Unremarkable AI: Fitting Intelligent Decision Support into Critical, Clinical Decision-Making Processes - arXiv

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Unremarkable AI: Fitting Intelligent Decision Support into Critical, Clinical Decision-Making Processes - arXiv
Unremarkable AI: Fitting Intelligent Decision Support
                                           into Critical, Clinical Decision-Making Processes
                                                          Qian Yang                                            Aaron Steinfeld                            John Zimmerman
                                                         HCI Institute                                         Robotics Institute                             HCI Institute
                                                   Carnegie Mellon University                              Carnegie Mellon University                  Carnegie Mellon University
                                                      yangqian@cmu.edu                                        steinfeld@cmu.edu                            johnz@cs.cmu.edu

                                         ABSTRACT                                                                             1   INTRODUCTION
arXiv:1904.09612v1 [cs.HC] 21 Apr 2019

                                         Clinical decision support tools (DST) promise improved health-                       The idea of leveraging machine intelligence in healthcare
                                         care outcomes by offering data-driven insights. While effec-                         in the form of decision support tools (DSTs) has fascinated
                                         tive in lab settings, almost all DSTs have failed in practice.                       healthcare and AI researchers for decades. These tools often
                                         Empirical research diagnosed poor contextual fit as the cause.                       promise insights on patient diagnosis, treatment options, and
                                         This paper describes the design and field evaluation of a rad-                       likely prognosis. With the adoption of electronic medical
                                         ically new form of DST. It automatically generates slides for                        records and the explosive technical advances in machine
                                         clinicians’ decision meetings with subtly embedded machine                           learning (ML) in recent years, now seems a perfect time for
                                         prognostics. This design took inspiration from the notion of                         DSTs to impact healthcare practice.
                                         Unremarkable Computing, that by augmenting the users’ rou-                              Interestingly, almost all these tools have failed when mi-
                                         tines technology/AI can have significant importance for the                          grating from research labs to clinical practice in the past
                                         users yet remain unobtrusive. Our field evaluation suggests                          30 years [5, 7, 8]. In a review of deployed DSTs, healthcare
                                         clinicians are more likely to encounter and embrace such a                           researchers ranked the lack of HCI considerations as the
                                         DST. Drawing on their responses, we discuss the importance                           most likely reason for failure [11, 22]. This includes a lack
                                         and intricacies of finding the right level of unremarkable-                          of consideration for clinicians’ workflow and the collabora-
                                         ness in DST design, and share lessons learned in prototyping                         tive nature of clinical work. The interaction design of most
                                         critical AI systems as a situated experience.                                        clinical decision support tools instead assumes that individ-
                                                                                                                              ual clinicians will recognize when they need help, walk up
                                         CCS CONCEPTS                                                                         and use a system that is separate from the electronic health
                                         • Human-centered computing → User centered design;                                   record, and that they want and will trust the system’s output.
                                                                                                                                 We are collaborating with biomedical researchers on the
                                         KEYWORDS                                                                             design of a DST supporting the decision to implant an ar-
                                         Decision Support Systems, Healthcare, User Experience.                               tificial heart. The artificial heart, VAD (ventricular assist
                                                                                                                              device), is an implantable electro-mechanical device used to
                                         ACM Reference Format:                                                                partially replace heart function. For many end-stage heart
                                         Qian Yang, Aaron Steinfeld, and John Zimmerman. 2019. Unre-
                                                                                                                              failure patients who are not eligible for or able to receive a
                                         markable AI: Fitting Intelligent Decision Support into Critical,
                                         Clinical Decision-Making Processes. In CHI Conference on Human
                                                                                                                              heart transplant, VADs offer the only chance to extend their
                                         Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), May 4–9,                        lives. Unfortunately, many patients who received VADs die
                                         2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages.                        shortly after the implant [2]. In this light, a DST that can
                                         https://doi.org/10.1145/3290605.3300468                                              predict the likely trajectory a patient will take post-implant,
                                                                                                                              should help identify the patients who are mostly likely to
                                         Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for            benefit from the therapy.
                                         personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies                   We draw insight from a field study investigating the VAD
                                         are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
                                                                                                                              decision processes, searching for opportunities where ML
                                         copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
                                         for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must                  might help [25]. The findings revealed that clinicians are
                                         be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or              unlikely to encounter or to actively engage with a DST for
                                         republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific   help at the time and place of decision making. For most
                                         permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from permissions@acm.org.               cases, they did not find the implant decision challenging;
                                         CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk                                        thus, they had no desire for computational support. In ad-
                                         © 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed
                                                                                                                              dition, the extremely hierarchical healthcare culture strati-
                                         to ACM.
                                         ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5970-2/19/05. . . $15.00                                         fied senior physicians who make implant decisions and the
CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk                                                                      Q. Yang et al.

mid-level clinicians who use computers. Almost no VAD                 Despite success in labs, the vast majority of clinician-
decision-making took place in front of a computer.                 facing DSTs failed when moving to clinical practice. Clin-
    Embracing the rich context of the implant decision, we         icians rarely use them [4, 5, 23], and therefore they have
designed a radically new DST that automatically generates          shown no significant improvement on healthcare outcomes.
slides for the required decision meeting. The design em-           Healthcare researchers identified a lack of HCI consideration,
beds prognostic decision supports into the corner of decision      rather than poor technical performance, as the main cause
meeting slides. We wanted decision makers to encounter the         of these failures [15, 19]. These HCI considerations include
computational advice at a relevant time and place across the       workflow integration, integration with social context, and
decision process, and we wanted this support to only slow          clinicians’ lack of motivation to use a DST.
them down for the few cases where the DST adds value to               Relatively few research projects have focused on how
the decision. This design draws inspiration from Tolmie et         to integrate DST output into clinical contexts. Within HCI
al.’s notion of Unremarkable Computing, that technology            there are initiatives to engage with real clinical users and
needs to have the right level of remarkableness to valuably        contexts, yet the lack of meaningful access remains a major
situate itself in people emerging routines and becoming the        barrier. Researchers have shared that they were not allowed
glue of their everyday lives [21].                                 to evaluate incomplete designs, that evaluations took months
    This paper presents this DST’s interaction design as well      or even years, that iterative design or repeated evaluation
as a field evaluation at three VAD implant hospitals. We           was not possible, and finally, that design evaluations had to
also spoke with physicians working on clinical decisions           be conducted by healthcare professionals rather than by HCI
outside of VAD implant, probing whether this design might          professionals [3, 9, 14].
generalize to other critical, clinical decisions. Our findings
suggest that clinicians are more likely to encounter and em-       VAD Decision-Making and Its Context
brace a DST that binds “unremarkable" decision supports            Due to many of the aforementioned barriers, investigations
with their current work routine. Drawing on clinicians’ re-        of the VAD implant decision making and field assessment of
sponses, we discuss the importance and intricacies of finding      DST designs are rare. An exception is a field study conducted
the right level of unremarkableness in a DST design. We dis-       at three VAD programs [25]. Researchers made a number of
cuss lessons learned and unexpected challenges in evaluating       observations that informed this work:
critical AI systems as a situated experience.                         First, clinicians perceived no need for computational sup-
    This paper makes two contributions. First, we offer one        port; They considered most patient cases as textbook cases
concrete solution to the long-standing challenge of effec-         that follow a standard, systematic process of therapy escala-
tively situating DSTs in clinical practice. Second, we offer a     tion and a staged unfolding of decision considerations.
rare description of clinicians’ responses to a DST situated in        Second, clinicians made implant decisions during daily
their workflow. This surfaced intriguing insights valuable         rounding of patient wards, during hallway conversations,
for future investigations of critical AI systems.                  and in multidisciplinary VAD decision meetings. Decisions
                                                                   were rarely discussed or made in front of a computer.
2   RELATED WORK                                                      Finally, the clinical workplace culture was strongly hi-
                                                                   erarchical yet highly collaborative. Cardiologists and sur-
Clinical Decision Support Tools in Practice
                                                                   geons, who function at the top of the hierarchy, decided who
Clinical decision support tools (DSTs) are computational           gets classified as a difficult case and who gets discussed dur-
systems that support one of three tasks: diagnosing patients,      ing the required multidisciplinary meeting which the whole
selecting treatments, or making prognostic predictions of          VAD team attends. This cultural context poses a two-fold
the likely course of a disease or outcome of a treatment [24].     challenge for DST use. First, decision makers (physicians)
   This project focuses on clinician-facing, prognostic DSTs.      and computer users (the midlevel clinicians, including nurse
A significant strand of recent HCI work focused on critical        practitioners, social workers and VAD coordinators) rarely
issues in this area, including AI interpretability and fairness,   overlap at any point of the decision-making process. Second,
data visualization, accuracy of risk communication, and more       physicians have great trust in their colleagues’ suggestions,
[17, 18, 20]. The significance of this body of work has led        much more so than in computational support.
some to describe it as “the rise of design science in clinical
DST research" [1]. These studies typically investigated DST        3   DESIGN PROCESS AND RATIONALE
in lab settings, using prototypes that are dedicated to a single   We set out to design a new form of DST for VAD patient
clinical decision. Clinicians came out of their day-to-day         selection to explore how to overcome its real-world adoption
workflow, used these systems for a pre-identified task, then       barriers that many prognostic DSTs face. Drawing upon prior
provided feedback on the system design.                            work, we had two design goals:
Unremarkable AI                                                                 CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk

   1 - Embedding DST in current workflow: Clinicians, espe-          touch point where most clinicians involved in the decision
cially cardiologists and surgeons, need to naturally encounter       are present, and they are actively forming a collective de-
the DST within their current decision-making workflow, be-           cision about patient treatment. Second, it is one of the few
cause they are unlikely to recognize when they might need            decision points where a computer is present and being used.
help and then walk up to a computer for help;                        Third, decision meetings are common across hospital sites.
   2 - Slowing down decision-making only when necessary:             VAD centers in the US are legally required to take a mul-
The DST outputs need to be easily ignored in most patient            tidisciplinary approach to patient care, therefore regularly
cases that are textbook. However, it should also be present          scheduled meetings are common. Globally, these meetings
enough to slow the decision-making down when there is a              are also recommended [16]. Fourth, multidisciplinary meet-
meaningful disagreement between the clinicians’ view and             ings have become an increasingly common best practice in
the DSTs view of the situation;                                      organ transplantation [13]. Designing DST for decision meet-
   These orientations are very different from the convention         ings therefore could potentially generalize beyond VADs to
of DST design in which decision supports are always avail-           include a number of other clinical decisions.
able, waiting for clinicians to walk up and use at any point            Next, we considered how to fit the DST comfortably within
across the decision-making process. Instead, we wanted to            the meetings. Drawing lessons from prior work [12, 25], we
tailor the DST for particular moments in the process, such           wanted to embed the DST into Electronic Medical Records
that clinicians do not have to take pause and invent se-             (EMR) to minimize the effort needed from clinicians to type
quences of action anew. We wanted the DST to naturally               in patient information. We also wanted to augment clini-
augment the actions of decision making, rather than pulling          cians’ paperwork to provide them additional motivation for
the user away from doing their routine work.                         adoption. We therefore integrated the DST output into a
                                                                     meeting slide generator, a system that automatically extracts
Making Clinical DST Unremarkable                                     patient information from EMR and populates slides for the
Tolmie et al. [21] introduced the notion of unremarkable com-        decision meeting, which could be projected or printed.
puting when discussing how ubiquitous computing should                  We sketched what the DST predictions output might look
arrive and create its place in people’s homes. They argued           like. We iterated on the design based on feedback of two col-
that technology can augment people’s actions in ways that            laborating clinicians (an attending Cardiologist and a nurse
have a wealth of significance but seem unremarkable, be-             practitioner). The final design was a small line chart that
cause its interactions are “so highly situated, so fitting, so       showed a patient’s predicted chance of survival (Figure 1). It
natural”. They argued that home technology should not only           also showed the most likely causes of death, such as right
be more intelligent, it should also be more subservient to           ventricular failure or renal failure.
people’s daily routines. In doing so, the technology becomes            We placed this chart in the top-right corner of the slide
part of the routines, part of the very glue of their everyday        summarizing an individual patient’s current state. The sub-
life.                                                                tlety was a deliberate choice toward achieving the right level
   We draw connections between this ambition and our afore-          of unremarkableness. In the most common case, when the
mentioned design goals. We also draw connections between             DST agreed with the clinicians’ assessment, the visual dis-
this notion of routine and VAD decision making. While these          play of the agreement could help clinicians gain trust in the
are daunting life-and-death decisions, the implant decisions         system without slowing them down. In the rare case that the
are part of a work routine for clinicians. To fit a DST into their   DST prediction conflicted with the clinicians’ assessment,
practice, we need to make it subservient to the day-to-day           the DST could slow the decision down. Everyone attending
decision-making workflow they engage in.                             the meeting would see the disagreement. We speculated this
   We wanted to operationalize this idea of unremarkable             would apply social pressure on the senior physicians to ratio-
technology in the context of critical, clinical decision making.     nalize and articulate their decision making. We speculated
This is a difficult goal because it requires a right level of        it could also encourage the medical students, residents and
“unremarkableness" such that the DST does not constrain              other mid-level clinicians to participate in the discussion
clinicians’ decision making flow except when it needs to.            when they disagreed with the senior clinician’s decision. It
                                                                     could allow them to disagree by pointing to the conflict with
Design Process                                                       the DST and not claiming that they personally knew more
To situate a DST into the current VAD decision-making rou-           than the senior physician.
tine, we first needed to identify a time and place where                We worked out the detailed contents of the slide with the
clinicians should naturally and impactfully encounter the it.        two collaborating clinicians. We also referenced the meeting
We chose the multidisciplinary patient evaluation meetings,          printouts and workup checklists currently in use.
for a number of reasons. First, the meeting is a rare social
CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk                                                                       Q. Yang et al.

Figure 1: The decision meeting slide design. We designed a DST that automatically generates decision-meeting slides for clin-
icians with subtly embedded machine prognostics at the top right corner.

   We wanted to finalize the design by populating with real        it impacted discussion. Unfortunately, this proved to be im-
patient data. However, a variety of policies and legal regu-       practical. None of the sites would allow us to present slides
lations would not allow this. As a work-around, we asked           showing information for the patients they were currently
our clinical collaborators to help us populate the slides with     implanting. All felt this could impact the life and death de-
synthetic patient cases. Interestingly, they found it very chal-   cision. The clinicians doing the VAD implants were quite
lenging to generate a prototypical patient case including          busy. They would only agree to interact with a single design.
dozens of vital signs and test results. They instead selected      They did not have the time for us to make revisions and
elements across several of their former cases, removing iden-      then revisit. Finally, one of the sites had a specific policy
tifiable demographic information and molding parts of the          preventing us from observing the decision meeting. They
medical condition to disguise the identity.                        would only participate in one-on-one interviews.
   In our final design (Figure 1), the DST outputs are in the          In reaction to these restrictions, we re-designed the as-
top right corner of the slide, next to a summarized patient        sessment process with the goal of making the most use of
history visualization. Patient test results are categorized and    our participant pool within one round of assessment. We
put in the center. The patient demographics and links to           carried out all following procedures in hospital C. In hospi-
social and financial evaluations are on the left.                  tal B, we carried out all except (3) presenting at a decision
                                                                   meeting. In hospital A, we carried out all procedures except
4   DESIGN ASSESSMENT                                              (4) interviewing all physicians and surgeons.
We had several questions we wanted to answer with our as-              (1) At each site, we first interviewed the mid-levels to
sessment, including: (1) Would clinicians naturally encounter      understand their practice around the decision meeting, and to
the DST within their current workflow? (2) Would clinicians        probe the DST design’s fit in their respective hospitals. When
accept computational decision support in the public context        necessary, we adjusted the designs to fit specific hospital’s
of the meeting? (3) Does placing the prediction in the corner      routine practice;
present the right amount of unremarkability? Specifically,             (2) Our research collaborator at each site recommended
does the DST get ignored when its predictions align with           one attending physician to be our confederate. We conducted
the clinicians’ judgment, and would it slow decisions down         interviews with them, discussing the DST design, and con-
when its output conflicts with clinicians?                         firming there was no glaring mismatch between the design
                                                                   and the practice at their respective sites;
Assessment in VAD Implant Centers                                      (3) The confederate physician presented the patient case
We gained access to three hospitals that regularly perform         with the DST on display in the decision meeting. We observed
VAD implantation, all within the US. Two were sites from           clinicians’ responses and discussions;
our formative field study and one was new. The facilities              (4) Finally, we interviewed the rest of the VAD team to
varied geographically and in scale. The smallest we studied        further individually discuss the DST design.
performs about 40 VAD implants a year; the largest performs            In total, we interviewed nine attending cardiologists or sur-
over 100.                                                          geons and eight mid-level clinicians. Each interview lasted
  We wanted to assess our design within the context of an          for at least one hour. The DST design was presented in two
actual implant decision meeting in order to observe whether        hospitals’ multidisciplinary decision meetings. Field notes
Unremarkable AI                                                                   CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk

were recorded using pen and paper. Interviews were audio-                 Hospital B had in-house statisticians dedicated to outcome
recorded and transcribed. We analyzed our data using affinity          analysis and patient risk modeling. The physicians and this
diagrams [10] and by performing thematic analysis.                     site were also actively involved in VAD risk modeling re-
                                                                       search. Interestingly, when it came to using a risk model to
Assessing Generalizability of the DST Design                           inform their own implant decisions, they described them-
We chose to situate the DST within slides used for decision            selves as “very minimalist despite all these interests in ML.”
meetings partially because these meetings are best practices           Cardiologists and surgeons led implant decision making both
in other critical medical domains as well. To gain some in-            within and outside of the implant meetings. Meeting partic-
sights as to if this design might generalize, we chose to probe        ipants did not vote on how to proceed. Hospital B did not
a small set of clinicians from other medical domains who               provide us authorization to observe its decision meeting.
participate in these meetings.                                            Hospital C was more technology-friendly. The meeting
   To recruit these participants, we asked participants from           room had large projector, which most participants could
the VAD study to help us identify other clinical domains               read. In addition, participants had access to a printout of
and decisions that have interdisciplinary decision meetings.           the presented materials. One program manager and two
We then interviewed 6 physicians whose practices include               mid-level clinicians arrived more than 40 minutes before
decisions meetings for pediatric surgery, pediatric critical           the meeting to set up the computer, projector, and remote
care, adult cardio-thoracic surgery, internal medicine emer-           conference connections. As the presenting physicians spoke,
gency care, orthopedic surgery, and obstetrics/gynecology.             a seasoned nurse practitioner operated the computer, pulling
We audio-recorded, transcribed and analyzed these inter-               out and zooming into relevant patient information from EMR.
views using the same methods as we used for our VAD par-               This nurse practitioner had been performing this role for
ticipants.                                                             more than 5 years. Physicians and mid-levels used laptops
                                                                       to search for relevant information in the EMR or online and
5   DESIGN ASSESSMENT FINDINGS                                         to add items to their digital to-do lists. Many more people
                                                                       engaged in discussing the patients. Following the discussion
We first offer an overview of observations from the individual
                                                                       of each patient, all clinicians present voted on the next step.
sites, describing the different cultures, facilities, and practices.
                                                                          Hospital C had previously experimented with bringing
We then report findings across the three sites related to the
                                                                       computational predictions into their meetings. Cardiologists
aforementioned assessment goals: the likelihood of encoun-
                                                                       chose a model that had been nationally validated through
tering DST during decision-making, the acceptance of DST,
                                                                       five randomized clinical trials. They had a nurse practitioner
the right level of remarkableness, and finally, generalizability
                                                                       input all of the data for each patient discussed and show
to other kinds of medical decisions.
                                                                       the DST prediction in the decision meeting. One year later,
                                                                       they stopped this practice because two recent journal articles
Overview                                                               reported that the models used were “horribly mis-calibrated”.
Hospital A was the least technologically advanced. They                “That was a lot of work to type in all that sh-t and generate
recently transitioned from paper-based to electronic clinical          that number, and that’s not that helpful.” Their EMR held four
records. Phone signals generally did not penetrate the build-          other implant outcome prediction models, which predicted
ing, built in the late 1800s. Many common web services, such           things such as the chance of depression. However, the clin-
as Google search, were blocked on their internal network.              icians never used these models, stating that each required
   The weekly meeting took place in a long, grandiose, turn-           manually entry of all of a patient’s data.
of-the-century board room. This contained one long, 40-seat
table above which hung four large chandeliers. At one end
                                                                       Likelihood of Encountering DST in Workflow
of the table (the “head” of the table) there was a portable, low
resolution projector. They sat according to an unspoken seat           Our observations suggested that most clinicians involved
chart based on clinical role hierarchy. Physicians sat near            in the VAD implant decision would likely encounter the
the head end, and a small group of these physicians would              DST output if it was included as part of an individual pa-
present the individual cases. Nurses sat near the middle. So-          tient’s information presented at the decision meeting. All
cial workers and others sat farthest from the projector. Only          three facilities hosted a weekly implant decision meeting.
participants sitting near the head of the table participated in        Clinicians of all ranks and roles attended, ranging from sea-
the discussion. The content on the projector screen was also           soned surgeons to residents, to nurse practitioners to social
too small to read since most sat far from the screen. They all         workers to palliative care coordinators. Although the weight
interacted with bulky printouts of EMR data for each patient           that the meetings carried for influencing an implant deci-
discussed.                                                             sion appeared to vary across the three sites, the occurrence
CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk                                                                           Q. Yang et al.

of the meetings was one of the few events that happened             being prepared by “amateurs.” These staff members could
everywhere.                                                         not personalize patient presentations because they could
   These meetings offered one of the extremely few situa-           not risk skipping information that might prove to be critical.
tions where senior clinicians actively discussed decisions          Mid-levels felt they could benefit from the automation and
in proximity of a computer. Meetings in all three hospitals         seasoned physicians felt they would benefit by the removal
had a shared computer projecting patient information. Two           of the copious, irrelevant data being pulled out of the EMR.
hospitals projected dedicated meeting materials. The other             Mid-level clinicians viewed the slides as a potentially im-
projected patient profiles from the EMR. Clinicians described       portant vehicle for communicating their opinions to physi-
the other key decision points as “just talk on the fly” with        cians. In all three hospitals, senior physicians set the agenda
no EMR access or paper records in hand. The other decision          for decision meetings. They decided which patients to present,
points most often only included attending physicians and            and during the meeting, they called out the information that
surgeons. “Everything is happening live.” Mid-level clini-          they felt was important enough to discuss. This hierarchical
cians, who spend more time with each individual patient, did        culture was well captured by the design of a custom patient
not participate in the decisions made outside of the meeting.       review tool at hospital C. Two VAD coordinators customized
                                                                    a patient review dashboard within EMR in order to help them-
Acceptance of DST in Decision Meetings                              selves better track medical tests and share results within the
None of our interview participants expressed any resistance         team. Although cardiologists and surgeons rarely used the
to the including DST output within the context of the deci-         tool, they controlled which pieces of information could be
sion meeting. One site (Hospital C) had already made the            placed on the dashboard and which elements would not be
effort to manually include DST data into their meeting but          included when the patient case was classified as urgent.
had abandoned this practice due to their loss of confidence            Mid-levels often doubted that their voice was heard or
in its quality. Seasoned physicians and surgeons voiced their       that their expertise was considered. They were hesitant to
appreciation for what a prognostic DST might bring, stating         directly disagree with a physician. They described the sit-
that it would “give its perspective” and offer a chance for an      uation as more complicated than just the power dynamics.
“occasional recalibration.” Clinicians also shared that making      They shared that the cardiologists were incentivized to im-
an objective decision could sometimes be hard. The decision         plant more patients and to implant sicker patients. They
to not implant was usually a death sentence for a patient.          found themselves often advocating for patient mortality (let
“When I really like this patient, really want to help him or her,   the patient die). Mid-levels felt their opinions focused on
it sometimes helps to get a more factual view.”                     post-implant quality of life. Unlike the physicians, mid-levels
   Seasoned physicians shared that their dream DST should           worked intimately “with all the problems that can come from
play a role similar to mid-level clinicians. They should pro-       a patient that maybe shouldn’t have been implanted.” They
vide additional context for the seasoned physicians’ decision.      noted there was no right or wrong answer between length
The DST could provide additional context and a different            of life and quality of life. They shared it was often hard to
perspective to the senior physicians. They recognized the           argue with great confidence that letting patients die was
value a DST might bring from its statistical consideration          better than offering them a small chance to live. In such situ-
across many cases. “The value is you are looking at thousands       ations, mid-levels frequently cited “you never know what will
of cases, I’m looking at 100 and overweighting the last three I     happen” as a reason to not to pursue further discussion with
saw.” They also shared that input from mid-levels was not           attending physicians. Some shared that over time, they had
always “taken really into account”.                                 slowly removed themselves from the decision making.
   Mid-levels agreed they only inform and support the dis-             There is risk stratification for each patient, but I don’t
cussions. They did not make decisions.                                 know... It’s like, we talk about it, but I don’t know if it’s
    My role in selecting patients for VAD... hmm. I don’t              really taken really into account. (Nurse practitioner,
    select patients. But I do talk about it... We are there to         B2)
    help discuss patients. (Nurse practitioner, B2)                   Mid-levels consider the ability to organize the contents
   Mid-level clinicians enthusiastically welcomed the idea of       of meeting slides as one way to increase their influence.
a decision meeting slide generator. They envisioned a num-          Meeting slides provide additional, visual presence they could
ber of possible benefits. They shared that the slide generator      use in support of the facts they felt were important. This
would automate work that is not currently billable. At hospi-       would make it less like they were only sharing an opinion
tal A and B, meeting slides were prepared by staff who had          with the physicians. The meeting slides could be facts in a
little to no medical training. Physicians could get frustrated      space where only the seasoned physicians’ opinions carried
with the result, characterizing the unfiltered materials as         any weight. They felt the formality the meeting slides carried
Unremarkable AI                                                                 CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk

was unparalleled to any other artifact they had access to. A        Instead, clinicians started to focus on the DST prognostics.
prognostic DST that indicates post-surgery quality of life          They probed on where the model comes from. It took a long
could potentially amplify their voices.                             time for us to explain the data source and the ML mechanism
   There is not a way to present (my reasoning) formally.           to clinicians with no ML experience and without a deep
   It’s just me saying: ‘This, this and this’. [...] I think it’s   understanding of statistics. It took even longer to explain it
   good to have something visual for anybody to see. It’s           to clinicians with statistical depth and ML experience. They
   like, OK. LOOK. Let’s slow down a bit here. (Nurse               fixated on the fact that the ML systems’ performance was
   practitioner)                                                    not the focus of our assessment. The synthetic patient data
                                                                    often turned this into an assessment of the DST’s quality in
Intricacies of Making DST Unremarkable                              the minds of many meeting participants.
Both seasoned physicians and mid-levels expressed appre-
                                                                    Is the Model Validated by Clinical Trials? Clinicians com-
ciation for DSTs that could slow them down “only when
                                                                    monly expressed a need to know more about the model’s
necessary". They liked this aspect of our design. However,
                                                                    source and credibility. When they learned that the model
we could not easily conclude whether our specific design
                                                                    presented has not been rigorously validated through clinical
had achieved this goal. Instead, clinicians’ discussions and
                                                                    trials and published in prestigious clinical journals, they sug-
questions, which we will soon describe, depicted many un-
                                                                    gested we were wasting their time. Physicians and surgeons
expected intricacies in this notion of the “right" level of
                                                                    considered discussing an unvalidated model unethical; as
                                                                    misleading as “looking at a crystal ball”. Others tended to
Challenges of Engaging Synthetic Patient Cases via Data. Clin-      judge DST quality based on the journal it was published in.
icians shared that they could not draw on their experience of          Physicians also desired a model that had been validated
making critical clinical decisions seeing only patient data on      with data from their own hospital. “It’s better to be home-
paper. This presented the biggest barrier to assessing how          grown.” Models should be published in a good journal and
clinicians might respond to a conflicting DST prediction.           then validated in a national scale study across several implant
   Patient history data alone did not give clinicians enough        centers. Some suggested including links to the peer reviewed
confidence to make an implant decision. Physicians described        clinical trial within the DST output on the slide. It “lends a
the meeting data as merely a surrogate for the actual patient.      lot of weight to a clinical model”.
The data did not allow them to see patients “as a whole.” They
stressed that to understand a patient clinically, they needed       Are the Predictions Based on Clinicians’ Best Efforts? Physi-
to “look at the patient, talk to the patient, take care of the      cians highlighted that the predictive models, regardless of
patient.” Social workers shared that they had not met with          how well they measure medical uncertainties, would never
this patient nor talked to their family. In our field evaluation,   replace human, clinical decision-making. They viewed their
presentations of the synthetic patient cases were always            own decision making as focused on managing and reducing
followed by a long, awkward silence.                                uncertainties. “If we think that we will be able to tell everybody
                                                                    what to do based on a model, we ignore the fact that we also
     A very sick but highly motivated patient can do better
                                                                    have tools and mechanisms for dealing with the uncertainty
     than their illness would otherwise be left them, com-
                                                                    that is inherent when putting VADs in patients.” (Cardiologist)
     pared to a less sick, less motivated patient. These things
                                                                       Many clinicians’ questions, as well as their discussion
     are hard to capture. The eyeball tests. (Surgeon, B6)
                                                                    around the DSTs, revealed a tension between what they
   Clinicians also had wildly different readings into the same      saw as the DST’s static view of patient conditions and the
DST prognostics. We presented the same two synthetic cases          clinicians’ desire and ability to also focus on future actions
with the same implant survival predictions to all participants.     and interventions. They wanted to know which modifiable
Interestingly, they generated wildly different reactions and        factors most influenced the DST predictions. They wanted
interpretations of the cases. Some viewed the survival esti-        to be able to offer treatments that they could improve these
mate as implying that an implant would not work. “Gee... VAD        factors, thus increasing the likelihood of a positive surgical
is futile here.” Others viewed the DST output as implying the       outcome at some time in the future.
patient should be immediately implanted, before things got
worse. ‘‘We still have a chance.” Few clinicians believed that         These predictions are (what will happen) despite our
all VAD implant candidates would have a similar prognosis              best efforts, right? (VAD manager, C8)
as the synthetic case we presented: “This chart is meaningless.        Having an understanding of what’s driving the risk
Every VAD candidate’s projection would look like this.”                [features that most influence the prediction] is very im-
   That the data was based upon synthetic patient cases made           portant for us to understand what is modifiable at that
any real discussion about the patient even more difficult.             patient. [...] Is it age or something we cannot change?
CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk                                                                      Q. Yang et al.

    Otherwise there is a lot of potential here. (Hospital C           this guy has his own things that make him special.
    decision meeting)                                                 (Collaborating cardiologist, hospital A)
   Clinicians did not seem to actively make the subtle but
                                                                   Are the Predictions Individual Medicine OR Population Medicine?
critical distinction between features that were important
                                                                   Most clinicians share that they thought of DST output as an
to predicting an outcome and features that are causal to
                                                                   “average”. They seemed to find the notion of personalized
that outcome. For example, an observation that people are
                                                                   predictions difficult to grasp. Some voiced strong concerns
carrying umbrellas can be used to predict that it will rain.
                                                                   that using DST was the same as applying “populational statis-
However, taking people’s umbrellas away will not prevent
                                                                   tics” to individual patient decision making. They felt this was
rain. ML systems make predictions based on covariance of
                                                                   unethical. Others proposed that “instead of having one model
features. They do not assess the causality of those features.
                                                                   that we apply to the entire population, we would have a group
When prompted, clinicians claimed that this distinction is
                                                                   of models. Those models predict for that group of patients.”
“absolutely important”. However, in our conversations, we
                                                                   (Surgeon, B4)
did not observe them distinguishing ML predictions from
general statistics. They seemed to strongly believed DSTs          What Does “Now” Mean in DST Predictions? The DST vi-
should be able to distinguish causality from prediction and        sualized the patient outcome predictions, including life ex-
that they should present only causal features. “This is the        pectancy, estimated time until right heart failure, and likely
whole point of statistical processes. A DST model should address   cause of death. For example, Figure 1 shows that the pa-
that, right?"                                                      tient’s post-implant life expectancy is 21 days if a VAD was
   There was a sense that if the DST predictions were not          implanted now, under the condition shown on the slides.
based on causal factors, then the predictions should not be           Clinicians were confused by this notion of “now” because
presented at all. Clinicians described differentiating correla-    it was extremely unlikely that they would implant a patient
tion (predication) versus causality as a central part of their     on the same day as the decision meeting. Is “that 21 days
decision making. For example, many patients being eval-            from today? If we are gonna lose the patient in 21 days [21
uated for left-ventricular VAD also have right-ventricular         days following after implant], can we just wait?”
heart failure. An important decision cardiologists must make
is whether the heart failure on the right was caused by the        DSTs Do Not Account For the X Factors. Clinicians said that
left heart failure or if it is independent. Will fixing only the   the DST would only ever be one factor in their decision
left side also fix the right? Currently, clinicians speculate      because of “X factors”; the many factors beyond a patient’s
by probing patients with medication. They try different left       condition that impacts the implant decision. One X factors
heart medications and observe how the right side responds.         they spoke of was O/E ratio (observed-to-expected mortality
Clinicians wanted help: “If you can help us understand [...]       ratio). The O/E ratio is a rating that measures the surgeon
which factors seem to be most dominant, or most closely asso-      and care teams’ performance. Surgeons cared about keeping
ciated with certain outcomes, then that helps.” They wanted        a high rating. They described the implant decision for high-
to know the causal links and features for individual cases.        risk patients as “taking on new O/E ratio debts.” This seemed
                                                                   to strongly influence whether they take on another high-risk
Are Data-Driven Prognostics Facts OR Predictions? Clinicians       patient. It seemed to depend strongly on how many patients
frequently asked us to clarify whether DST prognostics are         had recently had poor outcomes.
predictions that carry agency and subjectivity, or if predic-
tions are facts rooted in historic data. We sensed they wanted        It’s not that we don’t help that [VAD candidate] patient,
to limit discussions to facts, including how heart failure has        but if we take this shot and do poorly, then we cannot
played out for the patient they were treating and the statistics      take on the next 10 patients like him. Because now we
from previous, similar cases. We observed resistance from             got too much of a cluster of high-risk patients who’ve
some clinicians toward the idea of showing predictions. Our           done poorly, then we have to do some lower risk ones
collaborating physicians, who created the synthetic cases             before we can go back up [in O/E ratings]. Insurance
and helped us select contents for the slides suggested that           companies and Medicare and all that... they will mark
the DST output should be “one statistical representation of           you. They may not pay. It all plays into the complex
100 patients who are similar to him” rather than a prediction         factor for deciding who, especially sicker patients, we
for this individual patient.                                          would take a shot. (Surgeon, B6)
    I think if you continue to call it “VAD projections” 65%,        Some surgeons described that, for some cardiac surgeries
    people are going to poke holes at it. They are gonna try       that have officially defined models used to rate surgeons and
    to prove you wrong. This [DST projection] is just what         care teams, their decision meetings had became centered
    the historical outcomes were. But this guy is different,       around risk models. This is not yet the case for VAD implants.
Unremarkable AI                                                               CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk

Generalizability Beyond VAD                                       making and that it must only be present enough to slow de-
Our interviews with clinicians outside of VAD centers showed      cision making down when its predictions are in conflict with
that multidisciplinary decision meetings take place across        a seasoned physician’s suggested course of action. All three
many clinical domains for some of their most aggressive           proposals aimed to naturally augment the current activities
interventions. They are also referred to as internal medicine     of decision making, rather than pulling clinicians away from
panel meetings, tumor boards, or floor meetings (referring        doing their routine.
to meetings between critical and general care physicians).           Below, we discuss the design implications of these pro-
These meetings happen widely because for patients are very        posals. We then share challenges encountered and lessons
sick and are being considered for their last-option surgi-        learned in evaluating the DST as a situated experience.
cal intervention, their illness usually have involved multiple
organs. Treating them requires physicians from multiple clin-     Designing DST to Augment Clinical Routine
ical domains. Multidisciplinary meetings therefore occurred       Time and Place. Findings of this work suggested that DSTs
naturally.                                                        may more effectively fit into clinical practice if their interac-
    Esophageal cancer, COPD, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, LIT-      tions are tailored for a specific time and place within the cur-
    ERALLY everything in psychiatry, gastric bypass, end          rent decision-making workflow. Taking lessons from prior
    stage renal disease, hernia repair, syndromes like Down       HCI work, we should not only make AI more intelligent, but
    and Turner, any disease that requires management with         make them highly situated in people’s routines. In doing so,
    meds with nasty side effects, and even emergency room         AI can become part of the decision-making routines, part of
    situations to expedite processes. Any of the above dis-       the very glue of clinicians’ everyday work.
    eases the approach has to be multidisciplinary almost            Our assessment findings largely suggest that decision
    by definition because they affect multiple systems and        meetings are a routine activity that is promising for DST
    usually but not always the last option is a surgical          integration, for several reasons:
    intervention. (Pediatric surgeon)                             (1) The meeting is part of an existing clinical decision-making
                                                                      routine. Clinicians therefore would naturally encounter
6   DISCUSSION: DESIGNING AND EVALUATING                              the DST at the meeting;
    DST AS A SITUATED EXPERIENCE                                  (2) The meeting is a socially aggregated decision point. The
Clinical DSTs, despite compelling evidence of their effective-        DST could therefore leverage mid-level clinicians to advo-
ness in labs, have mostly failed when moving out of labs and          cate for its information and value to the decision makers;
into healthcare practice [15, 19]. A lack of contextual inte-     (3) The meeting offers a moment of deliberation in their
gration in the design of these systems played a critical role         otherwise fast-moving decision-making workflow. The
in these repeated failures. Prior work suggests that current          meetings offer clinicians time to collectively digest the
interaction conventions, that clinicians will recognize their         implications of the prognostics;
own need for a DSTs help and then walk up and use a system        (4) Finally, the meeting is a best practice promoted globally
separate from the EMR, is not likely to work [25].                    in VAD patient care, and across several clinical domains.
   There is a real need to design DSTs not only as a functional       Therefore this DST design could potentially make its
utility but as an integrated experience. Their effectiveness          place across diverse practices in different hospital sites
should be measured not only by prediction accuracy, but by            and domains.
effectiveness when situated within its social and physical          Decision meetings represent only one way of integrating
context such as workplace culture and social structures. This     DSTs into clinical practice. Similar opportunities may lie in
presents exiting new opportunities and challenges to HCI          other time and place in existing clinical decision-making
and UX research.                                                  routine that is socially-aggregated, deliberative and shared
   Our design makes three dependent proposals about mak-          across hospitals. Future research shall advance this work by
ing a DST a situated VAD decision making experience. First,       systemically searching for such opportunities.
we propose that the decision meeting presents a good time
and place. Second, assuming the meeting is correct, we pro-       Interaction Form. Besides situating the DST in decision-making
pose that situating the DST output into the meeting slides        routine, we also motivated mid-level clinicians’ use by prepar-
would offer an effective form. Third, assuming that having        ing patient information for the decision meetings for them.
the DST as part of the slides is a good form, we propose that     Our field study suggested this was a useful tactic. DSTs sup-
the DST plays a fairly unremarkable role in clinician decision    porting various clinical decisions can potentially automate
making by appearing in one corner. We claim it needs to           tedious information retrieval tasks for clinicians to offer ad-
be easily passed over when it agrees with current decision        ditional motivations for adoption.
CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk                                                                     Q. Yang et al.

Designing a Right Level of Unremarkableness                       (2) Designing the evaluation methods for describing and
The walk-up-and-use convention of current DSTs assume                 unpacking the complex, subtle, and multi-faceted nature
clinicians will know when they need help. Our design chal-            of experience, rather than explicitly measuring it;
lenges this convention by proposing the notion of Unremark-       (3) Using prototypes rather than functioning DST models.
able AI. Our unremarkable DST is designed to be situated              This allowed us to probe various possible DST outputs
naturally in an existing decision-making routine and only             and to easily adjust our prototype to incorporate partici-
noticed when it might add value to the decision. DST’s in-            pant feedback.
teraction should have a right level of unremarkableness, yet
                                                                  The Impossibility of
the information it provides should significantly impact care.
                                                                  Experience Prototyping Critical DSTs
   Our field assessment illustrated some positive indicators
that making DSTs unremarkable helped reduce the resistance        Nonetheless, we encountered additional, seemingly-inevitable
clinicians commonly show towards clinical DSTs [6, 19, 25].       challenges of assessing DST’s situated user experience. For
For example, we did not observe clinicians feeling threatened     example, whether a DST design has indeed achieved a right
or feeling they might be replaced by the technology. Clini-       level of remarkableness was impossible to assess without
cians appreciated that DSTs could inform their discussions,       real patient data and fully functioning ML systems.
“though the discussion is unlikely to center around the DST."        Clinicians need more than just synthetic patient cases to
   While our DST was visually unremarkable, its very exis-        connect with their own decision making. We speculate that
tence seems be, to an extent, transforming clinical decision      clinicians need to see one of their own patients’ data to really
making. It introduced predictions into a culture rooted in        assess the DST information design and to see what an actual
facts and statistical significance. Moreover, when predictive     prediction would look like. This means early DST prototypes
risk models were used officially to measure patient risk and      will need actual patient data to assess their interactions in
clinician skills, clinicians’ decision making became centered     context and their impact on care. This is currently impossible
around these models. DSTs substantialized their performance       in critical clinical cases due to ethics, policies and hospital
pressure in decision making.                                      regulations.
   These observations forced us to take a step and ask: What         Clinicians were unable to engage in a group discussion
is the preferred role for DST to play in clinical practice?       without a fully functioning ML system. Clinicians described
Where does a right level of unremarkableness lie? More re-        using an unvalidated DST as unethical and misleading. They
search is needed to find the right balance between DST aug-       suggested that a DST should be validated via randomized
menting decision-making in natural and intuitive ways and         clinical trials on both retrospective patients and prospective
transforming the nature of clinical decision-making. Under-       patients, both at a national level and on their own hospital’s
standing these tradeoffs should be a critical research question   patient population. This gives rise to a chicken-and-egg prob-
in DST design and research.                                       lem in our design assessment: Clinicians could not effectively
                                                                  assess the DST design without a working DST that has been
                                                                  validated on prospective patients; and validating a DST on
Experience Prototyping DST In-Situ                                prospective patient data requires a DST design that has been
Restricted access to the clinical environment is known to         proven effective.
impose fundamental challenges to iterative UX design and             We suspect these challenges are likely to occur not only in
evaluation. Our experience of conducting the field assess-        evaluating DSTs for artificial heart implant, but in assessing
ment echoed this. Upon reflection, we identified several tac-     DSTs for many other critical, high-consequence decisions as
tics effective at reducing the risks of our one-shot design       well. As data-driven DSTs increasingly move out of research
evaluation:                                                       labs and into critical decision making in the real world, we
                                                                  encourage DST designers and researchers to join in mak-
(1) Designing a generalizable DST: The work flows and so-         ing these challenges explicit and investigating new design
    cial contexts in clinical practices are complex and highly    assessment methods and tools to address them.
    divergent across hospitals. Therefore, generalizability is
    a necessity for many DST designs. This work took a step       7   ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
    further than hospital-site generalizablility, designing a     This work was supported by grants from NIH, National Heart,
    DST that can work for a class of structurally similar deci-   Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) # 1R01HL122639-01A1.
    sions (data-intensive, last-option surgical interventions).   The first author was also supported by the Center for Ma-
    A DST’s design and evaluation can become more produc-         chine Learning and Health (CMLH) Fellowships in Digital
    tive than those dedicated to one specific clinical decision   Health. We thank the participants in this work for their ded-
    as well as specific DST models;                               ication, time and valuable inputs.
Unremarkable AI                                                                                  CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland Uk

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