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UNISON's Covid-19 support for you - CORONAVIRUS - UNISON ...
January 2021

UNISON West Sussex Branch newsletter • www.unisonwestsussex.org.uk


UNISON’s Covid-19
support for you
Advice if colleagues test positive
for the virus | See pages 5, 10 and 12

        s e e pa g e 2

SEE INSIDE Term time only pay 3 • WSCC budget cuts 4 • Branch committee
nominations 6 • Insourcing IT from Capita 8 • New lockdown, new measures 12
Higher Ed pay 13 • Exit payments cap 15 • GBMet Worthing closures? 18
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                      New year          need to keep themselves         year’s committee, with an
                      greetings         updated in a fast-changing      expanded membership to
                      have been         environment. Even though        include our very welcome
                      tinged with       branch officers are working     three new convenors.
                      an element of     from home, we are still here        You may also have heard
                      sadness and       to support you in any way       that UNISON has a new
                      uncertainty       we can. 2021 will be a very     general secretary, Christina
      this January as the pandemic      challenging year.               McAnea. Branch nominee
      continues to spread                   From 2020, there are        Paul Holmes was placed a
      remorselessly, putting many       ongoing disagreements           hugely creditable second.
      of you at daily risk during the   still needing to be resolved    However, we congratulate
      course of your work.              such as the thorny issue of     Christina and wish her well in
          Our advice for members        exit payments, which we         her new role. Let’s hope 2021
      is constantly updated and         discuss on page 15, and         is a better one for everyone.
      we present here the latest        the impact of yet more          Keep well and stay safe.
      available at the time of going    council cuts on services (see
      to print. Much of this focuses    page 4). You can also see       Dan Sartin,
      on schools, but all members       branch nominations for this     Branch Secretary

      Virtual branch AGMs                                                 • Monday 29 March,
                                                                          • Tuesday 30 March,
      Branch AGMs will take place this year at the                          4.30-5.30pm
      end of March using the Zoom app. There will be                      • Wednesday 31 March,
      three, short AGM sessions consisting of half hour                     6.30-7.30pm
      business reports and annual elections to the
      branch committee, then questions to the branch                    All members from any
      secretary, treasurer and other committee members.                 employer (and retired
                                                                        members) are welcome at
      Sadly, due to Covid-19            Chichester AGM, but there       any of our AGMs. We’d love
      restrictions we cannot hold       will be a range of prizes       you to join us.
      our usual quiz and curry          available. AGMs take place          We’ve deliberately
      night at the end of the           at the following times:         organised the AGMs at
                                                                        different times of the day to
                                                                        allow as many members to
                                                                        join us as possible, so that
                                                                        school and shift workers
                                                                        at least have a chance to
                                                                        participate. We will send
                                                                        out links and passwords via
                                                                        email nearer the dates. For
                                                                        those who have never used
                                                                        Zoom, we will also post
                                                                        instructions on how to join
                                                                        a virtual meeting. We look
                                                                        forward to seeing as many
                                                                        of you as possible.
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Term-time only pay – update
UNISON is continuing to work with WSCC to try to                   pay going back a period
settle the term-time only (TTO) pay issue for members.             of up to five years and
This mainly affects schools’ workers on lower salaries             three months from 1 April
who have not been receiving the statutory minimum                  2020, and would provide
5.6 weeks’ annual leave within their pay calculation.              an additional sum, where
                                                                   applicable, to make up for
A tribunal which UNISON          our case there. But in the        potential loss on pre-2014
won (the Brazel judgement)       meantime, the branch has          LGPS pension.
puts WSCC – and potentially      been working on a different           UNISON is aware that
any employer – in breach         agreement with WSCC,              members in schools where
of the law if they did not       whereby if the Supreme            WSCC is not the employer
update their pay calculations    Court appeal is thrown out        will be similarly affected,
to reflect it. Backpay will be   the council will settle its       and we are discussing how
owed. Sums are not expected      liabilities at that point.        this sensible agreement
to be huge, but members will        An agreement will be           would be promoted to other
quite rightly want to receive    made in writing now so we         employers in the school
their due backpay and have       know who will be in scope if      community so they were
their pay calculated correctly   the Supreme Court finds in        encouraged to use it.
going forwards.                  UNISON’s favour. This will            The Supreme Court
    The matter has been          include all members who           appeal is not due to be
delayed by the attention         were on TTO contracts as at       heard until November 2021,
taken up by Covid-19.            1 April 2020 and those who        with a judgement expected
In addition, the Brazel          began or left employment          in Spring 2022. We will keep
judgement is now subject         after 1 April 2020 (if you left   members updated, and you
to appeal at the Supreme         WSCC employment prior             are likely to hear direct from
Court. WSCC does not wish        to 1 April 2020 you need to       WSCC in writing about what
to settle its liabilities only   contact the UNISON office).       we have agreed.
to see Brazel overturned by         The agreement will                 Please ask non-members
the Supreme Court. UNISON        provide for settlement of         to join us as soon as possible
is confident of winning          underpaid statutory holiday       at: join.unison.org.uk
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    Cuts to WSCC services
    This government’s disgraceful attitude to                    UNISON head of local
    adequately funding local government services                 government Jon Richards
    has, according to the County Councils’ Network,              said, “Council workers have
    resulted in ‘just one in five councils being ‘confident’     been at the forefront of
    they can deliver a balanced budget next year
                                                                 running essential services
    without dramatic reductions to services.’
                                                                 during the pandemic and
                                                                 shouldn’t pay the price by
    Recently, Croydon Council      vulnerable members of the
                                                                 losing their jobs because of
    brought in emergency           public are being discussed
                                                                 government underfunding.
    spending restrictions and      such as:
                                                                 A long-term plan is needed
    issued a notice effectively    • cutting back children &
                                                                 for local government,
    declaring its bankruptcy.         family centre and Find
                                                                 recognising the crucial
    More councils are being           It Out youth provision
                                                                 work it plays in keeping
    squeezed to breaking point        from 55 buildings to 11,
    as Tory spending cuts bite        effectively ending the     communities going.”
    hard with significant lost       ‘SureStart’ model;              UNISON West Sussex
    income from reduced            • removing a management       branch secretary Dan Sartin
    council tax and business          layer in children’s        said, “We will challenge
    rates receipts.                   services;                  all local cuts and robustly
       Even though it is a Tory-   • substantial reductions      defend our members
    led administration, West          in overall public health   jobs and services. With its
    Sussex County Council             spending by the county;    £multi-billion new spending
    does not escape the worst      • closing some residential    on defence, and awarding
    impacts of continued central      care homes;                of lucrative Covid-related
    government underfunding.       • reducing the use of         contracts to its chums
    For the next three years it       home care packages for     without due process, this
    anticipates gaps of £44m,         vulnerable and disabled    government has shown it
    £17m and £5.9m; a total           adults;                    can find funds when it wants
    budget gap of £110m over       • closing the staff canteen   to. UNISON membership
    the four-year period before       at County Hall campus;     proves invaluable at times
    savings considerations.           and                        like these and our members
    Drastic cuts with a huge       • reviewing council-owned     will see better outcomes
    impact on our members and         estate and buildings.      with our support.”
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UNISON help during
COVID-19 lockdown
Deputy branch secretary Karen Daubney updates                             “At time of writing, we
us on the main issues affecting members                               know that members who
during the latest national lockdown.                                  are Clinically Extremely
                                                                      Vulnerable should not be in
“Most recently members            who has tested positive             the workplace. NJC advice
 have come to the branch          for Covid-19 and should             is that Clinically Vulnerable
 asking for advice once they      self-isolate varies between         staff should not be either.
 know a colleague has tested      settings. In an office, if you’ve       “We’ve also had concerns
 positive for Covid-19. Many      worked directly with an             raised by social workers
 have approached local            infected person within two          being asked to go into
 managers but sometimes           metres for 15 minutes, this         face-to-face situations with
 their concerns have not been     is considered close contact         service users. We raised
 taken seriously,                                                                 these concerns
 with concerns                                                                    at the children’s
 measures are not                                                                 services joint
 maintaining a safe                                                               consultative
 workplace.                                                                       committee (JCC).
    “The apparent                                                                 Their advice
 lack of managerial                                                               was that local
 knowledge                                                                        managers must
 of correct                                                                       risk assess each
 procedures                                                                       situation and
 in such cases                                                                    put in place
 highlighted the                                                                  appropriate
 need for simple                                                                  measures to
 guidelines to                                                                    ensure staff safety.
 be made easily                                                                   Your first action is
 available. We’ve worked          and you must self-isolate           to talk to your manager who
 on these with the council’s      straight away. However, the         should conduct an individual
 HR service, so there’s clear     definition of ‘close contact’       risk assessment. However,
 guidance for managers to         changes if you’re a care            if you are not satisfied
 know what to do.                 worker wearing PPE the              with their response, please
    “The guidelines are based     whole day.                          contact the branch office for
 on information from the             “There are also judgments        advice.
 government’s website. They       to be made if a person is for           We have advised several
 outline steps to be taken        example, diagnosed on a             hundred members on
 depending on a variety of        Monday, but has not been in         Covid-19 during 2020 and
 workplace situations.            contact with colleagues for         can provide support to
    “For example, the             over two days. In such cases,       ensure you are not put in
 definition of someone being      the risk of infection will be       harm’s way.”
‘in close contact’ with another   reduced.
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                                  The branch committee has nominated the followin

         Branch Chair                 Branch Vice-Chair              Branch Secretary               Deputy Branch Secretary
         Ian Harvey                  Sarah Etherington                  Dan Sartin                     Karen Daubney

    Equalities Officer (Women)      Equalities Officer (BME)      Equalities Officer (Disability)   Equalities Officer (LGBT)
          Carla Hardy                   Olu Oyedele                 Sarah Etherington                  Paul Woodcock

    Health & Safety Officer (1)     Health & Safety Officer (2)     Labour Link Officer              International Officer
       Karen Daubney                     Carla Hardy                   Dan Sartin                       Chris Hughes

    Environmental Officer           Young Members’ Officer         Education Co-ordinator           Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator
         Julie Bolton                   Kiera Hilder                 Briony Stilliard                    Briony Stilliard
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ng members to serve as branch officers in 2021/22.

        Branch Treasurer                Pensions Officer                       Retired Members’ Secretaries
         Jennie Barrett                  Judith Taylor                       Jennie Gudgeon/Margaret Guest

     Children’s Services Convenor   WSCC Adults’ Services Convenor   WSCC Schools Convenor      WSCC Other departments
       Sarah Etherington               Gerard Robson                    Keith Manville            Convenor Vacant

         Welfare Officer            Communications Officer             Membership Officer
         Stuart Gibbons                  Vacant                            Vacant

    The branch committee has nominated                                   If you are interested in taking on any role,
    the above members to serve as                                    please contact the branch secretary to find
    branch officers in 2021/22.                                      out more or request a nomination form.
       As part of the union’s democratic process,                    Branch committee meets six times per year
    nomination forms for any of the positions                        (in ‘non-pandemic’ times, usually split between
    are available from the branch office.                            Chichester and Worthing, though there are
       The annual election process for                               now options to meet virtually by Zoom). If
    workplace representatives has also started.                      you would like to get more involved with the
    The nomination period for all positions                          branch, as a committee member or workplace
    ends on Wednesday 10 February.                                   rep, now is the time. Please get in touch!
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    IT services to be
    insourced from Capita
    The County Council is looking to                     Branch
    bring its IT services provision back              secretary
    in-house, releasing it from the Capita            Dan Sartin
    contract early. It’s the latest example           said, “We
    in a long line of services previously             always
    outsourced to Capita now brought                  knew that
    back under council control.                       outsourcing services to companies such
    By doing this, the council is estimated to save   as Capita was going to prove inefficient
    £500k per year, forming a major element of        and costly for the council in the long-term.
    its savings plan over the next few years.         Incredibly given its experience, the council
        The current contract concludes at the end     may still look to keep some elements of IT in
    of September 2022 but research shows there        the private sector so UNISON will be looking
    is greater benefit to the council by moving to    for assurance and involvement at each stage
    a new model earlier. It intends to insource       so we know that in-house solutions are not
    the service by summer 2021. We estimate           being unfairly side-lined.”
    that of the 20 services included in the Capita       Capita UNISON rep Ian Harvey said,
    contract at various times, at the most only six   “UNISON members affected by this change
    will remain so by the summer. If the council      can rest assured we will be present
    can save £500k each year by doing this, it        throughout the TUPE process and will always
    begs the question how much money it has           seek to achieve the best outcome possible
    wasted since 2012 on the failed contract.         for you.”

    NEC nominations
                                                                      The West Sussex branch
                                                                   currently has two members
                                                                   successfully elected to the NEC
    UNISON’s national executive council (NEC) is                   to represent the South East
    its highest governance body. It is made up of                  region, Dan Sartin – our branch
    68 representatives to cover UNISON’s diverse                   secretary – and Abi Holdsworth
    and huge 1.3million membership.                                – a workplace rep who works
                                                                   for Capita in Bognor. Both have
    NEC members are elected to                                     decided to stand again in 2021.
    represent the 12 regions, 7                                       Dan Sartin said, “Abi and
    service groups (for example,                                   myself will be standing with
    local government being                                         other like-minded candidates
    one) and 3 national groups                                     on a platform of radical change
    (black members, disabled                                       for UNISON. The NEC runs
    members and young                                              UNISON and determines the
    members). The election this                                    union it will be, so it is essential
    year will take place from 4 to                                 that members take part in
    27 May.                                                        these important elections.”
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Under disciplinary investigation?
A UNISON West Sussex social work member describes                   “This once again knocked
their recent experience: “I have decided to share my             my mental health. I raised
own experiences hoping it will highlight flaws in the            this with HR and my
current systems and make WSCC think about the                    managers. They told me to
need for reform.                                                 access the employee support
                                                                          service. I gave it a
“I never expected to                                                      go. However, I was
 have my social work                                                      disappointed by
 practice investigated                                                    what they had to
 under a disciplinary                                                     offer.
 process. It started                                                        “After six months
 unexpectedly. I had                                                      of my professional
 not been pre-warned                                                      life being inspected
 of any problems, yet                                                     the disciplinary
 I was summoned                                                           investigation
 into a room with my                                                      concluded there was
 managers and told                                                       ‘no case to answer’.
 I was suspended                                                          Six months of my
 pending a disciplinary                                                   career I will never
 investigation. I sat                                                     get back.
 crying and confused in
 a conference room.
 I was told I was not allowed     Further investigation          Help and support
 to share this information        “As time dragged on, I         “On reflection, the reason
 with colleagues and they          decided to use the             I made it through without
 would be told my role             opportunity of being a         more serious mental health
 was changing due to other         more restricted office-        issues was due to the
 reasons.                          based worker to show my        support I had from UNISON.
    “After that, obstacles         capabilities, and put all I    I am fearful for any peers
 were continuously put in          could into supporting my       who may have to go through
 my way. One of the biggest        service. I got to the point    this process in the future
 things I noted was the lack of    where I thought I would        without their support.
 communication.                    get through it and be OK.          “It’s time WSCC reviewed
    “My mental health quickly      Then, out of the blue I was    its processes to ensure
 declined and I had to seek        told WSCC had decided to       support is there for
 professional help. I ended        investigate another area of    employees in vulnerable
 up on anti-depressants for        my practice that had never     positions. Investigations drag
 the first time ever and lost a    been previously raised as a    on for such long periods and
 substantial amount of weight.     concern.                       with poor communication.”

   UNISON is involved in ongoing and detailed discussions with HR at senior levels to review
   and make its performance and disciplinary processes more efficient. This work started
   positively in 2020 and will continue into 2021. As described above, all public service
   workers can benefit from UNISON membership and are encouraged to join us.
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     Covid measures
     in schools
     Branch schools’ convenor Keith Manville shares
     the responses to concerns posed on behalf
     of our schools’ members at the recent WSCC
     schools’ joint consultative committee (JCC).

     1. Face Coverings                                 safety, given the potential false reassurance
     In West Sussex schools it has been agreed         these tests provide. They should not be used
     that staff who wish to wear face coverings        instead of self-isolation for close contacts of
     may do so. It is not however, acceptable for      individuals testing positive for Covid 19, but
     employers to allow vulnerable staff to wear       in addition.
     PPE but then ignore other issues such as              The test is only suited to identifying
     crossing bubbles, ignoring social distancing      some asymptomatic individuals. It suffers
     guidelines and disregarding the risk of           from low sensitivity when administered by
     underlying health conditions.                     volunteers or self-trained staff. Studies show
                                                       it only detects 48.89% of positive infections
     2. Deployment of school support staff             compared to lab-based PCR tests. This
     The branch knows some school support              explains why two tests are recommended
     staff have been instructed to carry out tasks     taken three days apart.
     outside their job description, such as cleaning       I presented this criticism to the DfE.
     toilet areas. This is not appropriate. We have    They couldn’t provide answers. We want
     been working closely with WSCC HR to resolve      to engage with mass testing in schools but
     such member concerns within schools.              only alongside existing measures. It can’t
                                                       replace the need for these measures or be
     3. DfE – mass lateral flow testing                used instead of them. For a more complete
     for schools                                       evaluation of UNISON concerns on the
     After a recent meeting I attended with            national schools’ sector statement on this
     UNISON national colleagues and the                subject, check out the branch website.
     department for education (DfE) discussing
     the roll-out of mass testing in schools, I have   4. Risk assessments
     an additional concern regarding workplace         Schools should be publishing their risk
                                                       assessment on websites or making them
                                                       available to staff on an intranet.
                                                          If you have concerns on any of the
                                                       above matters, please contact me through
                                                       the branch office. UNISON is providing
                                                       support to hundreds of school support staff
                                                       through the Covid pandemic. If you are
                                                       uncomfortable at what you are being asked
                                                       to do, or believe your health is being put at
                                                       risk, get in touch.
www.unisonwestsussex.org.uk                                                                     11

School restructures
In addition to the many council services being                   • Steyning Grammar School
restructured where UNISON is actively supporting                 • Our Lady of Sion School,
our members, the branch is also involved in several                Worthing
schools-based restructures.                                      • Manor Field Primary
                                                                   School, Burgess Hill
Members’ support is led by      negotiations on terms            • Oriel High School, Crawley
branch negotiations officer     and conditions and TUPE          • Bohunt School, Worthing
Zoe Walker and branch           transfers we’ve recently         • Stepping Stones Nursery
schools’ convenor Keith         supported:                         School, Bognor Regis
Manville. Here are some         • North Chapel Primary           • The Education Centre,
of the school restructures,        School, Petworth                Haywards Heath

 If any UNISON member at any of these schools would like further information or support,
 please contact the branch on 01243 777636 or office.unison@westsussex.gov.uk

  Virtual advice
  In an attempt to turn a negative into a positive
  for schools-based members, branch negotiations
  officer Zoe Walker wants to make the most of
  the opportunity the ‘virtual office’ model has
  provided due to the coronavirus pandemic.

  “Though I miss many of        circumstances, not least          anything causing you and
   the benefits of working      due to travel and transport       your colleagues concern.
   together in an office,       problems.                        “Also, we need more
   there is an up-side to           “Many of the issues I hear    school reps. I can help
   homeworking,” said Zoe.      from different schools are        train up new reps via
  “Technology has arguably      often similar, so I’d like to     video technology and
   allowed better use of time. make the following offer.          support new reps through
   Using video-call software   “If any UNISON rep or              their first few months
   such as Zoom has             group of members from             in the role. Please get
   allowed me to virtually      a particular school would         in touch with me if this
  ‘meet’ more members to        like support or advice on         is something you would
   provide support and also     a specific issue that can         consider.”
   meet groups of schools-      be delivered virtually, then          Contact Zoe on: zoe@
   based reps. This would       I’m happy to help if I can.       unisonwestsussex.org.uk
   be difficult in normal       Please let me know if there is
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     C-19 in schools:                                                 is a significant change to
                                                                      circumstances and that
                                                                      would include a new national

     new year,                                                        lockdown. Please check your
                                                                      school risk assessment and
                                                                      individual risk assessment

     new lockdown                                                     has been updated and your
                                                                      school is following the latest
                                                                      advice on protecting clinically
                                                                      and clinically extremely
                                                                      vulnerable individuals in
                                                                      allowing those indicated by
                                                                      guidance or risk assessment
                                                                      to work from home or
                                                                      undertake other duties.
                                                                      It is also important that
                                                                      all previous C-19 H&S
                                                                      guidelines are being followed
                                                                      to keep those that remain
                                                                      in our schools as safe as

     The situation in schools has been fast moving. One               Testing times
     moment the PM was stating his opinion, “schools                  Mass testing in schools was
     were safe to be open” and yet within 24 hours                    rolled out but the issues
     he had closed most settings to all but keyworker                 were overshadowed by
     children and the most vulnerable students, following             events during early January.
     pressure from education unions and SAGE advice.                  Engagement with testing is
                                                                      voluntary and no one can be
     At time of writing, UNISON     the SAGE data on this and         forced to undertake or carry
     remains concerned about        does not believe this is right.   out testing. UNISON further
     the position given by          It is astonishing PM Johnson      advises that testing of close
     the DfE in special school      could decide early years          contacts should not replace
     settings, given the wider      settings are safe to remain       self-isolation protocols.
     definition of vulnerable to    open, while saying schools        Testing should be in addition
     include all pupils with an     must close on safety grounds.     to, not instead of, existing
     EHC Plan. However, it is our       The new national              H&S protocols.
     understanding the director     lockdown means our                   We continue to fight to
     for education in West Sussex   members will now face new         keep members safe and
     has taken a pragmatic          challenges in supporting          issue new guidance to our
     approach in his advice to      reduced numbers of pupils         members through emails
     heads in SEN settings.         in schools, whilst some           and the branch website. Any
                                    members remain at potential       member of schools’ support
     Early years                    risk in their workplaces.         staff with concerns about
     The DfE position on early                                        their place of work, risk
     years settings is also a       Risk assessments                  assessments or the duties
     concern for our members.       Risk assessments should           they are asked to undertake
     UNISON has been requesting     be updated whenever there         should get in touch.
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 Meet Sarah, branch
                                                                   This is likely to be
                                                                   significant work
                                                                   and I will be

 convenor for CYPL                                                 working closely
                                                                   with Dan Sartin
                                                                   (branch secretary),
                                                                   Karen Daubney
Former WSCC senior careers adviser, new
branch convenor and UNISON West Sussex                             (deputy branch
rep and vice-chair Sarah Etherington, talks us                     secretary), Paula Knott
through some of the significant issues facing our                  (UNISON rep early help)
members in the children’s, young people and                        and Debbie Lawes (UNISON
learning directorate (CYPL) over the next year.                    rep children’s services)
                                                                   as we make up the team
“I’ve been seconded to the           However, in December          that meets monthly with
 branch from January. This       the department for                senior CYPL management.
 is timely as I will be able     education announced                  “I’ll be consulting with
 to support members in           that, “The council should         members throughout the
 CYPL through whatever           retain control of its             12-month pause so please
 changes there may be to the     children’s services for a         share your concerns with
 directorate resulting from      period of twelve months           me so I can make sure
 the inadequate judgement        pending a review of               your views form part of the
 by Ofsted of children’s         improvement progress.”            discussions and negotiations.
 services in May 2019 and            Sarah said, “We hope that        “We anticipate a major
 the recommendation              during this pause the council     restructure to start in
 in December 2019 that           is able to make sufficient        2021. Members should
 control of these services       progress to prevent the           also be aware that UNISON
 be transferred to an            service being run by a trust.”    is negotiating a new
 operationally independent           “My role is to support        scheme for children’s
 children’s trust to improve     our members through any           social workers’ pay.”
 services for children, young    changes ensuring their               Sarah can be contacted
 people and families.            interests are fully considered.   through the branch office.

HE pay consultation update
In early December, UNISON’s higher education                        officer Ruth Levin said:
(HE) service group executive (SGE) met to consider                 “Higher education staff have
the results of the pay consultation that closed on                  worked harder than ever
30 November.                                                        before under such difficult
The consultation asked           decided that, on the basis of      circumstances to keep
UNISON members whether           this result, a dispute will be     universities running and to
they wished to accept or         lodged with the employers.         support students. We are
reject the pay freeze that has   The SGE also decided the           urging the higher education
been imposed on HE staff.        campaign should be                 employers to reconsider
   The SGE noted that            escalated, including planning      their position and get back
members voted strongly           for industrial action.             around the table and make a
to reject the pay freeze and        UNISON senior national          meaningful offer.”
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     Restructure of mental                                            Laurence Crossan

     health services
     One of several restructures the branch is involved
     in is that of the council’s adults’ mental health
     services. Branch negotiations officer Laurence
     Crossan has been leading UNISON’s input.

     “Management had made             management responsibility.       relationship with health
      UNISON aware of issues             “Though there were            and allowance payments,
      with the existing service and   no redundancies or job           but we have negotiated
      we understood the reasons       losses, some staff expressed     arrangements where no
      for the proposed structure      concerns about having to         one will be worse off. The
      changes,” said Laurence.        learn to use council rather      introduction of new rotas
         “If it had not, there was    than health management           has also caused concerns
      a risk the service could        systems. However, training,      regarding work/life balance
      not have met its statutory      buddying and lots of whole-      for a number of individuals.
      requirements because the        group meetings, group and        These are currently under
      delivery model was failing.     individual consultations and     discussion and review.
         “The proposals included      HR meetings have been held          “It’s taken almost two
      bringing some outsourced        to ensure the new structure      years to get to this point and
      services back in-house, such    was fit for purpose. It goes     with nearly all staff affected
      as those provided by the        live from January 2021.          being UNISON members, I
      Sussex Health Partnership          “But it hasn’t all been       believe we have achieved
      Foundation via a Section        plain sailing. There have        a positive outcome for
      75 agreement. Though            been several queries over        many of our members.”
      the council funded those        job roles and location
      posts, it had no direct         changes, the future

     NJC pay claim
     The 2021–22 NJC pay claim will be as important for ever
     in helping members keep their heads above water
     after years of poor and below-inflation pay increases.
                                                                       the claim should be for
     Members deserve a big rise       and schools’ workers on NJC      resulted in a clear majority
     after all their efforts during   pay is that the government is    of members wanting a 10%
     the pandemic. Instead, the       not our employer! Our local      claim. Watch this space. We
     government has cynically         councils are.                    may need to fight hard for
     chosen to tell public service       So the 2021–22 pay claim      the pay we deserve in 2021.
     workers outside of the NHS       will proceed as normal with      If the Covid-19 experience
     that their pay will be frozen.   our employers. The West          tells us anything, it is that we
     The only problem they will       Sussex branch’s member           are well capable of rising to
     have with local government       consultation on what level       any challenge.
join.unison.org.uk                                                                              15

UNISON seeks
judicial review
on exit payments
Recently, UNISON held discussions
about the possibility of formally
challenging the government’s
public sector exit payment cap
regulations. This has resulted
in UNISON sending a ‘pre-
action’ letter to the government
informing them of our intention
to take out a judicial review. The
legislation came into force on
4 November 2020, limiting exit
payments to a total of £95k.
This means the combined value of; your         their pension fund a sum equal to the strain
statutory redundancy pay, enhanced             costs to allow them to retire early with no
redundancy pay and the cost to your            reduction in pension. Therefore, they could
employer of your ‘pension strain’              lose some or all of their redundancy pay.
(making up your LGPS so that if made              In addition, in early September, the
redundant after the age of 55 you can          ministry for housing, communities and
take your accrued pension benefits             local government (MHCLG) launched
early and unreduced, in line with LGPS         their consultation on implementing exit
scheme provisions), must not exceed            payments for local government and the
95k. It won’t just affect higher paid senior   local government pension scheme (LGPS).
managers: it could also have a real            This included further disastrous proposals.
impact on many members on moderate             Potentially, these make the situation even
salaries but with long service (e.g. £30k      worse as they seek to ensure anyone over
per year with 20 years’ service).              55 (regardless of salary or length of service)
   As yet, neither the guidance nor            must choose between taking an unreduced
directions to accompany the regulations        pension or redundancy pay, even
have been published. This means it’s           where their combined entitlements
not clear to employers how they are            would not have taken them over the
supposed to put the 95K cap into force. The    £95,000 threshold. Everyone over 55
government has left the matter unresolved.     would be hit, even the lowest paid.
   UNISON understands the cap will apply          This is an unjustified and unfair attack
to all employment exits on or after 4          on public sector workers, and local
November 2020. Therefore, any member           government in particular. We will
made redundant after age 55 from an            keep you informed on the progress
English council, school or academy with        of our judicial review request.
unreduced LGPS benefits may not receive           If you’re in the LGPS and at risk of
part or all of their redundancy and            redundancy, keep in close touch with
severance payments. They will have to pay      UNISON so we can advise you accordingly.
16     join.unison.org.uk

           Thank you                      Adults’ provider
     “I would like to thank you
      for all the help and care
                                          services update
                                          Though the review of the service’s
     you gave me. This period             western area was almost
                                          complete, the second phase of the
      has opened my eye to how            general restructure was paused
      important UNISON is when            during the first lockdown.
      needing guidance and help.”         Day centres closed, with only ‘critical
                                          hubs’ open for those with acute needs.
                                          Since lockdown was relaxed, the
     “I would like to thank you for       restructure has relaunched with staff
     your very helpful and kind           having to apply for promotions or risk
      advice and support, especially      being downgraded. All must state
                                          their workplace location preference.
      in the telephone meeting
      and emails to HR. I would           The restructure is a result of a
                                          decision to close a number of day-
      not have got to this place          care centres, relocating services to
      without you, they would have        those still open. Some centres needed
      sacked me by now. I am not          huge levels of investment and others
                                          were suffering from low attendance
      easily bullied but at times it      due to the council introducing more
      felt that way, as when you          restrictive needs criteria. This meant
      are in a vulnerable state, off      fewer people were eligible for the
                                          service, with only those people having
      sick, it is easy to succumb.”       complex needs able to attend.

                                          The new service structure will combine
     “Having just finished the phone      both learning disabilities and specialist
      call with X, and having achieved    day services. A building refurbishment
      such a positive outcome, I          programme has started, with some
                                          members temporarily relocated to other
      wanted to thank you so much         centres. In Worthing, The Pines centre
      for your help and support with      will close with services relocated to
      my grievance. I know that           The Rowans after refurbishment, with
                                          similar work being done to Glebelands
      it has been a real slog, and        (Shoreham) and The Laurels (Rustington).
      hard work, but you have been
                                          Some members will be faced with extra
      so understanding – this has         travel time and costs, but the service
      made such a difference to me        has committed to work with individuals
      personally, and the organisation.   to resolve any issues. UNISON will
                                          support members faced with temporary
      I really could not have done        or permanent relocation including
      this without you – thank you.”      those at risk of being downgraded.
join.unison.org.uk                                                                                 17

Children’s residential                                          representations but these
                                                                were largely disregarded.
services restructure                                            and redundancy
                                                                If members do not want
Following Ofsted’s recommendation to close one                  the extra responsibility
WSCC children’s home, the council reviewed others               of a grade 9 role nor
and decided to close a further two, with staff                  downgrading to grade
being reassigned roles. There has been formal                   6, there is the option to
consultation on final proposals for the new service.            choose redeployment via the
These include reopening Seaside (Shoreham),                     internal placement service
Mayhouse and Cissbury (both Worthing).                          to suitable roles in other
                                                                services (should they exist).
                                                                The latter is only available for
                                                                13 weeks. After that there is
                                                                a real risk of redundancy.
                                                                Future promotion?
                                                                Embedded into the new
                                                                structure is the latent
                                                                problem of future promotion
                                                                opportunities: moving from
                                                                a grade 6 to grade 9 role is a
                                                                big jump in responsibilities.
                                                                How is a grade 6 to
                                                                incrementally acquire the
                                                                skills for a grade 9 unless
                                                                they take on duties above
                                                                and beyond their grade for
                                                                no extra pay? An additional
Deleting management                 Our members are not         role was added after UNISON
layers                           happy with this outcome.       representations, but there
Ofsted believed there were       It means those currently       are far too few of these. Yet
too many management              on the grade 7 and 8 roles     again the council is building
layers throughout children’s     must decide whether to         in career progression
services. However, instead       apply for the (fewer) grade    problems for the future.
of deleting posts at a senior    9 posts or be downgraded
level (where our members         to grade 6. Many members
believe Ofsted had meant),       have been in their roles        UNISON has fully
the service decided to strip     years and feel they have        supported our members
out more junior layers. The      given everything, especially    through the process but
new structure means the          during the pandemic, only       it has been a frustrating
grade 8 principal child care     to be targeted for what         and stressful experience
worker and grade 7 senior        they view as an unfair and      for many staff. It will
child care worker roles are      skewed restructure. Lower       be interesting to find
deleted, with new team           paid staff appear to have       out Ofsted’s views once
leader posts created at grade    been targeted, while higher     this restructure has
9, while retaining the grade 6   grade managers are merely       completed.
childcare worker role.           slotted in. UNISON made
18     join.unison.org.uk

      GBMET UPDATE                                                                     Former Northbrook
                                                                                       College, Broadwater,

     possible closures,
                                                                                                now GBMet

     alleged policy breaches
     and pay claim
     Karen Fisher, branch workplace rep at the college’s                concern us most. Previously,
     Broadwater campus, reports on the latest alarming                  there would have been
     developments in local further education (FE).                      no question that pay
                                                                        protection applies. In all
     Closure of Worthing              and with no additional            the restructures we’ve
     campuses?                        government funding, you           endured I’ve never known
     “The further education           can see an almost impossible      the college to break policy.
      commissioner (FEC) reported     task without radical change.      We are exploring possible
      in August that the college: ‘is    “One of the FEC’s              responses. To quote
      facing several serious and      recommendations is to             our chair of governors;
      deep-seated challenges,         create a new ‘estates            ‘nothing is off the table’.
      relating to both financial      strategy’, stating the
      and quality issues. The         college is ‘not sustainable      FE pay claim
                                      on five campuses.’               “This year’s FE pay claim is
      college has been in difficulty
                                         “We know this could            for salaries to be brought
      for several years, with
                                      mean the closure of               into line with what they
      a deteriorating position
                                      one or both Worthing              would have been had pay
      following the 2017 merger.’
                                      campuses: a massive blow          rises been awarded in-line
         “Ever since the merger
                                      to everyone in the college        with inflation. We’d like the
      with Brighton City College,
                                      and local community. With         college to be accredited to
      the fortunes of the former
                                      millions of pounds sunk           the Living Wage Foundation
      Northbrook College have
                                      into the central Brighton         and for all contracted-out
      deteriorated, in terms of
                                      site it’s as if Northbrook        services to be brought
      both quality of teaching and
                                      has been penalised for            back in-house. We await
      finance. Ofsted says we now
                                      the failings of its enforced      the recommendations
     ‘require improvement’ and
                                      merged management.                from the Association
      the FE Commissioner has put
                                                                        of Colleges (AoC)*.
      us under formal intervention. Alleged policy breaches
                                                                           With more colleges
         “Our acting chief            “We’re also concerned the         than ever experiencing
      executive Andy Green             college is in danger of          financial difficulties due
      (Chichester College) along       breaching its own policies,      to this government’s
      with a re-vamped board of        especially in the area of pay    lack of investment in FE
      governors are working hard       protection. The explanations     over the past decade, it is
      under difficult circumstances    for these policy breaches        hard to see how we’ll be
      to turn things around. This      do not ease our concerns.        able to rise to the skills
      would be difficult enough        Although the first phase         shortage this country is
      under normal circumstances, of restructure affects                currently experiencing.”
      but factor in losses and         only upper management,
      expenses from Covid              the subsequent phases           *see page 19
join.unison.org.uk                                                                                  19

FE unions outraged at pay offer
Trade unions representing staff in English                         teaching staff and introduce
further education (FE) colleges have slammed                       the foundation living wage.
the decision by the Association of Colleges (AoC)                     UNISON head of
to only offer a 1% pay increase to staff.                          education Jon Richards said:
In a joint pay claim submitted    what employers spent this        “College leaders had made
in October, the unions            on instead of investing in       clear promises that staff
(UNISON, UCU, NEU, Unite and      staff. The unions believe that   would get a substantial pay
GMB) made clear that college      only full transparency into      rise this year. But they’ve
staff had suffered a real-terms   where the money was spent        simply ripped these up and
pay cut of 30% since 2009 with    will give staff the answers      raided the wage pot to foot
over 24,000 teaching staff        they need. Unions also called    the bill for the pandemic.
leaving the sector.               on employers to publicly            “Pay in the FE sector is
    This year colleges saw a      commit to working towards        simply too low and this offer
significant £224m increase        closing the £7000 pay gap        yet again ignores the value of
in funding, yet it is unclear     between school and college       college staff.”

Wigan & Leigh rehab
workers win strike
Drug and alcohol support workers employed by ‘We Are With You’
(WAWY) – formerly Addaction – in Wigan and Leigh have announced
the end of a long-running trade dispute with their employer.

WAWY had promised pay would keep pace with NHS ‘agenda for change’
pay rates, but the charity failed to keep its promise once NHS staff
received a pay rise in 2018. The victory comes more than 15 months
after the first strike, involving 30 rehab workers (many of them UNISON
members ) who had been transferred from the NHS to WAWY.
In December, they formally ended their dispute after agreeing
a new settlement. The campaign included 26 strike days.
    UNISON North West regional organiser Paddy Cleary said:
“This dispute is a fantastic example of what can be achieved
when workers stand up together. The legacy of this struggle
is that this group of workers have found their voice and now
have the right to negotiate collectively with their employer.
    In a further boost, the central arbitration committee recently
declared UNISON to be the recognised union for the workers.
This decision means that from now on WAWY will be forced to
negotiate collectively with the support workers through UNISON.
The West Sussex branch committee agreed a donation of £500
to the WAWY strike fund to support their important dispute.
20      Branch Secretary: DAN SARTIN • Branch Lines Editor: GRAHAM ANDERSON • Feedback: office@unisonwestsussex.org.uk • Phone: 01243 777636

     UNISON Covid-19
     response fund
     UNISON members have been among
     those facing the daily battle with the
     pandemic – not just in their work
     keeping our vital services going, but
     also on a personal and domestic front.
      UNISON’s ‘There for You’ unique welfare
      charity has opened a Covid-19 response
      fund to help members who are struggling
      as a direct result of coronavirus.
      The fund’s first round ran from May
      to July and distributed over £250,000
      in grants to individual members,
      including many in West Sussex.
                                                                         Join us!
          Grants of up to £500 will be made                              If you’re reading this newsletter and
      available to help members struggling                               are not a member of UNISON West
      financially as a result of coronavirus.                            Sussex, please think about joining us!
      These can support with day-to-day                                  We’re a very active and busy branch, working
      living costs: for example, if you or your                          hard to support our members individually
      partner are furloughed or shielding                                when times get tough and collectively when
      and relying on statutory sick pay.                                 there are negotiations needed to get the best
          They can help you through loss of                              deal for members.
      working hours, or towards housing                                     You’ll be joining 6,000 other local
      costs like rent, mortgage or council tax                           members benefiting from our support.
      arrears that have accrued since March.                             Membership is not expensive and is adjusted
      For more information or to apply,                                  to reflect your income level. There are also
      go to unison.org.uk and search                                     many other benefits available. To find out
     ‘Covid 19 response fund’.                                           more, simply go to join.unison.org.uk

        “Thank you so much
         for the Zoom meeting,                              Thank                                  “I was successful
                                                                                                    in being awarded
         I found it very useful!
         Good to know there
         is plenty of help if we
                                                             you                                    the grant from
                                                                                                    UNISON towards my
                                                                                                    university studies
         need it. UNISON was                          “A big thank you and X for                    of £500. I can now
         brilliant when I needed                       the meeting. You have                        purchase a much-
         help before. Fingers                          given me some useful                         needed laptop and
         crossed the next few                          pointers to raise with my                    a comfy office chair.
         weeks go smoothly!”                           employers.”                                  Thank you.”

     Branch Lines is printed on FSC certified paper                                        www.unisonwestsussex.org.uk • WS31043(A) 01.2021
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