Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Teacher Training Admin Manual

Page created by Freddie Curtis
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Teacher Training Admin Manual
Vinyasa & Yin 2022
200hr Teacher Training
    Admin Manual
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Table of Contents
Reading List                                                                                 3
  Essential Pre-Course Reading                                                               3
  Additional Reading                                                                         3
  Further Recommended Reading/Viewing                                                        3
Course Module Information                                                                    5
  Important Information about Missed Modules:                                                8
Assignment Dates                                                                             12
Assignment Guidelines                                                                        13
  Submission of Assignments                                                                  13
  Marking of Assignments                                                                     13
  Content of Assignments                                                                     13
  Other Info                                                                                 13
Guidance and Templates                                                                       14
  Insurance                                                                                  14
  Observing Classes You may find it helpful to observe classes and consider the following:   14
  Booking Class Observations at BCY                                                          14
  Teachers Report                                                                            15
  Class Observation Template                                                                 16
  Bristol School of Yoga Coursework Submission Form                                          18
  Teachers Report Template                                                                   19

© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Reading List
Essential Pre-Course Reading

These are the books you should buy/ borrow and have to hand throughout the
course, and I hope you will find them useful throughout life!

Please read and be familiar with these books before starting your course. You will need
knowledge of them for group discussion, presentation, and coursework. There are
several translations of some texts, you need to have at least one copy of each text.

    ● The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice, TKV Desikachar a yoga text
     book with sutras included

    ● Light on Yoga, BKS Iyengar

    ● Insight Yoga, Sarah Powers

    ● Miracle of Mindfulness, Thich Nhat Hanh

    ● Science of Yoga, Ann Swanson

    ● Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - you may want another copy & free web source -

     ●   Online brief translation can be downloaded here:


Additional Reading

    ● Melanie Cooper. Teaching Yoga Adjusting Asana

   ● The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga, Bernie Clark

   ● Yin Yoga Principles and Practices, Paul Grilley

Further Recommended Reading/Viewing

You will need some further texts/resources to supplement your study so that your
written work is of the required level. These may be taken from a tradition of yoga
you are particularly interested in.

Examples include:

© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

   ●    Upanishads, ancient texts elucidating some of the key teachings on yoga and
        tantra; Eknath Easwaren is good or any translation you prefer.

   ●    The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness, Eric Schiffman

   ●    Light on Life, BKS Iyengar

   ●    Trail Guide to the Body by Andrew Biel

Bhagavad Gita - any version

Again, many translations exist. Recommended translations include:

   ● Eknath Easwaren. Bhagavad Gita

   ● George Thompson. The Bhagavad Gita: a new translation

   ● Edward Viljoen. Bhagavad Gita for Beginners

Hatha Yoga Pradipika - any version

Many translations exist. Recommended translations include:

    •   Swami Muktibodhananda. Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Yoga publications Trust.

    •   Brian Dan Akers. Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Yoga Vidya. The text can be
        downloaded online at (June 2016):

Also, there are many online resources including:

   ● for articles on teaching, asana, pranayama, meditation

   ● for information on anatomy

   ● is an invaluable resource.

   ●    SOAS Centre of Yoga Studies Podcasts -

© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

        Course Module Information
        Below is a guide of what will be taught on each module, this may be subject to
        change. Please read relevant material ahead of the module.

Module 1: 27th - 30th January 2022                  Module 2: 24th - 27th February 2022

   ● Welcome & Introductions                           ● Teaching Beginners
   ● Definitions                                       ● Teaching safely
   ● Sun salutations postures as an introduction       ● Teaching methodology demonstration,
     to general alignment principles                     verbal instruction, visual cues and adjusting
   ● Creating a balanced asana practice                ● The role of the yoga teacher
   ● Class sequencing                                  ● Intro to teaching basic breath practices and
   ● Standing poses - principles & practice              breath awareness
   ● Yin practice                                      ● Pranayama 1: Awareness of breathing
   ● Intro to Pranayama                                  pattern, Practice of Full Yogic breath &
                                                       ● Standing poses continued
                                                       ● Forward bends & twists- principles &
                                                       ● Intro to Yoga History and Philosophy,
                                                         including the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali -
                                                         Yamas & Niyamas & the 8 limbs

 Module 3: 31st March - 3rd April 2022              Module 4: 12th - 15th May 2022

   ● Backbends & Twists - principles & practice        ●   Arm balances
   ● Students anatomy and physiology                   ●   Teaching meditation & mindfulness
     presentations                                     ●   Sutra reviews
   ● Pranayama 2: Practice of Nadi Shodhana,           ●   Review key asana principles, practices &
     Sama Vritti pranayama, Viloma I and II                postures
   ● Anatomy and Physiology - the respiratory          ●   More seated postures and hip openers
     system, dynamics of the breath & its effect       ●   Shavasana - teaching & adjustments
     on body & mind                                    ●   How to read students bodies
   ● Anatomy & Physiology - The skeletal               ●   Understanding body types and the
     system                                                mobility/stability of the body
   ● Teaching different ability students in one        ●   Ethics of teaching
     class                                             ●   Accessibility in yoga
   ● Yin continued                                     ●   Cultural Appropriation in Yoga
                                                       ●   Yin continued

Module 5: 7th - 10th July 2022                      Module 6: 18th - 21st August 2022

   ●   Teaching Inversions                             ● Inversions practice
   ●   Yin teaching practice                           ● Review sun salutations & creative
   ●   Personal practice assessment                      sequencing
   ●   200-hour written exam covering all aspects      ● Review of asana
       of the course (Saturday morning)                ● Review of pranayama
                                                       ● Review of A&P exam

        © Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

● Career development, ethical business skills      ● Final Vinyasa teaching assessment
  and marketing                                    ● Course review and sharing
● Teaching methodology Review                      ● Closing Ceremony
  demonstration, verbal instruction, visual
  cues and adjusting
● Review of safety guidelines for asana,
  pranayama & meditation

    © Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Important Information about Missed Modules:

Missed modules/days
It is of prime importance that you attend all the training days that are scheduled as
part of the course. This is so you meet the requirements of the course and cover the
number of training contact hours set by Yoga Alliance Professionals. You are required
to make sure you catch up on any of the course content missed and extra
assignments may be given in order to ensure you have understood the content
missed. Bristol School of Yoga try to be flexible and accommodate this and we simply
cover the associated costs of the teacher, venue and administrative time.

Catch up
If you need to miss a module due to ill health you may catch up on a later course, the
fee for this is £100. Or you may be able to attend a 1-2-1 catch up session at the rate
of £70/ hour at the discretion of the course tutor.

Catching up by attending another course which is already running:
       ● £100 charge
       ● We won't add you to the first or the final module of another course as it is
          too disruptive for the group. If you miss the first or the final module, you
          will need to catch up on a one to one basis.
       ● If you miss more than 10 days you will need to defer – for more
          information on ‘Deferral’ see below.

If you need to defer to a later course due to extenuating circumstances, please put
this in writing to Laura Gilmore. The deferral fee is £1000. Deferral is necessary if you
are missing more than 10 days of tuition. You would have to defer to a course
starting within 18 months of the date of the agreed deferral. This is subject to
availability on the next course. Please note it is only possible to defer to a later intake

© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Assignment                 Description                                                                                      Module set          Date due
Class observations         Observe x 6 Vinyasa classes, using the guidelines set, and the template given later in this      Module 1:           Module 4:
                           document. Send in your observation sheets. Please pay attention to what you learnt, what         27th January 2022   12th May 2022
Please hand in a digital   the mood/aim of the teaching was. Not just what was taught but HOW and write your
copy                       reflections on this. Not just a list of the poses, but what you took away overall.

                           Please send them all in one go as they won’t be marked until all received on the due date.

Anatomy and                We will assign you a body part in Module 1. In pairs/individually research an area of the body   Module 1:           Module 3:
physiology homework        (to be specified). Prepare a 5-minute presentation about this area of the body including:        27th January 2022   31st March 2022

You don’t need to hand     Main bones, muscle groups (you do not need to say each muscle if there are loads), how this
anything into us as you    area moves - use anatomical language for the movement e.g. pronation/ abduction.
are marked on your
presentation               Give a posture to demonstrate how that area is moved, by which muscles (name main
                           muscles only). You can draw/ model your area and make some notes for each member of the
You only need to email     group.
an electronic copy of
your presentation.         You can be as inventive as you like with your presentation.
                           If you decide to use Powerpoint, please save your work as PDF and bring in on a pen drive
This can be written or a   when you are due to present it
video to be shared
directly with the group.
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Teacher report             Identify who your asana teacher will be throughout the course to support your learning            Module 1:            Mod 4:
                           journey in Vinyasa yoga. You need to attend Vinyasa or Yin class weekly (at least once) with      27th January 2022    5th May 2022
Please hand in a digital   this teacher. With Vinyasa at least 50% of the time. This can be online or in person.
                           Ask your asana teacher to observe your practice whilst studying on the course.

                           The template for your teacher’s report is in your Admin manual. So, print this out for your
                           teacher or send it to them via email.
Practice diary             Keep a personal practice diary for the duration of the course and be prepared to provide          Module 1:            May be
                           excerpts or discuss your practice with your course teacher with reference to the diary. Your      27th January 2022    requested to help
                           diary should show: classes you have attended (at least one a week), your practice plan -                               support your
                           include asana, pranayama, meditation, and progression through the course.                                              practice.

                           Your diary can be a useful place to make notes of anything you have learned from a particular
                           class, or aims you have about your practice or even something you noticed in your body/mind
                           that you haven't before. Treat the diary as a log of all things yoga related.

Benefits and               We will discuss a document on Benefits and Contraindications of a variety of asanas,              Discussion will be
contraindications          pranayama and meditation techniques. In addition, a variety of injuries/medical conditions        on Module 3 or 4
                           will be included and how a yoga practice would need to be adapted to suit these. This
You don’t need to hand     assignment is now covered as group work on one of your training modules
anything into us as you
are marked on your         The document will also be sent to you electronically so that you can study it as questions will
presentation               be included in your exams regarding best practice.

© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Teach 6 classes             Class teaching- 2x vinyasa, 2 vinyasa with yin, 2 your choice                                      Module 3:              Module 5:
                            Yin – create a class plan and share with group                                                     12th March 2022        7th July 2022
                            Vinyasa & vinyasa and yin - we will provide you with class plans                                   Set up classes after
                                                                                                                               Module 3
                            Set up the classes to teach at home/in a suitable venue for friends/family etc. or online. Or
                            both online & in person if you prefer.

Resubmission of class       Write a review of how your classes and teaching went. You can type or write on the original        Continued from         Module 5:
plans                       class plans with amendments and reflections in a different colour ink/handwritten.                 above                  7th July 2022

Please hand in a digital    Adjust the practices where relevant, and then reflect on the overall experience of the class.

Anatomy & Physiology        Open book anatomy and physiology exam. This is to be taken home and completed with                 Module 4:              Module 5:
Open Book Exam              home study.                                                                                        5th May 2022           7th July 2022

Main essay                  Decide and explore a topic for your main essay with your tutor (3000 words)                        Module 4:              Module 5:
                                                                                                                               5th May 2022           7th July 2022
Please hand in a digital    In May come with an idea/ideas for your essay. You will talk this through with your tutor in a
copy                        smaller group/individually. Try to go for a smaller, specific topic rather than something broad.

Final exam                  Final exam for the whole course. This consists of:                                                                        Module 5:
                               - Final written exam, with a few questions in the following areas; breath, asana, subtle                               7th July 2022
This can be done                 body, teaching beginners
electronically or by hand
so please hand in           We recommend bringing your own laptop in on the day if you have one. If not it can be
whichever you choose        handwritten. We will be in touch nearer the time to arrange other details of this day.
to do

© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Final teaching             You will be assessed on your teaching of a small group of students.                                               Module 6:
assessment                                                                                                                                   18th August 2022
                           Yin- assessed during group practice in the group
Nothing to hand in
                           Vinyasa- Trainees will be divided into smaller groups to teach a class with each person
                           teaching a set sequence of postures for 15 – 20 minutes.

                           We will send you your postures around a week or so before the assessment, so you have time
                           to prepare.

                           If we have a lockdown this will be done by video if you are teaching a group of friends/
                           family/ peers.

Assignment Dates
Please note in the left-hand column what needs to be handed in. Some assignments are passed once you have presented, others need digital
copies sent in for marking. We advise you to keep a copy of all your assignments safe at home in case they need to be resubmitted for any reason.


            o    Digital copies to be handed in on your modules to

© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Assignment Guidelines
Submission of Assignments

Please send all assignments to

    ● Assignments must be: 12 font, include page numbers & a word count (word will
      do this for you under “tools”)
    ● Please check on the guidelines what needs to be handed in – we don’t need
      copies of your presentations
    ● All assignments must be completed and handed in by the given deadline
    ● All late submissions will be subject to a £30 late fee payable immediately
    ● Include a complete bibliography and clear references for any quotes used

Please use your name and the assignment title in the file name e.g. Charlie Musgrove,
Class Observations, or Faye Bolderson – Main Essay. It takes a lot of admin time to
rename files when we save copies of your assignments to our shared drive. Please also
ensure to merge each assignment as one document before sending e.g one file for all 6

Marking of Assignments
The assignments will be marked by a tutor who is a specialist in that area. Overall
passed assignments will show a high quality of work and an excellent understanding of
the topic. Failed assignments will show an inadequate standard of work with poor
understanding of the topic, where ideas/arguments are confused and there is little or
no creativity or input of ideas. If an assignment is failed it will need to be rewritten and
resubmitted and an admin fee of £30 will be applicable.

Content of Assignments
Try to clearly and concisely express your ideas and arguments. You are welcome to
include original thought, personal insight and critical/creative thinking (where
applicable). We advise that you read and include a wide and appropriate use of texts
and materials when writing your assignments, and reference these correctly at the end
of the assignment.

Other Info
Please make sure you save as a safe contact so our
emails don’t end up in your spam folder!

© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Guidance and Templates
As a yoga teacher you will need insurance to teach. You apply for full insurance once
you are qualified, but the Yoga Alliance Professionals also offer Trainee Insurance.
More information can be found here:

Observing Classes
You may find it helpful to observe classes and consider the following:

- Minimum six observations, all to be sent in together
- Always ask if you may observe in advance of the class
- You can observe Laura’s classes at BSY for free
- For other classes at the studio, ensure you either know the teacher well, or have
   attended at least three of their classes before asking to observe
- Keep detailed notes of what you have learned
- Agree your role in the class with the teacher before the class begins

Booking Class Observations at BSY for Laura’s Classes
You can book your place to observe one of Laura’s classes at BSY using the steps below:

   1. If you don't already have a gmail account then you need to create one – You
       cannot access Gcal with Hotmail or Yahoo.
   2. Send BSY your gmail email address so we can invite you to the group calendar
   3. You will receive an invite - From gmail - go to 'google apps' in top right and
       select calendar, this will open up gcal in a separate window
   4. Click on the name of the class you want to observe, click the pencil button
   5. Where is says (NAME….) replace this with your name
   6. Press save
   7. Select 'this event only' (do not choose all events!)
   8. You have now completed all the necessary steps through Gcal ☺
   9. You now need to book a place on the class. To do this visit the Laura Gilmore
       Yoga website
   10. Find the class you want to observe (whether in studio or online) and click on the
       ‘sign up’ button. Fill in your personal information and then click on the ‘use
       class pass, membership or coupon code’ button. You can then apply one of the
       following codes depending on which class observation you are doing e.g. apply
       OBSERVATION1 for your first observation and so on if you observe other classes
       taught by Laura:

           ●   OBSERVATION1
           ●   OBSERVATION2
© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

           ●   OBSERVATION3
           ●   OBSERVATION4
           ●   OBSERVATION5
           ●   OBSERVATION6

   11. Click on complete appointment. You are now booked on to the class and will
       have a space allocated for you if you are observing in person at the studio or
       you will receive the zoom link for the class if you are observing online.
   12. You're done :)

Please respect your fellow trainees and don't change anyone else's bookings without
their permission.

Remember you don't have to do all your observations at BSY, we are happy for you to
observe classes at other studios.

This calendar means you don't need to let BSY or Laura know you are coming. Please
arrive 5-10 minutes before class to let the teacher know you’ll be there.

Also please be aware that there can sometimes be last minute changes to the class
such as cover teachers if the main teacher is ill. This may mean you cannot observe a
class you have booked. The observation is entirely at the discretion of the teacher, and
they may decide its best not to be observed on a particular day (for instance if a
student in the class is particularly anxious) or if there is a cover teacher, they may not
be happy being observed.

We advise you don’t leave your class observations to the last minute, so you have
plenty of time to complete them before the hand in deadline.

- Enquire into the diversity of yoga as taught today
- Experience the approaches of different teachers

Teachers Report
Ask your asana teacher to observe your practice whilst studying on the course. Either
print out or send the Teacher report template for your teacher to fill in.

© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Class Observation Template

Reflect & write on the following areas
- Setting the tone (atmosphere, surroundings, room, temperature, lighting, music etc)
- Safety considerations and asking students about injury or pregnancy
- Ability of teachers to a) engage students and b) relax students
- Teacher’s voice – pitch and pace – and clarity of instruction
- Cultivation of breath awareness
- Use of demonstration
- Movement of teacher around room
- Class sequence – safe preparations, intelligent sequencing, safe and appropriate counterposes
- Relevance of class to any stated theme / focus
- Modifications and use of props
- Suitability of the class for students’ levels of experience and ability to adapt to individual student needs
- Use of adjustments
- Choice of pranayama, meditations and / or visualizations
- Did the class seem safe for the students?
- What might you have done differently/ kept the same if you were teaching?

Your Name:
Time, location and teacher of the class:
Class theme:

© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

 Content (e.g. type of vinyasa, asana,   Duration (approx.   Contraindications,                                Other notes, (such as atmosphere, the
 pranayama)                              time or number      Modifications and Alternatives (for instance if   way things were instructed or certain
                                         of breaths)         someone had a lower back issue what               cues you thought were really useful
                                                             modifications did the teacher offer?)             etc)

© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

            Bristol School of Yoga Coursework Submission Form




Date Submitted:

Teacher Comments:

                               -Thank You-

© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
Vinyasa & Yin 2022 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Teachers Report Template

VY22 Bristol School of Yoga 200hr Certificate Teacher Training

Yoga Teacher Report

Name of student:

Please give this form to your regular yoga teacher in order for them to provide an overview
of how your yoga practice is developing and if there are any areas you need to specifically
work on.

Class name, location and teacher (e.g. Hatha yoga, BCY, Laura)

How often is this student attending class with you? Please refer to number of classes
attended per week and length of class (e.g. 1 class per week, 90 minute class)

Please give a brief overview of their practice stating any areas of strength, any areas of
weakness that you feel they need to work on and any other aspects that are relevant to
their training as a yoga teacher. Please refer to asana, pranayama and/or meditation as

Signed (yoga teacher):


© Laura Gilmore, Bristol School of Yoga 2021
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