Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria

Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (Victoria) official magazine


Shooter                                                                   November 2018

the hunt
Our own Hunting Manager heads to Namibia

• Victoria State Election 2018
• Our stance on the aerial deer cull
• Introduction to reloading
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria

                                            Your vote is very
Election Special. P5
Blue Ribbon Day a
success. P7
                                                have been to the early
                                                polling station to cast
Our view on the Aerial                          my vote for the upcom-
                                            ing Victoria State Election.
Deer Cull. P8-9                             I’ll be interstate on polling
                                            day but have put pen to                      Denis Moroney
Cooper’s Counsel. P11                       ballot paper with the fu-
                                            ture of our sport in mind.         President SSAA Victoria
Greens are the new inva-

                                                                                                                                    Expo Group goes bust
                                                Our sport is most at
sive species. P13                           threat from a Labor/
                                            Greens alliance gaining power after this weekend’s election.
                                                So please make sure when casting your vote in your electorate that you support
Tough new CPM Accredi-                      the candidate who upholds our sport and sees the value in a strong association.
tation course. P15                              To help you understand the process, we have provided a guide to voting in this
                                            magazine. It is also on our website along with which parties are supportive of our      SHOT Expo organiser, Exhibitions Group, throws show in doubt.
Dave Laird on safari. P16                   sport. You can find it at

                                                By now you are probably aware that we have severed ties with the Exhibitions              he SHOT Expo organiser has gone             As you have likely heard, Exhibitions       If you have paid any amounts to Exhibi-
Introduction to reload-                     Group, which had been operating the SHOT Expos on our behalf since 2012.
                                                While the SHOT Expos have been very successful so far, the company engaged
                                                                                                                                          into liquidation and thrown the           Group Pty Ltd has now ceased business         tions Group in advance of Expos planned
                                                                                                                                          show’s future into doubt.                 in Australia, and appointed liquidators.      to be held next year in Melbourne and
ing. P24                                    to manage them has shown itself to be less capable as a business and has gone              SSAA learned of potential issues               The SSAA is disappointed by this            Brisbane, you should seek independent
                                            into liquidation.                                                                       with the Exhibitions Group (EG) after it        outcome, as the Expos have always             advice regarding whether you are able
Branches & Sub-Clubs.                           As the National Junior Vice President I can tell you that at National level, we     attempted to renegotiate the contract           been valuable events for our industry         to make a claim to recover some or all of
                                            are working through the legal and financial impacts. We will keep our members           agreement some months ago.                      and community. We are working on              these amounts as part of the liquidation
P26                                         informed as to the future of the SSAA Shot Expo in 2019.                                   We then warned future exhibitors             alternative arrangements for future           process.
                                                You may also be aware that the international head office of QBE Insurance has       against giving EG any money until the           Expos and will be in touch again as these        SSAA National, along with a number

                                            made a blanket policy of not becoming involved in firearms-related insurance.           situation could be clarified.                   plans progress. We hope that you will         of State associations, is owed significant
                                                As they were the underwriters of your $25,000 firearms insurance policy, it            We are now sorting through the               continue to be a part of those Expos          amounts of money by Exhibitions Group
                                            involved us undertaking a worldwide search for a suitable replacement.                  legal and financial implications, but our       again in future.                              Pty Ltd. We are now taking appropriate
                                                We have found one in Lloyds of London, but unfortunately, it has meant an           commitment is to ensure the future of             In the interim, we understand that          steps to recover these amounts.
The Victorian Shooter is a quarterly        increase in the premiums to $35 per year. It still represents excellent value for our   the event. We are hopeful that the Expo,        Mr Nissen has been in contact with a             Now that liquidators have been
magazine produced by the Sporting           members.                                                                                which has become a popular industry             number of exhibitors, stating that the        appointed, they exercise control of Exhi-
Shooters Association of Australia               This is the last Victo-                                                             showcase with many thousands of visitors        SSAA was unwilling to continue with           bitions Group Pty Ltd, and Mr Nissen no
(Victoria). Unit 3/26 Ellingworth Parade,   rian Shooter before
Box Hill 3128                                                                                                                       each year, will continue in some form.          upcoming Expos. As per our letter in          longer has any authority to act on behalf
                                            Christmas, so we take                                                                      Below is the letter sent to the exhibitors   September, we remained committed to           of the company, or any ability to return
Editor and Graphic Designer:                this opportunity to                                                                     on November 9 explaining the situation:         the Expos. In this respect, we had been       funds from the company to you.
Justin Law                                  wish you a fun and                                                                                                                      attempting to schedule dates to mediate          The SSAA National Board will be
Disclaimer: The views expressed in          safe festive season.                                                                    In September, we wrote to you to let you        a number of issues with Exhibitions           meeting on 17 and 18 November to
some articles and by some contributers      We look forward to                                                                      know that we were reviewing arrange-            Group Pty Ltd shortly before the latest       discuss the timing possibilities and format
are not necessarily those of SSAA           a 2019 of growth                                                                        ments in relation to future SSAA Shot           developments.                                 of 2019 Expos. We will continue to
Victoria.                                   and prosperity as                                                                       Expos.                                             Given the uncertainty regarding            update you regarding the arrangements
The Victorian Shooter online:               we continue to add                                                                        These Expos had been operated by              Exhibitions Group Pty Ltd’s financial         for future Expos, and we look forward to                          to and improve the                                                                      Exhibitions Group Pty Ltd for a number          position, and the viability of future Expos   working with you in making these Expos
                                            services offered to our                                                                 of years, under contracts with SSAA             as a result, we felt it necessary to warn     a success.
Email alerts: Subscribe to SSAA
Victoria’s news alert. Email state_         members.                                                                                National and local associations in each         Exhibitors against making any advance            We appreciate your continued                           Safe shooting                                                                       State.                                          payments to Exhibitions Group Pty Ltd.        support.
2    The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Victorian Shooter          3
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
Victoria State Election 2018                                                                                                                                                STATE ELECTORAL DISTRICTS AND REGIONS

It’s time to vote
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Legislative Assembly (Lower House) Districts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    There are 88 Members of the Legislative Assembly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1 Member for each District
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Legislative Council (Upper House) Regions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      There are 40 Members for the Legislative Council
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                5 Members for each Region

Victoria decides the next Government on November 24 and to                                                                                                                                 SUNBURY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Metropolitan Region

help make your vote count we provided this short voting guide.                                                                                                                                                                                       THOMASTOWN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MILL PARK

     SAA Victoria members will be help-      political points so it’s difficult to predict   The Greens have five seats in the Upper                                                                                                       BROADMEADOWS
     ing shape the next State Parlia-        what sort of deal firearms users would          House.                                             Metropolitan Region
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Metropolitan Region
     ment when we go to the polls on         get from either of them, especially if The         Therefore, it is important to consider                                                     SYDENHAM
November 24. We respect that all our         Greens have the balance of power.               voting BELOW the line.                                                                                                                           PASCOE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PASCOE       PRESTON
members have different political beliefs,    Voting below the line                              Voting below the line is the best way                                                                                       NIDDRIE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ESSENDON                IVANHOE
so we will not tell you who to vote for,        On Election Day you get two ballot           to ensure we get the best representa-                                                  KOROROIT
                                                                                                                                                                                    KOROROIT                 ST
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ST ALBANS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ALBANS                                NORTHCOTE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       NORTHCOTE                                                                          WARRANDYTE
but we can explain some key points           papers. One for the Lower House, which          tion. It works by numbering individual                                                                                                            BRUNSWICK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               BRUNSWICK                                           BULLEEN

about the election and how to get the        is a short list of the candidates running       candidates from 1 (most favoured) to at                                                                                 FOOTSCRAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FOOTSCRAY                                          KEW
most from your vote.                         for the seat in your electorate, and one        least 5, but you can number them all if                                                                                                                 RICHMOND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     BOX HILL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     BOX HILL                            RINGWOOD
  For shooters, the worst potential          large ballot paper for the Upper House.         you really want to make sure your least                                            TARNEIT
                                                                                                                                                                                TARNEIT                               WILLIAMSTOWN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ALBERT PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PARK               HAWTHORN
outcome of this election is a minority          The Upper House ballot paper                 preferred candidate is last.                                                                                                                                PRAHRAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BURWOOD FOREST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FOREST HILL

government with The Greens holding           (pictured below) has a range of parties         Pro-shooting representation                                                                                                                                       MALVERN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FERNTREE GULLY
the balance of power.                        to choose from above the thick line that           To help understand who the pro-fire-                                                                ALTONA
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ALTONA                                                  CAULFIELD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CAULFIELD                                 MOUNT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MOUNT WAVERLEY

  The Greens have well-documented            divides the paper and their candidates          arms candidates and parties are, we                              WERRIBEE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Southern                       BRIGHTON
anti-gun and anti-hunting policies and       listed below the line.                          agreed to provide space for them to                                                                                                                                   BENTLEIGH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Metropolitan Region                                                                             MULGRAVE
are running on the platform of locking          Voting for the Lower House (Legisla-         explain their policies and introduce their                                                                                                                                                 CLARINDA
up hunting land in the Great Forest          tive Assembly) is a simple numbering            candidates.                                                                                                                                                    SANDRINGHAM

National Park proposal. If they get the      system where you start at 1 for your               We do not necessarily endorse any                                                                    0                             10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NARRE WARREN
balance of power, it would give them         most favoured candidate and keep                party or candidate, but we are most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        KEYSBOROUGH DANDENONG
the ability to hurt shooters through         numbering (2, 3, 4, etc) to your least          concerned about the influence of The
these policies.                              favoured candidate.                             Greens on the future of firearms in our                                                                                                                                                             MORDIALLOC
  On the other side of the coin parties         It gets a lot more complex when              state and urge our members to vote                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  NARRE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NARRE WARREN

such as the Shooters, Fishers and            voting for the Legislative Council (Upper       carefully.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SOUTH
Farmers, Liberal Democrats, Democratic       House) because there are many more                 We encourage you to check out the
Labour Party and Australian Country          parties and candidates in the eight large       websites of the candidates in your elec-          MILDURA
                                                                                                                                               MILDURA                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CRANBOURNE

Party have pro-firearms policies. Having     electoral regions. But it is here that you      torate or contact their offices directly to
them in the Upper House helps balance        can make an impact on how firearms              see where they stand on issues import-
the debate on firearms issues (the SFFP      issues are decided upon.                        ant to you to help you decide.                     0               7.5           15                                Northern                                                                                                                             South-Eastern
has two MPs currently sitting in the            The Upper House reviews Bills sent           How-to-vote card volunteers                                 kilometres
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Victoria Region                                                                                                                      Metropolitan Region
Upper House).                                up from the Lower House and without                All parties appreciate the help of
  Meanwhile, the major parties (Labor        the Upper House’s endorsement those             volunteers who hand out how-to-vote                                                      MURRAY
                                                                                                                                                                                      MURRAY PLAINS
and the Liberal/Nationals) respond to        Bills will not get through. This is where       cards at the many polling booths in each
political pressure when making decisions     members who are supportive of firearms          electorate. How-to-vote cards instruct                                                                                                                                             BENAMBRA
on firearms.                                 use can impact on proposed Bills which          voters on how to number the ballot                                                                  EAST
                                                                                                                                                                                                 EAST                                                    OVENS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         OVENS VALLEY
  Each party uses firearms issues to score   may affect us.                                  papers to ensure the party or candidate                                                                                         EUROA
                                                Through manipulation of the prefer-          of their choosing has the best chance of      LOWAN

                                             ences system (where votes from unsuc-           success.                                                                                       WEST

                                             cessful candidates flow to other candi-            Those wanting to help should visit                                                               MACEDON
                                                                    dates and parties),      the party website where they will have                                           WENDOUREE
                                                                                                                                                                              WENDOUREE                               YAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    GIPPSLAND EAST
                                                                                               instructions on how to volunteer.                                                                                      YEAN

                                                                                                                                                                                       BUNINYONG              See Metropolitan    EVELYN
                                                                                                                                                                                                           MELTON                MONBULK
                                                                                                                                                                                                    LARA                          GEMBROOK
                                                                                                                                                                                          GEELONG                                          NARRACAN
                                                                                                                                           SOUTH-WEST COAST
                                                                                                                                                      COAST              POLWARTH
                                                                                                                                                                                                         BELLARINE  HASTINGS                                                                                                       Victoria Region
                                                                                                                                                                                                SOUTH        MORNINGTON                                  MORWELL

                                                                                                                                              Western                                                                                          GIPPSLAND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               GIPPSLAND SOUTH
                                                                                                                                              Victoria Region

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      s Map prepared by the Victorian Electoral Commission
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Copyright © 2014 - State Government Victoria
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Disclaimer: This content is provided for information purposes only. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and authenticity of the content, the Victorian Government does not accept any liability to any person for the information provided   VEC CODE: EDR14

4    The Victorian Shooter
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
News                                                                                                                                                                                        News

                                                                                                         Blue Ribbon Day
                                                                                                         another success
                                                                                                            SAA Shepparton Branch hosted a Blue           ton News and WIN News covering the event.
                                                                                                            Ribbon Day shoot at its range in October      Results:
                                                                                                            and donated $2000 to the police charity.        High Gun: Grant Sanford.
                                                                                                         The day is the opportunity to recognise Victo-     AA: 1st Chris Thompson, 2nd Cavo, 3rd Travis
                                                                                                      ria Police members who have fallen in the line      Tait, 4th Graham.
                                                                                                      of duty and attracts many top-class shooters.         A grade: 1st Ian Pyke, 2nd Harro, 3rd Toby,
                                                                                                         “It’s in its 16th year at Shepparton and we      4th Matt Baldwin.
A mighty gust of wind broke dynabolts anchoring a large section of Main Range 1                        had 66 shooters come to raise money for the          B grade: 1st Cassidy Nolan, 2nd Mark, 3rd
roof, which then peeled back like a bed sheet. Repairs will commence early 2019.                       Blue Ribbon Foundation in support of our           Peter Wilkie, 4th Trevor Simpson.

Big blow downs roof
                                                                                                        Victorian Police and the amazing job they           C grade: 1st Joseph Rochelle, 2nd David
                                                                                                        do protecting our communities,” said SSAA         Rees, 3rd Tye Boyle, 4th James Lloyd.
                                                                                                        Shepparton Branch committee member                  Ladies: 1st April Thompson, 2nd Claire
                                                                                                         Marion Barnes.                                   Bourke, 3rd Marion Barnes, 4th Jess, 5th Vicky

at Eagle Park Range                                                                                         Marion also shot well on the day to pick
                                                                                                          up third prize in the women’s event.
                                                                                                             “SSAA Shepparton Branch donated
                                                                                                                                                          Anstice, 6th Jamie-Lee Thompson.
                                                                                                                                                            Veterans: 1st Rocky Furci, 2nd Trevor Beach,
                                                                                                                                                          3rd Peter Kriss, 4th Rob Keir.
                                                                                                           $2000 and has now donated $32,000                Juniors: 1st Tom Bilney, 2nd Harrison Wilkie.

        hooters at Eagle Park on September     the remainder of the roof structure and                     over the past 16 years to the cause with all     Police Squad: 1st Lloydie, 2nd Peggie, 3rd
        15 got a shock when a powerful         although it appeared to be unaffected                       money raised going to the Goulburn Valley      Mark, 4th Wardie.
        gust of wind peeled back part of the   it was declared unsafe due to concerns                       Health,” she said.
Main Range 1 roof.                             that it had been weakened by the gust.                          SSAA Victoria CEO
    Thankfully no-one was injured and the         Meanwhile, debris from the damaged                         Jack Wegman and
only damage was to the roof itself, which      section was removed and the uncovered                         Shooters Fishers and
lifted when the dynabolts holding it to        section reopened for use. Main Range                           Farmers Party of
the ground failed.                             2, which is usually reserved for sub-club                      Victoria MP Daniel
    “It was a freak gust of wind that came     activity, was also opened to the public to                     Young also attended
down off the hill at just the right angle      minimise the impact for range users.                            the event.
and force to rip up the roof,” said SSAA          Insurance assessors later attended the                          It also created
Victoria Facilities Manager, Shaun Doyle.      site and after some weeks of deliberation                        positive publicity for
    “It was a huge shock for the shooters      over various repair and replacement                              the shooting sports
and range officers there on the day, but       quotes, agreed that the whole roof struc-                        and SSAA Sheppar-
we’re just glad they weren’t hurt.”            ture should be replaced.                                          ton with Sheppar-
    One third of the roof structure was           Demolition of the remaining struc-

                                                                                            Cobaw Ladies Day a hit
damaged causing immediate closure of           ture will commence before Christmas
the range.                                     and works on the replacement roof are
    Engineers were brought in to assess        expected to commence first quarter 2019.

                                                                                                  SAA Kyneton held another suc-
                                                                                                  cessful Ladies Day at the Cobaw
                                                                                                  Range in October.
                                                                                              The come-and-try day attracted 25
                                                                                            local women keen to test their skill with
                                                                                            a variety of longarms.
                                                                                              “It’s a great opportuntiy for women
                                                                                            to give range shooting a go in a
                                                                                            relaxed environment,” said organiser
                                                                                            Jeanelle Dol. “It’s always fun and we’re
                                                                                            grateful for the assistance of the range
                                                                                            officers and club volunteers who come
                                                                                            to help.”
     Al fresco shooting
                                                                                              She said more events are being
     has continued on
                                                                                            planned including a day for kids.
     Main Range 1.

6     The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                               The Victorian Shooter        7
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
News                                                                                                                                                                          News

Aerial deer culling trials: SSAA Victoria’s opinion
Parks Victoria has trialled aerial deer culling as a management
                                                                                                                                                      One of the control notification maps
tool in the Victorian High Country. SSAA Victoria’s Hunting                                                                                           issued by Parks Victoria ahead of the
                                                                                                                                                      program to show where the trials
Development Manager David Laird explains our position on it.                                                                                          took place. The others can be found

       SAA Victoria is reserving judgement                                                                                                            on
       on Parks Victoria’s (PV) decision to tri-
       al aerial culling of Sambar deer in ar-                                                                                  Trialling aerial
eas of the Alpine National Park in October.                                                                                     deer culling
   We want to see what the trial produces                                                                                       will show
before we take a stand on aerial culling                                                                                        whether it’s
because we will then have facts and not                                                                                         effective,
guesses to work with.                                                                                                           allowing for
   However, we always have and always                                                                                           debate based
will call on the government to allow recre-                                                                                     on fact.
ational hunters into those areas as the
first tool to control the deer population.
   Formalised control programs using
volunteer hunters would be the
preferred next step on those occasions
where recreational hunting alone is not
achieving management objectives.
   Only in areas where recreational                because hunters are being denied access         their position. Sometimes concerns are
hunting and volunteer control programs             to the areas where they are abundant.           justified. Sometimes they are shown to
have proven ineffective should paid                   These sanctuary areas have allowed           be unfounded.
ground-based or aerial contractors be              population levels to increase to unsus-            Hunters have also called for trials. The
considered.                                        tainable numbers and then disperse              recent Snake Island balloted hog deer
   There have been genuine concerns                into surrounding areas. Greater hunter          hunting trial has proved that safety
expressed by some SSAA Victoria                    access equates to a greater take, all at no     concerns expressed about hunting on
members regarding the trial. The Asso-             cost to government, which will ultimate-        the island were not valid.
ciation shares some of these concerns              ly reduce populations.                             A trial allows a theory to be tested to
and has expressed them to PV. Transpar-               The government’s position is that            measure its validity before permanently
ency around the trial and clarity of the           there are many interest groups other            committing to a course of action.
implications of it are fundamental to any          than hunters and it must find a balance            What the Association does recognise
acceptance of the results.                         that will satisfy all of us.                    is that in specific areas where deer are
   A request by SSAA Victoria to provide              We respect that position because if we       having significant and unacceptable
an independent observer during the                 simply oppose everything rather than try        negative environmental impacts they do
trial to provide that transparency was             to negotiate, we will be shut out of the        need to be managed. However, it does
declined. PV did provide a detailed stake-         conversation completely and lose our            not mean that SSAA Victoria necessar-
holder briefing prior to the operation as          seat at the table on other issues.              ily supports aerial culling of deer in the
well as detailed information, which we                Our relationship with Parks Victoria         future.
have posted on our website.                        has contributed to the recent decision             The Association will be carefully
   One important factor to bear in mind            to open 90,000ha of National Park to            monitoring the trial results. It should
is that deer numbers are increasing and            recreational hunting.                           give a good indication as to whether
while not to the extent of some of the                We expect the government to look at          aerial culling of Sambar is effective, cost
hysterical claims of the National Parks            deer and hunting with fresh eyes and            efficient and humane. We expect game
Association, we agree deer numbers                 not be constrained by historical thinking.      management decisions to be based on
need to be controlled.                             Hunters must also adapt to a changing           fact, not emotion. This trial must also be
   If they are not controlled, deer could          world and likewise be prepared to look          judged on fact, not emotional appeals by
be reclassified as a pest animal and lose          at alternative ways to manage deer and          ant-hunting groups.
their status as our premier game species.          keep an open mind on issues such as this           If aerial culling turns out to be unviable it
   This is among the worst possible                trial.                                          won’t be an issue after the trial. Only once
outcomes from a hunter’s perspective.                 Trials are just that, trials. Everyone has   the facts are known will the Association be
   Our position with the government                an opinion on whether something will            able to develop a reasoned and informed
is that deer numbers are increasing                or won’t work and a theory to back up           response to the aerial culling issue.

8     The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                 The Victorian Shooter        9
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            News

                                                                                                                                      Where there’s a will...
                                                                                                                                       ... there’s a way to ensure your beloved firearms go to the right people.

                                                                                                                                      N                                                 Cooper’s
                                                                                                                                                o matter how blessed we are
                                                                                                                                                with good health, stable rela-
                                                                                                                                                tionships and loving children,

                                                                                                                                      one thing is certain, we will die.
                                                                                                                                         Some years ago, in my legal practice
                                                                                                                                      I had concluded, on behalf of a very
                                                                                                                                      capable man, a large property transac-
                                                                                                                                      tion which had been done in his capac-
                                                                                                                                      ity of trustee of a family Trust.
                                                                                                                                         I pointed out to him that this was a
                                                                                                                                      good time to consider what arrange-
                                                                                                                                      ments had been made for the estate, in
                                                                                                                                      the event of his death or in the event             Peter Cooper Lawyer
                                                                                                                                      of his losing capacity to make decisions
                                                                                                                                      for his family. I asked him whether he
                                                                                                                                      had made a will and who held powers           happen, you need to take these steps:           •       Be very specific about who is
                                                                                                                                      of attorney over his affairs.                    1.     Make a will.                        NOT getting what. Sometimes one child
                                                                                                                                         He left the office accusing me of             2.     Appoint an executor, whom           will get a substantial contribution in life
                                                                                                                                      trying to bring bad luck to him, his          you trust and who has a firearms              for a property or a business venture
                                                                                                                                      business and his family by mentioning         licence. If you have a will that does         and it would be unfair for him or her to
SSPC’s Shane Lott helps Josh Erikson achieve his dream.                                                                               death.                                        not meet these requirements, revisit it.      have more. Making it clear, with a clear

Josh gets
                                                                                                                                         Cultural differences aside, we human       There is no alternative if you wish to be     statement as to why, can avoid a lot of
                                                                                                                                      beings are a death denying species            in control.                                   heartache, misunderstanding and legal
                                                                                                                                      and it is a reality that 48 per cent of us       Here are some thoughts about               cost.
                                                                                                                                      die without making wills. That is, we         making a Will:                                  •       Where a specific firearm is
                                                                                                                                      die intestate. When we make a will,              1.     Use a solicitor. The DIY kits are   being passed as an heirloom, make it

his wish
                                                                                                                                      we make a document that appoints              technically fine, but often fail when         clear, passing it is conditional on the
                                                                                                                                      a person called the Executor to carry         challenged in court at the witnessing         recipient getting the licence or permit
                                                                                                                                      out our wishes for the disposal of our        step.                                         to hold it.
                                                                                                                                      property after we die.                           2.     If you have a family solicitor        •       Where there is a second wife,
                                                                                                                                         The State has rules called rules of        who has no affinity or expertise with         husband or partner, be very clear about
                                                                                                                                      intestacy which try to be fair to surviv-     firearms, refer them to this article (or      what is happening to the family home.
SSPC puts a smile on Josh’s face                                                                                                      ing family members. However, when             contact SSAA Victoria).                       Typically, the second spouse or partner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  should have a ‘life estate’ in the family
                                                                                                                                      a firearms owner dies and leaves no              3.     Do not pay too much for will

  t’s always great to put a smile on peo-     so much that we then sought to get him    who is deaf and wheelchair-bound with         will, or appoints an executor who does        preparation, ask your solicitor about         home. A “life estate will give the surviv-
  ples’ faces and the Sporting Shooters       to a handgun range. That’s when we        only the use of his right arm. Shane’s        not have a firearms licence, and does         how to keep the will simple.                  ing second partner the right to live in
  Pistol Club based at the SSAA Victoria      approached the SSPC, upon referral by     support, professionalism and patience         not understand firearms, then it is quite        4.     Do not develop an all-in-one        the family home until their own death
Springvale Range recently did just that.      one of the staff at the Upwey/Belgrave    with a very disabled person was one of        probable that that firearms owner’s           mentality about your will. Our circum-        or incapacity. The sale and distribution
  Josh Erikson, 17, was treated to a          RSL’s military museum.                    the highlights of the visit, because we all   estate will never realise the true value of   stances change as do our family’s             of the proceeds of the sale of the family
handgun shoot by the club and his carer         SSPC’s Shane Lott sent me an email      enjoyed it in a relaxed manner.               the firearms if they need to be sold.         needs. It follows from the previous           can take place after that happens.
Ross McClure sent this wonderful letter       saying he would be happy to assist us       It made a huge difference to Josh,             It is also probable that a particularly    point. Keep it simple and change it as
of thanks.                                    with Josh’s wish to shoot a handgun.      and he could not verbally express his         beloved firearm or family heirloom will       necessary.                                    Lawyer Peter Cooper has been SSAA
                                                So, we arranged a day and time for      gratitude enough. Josh loved the smell        disappear into the hands of a wrong              5.     Do not use codicils which are       Victoria’s counsel when it comes to
I approached the SSPC about a visit to        Josh to visit the Springvale shooting     of gunpowder on his hand an hour after        family member just because they have          sometimes used to amend wills. They           legal matters concerning firearms.
the pistol range by terminally ill 17-year-   range.                                    we had left.                                  a Firearms Licence. I have lost count         are a false economy. Change the will          His services are now available at State
old Josh Erikson.                               The day arrived, Josh couldn’t sleep      Please pass on our utmost gratitude         of enquiries about the possibility of         and revoke the previous will.                 Office in Box Hill.
  Josh only has a couple of months left       well overnight because of his excite-     and respect to Shane Lott, and we do          getting a family heirloom back.                  6.     This final one is very import-        Peter attends the office three days
to live, dying from an aggressive brain       ment. Shane met us at the range, and we   not hesitate to recommend him to help            If it is a valuable firearm, it may be     ant. If you are into a second marriage,       a week and provides legal advice to
cancer, Glioblastoma Megaforma IV. It         were impressed by his friendly manner     other people with disabilities.               acquired by a dealer for well below its       or you have children from an earlier          Association members at a third off his
was an item on Josh’s bucket list to shoot    and we felt very safe and at ease with      Thank you so much for making this           true value. I have lost count of enquiries    marriage, or step-children:                   normal rate.
a gun.                                        him hosting the shooting session.         happen!                                       along those lines as well.                       •      Be very specific as to who is         To make an appointment, call Peter
  We took him to a rifle range in Glen-         During the shooting session, we had       Regards,                                       If you do not want these things to         getting what.                                 Cooper Lawyer on 0430 468 127.
rowan a few weeks ago, and he loved it        to communicate carefully with Josh,         Ross McClure
10     The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Victorian Shooter           11
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  News

                                                                                                  The new invasive species
                                                                                                  SSAA Victoria’s letter in response to The Greens Nicole Rowan’s political push into the bush.

                                                                                                       he Greens took to Victoria’s re-            Estimating the Economic Impact of             And The Greens want us to believe it’s   and protected species (and tourism)
                                                                                                       gional newspapers recently to            Hunting in Victoria in 2013 carried out       the other parties and politicians who use   now thrive, and it is hunters who control
                                                                                                       try to lay claim to understanding        by the Department of Environment and          “facts rather loosely”.                     invasive species in the bush.
                                                                                                  the bush better than the people in it.        Primary Industries showed that duck              From this evidence it appears Rowan        The Greens are the new invasive
                                                                                                    We sent this letter to those newspa-        hunting tourism alone had a positive and      and The Greens want to rob regional         species in the bush. Only voters can
                                                                                                  pers in response. It was published in         direct $43 million impact on the state.       towns of real, tested, studied and proven   control them.
                                                                                                  many of them, including The Weekly               In total figures, hunting tourism          hunting-tourism dollars and
                                                                                                  Times, while The Border Mail was a            brought a total of $439 million to region-    replace them with yet another
                                                                                                  notable refusal.                              al Victoria in that year alone. Probably a    eco-tourism fantasy.
                                                                                                                                                lot more now that hunting has increased          They want to deny Victorian
                                                                                                  In typical Greens fashion, The Greens         in popularity in the past five years.         families fresh, organic,
Online gun sales are now legal in Victoria meaning SSAA members can use the                       candidate for Northern Victoria Nicole           No facts fudged there. That’s an           free-range food hunted
Gun Sales website,                                                               Rowan wants us to sit back and look at        independent government report, unlike         on public land and feed
                                                                                                  nature rather than be a part of it.           the supportive document for the Great         us supermarket sausages

Check out online sales
                                                                                                     She and The Greens want us to feel         Forest National Park.                         served up on plastic trays.
                                                                                                  that, as humans, we are guilty interlopers       The document (Great Forest National           SSAA Victoria believes
                                                                                                  on nature and that our desire to hunt and     Park: economic contribution of park           our bush should be open

                                                                                                  use the resources available to us is abhor-   establishment, park management, and           to everyone, especially
         dvertising of legally owned fire-         He said the amendment aligns the
                                                                                                  rently unnatural, even though humans          visitor expenditure) was funded by            the hunters who are the
         arms for sale is now allowed on         advertising for the sale of legally held fire-
                                                                                                  have done so for time immemorial.             corporate pro-Green giants The Wilder-        real environmentalists.
         the internet thanks to an amend-        arms in Victoria with the rest of Australia,
                                                                                                     They want to end hunting in Victoria       ness Society.                                    It was hunters who
ment to the Firearms Act 1996 pushed             maintaining a consistent approach and
                                                                                                  and replace it with tourism. Hunting             The very beginning of the executive        restored         Victoria’s
through by the Shooters, Fishers and             makes it easier for legitimate firearms
                                                                                                  is tourism and it successfully co-exists      summary on the report reads “Nous             wetlands where game
Farmers Party.                                   owners to legally sell their firearms.
                                                                                                  with other tourism, to the benefit of all     Group (Nous) was engaged by The
  The amendment was moved by SFFP                  “This is merely bringing a part of the
                                                                                                  regional Victoria.                            Wilderness Society to undertake a
MP Jeff Bourman who said “an online              legislation into the 21st century,” Mr
                                                                                                     Where is this “plethora of independent     narrowly scoped analysis”.
advertisement will have the same                 Bourman said.
                                                                                                  economic studies” Rowan can’t seem               Is it narrowly scoped because they
requirements as a printed advertisement            “When the laws were originally
                                                                                                  to name which “show duck shooting is          don’t want us to know the whole truth
with details as specified in the Firearms        drafted, the internet was not a house-
                                                                                                  detrimental to rural areas”?                  about the massive tax-payer burden to
Act listed.                                      hold service like it is today and the
                                                                                                     We can produce at least one indepen-       replace the current income from the
  “A Permit to Acquire must be obtained          amendment merely fixes that.”
                                                                                                  dent study which shows Rowan is just          areas earmarked in this sop to inner-city
from the police by someone with a valid            SSAA Victoria CEO Jack Wegman
                                                                                                  plain wrong.                                  voters who never visit the bush?
shooters licence and that the purchase           applauded the change and described it

                                                                                                  Your voice is important too, so speak up
must go through a licensed dealer.”              as common sense.

                              SSAA GUN
                                   GUN SALES
                                                                                                           s a SSAA Victoria member, you        people in his electorate wanting him or       some way, because they have a lot of        the exact same letter from a bunch of
                                                                                                           are part of the country’s biggest    her to take action that means they have       different voices, they get more coverage.   different people will be ignored. Instead,
                                                                                                           voice on firearms issues and we      a mandate. You are empowering them              A publication will become mindful of      you should write a letter in your own
     Australia’s most comprehensive firearms and accessories trading website
                                                                                                  work hard to make sure our members            to act on your behalf.                        running letters from the same person,       words, expressing your views on the
                                                                                                  are represented at State and Federal            Anti-gun groups have been very good         but they are happy to run letters on the    issue.
                                        Rifles    Shotguns
                                                                                                  Government level.                             at encouraging people to be proactive         same issue if they come from different         It is also hoped that when we raise
                                                                                                    However, sometimes your individual          in this way which is why there always         people.                                     issues affecting us as shooters, that you
                                                                                                  voice has a lot more impact than our          seems to be a disproportionate number           You can do the same thing because         would be inspired to make your feelings
                                                                                                  collective one and you might see us ask       of people calling for more restrictive gun    your views are just as valid as anyone      known to those in the positions of power
                                                                                                  for your support in writing a submission      laws.                                         else’s.                                     who can make the changes. We do our
      Reloading equipment    Handguns             Optics               Ammunition                 to a government department or to your           You may see evidence of this activity in      Again, it is the individual voice that    bit as the advocates, but there is power
                                                                                                  local MP.                                     your local paper, especially if you live in   carries a lot of weight in this scenar-     in your voice well.
                                                                          That’s because the impact of, for           a regional area. Small groups with a big      io and we encourage you to write a             You can find tips on how to write to
                            Buy and sell new and used:                                            instance, a proposed legislation on an        voice will often flood the Letters to the     response whenever you feel misrep-          politicians and the media on the SSAA
                                                                                                  individual is what an opposing politician     Editor pages with their views.                resented or marginalised by someone         National website.
     • Firearms, parts and optics                • Knives and hunting products
                                                 • Camping gear, vehicles, boats and property
                                                                                                  can use to argue against it.                    While these small groups all share the      else’s published view.               
     • Ammunition and reloading components
                                                                                                    If your MP has a bunch of letters from      same agenda and are often affiliated in         We cannot write letters for you because   tion/
12        The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Victorian Shooter         13
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
Lead dust:                                                                                 New CPM assessment

Reduce the Risks                                                                                     highlights shooting skill
                                                                                                     Tough new CPM Accreditation Course focuses on marksmanship.

                                                                                                            hree out of 11 volunteer hopefuls      responsibilities
                                                                                                            will now be able to participate in     when shooting on
                                                                                                            Conservation and Pest Manage-          Parks Victoria land,
                                                                                                     ment operations following a shooting          the      appropriate
                                                                                                     assessment recently.                          firearms for each
                                                                                                        These three SSAA Victoria members          task, navigation,
                                                                                                     showed they had the shooting skill            humane dispatch
                                                                                                     required to take part in the CPM program      and hunting expe-
                                                                                                     after successfully completing the Asso-       rience,” Mr Coote
                                                                                                     ciation’s updated CPM Accreditation           said.
                                                                                                     Course.                                          “We want to
 • Eating, drinking and                                                                                 “The new course ensures that we are
                                                                                                     supplying a high standard of accredited
                                                                                                                                                   develop a high
                                                                                                                                                   standard           of
   smoking when shooting                                                                             volunteers for the program,” said SSAA
                                                                                                     Victoria CPM Manager Rhys Coote.
                                                                                                                                                   volunteers who
                                                                                                                                                   understand Parks

   can put you at risk.                                                                                 Developed with SSAA Victoria’s
                                                                                                     Assistant Manager Training and Educa-
                                                                                                                                                   Victoria’s expec-
                                                                                                     tion Fady Khalife, the updated course            Parks Victoria
 • Wash your hands and face                                                                          now has three practical marksmanship
                                                                                                     components for assessment.
                                                                                                                                                   funds the CPM
                                                                                                                                                   program          as

   after using firearms.                                                                                With centrefire rifles, the students
                                                                                                     get one attempt at a B target off-hand
                                                                                                     at 25m, seated or kneeling at 75m and         a service to
                                                                                                     prone at 100m.                                control       pest
Any amount of lead exposure is harmful to         expose your family and children.                      The rimfire component is five shots into   species        on
                                                                                                     a 40mm target at 50m from the bench.          Parks      Victo-
human health. People using firearms, handling     Your children are especially at risk
                                                                                                        Previously, applicants were required       ria-managed
ammunition or visiting shooting ranges are        Children are more vulnerable to the effects of     to score a minimum 37 out of 40 points        land         and
at risk of inhaling or swallowing lead dust or    lead exposure. Extra caution should be taken       shooting at 100m from any position            p r o v i d e
fumes, and to a lesser extent, absorbing lead     when attending the ranges. Ensure your body        (bench, prone, etc).                          h u n t i n g
through the skin.                                 and clothing are free of lead dust before em-         “This was changed to make it more          opportunities
Protect your family                               bracing children or handling toys and personal     representative of actual shooting             for       SSAA
                                                                                                     conditions and to ensure a higher skill       Victoria
Don’t bring lead home with you.                   effects. If you are pregnant, consider the risks
                                                                                                     level and standard of shooting for this       members.
Lead is ‘sticky’ and can be transported from      of lead exposure to yourself and your baby         program,” Mr Coote said.                         “We currently have
a shooting range on your body, clothes and        and take appropriate precautions to minimise          “We have assessed some really good         300 accredited CPM volunteers on our                 This B target shows 10 rounds of
equipment, into a car and your home. It may       exposure to lead.                                  hunters, but you must be proficient in        database,” Mr Coote said. “These volun-           centrefire shooting during the CPM
                                                                                                     marksmanship to become an accredited          teers take part in an average of 100 pest          Accreditation Course. This shooter
                                                                                                     volunteer.                                    management shoots each year.
  Pregnant? Lead dust can affect                                                                        “It was a surprise that more applicants
                                                                                                     didn’t pass but the result highlights the
                                                                                                                                                      “To maintain their accreditation their
                                                                                                                                                   shooting skills will need to be regularly
                                                                                                                                                                                                     was one of few who passed the test.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    The next CPM Accreditation Course
                                                                                                     importance of range practice in different     reassessed.

       your unborn child                                                                             field positions to become a proficient
                                                                                                        Mr Coote said that while marksman-
                                                                                                                                                      “We also get a steady flow of applicants
                                                                                                                                                   for the program, however, the people
                                                                                                                                                   who are selected must have a high-level
                                                                                                                                                                                                 will be held before the end of the year
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and will process the remaining appli-
                                                                                                     ship was a key aspect of the accredita-       of hunting experience and ethics.                Visit conser-
SSAA Victoria: Promoting safe and responsible firearms use                                           tion program, there are other important          “If you want to become a successful        vation-and-pest-management-accredita-
        Visit for more information                                                    components.                                   applicant, it’s also important that you       tion/ to learn more about becoming an
                                                                                                        “We assess firearm safety knowl-           practice the required fundamental             accredited SSAA Victoria CPM Program
 These guidelines are detailed in Information for Gun Shooters: Managing Exposure                    edge and risk management, rules and           shooting skill.”                              Volunteer.
to Lead. State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services, October 2018.                                                                                                                       The Victorian Shooter        15
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
Feature                                                                                                                                                  Feature

                                                                 Safari in
                                         SSAA Victoria Hunting Development Manager David
                                        Laird experiences the hunting adventure of a lifetime.

                                          have been lucky to hunt overseas a number of times            cattle farm approximately 50km west of Windhoek. The
                                          but Africa had always remained just out of reach. Rose        farm is part of the Khomas Highland Conservancy, which
                                          and I celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary (and           covers numerous farms in the region and allows for
                                        my 50th birthday) was the perfect incentive.                    larger scale wildlife management to occur and the option
                                          I chose to hunt with Philip Hennings, from Khomas             of hunting a huge area. Being cattle-fenced, the wildlife is
                                        Highland Hunting Safaris and we found ourselves clear-          able to roam largely unrestricted, with most animals able
                                        ing immigration at Hosea Kutako International Airport in        to go under, through or over the fences.
                                        Namibia on July 16, 2018.                                         A typical day saw us have breakfast in the main house
                                          Philip was there to greet us and we all hit it off straight   at 7.30am. We would then head out towards the moun-
                                        away, so the drive to the farm passed very quickly as we        tains in the open-backed ute. Game could be seen from
                                        discussed the upcoming hunt.                                    the vehicle and a stalk would be planned or we would
                                          Most of the hunting occurs on the Hennings’ 8500ha                                                 Continued Page 18

     Dave realises a hunting ambition
     by bagging this magnificent
     kudu bull in Namibia.

16     The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                              The Victorian Shooter        17
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
Feature                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Feature
From Page 17

simply drive to an area and then walk the
undulating valleys glassing as we went.
   We would return to the house for
lunch, have a rest for a few hours, meet
for coffee and cake at 3pm and then
head out for the afternoon hunt.
   Most days saw us back at the house
before dark for a quick shower and a
sundowner at the fire before dinner,
though a few times we didn’t arrive back
until well after dark.
   Dinner was always a social affair, with
good wine and excellent food, mostly
dishes from the animals we had taken
in previous days. The whole place was
relaxed and enjoyable and Rose felt very
welcome, comfortable and included.
   Rose carried the camera and took
photos of animals and scenery while we
were hunting. There was plenty of wild-        The first job on any African safari is to   from us. One was
life to see but you still have to work for   check the rifle and we did just that. I was   an excellent trophy
a trophy.                                    using one of Philip’s rifles, a synthetic     but they were right
   Part of my requirement for the hunt       Blaser R93 in .300 Win Mag with a 2-8         onto us and had the                                                                         The sun reflects of the horns of a kudu bull. Left: Isaak and Marius help spot while
was that animals were free-range. They       power Zeiss scope. It also had a sizeable     advantage of height.                                                                        Dave takes aim. Far left: Springboks were among the abundance of wildlife.
could come and go as they liked and          suppressor screwed on the front.              We waited patiently
there were no guarantees that you              It wasn’t long before we were seeing        and they eventually                                                                         had the late afternoon sun reflecting off   again. I wasted no time in taking the
would take an animal of a particular         animals and things got really exciting        moved around the face                                                                       his horns. Truly a magnificent sight and    shot at the standing animal as I knew he
trophy standard. That said, there were       when we saw some kudu in the scrub            and through a saddle                                                                        one that I won’t forget in a hurry. The     wouldn’t stop again.
plenty of outstanding trophies through-      beside a dry river bed. A good bull made      between the hills, taking                                                                   big bull continued to slowly contour          The suppressor enabled me to hear
out the area. The animals were certainly     a brief appearance so we put in a stalk.      them out of sight. We                                                                       down into the gully and we lost sight of    the solid hit and the bull changed from
wild and very switched-on. I was amazed      He ended up not being old enough and          immediately started our                                                           with      him for some time.                          angling up to heading straight down
at the distances they would get on to us     we backed out without disturbing them,        stalk, following them up.                                        a good bloodtrail            He had to be there and I kept search-     to the bottom of the gully. We moved
at times. The red hartebeest in particular   but the sight of my first wild kudu was       Isaak’s knowledge of the                      leading to the gemsbok about 40m              ing the other face as we carefully moved    quickly to keep above him and then
had phenomenal vision.                       something special. My priority animals        animals and the terrain meant we inter-       away. I took plenty of time simply soaking    down. Finally I saw him, standing in the    watched to see whether he reappeared.
   After breakfast on the first morning      had always been kudu, gemsbok and             cepted the two bulls further up a big         up the moment and appreciating the            shade looking across at us, only 150          Not seeing any movement and confi-
Rose and I were introduced to our            zebra.                                        side gully. The wind was good and we          animal I had been fortunate enough to                                                     dent with the shot we headed across to
Master Hunting Guide, Isaak, and our
driver/assistant guide, Marius. They were
                                               After moving on from the kudu we saw
                                             plenty of other animals until mid-morn-
                                                                                           managed to come in underneath them
                                                                                           spotting them at about 60m in among              Perfectly adapted to thrive in the dry       I placed the                              look for him. There, in the bottom of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   gully, lay my kudu bull.
great guys and we got along very well        ing when we spotted two gemsbok bulls         the thorn bushes and scrub.                   landscape the gemsbok is a truly strik-                                                     As I approached him I realised that I
for the whole hunt.                          on the side of a mountain about 800m             Leaving Marius and Rose back a bit,        ing animal and is Namibia’s national
                                                                                                                                         emblem. The photo session was exten-
                                                                                                                                                                                         crosshair on                              had just fulfilled an ambition that had
                                                                                           Isaak and I snuck up to a large rock                                                                                                    been harboured for many years. I was
                                                                                           which gave good cover and an excellent        sive before we dragged the bull off
                                                                                                                                         the side of the hill and down the gully.
                                                                                                                                                                                         his chest and                             pleased that my wife, who has always
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   supported my hunting adventures over
  Two .300 Win Mag                                                                         rest. Identifying the biggest bull I placed
  projectiles taken from
  a carcass.
                                                                                           the crosshairs on his chest and slowly
                                                                                           took up the trigger pressure. The recoil
                                                                                                                                         Marius managed to get the vehicle over
                                                                                                                                         some pretty rough, trackless terrain and
                                                                                                                                                                                         slowly took                               the past 20 years, was there with me for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   this special moment.
                                                                                           and muzzle blast of the .300 Winchester
                                                                                           Magnum were so muted by the large
                                                                                                                                         quite close so that we didn’t have to
                                                                                                                                         work too hard on the carry out.                 up the trigger                              We took plenty of time just admiring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the bull and soaking up the moment
                                                                                                                                            During the afternoon hunt we saw a
                                                                                           suppressor that I saw the bullet strike the
                                                                                           gemsbok a moment before the sound of          good kudu bull on the top of a ridge.           pressure.                                 before taking heaps of photographs. He
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   was a magnificent beast, 10 years old
                                                                                           the solid chest shot clearly reached me.      Taking time to thoroughly glass the                                                       and in excellent condition.
                                                                                              The bull reared up, turned and ran,        entire face of the hill we finally found      metres away. I whistled softly to Issak       His neck was still swollen from the rut
                                                                                           immediately disappearing from sight           two bulls near the top and one lower          and slowly pointed. He saw the bull and     and he had green staining on the back
                                                                                           among the thorn bushes on the side of         down. They all looked good, but the           immediately set up the shooting sticks.     of his head from where he had been
                                                                                           the hill. I knew he was hard hit and took     higher two were relatively young and          I inched forward towards him and got        rubbing bushes to display his dominance.
                                                                                           a moment to marvel at the fact that I had     were not what we were after. The lower        the rifle steady. As I picked the bull up     Once back at the farm the carcasses
                                                                                           just shot my first animal in Africa only      bull was a mature animal and a true           in the scope he started to trot up the      were hoisted on a gantry using an
                                                                                           three hours into the hunt on the first        trophy. Working our way through the           face. Isaak whistled, which paused him      electric winch and skinning and gutting
                                                                                           morning. Wow!                                 thorn bushes we slowly closed the gap.        for a moment, then he went again. I had     carried out. All the meat is used, either to
                                                                                              The follow up was straightforward             One of the bulls on the top of the ridge   the crosshairs on him when he paused                             Continued Page 20
18     The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Victorian Shooter          19
Feature                                                                                                                                                                                             Feature
  Giraffe, elephant and rhino in the                                                                                                        Looking out over the African savannah with
  Kalahari. Dave and Rose went on                                                                                                           kudus in the foreground. Okambara Lodge
  tours out from Okambara Lodge.                                                                                                            (below) where the food, company and acco-
                                                                                                                                            mondation was all first class.

From Page 19                                  and thorn trees to cover our approach
feed the farm workers and household or        and the sun helped as well. We got
to sell for additional farm income.           into 250 metres fairly easily, then had to
   I couldn’t believe that after my first     slow right down. The bull looked in our
day of hunting in Africa that I already       direction a couple of times and we had
had two of my priority animals in the         to freeze until he went back to feeding.
salt and that they were such magnificent      At 190 metres Isaak set up the shooting
trophies. If I didn’t take another animal     sticks and I got comfortable.
for the rest of the trip I would still have      Squeezing off the shot I was rewarded
gone home happy.                              with the sound of a solid hit. The bull
   The second morning did not result in a     lurched and swayed, then slowly walked
shot fired and Isaak and Marius appeared      behind a bush.
a bit disappointed when we arrived back          We slowly made our way between
at the farm at lunchtime. I had to explain    the thorn bushes to where I expected
to them that it didn’t matter.                to see him on the ground but he wasn’t
   Rose and I were enjoying the expe-         there. Moving a bit further he appeared
rience and the hunting was excellent.         between some bushes, walking slowly
We were seeing animals and putting in         away. He was obviously hard hit but still
stalks. Hunting is about so much more         on his feet. A second shot, hitting behind
than squeezing the trigger. I had allowed     the shoulder, angling forward knocked
plenty of time so that there was no pres-     him down.
sure to feel like I had to take an animal.       Isaak’s congratulations were cut short     zebra on the next mountain. There were      heading down the ridge and around
   The afternoon hunt turned out to be        when the bull struggled back to his feet.     about 15 animals in the group, which was    the base of the mountain, but the pace
one to remember. We had looked over           Wow. These African animals are tough!         over a kilometre away. There was a good     slowed as we started climbing.
plenty of animals but had not seen            A third shot to the shoulder finished the     stallion with them but they were already      It would have been almost an hour
anything that we wanted to take, until        matter. The autopsy later showed that the     watching us so a frontal approach was       from when we had first seen the zebra
the vehicle crested a rise, opening up a      first shot had taken out the bottom of the    out of the question. Our best option was    until we finally crested the ridge. Moving
whole valley system below us.                 heart and the second and third shots had      to drop back over the ridge we were on      slowly and glassing constantly we care-
   A lone red hartebeest was on the other     gone through the shoulder into the lungs.     and then head down the valley, around       fully approached the gully where we
side of the valley. We were lucky that the       As we walked up to the bull I was          the bottom of the mountain, climb the       expected to see them. Thankfully they
sun was dropping behind us and the bull       struck by the beautiful colouring and the     back side of the mountain and come          were still there.
was looking into it. From our perspective     enormous mass of his horns. I realised        down on top of them. A simple plan,           They were relaxed and the wind was
he stood out clearly, with the sun shining    that the animal in front of me was some-      but one that would involve walking for      favourable so we took a few minutes
off his rich chestnut-red coat.               thing special. It turned out to be the best   about four kilometres, much of it out of    crawling closer to get to a rocky outcrop.
   Leaving Rose and Marius behind, Isaak      one taken on the farm and everyone            sight of the zebra.                         Laying my daypack over the rock I
and I began our stalk. We had a fair bit      commented on what an exceptional a              We left Rose and Marius to watch the      adopted the prone position and got
of ground to cover and moved carefully        trophy it was.                                herd while Isaak and I headed off. They     comfortable. The stallion was at the top
down the face of the hill, with the bull         One of the most memorable hunts            would let us know on the radio if the       of the herd, away from the mares and
just below the crest on the other side.       occurred one morning when we crested          zebra left, saving us considerable effort   foals. I watched him through the scope
Fortunately there were plenty of bushes       a ridge and Isaak picked up a herd of         on a wasted stalk. We made good time                            Continued Page 22
20     The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                             The Victorian Shooter   21
Feature                                                                                                                                                                                         Feature
                                                                                        challenging and I was delighted when
   The silencer on the synthetic                                                        I finally got a nice warthog boar. I now         This magnificent blue wildebeest was
   Blaser R93 in .300 Win Mag                                                           had five animals with plenty of time left        the last animal taken. His trophy will be
   made a lot of difference to                                                          so we decided to go to the Kalahari for a        among the other reminders (bottom) of
   the hunting experience.                                                              few days to see elephant and rhino.              an incredible experience.
                                                                                           We spent a couple of days at the
                                                                                        Okambara Elephant lodge where I cele-
                                                                                        brated my 50th birthday. It was a lovely
                                                                                        place, with great food and friendly staff
                                                                                        and owners. We got to see rhino and
                                                                                        elephant up close on game drives, which
                                                                                        was pretty exciting, as well as the various
                                                                                        plains game animals.
                                                                                           We returned to Farm Heusis and went
                                                                                        looking for my last animals. Springbok
                                                                                        had been seen on most hunts but a
                                                                                        good buck had proven elusive.
                                                                                           We finally got lucky when I caught a
                                                                                        glimpse of a springbok moving through
                                                                                        the thorny scrub. Being so small it was
                                                                                        well concealed but we had the wind in
                                                                                        our favour and plenty of cover. He joined
                                                                                        two other bucks and moved into a more
                                                                                        open area. Crawling for 50 metres we
                                                                                        got to the last cover and I ranged the
                                                                                        animals at 184 metres.
                                                                                           The buck I was after wasn’t offering
                                                                                        a good shot, but had no idea we were
                                                                                        there and was completely relaxed. Finally
                                                                                        he stepped clear of the other bucks and
                                                                                        turned broadside.                                The final animal on my list was a blue
                                                                                           Laying prone and using my daypack          wildebeest. I had spent time hunting
                                                                                        as a rest I settled the crosshair on his      them with the bow and had some great
                                                                                        shoulder and gently squeezed off the          stalks but hadn’t managed to get one. On
                                                                                        shot. A second later the sound of the hit     the last day I swapped back to the rifle.
                                                                                        reached me, but the ram was already              Isaak spotted a good bull in a small
From Page 21                                  rocky terrain. We positioned the stallion down, knocked off his feet and killed         group. We put in a stalk but bumped
and waited until he turned perfectly          for photos, which was no easy task, and   instantly by the 170-grain projectile.        them. Isaak’s expert tracking allowed us
broadside. Mountain zebra have a trian-       waited for Rose and Marius to make the       I was very impressed with both the rifle   to follow them and I got into position to
gular pattern of stripes on their shoulders   long climb up the hill. Rose was stunned  and cartridge and was pleased that I had      take the shot off the sticks. Fortunately
which provides a perfect aiming point.        by the beauty of the animal up close and  taken up the offer to use Philip’s firearm.   I made a good shot and had a magnifi-
I put the cross hair on the triangle and      she took plenty of time admiring him.     Walking up to the springbok I was very        cent trophy on the ground.
gently squeezed off the shot.                   His skin will make a magnificent floor  happy to again find an old mature                I was happy that we had persevered
   The solid thump of a perfect hit clearly   rug and we will always remember the       animal that made a fine trophy.               and ended up taking such a great animal
reached me as the stallion reared for the     day in the mountains                                                                    after such a good hunt. After admiring
last time and tumbled down the moun-          when I took him.                                                                        him and taking photos, we loaded him
tain. I could not have asked for a better       Sitting on the side of      Dave and Isaak with
                                                                            a warthog boar taken                                      up and heading back to the skinning
end to a wonderful hunt.                      the mountain with my                                                                    shed for the last time.
   Isaak and I just stayed where we were      zebra we were as close to     with the bow.
                                                                                                                                         It truly was the trip of a lifetime. Rose
for a few minutes watching the rest of        nature as you can get and                                                               and I were made to feel part of the
the herd. Perfectly adapted for the harsh     playing an active role in it.                                                           Hennings’ family who went out of their
mountain terrain they were something          Sustainably using natural                                                               way to ensure we had a great time.
very special to see. Anyone who thinks        resources is something                                                                  The accommodation was excellent, as
a mountain zebra equates to a horse is        man has done for count-                                                                 was the food and most importantly, the
sorely mistaken and should try to get         less generations and we                                                                 hunting. I would not hesitate to recom-
close to them in their natural habitat.       were both comfortable in                                                                mend Khomas Highland Hunting Safaris
They are a truly wild and challenging         continuing that tradition.                                                              to any SSAA member who wants to expe-
animal to hunt.                                 I hunted for a few days                                                               rience free-range hunting in Namibia.
   We watched as the landcruiser              with the bow chasing                                                                       Everyone says that you can’t go
appeared in the valley far below us,          blue wildebeest and                                                                     hunting in Africa just once. I thoroughly
slowly crawling over the broken and           warthog. It was extremely                                                               agree and I will be going back.
22     The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                         The Victorian Shooter   23
Feature                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Feature

An introduction to reloading
Want to get the most from your firearm? Reloading ammunition is much simpler than you might think.
By Ron James

  f you’re new to shooting, you may
  have heard people use terms such as
  “factory loads” or “reloading” when de-
scribing ammunition.
   Factory loads are simply ammunition
you buy off the shelf while reloading is
where you create your own ammunition
by combining a brass casing, gunpow-
der, primer and projectile (bullet).
   Competition shooters will load their
own ammunition to get the best accu-
racy, while firearm collectors might find
that commercial cartridges are difficult to
obtain or simply not available for some
older rifles.
   Cost is another benefit of reloading.
For the shooter who spends a lot of time
on the range, particularly with higher                                                                                                 Above: a seating die on the left. Note
calibre firearms, reloading the same                                                                                                   the decapping pin on the right. Right: a
brass cartridge case multiple times saves                                                                                              standard single-stage reloading press.
   There is no absolute reason why you                                                                                                 the reloading press that is used to hold
can’t use factory ammunition and most                                                                                                  the dies necessary to either reform a fired
people do. For more popular cartridges                                                                                                 case or seat a new projectile.
there are relatively large numbers of                                                                                                     In addition to the mechanical items a
factory cartridges available, and they are                                                                                             reputable reloading manual is essential.
a far better product than they were 20                                                                                                 Manuals provide powder loads for a
                                                                                         Clockwise from top: measuring powder
years ago.                                                                                                                             particular cartridge and a bullet weight.
                                                                                         in grains; reloading manuals; powder,
   But firearms are quirky and what works                                                                                              The loads specified were tested and
                                                                                         primer, projectile and case are the four
in one has a different result in another                                                                                               found to be safe using specific powders
                                                                                         ammunition components.
and it will take some experimenting with                                                                                               for a wide range of firearms.
different brands to find the best cartridge                                                 If you purchase the required items indi-      You should not attempt to use a
for your firearm.                                                                        vidually you may be able to save money        powder other than those listed, in addi-
   Or you can load your own and with                                                     when individual items are on sale at a        tion do not use less than the minimum
a bit of care and practice, the home                                                     gun shop.                                     powder specified and certainly do not
reloader can produce ammunition better                                                      Any cartridge consists of four essential   exceed the maximum load.
than the best commercial ammunition             There are several ways that you may      items: the brass cartridge case is the           Note that powder weight is expressed
available.                                    accumulate the required knowledge.         receptacle that contains the propellant       in grains, which is a very old weight
   Loading ammunition doesn’t require         Most reloading manuals have detailed       powder, the primer for ignition and lastly    system in which 7000 grains equals an         die screwed into the press, we insert a       the decapping die needs to be lubricated
a lot of equipment and good, accurate         explanations about the whole process       the bullet (projectile).                      Imperial pound. It is normal to start with    lubricated used case into the die.            with a high viscosity lubricant because
ammunition can be produced on the             including illustrations or photographs.       A new primer is inserted in the new        the minimum load and work up in small            As the case is fed into the die, the       the forces used are sometimes consider-
kitchen table using a minimum of equip-         There is of course the internet with     case, the appropriate powder charge is        increments, usually half or one grain at      decapping pin ejects the spent primer at      able and not all lubricants are suitable.
ment.                                         multiple explanations and videos of the    weighed on a scale and poured into the        a time.                                       the base of the case, at the same time the      The projectile itself is a whole other
   Loading or reloading cartridges            entire reloading process.                  case, the projectile is then seated using        You will also find velocities specified    expanded neck of the case is squeezed         column, but you cannot go wrong with
requires care. There are no shortcuts           To get you started, there are two ways   a seating die screwed into the reloading      in a reloading manual, but they are only      to a diameter smaller than the bullet size.   a simple soft-point flat-based type. These
with safety particularly when applied to      to proceed. Several reloading companies    press.                                        a guide as velocities vary dependent on          As the case is withdrawn from the          projectiles have stood the test of time
you personally. The start of the process is   make a basic reloading kit that provides      If however we are using a previously       the rifle used.                               die it passes over the expander ball that     and are still widely used.
some extensive reading and research so        the necessary tools to complete the        fired case several other processes are           A fired case expands and to return         expands the mouth of the case to a              So, that’s a brief introduction to get
that you understand exactly how each          process. Another other option is to have   necessary to return the case to its origi-    it to its original size we use a decap-       size which will allow a new bullet to be      you started and hopefully you will be
process is carried out and more impor-        a knowledgeable person make up a list      nal condition before use.                     ping and sizing die appropriate to the        seated.                                       inspired to explore the fascinating world
tantly, why.                                  for you.                                      At the heart of any reloading system is    cartridge calibre we are using. With this        Note that the case to be inserted into     of reloading.
24     The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Victorian Shooter         25
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