VIII. Reports on the Scientific Sessions in Moscow

Page created by Luis Anderson
VIII. Reports on the Scientific Sessions in Moscow
VIII. Reports on the Scientific                          planning. Landing on the comet is foreseen for
                                                         November 2014 at a heliocentric distance of 3
Sessions in Moscow                                       AU. The mission calendar was presented and
Here we publish the first tranche of reports             an overview given of the measurement
from the Scientific Assembly. The remaining              objectives during the close nucleus observation
reports will be published in later issues of SRT.        phase until the nominal end of the mission in
The reports are in a free format and vary                December 2015.
considerably in style, but clearly indicate the
                                                         Several reports were dedicated to future
wealth of scientific research and the
                                                         missions to small bodies. Sample return
enthusiastic contributions to the Assembly.
                                                         missions from the primitive bodies in the solar
General Editor                                           system are very important for both the science
                                                         of the solar system and the engineering of
                                                         spacecraft. In Japan there was the Hayabusa
Small Bodies Exploration: Past,                          mission, which was the first asteroid sample
                                                         return mission in the world. The second
Present and Future Missions                              asteroid sample return mission Hayabusa2 is
(B0.4)                                                   now being prepared and it will be launched
[Report by A. Zakharov]                                  before the end of the current year. Hayabusa
                                                         and Hayabusa2 are very challenging missions,
This event considered the state of knowledge             but a much more challenging mission is now
of solar system asteroids, comets, the moons of          under consideration in Japan. That is a sample
Mars, and other small bodies of the solar                return mission from a Jupiter Trojan asteroid
system. In recent years there has been much              using a solar sail.
interest in studies and monitoring of near Earth
objects, meteorites, and impact events. A                A major element of NASA`s new Asteroid
number of space missions, ground-based                   Initiative is the Asteroid Redirect Mission
optical observations, radars, laboratory and             (ARM). The ARM involves sending a high-
theoretical investigations are devoted to the            efficiency, high-power (40 kW) solar electric
study of small bodies. They provide unique               propulsion robotic vehicle that leverages
data on primitive matter, the solar system               technology to rendezvous with a near-Earth
origin, its early history, evolution, and                asteroid (NEA) and returns asteroid material to
dynamics.                                                a stable lunar distant retrograde orbit. The
                                                         ARM concept leverages NASA's activities in
The B0.4 event included the following main               human exploration, space technology, and
topics: (1) Missions to small bodies, (2) Near           planetary defence.
Earth Object (NEO) programme and
observations, and (3) Asteroids and comets:              The results of a pre-Phase A study of a space
results of exploration and modelling. Some 98            mission to a minor body of the solar system
presentations were included in the B0.4                  developed in Russia were presented. For
programme, 49 as oral presentations.                     design purposes the famous asteroid Apophis
                                                         was chosen. The major goals of the mission are
The current and future missions to small                 to carry out a study of physical and chemical
bodies were presented at the first session of the        properties of a potentially hazardous asteroid
B0.4 Science Event. In particular, the status of         and to put a special radio beacon into circum-
the Rosetta mission was presented by the ESA             asteroid orbit aimed at precise determination of
team. This mission rendezvoused with comet               the asteroid's orbital parameters.
67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko after a ten-year
cruise and is planned to study both its nucleus          Two reports, presented by ESA and
and coma with an orbiting spacecraft as well as          ROSCOSMOS, were devoted to studying the
with a Lander, Philae. The latest updates were           Martian moons Phobos and Deimos. Both
reported     in    Separation-Descent-Landing            projects which are under development in ESA

VIII. Reports on the Scientific Sessions in Moscow
and Russia make it a point to sample return              be detected by magnetometers carried by
from Phobos.                                             interplanetary spacecraft as the dust cloud is
                                                         swept outward by the solar wind. The records
The next session of B0.4 was dedicated to
                                                         of IFE occurrence can be used to trace
NEO programmes and observations. Interest in
                                                         interplanetary collisions and thus identify co-
this topic was specially increased after the
                                                         orbiting materials of well-known NEOs with
recent Chelyabinsk meteorite fall (15 February
                                                         ecliptic plane crossing near to or inside the
2013). Several reports were dedicated to
                                                         Earth's orbit.
description of the meteoroid entry, airburst
damage, and comparison of this event with the            The third session was devoted to the results of
1908 Tunguska mystery.                                   exploration, laboratory simulations and the
                                                         modelling of asteroids and comets. In
The report on the recently launched (December
                                                         particular results of the Hayabusa, Dawn, New
2013) Gaia mission was presented. This
                                                         Horizons missions, and the Herschel Space
cornerstone mission—from ESA's Horizon
                                                         Observatory were presented. Highlights of the
2000+ programme—will detect and observe a
                                                         Herschel mission include the finding of water
large number of extragalactic objects as well as
                                                         on Ceres, the Earth-like D/H ratio of comet
solar system objects and mainly small bodies
                                                         Hartley-2 and the detailed picture of the trans-
with roughly 300,000 asteroids observed down
                                                         Neptunian population with implications also
to magnitude 20. Gaia will yield taxonomy,
                                                         for models describing the migration of the
shape, sizes and spin data, improved orbital
                                                         giant planets about 4 billion years ago. During
elements, results for binary asteroids, masses
                                                         2013-2014, comets C/2012 S1 (ISON) and
and densities.
                                                         C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) have been the
There were a number of reports on results of             subject of international observing campaigns
NEO observation implemented by the Mars                  due to their unique and fortuitous orbits. It was
Express mission, several space and ground-               of great scientific interest as the first known
based programmes of detection, study,                    dynamically new sungrazing comet became
monitoring of NEO, determination of celestial            very bright near perihelion.
bodies orbits and probabilities of their
                                                         As a result, comet ISON was studied
collisions with the Earth. The results of
                                                         intensively by observers around the world and
dedicated photometric and spectroscopic
                                                         by more than ten spacecraft, making it one of
studies of prominent near-Earth, main-belt, and
                                                         the best-observed comets in history. A review
trans-Neptunian objects, as well as selected
                                                         of these campaigns, highlighting major results
comets were presented. An interesting
                                                         and ongoing work were presented at the
technique was reported to inventory the co-
orbiting materials of known NEOs and obtain
the number density, orbits and size
distributions of the materials. Materials co-
orbiting with Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) can              Astrobiology: Life Signs
be potentially hazardous when their diameters            Detections Within Planetary
are of tens of metres. However, due to the
small dimensions of these materials, they are
                                                         Exploration (B0.6)
hard to discover using traditional surveys.              [Report by J. Brucato]
The co-orbiting materials collide regularly              First of all, I would like to communicate my
with smaller interplanetary objects, since the           appreciation to the general organization of the
smaller objects are quite numerous. The dust             40th Scientific Assembly of COSPAR. The
cloud released in the collisions, containing             punctual organization of all aspects, with first-
fine-sized particles, becomes charged and can            class technical support has made it efficient
perturb the ambient solar wind. The resultant            and pleasant to attend the conference and chair
interplanetary magnetic field structure is called        the session. The location was very suitable for
interplanetary field enhancement (IFE) and can           so big an event. I express my appreciation to

VIII. Reports on the Scientific Sessions in Moscow
the local organization for the excellent success                   Bobomurat Ahmedov described his VLF
of the conference.                                                 research activities in Uzbekistan. Sudipta
                                                                   Sasmal and Suman Ray discussed different
The session B0.6 Astrobiology: Life Signs
                                                                   types of earthquake precursors that have been
Detections Within Planetary Exploration,
                                                                   found. Sourav Palit described theoretical
continues to prove to be a successful event.
                                                                   prediction of VLF amplitude due to solar
The session occupied an entire day of work
                                                                   flares. This unique method combines the use of
with a total of 21 talks and about 40 attendees
                                                                   GEANT4         simulation   on     ionosphere,
with a considerable fraction of Russian
                                                                   computing electron number density at different
                                                                   heights along with LWPC propagation code.
Building on this success, an interest in having
a co-sponsored session with PPP and F3 was
expressed during the business meeting in
Moscow. To give continuity to such scientific
topics and to gather the interest of Planetary
Protection Panel and Life Science a new
proposal was submitted to the SC B
commission to organize the B0.6 session for
the 41st COSPAR Assembly in Istanbul that
includes aspects related to astrobiology and
planetary protection. Thus, the new title of the
session   is   “B0.6   Life   Signature   Detection   for  
                                                                          Some of the participants of the C0.4 event
Astrobiological         Targets      and      Planetary
Protection  for  Icy  Body  Sample  Returns”  with  
                                                                   M. Golubkov explained the effects of the
MSO: John Robert Brucato (INAF-Italy) and
                                                                   decimeter and infrared radiation of the lower
DO: Michel Viso (CNES- France).
                                                                   ionosphere during high solar activity. He
                                                                   emphasized the interaction between neutral
                                                                   medium and quasimolecules which are in
Ionospheric Disturbances                                           highly exited Rydberg states.
Observed through Very Low                                          E. Lopez explained their findings from the
Frequency Radio Waves (C0.4)                                       newly developed VLF and ELF receiving
                                                                   station in Ecuador using portable instruments
[Report by S. Sasmal]
                                                                   developed with the support of the AWESOME,
Sandip Kumar Chakrabarti represented one of                        MAGDAS and CALLISTO network. R. Moore
the largest VLF groups in the world which has                      discussed the effects of LEP and TLE on new
15 members and he presented results on solar                       signal processing methods for MSK modulated
flares, solar eclipses, VLF campaigns all over                     signal. M. Danielides described the
India,      earthquake-related     pre-cursors,                    contribution of German participation in the
Antarctica data, atmospheric gravity waves                         ISWI project for SID detections using the low
triggered by solar eclipse, solar flares, soft                     cost SDR receivers. Participants from Iran also
gamma ray repeaters and gamma ray bursts                           presented their work. Mr. V. Nwankwo
etc. mainly summarizing the activities of the                      presented correlations between DST/Kp
Indian Centre for Space Physics and S. N.                          indexes on VLF signal amplitudes.
Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences. F.
Raulin summarized the activities of SAVNET
in South America, describing the installation of
quite a few antennae and receiver systems and
the subsequent data.

VIII. Reports on the Scientific Sessions in Moscow
Coupled Solar Wind-                                      results from the CASSIOPE/e-POP satellite
                                                         (H.G. James); and total electron content (TEC)
Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-                                variations associated with magnetic field line
Thermosphere System (C1.3)                               resonance (C. Watson).
[Report by A. Yau]                                       Overall, there was a good balance between the
Session C1.3 was devoted to space- and                   theoretical and observational contributions,
ground-based studies of the coupling of the              and the session served as an effective forum
thermosphere and ionosphere to the                       for highlighting the many significant, recent
magnetosphere and solar wind. The session                scientific results in the COSPAR community
underscores the theme of mass, energy and                on multi-scale solar wind-magnetosphere-
momentum transfer between the solar wind                 ionosphere-thermosphere.
and magnetosphere and the ionosphere and
thermosphere, in which the transfer occurs
primarily along the auroral field lines and              Physics and Chemistry of the
results in the aurora and disturbance neutral            Polar Mesosphere and Lower
                                                         Thermosphere (C2.1)
The transfer of energy from the solar wind and
                                                         [Report by G. Baumgarten]
magnetosphere to the ionosphere and
thermosphere occurs primarily but not                    Physical and chemical processes in the
exclusively at high and mid- latitudes.                  mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT)
Following the passage of coronal mass                    lead to the occurrence of layered phenomena.
ejections (CMEs) and other solar particles, the          Observations of these layered phenomena were
aurora brightens, ring current intensifies,              presented from existing and new ground-based
geomagnetic storms occur, sub-auroral electric           infrastructures, sounding rocket projects, as
fields and disturbance neutral winds intensify,          well as new retrieval methods from current
and ionospheric conductance and total electron           satellite missions. Besides observations of
content change dramatically. Heliospheric,               noctilucent clouds (NLC) / polar mesospheric
magnetospheric and ionospheric satellites and            clouds (PMC) occurring under summer
ground-based facilities provide a powerful set           conditions, extensive observations of Polar
of synergistic tools to study the variety of             Mesosphere Winter Echoes (PMWE) were
underlying wave and particle processes over a            reported from Arctic and Antarctic MST
wide range of spatial and temporal scales in the         radars.
coupled        solar      wind-magnetosphere-            Due to the unprecedented quality of the
ionosphere-thermosphere system.                          observations new information about the
This session included five half-day oral                 background atmosphere, e.g. the vertical wind
sessions that were to feature seven invited and          and energy dissipation rate, was extracted.
22 contributed talks, as well as a poster session        Simultaneous observations of temperature,
of about 10 poster papers. Unfortunately, as             H2O and PMC from the ODIN satellite allow
many as nine presentations were withdrawn.               us to identify the H2O redistribution by PMC.
Highlights of the sessions included invited              Dynamical disturbances such as Sudden
presentations on observations of filamentary             Stratospheric Warmings (SSW) and their effect
source of energetic neutral atoms (ENA) in an            on the distribution of trace constituents was
auroral substorm (M. Collier); the determining           shown for example for O3 and O, H and
factors of the severity of space weather (B.             modulations of the airglow layers were
Nanan); the use of the PC index as a proxy for           presented.
solar wind energy input (O. Troshichev); high
frequency harmonics of the ionospheric Alfven            Sounding rocket programmes combining
resonator (I.R. Mann); the first radio-science           extensive     support   by     ground-based
                                                         instrumentation    from    the    ALOMAR

VIII. Reports on the Scientific Sessions in Moscow
observatory in northern Norway were                      understanding       of    energetic      particle
introduced and some results were presented.              precipitation indirect effect (Kristell Perot et
Those studies aim to improve understanding of            al.); Elevated stratopause events and
neutral dynamics of the MLT region and                   downward transport of nitrogen oxides (Yvan
coupled atmospheric layers, as well as                   Orsolini); Estimating the energy deposition in
microphysics of the layered phenomena.                   the mesosphere from anisotropic electron
                                                         fluxes during REP events (Johann Stadsnes);
Active and fruitful discussions followed the
                                                         Measurements of SEP events during 23 and 24
presentations. The audience was up to 60
                                                         solar cycles by polar low altitude Russian
persons throughout the 3 half-days of the
                                                         space missions: use for calculations of ozone
                                                         layer response (Irina Myagkova and Alexei
                                                         Krivolutsky); Effects of galactic cosmic ray
                                                         variations on the lower atmosphere dynamics
Advances in Extra-Terrestrial                            at extratropical latitudes (Irina Artamonova
Forcing for the Middle                                   and Svetlana Veretenenko); High energy
Atmosphere and Lower                                     particles and aerosol processes in the
                                                         atmosphere (Irina Mironova, solicited); and
Ionosphere (C2.3)                                        Ionization of the atmosphere caused by
[Report by A. Krivolutsky and Y. Orsolini]               energetic particles (Maik Wissing, solicited).
This event focused on new results illustrating           The rest of the first day was further devoted to
the response of the atmosphere and lower                 talks on external forcing on the ionosphere:
ionosphere to a variety of external forcing such         Satellite radiotomography of ionospheric
as solar and galactic cosmic rays, relativistic          response to extraterrestrial forcing (Viacheslav
electrons precipitating from radiation belts             Kunitsyn, solicited); Peak time delay of
during geomagnetic storms, and solar UV                  electron density in the lower ionosphere as a
variability during the solar cycle. Data analysis        function of altitude and flare characteristics;
of ground-based and satellite observations as            Theory and observations (Sourav Palit); D-
well as results from model simulations were              region response to solar cycle variations; 3D
presented, revealing various forcing of the              simulations with CHARM-I model (Alexei
middle atmosphere from above. 37 abstracts               Krivolutsky);     Solar     cycle    effect    in
(including seven solicited) were received and,           SBUV/SBUV 2 ozone data (Aleksandr
from this, the programme was divided into two            Gruzdev); Low frequency electromagnetic
parts, including 27 oral and nine poster                 signals in the atmosphere caused by
presentations.                                           geodynamics and solar activity (Oleg Novik);
                                                         Temporal variability of solar activity effects on
Results relating to energetic particle
                                                         the lower atmosphere and natural climatic
precipitation impact on the middle atmosphere
                                                         oscillations (Svetlana Veretenenko); Novel
were presented during the first day. This
                                                         approaches to mid-long term weather and
included the following: The effects of
                                                         climate forecast based on the solar-
precipitating radiation belt electrons on the
                                                         geomagnetic signal (Sergey Avakyan).
mesospheric hydroxyl and ozone (Monika
Andersson et al. solicited); Middle atmospheric          Effects of extraterrestrial forcing on
changes caused by the January and March                  atmospheric dynamics including tides and
2012 Proton Events (Charles Jackman et al.               QBO were presented on the second day: Tidal
solicited);     SCIAMACHY              long-term         influences and variability in the mesosphere
observations of nitric oxide in the mesosphere           and lower thermosphere (William Ward,
and lower thermosphere (Stefan Bender et al.);           solicited); Lunar tidal effects in layered
Parameterization of ionization induced in the            phenomena of the mesopause region (Nicolay
atmosphere by precipitating particles (Anton             Pertsev et al.); The long-term predictability of
Artamonov);      Odin/SMR        nitric    oxide         quasi-biennial oscillations (QBO) in equatorial
observations and its contribution to a better            zonal winds and total ozone (Irina Gabis and

VIII. Reports on the Scientific Sessions in Moscow
Oleg Troshichev); Solar activity effect on the         region mapping, (4) Comparisons with IRI, (5)
stratospheric spring-time transition date at           New inputs for IRI, (6) Posters.
different QBO phases (Anna Kanukhin);
                                                       A number of groups are engaged in activities
Longitudinal variations of the solar activity
                                                       towards the development of a Real-Time IRI
influence on the annual and semiannual
                                                       using different techniques and data sources
oscillations of the prevailing wind in the
                                                       towards this goal. The University of
middle atmosphere (Vladimir Guryanov);
                                                       Massachusetts Lowell (UML) team presented
Modulation      of    quasi-biennial     ozone
                                                       one of the most advanced and mature systems
oscillations in the equatorial stratosphere by
                                                       with their IRI Real Time Assimilative
the solar cycle (Viacheslav Bezverkhnii);
                                                       Mapping (IRTAM) technique that updates the
Nature of the quasi-biennial oscillation of the
                                                       CCIR coefficients for the F-peak density and
zonal wind in the equatorial stratosphere
                                                       height with the help of digisonde data from the
(Nicolay Sidorenkov); QBO as the result of
                                                       Global Ionosphere Radio Observatory (GIRO)
planetary motion (Alexey Retejum); Non-zonal
                                                       network. The latest results and validation
structure of global temperature and wind
                                                       efforts were reported by I. Galkin and A.
response in the troposphere and middle
                                                       Vesnin. At auroral latitudes Y. Zhang (APL,
atmosphere to solar UV variations: simulations
                                                       USA) has succeeded in using TIMED/GUVI
with general circulation model ARM (Alexei
                                                       and DMSP/SSUSI data to bring auroral
                                                       boundary and E-region densities in IRI to real-
The presented results are relevant to the              time conditions.
international SPARC initiative SOLARIS-
                                                       In the European sector local and regional
HEPPA, the TOSCA Project supported by
                                                       assimilative methods are being successfully
COST, the ROSMIC Project (VarSITI
                                                       applied to IRI using single or regional
Programme supported by SCOSTEP), and the
                                                       ionosonde inputs (M. Pezzopane, Italy; H.
HEPPA Project (High Energetic Particle
                                                       Haralambous, Cyprus). S. Jun Oh (Korea)
Precipitation in the Atmosphere).
                                                       reported on a regional HF frequency prediction
                                                       service based on assimilating data from a local
                                                       ionosonde into IRI. GPS data are an important
Improved Representation of the                         data source for real-time monitoring and
Ionosphere in Real-Time and                            modelling of the ionosphere (M. Hernandez,
Retrospective Mode (C4.1)                              Spain; M. Alizadeh, Germany), however they
                                                       require tomographic or radio occultation
[Report by D. Bilitza]                                 techniques if information about the altitudinal
Session C4.1 was organized by the                      structure of the ionosphere is required.
COSPAR/URSI Working Group on the                       Presentations during the IRI session utilized
International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) and           numerous        data      sources   including
was convened by D. Bilitza and T. Gulyaeva.            measurements by ionosondes/digisondes,
The main focus was on the development of the           incoherent scatter radars, SuperDARN HF
Real-Time IRI, however, other IRI-related              radars (Oinats, Russia), SAURA Doppler radar
topics were discussed as well. The session was         (Singer & Strelnikova, Germany), TIMED,
well attended with about 45 participants and           DMSP, COSMIC, GPS, ISIS, Alouette,
with at times standing room only. A total of 37        ROCSAT-1, Hinotori, Topex, and Jason
oral and 17 poster presentations were                  satellites, and Rockets (J. Shi, China). A
scheduled over a two-day period. Of these              comprehensive study of EISCAT incoherent
nine oral papers and seven posters were                scatter data with IRI by L Bjoland (Norway)
withdrawn      and    two    additional    oral        covering more than two solar cycles will be an
presentations were included in the programme.          important starting point for improvements of
The session was divided into six sections: (1)         IRI parameters at high latitudes. Comparisons
Real-time IRI, (2) Topside and TEC , (3) F-            of digisonde data from Multan, Pakistan again

VIII. Reports on the Scientific Sessions in Moscow
showed the need for improvements of IRI                   the students about their respective project
during the extremely low solar cycle minimum              results from the first week. More information
in 2008/2009 (M. Ameen, Pakistan). New                    will be soon available on the IRI homepage at
models were presented for the upper ion         
transition height based on Alouette and ISIS
                                                          During its business meeting the IRI Working
topside sounder data and COSMIC radio
                                                          Group elected its new leadership team for the
occultation data (V. Truhlik, Czech Republic)
                                                          next four years. David Altadill (Ebro
and for the ion density around 600 km based
                                                          Observatory, Spain) was elected as new IRI
on ROCSAT-1 data (L. Liu, China).
                                                          Chair and Shigeto Watanabe (Hokkaido
During the IRI business meeting the working               University, Japan) and Vladimir Truhik (IAP,
group decided on two important improvements               Czech Republic) were re-elected as Vice-
for the next version of the IRI model: (1) as             Chairs for COSPAR and URSI, respectively.
separate options for hmF2 the model by                    Feza Arikan (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Altadill et al. (Spain) based on digisonde data           was elected as a new member to the IRI
and the model by Karpachev et al. (Russia)                Working Group. The IRI steering committee
based on COSMIC radio occultation data; (2)               also includes the former Chairs L.-A.
Auroral   NmE   and   hmE   based   on   Zhang’s          McKinnell (SANSA, South Africa), B.
(APL, USA) work with TIMED/GUVI and                       Reinisch (LDI, USA) and D. Bilitza (GMU,
DMSP/SSUSI data. High priority was given to               USA).
the inclusion of a plasmaspheric extension into
IRI starting possibly with the IRI-Plas option
developed by Gulyaeva (Russia). One                       Energetic Particles in the
problem, however, are the still existing
uncertainties of the topside profile shape
                                                          Heliosphere: from Pickup Ions to
especially during very low solar activity                 Anomalous Cosmic Rays (D1.2)
(Bilitza, USA). The IRI Real-Time effort will             [Report by V. Florinski]
continue with developing a scheme for
assimilating GIRO digisonde data for the                  The oral session consisted of four invited talks
bottomside parameters B0, B1, and D1 into IRI             and 10 contributed presentations with one no-
(Galkin, USA),                                            show; the poster session had four entries. Most
                                                          key talks were scheduled on Day 1, which are
Advances in Space Research has agreed to the              reviewed below. Unfortunately, the poster
publication of a special issue on the IRI in              session was scheduled during lunch break
Real-Time and Retrospective Mode. Oral and                time, which greatly reduced its effectiveness.
poster presenters from session C4.1 are invited
to submit their contributions to the special              The opening talk by Marty Lee set the stage by
issue. The issue will be open to other IRI-               introducing the pickup process and the shaping
related contributions as well; presentation at            of the ions' distribution function by wave-
the meeting is not a pre-requisite for                    particle processes. Loading by pickup ions
publication in the special issue.                         reduces the dynamic pressure of the solar wind
                                                          and can slow down plasma ahead of shocks.
The 2015 IRI Workshop will be held in                     He estimated that two-thirds of energy
Bangkok, Thailand as a COSPAR Capacity                    dissipated at the termination shock goes into
Building Workshop. Prasert Kenpankho from                 pickup ion compression, the remaining fraction
the King Mongkut's Institue of Technology                 possibly going into diffusive shock
Ladkrabang (KMITL) in Bangkok gave a                      acceleration. Lee addressed the Voyager ACR
presentation describing the workshop plans                controversy and the model where acceleration
and location. The first week will be lectures             occurs at the flanks and tail of the termination
and seminars for students, and the second week            shock.
will have the usual IRI Workshop format with
science talks including also presentations by

VIII. Reports on the Scientific Sessions in Moscow
Nathan Schwadron spoke on the spatial                            wind velocity. Measurements are continuously
retention mechanism for the ions believed to                     collected starting in 2011 covering distances
be producing the energetic neutral atoms                         between 22 and 30 AU. Observed PUI
(ENAs)   detectable   as  the   IBEX   “ribbon”.  The            distributions are well approximated by the
idea of neutralized solar wind being the parent                  Vasiliunas-Siscoe formula based on adiabatic
ENA population for these ions has received the                   cooling of the shell. New Horizons is expected
most attention in the community. The principal                   to extend coverage to 50 AU and potentially
weakness of this model is the tendency of ring                   into the helioheath.
distributions to become isotropic because of
                                                                 Len Fisk, speaking for George Gloeckler,
wave generation by instabilities. Schwadron's
                                                                 reviewed the history of pickup ion discovery
model considers ions resonantly interacting
                                                                 and their observations using Ulysses. He
with Alfven waves traveling in each direction
                                                                 argued that energetic particles observed in the
along the mean field. In this model ions
                                                                 heliosphere are often seen where no shocks are
traveling at small pitch angles interact with one
                                                                 present, and that during the times when the
wave direction only which prevents their
                                                                 spectra of accelerated particles are not
scattering into the other hemisphere, where as
                                                                 changing the spectral slope is -5 in velocity.
those near 90° are trapped (retained) in the
                                                                 Ion spectra in the heliosheath, he argued, also
region where B is perpendicular to the line of
                                                                 have the slope of -5 up to a few MeV, and an
sight. Schwadron presented five years of IBEX
                                                                 oxygen ACR spectrum from the LECP
ENA data showing evidence of the ribbon in
                                                                 instrument was presented showing a v-5
the maps at 0.2 keV, well below the solar wind
                                                                 dependence up to the rollover. Fisk argued that
bulk speed. He interpreted this as evidence of
                                                                 the bulk of the energy of the plasma in the
heliosheath ENAs contributing to the ribbon at
                                                                 heliosheath was contained in the range of
low energies.
                                                                 energies covered by Voyager/LECP and that if
Marius Potgieter discussed measurements and                      these particles were accelerated at the
models of galactic electrons in the distant                      termination shock, the total energy balance in
heliosphere. Modelling efforts are simplified                    the heliosheath could not be maintained.
by the independence of the electron mean free
                                                                 Vladimir Florinski spoke about new
path on rigidity, but complicated by the
                                                                 observations of magnetic fluctuations by
presence of Jovian electrons masking the low
                                                                 Voyager 1 in the outer heliosheath. The energy
energy part of the galactic spectrum. Comp-
                                                                 of magnetic fluctuations in the inner
aring Voyager results from beyond the
                                                                 heliosheath is already very low, and is even
heliopause and Pamela spectra reveals the
                                                                 less in the outer heliosheath, based on hourly
presence of two power laws with a break at
                                                                 averages of Voyager MAG data. Using 48-
800 MeV. Heliosheath accounts for about 50%
                                                                 second averages produced more statistically
of the total electron modulation, which is very
                                                                 significant results, providing an upper limit on
large (factor of 400 between 30 AU and the
                                                                 turbulent energy in the range of wavenumbers
heliopause). Potgieter argued that some
                                                                 in resonance with PUIs. This limit is consistent
reacceleration of galactic electrons at the
                                                                 with fluctuations being part of the ambient
termination shock was taking place.
                                                                 interstellar turbulent spectrum, known to have
Dave McComas reported on PUI observations                        a slope of -5/3 from parsec down to km scale.
using the SWAP instrument on board the New                       Florinski also presented a new model to
Horizons space probe. The probe is travelling                    explain the anisotropies of heliospheric ions
approximately in the direction of the nose of                    after the heliocliff, based on gradient drift in a
the heliopause, in the ecliptic plane. SWAP                      latitudinally varying magnetic field. He also
measures ions between 0.1 and 8 keV with                         showed how the drop-outs in energetic
very low level of background. The data clearly                   particles could be produced by Voyager
shows the solar wind proton and alpha particle                   crossing the boundaries of magnetic flux tubes
populations  as  well  as  the  pickup  “filled  shell”          connected to the local interstellar medium and
population reaching a cut-off at twice the solar

VIII. Reports on the Scientific Sessions in Moscow
sunken into the heliosheath as a result of a            The remaining three presentations were
ballooning instability.                                 concerned primarily with galactic cosmic rays.
                                                        Patrick Kühl described the new capability of
On Day 2, Hans Fahr gave a talk about
                                                        SOHO/EPHIN (Electron, Protons, Helium
electron acceleration by compression regions
                                                        INstrument) extending the upper energy limit
in the solar wind. His theory, based on a
                                                        for proton and helium from 50 MeV to 1 GeV.
thermodynamic description of the heating
                                                        This was accomplished by using detailed
process, predicted a temperature profile with a
                                                        numerical simulations of the particle
minimum at some 5 AU, increasing to the
                                                        trajectories inside the instrument using the
termination shock. The new model included
                                                        GEANT4 Monte-Carlo code. A comparison
energy expended to compress pickup ions.
                                                        with PAMELA data for one 2012 GLE event
Maria Zeldovich discussed their analysis of
                                                        produced good agreement. Ivan Petukhov
ACE and SOHO suprathermal particle
                                                        reported simulations of Forbush decreases
measurements during solar cycle 23 and 24,
                                                        using a torus model for a magnetic cloud.
emphasizing the difference in spectral
                                                        Finally, O. Aslam showed results from neutron
properties of different ion species. Dick
                                                        monitors between 2007 and 2012 (the
Mewaldt, speaking for Mihir Desai, presented
                                                        increasing phase of solar cycle 24). The study
a study of rollover/break energies in the
                                                        focused on the correlation and time lag
spectra of ions from hydrogen to iron, for 105
                                                        between the cosmic-ray intensity and magnetic
large SEP events. SEP spectra often consist of
                                                        field (B), plasma speed (V), BV, and the
two power laws indicating differences in the
                                                        current sheet tilt angle. The time lag was found
acceleration mechanism. Different types of
                                                        to have only weak dependence on rigidity. The
events exhibit varying degrees of the spectral
                                                        GCR intensity had a stronger dependence on B
break energy dependence on the charge-to-
                                                        and tilt during the ascending phase than during
mass ratio. For example, the spectral breaks
                                                        the minimum.
were found to have only a weak dependence on
Q/M for quasi-perpendicular shocks with low
levels of turbulent fluctuations.
                                                        Galactic Cosmic Rays in the
Mohammad Hussein from the Shalchi group
presented a theoretical investigation of charged
                                                        Heliosphere: Theory and
particle transport in slab/two-dimensional,             Observations (D1.3)
three-dimensional, and NRMHD turbulence                 [Report by S. Ferreira]
geometries. A modified Bohm diffusion
regime was found in test particle simulations           The topic of this session was galactic cosmic
where the mean free path was proportional to            rays and their modulation inside the
B/dB times the gyro-radius, for strong                  heliosphere. When entering the heliosphere
turbulence. Frederic Effen berger spoke about           galactic cosmic rays experience different
superdiffusive transport of energetic particles         modulation processes leading to both spatial
ahead of shocks in the heliosphere. This is a           and temporal modulation. Intensities of these
follow up to earlier work by Zimbardo and co-           particles are measured by different space
workers who found that the particle intensity in        missions like Voyager, Ulysses, ACE,
the shock precursor behaved like a power law            PAMELA, STEREO and SOHO as well as
rather than an exponential expected for                 from balloons and from ground-based
diffusion. This type of behaviour is                    instruments like neutron monitors and muon
characteristic of a Paretial process, such as a         telescopes. As reported in this session, these
Levi walk or flight, rather than a Wiener               observations proved an excellent opportunity
process. Shock acceleration theory was                  to study the heliospheric effects on cosmic
developed for superdiffusive transport;                 rays, both experimentally and theoretically. Of
application to the termination shock was                theoretical importance is also to understand the
discussed.                                              coupling of the transport parameters to the

VIII. Reports on the Scientific Sessions in Moscow
background plasma and magnetic field as well             The Heliosphere session included an
as the geometry of the heliosphere.                      interesting invited review by G. Erdos
                                                         (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) on
Solicited contributions were presented on: The
                                                         heliospheric magnetic fields and a number of
solar modulation of electrons and positrons;
                                                         contributions related to the solar wind (e.g.,
and the unusual solar minimum in relation to
                                                         Habarova et al.) and heliospheric structure. A
the Sun's history and cosmic rays during the
                                                         catalogue of solar proton events for the last six
unusual solar minimum of 2009. Special
                                                         solar cycles was presented by V. Ishkov.
mention should be made to a solicited
contribution entitled: Long-term        balloon          The Solar Wind and Magnetosphere session
cosmic ray measurements in Russia. This                  was opened with an invited review by Lakhina
presentation was very well attended and the              et al. about effects of solar wind on the
speaker gave an excellent overview of cosmic             magnetosphere and ionosphere of Earth. This
ray measurements made by Russian scientists              topic was also discussed in a number of
and their collaborators over the years.                  contributions (e.g., Makarova & Schirochkov,
                                                         and Temerin).
                                                         One half-day session was devoted explicitly to
Space Climate (D2.2/E3.2)                                Solar Irradiance variability. A general invited
                                                         review by N. Krivova et al. (MPS, Germany)
[Report by I. Usoskin]
                                                         on centennial variability of the solar irradiance
The Scientific Event D2.2/E3.2 "Space                    was followed by a detailed discussion of the
Climate" was organized by I. Usoskin, D.                 present status of measurements and
Nandy, J. Beer, K. Mursula and M.                        reconstructions of total and spectral solar
Voiculescu. This event consisting of four half-          irradiance on PICARD missions (Gessatur et
day sessions was among the most successful               al., Meftah et al., Schmutz et al.) and LYRA
ones in COSPAR Scientific Commission D                   (Dammasch et al.) as well as long-term
with more than 80 invited, solicited and                 reconstructions of the solar irradiance (Dasi
contributed presentations.                               Espuig et al., Velasco Herrera et al.).
The event was organized in six Sections with             New results related to solar forcing were
32 oral presentations, each including 1-2                highlighted in a dedicated session, starting
invited talks followed by contributed talks, and         with an invited talk by W. Schmutz (PMOD,
a large number of posters. Participants                  Switzerland) on spectral solar irradiance
represented 17 countries from around the                 variability. A detailed analysis of heliospheric
world.                                                   high speed streams was presented by Holappa
                                                         et al., and some predictions of the forthcoming
The entire event had started with the solar
                                                         variability were also discussed (Zharkova et
activity section and the opening review talk by
A. Ruzmaikin (JPL Caltech, USA) on                       al., Padmanabhan et al.).
centennial variability of solar activity. Of             The most controversial and lively session on
special interest was an invited focused review           solar-terrestrial relations concluded the
by C. Schrijver (Lockheed Martin Solar and               scientific event. Invited reviews of the role of
Astrophys. Observatory, USA) summarizing                 energetic particles in the atmosphere (E.
the current view on the occurrence of extreme            Rozanov, PMOD, Switzerland) and on the
solar events and what could be the "worst case           magnetospheric effects of solar wind (B. Singh
scenario". Such topics as different aspects of           Rathore, Jiwaji University Gwalior, India)
solar variability (e.g., Obridko & Nagovitsyn,           were mixed with contributions on different
and Usoskin et al.), new data (Priyal et al.) and        related subjects. For example, some evidence
models (e.g., Yeates & Munoz-Jaramillo), and             was presented (Mursula et al., Voiculescu et
even solar activity predictions (e.g, Ahluwalia)         al.) that regional climate patterns may be
were covered by numerous contributions.                  affected by solar wind rather than by UVI or
                                                         cosmic ray variability. Possible scenarios of

extreme solar-terrestrial events were discussed                  US     (M.      Guhathakurta),    Russia    (A.
by Yakovchuk et al. Controversial and                            Petrukovich), China (J. Wu), Japan (H. Hara)
discussion-stimulated results were also                          and India (S. Kasiviswanathan). The following
presented as, e.g., a claimed relation between                   session was then dedicated to innovative
the human's heartbeat and geomagnetic activity                   mission concepts. For solar physics and the
(Jordanova et al.).                                              inner heliosphere, these included formation
                                                                 flight (D. Moses), the use of nan-satellites
Overall, scientific event D2.2/E3.2 was very
                                                                 (Xinlin Li), using the L4 and L5 vantage points
successful with many new interesting results
                                                                 (N. Gopalswamy and A. Bemporad). Prospects
presented. It gave a forum for wide and fruitful
                                                                 for exploring the outer heliosphere and the
discussions within the inter-disciplinary
                                                                 local interstellar medium were then presented
research community. The event is planned to
                                                                 by B. Wimmer-Schweingruber and F.
be continued at forthcoming COSPAR
                                                                 The two final sessions addressed technological
                                                                 developments for remote sensing and in-situ
Challenges in Heliophysics and                                   instruments. These were an opportunity for
                                                                 scientists usually working on very different
Space Weather: What                                              types of instruments to exchange ideas. Several
Instrumentation for the Future?                                  contacts were made that may materialise into
(D2.3_E3.3)                                                      innovative instruments in the coming years.
[Report by F. Auchère]
As advances in understanding the Sun and the                     The Science with Future Solar
heliosphere     foster   new      observational
objectives, technological innovations in
                                                                 Missions, from the Sun to the
instrumentation are often key to new                             Heliosphere (D2.4_E3.4)
discoveries. This constant interaction between                   [Report by A. Bemporad]
theoretical and experimental development
nurtures the advance of heliophysics research.                   Session E3.4 (D2.4) was dedicated to the
A number of new missions from space                              optimization of the scientific outcome from the
agencies all over the world will perpetrate this                 approved near future solar missions. Among
virtuous cycle, including Solar Orbiter (ESA),                   these we recall the largest ones: Solar Orbiter,
ASO-S (China), Solar-C (Japan), Aditya                           Solar Probe Plus and Inter-Helioprobe. The
(India), Solar Probe (USA) and others.                           aim of the Session was to push forward the
                                                                 coordination between remote-sensing and in
In this perspective, the goals of the D2.3 event                 situ instruments in order to contribute to
were to review the status of the current space                   succeed in their science goals.
instrumentation for heliophysics (and the
lessons learned), to explore the possibilities                   A total of 39 abstracts were submitted for
offered by emerging technologies, and to                         solicited talks, contributed talks and poster
discuss     the     foreseeable     technological                presentations, a number more than sufficient to
developments. The topics covered ranged from                     fill the whole schedule for this two-day
components to whole instruments to mission                       session. The Organizing Committee did very
concepts and included both remote sensing and                    good work to select the speakers and suggest
in-situ techniques.                                              possible solicited talks in order to introduce
                                                                 different space missions and cover the main
The   event’s   objectives   were   largely   achieved.          scientific topics. A total of 17 speakers were
It started with an introductory talk (A. Zhukov)                 selected and invited to give a solicited talk.
on open questions in heliophysics and space                      Due to external causes we received several
weather. These were followed by invited talks                    cancellations of both contributed and solicited
on the current heliophysics programmes in the                    speakers. Nevertheless, new speakers were

found and the whole schedule was successfully                    turbulence (by Petr Hellinger), and sources of
covered with good presentations. Hence the                       slow wind from the heliospheric point-of-view
session was of high standard and was very                        (Rudolf von Steiger). In the fourth and last
successful.                                                      half-day sub-session   titled   “Solar transients:
                                                                 single versus multiple sources, understanding
The agenda was organized in four different
                                                                 acceleration and transport through multipoint
sub-sessions (half a day each): the first sub-
                                                                 multi instruments data”   the   topic   of   Solar  
session  entitled  “Novelties  from  the  upcoming  
                                                                 Energetic Particle (SEP) acceleration, MHD
Sun   and   Heliospheric   missions”   was   aimed   at  
                                                                 simulation of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs)
introducing the most important forthcoming
                                                                 and observations of CMEs and Interplanetary
space missions dedicated to the observations of
                                                                 CMEs were covered by three solicited talks
the Sun. These included solicited reviews on
                                                                 (respectively      by      Robert       Wimmer-
Solar       Orbiter     (presented       by     Milan
                                                                 Schweingruber, Yuhong Fan, and Spiros
Maksimovich in place of Daniel Mueller),
                                                                 Patsourakos), interspersed by contributed talks
Solar Probe Plus (presented by Stuart Bale),
                                                                 on solar flares, erupting prominences and other
Interhelioprobe (by Vladimir Kuznetzov),
                                                                 manifestations of solar activity.
Aditya           (by           Sankarasubramanian
Kasiviswanathan), SPORT (by Ying Liu),                           The session hosted also nine poster
Proba-3 (by Andrei Zhukov) missions, and                         presentations, dealing with the new science
CLASP rocket (Ryhouhei Kano; the talk on the                     that will be possible with many instruments
HERSCHEL rocket by Daniel Moses was                              on-board the future solar missions. An average
skipped because the speaker was unable to                        of 50 people attended the session and animated
attend). In the second half-day sub-session                      the discussion with many questions and
titled   “Magnetic   field   generation,   emergence             comments.
and expansion: present knowledge and new
opportunities coming from the first polar and
multi-point of views obtained by the new
missions”   these   topics   were   introduced   by   a  
                                                                 Multiscale Magnetospheric
solicited talk given by Valentyna Abramenko                      Processes: Theory, Simulations,
(supported by COSPAR financial support) on                       and Multipoint Magnetospheric
“Solar   dynamo, meridional circulations,                        Observations (D3.1)
emergence   and   expansion   of   magnetic   fields”  
and (after a few contributed talks) concluded                    [Report by G. Singh Lakhina]
by two more solicited talks on measurements                      A four half-day special session (D3.1) on
of chromospheric and transition region                           "Multiscale     Magnetospheric      Processes:
magnetic fields with polarized radiation (by                     Theory,     Simulations,   and      Multipoint
Javier Trujillo Bueno) and on latest results on                  Magnetospheric Observations" was organized
the determination of the He absolute coronal                     during the 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly.
abundance with the SCORE experiment                              The main aim of this special session was to
(Silvano Fineschi). The third half-day sub-                      provide an opportunity to report on the latest
session   focused   on   “Solar wind: intrinsic                  results from theory, simulation and data
properties vs. source variability”;;   these   topics            analysis dealing with the nonlinear processes
were first introduced with a solicited talk by                   occurring in various plasma boundaries in the
Daniele   Spadaro   on   the   “Identification,                  magnetosphere, for example, bow-shock,
physical structure and variability of the coronal                magnetosheath, magnetopause, polar cusp,
sources of the fast and slow solar wind”   from                  plasma sheet, and auroral acceleration region.
the lower/intermediate corona point-of-view,                     The role of magnetic reconnection, wave-
followed by other contributed talks on the                       particle interactions, electrostatic solitary
sources of solar wind at the base of the corona,                 structures, field-aligned electric field and
and two more solicited talks reviewing the                       currents in solar-wind magnetosphere energy
possible coronal sources of waves and

transfer, magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling,              measurements of the ring current deduced from
and substorms were discussed extensively.                 the four Cluster spacecraft observations.
In particular, contributions from the                     Session 3:
application of     theory, simulation and data            This session was chaired by Simon Wing on 4
analyses      which      employ       multipoint          August 2014 in the morning. This session had
measurements from Cluster, Double Star,                   four solicited talks by Alexey Kropotkin, Maha
Themis and other spacecraft (e.g. Polar,                  Ashour-Abdalla, Viktor Sergeev and Xuzhi
Geotail etc.) measurements made the session               Zhou. Viktor Sergeev demonstrated the use of
very exciting. Future missions such as MMS                magnetospheric and ionospheric data sets to
and Strannik were also presented. The                     better understand substorms dynamics. Maha
scientific programme of this special session              Ashour-Abdalla showed the first simulation of
was organized into four different sessions                the magnetotail using global MHD simulations
containing solicited and oral talks and a three-          together with particle in cell simulations and
day poster session. The details of the sub-               compared it with THEMIS and Cluster data.
sessions are given below:                                 Xuzhi Zhou presented statistical analysis of
                                                          dipolarisations fronts observed by THEMIS as
Session 1:
                                                          they propagate from the mid-tail toward the
This session was chaired by Anatoli
                                                          inner magnetosphere. In addition, there were
Petrukovich on 03 August 2014 in the
                                                          four oral presentations given by Evgeny
morning. It had three solicited talks given by
                                                          Gordeev, Igor Kirpichev, L. Y. Li, and Elena
Boris Kozelov, Iannis Dandouras, and
                                                          Grigorenko. New results on magnetotail
Alexander Yahnin. In addition, this session
                                                          dynamics linked to IMF-Bx, plasma pressure
had five oral talks. The latest results on auroral
                                                          distribution in the near-Earth magnetosphere,
and plasmasphere observations were presented.
                                                          rapid loss of plasmasheet electrons by
Iannis Dandouras presented the recent
                                                          whistlers waves and the production of guide
discovery on the plasmaspheric wind that
                                                          magnetic field due to non-adiabatic ion motion
provides continuous plasmaspheric plasma to
                                                          in the tail were presented and discussed.
the magnetosphere. Boris Kozelov presented
the current state of the ground-based optical             Session 4:
observations of aurora at different scales                This session was chaired by Elizaveta
together with various data analysis methods.              Antonova on 5 August 2014 in the morning.
                                                          This session had three solicited talks by
Session 2:
                                                          Vladimir Krasnoselskikh, Minna Palmroth, and
This session was chaired by Philippe Escoubet
                                                          Simon Wing. Vladimir Krasnoselskikh
on 03 August 2014 in the afternoon. The
                                                          presented the discoveries of Cluster in the
session had two solicited talks. The solicited
                                                          quasi-perpendicular     bow      shock.     The
talks were given by Yoshiharu Omura on
                                                          comparison between cluster observations at the
“Generation   mechanism   of   whistler-mode
                                                          magnetopause and MHD simulations were
chorus emissions" and by James Burch on
                                                          presented by Minna Palmroth. Simon Wing
"The Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission".
                                                          made a review of auroral particle precipitations
The MMS mission is in its final stage of
                                                          during the substorm cycle using 11 years of
preparation and will be launched in March
                                                          DMSP observations. Six additional talks were
2015. Seven contributed talks were given and
                                                          given as oral contributions. Anatoli
an additional one was cancelled after a no-
                                                          Petrukovich presented the future Russian
show. Levon Avanov presented the fast plasma
                                                          mission "Strannik" to study plasma turbulence
investigation suite to be flown on MMS and
                                                          and transient in the outer magnetosphere and
the challenge to build, test and calibrate the
                                                          solar wind.
four dual head electron and ion spectrometers
to be flown onboard each of the four                      There were intensive and lively discussions
spacecraft. Chao Shen presented the latest                during all four sessions and very good
                                                          participation. The poster session was held on

Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday, after lunch.              to studies of the solar wind sources of
There were a total of 15 posters. The Scientific         substorms.
Programme Committee of D3.1 session
                                                         The second group of papers (the second half-
consisted of C. Philippe Escoubet (MSO),
                                                         day session) discussed the magnetotail
Gurbax S. Lakhina (DO), Bertrand Lembege,
                                                         dynamics, current sheet instabilities and their
Elizaveta Antonova and Anatoli Petrukovich.
                                                         relation to reconnection onset. Special
                                                         attention was paid to the processes in the near-
                                                         Earth current sheet and their impact on auroral
Magnetic Substorms and                                   dynamics. These problems were discussed in
Peculiarities of Tail Dynamics                           the invited talk given by R. Nakamura (Space
(D3.2)                                                   Research Institute, Austria), who discussed the
                                                         role of small-scale (up to a few Earth radii) and
[Report by E. Grigorenko]                                transient (up to several minutes) drivers, such
The scientific event devoted to magnetic                 as localized bursty bulk flows and
substorms and peculiarities of tail dynamics             dipolarizations, in the onset of the large-scale
solicited the latest results from Cluster,               substorm disturbances. This study was based
THEMIS and other space missions as well as               on the recent observations obtained by Cluster
from the theoretical studies and simulations             and THEMIS missions. Further presentations
dealing with the different aspects of the                were devoted to investigations of different
magnetotail dynamics and their relation to               aspects of the magnetotail and current sheet
substorm onset and evolution. The session took           dynamics and their relations to geomagnetic
place on 5 and 6 August 2014 and attracted a             activity. They included studies of the current
number of participants who were engaged in               sheet dynamics under the presence of a guide
lively discussions during two half-day session           magnetic field, of the influence of the chaotic
periods. Of 33 presentations submitted, 21               particle dynamics on the current sheet structure
were scheduled as oral presentations (one of             and evolution, of the problem of plasma entry
them was withdrawn) and 12 were presented as             from tail into the dipolar magnetosphere during
posters. COSPAR kindly supported six                     substorms.
speakers with travel grants.                             In the poster session these topics were
The contributions reported new results on the            explored further. A number of presentations
magnetotail dynamics and magnetosphere-                  were devoted to the study of the relation
ionosphere coupling. The first group of talks            between the processes in solar wind and in the
(the first half-day session) was devoted to the          interplanetary magnetic field and auroral
problems of substorm triggering and evolution.           activity and substorm evolution. Some papers
This topic commenced with an invited                     were devoted to studying the processes of
presentation by V. Sergeev (St. Petersburg               magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, e.g. the
State University, Russia), who discussed a               possible contribution of the PSBL field-aligned
missing variable in the data-based substorm              currents to the ionospheric currents associated
studies. In his talk the author stressed a long-         with substorm. These studies combined
established fact that ground magnetic                    satellite and on ground observations.
perturbations depend critically on Hall                  The sessions were chaired by Elena
conductivity and, therefore, are sensitive to the        Grigorenko, O. Troshichev, V. Sergeev and R.
plasma sheet electron precipitations. On the             Nakamura. The MSO thanks the Deputy
basis of the long-term THEMIS observations               Organizer O. Troshichev, all presenters,
the author demonstrated the significant                  chairpersons and all those who participated in
dependence of the auroral zone currents on the
                                                         the event and made it vivid and successful.
plasma sheet electron parameters. Further
presentations from the first group were devoted
to discussion of auroral and polar phenomena
related to the substorm onset and evolution and

Plasma Transport across                                   COSPAR meeting and, as F. Plaschke and A.
                                                          Dimitrov have shown, this phenomenon is still
Magnetospheric Boundaries (D3.5)                          a puzzle. Intrinsic magnetosheath variations
[Report by Z. Nemecek and S. Savin]                       caused by changes of the IMF orientation were
                                                          discussed by A. Samsonov, whereas R. Lopez
Solar wind mass and momentum entering the
                                                          stressed the complexity of the Sun-Earth
magnetosphere should cross two principal
                                                          connection caused by the current loops that are
boundaries: the bow shock and magnetopause.
                                                          closed in the ionosphere. The role of the
In spite of efforts of numerous scientists in the
                                                          magnetosheath in the energy transfer toward
course of the past 50 years, physical processes
                                                          the magnetosphere was highlighted by T.
governing this transport as well as their
magnetospheric manifestation are still under
debate. The D3.5 session was focused on a                 The third part of the session continued
broad range of phenomena ranging from the                 discussions started before lunch. A. Suvorova
solar wind modification in the foreshock and at           described a new phenomenon: long lasting low
the bow shock, a formation of magnetopause                pressure mode in the magnetosheath caused by
boundary layers, up to effects of solar wind              the radial interplanetary magnetic field. As
events on the state of the inner magnetosphere            explained by D. Sibeck (presented by A.
and ionosphere.                                           Samsonov), such phenomena are caused by the
                                                          nearly parallel sub-solar bow shock that
The event was scheduled as a full-day session
                                                          reduces pressure. The influence of pressure
divided into four parts: Upstream drivers of the
                                                          and magnetic stress on the magnetopause
magnetopause       dynamics;      Solar     wind
                                                          location and shape was discussed by M.
modification      in     the     magnetosheath;
                                                          Verigin. Several contributions were devoted to
Magnetopause processes; and Magnetopause
                                                          transient phenomena like K-H vortices (Y. G.
structure    and     related    magnetospheric
                                                          Quin) or flux transfer events (R. Fear, K.
processes. A total of 47 abstracts including 12
invited talks were submitted but four of them
were withdrawn for different reasons. On the              The first speaker of the concluding part of the
other hand, it gave the possibility of extending          session,    J.   Safrankova     showed     that
the duration of invited talks to a standard 20            magnetopause transients are often connected
minutes.                                                  with the rotation of the magnetic field in the
                                                          adjacent magnetosheath and discussed the
The first part of the session stressed the role of
                                                          impact of the magnetic field direction and its
sharp rotations of the interplanetary magnetic
                                                          changes on structure of magnetopause layers as
field regardless of their origin (solar wind,
                                                          well as on magnetopause locations. The next
foreshock) on the magnetopause dynamics.
                                                          group of talks was dealing with the impact of
This topic was treated mainly from the point of
                                                          the solar wind on the duration and strength of
view of observations (D. Turner, X. Blanco-
                                                          substorms (H. Li), oxygen escape from the
Cano, A. Shestakov) but the latest progress in
                                                          magnetosphere and its relation to substorm
modelling was also reported (M. Palmroth).
                                                          activity (E. Kronberg) and different
An interesting explanation of rare transient
                                                          manifestations of magnetospheric resonances
magnetic phenomena in terms of impacts of
                                                          (S. Savin).
dense dust clouds was suggested by C. T.
Russell.                                                  In spite of the poster presentations being
                                                          scheduled during lunch breaks, they were well
The comparison of the solar wind and
                                                          attended and allowed deep discussions of all
magnetosheath variations based on very fast
                                                          phenomena related to the D3.5 session. Several
measurements of ion moments were presented
                                                          posters broadened the talks presented in the
by M. Riazantseva as an introduction to the
                                                          oral part of the session but others turned their
second part of the session. High speed
                                                          attention to new topics like a comparison of the
magnetosheath jets and their sources were a
                                                          structure of interplanetary and bow shocks, the
hot topic of the session during the previous

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