United Wambo Rehabilitation Management Plan 2020 2022

Page created by Erik Moreno
United Wambo Rehabilitation Management Plan 2020 2022
United Wambo Joint Venture
      Plan                                                  United Wambo Rehabilitation Management Plan – 2020 - 2022

            United Wambo Rehabilitation
            Management Plan – 2020 - 2022

Number: ID                                                  Status:  Final                  Effective:
Owner: Environment & Community Manager                      Version: 1.1                    Review:

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United Wambo Rehabilitation Management Plan 2020 2022
United Wambo Joint Venture
Plan                                                    United Wambo Rehabilitation Management Plan – 2020 - 2022

                                          United Wambo Project
                                    Rehabilitation Management Plan

 Name of Mine                                         United Wambo Project – Phase 2

 RMP Commencement Date                                1 December 2020

 RMP Completion Date                                  31 December 2022

 Mining Authorisations (Lease/Licence No.)            CCL775, ML1572, CL374, ML1574. CL397, ML1402,

 Name of Authorisation / Authorisation                Construction Forestry Maritime, Mining and Energy
 holder(s)                                            Union Mining and Energy Division
                                                      Wambo Coal Pty Limited

 Name of Mine Operator (if different)                 United Collieries Pty Ltd

 Name and Contact Details of the Mine                 Name:       Gary Wills
 Manager (or equivalent)
                                                      Title:  Operations Manager, United Wambo Joint
                                                      Ph:         0429 900 814
                                                      Email:      gary.wills@glencore.com.au

 Name and Contact Details of Environmental            Name:       Aislinn Farnon
                                                      Title:      Environment and Community Manager,
                                                                  United Wambo Joint Venture
                                                      Ph:         6578 9526
                                                      Email:      Aislinn.Farnon@glencore.com.au

 Name of Representative(s) of the                     Name:       Gary Wills
 Authorisation Holder(s)
                                                      Title:      Operations Manager, United Wambo Joint
                                                      Ph:         0429 900 814
                                                      Email:      gary.wills@glencore.com.au

 Signature of Representative(s) of the
 Authorisation Holder(s)

 Date                                                 6 November 2020

 Version                                              Version 1

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Plan                                                                    United Wambo Rehabilitation Management Plan – 2020 - 2022

Table of Contents
1.      Introduction .......................................................................................................... 6
2.      Background ........................................................................................................... 7
3.      History of Operations ............................................................................................ 9
3.1     United Mine ............................................................................................................................... 9
3.2     Wambo Mine ............................................................................................................................. 9
4.      Project Description .............................................................................................. 11
4.1     Phase 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 11
        4.1.1 Phase 1A ...................................................................................................................... 11
        4.1.2 Phase 1B ...................................................................................................................... 11
4.2     Phase 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 11
5.      Current Consents, Authorisations and Licences .................................................... 14
6.      Land Ownership and Land Use ............................................................................. 16
6.1     Historic ..................................................................................................................................... 16
6.2     Current ..................................................................................................................................... 16
6.3     Final Land Use .......................................................................................................................... 16
7.      Integration with Other Management Plans .......................................................... 17
8.      Final Land Use ..................................................................................................... 18
8.1     Regulatory Requirements for Rehabilitation ........................................................................... 18
8.2     Approved Final Land Use.......................................................................................................... 24
8.3     Final Land Use Statement ........................................................................................................ 25
        8.3.1 Ecological Rehabilitation ............................................................................................. 25
        8.3.2 Native Open Woodland Vegetation ............................................................................ 26
8.4     Justification for the Proposed Final Land Use .......................................................................... 26
8.5     Stakeholder Consultation ......................................................................................................... 27
8.6     Mining and Final Land Use Domains ........................................................................................ 27
        8.6.1 Mining Domains .......................................................................................................... 28
        8.6.2 Final Land Use Domains .............................................................................................. 30
        8.6.3 Asset Register .............................................................................................................. 31
8.7     Mine Closure Planning ............................................................................................................. 34
9.      Rehabilitation Objectives and Completion Criteria ............................................... 35
9.1     Rehabilitation Objectives ......................................................................................................... 35
        9.1.1 Development Consent Requirements ......................................................................... 35
        9.1.2 EIS Rehabilitation Requirements ................................................................................. 36
        9.1.3 Domain Rehabilitation Objectives............................................................................... 37
9.2     Completion Criteria .................................................................................................................. 39
9.3     Stakeholder Consultation ......................................................................................................... 59

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        9.3.1       Agency Consultation.................................................................................................... 59
        9.3.2       Community Consultation ............................................................................................ 60
10.     Final Landform and Rehabilitation Plan................................................................ 61
11.     Rehabilitation Risk Assessment............................................................................ 62
12.     Rehabilitation Implementation ............................................................................ 63
12.1    Life of Mine Progressive Rehabilitation Schedule.................................................................... 63
12.2    Rehabilitation Phases and General Methodologies ................................................................. 64
        12.2.1 Rehabilitation Phase 1 – Active Mining....................................................................... 65
        12.2.2 Rehabilitation Phase 2 – Decommissioning ................................................................ 70
        12.2.3 Rehabilitation Phase 3 – Landform Establishment ..................................................... 73
        12.2.4 Rehabilitation Phase 4 – Growth Medium Development ........................................... 75
        12.2.5 Rehabilitation Phase 5 – Ecosystem and Land Use Establishment ............................. 76
        12.2.6 Rehabilitation Phase 6 – Ecosystem and Land Use Development .............................. 76
12.3    Rehabilitation of Areas Affected by Subsidence ...................................................................... 77
13.     Rehabilitation Quality Assurance Process............................................................. 78
13.1    Rehabilitation Validation Methodologies ................................................................................ 78
        13.1.1 Rehabilitation Phase 1 – Active Mining....................................................................... 78
        13.1.2 Rehabilitation Phase 2 – Decommissioning ................................................................ 78
        13.1.3 Rehabilitation Phase 3 – Landform Establishment ..................................................... 78
        13.1.4 Rehabilitation Phase 4 – Growth Medium Establishment .......................................... 78
        13.1.5 Rehabilitation Phase 5 – Ecosystem and Land Use Establishment ............................. 79
        13.1.6 Rehabilitation Phase 6 – Ecosystem and Land Use Development .............................. 79
13.2    Review and Continuous Improvement .................................................................................... 79
14.     Rehabilitation Monitoring Program ..................................................................... 81
14.1    Rehabilitation Establishment Monitoring ................................................................................ 81
        14.1.1 Rehabilitation Flora Monitoring .................................................................................. 81
        14.1.2 Annual Walkover Inspections ...................................................................................... 81
        14.1.3 Scientific Plots and Transects ...................................................................................... 82
        14.1.4 Habitat Assessment ..................................................................................................... 83
14.2    Measuring Performance Against Rehabilitation Objectives and Completion Criteria............. 83
15.     Research, Rehabilitation Trials and Use of Analogue Sites .................................... 84
15.1    Rehabilitation Trials ................................................................................................................. 84
15.2    Analogue Sites/Benchmark Sites ............................................................................................. 84
16.     Intervention and Adaptive Management ............................................................. 85
16.1    Threats to Rehabilitation ......................................................................................................... 85
16.2    Trigger Action Response Plan................................................................................................... 86
16.3    Notification............................................................................................................................... 90
17.     Review and Implementation ................................................................................ 91
17.1    Review of the Rehabilitation Management Plan ..................................................................... 91

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17.2       Implementation ....................................................................................................................... 91
18.        Document Information ........................................................................................ 93
18.1       Related Documents .................................................................................................................. 93
18.2       Reference Information ............................................................................................................. 93
18.3       Change Information ................................................................................................................. 94
19.        Accountabilities ................................................................................................... 95
Appendix A - SSD 7142.................................................................................................... 96
Appendix B - Stakeholder Consultation ........................................................................... 97
Appendix C - RMP Risk Management ............................................................................ 101
Appendix D - Decommissioning and Demolition Plan .................................................... 102
Appendix E - Capping Design for Tailings Dam 1 and 2 United Collieries (PSM 2020) ...... 103
Appendix F - Plans ........................................................................................................ 104

Figure 2-1: Locality Plan ......................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 4-1: Site Layout ......................................................................................................................... 13

Table 5-1: Approvals Related to the Project ........................................................................................ 14
Table 7-1: Management Plans ............................................................................................................. 17
Table 8-1: Regulatory Requirements Relating to Post Mining Land Use and Rehabilitation .............. 18
Table 8-2: Proposed Ecological Rehabilitation..................................................................................... 25
Table 8-3: Mining and Final Land Use Domains ................................................................................... 28
Table 8-4: United Wambo ProjectMining Domains ............................................................................. 28
Table 8-5: United Wambo Project Final Land Use Domains ................................................................ 30
Table 8-6: Asset Register ..................................................................................................................... 31
Table 9-1: SSD 7142 Condition B97, Table 6 ........................................................................................ 35
Table 9-2: Overall Domain Objectives.................................................................................................. 37
Table 9-3: Infrastructure to be Removed............................................................................................. 41
Table 9-4: Infrastructure to Remain..................................................................................................... 43
Table 9-5: General Rehabilitation Management.................................................................................. 45
Table 9-6: Ecological Rehabilitation 1, 2 and 3 .................................................................................... 50
Table 9-7: Native Vegetation Rehabilitation (Non EEC/CEEC) ............................................................. 56
Table 9-8: Agricultural Rehabilitation .................................................................................................. 58
Table 9-9: Government Agency Consultation for the RMP ................................................................. 59
Table 12-1: Disturbance and Rehabilitation Progression During the Term of the RMP ...................... 63
Table 12-2: Rehabilitation Phases ........................................................................................................ 64
Table 12-3: Summary of Rehabilitation Phase Completion in the RMP Term ..................................... 65
Table 16-1: Key Threats to Rehabilitation ............................................................................................ 85
Table 16-2: Trigger Action Response Plan ........................................................................................... 87
Table 17-1: Responsibilities for the Implementation of this RMP ....................................................... 91
Table 18-1: Related Documents ........................................................................................................... 93
Table 18-2: Reference Information ...................................................................................................... 93
Table 19-1: Accountabilities for this Plan ............................................................................................ 95

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1.           Introduction
This Rehabilitation Management Plan (RMP) has been prepared to define the rehabilitation activities,
objectives and outcomes for the United Wambo Open Cut Coal Mine Project (the Project).
This RMP has been prepared to satisfy the relevant requirements for a Rehabilitation Management
Plan in accordance with Part B Condition B103 of Development Consent SSD 7142 and anticipated
Mining Lease (ML) conditions. This RMP has been prepared generally in accordance with the
NSW Department of Planning and Environment – Resources Regulator’s (DPIE–RR) Consultation Draft
Code of Practice: Rehabilitation Management Plan for Large Mines (2018) (Draft RMP Guidelines) and
associated guidelines. There have been some changes to the structure of this RMP compared to the
Code of Practice based on:
    The status of the Project;
    United’s interpretation of the DPIE - RR Code of Practice; and
    The requirement to fulfil the requirements of SSD 7142.

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2.           Background
United Collieries Pty Ltd (United) is owned 95 per cent by Abelshore Pty Limited, a wholly owned
subsidiary of Glencore Coal Pty Limited (Glencore) and five per cent by the Construction, Forestry,
Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMMEU), and is managed by Glencore. Wambo Coal Pty Limited
(Wambo) is a subsidiary of Peabody Energy Australia Pty Limited (Peabody).
In November 2014, Glencore and Peabody agreed to form a 50:50 Joint Venture to develop an open
cut coal mine project that combines existing open cut operations at Wambo with a new open cut mine
at United, located approximately 16 kilometres west of Singleton in the Hunter Valley region of New
South Wales (NSW) (Figure 2-1).. This is the most recent example of a long history of collaboration
between these companies, following previous coal lease agreements, shared water management
systems, rail loading and rail loop facilities. Glencore manages the combined open cut mining
operations utilising Wambo's existing infrastructure. Peabody continues to operate the Wambo
Underground, the Coal Handling and Preparation Plant (CHPP) and rail facilities.
A Development Application and accompanying Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the United
Wambo Open Cut Coal Mine Project (the Project) was submitted to the Department of Planning and
Environment (DPIE) on 8 August 2016 and put on public exhibition from 11 August to 22 September
2016. During 2017, a Response to Submissions report was prepared addressing the public and
government agency submissions made on the EIS. On 12 December 2017, DPIE released the
Preliminary Environmental Assessment Report on the Project and the Project was referred to the
Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) (now the Independent Planning Commission (IPC)) to carry
out a review of the merits of the Project and to conduct a public hearing during the review. The public
hearing was held on 8 February 2018.
The IPC issued its Review Report on 26 March 2018 and a Response to the IPC Review Report was
submitted by United Wambo in July 2018. DPIE completed the Final Assessment Report and referred
the Project for determination to the IPC in November 2018. The IPC held a public meeting on
7 February 2019. Further information on the Project can be found on the NSW Major Projects website
or the IPC website.
SSD 7142 was approved on 29 August 2019. The Development Consent is attached as Appendix A - SSD
The Project is to be undertaken in the following stages:
    Phase 1A – construction works at United open cut mine;
    Phase 1B – continuation of construction works and commencement of mining operations at
     United open cut mine;
    Phase 2 – mining operations at the United open cut mine and Wambo open cut mine; and
    Phase 3 – the cessation of open cut mining operations and mine closure.
Further details on the activities undertaken in each Phase is provided in Section 4.
This RMP describes the proposed rehabilitation activities under SSD 7142 for the first two years of
Phase 2 of the Project for the term (1 November 2020 to 31 December 2022). Activities under DA
305-7-2003 and DA 177-8-2004, including mining in the Wambo UG and operation of the Wambo
CHPP, are managed under the Wambo Mining Operations Plan (MOP)/RMP.

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                                           Figure 2-1: Locality Plan

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3.           History of Operations

3.1          United Mine
Development consent for coal mining at the United site was originally granted in the early 1980s.
From July 1989 until July 1992, United comprised an open cut and auger mining operation extracting
from the Whynot and Wambo seams. Underground mining operations at the mine commenced in
1992, continuing until March 2010 when operations were suspended with the mine entering a period
of care and maintenance. At the time mining ceased, underground longwall mining operations at
United were approved to provide up to 2.95 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of product coal.
Exploration and pre-feasibility works were commenced to determine the potential for future mining
activities within United’s mining tenements. Ongoing exploration has identified substantial reserves
of coal suitable for open cut mining.
Prior to the demolition occurring in March 2020, United had a CHPP at the site which was capable of
washing ROM coal from the underground operation for delivery to the export market. From 1989
until 2006, product coal was transported from United by road along the Golden Highway to the Mount
Thorley Coal Loader. Following the construction of the Wambo rail spur and loop in 2006, product
coal from United was transported via the Wambo train loading facility, which subsequently allowed
for the removal of United’s coal haulage trucks from the Golden Highway.
Following approval of SSD 7142, Phase 1A of the Project commenced on 6 January 2020. Mining
commenced in July 2020 within the United Open Cut and was managed by Glencore on behalf of the
Joint Venture.

3.2          Wambo Mine
A range of open cut and underground mining operations have been conducted at Wambo since mining
operations commenced in 1969. Mining under the current Wambo mine development consent
commenced in 2004. The combined Wambo underground and open cut operations have approval to
extract up to 14.7 Mtpa ROM coal and to transport up to 15 Mtpa product coal via the approved train
loading facility until 2025.
The current approved Wambo Open Cut is authorised to produce up to 8 Mtpa of ROM coal. The open
cut is bordered by United and the Golden Highway to the east and north, Wollombi Brook to the east
and south, and Wollemi National Park to the west.
Wambo has four approved underground mining operations, being:
     North Wambo Underground Mine (commenced 2005 and now completed);
     South Bates Underground Mine (commenced 2014 and currently operational);
     Arrowfield Underground Mine (not yet commenced); and
     Bowfield Underground Mine (not yet commenced).
At present, Wambo is extracting ROM coal from the South Bates Underground Mine and has sufficient
resources and underground approvals to continue mining at approved rates until 1 March 2032.
ROM coal from the Wambo mining operations is delivered to the Wambo CHPP for processing.
Product coal from Wambo’s operations is conveyed from the CHPP to the Wambo train loading facility.

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An average of four trains is loaded each day, with a maximum of six trains per day being loaded during
peak coal transport periods.
Wambo operates up to 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

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4.           Project Description

4.1          Phase 1
During Phase 1 of the Project, United was responsible for activities undertaken under SSD 7142
whereas Wambo retained responsibility for the current Wambo open cut and underground
The current approved Wambo MOP will remain in place until Phase 2.
Phase 1 was undertaken in two stages – Phase 1A and Phase 1B, as described in SSD 7142.

4.1.1        Phase 1A
Phase 1A included the following activities:
     salvage of Aboriginal artefacts in accordance with an approved Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
      Management Plan;
     clearing of vegetation to facilitate construction activities in accordance with an approved
      Biodiversity Management Plan;
     construction and use of the Construction Infrastructure Areas (CIA) in accordance with the
      Construction Environmental Management Plan;
     upgrades to the Mine Infrastructure Area (MIA) at Wambo, including the construction of a new
      workshop, fuel farm, administration offices and carpark;
     construction of water management infrastructure including dams, drains and pipelines in
      accordance with an approved Water Management Plan;
     installation of erosion and sediment control devices in accordance with an approved Erosion and
      Sediment Control Management Plan;
     construction of the 330kV, 66kV, 11kV power lines;
     construction of the Golden Highway realignment;
     development of the United open cut starter pit, including the blasting of material;
     construction of mine haul roads and access roads from mine spoil won from the starter pit; and
     installation of lighting to allow operations 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

4.1.2        Phase 1B
Phase 1B, included the following activities:
     continuation of Phase 1A activities; and
     commencement of mining in United, which will include the emplacement of overburden into the
      emplacement areas and the stockpiling of ROM coal.

4.2          Phase 2
Phase 2 when United Open Cut deliver first coal to Wambo CHPP and both the United and Wambo
open cuts will be operated by the United Wambo Joint Venture under SSD 7142. In Phase 2, Wambo

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underground operations will operate under DA 305-7-2003 MOD 16 and the CHPP will operated under
177-8-2004 MOD 3. Wambo have amended the approved MOP and environmental management
plans to remove the open cut operations.
Figure 4-1 shows which elements of the United Wambo operations are included in this RMP document
in Phase 2.

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                                             Figure 4-1: Site Layout

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5.           Current Consents, Authorisations and Licences
Leases, licences and approvals that regulate operations at the Project are listed in Table 5-1.
                                 Table 5-1: Approvals Related to the Project

                   Instrument        Date of Issue               Expiry Date                    Comments


 Department of     SSD 7142      29 August 2019            31 August 2042              United Wambo Open Cut
 Planning and                                                                          Project State Approval

 Department of     EPBC          Pending                   Pending                     United Wambo Open Cut
 Environment       Approval                                                            Project Federal Approval is
 and Energy                                                                            still pending at the time of
                                                                                       this RMP

                   EPBC          2004                      31 December 2029            Open cut and underground
                   2003/138                                                            operations, CHPP and train
                                                                                       loading facilities at Wambo


 Resources         CCL 775       2 September 1992          2 March 2033                Held by the CFMEU on
 Regulator                                                                             behalf of United

                   ML1572        21 December 2005 21 December 2026                     Held by Wambo

                   CL374         6 December 1991           21 March 2026               Held by Wambo, part area
                                                                                       included in this RMP

                   ML1594        1 May 2007                30 April 2028               Held by Wambo, part area
                                                                                       included in this RMP

                   CL397         4 June 1992               4 June 2034                 Held by Wambo, part area
                                                                                       included in this RMP

                   ML1402        23 September              14 August 2022              Held by Wambo, part area
                                 1996                                                  included in this RMP

                   CCL743        9 March 1990              14 August 2022              Held by Wambo, part area
                                                                                       included in this RMP

                   EL 8452       8 August 2016             8 August 2019               Held by the CFMEU on
                                                                                       behalf of United

                   EL 8456       8 August 2016             8 August 2021               Held by United


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                   Instrument        Date of Issue               Expiry Date                    Comments

 Environment       EPL 3141      30 November 1999 Anniversary Date:                    United
 Protection                                       30 November
 Authority (EPA)

 Department of     WAL           14 March 2008             13 March 2023               Redbank Creek Bywash
 Industry (DoI)    18445                                                               pump – Industrial
                   WAL           1 January 2007            Perpetuity                  Hunter River Pump – Water
                   10541                                                               Supply

                   WAL           5 November 2007           19 November 2022 Wollombi Brook Pump –
                   18549                                                    Industrial

                   WAL           1 July 2016               Perpetuity                  Groundwater Extraction
                   41510                                                               Licence

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6.           Land Ownership and Land Use

6.1          Historic
The Project Area is situated in a landscape that is characterised by mining land, grazing land, more
intensive agriculture on the Hunter River alluvial zone (cropping and dairying) and some private and
public woodland. The land to the north and north-east of the Project Area is occupied by Hunter Valley
Operations (HVO) coal mine (HVO South), and further to the north by agricultural land.

6.2          Current
The area south of the Project Area is Wambo-owned grazing land. Land to the east of the Project Area
is privately owned by the Hunter Valley Gliding Club, surrounded by HVO-owned mining buffer land.
To the immediate west of the Project Area is land owned by Wambo which is also utilised for grazing.
Wollemi National Park is located approximately 0.5 kilometres west of the Project Area at its closest
point to the western boundary of the Project Area. Wollemi National Park is also part of the
Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area.
United and Wambo own the majority of freehold land within the Project Area other than road reserves
and an area of Crown land. United’s land interests in the area are held by the CFMEU on behalf of
Land ownership and land use are shown on Plan 1, with a Schedule of Lands located within the Project
Area presented in the Project Approval Appendix A - SSD 7142.
A large proportion of the Project Area has been impacted by a combination of past mining operations,
associated mining infrastructure, existing rehabilitation, infrastructure corridors and past agricultural
clearing. Substantial areas of regenerating remnant vegetation are also present within the Project
Area. The Project Area contains large areas of cleared and disturbed land, and native vegetation
communities providing woodland, riparian, shrubland and grassland habitat and rehabilitated
communities. Farm dams and ephemeral watercourses, which are typically dry, provide drinking
water for fauna species.

6.3          Final Land Use
The proposed final land use is discussed in detail in Section 8.

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7.           Integration with Other Management Plans
The management of rehabilitation at United Wambo is integrated across the environmental
management system. The key management plans and how they are connected to this RMP are
detailed in Table 7-1.
                                         Table 7-1: Management Plans

   Management Plan           SSD 7142 Condition                          Relationship to the RMP

 Rehabilitation           Condition B100             The Rehabilitation Strategy and the RMP both detail
 Strategy                                            the implementation of rehabilitation outcomes in
                                                     Table 6 of SSD 7142. The intent of the Rehabilitation
                                                     Strategy is to set the strategic direction and outcomes
                                                     for rehabilitation of the mine. The Rehabilitation
                                                     Management Plan defines how the rehabilitation of
                                                     the site will achieve the objectives required by SSD
                                                     7142. While both plans are closely linked, the
                                                     Rehabilitation Strategy incorporates a longer time
                                                     period than the RMP with the provision to review and
                                                     refine the final landform and final void outcomes every
                                                     five years, in consultation with the Resources
                                                     Regulator and Council.

 Biodiversity             Condition B71              The Biodiversity Management Plan provides details
 Management Plan                                     on the measures to be implemented to manage
                                                     impacts to biodiversity and rehabilitation at
                                                     United Wambo.
                                                     The Biodiversity Management Plan provides details
                                                     on the proposed Offset Strategy for the Project,
                                                     including further details on the Ecological
                                                     Rehabilitation proposed in this plan.

 Erosion and Sediment     Condition B52 (e) (iii) The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan provides
 Control Plan                                     details on the measures to be implemented at
                                                  United Wambo to minimise soil erosion and the
                                                  potential for the transport of sediment to
                                                  downstream waters, including on rehabilitation.

 Surface Water            Condition B52 (e) (iv) The Surface Water Management Plan outlines to
 Management Plan                                 process to identify and manage impacts to surface
                                                 water, including impacts relating to surface water
                                                 flows from rehabilitation areas.

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8.            Final Land Use

8.1           Regulatory Requirements for Rehabilitation
A summary of all known regulatory requirements for post mining land use and rehabilitation for the
Project are listed in Table 8-1.
            Table 8-1: Regulatory Requirements Relating to Post Mining Land Use and Rehabilitation

  Condition                              Requirement                                       Area     Reference/

 SSD 7142

 Condition      The Applicant must rehabilitate the site to the                      Entire site   Section 9
 B97            satisfaction of the Resources Regulator. This
                rehabilitation must be generally consistent with the
                proposed rehabilitation activities described in the
                document/s listed in condition A2(c) (and shown
                conceptually in the figure in Appendix 8 (Plan 4) and
                comply with the objectives in Table 6.

 Condition      The Applicant must rehabilitate the site progressively,              Entire site   Section 12
 B98            that is, as soon as reasonably practicable following
                                                                                                   Plan 4 and
                disturbance. All reasonable steps must be taken to
                                                                                                   Plan 5a and
                minimise the total area exposed at any time. Interim
                stabilisation and temporary vegetation strategies must
                be employed when areas prone to dust generation, soil
                erosion and weed incursion cannot be permanently
                Note: This condition does not prevent further
                disturbance at some later stage of the development of
                areas that have been rehabilitated.

 Condition      The Applicant must prepare a Rehabilitation
 B103           Management Plan for the development to the
                satisfaction of DRG. This plan must:

                a) be prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced -                           Chris Jones
                   person/s;                                                                       from SLR has
                                                                                                   assisted with
                                                                                                   of the draft
                                                                                                   RMP. Chris
                                                                                                   Jones left SLR
                                                                                                   on 31 July
                                                                                                   prior to it

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  Condition                              Requirement                                        Area       Reference/

               b) be prepared in consultation with the Department,                    Entire site     Section 9.3
                  DPIE Water, BCD and Council;

               c) be prepared in accordance with any relevant DRG                     Entire site     Entire
                  Guideline;                                                                          document

               d) describe how the rehabilitation of the site would                   Entire Site     Not Required
                  achieve the objectives identified in Table 7 the                                    until Phase 2
                  outcomes described in the Rehabilitation Strategy
                  referred to in condition B100 and be integrated
                  with the measures in the Biodiversity Management
                  Plan referred to in condition B71;

               e) include detailed mine plan and final landform                       Entire site     Figures 2-1
                  designs;                                                                            and 4-1
                                                                                                      Plans 1-5

               f)    include detailed plans for the establishment of:                 Future         Section 9.2
                     i.    Ecological Mine Rehabilitation under condition                            Section 13
                    ii.    Open Woodland Revegetation under condition
                           B69; and
                    iii.   other rehabilitated native woodland areas and
                           grassland areas,
               which include detailed performance and completion
               criteria for evaluating rehabilitation success for these
               communities and the establishment of land capability in
               grassland areas;

               g) include a protocol for regular reviews to                           Entire site     Section 13
                  demonstrate that rehabilitation of the vegetation
                                                                                                      Section 14
                  communities listed under paragraph f) is on target
                  to be achieved, and for triggering any necessary                                    Section 16
                  remedial action;

               h) describe the measures to be implemented to            Entire site                   Entire
                  ensure compliance with the relevant conditions of                                   document
                  this consent, and address all aspects of
                  rehabilitation including mine closure, final landform
                  (including final voids), final land use/s and water
                  management in the final landform;

               i)    include procedures for the use of interim                        Infrastructur   Section
                     stabilisation and temporary vegetation strategies,               e areas
                     where reasonable, to minimise the area exposed
                     for dust generation;

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  Condition                              Requirement                                       Area     Reference/

               j)   include a program to monitor, independently audit                Entire site   Section 14
                    and report on the effectiveness of the measures in
                    paragraph h), and progress against the detailed
                    performance and completion criteria in paragraph

               k) to the maximum extent practicable, build on and                    Noted         Section 7
                  integrate with the other management plans
                  required under this consent; and

               l)   include detailed scheduling for progressive                      Noted         Plan 4 and 5
                    rehabilitation to be initiated, undertaken and/or
                                                                                                   New RMP
                    completed over the next three years.
                                                                                                   proposed for
                                                                                                   Phase 2 in late
                                                                                                   2020 which
                                                                                                   will cover a
                                                                                                   longer RMP

 Condition     The Applicant must not commence Phase 1B until the                    Entire Site   Section 17.2
 B104          Rehabilitation Management Plan is approved by the

 Condition     The Applicant must implement the Rehabilitation                       Entire Site   This
 B105          Management Plan as approved by DRG.                                                 document
               The Resources Regulator may permit the Rehabilitation
               Management Plan to be combined with a Mining
               Operations Plan, or similar plan, required under any
               mining lease granted for the development

 Condition     At least five years prior to the planned cessation of                 Entire Site   Noted. Not
 B106          mining operations, the Applicant must prepare a Mine                                required until
               Closure Plan for the development to the satisfaction of                             five years
               the Planning Secretary. This plan must:                                             from closure.
                                                                                                   Section 8.7
               a) be prepared in consultation with DRG and Council;

               b) integrate final rehabilitation and mine closure
                  requirements with those of the Wambo Mining

               c) include a final land use strategy to investigate
                  potential post-mining beneficial land uses for the
                  site (including the final voids), that:
                    i.   align with local strategic planning instruments;

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  Condition                              Requirement                                        Area     Reference/

                   ii.    provide a sustainable future for the local
                   iii.   utilise existing mining infrastructure, where
                          practicable; and
                   iv.    do not compromise ecological rehabilitation

               d) investigate ways to minimise the adverse socio-
                  economic effects associated with mine closure,
                  including reduction in local employment levels; and

               e) describe the measures that would be implemented
                  to minimise or manage the ongoing environmental
                  effects of the project and describe how the
                  performance of these measures would be
                  monitored over time.

 Condition     The Applicant must implement the Mine Closure Plan                                   Section 8.7
 B107          as approved by the Planning Secretary.

 Consolidated Coal Lease 775

 CCL775        Any disturbance resulting from the activities carried out Entire Site                Overall RMP
 Condition 2   under this mining lease must be rehabilitated to the                                 document
               satisfaction of the Minister.

 CCL775        a) The lease holder must comply with an approved                       Entire Site   This is an RMP
 Condition 3      Mining Operations Plan (MOP) in carrying out any
                                                                                                    Section 8.6
                  significant surface disturbing activities, including
                  mining operations, mining purposes and
                                                                                                    Section 10
                  prospecting. The lease holder must apply to the
                  Minister for approval of a MOP. An approved MOP                                   RMP prepared
                  must be in place prior to commencing any                                          in accordance
                  significant surface disturbing activities, including                              with Draft
                  mining operations, mining purposes and                                            Code of
                  prospecting.                                                                      Practice
               b) The MOP must identify the post mining land use                                    Noted
                  and set out a detailed rehabilitation strategy                                    Noted
                    i.    identifies areas that will be disturbed;                                  Review
                   ii.    details the staging of specific mining                                    summarises
                          operations, mining purposes and prospecting;                              rehabilitation
                   iii.   identifies how the mine will be managed and
                          rehabilitated to achieve the post mining land

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  Condition                              Requirement                                         Area   Reference/

                     iv.   identifies how mining operations, mining
                           purposes and prospecting will be carried out in
                           order to prevent and or minimise harm to the
                           environment; and
                      v.   reflects the conditions of approval under:
                           -   the Environmental Planning and
                               Assessment Act 1979;
                           -   the Protection of the Environment
                               Operations Act 1997; and
                           -   any other approvals relevant to the
                               development including the conditions of
                               this mining lease.
               c) The MOP must be prepared in accordance with the
                  ESG3: Mining Operations Plan (MOP) Guidelines
                  September 2013 published on the Department's
                  website at
               d) The lease holder may apply to the Minister to
                  amend an approved MOP at any time.
               e) It is not a breach of this condition if:
                    i.     the operations which, but for this condition 3(e)
                           would be a breach of condition 3(a), were
                           necessary to comply with a lawful order or
                           direction given under the Environmental
                           Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the
                           Protection of the Environment Operations Act
                           1997, the Mine Health and Safety Act 2004 /
                           Coal Mine Health and Safety Act 2002 and Mine
                           Health and Safety Regulation 2007 I Coal Mine
                           Health and Safety Regulation 2006 or the Work
                           Health and Safety Act 2011; and
                    ii.    the Minister had been notified in writing of the
                           terms of the order or direction prior to the
                           operations constituting the breach being
                           carried out.
               f)     The lease holder must prepare a Rehabilitation
                      Report to the satisfaction of the Minister. The
                      report must:
                    i.     provide a detailed review of the progress of
                           rehabilitation against the performance
                           measures and criteria established in the
                           approved MOP;

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  Condition                              Requirement                                       Area       Reference/

                  ii.    be submitted annually on the grant anniversary
                         date (or at such other times as agreed by the
                         Minister); and
                  iii.   be prepared in accordance with any relevant
                         annual reporting guidelines published on the
                         Department's website
               Note: The Rehabilitation Report replaces the Annual
               Environmental Management Report.

 Tailings Dam Approvals

 2008          Rehabilitation of the site will be commensurate with                  Tailings        To be capped
 Section 100   the objectives of the accepted Mining Operations Plan.                Dam 2           and
 Approval                                                                                            rehabilitated.
 Condition 4
                                                                                                     Capping is
                                                                                                     planning to
                                                                                                     commence in
                                                                                                     late 2020.

 2005          Section 127 of the Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1982 is                 Tailings        To be capped
 Section 126   required to be complied with. This application will                   Dam 2           and
 Approval      address decommissioning activities over “Emplacement                                  rehabilitated.
 Condition     Area 1”
                                                                                                     Capping is
                                                                                                     planning to
                                                                                                     commence in
                                                                                                     late 2020.

 Prescribed Dams

 Tailings      Dams Safety NSW are to be notified prior to                           Prior to        Dam Safety
 Dam 2         decommissioning commencing.                                           decommissio     NSW have
                                                                                     ning Tailings   been notified
               Following completion of the filling and capping of the
                                                                                     Dam 2           that capping is
               dam, submit an application to Dam Safety NSW to de-
               list the dams as ‘prescribed’ under Schedule 1 of the
               Dams Safety Act 1978. The application will require an
               ‘as-constructed’ drawing prepared by a suitably
               qualified engineer, which demonstrates that the dam
               has been adequately decommissioned and that it no
               longer constitutes a dam.

CCL775 requires the preparation of a Mining Operations Plan (MOP). United Wambo believe this RMP
document meets the requirements of CCL775.

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8.2          Approved Final Land Use
The approved final land use for the Project Area is native woodland areas with areas of agricultural
use (included in response to community feedback). A key consideration is the existing requirements
for revegetation of the Wambo mining area imposed by the Wambo mine development consent and
EPBC Controlled Action Approval 2003/1138 (1570 ha) that need to be met. These existing
requirements have been incorporated into the Project final land use plan as well as utilising mine
rehabilitation for offsetting requirements (up to 878 ha). The substantial existing Wambo approval
requirements when combined with the proposed biodiversity offsetting outcomes for the Project limit
the area available for alternative future land uses. The remaining areas are proposed for agricultural
land (125 ha) and were included in response to community input which requested prioritisation of
agricultural land where practical, possible and sustainable.
The indicative final voids, final landform and land use were consulted on during the assessment phase
and were the subject of a community workshop. The feedback from these stakeholder engagement
processes influenced the final landform considerations and the closure commitments. This included
feedback on aspects such as:
     The balance between biodiversity offset requirements, woodland areas and land for agricultural
      purposes as part of the final land use and revegetation plan;
     The desire to minimise the number and size of the final voids, where practicable;

     The desire for the incorporation of natural landform design principles into the design of the final
      landform for the Project.
The rehabilitated area will provide native vegetation corridors linking surrounding remnant vegetation
areas, including future vegetation areas planned on rehabilitated mining land to the north and east.

Key linkages will include:
     From the Wollemi National Park through the Project Area to the proposed native rehabilitation
      areas of HVO South mine to the north; and
     To the northeast of the Project Area, through to the proposed native rehabilitation area of the
      Warkworth mine to the southeast of the Project Area.
Several ancillary land use options that are complimentary to the proposed native
vegetation/conservation and agricultural land uses have been identified. The potentially viable land
use options that have been previously identified include:
     Industrial uses, particularly in consideration of the availability of the rail loop, as well as the
      suitability of infrastructure associated with the workshop, office complex and other surface
      facilities including water management structures;

     Adventure tourism and recreation;
     Aquaculture; and

     Pumped-storage hydroelectricity.
The options above have been identified as potentially suitable ancillary land uses but are not currently

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In addition, the Project Area may have some value in terms of future mining operations. The Project
Area is located in an area dominated by existing mining operations and with surrounding exploration
licence areas that may have potential for future mining operations. The Project Area includes the
following key values that could be beneficial for any nearby future mining operation:
     Coal processing infrastructure;
     Established water/storage and management;
     Tailings storage facilities;

     Access to road and rail transport;
     Electricity and communication infrastructure; and

     Accessibility to skilled mining/heavy engineering workforce.
While not proposed, it is recognised that the Project Area may provide an opportunity to support
other future mining operations within the local area.
Discussion of the feasibility of delivering the ancillary land options and potential future mining
opportunities is provided in the Response to the IPC Review Report which can be downloaded from
the     NSW       Major     Project     website:     https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-
It is noted that economic feasibility cannot be assessed at this time as it will depend on the economic
environment post mining, which is up to 23 years from now. The discussion therefore focusses on the
physical and other attributes that would be required to support the identified ancillary land use.

8.3           Final Land Use Statement
The final land use within the Project boundary will be generally consistent with the pre-mining land
use and biodiversity. In accordance with Condition B97 of SSD 7142, and as per the approved final
landform presented in the EIS, the final land uses will include:
     ecological rehabilitation under a Stewardship Agreement (see Section 8.3.1);
     native open woodland vegetation (see Section 8.3.2); and
     agricultural pastureland.
United Wambo will implement an integrated approach to the future rehabilitation and management
of the land within the disturbance boundary to facilitate the establishment of native vegetation
communities for biodiversity conservation and agricultural land for ongoing production. The final land
use plan is presented in Section 10.

8.3.1         Ecological Rehabilitation
As part of the Biodiversity Offset Strategy, the ecological rehabilitation will comprise woodland
conforming to the Central Hunter Valley Eucalypt Forest and Woodland Critically Endangered
Ecological Community (CEEC) and other vegetation types as described in Table 8-2.
                                  Table 8-2: Proposed Ecological Rehabilitation

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                                  PCT / Species                                                Area (ha)   Credits

 HU905 - Narrow-leaved Ironbark - Grey Box grassy woodland of the central                       505.8       2,437
 and upper Hunter (conforming to Central Hunter Valley Eucalypt Forest and
 Woodland CEEC under the EPBC Act)

 HU816 – Spotted Gum - Narrow-leaved Ironbark shrub - grass open forest                         159.4         768
 of the central and lower Hunter (conforming to Central Hunter Ironbark –
 Spotted Gum – Grey Box Forest EEC under the BC Act)

 HU905 - Narrow-leaved Ironbark - Grey Box grassy woodland of the central                       212.8       1,025
 and upper Hunter

 Total                                                                                          878.0       4,230

Condition B56 of SSD 7142 requires United Wambo to notify the Planning Secretary of the intent to
satisfy Stage 1 offset credits using Ecological Mine Rehabilitation and provide details of the particular
ecosystem credits proposed to be satisfied within 12 months of commencing Phase 1A. As such, the
PCT’s and areas of communities shown in Table 8-2 are indicative and may be modified within
12 months of commencing Phase 1A. Any changes will be provided in an updated RMP and in the
United Wambo Biodiversity Management Plan.
Plan 2 shows the conceptual location of the PCTs in the final landform. As per above, the PCTs and/or
areas may be updated following review of the Biodiversity Offset Strategy. The specific location of the
PCTs within the final landform may also be varied during the life of the Project as a result of changes
in timing of rehabilitation and performance of rehabilitation against the specific PCT criteria. Any
changes to the proposed location of the specific ecological rehabilitation PCTs will be provided in an
updated Plan 2 in future RMPs.

8.3.2        Native Open Woodland Vegetation
Condition B69 of SSD 7142 requires 1,300 hectares of Open Woodland Revegetation to be established
by United Wambo during the life of the operation. The areas of rehabilitation used to satisfy
Condition B69 cannot be the same as the areas proposed for Ecological Mine Rehabilitation described
in Section 8.3.1. As per the rehabilitation objectives in Condition B97 of SSD 7142 and Table 9-1, the
Open Woodland Revegetation is to be native woodland ecosystems characteristic of vegetation
communities found in the local area and must complement the areas proposed for Ecological Mine
The Open Woodland Vegetation will target the same PCTs as the Ecological Mine Rehabilitation
described in Section 8.3.1 (currently HU905 and HU816).

8.4          Justification for the Proposed Final Land Use
As required by Condition B97 of SSD 7142, the final land use and rehabilitation objectives outlined in
Section 9 are generally consistent with the final landform proposed in the EIS and associated
documentation (Umwelt). The proposed final land use is outlined in Plan 2. The mine design and final
land use was justified as part of the overall EIS process.

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