VENTUM High Performance H/ERV - Oxygen8

Page created by Veronica Wilson
VENTUM High Performance H/ERV - Oxygen8
High Performance H/ERV
VENTUM High Performance H/ERV - Oxygen8
Who We Are                                                                    Table of Contents
Oxygen8 is reinventing how buildings provide healthy and comfortable
air in an energy efficient way. We work to enhance living and working
environments with 100% fresh, filtered air using smart technology for         Ventum H/ERV			 				4
maximum comfort and value.

[ox·y·gen·ate]                                                                Ventum System Overview					6
Nothing is more refreshing and essential to the human body than
oxygen, which happens to be the eighth element in the periodic table.
We oxygenate businesses, classrooms, senior care facilities and other         Ventum Model Sizing						7
buildings with 100% fresh air so people can work, live and breathe in a
safe and comfortable environment.
                                                                              Heat Exchanger Comparison					8
Why We Do What We Do
                                                                              Ventum Applications 						9
To Create Healthy Indoor Environments
People are getting sick while working in offices, learning in classrooms
and convalescing in senior care facilities. Traditional centralized HVAC      Mounting & Accessories					10
systems that recirculate air without proper filtration and humidity control
are the root cause of poor IAQ. To prevent the transmission of bacteria
and viruses, new HVAC systems must provide dedicated outdoor air              Daikin VRV Coupled Integration				   11
and eliminate recirculation, have small zoned ventilation systems,
include HEPA filters, control humidity levels and used fixed-plate ERV
technology that eliminates contaminant cross-over between outside             Control Box								12
and exhaust streams.

To Move Toward Building Electrification                                       Smart Controls & Integration					13
To reduce greenhouse gases, many North American cities are moving
toward net-zero energy buildings over the next decade, which will drive
demand for all-electric HVAC systems and low energy technologies. We          Common Control Strategies					14
are here to meet that demand with our all-electric heating and cooling
                                                                              Electrical & Specifications					16
For Better Building Design
Super-insulated buildings significantly reduce heating requirements,
                                                                              FAQ									17
while climate change and developers’ desires for large amounts of
glazing will increase cooling needs. The integration of VRV with ERV
helps to reduce energy consumption and meet ventilation requirements.

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VENTUM High Performance H/ERV - Oxygen8
High Performance Counter-flow
Heat Exchanger
Energy Efficient
Ventum features variable speed plenum ECM direct-driven fans with
low energy consumption and insulated panels for a high-efficiency
solution. The counter-flow core allows for high sensible and latent
energy recovery with no moving parts or cross contamination.
The internal bypass option allows for free cooling during shoulder

Healthy Buildings
Ventum uses 100% outside air with no recirculation. The counter-
flow core is made of a polymer membrane with no virus cross-over:
tested under ASTM F1671. The units ship with MERV 13 filters for
outdoor air and MERV 8 filters for return air.

This all-electric ventilation solution helps to reduce the carbon
footprint of buildings, while bringing 100% fresh outside air into
the space. Ventum integrates with Daikin’s VRV Outdoor Unit for
temperature and humidity control all year round.

Intelligent Controls
Intelligent controls can integrate seamlessly with BMS or operate
independently with over 75 built-in control functions including
discharge air temperature and humidity control, weekly schedules,
economizer and dirty filter alarms.

Low Profile
Ventum units have a 18 – 32” depth and 325 – 3000 cfm range.
The units free up valuable mechanical room and/or roof space with
decentralized indoor ventilation and add floor space by eliminating
vertical duct runs.

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VENTUM High Performance H/ERV - Oxygen8
Ventum System Overview                                                                       Model Sizing
For Indoor Applications
                                                                                                                              Energy Recovery              Heat Recovery
                                                                                                                              Ventilator                   Ventilator
                                                                                                           Dimensions                                                          TSP        ESP
                                                                                               Model                                                                                                 Orientation
                                                                                                           (W x L x H) in.                                                     in. w.g.   in. w.g.
                                                                                                                              Airflow    SRE*     LRE*     Airflow    SRE*
                                                                                                                              cfm        %        %        cfm        %
                                             Optional bypass section

                                                                                               H05                            600        75.7     69.7     600        82.5
    MERV 13 Filter*
                                                                                                           70 x 42.5 x 18                                                      3          1.3        Horizontal
             (OA)                                                                              H05
                                                                High-efficiency counter-       with                           600        72.5     63.4     600        80.8
                                                                flow heat exchanger            Bypass

                                                                                               H10                            1000       74.5     67.3     1000       81.9

                                                                                                           70 x 62.5 x 18                                                      3          1.3        Horizontal
                                                                                               H10 with
                                                                                                                              1000       72.5     63.4     1000       80.8

                                                                                               H15                            1350       74.5     67.5     1350       81.9
                                                                                                           78 x 62.5 x 21                                                      5          3          Horizontal
                                                                                               H15 with
                                                                                                                              1350       71.5     61.5     1350       80.4

                                                                                               H20                            1800       73.8     66.1     1800       81.6

                                                                                                           78 x 77.5 x 21                                                      5          3          Horizontal
                                                                                               with                           1800       71.5     61.5     1800       80.4

             Factory                                                              ECM Fan      H25                            2250       76       70       2250       83.3
    mounted controls
                                                                                                           102 x 62.5 x 32                                                     5          3          Horizontal
                                                                                               with                           2250       73       64.6     2250       81.5

             1” double walled mineral
                                                                       MERV 8 Filter* (RA)     H30                            3000       75.3     68.8     3000       83
             or Rockwool filled casing
                                                                                                           102 x 77.5 x 32                                                     5          3          Horizontal
                                                  Mounting bracket                             H30
                                                                                               with                           3000       73       64.6     3000       81.5

*MERV rating can be increased upon request
                                                                                             *These values are rated at the maximum airflow rate and subject to increase with de-rated airflows.
                                                                             PENDING         See page 14 for defrost strategies and summer economizer selections for bypass.

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VENTUM High Performance H/ERV - Oxygen8
Counter-Flow, Cross-Flow and Rotary                                                  Ventum Applications
Heat Exchangers                                                                      ERV                                                       HRV
                                                                                     Hot, Humid Climates and Cold Climates                     Mild Climates

                                                                                     Ventum ERV functions best in cold, dry winters and hot,   Ventum HRV is best for mild climates. The HRV system
                        Counter-Flow Heat Exchanger                                  humid summers. During a cold and dry winter, ERVs         uses the heat from the exhaust air to pre-heat incoming
                                                                                     can help retain some of the moisture inside the space     fresh air. This reduces the amount of energy required to
                        Heat recovery counter-flow heat exchangers provide up
                        to 90% sensible effectiveness, while energy recovery         while also recovering heat and providing fresh air. In    heat outside air up to ambient room temperature.
                        counter-flow heat exchangers provide up to 80%               humid climates, ventilation air can be dehumidified
                        sensible and 70% latent effectiveness. Fixed-plate           independent from heating and cooling. Ventum will
                        enthalpy cores have no moving parts and require little to    prevent moist ventilation air from entering the space.
                        no maintenance. Due to the structure of the core, return
                        and outdoor air never mix, eliminating the possibility of
                        virus and contaminant crossover.

                        Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger
                        Energy recovery cross-flow heat exchangers provide up
                        to 70% sensible and 65% latent effectiveness. Fixed-                                                                                                                    Outdoor Air
                                                                                    Return Air
                        plate enthalpy cores have no moving parts and require
                        little to no maintenance. Due to the structure of the
                        core, return and outdoor air never mix, eliminating the
                        possibility of virus and contaminant crossover.

                                                                                    Supply Air
                                                                                                                                                                                                Exhaust Air

                        Rotary Heat Exchanger
                        Wheels achieve high flow rates while maintaining a
                        compact size and 45-80% effectiveness. To function,
                        heat and mass transfer media move between air
                        streams. Air may potentially become trapped in the                                                     Internal Bypass Air Stream
                        media channels and enter the other airstream, or may
                        leak through the seal. Wheels require maintenance for
                        moving parts including belts, seals, wheel drive motor
                        (and VFD), bearings, which can fail. In order to minimize
                        cross-contamination, wheels must utilize a purge.
                        Purge airflow is a parasitic fan energy waste because
                        it continually uses fan energy to send OA into the EA
                        airstream - this can be as must as 10% of supply airflow.

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VENTUM High Performance H/ERV - Oxygen8
Mounting &                                                                                           Ventum & Daikin VRV Coupled Integration
Accessories                                                                                                        5


                                                                                                                                                   3                                           1

                                                                             Units ship with
                                                                             mounting brackets.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Supply Air Duct
        Ventum H/ERV is available
        exclusively in a horizontal
        orientation for ceiling mounts.

                                                                                                     1.   Ventum Controller                                              5. Daikin VRV Outdoor Unit
                                                                                                          Ventum units include a factory-mounted and tested                   Daikin’s inverter based outdoor unit for either heating
                                                                                                          controller to integrate with Daikin’s systems. The                  or cooling (heat pump) operations. Available with air or
                                                                                                          controller is BTL-Certified with BACnet IP compatibility.           water source options.
                                          1   Hydronic Coils
                                              The hydronic coils are available with hot water and    2. Daikin W-Controller                                              6. Discharge Temperature/Humidity Sensor
 1                                            chilled water options. Chilled water coils include
                                                                                                          Factory-mounted to a coupled DX coil section, the                   Mounted up-stream of the coil section, the sensor
                                                                                                          controller communicates with the Daikin VRV Outdoor                 constantly measures the discharge air temperature
                                              external drain and vent connections. Cooling
                                                                                                          Unit, Electronic Expansion Valve Kit and Ventum                     and humidity level and communicates with the Ventum
                                              coils are mounted in a rack over a stainless-steel          controller for discharge air temperature control.                   controller.
                         2                    double sloped condensate pan. Both hot and
                                              chilled water coils are supplied with hydronic         3. Daikin Electronic Expansion Valve                                7.   Dew Point Sensor
                                              valves (2/3-way) and actuators.                             Electronic expansion valve is properly sized based                  The Ventum controller calculates the dew point based
                                                                                                          on the discharge air temperature and modulated by                   on the discharge temperature and humidity level.
                                          2   DX Coils
                                                                                                          the Ventum controller to maintain the setpoint. The                 Mounted between the DX and the reheat coil, the dew
                                              DX coils come with a factory-mounted Daikin                 expansion valve is factory mounted to the DX coil, tested           point sensor controls DX cooling for dehumidification
                                              controller and factory-brazed Daikin expansion              under 400 psi and nitrogen charged for shipment to site.            requirements.
          3                                   valve. DX coils have an interlaced circuit to match
                                              the Daikin Outdoor Unit temperatures. Coils come       4. DX Coil                                                          8. Optional Pre-heat
                                              shipped with nitrogen holding charge.                       DX Coils are selected based on Daikin coil selection                Pre-heat can be water (glycol) or electric. Pre-heat only
                                                                                                          parameters. They are factory-mounted into the coupled               activates when the outdoor air temperature is below the
                                          3   Electric Coils                                              coil section. Coil section includes a stainless steel double        setpoint.

                                              SCR controlled electric coils are available for pre-        sloped drain pan. Optional electric and hydronic reheat is
                                              and post-heat applications.                                 available (HGRH available 2022).
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11
VENTUM High Performance H/ERV - Oxygen8
Control Box                                                                 Smart Controls                                  Riptide Integration
                                                                            Standard Control Algorithms                     Oxygen8 offers remote
                                                                                                                            connectivity and Indoor
                                                                                                                            Air Quality Management
                                                                                                                            through Riptide.

             Oxygen8 Controller

     Non-Fused Disconnect

            Motor Breaker

         Transformer Fuses
                                                                            1. Airflow Control

                                                                            Constant Flow
                                                             24V Control    Constant Pressure
                                                                            Demand Controlled Ventilation
                                                                            (CO₂/VOC, Occupancy)

                                                                            2. Temperature Control                          Riptide’s Smart Building solutions are specifically

Optional Sensors                                                            Constant Supply Air or Return Air Temperature
                                                                                                                            designed for multi-unit operations and mid-sized
                                                                                                                            facilities without a traditional automation system.
                                                                            Cooling and Heating                             Its easy-to-use cloud-based app works with any
                                                                                                                            mobile device and is suitable for schools, healthcare
                                      1   Combined Humidity &               3. Humidity Control                             facilities, commercial buildings and retailers.
                                          Temperature Sensor                Humidification                                  Riptide allows building owners to remotely manage
                                          Sensor is duct mounted            Dehumidification                                all of their equipment. Smart device sensors enable
                                          and wired back to the unit                                                        equipment to report statuses automatically to a
                                          controller.                                                                       personalized Riptide hub. Users can set up mobile
                            1                                               4. Defrost Control
                                      2   VOC/CO₂ Sensor                                                                    notifications for specific trends or issues.
                                  3       The VOC sensor measures           Exhaust Air Temperature
                                          the content of volatile organic   Measuring Pressure Drop Across Heat Exchanger
                                          compounds. The sensor is          Timed Exhaust
                                          duct mounted and wired back
                                          to the unit controller            5. Frost Prevention
                                      3   Pressure Sensor                   Hydronic Pre-Heat
                 2                        Measures the pressure             Electric Pre-Heat
                                          differential in the ductwork.
                                                                            6. Remote Access

                                                                            Via Building Network
                                                                            Via BACnet IP

12                                                                                                                                                                                  13
VENTUM High Performance H/ERV - Oxygen8
Common Control Strategies                                                                                                                         Defrost Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                    Monitor Pressure Drop Across the Heat Exchanger
                  Economizer / Free Cooling                                                                                                                                                 Pa            T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The heat exchanger can be protected
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           against frosting by continuously monitoring
                                                                                                                                                                    OA                                                RA   the pressure drop (PD) across the heat
                                                 T                                                                                                                                                                         exchanger. Defrost will start when the PD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           rises above the setpoint. During defrost
                                                                                                                                                                    EA                                                SA   the bypass damper will open 100% for a
                  OA                                                                                                                                           RA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           specified period of time.

                                                                                                                                                                    Monitor the Exhaust Air Temperature
                  EA                                                                                                                                           SA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           At temperatures below set value for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           exhaust air temperature, the bypass damper
                                                                                                                                                                    OA                                                RA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           will open to 100%. The outdoor air passes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           around the heat exchanger and the return
                         Filter                          Electric Heating Coil                  Counter-flow Heat Exchanger             Hydronic Cooling Coil                                                              air passes through the heat exchanger. Due
                                                                                                                                                                    EA                                                SA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to the relatively high room temperature, this
                         Fan                     Pa      Pressure Sensor                        Drain Pan                                                                                                                  function will lead to the thawing of the frost
                                                                                                                                        Combo Heat/Cool Coil                                                               formation on the heat exchanger.
                         Damper                      T   Temperature Sensor                     Hydronic Heating Coil
                                                                                                                                                                    Timed Exhaust
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           When frost formation is detected the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              T            supply fan ceases operation for 5* minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                            Pa                             (*adjustable), while the exhaust fan continues
                  Ventum’s unit controller takes advantage of the economizer                    recovery position when a cooling cycle is starting. If the          OA                                                RA
                  option to provide “free” cooling (or heating) by bypassing                    outdoor air temperature raises to a value higher than the                                                                  to operate and thaw the ice accumulation
                  outdoor air around the core and directly supplying air into the               supply air temperature or room air temperature, then the                                                                   on the heat exchanger. After 5 minutes, the
                  building when conditions allow.                                               cooling coil will be activated.                                     EA                                                SA   supply fan will resume normal operation until
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           frost is accumulated again. This cycle repeats
                  The control algorithm constantly monitors the outdoor and                     If the flow-down step function is activated (triggers during                                                               itself until minimum normal operating cycle
                  return air temperatures, while modulating the bypass damper                   heating mode) and the setpoint cannot be reached with all                                                                  time, 30* minutes (*adjustable).
                  based on the supply air setpoint.                                             heating sources active, the unit will decrease the flow down
                                                                                                to 50% of the rated flow to attempt to achieve the desired
                  By default, the bypass will be controlled to 100% sensible                    setpoint                                                            Frost Prevention
                                                                                                                                                                    Hydronic Pre-Heat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           A hydronic pre-heat coil ensures that the
                 100%                                                                                                                                                                                                      temperature entering the heat exchanger
                                              wn )
                                                                                                                                                                    OA                                                RA   is maintained at a required minimum
                                            do ted
Control Signal




                                      w        c                                                                                                                                                                           temperature. If the maximum heat supply



                                  Flo sele



                                                                                                                                                                                                                           from the pre-heat coil cannot maintain the




                                                                                                                                                                    EA                                                SA




                                                                                                                                                                                                                           setpoint, a frost alarm will be activated and



                                                                                                    100% Open

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the fans will be stopped.

                                                                                                                                                 Ambient Temp       Electric Pre-Heat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           An electric pre-heat coil ensures that the
                                                                                                                                                                                        T                                  temperature entering the heat exchanger
                                                                                                                                                                    OA                                                RA   is maintained at a required minimum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           temperature. The pre-heat temperature
                                                          Heating                                   Economizer                                Cooling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           sensor will come installed in the unit,
                                                                                                                                                                    EA                                                SA   positioned in the outdoor air stream.
                                                                                               Heat/Energy Recovery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Pre-heat is controlled by a 0-10V signal.

VENTUM High Performance H/ERV - Oxygen8
Electrical                                                                                                                           FAQ
                                       Motor         SA Fan        RA Fan                                                            General                                                     Do you provide mounting brackets?
 Model                   Nom. V                                             Unit FLA           MCA       MROPD         RFS
                                       (kW)          Qty           Qty                                                                                                                           Yes, we will provide hanging brackets for both the
                                                                                                                                     What material is the Oxygen8 casing made of?                unit and coil modules.
 H05                     208/240       0.50          1             1         5.29              5.91      8.41          15A           Painted 22-gauge steel panel exterior with
                                                                                                                                     galvanized interior.                                        Do Ventum HRV units require a drain connection?
 H10                     208/240       0.78          1             1         8.09              9.06      12.96         15A
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Yes, all HRV Ventum units come with a drain pan and
 H15                     208           2.00          1             1         12.33             13.83     19.83         15A           Who manufacturers the ECM fans?                             require a drain connection.
                                                                                                                                     Ziehl Abegg or EBM Papst.
 H15                     460           2.50          1             1         8.14              9.14      13.14         15A
                                                                                                                                                                                                 When is a drain connection required for bypass?
 H20                     208           2.00          1             1         12.33             13.83     19.83         15A           Can the electrical/control box be mounted on a              Anytime bypass is being used for defrost control a
                                                                                                                                     different location than the ERV?                            drain connection is required.
 H20                     460           2.50          1             1         8.14              9.14      13.14         15A           Yes, please provide Oxygen8 with the distance from
 H25                     208           2.70          1             1         17.53             19.68     28.28         25A           the unit to calculate the wire harness length.
 H25                     460           3.70          1             1         11.74             13.19     18.99         15A           Does the W-Controller require a separate power
 H30                     208           2.70          1             1         17.53             19.68     28.28         25A           supply and what is the amp draw?
                                                                                                                                     Yes, a 230V/1ph power supply, 15A.
 H30                     460           3.70          1             1         11.74             13.19     18.99         15A
                                                                                                                                     Do you offer non-fused disconnect?
MCA Minimum Circuit Ampacity                                                                                                         Yes, it is standard. We use a switch disconnect with
MROPD Maximum Rating of Over-current Protective Device                                                                               internal breakers.
RFS Recommended Fuse Size
                                                                                                                                     Is the damper powered by the unit?

Specifications                                                                                                                       How are the dampers controlled?
                                                                                                                                     Damper control is automatic based on the operation
                                                                                                                                     of the unit. The Nova BTL-Certified BACnet controller
     1   System Overview                                               3    Electric Coil Specifications                             will provide an on/off output signal to the dampers.
                                                                                                                                     Dampers can be provided in matching casing or
         Oxygen8’s Ventum series is a modular design with a                 ☐ SCR Controlled                                         loose.
         base ERV unit and optional coil modules for heating,               ☐ Non-Fused Disconnect Switch
         cooling and Daikin VRV integration.                                                                                         Where is the damper actuator located?
                                                                            ☐ Requires a Separate Electrical Connection
                                                                                                                                     It is located outside of the air stream.
 2       Standard Features
         ☐ High-Efficiency Variable Speed EC Direct-Drive Motor
                                                                       4    Installation Options                                     Is a filter sensor provided with the unit?
                                                                            ☐ Horizontal (Ceiling Mount) – Brackets included         Yes. Dirty filter sensors are standard - an alert will be
         ☐ Backward Inclined Fans
                                                                            ☐ Orientation: Right Hand or Left Hand                   sent when filters need to be changed.
         ☐ 4 Standard Temperature Sensors (OA, RA, EA, SA)
                                                                            ☐ Access Options: Front Doors                            Is your controller standard on all units, and native
         ☐ Integrated Controls with BACnet IP and BTL-
           Certification                                                                                                             BACnet IP, or do we need to add a card?
                                                                       5    Warranty                                                 Yes, integrated, programmable controls come
         ☐ Non-Fused Disconnect Switch
                                                                            ☐ 24 Months from Start-Up and No Later than 30           standard with every unit. They are BTL-Certified for
         ☐ 1” Rockwool Filled Double-Wall Panels (6.5)                        Months from Shipment on ERV Core                       BACnet IP. The card is native BACnet IP.
         ☐ Pre-Painted White Exterior Casing
                                                                                                                                     Are your controls MSTP compatible?
         ☐ 22-Gauge Galvanized Steel Exterior/Interior Panel           6    VRV Integration                                          Yes, but a gateway would be required by the controls
         ☐ Filter Alarms: Signaled by factory-mounted pressure              ☐ Factory-Mounted DX Coil and Factory Brazed             contractor.
           sensors to measure filter pressure drop across filter              Expansion Valve Kit to the Coil
         ☐ 2” Pleated MERV 8 Return Air Filter, 2” MERV 13                  ☐ Factory-Mounted and Wired W-Controller to the Coil     How is the Daikin VRV controlled?
           Supply Air Filter                                                  Section (W-Controller requires a separate electrical   The preferred operation is through the W-Controller
                                                                              connection)                                            with a 0-10v signal. Oxygen8 provides a DAT sensor
         ☐ Removable Hinge Pins for Limited Access                                                                                   downstream of the coils to control leaving air
         ☐ DAT Sensor for Dehumidification Control                     7    Options                                                  temperature.
         ☐ Hydronic 2/3-Way Valves and Actuators for Field                  ☐ Integrated Bypass for Economizer and/or Defrost
           Installation                                                       Strategy                                               What sensors come integral to the unit?
                                                                                                                                     There are 4 internal temperature sensors for the unit
                                                                            ☐ 3- or 5-Year Warranty Add-On                           and 1 for the electric pre-heat that are included.
                                                                            ☐ Optional Sensors: CO₂/VOC, Humidity, Pressure

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VENTUM High Performance H/ERV - Oxygen8
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