UPDATES & EVENTS Snoqualmie Tribe - Snoqualmie Indian Tribe

Page created by Patrick Mccoy
UPDATES & EVENTS Snoqualmie Tribe - Snoqualmie Indian Tribe
Snoqualmie Tribe
                                      UPDATES & EVENTS
                                                                                                 December 2022

Administrative Updates                                       Snoqualmie Tribal Council Meetings
The Tribal Administration will be closed for the             Enrolled Adult Snoqualmie Tribal Members are welcome
Christmas Holiday break from December 23 to January              to attend Snoqualmie Tribal Council Meetings.
2, 2023. The last day to submit an application for EA,        Meetings usually occur every Thursday, via Zoom, and
TCR, Education, Home Repair to receive funding before                    start approximately at 10:30 AM.
the holiday break is Friday December 16. Incomplete
applications or applications received after this date will           If you would like to attend, please e-mail
be processed in the New Year.                                             secretary@snoqualmietribe.us

Elder General Welfare Consolidated will go out
December 20. Adult Member General Welfare                    Upcoming General Council Meetings
Consolidate will go out December 23. Checks that are
report lost or missing will not be reissued until January       No membership meetings are scheduled
6th due to the holiday closure.                                  for November or December of 2022.
The Kraken 2023 Matches and Spring Games and Events             Keep an eye out for a “Save the Date” for
eforms are available on the Tribal Website to enter for an
opportunity to receive tickets to these Climate Pledge                late January/early February.
Arena events. Ticket submissions are due by December 16.
                                                                   Tribal Council wishes a great Holiday
                                                                        Season to the Membership!!
State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Program
NEW PROGRAM: The American Rescue Plan Act of                 Emergency Medical Services Vehicle Project
2021 established the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal
Recovery Funds program (SLFRF). On January 3, 2023           The Snoqualmie Indian Tribe was awarded an ICDBG
the Tribal Council has approved a new cash assistance        grant of $350,000 to acquire an Emergency Medical
program to take effect under the federal guidelines.         Services Vehicle and other life-saving equipment and
This SLFRF Cash Assistance Program is intended to            means to store COVID prevention supplies & PPE
facilitate the Tribe’s response to the negative economic     securely. The ICDBG Funding Approval/Agreement
impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Tribal members           was executed on February 8, 2022. Due to a global
and their households. The SLFRF Cash Assistance              chain of demand, purchasing a new Medical Aid
Program provides a one-time cash transfer in the amount      Vehicle in partnership with Eastside Fire & Rescue has
of $1,400.00 to each adult Tribal member in order to         been delayed. The Ford Chassis for the new Medical
meet the economic needs of Tribal members adversely          Aid Vehicle has been on backorder since March. The
impacted by the negative economic consequences of the        Housing Department has received an update that it
COVID-19 pandemic.                                           will be delivered to Braun NW in the spring of 2023.
This program does require an application from the            Once Braun NW completes the custom build, they will
adult enrolled Tribal member. The application cycle will     schedule delivery to the Tribe in August 2023. This
be open January 3 through June 30 of 2023. Eligible          project has been funded through the HUD Indian
members can only apply to receive the funding one-time       Community Development Block Grant - American
for the set amount. Additional program details and the       Rescue Plan Act (ICDBG-ARP). The Snoqualmie Tribe
application will be released on the Tribal Website and       Housing Dept welcomes any questions or comments
Facebook in January 2023.                                    regarding this project. housing@snoqualmietribe.us
UPDATES & EVENTS Snoqualmie Tribe - Snoqualmie Indian Tribe
Snoqualmie Indian Tribe®                                                                       December 2022

Administrative Updates Continued
                                                             Constitutional Amendment Committee Meeting
All Education Programs: Technology items eligible
under the education benefit programs, when required          The CAC will be hosting a Zoom gathering on
by the school or program, can only be accessed 1 time        Monday, January 9, 2023 at 12 PM and 7 PM. More
every 3 years which is recognized as the lifespan of the     information to come soon. To join the CAC on Zoom,
equipment. This applies to laptop/tablets/iPads/desktops     please email us at CAC@snoqualmietribe.us to
and printers or similar items. The Education department      request an invitation and please note which timeframe
can let you know when your student will again be eligible    you will be joining (12 PM or 7 PM). We look forward to
for technology equipment, please email                       working with the General Council on further amending
education@snoqualmietribe.us                                 our Constitution!
Elder Computer Surplus: Tribal Council has approved
reopening the Computer Surplus program for ELDERS
ONLY. Elders may apply using the online form for a used      Environmental & Natural Resources Restoration Update
laptop at no cost. If selected for a laptop and support
equipment, the Elder or an approved representative           This month marks the completion of ENR’s 4-year
must be able to make an appointment to pick up from          habitat restoration project at the Barfuse levee site,
the office. Applications for the Elders Surplus program      supporting the larger Fall City Floodplain Restoration
will be open in December and January, distribution and       Project managed by King County. Between 2019 and
appointments for pick up will start February 1. Laptops      2022, ENR staff and WCC crews installed 14,304 native
are not guaranteed; this program is while supplies last.
                                                             plants and treated 16 acres of noxious weeds along
Emergency Assistance: The Tribal Council has approved        the Snoqualmie River. While Tribe staff were restoring
a policy change, as of Fiscal Year 2024 (starting October    the floodplain forest, King County has been removing
1, 2023) EA will no longer allow for rollover. The benefit   the Barfuse levee to allow the river to interact with the
will return to how it was originally operated pre-COVID
                                                             floodplain, and to enhance a side channel. All these
allowing only for $1500 per year with a reset on the start
of each fiscal year. Members who currently have rolled       actions were taken to benefit endangered Chinook and
over funds: these funds must be used by September 30,        other salmon in the Snoqualmie River. Juvenile salmon
2023 and they will not continue to roll over.                need complex edge habitats where they can get out of
                                                             mainstem flood flows, avoid predators, and grow larger
Veterans Program: The Tribe operates a free Veteran
Vehicle Program. Veterans can reserve the Tribal Veteran     before migrating downstream to the ocean. ENR’s
vehicle, a Ford Explorer, at no cost for rent or gas. The    work on this project includes the establishment of
vehicle can be used to run daily errands, attend medical     approximately 7 acres of new native floodplain forest
appointments, or job trainings. Winter season is upon us,    on land previously cleared for farming. These trees will
and the vehicle is equipped with snow tires. If you are in   shade the river and provide habitat for many animals,
need of a reliable vehicle, please reach out. Reservations   and may eventually erode into the river where they will
can be made by emailing veterans@snoqualmietribe.us          further improve habitat for salmon.
and vehicle pick up is from the Casino Valet.
                                                             We would like to thank our funders for supporting
Child Care Program: The Tribe's CCDF program
offers tuition vouchers for Native children to attend        this work, including the King County Flood Control
the Tribe's Child Development Center. If you are             District, King County 1 Million Trees program, the
interested in registering for full or part-time care         Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Northwest Indian Fisheries
registration is currently open and spots are available       Commission, and EPA Region 10.
for infant, toddlers, preschool, and K-prep. Register at
Child Care Center: The Tribe's Child Development
Center is scheduled to open in February 2023. Keep
an eye out for opportunities to attend tours and the
upcoming ribbon cutting.
Tribal Members and family
members who are interested in
a career in Child Care and Early
Education please use the QR
code to check out the positions
currently available at the Tribe's
Child Development Center.
UPDATES & EVENTS Snoqualmie Tribe - Snoqualmie Indian Tribe
Snoqualmie Indian Tribe®                                                                       December 2022

The Snoqualmie Tribe is Assessing the North Fork
Tolt River                                                  Monthly GW Consolidated Assistance
                                                            For new applicants, your completed packet must be
The North Fork Tolt River is a sparkling mountain stream    submitted to the General Resources department
flowing through Snoqualmie Tribe Ancestral Lands,           by the 10th of the month in order to be in the
including the newly reclaimed 12,000-acre Snoqualmie        monthly distribution cycle. This requirement will be
Tribe Ancestral Forest. Flowing west off the flanks of      strictly enforced due to an increase in the volume
the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, the North Fork Tolt River      of applications to ensure no delays in distributions.
joins with the South Fork Tolt to form the Tolt River       Applications after the 10th of the month will not
mainstem, which in turn joins the Snoqualmie River near     be eligible until the following month. Retroactive
the modern-day City of Carnation, formerly the site of      payments are not eligible under any program. If you
a major Snoqualmie village called Toltxw. This area has     move, you have 14 days to notify the department and
been at the core of the Snoqualmie Tribe’s Ancestral        submit a new Consolidated Assistance application,
Lands since time immemorial.                                failure to do so makes the applicant out of program
                                                            compliance and could result in benefit delays. All
As part of bringing the Snoqualmie Tribe Ancestral          current applicants will need to go through the annual
Forest (STAF) back under the Tribe’s stewardship,           recertification process. An entire application will be
the Tribe’s Environmental and Natural Resources             required, documents that are already on file will not
(ENR) Department is undertaking a comprehensive             be pulled, all supporting documents must be current
                                                            and submitted with your packet. We will be notifying
assessment of the North Fork Tolt River and important       Tribal Members in groups, not all current applicants
tributaries within the STAF. Funded by a King County        will be required to certify at the same time in order to
Parks Levy grant, along with a matching Cooperative         assist staff with volume of rectifications. Notifications
Watershed Management grant from King County                 will go out via mail and email and all applicants will be
Flood Control District which is allocated through the       given 60 days’ notice to recertify. We appreciate your
Snoqualmie Watershed Forum, the North Fork Tolt River       assistance in this matter.
Assessment project will help to fill data gaps about the
state of aquatic resources throughout the North Fork
Tolt watershed. The Tribe will then use that information
to create conceptual designs for 2 to 4 restoration         Environmental & Natural Resources Volunteer Event
projects within the Tribe’s Ancestral Lands.
                                                            Please join the Habitat Restoration Team as we
Through its assessment, restoration design and other        restore stream banks of Tibbets Creek on Saturday,
efforts, the Tribe is jump-starting work to restore and     December 10 from 9 AM to 12 PM. We will be planting
heal the land after centuries of the Tribe being excluded   native plants along the shore of this salmon-bearing
from management decisions. It’s all part of embodying       stream at Lake Sammamish State Park. As these plants
the Native philosophy of reciprocity with the land,         grow into a forest community, they will create much
and we are most grateful to our project funders for         needed food, shade, and structure for the fish, birds,
helping to make this project happen. The North Fork         pollinators, and all kinds of other wildlife (including
Tolt Assessment work will occur over the next couple of     us!). Come learn about the work the Snoqualmie Tribe
years, and we’ll be sharing a series of posts to keep you   and Trout Unlimited are doing for our salmon, how it
updated. Stay tuned!                                        connects us to the ecosystem, and hopefully see some
                                                            fish leaping beaver dams!
                                                            This event will happen rain or shine, so please dress
                                                            for the weather. Rain gear, boots, and clothes you don’t
                                                                                  mind getting muddy or sweaty
                                                                                  are recommended. Tools, snacks,
                                                                                  and gloves will be provided.
                                                                                  Bring a water bottle and coffee
                                                                                  mug to help us reduce waste.
                                                                                  And please, scan the QR Code
                                                                                  below for more details and to
                                                                                  register for the event!

         Suggestions? Feedback? Questions? Feel free to contact us at: communications@snoqualmietribe.us
UPDATES & EVENTS Snoqualmie Tribe - Snoqualmie Indian Tribe
Snoqualmie Indian Tribe®                                                                   December 2022
Veterans Day 2022                                         Veterans Bi-Annual Meeting and Resources Lunch
This year, the Snoqualmie Casino held a Flag              This lunch is open to Tribal Veterans and Veteran
Raising Ceremony on Veterans Day. The Snoqualmie          spouses, all veterans can bring 1 guest. The Lunch will
American Legion Post 79 and the City of Snoqualmie        start at 12 PM at the Casino's Vista Steakhouse. Any
were present while the Snoqualmie Tribe Color             Veterans interested in attending the Veteran Resource
Guard commenced the Flag Raising Ceremony. The            Lunch please RSVP to the Veteran's Program email:
Snoqualmie Casino served over 700 veterans for free       Veterans@snoqualmietribe.us
at the Falls Buffet.
In Washington D.C., Tribal Council members were           Health & Wellness Purchase & Referred Care Program
present at the Native Veterans Procession and
                                                          To maintain coverage with the Purchase & Referred
Dedication Ceremony at the new National Native
                                                          Care (PRC) program, annual renewal is required on or
American Veterans Memorial. The procession took
                                                          before your application date. Dependents that become
place along the National Mall from the National
                                                          of age must fill out an application and be approved
Museum of the American Indian to the ceremony stage
                                                          after the age of 18. The following items are needed
in front of the US Capitol. Tribal Council member Chris
                                                          each year along with your application:
Castleberry and Tribal Chairman Bob de los Angeles,
both veterans, participated in the event.                 • Proof of insurance or denial letter from Medicaid.
                                                          • Proof of address such as a recent power bill.
                                                          • Current Tribal ID and Birth Certificate for minor
                                                          If you have any questions, please contact PRC:
                                                          Maria Zackuse (425)414-1440
                                                          Sharon Marchand (425)240-0283
                                                          Email: PRCRegistration@snoqualmietribe.us
                                                          Fax: 425-831-2112
                                                          Mail: Attention PRC Department, PO Box 969,
                                                          Snoqualmie, WA 98065.

                                                          White House Tribal Nation Summit 2022
                                                           “As this summit was the first for the Biden
                                                          administration to strengthen Nation-to-Nation
                                                          relationships and record levels of priorities from
                                                          the more than 300 tribes who attended the summit,
                                                          the Northwest tribes were well represented by the
                                                          Leadership of each tribe here in the picture.” from
                                                          Chairman Robert (Bob) de los Angeles.
UPDATES & EVENTS Snoqualmie Tribe - Snoqualmie Indian Tribe UPDATES & EVENTS Snoqualmie Tribe - Snoqualmie Indian Tribe UPDATES & EVENTS Snoqualmie Tribe - Snoqualmie Indian Tribe UPDATES & EVENTS Snoqualmie Tribe - Snoqualmie Indian Tribe
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