Vol. 3 No. 1 April 2020 - eISSN 2635-5280 - Journal of Neurointensive Care

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Vol. 3 No. 1 April 2020 - eISSN 2635-5280 - Journal of Neurointensive Care
eISSN 2635-5280

Vol. 3 · No. 1 · April 2020
Vol. 3 No. 1 April 2020 - eISSN 2635-5280 - Journal of Neurointensive Care
eISSN 2635-5280

Vol. 3 · No. 1 · April 2020

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Journal of Neurointensive Care (J Neurointensive Care, JNIC) is the official journal of the Korean Neurointensive
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perioperative neurosurgical intensive care, neuro-pediatric severe anormaly, CNS infection, seizure, myelitis and
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eISSN 2635-5280

Editorial Board   Editors-in-Chief
                  Dong-Hyuk Park		    Korea University, Korea

                  Associate Editor
                  Jun Seok W. Hur		   Korea University, Korea

                  Editorial Board
                  Jin Hwan Cheong		   Hanyang University, Korea
                  Won-Sang Cho		      Seoul National University, Korea
                  Kyu-Sun Choi		      Hanyang University, Korea
                  Joon ho Chung		     Yonsei University, Korea
                  Eun Jin Ha		        Seoul National University, Korea
                  Kyung Sool Jang		   The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
                  Ju Ho Jeong		       Dongguk University, Korea
                  Kwang Wook Jo		     The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
                  Sung Pil Joo		      Chonnam National University, Korea
                  Chang-Hyun Kim		    Keimyung University, Korea
                  Tae Gon Kim		       CHA University, Korea
                  Young Jin Kim		     Dankook University, Korea
                  Young Woo Kim		     The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
                  Young Zoon Kim		    Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
                  Doo-Sik Kong		      Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
                  Hyon-Jo Kwon		      Chungnam National University, Korea
                  Soon Chan Kwon		    Ulsan University, Korea
                  Jong-Young Lee		    Hallym University, Korea
                  Sang Weon Lee		     Pusan National University, Korea
                  Sung Ho Lee		       Kyung-Hee University, Korea
                  Taek Kyun Nam		     Chung-Ang University, Korea
                  Cheol Wan Park		    Gachon University, Korea
                  Jun Bum Park		      Ulsan University, Korea
                  Keun Young Park		   Yonsei University, Korea
                  Young Seok Park		   Chonbuk National University, Korea
                  Jeong-Am Ryu		      Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
                  Sang Woo Song		     Konkuk University, Korea
                  Chan Jong Yoo		     Gachon University, Korea
Vol. 3 · No. 1 · April 2020

Review Article
1    Management of central nervous system metastases
     Sang-Hoon Lee, Kyung-Jae Park, Dong-Hyuk Park, Jang-Bo Lee, Shin-Hyuk Kang, Tai-Hyoung Cho, Jung-Yul Park, Yong-Gu Jung,
     Junseok W Hur

Original Reports
6    Prognostic Value of Early Hyperglycemia in Neurocritically Ill Patients
     Junghoon Han, Yun Im Lee, Jeong-Am Ryu

12   Role of Cancer Emboli as a Metastatic Core on the Growth of Brain Metastasis in Patients with Non-Small Cell
     Lung Cancer
     Jinuk Kim, Gyuseo Jung, Hoon Gi Kim, Jeong Yeon Kim, Geun Young Yang, Young Zoon Kim

20   Prognostic Factors of Clinical Outcome after Aneurysmal Clipping in the Aged Patients with Unruptured
     Intracranial Aneurysms
     Min-Woo Son, Jin-Woo Park, Kyung-Jae Park, Shin-Hyuk Kang, Yong-Gu Jung, Jung-Yul Park, Dong-Hyuk Park

Case Report
26   Superior Mesenteric Infarction During Management of Patient with Cerebral Infarction
     Min-Woo Son, Sang-Hoon Lee, Dong-Hyuk Park
eISSN 2635-5280

                                                                                                                                       Review Article
                                                                                                                          J Neurointensive Care 2020;3(1):1-5

Management of central nervous system metastases
Sang-Hoon Lee, Kyung-Jae Park, Dong-Hyuk Park, Jang-Bo Lee, Shin-Hyuk Kang, Tai-Hyoung Cho,
Jung-Yul Park, Yong-Gu Jung, Junseok W Hur
Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea

Received: April 10, 2020
                                               Central nervous system (CNS) metastases are divided into brain metastasis and intramedullary
Accepted: April 17, 2020
                                               spinal cord metastasis (ISCM). Although the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and blood-spinal barrier
Corresponding Author:                          (BSB) protect the brain and spinal cord, metastases occur when these barriers break under ab-
Junseok W Hur M.D., Ph.D.                      normal conditions. Brain metastasis accounts for the largest number of brain tumors, however,
Korea University Anam Hospital,                ISCM rarely occurs. For brain metastasis, whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT), stereotactic radio-
73, Goryeodae-ro, Seongbuk-gu,                 surgery (SRS), surgery, and chemotherapy can be considered, and for ISCM, radiotherapy (RT),
Seoul, 02841, Korea                            surgery, Cyberknife SRS, and chemotherapy can be considered. As treatment options vary de-
Tel: +82-2-920-5729                            pending on the patient’s life expectancy, performance status (PF), extent and number of metas-
Fax: +82-2-929-0629                            tases, and the type of primary cancer, careful patient evaluation should be performed prior to
E-mail: hurjune@gmail.com                      treatment of CNS metastases.

                                               Keywords: Brain; Central nervous system; metastases; Intramedullary spinal cord

INTRODUCTION                                                                          multiple brain metastases is confirmed. However, nowadays,
                                                                                      surgery has an important role in management for carefully se-
   Among central nervous system (CNS) metastases, brain me-                           lected cases. Surgery provides definite and accurate diagnosis,
tastasis accounts majority cases compare to intramedullary spi-                       reduces intracranial mass effect, improves neurological symp-
nal cord metastases (ISCM). Brain metastases remain the com-                          toms, and may also improve overall survival (OS), all with low
monest type of brain tumor, being four times more common                              morbidity and mortality rates29). It is generally accepted that to
than primary brain tumors23). The management of patients with                         benefit from surgery, a patient with brain metastases must have
multiple brain metastases remains a difficult challenge for neu-                      reasonable medical fitness, with a systemic disease process
rosurgeons. Treatment strategies for brain metastases depend on                       amenable to benefit from local tumor control30). Unlike brain
several factors. Some patients may be candidates for whole brain                      metastasis, the role of surgical treatment in ISCM is controver-
radiotherapy (WBRT), while others may require surgical resec-                         sial. Chemotherapy is usually considered by the type of primary
tion followed by WBRT or local radiation therapy. Stereotactic                        cancer and applied for systemic control, however, the efficacy
radiosurgery (SRS) has added another dimension to the man-                            for the ISCM is unclear. The RT is generally considered as a pal-
agement of these lesions. The patient with metastatic brain tu-                       liative treatment for ISCM treatment16,20).
mor has a poor prognosis, and historically, treatment has gener-
ally consisted of administering WBRT after the diagnosis of

Copyright © 2020 The Korean Neurointensive Care Society
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Management of CNS metastasis                                                                                          Sang-Hoon Lee et al.

EPIDEMIOLOGY                                                           chemotherapy. Many patients are treated with a combination of
                                                                       these, and treatment decisions must take concern about factors
   The majority of brain metastases originate from one of three        such as patient age, functional status, primary tumor type, extent
primary malignancies; lung cancer (40%–50%), breast cancer             of extracranial disease, prior therapies, and number of intracrani-
(15%–25%), and melanoma (5%–20%). Among these, melano-                 al lesions. Most ISCM patients are diagnosed with a neurological
ma has the highest propensity to metastasize to the brain, with a      deficit. Ninety-three % of the patients showed motor dysfunc-
50% rate of brain involvement reported in patients dying of mel-       tion, 78% of the patients showed sensory abnormalities, and 62%
anoma2). The frequency of metastatic brain tumors appears to           of the patients showed urinogenital dysfunction16). For patients
be rising as a result of superior imaging modalities and earlier       who previously diagnosed with primary cancer, ISCM can be
detection as well as longer survival after a primary cancer diag-      considered, but if an intramedullary spinal cord tumor is diag-
nosis because of more effective treatment of systemic disease11).      nosed without knowing the primary cancer, it is highly likely to
In the case of ISCM, lung cancer metastases (54%) is the most          be mistaken for a primary tumor. While the surgery is the treat-
common cause, followed by breast cancer metastases (11%)19).           ment of choice for primary intramedullary tumor, in contrast,
ISCM is a rare systemic cancer that autopsy studies have con-          surgery is performed in highly selective cases for ISCM. Careful
firmed that ISCM is present in 0.9% to 2.1% of cancer patients.        diagnosis is needed prior to the treatment.
However, almost 95% of these lesions are clinically silent and re-
main undiagnosed before death, so they are actually less fre-          TREATMENT MODALITIES – BRAIN
quently encountered in practice7,9,10,18,31,36).                       METASTASIS
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY                                                        Systemic chemotherapy
                                                                          Chemotherapy has traditionally played a limited role in the
   Under physiologic condition, CNS metastases hardly occur            treatment of brain metastases, and has been reserved for patients
because of the firm blood-brain barrier (BBB) and blood-spinal         who have failed other treatment modalities or for diseases known
barrier (BSB). However, in pathologic condition, inflammatory          to be “chemo-sensitive,” such as lymphoma, small-cell lung can-
mediators cause increased permeability of the BBB/BSB. In this         cer, germ-cell tumor and breast cancer11). Incredulous stance re-
environment, cancer cells can attach to microvascular endothe-         garding the usefulness of chemotherapy for brain metastases
lial cells and invade the BBB/BSB, cause CNS metastases1,14). A        arises from the reason that most agents cannot cross the BBB, be-
typical CNS metastases route is hematogeneous spreading. In            cause of their large molecular weight or hydrophilic property.
brain metastasis, arterial spreading is known as a major cause,        The degree to which a given agent is believed to penetrate the
and venous spreading through Batson plexus is also considered          BBB is usually based on pharmacokinetic animal and/or human
as an important route for ISCM10,13,17,18,31,34). Leptomeningeal       studies comparing plasma with CSF drug concentrations after
dissemination by the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is also an im-          intravenous or oral administration. This method may underesti-
portant metastasis mechanism. In particular, it explains why the       mate the concentration of drug delivered to the tumor, however,
brain and ISCM often appear simultaneously9,31). Direct inva-          because brain metastases are known to have local BBB break-
sion is also known as a case of metastasis, however, this is mainly    down (demonstrated on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by
limited in the case of ISCM9,37).                                      contrast enhancement and peritumoral edema). This is corrobo-
                                                                       rated by studies showing roughly equivalent intracranial and ex-
CLINICAL ASSESSMENTS                                                   tracranial response rates to chemotherapeutic agents assumed to
                                                                       have little BBB penetration, particularly when first-line agents for
   The management of brain metastases can be divided into              the systemic cancer are chosen4,6,33). The success of an agent may
symptomatic and therapeutic strategies. Symptomatic therapy            therefore rest more heavily upon its inherent activity against the
often includes corticosteroids to reduce peritumoral edema and         systemic tumor than its putative ability to cross the BBB.
anticonvulsants to prevent recurrent seizures. In addition, there
is accumulating data to suggest that medications such as methyl-       Radiotherapy
phenidate and donepezil can improve cognition, mood, and                  The mainstay of treatment for brain metastases over the past
quality of life in patients with brain tumors26,35). Therapeutic ap-   five decades has been corticosteroids and WBRT. Nonrandom-
proaches to brain metastases include surgery, WBRT, SRS, and           ized studies suggest that WBRT increases the median survival

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Management of CNS metastasis                                                                                                          Sang-Hoon Lee et al.

time by 3–4 months over approximately 1 month without treat-                      TREATMENT MODALITIES – ISCM
ment and 2 months with corticosteroids alone. Although reports
of the response rate after WBRT alone vary, complete responses                    Radiotherapy
(CRs) or partial responses (PRs) have been documented in ap-                        The RT is considered as standard therapy for palliative treat-
proximately 60% of patients in randomized controlled studies                      ment for ISCM8,10,13,18,38). However, the efficacy is limited to ra-
conducted by the radiation-therapy oncology group21). Stasis or                   diosensitive tumor as small cell carcinoma, breast carcinoma,
Improvement of neurologic symptoms occurs nearly the same                         or lymphoma8,13,15,28,38). Furthermore, radiation myelitis due to
proportion, even though symptom response defined separately                       radiotoxicity should be considered.
in studies5).
SRS                                                                                 Surgery should be performed in highly selective patients. They
   Although there is controversy exists, particularly those with a                should have good performance status, single CNS metastasis,
limited number of brain metastases, can be treated effectively                    and long enough life expectancy. In surgical technical aspect, as
with SRS alone11). The assumed rationale for exclusion of WBRT                    the microscopic surgical skill has been advanced and neurophysi-
is to spare patients the risk for late neurotoxicity from WBRT. Pa-               ologic intraoperative monitoring (IOM) has been developed,
tients who were not treated upfront WBRT are typically moni-                      surgical outcome gradually improved. Some groups claim that
tored closely with serial MRI scans and treated with WBRT or                      the ISCM shows fair borderline that normal neural structure is
additional SRS at recurrence11).                                                  well preserved along surgery, however, some groups assert the
                                                                                  opposite12,25). There is little evidence that surgical resection could
Surgery                                                                           improve OS, however, neurologic improvement has been
   Management of patients with brain metastases has been evolv-                   achieved in some reports12,40).
ing over time, with a general tendency towards a more aggressive
treatment approach22). Benefits of surgical resection include the                 Chemotherapy
provision of an accurate and definite diagnosis, immediate relief                   As the BSB block the chemical, chemotherapy has little effect
of neurological symptoms caused by extensive perilesional ede-                    for ISCM treatment20). However, if the primary cancer is suit-
ma or mass effect, and local control of disease. Advances in surgi-               able for specific chemotherapy, it could be applied as adjuvant
cal technique have led to lower rates of morbidity and mortality3).               therapy for RT or surgery19).
Muacevic et al., demonstrate in their retrospective review of
management of solitary metastasis of less than 3.5 cm of diame-                   Steroid
ter concluded that result of surgery with WBRT is comparable to                     Steroid can reduce spinal cord edema and stabilize BSB, which
SRS in local tumor control rate27).                                               helps relieving pain and delay neurologic deterioration. Even

Table 1. Management recommendation for brain metastases (adopted from Lin et al.)24)
Consider systemic therapy             Consider WBRT                      Consider SRS            Consider surgical resection No treatment is reasonable
BM from highly chemotherapy- CNS and systemic progression       OM (1-3) or multiple BMs,        Uncertain diagnosis of     Systemic progression of disease,
 sensitive primary tumor        of disease, with few systemic    especially if PT is known to     CNS lesion(s)              with few treatment options
                                treatment options and poor       be radiotherapy resistant                                   and poor PS
BM found on screening MRI Multiple (> 3-10) BMs,                Postsurgical resection of a single 1-2 BMs, especially when
 with planned systemic          especially if PT known to be     BM, especially if ≥ 3 cm and in associated with extensive
 treatment                      radiotherapy sensitive           the posterior fossa                 cerebral edema
BM from primary tumor          Postsurgical resection of a      Local relapse after surgical       Dominant BM in a critical
 with identified molecular      dominant BM with multiple        resection of a single BM            location
 alteration amenable to         (> 3-10) remaining BMs
 targeted therapy
Other therapeutic options have Salvage therapy for recurrent    Salvage therapy for recurrent
 been exhausted and there is a BM after SRS or WBRT              OM (1-3) after WBRT
 reasonable drug available      failure
BM: brain metastases; CNS: central nervous system; MRI: Magnetic-resonance imaging; OM: oligometastases; PS: performance status; SRS: stereotactic
radiosurgery; WBRT: whole brain radiotherapy.

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Management of CNS metastasis                                                                                           Sang-Hoon Lee et al.

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BM, and patient factors such as KPS should be considered. For              Neurology 1972;22:1222–1222.
ISCM, golden standard is still controversial. RT is generally per-     11. Eichler AF, Loeffler JS. Multidisciplinary management of brain
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eISSN 2635-5280

                                                                                                                                       Original Article
                                                                                                                        J Neurointensive Care 2020;3(1):6-11

Prognostic Value of Early Hyperglycemia in Neurocritically
Ill Patients
Junghoon Han1, Yun Im Lee2, Jeong-Am Ryu1,2
Department of Neurosurgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Department of Critical Care Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Received: March 3, 2020
Accepted: March 24, 2020                       Objective
                                               To evaluate the relationship of early hyperglycemia and neurological prognosis in neurocritically
Corresponding Author:                          ill patients.
Jeong-Am Ryu, M.D., Ph.D.                      Methods
Department of Critical Care                    This was a retrospective study of adult patients admitted to the neurosurgical intensive care unit
Medicine and Department of                     (ICU) from January 2010 to July 2019. Primary outcome was neurological status at 6-month fol-
Neurosurgery, Samsung Medical                  low-up assessed with the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS, 1 to 5).
Center, Sungkyunkwan University
School of Medicine, 81 Irwon-ro,
                                               A total of 202 patients were analyzed in this study. Of them, 70 (34.7%) patients had early hyper-
Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06351, Korea
                                               glycemia (≥200 mg/dL within 48 hours after ICU admission). Brain tumor (39.6%) and sub-
Tel: +82-2-3410-6399
Fax: +82-2-2148-7088                           arachnoid hemorrhage (17.8%) were the most common reasons for ICU admission. Nine-
E-mail: lamyud.ryu@samsung.com                 ty-three (46.0%) patients had favorable neurological outcomes (GOS of 4 or 5). Poor neurologi-
                                               cal outcome was more common in the early hyperglycemia group than in the non-hypoglycemia
                                               group (71.4% vs. 44.7%, p
Early hyperglycemia and prognosis                                                                                          Junghoon Han et al.

INTRODUCTION                                                             were excluded if they were admitted to departments other than
   Hyperglycemia is common in critically ill patients. It could be
associated with poor prognosis of these patients2,7). Similarly, hy-     Definitions and outcomes
perglycemia is frequently accompanied in neurocritically ill pa-            We retrospectively reviewed all neurocritcally ill patients who
tients6,7). Hyperglycemia is a significantly prognostic marker of        were hospitalized in the neurosurgical ICU for more than 7 days.
poor neurological outcome of patients with ischemic stroke or in-        Serum glucose levels were measured after the neurosurgical ICU
tracerebral hemorrhage1,5,13,16). However, there are limited reports     admission. Baseline glucose levels was defined as peak level within
of neurological prognosis according to hyperglycemia in neurocri-        48 hours. Minimum glucose level was determined as minimal lev-
tially ill patients12,17).                                               el within 48 hours. Fluctuation of glucose level was expressed as
   Acute stress-related hyperglycemia can be develop in patients         the difference between baseline glucose level and minimal glucose
with stroke or myocardial infarction1,11,15). Hyperglycemia may be       level. Subjects were classified into three groups based on their
caused by a complex interplay between counteracting regulatory           baseline glucose levels (96–150 mg/dL, 151–199 mg/dL and ≥
hormones such as cortisol, glucagon, growth hormone, and cyto-           200 mg/dL). Early hyperglycemia was defined as ≥ 200 mg/dL
kines in these patients17). Especially, early hyperglycemia is associ-   of baseline glucose level. The primary endpoint was poor neuro-
ated with mortality in patients with ST-segment elevation myo-           logical outcome at six months after the admission. This neurolog-
cardial infarction only without diabetes mellitus (DM)17). Howev-        ical status was accessed with the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS,
er, it is unclear whether early hyperglycemia is closely linked to       1 to 5)14). In this study, GOSs of 4 and 5 were classified as good
prognosis in patients in neurocritically ill patients only without       neurological outcomes whereas GOSs of 1, 2, and 3 were consid-
DM6).                                                                    ered as poor neurological outcomes. Medical records of patients
   Glycerin and corticosteroid are commonly used in neurocriti-          were thoroughly reviewed. Two independent intensivists (YIL
cally ill patients with severe brain edema12). These medications         and JAR) measured patients’ GOSs. If the GOS did not match
can raise serum glucose levels. However, the relationship between        between these two intensivists, an agreement was reached
neurological prognosis and medication-related hyperglycemia has          through their discussion.
not been reported yet. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to
investigate the relationship of early hyperglycemia and neurologi-       Statistical analyses
cal prognosis in neurocritically ill patients. Whether their progno-        Our center has constructed the “Clinical Data Warehouse Dar-
sis was related to hyperglycemia itself or whether it depended on        win-C” designed for investigators to search and retrieve de-identi-
causes of hyperglycemia such as comorbidities, stress, and drugs         fied medical records from the electronic archive system. After fi-
was also investigated.                                                   nalizing the patient list for this study, clinical data and laboratory
                                                                         data were extracted from the Clinical Data Warehouse Darwin-C.
METHODS                                                                  All data are presented as means ± standard deviations (SD) for
                                                                         continuous variables and numbers (percentages) for categorical
Study population and design                                              variables. Data were compared using one-way analysis of variance
   This was a retrospective, single-center, observational study of       with Tukey’s honestly significant difference post-hoc test for con-
adult patients admitted to the neurosurgical intensive care unit         tinuous variables and Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test for cat-
(ICU) at Samsung Medical Center from January 2010 to July                egorical variables. Variables with P-values of less than 0.05 in uni-
2019. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board          variate analyses and clinically relevant variables were subjected to
of Samsung Medical Center (approval number: SMC 2020-02-                 a stepwise multiple logistic regression model to obtain statistically
113). The requirement for informed consent was waived due to             meaningful predictor variables. These clinically relevant variables
its retrospective nature. We included adult patients admitted to         were age, gender, DM, hypertension, early hyperglycemia, Acute
the neurosurgical ICU during the study period. Of those who              Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score
were hospitalized in the neurosurgical ICU for more than 7 days,         on ICU admission, and the use of mannitol, glycerin or dexa-
we excluded patients under age 18, those who did not have brain          methasone. Adequacy of the prediction model was also deter-
injury or spinal injury, those who did not have serum glucose lev-       mined using the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. The Kaplan-Meier
els within 48 hours after the neurosurgical ICU admission, and           method was used to generate survival curves, which were com-
those who had insufficient medical records. Additionally, patients       pared using log-rank test. All tests were two-sided and P-values of

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Early hyperglycemia and prognosis                                                                                                          Junghoon Han et al.

less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Data were                 mission among baseline characteristics (Table 1).
analyzed using IBM SPSS statistics version 20 (IBM, Armonk,
NY, USA).                                                                           Clinical outcomes
                                                                                       Among 202 neurocritically ill patients, 180 (89.1%) patients
RESULTS                                                                             survived until discharge from the hospital and 172 (85.1%) pa-
                                                                                    tients survived until 6 months. Of these 172 survivors, 93 (46.0%)
Baseline characteristics                                                            patients had favorable neurological outcomes (GOS of 4 or 5).
  A total of 202 patients were analyzed in this study. Among these                  The entire distribution of GOS is shown in Fig. 1. Poor neurologi-
patients, 70 patients (34.7%) had early hyperglycemia. Mean age                     cal outcome was more common in the early hyperglycemia group
of all patients was 57.7 ± 16.0 years. There were 97 (48.0%) male                   than that in the non-hypoglycemia group (71.4% vs. 44.7%, p <
patients. Malignancy (56.4%) and hypertension (45.5%) were the                      0.001). In addition, in-hospital mortality was higher in the early
most common comorbidities. Brain tumor (39.6%) and subarach-                        hyperglycemia group than that in the non-hypoglycemia group
noid hemorrhage (17.8%) were the most common reasons for                            (18.6% vs. 6.8%, p= 0.011). However, in patients with early hyper-
ICU admission. There was no significant difference in gender, co-                   glycemia, poor neurological outcome was not significantly differ-
morbidities, reason for admission, use of mannitol, or Glasgow                      ent according to the presence of DM (31.4% vs. 40.0%, p = 0.649).
Coma Scale among the three groups except for age, DM, use of                        In addition, in patients with early hyperglycemia, in-hospital mor-
glycerin and dexamethasone, and APACHE II score on ICU ad-                          tality was not significantly different according to the presence of

Table 1. Baseline characteristics
                                                                                            Baseline glucose level (mg/dL)
                                                              96-150 (n = 61)          151-199 (n = 71)          ≥ 200 (n = 70)                p-value
Age (yr) — mean ± SD                                            51.0 ± 18.0              59.1 ± 14.7*              62.0 ± 13.5*
Early hyperglycemia and prognosis                                                                                                     Junghoon Han et al.

DM (4.3% vs. 14.3%, p= 0.069, Table 2).                                         1.020–1.066), APACHE II score on ICU admission (adjusted
   Minimum glucose level was higher in patients with poor neuro-                OR: 1.06, 95% CI: 1.003–1.113), and early hyperglycemia (ad-
logical outcome than those with good neurological outcome                       justed OR: 2.32, 95% CI: 1.188–4.528) were significantly associ-
(154.7 ± 46.0 mg/dL vs. 139.5 ± 30.6 mg/dL, p = 0.006). Fluctua-                ated with poor neurological outcomes in neurocritically ill pa-
tion of glucose level did not show significant difference between               tients (Hosmer-Lemeshow Chi-squared = 5.43, df = 8, p = 0.711,
patients with poor neurological outcome and those with good                     Table 3). In addition, the 90-day mortality rate was significantly
neurological outcome (56.1 ± 70.8 mg/dL vs. 39.8 ± 46.3 mg/dL,                  lower in patients without early hyperglycemia compared to those
p = 0.052).                                                                     with early hyperglycemia (8.3% vs 17.1%, log-rank test, p = 0.011,
   Multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed that age (ad-            Fig. 2).
justed odd ratio [OR]: 1.04, 95% confidence interval (CI):
                                 Neurolgical outcomes                              In this study, we investigated the relationship of early hypergly-
                     80                                                         cemia and neurological prognosis in neurocritically ill patients.
                                                             ■ Non-DM
                                                             ■ DM               This study had the following major findings. First, poor neurolog-
                                                                                ical outcome was more common in the early hyperglycemia group
                     60                                                         than that in the non-hypoglycemia group. In-hospital mortality
Number of patients

                     40                     46                     5
                                                        41                      Table 3. Multivariable logistic regression for the relationship of
                                                                  38            clinically relevant variables associated with poor neurological outcome
                                                                                Variables                         B      Adjusted OR (95% CI) p-value
                     20    25                                                   Age                             0.042     1.04 (1.020–1.066)
Early hyperglycemia and prognosis                                                                                          Junghoon Han et al.

                           100                                          sis of critically ill patients. A few studies have shown that the rela-
                                                                        tionship between hyperglycemia and poor prognosis is unclear in
Survival probability (%)

                            90                                          DM patients17). Although stress-related hyperglycemia could be
                                                                        important to predict the prognosis of critically ill patients, it might
                            80                                          be confused with DM-related hyperglycemia. In this study, regard-
                                                                        less of DM or use of drugs, early hyperglycemia itself was associat-
                                          Non-hyperglycemia             ed with poor neurological outcome in neurocritically ill patients.
                                          Early hyperglycemia           This relationship might be due to a neurotoxic effect of hypergly-
                                                                        cemia itself in patients with brain injuries.
                                                                           In this study, early hyperglycemia occurred more frequently in
                                 0   20   40         60     80   100
                                                                        patients who used glycerine or dexamethasone than in those who
                                               Day                      did not. Corticosteroid and multiple osmotic agents might be used
                                                                        in patients with severe brain damages. Therefore, hyperglycemia
Fig. 2. Kaplan-Meier 90-day survival analysis comparing early           might arise from these medications in more sick patients. However,
hyperglycemia and nonhyperglycemia groups of neurocritically ill
patients. Red solid line, non-hyperglycemia; blue dotted line, early    in multivariable variable analysis, the use of glycerine or dexameth-
hyperglycemia. p=0.011, based on log-rank tests.                        asone was not associated with poor neurological outcomes. Neu-
                                                                        rological prognosis was more associated with early hyperglycemia
                                                                        itself compared to the use of glycerine or dexamethasone in this
was also higher in the early hyperglycemia group than that in the       study. Therefore, it is necessary to consider drug-related hypergly-
non-hypoglycemia group. Second, in patients with early hypergly-        cemia when treating neurocritically ill patients.
cemia, clinical prognoses were similar between DM group and                In this study, early hyperglycemia associated with poor neuro-
non-DM group. Third, multivariable logistic regression analysis         logical outcome in neurocritically ill patients. Especially, early hy-
revealed that age, APACHE II score on ICU admission, and early          perglycemia itself could elevate risk of poor neurological outcome
hyperglycemia were significantly associated with poor neurologi-        in these patients. Therefore, aggressively hyperglycemic control
cal outcomes in neurocritically ill patients. Fourth, early hypergly-   could be important to protect their brain from hyperglycemia in-
cemia itself could be a significant predictor for poor neurological     ducing brain damage in patients with early hyperglycemia. In addi-
outcome in neurocritically ill patients regardless of comorbidities     tion, management of these patients needs to be aware of drugs that
or drugs.                                                               are at risk for inducing hyperglycemia, such as glycerin and dexa-
   Hyperglycemia is associated with poor prognosis in various ICU       methasone.
patients2,3,8,10). Hyperglycemia is a predictor associated with poor       This study has several limitations. First, it was a retrospective re-
neurological prognosis in patients with neurological diseases such      view of medical records. Second, administration of corticosteroid
as ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, and aneurysmal sub-       or multiple osmotic agents was determined by a neurointensivist
arachnoid hemorrhage5,9,13,16). Indeed, hyperglycemia itself could      or a neurosurgeon. It was not protocol-based. Therefore, the
be harmful to the brain7). Complex factors such as free radical for-    non-randomized nature of registry data might have resulted in se-
mation and oxidative injury, activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate         lection bias. Third, in a few patients, causes of hyperglycemia were
receptors, raised intracellular calcium, triggering of inflammatory     difficult to distinguish between hyperglycemia caused by stress or
and apoptotic pathways, and alterations in lactate metabolism are       DM if DM was not diagnosed on admission. Finally, our study had
associated with primary toxic-ischemic injury and secondary1,4,7).      limited statistical power due to its small sample size. Although this
In addition, ischemic penumbra could be injured due to direct           study provides valuable insight, prospective large-scale studies are
neurotoxic effect arising from hyperglycemia1).                         needed to evaluate the relationship of early hyperglycemia and
   In critically ill patients, hyperglycemia could be caused by vari-   neurological prognosis in neurocritically ill patients to obtain evi-
ous factors2,7). Especially, stress-related hyperglycemia mainly re-    dence-based conclusions.
sults from the release of stress hormones caused by acute illness6).
In addition, stress-related hyperglycemia might be associated with      CONCLUSION
the extent and severity of ischemic damage in patients with stroke
or ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction1,17). Therefore,             In this study, poor neurological outcome in neurocritcally ill pa-
stress-related hyperglycemia might be associated with the progno-       tients was associated with early hyperglycemia. In addition, DM,

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Early hyperglycemia and prognosis                                                                                           Junghoon Han et al.

the use of corticosteroid, or the use of multiple osmotic agents was          in neurocritical care patients: a systematic review and meta-anal-
not associated with neurological prognosis. Therefore, early hyper-           ysis. Crit Care 2012;16:R203.
glycemia itself could be a significant predictor associated with neu-      8. Krinsley JS. Association between hyperglycemia and increased
rological outcome in neurocritically ill patients.                            hospital mortality in a heterogeneous population of critically ill
                                                                              patients. Mayo Clin Proc 2003;78:1471–1478.
NOTES                                                                      9. Kruyt ND, Biessels GJ, DeVries JH, Luitse MJ, Vermeulen M,
                                                                              Rinkel GJ, et al. Hyperglycemia in aneurysmal subarachnoid
Conflict of interest                                                          hemorrhage: a potentially modifiable risk factor for poor out-
  We declare that we have no conflict of interest.                            come. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2010;30:1577–1587.
                                                                          10. Malmberg K, Ryden L, Wedel H, Birkeland K, Bootsma A,
Informed consent                                                              Dickstein K, et al. Intense metabolic control by means of insulin
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neurosurgical intensive care unit, for providing excellent advice         12. Ryu JA, Jung W, Jung YJ, Kwon DY, Kang K, Choi H, et al. Early
and engaging in fruitful discussions. We would also like to thank all         prediction of neurological outcome after barbiturate coma ther-
nurses of the neurosurgical intensive care unit at Samsung Medical            apy in patients undergoing brain tumor surgery. PLoS One
Center.                                                                       2019;14:e0215280.
                                                                          13. Saxena A, Anderson CS, Wang X, Sato S, Arima H, Chan E, et
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eISSN 2635-5280

                                                                                                                                       Original Article
                                                                                                                       J Neurointensive Care 2020;3(1):12-19

Role of Cancer Emboli as a Metastatic Core on the Growth
of Brain Metastasis in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung
Jinuk Kim1, Gyuseo Jung1, Hoon Gi Kim1, Jeong Yeon Kim2, Geun Young Yang2, Young Zoon Kim1
Division of Neuro Oncology and Department of Neurosurgery, Samsung Changwon Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Changwon, Korea
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Samsung Changwon Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Changwon, Korea

Received: January 18, 2020
Accepted: February 3, 2020                     Objective
                                               Brain metastasis (BM) was a common complication of patient with non-small cell lung cancer
Corresponding Author:                          (NSCLC) and associated with a poor prognosis. The study was to evaluate the effect of cerebral
Young Zoon Kim, M.D., Ph.D.                    infarction (CI) which was originated from cancer emboli on the risk of BM in NSCLC for preven-
Division of Neuro Oncology and                 tive therapy strategy.
Department of Neurosurgery,                    Methods
Samsung Changwon Hospital,                     Three hundred seven patients with newly diagnosed NSCLC in our institute from July 2013 to
Sungkyunkwan University School                 July 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. The diagnostic criteria of CI refereed to Updated Criteria
of Medicine, 158 Paryong-ro,                   for Population-Based Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack Incidence Studies for the 21st Centu-
Masanhoewon-gu, Changwon                       ry. Depending on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the patients were divided into the BM
51353, Korea                                   group and control group (without BM). Then, the prevalence of CI and baseline clinicopatholog-
Tel: +82-55-233-5241                           ical parameters were evaluated and compared between the two groups.
Fax: +82-55-233-8040                           Results
E-mail: yzkim@skku.edu                         Of the 307 patients, 204 patients (66.4%) had CI and 52 patients (16.9%) had BM. Especially, the
                                               prevalence of CI in the NSCLC patients with BM was 84.6%, which was significantly higher than
                                               that of 62.7% in the NSCLC patients without BM (p = 0.002). Following univariate logistic re-
                                               gression analysis and the multivariate model, the results demonstrated that CI was a significant in-
                                               dependent risk factor for BM in NSCLC (odds rate, 3.303; 95% confidence interval, 1.437-7.593;
                                               p = 0.005). What’s more, CI contributed to a worse prognosis in NSCLC patients with BM. Dy-
                                               namical trace confirmed CI could promote BM in NSCLC patient.
                                               CI could be associated with a metastatic tropism to the brain and then with an increased risk of
                                               BM in NSCLC patient. Therefore, targeted intervention of the metastatic core of CI could offer
                                               promising approach for the prevention, prognostic evaluation, and therapy of BM in NSCLC pa-
                                               tients for better clinical outcome.

                                               Keywords: Cancer emboli; Metastatic core; Non-small cell lung cancer; Brain metastasis; Cere-
                                               bral infarction

Copyright © 2020 The Korean Neurointensive Care Society
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Metastatic core from cancer emboli                                                                                               Jinuk Kim et al.

INTRODUCTION                                                              CLC patients who were continuously admitted to Sungkyunkwan
                                                                          University Samsung Changwon Hospital from July 2013 to July
    Lung cancer remains one of the most frequently diagnosed can-         2018. The inclusion criteria were as follows: 1) all patients with
cers as well as the leading cause of cancer-related mortality world-      histologically confirmed NSCLC, 2) did not receive any surgery,
wide, in which non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) constitutes             chemotherapy, radiotherapy, molecular targeted therapy, or immu-
85% cases2,20). Unfortunately, in nearly 20% of NSCLC patients,           notherapy in other hospitals before admission, 3) for the purpose
brain metastasis (BM) is already present at diagnosis, with up to         of detecting distant organ metastasis, all patients accepted brain,
50% of patients developing BM throughout the disease course12,28).        chest, abdominal and pelvic imaging, such as ultrasound, comput-
BM in NSCLC complicates the clinical picture and portends a               ed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
poor prognosis with median survival of 3-7 months12,28). However,         positron emission computed tomography/computed tomography
risk factors and underlying mechanisms that the most common               (PET/CT), 4) complete medical records. The exclusion criteria
site of distant metastasis of lung cancer is the brain remain the mys-    were as follows: 1) NSCLC patients with synchronous distant me-
tery and have not been well addressed. Thus, to best improve the          tastases except for brain, 2) patients with NSCLC accompanied by
overall survival (OS) and quality of life for NSCLC patients, it is       malignant tumors in other parts of the body, 3) patients with CI
highly significant to illustrate the clinical risk factors of target BM   caused by other pathogenic factors. In total, 307 patients were en-
in NSCLC for prevention strategies and specific therapies.                rolled in this study.
    The tumor metastases are formed by a complex interaction be-
tween cancer cells and microenvironment, which is the "seed-soil"         Data collection
hypothesis26,29). The "seed-soil" hypothesis sets forth the concept          Data collected included age, gender, body mass index (BMI),
that a conducive microenvironment, or metastatic core, is neces-          histological type, and primary tumor size and location. In addition,
sary for disseminating cancer cells to engraft distant sites17,23). The   laboratory tests were also covered, including D-Dimer (D-D) and
common functions of metastatic core include anchorage, survival           the tumor markers of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and car-
support, protection from external insults, licensing proliferation        bohydrate antigen 125 (CA125). The survival time from the onset
and outgrowth3). Long-term since, much attention has focused on           of BM were evaluated. The follow-up duration lasted until the
the molecular and genetic factors of cancer cells as “seed” endowed       death or July 31, 2019. OS from diagnosis of BM was evaluated.
metastatic advantage. Meanwhile, the metastatic core creating a              The Institutional Review Board (IRB) of our hospital approved
fertile “soil” for cancer cell to lodge and grow has been largely ne-     the study protocol (IRB number: SCMC 2019-02-015). All stud-
glected. Therefore, the microenvironment of organs as the risk fac-       ies were conducted according to guidelines of the Declaration of
tors to determine metastatic colonization are particularly import-        Helsinki for biomedical research. Informed consent was waived
ant for exploration, which might be most amenable to therapeutic          due to its retrospective nature.
    A very interesting one appears in several studies which demon-        The diagnosis of cerebral infarction
strated that patients with lung cancer were prone to induce cerebral         The diagnostic criteria of CI refer to Updated Criteria for Popu-
infarction (CI) when compared with non-cancer control4). What’s           lation-Based Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack Incidence Stud-
more, CI occurrence could worse patient’s prognosis in advanced or        ies for the 21st Century8), which points out that CI can be diag-
post-operative recurrent NSCLC14). These achievements inspire us          nosed regardless of the duration of nervous symptoms/ signs
from the perspective of “soil” to draw attention to the effect of CI as   when there are neuroimaging findings of responsible ischemic le-
metastatic core on the risk of target-specific BM in NSCLC patients       sion. However, when no evidence of imaging evidence of responsi-
in the study, which may lead to detect therapeutic strategies and         ble lesion can be obtained, the duration of symptoms and signs ex-
prevent metastasis at its earliest inception. The aim of this study is    ceeding 24h is still the time limit for diagnosis of ischemic stroke8).
to evaluate the effect of CI which was originated from cancer embo-
li on the risk of BM in NSCLC for preventive therapy strategy.            Imaging evaluation of BM in NSCLC
                                                                            The patients had undergone a brain computed tomography
PATIENTS AND METHODS                                                      (CT) scan. When brain lesion(s) could not be excluded, patients
                                                                          would undergo a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The diag-
Study population                                                          nosis of BM on MRI was determined by two different neuroradiol-
  We conducted a retrospective study of all newly diagnosed NS-           ogists (YM Kim and MO Sunwoo) who were blinded to the clini-

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Metastatic core from cancer emboli                                                                                                Jinuk Kim et al.

cal and pathological findings. Depending on the imaging examina-            MRI without any brain symptom, while other patients took the ex-
tion results of CI and BM, NSCLC patients were divided into the             amination due to some symptoms, such as headache, hemiplegia
BM group and control group (without BM). Then, the prevalence               and psychiatrical disorder. The summary of patients’ characteris-
of CI and baseline clinicopathological parameters were evaluated            tics of BM group and control group are shown in Table 1. The re-
and compared between the two groups.                                        sult demonstrated that patients with NSCLC are prone to induce
                                                                            CI with the prevalence of 66.45 %. Especially, the prevalence of CI
Statistical analysis                                                        in the NSCLC patients with BM was 84.6%, which was significant-
  The prevalence of CI in the two groups was compared by the chi            ly higher than that of 62.7% in the NSCLC patients without BM (p
square test, other patient characteristics were compared either the          = 0.002, χ 2 test). In addition, there were significantly differences
chi square test, Fisher's exact test, or Wilcoxon two-sample test.          in primary tumor location (lobe), histology (type), D-D, CEA,
Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using logistic          and CA125 between BM group and control group. By contrast,
regression to assess the risk factors for BM. OS was plotted using          there were no significant differences in age, BMI, sex, and primary
the Kaplan Meier method. Differences in OS were analyzed using              tumor size between the two groups Table 1.
the log-rank test. p < 0.05 was considered to be statistically signifi-
cant. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version            Risk factors for BM in NSCLC patient
25.0 software.                                                                 Following univariate logistic regression analysis, CI, primary tu-
                                                                            mor location (lobe), histology (type), D-D, CEA, and CA125
RESULTS                                                                     were chosen as risk factors for BM in NSCLC. The results illustrat-
                                                                            ed that BM was significantly associated with CI (odds rate [OR],
Characteristics of NSCLC patient                                            3.266; 95% confidence interval [CoI], 1.475-7.231; p = 0.004).
  A total of 307 NSCLC patients (185 men and 122 women) with                Besides, adenocarcinoma (p = 0.011), middle region tumor loca-
a median age of 64 years (range of 25–83 years) were confirmed              tion (p = 0.005), increased CEA level (p = 0.002), increased
for the analysis in our study. Among them, 52 patients (16.9%) had          CA125 level (p < 0.001) and higher D-D level (p = 0.027) were
BM, and they were then divided into BM group. NSCLC patients                also linked with increased risks of BM in NSCLC Table 2.
without BM were regarded as the control group. In the 52 NSCLC                 Next, we assessed the significance of CI with respect to BM by
patients with BM, 22 patients (42.3%) underwent a brain CT or               using the multivariate model according to the factors that are prov-

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of NSCLC patients with/without BM
                                                               BM (-)                        BM (+)
                                                             (N=255)                         (N=52)
Age (year) Median (range)                                 62 (25-83)                    62.5 (43-78)                           0.920
BMI kg/m² Median (range)                                23.18(16-34)                   22.85 (14-30)                           0.088
Sex, Male (%)                                            154 (60.4)                       31 (59.6)                            0.920
Primary tumor size (cm) Median (range)                      3 (0.4-14)                   3.6 (0.8-11)                          0.912
Primary tumor location                                                                                                         0.020
   Upper lobe (%)                                        152 (59.6)                       26 (50.0)
   Lower lobe (%)                                         89 (34.9)                       17 (32.7)
   Middle (%)                                             14 (5.5)                         9 (17.3)
Histological type                                                                                                              0.028
   Adenocarcinoma (%)                                    180 (70.6)                       46 (88.5)
   Squamous carcinoma (%)                                  58 (22.7)                       5 (9.6)
   Other (%)                                               17 (6.7)                        1 (1.9)
Presence of CI (%)                                       160 (62.7)                       44 (84.6)                           0.002
D-D (ng/ml >500)                                         182 (0.11-14612)              304.5 (52-7640)                       5                                           4.11 (0.1-746.7)              9.675 (1.28-1068)                     35                                        19.44 (3.1-2846)               49.15 (6.61-796.7)
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