Unified Creativity The surest way to make your marketing spend work harder

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Unified Creativity The surest way to make your marketing spend work harder
The surest way to make your marketing spend work harder

                                                      © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity The surest way to make your marketing spend work harder
Unified Creativity

      Half empty or half full?
Is this the toughest time to work in marketing,
              or the most exciting?

                                                     © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

Marketers everywhere
are facing extreme pressures.                                                                   GDP Growth Rate
                                                                                             Compared to Previous Year

The world may feel like it’s getting        need. Even the most supportive boards
quicker, but the UK economy has been        are asking the hard questions: where’s
growing slowly for a long time now.         the ROI? Are you certain? Can you
2020 was obviously dreadful. And whilst     prove it? In this environment, you can   2015             2016                   2017
we’ll get a bounce this year, things will   hardly blame them.                       2.36%            1.92%                  1.89%
soon revert to the norm.
                                            The bottom-line is that marketers need
This is squeezing team sizes and            to do more with less. They need to
budgets. Most marketers have fewer          optimise every last penny of spend.
resources at their disposal. People’s       At the same time, the opportunities
expectations have skyrocketed. They         are unparalleled. The acceleration of
want more relevance and less friction.      digital and the emergence of powerful    2018             2019                   2020
They’re looking for brands to enrich        new technologies is enabling brands      1.34%            1.46%                 -9.76%
their lives and add value in new ways.      to deliver extraordinary answers to
And they expect brands to be there to       customer problems.
serve them in whatever channel and at
whatever time they choose.

With customers setting the agenda, the
demands on marketers are 24/7. The                                                   2021             2022*                  2023*
media, retail and cultural landscapes                                                5.92%            3.17%                  1.86%
are ever more complex and fast-
moving. Fragmentation is everywhere.
It is increasingly hard for marketers to
command the attention their brands

                                                                                                                            © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

The explosive growth
of e-commerce

Marketers can do things that simply          The reality is that marketers need to
weren’t possible before. High levels         see it both ways. They must make their
of disruption allow smart brands to          budgets work harder.
challenge the traditional order of things.
No area is being more disrupted than         And they must change how and where
retail, with the explosive growth of         they spend their money in order to seize
ecommerce.                                   these new opportunities. That’s what
                                             it takes to win in a world that’s not just
New battlegrounds give marketers the         digital-first, but increasingly direct-first.
chance to upend the status quo. With
the rise of DTC, brands can create new       The big question is: Are brands being
relationship models that build loyalty,      helped or hindered by the way they
stimulate advocacy and drive lifetime        organise their comms strategy? The
value. Marketers can deliver solutions       approaches taken by ‘traditional’ and
that are genuinely customer-centric at       ‘digitally native’ brands are looking more
every step.                                  and more similar.

Like we said: is the glass half empty or
half full?

                                                                                                © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

“Are brands being
 helped or hindered by
 the way they organise
 their comms strategy?”

                        © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

The Linear Model
                                       DEMAND                                                      PURCHASE                   FULFILMENT              RETENTION

   STRATEGIC         BROADCAST              SEGMENTED              TARGETED                                                      ORDER
                                                                                       WEBSITE           E-COMMERCE                                        CRM
   & CREATIVE          COMMS                  COMMS                 COMMS                                                      FULFILMENT

                                                                                                           Operation &
  Brand Strategy     TV/VOD/Pre-Roll            Social/Digital   Performance Media        UX/UI                               Product Fulfilment      Customer Service

                                                                   Community                                                  Product Delivery
Core Brand Assets         Print                 Sponsorship                              Content         Offer Optimisation                                Email
                                                                   Management                                                  & Distribution

Brand Architecture       Radio                  Partnerships        Search/PPC        Management                                 Packaging              Retargeting

  Creative Assets         OOH               Influencers/PR                           Product Offering

Comms Architecture    Social/Digital        Promos/Events                            Tech Innovation

 CREATIVITY                                                                                                                                        PERFORMANCE

                                                                                                                                                        © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

                                           CREATIVITY     PERFORMANCE
The Problem
with the Linear Model                      Immeasurable     Immeasurable

This linear model aligns well with the
business’ operational structure. Most
of the time, it also makes good sense
in terms of media planning and buying.
                                            Subjective      Immeasurable
The problem is the impact it has on
creative output.

A linear model inevitably leads to          Long-term       Immeasurable
vertical thinking. In other words,
different principles are applied to
different types of comms. Activities on
the left are judged mainly on the basis
of ‘creativity’; activities on the right    Emotional       Immeasurable
primarily on ‘performance’.

These things are fundamentally
incompatible.                                Irregular       Continuous
                                            ‘Set-plays’    ‘Marginal Gains’

                                                                                 © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

Vertical thinking is giving brands
a major headache

For two key reasons: Firstly, it leads     • They need to seek out new ways to
to creative that simply doesn’t reflect      deliver their promise via 1:1 comms,
how people respond to or choose              partnerships, online marketplaces       DOES THIS BRAND            DOES THIS BRAND OFFER
between brands. We see brands in             – and for a growing number, direct      FEEL DISTINCTIVE?        GOOD QUALITY EXPERIENCES?
the round. Our attitudes, perceptions        sales.
                                                                                      - Easy to recognise       - Simple to get what I need
and willingness to engage or transact
are shaped by four inter-connected         Regardless of category, brands              - Appealing POV        - Always present and available
dynamics.                                  need to ensure every single piece
                                           of communication they produce is          - Clear role & purpose     - Interesting & entertaining
Collectively, these dynamics make          strengthening and driving the brand
up the brand ecosystem. To win and         ecosystem. Vertical thinking is ill-
keep customers, brands need their          equipped to achieve this. In its place,    DOES THIS BRAND             DOES THIS BRAND
ecosystem to be seen as more robust        brands need to adopt ecosystem            KEEP ITS PROMISES?          VALUE MY BUSINESS?
and more compelling than those             thinking.
                                                                                     - Consistent behaviour        - Relevant incentives
offered by the competition.Even the
most traditional FMCG’s now have to                                                   - Consistent delivery      - Right place, right time
pay close attention to developing their
ecosystem.                                                                             - Reliable service       - Takes nothing for granted

• They need to work harder than ever to
  demonstrate distinctiveness.

• They need to provide more rewarding
  experiences and more relevant

                                                                                                                                               © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

Ecosystem thinking:
Part One

For most of its lifetime, Nike was        of whom has committed to mirroring the        sense for us. One of our core things         profit margins of 70%, much higher than
the archetypal TV-led brand – epic        services and experiences Nike provides        is that we want to own the customer          the category average. And its revenues
60” spots, combined with athlete          in its own channels). Ecosystem thinking      journey, whether it’s a retail store,        now exceed £250m, growing by 75% a
endorsement, were the engines             is working brilliantly for Nike. 70 million   whether it’s online, whether it’s through    year since 2015.
that drove growth for it and 30,000       people joined its loyalty programme           a social channel”. But it’s not just about
retail partners. But 10 years ago,        last year alone, and DTC sales now            owning the journey. Gymshark’s entire
it changed tack.                          account for 33% of total revenues. In         comms strategy focuses on bringing
                                          2010, it was just 13.5%.                      customers closer to the brand, inviting
In place of wholesaling, it started to                                                  them into its ecosystem.
prioritise direct-to-consumer sales.      Gymshark may operate in the same
“Consumer Direct Offense”, as Nike        category as Nike, but it’s a very different   That’s why it fosters a cult of
calls it, is explicitly an ecosystem      sort of brand. Launched less than 10          personality around Francis; why it builds
strategy. It focuses on providing         years ago, Gymshark hit unicorn status        long-running, 7 year relationships with
exceptional end-to-end experiences        in August 2020 when it was valued at          influencers; why its pop-up stores
that forge stronger 1:1 relationships     £1bn. Shopify has already delivered           include fitness classes, lifting clubs and
with individual customers.                the ultimate accolade by turning the          gymbox sessions; and why one of the
                                          brand’s name into a verb. “Gymsharking        two sales it runs each year happens on
The key pillars are content, community    your business” is ecosystem thinking in       its birthday in July.
and customisation. These are delivered    action. It’s about breaking down every
through its stores (which use digital     barrier that could conceivably stand          The Gymshark ecosystem is getting
innovation to act as a brand stage);      between a customer and your brand.            more powerful by the day. It has 1.7
through its apps (which emphasise                                                       million followers on Facebook and
both personalisation and the customer’s   As founder Ben Francis put it when            4.2 million on Instagram, and enjoys
membership of the wider Nike              asked if he would ever consider selling       extraordinary levels of interaction and
community); and 40 lead retailers (each   through Amazon: “It just wouldn’t make        recommendation. It commands gross

                                                                                                                                                              © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

Ecosystem thinking:
Part Two

The second issue with vertical thinking     and re-purposing them for response
is that it makes it much more difficult     marketing. But because most agencies
to join the dots across touchpoints         see the world from a single standpoint,
and channels. By applying different         few are able to deliver both ‘creativity’
principles to different types of            and ‘performance’ to the level brands
communication, brands struggle to           need. Even fewer excel at bringing the
deliver creative solutions that work as     two together and harmonising them.
one. The inevitable result is disconnects
and waste. Rather than being greater        The result is that they fail to help their
than the sum of its parts, their comms      clients get the most from every available
strategy often adds up to less. This        pound of resource.
means brands are leaving money on the
table. They are not achieving as much
as they could in terms of maximising
attention, engagement, acquisition or

Agencies must shoulder their fair share
of responsibility for the problem. Lots
are good at developing brand platforms
and campaign ideas – although too
often, they’re still led by old world
TV thinking rather than in-the-round
ecosystem thinking. Lots of other
agencies are good at taking assets

                                                                                            © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

Brands need
a mindset shift

In order to optimise spend whilst          have grown massively in importance.
strengthening their ecosystems, there      The result is that the linkages and
needs to be a fundamental re-set.          co-ordinations on which integrated
Integrated solutions have been the         solutions rely are much harder to
dominant play for the last 30 years.       achieve.
Back in 1993, integration was defined
as “understanding the strategic role of    At the same time, a significantly higher
different communication disciplines and    percentage of customer interactions
combining them into a comprehensive        now fall within the brand ecosystem
plan”. That hasn’t changed much            – and often, just one click away from
since. Strategies are still designed       the point of purchase. This has shrunk
and deployed in the literal sense of       the gap between communication,
integration: Integrated, adj = with        experience and transaction to the point
various parts or aspects linked or co-     of invisibility. This doesn’t mean that
ordinated.                                 the marketing funnel is irrelevant. Far
                                           from it. But it does mean that comms
But the world has moved on a long way      need to be designed to work in more
since the early 1990s. The explosion       simultaneous, through-funnel ways.
of digital has led to exponential growth   In the integrated model, comms are
in the number of comms channels,           deployed to target one single level of
whilst the way in which individuals        the funnel. This is no longer sufficient.
engage across channels has become
increasingly unpredictable. Meanwhile,     So what should replace integration?
less controllable factors like social
commentary and recommendation

                                                                                          © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

The case
for unified creativity
                                                         It must make the brand
                                                          ecosystem feel distinctive
If integrated solutions are about co-ordinating
                                                          and attractive.
disparate elements, unified solutions start from the
other end of the spectrum:

Unified (adj) – made uniform or whole; united.

Unified creativity rejects the notion that there is an
inevitable, unbridgeable trade-off between ‘brand’ and   It must give existing customers
‘response’ outcomes. Its goal is to ensure every piece   a compelling reason to return to
of communication delivers on three levels.
                                                         the brand ecosystem.
These define the holy trinity for modern comms:
every creative unit, and every pound put behind it,
must help the brand gain attention, retain attention
and redeem attention. That may sound like a high bar,
but it’s the surest way to maximise your return
on marketing spend.
                                                         It must persuade people to
                                                         spend time and money within
                                                         the brand ecosystem.

                                                                                          © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

“Every creative unit
 and every pound put
 behind it, must help
 the brand gain, retain
 and redeem attention.”

                           © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

The $64,000 question: how do
you achieve unified creativity?

Step 1
Develop a 360º platform

A platform that is truly 360° has to
do more than simply express how
the brand wants to position itself in
communications. It must encapsulate
everything the brand says and does
across every part of the ecosystem:

• The purpose and POV that make it
  distinctive and attractive to a specific

• The totality of the experience it
  provides, across every channel and

• The rationale for the different types of
  incentives it offers.

• The way it delivers its service
   promise, and why it should be trusted
   to do so repeatedly.

                                                 © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

Step 2
Rigorously define your
communication building blocks

Having developed the platform, you
need to establish the building blocks
that will tie every piece of creative
inextricably to your brand. These are the
signals that drive audience recognition
and response. They enable the brand
to assert immediate ownership of its
comms, wherever and however they
appear. They are therefore a powerful
multiplier of effectiveness.

There are eight building blocks:
Logo, Creative Platform, Colours, Tone,
Brand World, Brand Device, Sound,
Voice each of which can flow effortlessly
across channels.

We call these building blocks for a good
reason. Brands that assemble their
blocks in a consistent manner, time after
time and across multiple touchpoints,
build stronger, deeper foundations.

                                               © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

Step 3
Apply a set of unifying
creative principles.

Too many brands and agencies still
allow TV-led thinking to define the
overall comms strategy.

                                                  •   Brand narrative & storytelling           •   Wall to wall information
The world has changed radically, but
most TV advertising relies on the same
ingredients it did half a century ago:            •   Emotional engagement                     •   Rational engagement
– Brand narrative and storytelling
– Emotional engagement                            •   Fame & memorability                      •   DR principles
– Intrigue & reveal
                                                  •   Intrigue & reveal                        •   Brand upfront
These may be best practice in terms
of TV, cinema and other long-form,
video-based media. However, they
are ill-suited to an environment
which is increasingly dominated by
shorter-form comms. The truth is that
these are channel tactics rather than
unifying creative principles.

To find the principles that work                 BROADCAST                        SEGMENTED                     TARGETED
hardest to drive commercial and
customer success, we need to look                                           CUSTOMER JOURNEY
further upstream…

                                                                                                                      © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

relevancy       Absolute clarity                            High relevancy                              Deadly consistency
& consistency   Brands need attention to grow. But          It’s increasingly difficult to create       We’ve already talked about how
                attention is consumed by information,       meaningful advantage at the product         applying communication building blocks
                and we’re now knee-deep in the stuff.       level…and even harder to make it            in a consistent manner maximises the
                The average adult in the UK spends          stick for any length of time. This has      impact of your marketing spend. This is
                over nine and a half hours a day            robbed brands of what used to be            partly to do with efficiency. But just as
                exposed to content of some sort, most       one of the most important weapons           importantly, it’s because it builds trust.
                of it ad-funded.                            in their armoury. The only adequate         In exactly the same way as we respond
                                                            replacement is relevancy. From a            to other people, we trust brands who
                To have any chance of cutting through       comms perspective, relevancy needs to       speak and behave consistently.
                the noise, brands must be crystal clear     be proven on two dimensions:
                in communicating who they are and                                                       We believe they’re much more likely to
                what they stand for at every opportunity.   a) The personal – providing consumers       deliver on their promises. In turn, this
                Clarity in comms correlates directly to     with an answer to their problem at          encourages us to engage with their
                business success. Research shows that       exactly the time and place they need it     ecosystem, return to it frequently and
                brands that exhibit a high degree of        most.                                       spend money within it.
                clarity contribute 70% more to revenue
                generation.                                 b) The cultural – understanding the flow
                                                            of events, making a positive contribution
                                                            to the agenda and thereby earning a
                                                            place in the social discourse.

                                                            Like clarity, high relevancy translates
                                                            directly into improved effectiveness.
                                                            Google has found that “ads that are
                                                            relevant to both the viewer and the
                                                            moment get three times the attention of
                                                            average ads”.

                                                                                                                                   © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

“Consistent brand
 across all channels
 increases revenue
 by as much as 23%.”
 Source: McKinsey

                          © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

The ‘Cut-out & Keep’ version of why unified
creativity matters and how to acheive it

                      THE EFFECTIVENESS
                                                     BRANDS NEED
                                                                     THE ANSWER IS
       IS CRITICAL.   OF INTEGRATION IS                CREATIVE                      UNIFIED CREATIVITY
        STILL THINK                                  WORK IN MORE
       VERTICALLY,    Explosion in the number of    SIMULTANEOUS,
                                                                     CREATIVITY         A platform that is
                          comms channels.                                                genuinely 360°
      FOCUSING ON                                  THROUGH-FUNNEL
       DEVELOPING                                       WAYS
                      Unpredictable patterns of                                          Robust comms
       INTEGRATED      audience engagement.                                              building blocks
        SOLUTIONS         More interactions                                               Three unifying
                      happening within the brand                                        principles – clarity,
                             ecosystem.                                              relevancy & consistency

                                                                                                           © Atomic 2021
Unified Creativity

Unified creativity,
it’s in our blood…

We founded and built Atomic on the          from brand architecture to channel          If you want to hear more about how
belief that ‘Brand’ and ‘Activation’ must   optimisation. By contributing in            unified creativity has driven commercial
work as one. We have never accepted         the round, we help accelerate               and customer success for Homebase,
the false dichotomy between creativity      the necessary shift from vertical           HeyCar and Peperami, or if you’d like
and performance. As the needs of our        to ecosystem thinking. We have              us to conduct a free Brand Shapes
clients have evolved, so has our offer.     developed proprietary research and          analysis on your brand, please get
We now house multiple specialist skills     insight tools to help companies know        in touch
under one roof, including partnership       where best to invest their money.
marketing, response marketing and PR.                                                   Jack Williams
                                            Brand Shapes focuses on how                 jack.williams@atomic-london.co.uk
But two things haven’t changed:             successfully brands are communicating       07712 438257
                                            their full ecosystem. It combines primary
1) There are no baton passes. Every         research and analytics to provide a
aspect of a client’s comms challenge is     whole-world view on how distinctive
met by a single team with a shared POV      they are; how effectively they’re using
and common goal.                            experiences and incentives to drive
                                            repeat engagement; and how hard
2) We guarantee that the agency             their comms are working to convert
principals will take full creative and      engagement to sales. By identifying
strategic responsibility for every          where there are gaps in terms of
piece of communication developed,           gaining, retaining or redeeming
regardless of touchpoint or budget.         attention, it enables brands to re-focus
                                            their comms strategies and make their
We work with our clients across all         marketing spend work harder.
upstream and downstream activities,

                                                                                                                                      © Atomic 2021
147-149 Farringdon Road, EC1R 3HN

                                    © Atomic 2021
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