Digital Maturity Index Survey 2022 - Deloitte

Page created by Aaron Barnes
Digital Maturity Index Survey 2022 - Deloitte
Digital Maturity
Index Survey 2022
Digital value creation in an unsettled environment   Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Digital Maturity Index Survey 2022 - Deloitte

01        Executive Summary and Key Results

02        Background and Methodology

03        Digital maturity drives profitability

04        Digital Archetypes

05        Key action areas & investment

06        Transformation challenge

                                                  Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Digital Maturity Index Survey 2022 - Deloitte
Executive Summary                                                                                                                                                       01

After last four year’s of the Digital Maturity Survey showed that, despite expectations, Covid was not an accelerator in digitization, this
year's survey shows that companies have used the return to business as usual to drive their digitization agenda forward, albeit                                         03
somewhat hesitantly.

The spotlight is shifting more from traditional efficiency improvement to a diversified digital solutions portfolio that focuses on                                     04
sustainability, resilience, and flexibility. The continued high level of investment in the past year is also offset by increased revenues
across all maturity levels of the companies. However, the investment peak has not yet been reached for the vast majority of companies
and new investment areas are being developed. Capital intensity reduction still needs to be prioritized significantly.                                                  05

The tentative transition to the development of a profitable ecosystems also plays a decisive role here, slowing the need for capital
only hesitantly, but also opening up new opportunities for the first movers.                                                                                            06

In summary, mature companies are taking up additional transformation signature issues and have largely left the core challenges of
digital transformation behind them, at the same time capture most of the financial value add.

                                                                                                                                 Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Key Results of the Digital Maturity Survey 2022                                                                                                                                                 01


             Digital champions continue to increase their EBIT uplift –                   Companies are picking up speed again after the Covid pandemic and are
             overall average is also rising even stronger                                 increasingly targeting on topics beyond costs
     2021                                                                                                                 … by driving Customer Centricity                   41%
                                                                                             Of companies plan to
                                                                                              increase speed of
                                                                                                                          … by increasing supply chain resilience            38%                05
                                                                                                                          … by building seamless IT partnerships             36%                06
              Digital                  Average               Digital
            Champions                 Companies             Followers

   Traceability needs and action capabilities are largely addressed,                  Companies see ecosystems as core
   security and efficiency are still underdeveloped                                   drivers of scaling                                 run joint economic
                                                                                                                                           activities in an
         have an integrated IT backbone             lack steering capabilities for
         that links ERP, MES, PLM and               change
                                                                                                                           Leverage economies        Share joint resources
         have improved their supply                 Suffer from fulfillment of high                                          of scale in their        among partners for
         chain resilience                           data security standards                                                    ecosystem                value creation
                                                                                          …and strongly interlink their
                                                                                          sustainability & digitization                    Ecosystems
                                                                                                                                                         Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Participants of the Survey 2022                                                                                                                                                         01


Our participants represent the breadth                                                                         … with a broad coverage of revenue ranges.                               03
of decision makers in the manufacturing                       annual survey
                                                                                        C-Level, SVPs
                                                        Participants                    Division manager

                                                                                                                 100-500 Mio.        500 Mio.-10 Bn.        >10 Bn.
 … across the globe with focus on German and   … covering the major industry sectors of producing industry                                                                              06
 European market …                             …
                                                                                                               … ranging from medium-sized companies to
                                                                                                               large corporations.
                                                      Chemicals /                               Automotive &            1k – 10k
                             EMEA (w/o GER)        Pharma                                  Suppliers

                             United States                                                                              10k – 100k

                             APAC                        Industry &

                                                                                                                                                 Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Key figures for the different regions                                                                                          01


 EMEA (w/o Germany)                                       GERMANY

                                       plan to increase                                     plan to increase
      5,08                                 speed of                                             speed of
                                          digitization                                         digitization

   Maturity              EBIT Uplift    Ambition           Maturity       EBIT Uplift        Ambition


 U N I T E D S TAT E S                                    A PA C

         5,68                          plan to increase
                                                                   5,32                      plan to increase
                                           speed of                                              speed of
                                          digitization                                          digitization

   Maturity              EBIT Uplift    Ambition           Maturity       EBIT Uplift        Ambition

                                                                                        Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Sectors progress in digitization varies                                                                                                  01


M A N U FAC T U R I N G S E C TO R I N F O C U S                M AT U R I T Y   EBIT UPLIFT    AMBITION

Automotive Industry
The automotive industry has developed more strongly than                          2022                                                   04
the other sectors and is the most reticent in comparison
with regard to the further acceleration of digitization but                                       plan to strongly interlink their
                                                                                               sustainability & digitization strategy
bold considering hot transformation plays.                                                           and increase their speed

Industrial Products                                                                                                                      06
The industrial sector performed rather weakly last year but                       2022
plans to accelerate all of its digitalization efforts in the
current year. This is already supported by the solid earnings                     2021            plan to strongly interlink their
                                                                                               sustainability & digitization strategy
from efforts to date. Linkage between key transformations is                                         and increase their speed

on the top of the agenda already.
In the chemical industry, the Ebit uplift has increased the
most, and further signs point to an acceleration of                    4,96       2022
digitization activities. Still the industry needs to consider                     2021
                                                                                                  plan to strongly interlink their
                                                                                               sustainability & digitization strategy
sustainability and ecosystems as top priority.                                                       and increase their speed

                                                                                                  Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Background and Methodology of the Survey                                                                                                                   01


Annually, Deloitte analyzes the degree of digitalization in the German                                                                                     03
manufacturing industry as part of an expert survey.
                                                                                               Digital Laggards            Digital Champions
The basis of this study is the Deloitte Digital Maturity Index, which is made                                                                              04
up of more than 90 different operational and strategic parameters resulting

                                                                                 EBIT uplift
in six digital archetypes types - from Digital Laggards to Digital Champions -
characterized by different digitalization approaches.                                                                                 New business         05
This year's survey is being conducted against a backdrop of broad economic
recovery from two-year pandemic and ongoing disruptions of global supply                                              Products & service platforms
When the pandemic hit in March 2020, manufacturing companies had
varying levels of maturity; the following year, 2021, added supply chain
bottlenecks and increasing global uncertainty. This year's survey aims to                                         Value chain & digital capabilities
map the tangible, financially verifiable progress of post-pandemic digital
maturity and how topics like resilience, sustainability, and ecosystems are                                                 Digital Maturity
paying into this.

                                                                                                                    Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Digital Maturity drives profitability uplifts                                                                                      01


Digital maturity is not an end in itself, but                    NEW BUSINESS MODELS                                               03
the core factor for achieving revenue growth       EBIT UPLIFT   The faster strategic measures, such as the
and profit growth today, as well as in the                       creation of digital products/ services or new
future.                                                          business models are taken, the higher the
Digitalization goals support companies competitive advantage                                                                                                    01


                                                  Competitive Advantage vs. Digitalization Goals (Average of all companies)
Quality pledge and innovative strength is                                                                                                                       03
seen as decisive competitive strengths for
leading companies, who also have aligned                                                                                                                        04
their digitalization goals accordingly.                          49%                        Quality                    24%

However, for the majority of companies                                                                                                                          05
efficiency and flexibility gains are the top                                 18%           Efficiency                            35%
priorities executing on digital strategies - in
many cases driven by previous beliefs about
                                                                             17%           Flexibility                     28%
digitization as bottom line optimization.

                                                                              16%         Innovation            13%

                                                                                                                         Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Key challenges and opportunities of digitalization remain                                                                                   01


                                                Key challenges so far
Digital transformation operational                                                                                                          03
challenges are the no. 1 concern of
directors, senior executives and CEOs also in                                                                                               04
                                                Suffer from
2022 as in the previous years.
                                                fulfillment of high            lack steering      fail to implement
Nevertheless, 50% of companies have             data security                  capabilities for   scalable digital                          05
fulfilled their transformation ambitions in     standards                      change             solutions
the past 12 months, realizing financial
ambition compared to previous years.
Companies also unlocked on adapting to          Opportunities already seized
new demands.

However transformational prerequisites are      have an integra-
still only partially in place.                  ted IT backbone
                                                that links ERP, MES,           interlink
                                                PLM and CRM                                       have improved
                                                                               digitization &     value chain
                                                                               sustainability     resilience

                                                                                                     Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Increasing speed as a key factor in improving digitalization prospects                                                                01


                                                Expected speed for the next 12 months
The tailwind from last year is leading to                                                                                             03
increased expectations regarding digitization
progress in the current year.                                                                                                         04

Companies that are already successful                                                                                                 05
capturing benefits, having a similar view of
the future as companies that are still in the                                                                                         06
middle of their transformation.
Expectations of an increasing pace of
digitization go hand in hand with increased
expectations of returns in the form of
increases in corporate profitability

                                                    % of participants ∅ Expected EBIT uplift

                                                                                               Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Six Digital Archetypes evolving                                                                                                                                                          01


Digital archetypes                                                                                      Strategic and operative maturity
         CHAMPIONS combine consistent digital strategy with operational
         excellence to achieve a flexibility advantage

         POTENTIALS focus on developing their digital strategy hand in hand with
         operational excellence to achieve cost advantages                                                                                                                               05

                                                                                      STRATEGIC INDEX
         INNOVATORS show distinct advances in digital business through an                                                                                                                06
         innovative portfolio but average operational success

         OPERATORS focus on digitalizing their core value chain, founding their
         success upon flexibility through innovative solutions

         FOLLOWERS seek to consistently advance digital skills in both index
         dimensions. Connecting initiatives is essential to improve
                                                                                                                                OPERATIVE INDEX
         LAGGARDS lack digital skills in both index dimensions using digitalization
         to improve overall efficiency

                                                                                                                                                  Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Digital Maturity Index evolving slowly recovering from pandemic                                                                                   01


                                                 Maturity development over time
Companies predominantly pursue a                                                                                                                  03
balanced strategy of bottom line excellence
(efficiency) and top line growth (revenue                           DMI = 5                                                                       04
and profitability uplift), which are reflected
here on the axes shown.                                                                                                                           05
Although the total number of companies is

                                                  STRATEGIC INDEX
developing, the proportion of very mature
companies is increasing only slowly - the                                      2019
higher the current maturity, the less
progress can currently be observed.

                                                                     DMI = 4

                                                                                         OPERATIVE INDEX

                                                                                                           Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Digital key capabilities & parameters determine maturity                                                                                                                                                               01

                                                      S T R AT E G I C I N D E X                                                                  O P E R AT I V E I N D E X
Our Digital Maturity Index considers four                                                                                                                                                                              03
holistic indices to analyze the status quo of a
digital journey covering more than 90                                                                                                                                                                                  04
                                                      Digital                                     Dynamic                                         Digital                                   Digital
different operational and strategic
                                                     Business                                     Capability                                      Activity                                 Capability
parameters.                                                                                                                                                                                                            05
We use the performance in each of these                                                                        Product
                                                    Partner                    Dynamic                                                  Smart                        Smart                      Digital
different parameters to define the six              network                   forecasting
                                                                                                                mgmt.                    F&E                        logistics                    DNA
                                                                                                                             Loyalty                                               Clear
different digital archetypes.                                       Digital
                                                                                                                                                    Customer                     roadmap
                                                     Value                                                    Technology                Smart                        Smart                      Digital
                                                  architecture                                                monitoring               Planning                     factory                   scorecard
                                                                                 oppor-                                                                 E2E                      Flexible
                                                                                tunities       Hybrid-agile                                           digital
                                                                   Digital                                                 Knowledge                                             control
                                                                  services                      approach                                              supply                    processes
                                                                                  Agile                         Organi-                                chain
                                                   Software-                                                                            Digital                                               Intelligent
                                                                              governance                       zational                                            Ecosystem
                                                    enabled                                                                            Backbone                                                  KPIs
                                                                               structures         New          structure                                              Play
                                                    services                                                                                                                       CxO
                                                                                               enterprise                   Develop                 Intelligent
                                                                 Connective                                                                                                     sponsorship
                                                                                               boundaries                   business                  Supply
                                                                                   De-                                       apps
                                                                              centralization                      …                       …                            …                      Innovation
                                                                                  level                                                                                                         mgmt.
                                                                                                                                                    collection &                 Customer
                                                                                                                                                     analytics                  integration

                                                                                                                                                                                Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Insights on Digital Archetypes – Champions                                                                                                                                                                                                                    01


                                                                                                                                                                                                        Financial profile
The Champions outperforms                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     03
                                                                                                             SOFTWARE-ENABLED SERVICES

the average along all key                                                                         LEADING KPIs                        EXCHANGE OF PRODUCT DATA

                                                                              DIGITAL SCORECARD                                                 PARTNER NETWORK & ECOSYSTEM
capabilities and parameters,                                                                                                                                                                                  EBIT                                            04
                                                                      DIGITAL MINDSET                                                                      COMPANY VALUE ARCHITECTURE                         UPLIFT
as well as in key financial
figures.                                                        SPONSORSHIP                                                                                       DYNAMIC MARKET FORECASTING
                                                                                                                                                                                                              REVENUE                           16%
On average, the champion                                                                                                                                                                                      UPLIFT
                                              FLEXIBLE CONTROL PROCESSES                                                                                                 NEW TECHNOLOGIES THROUGH PLC
achieves an profitability
improvement of 4pp, mainly                                                                                                                                                                                    DIGITAL INVESTMENT                20%
                                                       CLEAR ROADMAP                                                                                                      KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT

driven by sales growth +3pp
However, reduction in                                    DATA ANALYTICS                                                                                                  GOVERNANCE & ORG STRUCTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                                              PRODUCTIVITY UPLIFT               15%
efficiency ratios compared to
                                                            DATA COLLECTION                                                                                       E2E DIGITAL SUPPLY NETWORK
previous year, therefore
efficiency remains in focus                                                                                                                                                                                   ORDER-TO-DEL-IVERY
                                                                 SYSTEM INTEGRATION                                                                        DIGITAL R&D                                                                          28%
                                                                   DIGITAL MARKETING AND SALES                                                  SYNCHRONIZED PLANNING

                                                                                           DIGITAL LOGISTICS                         DIGITAL PROCUREMENT
                                                                                                                 SMART PRODUCTION                                                                             TIME-TO-MARKET

   Digital Business Strategy   Dynamic Capability               Digital Activity            Digital Capability                                                                                                         Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Insights on Digital Archetypes – Potentials                                                                                                                                                                                                               01


                                                                                                                                                                                                    Financial profile
The Potential performs very                                                                                                                                                                                                                               03
                                                                                                         SOFTWARE-ENABLED SERVICES

close to the average and                                                                      LEADING KPIs                        EXCHANGE OF PRODUCT DATA

                                                                          DIGITAL SCORECARD                                                 PARTNER NETWORK & ECOSYSTEM
even outperform it in several                                                                                                                                                                             EBIT                                            04
                                                                  DIGITAL MINDSET                                                                      COMPANY VALUE ARCHITECTURE                         UPLIFT
capabilities and parameters.
Compared to previous years                                  SPONSORSHIP                                                                                       DYNAMIC MARKET FORECASTING
                                                                                                                                                                                                          REVENUE                           11%
they have improved across                                                                                                                                                                                 UPLIFT
                                                    FLEXIBLE CONTROL                                                                                                 NEW TECHNOLOGIES THROUGH PLC
the board with significance
regarding profitability and                                                                                                                                                                               DIGITAL INVESTMENT                15%
                                                    CLEAR ROADMAP                                                                                                     KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT

revenue uplift (+ 3pp), but
also on efficiency metrics.                          DATA ANALYTICS                                                                                                  GOVERNANCE & ORG STRUCTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                                          PRODUCTIVITY UPLIFT               12%
                                                        DATA COLLECTION                                                                                       E2E DIGITAL SUPPLY NETWORK

                                                             SYSTEM INTEGRATION                                                                        DIGITAL R&D                                                                          19%
                                                               DIGITAL MARKETING AND SALES                                                  SYNCHRONIZED PLANNING

                                                                                       DIGITAL LOGISTICS                         DIGITAL PROCUREMENT
                                                                                                             SMART PRODUCTION                                                                             TIME-TO-MARKET

   Digital Business Strategy   Dynamic Capability           Digital Activity            Digital Capability                                                                                                         Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Insights on Digital Archetypes – Innovators                                                                                                                                                                                                               01


                                                                                                                                                                                                    Financial profile
Within manufacturing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      03
                                                                                                         SOFTWARE-ENABLED SERVICES

industry the Innovator group                                                                  LEADING KPIs                        EXCHANGE OF PRODUCT DATA

                                                                          DIGITAL SCORECARD                                                 PARTNER NETWORK & ECOSYSTEM
is one of the smaller groups                                                                                                                                                                              EBIT                                            04
                                                                  DIGITAL MINDSET                                                                      COMPANY VALUE ARCHITECTURE                         UPLIFT
Innovators are outperforming                                SPONSORSHIP                                                                                       DYNAMIC MARKET FORECASTING
                                                                                                                                                                                                          REVENUE                            6%
on strategic dimension while                                                                                                                                                                              UPLIFT
                                                    FLEXIBLE CONTROL                                                                                                 NEW TECHNOLOGIES THROUGH PLC
lagging behind somewhat in
other fields.                                                                                                                                                                                             DIGITAL INVESTMENT                13%
                                                    CLEAR ROADMAP                                                                                                     KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT

With regards to the financial
performance Innovators are                           DATA ANALYTICS                                                                                                  GOVERNANCE & ORG STRUCTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                                          PRODUCTIVITY UPLIFT                9%
behind the average, however
                                                        DATA COLLECTION                                                                                       E2E DIGITAL SUPPLY NETWORK
improved all financial metric
compared to previous years                                                                                                                                                                                ORDER-TO-DEL-IVERY
                                                             SYSTEM INTEGRATION                                                                        DIGITAL R&D                                                                          16%
(+3pp).                                                        DIGITAL MARKETING AND SALES                                                  SYNCHRONIZED PLANNING

                                                                                       DIGITAL LOGISTICS                         DIGITAL PROCUREMENT
                                                                                                             SMART PRODUCTION                                                                             TIME-TO-MARKET

   Digital Business Strategy   Dynamic Capability           Digital Activity            Digital Capability                                                                                                         Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Insights on Digital Archetypes – Operators                                                                                                                                                                                                                 01


                                                                                                                                                                                                     Financial profile
Operators achieve similar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  03
                                                                                                          SOFTWARE-ENABLED SERVICES

scores to the average along                                                                    LEADING KPIs                        EXCHANGE OF PRODUCT DATA

                                                                           DIGITAL SCORECARD                                                 PARTNER NETWORK & ECOSYSTEM
operative dimensions, clear                                                                                                                                                                                EBIT                                            04
                                                                   DIGITAL MINDSET                                                                      COMPANY VALUE ARCHITECTURE                         UPLIFT
action fields for strategic
market initiatives.                                          SPONSORSHIP                                                                                       DYNAMIC MARKET FORECASTING
                                                                                                                                                                                                           REVENUE                            9%
Operators financial                                                                                                                                                                                        UPLIFT
                                                     FLEXIBLE CONTROL                                                                                                 NEW TECHNOLOGIES THROUGH PLC
performance overall
comparable to the                                                                                                                                                                                          DIGITAL INVESTMENT                15%
                                                     CLEAR ROADMAP                                                                                                     KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT

average of the survey.
They continue to work on                              DATA ANALYTICS                                                                                                  GOVERNANCE & ORG STRUCTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                                           PRODUCTIVITY UPLIFT               11%
efficiency metrics, thus initial
                                                         DATA COLLECTION                                                                                       E2E DIGITAL SUPPLY NETWORK
investments in digital
products and services are                                                                                                                                                                                  ORDER-TO-DEL-IVERY
                                                              SYSTEM INTEGRATION                                                                        DIGITAL R&D                                                                          20%
already paying off in terms of                                  DIGITAL MARKETING AND SALES                                                  SYNCHRONIZED PLANNING

revenue and profitability                                                               DIGITAL LOGISTICS                         DIGITAL PROCUREMENT
                                                                                                              SMART PRODUCTION                                                                             TIME-TO-MARKET
uplift (+1pp).                                                                                                                                                                                             DECREASE

    Digital Business Strategy   Dynamic Capability           Digital Activity            Digital Capability                                                                                                         Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Insights on Digital Archetypes – Followers                                                                                                                                                                                                                01


                                                                                                                                                                                                    Financial profile
Follower companies are                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    03
                                                                                                         SOFTWARE-ENABLED SERVICES

being outperformed by the                                                                     LEADING KPIs                        EXCHANGE OF PRODUCT DATA

                                                                          DIGITAL SCORECARD                                                 PARTNER NETWORK & ECOSYSTEM
average company along all                                                                                                                                                                                 EBIT                                            04
                                                                  DIGITAL MINDSET                                                                      COMPANY VALUE ARCHITECTURE                         UPLIFT
key capabilities and
parameters as well the                                      SPONSORSHIP                                                                                       DYNAMIC MARKET FORECASTING
financial metric.                                                                                                                                                                                         REVENUE                            8%
                                                    FLEXIBLE CONTROL                                                                                                 NEW TECHNOLOGIES THROUGH PLC
Compared to previous years
they have improved across                                                                                                                                                                                 DIGITAL INVESTMENT                12%
                                                    CLEAR ROADMAP                                                                                                     KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT

with significance on
efficiency metrics (+5pp) and                        DATA ANALYTICS                                                                                                  GOVERNANCE & ORG STRUCTURE

tangible effects on                                                                                                                                                                                       PRODUCTIVITY UPLIFT                9%
profitability.                                          DATA COLLECTION                                                                                       E2E DIGITAL SUPPLY NETWORK

                                                             SYSTEM INTEGRATION                                                                        DIGITAL R&D                                                                          17%
                                                               DIGITAL MARKETING AND SALES                                                  SYNCHRONIZED PLANNING

                                                                                       DIGITAL LOGISTICS                         DIGITAL PROCUREMENT
                                                                                                             SMART PRODUCTION                                                                             TIME-TO-MARKET

   Digital Business Strategy   Dynamic Capability           Digital Activity            Digital Capability                                                                                                         Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Insights on Digital Archetypes – Laggards                                                                                                                                                                                                                      01


                                                                                                                                                                                                         Financial profile
Laggards still noticeably lag                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  03
                                                                                                              SOFTWARE-ENABLED SERVICES

behind competition across                                                                          LEADING KPIs                        EXCHANGE OF PRODUCT DATA

                                                                               DIGITAL SCORECARD                                                 PARTNER NETWORK & ECOSYSTEM
the board.                                                                                                                                                                                                     EBIT                                            04
                                                                       DIGITAL MINDSET                                                                      COMPANY VALUE ARCHITECTURE                         UPLIFT
Compared to the previous
year, minor improvements                                         SPONSORSHIP                                                                                       DYNAMIC MARKET FORECASTING
                                                                                                                                                                                                               REVENUE                           -3%
are discernible regarding the                                                                                                                                                                                  UPLIFT
                                               FLEXIBLE CONTROL PROCESSES                                                                                                 NEW TECHNOLOGIES THROUGH PLC
efficiency metrics, which is
also considered as focus to                                                                                                                                                                                    DIGITAL INVESTMENT                 8%
                                                        CLEAR ROADMAP                                                                                                      KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT

jump-start the value capture.
Due to the COVID crisis                                   DATA ANALYTICS                                                                                                  GOVERNANCE & ORG STRUCTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                                               PRODUCTIVITY UPLIFT                3%
topline improvements
                                                             DATA COLLECTION                                                                                       E2E DIGITAL SUPPLY NETWORK
couldn’t been realized.
                                                                  SYSTEM INTEGRATION                                                                        DIGITAL R&D                                                                           6%
                                                                    DIGITAL MARKETING AND SALES                                                  SYNCHRONIZED PLANNING

                                                                                            DIGITAL LOGISTICS                         DIGITAL PROCUREMENT
                                                                                                                  SMART PRODUCTION                                                                             TIME-TO-MARKET

    Digital Business Strategy   Dynamic Capability               Digital Activity            Digital Capability                                                                                                         Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Investment Behavior                                                                                                                                       01


                                                       How much do you invest in digitalization   Key Investment Areas
                                                       (as % of revenue)?                                                                                 03
Digital transformation is now one of the largest                                                                          2022           2021
cost blocks in the Profit & Loss statements of
companies.                                                                                                                                                04
As already known from previous digital maturity                                                                                                     26
surveys, at least 10% investment is required to                   26-30%                                                                                  05
Investment Behavior relies on connectivity                                                                                                                       01


                                                 Focus areas of investment
As in previous years, many companies are                                                                                                                         03
focused their investments predominantly
                                                                    35%                                   23%
on production as the core of value creation.                        DIGITAL                               SYNCRONIZED                                            04
Learning from leading companies shifting                            R&D                                   PLANNING
investments into digital R&D, dynamic                                                                                                                            05
fulfillment, synchronized planning to achieve
end-to-end value stream connectivity.
It is becoming clear that for the                       16%                                                             22%
transformational shift, investments in digital          CONNECTED                                                       INTELLIGENT
                                                        CUSTOMER                 Network                                SUPPLY
R&D are the game changers to unlock future
profits fueled by massive investments into
soft- and hardware infrastructure.

                                                                    27%                                   37%
                                                                    DYNAMIC                               SMART
                                                                    FULFILMENT                            FACTORY

                                                                                 Shift compared to 2021
                                                                                                                          Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022

Better manage complexity through digitalization                                                                           01


Mature companies are able to drastically                                                                                  03
reduce complexity through of digitization
(e.g., elimination of interfaces, better data                                                                             04

                                                  EBIT uplift
availability, end-to-end alignment of value
chains).                                                             Play                                                 05
At the same time, the effects describe a
necessity for even realizing additional                                           with                                    06
transformational signature topics coming                                      Sustainability
up, such as dovetailing of sustainability and                   Reduction
                                                                of Capital
digitization, manufacturing-as-a-service or a
profitable ecosystem play. These                                               Efficiency
transformational themes are increasingly
displacing more traditional transformation
topics such as efficiency.

                                                                                   Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Early dovetailing of sustainability and digitization                                                                                                              01


                                                How closely are sustainability and digitization intertwined in your company?
Leading companies, those who already                                                                                                                              03
generate high returns from their digital
branches, have meanwhile anchored the                                                                                                                             04
                                                                  EBIT margin   EBIT margin   EBIT margin
topic of sustainability even more firmly on                          0-4%         4-10%          >10%
their digital agenda.                                                                                                                                             05

                                                 % of responses
This results in an interlinked approach that
takes ESG criteria into account holistically.

                                                    Not at all                                              Very closely

                                                                                                                           Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Key challenge is to enable basic requirements                                                                                                                                                                   01


                                                 Increasing capital intensity (total asset/ revenue) for manufacturing industry)
Companies are suffering from the enormous                                                                                                                                                                       03
capital requirements driven by costly back-end   3,2

software implementations as well as the          3,0
creation of hardware infrastructure.             2,6

For many companies, the challenge of capital     2,2
lockup is already on the agenda and innovative   1,8
strategies to reduce it have been initiated.
                                                 0,8                                                                                                                                                            06
                                                       2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013    2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020   2021

                                                                                                               Changing to                                                        Upgrade of
                                                                                                               product-as-                                                        amortized
                                                 …of companies increased                                        a-service                                                           assets
                                                 capital intensity noticable or

                                                                                                                                                                         Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Profitable Ecosystem Play                                                                                                                        01


                                               Value-add expected from ecosystem play
Most companies are putting great effort into                                                                                                     03
building ecosystems because they expect
added value in return. Through joint product                                                                                                     04
and service development or joint go-to-
market activities, companies anticipate an        Increased sales through joint go-to-market                                41%
uplift in sales.
                                                  Increased sales through joint product
                                                  and service development                                                                        06

                                                  Increased focus on core business                  19%

                                                  No value add expected                        3%

                                                                                                          Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Profitable Ecosystem Play & Success Factors                                                                                                                   01


                                                                         Expand activities in an ecosystem
Companies consider all factors for building an profitable ecosystem as                                       Average   Champions                              03
equally relevant                                                                                              ∅
   Ecosystem Governance for joint economic activities – most                                                                                                 04
    importantly to consider participants involved and how
    collaboration, governance and steering must be designed              Set-up and governance                                                                05
   Ecosystem Value Creation for modularization in cooperation – a
    dynamic, open, and flexible approach should be followed that                                                                                              06
    enables continuous value creation
   Ecosystem Value Distribution with joint resources and benefits
    among partners and an effective steering are basic prerequisite      Value creation
    for long-term collaboration between ecosystem participants.
Those criteria are of higher importance for those companies aspiring
an above-average profitability expectation (>16%).

                                                                         Value distribution

                                                                                                                       Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022

Top 5 Priorities for the upcoming 12 months                                                                                                                       01


                                                      Key action areas for the upcoming 12 months
Leading companies have put data literacy as                                                                                                                       03
top priority to achieve end-to-end
connectivity entering next transformation                                                                                                                         04
into a profitable ecosystem play.
However, majority of companies top                                                                                                                                05
                                                                                Profitable       Seamless
                                                                                                              Customer                Value Chain

priorities on CDO agendas solve key digital                 Data Literacy       Ecosystem       Business IT
transformation requirements for example                                                                       Centricity               Resilience
                                                                                   Play         Partnership                                                       06
customer centricity, and resilience and
collaboration between business and IT,
which still remains a seemingly
insurmountable hurdle for all companies.      ∅
                                                                                                 Seamless     Profitable

                                                             Customer          Value Chain                                            connected
                                                                                                Business IT   Ecosystem
                                                             Centricity         Resilience                                             process
                                                                                                Partnership      Play

                                                                                                                           Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
Your Contacts

Claudia Ahrens                Dr. Harald Proff                 Dr. David Mueller                   Michael Grigore
Director Digital Operations   Global Lead Partner Automotive   Senior Manager Digital Operations   Consultant Digital Operations            

                                                                                                              Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                Deloitte Digital Maturity Index 2022
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