Page created by Lloyd Cook
                               5635 Heritage Dr. Niagara Falls, ON L2J 4B3
                                905-354-1321 Website:
   Principal: Ms. S. Cocco        Vice Principal: Mrs. L. Nawrocki      Administrative Assistant: Mrs. P. Naylor

                                                            Please enjoy a few highlights of student learning
                                                            here at Victoria. Thank you to our teachers for
On May 26th, I listened to Dr. Michael Unger’s              working so hard throughout the month of May to
presentation about “How to Make Our Kids More               provide these amazing learning experiences for
Resilient”. The event was hosted by the DSBN’s              our students.
Parent Involvement Committee (PIC). As both a
mom and an educator, I found the presentation to
be very informative. One of my biggest takeaways
was the idea that it is really important for our chil-      Over the last two weeks, our Kindergartens have
dren to have opportunities to contribute to their           been studying colours - a new colour every day! I
families and to their communities.                          bet they were able to find examples of these col-
                                                            ours in their homes and, of course, our natural en-
                                                            vironment. They have also been exploring 2D
I found myself thinking about all the ways students
                                                            shapes. Some of their favourite activities this
have opportunities to contribute to their school
                                                            month have been participating in scavenger hunts
community. They do jobs in their classrooms, they
                                                            and playing virtual hide and seek.
help others when needed, they mentor younger
students, and, under normal circumstances, they
are team and club members. We are looking for-              GRADE 1/2
ward to a return to school and a return to this im-         The grade 1/2 class has been learning about com-
portant work too! Thank you to PIC for hosting              munity and throughout the month of May, they
these important sessions for parents.                       enjoyed visits from members of our community.
                                                            Special guests included author Stella Partheniou
Please continue to look through the Newsletter for          Grasso, nurse Christina from the Seymour Hannah
information about DSBN Summer Learning oppor-               vaccination clinic, Mr. Collee from Walker Broth-
tunities(                  ers Aggregates, and Ms. Ciszek from the City of
learning/), as well as information from our part-           Burlington Animal Shelter. The grade 1/2 class
ners at Niagara Region Public Health.                       also learned how to plan their own healthy break-
                                                            fast, lunch, and dinner. They learned about the
                                                            benefits of mindful eating and enjoyed a mindful
                                                            taste test of a healthy snack together!

                                      Please visit our website at for updates.
June 2021                                                                                        Page 2

GRADE 3/4                                                   GRADE 6 RECOGNITION EVENT
The grade 3/4 class participated in the Water Fes-              MONDAY, JUNE 28TH
tival virtual tours. They learned ways to protect    We want to recognize our grade six students for their
themselves from ticks and how to help water stay     contributions to Victoria School and wish them well
clean for everyone to enjoy. Last week, the class    as they get ready for their transition to Grade 7. We
was writing poetry - a different poem style each     hope to do this, in one way or another, on Monday,
day. It sounds like some of the students are bud-    June 28th. Once we have direction from Public
ding poets! The class also had many student run      Health, we will be able to provide families with more
Fun Fridays, drawing activities, scavenger hunts     details. We appreciate your patience.
and dance breaks.

Our 5/6 students have been studying the Abstract
Artist/Musician Wassily Kandinsky. They created
artwork inspired by him and used the Kandinsky
Chrome music lab to Create Musical Art. They
also took a closer look at optical illusions and
studied the work of Op Artist Victor Vasarely. The
5/6 class also explored the musical concepts like
dynamics, harmony, melody, and phrasing by cre-
ating their own musical compositions on the Song
Maker Chrome Music Lab. I hope they have
shared their creations with family members at

                                                     THANK YOU!

                                                     Victoria School is grateful to Delta Bingo for
            June 1 - Pride Flag Day                  their continued support. During the month of
                                                     June, we were granted a one time use of
          June 11 - PD Day, no school
                                                     funds to subsidize printing costs for our
   June 12 - DSBN Virtual Special Olympics
                                                     school Yearbook. With their support, we are
          June 12 - Sunrise Ceremony
                                                     pleased to offer this special keepsake to our
       June 21 - Indigenous Peoples Day
                                                     students at no cost.
    June 27 - Canadian Multiculturalism Day
       June 28 - Report Cards go Home
                                                     SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL
                                                     Thank you to our School Advisory Council mem-
                                                     bers! We have appreciated your ongoing support
                                                     this year. If you are interested in becoming a
   Have a fun, relaxing and safe summer!             member of our school advisory council next year,
          See you on September 7 !    th             please email
June 2021                                                                                                                 Page 3

                                                    COVID - 19 Update

As Public Health continues to ramp up vaccinations to eligible groups and individuals, please remember to follow
the safety measures in place to protect you, your family, friends and our community.
Check out Public Health’s Frequently Asked Questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine to answer questions or concerns you may
For up-to-date information on COVID-19 and vaccine eligibility, please visit the Niagara Region Public Health’s website, Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram.

                                         Identifying Ticks During Covid - 19

Now that the warmer weather has arrived, so has tick season in Ontario. Regional Public Health offices
are currently closed to public access, but if you remove a tick you can have it identified by:
Downloading a free app and uploading photos of the tick for identification
Take a picture of the tick and submit it to

If more information is required once the tick has been identified, individuals can contact a Duty
Officer directly at 905-688-8248 ext. 7590. Tick identification services will resume when our offices reopen to the

                                                 Have a Covid Question?
                          Contact the Niagara Region Public Health Information Line.
                      Monday to Friday: 9:15am-8:30pm & Saturday and Sunday: 9:15am-4:15pm
              Call: 905-688-8248          Press7, then 2             Toll-free: 1-888-505-6072 Press 7, then 2

                                                           Sun Safety
When enjoying the outdoors and getting some natural Vitamin D, Public Health would like remind kids and adults
to use proper protection from the sun.
For sun safety tips and information, visit Niagara Region Public Health’s website.

                                    Supporting Parents During The Summer

Niagara Parents continues to offer free programs and services to support parents and families.
• Connect with a Public Health Nurse Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. through phone, live chat, video
   call, or email. Live chat is available in 90 different languages.

•   Niagara Parents hosts monthly Facebook Live events on a variety of topics such as parenting in a pandemic,
    breastfeeding, mental health, introducing solids and more. To see which event is coming up this month, visit
    our Facebook page under the “Events” section.

•   Find Niagara Parents on Facebook or Twitter for different activities you can do with your kids, relevant re-
    sources and virtual events for parents.
June 2021                                                             Page 4

       Gain credits for high school
       In-person and online options
       Courses are: Physical Education - Fitness, Civics and Careers,
        Introduction to Technology, Comprehensive Arts - Arts in Action,
        Learning Strategies - School Skills for High School Success and
        Introduction to Foods
       The DSBN Cooking Challenge Course! - new this year
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