2021/2022 Operational Plan - Yass Valley Council
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Yass Valley Council acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land – the Ngunnawal people and acknowledge the elders of the community and their descendants. Access to information You can find out information about Council by reading the meeting agenda papers, subscribing to the online newsletter, reading Council’s Page in the Yass Tribune, checking out our website and Facebook pages or by visiting Council’s administration office in Yass. We also produce a newsletter, ‘The Valley Views’ which is mailed to all residents and businesses three times per year. How to contact us In person: Yass Valley Council 209 Comur Street YASS NSW 2582 Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 5.00pm Phone 02 6226 1477 After Hours 02 6226 1477 Mail PO Box 6, YASS NSW 2582 Email council@yass.nsw.gov.au Website - www.yassvalley.nsw.gov.au
Table of Contents Our Mayor and Councillors 4 Message from the Mayor 5 What is an Operational Plan? 6 We are working towards our community’s goals 7 Our Environment 8 Our Economy 13 Our Community 16 Our Infrastructure 21 Our Civic Leadership 28 Statement of Revenue Policy ___________________________________________________ 35 Fees and Charges 44 2021/2022 Annual Budget 46
Our Mayor and Councillors Yass Valley Council has nine Councillors, including the Mayor. The roles and responsibilities of the Mayor and Councillors are explained in sections 226 and 232 of the Local Government Act 1993. Councillor Rowena Abbey (Mayor) Councillor Nathan Furry (Deputy Mobile: 0427 830 910 Mayor) Rowena.Abbey@yass.nsw.gov.au Mobile: 0402 636 735 Nathan.Furry@yass.nsw.gov.au Councillor Geoff Frost Mobile: 0403 521 079 Councillor Allison Harker Geoff.Frost@yass.nsw.gov.au Mobile: 0402 636 735 Allison.Harker@yass.nsw.gov.au Councillor Mike Reid Mobile: 0412 078 475 Councillor Michael McManus Mike.Reid@yass.nsw.gov.au Mobile: 0419 474 649 Michael.McManus@yass.nsw.gov.au Councillor Jasmin Jones Mobile: 0400 486 616 Councillor Cecil Burgess Jasmin.Jones@yass.nsw.gov.au Mobile: 0429 930 628 Cecil.Burgess@yass.nsw.gov.au Councillor Kim Turner Mobile: 0407 489 570 Kim.Turner@yass.nsw.gov.au Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Our Mayor and Councillors 4
Message from our Mayor On behalf of my fellow Councillors, I am proud to re-sheeting program for our unsealed road network. present the 2021/2022 Operational Plan, which includes the 2021/2022 Budget, Fees & Charges and Our community was faced with significant Rates Charges for Yass Valley. challenges last year, including drought, bushfires and a world-wide health crisis in Coronavirus The individual projects and activities that will be (COVID-19). It was, and in many ways continues to undertaken in 2021/2022 are based on the be, an uncertain and unsettling time and we were commitments made in the Delivery Program. all forced to adapt to new and innovative ways of The framework for our Plan is based on our 2016- life as we united to get through the pandemic 2036 Regional Community Strategic Plan (CSP) that together. identifies the community’s priorities and expectations for the next 20 years. It also contains There were major disruptions to businesses, budget information, outlining how Council will fund services and facilities in the Local Government Area. the delivery of each of these key projects. Many of Council’s services and facilities had to close or operate with modifications and limitations for a The Operational Plan allocates responsibility for period of time. each project or activity to a program area of Council. This is then filtered into program area plans, project Councillors were given another year to continue our plans and individual work plans. It is supported by work and it will be up to a new Council to take over Council’s 2021/2022 Budget, which outlines the the reins following the Local Government elections capital works program and key infrastructure in September 2021. Together, they will decide what projects Council will carry out in the same financial path our community will take for the next three year. years. Our resilience as a community will continue to be tested, however, as our nation rolls out the Council has in place a number of mechanisms for COVID-19 vaccine program and our economy and measuring the success or effectiveness of each of lifestyle can hopefully return to a new COVID-19 the activities. Progress on each of the commitments ‘normal.’ is monitored regularly and reported back to Council and the community in six monthly and annual The health of our community continues to remain reports. This will keep Council on track to deliver on the number one priority and, to this end, Council our community goals in our Regional CSP. has decided to again deliver the 2021/22 Operational Plan through our safe, interactive and The focus on key infrastructure upgrades will online format. Following from the success of last continue in 2021/2022, including: the opening of year’s online launch, which attracted a high level of the Yass to Murrumbateman Pipeline; the public engagement, we will invite your feedback preparation of documents required for the new and suggestions on these important documents that Civic Precinct project to proceed to the point where are ultimately shaped by you. Your input is more it is ‘shovel ready’; the acceleration of early works important than ever as we hope to progress on to improve water quality in Yass and the ongoing some major local infrastructure projects that will lobbying of Governments for the funding to build a have long lasting impacts for future generations in new Water Treatment Plant for the town. In the Yass Valley. addition to this, we will continue to work hard to upgrade our amenities, parks and sporting grounds Rowena Abbey and strengthen our renewed focus on the annual Mayor, Yass Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Message from our Mayor 5
What is an Operational Plan? The Operational plan supports the Delivery Program and sets out Yass Valley Council’s planned activities for 2021/2022 The operational plan identifies the individual projects and activities that will be undertaken within the next financial year to achieve the actions made in the Delivery Program. The Operational Plan allocates responsibilities for each activity and identifies how their effectiveness will be measured. The Operational Plan includes Council’s detailed annual budget, statement of revenue policy, including the proposed rates, fees and charges for the financial year. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- What is an Operational Plan? 6
We are working towards our Community’s goals The community of Yass Valley outlined their goals We have set out this plan along the 5 strategic and aspirations during the development of our pillars so that the links to the CSP are easily Regional Community Strategic Plan (CSP). identified and we have developed measures to Yass Valley Council has considered these goals and demonstrate how we are progressing towards aspirations in developing the Delivery Program and these goals. Operational Plan to ensure that we are working towards the achievement of the community’s goals. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022 We are working towards our Community’s goals 7
Strategic Pillar 1 – Our Environment We appreciate our range of rural landscapes and habitats, and act as custodians of the natural environment for future generations. We will consider environmental protection when making planning and funding decisions, and investigate offset programs We will actively conserve and rehabilitate areas of natural beauty in our local government areas, encouraging the use of native flora where possible and appropriate. We will maintain our rural landscapes Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 1 – Our Environment 8
EN1 - Protect and enhance the existing natural environment, including flora and fauna, native to the region Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer EN1.1 EN1.1.1 Director Planning and Monitoring/commenced Protect our natural assets in line with Commence monitoring of the former Yass Environment community values. gasworks site. EN1.1.2 Director Planning and Biodiversity assessment/commenced Commence a biodiversity assessment on Environment Box Gum Woodland at the Mullion Recreation Ground. EN1.2 EN1.2.1 Director Planning and Application/lodged Work with Office of Environment and Lodge an application for Strategic Environment Heritage to maintain a network of Biocertification on "Hawthorn" and connected native vegetation (including adjacent identified land at reserves and council land). Murrumbateman. EN1.2.2 Director Planning and Accreditation/maintained Maintain an Accredited Assessor under the Environment Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. EN1.3 EN1.3.1 Director Planning and Spraying/completed Meet obligations for weed control in Undertake roadside spraying in accordance Environment the Yass Valley Local Government Area with Council’s schedule. EN2 - Adopt environmental sustainability practices EN 2.1 Director Planning and Implement Council’s Environmental Environment Sustainability Policy across all Council Director infrastructure operations. and Assets EN2.2 EN2.2.1 Director Infrastructure Fittings/installed Improve water efficiency of Council Newly installed water fixtures and fittings and Assets operations. to meet 4 star water efficiency rating in accordance with AS/NZ6400. EN2.3 EN2.3.1 Director Planning and Coordination/completed Conduct Engagement Programs that Co-ordinate Clean Up Australia Day Environment encourage positive behaviour change in activities. the community. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 1 – Our Environment 9
EN2 - Adopt environmental sustainability practices Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer EN2.3.2 Director Planning and Posts/published Publish #SustainabilitySunday on Council’s Environment social media platform. EN2.4 EN2.4.1 Director Planning and Workshops/completed Work with schools to increase Complete three in-school workshops on Environment awareness of caring for the local waste reduction. environment EN2.5 EN2.5.1 Director Planning and Standards/drafted Consider water sensitive urban design Incorporate water sensitive design Environment principles in development assessment. standards into comprehensive Development Control Plan. EN3 - Protect and rehabilitate waterways and catchments. EN3.1 EN3.1.1 Director Planning and Data/submitted Engage with the community and Submit monthly data for two sites on the Environment external agencies to deliver programs Yass River measuring regional water quality which improve the health of the Yass for the Waterwatch program. River and tributaries. EN3.2 EN3.2.1 Director Planning and Posts/published Increase community awareness of the Publish #SustainabilitySunday on Council’s Environment importance of stormwater health and social media platform focussing on quality stormwater health and quality. EN3.3 EN3.3.1 Director Planning and Community groups/supported Deliver Plan of Management for the Support community groups to deliver Environment Yass Gorge. actions from the Yass Gorge Plan of Management Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 1 – Our Environment 10
EN4 - Maintain a balance between growth, development and environmental protection through sensible planning. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer EN4.1 EN4.1.1 Director Planning and Plan/completed Ensure Council's statutory planning Complete the comprehensive development Environment instruments are up to date and control plan. reflective of community needs. EN4.1.2 Director Planning and Planning proposal/commenced Commence a planning proposal to insert Environment planning controls from the Yass Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan into the Yass Valley Local Environmental Plan 2013. EN4.1.3 Director Planning and Contributions plan/completed Complete the Heavy Haulage Contributions Environment Plan. EN 4.1.4 Director Planning and Masterplan/commenced Commence the North Murrumbateman Environment Masterplan. EN4.1.5 Director Planning and Strategy/completed Complete the Housing Strategy. Environment EN4.2 EN4.2.1 Director Planning and Development applications determined within Ensure development application Determine applications for development Environment statutory timeframes=>70% assessment is thorough and efficient. for local activities. Complying development certificates determined within statutory timeframes=>80% Construction certificates determined within 30 days of registration=>80% Local activity approvals determined within 14 days of registration=>80% EN 4.2.2 Director Planning and Manual/commenced Commence preparation of an Engineering Environment Design Standards Manual. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 1 – Our Environment 11
EN5- To investigate and implement approaches to reduce our carbon footprint. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer EN5.1 EN5.1.1 Director Infrastructure and Strategy/commenced Reduce rubbish to landfill through Commence the Waste Recycling Strategy. Assets effective waste management and recycling. EN5.1.2 Director Infrastructure and Program/participation Actively participate in the various Assets Canberra Region Joint Organisation waste reduction programs. EN5.2 EN5.2.1 Director Infrastructure and Recycling/promoted Work with local businesses to Actively promote recycling at the transfer Assets encourage recycling. stations with customers. EN5.3 EN5.3.1 Director Planning and Posts/published Promote initiatives in the community Publish #SustainabilitySunday on Environment such as Eat/Shop Local, Love your Council’s social media platform focussing Leftovers and being efficient with on community initiatives. electricity. EN5.3.2 Director Planning and Program/completed Run the Yass Valley Eco Champs program Environment showcasing the sustainability efforts of local businesses. EN5.4 EN5.4.1 Director Infrastructure and Solar technology/installed Investigate low carbon technologies Install solar technology on the Water Assets when Council assets are developed or Treatment Plant and the Sewage due for replacement. Treatment Plant. EN5.4.2 Director Infrastructure and LED Technology/Installed Main street lighting Assets EN5.5 EN5.5.1 Director Planning and Posts/published Encourage efficient use of renewable Publish #SustainabilitySunday on Environment energy by Yass Valley households Council’s social media platform focussing on renewable energy Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 1 – Our Environment 12
Strategic Pillar 2 – Our Economy We have a strong regional economy experiencing sustainable growth, which provides for a diverse range of employment opportunities. We will develop and foster partnerships with the ACT Government to ensure the region is adequately considered as part of Canberra’s growth and planning strategies. We will support and encourage the ongoing maintenance and improvement of road networks and rail links between the region and other centres such as Sydney, Canberra, and Melbourne. We will ensure adequate and appropriate land is zoned for business and industrial purposes. To promote the region as an ideal location for businesses and industry associated with Canberra airport Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 2 – Our Economy 13
EC1 - Capitalise on the region's close proximity to Canberra and its position as a convenient hub to South East Australia to attract industry and investment. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer EC1.1 EC1.1.1 Director Corporate and Strategy/completed Facilitate business excellence, Complete the Economic Development Community innovation and collaboration in the Strategy. Yass Valley LGA to build stronger business networks and support structures identified through the Economic Development Committee and relevant government agencies and community organisations. EC1.1.2 Director Corporate and Action plan/commenced Commence small business action plan in Community accordance with the Economic Development Strategy. EC1.1.3 Director Corporate and Newsletter/distributed monthly Issue a monthly E-Newsletter to businesses Community in our Council. EC1.2 EC1.2.1 Director Corporate and Number of businesses/identified and Enhance and promote the Yass Work with the Department of Regional Community established Valley brand to drive positive NSW to identify potential business for economic activity relocation or presence in the Yass Valley LGA. EC2 - Jointly develop appropriate tourism opportunities and promote the region as a destination. EC2.1 EC2.1.1 Director Corporate and Planning/commenced Enhance and promote the Yass Commence planning for a flagship event. Community Valley brand to drive positive tourism outcomes. EC2.2 EC2.2.1 Director Corporate and Actions/implemented Collaborate with regional tourism Implement the Destination Southern NSW Community stakeholders. (DSNSW) Destination Management Plan (DMP). Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 2 – Our Economy 14
EC2 - Jointly develop appropriate tourism opportunities and promote the region as a destination cont’d. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer EC2.2.2 Director Infrastructure and Trail/completed Complete the Murrumbateman Winery Assets Trail. EC3 - Support and foster conditions that enable local and small/home- based businesses to grow. EC3.1 EC3.1.1 Space/uptake Director Corporate and Identify and participate in initiatives Develop a Value In Kind (VIK) retail space Community that assist small business for small start- up businesses in Yass. EC3.1.2 Director Corporate and Workshop/delivered Deliver a small business focussed Community workshop. EC4 - Foster and develop a diverse, adaptive and innovative agricultural industry. EC4.1 Director Planning and Protect rural lands for agricultural Environment purposes. Director infrastructure and Assets EC4.2 Director Planning and Identify opportunities and barriers for Environment the agricultural industry in Yass Valley. Director infrastructure and Assets EC5 - Encourage collaboration between businesses, government and training providers to develop employment and training opportunities for young people in the region. EC5.1 EC5.1.1 Director Corporate and Program/co-ordinated Facilitate networking and collaboration Co-ordinate the annual RDNSW Bush Community amongst stakeholders Bursary placement program. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 2 – Our Economy 15
Pillar 3 –Our Community We are a network of vibrant, inclusive and diverse communities that value our rural lifestyle. We will encourage and lobby relevant state and federal government agencies for the requisite infrastructure for the region. We will support existing networks and services that operate at a community level through grants, programs, and capacity building, and recognise their contributions to the community. Murrumbateman has identified a community-wide need for a local school to support the community and its families. Accessibility must be considered, for mobility impaired and people with a disability and their carers, for all community infrastructure. Transport access must be more equitable across smaller communities. 16 Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 3 – Our Community
CO1- -Facilitate and encourage equitable access to community infrastructure and services such as health care, education and transport. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer CO1.1 CO1.1.1 Director Corporate and Programs/delivered Provide an accessible library service Implement programs at the library for all Community to all of the community. of our community. CO1.2 CO1.2.1 General Manager Advocacy/completed Advocate to the State Government Advocate to ensure equitable access to and relevant agencies to ensure that community, health and education transport, health and educational services and funding to support services are delivered equitably to all infrastructure growth. residents. CO1.3 CO1.3.1 Director Corporate and Plan/completed Ensure plans are in place for Develop a Disability Inclusion Action Plan Community accessible community facilities and (DIAP) for 2021-24. services in consultation with the Access Committee. CO1.3.2 Director Infrastructure and Review/commenced Commence review of the Pedestrian Assets Access Mobility Plan (PAMP) and priority identified projects CO2. - Encourage and facilitate active and creative participation in community life. CO2.1 CO2.1.1 General Manager Review/commenced Deliver robust and diverse Undertake a review of the Social Media community engagement Policy. opportunities. CO2.2 CO2.2.1 General Manager Plans/delivered Ensure the community is well Deliver Communication Engagement informed about its projects, policies Plans. and programs. 17 Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 3 – Our Community
CO2. - Encourage and facilitate active and creative participation in community life cont’d. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer CO2.3 Director Planning and Develop and implement a Public Art Environment Strategy that includes specific actions for the development of creative pursuits. CO2.4. CO2.4.1 Director Corporate and Program/implemented Provide a library service that Facilitate the Friday Club program at the Community facilitates creative participation in Library. community life. CO2.5 CO2.5.1 Director Corporate and Program/completed Support the growth of a diverse Administer the community grants Community range of community events program. CO3 - Foster and encourage positive social behaviours to maintain our safe, healthy and connected community. CO3.1 CO3.1.1 Director Corporate and Meetings/attended Encourage and support existing and Attend interagency group meetings as Community new interagency groups. required. CO3.2 CO3.2.1 General Manager Committee framework/implemented Connecting the community to Yass Implementation of the Committees Valley Council through a range of framework as detailed in the review Advisory Committees. 18 Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 3 – Our Community
CO3 - Foster and encourage positive social behaviours to maintain our safe, healthy and connected community cont’d. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer CO3.3 CO3.3.1 Director Corporate and The number of new participants on Support the growth and Encourage participation on Council Community committees and working groups development of volunteering. committees and working groups CO3.4 General Manager Develop a Crime Prevention Plan. CO3.5 CO3.5.1 Director Infrastructure and Program/implemented Foster Road Safety Awareness. Implement the Transport for NSW Road Assets Safety Program. CO4 - Recognise and celebrate our diverse cultural identities and protect and maintain our community's natural and built environment. CO4.1 CO4.1.1 Director Planning and Heritage controls/drafted Ensure appropriate controls are in Draft heritage controls for inclusion in the Environment place to conserve the heritage value comprehensive Development Control of our built environment Plan. CO4.2 CO4.2.1 Director Planning and Heritage advisory service/provided Continue the Heritage Advisory Provide heritage advisory service to the Environment Service. community. CO4.3 CO4.3.1 Director Planning and Local heritage projects funded=budgeted Continue the local Heritage Grants Provide funding for heritage projects Environment amount Program. through the Local heritage Fund. CO4 - Recognise and celebrate our diverse cultural identities and protect and maintain our community's natural and built Environment cont’d CO4.4 CO4.4.1 Director Corporate and Actions/completed Implement the Yass Valley Aboriginal Completion of the actions identified in Community Reconciliation Action Plan in the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). conjunction with the Aboriginal Advisory Consultative Committee. CO4.4.2 Director Planning and Aboriginal land claims/responded Respond to notification of Aboriginal Environment Land Claims. 19 Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 3 – Our Community
CO5 - Maintain our rural lifestyle Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer CO5.1 CO5.1.1 Director Planning and Masterplan/commenced Ensure the community is attractive Commence the Yass CBD Masterplan. Environment and vibrant while maintaining our village atmosphere. CO5.1.2 Director Planning and Masterplan/commenced Commence a masterplan for Wee Jasper. Environment CO5.1.3 Director Planning and Masterplan/commenced Commence a masterplan for Bookham. Environment 20 Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 3 – Our Community
Pillar 4 –Our Infrastructure Our community is well serviced and connected to built, social and communications infrastructure. We will collaboratively advocate and lobby for the development of high-speed rail with State and Federal governments and other investors, ensuring service to the region is provided. We will undertake long term planning for all the impacts a service like this might have on the character and community demographics of our region, and plan for complementary and supporting infrastructure and services to be developed alongside this strategy to maximise benefits for the whole community. We will consider potential impacts and opportunities high-speed rail would have on our local town and villages. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 4 – Our Infrastructure 21
IN1 - Develop high speed rail links between the region,Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer IN1.1 IN1.1.1 General Manager High speed rail proposals/reviewed Assess the advantages and support any Federal/State disadvantages for Yass Valley Government or Private studies into of any high speed rail Fast Rail Options in Yass Valley proposal. IN 2- Improve public transport links to connect towns within the region and increase access to major centres. IN2.1 IN2.1.1 General Manager Advocacy/completed Lobby the Federal and State Continue advocacy to fund further Governments to upgrade the duplication of the Barton Highway. Barton Highway IN2.2 Advocate for public transport links or improved services where there is a demonstrated community need. IN2.3 IN2.3.1 Director Infrastructure Grant applications/submitted Seek funding opportunities to Apply for grants under the Regional and Assets deliver upgrade works on Roads Repair Program. regional roads. IN3 - Maintain and improve road infrastructure and connectivity. IN3.1 IN3.1.1 Director Infrastructure Programs/delivered Deliver transport asset Deliver annual program for urban, rural and Assets infrastructure, maintenance, and regional road renewal and renewal and enhancement construction, including bridges and programs for urban, rural and stormwater regional roads to maintain or improve overall condition. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 4 – Our Infrastructure 22
IN3 - Maintain and improve road infrastructure and connectivity cont’d. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer IN3.1.2 Director Infrastructure Programs/delivered Deliver annual maintenance program for and Assets urban, rural and regional roads based on priority and in accordance with allocated budgets. IN3.1.3 Director Infrastructure Asset plans/reviewed Review asset management plans. and Assets IN3.2 IN3.2.1 Director Infrastructure Programs/delivered Deliver Transport for NSW Deliver Transport for NSW state road and Assets state road maintenance and maintenance and renewal programs in renewal programs in accordance with the Road Maintenance accordance with the Road Council Contract (RMCC) Maintenance Council Contract IN4 - Maintain and update existing community facilities and support the development of new community infrastructure as needed. IN4.1 N4.1.1 Director Infrastructure Consultation and user group feedback. Develop and maintain new Maintenance of sporting fields and and Assets and existing recreational and playgrounds in accordance with user community assets to address group needs. our communities needs in a sustainable manner. IN4.1.2 Director Planning and Plans/completed. Complete Crown Lands Plans of Environment Management. IN4.1.3 Director Planning and Strategy/commenced. Commence a Yass Valley Open Space Environment Strategy. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 4 – Our Infrastructure 23
IN4 - Maintain and update existing community facilities and support the development of new community infrastructure as needed cont’d. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer IN4.1.4 Director Planning and Masterplan/completed Complete the Victoria Park Masterplan. Environment IN4.1.5 Director Infrastructure Masterplan/commenced Contract in place or management of caravan and Assets park. Yass and Binalong swimming pools are open to the public for 6 months from end October to end March. Maintenance programs for assets are developed to align with community expectations, safety, compliance and sustainability of assets. IN4.1.6 Director Infrastructure Plans/commenced Commence asset management plans for and Assets cemeteries at Yass, Murrumbateman, Gundaroo and Binalong IN4.1.7 Director Planning and Design/commenced Commence designs for a new companion Environment animals facility IN4.2 Ensure sufficient land is appropriately located for future Council facilities and emergency services. IN5 - Ensure high quality water supply options for the towns in the region. IN5.1 IN5.1.1 Director Infrastructure NSW Health measures that ensure safety of Council to supply quality Operations and Maintenance and Assets drinking water supply are not breached. water, cater for growth Operate and maintain water supply assets Dam SafetyNSW requirements are met. and quality enhancements and monitor their performance as required NSWEPA Licence requirements are met. that addresses the by DPIE Water, NSW Health, NSW EPA and DPIE Water indicators relating to reliability and community needs. Dam Safety NSW quality are stable or improving Annual operational and maintenance programs associated with the water supply assets are completed. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 4 – Our Infrastructure 24
IN5 - Ensure high quality water supply options for the towns in the region cont’d Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer IN5.1.2 Director Infrastructure Installation of plume aeration in Yass Dam is completed Install plume aeration in Yass Dam (stage 1) and Assets IN5.1.3 Director Infrastructure Upgrade of RWPS is completed. Upgrade Raw Water Pump Station (RWPS) and Assets to enable operation at lower flow rates (stage 1) IN5.1.4 Director Infrastructure "Urgent" upgrades at WTP are completed Carry-out 'urgent' works at Yass Water and Assets Treatment Plant (WTP) to reduce the risks to water quality and supply (Stage 1) IN5.1.5 Director Infrastructure Yass WTP Upgrade Design and Business Case is Prepare design and business case for Yass and Assets prepared. Water Treatment Plant upgrade (stages 2 and 3) IN5.1.6 Director Infrastructure Water source strategy is prepared Prepare long-term water source strategy for and Assets Yass and Murrumbateman through participation in Regional water strategy development IN6 - Implement safe, accessible and efficient waste management and recycling options for general and green waste and sewage. IN6.1 IN6.1.1 Director Infrastructure NSWEPA Licence requirements are met. Provide and operate a Operate and maintain sewerage assets and and Assets DPIE Water indicators relating to reliability and quality sewer network. monitor their performance as required by quality are stable or improving. Cater for growth and DPIE Water and NSW EPA. Annual operational and maintenance programs quality enhancements that associated with the sewerage assets are address the community completed. needs. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 4 – Our Infrastructure 25
IN6 - Implement safe, accessible and efficient waste management and recycling options for general and green waste and sewage cont’d. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer IN6.1.2 Director Infrastructure Construction of Wellington Road WWPS, rising main Complete construction of the Wellington and Assets and gravity main are completed. Road wastewater pump station (WWPS), rising main and gravity main IN6.1.3 Director Infrastructure Ford Street WWPS upgrades are completed. Complete installation of generator and and Assets upgrades to switchboard and telemetry at Ford Street wastewater pump station IN6.2 IN6.2.1 Director Infrastructure Waste collection program/completed Provide an efficient and Operation of domestic and commercial and Assets Efficient maintenance of Waste Transfer sustainable waste service waste collection Stations/commenced IN6.2.2 Director Infrastructure Rehabilitation/commenced Commence rehabilitation of and Assets Murrumbateman Landfill in accordance with Landfill Closure Plan and relevant EPA guidelines IN7 - Secure improvements for and future proof telecommunications infrastructure. IN7.1 IN7.1.1 General Manager Meetings attended Advocate for servicing of Advocate for the servicing of mobile mobile telephone telephone blackspot areas. blackspot areas. IN7.2 IN7.1.2 General Manager Meeting/attended Advocate for a more stable Advocate for a more stable communication. communication network. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 4 – Our Infrastructure 26
IN8 - Improve accessibility to and support the development of health and medical facilities in the region. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible Measure/Target 2017-2021 Activity Officer IN8.1 IN8.1.1 General Manager Meetings/attended Continue to advocate on Advocate for health and medical facilities behalf of the community for in the region health and medical facilities in the region. IN9 - Improve accessibility to and support the development of education and training facilities in the region. IN9.1 IN9.1.1 Director Planning and Meetings/attended Continue to advocate on Provide input to the Department of Environment behalf of the community for Education on the planning and design of education and training the Murrumbateman Primary School. activities to serve our residents. Negotiate with the Department of General Manager Meetings/attended Education for potential joint use of local school facilities. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 4 – Our Infrastructure 27
Pillar 5–Our Civic Leadership Our leaders operate ethically and implement good governance. We empower our residents with the tools to participate actively in the development of our communities • We will engage in regular consultation with community groups, businesses, and individuals regarding Council matters. • We will create a receptive Council culture that responds to community feedback • Council will use public funds effectively, efficiently and sustainably Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 5– Our Civic Leadership 28
CL1 - Effect resourceful and respectful leadership and attentive representation of the community. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible 2017-2021 Activity Officer Measure/Target CL1.1 CL.1.1.1 Director Planning and Inspections completed Ensure activities carried out in Undertake 100 annual inspections of Environment Yass Valley are in a safe manner medium and high risk food premises and meet legislative requirements. CL1.1.2 Director Planning and Inspections completed Complete 20 inspections of regulated Environment premises (eg mortuary, skin penetration, public swimming pools, caravan parks etc) CL1.1.3 Director Planning and Inspections completed Complete 100 inspections of high and Environment medium risk on-site sewage management systems CL.1.1.4 Director Infrastructure Plant Maintenance programs/reviewed Provide a fleet of adequately maintained and Assets Plant utilisation hours/reviewed vehicle and plant, updated in accordance with renewal schedules CL.1.1.5 Director Infrastructure Review and update the Emergency Management Provide an effective and efficient role in and Assets Plan (EMPLAN) emergency management and the development of associated plans CL1.1.6 Director Corporate and Framework/implemented Implement the WHS Framework Community CL1.1.7 Director Planning and Solutions/implemented Develop solutions for unauthorised filling Environment through the Cross Border Illegal Waste Dumping Committee CL1.1.8 Director Planning and Reporting/Monthly Undertake monthly reporting on Environment compliance activities Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 5– Our Civic Leadership 29
CL1 - Effect resourceful and respectful leadership and attentive representation of the community cont’d. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible 2017-2021 Activity Officer Measure/Target CL1.2 CL1.2.1 Director Corporate and Update/completed Address the community’s needs Update financial ratios in quarterly Community in a sustainable manner. budget reviews to Council CL1.2.2 Director Corporate and Projections/completed Utilise the long terms financial plan to Community project the operating performance ratio CL1.2.3 Director Infrastructure Strategy/completed Completed the Integrated Water Cycle and Assets Management Strategy CL1.2.4 Director Infrastructure Grant application/submitted Submit grant applications for the and Assets construction of a Gundaroo detention basin and implementation of an emergency flood warning system for the local government area. CL1.3 CL1.3.1 General Manager Completing planned internal audit reviews per Meet its objectives through Council will conduct an annual internal Internal Audit Plan FY21-FY24 improving the effectiveness of audit plan Presenting all internal audit findings, risk management, controls and recommendations and management responses governance processes. to the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee, Implementing internal audit recommendations as endorsed by the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee, Presenting Annual Financial report to Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee and Council. CL1.3.2 Director Planning and Automation/completed Complete automation of 10.7 certificate Environment process CL1.3.3 Director Planning and Assessment/completed Finalise the Climate and Natural Risk Environment hazard Risk Assessment Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 5– Our Civic Leadership 30
CL1 - Effect resourceful and respectful leadership and attentive representation of the community cont’d. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible 2017-2021 Activity Officer Measure/Target CL1.3.4 Director Corporate and Time lost/State average Maintain lost time injuries at or below Community the State average CL1.3.5 Director Corporate and Audit results/acceptable Achieve acceptable insurer audit Community results CL1.3.6 Director Planning and Review/completed Undertake a review of Council’s Environment Compliance and Enforcement Policy CL1.4 CL1.4.1 Director Corporate and Audit of business unit Compliance Plans. Be compliant, more efficient and Implement business unit Compliance Community effective. Plans as part of business unit plans. CL1.4.2 Director Corporate and Digitisation/commenced Commence digitisation of paper based Community records CL1.4.3 Director Corporate and Strategy/completed Complete the ICT strategy Community CL1.4.4 Director Corporate and Transition/completed Transition enterprise environment to Community a cloud environment CL1.4.5 Director Corporate and Road map/completed Develop a mobile hardware Community implementation road map CL1.4.6 Director Corporate and Elections/completed Conduct the Local Government Community elections in accordance with the relevant legislation Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 5– Our Civic Leadership 31
CL1 - Effect resourceful and respectful leadership and attentive representation of the community cont’d. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible 2017-2021 Activity Officer Measure/Target CL1.4.7 Director Corporate and Program/completed Complete the Councillor induction Community program CL1.4.8 Director Corporate and Briefing sessions/completed Conduct candidate briefing sessions in Community preparation for the local government elections CL1.4.9 Director Corporate and Framework/reviewed Review the procurement framework Community CL1.4.10 Director Corporate and Framework/reviewed Review the project management Community framework CL1.4.11 Director Corporate and Plan and Program/completed Complete the 2021-2024 Community Community Strategic Plan and Delivery Program CL1.4.12 Director Corporate and Report/completed Complete the End of Term report for Community the outgoing Council CL1.4.13 Director Corporate and Implementation/completed Implement a fully integrated Human Community Resources Management System CL1.4.14 Director Corporate and Integration/completed Integrate Council’s values into Community corporate processes CL1.5 CL1.5.1 Director Corporate and Report/completed Improve Council’s operating Report the Operating Performance Community performance (operating Ratio to Council in the quarterly performance ratio). budget reviews CL1.6 CL1.6.1 Director Corporate and Review/completed Maximise Council’s ability to Review fees and charges based on Community generate income. cost as part of the budget process Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 5– Our Civic Leadership 32
CL1 - Effect resourceful and respectful leadership and attentive representation of the community cont’d. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible 2017-2021 Activity Officer Measure/Target CL1.6.2 Director Corporate and Review/completed Review returns on commercial Community activities and investment instruments CL1.6.3 Director Corporate and Review/completed Commence review of the Investment Community Policy CL1.7 CL1.7.1 Director Infrastructure Adoption of Asset Management Plans for Water Ensure that Council assets are Finalise asset management plans for and Assets and Sewer, Parks and Recreation, Waste Services, being renewed faster than they are all asset classes. and Buildings deteriorating. CL1.7.2 Director Infrastructure Audit of asset information across Council. Ensure asset information across and Assets Council is aligned for decision making CL2 Encourage and facilitate open and respectful communication between the community, the private sector, Council and other government agencies. CL2.1 CL2.1.1 Director Corporate and Review completed Make doing business with Council Undertake a review of Council’s Community easier. Customer Service Charter CL2.1.2 General Manager Review/completed Complete a review of Council’s brand CL2.2 CL2.2.1 Director Planning and Meetings/attended. Inform and engage with the Undertake 6 community meetings Environment community on all actions of annually on control and management Council. of priority weeds CL2.2.2 Director Planning and Posts/completed. Make 30 posts on weed awareness on Environment social media and Council's website CL2.2.3 Director Planning and Meetings/convened. Meet with the Weeds Focus Group Environment quarterly Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 5– Our Civic Leadership 33
CL2 Encourage and facilitate open and respectful communication between the community, the private sector, Council and other government agencies cont’d. Delivery Program Action Operational Plan Responsible 2017-2021 Activity Officer Measure/Target CL2.2.4 Director Planning and Program/completed Undertake community awareness and Environment outreach program for food premises as needed CL2.2.5 Director Planning and Program/completed. Conduct a working dog microchipping Environment and registration program CL2.2.6 Director Planning and Program/completed. Undertake a desexing program for Environment companion animals CL2.3 CL2.3.1 General Manager Review/commenced Undertake community engagement Undertake a review of the Community to ensure the community is Engagement Strategy involved in Council’s decision making process. CL3 Collaborate and cooperate as a group of councils to achieve efficiencies and a greater voice in regional decision-making and encourage similar cooperation across other sectors and community groups. CL3.1 CL3.1.1 General Manager Meetings/attended Actively participate in the Canberra Actively participate in the Regional Initiatives/adopted Region Joint Organisation. Joint Organisation of Councils. CL4 Actively investigate and communicate funding sources and collaboration opportunities that can strengthen the region CL4.1 CL4.1.1 Director Corporate and Grant information/distributed Monitor and distribute information Distribute grant opportunities to Community from government agencies relating community groups to funding opportunities CL4.2 CL4.2.1 General Manager Meetings/attended Facilitate networking in the region Participate in working parties for cross to share ideas. bordering servicing issues Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Strategic Pillar 5– Our Civic Leadership 34
Statement of Revenue Policy Charging Philosophy Ordinary Rates In accordance with S.404 (1) of the Local Ordinary rates are applied to properties based on Government Act 1993, Council provides the independent valuations supplied to the Council on all following details of its revenue policy that also rateable properties within the LGA boundaries by the incorporates the basis upon which the rates and Valuer-General. The valuations used in the 2021/22 charges will be made. rating period have a base date of 1 July 2019. Rates and charges represent the process whereby For 2021/22 Council has adopted the 2.0% rate peg set Council recovers the cost of providing its by IPART. services for within the boundaries of the local government area. In general, Council follows a user-pays philosophy towards the provision of services. In the case of water, sewer and garbage services, price increases reflect the cost of providing these services. With ordinary land rates, the rate increases must not be above the limits set by the Minister for Local Government, unless the Minister approves a special variation to general income. The rates and charges levied by the Council are a debt that is applied to the land and this debt becomes the responsibility of the current owner of the land. Any arrears that may not have been discharged by previous owners become the responsibility of the current owner. The rates and charges set out in this revenue policy are designed to provide the net source of funds after allowing for loans, contributions and government grants for the programs and initiatives identified in the operational plan. The detailed outline of the income and expenditure of the Council is set out in the 2021/2022 budget which is contained in this plan. Goods and Services Tax (GST) Ordinary rates, special rates, water charges, sewerage charges, stormwater charges and domestic management charges are exempt from GST because of a determination by the federal treasurer. The majority of Council fees as advertised in the schedule of fees accompanying the operational plan are subject to GST and accordingly the charges reflect a 10% GST component. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Statement of Revenue Policy 35
Statement of Revenue Policy – cont’d The total estimated income yield in 2021/21 from ordinary rates is $11,612,955 as detailed in the following table MINIMUM CATEGORY SUB CATEGORY AD VALOREM BASE CHARGE YIELD CHARGE Farmland 0.0018441 $700.50 $4,404,424 Residential Non Urban 0.0018154 $457.00 $3,667,043 Residential Yass 0.0038409 $694.50 $1,996,673 Residential Binalong 0.0033556 $694.50 $141,840 Residential Bowning 0.0033556 $694.50 $78,920 Residential Wee Jasper 0.0033556 $694.50 $30,558 Residential Bookham 0.0033556 $694.50 $11,112 Residential Murrumbateman 0.0025376 $694.50 $185,221 Residential Gundaroo 0.0025376 $694.50 $177,753 Residential Sutton 0.0025376 $694.50 $73,811 Business Sutton & Gundaroo 0.0018154 $457.00 $17,998 Business Yass & Other Villages 0.0090412 $694.50 $827,603 ESTIMATED $11,612,955 YIELD Structure of the Ordinary Rate Ordinary Minimum Rate The rating provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 allow Councils to base their ordinary rates The minimum rate is applied to residential and either on a system of minimum rates and base business properties, to ensure there is an rates. equitable contribution for services where Yass Valley Council has chosen to employ the properties have a relatively low land valuation. system of both the base rates and minimum rates Ad Valorem Rate as a means of levying rates on all properties Council has adopted a system of ad valorem rates throughout the LGA. The scenarios outlined above that will apply to each property valuation to use these provisions. In accordance with Section develop a variable charge on each rate notice. The 497 of the Local Government Act 1993 the ad valorem charge is multiplied by the land structure of the Ordinary Rate must comprise: valuation supplied by the Valuer-General to • a base amount (i.e. fixed charge required by determine the ad valorem charge. The ad valorem statute to be no more than 50% of the total amount of the rate is to be levied on the amount of the rate) unimproved land value of all rateable land within • a minimum amount (i.e. the maximum of the each rating category on the rates notice minimum rate is fixed by statute annually) • an ad valorem component (i.e. a rate levied on the unimproved land value). Ordinary Base Rate . Council has chosen to apply a system of base amounts in an attempt to overcome community concerns over the inequity of the rate burden of a rate levied solely on land values. The uniform base charge reflects that some of the benefits derived by ratepayers from the provision of Council works and services are shared equally by community, regardless of property valuation. The philosophy behind the base charges is that the base amount should apply to all properties and the total income from the charge should approximate the general administration costs of the Council together with the cost of common services available to each property within the Council area. Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Statement of Revenue Policy 36
Statement of Revenue Policy cont’d Pension Rebates Rateable Land Categories In accordance with Section 575(3)(a) of the Local Categorisation of all rateable land in the council Government Act 1993 Council provides a rate area has been undertaken in accordance with the reduction of 50% of the amount of the rate levy, requirements of chapter15 of the Local provided the maximum rebate for combined general Government Act 1993. Council has used the rate and domestic waste management charges does following categories of rateable land: not exceed $250 to eligible pensioners. Of this rate Farmland - this is land used genuinely for primary reduction, the NSW Government reimburses 55%. production. The dominant use of the land must be The estimated pension rebate in 2021/22 is $56,000 for the business or industry of grazing, and the for land rates and $28,000 for Domestic Waste growing of crops etc. The activities must have a Management. significant and commercial purpose or character and be engaged in for the purpose of profit on a Interest on Overdue Rates and Charges continuous or repetitive basis. Rural residential In accordance with Section 566 of the Local land will not be categorised as farmland. Government Act 1993 Council charges interest on all Residential - the Local Government Act 1993 rates and charges that remain unpaid after they identifies this land as property used for residential become due and payable. Rates and charges become accommodation, or in the case of vacant land, payable one month after the date of service of the property zoned for residential use under an rates notice unless a person elects to pay the rates environmental planning instrument (hotels, and charges by instalments. motels, guesthouses, boarding houses or nursing Where a person elects to pay by instalments, rates homes) are specifically excluded from this and charges become payable on the due date of the category. This category also includes rural instalment. Interest will be calculated on a daily basis residential land. using the simple interest method. The rate of interest must not exceed the maximum rate Business - the Local Government Act 1993 specified by the Minister for Local Government for identifies property within this category as land, overdue General Rates, which is currently 7% but which cannot be categorised in any of the other may change in accordance with advice from the categories of farmland or residential. Minister for Local Government. Council will adopt Valuations the maximum rate. Council will be using valuations with a base date of 1 July 2019 for rating purposes in 2021/22. The valuations are based upon the unimproved land value only of the property and do not include any structures or other improvements. Any appeal against the property valuation should be lodged with Valuation Services – Property NSW, PO Box 745 Bathurst NSW 2795 or by phone on 1800 110 038 to request a review kit to be posted or emailed to you. Online objection lodgement is also available at www.valuergeneral.nsw.gov.au/land_values/reque st_a_review/how_to_lodge_an_objection Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Statement of Revenue Policy 37
Statement of Revenue Policy cont’d Exemptions Aboriginal people. The Local Government Act 1993 – Sections 555 to 558 8. Public places (general rates only) - Land that is state that the following exemptions from all land rates a public place. and where indicated water and sewer access charges 9. Public Reserve or Common (general rates only) must be applied: – Land used for a public reserve or common and 1. Crown Land (general rates, water and sewer access vested in the Crown, a public body or trustees. charges) - Crown Land that is not being land held 10. Public cemetery (general rates only) - Land under a lease for private purposes. used for a public cemetery and vested in the 2. National Parks (general rates, water and sewer Crown, a public body or trustees. access charges) - Land within a national park, 11. Public library (general rates only) - Land used historic site, nature reserve state game reserve or solely for a free public library and vested in the conservation reserve whether or not the land Is Crown, a public body or trustees. affected by a lease, licence, occupancy or use. 12. Public hospital (general rates only) - Land that 3. Conservation Agreements (general rates only) – belongs to a public hospital. Land that is a subject of a conservation agreement, any rate levies on that whole parcel of land is to be 13. Area Health Service (general rates only) - Land reduced by the percentage of the land in which the that is vested in an area health service. conservation agreement covers. 14. Benevolent or Public Charity (general rates 4. Churches or places of public worship (general rates only) – Land that belongs to a public benevolent only) - Land that belongs to a religious body and is institution or public charity and is used or occupied and used as a church, a minister of occupied by the institution or charity for the religions residence, a place for religious teaching purposes of the institution or charity. or training or the residence of the official head or assistant head of any religious body in the State or any diocese within the State. 5. Schools (general rates only) - Land that belongs to and is occupied and used in connection with a school, school playground or residence occupied by a teacher, employee or caretaker of the school, as defined by the Education Reform Act 1990 6. Government Departments, Council or Emergency Service (general rates only) - Land that belongs to and is occupied and used in connection with an emergency service or Government department, Council or an emergency service or Government department or Council office or residence provided that it is not commercially leased. This includes Police Stations and residences, Ambulances Stations and residences, Fire Stations and Government offices. 7. Aboriginal Land (general rates only) – Land that is vested in an NSW Aboriginal Land Council or a Local Aboriginal Land Council under Division 5 of Part 2 of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 exempts Local Aboriginal Land Councils from the payment of rates and charges to Local Government Authorities on certain types of lands. This includes land included in Schedule 1 of the Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 2002, vacant land and declared land that is of spiritual or cultural significance to Draft Operational Plan 2021-2022- Statement of Revenue Policy 38
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