Gateway to discovery - 2019 TOUR PROGRAM - Academy Travel

Page created by Benjamin Ryan
Gateway to discovery - 2019 TOUR PROGRAM - Academy Travel

                                Gateway to
Gateway to discovery - 2019 TOUR PROGRAM - Academy Travel
new tours

    Siberia & the      Stockholm to        Vienna             Greece by
    Russian Far East   St Petersburg       to Venice          land and sea

                 35                36                    37                  41
    Opera in           Italian Summer      Melbourne          French Canada
    Northern Italy     Music Festivals     Private Homes      & New England

                45                 50                    63                69
    Mexico             Guatemala,          Christmas          Istanbul
                       Honduras & Belize   in New York        Study Tour

                 72                 73                   75                82
Gateway to discovery - 2019 TOUR PROGRAM - Academy Travel

   Gateway to discovery                                                                                  Italy                                              12
                                                                                                         Europe                                            23
   Dear Academy Traveller,
                                                                                                         Music & Theatre                                   42
   We’re delighted to present the full range of tours available from January to
   December 2019. This brochure outlines 70 different tours, travelling to 38                            Asia                                              52
   different countries on five continents. This is an unrivalled range of tours
   and destinations for an Australian-based, small group cultural tour company.                          Australia & New Zealand 59
   Behind the diversity of our tours however there lies a consistency of                                 The Americas                                      65
   philosophy and a consistency of approach. Academy Travel’s tours explore
   distinct themes, including history, archaeology, the visual arts, architecture,
                                                                                                         Africa & The Middle East 76
   music and stage performance. Tours are designed and led by acknowledged                               Study Tours                                       80
   experts in their fields, keen to share their knowledge, passion and
   experience with a like-minded group of travellers.                                                    2020 Tour Program                                 84
   Look out for the various styles of tour that we offer. Travellers wanting                             Tour Index                                        86
   maximum depth and a relaxed pace should think about our residential
   and study tours, with long stays, regular background lectures, and time for                           Visit our website
   individual exploration. Academy Travel is the market leader in this style of                          Our website
   tour. If you love archaeology and ancient history, look for our tours to the                          contains
   Mediterranean basin, central Asia and Mesoamerica. And if the performing                              detailed
   arts are your thing, there’s a range of classical music and opera tours, with                         itineraries,
   carefully selected performances designed to appeal to connoisseurs, as well                           maps and tour
   as several tours to New York, with theatre, fine music and great dining.                              leader profiles.
                                                                                                         Our site also
   The backbone of our program is a range of tried-and-tested tours to                                   features an online
   destinations favoured by cultural travellers, such as Italy, Germany, Egypt,                          booking form.
   Spain, Portugal, Greece, the islands of the Mediterranean and to the world’s
   great cultural capitals: Berlin, Paris, London, New York, Rome and Venice. But                        More information
   we’re always adding new destinations to tempt regular Academy Travellers                              Detailed itineraries for
   and keep ahead of trends in cultural travel. Page two opposite lists some of                          all tours are available
   these new tours, including new destinations and new ways of approaching                               by calling us or by
   more traditional ones.                                                                                downloading from
                                                                                                         our website.
   This brochure, and the tours it describes, are gateways to discovery – keys                 
   to unlocking the endless fascination of our world, its people, history and
   cultures. We hope you find a tour that’s right for you.                                               Sold out tours (not listed)
                                                                                                         Egypt: from the Great Pyramid
   Robert Veel, Director                                                                                 to Abu Simbel
   On behalf of the Academy Travel team                                                                  January 2019, with Lucia Gahlin
                                                                                                         Japan Unmasked: art, history & culture
                                                                                                         May 2019, with Dr Kathleen Olive
                                                                                                         Uzbekistan & Turkmenistan:
                                                                                                         a journey through central Asia
                                                                                                         May 2019, with Ben Churcher

   tailored small
                                                                                                         Front: Gate of All Nations, also known as the
   group Journeys                                                                                        Gate of Xerxes, Persepolis, Iran
                                                                                                         Inset: Frida Kahlo’s Self Portrait with Bonito, 1941
   › Expert tour leaders                                                                                 Brochure production: Damien Flint
   › Maximum 20 in a group                                                                               Design: Pro Bono Publico
   › Carefully planned itineraries                                                                      Tour Product Managers: Stuart Barrie, Robina
                                                                                                        Frosinini, Nick Gordon, Hannah Kleboe, Matthew
                                                                                                        Laing, Mark Lalor, Royna McNamara, Kathleen Olive
                                                                                                        and Robert Veel.
Web: I Call: 9235 0023 (1800 639 699 outside Sydney) I Email:                                           3
Gateway to discovery - 2019 TOUR PROGRAM - Academy Travel
Why choose
academy travel?                                                                     There are lots of tour operators out there, with
                                                                                    lots of tempting offerings. So why choose us?

    Great                                    Like-minded                                      Long
    itineraries                              groups                                           stays
    Academy Travel works hard to create      Over the years we’ve been in                     Feedback from our clients
    itineraries that provide a balanced      operation, we’ve developed a loyal               consistently tells us that creating
    experience – walking tours, museum       band of Academy Travellers, some                 itineraries with three and four-night
    and gallery visits, live performances,   of whom have travelled with us                   stops, or even longer, is far more
    city and countryside. We’re proud        more than 10 times. They say the                 appealing that rushing from place
    to be constantly innovating, from        small groups (maximum 20, average                to place. Wherever possible, we plan
    opening up new destinations, creating    17) and distinct themes of our                   our tours around a limited number
    tours around festivals and special       tours attract like-minded travellers             of stops, making your travels more
    exhibitions, to providing unrivalled     and create a relaxed, convivial                  relaxed and more meaningful.
    depth in our residential tours.          atmosphere.
                                                                                              “What a wonderful trip! Venice
    “The tour was excellent in all           “I really enjoyed the tour – good                for 15 days was an outstanding
    respects, organisation and               company, fantastic architecture,                 experience, with a good balance
    preparation were superb. The tour        accommodation and an excellent                   bet ween different activities.
    leader was excellent and the tour        tour leader.”                                    It was my third time to Venice
    manager was always cheerful,             – Frank Lloyd Wright: Chicago to New             but the first time to most of the
    positive and very well organised.        York, May 2017.                                  museums and many of the other
    An amazing experience.”                                                                   places. The hotel was a good
    – Gardens of Southern England,                                                            choice, being right in the middle
    June 2018.                                                                                of everything but quiet.”
                                                                                              – Venice: City, Republic & Empire,
                                                                                              October 2017.

4                                                                 Maximum 20 in a group I Carefully planned itineraries I Expert tour leaders
Gateway to discovery - 2019 TOUR PROGRAM - Academy Travel
Special                                            Expert tour                                       Years of
  Events                                             leaders                                           experience
  A private viewing of the Sistine                   We work closely with a team of                    Academy Travel was founded in 2004
  Chapel? Tickets to a sold-out concert              academically qualified and highly                 by a team with decades of prior
  by the Berlin Philharmonic? A world-               experienced tour leaders. They don’t              experience in small group travel. On
  famous art fair? Access to private                 just ‘rattle off the facts’ – they help           average, our tour leaders have over
  homes and gardens? Behind-the-                     us plan our itineraries and, on tour,             11 years’ experience, some with 25
  scenes visits? Many of our tours                   freely share their deep knowledge                 or more years. To ensure quality, we
  feature access to places and events                and genuine passion. Most of our                  have our own office in Rome, Italy
  that are usually not offered on                    tour leaders are still teaching at an             and a network of trusted suppliers
  most group tours.                                  advanced level and many are still                 around the world.
                                                     undertaking academic research.
  “I didn’t want the tour to                                                                           “For many years Academy Travel
  end! It was such a wonderful                       “I thought this tour, my first                    has been my ‘tour operator’
  introduction to New York – a                       with Academy, was excellent,                      of choice. I have recommended
  city I had not visited. Matthew’s                  made so by the combined                           the company to many friends
  comments, notes, talks,                            knowledge and experience of                       and they all have agreed the
  humour and choices of theatre,                     the tour leaders. All up, the most                attention to detail and choice
  restaurants and excursions made                    professional tour I have done.”                   of tour leaders is superior.”
  this such an exciting, memorable                   – Puglia to Pompeii, March 2018.                  – New York: music, theatre, art & food,
  experience. I’m still on a high, the                                                                 March 2018.
  group was such fun.”
  – New York: music, theatre, art & food,
  March 2018.

Web: I Call: 9235 0023 (1800 639 699 outside Sydney) I Email:                                     5
Gateway to discovery - 2019 TOUR PROGRAM - Academy Travel
Our experts
lead the way
                                                                     Academy Travel’s team of expert tour leaders offers
                                                                     genuine academic expertise, enthusiasm and the ability
                                                                     to communicate their knowledge to interested travellers.


    Chloe Sayer                                                        Dr Chris Carter
    Has conducted extensive research and                               Has an Honours and Master’s degree in
    fieldwork on traditional crafts and                                archaeology and has recently completed
    textiles throughout Mexico. Chloe lived                            a PhD. He has led tours to Central and
    and worked in Mexico for many years.                               South America for over 20 years.
    Upcoming tour: Page 72                                             Upcoming tours: Pages 68 &73

                         Elena Ortega                                                         Dr Estelle Lazer
                         Holds degrees from the University of                                 Is an archaeologist who has worked on
                         Sydney and the National Art School.                                  site at Pompeii for seven seasons and
                         Born in Zaragoza, she lived for many                                 has an international reputation for her
                         years in Granada.                                                    research on the city’s skeletal remains.
                         Upcoming tour: Page 26                                               Upcoming tour: Page 15

    Dr Jenny Lawless                                                   Dr John Tidmarsh
    Has led tours to Turkey, Greece and Iran.                          Is the former president of the University
    Jenny has been awarded a Churchill                                 of Sydney’s Near Eastern Archaeology
    Fellowship and a NSW Premier’s History                             Foundation, and a former lecturer
    Prize for her research and writing.                                in the Department of Archaeology.
    Upcoming tours: Page 27 & 82                                       Upcoming tours: Pages 41 & 79

                         Lindy Montgomery                                                     Lucia Gahlin
                         Is a graduate of both the University of                              Is a UK-based Egyptologist with a wealth
                         Sydney and the Sydney Conservatorium                                 of experience as an educator, researcher,
                         of Music, where she taught musicology                                archaeologist and museum curator.
                         for 13 years.                                                        She has led tours to Egypt since 1994.
                         Upcoming tour: Page 43                                               Upcoming tour: Page 77

    Dr Michael Adcock                                                  Michael Carr
    Is a social and cultural historian who                             Has Honours in Art and Law from ANU
    specialises in the art and history of                              and over 20 years’ experience as an
    France. He has led several highly                                  art collector and historian, previously
    successful tours to Paris.                                         opening a art dealership in Moscow.
    Upcoming tour: Page 81                                             Upcoming tour: Page 24

                         Robert Gay                                                            Robert Veel
                         Is one of Australia’s leading music tour                              Holds a Bachelor of Arts and Masters of
                         leaders and music educators. He has led                               Education. He is a director of Academy
                         more than 90 performance-based tours                                  Travel and leads tours to Europe,
                         to Europe and the US.                                                 Scandinavia, the US & Australia.
                         Upcoming tours: Pages 45, 46, 48, 49 & 51                             Upcoming tours: Pages 16, 18, 22, 36 & 53

    Dr Sophie                                                          Stuart Barrie
    Oosterwijk                                                         Is a director of Academy Travel and
    Is a Dutch art historian who specialises                           has over 30 years’ experience in travel,
    in Medieval, Flemish and Dutch art.                                including leading groups through Western
                                                                       Europe, Russia and the United States.
    Upcoming tours: Page 30
                                                                       Upcoming tours: Page 74
6                                                                    Maximum 20 in a group I Carefully planned itineraries I Expert tour leaders
Gateway to discovery - 2019 TOUR PROGRAM - Academy Travel
Ann MacArthur                                                                 Ben Churcher
                         Holds a Bachelor of Arts in East Asian                                        Has a wide range of experience as an
                         Studies and speaks fluent Japanese.                                           educator, and an archaeologist. Since
                         She has over 20 years experience as a                                         1994 Ben has led tours to Jordan,
                         museum educator.                                                              Greece, Syria, Egypt, China & Morocco.
                         Upcoming tour: Page 56                                                        Upcoming tour: Page 57

   Christopher                                                                 Christopher MEnz
   Bradley                                                                     Is a former Director of the Art Gallery
   Specialises in the history and art of                                       of SA. He has published extensively
   North Africa and Arabia.                                                    on the decorative arts and is a regular
                                                                               contributor to Australian Book Review.
   Upcoming tour: Page 58
                                                                               Upcoming tours: Pages 29, 44 & 62

                         Gerald Deslandes                                                              Dr Jeni Ryde
                         Is a former curator and cultural                                              Has a wide-ranging knowledge of
                         historian with a BA from Cambridge                                            Italian history and cultural traditions.
                         University, and has led more than                                             Jeni has a PhD focusing on tourism,
                         50 tours to Europe and the UK.                                                heritage and Renaissance studies.
                         Upcoming tour: Page 17                                                        Upcoming tours: Pages 14, 25, 26, 28 & 40

   Judy Tenzing                                                                Dr Kathleen Olive
   Has a degree in South Asian History.                                        Has a PhD in Italian Studies, speaks
   She has a lifelong passion for travel                                       fluent Italian and lectures on the art,
   and over 30 years’ experience as a tour                                     history and culture of Europe. Kathleen
   leader on the sub-continent and in Asia.                                    has an outstanding knowledge of Italy.
   Upcoming tour: Page 55                                                      Upcoming tours: Pages 13, 17, 25, 60 & 83

                          Dr Matthew                                                                   Dr Matthew Laing
                          Dal Santo                                                                    Is a historian and political scientist with
                          Is a writer, historian and foreign affairs                                   a PhD from ANU. Matthew leads tours to
                          commentator, with a focus on Russia.                                         the United States and Scandinavia and
                                                                                                       lectures for Academy Travel.
                          Upcoming tours: Pages 35 & 38
                                                                                                       Upcoming tours: Pages 33,66,67,69,70,71 & 75

   Michael Turner                                                              Dr Nick Gordon
   Is a garden historian and lecturer.                                         Has a University Medal and a PhD in
   He is the former Senior Curator of the                                      history and lectures on European art.
   Nicholson Museum at the University                                          Nick is also a practising painter and
   of Sydney.                                                                  brings this passion to the visual arts.
   Upcoming tours: Pages 19, 31 & 34                                           Upcoming tours: Pages 20, 21, 32, 37, 61, 63 & 64

                         Dr RosAMUND                                                                   Royna McNamara
                         Bartlett                                                                      Is a musician, educator & conductor.
                         Is a cultural historian with a deep                                           She has a passion for travel and has
                         knowledge of western history and music.                                       spent extended periods of time working
                                                                                                       and travelling in Spain and Italy.
                         Upcoming tours: Page 47
                                                                                                       Upcoming tours: Page 50

   Sue Rollin                                                                 Thomas Abbott
   Holds degrees in Near Eastern history                                      Holds a degree in art history, specialising
   and archaeology, South Asian studies                                       in the architecture of Berlin, the art of
   and interpreting. Sue has led tours in                                     18th-century Germany and the Bauhaus.
   India, Central Asia and the Middle East.                                   He has led many tours in Germany.
   Upcoming tours: Page 78                                                    Upcoming tours: Page 39
Web: I Call: 9235 0023 (1800 639 699 outside Sydney) I Email:                                         7
Gateway to discovery - 2019 TOUR PROGRAM - Academy Travel
Tour                                       Each of our tours is specifically designed around a distinctive historical,

                                           artistic or cultural theme, allowing you to explore your passion for
                                           archaeology, music, painting, design or landscape. Use the symbols listed
                                           on each page as an easy reference to find a tour that’s right for you.

    Archaeology &                            Music                                            Fine Arts
    Ancient History                          & Theatre                                        & Design
    Qualified and experienced                Enjoy great seats to opera and                   From Renaissance masterpieces to
    archaeologists design and lead our       orchestral music in the grand                    the contemporary scene, indulge
    in-depth surveys of ancient cultures     theatres of London, the United                   your passion for the visual arts on
    and pre-historic sites around the        States and Europe, or catch the latest           our fine art and design themed
    Mediterranean, Middle East & North       Broadway plays on our carefully                  tours, exploring both masterpieces
    Africa and in Central Asia.              curated performing-arts tours.                   from the past and cutting-edge

    Garden                                   Residential                                      SMALL SHIP
    Tours                                    Tours                                            TOURS
    Delight your senses as history,          Unpack your bags and get to know                 Our land+cruise itineraries combine
    landscape and design come together       the world’s great cities in depth on             overland travel with a 6-9 night cruise
    on our select range of garden tours      our residential tours. Extended stays            on a select range of comfortable
    to the UK and Europe, covering           in cities such as Rome, Paris, Venice,           40-90 berth ships. We only select
    everything from Renaissance villas       New York, London and Berlin.                     cruise itineraries with a strong
    to 20th-century creations.                                                                historical or artistic component.

8                                                                 Maximum 20 in a group I Carefully planned itineraries I Expert tour leaders
Gateway to discovery - 2019 TOUR PROGRAM - Academy Travel
Itineraries, Bookings
& Airfares

  Client services                                    Fitness                                            TOUR Booking
  team                                               Requirements                                       process
  Each of our tours has a dedicated,                 We have assigned a star grading to                 We’ve tempted you with one of our
  professional consultant who will                   each tour to give you an indication of             tours, so what happens next?
  manage all aspects of your booking.                the level of physical fitness required for
                                                     participation. Academy Travel’s tours              Detailed itineraries
  We can organise your international
                                                     tend to feature extended walking                   For each tour, we publish a detailed
  flights, additional travel before or after
                                                     tours and site visits, which require               itinerary providing day-by-day
  your tour, private airport transfers and
                                                     greater fitness than coach touring.                descriptions of the tour program and
  travel insurance. Your consultant is
                                                                                                        other important information. This is
  your one-stop point of reference for               Grade one                                          published 12 months before departure.
  all matters relating to your travel.
                                                     Grade One tours are appropriate for
  If you are interested in a tour, get in            travellers in good health with good                Booking on a tour
  touch with one of our consultants                  mobility. You should be able to participate        Each person booking on a tour must
  below on 02 9235 0023 or 1800 639 699              comfortably in up to three hours of                complete and sign a booking form and
  outside of Sydney.                                 physical activity per day on most days.            send it to us together with a deposit of
                                                                                                        $500. Booking forms can be downloaded
                                                     Grade two                                          from our website, or you can book online
                                                     Grade Two tours are designed for                   at
                Lynsey Martin
                                                     people who lead active lives and can
                Groups administrator                                                                    Welcome letter and updates
                                                     comfortably participate in up to five
                                                     hours of physical activity per day on              Once we have received your booking,
                                                     most days, including challenging                   we will send you a letter confirming all
                                                     archaeological sites and a more                    details of your booking and any special
                Hannah Kleboe                        demanding tour schedule with one                   requests. We will keep you updated on
                Groups travel manager                night stops or several internal flights.           other matters as they arise.
                                                     Grade three                                        Pre-departure
                                                     Grade Three tours are our most                     About a month before your tour
                                                     physically demanding. To participate               begins we’ll send you a comprehensive
                Kathy Wardrop                        on these tours, you should be able to              package with your travel documents,
                Groups travel manager                comfortably undertake in up to seven               tour notes and practical information.
                 hours of physical activity per day, over
                                                     several days.
                                                     A note for older travellers
                Jamal Fairbrother
                                                     If you are more than 80 years old, or
                Groups travel manager
                 have restricted mobility, you will find a
                                                     number of our itineraries challenging.
                                                     Grade Three tours are unsuitable for
                                                     travellers more than 80 years old,
                                                     unless you are exceptionally fit. We
                                                     ask travellers more than 80 years
                                                     old to contact Academy Travel before
                                                     submitting a booking form, so that we
                                                     can outline the physical requirements
                                                     of the tour.

Web: I Call: 9235 0023 (1800 639 699 outside Sydney) I Email:                                       9
Gateway to discovery - 2019 TOUR PROGRAM - Academy Travel
Why we Choose to travel
with Academy travel...
“We have been friends since our teens and frequent travel companions
ever since. Our shared love of travel has taken us to many parts of
the world, mostly under our own steam.
Ten years ago, after researching how to get the most out of a visit to
Pompeii, we decided that this fascinating site would best be appreciated
as part of a specialist group tour. Luckily for us we discovered Academy
Travel and its Bay of Naples tour and we haven’t looked back since.
The qualities we enjoyed on that first trip have been maintained on all
our subsequent tours with Academy Travel: amazingly knowledgeable
tour leaders who bring the history to life with well-timed talks, the
provision of excellent dining experiences (a memorable seafood meal
on the island of Ischia has yet to be beaten) and fantastic boutique
hotels located in the heart of the cities.
Travelling with a friend on an Academy Travel tour has many
advantages. The twin rooms have always been of good size, you have
someone to share the moment with then later reminisce about those
wonderful sights, memorable meals and, of course, the ongoing
interest in the places you have been. We are hooked!”
Diane Augee and Julie Lawrence.
Since 2007, Diane and Julie have enjoyed five tours with Academy Travel.

                                    Academy Travellers Diane Augee and Julie Lawrence
                                    at Villa Balbianello, overlooking Lake Como, Italy.
Tours to Italy
Academy Travel began by offering small-group cultural tours to Italy, and these
remain a cornerstone of our operations. Our most popular itineraries include
Sicily, Puglia to Pompeii and across northern Italy – all difficult to access for the
independent traveller. Equally sought-after are our in-depth ‘residential’ visits to
Rome, Venice and Florence, which offer an unrivalled chance to get to know these
major centres of history, art and architecture.

                                                                                 FIND OUT
The Doge’s Palace, Venice
Art Cities of Tuscany
                                                                            Pisa, Siena & Florence
        $6,980 pp, twin share
        $1,240 single supplement                                                                              January 7-21, 2019

  •	The art and culture of medieval Tuscany,
     far beyond what most tourists see
  •	Tuscany’s glorious small towns,
     villages, monasteries and villas – each
     one different from the other, each one
     beautiful, atmospheric and compelling
  •	Renaissance masterworks by Donatello,
     Michelangelo, Leonardo and Botticelli
  •	Tuscany beyond Florence, from Pisa’s
     maritime excellence to Siena’s Gothic
  •	The rise of the Medici in Florence, their
     power and enduring artistic legacy
  •	Regional diversity in landscape,                                                                                                             FIND OUT
     gastronomy, art and architecture                                                                                                             MORE

                                                  Travellers flock to the cities and towns of Tuscany to admire the world’s greatest
                                                  concentration of medieval and Renaissance art, but rarely devote sufficient time to fully
                                                  appreciate its technical brilliance and intellectual richness. Unpack your bags and enjoy
                                                  longer stays in Pisa, Siena and Florence on this new 15-day tour exploring the region’s
                                                  economic and cultural flowering in the Middle Ages, and its rise to European super-power
                                                  with the Medici. Tuscany’s simple, seasonal cuisine is at its best in winter, when there are
                                                  also fewer visitors and the weather is generally mild.
                                                  Highlights                                               Your tour leader
                                                  >	World-class art in Florence’s Uffizi and                       Dr Kathleen Olive
                                                     Accademia, Siena’s Pinacoteca and Pisa’s                       “Kathleen Olive does a great job –
                                                     spectacular Museo di San Matteo                                so knowledgeable, so experienced,
                                                  >	Beautiful villages and atmospheric abbeys,                     considerate, generous and fun to be
                                                     from Lucca and San Gimignano to San                   with.” – Masterpieces of Florence and Rome,
                                                     Galgano and Monte Oliveto Maggiore                    January 2017.
                                                  >	Explore the careers of major Renaissance
                                                     artists: Piero della Francesca in Arezzo,
                                                                                                           Getting there
                                                     Masaccio in the Brancacci Chapel, Filippo             Qatar Airways and Emirates offer flights into
                                                     Lippi in Prato                                        cities suitable for this tour. Contact us for
                                                  >	Elegant Siena: time to shop and enjoy the             quotes and bookings.
                                                     evening passeggiata over four nights
                                                  >	Savour Tuscany without the tourist hordes:
                                                     winter cuisine, wine tastings in stunning
                                                     contemporary settings, uncrowded museums
                                                                                                           Fitness requirement

                                                     Days 1–3: Explore Pisa. Day trip to Lucca.
                                                     Days 4–7: Visit Volterra and San Gimignano.
                                                     Discover Siena’s art and architecture, atmospheric                Lucca                        Fiesole
                                                     abbeys at San Galgano and Monte Oliveto                                                      Florence (7)
                                                                                                                     Pisa (3)
                                                     Maggiore, Renaissance Pienza.                                                  Bargino
                                                     Day 8: Investigate Piero della Francesca in Arezzo.
                                                     Days 9–11: Contemplate Florentine sculpture from                             San Gimignano
                                                     the Middle Ages to Renaissance. Follow the rise of                                                  Arezzo
                                                     the Medici in San Lorenzo and San Marco. Enjoy                         Volterra
                                                                                                                                                    Siena (4)
                                                     day trips to Prato and Pistoia.
                                                     Days 12–15: Admire world-class art in Florence’s
                                                     Uffizi and Accademia. Survey Fiesole’s Etruscan                            ITALY
                                                     and Roman heritage. Enjoy Tuscany’s resurgence
                                                     at a stunning contemporary winery.

Web: I Call: 9235 0023 (1800 639 699 outside Sydney) I Email:                                                       13
Siracusa, Agrigento & Palermo
                                                                                                                $6,450 pp, twin share
January 17-29, 2019                                                                                             $1,150 single supplement

                                                                                                                •	The history, art and architecture of
                                                                                                                   Sicily, showcasing more than 3,000
                                                                                                                   years of Mediterranean civilisation
                                                                                                                •	The island’s rich classical heritage at
                                                                                                                   some of Europe’s best preserved Greek
                                                                                                                   and Roman archaeological sites
                                                                                                                •	Palermo’s extraordinary history, where
                                                                                                                   medieval Arab and Norman rule is
                                                                                                                   seen today in distinctive art and
                                                                                                                •	Varied and dramatic landscapes, from
                                                                                                                   active volcanoes to rugged seaside
                                                                                                                   cliffs and pristine coastlines
                                                                                          FIND OUT              •	The benefits of low-season travel,
                                                                                          MORE                     with fewer visitors and mild weather

Sicily has been one of the most sought-after places in the Mediterranean. Phoenicians, Greeks,
Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans and Spaniards have each settled here, making it one of
the most culturally dense and diverse regions of modern Italy. The setting for this long and
distinctive history is unmatched – the towering volcano of Mount Etna, rolling hillsides in the
interior and the dramatic coastline. Discover the beauty, history and culture of Sicily – from
ancient cities and Greek temples, to Norman mosaics and elegant baroque towns – on this new
13-day tour, timed to take advantage of low-season visitor numbers and mild weather.
Your tour leader                                        Highlights
         Dr Jeni Ryde                                   >	Exceptionally well-preserved Greek and
         “Jeni Ryde was a most enthusiastic                Roman archaeological sites in Siracusa,
         and caring leader. She always                     Agrigento and Taormina
         ensured that we knew where we                  >	The exuberant ‘Sicilian Baroque’ architecture
were by providing appropriate maps. She also               of Siracusa and Noto
made useful suggestions for activities in our           >	Delightful 4th-century mosaics in the palatial
spare time.” – Grand Tour of Spain, April 2017.            Roman villa at Piazza Armerina
Getting there                                           >	Agrigento’s ‘Valley of the Temples,’ including
                                                           some of the world’s finest surviving
Emirates offers the best connections to                    examples of Greek architecture
Rome. Contact us for quotes and bookings.
                                                        >	The remarkable medieval Arab-Norman
                                                           architecture of Palermo
                                                        >	UNESCO World Heritage-listed mosaics in
                                                           Monreale and in Palermo’s Palatine Chapel
Fitness requirement

                                                        Days 1–5: Take a group flight from Rome. Arrive
                                                        in Siracusa; tour the remarkable archaeological
                      Palermo (6)                       park and museum, and admire striking baroque
                                                        architecture here and in nearby Noto and Ragusa.
                             Cefalu                     Take day trips to Taormina and Catania. Enjoy a
                                                        Nero d’Avola wine tasting.
                      Sicily                 Taormina
                                                        Day 6: Travel to Agrigento to survey the
                                                        impressive Greek temples, with an excursion to
      Agrigento (1)
                                                        the Roman villa at Piazza Armerina to admire the
                                                        well-preserved mosaics.
                                        Siracusa (5)    Days 7–13: The tour ends in Palermo, exploring
                                      Noto              the city’s fascinating heritage and enjoying visits
                                                        to Monreale cathedral, the Norman Palace and its
                                                        Palatine Chapel. Take day trips to Cefalù, Segesta
                                                        and Marsala.

14                                                                                  Maximum 20 in a group I Carefully planned itineraries I Expert tour leaders
Puglia to Pompeii
                                                              Classical Southern Italy
        $8,370 pp, twin share
                                                                                    March 21 – April 6, 2019
        $1,750 single supplement                                              October 17 – November 1, 2019

  •	The history and classical archaeology
     of southern Italy, from the Greek
     colonists at Paestum to the Romans
     at Pompeii and Herculaneum
  •	Thousands of years of foreign rule
     and cultural influence, from the Arabs
     and Normans in the Middle Ages, to
     the Aragonese, Spanish and Bourbons
     in the modern era
  •	Stunning natural beauty, from                                                                                                                 MORE
     rugged mountain ranges to dazzling                                                                                                            MAR/APR
     Mediterranean coastlines
  •	The prized regional culinary traditions
     of southern Italy                                                                                                                             MORE

                                                  Take ‘the road less travelled’ through Puglia and Basilicata and on to the stunning scenery
                                                  and renowned archaeological sites of the Bay of Naples. This tour begins with the fascinating
                                                  history of southern Italy, from the cave-dwelling people of Matera to ancient Greek colonies,
                                                  Norman castles and cathedrals, and elegant Southern Baroque architecture in Lecce. It then
                                                  continues to the Bay of Naples, justly lauded in antiquity for its superb scenery and relaxed
                                                  lifestyle, and today a wonderland of art and archaeology, from Pompeii and Herculaneum to
                                                  Caravaggio and his followers.
                                                  Highlights                                              Your tour leader
                                                  >	The medieval castles and cathedrals of Puglia,                  Dr Estelle Lazer
                                                     built by Norman and German rulers                               “I cannot say strongly enough how
                                                  >	The battlefield of Cannae, where Hannibal                       much we learned from Estelle. She
                                                     defeated the Romans in 216 BC                                   worked so hard to make the tour a
                                                  >	The unique ‘sassi’ cave dwellings in the             success.” – Sicily & the Aeolian Islands, Oct 2017.
                                                     ancient city of Matera, one of Italy’s most
                                                     remote cities
                                                                                                          Getting there
                                                  >	The hidden artistic and architectural gems of        Emirates offers the best connections to
                                                     Naples, seen by relatively few tourists              Rome. Contact us for quotes and bookings.
                                                  >	Europe’s premier archaeological sites,
                                                     including Paestum, Pompeii, Herculaneum
                                                     and Oplontis
                                                  >	Capodimonte, the Bourbon royal palace
                                                     housing a remarkable collection
                                                     of fine art
                                                                                                          Fitness requirement

                                                     Days 1–3: Take a group flight from Rome. Arrive
                                                     in Lecce, explore the town, Otranto and Brindisi.          Italy
                                                     Days 4–5: Tour Taranto, see the ‘sassi’ of Matera.        Rome
                                                     Days 6–8: In Trani, visit Roman and medieval                                              Trani (3)
                                                     sites and sections of the Appian Way.
                                                     Days 9–11: Travel to Vietri sul Mare and spend                                                      Brindisi
                                                                                                                      Naples (5)
                                                     a day at Paestum. Drive part of the Amalfi Coast                                       Matera (2)
                                                                                                                                         Paestum             Lecce (3)
                                                     to the hill-top town of Ravello.                              Vietri sul Mare (3)
                                                     Days 12–16/17: Explore the city of Naples,
                                                     including the National Archaeological Museum.
                                                     Visit key archaeological sites at Pompeii,
                                                     Herculaneum and Oplontis, as well as
                                                     Optional post-tour extension to Capri and Amalfi.

Web: I Call: 9235 0023 (1800 639 699 outside Sydney) I Email:                                                             15
City, Republic & Empire
                                                                                                          $7,730 pp, twin share
March 27 – April 10, 2019                                                                                 $1,960 single supplement

                                                                                                          •	The history of Venice and its key role
                                                                                                             in the Mediterranean during the
                                                                                                             Crusades and the Renaissance
                                                                                                          •	The unique art and architecture of
                                                                                                             Venice, visiting centuries-old sites
                                                                                                             and world-class museums
                                                                                                          •	The all-important and all-
                                                                                                             encompassing relationship between
                                                                                                             Venice and the sea
                                                                                                          •	The excellent food and wine of the
                                                                                                             Veneto region, from sparkling prosecco
                                                                                                             to excellent seafood
                                                                                                          •	The Renaissance architecture of Andrea
                                                                                   FIND OUT                  Palladio, from Venice to Vicenza

Unpack your bags for 15 days and discover the city that ruled the Mediterranean for 1,000
years. From a family-run four-star hotel just a few minutes from St Mark’s Square, this tour
explores the art, history and culture of Venice, and uncovers the depth of Venice’s influence with
day trips to Ravenna, Padua and the Palladian villas of the Veneto. The tour also takes in quiet
lagoon islands, including Byzantine Torcello and Armenian San Lazzaro, and dines at some of
Venice’s best restaurants. The off-season travel period means fewer crowds and cruise ships.

Your tour leader                                   Highlights
          Robert Veel                              >	A legendary lunch at Locanda Cipriani
          “This was our second tour under             on the island of Torcello
          Robert’s leadership and, once again,     >	Glittering 5th and 6th-century mosaics
          he did not disappoint. His knowledge        in Ravenna, echoes of the Ostrogoths
of Italian art, architecture, culture and             and of Byzantium
history is well renowned. This combined with       >	The baroque surrounds of opera
his charm and ease of interaction with all            at Venice’s rebuilt La Fenice
tour members made this tour a memorable            >	The colours of Carpaccio, Bellini, Titian and
experience.” – Lakes & Villas of Northern             Veronese in palaces and churches
Italy, May 2018.
                                                   >	The most complete cycle of Giotto’s work,
Getting there                                         in Padua’s Scrovegni Chapel
Emirates has daily flights from most               >	Outstanding contemporary art at the
Australian cities to Venice, via Dubai.               Ca’ d’Oro and the Punta della Dogana
Contact us for quotes and bookings.                >	Harmonious Palladian villas of the                                        Connect this tour with
                                                      Renaissance in and around Vicenza                                                 xx on page xx
Fitness requirement

                                                   Days 1–3: Orient yourself with a trip around the
              Vicenza                              lagoon, to Burano and Torcello, and visits to key
                                                   state history museums.
                              Venice (14)          Day 4: Day trip to Ravenna.
                                                   Day 5: Explore medieval and early Renaissance
               Padua                               Venice – the world of the merchants and Crusades.
                                                   Day 6: Day trip to Padua.
                                                   Days 7–10: Tour the Ghetto’s synagogues, admire
                                                   fine art in the Accademia, Frari and Scuola di San
                                                   Rocco. Baroque exuberance in fine house museums.
                    Ravenna                        Day 11: Day trip to Vicenza and Palladio’s villas.
                                                   Days 12–15: Modern art at the Guggenheim, glass
                                                   on Murano. The islands of San Lazzaro and San
                                                   Giorgio Maggiore.

16                                                                            Maximum 20 in a group I Carefully planned itineraries I Expert tour leaders
Sicily & the Aeolian Islands
                                                Jewels of the Mediterranean
        $8,870 pp, twin share
                                                                                 March 29 – April 14, 2019
        $1,680 single supplement                                           September 20 – October 6, 2019

  •	The thriving colonies of the ancient
     Greek world – wealthy, cultured
     centres of literature and art
  •	Ancient Phoenician, Carthaginian and
     Roman societies, and their struggle
     to control the Mediterranean
  •	The lasting legacy of medieval Arab and
     Norman rule, expressed in the impressive
     mosaics and architecture of Palermo
  •	The distinctive period of Sicilian                                                                                                             MORE
     Baroque architecture                                                                                                                           MAR/APR
  •	Dramatic countryside, including active
     volcanoes and rugged limestone cliffs
  •	The natural beauty and traditional                                                                                                             MORE
     lifestyle of the Aeolian Islands                                                                                                               SEP/OCT

                                                  Sicily and the Aeolian Islands have a remarkable history and culture that is a blend of
                                                  Mediterranean civilisations. From the well-preserved remains of Greek and Roman cities and
                                                  temples, to Norman cathedrals with fine Byzantine mosaics and Arab-influenced cuisine, the
                                                  island’s unique and varied history is tangible. This 17-day tour has been designed to give the
                                                  first-time visitor an overview of Sicily’s diverse and fascinating past, its art and traditions, and
                                                  shows how the extraordinary landscape – volcanoes, rugged coastlines
                                                  and the jewel-like sea – has shaped the island’s vibrant history and culture.

                                                  Highlights                                                 Your tour leaders
                                                  >	A scenic private boat trip of the Aeolian                        Gerald Deslandes (March)
                                                     Islands, from Lipari to Stromboli and Panarea                    Gerald joins our program in 2019.
                                                  >	Outstanding archaeological museums in                            Gerald is a former curator and cultural
                                                     Siracusa, Agrigento and Lipari                                   historian.
                                                  >	The Sicilian Baroque architecture of Noto                          Dr Kathleen Olive (September)
                                                     and Ragusa that evolved in the 17th and                            “The tour was excellent and had
                                                     18th centuries                                                     a good variety to the schedule.
                                                  >	The exceptionally well-preserved                                   Kathleen is an exceptional tour
                                                     4th-century mosaics in the imperial                     leader and her knowledge is second to none.
                                                     Roman villa at Piazza Armerina                          Brilliant.” – Rome to Turin, October 2017.
                                                  >	The UNESCO World Heritage-listed
                                                     mosaics in the cathedral of Monreale and
                                                                                                             Getting there
                                                     Palatine Chapel in Palermo, undertaken by               Emirates offers the best connections to
                                                     Byzantine masters for their Norman rulers               Rome. Contact us for quotes and bookings.
                                                  >	An excursion to the summit of Mt Etna
                                                                                                             Fitness requirement

                                                     Itinerary                                                                                         Stromboli
                                                     Days 1–4: Group flight from Rome to Siracusa;                                       Lipari Islands (3)
                                                     tour archaeological sites and the old town.                                         (Aeolian Islands)
                                                     Days 5–6: Travel to the Greek temples at Agrigento                           Palermo (4)
                                                     via the Roman villa at Piazza Armerina.                    Segesta
                                                     Days 7–10: Explore the capital Palermo, including                Selinunte          Cefalu
                                                     Monreale, the Norman Palace and Palatine Chapel.                             Sicily          Mt Etna
                                                                                                                                                                Taormina (3)
                                                     Visit the tiny island of Mozia.
                                                                                                                                      Piazza Armerina
                                                     Days 11–13: Continue on to Cefalù en route to the            Agrigento (2)                               Catania
                                                     Aeolian Islands. Take a private boat trip from Lipari
                                                     to Stromboli and Panarea.
                                                                                                                                                              Siracusa (4)
                                                     Days 14–17: From Taormina visit the Greco-Roman                                     Ragusa
                                                     theatre and Mount Etna, before taking a group
                                                     flight to Rome.
                                                     Optional pre-tour extension to Malta.

Web: I Call: 9235 0023 (1800 639 699 outside Sydney) I Email:                                                                   17
The City of Rome
Easter in the eternal city
                                                                                                                $6,670 pp, twin share
April 16-26, 2019                                                                                               $1,690 single supplement

                                                                                                                •	2,500 years of Western civilisation,
                                                                                                                   a ‘living museum’ on display in the
                                                                                                                   streets, piazze and palazzi of Rome
                                                                                                                •	The complex legacy of ancient Rome
                                                                                                                   in history and culture, especially from
                                                                                                                   the Renaissance to the 20th century
                                                                                                                •	Little-visited but wonderful sites
                                                                                                                   tucked away in the heart of the city
                                                                                                                •	La dolce vita: fine dining, excellent
                                                                                                                   local trattorie, a symphony concert
                                                                                                                   or opera
                                                                                                                •	The masters of the Eternal City, from
                                                                                                                   emperors and popes to Caravaggio
                                                                                          FIND OUT                 and Bernini

Rome is a city of unique character and charm, and well worth an extended visit. Historic
sites, stretching from Etruscan pre-history to the 21st century, are set among the ageless
laneways and piazze of the old city. Our 11-day tour begins with ancient Rome, source of the
city’s pride and traditions. We then explore the pivotal medieval, Renaissance and baroque
periods, brimming with fine art and architecture by masters such as Raphael, Michelangelo
and Caravaggio, before turning our attention to impressive 20th- and 21st-century sites.
Accommodation is in the perfectly located four-star Hotel Ponte Sisto.

Your tour leader                                      Highlights
          Robert Veel                                 >	Private evening visit to the Vatican
          “Our tour leader Robert Veel was               Museums and the Sistine Chapel
          humorous, very knowledgeable and            >	Walking tours and gallery visits, exploring
          had an attention to detail that was            Rome from its earliest days to today
quite exemplary. He was quite meticulous and          >	A full day surveying the remarkable art
extremely well organised. One of the best tour           of Caravaggio
leaders I’ve ever had the pleasure of travelling      >	Visits to difficult-to-access sites, such as
with.” – Palermo and Naples, January 2018.               the home and studio of 20th-century artist
Getting there                                            Giorgio de Chirico and the Domus Aurea
                                                      >	Discover distinctive neighbourhoods,
Emirates has daily flights from most cities
                                                         including Trastevere, the Spanish Steps
in Australia to Rome. Contact us for quotes
                                                         and the Ghetto
and bookings.
                                                      >	A day trip to Tivoli, visiting the splendid
                                                         gardens of the Villa d’Este and Hadrian’s
Fitness requirement                                      Villa

                                  Galleria Borghese   Days 1–3: Explore ancient Rome, from the
                                                      Etruscans to the age of Constantine, with walking
                           Spanish Steps
                                                      tours and visits to museums.
                                                      Days 4–5: Discover the gems of the Renaissance
           Vatican City                               and baroque city, from Bramante’s Tempietto and
                                                      Raphael’s frescoes in the Villa Farnesina, to the
                  Piazza Navona       Pantheon        playful architecture of Bernini and Borromini.
         Hotel Ponte Sisto                            Days 6–8: Enjoy a day trip to Tivoli, visits to special
                          Capitoline Museum           exhibitions, and a full day examining the works of
                                                      Caravaggio in the city and at the Galleria Borghese.
                                                      Days 9–11: Get to know modern Rome. Visit the
      ROME                                            Forum and experience a private visit to the Vatican
      10 nights                                       Museums and the Sistine Chapel.

18                                                                                  Maximum 20 in a group I Carefully planned itineraries I Expert tour leaders
Lakes & Villas of
        $8,670 pp, twin share
                                                               Northern Italy
        $1,940 single supplement                                                                      April 25 – May 9, 2019

  •	Italy’s genius for art and architecture in
     spectacular lakeside and country sites
  •	The sheer range of art and history in
     northern Italy, from medieval towns
     to villas and 21st-century estates
  •	Some of the world’s most beautiful
     gardens still in private hands
  •	Palladio’s finest Renaissance villas,
     from Villa Emo to Villa Capra
     “La Rotonda” and Villa Barbaro
  •	The stunning colours and landscapes
     of pre-alpine Italy
  •	The best of northern Italy’s regional
     cuisines, famous for prosciutto,                                                                                                                   FIND OUT
     parmigiano and prosecco                                                                                                                            MORE

                                                  The villas and gardens of the Italian lakes are as spectacular as the alpine landscape
                                                  surrounding them. This 15-day tour visits many of the finest villas and gardens of northern
                                                  Italy, from the shores of Lake Como to the foothills of the Apennines, with its medieval towns
                                                  and contemporary villas, and on to the Veneto to admire the Renaissance country houses of
                                                  Andrea Palladio. The tour concludes on Lake Maggiore, best known for the baroque splendour
                                                  of Isola Bella, and enjoy the lakes, villas and gastronomy of the region at a gentle pace.

                                                  Highlights                                              Your tour leader
                                                  >	The villas and gardens of Lake Como in                         Michael Turner
                                                     bloom: Villa Melzi, Villa Carlotta and Villa                   “Michael Turner led a very compatible
                                                     Balbianello                                                    group of travellers, everyone being
                                                  >	Bergamo and Asolo: beautiful medieval                          enthusiastic every day. Northern
                                                     hill towns with surprising histories                 Italy with its lakes, villas and hill towns is very
                                                  >	Elegant Verona, the historic Giusti Gardens          beautiful and tranquil. The preservation of
                                                     and a private visit to Villa Arvedi, still the       its history is mind blowing, Italy with its rich
                                                     home of the Counts of Arvedi                         countryside is hard to beat. A fabulous trip,
                                                  >	The fascinating towns of Lake Garda and              thank you!” – Lakes & Villas of Northern Italy,
                                                     tranquil Lake Orta                                   May 2018.
                                                  >	Excellent regional cuisine and wine,                 Getting there
                                                     including lunches in country restaurants,
                                                                                                          Emirates offers the best connections to
                                                     at Villa d’Este and in scenic Valdobbiadene,
                                                                                                          Milan. Contact us for quotes and bookings.
                                                     home of prosecco
                                                  >	The Borromean Islands: baroque
                                                     masterpieces on Lake Maggiore                        Fitness requirement

                                                     Days 1–4: Arrive in Bellagio and explore Lake
                                                     Como by boat, visiting the 18th and 19th-century         switzerland
                                                     estates of Villa Balbianello and Villa Melzi, with
                                                     lunch at the Villa d’Este. Day trip to Bergamo.
                                                     Days 5–6: From Cremona, explore the hill towns
                                                                                                               Stresa (3)     Lake Como
                                                     and medieval castles of Emilia-Romagna.
                                                                                                                                                                 Asolo (3)
                                                     Days 7–9: Visit Vicenza en route to Asolo. Admire                               Bellagio (4)
                                                     Palladio’s country houses, palaces and theatre.          Maggiore                              Verona (2)

                                                     Days 10–11: Explore refined Verona and                                 Milan          Lake Garda            Vicenza
                                                     picturesque Bassano del Grappa.
                                                     Days 12–15: Travel to Stresa via Lake Garda.
                                                     Experience the extraordinary villas and gardens
                                                                                                                                    Cremona (2)
                                                     of Lake Maggiore and enjoy the tranquillity of
                                                     undiscovered Lake Orta.

Web: I Call: 9235 0023 (1800 639 699 outside Sydney) I Email:                                                                 19
The Venice Biennale
Modern & contemporary art
                                                                                                                                 $5,730 pp, twin share
June 5-13, 2019                                                                                                                  $1,640 single supplement

                                                                                                                                 •	The remarkable world of contemporary
                                                                                                                                    art by leading artists from around the
                                                                                                                                    globe, at the world’s largest and oldest
                                                                                                                                    art fair
                                                                                                                                 •	The less well-known sites of Venice
                                                                                                                                    and its surrounds: quiet islands,
                                                                                                                                    hidden gems and Roman ruins
                                                                                                                                 •	Stunning new modern art spaces
                                                                                                                                    in Rovereto, showcasing Italian and
                                                                                                                                    international art
                                                                                                                                 •	The backstreets of Venice, home to
                                                                                                                                    unofficial exhibitions and performances
                                                                                                                                 •	The renowned architecture of Venice,
                                                                                                           FIND OUT                 including the Arsenale – only open to
                                                                                                           MORE                     the public during the Biennale

The Venice Biennale is the world’s oldest, largest and most prestigious contemporary art fair.
Many of the fine Renaissance palaces of Venice, usually closed to the public, open as centres
of modern and contemporary art for its duration. We explore the 2019 Biennale over nine days
from our quiet hotel in the heart of the city, interspersing these visits with trips to Venice’s
modern and contemporary galleries and some of the less well-known historic sites and galleries
in the region, such as the Roman city of Aquileia and MART, a stunning art gallery at Rovereto.
Your tour leader                                                       Highlights
        Dr Nick Gordon                                                 >	Well-paced visits to the Biennale’s
        “The tour to the Venice Biennale                                  exhibitions, in the historic Giardini and
        was everything we hoped for and                                   Arsenale and in palaces throughout the city
        more – loved the accommodation, its                            >	Visits to the Peggy Guggenheim Collection
convenience etc. – I found everyone helpful.                              and Ca’ Pesaro in Venice
Nick was always approachable, kind and                                 >	Day trips to two of northern Italy’s best new
informative.” – Venice Biennale, August 2017.                             modern art galleries in the alpine town of
Getting there                                                             Rovereto, and to the World Heritage-listed
                                                                          Roman ruins and mosaics at Aquileia
Emirates offers good connections to Venice                             >	The tranquil islands of San Lazzaro degli
from Australian airports. Contact us for                                  Armeni and Torcello, where we enjoy a
quotes and bookings.                                                      meal at Locanda Cipriani
                                                                       >	The best of today’s international
     See also Art Basel, Alsace & the Black                               contemporary art in one place
     Forest on page 32                                                                                                                                 Connect this tour with
                                                                       >	The excellent food and wine of the                                                   xx on page xx
                                                                          Veneto region
Fitness requirement

        To Rovereto, Aquileia
             and Grado                                                 Days 1–3: Settle in to our hotel in central Venice;
                                                         To Torcello
                                                                       explore the national pavilions located in the
                                                                       Biennale Giardini, an open park with architecture
               Grand Canal                                             by Alvar Aalto, Josef Hoffmann and Carlo Scarpa,
                                                                       and in the Arsenale, the historic shipyards of Venice.
                                         Rialto Bridge
                                                                       Days 4–6: Visit Rovereto, an alpine town with
                     St. Mark's Square          Giardini
                                       Arsenale                        excellent new galleries, and the Roman ruins at
                                  Peggy Guggenheim                     Aquileia. See hidden gems of Renaissance art
                      San Giorgio Maggiore                             in Venice and explore the Biennale’s numerous
                                                                       collateral exhibitions and unofficial events.
                                                                       Days 7–8: Continue with the Biennale and visit
            VENICE                                                     Venice’s modern and contemporary galleries; enjoy
               8 nights                                                lunch at the legendary Locanda Cipriani on Torcello.
                                San Lazzaro degli Armeni               Day 9: Depart Venice in the morning.

20                                                                                                   Maximum 20 in a group I Carefully planned itineraries I Expert tour leaders
The Venice Biennale
        $5,840 pp, twin share
                                               & Film Festival
        $1,610 single supplement                                                August 29 – September 6, 2019

  •	The Venice International Film Festival,
     the oldest and one of the most
     prestigious events of its kind
  •	The remarkable world of contemporary
     art by leading artists from around
     the globe
  •	The history of Venice from its
     commercial origins to the birth
     of the modern “Art City”
  •	The less well-known sites of Venice:
     quiet islands, hidden gems and
     charming palaces
  •	The Regata Storica – historical
     pageantry and the annual gondola                                                                                                                  FIND OUT
     race along the Grand Canal                                                                                                                        MORE

                                                  During the Biennale, the fine Renaissance palaces of Venice open as centres of modern and
                                                  contemporary art, showcasing many of the world’s best artists in a kind of ‘Art Olympics’.
                                                  We explore the 2019 Biennale from our quiet hotel in the heart of the city, exploring art
                                                  exhibitions by day and visiting the International Film Festival in the evening. The tour also
                                                  coincides with Venice’s annual gondola race along the Grand Canal – an event by and for
                                                  Venetians – and is rounded out with fine dining, Venice’s less-visited gems and tranquil islands.

                                                  Highlights                                                    Your tour leader
                                                  >	The best of today’s art in one extraordinary                       Dr Nick Gordon
                                                     city, including visits to the Giardini                             “Nick was a great tour leader –
                                                     Biennale, Arsenale, and exhibitions in                             knowledgeable, professional, easy-
                                                     historic buildings throughout the city                             going, tolerant and helpful.”
                                                  >	Excellent modern art collections, including                – Venice Biennale & Film Festival,
                                                     the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and                        September 2017.
                                                     Ca’ Pesaro
                                                  >	Four evenings at the Venice Film Festival,
                                                                                                                Getting there
                                                     arriving in style by private launch                        Emirates offers the best connections to
                                                                                                                and from Venice. Contact us for quotes and
                                                  >	Tranquil lagoon islands, including lunch
                                                     at Torcello’s legendary Locanda Cipriani
                                                  >	The glorious pageantry of Venice, a stage
                                                     for social performance from the Middle
                                                     Ages to today
                       Connect this tour with
                               xx on page xx      >	Special exhibitions and retrospectives
                                                     coinciding with the Biennale
                                                                                                                Fitness requirement

                                                     Days 1–3: Settle in to our hotel in central Venice,                                                           To Torcello
                                                     explore the national pavilions in the Giardini
                                                     Biennale and Arsenale, visit the best exhibitions
                                                     throughout the city, and visit the Venice Film Festival.             Grand Canal
                                                     Days 4–6: Witness the Regata Storica; visit special                                           Rialto Bridge
                                                     exhibitions timed to coincide with the Biennale;                           Hotel Al Codega
                                                                                                                               St. Mark's Square           Giardini
                                                     take in films in competition at the Film Festival;                                           Arsenale
                                                     and discover Venice’s less-visited gems, including                                      Peggy Guggenheim
                                                     San Lazzaro degli Armeni.                                                   San Giorgio Maggiore

                                                     Days 7–9: Continue exploring the Biennale, Film
                                                     Festival and Venice’s modern and contemporary
                                                     galleries. Visit Torcello, one of the oldest                       VENICE
                                                     settlements in the lagoon, and enjoy lunch at                        8 nights      San Lazzaro degli Armeni
                                                     Locanda Cipriani.                                                                                               Lido

Web: I Call: 9235 0023 (1800 639 699 outside Sydney) I Email:                                                                     21
Malta & Sicily
Aboard the Sea Cloud II
                                                                                                                       $12,750 pp, twin share
September 23 – October 9, 2019                                                                                         $5,900 single supplement

                                                                                                                       •	The complex web of European and
                                                                                                                          eastern influences that have created
                                                                                                                          the unique and distinctive cultures
                                                                                                                          of Malta and Sicily
                                                                                                                       •	The 5,000-year-old prehistoric
                                                                                                                          civilizations on Malta
                                                                                                                       •	The flourishing colonies of the ancient
                                                                                                                          Greek world on Sicily – wealthy,
                                                                                                                          cultured centres of literature and art
                                                                                                                       •	The multi-ethnic kingdom of the
                                                                                                                          Norman rulers of Sicily
                                                                                                                       •	The active volcanoes and stunning
                                                                                                                          landscapes of Etna and the Aeolian
                                                                                                 FIND OUT                 Islands

Academy Travel is proud to offer a tour that explores the islands of the Mediterranean in style,                        The Sea Cloud II
featuring a seven-day cruise on the luxury 50-cabin sailing yacht Sea Cloud II. As well as the                          The Sea Cloud II is a luxurious 3-masted
ancient sites, travellers will encounter masterpieces of medieval Arab, Norman and Byzantine                            barque, traditionally crafted in teak,
society and the exuberant baroque art and architecture of later periods. All this takes place in                        but with modern features. White cloth
a setting of remarkable beauty – the spare, rocky shores of Malta, the dramatic mountains and                           sails and understated elegance create
volcanoes of Sicily and the countless bays and cliffs of the coastline.                                                 a unique environment that is at once
                                                                                                                        nostalgic and luxurious. Although most
Your tour leader                                               Highlights                                               of the journey takes place under motor,
         Robert Veel                                           >	Cruising for six nights aboard Sea Cloud II,          on some days the crew climb the rigging
         “A particular highlight for me was                       a very different experience to mainstream             to set the square sails and jibs and you
         the Sea Cloud II, which was truly                        cruising, with outstanding service, fine food         experience the thrill of ocean yachting.
         magnificent in my opinion. Robert                        and wine
was truly professional as our tour leader.                     >	Exploring the city-fortress of Valletta,
He was simply outstanding.” – Malta & Sicily                      constructed by the Knights of St John
aboard Sea Cloud II, October 2017.                             >	Touring the Neolithic temple complex at
Getting there                                                     Tarxien and the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum
                                                               >	Caravaggio’s paintings in Malta and Sicily
Emirates offer flights direct to Malta and
home from Rome. It is also possible to travel                  >	Sailing around the volcanoes of Stromboli
via many major European cities to Malta.                          and Vulcano, viewing active eruptions
Contact us for quotes and bookings.                            >	Outstanding archaeological museums in
                                                                  Siracusa and Agrigento
                                                               >	The UNESCO World Heritage mosaics of
                                                                  Monreale and the Palatine Chapel in Palermo
Fitness requirement

                                                               Days 1–5: Arrive in Valletta and tour Malta’s main
                                                               sites, including the Neolithic complex of Tarxien
                                                               and the medieval walled town of Mdina.
                                                               Days 5–11: Six-night cruise on Sea Cloud II,
               Palermo (3)           Taormina
     Trapani                                                   disembarking in Siracusa. Ports-of-call include
                             Sicily                            Trapani, Palermo, Lipari and Taormina, plus a full
                                                               day at sea.
                        Agrigento (1)           Siracusa (2)   Days 11–12: Explore Siracusa’s archaeological
                (6)                                            sites and baroque architecture.
                                                               Days 13–14: Travel to Agrigento’s Greek temples
                                                               via the spectacular Roman villa at Piazza Armerina.
                      Valletta (4)                             Days 15–17: Explore Palermo, including stunning
                             Malta                             mosaics in Monreale and the Palatine Chapel, and
                                                               breathtaking stucco oratories.

22                                                                                         Maximum 20 in a group I Carefully planned itineraries I Expert tour leaders
Tours to Europe
Our range of cultural tours to Europe is designed to explore the history, art and
architecture of the continent in a way that is more relaxed than most Europe
trips, but at the same time offering depth and focus. We offer broad survey tours
through Spain, Germany, France, Central Europe and Scandinavia, as well as more
specialised explorations of Portugal, Berlin, Moscow and St Petersburg and the
gardens of England.

                                                                            FIND OUT
Gaudí’s Casa Batlló, Barcelona
Winter in Moscow
& St Petersburg                                                                                                $10,795 pp, twin share
January 6-20, 2019                                                                                             $1,675 single supplement

                                                                                                               Get to know
                                                                                                               •	The significance of winter in Russian
                                                                                                                  culture, from Orthodox Christmas to
                                                                                                                  cityscapes immortalised by Russia’s
                                                                                                                  literary giants
                                                                                                               •	Russia’s incredible history from imperial
                                                                                                                  power, to revolution and beyond
                                                                                                               •	Vast repositories of fine and decorative
                                                                                                                  arts in Russia’s diverse array of
                                                                                                                  museums and galleries
                                                                                                               •	Rivalry with the West: from the tsars
                                                                                                                  to distinctively Russian movements in
                                                                                                                  modern and contemporary art
                                                                                                               •	The art of the palace: from the might
                                                                                        FIND OUT                  of the Kremlin to Catherine the Great’s
                                                                                        MORE                      country retreats

Winter has a special place in Russian culture, permeating its literature, performing arts and
national story of triumph through hardship. This new 15-day tour explores the incredible
wealth of culture, history and art in St Petersburg and Moscow at a time of year that
brings quintessential elements of Russian culture to the fore. Experience Russia at its most
magnificent, from the palaces of Catherine the Great, to superb fine and decorative art
collections, including the Hermitage, Fabergé Museum and Tretyakov Gallery, and its cutting-
edge contemporary and performing arts scene.
Your tour leader                                        Highlights
         Michael Carr                                   >	Marvel at the treasures housed in the
         Michael joins our program in 2019.                State Armoury and Diamond Fund
         He has Honours in Art and Law from             >	Orthodox Christmas and the joy of the
         ANU and over 20 years’ experience                 festive season
as an art collector and historian, previously           >	Cathedrals of the Kremlin, site of the
opening a art dealership in Moscow.                        coronation and funeral processions of the Tsars
Getting there                                           >	A private tour with a curator through the
                                                           Garage Museum of Contemporary Art
Emirates has daily flights to Moscow and
returning from St Petersburg. Contact us for            >	Masterpieces of Russian and European art
quotes and bookings.                                       at the Tretyakov Gallery
                                                        >	Art and architecture in St Petersburg,
                                                           including the Hermitage, Fabergé Museum
                                                           and the Yusupov Palace
                                                        >	The magnificent palaces of Catherine
Fitness requirement                                        the Great

                                                        Day 1: Arrive into Moscow.
                                                        Days 2–3: Tour Red Square. Admire the decorated
                                                        Metro stations and wander through Gorky Park.
                                                        Day 4: Day trip to Kuskovo Park and Estate and
                                                        Pushkin Galleries.
                         St Petersburg (7)
        Peterhof                                        Days 5–7: See the Tretyakov collections, Kremlin,
                   Pushkin                              State Armoury and Diamond Fund. Visit the
                                                        Tolstoy House Museum and Novodevichy Convent.
                                                        Day 8: Travel by fast train to St Petersburg.
                             Moscow (7)                 Days 9–11: Explore St Petersburg’s extraordinary
                                                        landmarks, cathedrals, palaces and museums,
                                                        including a full day at the Hermitage.
                                                        Days 12–15: Day trips to Catherine’s palaces at
                                                        Pushkin, Pavlovsk Park and Oranienbaum.

24                                                                                 Maximum 20 in a group I Carefully planned itineraries I Expert tour leaders
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