Use of Marine Craft Policy - Devon and Cornwall Police
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OFFICIAL – Open FOIA - Open Use of Marine Craft Policy Reference No. SA017 Implementation Date 04/06/18 Version Date 09/09/21 Version Number 1.4 Freedom of Information Act Open Government Security Classifications OFFICIAL – Open Uncontrolled version copy when printed [Date & time accessed: 09/09/2021 13:23]
OFFICIAL – Open FOIA – Open Table of Contents 1. Policy Section 2. Standards 3. Procedure Section 3.1 Operation of Police and Crime Commissioner owned/Joint Agency operated boats 3.2 Marine Craft Passengers 3.3 Insurance 3.4 Health and Safety 3.5 Police Use of privately owned craft Appendix A 4. Consultation and Authorisation 5. Version Control Uncontrolled version copy when printed 2 [Date & time accessed: 09/09/2021 13:23]
OFFICIAL – Open FOIA – Open 1 Policy Section (FOIA – Open) 1.1 Vision of the Strategic Alliance 1.1.1 Working together as it can offer the best opportunity to: • Develop service delivery to the public • Ensure delivery against the PCCs’ Police and Crime Plans • Retain a local policing identity • Ensure resilience around our Strategic Policing Requirement • Maximise value for money • Maximise opportunities for the ongoing personal/professional development of our staff 1.1.2 This approach also satisfies the set critical success factors as follows: • Both forces mitigate/manage their greatest threat, harm and risks • Both forces achieve their medium term financial strategies • The strategic policing requirement continues to be met with reducing resources • A transformational approach to service delivery • Both forces adapt and respond to change in an agile/positive way • Opportunities to invest in new capabilities to meet emerging threats and technology 1.2 Statement of Intent – Aim and Rationale 1.2.1 It is the intention of this policy to provide guidance in relation to the use of marine craft by members of the Dorset, and Devon and Cornwall Police Alliance. 1.3 National Decision Model 1.3.1 The National Decision Model (NDM) is the primary decision-making model used in both Dorset Police and Devon and Cornwall Police. Where applied it ensures that ethical (see Code of Ethics), proportionate and defensible decisions can be made in relation to operational and non-operational policing. The latest guidance can be found via this APP link. 1.4 Code of Ethics 1.4.1 The Code of Ethics underpins every policy, procedure, decision and action in policing today and staff are reminded of the need to comply with the standards and principles of the Code of Ethics for policing. 1.5 Authorised Professional Practice 1.5.1 The College of Policing offers an online service that provides access to a consolidated body of guidance for policing called Authorised Professional Practice (APP). This enables officers and staff to access and search for the most up to date approved guidance, replacing a number of previously published NPIA and ACPO documents. APP guidance on Armed Policing should be accessed in conjunction with this policy. 1.6 GDPR Compliance Statement Uncontrolled version copy when printed 3 [Date & time accessed: 09/09/2021 13:23]
OFFICIAL – Open FOIA – Open 1.6.1 Devon and Cornwall and Dorset Police are committed to ensuring the security and protection of the personal information that we process, and to provide a compliant and consistent approach to data protection. Our policies and procedures have been developed taking into account the principles of the GDPR. 2 Standards (FOIA – Open) 2.1 Legal Basis 2.1 The guidance provided in this policy is based upon the documents ‘Practical Advice on Marine Policing’ and ‘Marine Policing Manual 2017.’ 2.2 Assessment Compliance 2.2.1 This document has been drafted and audited to comply with the principles of the Human Rights Act. Internal and external Equality and diversity issues have also been considered to ensure compliance with Equality legislation and policies. In addition Data Protection, Freedom of Information, Management of Police Information and Health and Safety issues have been considered. Adherence to this document will therefore ensure compliance with all relevant legislation and internal policies. 2.3 Monitoring 2.3.1 This working practice will be monitored by the Alliance Operations Department. 2.3.2 All records generated as a result of the application of this policy will be retained in accordance with Alliance policy J-P-011 – Records Management 2.4 Feedback 2.4.1 Feedback relating to this policy can be made to Force Support Group Uncontrolled version copy when printed 4 [Date & time accessed: 09/09/2021 13:23]
OFFICIAL – Open FOIA – Open 3 Procedure Section (FOIA – Open) 3.1 Operation of Police and Crime Commissioner owned/Joint Agency operated boats. 3.1.1 The FSG Inspector is responsible for ensuring the NPCC approved Police Boat Common Codes are complied with in relation to the use of any boats used for police purposes by the Alliance Operations Department. These codes relate to the classification of boats which may be operated and the training requirements for Police officers/staff forming the crew. (These have been prepared at a national level in close liaison and with the approval and guidance of the Maritime Coastguard Agency MCA). 3.1.2 LPA Commanders wishing to operate Marine Craft other than those resourced and crewed by the Force Support Group must ensure strict compliance with the Alliance Marine Operations Matrix. (Appendix A) Any such craft must comply with all requirements contained within the matrix and that responsibility will be solely owned by the relevant LPA Commander. The LPA must meet all associated costs. 3.1.3 No police officer or police staff within the Alliance Operations Department will undertake any planned deployment on the water without being personally authorised to do so by the relevant Marine FSG Sergeant (or in their absence the FSG Inspector). Local policing deployments of waterborne assets will be authorised by the relevant LPA Commander or their deputy. 3.1.4 In using this policy, reference should be made to the Police Boat Common Code (PBC3). 3.1.5 In the event that further guidance is required, contact should be made with the Alliance Specialist Ops Chief Inspector in charge of FSG. 3.2 Marine Craft Passengers 3.2.1 A police officer or member of police staff who uses a marine craft as transport, but does not form part of the crew, will not be subject to the requirements contained within this policy. Any personal protective equipment required, to use the marine craft, such as lifejackets, will need to be supplied by the boat owner / operator. 3.3 Insurance 3.3.1 The Alliance Insurance Department should be notified at the outset of each and every application being made to utilise privately owned marine vessels on the business of the Force, including any partnership deployments. 3.3.2 All vessels cannot be deployed on the water until all areas of the attached matrix have been complied with and a contract for the use of such vessels has been created and signed off. 3.3.3 The Alliance Insurance Department will require copies of the completed matrix, relevant certificates and completed contract document which may require disclosure to the Force Insurers. Uncontrolled version copy when printed 5 [Date & time accessed: 09/09/2021 13:23]
OFFICIAL – Open FOIA – Open 3.4 Health and Safety 3.4.1 For deployment of every vessel agreed under this policy a specific Health & Safety Risk Assessment must be drawn. 3.4.2 PPE will be worn in accordance with the matrix at appendix A and Risk Assessments. 3.5 Police Use of privately owned craft 3.5.1 In the event that consideration is given to the police use of a privately owned craft, liaison with FSG Chief Inspector, Specialist Operations should take place if practicable. 3.5.2 A record of the privately owned craft, will be maintained by Alliance Assurance, Audit & Risk Department. Individual LPAs will maintain a record of deployments of such craft for audit purposes. 3.5.3 Privately owned craft will only be used for purposes of community engagement, delivery safety initiatives and crime prevention. Any and all other purposes, such as enforcement and body recovery, will be carried out by the force marine unit, utilising police owned craft. Uncontrolled version copy when printed 6 [Date & time accessed: 09/09/2021 13:23]
OFFICIAL – Open FOIA – Open Appendix A (FOIA – Open) SECTION 1 – VESSEL REQUIREMENTS Y N 1.1 Be owned or operated by a Police service. 1.2 Conform to Annex 1 P.12 – P.92 of PBC (3), construction requirements. 1.3 Possess a Police Boat certificate Annex 7, (P137) & coded by the MCA or its representative as a Police Vessel. 1.4 Be able to satisfy Ch4 (4.1.1) and show to the Police service that the vessel is properly maintained and examined by an authorised marine police employee as defined in PBC(3) Chapter 3 & 7.1 1.5 Possess written approval from Alliance Insurance department detailing vessel concerned is appropriately covered for policing purposes. 1.6 Display vessel specific risk assessment and have approved in writing by Force H&S. PBC (3) 7.5 – 7.7. 1.7 Crew: (P.32) M.P.M - For a Police Vessel to be fully operational, a minimum number of 2 crew is required. Commanders should be cognisant of the practicalities and risk around issues such as a 2- person crew conducting boarding at sea where it is likely that only 1 member of police staff will be able to board a subject vessel. For this reason, where a Police Vessel is engaged on duties likely to entail regular boarding and interception work, a crew of at least 3 persons is preferable. 1.8 Before putting to sea on a voyage the person in charge of the vessel to notify a Police representative and to the HM Coastguard in their respective area of operation. PBC(3) 7.4 SECTION 2 – COXSWAIN CATEGORY Coxswain Category 1 (60m from safe haven) Y N 2.1 One of the following - STCW95 Master/ Yacht Master Ocean / Yacht Master Offshore / MCA Boat master grade 1/2/3. Coxswain Category 2 (20m from safe haven) Y N 2.2 One of the following - STCW95 Master/ Yacht Master Ocean / Yacht Master Offshore / RYA / DFT Yacht Master Offshore /MCA Boat Master / MCA police offshore RHIB / Coastal Patrol / Commercially endorsed RYA Advanced Power boat / Certificate of competence for area issued by competent authority (MCA Approved) Uncontrolled version copy when printed 7 [Date & time accessed: 09/09/2021 13:23]
OFFICIAL – Open FOIA – Open Coxswain Category 3 (20m from safe haven in favourable weather & Y N daylight) 2.3 One of the following - STCW95 Master/ Yacht Master Ocean / Yacht Master Offshore / RYA / DFT Yacht Master Offshore /MCA Boat Master / MCA police offshore RHIB / Coastal Patrol / Commercially endorsed RYA Advanced Power boat / Certificate of competence for area issued by competent authority (MCA Approved) Coxswain Category 4 (3m from safe haven) Y N 2.4 One of the following - STCW95 Master/ Yacht Master Ocean / Yacht Master Offshore / RYA / DFT Yacht Master Offshore /MCA Boat Master / MCA police offshore RHIB / Coastal Patrol / Commercially endorsed RYA Advanced Power boat / Commercially endorsed RYA Day Skipper theory & Practical / Certificate of competence for area issued by competent authority (MCA Approved) Coxswain Category 5 (3m from safe haven in favourable weather & Y N daylight) 2.5 One of the following - STCW95 Master/ Yacht Master Ocean / Yacht Master Offshore / RYA / DFT Yacht Master Offshore /MCA Boat Master / MCA police offshore RHIB / Coastal Patrol / Commercially endorsed RYA Advanced Power boat / Commercially endorsed RYA Day Skipper theory & Practical / Commercially endorsed RYA Powerboat level 2 (with 12 months experience) / RYA Advanced Power boat / Certificate of competence for area issued by competent authority / Local authority licence for appropriate area (MCA Approved) SECTION 3 - ALL COXSWAINS TO POSSES Y N 3.1 Authorised marine employee status as defined in Chapter 3 PBC(3) 3.2 Possess in date RYA PPR certificate. 3.3 RYA radar trained certificate, if vessel has radar fitted. 3.4 Medical fitness to be subject to a review by Force FMA annually N/A N/A (M.P.M. P34). (Note currently Force FMA is satisfied with ML5 certificate as found at 3.5. To be reviewed if/when MPM published). 3.5 Possess ENG/1 / ML5 or other recognised medical certification for commercial endorsement. Annex 10 (2.6) P.125 3.6 Possess either NPIA First Aid learning program module 2 & 4 as well as being trained in the rescue and transportation of casualties. Or MCA approved elementary First aid, RYA First Aid or Sea Fish basic First Aid. All qualifications should be refreshed every 5 yrs. Appendix 10 / 2.8.1. 3.7 Be able to demonstrate competency in Police boat handling in line with “Practical Advice for tactics & Procedures Used in Marine Uncontrolled version copy when printed 8 [Date & time accessed: 09/09/2021 13:23]
OFFICIAL – Open FOIA – Open Policing” as detailed by appendix 10/2.1.3 PBC (3). (Local assessment by suitable qualified officers). 3.8 Valid MCA or RYA sea survival certificate. 3.9 Complete annual Marine Officer fitness test, level 5.4 (P.38) M.P.M. 3.10 Complete annual Water Competency Test (P.38) M.P.M. 3.11 Retain records of qualifications and CPD and make available for viewing by head of Marine Units (P.37) M.P.M. 3.12 Possess VHF radio certificate. 3.13 Undertake 150 days every 5yrs helming experience to comply with commercial endorsement requirements. 3.14 Undertake annual Marine Police Tactics training as defined by Force (P37 M.P.M). Two days a year as part of Dorset Marine Unit CPD. 3.15 Be authorised in writing by senior officer in Police Marine Unit that they are qualified in accordance with PBC (3) & experienced to undertake their duties. PBC(3) Appendix 10 (3.1) P.127 SECTION 4 - 2IC TO POSSESS Y N 4.1 Possess RYA level 2 certification 4.2 Possess VHF radio certificate 4.3 Valid MCA or RYA sea survival certificate. 4.4 Complete annual Marine Officer fitness test, level 5.4 (P.38) M.P.M. 4.5 Complete annual Water Competency Test (P.38) M.P.M. 4.6 Retain records of qualifications and CPD and make available for viewing by head of Marine Units (P.37) M.P.M 4.7 Undertake annual Marine Police Tactics training as defined by Force (P37 M.P.M). Two days a year as part of Dorset Marine Unit CPD. 4.8 Medical fitness to be subject to a review by Force FMA annually (M.P.M. P34). (To be reviewed if/when MPM published). SECTION 5 - CREW TO POSSESS Y N 5.1 Valid MCA or RYA sea survival certificate. 5.2 Complete annual Marine Officer fitness test, level 5.4 (P.38) M.P.M. 5.3 Complete annual Water Competency Test (P.38) M.P.M. 5.4 Retain records of qualifications and CPD and make available for viewing by head of Marine Units (P.37) M.P.M Uncontrolled version copy when printed 9 [Date & time accessed: 09/09/2021 13:23]
OFFICIAL – Open FOIA – Open 5.5 Medical fitness to be subject to a review by Force FMA annually (M.P.M. P34). (To be reviewed if/when MPM published). 5.6 Undertake annual Marine Police Tactics training as defined by Force (P37 M.P.M). Two days a year as part of Dorset Marine Unit CPD. SECTION 6 - Equipment required for all crew & any passengers on Y N board 6.1 Operational dry suits whilst operating at sea more than 1m from a safe haven along with appropriate underclothing (section 4.1) PBC (3) 6.2 Protective headgear which facilitates communication (section 4.3) PBC (3) 6.3 If operating at night within 20m of a safe haven all persons should possess personal EPIRB’s (Section 2.5.2) 6.4 Officers to be equipped with P.P.E, stab vests to be accessible, not worn unless specific threat details. Possess and be trained in plastic cuffs, utilised instead of ridged handcuffs. Officers to be in possession of plastic cutter and inherently buoyant lifejacket for prisoners. (P41) M.P.M 6.5 In date & serviced tactical equipment vest lifejacket. 6.6 Where dry suits are not deemed suitable, appropriate protective clothing of a standard which affords protection from the elements and reduces the likelihood of hypothermia. PBC (3) Code B 4.1 (P.5). 6.7 Possess standalone waterproof torch PBC (3)6.1 (P.6) Uncontrolled version copy when printed 10 [Date & time accessed: 09/09/2021 13:23]
OFFICIAL – Open FOIA – Open 4 Consultation and Authorisation (FOIA – Open) 4.1 Consultation Version No: 1.4 Name Signature Date Police & Crime Commissioner Police Federation Superintendents Association GMB / UNISON / Unite Other Relevant Partners Force Support Group 19/08/21 (if applicable) 4.2 Authorisation of this Version Version No: 1.4 Name Signature Date Prepared: Policy Officer 09/09/21 Authorised: Kara Sherwood 07/09/21 5. Version Control (FOIA – Open) 5.1 Review Date of next scheduled review Date: 09/09/22 5.2 Version History Version Date Reason for Change Created / Amended by 1.0 04/06/18 Initial Document Policy Officer 1.1 19/07/18 Amendment at 3.5.2 Policy Officer 1.2 11/06/19 Review Policy Officer 1.3 02/07/20 Review Policy Officer 1.4 09/09/21 Review Policy Officer 5.3 Document History Present Portfolio Holder ACC Operations Present Document Owner Alliance Operations Department Present Owning Department Alliance Operations Department Uncontrolled version copy when printed 11 [Date & time accessed: 09/09/2021 13:23]
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