Uniformity and Adaptation

Page created by Geraldine Alexander

Uniformity and Adaptation
Members of the Church live in a wide variety of po-       the Bible to be used in Church meetings and classes.
litical, social, and economic conditions. Wards and       Likewise, the latest authorized edition of the other
branches also vary in size and leadership resources.      three books of Latter-day Saint scriptures should be
These conditions may require local leaders to adapt       used. No other works are to be promoted or used in
some Church programs. Such adaptations typically          the Church as scripture.
affect the auxiliaries, leadership meetings, and activ-
ity programs. The guidelines in this chapter are in-
tended to help priesthood leaders determine which
adaptations may be appropriate and which are not.         Commandments and Standards
                                                          The commandments of the Lord and the worthiness
All wards and branches, regardless of their size or
                                                          standards of the Church are given in the scrip-
circumstances, can experience the same abundance
                                                          tures and in official communications from the First
of the Spirit of the Lord. The Savior taught, “Where
                                                          Presidency. Local leaders should not alter these
two or three are gathered together in my name,
                                                          commandments and standards. Nor should local
there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20).
                                                          leaders teach their own rules or interpretations
                                                          regarding the commandments.
                                                          The worthiness standards for temple attendance
Where Uniformity Is Required                              are detailed in the interview questions found in the
                                                          temple recommend book. Local leaders should not
To know which adaptations might be appropriate,
                                                          alter these.
leaders must first understand the doctrines, ordi-
nances, and practices that are established by the
scriptures and the teachings of latter-day prophets       17.1. 3
and apostles. These are to be uniform throughout          Purity of Doctrine
the Church.
                                                          The doctrines of the Church are found in the scrip-
Stake presidents, bishops, and other local leaders        tures and the teachings of latter-day prophets and
have a sacred obligation to maintain the uniformity       apostles. The Lord instructed, “The elders, priests
and purity of the Church in all of the categories         and teachers of this church shall teach the princi-
outlined below. This need for uniformity is based on      ples of my gospel, which are in the Bible and the
the scriptural principle of “one Lord, one faith, one     Book of Mormon, in the which is the fulness of the
baptism” (Ephesians 4:5; see also Mosiah 18:21).          gospel” (Doctrine and Covenants 42:12; see also
                                                          Doctrine and Covenants 52:9, 36).

17.1.1                                                    All leaders should ensure that true doctrine is
Scriptures                                                taught in the Church. If a person teaches false
                                                          or speculative doctrine, leaders should correct it
The standard works of the Church are the Holy
                                                          promptly and sensitively. Errors can usually be cor-
Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and
                                                          rected in private, but major or repeated errors may
Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. In many
                                                          require public correction.
languages, the Church has approved one edition of

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If local leaders are unsure what doctrines or teach-   The stake presidency schedules, organizes, and pre-
ings are correct on a given subject, they may seek     sides at one ward or branch conference annually for
guidance from their immediate presiding authority.     each ward or branch in the stake (see 18.2.5). The
                                                       district president does the same for each branch in a
Sacrament Meetings and the Sunday
Meeting Schedule                                       17.1.6
                                                       Temple Work
Holding sacrament meetings is a scriptural mandate
(see Doctrine and Covenants 59:9). Instructions        The sacred work of temples is under the direct
for sacrament meetings are provided in 18.2.2. The     authority of the President of the Church. All mat-
Sunday meeting schedule is set forth on page 153.      ters pertaining to temple work should be handled
The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve          according to the instructions in Handbook 1, chapter
have established this schedule. Local leaders should   3. Examples of such matters include temple recom-
not alter it.                                          mends, sealings, sealing clearances, and cancella-
                                                       tions of sealing. If a stake president encounters a
In extreme situations, local leaders may cancel
                                                       question he cannot resolve, he directs it to the Office
Sunday meetings. However, doing so should be
                                                       of the First Presidency.
a rare occurrence. Examples of situations that
may justify canceling meetings include emergency       Local leaders make sure that temple phraseology
security concerns and severe weather. If possible,     and the sacred ordinances and covenants of the
a bishop should confer with the stake president        temple are not discussed in specific terms in Church
before canceling meetings.                             meetings.

Sometimes an unusual local situation may make it
necessary to alter the Sunday schedule for a longer    17.1.7
period. For example, a change may be necessary if      Disciplinary Councils
a meetinghouse has been damaged by fire, flood-
                                                       Instructions for disciplinary councils are provided
ing, or storm. In such a circumstance, the stake
                                                       in Handbook 1, chapter 6. Leaders should not deviate
president seeks guidance from the Area Presidency
                                                       from these instructions, including the requirements
or the Area Seventy who presides in his coordinat-
                                                       for submitting reports. If a stake president encoun-
ing council.
                                                       ters a question he cannot resolve, he directs it to the
Leaders of very small branches may adapt the           Office of the First Presidency.
Sunday schedule as directed by their leaders, using
the Basic Unit Program Guidebook.
                                                       Records and Reports
                                                       Keeping Church records is a scriptural mandate (see
                                                       Doctrine and Covenants 20:81–83). The required
Each stake holds two stake conferences during the      records and reports are outlined in Handbook 1,
year as scheduled by the President of the Quorum       chapter 13. The First Presidency may amend these
of the Twelve (see 18.3.1).                            from time to time.

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17. Uniformity and A daptation

Church records and reports are prepared using           When considering what adaptations may be appro-
Church computer systems or in written form,             priate, the stake presidency, bishopric, or branch
depending on the area. Leaders ensure that records      presidency counsel among themselves and also
and reports are accurate and submitted on time.         with the stake, ward, or branch council. They also
                                                        counsel with their immediate presiding authority if
                                                        circumstances may justify a major or unusual adap-
                                                        tation. Leaders should always seek the guidance of
Ordinances                                              the Spirit in making adaptations.
Instructions for performing priesthood ordinances
                                                        Leaders may consider the following factors when
are outlined in chapter 20. These instructions should
                                                        determining what adaptations may be appropriate.
not be altered. The minimum ages for receiving or-
dinances such as baptism and ordination to Aaronic
Priesthood offices may not be altered for any reason.   17.2 .1
                                                        Family Circumstances
17.1.10                                                 When extending callings, scheduling leadership
Curriculum                                              meetings, and planning activities, leaders consider
                                                        the family circumstances of members. Church
Church-approved curriculum materials are to be
                                                        service and participation always entail a measure of
used in classes that are held during the Sunday
                                                        sacrifice. However, strong families are vital to the
meeting schedule. These materials include Church-
                                                        Church, and members should not be asked to make
produced manuals, magazines, and supplementary
                                                        excessive family sacrifices to serve or to support
teaching resources. New manuals and courses
                                                        programs or activities.
should not be developed at the local level.
                                                        One family circumstance to consider is the Church
Bishops and branch presidents may occasionally
                                                        calling(s) held by a member’s husband or wife.
teach or authorize a special priesthood or auxiliary
                                                        Individual families should not be overburdened
lesson when they feel there is a need.
                                                        with Church responsibilities. Another circumstance
                                                        to consider is the overall time demands that mem-
17.2                                                    bers face in supporting their families and taking
                                                        care of other personal matters. In some areas of the
Circumstances That May Permit                           world, members of necessity work two or three jobs.
Local Adaptation                                        These are legitimate considerations for leaders to
                                                        weigh in extending callings, scheduling leadership
Stake presidents, bishops, and branch presidents        meetings, and planning activities.
have discretion to make simple adaptations to cer-
tain Church programs. Where needed, such adapta-
tions may be made as follows:                           17.2 .2
                                                        Transportation and Communication
 1. In the staffing and programs of the auxiliaries
                                                        Some stakes or wards encompass large geographical
 2. In the format and frequency of leadership
                                                        areas, requiring members to travel long distances
                                                        to meetings and activities. When evaluating the
 3. In the format and frequency of activities           need for meetings and activities, leaders take into

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account the time and expense required for members        17.2 . 3
to travel.                                               Small Quorum or Class Size
In many areas of the world, automobiles are not
                                                         17.2 . 3.1
common, and transportation takes place by foot,
bicycle, bus, and streetcar. When distances are great,   Young Men and Young Women
these conditions may mean that leaders should            In a ward or branch with few young men, Aaronic
adjust Church programs and leadership meetings to        Priesthood quorums may meet together for instruc-
make it easier for members to participate.               tion and activities (see 8.11 and 8.13.1). However,
                                                         individual quorums should still be organized, with
Even where automobiles are widely available, lead-
                                                         leaders called and sustained for each quorum.
ers should be sensitive to the cost of driving long
distances. In some instances, such as conducting         In a ward or branch with few young women, they
high council business, leaders may use conference        may meet together for instruction and activities (see
calls, e-mail, and the Internet to reduce costly         10.6.2 and 10.8.1). A class presidency may be called
transportation. When using these resources, leaders      for each age-group, or one presidency may be called
should take special care to ensure confidentiality.      for the combined age-groups until they are able to
                                                         be organized into their respective classes.
Members in different stages of life often vary widely
in their access to transportation. For example,          If adult leadership is limited, the Young Men presi-
young single adults are often more mobile than           dency may teach the Sunday lessons and administer
families with children, and sometimes they have the      the activity program without assistant advisers.
resources to travel greater distances. Where young       The Young Women presidency may do the same for
single adults are able to gather at reasonable time      young women. In a very small unit, the Young Men
and expense, they should have multistake activities      and Young Women presidents may be the only adult
of moderate frequency (see 13.3.1).                      leaders in their organizations. If this is the case, they
                                                         teach the Sunday lessons and oversee activities for
In some parts of the world, telephones are expen-
                                                         all young men or young women. When possible,
sive, and many members do not own one. Likewise,
                                                         counselors and a secretary should be called for each
e-mail and Internet access are rare in some areas. If
these resources are expensive or not generally avail-
able, leaders should make necessary adaptations.         Because youth often benefit from socializing in
                                                         larger groups, the young men and young women
Where travel is difficult or costly and communica-
                                                         in two or more small wards or branches may meet
tion resources are inadequate, serving as a minis-
                                                         occasionally for combined activities. If neighboring
tering brother or sister is more challenging. In such
                                                         wards and branches have few young men or young
cases, leaders organize ministering to best meet
                                                         women, the bishops and branch presidents may au-
local needs (see 7.4.3 and 9.5.3).
                                                         thorize the youth to meet together for weekly activ-
                                                         ities. When considering these options, leaders take
                                                         into account factors such as distance and travel cost.

                                                         Periodic stake or multistake activities are especially
                                                         important where wards or branches have small num-
                                                         bers of youth (see 13.3 and 13.4).

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17. Uniformity and A daptation

In a small stake or a district, the Young Men             might include staffing some organizations with only
president may be the only stake or district Young         a president and one counselor, having a counselor
Men leader. The same may be true for the stake or         serve also as a secretary, and simplifying some
district Young Women president. When possible,            programs.
counselors and a secretary should be called for each
                                                          In a very small branch that does not have a Young
                                                          Women or Primary president, the Relief Society
                                                          president may help parents organize instruction for
17.2 . 3.2                                                the young women and children until Young Women
Primary                                                   and Primary presidents are called.

In a ward or branch with few children, the Primary        Leaders of very small branches follow the guidelines
presidency may want to organize fewer classes, com-       in the Basic Unit Program Guidebook.
bining age-groups.

In a small ward or branch, the Primary presidency         17.2 .5
may be the only Primary leaders and teachers. In          Security
a very small unit, the Primary president may be
                                                          In some areas of the world, crime rates are very high
the only Primary leader. In this case, she conducts
                                                          or political unrest prevails. If leaders in these areas
singing time and teaches a class for all the children.
                                                          believe that it is unwise for members to travel at
When possible, more leaders and teachers should be
                                                          night, they may cancel evening activities. This may
called as outlined in 11.7.
                                                          mean reducing the number of Church activities, as
In a small stake or district, the Primary president       well as scheduling some activities on weekends.
may be the only stake or district Primary leader.
                                                          When security risks or travel costs are serious is-
When possible, other leaders should be called as
                                                          sues, leaders can schedule some youth activities on
outlined in 11.7.
                                                          Sunday. Such activities should be separate from the
                                                          Sunday meeting schedule and in keeping with the
17.2 .4                                                   spirit of the Sabbath.
Leadership Resources
When there are not enough qualified members to fill
all leadership positions, the presiding officers may
fill only those that are most essential. In addition to
calling active, experienced members to leadership
positions, presiding officers should seek inspiration
to find other potential leaders among new members,
inexperienced members, and less-active members
who could return to activity. Church members do
not need to be experienced or highly qualified to
receive a calling. Having a calling is an important
way for them to serve and to grow spiritually.

If there are not enough members to serve in leader-
ship positions, presiding officers may organize their
stake, ward, or branch on a smaller scale. Examples

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