Page created by Gerald Ford



                                                                                                                      WELCOME TO
                                                                                                                            A C I T Y K N O W N F O R N A T U R A L B E A U T Y,
                                                                                                                                   H E R I TA G E A N D R O B I N H O O D

                                                                                                                      Nottingham is a green city with a legendary past,          In addition, Nottingham Forest Football Ground
                                                                                                                      home to creativity, culture and the legend of              holds the legacy of Brian Clough OBE who is
                                                                                                                      Robin Hood. Nottinghamshire offers a variety of            arguably one of the greatest managers in the history
                                                                                                                      walking and cycle routes across the county through         of the Football League. Visit his statue located just

                                                     A year
                                                                                                                      nature reserves, country parks to the legendary            off Old Market Square. As well as sporting heroes,
                                                                                                                      Sherwood Forest. The county is also home to some           Nottingham is known for the global fashion designer

                                                                                                                      of Nottingham’s much-loved sporting grounds                phenomenon Sir Paul Smith, who started his fashion
                                                                                                                      including the world-renowned 3rd oldest Test match         career in Nottingham at the age of 15. He then went
                                                                                                                      ground, Trent Bridge. Explore the city’s vibrant streets   on to design new trends and collections worldwide.
                                                                                                                      filled with galleries and independent shops. Stop by       However, one of his most stunning retail ventures
                                                                                                                      the Broadway cinema, located in the historic Lace          is the design of his Nottingham store. He has
                            Pack your year with long lasting memories of relaxing long weekend                        Market, which is only minutes away from the live           designed its interior to complement the 18th century
                                  getaways and adventurous trips in the great outdoors.                               music venue Motorpoint Arena Nottingham. This              building’s history.
                        When you camp at Sherwood Pines you can truly experience everything                           state-of-the-art venue has hosted performances from
                                                                                                                                                                                 The city is home to stunning open spaces.
                        nature has to offer - surrounded by ancient woodland, wonderful wildlife                      Sir Elton John, Take That and many more!
                                                                                                                                                                                 Old Market Square is one of Europe’s largest
                                                  and fascinating folklore.                                           Delve into the city’s underground history with the         city squares, which transforms with the seasons
                                    Book today at                             labyrinthine of 800+ caves deep beneath the city’s         from a beautiful sunny seaside to a festive Winter
                                                     or call 024 7711 0292
                                                                                                                      streets. Nottingham is known for its rebellious and        Wonderland. Wollaton Hall and park is a Grade I listed
                                                                                                                      pioneering history dating back to the legendary            Elizabethan country house that was once home
                                                                                                                      Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men, who fought           to barons in the 1580s as well as Bruce Wayne in
                                                                                                                      for the rights of those oppressed by the Sheriff           the 2012 The Dark Knight Rises Batman film. Today,
                                                                                                                      of Nottingham. This spirit continued throughout            Wollaton Hall houses Nottingham’s Natural History
                                                                                                                      the English Civil War and it lives on today through        Museum which is surrounded by 500 acres of
                                                                                                                      various community initiatives and the creativity of        stunning open green space – where you may spot
                                                                                                                      the local people.                                          a deer or two!

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                                                                                                                                                                                              V I S I T- N O T T I N G H A M S H I R E . C O . U K   | 1
VISIT NOTTINGHAMSHIRE                                                                                                                                                     F E AT U R E S

                                                                                                                                                                                                              10                       14                          16

      W H AT S O N N O T T I N G H A M . C O M
      Take a look at our What’s On guide for a comprehensive list of the latest and                                                                         06                                                11
      most exciting events in Nottinghamshire.                                             JOIN THE
      As new events are always being announced across the city and county,
      the Visit Nottinghamshire What’s On guide continually lists events to suit
      all ages, budgets and interests, so you never miss out.                              CONVERSATION

                                                                                           FOLLOW US:
      ON THE COVER                                                                                                                                          07                               08               12                       18
                                                                                               @VisitNotts                  @NottinghamTIC
                                                                                               @VisitNottinghamshire                          visitnotts                    04                                       10                                             16
      This spectacular building was                                                                                                                         HEROES AND PIONEERS                       WHERE LEGENDS GROW                            A CREATIVE CITY
      designed by Robert Smythson                                                              Visit Notts                  Visit Notts                    Meet some of Nottingham’s protagonists.      Discover Sherwood Forest and              PACKED WITH CULTURE
      and built by Sir Francis Willoughby                                                                                                                                                                     its Visitor Centre.                      Get inspired by Nottingham’s
      between 1580 and 1588.                                                                                                                                                06                                                                                creative spirit.

      Now a prominent Grade I listed                                                                                                                               NOTTINGHAM                                         11
      building and one of Nottingham’s
                                                                                           CONTRIBUTORS                                                            BUCKET LIST                               NORTH                                                  18
      top visitor attraction.                                                                                                                                     Explore top places to visit.          NOTTINGHAMSHIRE                                 SOMETHING OLD
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sample the very best of North Notts.              SOMETHING NEW
      Photo credit: Tom Price, tomoprice
                                                                                                                                                                            07                                                                         Top pics from Nottingham’s
      on Instagram
                                                                                                                                                               THE EXCITING                                           12                             heritage and contemporary offer.

                                                                                                                                                            WORLD OF ICE SKATING!                          ECOTOURISM IN
                                                                                                                                                             Glide and twirl with Torvill and Dean.         A GREEN CITY                                           20
          PUBLISHED BY VISIT NOTTINGHAMSHIRE                                                                                                                                                           Think green during your next visit.                   WHAT’S ON
                                                                                                                                                                            08                                                                            Your diary of events in
                                 Project Manager: Kinga Kapias
                                                                                                                                                                    MAGIC OF THE                                     14                              Nottingham & Nottinghamshire.
                                       Editorial content:
                                                                                                                                                                    HOODED MAN                          KINGS AND QUEENS
            Jack Woolley, Katherine Taylor, Alistair Webster, Katrina Farrier, Laura Lee   Gemma Howarth                    Sally Gillborn
                                                                                                                                                             Walk in the footstep of Robin Hood.            Get the royal treatment.
                                                                                           Senior Site Manager,             Chief Executive
                Promote your tourism business through Visit Nottinghamshire.               Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre   North Notts BID
             Contact |        and National Nature Reserve

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  Nottingham has always been a city of brave heroes and charismatic rebels. While some of the city’s                                                                     Nottinghamshire’s pioneers have battled the odds to bravely blaze trails for others to follow. These pioneers
  protagonists are better known than others, their stories have all contributed to Nottingham’s identity                                                                 may not have realised the remarkable impact they would have during their own lives, but their actions have
  as a place where people have the courage to stand up for what’s right, not what is easy.                                                                               reverberated through time and continue to inspire new generations in Nottingham and beyond.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Image - Tracey Whitefoot
              R O B I N H O O D | HERO                                                                                                                                      A DA LOV E L AC E | PIONEER
              Robin Hood is synonymous with Nottingham, and the world’s most-                 Visitors can re-live the legend in Nottingham Castle’s brand-new              Ada Lovelace was a true visionary of a mathematician. Often described as the first
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             st computer
              beloved folk hero needs little introduction. A true champion of social          interactive galleries and may even catch sight of the famous                  programmer, she saw the potential for computers to become the world-changingg devices
              justice, Robin fought for the poor and needy, opposing the tyrannical           hooded hero roaming the streets of Nottingham. Ezekial Bone                   they are today. She was one of the first people to see uses for computers beyondd being pure
              powers of the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham. Reminders of Robin’s mischief        offers engaging, character-led town tours, retelling Robin’s                  calculation machines. Daughter of Lord Byron, Ada was buried beside her infamous ous father
              and misadventure are everywhere in Nottinghamshire - whether it’s the           adventures with trademark flair. Head out into legendary Sherwood             at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, in the market town of Hucknall. A small memorial
              beautiful church of St Mary’s where he and Maid Marion were married, or         Forest, to walk amongst the ancient forests and soaring trees,                stands at the church. Today, her pioneering work is celebrated globally, and she even has a
              the grimy cells in the belly of the National Justice Museum – which failed to   which played host to countless medieval skirmishes. A new                     cryptocurrency named in her honour!
              keep him behind lock and key for long.                                          Visitor Centre stands close to his famous hideout - The Major
                                                                                              Oak – and the grand old oak stands defiant to this day.

                                                                                              L I T E R A RY H E RO E S | HERO                                                                                                                            S I R P E T E R M A N S F I E L D | PIONEER
                                                                                              Some of the most celebrated and provocative literary heroes ever                                                                                            Nottingham’s pioneers have also ushered in astonishing medical
                                                                                              to put pen to paper, Lord Byron and D.H. Lawrence, have deep ties                                                                                           breakthroughs. Sir Peter Mansfield – who sadly passed away in 2017 – gifted
                                                                                              with the area, and continue to inspire with their remarkable legacies.                                                                                      the transformative power of MRI scanners to the world. He pioneered the
                                                                                              Visit the ancestral home of the ‘mad, bad and dangerous to know’                                                                                            technology while working as a Professor at the University of Nottingham,
                                                                                              Lord Byron at beautiful Newstead Abbey. Despite his wealth and                                                                                              even becoming the first live patient to test out the prototype machine. He was
                                                                                              eccentricity, Lord Byron still used his prominence to speak up in                                                                                           knighted and bestowed with the Freedom of Nottingham in honour of his
                                                                                              support of Nottingham’s frame-breakers in Parliament in 1811. Walk                                                                                          remarkable legacy. Look out to see his name adorning one of the city’s trams
                                                                                              in D.H. Lawrence’s footsteps by visiting his birthplace in Eastwood. A                                                                                      during your visit.
                                                                                              lovingly recreated miner’s cottage which serves as a portal back to life
                                                                                              in 1885, and sits in the very house where the famous author was born.

              P E T E R PA N | HERO                                                                                                                                         E R IC I RO N S | PIONEER
              There is good reason to believe the story of ‘the boy who never grew                                                                                          Eric Irons lived an astonishing life and had a momentous impact
              up’ was inspired by Nottingham’s beautiful Arboretum. The author,                                                                                             on Nottingham’s history. Born in Jamaica, he would fly for the RAF,
              J.M. Barrie, honed his writing skills working for the Nottingham                                                                                              before moving to Nottingham and campaigning tirelessly to improve
              Journal and regularly enjoyed walks through the Neverland-like                                                                                                the rights and opportunities available to all. He broke new ground by
              park. If you visit Pelham Street, you can see a plaque to                                                                                                     becoming Britain’s first black Magistrate in 1962, and his
              Barrie, while a wander through the Arboretum – which                                                                                                          pioneering legacy has been honoured with a plaque
              hosts outdoor theatre and music –                                                                                                                             on the wall of the National Justice Museum.
              always inspires wonder.                                                                                                                                       There is also a bold mural on the canal
                                                                                                                                                                            towpath, close to Carrington Street bridge.

                                                                                              N E D LU D D | HERO                                                           G EO RG E A F R I CA N U S | PIONEER
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ONEE R                                         D R ST E WA RT A DA M S | PIONEER
                                                                                              Nottingham’s people have never taken kindly to injustice. Despite the         Contemporary Nottingham is a hotbed of independent businesses                 Another hero of medicine, Dr Stewart Adams, is known
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            nown as
                                                                                              modern meaning of ‘Luddite’, the real Luddites were textile workers,          and is regularly named as one of the UK’s most entrepreneurial                the father of ibuprofen. While working at Boots - which was
                                                                                              who protested by breaking the machines that were devaluing their              cities. George Africanus was a true torchbearer, making history as            established in Nottingham - he and Dr John Nicholson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             olson developed
                                                                                              employment at a time of poverty and food shortages. Ned Ludd was              the city’ first black entrepreneur. Brought to England as a slave             the game-changing painkiller together. He passed  d awayy
                                                                                              the mythical leader of the movement, and while he may not have                aged three, he went on to establish an employment agency in                   aged 95 in 2019 and is honoured with a blue plaque ue at the
                                                                                              ever actually existed, whispers of his presence inspired the protesters       Nottingham and become a property owner and landlord in the city               BioCity Nottingham building. There is also a bridge
                                                                                              and spooked the authorities. Visit Framework Knitters Museum in               after finding his freedom.                                                    named in his memory, which connects the Universityersity of
                                                                                              Ruddington to learn more about Ned Ludd and the movement. Walk                                                                                              Nottingham with the Boots campus.
                                                                                              round to see how a local Victorian community lived and worked and
                                                                                              try your hand at knitting on a 19th century sock machine.
                                       Image - Simon Ford

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THE NOTTINGHAM BUCKET LIST                                                                                  GLIDE INTO THE EXCITING
Top 10 things to do and authentic
experiences you should try in Nottingham
                                                                                                             W O R L D O F I C E S K AT I N G !
                                                                                                                               NATIONAL ICE CENTRE, NOTTINGHAM NG1 1LA
and Nottinghamshire.                                                                                                    Best known as the training rink for Olympic legends and
1. CITY OF CAVES                                                                                            Dancing On Ice stars Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean, the National Ice Centre
Explore the hidden world of caves and unearth the history below the city of Nottingham.                                        is Nottingham’s hub for all things skating.
The man-made caves were once home to a medieval tannery before becoming World War II
air raid shelters. Joint tickets with Nottingham’s National Justice Museum are available.                    Children under the age of 5 skate for free in a dedicated Tots Zone, hundreds of
2. BROMLEY HOUSE LIBRARY                                                                                   people of all ages and abilities learn to skate at the rink each week, and others enjoy
Psst – can you keep a secret? Seek out the city’s secret library. Hidden in plain sight on Angel             skating at leisure with family and friends. A lively and fun activity, ice skating is
Row, just off Nottingham’s Old Market Square, lies one of the last remaining subscription
libraries in the country, and a must-see for bookworms and lovers of literature.                                                   guaranteed to get your body moving!

This multi-award-winning town tour is not one to miss! Learn about the legend of Robin
Hood told by the man himself as you are guided through the city, learning about the key
sights before finishing at the Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem.

Since the Victorian times, tourists have been interested in this ancient ‘greenwood’, in part
by romantic novels set in medieval times. The Major Oak is a world-famous 1000 year-old
tree, weighing an estimated 23 tons with the branches spreading over 92 feet.

The stunning Malt Cross is the only Victorian Music Hall in the country that still operates
as its original design intended – a lively bar with live music. Their fascinating heritage
tours take you back in time to the glory days of the Music Hall, and into the depths of the
Grade II listed building to explore their 300+ year old caves.

Rufford Abbey Country Park is the estate and grounds of a former 12th century
Cistercian Monastery and country house. Most people who visit Rufford Abbey take the
gentle walk around the lake which lasts around 20 minutes or head to the gardens and
the children’s play area.

7. YE OLDE TRIP TO JERUSALEM                                                                         L E S S O N S , I C E H O C K E Y, S P E E D S K AT I N G , F I G U R E S K AT I N G ,
Beneath the cliff of Nottingham’s historic Castle, step back in time and discover the history         I C E D A N C E A N D SY N C H R O N I Z E D S K AT I N G , I T A L L TA K E S
of England’s oldest inn which has become a Nottingham treasure. A cross between an inn
and a museum, the pub features many objects that will spark your interest.                                           P L A C E AT T H E N AT I O N A L I C E C E N T R E !
Nestled amongst the rolling countryside of south Nottinghamshire lies Hanwell Wine
                                                                                                   Alongside skating for leisure, the National Ice Centre plays    Get your skates on…
Estate. Enjoy a stroll around the beautiful vineyard on a self-guided tour then stop by the        host to many of Great Britain’s bright young skaters as they
                                                                                                                                                                   For the little ones, a dedicated Tots Zone with ice
tasting lodge with its sunny terrace to sip local wines or the multi-award-winning wines           train and prepare for prestigious international competitions.
made at their parent vineyard, Eglantine. Or book yourself onto a Vineyard Experience.                                                                             equipment sits in the centre of the ice during weekends to
                                                                                                   The venue is also home to the Speed Skating Performance
                                                                                                                                                                   help pre-schoolers grow confidence at their own pace. With
9. NOTTINGHAM CONTEMPORARY                                                                         Team, some of whom compete in the Winter Olympics so be
                                                                                                                                                                   skates as small as toddler size five, tots from as young as 18
Explore themed exhibitions of international art for free at one of the largest galleries of        sure to keep your eyes peeled for speed skaters and Olympic
contemporary art in the UK. Alongside the exhibitions, Nottingham Contemporary runs a                                                                              months old can join in on the fun and children aged 5 and
                                                                                                   athletes on your visit!
full programme of events, including talks, film screenings, music and performances.                                                                                under skate for free when accompanied by a paying adult.
                                                                                                   As Nottingham’s skating hub, there’s a variety of fun
Discover the hidden stories underground and explore the limestone gorge and caves of               sessions throughout the week from family sessions to UV         Finally, the UK’s leading ice sports
Creswell Crags. Take the family and learn about life in the Ice Age, hunt for Witches Marks        paint parties. If you’d rather spectate, why not grab a hot     store, Ice Locker, is located within
or discover Rock Art in the various caves Creswell Crags has to offer.                             drink and fuel up in the Encore Café? Encore overlooks the
                                                                                                                                                                   the National Ice Centre complex
                                                                                                   ice rink giving you great views of all the skating action!
For a full list of top 50 bucket list experiences go to:                                           Be sure to visit for                and is the perfect place to grab a                                           the latest events and What’s On information.                    skating memento from your visit.

                                                                                                                                                                                V I S I T- N O T T I N G H A M S H I R E . C O . U K   | 7
REDISCOVER THE                                                                                                                                                                                      Nottingham Castle
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Experience 1,000 years of history at Nottingham Castle and channel the

  MAGIC OF THE HOODED                                                                                                                                                                                 rebellious spirit of Robin Hood in the interactive galleries. Tour the caves
                                                                                                                                                                                                      that lie hidden beneath Castle Rock and enjoy the picturesque grounds
                                                                                                                                                                                                      of this world-class heritage destination in the heart of the city. Explore

  MAN IN NOTTINGHAM                                                                                                                                                                                   the permanent galleries that celebrate Nottingham’s rich and vibrant
                                                                                                                                                                                                      past. The Castle is a highlight in Nottingham’s cultural and heritage offer
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and puts the city firmly on the map.

  Many of us have heard the stories, been there, seen it, done
  it, got the green stockings. But the legend of Robin Hood is so                                                                National Justice Museum
  much more. It’s a story for the ages. The best part about it?                                                                  Nottingham’s 15th century County Gaol and Shire Hall has
                                                                                                                                 imprisoned some of the country’s most notorious criminals over the
  His rebel spirit lives on here in Nottinghamshire…                                                                             centuries. Legend has it that Robin Hood himself was held captive
                                                                                                                                 in one of the dungeons there, later being rescued by Little John.
                                                                                                                                 Descend into the depths of the prison to explore the underground
  The legend of Robin Hood has continued for over 700 years, since the first medieval ballads emerged on the                     cells, hear tales of crime and punishment from throughout the
  streets of Nottingham. Stories of a hooded man that robbed from the tyrannical Sheriff of Nottingham and                       centuries or check out their varied programme of events, from
  gave to the poor, living out in Sherwood Forest with his band of Merry Men.                                                    dramatic trail re-enactments to unique murder mystery evenings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Image - National Justice Museum
  The story has lasted for centuries, and for a good reason. The fight against injustice, the longing to be free,
  the rebellious streak in all of us to be the masters of our own destiny. It’s a story that speaks to our most basic
  instincts and desires. Robin Hood is more than just a man and a story, he’s the personification of something                                                                                        Edwinstowe
  we all truly long for. He remains as relevant in the 21st century as he did in the 15th.                                                                                                            Edwinstowe is a historic village in the heart of Sherwood Forest.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Legend states that it was here, at the beautiful medieval church of
  IT’S THIS REBEL SPIRIT THAT LIVES ON IN NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, WAITING TO                                                                                                                                 St Mary, that Robin married Maid Marian. The high street in the village
                                                                                                                                                                                                      has a statue in their honour! Whilst visiting Edwinstowe, why not take
  BE DISCOVERED. COME AND WALK IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF ROBIN HOOD.                                                                                                                                        some time to visit Forest Lodge for a bite to eat, or spend some time
                                                                                                                                                                                                      visiting the local shops.

                                                                                                                                 Sherwood Forest
                                                                                                                                 Just a stone’s throw from Edwinstowe, venture into
                                                                                                                                 Nottinghamshire’s most iconic location, Sherwood Forest!
                                                                                                                                 The forest was originally established as the royal hunting grounds
                                                                                                                                 dating back to the 10th century. Made legendary as the home of
                                                                                                                                 the famous outlaw in the ballads of Robin Hood, amongst the
                                                                                                                                 great oaks you will find the timeworn beauty, The Major Oak,
                                                                                                                                 along with nature trails and walks. Sherwood Forest is a must
  ROBIN HOOD                                                          YE OLDE TRIP TO                                            visit for anyone coming to Nottinghamshire.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Image - Lucy Hodson

  TOWN TOUR                                                           JERUSALEM
  Join Nottingham’s legendary outlaw on the Robin                     Widely known as the oldest inn in England, Ye Olde
                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Dukeries
  Hood Town Tour. Follow Ezekial Bone and hear                        Trip to Jerusalem is brimming with historic charm.
  how the ballads that emerged 700 years ago grew                     Built into the cliffside, the cosy rooms and nooks are                                                                          Nestled in the North West of Nottinghamshire is the beautiful
                                                                                                                                                                                                      area known as The Dukeries, encompassing some of the
  into one of the greatest stories ever told! This fun,               carved from the rock on which Nottingham Castle                                                                                 county’s finest former Ducal estates and countryside. Within
  theatrical exploration of the legend is told against                stands, with tunnels extending deep beneath. Tourists                                                                           an hour of Nottingham city centre, The Dukeries area provides
  the back drop of the city. As you make your way                     and locals alike gather to drink and dine in this richly                                                                        a peaceful country escape, perfect for short weekend breaks
                                                                                                                                                                                                      or long walks and picnics. We could well imagine Robin’s
  through Nottingham, learn how the iconic tale of                    characterful inn, built into the iconic Castle Rock.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      archnemesis enjoying the Dukeries. Go on… indulge the inner
  the hooded man remains as relevant as ever in the                   Finish the Robin Hood Town Tour with the man himself                                                                            Sheriff inside of you.
  21st century.                                                       and a well-deserved pint in this must visit venue!

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S H E RW O O D F O R E ST -                                                                                                     E X P LO R E N O RT H
  W H E R E L E G E N D S G RO W                                                                                                  N OT T I N G H A M S H I R E
                                                                                                                                  Surviving the centuries and still resonating with people today, the legend of
                                                                                                                                  Robin Hood is undoubtedly one of the greatest ever told. But there’s far more
                                                                                                                                  to Sherwood Forest than the king of outlaws and prince among good fellows.
                                                                                                                                  North Nottinghamshire offers a wide choice of hotels,          You can sample homemade produce in the tearooms
                                                                                                                                  B&Bs, self-catering and caravan sites allowing you the         and purchase flour and other produce to take home.
                                                                                                                                  freedom to visit the Yorkshire Dales, beautiful Lincolnshire   The area surrounding Worksop is known as the
                                                                                                                                  Wolds, the Peak District and the stunning East Coast.          ‘Dukeries’ after the unusually close proximity of four
                                                                                                                                  In summer North Notts BID stages North Notts FoodFest          historic ducal seats. Worksop is home to the Priory
                                                                                                                                  in Worksop and the musical extravaganza, Party in the          Shopping Centre. A traditional street market is held
                                                                                                                                  Square in Retford. Summer is also the best time to             on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays making the
  Image - Ashley Bird                                                                                                             take a stroll along the Chesterfield canal and sample          town a vibrant shopping destination all year round.
                                                                                                                                  food and drink at picturesque pubs along the way.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 The picturesque Georgian market town of
  You can walk in the legendary footsteps of Nottinghamshire’s most famous son and                                                Stunning autumnal displays in Clumber Park                     Retford boasts independent shops. Traditional
                                                                                                                                  easily rival those of America’s New England states.            markets held on Thursdays and Saturdays, with
  get closer to nature at RSPB Sherwood Forest and Budby South Forest every day.                                                  Hire a bicycle from the centrally located National             antique and collectors’ markets on Fridays.
                                                                                                                                  Trust Hire Shop within the park to explore.
  Sherwood Forest is home to hundreds of stunning                  And winter reveals the true shapes and colours of the                                                                         One of the greatest North Nottinghamshire stories is
  ancient oak trees, including the iconic Major Oak, one of        ancient oak trunks, forged by the elements over centuries.     Welbeck is home to the renowned School of Artisan              that of the Pilgrim Fathers. In 1607 a Scrooby postmaster
  the UK’s largest trees, believed to be around 1,000 years                                                                       food and the Welbeck Farm Shop with its award-                 named William Brewster, William Bradford from
                                                                   RSPB’s state-of-the-art Visitor Centre includes a superb
  old - and reputedly the haunt of the outlaw Robin Hood.                                                                         winning Stichelton cheese. The ‘Wheatley Strawberry            Austerfield and Richard Clifton, a parson from Babworth
                                                                   café, selling a range of locally sourced foods, and the shop   Tradition’ of pick your own strawberries as started
                                                                   stocks a full range of Robin Hood souvenirs, as well as                                                                       joined dozens of religious pilgrims to start a new life in
  Beyond Sherwood, the heathland of Budby                                                                                         by George Goacher in 1850 continues today.                     Holland. In 1620 the pilgrims set sail on the Mayflower to
  South Forest offers a habitat to a bewildering                   everything you need for supporting wildlife in your garden.    Another local speciality is Thaymar ice cream.                 America. William Brewster played a major part in founding
  variety of birds, beetles and other species.                     Throughout the year, there will be a full programme of                                                                        the new society. 2020 marked the 400th anniversary
                                                                                                                                  Tuxford Windmill is Nottinghamshire’s only fully working,
  Spring brings fresh growth and new life to the Forest, the       brilliant events to tell you everything you need to know       independent, wind-powered Flour Mill.                          of when these brave pilgrims set out for America.
  sound of the lesser spotted woodpecker and the song              about its legends and to discover the flora and fauna
  of birds returning from their wintering grounds to nest.         of Sherwood’s fascinating and ancient environment.
  Summer offers the buzz and colour of bees and                    Guided costumed walks can transport your
  beetles, including some of the most vulnerable                   imagination back to life in medieval Sherwood
  indigenous species which find sanctuary in                       or reveal the many ballads and tales of Robin
  the landscape of Sherwood and Budby.                             Hood that you perhaps never knew existed.

  Through autumn, as the colours of the leaves change              Family trails and activities, including archery (of course),
  from green to copper, the wood wide web comes                    provide hours of fun through the school holidays.
  alive with fabulous fungi exploding into view.

  RSPB can also help you to see the living                         For everything you need to know about what’s happening
  Forest through the eyes of those who                             at RSPB Sherwood Forest and Budby South Forest
                                                                   visit or follow them at:
  know it best, with their expert guides
  helping you to find and understand                                   @visitsherwood
  its wildlife and natural history.                                    @RSPBSherwood

  Opening times:
  Visitor Centre, shop and café open every day except Christmas Day 10am 5pm (Mar to Oct); 10am-4.30pm (Nov-Feb).

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E C OTO U R I S M I N                                                                                                         OUR TOP PICKS FOR YOUR
                                                                                                                                ECOTOURISM TRIP IN NOTTINGHAM.
  A GREEN CITY                                                                                                                  We have put together some highlights for a low-carbon and eco-friendly trip to the area
                                                                                                                                including some top attractions, fun things to do and unique experiences you will enjoy.

  Ecotourism is a fantastic way of exploring Nottinghamshire                                                                    F O R T H E F O O DI E
  while being respectful of the environment. We welcome you                                                                     Try a vegetarian or vegan dish at one of Nottingham’s
                                                                                                                                restaurants such as Annie’s Burger Shack, Zaap Thai,
  to learn all about our green city, which is on track to becoming                                                              or Broadway, where you can munch on a delicious
                                                                                                                                pizza before seeing a film. If you want a snack, why
  carbon neutral by 2028, and to visit some of the amazing                                                                      not try Delilah’s Fine Foods, Doughnotts or grab a
                                                                                                                                table at Josephine’s of Nottingham. You may even be
  attractions and venues which embody these values.                                                                             able to catch Sneinton’s Vegan Market, Nottingham’s
                                                                                                                                twice-a-month Vegan Market.

  Ecotourism can be incorporated into any visit easily, and         to get a spot to eat, try some vegetarian or vegan swaps
  often allows you to save money, experience something              at one of Nottingham’s amazing restaurants. Most of our
  unique and learn something new.                                   amazing eateries provide delicious meat and dairy-free                                                                         THE GREAT OUTDOORS
                                                                    alternatives – many including some sweet treats and                                                                            A low-carbon day outdoors lets you get active and save
  When considering where to stay, why not try an eco-                                                                                                                                              some pennies. Wollaton Hall and Deer Park is free to explore
                                                                    local favourites, which will often save you some pennies
  friendly hotel like the Orchard Hotel, or try a hostel?                                                                                                                                          and is easily accessible by bus or car. Nottingham also has
                                                                    and will fuel you up ready to explore the next spot!
  You can also enjoy a cottage stay, a B&B getaway or a                                                                                                                                            some stunning walks including along the canalside, which
                                                                    Of course, a nice picnic at a beauty spot or natural                                                                           are also perfect bike trails. Take a day trip to one of our
  camping trip in Nottinghamshire to minimise your carbon
                                                                    attraction also goes down well...                                                                                              charming market towns, including Southwell and Newark,
  footprint. To get around, you can travel by train, tram or
                                                                    A visit to a beauty spot is an easy low-carbon day, where                                                                      and be amazed by the natural beauty around you.
  bus – many of which are electric or run on biofuel. You
  can access a lot of attractions this way, and a change            you can see amazing natural or historic attractions. Many
  of transport can make many trips low-carbon. As many              of these places like Wollaton Hall and Deer Park and
  attractions are in the city centre, you can of course walk        Natural History Museum also work hard on conservation
  between places to get active.                                     projects. Sherwood Forest is a world-famous heritage
                                                                    site working on conservation and education alongside        W H AT TO S E E
  In fact, we recommend exploring Nottingham by foot                entertaining countless tourists each year. Follow in
  with a walking tour. We have some free trails available                                                                       Visit attractions such as City of Caves, Creswell Crags or
                                                                    the footsteps of Robin Hood and learn about the             Sherwood Forest and learn about the local natural environment.
  to download, or pick up at the Nottingham Tourism and             history of this amazing forest, while supporting their      You will learn about the natural environment around you and
  Travel Centre. These free trails allow you to explore the         environmental work. If you love learning about the          how it connects to Nottingham’s history. You can see some of
  city on a self-led walk, or why not book onto a guided            natural world, Creswell Crags is another unmissable         the 800+ caves beneath the city and Britain’s only known Ice Age
  walking tour with an expert? We have some fun and                 example. Dating back 10,000 to 50,000 years, it is home     cave art. See The Major Oak at Sherwood Forest, which is Robin
  unique tours available, including a comedy tour and a             to Britain’s only known Ice Age cave art, a peaceful        Hood’s former hideout and one of England’s largest oak trees,
  walk with Robin Hood himself!                                     lake and a limestone gorge dotted with caves. You can       thought to be 800 to 1,000 years old.

  You’re certain to build up an appetite while exploring            learn all about their conservation and archaeological
  the area, so why not take the chance to try something             discoveries on one of their tours or exhibitions.
  a little different? Eating a low-meat or meat-free diet is        Keep reading to see more of our top picks and some                                                                                F U N T H I N G S TO D O
  a healthy, environmentally friendly and oftentimes a              highlights for you to see and do, including restaurants,                                                                          Nottingham is full of fun, low-carbon and
  penny-saving habit to get into! So, when deciding where           activities and attractions.                                                                                                       environmentally friendly things to do. Go shopping
                                                                                                                                                                                                      at one of the retro or vintage second-hand and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      independent shops, and you may find something
                                                                                                                                                                                                      new for your wardrobe! If you enjoy modern art,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Nottingham Contemporary often displays thought-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      provoking modern art exhibitions for free. Or catch
                                                                                                                                                                                                      a show at Motorpoint Arena Nottingham - one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      most environmentally friendly arenas in the UK!

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     Walk in the footsteps of kings, queens, and
     noblemen, and uncover how they have enriched
     Nottinghamshire’s vibrant history and culture.
     From the castle serving as a picturesque backdrop
     of the hit series The Crown to the historic royal
     dwelling of King Richard the Lionheart and his men,
     discover Nottinghamshire’s crown jewels.
                                                                          COUNTRY PARKS                                            GARDENS
                                                                          Country Parks have been enjoyed for centuries by         Nottinghamshire has a stunning display of gardens,
     STATELY HOMES                                                        kings, queens and noblemen, often used as country        adorning grand estates and expressing the beauty
     These magnificent homes nestled within parcels of land, are a        retreats or hunting grounds. Nottinghamshire has         within nature. The intriguing Grade I listed Tudor
     physical representation of the status symbol of the aristocratic     an array of country parks, providing a sanctuary         Manor House dating back to c.1500, Holme
     families that occupied them, and some impressive examples can be     for nature and wildlife such as Wollaton Hall, set       Pierrepont Hall, is famous for its stunning blooming
     found across Nottinghamshire! Newstead Abbey, a monastic house       within 500 acres of stunning parkland. You can find      garden displays throughout February, spring, and
     that became the home of flamboyant romantic poet Lord Byron,         wildlife such as red and fallow deer, the oldest cast-   summer. Take a stroll down the garden paths and
     maintains its historic charm through its original architecture and   iron-framed glasshouse in Europe, and an array of        admire flowers throughout the seasons, from
     fascinating collections spanning centuries.                          landscapes including a lake and formal gardens.          snowdrops and wild tulips to roses and clematis.

     CASTLES                                                              HISTORIC CHURCHES                                        ROYAL RETREATS
     Marvel at the impressive craftsmanship, imposing façades,            Exploring the impressive historic churches across        Get the royal treatment at Colwick Hall Hotel, by
     and exquisite architecture of the castles that were once             Nottinghamshire is an insightful way to uncover          staying in the charming rooms of the former ancestral
     inhabited by royalty for thousands of years. Explore the             this county’s rich regal history and breathtaking        home of Lord Byron. If you want to feel even more
     intriguing tales woven within each of their walls such as            architecture. Head over to awe-inspiring Southwell       regal, indulge yourself in some Afternoon Tea within
     Nottingham Castle’s role in the the English Civil                    Minster to see the remains of the Archbishop Palace      the Hall’s Brasserie, first introduced by the Duchess
     War, or discover the more modern royal inhabitants of Belvoir        where Cardinal Wolsey held his last frantic meetings     of Bedford in 1840. Alternatively, travel further back
     Castle, which featured in Netflix’s hit show, The Crown.             or St Mary’s Church in Nottingham’s historic Lace        in history and explore England’s oldest inn, Ye Olde
                                                                          Market dating back to circa 1400.                        Trip to Jerusalem. Legend has it that King Richard the
                                                                                                                                   Lionheart and his men stopped off at the inn on their
                                                                                                                                   way to the crusade against the Saracens.

14                                                                                                                                                                                          15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Nottingham Contemporary is a stunning modern art gallery in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the heart of the city centre. You will be able to easily recognise it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    from the lace inlay on their concrete façade – a tasteful homage

                                                         CITY PACKED                                                                                                                                                to Nottingham’s creative and industrial past. This gallery is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    located in the Creative Quarter – an area and organisation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of Nottingham dedicated to championing the local creative
                                                         WITH CULTURE                                                                                                                                               economy. Here, you can also catch Sneinton Market; home to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    many amazing markets and cultural events.

                                                         Nottingham is a creative and vibrant city which has always been at
                                                         the forefront of culture as one of the UK’s largest small cities. From
                                                         D.H. Lawrence to Paul Smith, the history of the area is rich with
                                                         famous creatives, cultural staples and attractions which you can learn
                                                         about on your visit to our spectacular city – and we’re still leading                 While you’re walking around, you are bound to see some of
                                                         the way. We continue to lead the UK today in creative fields through                  our amazing street art and murals. These are most notable in
                                                         innovation as a hub for creative industries.                                          Hockley, located to the east of Old Market Square and up the hill.
                                                                                                                                               This area is also home to the ‘Rainbow Road’, which celebrates
                                                         Nottingham is a UNESCO City of Literature, one of only 43 cities around the
                                                                                                                                               the LGBTQIA+ community of Nottinghamshire. You will also find
                                                         world recognised by UNESCO for literary excellence. With a thriving literary
                                                                                                                                               Broadway – a cinema and restaurant with the world’s first (and
                                                         and creative scene, Nottingham hosts everything from talks and workshops to
                                                                                                                                               only) Paul Smith-designed cinema auditorium, and a stunning
                                                         poetry and comedy festivals. We are a leading destination for lovers of literature
                                                                                                                                               glass front that can host digital art projections. The cinema
                                                         worldwide and this is not to mention our famous literary heritage, claiming
                                                                                                                                               regularly shows unique films that you may not be able to catch
                                                         Lord Byron, D.H. Lawrence, J.M. Barrie and Alan Sillitoe among our famous                                                                                  Just across town, you can step into the future at Zero Latency.
                                                                                                                                               anywhere else, and was the first cinema in the UK to screen
                                                         residents over time.                                                                                                                                       Well, maybe not the future, but it is the world’s only large-scale,
                                                                                                                                               Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction. You might even be able to catch
                                                                                                                                               the Mayhem horror festival on your visit!                            free-roam, multi-player virtual reality gaming arena. Here,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    technology and creativity are one and the same. You can take
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    down zombies or rogue drones in one game or try out their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Call of Duty experience.

                                                         You can still visit some of these historic literary spaces today. Newstead Abbey,
                                                         once home to Lord Byron, is one of the most popular attractions just outside
                                                         of the city, in Ravenshead. You can also see several plaques around the city
                                                         centre with literary significance including J.M. Barrie’s former office and another
                                                                                                                                               If you are looking for a show in Nottingham, you will find no
                                                         of Lord Byron’s residences. Discover more at the D.H. Lawrence Birthplace
                                                                                                                                               shortage of amazing venues. We have many theaters including;
                                                         Museum in Eastwood and walk in Lawrence’s footsteps by taking the Blue Line
                                                                                                                                               the Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall and Nottingham
                                                         Trail, and explore the countryside that inspired novels such as the Women in
                                                                                                                                               Playhouse. The Theatre Royal often show a mix of events
                                                         Love and Lady Chatterley’s Lover.
                                                                                                                                               including touring theatre productions, comedy, opera and ballet.     Some landmark events you may want to catch include Beat the
                                                         Today, you can explore Nottingham with one of our creative and unique tours           Nottingham Playhouse also shows a diverse mix, but mainly            Streets towards the start of the year, Splendour in the summer,
                                                         and tour guides. We recommend the Nutty Nottingham Comedy Tour, Gold                  showcases independent productions, often starring local talent       and Goose Fair or the Nottingham Comedy Festival towards the
                                                         Star Guides or Ezekial Bone’s Robin Hood Tour of Nottingham, where                    and running workshops for Nottinghamshire creatives. If you’re       end of the year. All year round you have the opportunity to catch
                                                         fantastically creative hosts will guide your journey through the city centre,         looking for live music, why not try Metronome for that perfect       some of the Old Market Square events. You will be amazed at
                                                         covering many interesting facts about the cultural history of the area. From the      indie gig, Rock City for some of the best bands in the UK or the     how one of the biggest squares in the UK can be transformed into
                                                         history of lace making to the internationally beloved legend of Robin Hood, this      Motorpoint Arena Nottingham for world-class artists including        anything from a Summer Beach to a Christmas Market and Winter
                                                         is a brilliant way to learn lots in a short amount of time.                           the likes of Michael Bublé and Bryan Adams.                          Wonderland, which are beloved by locals and tourists alike.

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SOMETHING OLD                                                                                                                                    SOMETHING NEW
                                                                     H O M E O F H I S TO R IC                                                                                                            E -S P O RT S A N D V I RT UA L R E A L I T Y
                                                                     E U R O P E A N C H A M PIO N S                                                                                                      Nottinghamshire is known for its rebellious spirit, always pushing
                                                                     Nottingham has a legendary sporting heritage! Take a walk down                                                                       the boundaries of what’s possible. With industry leaders in virtual
                                                                     the banks of the River Trent and visit one of the world’s oldest                                                                     reality such as Zero Latency and their multiplayer games in the

1                                                                                                                                                1
                                                                     professional football clubs, Nottingham Forest FC. Playing in their                                                                  300m2 arena, or Nottingham Trent University helping to host
                                                                     world-famous stadium, The City Ground, The Reds’ back-to-back                                                                        some of the world’s most prestigious e-sports tournaments.
                                                                     European Cup triumphs in 1979 and 1980 under the late Brian Clough                                                                   Nottinghamshire is at the forefront of this new industry and leading
                                                                     remain one of English football’s greatest ever achievements.                                                                         the way for others to follow.
                                      Image - Nottingham Forest FC

                                                                2                                                                                                                                         2
IC O N IC A R C H I T E CT U R E FA M O U S                                                                                                      A C H A N G I N G CI T Y
T H E WO R L D OV E R                                                                                                                            The 2020s will be a decade for change here in
Nottingham is famous for having some of the UK’s                                                                                                 Nottingham, with a couple of large developments
most iconic architecture. Legendary architect Watson                                                                                             transforming the city. The Island Quarter development
Fothergill, known for his signature use of red and blue                                                                                          offers green spaces, accommodation and events
bricks together and turrets on buildings, has left his                                                                                           spaces, with amazing hotels and restaurants giving
stamp on the city. The historic offices of his architectural                                                                                     Nottingham city centre a competitive edge for the 21st
business are a must-see, and a walk through the world-                                                                                           century. The Broad Marsh development will transform
famous Lace Market will leave you in awe.                                                                                                        the entrance and gateway into the city.

3                                                                                                                                                3
                                                                                 P U B S W I T H C H A R ACT E R                                                                                                     CR AFT BEERS AREN’T JUST
                                                                                 Nottinghamshire is full of old historic pubs with character.                                                                        FOR HIPSTERS
                                                                                 Many have stood for centuries, with the Bell Inn just off                                                                           Nottinghamshire has a range of breweries both large and
                                                                                 Old Market square dating back to 1437, and the UK’s                                                                                 small that are well worth the visit, with beers you won’t find
                                                                                 oldest inn, the Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem dating back                                                                               anywhere else. The Blue Monkey Brewery has won various
                                                                                 to 1189. If you love traditional pubs, as well as a great                                                                           CAMRA and SIBA awards and their products aren’t just the
                                                                                 selection of ales on tap, then a visit to Nottinghamshire’s                                                                         preserve of trendy hipsters! Castle Rock is an award-winning
                                                                                 historic pubs should be on the top of your list.                                                                                    brewery running pubs across the city and county including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the iconic Canalhouse, the former canal museum.

                                                                 4                                                                                                                                        4
N IG H T S O U T AT T H E T H E AT R E                                                                                                           CULTUR ALLY DIVERSE ARTS
Nottingham is renowned for its vibrant culture and arts                                                                                          New Art Exchange is the largest art centre in the UK
scene and the Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall are                                                                                             dedicated to culturally diverse arts. This famous art
the industry’s beating heart. The two venues are one of                                                                                          centre offers an exciting programme by renowned
the UK’s most thriving touring venues, leading the way                                                                                           British and international artists across three gallery
for arts and entertainment in the East Midlands. From                                                                                            spaces. Entry to exhibitions is free.
internationally renowned orchestras to contemporary
dance, opera and touring drama alongside West End
musicals, these two iconic venues have it all.

5                                                                                                                                                5
                                                                                 G O FAS T E R AT T H E G O O S E FA I R                                                                                             N E W T R A DI T IO N S TA K E R O OT
                                                                                 Roll up! Roll up! To one of the oldest and largest travelling                                                                       With a proud music scene that’s filled with some
                                                                                 fairs in Europe. The Nottingham Goose Fair tradition goes                                                                           of the best creatives, new traditions are constantly
                                                                                 back over 700 years. During the first week of October, the                                                                          taking root in this pioneering and ambitious city.
                                                                                 Forest Recreation Ground is transformed with more than                                                                              The Splendour Festival is carving out a reputation as
                                                                                 500 attractions, with stalls offering classic Notts staples                                                                         Nottinghamshire’s biggest summer party. Hosted in
                                                                                 such as mushy peas and mint sauce, and the infamous,                                                                                the iconic Wollaton Hall and Deer Park, the festival is
                                                                                 Cock on a Stick…                                                                                                                    attracting larger names every year, as well as giving the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     platform to a new generation of musical talent.

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Easter events                               Mid-May – Mid-June                              JULY                                            Mid-August
                                                                                             Various venues                              Nottingham Puppet Festival                                                                      The Hundred
                                                                                             Plan your visit to Nottingham this Easter   Various venues                                  Mid July                                        Trent Bridge
                                                                                             and enjoy some eggciting events at          Local, national and international puppet        Patchings Festival of Art,                      Join the action-packed, 100 ball
N O T T I N G H A M                                                                          our local venues. Go to: www.visit-
                                                                                    for the
                                                                                                                                         artists bring their talents to the city, with
                                                                                                                                         a medley of free street theatre, shows,
                                                                                                                                                                                         Craft & Photography
                                                                                                                                                                                         Patchings Art Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         cricket that will put you on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         edge of your seat. An unmissable
                                                                                             most up to date Easter events in Notts.     workshops and music and plenty more             Meet artists, designers and makers              experience for the whole family!
                                                                                                                                         spectacular sights and sounds taking place.     demonstrating and exhibiting a wide
With lots of exciting events being            Early – Mid-February                                                                                                                       range of skills and techniques.                 End of August
announced all the time, keep an               Festival of Science & Curiosity                                                            End of May
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Nottingham Carnival
eye on our online What’s On guide             Various venues                                                                             Dot to Dot Festival                             Mid-Late July                                   Victoria Embankment
at to                   Join this family-friendly festival which                                                   Various venues                                  Splendour                                       Be amazed by the colourful costumes in
stay up to date.                              takes science and technology out of the                                                    Enjoy this showcase of diverse and              Wollaton Park                                   the parade and enjoy live music, great
                                              lab and into our everyday lives.                                                           exciting music talents. A festival              Enjoy one of Nottinghamshire’s biggest          food and a fun fair in celebration of
                                                                                                                                         renowned for giving talents, such               and best outdoor music festival in the
FEBRUARY                                                                                                                                 as Ed Sheeran and Dua Lipa, the                 beautiful parkland surroundings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Nottingham’s Caribbean heritage.
                                                                                                                                         platform to champion their music
Early February                                                                                                                                                                           Mid-July                                        Late-August
                                                                                                                                         on their ascent to stardom.
Light Night                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Newark Festival
Various venues                                                                               MAY                                                                                         British Open Wheelchair
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Riverside Park
                                                                                                                                                                                         Tennis Championships
As darkness descends, stunning                                                               Early to mid-May                            JUNE                                            Nottingham Tennis Centre                        Join in the festive fun and celebrations of
light installations and special events                                                       Nottingham Poetry Festival                                                                                                                  music, family, food and fun.
                                                                                                                                         Early June                                      See the world’s leading players battle it
bring the city centre to life for after                                                      Various venues                                                                              out, along with Great Britain’s very own
dark adventures.
                                                                                                                                         Detonate Festival
                                                                                             Celebrate the city’s exciting literary
                                                                                             scene with a blend of fascinating
                                                                                                                                         Colwick Country Park                            Paralympic medallists.
                                                                                                                                         Party in the idyllic surroundings
                                                                                             live and online events that are sure        of Colwick Country Park to a                    Late-July                                       Early – Mid-September
                                                                                             to leave you feeling inspired!                                                              Nottinghamshire Pride
                                              MARCH                                                                                      soundtrack of the best underground
                                                                                                                                                                                         Nottingham City Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Heritage Open Days
                                                                                             End of May                                  and electronic music.                                                                           Various Venues
                                              17th March                                                                                                                                 Join Nottinghamshire’s LGBTQ+                   Enjoy exclusive tours and events
                                                                                             EM-Con                                      Early – Mid-June                                community as the city comes together to
                                              St Patrick’s Day                                                                                                                                                                           as heritage sites and attractions
                                                                                             Motorpoint Arena Nottingham                 Nottingham Open                                 celebrate equality and love of all kinds.       across Nottinghamshire throw
                                              Various venues including
                                                                                             See amazing cosplay and stars of film &     Nottingham Tennis Centre                                                                        open their doors as part of this free
                                              Old Market Square
                                                                                             TV cult classics at the biggest and best    Enjoy a week of explosive on court action       Late July – Early August                        festival of history and culture.
                                              Head to Old Market Square to enjoy a
February – October                                                                           convention in the East Midlands.            at this pre-Wimbledon tournament.               Riverside Festival
                                              range of Irish and Irish-inspired live music
Witches Marks Tours                                                                                                                                                                      Victoria Embankment                             Mid-September
                                              and performances. Venues across the city       May–September
Creswell Crags                                often put on special events as well.                                                                                                       Soak up the sun, live music, fun fair rides,    Festival of Food & Drink
                                                                                             Outdoor Cinema & Theatre                                                                                                                    Clumber Park
Discover the largest collection of                                                                                                                                                       river races and fireworks for FREE on the
                                              Mother’s Day events                            Various venues across the city                                                                                                              Some of the UK’s best culinary creators
protective symbols, also known as ‘witch                                                                                                                                                 banks of the River Trent.
                                              Various venues                                 and county                                                                                                                                  congregate to offer mouth-watering fare,
marks’, in the UK.
                                                                                             Grab a picnic blanket and something                                                         End of July – Early September                   with celebrity chefs, a cookery school, live
                                              Treat your mom to a selection of
Early February – March                                                                       delicious to nibble on ready to                                                             Nottingham Beach                                music, stalls and children’s activities.
                                              relaxing treats, scrumptious afternoon
Snowdrops                                                                                    enjoy a movie under the stars or an                                                         Old Market Square
                                              teas, memorable days out and unique
Holme Pierrepont Hall                         experiences. Go to: www.visit-
                                                                                             open-air theatre performance. Go to
                                                                                                                                                                                         Make a splash at Nottingham’s urban
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         End of September – Early October
Wander through the rooms of the     
                                                                                    for details.
                                                                                                                                                                                         beach with live music, rides, food & drink      Goose Fair
magnificent Tudor Manor House and             for the most up to date Mother’s Day                                                                                                       stalls and bucketloads of sand.                 Forest Recreation Ground
admire its delightful array of blooming       events in Notts.                                                                                                                                                                           Enjoy one of Europe’s largest travelling
spring flowers in the tranquil gardens.                                                                                                                                                                                                  fairs with history that stretches back over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         700 years.
                                              APRIL                                                                                                                                      AUGUST
                                                                                                                                         End of June
                                              23rd April                                                                                 Forest Live                                     Early-August
                                              St George’s Day                                                                            Sherwood Pines                                  Robin Hood Festival
                                              Various venues including                                                                   Head into the forest for an                     Sherwood Forest
                                              Old Market Square                                                                          atmospheric outdoor concert,                    Celebrate the county’s iconic legend
                                              Come together and celebrate the patron                                                     featuring household names such as               through live re-enactments, storytelling,
                                              saint of England. Venues across the city                                                   Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds,             sword-fighting, archery and meeting the
                                              often put on special events as well.                                                       James Morrison, and Will Young.                 legend himself!

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Late October
End of September                                                                            ONGOING
Robin Hood Marathon Events
Victoria Embankment
                                              Hockley Hustle
                                              Various Venues                                EVENTS                                           UNDERSTANDING THE
                                              Join this vibrant festival full of music
Join thousands of runners, challenge
yourself and test your fitness at this
fantastic sporting event.
                                              acts and street entertainment.
                                              Celebrate the Notts community
                                                                                            The Bendigo Story –
                                                                                            Guided Walking Tour                              VISIT NOTTINGHAMSHIRE
                                                                                            Starts outside the Nottingham

                                              and support local charities.
                                                                                            Tourism and Travel Centre
                                                                                            Join this guided walk that celebrates
                                              NOVEMBER                                      the life and times of William ‘Bendigo’
Mid-October                                                                                 Thompson, Nottingham’s legendary
Robin Hood Beer & Cider Festival              5th November                                  Prize-Fighter and All England Champion.
                                                                                                                                             Key to symbols                                                                          Accommodation Ratings
Trent Bridge                                  Bonfire Night                                                                                  Within the individual listings there may be                                             Most accommodations within the guide are rated
Enjoy hundreds of different craft             Forest Recreation Ground                                                                       symbols displayed. These are to highlight the                                           with stars and reflect the overall quality of the
beers, ciders and ales along with             Enjoy the East Midlands’ biggest bonfire                                                       facilities available and any tourism accreditations                                     experience. The quality rose is the official marque
a serving of delicious food and               and a fantastic fireworks display for free.                                                    and quality assessments. The key to symbols                                             of the VisitEngland national tourist board rating
drink and live entertainment.
                                              Mid-November – December                                                                        are presented in the Accreditations, Facilities                                         scheme and represents properties accredited
                                              Winter Wonderland                                                                              and Accessibility table on this page.                                                   within that scheme.
                                              Old Market Square                                                                              We strongly recommend you contact the venue                                             Some hotels are assessed by the AA and rated
                                              Step into a world of wintery bliss. Enjoy                                                                                                                                              under a set of common quality standards. AA
                                                                                                                                             directly for full clarification before your visit and note
                                              a festive square filled with traditional                                                                                                                                               assessed camping and caravanning sites are
                                              fairground rides and tons of market stalls                                                     that businesses listed within the directories may
                                                                                                                                             have chosen to display accreditations and awards                                        graded with pennants.
                                              serving up a Christmas bliss.                 The Original Nottingham
                                                                                            Ghost Walk                                       in addition to those we recognise on the table.
                                                                                            Starts at Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem
                                                                                            Take part in this spooktacular
                                                                                            storytelling tour around the Castle               Accreditations                                                      Facilities                                                          Accessibilty
                                                                                            Quarter of the city and learn about
                                                                                            Nottingham’s haunting past.
Mid-October                                                                                                                                      VisitEngland                                                         Al Fresco             Refreshments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Alternative visuals
                                                                                                                                                                          Member of             VisitEngland                                                       Working Farm             available
Mayhem Film Festival                                                                                                                            Rated Property           Farm Stay UK         Breakfast Award

Broadway Cinema
With premieres, previews, special guests      Early – Mid-November                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Disabled toilet onsite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Beer Garden
and midnight screenings, Mayhem Film          Nottingham Comedy Festival                                                                       AA Rated Property     David Bellamy Award
                                                                                                                                                                                               Businesses that
                                                                                                                                                                                              meet the National
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Open All Year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   On-Site Shop
Festival showcases the best in horror, sci-   Various Venues                                                                                                                                  Disability Scheme
fi and cult cinema.                           Laugh till your belly aches with a variety
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cycle Parking          Open Seasonal                              Wheelchair accessible
End of October                                of comedy, including stand up, improv,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 On Site Restaurant
                                              sketch and more from both local and                                                            AA Rated Camping and       Attractions and
Bramley Apple Festival                                                                                                                         Caravanning Parks      accommodation on         Green Tourism
                                              international comedians.                                                                                                  working farms         Business Scheme
of Food & Drink                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Trained staff
                                                                                             Please note that this events calendar is just                                                                          Cycle Storage             Paid for
Southwell                                     End of November –                                                                                                                                                                           Wireless Internet        Pets Welcome
                                                                                             a snapshot of the full and detailed what’s on
See the original Bramley Apple tree           first week of January                          calendar available on our website. All dates      Part of the Visitor
                                                                                                                                                                      National standard for
and participate in celebrations across        Christmas at Newstead Abbey                    in the events calendar are here to give you      Attraction Quality
                                                                                                                                                                     parks and green spaces         AA                                                                                  Hard of Hearing
                                                                                             an idea of when those annual celebrations        Assurance Scheme
Southwell, including craft stalls in the      Newstead Abbey                                                                                                          in England and Wales    Breakfast Award                                                                              Facilities
beautiful Minster.                                                                           usually take place. Please check our website                                                                          Pay for Parking      Free Wireless Internet    Wedding venue
                                              Discover Lord Byron’s ancestral home           for detailed dates and times of each event:
                                              over the Christmas period with activities
                                              for the whole family.
                                                                                                                                                 AA Rosette             VisitEngland                                                                                                      Accessibility
                                                                                                                                              Restaurant Awards      Awards for Excellence                          Free Parking            Free to enter                                  statement
                                              Late November – Early January
                                              Christmas at Wollaton
                                              Wollaton Hall and Deer Park
                                                                                                                                             Please note to check with individual businesses and attractions before you visit as opening times
                                              As twilight descends, head to Wollaton Hall
                                              and gardens for a visually stunning multi-                                                     and other details may change depending on the season and various circumstances.
                                              sensory experience of light and music.

22 |   N OT T I N G H A M TO U R I S M C E N T R E + 4 4 (0) 1 1 5 8 76 2 9 7 0                                                                                                                                                            V I S I T- N O T T I N G H A M S H I R E . C O . U K           | 23

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FAMILY FUN
                                                                     FAMILY FUN


                    SPORTS VENUES, SPAS & SALONS

                                            MUSEUMS & HERITAGE

                        TOUR GUIDES & STORYTELLERS
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     BOOK ONLINE NOW AND GET 20% OFF WITH CODE: VISITNOTTS22 | WWW.MEETSPACEVR.CO.UK

             CITY OF CAVES                                                         CAVE ESCAPE                                                       ESCAPOLOGIC                                                       LOGICLOCK                                                        THE LOST CITY                                                      NOTTINGHAM
                                                                                                                                                     NOTTINGHAM                                                        ESCAPE ROOMS                                                     ADVENTURE GOLF                                                     BOWL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        BEST VISITOR EXPERIENCE OF THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        YEAR AWARDED BY NOTTINGHAMSHIRE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TOURISM AWARDS

             Garner’s Hill , (Next to Nottingham Contemporary),                    63 Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3FN                              21-23 Castle Gate, Nottingham NG1 7AQ                             6 Trinity Walk, Nottingham NG1 2AN                               The Cornerhouse, Burton Street, Nottingham NG1 4DB                 1 Belward Street, Nottingham NG1 1JZ
             Nottingham NG1 1HF                                                    T: 0115 666 8878                                                  T: 0115 8374840 | W:                          T: 07950 205499 | W:                         T: 0115 985 9455                                                   T: 0843 290 8916 | W:
             T: 0115 988 1955 | W:                W:                                           Escapologic are a UK-leading escape room experience,              Logiclock is an entertaining puzzle-based live escape game.      W:                        Nottingham Bowl is the biggest bowling centre in the United
             Discover the hidden secrets of Nottingham’s City of Caves.            Cave Escape is a unique addition to Nottingham’s amazing          with something for everyone. They have eight rooms at             Designed for small groups of 3-5 people. The goal is simple:     Food, drinks and FUN! Enjoy an all-weather adventure at The        Kingdom, with 48 automated lanes over two floors. It has
             On your tour of this centuries-old site, you will see the UK’s only   escape room scene set in a subterranean underworld. This          their Nottingham site and all are uniquely themed; from           escape from the rooms in 60 minutes using only the mind, logic   Lost City Adventure Golf. Located in the heart of Nottingham       two bars, a diner facility serving hot food and drinks, and a
             surviving medieval underground tannery, visit a spectacular           intriguing site - a sandstone cave system once used as a          a quirky collector’s manor house in Curio, to the daunting        and teamwork, solving all the puzzles and mysteries. There are   at The Cornerhouse, it features two 18-hole, rainforest-themed,    whole range of amusement and gaming machines that will
                                                                                                                                                     blood-lined walls in the lair of the Butcher. Escapologic is an   3 rooms: Pirates Adventure, Made in Stein and Cosa Nostra.       indoor adventure golf courses suitable for all ages and fully      keep you entertained. Nottingham Bowl has a live DJ on a
             cave dating back to 1250 AD, find out how caves were used             WWII air raid shelter – brings you some seriously immersive                                                                         Logiclock is a really fun way to spend a memorable hour with
             during the war, and see the remains of the city’s infamous            escape games, jam-packed full of riveting twists and turns,       unequalled test of wit and logic.                                                                                                  accessible. Enjoy delicious home-cooked pizzas and a tropical      Friday and Saturday evening.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       friends, families or co-workers. You’ll be locked in a room      selection of drinks and cocktails from their Tiki-themed bar.
             Drury Hill district.                                                  conundrums and puzzles!                                                                                                             packed with clues to find hidden objects, brain teasers and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       puzzles to solve.

             CLIP ‘N CLIMB                                                         DERBYSHIRE                                                        THE HEIGHTS                                                       LUDORATI GAMES                                                   MANOR                                                              NOTT’S MAZE
             NOTTINGHAM                                                            PONY TREKKING                                                     OF ABRAHAM                                                        CENTRE AND                                                       FARM PARK &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ESCAPE ROOM                                                      WOODLANDS

                                REGIONAL                                                                                                                   CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE
                                FINALIST                                                                                                                       5 YEARS RUNNING

             Unit 2B, Ash Court, Millennium Way East, Phoenix Park                 2 Old Hall, Scarcliffe Lanes, Upper Langwith,                     The Heights of Abraham                                            72 Maid Marian Way, Nottingham NG1 6BJ                           Castle Hill, East Leake LE12 6LU                                   Lime Lane Woods, Lime Lane, Arnold, Nottingham NG58PW
             Nottingham NG8 6AR                                                    Mansfield NG20 9RH | T: 07557 106679                               Dale Road, Matlock Bath, Derbyshire DE43NT                        T: 0115 959 6998                                                 T: 01509 852525 | W:                            T: 07515359203 | W:
             T: 0115 8227120 | W:                   W:                             T: 01629 582365                                                   W:                                          Every day is an adventure at Manor Farm Park & Woodlands.          An outdoor Maize maze set within 12 acres of land open
             A true family attraction - Clip ‘n Climb is where climbing            Complete off-road riding open all year round. Catering for all    W:                                       Ludorati is Nottingham’s premier board game/escape room          Let the kids run around and explore safely in over 25 acres of     every year from the end of July - October. There are loads
             meets theme parks! Clip ‘n Climb Nottingham offers 26                 levels of experience from complete beginners to advanced          Begin an adventure in one of the cable cars, soaring up and       café bar located near Nottingham Castle. It is designed to       countryside. You’ll find lots of animals to meet, two outdoor      of additional activities available onsite including: laser tag,
             different climbing elements, which have been designed to              riders from the age of 4 years upwards. Disabled customers        over the valley and into the village in the sky! Upon arrival     provide an inclusive community for both gamers and non-          play areas, an Indoor Playbarn and the fabulous The World          archery, axe throwing, air rifles, an outdoor cinema, bushcraft
             provide everyone with healthy challenging fun, in a safe              catered for. Riding through beautiful woodland, fields, country   there are guided cavern tours, heritage exhibitions, adventure    gamers to “Relax, Play, Enjoy”, with sumptuous design, a large   of Dinosaur Roar! Discovery Trail. Antlers Bistro is open daily    and forestry school sessions.
             environment that is clean, well-managed and stimulating.              parks and a quaint village with fabulous views along the way.     playgrounds and a restaurant with an incredible view for an       games library, a 2nd generation ‘Escape Room’ and in-store       serving delicious food at reasonable prices. And there are
             There is also an onsite café.                                         Open all year round.                                              exceptional dining experience. A truly unique day out.            retail to create the ultimate experience for boardgamers.        picnic benches throughout the site if you prefer a packed lunch.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Open daily from 10am to 5pm.

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