Page created by Glen Goodwin
                                            IN PRIMARY CULTURES OF MOUSE KIDNEY AND BRONCHUS,
                                            AND PRODUCTION OF MALIGNANT KIDNEY TUMORS IN MICE
                                                                   BY SUBCULTURES*
                                                             DOROTHY NORLIN, AND SYLVIA WEISS
                                                                          DEPARTMENT OF CYTOCHEMISTRY,
                                                          SWISS INSTITUTE FOR EXPERIMENTAL CANCER RESEARCH, LAUSANNE

                                                                Communicated by Clarence C. Little, December 16, 1964
                                            The present investigation was stimulated mainly by previous observations of
                                          Kotin and Wisely' and of Leuchtenberger et al.,2-4 who exposed mice to a combina-
                                          tion of subacute respiratory infections with influenza virus and inhalation of
                                          aerosols of hydrocarbons, or to a combination of such infections with inhalation of
                                          cigarette smoke, respectively. In view of the fact that both studies suggested that
                                          influenza virus may be implicated as a cofactor in the development of bronchogenic
                                          carcinoma, a further exploration of the role which influenza virus may play in
                                          malignant transformation seemed of special interest. Tissue cultures provide a
                                          much better model than the living animal for the evaluation of time sequential
                                          cellular alterations during transformation. In this investigation the effect of in-
                                          fluenza virus on cells was studied in long-term tissue cultures using correlated
                                          cytological and microspectrographic cytochemical techniques.5' 6
                                            Evidence will be presented that PR 8 influenza virus evokes not only trans-
                                          formation of cells in cultures similar to that described by Shein and Enders7 and
                                          by Shein et al.8 in cells from human kidney cultures infected with SV40 virus, but
                                          also that inoculation of subcultures into the living animal results in the production
                                          of malignant tumors.
                                             Materials and Methods.-An inbred strain of mice, characterized by a hereditary recessive an-
                                          terior pituitary hypoplasia (Snell's dwarf mice) was utilized.9 We selected this strain because it
                                          afforded the opportunity to compare the response of cells to infection with influenza virus in tissue
                                          cultures from litter mates, which are dwarfs, with that of normal mice.'0 This report will, how-
                                          ever, be concerned only with the effect of influenza virus on cells from "normal mice" of this strain.
                                          Kidneys from mice (9-25 days old) and bronchi2 from normal mice (37-70 days old), were tryp-
                                          sinized and grown on coverslips in plastic Petri dishes in Eagle's growth medium, modified ac-
                                          cording to Dulbecco and Freeman," containing 10% calf serum, penicillin, and streptomycin, and
                                          placed in a CO2 incubator at 370C. In 11 experiments comprising 338 primary cultures of kidneys,
                                          168 cultures 3-14 days of age were infected with PR 8 influenza virus in a dose of 10-3, and 170
                                          cultures were kept as controls. In 3 experiments comprising 41 primary cultures of bronchi, 22
                                          cultures 9-12 days of age were infected in the same manner, and 19 cultures were kept as controls.
                                          Subcultures were prepared from the infected and control cultures. Primary as well as subcul-
                                          tures were injected into newborn Snell's mice intraperitoneally and intrathoracically. The
                                          PR 8 influenza virus was originally obtained from Dr. Lindenmann of the Department of Pub-
                                          lic Health in Bern, Switzerland, and had undergone an undetermined number of egg passages.
                                          The viral material used for the infection of kidney and bronchi cultures consisted of allantoic
                                          fluid of eggs infected with a high dilution material (10-6) and had a hemagglutination titer of 2560.
                                          Infected cultures on coverslips were harvested at periods from 6 hr to 78 days after infection when,
                                          at each age, coverslips of control cultures of the same age were also removed simultaneously.
                                          For the cytological examination, coverslips of living cultures, and coverslips after fixation for 3
                                          min in 95% alcohol, followed by dehydration and standardized staining with H.E. and Giemsa,
                                          were examined by phase and light microscopy, respectively. Control and infected cultures were
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VOL. 53. 1965            MICROBIOLOGY: LEUCHTENBERGER ET AL.                                                 695

                                          always mounted on the same slide, and studied first without knowledge of whether or not the
                                          culture was infected. For a relative comparison of intracellular RNA and DNA, acridine-orange
                                          fluorescence12 and methyl-green-pyronin staining's were used, and for the quantitative DNA
                                          determinations in individual cells Feulgen microspectrography was applied as previously de-
                                          scribed.14 For the hemadsorption studies, infected cultures (24 hr, 72 hr, 7 days, and 20 days
                                          after infection) and corresponding control cultures were washed 3 times with PBS, and washed
                                          guinea pig red cells were added at a concentration of 0.5%. These cells were left on the tissue
                                          culture cells for a few minutes with occasional rocking of the Petri dish. The red cell suspension
                                          was then drained and the cultures were washed once carefully with PBS. Hemadsorption was ob-
                                          served under low-power and high-power magnification after staining with Giemsa and Feulgen
                                          Fast Green.'4
                                            Results.-When primary cultures of kidneys from Snell's mice (9-25 days old)
                                          were examined at different periods after infection with PR 8 influenza virus, specific
                                          cytological and cytochemical features were observed as summarized in Table 1
                                          and as described below. The cellular alterations were reproducible in all of 168 in-
                                          fected cultures from 11 experiments and were not found in 170 corresponding non-
                                          infected control cultures of the same age. Although the changes in the cultures
                                          were not always confined to a special stage, but were sometimes overlapping (partic-
                                          ularly between stages I and II and between stages II and III), for convenience of
                                          description the sequential alterations progressing with time are divided into 3 main
                                            Stage 1: An increasing number of cells exhibit a marked enlargement, 24-72 hr
                                          after infection, in nucleolar and nuclear size, with production of inclusions, first in
                                                                                TABLE 1
                                                                                              Type of         Stage I      Stage 2           Stage 3
                                                              Feature                         culture        24-72 hr     72-144 hr      144 hr-78 days
                                          Striking inhibition of mitosis                      Infected          +             -
                                                                                              Control           -             -
                                          Marked proliferation                                Infected          -             +                + (focal)
                                                                                              Control           +             +                +
                                          Striking chromosomal alterations                    Infected          -             +                +
                                                                                              Control           -             -
                                          Enlargement of nuclear and nucleolar                Infected          +
                                            size characteristic for influenza virus                                       (or rare)
                                            infection                                         Control

                                          Striking degeneration and death of cells            Infected          +             +                + (focal)
                                                                                              Control           -             -
                                          Disorganized cell pattern of culture and            Infected          -             -                +
                                            occurrence of giant bizarrely shaped                                          (or rare)
                                            cells                                            Control

                                          Striking intranuclear and intracytoplasmic         Infected           +
                                            RNA increase characteristic for influ-                                        (or rare)
                                            enza virus infection (viral replication)         Control            -

                                          Abnormally high DNA content in nuclei              Infected            -            -                +
                                                                                             Control             -
                                          Striking tendency to higher DNA values             Infected           -             +                +
                                            in areas of proliferation                        Control            -

                                          DNA and RNA increase in accordance                 Infected           -             +                +
                                           with cell division                                Control            +             +                +
                                            * In 170 noninfected controls and in 168 Sne Il's mouse kidney cultures after various periods of infection with
                                          PR 8 influenza virus.
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696                MICROBIOLOGY: LEUCHTENBERGER ET AL.                   PROC. N. A. S.

                                          the nucleus, then in the cytoplasm, accompanied by formation of large quantities
                                          of RNA, first present in nucleoli, nuclei, and then in cytoplasm, while the DNA
                                          quantity remains unchanged. These cells do not show any evidence of cell di-
                                          vision but, on the contrary, disclose gradual cell degeneration and cell destruction,
                                          as indicated by breaking up, margination of nuclear chromatin, and ballooning of
                                          nuclei, with gradual loss of RNA and finally of DNA from cells. This sequence of
                                          cytological and cytochemical events is essentially the same as described after in
                                          vivo infections with PR 8 influenza virus.4e 6 These sequential changes were never
                                          found in control cultures.
                                             Stage II: From 72 to 144 hr after infection, areas of cell necrosis become more
                                          prominent, but at the same time foci of pronounced cellular proliferation are found,
                                          which frequently seem to be heaping up and display a crisscross appearance.
                                          Such proliferating cells do not reveal any of the morphological and nucleic acid
                                          alterations described in stage I. They resemble those found in areas of rapid pro-
                                          liferation in noninfected control cultures, that is, both exhibit mitosis and carry in-
                                          tracellular DNA and RNA augmentations in accordance with the process of cell
                                          division. However, the tendency to crisscross growth seems to be somewhat more
                                          frequent in the infected cultures. Furthermore, as can be seen from Figure 1, the
                                          intracellular DNA content in areas of proliferation of infected cultures is, in general,
                                          higher than in cells of similar areas of control cultures. This difference in the DNA
                                          content in areas of proliferation not only holds true for the primary cultures, but
                                          also for the subcultures.
                                             Stage III: From 144 hr up to the termination of the experiment (the longest
                                          being, 78 days), striking cellular alterations which have never been seen in the
                                          corresponding control cultures can be observed in the infected cultures. In con-
                                          trast to the controls, which form now a rather even sheet of relatively uniform
                                          cells (Fig. 2), the infected cultures show a disorganized pattern, such as marked
                                          disparity of size of cells, of nuclei, and of nucleoli and their number. There is also
                                          disruption of cell boundaries, and ragged appearance of cytoplasm with frequent
                                             Within areas of rarefication, where signs of preceding cell degeneration can
                                          still be seen, a number of extraordinarily large cells with bizarrely shaped giant
                                          nuclei, frequently disclosing budding and formation of micronuclei, and highly ab-
                                          normal distribution of clumped large quantities of chromatin are noted (Figs. 3a,
                                          3b). Some of these cells exhibit abnormal prophases and metaphases, tripolar
                                          spindles, and marked alterations of chromosomes, such as stickiness, lagging, and
                                          feathering. DNA analyses of these abnormal cells by microspectrography yield
                                          values approximately 90 times, while in control cultures the largest nuclei, which
                                          were rather rare and of normal shape, yield values up to 16 times the amount of a
                                          diploid nucleus.
                                             Essentially the same findings as those described for kidney cultures after infec-
                                           tion with PR 8 influenza virus were obtained in infected cultures of bronchi from
                                           normal Snell's mice. However, since control cultures of bronchi from these adult
                                           mice revealed a much more variable morphological and DNA pattern of the cells,
                                           an assessment of the changes induced by the infection with influenza virus of bron-
                                           chial epithelium in cultures presents difficulties.
                                              In view of the fact that abnormal cells in the infected cultures (Figs. 3a, 3b)
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VOL. 53, 1965



                                                                         N =,

                                                                         2 CNA


                                                                          N   7 '7

                                                                    MICROBIOLOGY: LEUCHTENBERGER ET AL.

                                                                          C- NT.R A_



                                                                    AMOUNT OF DNA IN ARBITRARY UNIT S
                                                                    N * NUMBER           OF NUCLEI

                                                                                                         12           !6

                                                            FIG. 1.-Comparison of DNA content in individual nuclei from
                                                          proliferating areas of control and PR 8 influenza virus-infected
                                                          Snell's kidney cultures.

                                          resemble closely those described by Shein and Enders from human kidney cultures
                                          infected with SV40 virus,' 8 and also exhibit characteristics usually associated
                                          with tumor cells, primary cultures and subcultures containing these grotesque
                                          cells were injected intraperitoneally and intrathoracically into newborn Snell's
                                          mice. While the majority of the mice injected with primary cultures are still alive
                                          and so far without macroscopic evidence of tumor (the longest period after in-
                                          jection being 9 months), a few mice were killed within the first two weeks for the
                                                                                                                               ...... .. ..,...

                                                                                                                                          ,, .L01UaIL



                                                                                                  ~~ ~        ~   ~        ~               ~            ~      ~    ~   ~   4


                                          FIG. 2 -Ten-day old culture of Snell's kidneys' Noninfected culture, Feulgen reaction, approx
                                               X 375. Note even appearance of culture and normal shape of nuclei of varying sizes.
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                                                   '      ~
VOL. 53, 1965        MICROBIOLOGY: LEUCHTENBERGER ET AL.                                      699

                                            FIG. 4.-Section of small bronchus of 11-day-old mouse. Intrapulmonary injection, at birth,
                                          of mouse kidne cell culture, 7 days previously infected with PR 8 influenza virus (see Fig. 3a).
                                          H.E. X 375. Note several rows of proliferating, focally irregularly arranged epithelial cells with
                                          abundant mito-ses. Beginning stratification and squamous cell metaplasia of lining epithelium.
                                          In the outer part of bronchial lumen, mixed iiiflammatory and few desquamated epithelial cells.

                                          in Figure 5. This tumor occurred 3 months after intrathoracic injection of a
                                          2nd passage derived from an explant of bronchus infected with PR 8 influenza
                                          virus. Both kidneys were involved. The left kidney was greatly enlarged and
                                          consisted to over 90 per cent of a solid tumor mass which had infiltrated capsule
                                          and peritoneum; the right one was of normal size and disclosed tumor in the renal
                                          medulla infiltrating the renal pelvis. Microscopically, masses of spindle cell sar-
                                          coma were present.
                                             Discussion.-There are two findings in the present study which deserve special
                                             (1) Cells from Snell's mouse kidney cultures respond in essentially the same
                                          manner to PR 8 influenza virus as do cells from Snell's mouse bronchi cultures and
                                          cells from CF1 mouse bronchi after in vivo infection with PR 8 influenza virus.
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700                   MICROBIOLOGY: LEUCHTEANBERGER ET AL.                         PROC. N. A. S.


                                            FIG. 5.-Section of kidney tumor of 2-month-old mouse. Intrathoracic injection, at birth, of
                                          2nd passage derived from bronchus previously infected with PR 8 influenza virus. H. E approx.
                                          X 375. Note interlacing bundles of highly atypical cells with mitosis characteristic of poorly dif-
                                          ferentiated spindle cell sarcoma.

                                          In all instances the influenza virus evokes two opposite effects which follow each
                                          other within different cells of the same host tissue, namely, virus-type specific
                                          nucleic acid (RNA) replication resulting in cell death, followed by cell-specific DNA
                                          and RNA replication resulting in cell proliferation and eventual transformation.
                                          The observation that kidney cultures were also suitable for the exploration of the
                                          biological effect of PR 8 influenza virus proved to be of advantage, not only because
                                          dissection and preparation of bronchi from mice for tissue cultures are rather
                                          difficult, but especially in view of the fact that, in contrast to control cultures of
                                          kidneys, control cultures of bronchi sometimes revealed cellular abnormalities.
                                             (2) All cultures of mouse kidneys and bronchi infected with PR 8 influenza
                                          virus revealed giant, bizarrely shaped cells exhibiting abnormal mitosis and high
                                          DNA content. These cells are not only strikingly similar, in regard to morphology,
                                          to those observed after infection of human kidney cultures with SV4O virus,7s 8 but
                                          subcultures, when injected into newborn mice, also produce malignant tumors as
                                          do hamster cells infected with SV4O virus.'15, 16
                                             It thus appears that PR 8 influenza virus is another respiratory "infectious"
                                          virus which under certain conditions is capable of eliciting malignant transforma-
                                          tion of cells as has been demonstrated for adenovirus types 12 anid 18 by Trentin
                                          et al.'7 This findingg does not only give further support to the concept that in-
                                          fluenza virus may be iniplicated as a cofactor inl the development of bronchogenic
                                          carcinoma,'- but it imposes caution on the strict separation between "tumor"
                                          viruses and "infectious" viruses.6
                                             Immunological studies are under way to explore the interrelation between PR 8
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VOL. 53, 1965         MICROBIOLOGY: LEUCHTENBERGER ET AL.                                     701

                                          influenza virus, morphological and cytochemical transformation of cells in tissue
                                          cultures, and the malignant property of these cells.
                                             Summary.-Cultures from kidney and bronchus of Snell's mice, when infected
                                          with PR 8 influenza virus, showed essentially the same sequence of cytological and
                                          cytochemical alterations as those observed in bronchi and lungs of CF1 mice after
                                          in vivo infection with PR 8 influenza virus. In addition, there oceurred in the in-
                                          fected tissue cultures giant bizarrely shaped cells resembling closely those de-
                                          scribed by Shein and Enders for cells from human kidney cultures infected with
                                          SV40 virus. Intraperitoneal and intrathoracic injection of newborn mice with
                                          subcultures derived from PR 8 infected explants of kidney and bronchus resulted
                                          in production of malignant kidney tumors.
                                            The authors wish to express their great gratitude to Dr. John F. Enders, Department of Bac-
                                          teriology and Immunology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass., for his interest and valuable
                                          advice in this work. The authors are also indebted to Dr. Schultz-Larsen, Institute of Human
                                          Genetics in Copenhagen, for sending Snell's mice.
                                             * This study was supported in part by research grants of the Council for Tobacco Research,
                                          U.S.A., and of the Ciba, Basel, Switzerland.
                                              I Kotin, P., and D. V. Wisely, in Progress in Experimental Tumor Research, ed. F. Homburger

                                          (Basel and New York: Karger, 1963), vol. 3, p. 186.
                                              2 Leuchtenberger, C., R. Leuchtenberger, and P. F. Doolin, Cancer, 11, 490 (1958).
                                              3Leuchtenberger, C., R. Leuchtenberger, W. Zebrun, and P. Shaffer, Cancer, 13, 721 (1960).
                                              4Leuchtenberger, C., R. Leuchtenberger, F. Ruch, K. Tanaka, and T. Tanaka, Cancer Res.,
                                          23, 555 (1963).
                                              5 Leuchtenberger, C., and R. Leuchtenberger, Intern. Rev. Cytol., 14, 281 (1963).
                                              6 Leuchtenberger, C., Bibl. Microbiol. (Basel and New York: Karger, 1964), Fasc. 4, p. 18.
                                                Shein, H. M., and J. F. Enders, these PROCEEDINGS, 48, 1164 (1962).
                                              8 Shein, H. M., J. F. Enders, L. Palmer, and E. Grogan, Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 115, 618
                                              9 Kemp, T., Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand., Suppl. 16, 189 (1933).
                                             10 Leuchtenberger, C., H. Fr. Helweg-Larsen, and L. Murmanis, Lab. Invest., 3, 245 (1954).
                                             11 Dulbecco, R., and G. Freeman, Virology, 8, 396 (1959).
                                             12 Niven, J. S. F., "The cytopathology of virusinfection," Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 81,84 (1959).
                                             13 Leuchtenberger, C., Chromosoma, 3, 449 (1950).
                                             14 Leuchtenberger, C., in General Cytochemical Methods, ed. J. F. Danielli (New York: Academic
                                          Press, 1958), p. 219.
                                             1" Rabson, A. S., and R. L. Kirschstein, Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 111, 323 (1962).
                                             16 Shein, H. M., J. F. Enders, Y. D. Levinthal, and A. E. Burket, these PROCEEDINGS, 49, 28
                                             17 Trentin, Y. Y., Y. Yabe, and G. Taylor, Science, 137,835 (1962).
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