in the center rear is the ­RD-200SX Doppler radar, designed and built by the National Radar Center in Camagüey. The small gray dome on the           which will have a
                              far right is a GPS antenna.                                                                                                                                 major focus on the
                                                                                                                                                                                          hydrological effects
                                                                                                                                                                                          of climate change

                                       ince 2013, the Future of Climate                     Weather Forecasts Reanalysis (­ERA)-​­Interim                    and future food security for Cuba. Alan Robock
                                       Extremes in the Caribbean (XCUBE)                    Reanalysis for Cuba was also discussed (see                      from Rutgers University (New Brunswick, N.J.)
                                       project has studied the vulnerability of             http://​bit​.ly/​­ERA​-­Interim).                                will be leading the work on food security with
                              the Caribbean to future climate extremes.                        The results achieved are encouraging                          the cooperation of Roger Rivero Vega from
                              XCUBE is funded by the Norwegian Directorate                  because they identify, quantify, and make pre-                   ­INSMET/​­Camagüey, an expert on potential cli-
                              for Civil Protection on assignment of the Nor-                liminary attribution of ­ERA-​­Interim Reanaly-                   mate change effects on food production. We
                              wegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In Novem-                 sis biases for Cuba. For example, the study                       expect that this and the next phase of the
                              ber 2015, the Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de                  found that 2   ­ -meter surface air temperature in                project will enhance scientific understanding
                              Camagüey (GOAC; http://​www​.goac​.cu) of the                 the ­ERA-​­Interim model is warmer than                           of climate variability in the Caribbean.
                              Cuban Meteorological Institute (­INSMET)                      observed. Further work will be conducted to
                              hosted an XCUBE workshop at which                             compare temperature at mandatory levels
                              researchers discussed advances in bilateral                   from Caribbean sounding stations (based on                        By Juan Carlos ­Antuña-​­Marrero, Grupo de
                              scientific cooperation between Cuba and Nor-                  the Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive data                     Óptica Atmosférica de Camagüey, Meteo-
                              way on climate change.                                        set) and ­ERA-​­Interim Reanalysis.                               rological Institute, Camagüey, Cuba; ­email: ​
                                 Workshop participants discussed a recently                    The workshop also included a visit to the                      ­anadelia@​­caonao​.cu; Michel d. S. Mesquita, Uni
                              published paper on sea surface temperature                    Camagüey Meteorological Centre (CMC), the                          Research Climate and the Bjerknes Centre for
                              trends in observations and models for the                     GOAC facilities, the National Radar Center, the                    Climate Research, Bergen, Norway; and Albeth
                              Caribbean and the Antilles. A follow-​up study                CMC Forecast Department, and a local facility                      Rodriguez, Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de
                              looking at an intercomparison of station data                 developed jointly by Norway and Cuba to con-                       Camagüey, Meteorological Institute, Camagüey,
                              and European Centre for M       ­ edium-​Range                duct ­capacity-​­building activities. The Norwe-                   Cuba

                             8 // Eos                                                                                                                                                               1 July 2016
Creating Career Paths
 for African-American Students
 in Geosciences
 By Robert Liebermann, Lars Ehm, and Gabriel Gwanmesia

                                                                           n the morning of
                                                                           6 February 2015,
                                                                           Melissa Sims walked
                                                                           the short path to the
                                                                           podium in the lec-
                                                                           ture hall of the newly
                                                         constructed National Synchro-
                                                         tron Light Source II facility, a build-
                                                         ing of Brookhaven National Labora-
                                                         tory. This was no ordinary lecture. At
                                                         age 28, Sims was a graduate student
                                                         studying how feldspar minerals com-
                                                         press during meteorite impacts. In
                                                         the audience sat Secretary of Energy
                                                         Ernest Moniz, whom she was tasked
                                                         with introducing at the new facility’s
                                                            It’s not every day that a graduate
                                                         student gets to open for a cabinet
                                                         member. Rarer still is Sims, an
                                                         ­African-​­American woman geoscien-
                                                          tist in a field dominated by white
                                                          men. As she sat on stage, Sims
Mmdi/Getty Images

Earth & Space Science News                                                             Eos.org // 9
ences to A
                                                                                                                                                 ­ frican-​­Americans in the ­5-year
                                                                                                                                      period of 2000–2004.
                                                                                                                                          The dearth of degrees awarded to ­African-​
                                                                                                                                      ­Americans is even more pronounced at the
                                                                                                                                       master’s level, despite the fact that more than
                                                                                                                                       500,000 such degrees are awarded each year
                                                                                                                                       in the United States. As the report notes, “The
                                                                                                                                       geosciences have the unenviable distinction
                                                                                                                                       of having the poorest representation of
            Brookhaven National Laboratory

                                                                                                                                       ­African Americans (1%) among master’s
                                                                                                                                        degree recipients” [Czujko et al., 2008].

                                                                                                                                      Framework for Training and Employment
                                                                                                                                                To address this poor record, the National Sci-
                                                                                                                                                ence Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Geosci-
                                                                                                                                                ences established in 2006 a program called
                                                                                                                                                Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the
                                               Melissa Sims from Stony Brook University (right) introducing Secretary of Energy Ernest
                                                                                                                                                Geosciences (OEDG). Stony Brook’s new ini-
                                               Moniz (left) at the dedication of the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) II facility in
                                                                                                                                                tiative is a product of OEDG.
                                               February 2015 with NSLS director Steve Dierker (far right) looking on.
                                                                                                                                                   The initiative has a few key steps. First,
                                                                                                                                                project leaders seek to recruit undergraduate
                                                                                                                                                science and engineering students from under-
                                               ­remembers thinking, “How did I end up here, on a stage                                          represented groups into the graduate program
                                                with someone appointed by the president?”                                     in the Department of Geosciences at Stony Brook Univer-
                                                    Sims is the product of a new initiative at Stony Brook                    sity. For expediency, efforts are focused on historically
                                                University called “A Career Path for ­African-​­American                      black colleges and universities, such as Delaware State
                                                Students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities                    University.
                                                to National Laboratories.” The initiative teaches market-                         Next, the recruited students take courses and develop
                                                able skills, places students in internships, and fosters the                  research projects toward an M.S. in geosciences instru-
                                                professional career tracks of underrepresented minorities.                    mentation—a degree provided by Stony Brook. Thus far,
                                                We offer this initiative as a proof of concept example of                     project leaders have chosen to focus on instrumentation so
                                                how and what institutions can do to address the shortage                      that students could develop marketable skill sets in an
                                                of A­ frican-​­Americans in the geosciences.                                  emerging field between science and technology.
                                                                                                                                  Finally, students receive training that prepares them for
                                                The Scope of Underrepresentation                                              employment as science associates in national user facilities
                                                The geosciences have the lowest ­African-​­American repre-                    of the U.S. Department of Energy. All graduates of the pro-
                                                sentation of all the science, technology, engineering, and                    gram have conducted their research projects at the
                                                mathematics disciplines [Huntoon et al., 2015].                               National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) of the Brookha-
                                                    A report from the American Institute of Physics entitled                  ven National Laboratory (BNL).
                                                “Untapped Talent: The ­African American Presence in
                                                Physics and the Geosciences” [Czujko et al., 2008] gives                     Building on Existing Foundations
                                                some background on the root causes of this underrepre-                       The new program has taken advantage of the ­long-​
                                                sentation.                                                                   ­standing relationship between professors from historically
                                                    The report emphasizes that although many ­African-​                       black colleges and universities and BNL. An important ele-
                                             ­American students have the necessary high school back-                          ment of this relationship is the Interdisciplinary Consor-
                                                grounds to succeed in physics, “these prepared students                       tium for Research and Educational Access in Science and
                                                are more likely to choose math or sciences other than                         Engineering (­INCREASE), an organization that supports
                                                physics and geosciences.” In fact, “compared to other sci-                    access to research facilities not typically available to fac-
                                                entific disciplines, physics and the geosciences consis-                      ulty at historically black colleges and universities (see
                                                tently come out near the bottom in terms of their ability to                  http://­www​.­increaseonline​.org/). To enhance its ability to
                                                attract and retain ­African Americans,” the report notes                      attract A  ­ frican-​­American undergraduates, Stony Brook
                                                [Czujko et al., 2008]. For example, in 2004, 4% of ­African-​                 University has capitalized on its connection with col-
                                              ­American undergraduates earned a bachelor’s degree in                          leagues in ­INCREASE institutions to help identify and
                                                physics and only 2% in the geosciences (compared with                         recruit students.
                                                9% for all sciences, which is still below the 13% of ­African-​                   In addition to I­ NCREASE and NSLS at BNL, partners in
                                                ­Americans in the U.S. population).                                           this new initiative include the Center for Inclusive Educa-
                                                    Czujko et al. [2008] also examine the state of ­African-​                 tion and the Graduate School of Stony Brook University
                                                 ­Americans within the larger context of the U.S. educational                 (see http://​bit​.ly/​­1Zc41hJ). All of these organizations have
                                                  system and social structure, including geography and eco-                   provided matching funds to complement the National Sci-
                                                  nomics. Most ­African-​­American students go to college                     ence Foundation support.
                                                  near their homes, and more than 70% of U.S. universities                        The M.S. in geosciences instrumentation program
                                                  and colleges awarded no bachelor’s degrees in the geosci-                   includes both formal courses and hands-on research proj-

10 // Eos                                                                                                                                                                                        1 July 2016
Lars Ehm

                              (left to right) Melissa Sims, Adairé Heady, and Ashley Thompson examining one of NSLS’s beamlines. Beamlines are paths for accelerated particles,
                              used in this case to study properties of crystal structures.

                                ects at the NSLS. The projects typically involve the study of            returning to his home institution to teach for a year before
                                the physical and chemical properties of minerals under                   deciding whether to pursue further graduate study.
                               ­high-​­pressure conditions, which is the major focus of the                 Stony Brook’s program shows how ­science-​­minded stu-
                              Consortium for Materials Properties for Research in Earth                  dents, through mentoring and research opportunities, can
                              Sciences, which operates synchrotron beamlines for ­high-​                 change their expectations to embrace geoscience research.
                              ­pressure research in the United States.                                   For example, Sims was an undergraduate in exploration geo-
                                                                                                         physics and headed toward a career in the oil industry. But
                              Program Successes                                                          when she learned about Stony Brook’s program, she shifted
                              To date, the initiative has graduated three M.S. students:                 her ambitions to a more academic direction. Similarly,
                              Ashley Thompson from Delaware State University, Melissa                    Rhymer initially was considering opportunities in engineer-
                              Sims from the University of South Carolina, and Adairé                     ing but changed his focus to study geophysics after spending
                              Heady from Delaware State University. All graduated from                   two summers at BNL in the Science Undergraduate Labora-
                              Stony Brook within a ­2-year period.                                       tory Internship program (see http://​1​.usa​.­gov/​­1XOleiB).
                                 Thompson is now in a Ph.D. program in mechanical
                              engineering at Stony Brook; Sims, who was awarded a                        The Future
                              prestigious graduate fellowship from Stony Brook, is                       The NSF Directorate for Geosciences has approved a
                              studying for her doctorate in geosciences at the university;               no-cost extension of Stony Brook’s grant, which allows the
                              and Heady is seeking employment at a national laboratory                   program’s time period to run to 2016. Unfortunately, NSF
                              such as BNL.                                                               has temporarily suspended funding for the OEDG program,
                                 In September 2014, Brandon Rhymer from the Univer-                      so Stony Brook is seeking new funding to extend the pro-
                              sity of the Virgin Islands enrolled in Stony Brook’s initia-               gram beyond 2016. However, both Brookhaven National
                              tive. He graduated with his M.S. degree in May 2016 and is                 Laboratory and the Graduate School at Stony Brook have
                                                                                                         extended their funding for another 2 years.
                                                                                                           For tips on how to implement such a program in your
                                                                                                         institution, contact Robert Liebermann.

                                                                                                         Czujko, R., R. Ivie, and J. H. Stith (2008), Untapped talent: The African American pres-
                                                                                                          ence in physics and the geosciences, Publ. ­R-444, 22 pp., Am. Inst. of Phys., College
                                                                                                          Park, Md.
                                                                                                         Huntoon, J. E., C. Tanenbaum, and J. Hodges (2015), Increasing diversity in the geosci-
                                                                                                          ences, Eos, 96, doi:10.1029/​2015EO025897.

                                                                                                         Author Information
          Gabriel Gwanmesia

                                                                                                         Robert Liebermann, Department of Geosciences and Mineral
                                                                                                         Physics Institute, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, N.Y.;
                                                                                                         email: ­robert.​­liebermann@​­stonybrook​.edu; Lars Ehm, Mineral
                                                                                                         Physics Institute, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, N.Y.,
                              Brandon Rhymer with the 2000-ton uniaxial split sphere apparatus in        and Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N.Y.; and Gabriel
                              the Stony Brook High Pressure Laboratory. The apparatus helps scien-       Gwanmesia, Department of Physics and Engineering, Dela-
                              tists simulate the high pressures of Earth’s deep interior.                ware State University, Dover

Earth & Space Science News                                                                                                                                                                          Eos.org // 11
                            WHERE PLATES MEET
                                           By Raffaele Azzaro and Rosanna De Rosa

                               A new project clarifies the relationships
                               between tectonics and volcanic systems
                               and how they influence hazards on Italy’s
                               Mount Etna and Vulcano and Lipari islands.

            Mount Etna erupting at dusk.

12 // Eos                                                                           1 July 2016
                                                           ount Etna and the Aeo-        a cluster of volcanoes, some of the most active
                                                           lian Islands in southern      in Europe.
                                                           Italy represent ideal nat-       The region’s proximity to major urban centers
                                                           ural laboratories to study    is a ­double-​­edged sword. Researchers have little
                                                           how magma and tectonics       trouble visiting volcanoes to study how tectonics
Antonio Zimbone/AGF/UIG/Getty Images

                                                           interact in active volcanic   influence volcanic plumbing. At the same time,
                                       zones and their associated hazards. The geo-      this proximity presents hazards to inland com-
                                       dynamic context of both areas is characterized    munities and those on nearby shores.
                                       by a tectonic compression running north and          To take advantage of this natural laboratory
                                       south, related to the convergence of the Afri-    and to help protect people living nearby, sev-
                                       can and Eurasian plates in the central Medi-      eral branches of Italy’s government research
                                       terranean (Figure 1). This compression creates    community established the V3 Project—so

Earth & Space Science News                                                                                                                 Eos.org // 13
R. Azzaro
            The active crater of Vulcano (in the background) viewed from Lipari, in Italy’s Aeolian Islands. The cliffs in the foreground are governed by tectonics.

            named because it is project number 3 of the Italian Civil                     frequent, but also the volcano emits a greater volume of
            Protection Department’s Volcanological Research Pro-                          lava.
            gram. Data collection for the project ran from 2012 to                            At Vulcano and Lipari, in the Aeolian Islands, volcanic
            2015; now researchers are analyzing the data to build bet-                    unrest is much less frequent but produces more intense
            ter hazards maps and strengthen understanding of how                          explosive activity and emissions of viscous and thick lava
            tectonic and volcanic processes work together to exacer-                      flows. The previous outbreak at Lipari, in 1230, produced a
            bate risk.                                                                    renowned eruption of pumice and obsidian. Vulcano
                                                                                          erupted more recently, in 1888–1890, but since then it has
            Tectonic Setting                                                              exhibited only ­high-​­temperature fumarolic activity.
            A remnant of the Ionian slab (African plate) is subducting                        The hazards in active volcanic areas are generally related
            toward the northwest beneath the Calabrian Arc, which                          to eruptive activity: lava and flows of hot gas and rock,
            forms the toe of Italy’s boot [Gvirtzman and Nur, 2001]. The                   tephra fallout, fast moving mudflows (lahars), or volcanic
            resulting Tindari Fault is a ­right-​­lateral strike-slip struc-               gas emissions. However, other less devastating kinds of
            ture capable of generating moderate earthquakes (the most                      events may also threaten local communities living on the
            recent event, in 1978, was M6.2) that extends from the                         flanks of a volcano, mostly because these events occur fre-
            central sector of the Aeolian Archipelago (islands of Vul-                     quently or almost continuously.
            cano and Lipari) in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea toward the                        At Etna, recurrent v ­ olcano-​­tectonic seismicity poses a
            Etna region to the south [Billi et al., 2006]. This tectonic                  serious hazard to the 400,000 or so people who live in
            feature, located in eastern Sicily, is considered to represent                urbanized areas and to important infrastructure (roads,
            a stress transfer zone between the two volcanic areas                         ­water/gas/​­power lines, hospitals, schools, etc.) [Azzaro
            [De Guidi et al., 2013].                                                       et al., 2016]. At Vulcano, rockfalls and landslides affect-
                                                                                           ing the active crater put the village and its tourist facili-
            A System of Volcanoes                                                          ties at risk [Marsella et al., 2015]. These instabilities can
            Mount Etna (3340 meters above sea level) is the most                           happen unexpectedly because of variations in volcanic
            active volcano in Europe. It features nearly constant sum-                     activity or such other triggering processes as rainfall and
            mit activity and frequent flank eruptions, with extended                       seismic activity. Ongoing sea flooding in Lipari’s main
            lava flows and copious ashfall. Its activity has increased                     town provides overwhelming evidence of land subsid-
            significantly in recent years—not only are eruptions more                      ence that, coupled with the expected sea level rise in the

14 // Eos                                                                                                                                                              1 July 2016
Modified from Billi et al. [2006]
                       Fig. 1. (a) Tectonic map showing the geodynamic framework of the Mediterranean region. (b) Main structural features of Sicily and location of the vol-
                       canic areas studied in the V3 Project.

                       next decades [Anzidei et al., 2014], will lead to future per-                   The V3 Project had four goals:
                       manent inundations.
                                                                                                    • nic
                                                                                                      to define the tectonic framework controlling the volca-
                       Addressing the Issues
                       To tackle hazards and risk in this seismically active volca-                 • mental datatheacquired
                                                                                                      to analyze      exceptionally long time series of instru-
                                                                                                                             by the multiparametric monitoring
                       nic zone, the Italian Civil Protection Department (DPC),
                                                                                                       and define the relationships among them
                       with the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology
                       (INGV, through branches in Catania, Palermo, and Rome),                      • between
                                                                                                      to characterize processes connected with the interaction
                                                                                                               tectonic structures and volcanic systems
                       three Italian universities (Cosenza, Catania, and Rome),
                       and the National Institute of Oceanography and Experi-                       • of earthquakes,
                                                                                                      to produce hazards maps aimed at mitigating the effects
                                                                                                                      landslides, and land subsidence
                       mental Geophysics (Trieste), launched the V3 Project.
                          According to the project’s mission statement, V3 aimed                      The results of the project have been presented at confer-
                       to develop “multidisciplinary analysis of the relationships                  ences and are being published in technical reports [Azzaro
                       between tectonic structures and volcanic activity.” The                      and De Rosa, 2016] and scientific papers.
                       project extended previous research programs on the same
                       areas funded by DPC. It dealt with various methodological                    Assessing Hazards at Etna
                       approaches—tectonic, geophysical, geochemical, petro-                        As a result of the V3 Project, we now have a greater under-
                       logical, and geotechnical investigations—to interpret                        standing of the volcanic and tectonic mechanisms that
                       ongoing phenomena and assess related hazards.                                drive hazards in the region.
                                                                                                                                  We found significant correla-
                                                                                                                               tions in the eastern flank of Etna
                                                                                                                               among active fault zones, seismic
                                                                                                                               patterns, variations of crustal
                                                                                                                               geodetic strain, and fluids circu-
                                                                                                                               lation. This opens new perspec-
                                                                                                                               tives to understand faulting at
                                                                                                                               Etna. We have obtained an ana-
                                                                                                                               lytical estimation of creep pro-
                                                                                                                               cesses, indicating that about 40%
                                                                                                                               of the deformation occurs aseis-
                                                                                                                               mically. Moreover, we recognized
                                                                                                                               that the pore pressure of fluids
                                                                                                                               circulating in the volcanic rocks
                                                                                                                               (chiefly ground­water) depends on
                                                                                                                               variations in the crustal strains
                                                                                                                               related to volcanic or seismic
          M. Anzidei

                                                                                                                               activity [Mattia et al., 2015].
                                                                                                                                  We performed a full probabi-
                       Scientists measure land subsidence effects along the shoreline of Lipari.                               listic seismic hazards assessment

Earth & Space Science News                                                                                                                                                      Eos.org // 15
at Etna through local seismic sources defined
                                                                                                              with instrumental and historic earthquake
                                                                                                              data sets [Azzaro et al., 2015]. The obtained
                                                                                                              estimations (Figure 2) show that relevant val-
                                                                                                              ues of ground accelerations are probabilisti-
                                                                                                              cally likely to occur also in short times (5–30
                                                                                                              years) and are intended to complement the
                                                                                                              ­50-year seismic hazards map of Italy [Stucchi
                                                                                                               et al., 2011]. The assessment can be used to
                                                                                                               establish priorities for seismic retrofitting of
                                                                                                               the more exposed municipalities.
                                                                                                                   V3 efforts improved knowledge of the
                                                                                                               geometry and structural setting of the sedi-
                                                                                                               mentary basement underlying Etna using
                                                                                                               ­high-​­resolution aeromagnetic surveys and
                                                                                                                offshore seismic profiles. They reveal mag-
                                                                                                                netic anomalies associated with important
                                                                                                                faults [Nicolosi et al., 2014] and ­shallow-​­seated
                                                                                                                batches of crystallized magma in a framework
                                                                                                                of active compressive and extensional tectonic
                                                                                                                structures related to the African plate colliding

                                                                                                C. Federico
                                                                                                                with Europe [Polonia et al., 2016].

                                                                                                              Hazards Elsewhere
            Scientists sample bubbling gases from mofettes—vents where chiefly carbon dioxide                 The regional pattern of north–south crustal
            escapes—around Etna.                                                                              shortening in the southern sector of the Aeo-
                                                                                                              lian Islands is associated with a diffuse sub-
                                                                                                              sidence [Esposito et al., 2015], but at a local
                                                                                                              scale the dynamics reflect different processes
                                                                                                              (Figure 3a). At Vulcano a shallow
                                                                                                              (4-­kilometer-​­deep) deflating magmatic
                                                                                                              source in the northernmost part of the island
                                                                                                              is periodically fed by deep fluids coming from
                                                                                                              the underlying reservoir. At Lipari, long-
                                                                                                              term land subsidence [Anzidei et al., 2016] is
                                                                                                              enhanced by coastal dynamics (retreating of
                                                                                                              submarine canyons into the shelf), with a
                                                                                                              maximum sea level rise of up to 2.2 meters
                                                                                                              expected in 2100.
                                                                                                                 We confirmed the existence of a common
                                                                                                              plumbing system responsible for the historic
                                                                                                              eruptions (less than 1000 years ago) of Lipari
                                                                                                              and Vulcano. This plumbing system, which
                                                                                                              lies at a depth of 20 kilometers, periodically
                                                                                                              feeds shallow magma storage zones where
                                                                                                              processes of magma crystallization occur
                                                                                                              [Fusillo et al., 2015]. The eruptive activity took
                                                                                                              place contemporaneously at both islands
                                                                                                              along a narrow zone characterized by a domi-
                                                                                                              nant east–west extensional stress field (Fig-
                                                                                                              ure 3b). Any future eruption is likely to take
                                                                                                              place in this narrow zone [Ruch et al., 2016].
                                                                                                                 The susceptibility of the active crater of
                                                                                                              Vulcano to landslides, which endanger the
                                                                                                              main village, is enhanced by hydrothermal
                                                                                                              alteration of rock mass due to hydrothermal
                                                                                                              fluid circulation (fumarolic fields, indicated by
                                                                                                              red in Figure 3a). Fractures and volcano strati-
                                                                                                              graphic discontinuities control the locations
                                                                                                              of areas potentially affected by shallow (debris
                                                                                                              avalanches/flows and rockfalls) and deep-
                                                                                                              seated instability processes [Cangemi et al.,

16 // Eos                                                                                                                                                              1 July 2016
Full assessments can be found
                                                                                                                                                                                 on V3’s Web pages (http://​bit​.ly/​

                                                                                                                                                                           Anzidei, M., et al. (2014), Coastal structure, s­ ea-​
                                                                                                                                                                           	­level changes and vertical motion of the land in
                                                                                                                                                                             the Mediterranean, Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 388,
                                                                                                                                                                             453–479, doi:10.1144/​SP388.20.
                                                                                                                                                                           Anzidei, M., et al. (2016), New insights on the sub-
                                                                                                                                                                             sidence of Lipari island (Aeolian Islands, southern
                                                                                                                                                                             Italy) from the submerged Roman age pier at
                                                                                                                                                                             Marina Lunga, Quat. Int., 401, 162–173,
                                                                                                                                                                           Azzaro, R., and R. De Rosa (2016), Project V3: ­
                                                                                                                                                                             Multi-​­disciplinary analysis of the relationships
                                                                                                                                                                             between tectonic structures and volcanic activity
          Azzaro and De Rosa [2016]

                                                                                                                                                                             (Etna, ­Vulcano-​­Lipari system), final report, Misc.
                                                                                                                                                                             INGV 29, 1722 pp., Ist. Naz. di Geofiz. e Vulcanol.,
                                                                                                                                                                             Rome. [Available at https://​sites​.g­ oogle​.com/​a/​
                                                                                                                                                                           Azzaro, R., et al. (2015), Towards a new generation
                                                                                                                                                                             of seismic hazard maps for the volcanic region
                                                                                                                                                                             of Mt. Etna, in Proceedings of the 34° GNGTS
                                                                                                                                                                             Meeting, 17–19 November 2015, Trieste (Italy),
                                                                                                                                                                             pp. 5–11, Ist. Naz. di Oceanogr. e di Geofis. Sper.,
                                             Fig. 2. (a) Shallow (depth ≤5 kilometers) seismicity recorded at Mount Etna from 2005 to 2014 (circles)                         Trieste, Italy.
                                             and main historic, damaging earthquakes (stars) occurring since 1600. Areas enclosed in yellow lines                          Azzaro, R., S. D’Amico, and T. Tuvè (2016), Seismic
                                                                                                                                                                             hazard assessment in the volcanic region of
                                             indicate the studied seismic zones embracing active faults (black lines): FF, Fiandaca; MF-SLF,                                 Mt. Etna (Italy): A probabilistic approach based
                                             ­Moscarello–​San Leonardello; PF, Pernicana; STF-SVF, Santa T  ­ ecla–​­Santa Venerina. (b) Example of                          on macroseismic data applied to ­volcano-​­
                                                                                                                                                                             tectonic seismicity, Bull. Earthquake Eng.,
                                              probabilistic seismic hazards map: spectral acceleration at 0.2 second, probability of exceedance of                           doi:10.1007/​s10518​-015​-9806-2, in press.
                                              10% calculated for an exposure time of 50 years. (c) Relevance of local site amplification effects on the                    Billi, A., et al. (2006), Tectonics and seismicity of
                                              maximum value of expected acceleration due to shaking. Colors in Figures 2b and 2c represent the                               the Tindari Fault System, southern Italy: Crustal
                                                                                                                                                                             deformations at the transition between ongoing
                                              values of estimated ground acceleration, from red (maximum) to blue (minimum, close to zero).                                  contractional and extensional domains located
                                                                                                                                                                             above the edge of a subducting slab, Tecton-
                                                                                                                                                                             ics, 25, TC2006, doi:10.1029/​2004TC001763.
                                                                                                                                                                           Cangemi, M., et al. (2016), Shallow hydrothermal
                                                                                                                                                                             alteration and permeability changes in pyro
                                             2016]. This makes large rock volumes prone to slide sud-                          clastic deposits: A case study at La Fossa cone (Vulcano Island, Italy), Geophys. Res.
                                             denly, as occurred in 1988.                                                       Abstr.,   18, EGU2016-2821-1.
                                                                                                                             De Guidi, G., et al. (2013), Multidisciplinary study of the Tindari Fault (Sicily, Italy) sepa-
                                                                                                                               rating ongoing contractional and extensional compartments along the active A­ frica–​
                                              Science to Mitigate Risk                                                        ­Eurasia convergent boundary, Tectonophysics, 588, 1–17, doi:10.1016/​j.tecto.2012.11.021.
                                              Similar to other coordinated research funded by DPC, the                       Esposito, A., et al. (2015), Eighteen years of GPS surveys in the Aeolian Islands (southern
                                                                                                                                Italy): Open data archive and velocity field, Ann. Geophys., 58, S0439, doi:10.4401/​
                                              findings of the V3 Project represent the efforts of the sci-                     ­ag-6823.
                                              entific community to provide authorities with appropriate                      Fusillo, R., et al. (2015), Deciphering ­post-​­caldera volcanism: Insight into the Vulcanello
                                              instruments to mitigate risks in volcanic areas. To do this,                     (Island of Vulcano, southern Italy) eruptive activity based on geological and petrological
                                                                                                                               constraints, Bull. Volcanol., 77, 76, doi:10.1007/​­s00445-015-0963-6.
                                              V3 endeavored to improve knowledge on inadequately                             Gvirtzman, Z., and A. Nur (2001), Residual topography, lithospheric structure and sunken
                                              studied processes.                                                                slabs in the central Mediterranean, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 187, 117–130, doi:10.1016/​
                                                                                                                                                     Marsella, M., et al. (2015), Terrestrial laser scanning survey in support
                                                                                                                                                       of unstable slopes analysis: The case of Vulcano Island (Italy), Nat.
                                                                                                                                                       Hazards, 78, 443–459, doi:10.1007/​­s11069-015-1729-3.
                                                                                                                                                    Mattia, M., et al. (2015), A comprehensive interpretative model of
                                                                                                                                                       slow slip events on Mt. Etna’s eastern flank, Geochem. Geophys.
                                                                                                                                                       Geosyst., 16, 635–658, doi:10.1002/​2014GC005585.
                                                                                                                                                    Nicolosi, I., et al. (2014), Volcanic conduit migration over a base
                                                                                                                                                       ment landslide at Mount Etna (Italy), Sci. Rep., 4, 5293, doi:10.1038/​	­
                                                                                                                                                    Polonia, A., et al. (2016), The Ionian and Alfeo-Etna fault zones: New
          Modified from Ruch et al. [2016]

                                                                                                                                                      segments of an evolving plate boundary in the central Mediterranean
                                                                                                                                                      Sea?, Tectonophysics, 675, 69–90, doi:10.1016/­j.tecto​.­2016.03.016.
                                                                                                                                                    Ruch, J., et al. (2016), Magmatic control along a strike-slip volcanic arc:
                                                                                                                                                      The central Aeolian arc (Italy), Tectonics, 35, 407–424, doi:10.1002/​
                                                                                                                                                    Stucchi, M., et al. (2011), Seismic hazard assessment (2003–2009) for
                                                                                                                                                      the Italian building code, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 101(4), 1885–1911,

                                             Fig. 3. The Vulcano-Lipari system (Aeolian Islands). (a) Location of the regional (Tindari                       Author Information
                                             Fault zone, responsible for the M6.2 1978 earthquake) and volcanic sources acting in                             Raffaele Azzaro, Osservatorio Etneo, Istituto
                                             this region. Red squares with connected lines are GPS and electronic distance mea-                               Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Catania,
                                             surement networks; blue triangles are leveling benchmarks. (b) Sketch to explain the                             Italy; email: ­raffaele​.­azzaro@​ingv​.it; and Rosanna
                                             transition from strike-slip kinematics along the Tindari Fault (horizontal tectonic stress                       De Rosa, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra,
                                             (σ1t) dominant) to extension (vertical magmatic stress (σ1m) dominant, orange in Fig-                            Università della Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende
                                             ure 3a) responsible for magma intrusions in the past 20,000 years.                                               (CS), Italy

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