UPMC Comprehensive Epilepsy Center - Customized Care for Every Patient - From Our Team of Leading Experts - Neurological Surgery

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UPMC Comprehensive Epilepsy Center - Customized Care for Every Patient - From Our Team of Leading Experts - Neurological Surgery
UPMC Comprehensive
Epilepsy Center
Customized Care for Every Patient –   For more information
                                      on epilepsy treatment
From Our Team of Leading Experts      at UPMC, call:
                                      Visit our website at
UPMC Comprehensive Epilepsy Center - Customized Care for Every Patient - From Our Team of Leading Experts - Neurological Surgery
Message From Center Leadership                                                      Why Choose UPMC for
                                                                                    Epilepsy Care?
Welcome to the UPMC Comprehensive Epilepsy Center. We’re                            At the UPMC Comprehensive Epilepsy Center,
                                                                                    our patients are at the center of our approach.
a multidisciplinary team of internationally renowned epilepsy experts
                                                                                    We understand the impact that epilepsy has
who are dedicated to compassionate, competent, and comprehensive                    on a person’s life, from physical burdens to
epilepsy care.                                                                      emotional and social problems. It is our goal to
                                                                                    provide you with a broad understanding of your
What sets us apart from other epilepsy centers is our dedicated                     condition and work toward the best seizure
                                                                                    control possible, allowing you to enjoy a greater
comprehensive multidisciplinary team approach. Our team consists of                 quality of life.
board-certified epileptologists (neurologists with specialized training
                                                                                    The center is accredited as a level 4 epilepsy
in epilepsy), a board-certified neurosurgeon with specialized training in           center, the highest ranking afforded by the National
epilepsy surgery, neuroradiologists, neuropsychologists, as well as physician       Association of Epilepsy Centers (NAEC), and is
                                                                                    among the highest volume epilepsy centers in
assistants, nurse practitioners, and nurses with many years of experience           the country.
in the field. We are among a few select centers with a psychiatrist and
                                                                                    You do not have to leave the care of your current
psychotherapist integrated within our epilepsy clinic. We all work together         neurologist if you choose to have an evaluation
to provide exceptional care tailored to each individual patient.                    at UPMC. Our experts work alongside your
                                                                                    neurologist to ensure the most accurate diagnosis,
The UPMC Epilepsy Center is comprehensive, meaning we offer all services            determine the cause of your seizures when possible,
                                                                                    and start you on the path toward seizure freedom.
to address the needs of our patients supported by the most advanced
technology for diagnosing and treating epilepsy. Our team of experts work
                                                                                    About Epilepsy
to make a clear-cut diagnosis and tailor treatment to control your seizures
                                                                                    Epilepsy is a chronic (long-standing) medical
and reduce side effects. If you have medication-resistant epilepsy, we offer the
                                                                                    condition marked by recurrent unprovoked seizures,
full spectrum of modern surgical techniques for epilepsy, including less invasive   and it affects about one in 26 people in the U.S.
and robotic-assisted surgeries. Our experts also spearhead a variety of                                                                     Causes of Epilepsy
                                                                                    A seizure is a sudden surge of electrical activity
projects that are on the cutting edge of epilepsy research.                         in the brain that alters brain function. The symptoms   There are many known causes of epilepsy, including
                                                                                    of a seizure can vary greatly from a subtle sensory     tumor, stroke, genetics, brain infection, brain trauma,
We hope you find the information in this epilepsy guide helpful. We are             change or feeling of déjà-vu to a convulsion,           autoimmunity, and congenital abnormalities of the
here to guide you through this journey and find a customized treatment              depending on which part of the brain is affected.       brain (an abnormality of brain formation that is
                                                                                    Focal seizures begin in one localized area of the       present at birth). Often, however, the underlying
plan that works for you. You can count on our full commitment to provide            brain, whereas generalized seizures quickly affect      cause is unknown or yet to be determined.
you the best chance for seizure freedom and normalcy of life.                       both sides of the brain at the same time. A seizure
                                                                                    can begin as focal at the onset but later spread to     It is important to determine the cause of your epilepsy
                                                                                    the entire brain, causing a convulsion.                 when possible to aid in treatment. Some types of
                                                                                                                                            seizures respond better to certain treatments than
Sincerely,                                                                          We can distinguish 30 to 40 different kinds of          others. Overall, our team can successfully treat more
                                                                                    seizures. A person may have multiple types              patients when we can identify the specific cause of
                                                                                    of seizures as part of their epilepsy. It is of great   their epilepsy.
             Anto Bagić, MD, PhD                  Jorge Gonzalez-Martinez,          importance that all seizure types are tracked
             Center Director                      MD, PhD                           meticulously and reported consistently to               In about half of epilepsy cases, the cause is unknown.
                                                  Center Co-Director                a treating physician.

                                                                                                                                                                           Customized Care for Every Patient   2
UPMC Comprehensive Epilepsy Center - Customized Care for Every Patient - From Our Team of Leading Experts - Neurological Surgery
Diagnosing Epilepsy                                          Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU)                            Surgery                                                Patient Management Conference
                                                                                                                               One-third of patients with epilepsy have seizures      Once the necessary tests are completed, our expert,
        The evaluation of a person with epilepsy is aimed            For further evaluation, some people might need
                                                                                                                               that do not stop when they take seizure medications.   multidisciplinary team—epileptologists,
        at determining the type(s) of seizures they have as          to stay in our eight-bed, state-of-the-art EMU
                                                                                                                               We call this “intractable,” “uncontrolled,” or “drug   neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists, neuropsychologists,
        well as their cause. The answers to these questions          at UPMC Presbyterian to undergo testing. Our EMU
                                                                                                                               resistant” epilepsy. If one seizure medication has     and others—meets to review the results and discuss
        are typically found through the following:                   is a subspecialized diagnostic unit that provides
                                                                                                                               been unsuccessful, the chance of becoming seizure      a surgical treatment plan. In this way, care is
                                                                     gold standard testing for patients with epilepsy
        Medical History                                                                                                        free from trying a second medication is about          individualized for each patient who comes through
                                                                     and similar disorders. In the EMU, heart rate,
                                                                                                                               10-15%. After a second medication proves               the UPMC Epilepsy Center. After a detailed review
        • Description of seizure, as well as any aura                oxygenation, blood pressure and blood glucose are
                                                                                                                               unsuccessful, the person’s chance of becoming          of the data, our entire team agrees on a plan.
          (warning) that may be present                              checked for comprehensive monitoring. A typical
                                                                                                                               seizure free from additional medication trials         Following this discussion, a member of your care
        • Frequency (how often) and duration (how long)              admission may last up to seven days or even longer.
                                                                                                                               drops to less than 5%.                                 team will contact you to discuss our recommendations.
          of seizures                                                                                                                                                                 You will also be asked to follow up with the epilepsy
                                                                     During this study, we use a video EEG (VEEG) to
        • Age at seizure onset                                                                                                 It is extremely important for someone who has failed   surgeon to discuss the type of surgery that is
                                                                     record seizures and assess the electrical impulses
                                                                                                                               two or more appropriate seizure medications to         recommended for you.
        • Risk factors for epilepsy (for example, brain injury,      that cause them. VEEG is a simultaneous recording
                                                                                                                               be evaluated at a comprehensive epilepsy center.
          stroke, or tumor)                                          of clinical symptoms with video and brain activity
                                                                                                                               A thorough epilepsy evaluation can ensure that you     Types of Surgery
        • Seizure triggers (for example, flashing lights or          via EEG for the purpose of getting the most
                                                                                                                               have been diagnosed correctly and that you have        • Robotic SEEG to locate the seizure onset zone.
          lack of sleep)                                             accurate diagnosis and identification of a seizure.
                                                                                                                               tried the best possible medical treatment for your       This advanced technique lets neurosurgeons
        • Present general health and family medical history                                                                    seizure type. A comprehensive epilepsy evaluation        perform more precise and less invasive
        • Use of any drugs or alcohol now or in the past             Treatment for Epilepsy                                    may also confirm that you have intractable epilepsy      approaches to epilepsy surgery.
                                                                                                                               and may be a candidate for epilepsy surgery.
        • Previous medications taken to treat seizures and           The goal of treatment for epilepsy is seizure freedom
                                                                                                                                                                                      • Resection surgery to remove the abnormal brain
                                                                                                                               Presurgical Testing                                      tissue causing seizures.
          any side effects that occurred                             without side effects. For about two-thirds of patients
                                                                     with epilepsy, seizure freedom can be achieved with       To determine whether or not you are a candidate for    • Laser ablation using focused heat to destroy the
        Physical Exam                                                                                                                                                                   brain tissue causing seizures.
                                                                     medication. For those patients whose seizures do          epilepsy surgery, extensive testing must be done
        • A standard, focused neurological exam will                 not stop after trying two appropriate medications,        to localize your seizure focus. This comprehensive     • Responsive neurostimulation (RNS®) to detect
          be performed.                                              surgery may be an option.                                 process is performed under the guidance of your          seizure activity and stimulate the brain’s response
                                                                                                                               epileptologist. Depending on your type of epilepsy       to reduce seizures.
        Tests                                                        Medications
                                                                                                                               and the location of your seizure focus, you may        • Deep brain stimulation (DBS) to reduce seizure
        • EEG: This is a recording of your brain waves that          More than 25 different medications can be used            need to undergo the following tests:
          looks for changes in the brain’s electrical patterns                                                                                                                          frequency and severity.
                                                                     to treat seizures. The exact medication you are
          that are related to seizures. Small electrodes                                                                       • High-resolution MRI                                  • Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) in the neck to
                                                                     prescribed will depend mostly on the type of
          (metal, cup-shaped discs) are attached to                                                                            • Magnetoencephalography (MEG)                           reduce the number of seizures.
                                                                     seizure(s) you have, which is why a thorough
          measured locations on your scalp and connected
                                                                     epilepsy evaluation is important. Other factors           • SPECT and PET                                        • Corpus callosotomy for generalized epilepsy.
          to a recording device.
                                                                     determine the best medication for you, including
        • MRI: This study reads magnetic waves to generate                                                                     • Neuropsychological testing (NPT)
                                                                     age, weight, gender, general health, and known
          a detailed picture of your brain to assess for any                                                                   • MR spectroscopy (MRS)                                Research and Academic Mission
                                                                     drug sensitivities.
          structural abnormalities that could be causing seizures.                                                             • Functional MRI (fMRI)                                Our physicians are involved in advanced basic,
                                                                     When a seizure medication is first started, usually it
        • Blood work: These tests can be used to determine                                                                                                                            translational, and clinical research and have
          the concentration of various cells, compounds,             is prescribed at a low dose and increased gradually
                                                                                                                                                                                      developed a broad network of national and
          and electrolytes in your blood.                            through a process called titration. It is extremely
                                                                                                                                                                                      international collaborations. We aspire to be the
                                                                     important that you take your medication exactly as
        • Advanced imaging: Depending on the results                                                                                                                                  national and international leaders in the field
                                                                     directed by your doctor and never suddenly change
          of your medical history, exam, and tests, more                                                                                                                              of epilepsy.
                                                                     or stop taking it without talking to your doctor first.
          specialized noninvasive imaging tests may be
          recommended including:                                     Any medication can cause side effects either on its
          >   Single-photon emission CT (SPECT) scan                 own or through interactions with other medications.
                                                                     The most common side effects of seizure medications
          >   Neuropsychological testing (NPT)
                                                                     are drowsiness, dizziness, blurry vision, and double
          >   PET scan                                               vision that often resolve spontaneously as you
          >   MEG (magnetoenchephalogram)                            adjust to your medication. If you experience
          >   Magnetic resonance spectroscopy                        a medication side effect, please call your doctor
                                                                     immediately. It may take some time to find the
                                                                     right medication and dose for you.
3   UPMC Comprehensive Epilepsy Center                                                                                                                                                                              Customized Care for Every Patient   4
UPMC Comprehensive Epilepsy Center - Customized Care for Every Patient - From Our Team of Leading Experts - Neurological Surgery
Our Experts

Department of Neurology                                                                                                                                       Department of Neurosurgery

Physicians:                                                                                                   Other Providers:                                Physicians:

                  Anto Bagić, MD, PhD, FAES, FACNS             Patrick Chauvel, MD                                        Hallie Gilbert, PA-C                              Jorge Gonzalez-Martinez, MD, PhD
                  Professor and Chief, Epilepsy Division       Professor of Neurology                                     Physician Assistant                               Professor of Neurosurgery and Neurology
                  Director, UPMC Comprehensive                 and Neurosurgery                                                                                             Director, Epilepsy and Movement
                  Epilepsy Center                              Scientific Director, Neural Network                                                                          Disorders Surgery
                  Director, Epilepsy Monitoring Unit,          Disorders Program (NNDP)                                                                                     Co-Director, UPMC Comprehensive
                  UPMC Presbyterian                                                                                                                                         Epilepsy Center
                  Director, MEG Epilepsy Program

                                                                                                                                                              Other Providers:
                  Rafeed Alkawadri, MD                         Joanna Fong, MD                                            Karen Miller, PA-C                                Danielle Corson, PA-C
                  Associate Professor of Neurology             Assistant Professor of Neurology                           Physician Assistant                               Physician Assistant
                                                               Director, Critical Care EEG Monitoring

                  Thandar Aung, MD, MS                         Vijayalakshmi (Viji) Rajasekaran, MD                       Alexus Sieger, PA-C                               Luke Henry, PhD
                  Assistant Professor of Neurology             Assistant Professor of Neurology                           Physician Assistant                               Neuropsychologist
                                                               Associate Director, Clinical Neurophysiology                                                                 Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery
                                                               and Epilepsy Fellowship

                                                                                                              Associated Providers:

                  Niravkumar Barot, MD, MPH                    Alexandra Urban (Popescu), MD,                             Alex Israel, MD
                  Assistant Professor of Neurology             FAAN, FAES                                                 Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
                  Medical Director, Epilepsy Surgery Program   Associate Professor of Neurology
                                                               Director, CNP and Epilepsy Fellowships
                                                               Director, UPMC Presbyterian Hospital
                                                               EEG Laboratory

                  James Castellano, MD, PhD                                                                               Joseph M. Mettenburg, MD, PhD
                  Assistant Professor of Neurology                                                                        Associate Professor of Radiology
                                                                                                                          Division of Neuroradiology

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UPMC Comprehensive Epilepsy Center - Customized Care for Every Patient - From Our Team of Leading Experts - Neurological Surgery
Contact Us

For more information on epilepsy treatment
at UPMC, call: 833-398-0286
Visit our website at: UPMC.com/epilepsy

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UPMC Comprehensive Epilepsy Center - Customized Care for Every Patient - From Our Team of Leading Experts - Neurological Surgery UPMC Comprehensive Epilepsy Center - Customized Care for Every Patient - From Our Team of Leading Experts - Neurological Surgery
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