Page created by Tommy Harrison

WELCOME                                                           Page 2

STUDY INFORMATION                                                 Page 3

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                                Page 3

PROGRAMME DETAILS                                                 Page 4

NZ CERTIFICATE IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY                              Page 5

MIN401: Ministry Practicum A                                      Page 6
MIN405: God’s Story, Our Story                                    Page 6
MIN409: Spiritual Formation                                       Page 6
MIN402: Ministry Practicum B                                      Page 7
MIN403: Foundations of Faith                                      Page 7
MIN404: Turning Points in Church History                          Page 7
MIN406: Reading and Living the New Testament                      Page 7

NZ DIPLOMA IN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP                                Page 8

MIN501: Ministry Practicum A                                      Page 9
MIN503: Engaging Theology                                         Page 9
MIN507: The Art of Pastoral Ministry                              Page 9
MIN509: Formation and Discipleship                                Page 9
MIN502: Ministry Practicum B                                      Page 10
MIN505: Exploring the Hebrew Bible                                Page 10
MIN506: Portraits of Jesus in the New Testament                   Page 10
MIN508: Comparative Worldviews and Cultural Liturgies             Page 10

PATHWAYS FOR FUTURE STUDY                                         Page 11

ABOUT VINEYARD COLLEGE                                            Page 11

GENERAL INFORMATION                                               Page 12

FEES                                                              Page 12

OTHER COSTS AND REQUIREMENTS                                      Page 12

SCHOLARSHIPS                                                      Page 12

ENROLMENT PROCESS                                                 Page 13

INCLUSIVE LEARNING                                                Page 13

RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING                                     Page 13

WITHDRAWALS AND REFUNDS                                           Page 13

DISCLAIMER                                                        Page 13

CONTACT DETAILS                                                   Page 13

VINEYARD COLLEGE                                        2022 PROSPECTUS
WELCOME                                                                                 Page 2

It’s a privilege to serve you and offer
you the chance to be involved in our

Vineyard College equips potential
church leaders by balancing sound
biblical knowledge with practical
application in a ministry setting.
Our students have a safe learning
environment in which they have a go
at ‘doing the stuff’ as they develop their
understanding of the Kingdom of God.
This provides a launch pad into a
                                                     “Studying at Vineyard College has had a
life-long pursuit of learning and
                                                   transformative impact on my faith journey
deepening relationship with Christ.                  and ministry. I have developed a greater
                                                  understanding of biblical narrative that has
Vineyard College serves the                    left me mesmerised by the movement of God
whole Church, working with many                  throughout the Bible. The focus on practical
                                               ministry and mentorship has helped me learn
denominations to equip students
                                              tools on how to do servant leadership well and
through mentored practical ministry          receive wisdom on navigating challenges in the
and blended academic study.                                                    ministry space.
Our students stay in their own church
or organisation as they study.                         This year of study is a very worthwhile
                                               investment of time and energy that will equip
                                                 you for stepping into the fullness of life as a
                                                                               Jesus follower.”
                                                    - Caitlin Watson, Coast Vineyard Church

VINEYARD COLLEGE                                                           2022 PROSPECTUS
STUDY INFORMATION &                                                              Page 3

STUDY                                      ENTRY
INFORMATION                                REQUIREMENTS
Vineyard College programmes use a          Vineyard College is open to New
a blended-learning approach, where         Zealand or Australian citizens or those
students stay in their home church         with New Zealand permanent residency.
environments and supervisors assist
them in deciding what areas in the         While the certificate in Christian Ministry
church to focus on.                        and diploma in Christian Leadership
                                           have no formal prerequisites aside from
Course materials and tutorials are         those mentioned above, we strongly
delivered via Google Classroom and         recommend enrolling in the Certificate
block courses early in each semester,      course if this is your first time studying at
where students develop a sense of          a tertiary institution.
common purpose and hear College
staff lecture on the academic subjects     Applicants who have not attained
for that semester.                         University Entrance may be asked to
                                           complete a foundation exercise to
The first block course for diploma and     assess which programme level is a
certificate students is in Papamoa from    suitable entry point.
February 8–11. The second block course
is streamed by programmes, with
diploma students meeting in Auckland
from July 20-22 and certificate students
meeting back in Papamoa from July

VINEYARD COLLEGE                                                      2022 PROSPECTUS
2022 CALENDAR                                                                                  Page 4

     SEMESTER 1 : 8TH FEB — 26TH JUN
     SEMESTER 2 : 3RD JULY — 25TH NOV   Block Course          Practical    Academic        Holidays
                                                             Assessment   Assessment

         F           M     A        M       J          J             A       S         O         N

        + DIPLOMA



VINEYARD COLLEGE                                                                   2022 PROSPECTUS
PROGRAMME DETAILS                                                              Page 5


39 weeks including 3 weeks holidays

Students must achieve 120 credits and       SEMESTER ONE
pass all learning outcomes with a grade
of 50% or more to gain the qualification.   MIN401: Ministry Practicum A
                                            30 Credits
Graduates of this programme will be
able to:                                    MIN405: God’s Story, Our Story
• Integrate foundational knowledge          15 Credits
of selected biblical principles and
Christian beliefs and apply to specified    MIN409: Spiritual Formation
communities, acknowledging bicultural       15 Credits
or multicultural contexts.
• Apply biblical and theological
                                            SEMESTER TWO
principles to own faith journey and to
that of others.
• Apply biblical, theological and           MIN402: Ministry Practicum B
ministry skills in a mentored practical     30 Credits
ministry context to support the spiritual
development of individuals and groups.      MIN403: Foundations of Faith
• Organise and prioritise tasks and
responsibilities in the provision of        15 Credits
practical ministry to individuals and
groups.                                     MIN404: Turning Points
• Set goals and make plans for providing    in Church History
practical ministry to individuals and       15 Credits
                                            MIN406: Reading and Living
Students enrol in a mix of elective and
                                            the New Testament
compulsory courses totalling 120 credits.
To the right is an indicative schedule:     15 Credits | Available in 2023

VINEYARD COLLEGE                                                      2022 PROSPECTUS
PROGRAMME DETAILS                                                                     Page 6

MIN401: MINISTRY PRACTICUM A                      MIN405: GOD’S STORY,
Semester 1
                                                  OUR STORY
30 Credits                                        Semester 1
300 Learning Hours                                15 Credits
                                                  150 Learning Hours
This course, delivered as the first
of a two-part ministry practicum,                 This course introduces students to a
provides students with essential                  number of different approaches
tools for developing ministry skills              to reading the Bible as one big story. By
and applying knowledge from their                 engaging with the best
academic papers in a mentor-assisted              contemporary thinking on biblical
environment. Students are introduced              interpretation, students will be
to fundamental ministry skills such as            equipped to critically reflect upon their
organising and prioritising tasks, setting        own lives and ministry practice in light
goals, discovering their personal gifts           of their place within God’s Story. Along
and strengths, working within a team,             the way, students will explore the back
thinking strategically and developing             story to the Bible, learning about how it
new approaches to supporting                      came to be, in order to gain a greater
individuals.                                      appreciation for the Christian tradition
The course is informed by a ‘learn-by-            of seeking God’s voice through reading
doing’ approach and, under the                    and applying Scripture.
guidance of a supervisor, students are
given room to discover their unique
calling within the life of their church.

Semester 1
15 Credits
150 Learning Hours

This course introduces students to
various spiritual disciplines to broaden
the ways they are able to connect with
God. Drawing on the rich traditions of
the past, students will be equipped with
tools to sustain their inner life as they
serve their church and community.

“We have been with Vineyard College for six
years now, and each year it has been very
beneficial and instrumental to the growth of
our interns and the health of our local church.
The staff and faculty have been a pleasure
to work with and go the extra mile to see the
success of the interns.”
— Pastors James and Gemma Stevens,
  Advance Church

VINEYARD COLLEGE                                                            2022 PROSPECTUS
PROGRAMME DETAILS                                                                  Page 7

                                              OF FAITH
Semester 2
30 Credits                                    Semester 2
300 Learning Hours                            15 Credits
                                              150 Learning Hours
Building on the learning of Ministry
Practicum A, this course delves into          This course introduces students to the
the art of leading and ministering to         foundational beliefs of the Christian
groups as well as individuals. Students       Church. It begins by examining how the
continue to operate under broad               Church has arrived at its beliefs before
supervision, framing monthly goals and        diving into such crucial topics as the
executing specific ministry projects,         Trinity, the role of the Father, the Son and
but increasingly the focus moves              the Holy Spirit, the nature of humanity,
toward developing key leadership skills       sin, salvation, God’s mission, the Church
relevant to supporting the life of small      and different theories of the end-times.
and large groups. By the end of these         By the end of the course, students will
two practicums, students will have the        be able to better articulate why they
necessary theoretical knowledge and           believe what they believe and to use
practical skills to enhance the life of the   theological frameworks to enhance their
community both within and beyond the          approach to discipleship and service
four walls of the church.                     within the local church.

CHURCH HISTORY                                THE NEW TESTAMENT
Semester 2                                    (Available in 2023)
15 Credits                                    15 Credits
150 Learning Hours                            150 Learning Hours

This course introduces students to            This course explores the criss-crossing
various strands of Church History to          themes, genres and storylines of the
encourage a greater appreciation for          New Testament. It maintains a uniquely
the practices, values and traditions that     practical focus by looking at various
have informed their personal ministry         ways in which the gospel message can
practices and those of their church           be used to speak into the particular
community. Significant figures and            social and cultural settings in which
events of the past will be studied in order   students live and minister. Throughout
to deepen students’ understandings of         this course, students will be supported
the ways God has been at work with all        and encouraged as they develop
kinds of people, in all kinds of places, to   innovative ways of communicating
advance his Kingdom. By the end of the        the teachings of the New Testament,
course, students will be able to situate      deepening their understanding of
themselves and their church within the        the story and connecting this gospel
wider family of churches that together        message to the needs of their world.
constitute the body of Christ.

VINEYARD COLLEGE                                                         2022 PROSPECTUS
PROGRAMME DETAILS                                                              Page 8


39 weeks including 3 weeks holidays         SEMESTER ONE

Students must achieve 120 credits and       MIN501: Ministry Practicum A
pass all the learning outcomes with
                                            30 Credits
a grade of 50% or more to gain the
                                            MIN503: Engaging Theology
Graduates of this programme will be
able to:                                    15 Credits
• Evaluate and apply a broad
understanding of theology and biblical      MIN509: Formation and Discipleship
foundations to defined contexts based       15 Credits
on textual interpretation and religious
practice.                                   MIN507: The Art of Pastoral Ministry
• Evaluate a ministry programme based
on strategies that integrate personal       15 Credits | Available in 2023
and communal faith journeys, and the
social, cultural and other contextual       SEMESTER TWO
considerations of defined groups.
• Apply key Christian leadership
                                            MIN502: Ministry Practicum B
principles to facilitate team
development and accomplish                  30 Credits
organisational goals in particular areas
of Christian ministry.                      MIN505: Exploring the Hebrew Bible
Students enrol in a mix of elective and     15 Credits
compulsory courses totalling 120 credits.
                                            MIN506: Portraits of Jesus
To the right is an indicative schedule:     in the New Testament
                                            15 Credits

                                            MIN508: Comparative Worldviews
                                            and Cultural Liturgies
                                            15 Credits | Available in 2023

VINEYARD COLLEGE                                                      2022 PROSPECTUS
PROGRAMME DETAILS                                                             Page 9

Semester 1                                  Semester 1
30 Credits                                  15 Credits
300 Learning Hours                          150 Learning Hours

This course provides students with          This course is designed to help students
the opportunity to apply leadership         engage in systematic theology with
principles in a practical ministry          an eye toward the biblical, historical
setting, whether in the church or the       and practical implications of doctrine.
community. Essential ministry skills        Students are equipped to develop a
such as strategising, planning, goal-       deeper and more carefully considered
setting, developing teams, reflecting on    understanding of God in order to think
strengths and weaknesses, journalling       and speak rightly about God within
etc are developed to assist students        the context of a life governed by faith
in becoming increasingly effective in       in Christ and discipleship to him in
supporting and championing the life         community with other Christians.
of their church. This course is informed
by a ‘learn-by-doing’ approach to
ministry, under the broad guidance of a
supervisor and/or mentor.

MIN509: FORMATION AND                       MIN507: THE ART OF
DISCIPLESHIP                                PASTORAL MINISTRY
Semester 1                                  (Available in 2023)
15 Credits                                  15 Credits
150 Learning Hours                          150 Learning Hours

This course explores the intersections      This course examines the biblical and
of spirituality and discipleship. Drawing   theological foundations underpinning
from the deep well of Church History,       contemporary ministry practices. It
students are given opportunities to look    discusses ministry in its broadest terms
at a range of ancient and contemporary      in light of God’s cosmic redemptive
prayer practices to broaden their ways      plan for the whole of creation. It also
of connecting with God. The course          reflects on challenges and opportunities
also functions as a practical toolkit for   facing ministers in New Zealand, giving
discipling others and leading them          students space to consider strategies
toward a greater awareness of God in        for how to move forward with wisdom
their lives.                                and courage in a changing world.
                                            Along the way, students will look at a
                                            number of practical models to unpack
                                            what ministry looks like in reality with
                                            particular attention given to worship,
                                            mission and discipleship.

VINEYARD COLLEGE                                                     2022 PROSPECTUS
PROGRAMME DETAILS                                                                Page 10

Semester 2
                                              THE HEBREW BIBLE
30 Credits                                    Semester 1
300 Learning Hours                            15 Credits
                                              150 Learning Hours
Building on the learning of Ministry
Practicum A, this course delves into          This course takes a narrative approach
the art of leading and ministering            to the Hebrew Bible, reading it as an
to groups and individuals. Students           integrated story that leads its readers to
continue to operate under broad               the New Testament while also making
supervision, framing monthly goals and        its own essential theological claims for
executing specific ministry projects,         Christians. It introduces students to core
but increasingly the focus moves              interpretive skills such as understanding
toward developing key leadership skills       Old Testament genres and literary
relevant to supporting the life of small      design patterns in order to come to
and large groups. By the end of these         terms with the original message of the
two practicums, students will have the        biblical authors. It also brings students
necessary theoretical knowledge and           into contact with cutting-edge thinking
practical skills to enhance the life of the   in the area of biblical interpretation
community both within and beyond the          to inspire their own journey of reading
four walls of the church.                     Scripture. The course maintains a
                                              practical focus by connecting biblical
                                              interpretation to ministry applications,
                                              encouraging students to take the
                                              Hebrew Bible off the bookshelf and into
                                              the world.

Semester 2
15 Credits                                    (Available in 2023)
150 Learning Hours                            15 Credits
                                              150 Learning Hours
This course focuses on the varied
portraits of Jesus in some key New            This course introduces students to the
Testament texts. Particular attention         concept of worldviews as a way of
is given to the Gospels of Mark and of        exploring the formation and evolution of
John, Paul’s letters to the Philippians and   the different belief systems and cultural
Colossians, as well as representations        liturgies of our world. Students will
of Jesus in the Book of Revelation. By        critically examine the claims of various
focusing on these portraits of Jesus,         belief systems, such as Islam, Judaism,
students will encounter what the early        Hinduism, Buddhism and Secularism in
Christians thought of as the most             order to reflect on how each of these
important features of Jesus’ identity. In     worldviews shape belief and religious
doing so, they will be enabled to take        practice. By the end of the course,
their place within the rich chorus of the     students will be able to better articulate
Christian witness as well as playing their    their faith with truth and grace to an
part in proclaiming the Gospel afresh to      increasingly complex and pluralistic
today’s world.                                world.
VINEYARD COLLEGE                                                        2022 PROSPECTUS
STUDY INFORMATION &                                                          Page 11

                                           Vineyard College was registered in
                                           1997, delivering onsite, face-to-face
                                           study. In 2003, in response to church
                                           and student feedback, we moved to
                                           a blended-learning approach, which
                                           allowed students to remain in their
                                           churches and develop in response to
                                           their local context. We love this ‘hands
                                           on’ approach to training people for
                                           ministry and are always refining it to
                                           make it even better for our students.
                                           Our programmes work well with local
                                           churches and enable students to stay in
                                           a supportive, familiar environment while

                                           Vineyard College works with all kinds of
                                           churches from many denominations
                                           all over New Zealand. We have a
PATHWAYS                                   student-focused method of teaching
                                           that flexes around the particular needs
FOR FUTURE                                 and circumstances of each student.
                                           Students are supported through one-
STUDY                                      on-one supervision and mentoring in
                                           their church or organisation, together
                                           with pastoral care and academic
Want to go even deeper with your           support from the College. This
study? Credit some of your diploma         partnership approach to training means
towards the first year of a Bachelor’s     we have consistently high graduation
Degree with one of our partner colleges.   rates.

VINEYARD COLLEGE                                                   2022 PROSPECTUS
STUDY INFORMATION &                                                                     Page 12

Our study year starts on February 8
and finishes on November 25. This
incorporates 39 weeks of study plus
three weeks of holiday. Students                 Certificate in Christian Ministry
do a minimum of 30 hours of study                – Level 4: $4000
per week made up of directed and
self-directed learning and practical             Diploma in Christian Leadership
ministry applications. Churches and              – Level 5: $4500
organisations provide students with a
supervisor to help direct their practical        (All tuition fees are GST-inclusive)
work and give pastoral care. This is a
great opportunity to develop leaders
who can help expand the ministry of the
local church.                                    OTHER COSTS &
Vineyard College is funded through the           REQUIREMENTS
Tertiary Education Commission and
governed by the Vineyard Churches
                                                 • A minimum of $300 a year for books
Aotearoa New Zealand board of
                                                 and study materials. A list of required
directors, who are all active in ministry.
                                                 readings will be provided.
Vineyard College is accredited to
                                                 • A reliable laptop.
provide a New Zealand Certificate
                                                 • A stable internet connection, capable
in Christian Ministry (Level 4) and a
                                                  of watching online videos and
New Zealand Diploma in Christian
                                                  video calls.
Leadership (Level 5) by the New Zealand
                                                 • Students who are eligible for student
Qualifications Authority under section
                                                 loans through Studylink can borrow
441 of the Education and Training Act
                                                 up to $1000 per year to cover course-
2020. We are a Category 2 provider.
                                                 related costs.
All Vineyard College programmes are
eligible for fees free, student loans and
allowances. Please go to our website to check
your eligibility with Studylink. You will also
find a copy of Vineyard College’s full
2021 external evaluation report carried          Fee scholarships are available for Māori
out by NZQA.                                     and Pasifika students. We also have
                                                 support available for other special
                                                 circumstances (eg, If you have financial
                                                 hardship). Please contact the College for
                                                 an application form.

VINEYARD COLLEGE                                                           2022 PROSPECTUS
STUDY INFORMATION &                                                              Page 13

ENROLMENT                                    WITHDRAWALS
PROCESS                                      & REFUNDS
To enrol, go to     Fees are paid into the Public Trust.
nz/apply or get in touch directly - see      Students who withdraw within eight
contact details below.                       days of commencement of courses
                                             will be refunded all fees paid, less an
Please remember to include your              administration fee of 10%.
completed pastoral reference letter,
certified ID and foundation exercise, with   Students who withdraw later than
your enrolment application.                  eight days but less than 40 days after
                                             commencement of courses may be
Once all your documents are complied,        refunded a maximum of $500 or 50% of
please send your application to              the tuition fees, whichever is the lesser           amount, at the discretion of the College.

Feel free to contact us at any time          Students who withdraw later than 40
throughout the process if you have           days after commencement of courses
questions.                                   will not be eligible for any refund of
                                             tuition fees.

Vineyard College is committed                DISCLAIMER
to fostering an inclusive learning           Information given in this publication
environment that meets the diverse           may be subject to change. If there are
and variable needs of all learners. Our      any changes, prospective students will
student-centred approach means we            be notified.
develop strategies to ensure studying
with us is a positive and rewarding
experience. Please get in touch to
discuss your specific needs so we can        CONTACT
make a plan to support you.                  Vineyard College
                                             P O Box 34-112

                                             Auckland 0746

                                             027 642 3775

Vineyard College offers students
the opportunity to be granted credit
for formal and non-formal learning
undertaken prior to their study at the
College. For more information, please

VINEYARD COLLEGE                                                       2022 PROSPECTUS
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