Page created by Freddie Harris
May 22-25, 2021

Amplify Your


   Pre-meeting events • May 21-22
Amplify Your

ACCELERATE OUR IMPACT                                                                            VOICE
                                                                                                    ACCELERATE OUR

Table of Contents                                                 Why Attend?
                                                                  The SGNA 48th Annual Course: A Virtual Experience
                                                                  combines renowned industry leaders, focused
Registration Information......................... 03              educational sessions, insights from colleagues and
                                                                  product service highlights—this year in a virtual
Course Goals........................................... 05        format! SGNA gives you the tools and knowledge-
                                                                  base you need to bring value to your job and
Networking and Special Events............... 06                   patients every single day to accelerate our impact in
Important Session Information............... 07                   the specialty. The SGNA 48th Annual Course is the
                                                                  best educational investment your unit or facility will
Schedule-at-a-Glance............................. 08              make all year.

Education Sessions................................. 10
                                                                  Take advantage of these event features:
    Friday.................................................. 10   •   Education focused on topics of importance:
    Saturday............................................. 10          infection prevention, disease, endoscopic
                                                                      procedure skills, and facility reopening
    Sunday................................................ 10
                                                                  •   Opportunity to earn up to 43.25+ contact hours
    Monday............................................... 11
                                                                  •   A flexible schedule with live and recorded
    Tuesday............................................... 11         education sessions available until July 5, 2021
                                                                  •   An interactive look at the latest products and
Sponsored Sessions................................ 13
                                                                      services in the Virtual Exhibit Hall
Exhibitors and Sponsors......................... 14               •   Networking with like-minded professionals

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Amplify Your

ANNUAL COURSE REGISTRATION                                                                VOICE
                                                                                             ACCELERATE OUR

Login to www.sgna.org if you are a member or have          Special Registration Rates
an existing account with SGNA. Logging in ensures
                                                           Join SGNA and save! To receive discounted SGNA
that you receive any discounts you are entitled to
                                                           member rates, join today at www.sgna.org/Join.
and avoids creating multiple accounts. To register
                                                           Student members can register with an exclusive
for the SGNA Annual Course, visit the
                                                           discounted rate of $100. When you join online, your
48th Annual Course website, click “For Attendees”
                                                           membership will go into effect immediately. Your
and proceed to the “Registration” webpage:
                                                           SGNA membership dues must be paid or renewed
•   On the webpage, click the “Register Today”             for 2021 (January 1 – December 31, 2021) to receive
    button.                                                member rates.
•   Once you have completed the information on             The discounted early-bird registration rate will
    each page, click “NEXT” to proceed. Select             apply for all registrations received on or before
    your registration type, add Pre-conference             April 15, 2021.
    Workshops to your schedule and proceed to the
    final payment step.                                    Order Confirmation
•   For your convenience, the online registration          You will receive an order confirmation by email
    system accepts payment by credit card, or you          when you register online. Check this order
    can select “Send Me an Invoice” to receive             confirmation carefully to see whether your
    an emailed order confirmation showing your             registration fee is paid or has a balance due. If
    balance due that can be mailed in with check           you select the “Send Me an Invoice” option when
    payment. Please read and follow the instructions       registering online and mail in a check, you can see
    in the registration system.                            whether check payment has been processed by
•   You will have an agenda builder on the event           logging into your “SGNA Portal” and looking at the
    website to select the specific concurrent              “My Account” section.
    sessions and other events you plan to attend
    while at the Annual Course. Anyone who wants           Registration Confirmation
    to attend a live session will be able to. You do not
                                                           You will receive a registration confirmation by email
    need to pre-register for any regular conference
                                                           when you register online. This email will contain
    sessions. You do need to pre-register for Pre-
                                                           important details about the Annual Course.
    conference Workshops.
•   You will be given the option to print the
    confirmation page for your records. A
    confirmation will also be sent to you at the email
    address on file.
•   You will receive an email one week before the
    event begins with information on how to login to
    the event website.
•   If you have any questions about the registration
    process, please contact info@sgna.org.

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Amplify Your

ANNUAL COURSE REGISTRATION                                                          VOICE
                                                                                       ACCELERATE OUR

Cancellation Policy                                        Pre-conference
SGNA will not accept cancellation requests for
registrations for the SGNA 48th Annual Course:             Workshop Policies
A Virtual Experience.
                                                           Pre-conference Workshop Access
Pre-conference Workshops                                   to Evaluations
Sign-up for Pre-conference Workshops will be on a          Contact hours are awarded by participating
first-come, first-served basis and can be completed        in the entire duration of the educational
during the registration process or by modifying            session and completing an evaluation for
your registration. You can view all Pre-conference         each session you attended. In order to
options and pricing on our website.                        obtain access to the online evaluation for a
                                                           Pre-conference Workshop, attendees must
Tax Note                                                   attend the session in its entirety. Access
                                                           to pre-conference evaluations will not be
Fees paid to SGNA for products, services and dues          granted unless both of these criteria are
are not tax deductible as charitable contributions         met. Attendees who meet these criteria
for income tax purposes. However, they may be              can expect to access the online evaluation
tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business          within 24 hours of session completion.
expenses. Please consult your tax advisor.

                                                           Pre-conference Workshop
                                                           Waiting Lists
                                                           Waiting lists will be created for Pre-
                                                           conference Workshops that are full. If you
                                                           registered and paid for a Pre-conference
                                                           Workshop that is full, you were placed on
                                                           the waiting list. If you do not get a seat
                                                           in the session, a refund will be issued.
                                                           SGNA will not accept responsibility for any
                                                           misunderstanding about your workshop
                                                           selection(s) if you did not receive a

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Amplify Your

EARN UP TO 43.25+ CONTACT HOURS                                                     VOICE
                                                                                       ACCELERATE OUR

The Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and
Associates, Inc. (SGNA) is accredited as a provider
                                                          SGNA 48th Annual Course
of nursing continuing professional development            Program Committee
by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s
Commission on Accreditation.                              Michele Tyring, MSN RN CGRN, Chair
As currently planned, participants in the course          Ronda Flesch, BSN RN CGRN, Co-Chair
may report up to 43.25+ contact hours of continuing
education.                                                Deb Anders, RN BSN CGRN

SGNA 48th Annual Course sessions granted                  Janet Fidanze, MSN RN CGRN
with gastroenterology-specific content hours for          Patricia Jean, BSN RN CGRN
recertification as defined by the American Board of
Certification for Gastroenterology Nurses (ABCGN),        Karen Zervopoulos, RN CGRN CFER
The Certification Board for Sterile Processing and
                                                          Linda Daniels, AGTS CFER
Distribution, Inc. (CBSPD) and the International
Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel        Kathie Holloway, MSN-Ed RN CGRN
Management (IAHCSMM) for contact hour credit
have been determined. The approval code for each          Jay Lardizabal, MAN BSN RN CGRN,
qualifying session will be listed on your certificate     Board of Directors Liaison
of completion. Visit the Annual Course website for
the most up-to-date information on GI-specific,           Poster Presentations
IAHCSMM and CBSPD designations.
                                                          The 48th Annual Course will feature poster
An entire session must be attended to receive             presentations in the Virtual Poster Center
contact hours. The total number of contact hours          throughout the Annual Course. Several
awarded is determined by the number of sessions           of our distinguished poster authors will
an individual attends, pays for and evaluates. Please     summarize their work in brief presentations.
note that one contact hour is equal to 60 minutes of      After watching the presentations, we
educational content.                                      encourage you to visit the Poster Center to
                                                          review the selected Education, Evidence-
                                                          Based Practice/Research and Industry
The goals of the 48th Annual Course are to:
                                                          posters to enrich your virtual learning
1. Enrich participant’s knowledge in current and          experience with information developed by
   emerging diagnostic and therapeutic techniques         our respected colleagues.
   in gastroenterology/endoscopy to transform and
   advance the professional practice of GI nursing.       We are still accepting poster abstracts on
                                                          a rolling basis. Visit the Call for Posters
2. Promote innovative networking and exchange             webpage to learn more.
   of ideas among participants for the purpose of
   improving nursing and associate practice and
   patient care.
3. Foster gastroenterology/endoscopy nursing
   practice changes based on evidence-based
   practice, professional development, research
   and innovation.

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Amplify Your

NETWORKING AND SPECIAL EVENTS                                                        VOICE
                                                                                        ACCELERATE OUR

Get to know your fellow attendees through the
networking opportunities available at the 48th
                                                        Magician Monday
Annual Course.                                          Monday, May 24, 2021
                                                        4:15 pm – 5:00 pm CDT
SGNA Super Bowel                                        Join the Evasons Mentalist Duo, a husband and
                                                        wife team, for 45-minutes of stunning, state-of-
Back again this year is the SGNA Super Bowel!           the-art magic and illusions. This show will feature
During the live event, you can complete tasks and       incredible and exhilarating demonstration of Second
activities within the virtual event platform to earn    Sight and telepathy. Come ready for a high-energy,
points and rise in the rankings to win prizes. All      fun event that you will certainly never forget.
attendees can participate; the three participants       Prepare to be wowed!
with the most points at the end of the event will
win a prize. The winners will be contacted via email
within 3 business days of the close of the event.

Discussion Forum                                           Keep up-to-date with SGNA and the
                                                           gastroenterology specialty with us on
Network with your fellow attendees in Discussions!         social media!
Start conversations, ask questions and share your
experience with other attendees. All attendees can               | www.Twitter.com/SGNAOnline
view and reply to anything you post. Please note that
this is different from SGNA Communities.                         | www.Facebook.com/SGNAOnline

Amplify, Accelerate, Acquaint                                    | Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and
                                                                   Associates, Inc.
Saturday, May 22, 2021
5:15 pm – 6:00 pm CDT
First-time Attendee and New Member Networking
This is a great time to network with and get to know
your fellow first-time Annual Course attendees and
new SGNA members. You will learn more about the
48th Annual Course and becoming involved with
SGNA. You will mix and mingle as we celebrate the
first day of the 48th Annual Course!

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Amplify Your

EDUCATION SESSION INFORMATION                                                        VOICE
                                                                                       ACCELERATE OUR

Evaluations                                               Content Level Definitions
All session and overall evaluations for the 48th          The experience level, which is designated
Annual Course will be available online. Each session      under each session title in the descriptions
evaluation link will be located on the session            section, is based on Benner’s Stages of
details page. Access to online evaluations will           Clinical Competence. These levels are meant
remain available after the Annual Course through          to help you choose your classes based on
July 5, 2021. Instructions on how to access the full      your own experience level in the various
conference evaluations will be emailed to you after       topics offered at the Annual Course.
the event.
                                                                  Novice: Beginners that have had
                                                          no experience of the situations in which
On-demand Education                                       they are expected to perform. Novices are
                                                          taught rules to help them perform.
In addition to the live education sessions, on-
demand sessions will be available beginning May                    Competent: Competence, typified
25, 2021 and close July 5, 2021. All of these sessions    by the nurse who has been on the job in
are included in your conference registration and          the same or similar situations two or three
are available for contact hours. Additionally, all live   years, develops when the nurse begins to
sessions will be recorded and available to watch at       see his or her actions in terms of long-
any time until July 5, 2021.                              range goals or plans. The conscious,
                                                          deliberate planning characteristic of
Navigating Education Sessions                             this level helps achieve efficiency and
Follow the key below to navigate this year’s              organization. The competent nurse lacks
schedule of events:                                       the speed and flexibility of the proficient
                                                          nurse. The associate or technician can be
      PC | Pre-conference Workshops                       found competent when he/she performs
                                                          assigned tasks with this same longer range
      GS | General Sessions                               planning and more efficiency.
      CS | Concurrent Sessions
                                                                   Expert: The expert performer has
      RS | On-Demand Sessions                             an enormous background of experience and
                                                          has an intuitive grasp of each situation. The
                                                          expert operates from a deep understanding
                                                          of the total situation. His/ her performance
                                                          is highly proficient.

                                                          Reference: Benner, P. (1984). From novice
                                                          to expert: Excellence and power in clinical
                                                          nursing practice. Menlo Park: AddisonWesley,
                                                          pp. 13-34.

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Amplify Your

LIVE EVENT SCHEDULE AT-A-GLANCE                                                           VOICE
                                                                                             ACCELERATE OUR

All times listed below are in Central Daylight Time (CDT).

 FRIDAY, MAY 21, 2021
 8:00 am – 5:30 pm      PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP I PC-01

 SATURDAY, MAY 22, 2021
 8:00 am – 8:15 am      Welcome and Introductions
 8:15 am – 9:30 am      PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP I PC-02
 9:30 am – 9:45 am      Break
 9:45 am – 11:45 am     PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP I PC-03
 11:45 am – 12:00 pm    Break
 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm     WELCOME AND GENERAL SESSION
                        GS-01: Miracle on the Hudson, A Passenger's Perspective
 1:15 pm – 3:00 pm      Virtual Exhibit Hall
 1:45 pm – 2:15 pm      Booth CEs
 3:05 pm – 4:05 pm      CONCURRENT SESSIONS I CS-01 — 02
 4:10 pm – 5:15 pm      Vendor Programs
 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm       Amplify, Accelerate, Acquaint: First-time Attendee and New Member Networking

 SUNDAY, MAY 23, 2021
 8:00 am – 9:15 am      WELCOME AND GENERAL SESSION
                        GS-02: Endoscopic Mucosal Resection in the Colon
 9:15 am – 9:30 am      Break
 9:30 am – 10:30 am     CONCURRENT SESSIONS I CS-03 — 04
 10:30 am – 10:45 am    Break
 10:45 am – 11:45 am    CONCURRENT SESSIONS I CS-05 — 06
 11:45 am – 12:00 pm    Break
 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm     Vendor Programs
 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm      Virtual Exhibit Hall
 1:45 pm – 2:15 pm      Booth CEs
 2:35 pm – 3:35 pm      CONCURRENT SESSIONS I CS-07 — 08
 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm      Vendor Programs

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Amplify Your

LIVE EVENT SCHEDULE AT-A-GLANCE                                                           VOICE
                                                                                           ACCELERATE OUR

 MONDAY, MAY 24, 2021
 8:00 am – 8:15 am        Welcome and Introductions
 8:15 am – 9:15 am        CONCURRENT SESSIONS I CS-09 — 10
 9:15 am – 9:30 am        Break
 9:30 am – 10:30 am       Vendor Programs
 10:30 am – 10:45 am      Break
 10:45 am – 12:00 pm      Poster Power Hour
 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm      Break
 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm       CONCURRENT SESSIONS I CS-11 — 12
 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm        Virtual Exhibit Hall
 1:45 pm – 2:15 pm        Booth CEs
 3:05 pm – 4:05 pm        GENERAL SESSION
                          GS-03: You Ate What? Why? What Goes Up or Down will Come Out…
 4:15 pm – 5:00 pm        Magician Monday Networking Event

TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021
 7:00 am – 8:00 am        Vendor Programs
 8:05 am – 8:15 am        Welcome and Introductions
 8:15 am – 9:15 am        CONCURRENT SESSIONS I CS-13 — 14
 9:15 am – 9:30 am        Break
 9:30 am – 10:30 am       CONCURRENT SESSIONS I CS-15 — 16
 10:30 am – 10:45 am      Break
 10:45 am – 12:00 pm      CLOSING AND GENERAL SESSION
                          GS-04: The Funny Thing About Stress

*Schedule is as of March 25, 2021 and is subject to change.

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Amplify Your

      LIVE EDUCATION SESSIONS                                                                   VOICE
                                                                                                    ACCELERATE OUR

      This year’s education program will be a mix of live and recorded content. All live sessions will take place in
      Central Daylight Time (CDT) and will be recorded and available to view until July 5, 2021.

      Friday, May 21                        PC-03                                  Sunday, May 23
                                            2.00 Contact Hours |     ›
                                            9:45 am – 11:45 am
      PC-01                                 Engaging Your Patients in the          GS-02
      8.25 Contact Hours |        ›         Age of COVID-19: Surefire              1.00 Contact Hour |        ➤
      8:00 am – 5:30 pm                     Strategies to Improve Safety,          8:15 am – 9:15 am
      CGRN Exam Essentials                  Decrease Miscommunication and          Endoscopic Mucosal Resection in
      Kelly M. Osborne, MSN APRN CNS-BC     Dramatically Enhance Compliance        the Colon
      CGRN; Mary Grealish, MSN RN CGRN      Edward Leigh, MA                       Douglas Rex, MD
      CSRN; Kristine Barman, BSN RN
                                            GS-01                                  CS-03
                                            1.00 Contact Hour |     ›              1.00 Contact Hour |        ✤
      Saturday, May 22                      12:00 pm – 1:15 pm                     9:30 am – 10:30 am
                                            Miracle on the Hudson, A               Pancreatic Cancer: Detection and
                                            Passenger’s Perspective                Management Strategies
      PC-02                                 Vallie Collins                         Mark Gromski, MD
      1.25 Contact Hours |        ›
      8:15 am – 9:30 am
                                            CS-01                                  CS-04
      Leadership in Action
                                            1.00 Contact Hour |     ✤              1.00 Contact Hour |        ›
      Michelle Day, MSN RN CGRN;
                                            3:05 pm – 4:05 pm                      9:30 am – 10:30 am
      Lea Anne Myers, MSN RN CGRN;
      Catherine Bauer, MSN RN BS MBA        Inflammatory Bowel Disease:            Building Safe Practice around
      CGRN CFER                             What You Need to Know                  Advanced GI Interventional
                                            Peter Buch, MD FACG AGAF FACP          Procedures: General Anesthesia
                                                                                   Considerations in the GI Suite
                                            CS-02                                  Elise Aminah Dorr-Dorynek, RN BSN
                                            1.00 Contact Hour |     ➤
                                            3:05 pm – 4:05 pm
         ✤ Disease                                                                 CS-05
                                            Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS):
         ✚ Evidence-based Practice and                                            1.00 Contact Hour |
              Research                      Optimizing Outcomes and Future                                    ✤
                                            Directions                             10:45 am – 11:45 am
         6 Infection Prevention
                                                                                   Endoscopic Pancreatic

                                            Imad M. Elkhatib, MD
         › Operational Management                                                  Necrosectomy...More than You
         › Other                                                                   Bargained For...
         ➤ Procedure Skills                                                        Paul Korc, MD
         ● Sub-specialty

      S G N A 48 T H A N N U A L C O U R S E : A V I R T U A L E X P E R I E N C E                                   10
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      LIVE EDUCATION SESSIONS                                                                 VOICE
                                                                                                  ACCELERATE OUR

      Sunday, May 23                      Monday, May 24                         Tuesday, May 25

      CS-06                               CS-09                                  CS-13
      1.00 Contact Hour |         ➤       1.00 Contact Hour |        ✤           1.00 Contact Hour |        ✤
      10:45 am – 11:45 am                 8:15 am – 9:15 am                      8:15 am – 9:15 am
      Trans-oral Incisionless             Achalasia: Everything You              HPV and Anal Cancer Prevention
      Fundoplication (TIF) For the        Need to Know About this                Tonna McCutcheon, CGRN DNP
      Treatment of Gastroesophageal       Troublesome Disease
      Reflux Disease                      Nikolai Bildzukewicz, MD               CS-14
      Gonzalo Pandolfi, MD
                                                                                 1.00 Contact Hour |        ➤
                                          CS-10                                  8:15 am – 9:15 am
      CS-07                               1.00 Contact Hour |        ➤           Endoscopic Retrograde
      1.00 Contact Hour |         ✚       8:15 am – 9:15 am                      Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
      2:35 pm – 3:35 pm                   GERD: What's New in the                Jason Samarasena, MD
      Hash It Out: The Role of Medical    Surgical Treatment of This
      Marijuana in GI                     Problematic Disease                    CS-15
      Patricia Raymond, MD FACG BS        John C. Lipham, MD
                                                                                 1.00 Contact Hour |        ›
                                                                                 9:30 am – 10:30 am
      CS-08                               CS-11                                  As America Ages – Digestive
      1.00 Contact Hour |         ✤       1.00 Contact Hour |        ✤           Disruptions in the Aging
      2:35 pm – 3:35 pm                   12:30 pm – 1:30 pm                     Population
      Gastric PerOral Endoscopic          A "Bump" in the Road of an             Paula Gallagher, MFN RD LD
      Myotomy: Treatment for              Upper Scope!
      Gastroparesis                       Sanjay Bhat, MD                        CS-16
      Sarah Stainko, BSN RN
                                                                                 1.00 Contact Hour |        ›
                                          CS-12                                  9:30 am – 10:30 am
                                          1.00 Contact Hour |        ✤           Finding Opportunity During a
                                          12:30 pm – 1:30 pm                     Pandemic
                                          It Takes a Village: Care of            Catherine Coley, BSN MSN RN CPN;
                                          the Patient with Functional            Jeff Cardini, BSN MS RN CPN
         ✤ Disease                        Gastrointestinal Disease
         ✚ Evidence-based Practice and   Christopher D Vélez, MD; Kristina F.   GS-04
              Research                    Skarbinski, MSN FNP-BC
                                                                                 1.00 Contact Hour |        ›
         6 Infection Prevention                                                  10:45 pm – 12:00 pm

         › Operational Management         GS-03                                  The Funny Thing About Stress
         › Other                          1.00 Contact Hour |        ➤           Kay Frances, MBA BS CSP
         ➤ Procedure Skills               3:05 pm – 4:05 pm
         ● Sub-specialty                  You Ate What? Why? What Goes
                                          Up or Down will Come Out…
                                          Michael Kochman, MD

      S G N A 48 T H A N N U A L C O U R S E : A V I R T U A L E X P E R I E N C E                                 11
Amplify Your

ON-DEMAND EDUCATION SESSIONS                                                              VOICEACCELERATE OUR

The sessions listed on this page are pre-recorded and will be available to view on-demand in the virtual
event platform until July 5, 2021. All of these sessions are included with your registration. Participants may
earn 1.00 contact hour for each on-demand session successfully completed.

       ➤                                     ✚                                      ›
RS-01: Endoscopic Submucosal          RS-09: Identifying Predictors          RS-16: Endo 101 — A Residency
Dissection (ESD)                      of Airway Complications in             Program for New Endoscopy
Keith Bilbrew, DNP MSN RN CGRN        Conscious Sedation                     Nurses
                                      Rose Bray, DNP MSN RN CCRN CNML        Katherine Williams, EdD MSN RN CNE
       ✚                                                                     CNOR RNFA
RS-02: A Quality Improvement                 ✚
Project on Nurse-led Case             RS-10: Building Research                      ✤
Management in those with End-         Capacity and Infrastructure for        RS-17: Liver: A Deep Dive into This
Stage Liver Disease                   Gastroenterology Nursing:              Complicated, but Essential Organ
Paula Cox-North, PhD ARNP             Start Small, Think Big!                Teri A. Derimanoczy, MSN FNP-BC RN
                                      Ann M. Mazzella Ebstein, PhD RN CGRN   CGRN
RS-03: Soothing the Symptoms of              ➤                                      ✤
Irritable Bowel Syndrome              RS-11: Endoscopic Suturing             RS-18: Get Your Ducts in a
Paula Gallagher, MFN RD LD            Therapy for Obesity Treatment          Row: Understand and Manage
                                      Keith Bilbrew, DNP MSN RN CGRN         PSC & PBC
                                                                             Patricia Raymond, MD FACG BS
RS-04: Managing the Conflict                 ✤
                                      RS-12: Celiac Disease or                      ✤ ●
Cynthia M. Friis, MEd BSN RN BC                                              RS-19: Advances in Interventional
                                      Something Else?
                                      Peter Buch, MD FACG AGAF FACP          Pulmonology
                                                                             Paras Patel, MD
RS-05: Gastroparesis: My Tools
of the Trade
Nikolai Bildzukewicz, MD              RS-13: The Need for Education                 ✤
                                      Reform for Advanced Pulmonary          RS-20: A Presentation on Ice,
       ✤                              Procedural Nursing and Staff           Fire and Poison: Interventional
                                      Laura Clark, MSN RN CCRN               Radiology Hepatocellular Cancer
RS-06: Amplify Your LAMS,
Accelerate Fluid Drainage
                                             ✤                               Sonali Weerasinghe, PA-C
James Collins, BS RN CNOR
                                      RS-14: Gastric Cancer: The
       ➤                              Elusive and Silent Killer                     ●
RS-07: ESD, EMR, EFTR...This is       John C. Lipham, MD                     RS-21: Practical Integrative
the New GI Alphabet Soup                                                     Health Tips for Pediatric GI
Paul Korc, MD                                ›                               Providers
                                      RS-15: The Garden of Leadership.       Paul Ufberg, DO
       ›                              Pick The Next Best.
RS-08: Cannabis: Friend or Foe?       Mary Kate Corey, BSN RN CCRN;
Renee Martin, MN RN PHCNS-BC CGRN     Melissa Shelley, MSN RN CNOR

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Amplify Your

SPONSORED SESSIONS                                                                        VOICE
                                                                                            ACCELERATE OUR

Vendor Programs                                          Booth CE Program
SGNA will feature the ever-popular Vendor                These quick-hit sponsored sessions will be hosted
Programs again this year. These sponsored                during exhibit hall hours during the event. All Booth
sessions, some offering continuing education             CEs will be included on the Booth CE tab of the
credits, will be featured on the Vendor Programs tab     schedule. Sessions are 30 minutes in length and
of the schedule. The company hosting the Vendor          will be hosted within the exhibiting company’s Zoom
Program will award contact hours for participation.      booth. The company giving the presentation will
The Vendor Programs will take place during the           award contact hours for participation. Booth CEs
following times*:                                        will take place during the following times*:
Saturday, May 22                                         Saturday, May 22
4:10 pm – 5:15 pm                                        1:45 pm – 2:15 pm
Sunday, May 23                                           Sunday, May 23
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm; 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm                    1:45 pm – 2:15 pm
Monday, May 24                                           Monday, May 24
9:30 am – 10:30 am                                       1:45 pm – 2:15 pm
Tuesday, May 25                                          *All times are listed in Central Daylight Time.
7:00 am - 8:00 am
*All times are listed in Central Daylight Time.

New Products Showcase
See what’s up and coming in the GI community with the New Products Showcase! Learn about the great new
products from our sponsors and exhibitors during the live event.

Passport to Prizes Program
How does it work, and how can I participate?
A blank passport card will be available for download on the virtual event website. Participating exhibitors
will have a Passport to Prizes image in their virtual booth. Visit each participating vendor and request their
secret code to fill out your passport and be entered to win! The winners will be selected after the conclusion
of the final session on Tuesday, May 25, 2021.

                                        Learn how to partner with SGNA at

S G N A 48 T H A N N U A L C O U R S E : A V I R T U A L E X P E R I E N C E                                 13
Amplify Your

PARTNER WITH SGNA                                                                     VOICE
                                                                                       ACCELERATE OUR

                       2021 Annual Course Exhibitors and Sponsors

                   DIA MO N D                                            P LATINUM


                   E ME R A L D


    Visit the Virtual Exhibit Hall to
 expand your contacts, knowledge and
              to win prizes!

                                         (as of March 25, 2021)

                                    Learn how to partner with SGNA at

S G N A 48 T H A N N U A L C O U R S E : A V I R T U A L E X P E R I E N C E                            14
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