Using Formal Concept Analysis to study social coding in GitHub
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Using Formal Concept Analysis to study social coding in GitHub Otmar M. Pereira Junior1 , Luis E. Zárate1 , Humberto T. Marques-Neto1 , and Mark A. J. Song1 1 Department of Computer Science, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais Brazil Abstract— Currently, the world watches the expansion of willing to understand the typical profile of developers that the social networks phenomenon in the form of several dif- have skills similar to the ones of a popular project of a given ferent networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, GitHub and technology. We believe that GitHub data can be valuable many others. Such sites join together a user base that can indicator of developers possessing certain skills and proven reach millions of people connected from places everywhere experience. in the planet. These impressive marks motivate questions This paper aims to study the developer networks around about the characteristics of the members of these networks, the most popular software repositories in GitHub by apply- due to opportunities present in them that can generate ing Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) to discover the most economical gains, augment the influence and popularity of relevant common attributes of the developers contributing to an organization or product. GitHub’s most successful open source projects using public This paper shows some of the main attributes of the information of the developers available via GitHub API. contributors of the 20 most popular projects in GitHub using Formal Concept Analysis to uncover the most relevant 2. Social Coding characteristics. Despite the global success of the projects, The evolution of information and communications tech- we see geographical clusters of developers behind the most nology in the second half of twentieth century, specially popular projects, what can serve as motivation to engage in the last 15 years, made the contemporary society highly developers of other regions and increase the cultural variety connected through complex networks, much like in the form in popular open source projects. described in [15]. As part of this process of increasing interconnection between people all around the world, so- Keywords: Social Coding, Formal Concept Analysis cial networks linking individuals with common interests of several different kinds arose: Facebook reuniting friends, 1. Introduction professional networking in LinkedIn, photos and video shar- The recent expansion of the social networks reached ing in YouTube and Instagram and open source software several different domains, ranging from music preferences development in SourceForge, GitHub, Google Code and to professional networking. Among these platforms, one can many others. find social networks devoted to the development of open- Among the categories of social networks, the category source software. One of the first instances of this kind of that brings together software developers is very popular and social network is SourceForge, still very popular. has SourceForge as one of its main examples since 1999. More recently, in 2008, GitHub was founded bringing sev- Still in the current days, SourceForge has over three million eral social features, what made it experiment a great success registered members. Many popular open source software are since then and take the leadership of its category after only hosted in SourceForge, that continues to be a friendlier place three years of existence, having even more affiliated users to end users than GitHub. While we see many applications than the popular SourceForge [1]. redirecting users to download installation binaries in Source- Such growth made Github object of several works in the Forge, we cannot observe a similar pattern in GitHub, that community, as observed in [16], [17], that describes the seems to be more targeted to developers. This may be one behavior of GitHub members on the Internet. On the other of the reasons that GitHub does not provide via its API hand, the authors of this paper could not find any work that a downloads counter of the project binaries and even the tries to explain the causes of the formation of the developer Downloads API has been deprecated. networks of the main projects in GitHub in the same sense of Other social networks, such as Facebook, MySpace and the papers of Yu [18], Singh [12] and Gao [19], that describe Orkut have popularized Web 2.0 by giving a special em- the communities formed in SourceForge. phasis on social aspects of the applications used by people Previous works, like [21], show that some companies are on the Internet. In addition to the characteristics found in already paying attention to platforms like GitHub to more SourceForge, GitHub put in the spotlight social features accurately evaluate technical skills and accomplishments of of its developers’ networks such as user feeds, following IT professionals. Nonetheless, GitHub does not provide tools users and projects, collaboration to project’s wiki pages and to reduce the efforts of Human Resources professionals visualization of graphs showing the connections of members.
Project name Stars received Another facet of collaborative development that has been bootstrap 60525 promoted by GitHub is the use of distributed version control jquery 25750 systems instead of centralized ones, like Subversion and node 25541 CVS. Developed by the famous and acclaimed Linus Tor- html-boilerplate 22924 rails 19987 valds to help in the development of Linux kernel, Git was d3 19685 one of the first distributed version control systems, where Font-Awesome 18594 different versions of the source code are not in a single impress.js 18256 angular.js 16310 server. Each development machine contains all the previous backbone 16142 versions of the software, instead of only the workspace chosen 13927 version, as is the case when working with centralized ver- jQuery-File-Upload 13777 sion control systems. This paradigm reduces significantly three.js 13249 jekyll 12906 common issues in concurrent software development, like brackets 12900 resolving conflicts when merging files before a release. gitignore 12467 GitHub promotes Git as its main version control system gitlabhq 11027 meteor 10263 and some of its features to promote social interactions, textmate 9221 like forking repositories and sending pull requests to other select 8750 developers. This paper studies a network formed by developers that Table 1: List of the projects and stars given by GigHub users have been tagged as contributor to at least one of the as of September 2013. 20 projects in GitHub that had received most stars as of September 2013 in GitHub. We aim to unveil the main characteristics shared between the people that work on open devoted to analysis of much large scale, including hundreds source software projects by using Formal Concept Analyis or thousands of projects. In spite of the limited number of (FCA) to discover association rules and implication rules projects analyzed, Table 1 shows some indications of the between the attributes exposed by the GitHub API [7], that rich gets richer effect described by [15]: very few projects exposes some geographical and personal data about each concentrate most of the characteristics and in general, these developer. very few instances are the ones that continue to grow. We see that in a universe of millions of repositories, the bootstrap 2.1 Selected Dataset repository has almost ten times more stars received than the In the quest for understanding the popularity of projects 20th repository of the ranking. in GitHub, we concentrated our efforts on the data of the 20 projects that had been starred the most by GitHub members 2.2 Network construction as of September 2013. The selection of the projects was After selecting the projects to analyze data from, further based upon data available in GitHub Archive [3] and can be data was retrieved to build contributors’ network of the seen in Table 1. projects. The co-participation of two developers in a project The criteria of received stars has been chosen due to the serves as link to this network that was built as an undirected belief in it as an indicator of the project popularity and graph. The information about the contribution to a project interest upon the project. According to GitHub API doc- is available via GitHub API [7] and in order to consolidate umentation [8], stars are used to bookmark a repository and the data, an Extract-Transform-and-Load process has been show an approximate level of interest, what makes it a good implemented in the tool Pentaho [9]. The list of user indication of project popularity. It is similar to the metric attributes retrieved from GitHub API is shown in the section employed by [12] to measure the commercial success of 3.1 and the data gathering process is depicted in Figure 1. an open-source project in SourceForge platform. Moreover, After having the 20 project’s contributors data collected, the authors consider this metric the most appropriate among another Pentaho transformation has been implemented to the ones available in GitHub API to evaluate the success of resolve geographic information - continent and country - for project. each developer using the Microsoft Bing Maps API [10]. The gathering of the top projects’ ranking was conducted Since the location information for each developer is filled in using the tool Google Big Query [2], that imposes some GitHub in natural language form in many different ways - restrictions on the volume of data processed by the submitted some inform just their country or province while many others queries. Such restriction directed our efforts on the analysis give only their city name - a more powerful geographical of the 20 most popular projects. Because of that, in this work resolution API was put in place to improve the information its expected to observe trends applicable only to the most about the location of each member of the network. prominent projects, and attributes that set these projects apart Finally, after collecting all the attributes about each de- of the less popular ones should be object of other papers veloper, a Java program has been implemented to generate a
Fig. 1: Pentaho transformation implemented to retrieve developer data in GitHub. file in the format of the PAJEK software. This format is very all the common attributes shared between the objects of the popular and can be imported by a great number of network extent set. analysis tools. The construction of a formal context as defined before In the the network constructed after applying all these enables one to build a conceptual lattice that acts as a steps, one can observer the small-world phenomenon, origi- hierarchy of concepts and enables the discovery of new nally studied by Stanely Milgram [11]: the graph diameter is concepts - unexpected combinations of objects and attributes only 5, what means that every developer of the 5,385 contrib- - and the relations between the objects and attributes. utors in this network knows each other through partaking in Some algorithms can be applied to find interesting patterns the same project with at most four other developers. One of of attributes that appear together in association rules and the factors that contribute to the low diameter of this graph is implication sets that are not trivial neither redundant. In certainly the significant number of partaking between pairs general, algorithms studied by FCA academics and available of developers: 3,857,471 were found, making this network in some tools are used to mine logical dependencies between a fairly dense one. the attributes and groups of instances that given a subset of attributes are frequently found together. We recommend readers interested in more details about 3. Formal Concept Analysis Formal Concept Analysis to refer to [4] for a thorough Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a recent knowledge explanation of the mathematical foundations around the area that has been in expansion since the 1980s and in- Formal Concept Analysis. teresting results have been obtained by its application to hierarchize and discover concepts that were not immediately 3.1 Formal Context definition evident in the original form of the given problem. In this work, the set of objects G has been defined as the The studies in this area involve the definition of a for- set of developers who contributed to the 20 selected projects. mal context, relating the elements being analyzed and the These developers have several properties describing them in attributes of these objects. their profile and 36 of them were used to construct the set A formal context is represented by a triple (G,M,I), where of binary attributes, M, which elements are shown in the G is the set of the objects, M is the set of attributes following list with a description of each one of the selected corresponding to some of the elements’ properties under properties: analysis and I ⊆ G x M is an incidence relation that indicates 1) Indicator of whether or not the registered user account which objects contain which attributes. In some cases, the is personal. When an account is not registered as a attributes have a single valued domain, where the attribute is personal one, it means that it has been registered in whether true or false. It is also possible to model attributes the name of an organization. corresponding to domains of higher cardinality, like colors 2) Flag that indicates if the user administrates a project or size - small, medium, large. In this work, for the sake of in GitHub. simplicity, we model a formal context where all the attributes 3) Profile information indicating member availability for are of the former kind. hiring. A concept of a formal context is a pair (A,B), where A, 4) The contributor has more than 50 public repositories where A ⊆ G, is defined as the extent of the concept and in GitHub. consists of all the objects pertaining to the concept. The set 5) The user has already shared more than 50 gists - code B, where B ⊆ M, is the intent of the concept is formed by snippets used in discussion with other members of
4. Results The analysis of the formal context was conducted using Conexp software. In this section, the most relevant rules will be discussed. Conexp computed a total of 1,822 concepts, 758 implication sets and 872 association rules involving different combinations of the attributes found on the input Fig. 2: Part of the formal context imported into Conexp. data. The most prominent combinations are discussed next. Project contributors are represented by their logins in each Implication sets contain logical implications involving the row and columns indicate the presence of a given property attributes of the given formal context. Although it is possible of that developer. to analyze all the combinations of the finite set of attributes and objects of the formal context, clearly, many of them would be trivial or redundant. It is thus necessary to restrict the set of implications that should be analyzed. Conexp GitHub. was used to compute the minimal set of rules and the 6) The biographical information on the user profile is most relevant characteristics of these implications - frequent very long. As inspection of some profiles having this attributes - are discussed below. characteristic showed that the biographical informa- • The implication User account is personal → user tion, when very long, is used by developers to publish account created more than three years ago is true for their curriculum vitae. 5,365 of 5,385 developers. This means that in general, 7) The member follows more than 1,000 other GitHub companies and other institutions do not contribute to the users. popular open source projects in GitHub. Furthermore, 8) The developer has more than 1,000 followers. the developer is an old member of GitHub. Popular 9) The user account was created more than three years projects in GitHub seem to be an space where new- ago. comers may not be welcome: in the vast majority of 10) Member location is in North America. the cases analyzed, the attribute that indicates the user 11) Person location is South America. as having an user account registered more than three 12) Developer is based in Europe. years ago prevailed. 13) User’s location is Africa. • Results regarding user’s geographical information: 421 14) Asia is the informed location by the user. rules involve North American members; 342 developers 15) The developer has informed his or her location as based in Europe; 204 have developers with undeter- somewhere in Oceania. mined location; 187 relate South American developers; 16) The last 20 attributes indicate the participation in 133 rules involve Asian members of GitHub, 115 from project i, where i indicates the participation of the the Oceanic continent and African developers are part member in the project indexed by i in the list of of just 34 implication rules. Despite the fact of being projects sorted alphabetically. a platform spread across the world, there is a great For example: a developer who contributed to the deal of concentration of users in North America and first project in the list, angular.js, will have the Europe. Surprisingly, in the Asian continent we find Participated1 attribute set to true, while someone who less contributors than in South America, a continent has not contributed to the last project in the list, having approximately 10 times less inhabitants. textmate.js, will present the attribute Participated20 • The implication available for hiring → User account indicating false for such participation. is personal AND user account created more than three In order to represent and analyze the formal context, an years ago that is true for 1,277 members indicate that specific tool designed to build concept lattices from formal long time contributors are also paying attention to new contexts and calculate implication sets, association rules and professional opportunities in GitHub. new concepts. Conexp [5] software was the tool elected to help on the analysis of the formal context. 5. Conclusions All the attributes mentioned above were retrieved from In this paper we have seen that the Formal Concept the network built previously and imported into Conexp [5]. Analysis can be a valuable tool to analyze very large Figure 2 shows part of the formal context defined in this sec- scale social networks, like GitHub, which user base reaches tion. The rows correspond to the login of GitHub members marks around millions of users and projects. The theoretical and the columns are marked with an X when an attribute of and practical framework in Formal Concept Analysis field the list 3.1 is true and is left blank otherwise. More details enables the application of techniques to study social net- about this tool can be found in its documentation page [6]. work characteristics. This was the case with GitHub, where
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