VISION 2020 LINKS PROGRAMME TOOLKIT - International Centre for Eye Health London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine - Community Eye Health ...
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VISION 2020 LINKS PROGRAMME TOOLKIT International Centre for Eye Health London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
“Nobody Table of Contents Introduction 2 Steps in developing a VISION 2020 Link 3 Institutional structure of a Links Programme 4 Appendices: 1. Trust Links Steering Committee 5 2. Sample Job Description for Links Coordinator 6 3. Promoting the Links Concept 7 4. Sample Needs Assessment Document 8 5. Sample Memorandum of Understanding 12 6. Monitoring Links participants visits 15 7. Evaluation of Visits 19 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine International Centre for Eye Health Revised June 2007 1
INTRODUCTION This toolkit is designed for medical institutions in the UK who wish to establish a Link with a medical institution overseas, for the purpose of human resource and skills development in the ophthalmic sector. The VISION 2020 Links Programme The VISION 2020 Links Programme originated as part of the ‘VISION 2020 –The Right to Sight’ initiative. This is a global initiative established in 1999 by the World Health Organization and the International Agency for Prevention of Blindness to eliminate avoidable blindness worldwide. One of the key strategies of VISION 2020 is human resource development. The VISION 2020 Links Programme provides training and support to develop the expertise of eye specialists overseas and enable them to prevent more people going blind. The Tropical Health and Education Trust ( This toolkit is primarily a guide to developing a Link for the VISION 2020 Programme but could be adapted to suit other specialist departments such as orthopaedics or obstetrics and gynaecology. The Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET) has developed a Links Manual which provides practical details for establishing multidisciplinary Links between health institutions and for understanding the Links concept. This toolkit is a supplement to the THET Links Manual. Both documents should be reviewed together. Tackling global health inequalities requires both institutional Link initiatives as well as individual initiatives. Therefore, even with specialist Links, it is particularly helpful to have the full support of senior management from both the partnership institutions. Benefits of Links As well as being a positive contribution to global health, Links have a variety of benefits. These include: • Commitment to Global Eye Health • Professional development • Enhanced reputation of the NHS Trust • Career break schemes to improve staff morale, this extends beyond ophthalmology department in some cases. Fore example with children’s eye care this would encompass the paediatric department as well Links offer an excellent opportunity for the professional development of NHS staff including: • Accelerated clinical learning • Cost-conscious approach to ophthalmic health care • Problem solving in resource-poor settings • Flexibility, self assurance, empathy • Responsibility for developing quality of ophthalmic care “The ultimate beneficiaries from UK professional health workers gaining international experience are NHS patients in the UK” Sir Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer 2
STEPS TO A VISION 2020 LINK 1. Acceptance, support and ownership by the UK NHS Trust of the Links concept, including and in particular the development of an ophthalmic Link 2. Establishment of a Trust Links Steering Committee (Appendix 1) 3. Identification of a person and space to facilitate and co-ordinate the Links Programme. This could be the same person who helps to coordinate other speciality Links such as VISION 2020 Link (see Appendix 2) 4. Audit of existing overseas commitments within the institution 5. Promotion of the Links concept throughout the institution including the specialty Link of VISION 2020 Links (see Appendix 3) 6. Liaise with Links agencies to identify potential partners. These include THET (for multidisciplinary Links) and ICEH/VISION2020 (for ophthalmic Links) 7. Complete Links needs assessment form of potential overseas partner in order to begin the needs assessment process (Appendix 4) 8. Visits from, and the commitment of, key personnel of both hospitals to each other to agree on the Link (purpose, content, time-frame). This includes the Chief Executive and head of the specific department interested in forming Links 9. Plan 3-5 year activities and budget based on priorities 10. Partner Institutions to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (Appendices 5, 6 and 7) 11. Links Plan developed into a full funding proposal and funding organisations identified 12. Links Steering committee developed in each institution which includes identification of a coordinator for Links development 13. Monitoring of annual plan by Links Steering Committees in each institution (Appendix 8) 14. Evaluation of visits (Appendix 9) 3
INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE OF A LINKS PROGRAMME External Funding Trust Board Funding arm within Bodies the Trust . Trust Links Steering Links Specialist Support Committee Support Link Organisation Organisation e.g. ICEH/VISION Links Co-0rdinator e.g. THET 2020 Links Programme Departmental Steering Committees e.g. Ophthalmology, Surgery, Orthopaedics 4
APPENDIX 1 TRUST LINKS STEERING COMMITTEE The Steering committee is the driving force behind a successful Link. It is important that the senior management of the trust are represented as well as medical, nursing, academic and administrative staff. As the Link progresses, other talented and enthusiastic individuals can be recruited to supervise particular activities such as fundraising or publicity. Suggested Members: 1. Links Co-ordinator 2. Trust Board member 3. Clinician(s) involved in Links of specific department 4. Nursing representative 5. Fund raising lead 6. Post-graduate Dean or academic representative 7. Member of the Public 5
APPENDIX 2 SAMPLE JOB DESCRIPTION FOR LINKS COORDINATOR Key Roles (it may be appropriate for some of these tasks to be shared) Steering Committee - Identification of new people in the hospital with specific skills/needs expressed by partner - Delegation of work (e.g. promotional work, fundraising activities) to other members Planning for overseas visits - to assist people in the writing of objectives - to ensure objectives are in line with need identified in the partner hospital - to advise visitors how their work might assist in the long term plan for the Link Planning for visits to the UK - to arrange schedule for visitors from overseas, to arrange visit logistics and accommodation - to provide information about the possible methods of evaluating specific objectives and activities Follow up on visits - to follow-up plans made during visits - to chase up visit reports /actions not carried out Communication - to ensure appropriate people are kept informed of any developments in the Link - to ensure minutes are circulated soon after meetings - to ensure actions identified in meetings are followed up Fundraising - to help organise and manage fundraising events Travel - Ideally the post holder will be able to make a visit to the partner hospital at least once a year To provide part time support (approximately 4 hours per week) to develop the Link between the hospital and partner overseas To have an overall vision of the various aspects of the Link and its developments, to help drive the Links work and coordinate the running of the Link group 6
APPENDIX 3 PROMOTING THE LINKS CONCEPT THROUGHOUT THE UK INSTITUTION This could be done firstly through a letter sent to trust staff and then followed by a questionnaire for all those who have expressed interest. Sample letter To all Trust Personnel, Re: Establishing Links with hospital departments overseas We would be very interested to know whether anyone would be keen to participate in an exchange link with another hospital overseas. Some of you may already be involved in some way with hospitals around the world, in which case it might be possible to build on an existing link. The aim is to provide effective needs-based and long term support by encouraging local health workers to develop their skills to improve their service and build morale. There are benefits on both sides, not least staff development, whilst at the same time providing valuable skills for under-resourced hospitals. The skills required could be managerial, technical or administrative as well as medical, so we welcome responses from any member of staff. We would like to form a core group to take this forward, certainly within ophthalmology, but also involving other departments, particularly if the hospital can link with a University Hospital. Issues such as funding and leave can be overcome where there is a will! Please contact…………if you would like to be involved in this new initiative. Yours etc, Sample questionnaire Thank you for your expressed interest in the …….. initiative. We would be grateful if you could complete this questionnaire so that we can take this programme forward. 1. Are you interested in working overseas as part of the Links initiative? 2. What is your job title in your department? 3. Do you want to include ‘Links’ as part of your job plan or description? 4. Have you worked overseas before –when, where, how long, what capacity? 5. What can you offer to a ‘Link’ initiative? and what could your department offer? 6. Any other comments Thank you and we will keep you in touch with developments 7
APPENDIX 4 SAMPLE NEEDS ASSESSMENT DOCUMENT University Hospital Link Programme LINKS PROGRAMME NEEDS ASSESSMENT ……Ophthalmology…... (Specialty) Questionnaire This questionnaire is designed to measure the main priorities of your Institution, Department or Centre with a view to establishing the most appropriate form of Link with the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Name of Institution…………………………………………………………………………… Head of Institution / Department………………………………………………………...... Total number of Hospital beds ________ Total number of Department/Specialty beds ________ Population of your district or coverage area ________ Staff – 2006 How many doctors work in your department/centre? Total _______ How many nurses work in your department/centre? Total _______ How many technicians work in your department/centre? Total _______ 8
Other personnel? Titles _________________________________ Total_______ _________________________________ Total _______ _________________________________ Total _______ _________________________________ Total _______ Surgical Statistics 2006 Number of operations in your department? ` Total _______ Specific procedures: Procedure ____________________________ Total _______ Procedure ____________________________ Total _______ Procedure ____________________________ Total _______ Training Courses 2006 Please provide information about courses offered in your centre/department. If more than five courses are offered please continue on the back of the sheet. Course title Length Who attends? How many attend 1 2 3 4 5 9
Current Equipment Please complete the table stating what equipment you have with any comments. Equipment Yes No Comment Perimeter Slit Lamps Cataract surgical sets Operating Microscope Laser Phaco machine Others… Services Do you have other services? If yes please describe. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Please describe your access to educational resources? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Please describe your access to internet? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ With whom do you have Links formal/informal (other institutions)? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Are these Links international/national?______________________________________ Future Priorities What are your TWO main priorities for development of your department/centre? If you wish use the checklist below to help you decide. 10
Speciality checklist Comment Cornea Cataract Glaucoma Refraction Low Vision Strabismus Paediatric Ophthalmology Medical Retina Surgical retina Oculo-plastic Public Health / Epidemiology / Community Nursing Theatre Practice Histo-pathology Information Technology for eye care Priority One Priority Two How could the Links Programme assist the development of your programme with reference to your two main priorities? Priority One ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Priority Two ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Other Comments 11
APPENDIX 5 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between Institution in Africa (K) and University Teaching Hospital, UK (B) 12
[The two named institutions] hereby enter into this Memorandum of Understanding to foster international cooperation in education, research and clinical practice, to their mutual benefit. The Agreement has the support of the Ministry of Health in [African country] and the Department of Health in the United Kingdom. [Description of two institutions] K and B agree to develop a Link and to incorporate within that Link the relevant activities of the hospitals and other institutions associated with K and B. It is anticipated that the link will be assisted by the [academic institution associated with the hospital(s)] In the United Kingdom, the Link will be registered under the auspices of the VISION 2020 Links Programme run by the International Centre for Eye Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and with the National NHS Health Links coordinated through the Tropical Health and Education Trust. The Link will encompass: • Multi-professional education and training • Exchange of faculty members, research scholars and students • Joint research activities • Systems and service improvement Before specific activities begin, all parties will identify and agree the priority needs and prepare a detailed year-by-year Activities Plan in each specified area. A joint Advisory Panel will be established to review the Memorandum of Understanding and Action Plans and amend as necessary. Each partner will also establish a Steering Group to oversee and support the Link. For Ophthalmology the Link co-ordinator will be: [name of co-ordinator] Specific activities and visits will be evaluated and each partner will provide feedback to the other. A joint annual progress report will be produced. This Agreement shall become effective at the date of signature by the heads of the institutions. The Agreement will be reviewed every five years to evaluate progress and improve the Link. The amendment or termination of this Agreement will only take place through the mutual agreement of both parties. 13
OBJECTIVES A. Within the Department of Ophthalmology To develop and improve ophthalmology services in the region by addressing the issues identified by K in the following way • The development of subspecialty services at K and surrounding hospitals. • Support for research activities at K B. To develop and improve laboratory services at K C. The exploration of further opportunities to widen the link to other areas RESPONSIBILITIES OF BOTH PARTIES • Logistical support for visits • Professional registration of visiting staff • Assistance with finding accommodation • A commitment to make available staff to participate in the Link as per the defined Activities Plan • Monitoring and evaluation through the steering committees ACTIVITIES PLAN An initial three to five-year Activities Plan is drawn up and the areas on this list are prioritised in terms of resources, staff time, outputs etc. and as a separate document but with the main categories mentioned here. Examples of some key Activities proposed within the link include the following broad areas: • Develop medical retina sub-specialist training: o Specialist to B for four weeks o Local follow up by B trainers in Africa context o Develop medical photography including FFA at K • MMed teaching support and assistance o Dissertation and research support at K • Ophthalmic Nurse Training o Skill development of Nurse Manager designate o Visit to B nursing and nursing school while in the UK o Skill development of School of Advanced Ophthalmic nursing tutors • Medical Technology o Equipment maintenance support o Medical photography o Visual Fields Signatures by the Director/CEO of each Institution 14
APPENDIX 6 MONITORING OF VISION 2020 LINKS PARTICIPANTS VISITS Examples from a specific exchange programme : Medical feedback 1. What were the objectives of your visit? 2. What activities did you carry out during your visit? 3. How did you find the facilities at the partner institution? Give details. 4. How did you find the medical skills of the member of staff that you were assigned to work with? 5. Do you feel you were able to develop a good relationship with the member/s of staff that you were assigned to work with? Why or why not? 6. What were your overall impressions of the hospital and hospital staff? 7. Do you feel that a good relationship has been developed with the partner institution? Why or why not? 8. Do you feel that the objectives of your visit were fulfilled? How or how not were these objectives fulfilled? 9. Generally what do you feel you have learnt through the Links programme? 10. How do you feel the Links programme will be of benefit to your institution? Are there any specific inputs that you will put into place in your institution following the exchange? 15
Personal feedback 1. How was your accommodation? Excellent Good Average Below average Please circle one and add your comments below including any problems that you may have had. 2. How well organized was the exchange? Excellent Good Average Below average Please circle one and add your comments below including any problems that you may have had. 3. How do you think the organisation of the exchange could be improved? 4. Do you feel that the exchange helped your personal development e.g. increased your self-confidence? If so, please detail below. Comments _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Future Exchanges 1. What could be improved upon in future visits? 2. Do you have suggestions or recommendations for future developments? Overall Feedback impressions and2020 from VISION general comments: steering group at UK institution _________________________________________________________________________ 1. What were the objectives of the participant’s visit? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What activities did the participant carry out during the visit? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. How motivated and enthusiastic did you find the participant? _________________________________________________________________________ Very Quite Neutral Unmotivated _________________________________________________________________________ 4. How did you find the medical skills of the participant? 5. Do you feel you were able to develop a good relationship with the participant and that s/he was willing to learn? Why or why not? 6. Do you feel that a good relationship has been developed with the partner institution? Why or why not? 7. Do you feel that the objectives of the participant’s visit were fulfilled? How or how not were these objectives fulfilled? 8. How do you feel the Links programme will be of benefit to the partner institution? Are there any specific inputs that you would like to see put into place at the partner institution following their visit? 9. What could be improved upon in future visits? 10. Do you have suggestions or recommendations for future Links? General comments and overall observations: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________16 _________________________________________________________________________
MONITORING OF VISION 2020 LINKS PARTICIPANTS VISITS Example from a specific exchange programme : Feedback from the steering group at partner institution (Completed by the Links co-ordinator / departmental facilitator) 1. How well organized was the link? Excellent Good Average Below average Please circle one and add your comments below including any problems that you may have had. 2. How do you think the organisation of the link could be improved? 3. What were the objectives of the participant’s visit? 4. Do you feel that the objectives of the visit were fulfilled? How or how not were these objectives fulfilled? 5. How do you feel the Links programme will be of benefit to your institution? Are there any specific inputs that you will put into place at your institution following the visit? 6. Do you feel that the link helped in the participant’s personal growth? If so please state what changes you have noticed and how you feel they will help the institution. 7. What could be improved upon in future visits? 8. Do you have suggestions or recommendations for future developments? General comments: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 17
APPENDIX 7 EVALUATION OF VISITS - SAMPLE EVALUATION DOCUMENT FOR LINKS PARTICIPANT (Completed 6 months after the visit by participant) 1. What benefits do you feel you have gained from the link, six months on, both on a professional and personal level? 2. Have you found that you have been able to put these benefits to use within the hospital and if so, how? 3. Have there been any changes at the hospital as a result of your visit? 4. Are there any inputs that you would like to put into place in the future as a result of your visit? 5. What kind of link do you think it would be most beneficial to organise for the institution next? SAMPLE EVALUATION DOCUMENT FOR PARTNER INSTITUTION (Completed 6 months after the visit by the Links co-ordinator / departmental facilitator) 1. What benefits do you feel the participant has gained from the link, six months on, both on a professional and personal level? 2. Have you found that you and the participant have been able to put these benefits to use within the hospital and if so, how? 3. Have there been any changes at the hospital as a result of the participant’s visit? 4. Are there any inputs that you would like to put into place in the future as a result of the participant’s visit? 5. What kind of link do you think it would be most beneficial to organise next for the institution? Creating true global health partnerships will both help to improve health and, by bringing people together, contribute towards improved relationships across the world Nigel Crisp, February 2007 18
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